Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1889, Image 1

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A Very Largo Audlonco Assembled
to Hoar It.
1'crpotrntnrs Klionlil Ho Vifor'
onnly I'rosccntctl The Ncc < I ot a
IJIIM- Oilier State In
tercut H-Tho
Kntnrcil on tlla .Second Term.
liiXcot.N. Neb. , Jan. 3. [ Special to TUB
J3KK.1 Governor Tlinyor escorted to tha
state house this afternoon by a company of
IM ) old soldiers. It was simply nn cxprcs
nloii of the respect and conflcnco "tho boys
in blue" repose In their old commander , and
the present head of the state government.
This was the only thing like ostentation or
display connected with the Inaugural core
monies. Every surrounding was plain and
simple. Representative hall
was plain--rib-
Bolutoly free from decorations of every class.
Long before the hour set for the Inaugura
tion ceremonies to commence , the gallery
and all the standing room inside the railing
was densely packed. The paruuet was also
crowded to the utmost , and a largo number
of people went away , unable to obtain oven
Ktandlng room in the audlonco room
of the house of representatives
At 2 o'clock sharp the gavel fell
mid the honorable , the senate of the state of
Nebraska was announced , and illcd into the
room. The buzz of voices subsided as the
gavel again fell , and cx-Llcutennnt Governor
Bli\ ( < l called the Joint session of the house
C3d senate to order. On motion of Senator
Kunsom ; of Otoo , the chnlr appointed n Joint
committee of live , consisting of McBrlde ,
Hungate , Johnson , St. Knynor and Yutzy , to
wait upon the state oftlccrs-elect and Inform
them that the lo'r.t ' houao is ready to receive
them. Tin1 mission of the committee was
performed a moment Inter , and Governor
Thayer , arm in arm with Governor Larra-
bce , of Iowa , followed by the ofllcers-clect ,
in the usual order of association , entered the
room and took their scats in the speak
er's stand. The committee appointed to
wait upon the chief Justice at this
tncmcnt announced his presence , and the
Joint house was ready for the governor's
message. The governor's health would not
permit him to present his message in person ,
and It was read by nn officer of the senate.
The vast assembly gave the governor's
words a patient and attentive hearing , and
frequent applause evidenced that points Were
made that met with general concurrence. In
general , the wisdom of the paper is com
mended , but It contained some suggestions'
ana Intimations that failed to strike the
popular chord. No paper of the kind , how
ever , ever meets with entire approval , but it
is enough to say that the governor's second
message is as free from criticism as general
papers of the class.
At the close of the reading , Chief Justice
Kecso impressively administered the oath of
oDIco , and the inaugural address was de
livered. This closed the inaugural cere
monies , and from ilrst to last the attention
was marked and respectful. The address is
as follows :
With a full and grateful appreciation of
the kindness of the people 01 Nebraska , mid
the honor bestowed upon mo by my election
a second time to the ofllcc of executive of the
stats , I have appeared hero in your presence
to take the oath of ofilco prescribed by the
constitution , and give assurance of a faithful
discharge of duty.
Government is formed for the benefit and
protection of all the people who come within
its Jurisdiction. The application , purpose
and'soureo ' of government are clearly de-
u'crlbcd in the memorable and impressive
language of Lincoln : "A government of the
people , and for the people , and b.v the pee
ple.1 The statesmen of the revolutionary
period scorned to ImVe imbibed the sumo idea ,
for they aimed to establish government upon
a now principal , namely , upon the recogni
tion of the people as the source of sovereign
The Instrumentality by which the sovereignty
eignty seeks expression is the ballot. By it ,
a free man's will is' made known. By It , the
sovereign speaks , It should bo as sacred as
honor can make It. It should bo as pure as
the sun beams. It should bo treasured as u
holyjtblng. No polluted hands should ever
lay violence upon it. It should over be
guarucd with all the sacrcdness of a rclig-
S lotis faith.
The intent of the machanlc , Is illustrated
by the wonderful mechanism his genius has
created. It works perfectly , without the
variation of u hair. It Implicitly obeys the
will of its sovereign and creator. Iho ma
chinery must bo perfect and without alloy.
The purity of the ballot Is the safety of the
nation. In it , rests the permanence of our
republican form of government. Defile the
ballet'iind the fountain source of government
is polluted Had its efficacy Is destroyed. Tlio
man who buys the veto of another , and the
man who sells it , are alike deserving univer
sal public reprobation , and should speedily
bo safely lodged for a long term of years in
the cells of a penitentiary for they are unlit
to associate with decent people. They are
public enemies. They have committed a
crime ngalnstrtho state , a crime against gov
ernment , a crime against society , a crime
ngalnct civil order , a crime against humanity.
H is lamentable that in these latter days
there are some who have come to regard the
barter and Halo of their vote as n Hgitiuiatc
transaction , ua legitimate as the barter and
Kilo of any comodity raised upon the farm.
Tlio coming around of the annual election is
their harvest time , and they look forward to
s : with as much anticipation when they can
.barter their votes for the highest prices pala
t ir , the election market , ns the farmer docs for
the best time to soil his wheat , corn or beef.
When u man , who is known to have
bought hu ! way through to oftlco once , and
appears again as u candidate for public favor
and honor , the venal and vile gather around
him for their share of the lucre , as vultures
gather around carrion for their share of the
prey. Such a man Is teaching others to bo
corrupt. He Is corrupting society. Ho is
committing burglary of tlio ballot , though
lie works with means different from those
lifted by the ordinary burglar. Ho should
t , * | regarded with scorn and detestation , He
ihnilil ? ; bo branded as an outcast among
men. In
there was developed a degree of venality
and corruption which was astound-
ing. It would seem as though tlio
bold schema was planned of buying up
almost the whole state , for money to cor
rupt the voters was sent into every county.
The attempted capture of this state by
wholesale pollution of the elective franchise
was the boldest and the most dastard schema
of political corruption ever attempted in this
western laud. But it met with merited con
demnation , and the great crime now stands
exposed in all its hldcousnoss. .
Tliq argument that the exposure of crime
against the ballot will prove an Injury to the
city , town , or state , where they are com-
uilttcd , is unworthy of consideration , save
that it is a clear confession of conscious
guilt The ferreting out of frauds , and the
punishment of the offenders , vindicate the
honor of communities and acquires for them
confidence and respect. Nothing will con
duce more to thn promotion of the public
Welfare , and to the prosperity and progress
of a people than the knowledge that the laws
re enforced ami crimes of whatever nature
re punished.
