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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1889)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEIG : JIRIDAY , JAJSTUAKY 4. 1880 , . , TIIAYER'S ' BIENNIAL. The Governor's Message Dollvorod Before the Legislature. STATE PROGRESS AND NEEDS , Increased Funds Nooossary to Run the Public Institutions. BETTER ASSESSMENT LAWS. Quo Fund Recommended For Both County and State. i m THE QUESTION OF RAILROADS. nt. IJPCSO'S Itccotninrnilntlon Not Con * utirrcil In An Hleotlvo Transpor tation Hoard The Omali.a I'o- nt , tv lluo Commission A Pica tvbl' bl' Koi- the MUltin. bl'M tl Tlir elM or Tiin SKSATK AND Hotsu OP M'.NTATivi.s : Under the blessings of Dlvlno Providence W you nio pel milted to meet in tlio twenty-first T session of the legislature of the stuto of Ne ti braska. It Is a subject of conprntiilatlon 1 ! tlmt .you meet under such favorable auspices , b During the year that closed , geneinl health and prosperity have prevailed. The labors of the husbandman have bcon followed with bountiful crops , and on overv side there are evidences of goncinl contentment and satis- faction. The excitement of our iintional quadrennial election has ceased , to bo sticcecilcd , ono may 'safely as sume , by a healthy conlhlcnco in pcimancnt public policies which shall guard and foster American industries nnd Ameri can labor. Under the Influence of fixed systems it Is reasonable to anticipate a new Impetus to bo given to the various hi inches of business uursults , to bo followed by a degree of im provement in all our material interests not iiithcito reached. The constitution makes it the duty of the executive at the opening of c ich biennial session of the legislature to furnish 11 state ment of the condition of our public affairs , atid to recommend the adoption of such measuies as , in his judgment , will best sub- servo the interests of the state and promote the public welfare Your attention is invited to the reports of the troasuicr of the state nnd of the auditor of public accounts , which will give you n clour idea of the llmmciul affairs of the com monwealth. The treasurer Is the general receiver and dlsburscr of nil the public funds , while the auditor is the general accountant of the state. The icpoitsof these oflicors contain completes and most valuable Information in regard to the finances , which are , of course , of deepest interest to the people. It will bo your duty to give to them an exhaustive ex amination. I believe the financial condition of the state to bo highly satisfactory. itproin or THE HTVTB Tiinvsuuut. Balance in ticnsury November 30 , 188(1. ( . . : . $ 044,35270 Receipts December 1 , 18SO to No vember 30 , IbbS . 1,230,523.04 Total receipts $6,180,331.70 Disbursements December 1 , ISbO , ' to November 30 , 1SS3 $4,214,532 08 Balance in treasury November 30,1333 $ 030,233.73 Ilecetpts timing the fiscal term to November 30 , 18SS 4,2'W.G2S.04 State tax received from counties , 3,237,01)3 ) U Itovenues from land and other sources 3,031,130-15 Transfers from other funds 2W3.200 00 Disbursements during the same time 4,244,332.03 Legislative appropriations war- runts redeemed 2,2bOOG655 School fund uppoitionmcnt war- * innts redeemed 1,090,02518 Bonds pui chased and misccllano- ous 00-1,092.11) ) Transfers to other funds 203,200.00 Disbursements greater than re ceipts 8,054.01 Balance In tioasuiy November SO. 18SU 044,333.70 Balance in treasury November 30 , ISbS. . . 030,298.73 Balances November 80 , 1888 , of the \anous funds on nnd in the olllco of state treas urer : General $ 05,14429 Sinking 181,031.41 School , permanent 270,1101.79 School , temporary 2G J,07'.53 ) University , permanent 7,108.14 University , temporary 50,120.05 Agricultural college endowment. . 0,501.5J Insane hospital 127,48002 Normal endowment 0,255 05 Normal Interest 73451 Normal library 1,024.32 State library 4,10000 Univcisity library 1,36500 Capitol building. 1,455 07 Institution for feeble-minded. . . . 67.57 Live stock Indemnity I.OOJ.IO Saline Land stoekjuiU 1,150.30 Saline 3,22034 Capital sale of state lots , . lbG.17 Total $930,298.72 iiKViixt n A\n TAXVTION. The assessed valuation of the taxable prop erty of the state In 1687 was f HjO. ! > OC,20t > 25 , being an increase of $10,573 , < > ' ) . ' > 74 , us com pared with the assessment of 1SSO. The assessment of lbS3 gave the value of the property of the Btato for the purposes of taxation at 8170,013,83) ) . Ir > . giving a totnl In crease for two years of * . ,030,2IO.OI. , The rate of taxation for state pin poses for the year 1887 was 8' ' mills , nnd for the joar IbSS , 7) mills on each dollar valuation , and there bas been collected during that limo the sum of $3,260,0U.30 , distributed ns follows : General fund 4-1,427,02341 Sinking fund UiSiV : , OH School fund 240,072 r > $ Unlvoisity fund 110,170.71 Penitentiary fund 081 fill State bond fund 4043 Capitol building fund 180,70402 Keform school building fund 80,204 fii ! Normal building fund ' . . . . . 71.58 Institute for feeble-minded fund. 8' ,584 3'J Llvo stock indemnity fund 411,0.1 10 Total $2,2Si5,0lli9 ! The levy of 16S7 will yield the following amounts : General fund , 4 0-10 mill f 701,43185 Sinking fund , 4-S mill OO.b'JO .T School fund , 1 mill ICO.MXJ.'JO University fund , & mill 00,16972 Cnpltol fund , 08 mill 120,37041 Reform school fund , mill 80,003M ! Institute for feeble minded fund , jrfmllli 20,00334 Live stock indemnity fuud,2 Suilll 40,120 43 Total $1PU5OM.78 , ) The levy of ISbS will yield the following amounts : General fund , I 93-100 mills $571,0158.0.1 Sinking fund , 1-0 mill. , . , , -.7,50040 School fund , 4-5 mill 140 , ( > 01b7 University fund , Jtfmill Grt.OOJ.SO Capitol fund , 0 8 mill 133OOy.K ( ) Reform school fund , ' mill 2J.001.00 Institute feeble minded fund , } mill . 23,001.00 , Llvo stock indemnity fund , 2 8 inlil 44,00320 Total ? 1,323bS7.70 Appropriations asked for the operating expenses oP the state government to Match 81.1891 , and for additional improvements us : estimated by heads of respective depart ments or the state auditor , and by the heads of public institutions , are as follows : Legislative expenses 2lst ses sion , $ 160,00000 : Governor's ofllco IS.bOO.OO Adjutant general OJ.200.00 Commissioner of labor 4,200.00 Secretary state 10,100.00 Auditor public accounts .11,100.00 Treasurer 12,000.00 Superintendent of public instruc tion 18,32300 Attorney general 12,500.00 Commissioner of public lauds and buildings , 80,030.00 Board of public lauds aud build- 05,810.00 , Board of educational lands and fund- 8,32000 Board of purchase andsuppllcs. . f.00 00 Supreme court. , 40,910 00 Stnto library . 10,00010 District court 102,31900 Noimal school fio.10000 Penitentiary 127JS,00 Hospital for insane , Uffcoln . . . . : U3MO00 Hospital for Insani ) , Norfolk . . . . 170,001 43 Asylum for insane , Hastings. . . . 147,05000 Industrial school 21.\3'.H.OO Institute for blind 4',0000l ! > Institute for deaf ntid dumb 711,15000 Homo for the friendless SViOODi ) Industrial homo 53,41100 Soldiers' nnd sailors' home 1S'J.500.00 Institute for feeble minded . . 140S'2 9 * > Live stock Military commission. . V > ,7iH ) m State board of transportation . . . 10 400 CM ) fish commission 10,00000 State board of pharmacy 701 50 Htato university 2T..OOO 00 Miscellaneous 240,05000 Total ? 