Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' ' '
. .
AtlTcrtucmcnts unrtor tn IIPM 10 ccntuper
line for the tlrst Intel tlon. " cents for each mib-
sequent Insertion , and Jl.rfln line rx-r month.
Ko ndVM tlhdiiont tnkcn for lent thnn 5ceiits
the tlrst .nsertlon Beven w ordu will be counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively a.nd
must be paid In ADVANCE. All ndvertUe-
jnentu must bo handed in before la.tu o'clock p.
ju > nnd tinder no circumstance" ! will they bo
taktn nrdl'contlnupd by telephone.
Pnrtles advertising In thfio LOltnnns nnd hnv.
Jng tholrnnswcrs nddreisedln care of Til R line
vlll please ask fern check toennblo them to got
their letters , as nnnu will bn delivered except on
lire.sciitntkm of chock. All answers to ndver-
tl/irmcntfi Hhnuhl bo rn closed in envelopes ,
All advertisements In these columns arc pub-
mhod In Ixith mornlne nnd ev enlng editions of
1 riK Hen , the circulation of vvhlch nggrfgntcs
more than IH.OOO papers dally , nnd gives the nd-
Tertlscrs the benefit , not only of the cltyclrru.
latlonofTiir. HKP , hut nlsoof Council llhifTs.
.T.lnrolii and other cities and towns throughout
t Ills HOC ) Ion of the country
Advertising for thcso columns will be taken
tmthn nlmvo rnndltlnns , at the follov\lng Imsl-
np.s houses , who nro authorised ngontx for TIIR
lirrupcclal Jiollrp , nnd will quote the same
rotes n ran be had nt the main olllco
"TOHN W. HULL , Pbaniiaclsl , n South Tenth
t ) Street. _
CHASi : .V IIDDY. Stationers nnd Printers , IU
South Street
_ *
" TirrAJlNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , SlluC
. nu Street
"j. llToniTS , Pharmacist , Kl ! North 10th
P.O. W. PAHltpharmacIst. 1NXI btlaiya
\\rANTnD--Hltuatlon by an o\perienccd
> slenogiuphcr mid tvtiewriter , referenres
furnished , Address llox 21 , Hlgournoy > wn ,
by n stout boy of 11
f yearn In store or shop of sonio kind. willing
to vrork , Address N 14 , lleoolllcc1 , 4H ! ! *
AN evpeileiiped lestaiiiatour with boit ref-
crenccs , as oatcn-r nnd steward of loading
i lubs , w Ishos n similar position. Address N 4.1 ,
llee olllco , tiX ) tit
SKANDINAVIAN diy goods mid clothing
ilork would llko a situation , II years' ox-
lierlenco and best of references. N 41 , lloo.
42S It
WAN'IKD Atntj steum laundry , boy from
15 to 1H jours old 4712 *
" \\rANTl'D Stout joung man about is years
' i old at lli'umall lu'Mii : one who can gut up
rally nud can read llngllsh , apply between li
nnd l o'clock. 4HI
I ) Man to solicit , salary J7fi per
i i month , must deposit Ji'i for samples , nnd
Klvo Hucuilty for money colleited , Adilress
ieoigo S. C line , nil , I Irst National Hank build
ing , Omiihu , or Wagner blk , Doa Moiucs , In.3.B
T | J O YS-Am. DKt. Tel. Co. , ISO ! Douglas ]
" \\rANTI2D-Mnn to take the ngeiipyofour
T > safes ; slyo-sxlSxIS Inches ; weight f > W ) Ibs. ;
ictall price fi.3 ; other sl/os in pioportion. A
rnro chance and puiiiiancnt business 'IhcMi
( safes meet a demand never before supplied by
other nato companies , as v < "e are not goioined
l > y thotsare pool. Alpine isnfo Co. , Cincinnati , O.
\\TANTnD-SolIcitorson snluy Only the = u
T that can deposit JSJJfi nnd turiilsii retei-
puces need applv. 'ihe Loomls National Llbiury
nssocliition , iJ1 ! Itnmgo llultdlnij , cor. IBth nud
llarney. Omnlm. Neb. 418 2
"VA' ' AN'I P.D 10 local and traveling siiesmcn ;
TT good siilnij ; no expel ience neci" > suiy ; nil-
ilress with stamp. Palmer A. Co , DCS Mollies Iu.
T\rANTID , ! A stout boy , IT or 18 ye.irs old , to
IT lemn the luirdwaio business. AddiessN
til , Iten olllce. _ 7 . !