The declaration went forth on fith of No
vember , last , though more were found low
enough In moral degradation to boll them-
elves and their votes , the vast mass of tha
people are governed by the highest senti
ments of honor and patriotism and are bo-
yoad the reach of such pernicious influences ,
and It also makes It morally certain that such
a crime will not again bo attempted in the
future , at least for a long time to couie.
In my Judgment , a stringent registry law
Is demanded for the preservation of the elec
tive franchise and the protection of the
rights of the people who have been knighted
Vrlu tUo klgbeat honors ol American citLvn-
ship. 1 therefore earnestly recommend the
passage of such a law for cities of five thous
and or moro inhabitants. If > t bo 'objected
that It Is attended with Inconvenience ,
and that many business men will not register ,
the answer Is , no man who values clUzcnshli
and the blessings of good government !
hesitate to take the time and trouble to be
registered In order to vote on election day ,
or to attend the primary elections. If ho
neglects these essential duties , ho falls to
como up to the full measure of a good citizen.
By this ncplest , plotters , schemers , and
knaves , reach positions of trust and secure
the control of public Intercuts. This is trim in
cities where dishonest and corrupt men , tak
ing advantage of the Indifference of the bolter
class to the Importance of elections , mnnngo
to secure the selection of delegates who will
bo lit instruments in executing nefarious
schemes. They seek those places for their
own enrlcRinent. In largo cities , and in
smaller but growing ones , public improve
ments are always being made , and contract !
are to bo let. Then it is that councitmen ani
contractors otttn combine to rob their honest
The latter thus become victims to their oxvn
almost criminal folly. The history of the
trial of boodlim ? aldermen in the cities of
Chicago and Now York , In the last few
years' , show how the people of cities no
plundered , while they should also admonNi
evil doers that Justice does not always sleep ;
that though slow , It strikes at last. Some
one has said "Justice moves with a leaden
foot ; but strikes with an Iron hand. " The
good people of any community can prevent
the bad from obtnhilng control , if they will
but take that Interest in public affairs which
their duties to society demand of them. 1
would that some existed , which , by sounding
the note of warning , could awaken them to a
consciousness of of the pernicious and disas
trous consequences which must fol
low the perversion of the elective fran
chise. All good citizens could bo
inspired with a lixed and unalterable pur
pose of preserving and maintaining the
purity of tlio ballot , no dangers would
threaten our free institutions. But if the in
tegrity of that great right of the citizen is
assailed and overthrown , then there is seri
ous danger to a republican form of govern
ment. 1 respectfully urge that you revise
our present election laws with the purpose
of making their provisions moro stringent
and effective in securing the objects in view ,
and to make It more imperitlvcly the duty of
the prosecuting attorney of each county , to
take cognizance of these frauds and prose
cute the offender * to the full extent of the
law. If these olllcors neglect their duties in
this respect , they should bo impeached anil
removed from ofilco. I regard it as the duty
of the district Judges to Impress upon grand
Juries the necessity of Investigating election
frauds where thcro Is reasonable
ground to believe that such
frauds and corruption have existed.
If they are not exposed and the perpetrator
punisncd , cities will become the prey of re
peaters , vote buyers , scheming contractors
and boodling aldermen and couneilmon. It
is tinio the decent citizens of municipalities ,
and of all other localities , should unite with
the authorities in putting down forever tTlis
gigantic and still increasing crime against nil
that is good and valuable in government and
in society. The good of all parties should
make common cause against it. I will sug
gest one penalty in addition to line ami im
prisonment , namely , perpetual disfranchisement -
mont from voting or holding ofllcc. An
election law can be framed so as to avoid the
difficulty caused by the decision of the su-
nremo court in the case of the State of Ne
braska ox. rel , U. D. * Stearns vs. H. II.
Corner and others.
After announcing their decision , the court
makes the following suggestion : "A registry
law , so far as it provides for a registry of
( liialilled electors to bo made , and which con
stitutes sucli registration one mode of proof
of the elector's right , and so far as it might
require an elector , whoso name is not upon
such registry , to make other reasonable
proof of his right to the Judges of election nt
the time of offering his vote , would be valid. "
With the enforcement of such u law and a
relentless prosecution of the offenders , aided
by the power and influence of a united public
opinion , it is believed that this evil can bo ar
rested and suppressed.
Gentlemen , you must either vindicate the
sacrcdness and integrity of the ballot , or you
must bo silent witnesses to the fact that
papular government becomes a delusion
Nearly akin to this subject of the preserva
tion of tlio elective franchise , and as affect
ing public morals thotign not a subject of
legislation , a most unseemly and extraordi
nary spectacle was presented in the late can
vass of those who claim to bo par excellence
the champions of tcnipcaance and reform ,
being closely leagued with the liquor inter
ests of the state , in support of that party
which has heretofore been known as the en-
cmy of that cause , prohibition , to which
these champions were devoted , and which
party in its platform denounced submission
as almost a crime. Sucli an exhibition or
moral lunacy , such a sacrifice of principle ,
could not fail to arrest public attention , es
pecially If it was true as has been charged ,
that the democrats furnished funds for the
prohibition candidates to make the race ,
This unnatural alliance has shaken public
confidence and weakened faith In the profes
sions of these reformers , find have worked
an injury to the cause of temperance , to true
reform , and to public morality , which years
cannot undo. It is only one method of pol
luting the ballot. It is to bo hoped that such
a degrading spectacle may not again b ex
posed to view in the present or coming gen
eration ,
1 conclude , gentlemen , with the heartiest
assurance of my co-operation in the enact
ment of all legislation which shall promote
the public interests , and witti the hope that
your labors wll bo satisfactory to the people
of the state.
The purity of the ballot must bo preserved.
You have it in your 'jower to save it , I ask
you to take the necessary action , and a waitIng -
Ing constituency of a great commonwealth
will render to you their gratitude and praise.