2,8' 0,2j7 57 Items m detail will bo found in the report of the auditor This , ns compared with the estimates of two years ago. Is an Increase of IOJ3 SI. This increase Is easily accounted for when wo consider the growth of the state , new institutions , etc. Theseostlmates covc'i the furnishing nnd the running ex penses for the next two years of the new liistilutlons created by the legislature of two years ago nnd for the now buildings now nskod for. DDsiunor COUNTIES TO ncvi > B STXTHTVCV- TIOV-ON'n FUVIHOHCOCNTl V\t ) STVTR Under our present law governing assess ment of property for taxation , in my opinion there is Just cause for complaint , and in a majority of cases the trouble tulseswith a dcslro on the part of the counties to cstapo ns nearly us possible luxation for state pur poses. The auditor , yvhoso dut } bv law is to ninho such recommendations ns he may sco lit for securing uniformity nnd cfllcieiicy In the levIng and collection of luces , has recom mended tlmt the law bo so nmunded tlmt In stead of levying n staotav to bo extended upon the tax list of a counly , a corliiin sum ob tained by propoitlon nfler an oquallzitlon of property values has been made b } the state bo rrd of assessment , be cci titled to by the different counties and pild Into the state treasury In quaiteily payments , That for tlio support of Doth county and state there bo but ono fund. This recommendation , It seems to me , is a step in the light direction to simplify Ihe work and cntlioly do away with tlio stilfoto escape taxation The assessed valuation of all property in the state for the j car 1333 w.is17tl,012SJO ! 25 , while if propel ty had been assessed In its trno value , this amount would have been ton times as largo The auditor in his report shows n large in crease of insurance business in his olllco and recommends an additional deputy to take clmrgo of that business. In my opinion the recommendation is a good one , mid I trust the same will meet your approval , VMOLNTS rvin TO m n STVTI : ox HVLES or rt mic i. vvns. 1 have received fiom the treasury of the United States , two drafts , ono for S27,0y ) 07 , the other $10,034 fi ! ' , which were paid over to the state ticasuior for which I hold icccipts These funds were found to bo due the state for the 5 per cent of the sales of the public lands. DEPVItTMr.N'T OF THE SUCIIKT VIEV Ol' STV1I3. The report ot the secrctaty of state pic- scnts a compiehcnslvo showing of the busi ness and labors of his department during the last two j oars It gives a succinct history of all the institutions of the state , the cost of the buildings , the value of the lots occupied by them , and a mass of valuable Inform itlon , which is thus placed within the reach ot every ct/cti ! ! who lakes an interest in what ever concerns the honor nnd welfare of the stalo. It furnishes conclusive evidence of the wonderful development of material in terests and the remarkable progioss nnd en largement of all business enterprises. As an evidence of the rapid increase of business in his office , it may bo stated that there wore recorded in 13s5 and 'SO , 271 at ti tles of incorporation , while in ' 87 aud ' 83 there were recorded 510. Total number of bonds recorded In 1S35 and 'M5. 2,233 : in Ibb7 and ' 33. 4,8(5(5. ( ( Number of notarial commissions issued in "i-fetl. l.WJ. Number rssued in lbS7 und l , 2,221. Thoio woio recoided in his office 200 moro pages of written matter in the last two years thun in the preceding fouitecn years. These facts illustrate the increase in business iu all Iho public oMces. The report gives the average cost per week of the Inmates of all our state institutions. It iccominends that u property account bo kept by every ofilccr of furniture and sup plies in Ins custody , which.shall bo inven toried to his successor , und receipts taken from him. It also recommends that pro vision bomada for the sale of all abandoned property , or which has become apparently useless. I concur in these recommendations. rUIILIC LANDS AJ > I > IIUILDINdS. The report of the commissioner of public lands and buildings furnishes a largo amount of valuable information in regaid to the dif ferent institution and properties of the state , especially in regard to the school lands and funds. The tabulated statement shows that the number 01 acres granted and confirmed to the state for educational purposes is 2,834,303 acres ; 102,051.00 have been deeded , leaving a balance of 2,722,34031 , acres , title to which is } ot vested in the state. There are now under contract of sale ( U'1,45-110 ' ucics , nnd under lease contract , 1,437,400.10 acres , and CS i,431.09 acres that have not yet boon leased or sold. The in crease In the permanent school fund in the last two years has boon about 13 4 5 per cent. There is now invested in United States socuii- tics and registered county bonds the sum of $1.507,14235 , unpaid principal on sales $1,432 048 51 , and cash on hand in the treas ury $ i03C02.10 , making a grand total of the permanent fund of Sti,53-J,70J 05. Pursuant to iin act of the legislature approved Match 31 , 1837 , the boaid of educational lands or dered a reappraisemcnt of the unsold educa tional lands in about tbirly counties. From the returns received n marked increase In value is shown , being moio thin double that of former appraisement. . . ATTOKNia aiixiiitvi.'s PEPUiTJinNT. The repoit of this olllcor furnishes a state- incnt of the business transacted In his de- pat tment during the past twoeats. Sixty cases have been hoard befoio the supreme court In which the state appealed as plaintiff or defendant. Tha atlornoy general m his reporl suggests that I call the attention of the loa'islatuio to the gioat injury that would icsult to the people ple of Ncbiaska should the bill now pending In congress become a law ( .meaning the bill pioviding for an extension of tune of the payment of the debt now duo the govern ment from Iho Union 1'acillo inilway com pany ) , nnd lo ask thut our senators and rep resent itlves in congress bo requested by you to oppose such a bill. Thaattornoy general fuither says : "Tho only fair method ot solving this great Union I'ucillc problem is lo doUaio tno road in solvent and to older It sold for cosh , and then the stuto could control it. " After discussing the nmltor further , ho says : " 1 have challenged your | my ] atten tion to Iho above facts for tlio pur pose of having } ou [ mo ] inaugurate some method to determine this much-vexed question , and If , through our executive und legislative departments , our congressmen can bo made to act ki behalf of the stale of Nebraska , the day Is not far distant when the whole railroad problem will bo settled in Ihis state , ihesamo as in Oliioll'onnsy-lvanlal Now York und other slates. " It will thus bo seen that the attorney gen eral asks mo to irmtiguiato a method by which this whole vexed question can bo de termined , while ho had just previously de clared the sale of the toad by Iho govern ment to the highest bidder for cash to bo the only fair method of solving this great Union 1'acillo problem ! I am frank to ad- mil tlmt I am not oquul to Iho [ task of adjudicating this controversy , which lias vexed the statesmanship of con gress nnd the country for several years , It iiiav bo easily settled on paper it may bo readily disposed of by a dash of the pen It may bo laid 10 rest by n simple assertion , but when It comes la a practical , permanent ad- luslment of Iho mutter , it is moro than piob- ; iblo that very grave dllllcultlcs may confront - front those who attempt the settlement. What becomes of tbs ill st mortgage bonds ) Who liquidates the ilrst indebtedness ) It . mist be berne in mind that the government iolds only the second lien upon tlio road and Is franchises. If the government should . lay off or assume the prior indebtedness , it ivould undoubtedly ilnd itself far moro . Iceply involved than before , for this indobt- ; iducss , both principal and Interest , must low amount to moro than fifty millions , I submit this matter to your honorable x > dy without making the lucommondatlon iroposed , for the reason