-Oood llvomen that aio ens-.ged
ii In shops , vvholesalo and it-tall housts , to
rnnvass among thc-li liieiids for the Chh ago
Watch ( lubCo. Sample vatchesf mulshed for
this purpose , and libeial commissions paid. No
Jloateio need apply. 1.C1. Crandall , JlO South
WANTED Main and female agents ; oasy-
HulHng eooila. Itooui 34 , llarkor block.
_ 8JO J17t
WANTED Uood men in every locality as
detectives undi-r our instructions. Send
PC for particulars. Oklahoma secret : Borvice ,
Wichita Kansas. _ 707J 13'
C ALPSMT.N We vi ish a few men to sell our
KJpoods by sample to the wholesale and retail
1 ratio. Largest manufacturers In our lino. Enclose -
close 3-cent atamp. Wages J. ! per day. Perma
nent position. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages , iulvertU > lmr , etc. Centen-
clal Man't'g Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio. 133 J z 83
AG EN'l S WANTlfLT J75 a month and ex-
ponsfls paid any active person to sell our
goods ; no capital , s.ihuy monthly , expenses in
advance , paitlculars flee , btaiulard Sllvorwure
Co. Boston. UC3
" \VANTU1 > A good girl for gonoial liouso-
vvoik. MBB. auhbt. 4J73 *
VTUHSB girl , competent nurse girl for ono
JL > child , good wages , cull at once , 2112 Douglas.
441 J
ANTHD-At 1100 s 10th st. a good girl for
general housework. 445 3
Girl for Keueral housework. 018
8. 17th st. 4J4
WANTUD A lady to solicit , must como vvoil
recommended nud pay ill ) for samples ,
Balary 8 < 13 per moath. Address George 8. CUne ,
til First National Hank building , Omaha , or
V'aguor block , Dos Mcmies , la. : t)3 )
" \\TANTED First class cook and laundress at
TT 1010 Capitolnvc. 403
\\TANTHD -li li 1 for general housew 01 k , 1 Ul
T > SlSthst. 41.-H *
WANTKD-tllil for geneinl housework.
Washing and ironing. 510 S. 22nd. 41 2J
w ANTUD-rirst-cluss girl in bmall family ,
anliJt. 417
> . .1 I . . .
WANTED Laundress nnd pastry gill for
Oregon , $20 : 2 waitresses lor Idndo , 820 ;
plil for family of 3 , & . ' 0 : J for olltcer's family ,
tM ; dishwasher , JII ; 2 Iniuuliesscs , M girls for
general housework , Mrs. Iliega , 311' , S 13th.
413 a *
V\7 ANTIID-DInliig-room girl , 1001 N Kith st.
T > 180
* V\rANTr.D Giil foe guneinl housework nt
TT Hi < l htnh. U17
ENGAOKMF.NTS lo bew in families. ( TnSKth
NMI jltt * _ _ _
ENOAC.I'.MKNTS to do drehHinnklng In
families solicited. MUs Stuidy , 2ul * Leaven-
uoithst. 271 } 2 !
ANADIAN Employment Olllce. Mrs. lliegn ,
.IIIK . Iteleieuco Omaha National bank
AI.KM'TNirs tiortlittiid iinirTypnw i ( ting
Institute , new 1'axton building , Omaha ,
Thaonly exclusive shorthand school In the
mate. Over ouo himdied grnduutes In good
. situations. 'Ihe school is under the manage
ment of U. C. Valentine , oniclal stonogispher of
the Ilrd judicial dlsti let of NobrasEa , and 1'rof ,
ll , 11. lloyles , an oxpeilencod teacher and vei-
luitlm repoiter. Day and evening missions. Ktu-
dents can enter at any time. Send for circulars.
ANTI5D T7)"wlnter abou
W and 60 head horben , cattle VOo head and
liorses * 3 head per month. Addiess JI.A.lIr-
Curd , Oakland , Nub. , or N. P. tiackott , r,17 , H UJd.
A' MAN with email capital would like to in-
.IXu'st as partuei In a pi ) Ing restaurant or
saloon , is uxpc'tlenced in business nnd able to
do llrbt class work. Couuuuulcute to N 42. Ueo
olllce. JD3'
\\7ANlHD-Oood delivery outlli for bikery
it to be paid 'with bread to grocer or hotel ,
Apply ntlSUN liith
man wants to work for board and
AVOUNd . Addrees N W Dee ollice.U13J
W" AN'I UD Vouwf ladles and KentlDiuen to
know they cau obtain n thorough and
practical knowlndge of telugrnpny , ttttlng them.
n short time for good paying positions
nt tlio Electric. Telegraph school , llooiiu & j
nnd 0-J 1'axton block , cor 18th ana Faruuin it.
