Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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At present tlio county jail contnlns
four patients thought to bo insnno.
Tlio flro nt 11:0-5 : a. in. wifl in Dr.
Hnlnh's sinoko house , Twenty-sixth nnd
Capital nvonuo. Only $20 damage wag
A follow has been arrested in Council
IJluffH who IB boliovctl to JJQ the thief
who robbed the Eden Musco of its rnro
Frank Hill , n ciE rirmker , has been
held to the district court for maliciously
breaking the plato glass in front of the
Stockman's saloon under the People's
Kdward Crecdon , son of T * . S , Croc-
don , the architect , died Tuesday at
ln oiL'htccn years of ajro. The funeral
Is will take place Saturday from Eigh
\ if teenth and Furniun.
En I Mike Daly , the man shot at Lester's
place , in Florence , a week ago Monday
night , Is still confined to his bed at
Tuclcor's holol , but is rapidly Improv
ing. .Colo Martin , the man who did the
Bhootlng is still at large.
The flro department was called to
quonc.h n 320 11 ro yesterday afternoon
nt u hou-so on Twenty-sixth and Cuss
it btreot , owned by Dr. Ralph. The lire
\i \ occurred in a 'beam to the smoking
room and was quickly put out.
Mlis Theresa Ools luft for Columbus.Nob. ,
yostcrdny to visit with relatives and friends
for three weeks.
Hon. W. l'\ Cody , nlltm "HufTnlo Hill"
nconmpanlcil by his wife and daughter
arrived itiOinn lia yesterday.
Miss Ltoiu I'cmlerBnst of KocltTord , 111. , Is
the nucst , of Mrs. J. A. Hannnn on South
Nineteenth st.
At the Arcade : H. S. Gillospie , O'Neill ;
J. 11. Oaister with his wife uml sister , Ash-
Iniul ; W. Q. Slmotison , II. U. K iU mill A. L.
Field , Alliance.
At the Harker : II. C. Liborman , Fre
mont ; C. C. ICuulMy , Pnrjro , D.xk. ; A. U.
Carson , Detroit ; U. U. Dilnliain , Hoieo City ,
Idaho ; J. D. Lott , Kansas City ; Tlico A.
Marliur , O'NcIl ' , Nub. ; Miss Jessie Uudor-
hlll , Scward.
Miss Mary Lomux , formerly a teacher in
the Omaha schools , has been appointed post
mistress of the town of Numni , Idaho.
I ) . T. Scott Dying.
D. T. Scott , 1011 Webster street , of late an
employe in the Union Pacific shops , h dan
gerously 111. No hopes of his recovery are
In the Way.
Mrs. Ann Starkcy was tried yesterday for
having her house in tlio street. It had been
placed tbcro by legal action by Hoggs & Hill.
Judge Hcrxa gave her until tlio loll ) to 10-
luovo it to other quarters.
"Spiul" on WliccN.
Mr. S. Heiinott , a brother of L. M. Hen-
nott , of the police and llro commission , lias
succeeded "Spud" Farrish as clerk of the
flro department. "Spud" will do duty with
the chemical engine at No. ! ) engine house.
at His l'o t ,
Justice Krocgcr , who has been on a ton
days' visit with friends in Fremout and
Hooper , has returned and again donned the
judicial ermine. During the greater part of
Lis absence ho hud the misfortune to bo
sick , which made his stay much more pro
tracted than ho had iiitumlcd it to be.
the Schools- ) .
C The public schools opened yesterday with a
good attendance. The old room in which
the Forest school was held has been aband
oned , and the now building , just completed ,
is now occupied.
Crcighton college and all the various
parochial schools also reopened their doors
for the now session.
Dr. Ilortznmim's Condition.
Dr. Hcrtzmann , who is dan gorously ill ,
was reported as feeling somewhat better yes
terday , but unfortjnatcly his symptoms arc
worse , as gangrene has set in since the lancing
of the abscess from which ho was suffering' .
The physicians in attendance are working
to save his life , although his chances of re
covery are very slight.
A Now Year's Spread.
As a holiday gift , C. S. Potter , general
agent of the WeUs-Fargo express company
at this place , was presented by his associates
with a silver salver. Tuesday the donors
were invited to call at Mr. Potter's residence ,
Harnoy , noav Twenty- fourth street , for the
purpose they thought of viewing the ningiil-
llcont gift , but to their surprise an elegant
repast was awaiting them. About thirty in
In all enjoyed the hospitality ol the host and
hostess , which was in kceplm' with the es
teem the men are held in by their popular
Notify the Jnnpector.
, The superintendent of plumbing says that
the break In the water pipes on Poppleton
nvonuo between Twenty-second ana Twenty-
third streets on last Saturday , repaired
within three hours after ho was notified of
the loaKngo. The plumber who did the
work says that no horse had fallen into the
excavation made oy tlio water , as reported.