that I am not clear hat thu extreme measures advocated by him : ire the ones to afford the necessary relief ; l mt on the contrary , I fiiar moro disastrous lousoauunces to thu govcruiueut it they should bo adopted. My orvn Judgment Is adverse to such n recommendation , t'urthor- morc , congress has the supreme and only control of the whole suujcct , and nt this very time that body has it under consideration. In the discussion of this question I divest myself of all partiality , friendship , prejudice and hostility , seeking neither npplmtso 01 evading condemnation , But while declining to concur In these recommendations toou. , . I distinctly assert that tlip Union Pacific railway , and every other railway and corporation doing busl ness in this state , must bo stibjoc to the constitution nnd laws of thl stato. No corporation can rise abov the Jurisdiction of the state In which I transacts business The Union Paclllc can not claim that it is n foreign corporatloi chartered b\ congress , nnd therefore oxcmp from the operations of state laws , and ye claim the right of eminent domiiin in tin state and the protection of Us laws Thl : view Is sustained bv the decision of the supreme promo court of the United Stutes , in velum 8 Otto's Hoports , pauo 010 , Haltroad Com puij vs I'cnlston , which siys "that th > company Is not n more creature of th United States , but that while it owes dutlc : to the government , the performance 0 which may in a proper case bo enforced , It I still n private corporation , the same ns othe. railroad companies , und , like them , subjcc to the laws of luxation and tlio other laws o the states in which the toad lies , so far a1 they do not destroy its usefulness as nil In strument lor government purposes " Sustained by this dci-lsion , 1 am uttorl averse to any action of ours which slnl. concede the absence of Jurisdiction on the pai t of the state That policy should bo adopted nnd vigor ousli pursued In connection with this road , uhlih will best promote and protect the rights aud interests of the government and tlio people This itlnd of spitlumcnt whicli the Union Pacific makes with the govein inent does not interest the people of Nebt.islu nearly as much as the question of lower and reasonable lates. In tlio bill now before congress , known as the P.icllic uiilioad funding bill ( for ovtend Ing the Umcof pavmcntj , to which reference once has already been made , thoioisapto vision subjecting the comuanvto thopjuoi of the states through which tlio load runs h icspcct of state legislation and coiiUolullini ! ing the decision above quoted. And yet iou Interposition is sought to aid in defeating that measure. In regard to our delegation in congress , I have this to say , that I hivoalways found its members ready and anxious to cauy out the will of their constituents. In regard to all railrouls In this state , Mii < principle , this nirht , must bo ivsspited am. maintained namely , that no higher schedule of rates shall exist in Nebraska than prevails in ICansas orlo\va , 01 other states. The board of transportation now possesses full power If , however , anything is wanting , it shoulc be given tiiem. The mumbcis of the board should bo chosen bs ; the people. I tOLomnicnd the adoption of a constitu tional amendment pioviding for the election of tlio members of the board , three iu num ber , by a dhect vote of tlio people T11U NA1IONAL Ot IUDS , The rcpoit of the adjutant general will give you full Information as to the condi tion nnd operations of the national guards s'uco the law pioviding for its maintenance and increase went into effect on the 1st of July , 1887. Under that act ono regiment of infantry was organized and added to the force , also ono troop of cavalry , thus foi mlng a brigade consisting of two regiments of Infantry , ono section of n battery of. attillcrv , and ono troop of cavalry , the whole numbering 1,2JO men , Now uniforms have been purchased for the whole command , also now aims and equipments for nil , though a part of the arms were furnished by the general government nnd the balance was put chased by the state. These expenditures have laigcly increased 'ho cobt of the national guilds for the two jcars ending the 1st of July next. lha two regiments nio now armed with now muskets , and the cavalry aie furnished with new equipments , with the exception of car bines Reasonable appropriations only aie nsltcd for the support of the nntrun il guaids. It may ho stated that the annual expense of the militia in Nebraska is considerably less than m several states which have a less number of inhabitants. In accordance with the provisions of tlio law , an encam pmcnt of u week's duration was hold in Lincoln in 1SS7 and iu Wahoo in 1SS3. These encampments are designed to be and were schools of instruction , and the two which have been held ceitalnly proved to bo of much advantage to ofllccrs und men Their whole time was constantly occupied in hard work in both di ill and battalion move ments. The command Is composed of excellent personnel and material. They are a body of intelligent , energetic , and publie-spiiitcd young men , and nat urally take an intoicst m seeing the guaids laiscdtoa greater degree of profi ciency. That the clamor emanating from certain quarters uglinst the national guards is not the expression of the popular will is evi denced by the fact that a spirit favoinble to the military organizition is manifested in every community where companies are lo cated. Applications from more than sixty different towns and cities have been made tome mo asking for authority to bo oigaiuzed into companies to bo admitted into tno guards , which have been declined. The constitution of the United States expressly provides for the organisation and use of the militia of the several states , and the constitution ot every state in the union also provides militia. These constitutional provisions prove , con clusively , that In the Judgment and wisdom of the able men who framed our national constitution , nnd the constitutions of the states , a well-trained militia was regarded by tliem as a necessary safe guard under our form of government. Wo maintain no stand ing army , as that term is used by the nation. Our regular army is but the nucleus around which to gather a strong force in time of war. Our reliance in such an emergency is upon the volunteer soldiery , and the more practiced and trained it is , the more efllclcnt it will bo If its services should bo required. The trained militia of the older states furnished excellent matciial , In both oftlcors and men , for active sciviec , when the nation was sud denly confronted with the horrois of civil war in IbOl. Congress has aimed to inercaso and strengthen tno militia as she vu by the act passed some tliieo or four .y cars agodoubling the quota of allowance to each state , and by authoiuing tlio details of ofllccrs of the regu. lar at my to act ns Instructors in the military ait in the universities , colleges and schools of the diffeicnt states. A nation's sui est gu irantco against war is in being amply prepared for war. And what is true of the nation is applicable to u state. Tlmt Htato which Is best prepared to sup press riot and insurrection is the least likely to bd calli il upon to employ the mili tary arm * o Eustain the civil authorities. This is ULonom. ' for the state. The expense of prevention is always far less than the cost of cure. The military power must ever bo in com plete subjection to the civil | > ower. It can only be called into requisition as an aid and suppoit to the civil authoiity. When tlmt is subverted nnd overthrown , then this reserve force of tlio Htato must bo employed to reinstate and support the civil authority , nnd to protect