Q1OCKH of goods. Co-operative Land .V Lot
tOCo.JMJ NJBtim. Omalm. iiTO 4
\\rANTI5D-llrlcicwork. carpentering , pins-
IT taring , pointing , papering , lubor etc. us
part or full payment or lots , houses etc , bpec-
lul Inducements. W , J , P. , low Far num.
I ! " OO.M Hits and boarder * vvanteil.lTlW Douglas.
KM J li >
\\rANTKD-Tlio use of team of good horsei
T t tor the winter for their keeping. Apply ut
thlsoUlce. IB7
T\rANTrD Vlalln teacher Tilthopwrtunltf
TT to practice evenings. Address N M , lice
3I3-0 *
Tpl HST-clnss homo board , 61S 8 19th. 31SJ8 *
M K boarders wanted , 164) Douglai
\\TAS1II ! > To rent , good stornne or n vnrc
TT house vv ith trmknge. Dion OeraldliiP , 71
Pnrini st 3U1 3 *
ijlOH HUNT Three hand ome six room cot-
tac'es north of L" . P. transfer. Inciulro
Iilnnd lllshton , Mil nnd Pncitio nve
I foil HUNT At very low rates , 10 and 14 room
ne resldenctis,2. | n nmUMH ( "assstreeti lurk
Place ono bluck south of rreightou college , on
rnrnutn nnd 2lth street cir line. All moilern
Improvements Apply II T. ClnrK , Union 'I rust
t o or nt 21-11 Cnss t. .Ul
"IJ101I UUNT-qj room cottnge , lii per month.
Jfiirillaincy st , t)7 )
HUN * I' - * , room house , til 0. U. Thoiup-
. 2U Hhi'elci bloc k. M
HUNT 7 room lint on 2d lloor. Kn
rnThe lair cor 1 ith and IlownrdHts.
" | _ { I.AL' I'll I iiou o , gas , clly wnier ,
J- > bath loom , hot and cold wnter. on paved
utrcots with street cur , near a good school , only
il3pr month 'Hie house Is m-vv. Applv nt
onco. C. 1' . Harrison , Merchants' Nat.
lOlt ItLisT- House nnd bain , Ilanscom
J lilaco. Harris , room 411. First Nat'l bk
bldg , ,111
HP..ST ! l room modern Improved house
A 1 locality. Kent model ate. Apply , M. Ul-
gutter , 1001 rmnam HI. 342
TOOK KUNT-Ky llosworth 4 , Joplln , Darker
.L1 block , l , 4 , fi , 0 , 7 , s. P , It ) , II , 14 room houses
In nil pins ot the city. JII
OlTlMIN r-Hoitses-7 rooms , ) nnd Hnr-
nej ; ; ill looms , 21st nnd Locust ; 7 looms , 1'th
nnd Jones , 1 rooms , , llllli nnd Mnrtha. Llnnhnu
A. Muliounj , Pnxton block. .144
17VH HUN P When you wish to lent a house ,
1stuia 01 olllce cull on us. II. 12. Cole , loom 0 ,
Continental block , 3if )
"lilOlt HIN : I' O-ioom house , 2ll't. 7-ioom house
J-1 21. ! ! 1 oppletounve. teo. I. ( lilbcit.WIHinell
b'l'g. .117
IjlOH HUNT 10 loom nousewith ,
JL1 nt 2(11 ( S. 21th st. (1. i : . 'Ihompsou , blieely
block , 13th and Howard t > ts .118
TjlOlt HUNT 0-ioom house with good barn ,
X1 bctw een 21th and J3th on llurdetto , only * 20.
A. 13. Oieenwood iV Co. , room 1 , Cunningham
block. 4M
171OH HUNT House IT looms , with store
-I ? room Inquire IDls S loth st. 3M lit
171OH IlliNT HonserSTooins ] All modern
J1 conveniences. Apply to J. 0. Peterson , S.'l
S. ) tli at. 231J ?
TjlOlt HUNT Cheap , n nice convenient house.
JJ IWIS. 21st , between Ceutei mid Dorcas sts.