Mr. Duncan says ho would bo glad if people
in the vicinity of a breakage would notify
him immediately , and the break will be re
paired without any delay. His telephone
number is 480. _
Fell Down the Chute.
On Monday evening George Solinson mot
with a serious accident in a stable near the
corner of Sixteenth and Corby streets. Ho
fell Into the hay chute , breaking his collar
liono and injuring his spine , and was unable
to release himself. Ho remained in this con
dition all night long and all day Tuesday ,
Buffering Uu > greatest agony , and was not
discovered until Into in the afternoon. Ho
was then released from his prison and taken
to the central police station , where City
Physician Kalph attended him. Ho Is in a
critical condition.
County CoinnilHHloiicrH
To-day the county commissioners will
moot to bo reorganized , the personnel of the
board rcmalnlngunchangcd. UichardO'ICccfto
succeeds himself as a member , but docs not
wuut the chairmanship , which will probably
pass to W. J. Mount. The finance and judi
ciary committees will bo unchanged , with the
exception of Mount , who will glvo pluco to
O'Keoffo. The ox-chairman will probably
take chairmanship of the charities and roads
committees , and the committees on bridges ,
poor farm , and court house cuid jail , wfll ro-
innhi at present.
Silver loosen Gold.
Jim'Daly has boon performing the duties
of porter , hotel cleric and general roustabout
at the cheap lodging house on the northwest
corner of Sixteenth and Farnaui streets. In
return ho has bcou getting his board and
lodging ana whatever bo conild steal from
his guests. W. M. Silver put up nt this plnco
Tuesday night and enjoyed the comforts of a
E5-cent bed. Ho loft his gold watch and chain
with Daly for safe keeping , and yesterday
morning on arising discovered that the clerk
bad decamped , taking tbo gold watch with
him. Silver says It would liuvo been much
cheaper for him if ho had put up at ono of
tbo leading hotels , paly cuuuot bo found ,
A Now Ycar'a Dinner.
One of the most enjoyable features la the
celebration of Now Years day was
magnificent dinner given by H.
13. Lockwood , of McCord , Hrudy &
Co. , to tbo Bulesuieu of that
house. Tbo table was bprcad in tbo Darker
anil the menu comprised a tempting array , all
the viands and delicacies of the holiday
tcasop , together with extras which the liber-
Drallty nnd enterprise ) of Manager Hatch
luggested. The guests were : Frank J ,
Huckliect , Edgar Leonard , Fred Englo , Dun
F. Simmons , J. F. Heel , C. U. Souinle. C. H.
BLackelford , 0. E. Owou , George W. Tracy ,
HbbcrtT. Hoe-on , W. L , Wallace , H. B.
SI1IIK , W. C. Patrick , Frank Hocl , Frank
IJgglcston , H. J. Darrell , W. S. Horn.
Insanity ,
Johnny Olp , known throughout the west
ern country as "Nlobrara lied , " a soubriquet
bestowed upon him on account of his florid
complexion and sandy hair , was taken before -
fore Dr. Tlldcn , commissioner of Insanity , at
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon , for inquiry
as to his mental condition. Olp seems to have
gone daft upon the question of religion , and
was arrested and lodged In jail some two
weeks since , by Deputy Sheriff Lou Grebe.
Johnny was quite n noted frontier charac
ter in tlio early tlays , having been a rider In
the pony express between this state and Cal
ifornia , a famous hunter and trapper of the
Niobrara region , nnd later n member of
Uuffalo Hill's wild west combination.
"I have boon occasionally troubled with
coughs , ami la each case have used Hrown's
Bronchial Troches , which have never failed ,
and 1 must sav they are second to none in
the world.1 Felix A. May.Cashier.St. Paul ,
_ _
Ilcal Hnrjjl u-w.
"Spike" Hennessey and Kid McCoy , the
two ex Sing Sing habitues , who are doing the
burglar act in "The Stowaway , " arothoonly
people known of on the staifo who can hold
tbo attention of an audience for eight min
utes In silence. They are brought on with
the two actor-villains who unsuccessfully en-
ilcavor to rob a safe by means of a false Key.
The real burglars arc then called Into requi
sition , and the way that they go
about their business Is said to
bo truly workmanlike. They first
take out their burglar kit and screw their
tools together , then they bore holes in tbo
door of the safe , into which they pour
powder through a funnel. The fuse is then
inserted , and Turkish rugs are piled up in
front of the safe to deaden the sound of the
falling door. The fuse Is lit , the door Is
blown from its hinges , and the burglars arc
called before the curtain to receive the ap
plause of an admiring audience of respecta
ble citl7cns , who would be quite prepared to
shoot them down if they called on them , for
business purposes , at their own homes.