At the conclusion of the inaugural address ,
which was read by the governor's private
secretary , tlio state ofllcers-clect stood before
the chief Justice and took the oath of otllco ,
and George D. Mclklojohn became lieutenant
governor ; Gilbert L. Laws , secretary of
state ; J. K. Hill , state treasurer : Thomas
II. Benton , auditor of public accounts ; Will
iam Lcesc , attorney general ; John Stein ,
commissioner of public lands and buildings ;
George B. i.unc , superintendent of.publlu in
On motion , the Joint convention adjourned
without date.
Senate ,
LINCOLN , Keb. , Jan. U. [ Special Telegram
to THE Biiis.J At 11 o'clock this morning the
senate was called to order. After tlio trans
action of preliminary business , Governor
Lurmbooof Iowa , was announced and was
received with great applause. Lieutenant
Governor Shcdd introduced Governor Lar-
rabco in the following terms :
"It gives me great pleasure to renew ac
quaintance with Governor Larrabce , partic
ularly so for the reason that Iowa was my
native state , and the year in which Iowa
was admitted into the union was
the year In which I was
born. There are thousands of the
children of Iowa in the state of Nebraska ,
and no man holds1 hotter allegiance to my na
tive Btato and takes greater pride in the
achievements of her sons than do I , and no
state is held In greater esteem In Nebraska
than Is the state of 'Iowa , which sits llko n
queen at our eastern threshold. " [ Great
applause. )
Governor Larrabeo replied : "Gentlemen
of the Ncbrubka Senate : I thank you sin
cerely for this unexampled courtesy , It was
n pleasure to uiu to accept Governor Thayer's
kind Invitation to visit your capi
tal city and participate In the opening
of your uiagulUk-cnt capital building. The
associations which I have formed have led
mo to consider the close relations existing
between Iowa and Nebraska. 1 feel that I
am almost on seml-ontcial business , and I am
authorized , ! am sure , by the people of my
stulo to bear to'tho citizens of this magnifi
cent young state a message of jrood cheer ,
especially from the thousands of old veterans
Hint are scattered over our state , to the
many natives from Iowa that are scattered
over Nebraska. The bous of Iowa In the
army know Governor Thayer wet !
during the war. Many of our most enter
prising citizens have coma here , Increasing li
number each year , to find a homo and busi
ness on your fair prairies. From llrst to
last I have no doubt that 10,000of Iowa's cit
Izens , attracted by the Inducements Ne
braska offers , have como hither. I assure
you that you will find them good citizens o
the commonwealth. You , perhaps , may
have representatives of another class of the
former citizens of Iowa who are not quite so
desirable. Since the adoption of our prohlb
itory liquor law you have received several o )
IOWA'S sons whom you will , I hope , flue
to be better citizens than they were In
our state. Prohibition has como to stn ;
In Iowa , and I expect you will see your waj
clear to adopt it. Many who arc familiar xvlti
the character of your people will feel confi
dcnco in their ability to perform their work
and I have no doubt you will succeed in tln <
as in other things that you have iindcrtukcn
( There was not a sound of npplnuso at this.
I commend to you the people you shall re
ceive from Iowa. You will llnd them as i
class good citizens. "
On motion of Mr. Howe a recess of llftecr
minutes was taken to enable the members to
pay their respects to the distinguished vis
Itor , and on reassembling the senate ad
Journed to 1 : ! ! 0 p. m.
Upon reconvening In the afternoon Lieu
tenant Governor Mciklcjohn addressed the
senate as follows :
"Gentlemen of the senate : You enter
upon the discharge of your duties ns the rep
resentatives of the people of Nebraska
through the legislative department of our
state , Their Judgment and will should bo
voiced ; their best interests should domain
careful consideration at your hands , and bo
the solo guide and motive of your notion. Al"
legislation should bo for the public good am.
so directed that equity and Justice will bo
done nllKo to capital and labor. Your re
sponsibility Is great and weighty. I be
lieve you will earnestly and faith
fully discharge your obligation to
those whom you represent. Our common
wealth demands much-needed legislation.
Tinit which Is of the greatest importance ,
and upon which her government and welfare
depends , is tlio purity of her elections. The
prayer of her citizens for a perfect registra
tion law for her metropolitan cities and more
stringent election laws , should bo answered :
The expenditures of state government are
of material Interest to the taxpayers. Legis
lative expenses should bo limited to the nec
essary wants of tlio legislature. 1 intend
keeping within this limitation , so far as
within my power. The employment of this
body will bo measured by the necessary
work to bo performed , and In this
I believe I have the full and undivided sup
port of this senate. I shall announce ap
pointments of all employes in open session ,
who will bo expected to be present and per
form the duties assigned for each day they
receive the statutory compensation. In being
called to preside over your deliberations 1
have but one motive and ono aim that is , to
have fairness and Justice done alike td cacli
and .ill. I hope the same harmony and
friendly feeling may characterize your de
liberations us have prevailed throughout
your organization. "
Xlio House.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 3. [ Special to THE
BII : : . ] Upon the opening of the house this
morning the speaker announced u long list of
appointments for minor officers , including
fourteen pages , among whom were four little
girls. Losa Mathews was appointed post
mistress , Stella Miller assistant , and A. I
Tarbox mall carric'r. The doorlfcepcrs and
Janitors are P. Hall , J. M. Fowler , J. E. Mo-
Bright , J. H. White , B. M. Grant , Price
Saunders , A. L. Wiggins , Henry Waterman ,
John II. Pierce , W. E. Hatch and H. S.
Cooloy. The pages are J. H. Dempster ,
Willie Downing , II. B. Koot , Charley Cald
well , Wilford Johnson , J. Apcnhcimer , Fred
Dunham , Willie D. Blainc , Ervin Marsh ,
Silas Diller , Sylvia Hall , Mabel Sperry ,
Delia Randall and Lalio Hill.
Tlio house took up the regular order ol
business at the forenoon session , and put
things through with a rush. Among the
resolutions adopted was ono introduced by
Gilbert of York , providing for 500 legislature
turo manuals , half the number ordered at
the last session , at n cost not to exceed $700.
The first break in the direction of extrava
gance was sot down upon with emphasis.
Mr. Olmstcad moved to increase the number
of papers for each member from ten to
twenty , which precipitated a lively debate.
In defending the motion ho said that ho
thought it was good policy for the members
to place the proceedings of the house before
us large a number of their constituents as
Mr. Leo of Furnas said ho did not want to
bo a kicker against anything that would ben
efit his constituents , but objected to the labor
of directing the wrappers and folding the
Mr. Caldwell saw a chance here to in
crease the number of employes and moved
nn amendment providing for the appoint
ment of a clerk to mall the papers.