IJ OH ItLNT Six loom house S. U. coiner
J18th and Chicago sts , S. Lehman. 175
371OK HUNT-Cottago ot 1 rooms , 2 closets ,
hull mid pantry , 601 b , 20th St. , noai cable
powei house. 1VJ
FOK HUN 1' .Vroomod lint nt ! OS N Ifith st ,
All modiru conveniences. A , U. Mnrsh. ini )
POH ItKNT-Cothigos. r > rooms , 27 1 ! Charles
st. and 1K4 So. 6th st. Umiulro K.212Sheeley
block. tUi
F OlT HUNT 7-room lint at DOS P. IJtn. Inqulio
J. L. Iliandels S , Sons. M7
"iroit HUNT Ni'at 0-room house , intn and
-L' Callfornla.byJanuaiy 1st , lent WO. llreniian
& Co. . Chamber ot Commerce. Mi
FOH HUNT Bight (8) ( ) loom Hat. modern con-
v onlunces. Immlro 6U S. 1 it'i st. 811
"IjlOH HUNT Modern ten room housefiio south
JLth ? st , near M. Marj 's av c. , J45. Hlngwalt
llros. , llarker block. 75o
FOH HENT 10-room house , "toam , gas , Imth ,
hot and cola and clsttrn vv ater , .rood cellar ,
and nice } aril. 4S ) , ! MU S 3Uh. Inqulre.VOT 831th.
1J1OH HENT A comfortable house vvithl
-L1 rooms , pantry , large closets , splendid cel-
lai. city v > ater , sewerage nnd gas , near busiiu'M
centio ; moderate relit. John 11 , P. Lehmanu ,
K4 s.i7th t. ; ia
, T71OH KENT A 3-story brick dwelling. 1 ! J
JL Capitol uvo. Apply to C. II. Guiou at the
Chicago Lumber Co. 371
FOH HUNT Elegantly furnished front and
back parlor , v\lth all modern Improvements ,
in biick uoffte , 10.M r.-irnam St. , coi. 17th st.
43i fit
OUO llarney , fiiiulshedroom , 83 month.
4 4.11 7 *
FOH HUNT Several nicely furnished , bright
and cheei ful looms , with private family : all
modern improvements. OKI N 20th st. 4-6 B *
FOll HENT Purnlshoa rooms inarneiilg blk ,
cor. lit'i and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. It.
Davis , Millard hotel billiard loom. 34'J '
IJ1OU HUNT 3 south front looms , furnished
J-1 for gentlemen only , 1UJS Capitol ave. 410
T71OH HUNT Well fuinlshed bed loom , $ J 00 ;
J-1 nlf-o3 nicely furnished looms viith stoves ,
810 and 812 ; aKo an elegantly furnlsned front
parlor , giate lira or base burner , bay window.
815. liath room and modern couvuiiouces. 007
N. 17th St. 1073 *
FOH HBNT rurnlshoa and unfurnished
rooms by day , vvcek or month , 1204 Parnam ,
3300 *
TjlOH HUNT Purnlshed loom , furnace heat ,
JU' all modern conveniences. 30-'l llutt st 3iil 4
PUHNISIIU1) room for rent , 191J rarnam.
3U7 J29I
IHANDSOJIU south rooms , with boaid and
furnace heat. 35J1 ! St JIary's av e. 3. > &
"IJIOH HiNT : Illegnntly furnished room or
V unite oC looms with boaidln private family.
3 car lines pass the door. ia > 7 Park ave. 30
ELPfl A NT furnished room with all modem
conveniences , with or without board. 1011
Douglas , tt5l > flt
T71OH HUNT Purnlshod rooms with bond
-I- private family , references , 3307 rarnam
"IjlHONTeast ( ) rooms for gentlemen or familv ,
JJ All mo < lorn improvements ; homo board.
018 H IDth St. IKtlj 1IJ !
FOH HUNT THO large front rooms , nleely
A- furnished , heated by steam , gas and USD of
bath room , In one of the nicest lesldeiices li
the city. Northwest cor. lUthaudLeuvenworth.
31 *
TJOOMiTund boai d , 1S13 Chicago. 605J7T
JA HO K pleasant room , turulshed , brlcK Hat.
110 Chicago t ubl
FOH HUNT 3 front rooms on second lloor ,
115.00 each , liilli Haruovst. ZM
Foil HUNTAn elegantly furnished room or
suite of looms w IIU board in n private fam
ily. All conveniences. Cars pass tiio door
every thioo to live minutes. References Ho-
quired. Jinqulto rooms MB and fill ) Paxton blk ,
; m
* n\VU single rooms , 811 S 30th st. Modem con-
.1. v c-nlences. Meals If desliod. Private family.
4 J U-
171HONT room to gentlemen , near postoillce ;
JO all modern conveniences. U3 N. 17th st.
43U JJ
" \riCKLVfurulKHed rooms , also front and
. ! > bactparlor ; lWJjouglasst. ( H14
'VTJCUliV furnished room , 3103 Douglas st.