Zulu Magnetic Oil euros ring hone ,
spavin , sprains , etc. Ask your drtiggibt.
How It AVorUH Stivet CJUM in the
City Attorney Webster has returned from
an extended tour in the , where ho has
bceirgatliering iafonnation as to the feasi
bility of doing away with the poles and
overhead wires the motor company seems so
anxious to erect. " 1 see that during my
absence , " he said , "tho city council secured
what you might call a snap judgment , in the
passage of a resolution authorizing the erec
tion of poles and an overhead wire by the
motor lino. They might at least have
waited until they heard the result o f my in
vestigations , which all go to prove that
the underground system can bo worked sat
isfactorily , and that tht'io is no necessity for
tlio crec lion of poles , which are merely a
common nuisance and should not bo
allowed. "
"While away I visited Chicago , and the
Chicago electric works , which employ SIX )
hands , and can supply anything , from a tele
phone to the largest si/ed dynamo. There ,
the manager told ino that the con
duit system was the proper one , and
he also told me where a number of
roads are in operation or being constructed.
From there I went to Now York city , and
examined a toad now building on Fulton
street. They are laying a sixtccn-inch con
duit , similar to the one used by the cable
company here , right between the tracks of
the horse railroad , and intend to run the cars
on both tracks from it.
"Then I went to Hoston , and saw tbo same
system there , as it Is in Detroit. Allcgany
City , and San Jose , Cal. There is another
system known as that of the Julian Tractroo
company , which is bcimr run from Eighty-
sixth street to the postofllco , about six miles
along Fourth avenue in Now York. It
does not require even a conduit , but the cars
carry storcu electricity , and run twenty-four
miles without having the batteries re
charged. It has been endorsed by a number
of leading railway men in the country , and
among them Vanderbilt , who is about to test
them on the Harlem road. The cost of run
ning it is about $1.87 per day , which is
cheaper than anything clso in that line.
"While other cities are looking for the best
that can be procured , Omaha seems willing
to stay behind the age in ono of the most
useful of inventions , but , as I have said ,
there is no neeosbity whatever to erect poles
for a motor line.
From the Council Bluffs Nonpareil ,
Doc. 12 , 18HO.
We are credibly informed that the mortality
from diphtheria , under the treatment of Dr.
Thos. JcfTeris of this city is merely nominal ,
not excccdinc ono-fifth of one per cent. Such
being the case no time should bo lost in plac
ing his remedy within the reach of every
family and thus save annually liundicds of
thousands of lives. Diphtheria is the most
universally destructive pestilence that has
afllictcu the world during the last hundred
EXECUTIVE Omen , CouvcnHIUFFS , Jan.
7 , 1S82.I do not hesitate to say that the suc
cess attending the use of Dr. Jefferis' Pre
ventive and Cure for Diphtheria lias no equal.
I spe.ik from experience , having used it in my
own family ; I am also well acquainted with
the facts connected with its use in our city.
W. H. VAUOH.V , Mayor.
No physician required. Price of remedy
S3. Addrcs , box No.If ) " , Oaiaha , Neb. ( Dr.
Jcfieris has rctircd-from active practice. )
A I'iono'T'H Denili in Sr. .Joe.
Peter Connelly , the liquor dealer , returned
yesterday from St. Joseph , Mo. , whore he had
been attending the of his father-in-
law , Thomas Culligan. The deceased was
one of the pioneers ot the Missouri valley.
In early years ho visited Omaha and re
marked to friends that it was to bo the site
of a great city. Not receiving much en
couragement ho returned to St. Joseph in
1&50. There ho engaged In mercantile pur
The late Mr. Culligan was ono of the most
popular men in St. Joseph , and his funeral
was one of the largest over held In that city.
Attention is culled to the card of thp
woll-kiiown banking houses of Messrs.
Bhiko , BoissGViiiu .t Co. , London , En
gland , and Adolph Uoissovaiu & Co. ,
Amsterdam , Holland. They transact a
general banking business , and through
their thorough knowledge of American
Ilimncial allairs , they ofler superior ad
vantages for negotiations of real estate -
tate , city and corporation loans in
Europe , of whiuh they make u specialty.
Wl o AVomen.
There were twenty-eight ladies who
entered the examination for primary teach
ers , but before the examination was con
cluded four of those abandoned tbo under
taking as a hopeless ono. The questions
were unusually easy but the marking was
very close , and only eight of the twenty-four
applicants finishing the examination passed.
The following are the succcsstul ladles :
Miss Alice Campbell , Miss Ellen M. Camp
bell , Mrs. Ella Carlisle , Miss Mary Johnson ,
Miss Carrie M. Kumpf , Miss Edith Morton ,
Miss May E. Sanford , Miss Ulancho Van
Kurcu , _
f *
Finest Trains to Washington.