life aud property. It "may bo called out , " says the constitution nnd statutes , "to execute the laws , suppress insurrection , riots , and repel Invasion , " Sucli emergencies have arisen in all the states. Within u year the governor of the state of Kansas was obliged to put into the Held two regiments of state troops to put iown an actual war between the adherents Df two rival county scats , In which several ictsons had boon slain , The gov ernor of Wisconsin was compelled two tears ago to have recourse to the national guards of the state to suppress an inurchlstlu insurrection , vVlmt has ocuuried may occur again. It cannot be denied that u ipii it of anarchy exists in many of our cities. It lliftis a lodgment in this stato. There is a icbt of anarchists in Omaha. It is only kept n subjection by wholesome fear of tlio law ind the power of the state to enforce it. It is fed by dcmugogulsm. It is nurtured by .hoso who care naught for the public good , Governed by no correct principles , they lourlsh best in times of excitement , for .heir purpose is to create strife , incite dis- irdor , intlamo the passions and prejudices ot .liouuicasouing. aud thus weaken the safn- uurds of society. Those who create and ixcito mobs are opposed to the existence of my power to suppress them. They would 10 best satisfied were the restraints of law md order to bo overthrown. These men uro ho pests of society , Some ono has tersely vi H ten that "if the demagogues wore hung here would bo no unaichfsts to hang. " t > T\TE UMVBUaiTV , Tito uiutu aauuul report of the board of to- gonti of the university presents a concise statement , of the affairs of this institution , w liich appears to bo In a prosperous condi tion. It lioa made rapid growth In every de partment , save In the medical branch , which was suspended in 1 7. The number of stu dents has bcon increasing regularly The enrollment for the term Just closed shows ISO In the college1.1 ! ! * ) in the preparatory de partment and ninety-four in the school of line arts. The university stands nt the head of the public school system of the state , nnd should bo directly con nected with the High and common schools. It has nlreuly offi-Uod such n connection with twonti-sevou Ijlgh schools in different portions of the state , and graduates from thcso arc admitted to regular standing In the university without further examination , upon the presentation of their diplomas This i elation between the university ntid the public schools is one which will ulti mate ! } prove of great bimellt to the state and to our young ninn and womfti in sccur ing to them the opportunity of preparing themselves fora full unlvcisity olucatlon The university library contains about olev en thousand volumes. It gives mo great pleasure to stale my con viction that tills institution has , dm Ing the past few years , made lapid advmiccinont up to a higher crado nnd tank among the educa tional Institutions of the country U is ex erting a healthy influence upon education throughout the state It is an influence which is felt not only for the piesent , but through nil time All the people of the state must feel an Interest in Its success ntid prosperity pority und : r prldo In its good nnino It de serves your fostotliig cue , for its advantages ute open to all the children of the state rt nut nni CATION In I'D commonwealth m our union is thcto n mote goneial Interest in educition than In our state. The icpoitof the state superin tendent of public instruction shows the schools to bo iu a very prosperous condition. The total nniotuit contributed for public edu cation for the year Just closed icichod the sum of $1,057,2" ! 01) ) , an incroise ol $ JtlO.V.S4 ) over the amount of the previous jeai. The value of school propot ty is renortod atSS , 12,1 , 170 fet 1SSS ; { .1,779,110 'J for LSS7. audfr.Sl- ) ! 317forlSS The tot il attend nice of pupils has Incioasod from 191,031 in 1887 to 215,350 , in isss Ono of the most striking features of the lapid growth in our educational s\ stem is the uiutvolous inctcase in our town and city giadcd schools. In l Mi theio weie iss gi aded nnd partially graded city and town schools. ItilS S.'U such schools ntoiegu- lirly icportcd to the state superintendent These reports should icccivo careful stud } , showing us they do for the Hist time , the education afforded , the condition of finances and the cost per capit of education in the cities and towns Tlio schools In the iiital districts aio making commendable piogross. A united effort is being made to mii > g a largo per cent of all children into school , and then to give them a systematic couiso of Instruction Theio weic 7. } per cent of the entire number of school chlldton In the state attuallly attend school in 1 3. Ill 1SS7 , 70 pel cent attended bovonty-livo counties held tea < hci-'noinial institutes dining the summer of l SS These institutes wore attended by 0,4Sb teachei i who icccived training and instruction from the best schoolmen , to establish a highoi professional standing among teachers , that the schools and pupils may receive corro SDondlng benefits. The condition of our permanent school fund is as follows : Cash on hand No v. 30 , 'S3 S 270 GO ) .79 United States bonds lr , ( ) ( ) D 00 County bonds t 1,377,20000 State funding bonds 3jr > ,2l7.n ! Claims in atty. geu's hands f > ,3i9 To 13al. duo on notes ifroin sale of school lands. . . J. ' . 3,053 20J.4t Total $ VJ17,7.2130 THE STVTBOI1MU , SCHOOL. No public institution of thcstiteis mnro deserving of tlio fostering care of the legisla ture than the St ito Normal school located at Pciu. Four jears'affo it was found nocos sai v to enlarge materially the Normal school building in order to meet a rapidly Incicasing attendance and to gl o-such facilities for the education and training of the teachers , as weio demanded by the growing unpoitiinco of oui schools. ' ' The aifgiegato attendance for the last two years was 015 Thero' ' were graduated from the elementary and advanced department 111 teachers , nearly all ofivhom are noiv en gaged as instructors H the schools of the state Tlio attendance for 1837 was 4 3 and for Ibib , 403 Theio are .HO students in the nor mal classes the piesent term besides forty m the tram ing classes whose names do not ap pear in the catalogue. As the advantages of employing teach ei s specially ti anted for their voca tion becomes known the demand : for such teachers Increases until every pait [ of the state participrtes directly or indi rectly in these advantages. . That the not mal school may bo prepared to meet these demands and take a foremost milk in the onward movement , I bespeak for it the continued generous pationugo of the legislature. , TIIL STATI. i.iimuir. The report on the librarian shows the num ) ber of Volumes on hand at date of last re port 27,370 Kecoivcd by exchange , donation , etc. . l,8bl Supreme com t reports 5,500 , . Total 31.740 Supreme couit mpotts sold and dis bursed 5,042 , Duplicates and session laws sold and , exchanged 37 Laws , journals and documents sent to other states and public libraries. . . . 20L Total . 5,030 , , Volumes on hand . . . 