Mr. McBridc opposed the resolution. Ho
said if any member thought his constituents
would not llnd out how ho voted ho was
greatly mistaken. Ho further said ho would
demand a roll call and place the members on
Mr. Diller favored the resolution , but op
posed the appointment of any extra clerks.
Mr. Genton moved that the papers bo paid
for out of the members' salary.
Mr. Olmstoad facetiously accepted the
amendment , but it was ruled out of order by
the . Some indulged
speaker. more cross-firing was
dulged m when Kelpor of Pierce moved
that the resolutions be laid on the table ,
which carried with n hurrah , only ono faint
negative being heard.
The introduction of bills followed and over
twenty were handed in and read in rapid
succession. Tom Cook's manner of reading
bills is so rapid that it fairly paralyzes the
press gang , and few can catch oven a faint
idea of the scope of the bill while being read.
Hon. John A. Dempster introduced bill No ,
1 , It provides for the submission of the uro-
Jiibltlon amendment to the people at the gen
eral election in IS'.H ' ) .
Hill No. : i , which provides for the appro
priation of (3.000 , and not to exceed ? IO,000 ,
to make a geological survey of the state , was
Introduced by the same member.
Mr. Lantlioni , of Nuckalls , Introduced a
bill prohibiting non-resident aliens from ac
quiring title tb land In Nebraska.
Mr. Mallard introduced , among other treed
measures , a bill to prohibit any combinations
among dealers In coal , lumber or any kind of
merchandise to ilx or control prices or divide
pro ( its.
Hill No. 12 , introduced by Mr. Ballard , pro-
hlblts the use of stoves on trainu , and requires
all passenger cars to bo heated by steam or
hot air.
Mr McBride Introduced bills to prohibit
persons from acting as police officers unless
duly authorized ; to compel insurance com [
panies In case of total loss to pay the full face
of the policy ; and to authorize railroads to
charge not to exceed KJ | > or day for cars de
tained not unloaded inIS hours after arrival.
Mr. Hunguto , of Oaiahu , got In a bill pun
ishing parties who attempt to defraud livery
men by refusing to pay for carriage hire ,
which is the llrst bill from the Douglass .
The senate sent In a concurrent resolution
to adjourn over from to-day until nojit Tuesday -
day bt2JOp. ! : ! in. , which was taken up and
It being announced that Governor Lar-
raboo , of Iowa , was in the executive rooms ,
i committee of three , consisting of .Messrs.
Kt. Huynor , Majors and Gardner , was ap-
minted to invite him to visit the hall of the
IOHSO. Governor Larrabeo was Introduced
b.v Hon. J , C. McBrido. in a few felicitous
vords , in which ho took , occasion to refer to
lie question of prohibition and transporta
tion , us matters with which the governor
was somewhat familiar. Upon being Intro
duced , Governor Larrabce sK | > ko substan
tially us follows !
"Mr. Speaker , and Members of
ho Haute of Representatives :
am hardly prepared for tha Introduction
and reception tendered me. I always thought
ho people of Nebraska were' truthful , but I
fear your prcsldmir ofllccr has been rather
extravagant in his statements. I have the
rcatcst respect for legislative bodies , so
tavo sundry other g ntlumuu denominated
the third house , until sotno of their pc
measures fall , when their feelings sometimes
undsrgo n remarkable change. The nrohlbl
tlon and transportation Issues have been re
ferrcd to , and tlioy nro great and growing
questions , but I did not come here to lecture
or advise the people of Nebraska on these
matters. 1 do not think they need It. However
over , I will say that If you ever enact a pro
hlbitory law and enforce it , you will never
desire to repeal the measure. It has beei
charged that the city of DCS Motncs Is Ian
gutshing on account of tlio abolition of the
saloons , but this is a mistake. The
city is rapidly lllllng up with t
very desirable class of citizens and extend
Ing her boundaries In every direction. No
city In the state is so prosperous , uulos per
haps it is the Corn Palace City. Crime has
rapidly decreased In every county in tlio
state where prohibition is fully enforced
and this includes nearly every ono and the
people have accepted the change and have
no desire to go back to the license system.
On the transportation question Iowa Is lightIng -
Ing a battle for the whole northwest. The
railroad officials have recently told mo that
they would accent the commissioners' sched
ule in Iowa , did It not mean n scaling down
of rates in nil adjoining states. The pcop.o
of Iowa are not communists , they desire
nothing unjust , but the discrimination prac
ticed upon our citizens has become unbeara
ble and further forbearance in this matter is
unworthy a free people , and should not bo
endured. Permit mo to say you shouU
have no fear for the rich. The
millionaires of the country can
take care of themselves. They can look after
their own Interests. It is the great mass of
the people who live upon the farms , and who
occupy humble homes , that need your most
careful consideration as law makers.
The remarks of the governor were loudly
cheered , especially by the farmer members.
Mr. Hall moved that the thanks of the as
sembly bo extended to the governor for his
excellent remarks , which curried unani
On motion of Mr. Majors , a recess was
taken , and the members were formally intro
duced to the governor by General McBride.
Among the members were several old-time
friends of the Iowa governor , and nearly one-
half of them at one time hud boon residents
of that state.
The house , after disposing of some routine
matters , took a recess until the time for the
inaugural ceremonies.
An KfTort to Secure ClirUtopticr
Colmnlms' Hones Fails.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEn.l The real reason for the removal
of H. C. Astwood , consul general at San
-Domingo , is learned to-day. Some months
ago ono H. M. Linell arrived in San Do
mingo and made inquiries about the burial-
place of Christopher Columbus. He intro
duced himself to prominent people of the
republic as a man of wealth , and represented
that tils Interest In the remains of tlio nn-
inortal discoverer of this continent was
purely historical. He made himself solid
with Consul Astwood , rnnd finally proposed a
scheme to the consul which resulted In the
sending of n letter to Scnor Figuero , minis
ter of the interior , proposing that Linell bo
allowed to take the boucs of the celebrated
discoverer of America to the United States
for a period of four years , for exhibition in
the principal cities , promising the govern
ment of San Domingo an annual payment of
not less than § 100,000 therefor. Senoi
Figuero declined the proposition. It was
done in the formal language of diplomacy ,
and covered no reproach.