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad is the
only line running through trains from
the wcbt to Washington and they hnvo
recently Improved the service by put
ting on two vobtibulod trains , ono ol
which leaves Cincinnati , daily , at 7:80 :
p. m. , nnd the other Ithvcs Chicago ,
daily , at 7:05 : p. in. All curs in thcso
tn\l ij nro vostlbulodjiucluding baggage
cars , day Coacheft and Pullman Buffet
sleepers , thus wholly overcoming the
swaying motion imparted to ordinary
trains when rounding curves nt high
speed , The trains nro heated by steam
drawn from the locomotive. I'ortorB
nro in attendance in the dny coaches
ns well as in cho sleepers to wait upon
passengers. In accordance with its
long-ostnbllahcd policy , the B. < Sj ; O.
exacts no extra fare for pubsngo en
these trains ,
- .
Assaulted ntul < ) ntv HroVrn.
About 8:80 : o'clock Tuesday night a man hi
the natno of Johnson , a discharged switch
man , formerly of the H. .V M railroad swltcl
gang , climbed on top of a train of cars com
ing to South Omaha , and assaulted Night-
watchman I , Dovoro , of the H. it M. yards
in this city. Johnson struck Mr. DC-
voro on the lower left Jaw , fracturing the
bone , nnd beat him In the face and on the
head. Mr. Dcvorc thinks that ho was hit
with some solid matter , perhaps knuckles ,
Mr. Dovore was removed to S. F. Hutler's
resilience , Twenty-third and P streets , and n
physician was summoned who dressed the
wound. Johnson xvas arrested yesterday
afternoon in Omaha by Ofllccr Dempsey ,
Ofllclnl Weekly fucking Statistics.
The following is the official statement of
slaughterings during the last week in ISS3 at
the South Omaha packing houses :
Houses. Hogs , Cattle. Sheep.
Armour it Co. . . 0,007 121 103
OmahaCo 4,171 . . . .
Swlft&Co l.llsS 1,09 1H5
Haminomli&Co. 3,00 : > 1,3J1 1125
Totals 14.S71 2 , Mil C.2J
The total slaughtering for the week was
only 17,050 , nearly one-half less than usual.
From the Armour Cudahy works 103 car
loads of meats , from the Omaha house Si car
loads nnd from thu ( icorgo H , Hammond &
Go's works 73 car loads were shipped during
tlio week.
January Police AnpoliiiincntH.
Marshal Alfred C. McCrackca has made
the following appointments on the police
for January : Day Jailor , Moses M , Keil-
moiid , Ncls Lundgrrii and John Hlivcr-
neicht on the east side , and John ,1. Sexton
Third ward ; Eugene Plckard , Albright ;
.Thomas Hrcnnun at large. Niirht D. O.
Anderson , Jailor ; Joseph Humpal and Pat-
trick J. McMahon. cast side and Thomas
Looney and John Fallen , Third ward ; cap
tain of the night foice , James P. Mahoney.
A Mussulman Witti a Ki/.or. :
C. M. Mussoiinau , a waiter at the board of
trade restaurant , who boards with Mrs.
Evans , 1U1S Capitol avenue , was solved with
an isano lit of jealousy last evening because
bo imagined Mrs. Evans , with whom ho
seems to be infatuated , was very pleasant in
her actions toward another fellow. Ho got
bold of a razor and paraded the lioii'o , utter
ing dire threats. Mrs. Evans was alarmed
and called in the police , who took Mussel-
man to the lock-up. Mrs. Evans denies that
there is anything between them and says
she believes Musselnian is temporarily in-
On arraignment he could not give any sat
isfactory explanation for his conduct , and
was lined $12.50. Musselnian made no at
tempt to cut Mrs. Evans' throat as stated in
u morning paper.
Protect Yourself nnd Family
Hy keeping n supply of Xulu Magnctic
Oil for rheumatism , sprains , etc. , and
Xulu Healing Ointment for cuts , burns ,
bores , etc. Abk your druggibt.
Uroko HIB Arm.
Doc Duncan , who rooms with Henry
Meyer nt 207 South Thirteenth , and who was
helping Mr. Meyer in cleaning up his saloon
yesterday morning , as the latter was short of
help , foil into the cellar and broke his arm just
boldw the elbow. The trap door into the
collar bad been left open , and while Duncan
was dusting ho did not notice it. Ho was
taken to the hospital , and the best of med
ical treatment ordered for him by Mr.
Kceninj ; Up IVIili the Domain ! .
The demand for good short-hand
writers who are accurate and rapid tpyc-
writer operators is such that Valentino's
Short-Hand and Typo-Writing institu
tion has found it necessary to add to its
faculty nn instructor in type-writing
exclusively. Mr. Valentino has secured
the services of Mr. Walter D. Wils-on ,
formerly of Baltimore. Md. , who is an
expert tit ornamental and plain type
writing , a practical stenographer , and
therefore ables to tcaeh type-writing
after the most approved plans.