2sblO M.W LIHUAlll' ItOOMS. The now rooms set upait for tlio perma nent quarters of the library in the mam building ot the capitol are ready for occu pancy , but no appropriation has been nuiUo or is yet available from which funds can bo diawn to rnovo the library nnd to furnish the rooms as well : ns those sot npart for the supreme court. A suftlcient apptopiiation is uskod to cover these expenses , num. vu or I.VIIOH. The deputy commissioner of labor presents ' n comprehensive and exhaustive loporton the various subjects relating to the aim und ' put poses for which the bureau was estab ' lished. His report discusses the following subjects : Hisu und progieasof the bureau of labor , labor organizations , views of labor ing men , strikes , arbitration , manual ttain- ing , compulsory education , fanners opinions on needed legislation , prison labor statistics , farm areas , tcnuie and value of crops , comparative valuoof farm prooucts , . of manufacturing establishments , i.iilroad rcpoits , wages , farmers' icnorts und statis tics. It is to bo hoped tnut the extensive re searches made by tlio deputy commissioner on these various subjects , will prove of much benefit m so shaping legislation as to advance the in- tcicsts of the laboring classes whcrcvoi * legislation is needed. AIUIITIUTIOV. Conflicts still uriso between employers and employes. In my Judgment the establishing of a board of arbitration - la the most prfTo- tieublo plan for the settlement of these ililll- . cullies and which would bo fair and just to the Interest of both 'irties. I therefore iccoinineud the establishment of such a board. SOI.niKtt'3HOME. . The Soldier's homo wUs completed for the reception of minutes on tlio Hint of July last and it pow has llfty-two . Tlio report of the commandant piesents the opciations of the home thus fur. It is made 9 homo in reality where old soldiers can * live In couifoit and . It stands to the honor of Nebraska that ' this state was among the llrst to establish a homo for the soldienMvliero families are not separated. In order to accommodate ! lami- 9 lies It Is ptoposed to otoct cottages ou tincts of land of say two ana ono-hul f or live acies , which may bo cultivated by raising vegeta bles , etc , by the soldiers. The plan seems far more preferable than gathering together many families and other inmates in ono building , The main building can bo occupied by these who have no families. According to the best estimates which can bo formed wo may calculate on an average of 250 to 300 Inmates at Urn establishment. To accommo- flute them It will bo necessary to add two wings to the present main building or to 2rctt another main building or two buildings in addition to the cottages. Ihere was donated to the Btato by the citizens of Grand Island the munificent gift of 010 acres of land on which to establish the homo. This tract of land U jqunl in value to the original nmom.t appro priated by the legislature. The state thus ' tar. therefore , has boon reimbursed for its outlay of | JO,000. Liberal appropriations will bo needed to enlarge the captivities of the institution and mn'tn It commensurate with the demands that will bo mndo Unon It 1 trust .you will deal vvltli it in TV liberal spirit Congress enacted a law at its last session providing for the payment to ouch state which has n soldiers' homo , $100 a year for each inmate of that home This will aid largely In the pivmcnt of the i mining ex penses of tli is Institution The present struc ture is among the best in Iho state of our public buildings , and was erected under the Immediate superv islon of the commandant. Captain John Hammond , who has organised the Institution and 1ms put it on n successful running b isis THE inni'iTU rou Tim ivuvn Thoreport of the superintendent of the Nebraska hospital for the Insane will show that there wore present December 1 , is , 374 patients , 2J * males and 147 females ; that there Iwvo been admitted 421 during the two voam , 231 mules and 107 females , that there have been discharged 40.1 , recovered. 07 mules , 71 females , total 10 ; improved , 2.T mules , 17 females , total 40 , unimproved , ' . " - ! malesS females , total 80 , eloped , 0 males , 0 females , total (1 ( , not liisaiu1 , U males , : ) fe males , total 0 , died , : U males , 2-1 females total 50 , transferred to Noifolk , 51 mnloi , 40 fen.alcs. tot U 07 ; whole number under treatment , llrst vcnr 070 , second year , Olb , aveiago number dnlly under treatment for the two > oars , UsO , percautaire of recover ioson whole number admitted In two ycirs. 30 0 , percentage of deaths on whole number under treatment , llrst year , 5113 , second joar , 10-1 ; for the two years , 171 highest number in hospital , 411 remaining In the hospital November , ! 0,1M Il'lj ' * nmlos , 214 , and females , 173 , total ox- ppnso foi in imtcnanco per capita , § 21 , ) 11 annuall.v , ? ! . > ( ( weekly' . The report also sets forth the fact that the hospital would bo ciovvdcd with 1)00 ) patients , and that theiu hail been piesunt as many us 114 at one-tun It will be evident fiom these statements that , even with the most stton- uous exertion , it must bo difllcult forthophv- aiclaus to do full justice , cither to the patients 01 themselves i'ho icport also shows that the hospital does tint possess the facilities for pioiioil } classifying patients under tioat- inunt , owing to the limited nunibet ot wauls. It urges stiongly tlio ncccsslt } for additional and much smaller waids MiiU'oi.iv ASVI.I vi rou Tin ; Tno icport of the superintendent furnishes a complete history of the affaii s ot this insti tution , which was completed and opened for the admission of pitionts on the 15th diy of February , 18SS. Puisuimtto the provisions of the law the board of public lands and buildings sot aside the following teiiitor } to comprise the Norfolk ashim distnct , to wit Tire following counties , Antelope , Hlamo , Hoone , Box Hutte , Lit own , Hurt , Cedar. Cheiry , Colfax , Cumnm , Dikota , Dawos , li\on , Dodge , Gai Held , Oreoloy , Holt , Key a Paha , Knox , Loup , Madison , Nance , Pierce , Plutte , Sheridan , Sioux , Stauton , Thomas , Vallov , Washington , Wavne and Wheclei All Inmates of the Ncbiaska hospital for the ins moat Lincoln who were origin illy rcsi dents of the above named counties wore transfered from Lincoln to Noi folk. On the 15th day of Fobiuniy , ISM , a transfer of ninety BOVOII patients , lift } four males mid forty-tin eo lemiiles , was mndo from the No biasku hospital at Lincoln to Noifolk bv a special train in charge of thu supuuntendunt ot the Ncbiaska hospital for tlio ins mo. The transfer was safel } iniulo and without accident. The total number of patients under ticatmcnt smco the opening of the hospital has been 110. During the .year thoiohavo ueeu lift-two new casts admitted in the Norfolk asylum district. Tlio two now wings piovided for bv an act of the lust legislature have bcon completed and are now ready for occupancy. When they are Cut inslicd , these wings will accommodate 120 patients The Lincoln and Norfolk asylums me now filled to their utmost capacit } . The tuo wings at Norfolk nnd the nsi lum for the incuiablo at Hastings , winch mo iicaring completion , will relieve the mcssuro for the meson t but it must be bonus m mind th it after these now buildings aic tilled , theio will still bo a largo number of ins mo petbons in poor houses and Jails throughout the state not yet provided lor. Thcto is one hatifsctoiy conclusion m connec tion witli this subject , nauielythe mopoi tion of insane in Nebraska is far below most of the other states The United St itcs census of IbbO show- , that theio was ono insane to BV cry 545 of population. More recent local statistics mdic/alo that the propoi tion at pi cs- unt is piobibly ono in 500 or less Austi ilia has ono In 300 , England one in JOS , M issachu setts one in .570 , Now Yoi k ono in "ibO , Cali- foiniaone in : t70. Nebraska ( estimated ) ac- Lfliding to the i umber of our insane , and the liopulatioii , ono in 1,000. This estimate is made by Dr. Knapp , of the Lincoln asylum , K ho has given the subject much attention rho Bupeiintcmlonts ( if tneso institutions tno Lincoln anil Noifo k.tslums have done ill tint possjbly could bo done to meet the constantly incicasing demands made upon hem to provide for additional