The Dominican public and newspapers
wore not so considerate. They declared
that the proposition to : make the bones of
Columbus a public exhibition for private
gain was disgraceful. The press and public
called for the removal of 'Consul Astwdod.
It was openly declared that the proposition
was a public scandal. The news of the re
moral of Consul Astwood by tlio Washing
ton authorities is regarded by the Dominican
authorities hero as the result of this affair.
Linell is supposed to bo the agent of a dime
museum syndicate.
- * -
The Alton Forcoil to Terms.
CANTON , 111. Jan. 3 , A controversy has
been in progress hero for several days be
tween the Chicago & Alton and the St. Louis ,
Alton & Springfield railroad about laying
the track of the latter road into the city
along the river front. There was no way
for the Springfield road to get into the city
except Uy moving some of the switching
tracks of the Chicago & Alton. This the
Chicago & Alton determined should not bo
done , and it kept a train of freight cars on
the tracks as a blockade. The city authori
ties requested that tho'blockade ' bo removed.
and. finding that their request was not
granted , tlio city council met last evening
and passed a resolution revoking all privi
leges heretofore granted the Chicago &
Alton on the river front. The mayor , chief
of police and some ' of the aldermen pro
ceeded to the place 'of the blockade , and
with a posse of nearly three hundred men.
tore up the Chicago - & Alton track and
began laying the Springfield track. This
caused great excitement throughout the
_ _
Anthony Comstock's Close Cull.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE.J The ever-oflloious Anthony
Comstock procured evidence against a policy
shop at No. 487 Sixth avenue last night , and
assisted other olllcors in making the raid.
Tli door.s had to bo forced open , and when
the ofllcers entered a crowd of colored men
who wore play ing policy attacked them , and
they hud to draw their revolvers , Comstock
chased a burly negro out into the yard , where
the follow turned on him and struck him in
the face , knocking him down. Ho was get
ting the worst of it when a detective rescued
him from his assailant , who got away. Coin-
stock had both eyes blacked , his nose bruised
and the sldo of his face cut.
After American Fighter. ] .
Ni\v : Yoitic , Jan. 3 , [ Special Tolecram
to TUB BUB. | A schono by which General
Legit imo hopes to fill the ranks of his dilapi
dated army witli New Yorkers has been ac
cidentally discovered. A numb or of reck
less dare-devils have falrcady been enlisted ,
and money to pay foj- their transportation
and wages is now being raised. At least
f 1SO.OOO will be needed for this purpose , and
Lcgitlmo's agent in this city Is limiting
eveV.v effort to raise this amount. The United
States Trust company and several other
trust companies huvo been asked for a loan
of this amount , and it t ( s said that they have
consented to consider the application. It is
irobablo that u loaU'.wUl bo obtained , as it is
understood that the widow of n Haytlon cof
fee planter has consented to give a bond for
its payment.
" " '
Favorable Np\vs of Kmln.
SUAKIM , Jan. 3. A sergeant who belonged
.0 the old Egyptian army has arrived at Sua *
< lm from Khartoum. lie states that ho loft
; ho latter place on November "I , and that at
lint time limin Pasha hud not been captured
jy the mahdl's forcesHbut had repeatedly de
feated the dervishes in Bebr Gazallu pro
' -
Olicrkampf and Mack Sentenced.
CHICAGO , Jun , 8. To-day Judge Hlodgott
sentenced Oborkumpf and Mack , tlio two
non1 who have been on trial hero for some
time past for stealing loiters from street let
ter boxes , to the penitentiary. Obcrkumpf's
sentence was for live years , and Mack's for }
three ,
Steamship Arrival * .
At Quoonslown The Peruvian , from Bat-
At Bremen The Khcln , from Baltimore. :
At Hamburg Tie ) lUbaetia , from New .
ifork. . '
Governor llurloigti .Inaugurated.
Auaum , Mo ? , " Jan. 8. Governor Bur-
oigh was Inaugurated at noon to-day.
An Offer of the Secretary of State
Portfolio Surmised.
A Conference Committee Try I UK to
Amend It Prospects of SprliiRcr's
Statehood Hill Some Measures
of Local Interest.
WASHINGTON Bumuu TituO.MvnA. Bus ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 3.
Hon , James G , Blalno arrived hero this
afternoon. Ho will remain hero a few days
and then ho will go to Indianapolis In re
spouse to a special invitation sent him a few
days ago by President-elect Harrison. The
belief hero Is that but
to-night ono interpre
tation can reasonably be put upon General
Harrison's desire to sco Mr. Blulno person
ally , and that Is , that ho proposes to offer
Mr. Blulno the secretaryship of stato. Mr.
Blalno arrived here so quietly this afternoon
that ho was In the city an hour or two before -
fore his presence became Imown. Ho was
met at the railroad station by his friend Mr.
Phelps and together they drove to tlio Rich
mond. After a bath Mr. Blalno put on his
dress coat , and after a hearty dinner with
Mr. Phclps the two gentlemen left the hotel ,
with only the message that they were call
ing on some friends and would not return
until very late. Mr. Blaino's visit is purely a
matter of business. Ho is hero to contract
for the erection of a no\\ house near Dnpont
Circle , and not far from the present impos
ing Hlamo mansion. The lot on which ho
now Intends building was purchased at al
most a song years ago and has been hold Iu
trust b.v Mr. Phelps for Mrs. Blalnc and her
children. Since its purchase It has increased
in value ten fold , and Mr. Blalno has refused
n number of the most tempting offers to soil ,
among them that of Vice President-elect
Morton , who offered Mr. Blaine his own
price for the lot , on which he desired to build
n great hotel worthy of Washington. Mr.
Blulne , it is needless to say , declines to say
The bill which passed both houses ot con
gress at the last session , amending tlio inter
state commerce act in some Important par
ticulars , is still pending in a committee of
conference , composed of Messrs. Cullom ,
Plntt and Reagan , on the part of the senate ,
and Messrs. Crisp , of Georgia , O'Neill , of
Pennsylvania , anil Anderson , of Iowa , on the
part of the house. The delay in coming to
nn agreement is caused by the refusal of the
senate members of the committee to accept
certain amend incuts adopted by the house.