This institution is better equipped
than over before to turn out 'first class
stenographers. Short-hand and type
writing , are here taught , by thoroughly
competent and practical instructors.
Students are taught how to operate the
Hammond and Remington type-writers ,
both for the Mime price. Spelling and
punctuation are als-o taught without ex
tra charge. BUH'H.CSS inon nrc constantly
calling on them for stenographers. Sonu
for circulars containing full particulars ,
libt of graduates in good situations , ete. ,
to Valentine's Short-Hand and TypeWriting -
Writing institute , newPaxton building ,
Instruments Plauml on Rcoarii Dur
ing YcHtord'iy.
JI M Itoys and husband to .1 It Iteeit , lots
14 , irnuul 1 . blk ll.WostHlilo * 2.000
II II Miller to K II Woidcn. lot K , blk 1 ,
Tl nl on place , w il DOO
1' Hay et til to J M Sheoloy. lots JS anil
III. lilkw. ( iinmmcrcy park , wil 1,500
William A frye uml wlf to A I. . Miupilst ,
lot J , blk 21 , Walnut hill , wd . . . . . 2.SOO
G i : Darker and ultu et nl to ( ! I ) IK-nkull ,
lot 1. l > lkl ) , Tliombay , wd . . . . 3M
It T WifliaiiH to .1 M Uriivoj. lot 5 , blk 2.
tJoltaao place , w il KOJ
C.I Smith to.1 M Graves , lot -1'J , blk a ,
Howard , w il 300
0 H .V K ( i Ilallou to It A McKiichron , lot
H , blk 1 , Amblt-r plumwd 400
J II Taylor to 11 McKd--hron. lot , blk 10.
Central park , w U 700
J I , Sautter nut ! \\lteto W Suyiler , lot 0 ,
blk , ' ! , Arlior Place , w d J.SOO
J T Hart nnd wife to .1.1 Itussell tit al. lot
0. hlk90. Omaha ( jo il 1
A M Hoirnn to I , L Lone , lot 10 , bile 7 ,
South Omaha il 625
C I ) Selden to M K Jensen , lot 18 , blk U ,
I'ruyn'n sub II ! ! Hyile 1'ark , w < 1 < 00
(2 C HmUli to J i : l.lmllcy , lot fi , Kobe &
llt.ick's sub. i | c d 105
H I ) Dietrich ami wife to U U Smith ,
Hose Ac Hlack's sub , wd .I.Tf.O
rifteen transfers , aggregating $ 15,00
Imili'.ini ; 1'ormits.
The following building permits were Issued
ypbtcrday :
l.onio Croft , one-story frame cottage ,
Woulwoithavi'iiuo , near Twenty-fouith
street $ 700
Trod W. Gray , two-story framu dry kiln
and copper hhop , llurnuy and Sixth
btreets 1,003
1 redV. . ( Irny , ono story brick boiler
house , llnrnoy and Sixth streets. . . 760
Sam.l. Howell , one-htory friuuo htablo ,
1'iirk andThlrty-hlxth streets . . 50
Mats Matdon , onu-utory Irome cottage , Lu-
cust near Sjcond btreet. . . 400
I'lvo permits aggregating . . . . $ JIjfl
Absolutely Pure.
ThUpowdernerer varies. A marvel of purity
strength and wlioleaomen ss. More econom-
lc l than the ordinary kinds , and cannot boaold
In competition with Hie multitude of loir cost ,
ihort vrelfht ftluui or phosphate powders. Bold
only In cam. Hojral1 Diking VowUtr CS 13 >
_ _ . _
wit t > .A * U w VAt > lr
A True Statement of the Facts ,
Mil. .IOIIN KlIOl'IllUNf , .
> lr. Kropliganz wns found by a reporter at his
resilience. No. HI * i > oiitli l.lth . street , who fur
nished the follo'Atng statement of tacts. lam
by trndo a carp.Mitcr nnd work at the. Slinniun'H
> f iinufKt'tutlnK ( 'o. , huvltiKoeim in thclrcmploy
twoyenri. About tnctlino I commenced work-
IIIR there 1 noticed that breathlnir through inv
HOMO was becoming more dllllciilt. this trouble
kept Inireusing until along last summer , mv
left nostril K < > tM > b.ul that I rould hnidly forio
nir through It , and only partially through tlio
illflit one , this compelled mu to breath almost
entirely tliuitmh my mouth , nnd mornliiKs when
1 would wake up mj toiiKiioand throat felt as
dry its chip , alt T rlslnc I would stmtlulo
liawk and spit until inv throat uould get par-
tlallv cleared of the phlegm \\lileh would ac
cumulate there dm Ing tlio nlclit. On pliu'lng
my linger Into mv left nostril , I uiuld Ceel uhaid
projection jHt Inside , which seemed to bo the
cause of some of inv troubles , my tliront felt
lull a Kri'iit deal of the time nnd 1 linddullpnliis
over my eves and the brldce of my noie. I felt
that somethlii ) ; had to bo done : having rend of
tlio success of Doctor .Ionian In cases wlili'h utt-
penied like mine , 1 concluded to give him u cull.