patients. And can say foi the satisfaction of relatives and friends of inmates , that every thing winch .dullness and intelligence , devoted caioand- ittention could do for their comfort has bean lone. AMM/vr FOU IMUIIVI1I.CS AT HASTINGS. This building is fast approaching complo- ,1011 ; but an appropriation w ill bo necessary tor fuinishing and lilting it for the reception f patients. As to the amount necessary icf- jrenco is made to the estimates. IMlUblUIU. HOVIK A1 MILFOlll ) . This building is neaily ready for use , but in appiopiiation will be nccessaiy iu order .0 furnish it and prepare it for occupancy. INSTITUTE von mi ; nivr AM > DUMII. The institute for thu deaf and dumb located it Omaha , during the last two } cats has nado good progress m the woik for which it vas organ i od and is sustained. There hiivo wson 150 children cared for and in structed during this period. It is the lesign of tins institute to give its mpils a good common school education ; also o Instruct each in some handicraft , bv vhlch tbcy may bo enabled to gain n liveli- lood on leaving school. This institute was ho Urst in the country Ito introduce what is cnown as the aural method of instructing urtially deaf children , and was the first in Vinorrca to establish a scporato "uuiicular lepartment. " It will thus ho soon that in ho methods of instructing this unfortunate lnss of our country , Ncbiaska is among the idvanco guard. .ssTiruri. ton THD nrivi > IT XKBUVIKV CITV. There have been admitted to the olind in- itituto during the biennial teim ending No- 'ombcrHO , 1833 , thirty ono blind children , vho for the llrst time have enjoyed the ad- 'outages of the institution , and the toial on- 'Ollmont has i cached Jlfly-six. The number piesent at this date is forty-one. The voik in the several departments lias irogressod steadily and In a satisfactory iiaunor. Tlio regular school dopaitinent is irgiini/ed upon the same gcncial plan , and he course of study pursued is identic il to hat of our best public .schools. It cmhiaces .mong the higher brunches , algobia , geomo ry , plijsics , astronomy , rhetoric und Dug- ish literature , and is ordinarily completed in line .vents. The rcpoit in detail will bo ound of much Interest. INSTITUTION I'OII iriflll.n-MIVDIU ) lOL'TIB , The repot t of the superintendent of the in- titutlon for feeble-minded youths exhibits ho condition nnd needs of the institution , t was opened for the reception of inmates rlay 25 , Ibb7 , rapidly tilling up until ttio full apaclty of the present building was icachcd , 'hero are now 143 applications for Emission. The building Just completed .nd ready to occupy will accommodiito sov- ntv-two bos. This will not increase the apaclty of the institution to that extent , lowcver , as ) the inci eased number will re- uiru more room In the present building for inlng rooms , school rooms , etc Thus it will 10 seen that the two buildings already reeled will not bo sufllclent to accommodate hose for whom applications have bcon made ! p to this time , 'lho ' number of Inmates at resent is seventy , The school department .as been nrgani/cd but llttlo more than a ear. Three tcachora have been employed , 'ho resulls of the training have been booud xpcctiition , All show imptovomont in dis. ositlon and deportment. Individual work nccessaiy witli all , and it ulono will no omplish any iesult in the beginning. The iotbods , used are us uoarl } as possible daptcd to the peculiar needs of each hild , much piominunco being given 0 object teaching and kinder- ardeit work in connection with work , such as gymnastics ml calisthenics. Tholnwprovii , that the lost improvable cases between the ages of vo und eighteen hhidl bo given preference vor otlieirt In admission The most unfor- unato and helpless , and those over eighteen ears of age , have boon practically debarred } y this claiibc , being compelled by reason of no cioudcd condition of the institution to uject all such applications. He BIIJS an sylum dcpiutment for the care of thcuo per- ? nns , who are not suitable subjects for the raining school , ohoulJ bo established In collection ection vvltli tlio Institution at an oatty day. 'hutonioat least two hundred of this claKs the state. They are distributed In county uor house * , nnd in homos made cheerless ud in somu cases oycu desolate by reason of the great c.tro necessary for their mainten ance , makinp lifea burden td father mid. mother , nnd even preventing the education nnd training of their moro fortunate brothers and sisters. The superintendent reports that there nro over seven hundred feeble minded persons of all ages in the state , and now that the Insiltutloa is in successful operation , nnd Its necessity and utility are demonstrated , ho asks that n rcasonablo appropriation bo made In order that the institution cm bo thoiouifhl } elToel- ual and useful STATE tsw smut SCHOOL VT KI invrv This Institution , known ns the state reform school until the session of the loRlslntuioof 1S37 , is in a prosperous nnd health } condi tion It U opor.itcd under the open or fam ily R.V stem Iu contradiction front the congre gate or prison sstcm. No high walls or fences , no grated windows or doors to tcrrlf } Iho boy or trlrl on his or her ni rival. Instead of those , the school room , the reading room with Its attriclions , ntnusemonts and an nbmidineo of elevating i ending.tho lighter forms of shop and out door wet it , the play ground , kind wouls aud firm discipline , all Indicate u good homo nnd wholesome restraint. Suf ficient nml licaltla food , sueli as is character Istlc of a well regulated country household , is provided for the Inmates , and comfortnblo dothlng , beds , bedding nnd sleeping apart- incuts nro tut nlslit > d them In audition to moral reformation and ph.v stealduvolopmont , each inmate has an opportunity to obtain a common school education As fur as jn no lle iblc , each is rcqulied to attend school four hours a day nnd work the same number of hours. Ample time Is futther given for iccioation , leading nnd self Improvement. Ono of tiio most Dressing needs of this insti tution is nsystem of workshops , in which each inmate of sufllciant ago and cap icily can icain a useful and piiu tic.ll trade. The supi'riiilemlont , in his repoil , siis. " * t is thu Impelutlvo duty of tno legislnluro lo give the school futilities for toichiiiu trades , No argument should bo lequliod to show that such facilities are badly needed The oiganio law contemplates their cst iblishmunt , the mloresl of tlio inmates - mates demand thorn ; the stale at huge ex pects them. " Theio uiotioiv in attonduiuo ( II gitls and 1S4 bo.vs a total enrollment of 215. The present attend nice shows a net In crease of 100 over thut of two youis ago Since the oigiinUatlon of the school , but one death has occurred and this was the icsult of mi accident , The icsults of the teachings and training of this school uro veicom , - mcndiiblo It is safe to nssei t tint 75 per cent of thaso honoiably discharged nio doing well , rioni personal v islt.ithm and obsui \ n- tlon , OH well as fiom ctiricnl lepoils , 1 am conlldcnl the chlldien aio kimtl } tioatcd nnd c tred for , tlmt they huvo n good homo and proper influences cxorlod iu their behalf , and that the school is manngcd In n piaiscvvoitby and beiiollcont inaiiiici. I theicfoio advise that oneomaging support wlilch till * icsponslblo character building work requlics. HOME 1 OK THE 1 IIIEN'Dl ES4. Tlio iepoit of Iho home for Iho fiiondless shows what has been done by that institu tion for the last Ivvo } oais. Number inmates In homo Dccoinbe1530 7J Number admitted since J75 Total 417 Numborofchildron surrendered to friends 133 Number of ehlldtcn placed in liuntcs , . . . . 75 Number adults rcluinod to friends. . . . 