The bill , as it passed the senate and was
agreed to by the hous.c , makes several
changes In the section of the inter
state commcrco law tnat required a
publication of rates , the chief of which is a
provision requiring three days public notice
to bo given by the railway companies before
making any chance in their rates. The bill
now provides that no advance of rates can
bo made without previous notice to the pub
lic , and it is thought best to apply the same
rule to reductions in rates , with the expecta
tion that this will promote stability iu the
tariff for transportation , and retard the ten
dency to the rate wars that are now so fre
quent between the different railroads. The
same provision is extended so ns to cover
Joint through rates. An amendment is
made to the criminal penalty sec
tion , by which any violation of
of the inter-state commerce law. In the
nature of unlawful discriminations in rates ,
fares , or changes , will render the railroad
officials , who may bo found guilty , liable to
imprisonment in tlio penitentiary , as well as
to punishment by line as now provided. An
additional section is added to ttio bill , pro
hibiting under-billing , and all persons guilty
of this practice , will be punished by lines ana
imprisonment. Each penalty applies to the
persons who attempt to secure a lower classi
fication of freight , by misrepresentation , as
well as to the railroad ofllciuls. The section
of tho" present law , which provides
for the estimation of damages
by the inter-state commerce commission ,
for the benefit of persons who have suffered
loss by the discriminations or exactions of
railroad companies , was drawn by Senator
Edmunds , and received the approval of all
the great constitutional lawyers in the sen
ate ; but Judge Cooley , of the commission , is
of the opinion that it is not constitutional ,
and refers to that clause of the constitution
which guarantees trial by Jury , and , there
fore , the inter-state commerce commission
has never attempted to assess damages
under the act. The pending bill contains an
amendment to the existing law to cover the
objection of Judge Cooley , and trial by
Jury is provided for. The house
added seven amendments to tlio bill , as it
passed the senate , three of them being
merely verbals. The remainder were of
some importance. One amendment , which
was inserted nt the instance of Mr , Rice , of
Marnetta , O. , who had long been in n con
test in the courts with the Standard Oil
company , and requires railway companies to
carry oil in tniiK cars at the same rate that
is charged for oils in barrels , and prohibits
them from charging u higher proportional
rnto for ono barrel than they do for a car
load. This amendment is objected to by
tlio senate end of the committee on
conference , ( because they do not think it
prnct.lcablo for congress to make specific
provisions to regulate the transportation of
nny particular commodity , for , if they puss a
law regulating the shipment of oil , they
must , in Justice , pass ono rcgiilutlngtho ship
ment of wood or grain , or other goods ) , be
lieving that it is better to leave these details
to the Judgment of the commission , The
second Important amendment of tlio house
requires a uniform classification for the
whole country to bo made by the inter-state
commerce committee for the govern
ment of the railroads , mid the third
is Mr. Reagan's old idea to give
the state court's Jurisdistlon
with the United States courts over suits aris
ing out of the violations of the intcr-stata
commerce law. The committee on confer
ence is nt present a good way apart on these
provisions , and there is no immediate pros
pects of un agreement.
The Pacific coast republicans who have
been pulling , hauling and wrangling over tlio
selection ot u man from that section for the
cabinet , have received from General Harri
son a very plain and positive intimation that
unless they ugrco uuon Homebody , ho will bo
compelled , for obvious reasons , to overlook
the Puciflo coast altogether. He declines to
recognize nny ono faction in preference to
another , and a senator from the slope told
mo this afternoon that ho thought they
would ultimately settle upon Charles F.
Swift , who Is , perhaps , the leading
lawyer at the bar of San Francisco ,
and was , with President Angel , of the
Michigan university , a commissioner to
China under the administration of President
Hayes. Before the Chicago convention , and
when there was a great deal nald about Har
rison's ' position on the Chinese question Mr.
Swift took pains to hunt it up , and wane a
letter that hud great weight , la which ho
held that thcro was no reason for raising any
abjection to General Harrison's nomination
an account of his speeches or votes on the
Chinese question , and General Harrison has
been very grateful to Mr. Swift for this un
solicited aid , and wrote him a personal letter
f thanks. During the republican
campaign in Oregon , Mr. Swift stumped
that state from ono end to the
jthor , devoting two months to the
work , and Senator Mitchell says ho did
more toward the republican victory thcro
lmn any other man outside of the state. Ho
.s not objectionable to any of the different
'actions , and it is believed that they can
inrmonuo on lii'u moro easily than on any
jther man who has been suggested ,
it Is practically certain that If the Springer
territorial statehood bill gets up at this ses
sion the house will pass It In about the shape
the republicans want it , The Illinois statesman -
man cannot hold his party together. LnouRli
democrats have made up their minds that
South Dakota , .Montana and Washington
territories should bo admitted to assist there-
publicans In the admission of all or any ono
of them. Mr. Cox Is the champion In the
democratic party , of the territories , regard
less of politics , and will do all ho can In the
Interest of each of them , independently of
the rest. Ho is receiving letters constantly
from the people in the territories ,
placing their cause in his hands ,
and praying him to sco that
none of them suffer from partisanship In the
house. If the omnibus bill passes the house ,
ns amended In the senate , and gels Into con
fercnco , Mr. Cox feels sure that some of the
territories will bo admitted , whether all are
or not. If a disagreement. ) ! ) reported from
the conference , lie will move for a new con
ference and do everything ho can until some
thing comc.s of It. Popular demand , and a
ft-ar that If action on this question Is not
taken nt this session , President Harrison
will call an extra session of the Fifty-first
congress are the Influences which move the
democrats with the republicans now.
II1I.1.S OK l.OC-AI. INinilKST.