Hi1 told mo 1 Had cnttirrli , and thu M'ptum or
middle partition was licnt over HO as to stop up
the left nostril Ills price to me seemed u-rv
re.ivonuble uml I decided ( OKlvelilm u trialand
1 am Kind 1 did , for now the nostrils are open ,
my bre.ithliu free , the pnln in my head Koiie.
The accumulation of inuuus has ceased and In
fact nil of the troubles 1 have spoken of nre nt
( UUo of HeDoviiB Hospltil.New York , )
Succeeded by
, Jordan
( Lute of the rmverslty of New York City nnd
How aid t'nlvei.sttv , Washington , D , c.
No. 31O nnd 311 Ramsro Building
Coiner rift enth ami llnrnoy sts , Onmlm , Neb. ,
wheie all curable cavenre treated
Note Tr. Charles M. .Ionian tins bi en resi
dent physician for Dr. McCoy. In Omaha , for
thu past > cnr and Is tlio physUiau who hits
nuido tile cme- > that havu been published
weekly in this paper.
Medical diseases t rented skillfully. Consump
tion. llriKht'h disease. Dyspepsia , Itlioumntlsm
nnd nil J iilVOt'S.OJ8U.\MS. : : All dl-e.ises pe
culiar to tlio hexes a specialty. CATAItUH
CONSULTATION nt olllco or by mall , il.
Oilice hours H to II a. m . " to I p. in. , 7 to 8p.
m. . Sunday olllco hours fiom ti a. in. , to I p. m.
( ; orre receives prompt attention.
JIanv diseases ur < treated Miccessfullv bv Dr.
Jordan tnrouiu.tho3iiiili , unil it Istlms povibl
for tlio-e unable to make a louniey to obtain
CURE ror\
Santa Abio : and : Cat-R-Curo
For Snlo by
G-oodman Drug Co.
Ifd IVrV
OUKKl < JM t > iwim'llo\t.U
- | .urpo ' * , CUKK at
rSKUAflVH WCAK.StHK.ilrlni
houTHii > 0 ( ( iiUuou. ( urrt.l.e ?
BELT ir- r ; U | > l l < ( ( . d > p. Wont ct i utr. .
toaDrollr cured lu tbr luvilbi. Hrftltd i > inplilet 4e.itttuu.
Noa. 3O3-4O4-)7O-eO4. )
noom 03 Traders'
For Overcoats the season will soon bo over. Wo have had an enormous trade in
them and we are happy to say what few clothiers are able to say that wo have not
many left , we only regret that wo have to disappoint many .customers , as wo can not fit
all. A few weeks ago we had so many , that we thought it would bo impossible to dis
pose of all this season but the demand outran our supply ; this fact only domostratos
that wo must have sold them the cheapest , The few odd sizes which are loft will bo
disposed of during the next fewdays. Wo call particular attention to a few Fur
Trimmed Overcoats and fine Ulston , which are olio red remarkably low , and we can
guarantee an enormous saving to those whom wo can Jit , as the same garment would
cost considerable more money elsewhere.
f *
Of the children's fine Overcoats which we advertised last Avoekare only a few loft ;
there never were such elegant garments offered at the prices we marked theso.
In men's and boy's Suits wo have a good stock yet. Our low prices throughout the
season do not leave much of a margin for "mark down" and "sweeping reduction" fig
ures , but wo will take inventory next week and as wo are determined to have as few
goods as possible to take up , we will make some heavy sacrifices and offer this week
extraordinary inducements in several lots of men's and boy's Suits , they are mostly of
the finer grades and we have marked them as low as other houses would ask for medium
and much poorer qualities.
Corner i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
There is nothing sensational about
our method of advertising , we always
have H good business reason for what
ever we do. This week we can give you
| a bargain in Suits , and it will pay you to
look at them.
urtable for powerful rmy fr
ittc toutpllablu notion and
palate auralIlly. ! ! fj ycars'recorl ,
the best gunrautee of the e o3-
lenco of tnuse Inatruiueata.
Medical Institute
IH'i-t sctiof tooth ' . rilllnx nt half rules.
Teelli o\traituil wlllionl pain.
Kxiitnlnatlnii of tliu iiunuli free. Send 3cent
stamp n-llli eorreapuiulenie.
1'nxton IJlk. , C'or. 10th and Karnain.
? /
n i1
w. j.