38 Number foi whom woik was found 35 Number sent lo olhei institutions 11 Number of deaths -11 Total 331 Number now in home 110 Total 417 In this institution the wulfs of humanity llnd comfoi table homes and kind , motherly cue. It is confeiiiug a blessing upon tins htitc and upon hum unity. Those in chat go are imitating the example of their Divine Master in lelioving human suf- fenng Thov aio gathering In and saving the abindonod ; their institution is In leility the homo of those who have no home I trust you will icgaid it with favorable consideration. * NiiutvMvV rixinsruKi The repoi t of the win denof the penitentiary with the accompanying statislics presenls wilh minute details UiQufTaiisaiidopciations of th it institution. Theic have betiirecoivod ! | into the penitentiary since it has boon estab lished. 1,405 convicts ; numboi of those who have been discharged or pinioned , 1,118 ; nunibei or deaths , 0 ; leaving in prison. No- vemoer .SO , Ib33 , IUS , number in now , 3JS ; showing mi increase of ton in two years. Number icceivod by committment ( luring this same two } eais , ending November 30 , lb3S , 310 The number discharged in the same tin.o under Iho good time act , 21/J Itnpoilanl changes and inipiovemuiits have boun made smco the lasl bieimml re : port. Atvvo stoiy buck buildmg72x300 fuel , j lias been elected , and is now fully occupied ' by worK shops , laundry , b ith rooms , elc. This building adds largel } lo the einacity of the woiking departments of the pu on. Other improvements have boon made which have resulted in inci casing Iho elliciency , ' comfort and security. Measuies should bo ' taken to give a betler system of sowoiugo to i the prison i I.IVH STOCK SAMTVIIV rOMVUSSIOV. I The work ot the livestock sanitaiy com mission has bcon quietly and steadil } carried i on during the two years lust past , and the I results tlici ofrom , as embodied m the report I lecently submitted , show a beneilt to Iho i farmers and stock raisers ot Nebraska not < easily calculated. The law creating this boaid ' has been proved an excellent ono in its gen eral purposes and adaptability to practical work. Stimgont measuies have been adopted foi the purpose of preventing Iho lull eduction of contagious pleuro pneu monia and Texas foyer. The report shows i that fouroutbicaks of the latter have oc- 1 currel during the last two yoais , but In each ' case owners had purchased native cattle which had been exposed before shipment into this state. There have been no viola tions of the quarantine rules during this period. The state velerinaiian was directed t to make an examination of the daily hcids I of the state for the pin pose of usccUnlning I If tuberculosis exisled , and , after thoiougii v , ' and cincful work , tut six uses of tuboicu f losis were discovered , these being among the t cattle in Douglas county or In Iho vicinity of 11 Omaha. These animals woio immediately destroyed , and no fuithci developments of , the dtsoaso have occurred. Toogioat value cannot bo attached to the extirpation of tuberculosis , wliich issoroidilv communi cated to man through daliy products No casts of pleuro pneumonia have developed t within the stale , as thorough quarantine regulations - t ulations ute In foice against all pleuro pneu monia districts , and llttlo danger need bo ap prehended Among contagious and Infectious diseases in t'ns stuto , glandcis and fate } , in horses and mules , Is tlio most widespread und dcslrticlive. At the beginning of the work of tliu hoard , it existed in nearly every J county in thu state. The light against its invidious - I vidious ravages has been and is still a dolor- ( mined one and so far successful that at the present time forlv counties aru repotting no cases. Tin ) law , as amended at the last leg isluturo , allowing Iho payniciil of indemnity r ) for animals destro.yed by the state , hasgioatly v fncililulcd llio icportingof suspected cases , and prevented the secreting of the disease It has piovcd a blessing to poor nnd dusei ving fat met s , many of whom uro ontlrol } depend out upon their hoisos and mules for a means of support , and to whom the payment of this Indemnity Is a boon , while the state is being relieved of a teiriblo scourge , dangerous aliketo man and beast. Several persons have died ol it dui ing the past , two years in this state , having contracted it by eating for uflllcted animals. Eight hundred and Uiltty horses and mules have been destroyed by the live stock commission since November tO , 1880 , to December 1 , ISbS. The amount of Indemnity allowed for the same was f.10- 071.50 , averaging $1350 per houd. Thojo animals woio destroyed In sixty-six counties , bhowlng mi immense amount of labor , inoio cuted in all seasons of the year : and it tins . on ) } been by thu most cneigctlo otfoi U upon thu pai t of the boutd tlmt such a result can bo shown , Tlio vvmk is most Bitlsfuuloi.v tu the pcoplo of the stuto whoso intoiosts are dnectl } connected theiovvith I'ho labors of the live stock agents und vot- oiinurhtns have been arduous nnd unremit ting. They have been sent for by farmers In all ticctionti of tlio state. Thu cailh for them have bann moro numoioiis than they could KIVD attention to. Tholr services havu peon moil useful and effective on , ix i'C'rioK ( The report of the stale oil inspector covers ii period of seventeen months. 'Ino number f b trrcla of oil und ganollno inspected was 140,200 ; total fee * collected , * I4,02UO'J. , ' Sal- iries and expenses of inspector and deputies for six months ending December III , 1SS7 , 4,537,27i turned over to the state treasurer lanuary 1 , 1833 , $701.03 ; salaries and ex- ileuses of Inspector nnd deputies from Jan- Jarv 1 , Ibbb. to December I , IbSS , M.003 18 ; tmlunco on hand December I , 13SS , 7 lbJ. J'lie vv 01) ) ; hub been done by the inspector arid live deputies located in live dilTeiont parts jf the stato. Tno law is bohig regularly en- forded and Is giving general satisfaction The inspector recommends that the taw bo RO amended us to prevent the s Mo of ono grade of oil for tlmt of another of n higher grade. Per instance , there nro n number ot brands of oils known as "prime white , " "water white" and "headlight" The latter commands a higher pi Ice on the mnikct than the former There should bo some ptov tsion made to protect thu consumer from ftutid In this wnj of substituting the cheaper grades for Iho higher Ho also recommends n change In the la.v regarding the nmvolnttnent of deputies similar to Hie Iowa law , where the state Inspector can nppolnl n suitable number of deputies ami tlieli comicnsatlon | bo logiilntcd according to the amount of bin ! ness ( ione The ollleo Is eiitnely self sup potting , consequently I think the law should bo amended so as to get the best service pos sible for nil Intelestod The result of the o\\- \ eintloa of this law 1ms beet , to giv o the con sumer bettor grades of oil , while nil the ex penoo of inspection is berne by tjio shipper and the prlco has not been increased Nl IIIIVXKV 1 ISM l nVIMS4OV | | The doings of Iho llsh commlssiom % s nnd the operations of the state hatcheries -\t fullr set forth In their detailed rcpoitTho \ work of the commission 1ms been earridd fet w.ud cjuring the } n ir 1SSS wllli good sue cess The total number of joung llsh , thiee to six months old , and llsh Irv pioduced nt thoBintohntclietlcs dtirimr the } ear oiidlng December 31 , l1 , is 17,7U',725 , against 10,500,101) ) In the } ear 1SS7 All of these Jlsli have bcon planted In the lakes , , ponds and streams of the state The per eelitiigoof loss In transportation has been less than In an } iprmur year The number of each species ot Hair handled during thecar 1SSS is us foi lows- Wall in