When the life of this congress goes out , on
the 4th of March , there will undoubtedly be
quite a number of measure' * remaining on
the calendars of the two houses of local
interest to the readers of Tim Hiu : , for it
does not now look as though there would bo
much more legislation enacted at this session
further thau the general appropriation bills ,
The calender of the house for to-day contains
the following Nebraska and Iowa bills : For
the construction of nubile buildings ns Hast
ings , Beatrice and Fremont , Neb. , and Dav
enport , Burlington , Sterling-ami Fort Dodge ,
Iowa , for the completion of quarters , bar
racks and stables at fort Hobinson and Nio-
brara in Nebraska. Paddock's bill providing
for the construction of buildings'for post
ofllcesof the second mid third class which
has passed the senate ; declaring the Iowa
river below Wnpollo an unnavlgable stream ;
Joint resolutions authorizing the secretary of
war to furnish tents to the Northwestern
Soldiers' association of Iowa , for use at a re
union held at Sioux City , Octobcr'J to 0 , last ;
by Mr. Laird , authorizing the Omaha , Hays
City & Southwestern Hailroad company to
build its road across the Fort Hays military
reservation. There are also a lot of private
pension bills for Nebraskans and lowuns on
the calendar. Bills of a general nature of
moro or less special interest to Tin : Bii :
readers , are on the house calendar as fol
lows :
Requiring disbursing ofllcors in the army to
give bonds ; creating three additional land
oniccs in the state of Colorado , authorizing
the president to confer brevet ranks on oftl-
ccrc of the army for gallant service in Indian
campaigns ; Steel's billtincroasing the cfll-
cicncy of the line of army , and for other pur
poses. The Nebraska and Iowa bills on the
senate calendar are of a private nature.
Puiiuv S. HiiATir.
Washington Itrcvitlcs.
The president yesterday withdrew the
nomination of Leon O. Bailey , to bo district
attorney for Indiana , and substituted the
name of Solomon Claypool , now associate
district attorney , under special appointment.
A petition was presented by Senator Stan
ford from the chamber of commerce of San
Francisco , calling the attention of congress
to tno urgent need of a permanent relief
station in the Arctic ocean.
Colonel Daniel McClurs , assistant post
master-general , has been placed on the re
tired list of the navy.
Senator Stewart Introduced a bill authorlz-
ing tin secretary of the treasury to refund
all " legally collected income taxes.
Tlio Smallest Number of Failures for
Many Venvs.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 8. The Hallway Ago In to
morrow's issue will say : Although nineteen
roads with almost 1GOO miles of line , and
nearly $05,000,003 of bonds and stock , have
been sold under foreclosure for creditors
during the past year , these figures are much
less than those of Tiny previous year since
our record was begun , witn the exception of
1882. 1SS3 and 1834. It is gratifying to ob
serve that only two of the nineteen
companies are among the important
railways , these being the Florida Railway &
Navigation company , with r > 33 miles of road
and representing $21,000,003 of security ,
and the Huston & Texas Centra ] , with 82:1 :
miles and $2.X)0,000 ( ) securities. Most of _ tlio
other roads are quite small , and their failures
resulted chiefly from lack of business. The
number of railway receiverships constituted
during n year gives a better indication of tlio
condition of the railwav systems than do
foreclosure sales , and in this respect the evi
dence is not encouraging. During tlio
year twenty-two companies. with
J,2TO miles of lines , and
nearly $187,000,000 of securities have passed
Into the control of the courts. At the pres
ent time the outlook for 18S9 , in respect to
railroad involvenci , is not altogether cheer
ful. Heavy losses for 1837 have seriously ef
fected the financial standing of many com
panies , and unless rate wars are prevented
ind legislation and public sentiment become
less unjust toward the railway Interests ,
there is reason to fear that the list of re
ceiverships for 1889 will be very much larger
than for the year Just closed.
Tlio Pope KxpluiiiH Their Duties in
tiio United Slates.
NEW Yoitic , Jan. ! ) . [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bii.l The cable summary of the papal
ctter to the American bishops , coming us It
did through English news agencies , ignored
ttio moro important of its 1 eat i ires and the.
extracts quoted were calculated to give the
impression that the authority of the Ameri
can prelates was about to bo superseded as
far as missionaries sent there to look after
lie wants of immigrants wore eon cored.
J'lmt this is not soi.LcXIII. . > . himself express-
y btutes , and ho goes ho far as even to place
these missionaries under the charge nf parisli
iricsts. After reviewing tlio evils that
it-set immigrants In this country , the
10 pu states that a seminary has been
bunded at Pi acenza by Bishop Scalobrinl
Tor the education of priests for missionaries
o this country , and requests Unit youths of
taliaii parentage be sent to Italy , where
special training for this work in the interest
of immigrants may lie given. "Theso will
cturn to you as priests , " .writes Leo XIII. ,
'and wo do not doubt that you will receive
liem with paternal charity , and grant them
he necessary facilities to discharge , under
lie direction nf parish priests , the duties , of
he sacred ministry to their fellow country-
nun , for thei will go to you as auxiliary
nrces , In obedience to the authority of the
ilshop of each diocese. They may lend me
trength to the ranks of the priesthood , " The
lojie leaves the locations wliero missions
ihull be established to the Judgment of their
WASHINGTON , Jan. 3 , 'lliero was a largo
attendance at the third day's mooting of the
Colored Catholic convention. Archbishop
CKler , of Cincinnati , addressed the dele-
'utcs , urging them to cuntlnuo In their good
vork , A committed appointed to wait upon
ho president , reported that ho would re-
eivo the congress to-morrow afternoon.
-otters expressing sympathy with the ob-
ects of the convention wore read from John
Joylo O'Heilly , and the Catholic ) Knights of
America. Father Healy , of the Order of the
loly Ghost , read an Interesting paper on
Catholic missionary work In Africa. Tl.u
ommltteo on resolutions then reported an
ddrcsB , which , after considerable discus-
Ion , was adopted and a committee appointed
to present it to Cardinal Gibbons.
Tlio SknplHolilna Adjourn-1.
Ucuuupii , Jan , U. The skuptschlna ml-
ourned to-day. In a speech closing the PCS-
don , King Milan declared the now constltu-
Ion would be the foundation of real and Hot-
led constitutional life , The king has granted
a geui-rul amnesty.
A Now Drklffo to Bo Built Now ?
Jlrs. ilixrpli Connor , of
Houts Two V * otiltl-Ho 1\
' '
Katnl Accident Oilier
Klnto NO\VM.
For l\ Now llrlilK'o Over the I'lnlto.
Cou-Miiu-i , Nob. , .Inn. ; t. Tola'
gram to Tim The contract for tha
erection of the now bridge over the Platta
river , two inlles.toutliwost of this plnca , was
lot to-day b.v tlio supervisors to M. Wngnor.
The bridge will bo 1,800 feet In IciiKth. Mr.
WagnSr is In tlio employ of the King Hridgn
coininny | , superintending the construction ol
the iron bridge over the Loup , near tills city.