Surgeon and
UfllceN. W Cmnur utli and foii liii St. Oillc *
ttiltiphone , 1U5 ; Uojldoucu tolopUona , 0J. ]
Dr. J. E , HcCrcw ;
Ono of the Most Surrcssrul
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial and Private Diseases ,
Ills form of treatment U recommended by
Ihoso who uuve tried It , In the very Htrontrest
Mistreatment for tvlilch leuvun a perfect akin
and a mon beautiful complexion , A cure guur-
anteed lu all forms of Private Diseases.
All 'Ibordem of the Hoxuul orfiniH , cured.and
health , ambition and mantiootl complutiOy re-
btortd ,
Trfalment by correspondence. Send stump
for reply ,
OfrJco--Bushman Bloo < < , 16th anU
Douglas Sts. Oniatm , Neb
chlcneOF | , , S. i ciarkst.
The Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Ncrvons anil Priyate Diseases ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the cITecu
lending to early decay and perhaps Consumption OT
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
ne\cr-r.i > linc success.
SYPHILISaml all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
B-KIDNEYand URINARY comphlutt , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Vorlcocele and M cilscasti
of the GcnitoUrinarOrgans cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or Organ' : .
a'i'No experiments. ARC and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
- Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases.
83F"Thosc contemplating Marriaee nd for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male jnd Female , each
15 cents , loth 25 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendlylctterorcJlmaysavefuturcsufler-
inland shame , and > dd goldenjears tohfe. 43-uook
"Life's ( Seciet ) Errors , " 50 cenls ( stamps ) . Mediclna
and unlinks sent exerywlitre , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 In 12 , Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
Health is Wealth !
Dii. 13. \\'IST'K \ : XKIIVR AND Ilim.v TIIKAT-
MINT : , n Btiiirnti'pdsiicclflc for Dyalcilii , nizzl-
ness. Convulsions , 1'llB , Nervous KeiirnlKln.
Ilcadt-clie. Ni-rvouii I'rnstratlnn. fniiKuO liyllie
ueof ulioluil or tobucrn. Wnk ftllncss , ilentnl
lujie-hlon ) , Sofli'iilni ; or the llralti , rosnltitiK
in Jiiianllv , anil li'utliiij , ' to inlsi < ry , ilccuy nntl
( U-iitli , I'lonmtnrc Old ARI' . llnrronncss. Loss of
Tower Int'ltlicrsu'c. Involuntary Losses nnd
Sporinittoilinun. catiHi'd by ever exertion of tlio
liraln , holf uliuse or ever Indulgence , r.ucli uox
contains ono montli'd trnutincnt , ft a liox , or
blx boxe" for fj ; bunt by mull pivpnld on re
ceipt of prlco.
To euro nny ra e. With encli 01 dcr roc ulved by
UHfor six boxoi. aceoiiijinnieil with tvn ifl
Bond the iiuiclmspr onr written Kiiuranton to
rufimcl the money ir thu truatinunt does not
ulfcct aruri ) . ( inarantccs iiKiiod only by 0. I' .
( iOODMAN. DriiKslat , Solo Agent , II1U Kirnam
fctreet , Onninii , Neb.
, Ciut'iNir and I'HIVATK DISK \HIS : ot
.MI..N and \\OMKN \ succe fully treated.
FttlTerliis from the efl rn of joutliful frilling or In
illitretlun.oruru Ininblcil Hltn WeuVnesn , Nc'rl'onn
Ili'tllity , l i ul .Mumiiry , le > | n > ndi'iiey , Averaloii tu
hiHlcty.Kliliify Triitililu. ur unjr Ul i-a uiil thu lienllu
IJrlnnrr urunnn c nn liero Mini a naluanil vpuodjr cure ,
Clmrgvi reasoniiblu enpocUllr to Ihu pour.
Thcro are many troubled with too frefliiont eyno-
iiutlonn of thu biudder , mum uctoiiiiianlcd hr i > milllit
niiurlliik'ur buniliiK'Uiiiiulloii.unil nvikenlnKOI thu
In a manner Ihu imtiviit rnnnul nvcuunt for.
Kftum ! Ihu urlimrv deiioiltit .1 roiiy M-ilimonl
will olleii be Iciunit. HIK ! MIIIK tlmua iiiiail pnrtirlei ol
alDMiniin will | or the color will hoof a tliln
nillklkh liuu , aiialii flmnelin ! tun ilaric ur loriihlip-
nearancu TliuruurH luuny men who Ule of tnltailll ;
tully , Icnorant t lli cuu , wliluli li the conil
t iooliiomln lwe ltne. . 'Ih noclor will iiuvr
iinteeapurfnilrurBliiBlliucli rm iiml u hcilllif
reiliimtliin ol the vcnlto-iirlnnrr orumii , tuniullu
tlon true. r-enU lor . ' icnt ttuuip
"Young Man's Friend , or Ou'de to Wedlosk , "
DR. . ,
N. B. Cor ICtli A DoiiKlas Hts , , ur Nnllonal DU-
pn iiry , rorner 12th und Mnln , Kuiibus City , ilo.