cd Dlko fr } , liOMCOO ! ) , lake herring frV.4" > l > , OiX ) ; brook trout fry ! i P,000 , rainbow trout fry , NMiiH ) , gorinan crttp , ' 11,200 , bhuk bass , -I,0 ! ( > 0 , spotted cattish , fi25 Iu addition to the foiogolng the commission - mission obtained through the courtesy of Colonel McDonald , United btutos commis- sloiioi of llsh and llsheilcs , mid lion , S 1' . H.utlett , of the Illinois llsh commission , 00,000 native llshes of the state of Illinois , consisting of hiss , lockllsh , pike , plckcrol. croppies and poicn The } wciottansplantod from Illinois into tlio Interior of Nchiaskn In two United States tlsh cars of ; ti)0OiX ) ) each , without loss and deposited In the w.itois of the Htute These llsh wore from a few months to a j car und over old. It will bo berne hi mind that wo have an iitea of territory two bundled by four bundled miles , that a laigo iiat t of thoVwat- ers to ho stocked with valuable food fish lies west of the sixth piltulpil meridian , a distance of ono. hundred to four hundred miles from the hatcheries , and too far to ad mit of the cair } ing of Iho young llsh 8afcly bv the hoietoforo only method withlu the leachofthe commission , namely , the ordin al } tin can bv e- ' ! or b } a special messenger songor in the lallroad baggngv. ur. Kella- blo information fiom persons .0 whqtn .young llsh have been dollvricd for stocking streams and ponds , both by letter and in peison ntloids incon testable evidence of success in this good woik A laigo nunibei of letters annexed to the icpoit will allot d to the skeptical a souico of instructive leading upon this subject. The labois of the commission have boon attended withvci } gratifying success , and they have been of great utilit } to the people of the com monwealth. Man } of oui sti cams have boon sleeked with various kinds of fish , and they h ivo become an import ml element of food In Ihe economy of life. Some huvo slocked ponds foi i .using fish for Iho nmikcl , and alicady are leaping a fair tovvatd on llielr in vestment. The llsh commissioners deserve encouiagement at jour hands. The } have for years given their time to this woik with out fco or nopo'of rovvnrd Tlieii labois have been ciitiiel } unselfish , and for tlio public good. noviiDor TIUNSPOKTATIOX. The ropott of Iho boaid of transportation shows that at the time of the taking cftcct of the law creating the bond of transports- tion ( July 1 , 1 37) ) , there w ere Ihice cases pending befoio Ihe boaid of railroad com missioners Smco Unit dale Unity foi mill complaints have been Hied with the boaid , making a total of thiity-thioo considered smco its cieition and until Juno 30 , lsS3. December 20 , l SS , live of these cases were slill pending and undetermined , lour had been dismissed , foui had been withdrawn by the complainants , and twenty had been de cided in favor of the complainants , and the older of the bonrd in each case lias been can led into elTect. There have been nearly twice as many Infoimal complaints ui ulo in the foi in of letters , which have been cousid- 01 ed bv Iho boaid , and wherever the boaid has had jurisdiction of the subject matter it has succeeded in securing a satisfacloiy ad justment of the differences. 11V11 ROAD t IlKHIIIT UlTRS. While raihoad freight rates aio a neces sity to the people , the people are a nccu , sily to Iho railioads , The tolatlons they sustain to each other must bo iputunl and should bo so aujusted that the interests of both would bo promoled and piotected. These who in vest their means in tallioid piopoity have a light to expect a fair rctui n on their invest ment. Those who labor have the same light to expect a fair toward for their labor , which is thcii capital invested. Hallways should so ndjust their tanlls of charges that farmcis , giazeis , tnanufactuicis , mot chants , aud all ivho ship over them , can do so and receive a leinunoiiilivo wofll fiom Ihcii business. The Dowcrof Iho logislatuio lo establish and en force icisonablo chaises on the pail of com mon car nuts has been fullv established by a Iccision of the supreme couit , and that power must bo exoicised in all cases where the pco- ilo are subjected to extorlionatc charges , rho lights of the people must bo piotcclcd. I'ho power that creates is gi cater than that which is created. I'he people cieato and their power s supreme , and they speak thiough Iholegls- utuio to Iho agencies which have been cro- ilcd for executing their will. VSSCs-MUNl AM ) r A V ATI ON' . Youroaincst attention is invited to the icccssity for a icv islon and amendment of present laws icgni ding assessment and taxa tion. That gieal injustice and inequality itevnllb nndct our present system is lee ap- micntto requite ai umentlo induce con- 'icllon. ruitlieimoio , it gives ilso to a 'also impression and does great injustice to lie sliite. Upon tlio face it Is made to up- Kiai that Nebraska sustains tlio highest lux- ition of any btato In the union , hove No- -adn , which is utlorly unlruo. The itatemonl is thoiouchly deceptive ind ncinlcious , and it icsults fiom our ox- jocdlngly low rate of assessment. Property n Ncbiuska is usso-Hcd nl a smaller valua- ion limn in any of Hie slalos To prove the mill of ibis assertion in regard lo four itatos , for Instance , the following table is iresentcd of Iho assessment vnluu of the irlnclplo kinds of piopeity in Minnesota , vans is , Iowa and Nobtaska , wlilch will nl a fiance show the coi redness of my htatomont : Minn. Kan. Iowa. Nob. Land per act o. * 7 10 $ 121 * 70s ii nj ilorsos 07 ! iO ill 01 111 50 10 07 Jattlo Si 21 OMI 10.07 5.5i ilnlus 0. ) 'd 1007 2.101 ilogs 2 17 ICO 1.01 1.07 These llifin os nio taken fiom thu otllcial 10- oi ts of Ih'osc si itos and ai o authentic You vill loadllj obsei ve th it land , hoihus , cattle , pules anil hogn aio tatod ill far less vuluo n Nobiaslca limn In Allminsota , Kansas ind lovvii. Lund at less than one-half vital II Is in Minnesota and Iowa , horses In ilinnesotu at moio than ihren times tha ratuo of the mime animals in our state. Thin ow assessed valuation explains this nppnicnt ilk'b rate of taxation , and nlso shows thu alhicy of the statement thut Nebraska Is the ilghcstlaxcd state in tlio union. The ti nth s , the rate of taxation hcio m , In reality , lolow what H is In the three states mimed , nd In Bomo other ntntos. Our tax per capita n 1833 upon thu bisls of thu population as oturnud by the COIIHUH of Ibso , was $ . ' .17 , I'hlle thn tax pur capita for Iho same year ipon the a 3ecsod valuation of the three talcs united , which h ivo been solocled for ompaiUon , was nccoidlng to the nggierfato .mount raised by them $ i.b'i as against f J 47 n Nebraska The stale censusof I6h6 showed iur populutlnn to bo 740,01' ) . The amount f taxation for the sumo year , ntised for lulo purposes was ? 1 037,018 a I , Taking the mpiilatloii for that } car and the amount of ax raised as Just stated , the tax per capita i-as f l.)34. ! ) Nc > nrnsku bus thus been made a HUftor from the tcpiitatlon of being the ighest tnxod Htntu , except one , which ropu- ation icsts on an entiiol.v false basin. This nong must bo remedied. This falsa Im- irnsilon must bo lumoyiiil , Thu ralo of as- cstmunt must bo largely Increased , It Is a roll proven fact thut n vast amount of loperty , both real und personal , escapes iixutlon. Men who maintain un unquog- lonoil r opulation for Integrity whoso word nd bond are good In all business circles , irlll deliberately cheat the nswss- rs , and will regard it as un ividcnco of shrovvdncsii and smartness f they succeed. They conceal the posses- Ion of notes , ccrtlllcalos of slocks and mort- ages , while the property und lltllo homo of hglollor is goon and known by all , and does [ Continual on Fifth J'i