Work will began nt once ,
Loiip Oily Mill Company Attnclicrt'
LOUP CITV , Neb. , .Inn. it. [ Speclnl Telegram -
gram to Tin : Buu.J Owing to tlio assign
ment of the Shormnu County Hanking com-
p.iny , ono of th'O creditors of the mill com
pany here , bccmno anxious unit to-day at
tached the property of the company. If the
mill company 1ms assets to pay all its liabili
ties , there -Is no doubt hut what the attach ]
mcnt will bo set aside unii tne compnny re
sume business In a few ( lays ,
Uonns For n Grim Mill.
Gnniu.tiT CIXTIK : : Neb. , .Ian. 3. | Special
Telepram to Tin : Hir. . ] At a mass meeting
of the citizens of this place this evening , the
proposition of Wright & Co. , of Iowa City ,
to erect a largo grist mill at tills place was
accepted ana bonds given. The ground will
bo staked off to-morrow. It is proposed , to *
have it completed Inside of four months. *
A Fatal Accident , -
McCoot , JUNCTION' , Nob. , Jim. ! 1. [ Special
to Tin : Uii ; . | Christian Declous , a promi
nent farmer living six miles cast of hero , met
with a serious accident on Monday. Whilu
returning to his tiomo from McCool Junc
tion his team became frightened , and turn
ing short upset tlio wagon , tin-owing him
violently to the ground. Mr. Decious BUB ,
tained serious injuries , from the effects ol
which ho died Tuesday night. The funeral
takes place at his residence at 10 o'clock to
Under n Chattel
Gii , Nob. , Jan. H. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HUB. ] W. M. Murray's stock of gen
eral merchandise at this place , was taken
possession of by the First National bonk
yesterday , under n chattel mortgage fee
J3,700. Tootlo , llosea Co. , of St. Joe , Mo.- . if
attached the goods to-day to secure their
claim of S.S20. The bank replovmed the
fctock this evening. Wells & Co. , of Chicago ,
have an unsecured claim of S.Y7.1) , and n num
ber of other wholesale houses have smaller
claims against Mr. Murray. The stock will
not invoice $3,000 , , while the liabilities
amount to nearly $0.000. A big lawsuit b"o- >
tween the bank anil the wholesale houses
will be had to test the rightful ownership. ,
IContcdoy a Woman.
PIATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Jan. il. f Special
Telegram to THE BCK. ] Last night about 13
o'clock , Mrs. Joseph A. . Connor , was aroused
from her sleep by n supposed burglar who
attempted to enter the house through a tran
som over n back door. Her husband was in.
Omaha and no man was in the house , but
she mustered courage enough to lire upon
one of the two men she saw in the yarn , who
was evidently an assistant of the man who
tried to enter. She ilred three shots at him ,
from an upstairs window , but none of them
took effect and in this way she scared them
away. One of them was arrested to-day.
A Small J'ox Sonrn.
MAitiisviu.ii , Kan. , .fan. 3 [ Special Tele
gram to THE lien. ] Tuesday morning this
city was thrown into a state of intense cxcito *
mcnt over the report that there were two
cases of small pox Just ouUiUoof the city
limits. On investigation this was found to
bo ; i false alarm , but the city is in Immediate !
danger as there are ten or flftccn cases ot
the worst typo near hero , and the discaso is
spreading rapidly.
SALT LAKIS CITV , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUB. ] The Idaiio legislature
convened yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock ,
after the holiday recess. In the house Ilurtz
introduced n bill relating to the olootlvo
franchise , which is supplemental to the
famous test oath bill. It is a slrong.ono , and
will undoubtedly bo passed , It provides that
n person must/ lie out of the Mormon church
for three years in order to bccomo a legal
"Will Knil For lliiytf.
WASHINGTON- , . 3. It Is expected that
the United States steamer Ossippeo , now at
Norfolk , will sail for PortauPrince in n few
days. This is in accordance with orders
issued to her commanding ofllcor by Rear
Admiral Luce , commanding the North At
lantic squadron , prior to his departure for
Hayti. In case it is found there is no neces
sity for the constant presence of the three
war vessels in the Iluytien waters , ono of the ,
two now there will be snnt baekto the United
Arrested ( in Accomplice.
PniMiini.riiM , Jan. 3 , A warrant was issued -
sued this afternoon for the arrest of Mrs.
Scbroop. wife of Jacob Schroop , the con
fessed murderer of Antonio Schilling. Tha
warrant was issued on the strength of the
sworn statement of the daughter of Scliroop
by a former marriage , in which she declared
that her stop-mother had frequently urged
her father to kill Schilling , BO that they
could got , possession of his money. Mrs.
Schroop is now In the hospital undergoing
treatment for cancer.
Slopped the
Nisw. YOHIC , Jan. U. The sale of Dion.
Bouciault'K plays in the Madison Sijuaro
theater was stopped to-day by tlio protest ot
Henry K. Walton , who was In the audience ,
and said Bouciault hail made an agreement ;
with him two years ago for the use of twon
ty seven plays. Bouelault said ho had never
received a cent from Walton for tliouso ot
the plnys. The sale will not go on iiiull tha
titles are uiado clear.
.Shook" ) .
SAN JUAN , Diasuit , Nicaragua ( via Qal-
ve.stonj , Jan. ! t. San Jose Do Costa Rica waa
the scene December 29 and ISO of a series of
earthquake shocks. At Aliijuoln eight por-
Hens wore killed and many injured , The
churches and principal buildings in the city
suffered considerable damage. Tl.o Inhab
itants encamped out of doora for two clays ,
No further shocks have boon felt ,
Tlio Gun AVitfl 1/11111191 ! , /
Gmnsviu.H , Mo. , Jan. 3. John Herd , a
ten-year-old lad of Lebanon , I. T , , whlla
playing with a Winchester ye&terday , which
ho thought to bo unloaded , playfully pointed
the gun at the head of Ills playmate , James
15ush , aged twelve , when it went off and
sent a bill lot through the head of vounir
Hush , Wiling him iiiHtantly. '
AimroliUt Case Postponed.
CHICAGO , Jan. 3. The question of the right
of the police to Interfere with the meetings
of the Anarchistic ArbeHor bund .nuuio up
before Judge Tuley In the circuit court this
morning , lint the Judge was ongnguit In another -
other cane and decided to postpone the au
iircliisl case until Saturday ;