Mention this p.iper.
' 1 Hiior * curt d. V & ft or *
trlcuii' . .N KiilrV. lUuk
> Vt ili Ar
N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge Sta.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
nest facilities , tpptratui nj rcmedle * for luccefi *
nl treatment ot ever/ form of dlienso luqultlnir
MoJIcal or Surgical Treatment.
Hrmnl nnd ntleniluoe ; licit hospital nccomuiod-
tlons In tbe wvst.
\\HITB eon CinctnAiui on Daformltles and lrae ( '
Trunes , Club Foot. Curvntura ot the tplne. Pll5
Tumor" . Cancer. Catarrh. Uromhltli , Inhalation.
Sloclrlcltr. 1'nrnlMl' , Kpllcpsr. kidney. lUdd K'
JCre , Kar , kln and Ulood , nn 1 aUburglc il Operation *
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
MAuiNQ A srcoiu/rr or
All IJloo.l DUeniet uoccijfullr treated.
Poison re in err i ) from the iMtom without m rcilrr
NCTV reBiorutlva treatment lor lots ut Vital PoireW
I'crions unable to vltlt ui may be treated at home of
eorri'-ponilcnc * . All coniniiiaUatloni coiilhUntln ] *
Modlclnui < ir luttrumtatu lout liy mall or ciproil ,
securely narked , no murks to Indicate content * or
enr4ur. One poriooal Interrluw preferred. Cull anJ |
consult tn nr send hlllorr ol jour caae , and we wl
Mud in plain wrapper , onr
Dpon Private , Hueoial * Xerroui Uiicnsos , Irapo *
tencr , SlulillU , Uleet and Varlotcd * , with queltUm
Utt. Aildrosi
Omo/m Medical * < ! Surflteat Institute , or
Or. UUi and Dodi * 6u. OMAHA
A Sure Cure
20 TO 6C DAYS.
This IH a rtiheiiBo which lius herotofora
Rallied nil Medical Huionco.
WohuvHit Kenicily. niiKiiown loanyoinln the
World otltsldu of onr ( 'onipuny.and onu that liai
tornrolneniostoljsi nato castn. Ten days In
icicntniscHilou * Mievork. 't IH ttie old clnonla
deep M'uteil emcH i nt WJ holUlt. u luv
cnreclUundruiUwJio ba > e bcun Rbnndunoil by
I'hyslcians. and pronuunwd Incu iiblo. anil ws
cluillenKotUo World lo > irin , ' is a c * > o tlmt wo
\\llliKjt I'liru III less than HlxtvIaVH.
Siic t I'lHtory ' or inedlclim a trnu spoclflo
for SviililllH has been KoiiKlit for lm ino\ee
found until om
wasdUooverul.and woiiro jusUllo I lu
Ills tliu only Kuniuiiy In tliuVorlil tlmt j
( lively < nre , uecaiit-e th IMfnt .Medical \ \ o.
pnbll'hed by Ilio b ' t Known authorities. Hay
ihiiowastiurtratino ! poctllo buforo. Oiirrom.
edy will euro when urerttliliiK else lias failed.
Why waste jour time nnd money with patent
jneiilrlneH tlmt novur liad virtue ordoctir wltU
phynli Inn * tlmt cannot cur you , you lUnt liavo
Fried u > L > rychliiRtilse hlionld toino v > us juir ana
K t parnianentu'llnf , you never can BUI. It Blue-
where. .Mark what wo suy. In the end votj
miintnkoour ruined vnr NKVHH recovui an4
von Hint have been allllcted bin R ' ) l"rt lum
Bhould by all ineann conic to us now -jot one la
lenof now cased nver cet jiurmtiuentir cured.
Many ( jet help and think they are five fioin tn
rtl ease. but In one , tw o or three ycaiii at t r U
upp rnoKalnlna more horrlblo form.
This is a Illood Purillcr mid will Curt
any Skin or Jllood Difecnso whou
J-ivorythliiB KlbO Falls.
Itoom 10 mill 11 , U. S.Nulloniil Iluuk
t'i Uinaliiit Ncl ) .
\ ( iiccttfcaf ully u ed montbly by over 10,000
iLadlcB. AruS'ii/f. Jfffcctualand 1'leatatit
tl PIT box hyinnll.orat ( IruRKltts. ftralctt
t'nrtlculart It pMlagn ttanips. Addnnui
TDK EuiutKA CUCMIUAI. Co. , HirnioiT , Mica.
fur sale anil by mall b\i \
Dr U Co. , Omaha ,
* * * * * .