JJ lli ) 8t
UHNlSIIUDroom. with gas andbatn , board
If desired , 01U S. 3dth St. , opposite All balnts'
cnurch , &J5
ALOVULV iront room , heated , furnished
and every convenience , 2107 Douglas st. 1M
I7IOH HUNT Two large nicely furnished con-
JL' nectlng rooms , with bath and conveniences ,
suitable for four kn'iitloinun or hoiuukeeping ,
fea , orsepaiatefUaud * I4. B. W. Corner. Uth
and Howard , em ram u on llou ai d. fel
fTjolTllUNT-Pleasautly furnlsheil room , all
JL modern conveniences , for one orUvogen-
tloinen. at 030 S. 3jth Bt. , or cor. St. Slary'a avo.
and30thBt. 645
VTIGKLV furnished rooms and board at 1QIT
J- > Capitol ave.
'VflCK rooms * 1.00 per week at Peabody house
J-i 14th and Jones streets. _ 4Kj7t
T71OH HUNT Omc ' 8iilteTi'Ta1noiithTHiiigle '
JU oltlces tn each , all fronting lt > th st. Hush.
man block , N. K. Cor. l th mulLoiiglas. W. SI.
Jlubliinun , 1311 taaveuwortb , a > 0
TTWIt HENT Good ttororoom near cor. 16tn
X' and Kurnam. one of the be t locations In the
city. Address Ueo , N. Hicks , Uarkor block.
_ _ | _ W4
TilOH HUNT Two stores. tl ! and &SJ NoitU
J-1 Itith tt. Inquire at the building , lleury
OithotI , 3UI
T > AKRnrfor'rentBtl' Wl' r1cxve. TliUI *
JJ brick store room and basement , Including
ovens , counters , showcase , etc. , In the mo t d ?
nimble residence community In the city ; water
fceWcrand gas connections. Tlios K Hnll , 31
raxton block. _ _ _ ! ! ? " _
BHICIC store room with basement , nil mod
ern Improvement * , splendid location fo
feed store or hardware. Moves , etc. , being litho
the heart of the most desirable residence per
tlon of the city , 1W7 Pnik ave. 'IhosFllall
3M Paxton blO k ' .H.'I
| jVH HUNT An elegant store room with line
-L basement on 1Mb st. llent v cry low to rlgh
party , steam heat and water IncluJed , Aiipl ;
lit 1511 Ipu ) lnsst. _ 3si
POK HUNT The hnnk property wist ot
town r , to 2J nrrrs of Hnd , w 1th a houses ,
outbuildings , etc. Hultnhle for gardening. ( nil
ntoncc. C , F Harrison , Merchants' Nnt. brink.
S3 , ' . !
TOOH HRNT Ono good Imrn room for three
-L' horses , bupglps. Ptr , 2113 Davenport st. ] u.
qulroof C. L. Kilckson & Co. , 212 N , 16th st.
GLOlinU .1. SI'I HNSDOH ! 1' , room n , oi > p. 1'
( ) . , Will hrreHfttr glin peclul nttfiitlon ti
rnuiing houses , stores and Hats If jon wan
Join property rented without delaj and to le
Ilalde tomtits do not fall to list the same w ill
him. 3T > 3
( 1 UO. .1. PArLlC09 Tarn nn at. lloiihes.storos
VTetc. , for rent. ; iot
\\rii give s | > ocliil attention to renting am
ii collecting rents , INt vvlt'i ' us. U , 1C Cole
loom i ) , Continental block. ail
"T P YOI"Mt voitrhnu os rentedplncc them
J vIt u llonawa & ( o. , 5 th , opposite postolllco.
, rr
QPIU IAL attention given to routing nnd col
VJ Icctlng rents , J , ll. Purrotle , 10K ) i hicago
105 J."J
K banjo taught as nu nrt by Oco. P. Gel-
iellbock , 32:1 : > - . I0th St. 3.30
1I IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , Ififfi Par-
-lilnnm. Complete abstiacls fuinlshedtitlH
to estate ) uxumlncdporfc < ted \ gunreuteed.
Jf > 7
ENGHAVUD wedding , stationery nnd vlslt-
lug cards. McUrlde A , lljau , 1310 Dodge.
1 7 20
HOHSU or team mules wanted to nppvn
llrst pnjment on house and lot , or realdenro
lot , balance monthly \jments. . Wrlto or cullen
on Sel by. 15'I rarnam. usi
OCClDUNl'A'l , "hotel , lOth nnd Howard : dav
bomdtlporweek ; 21 mcnl ticket ifi. 747JlIt
T\H. MltaTn'N'IX.U. mldwIfe. diseases"
' -/women nnd children cured. Healdenco tCJ S
17th. 47IJ7J
IT LIX'iANT life sl/e eraon poilralts fieo
J-H of charge for u short time as an iidver-
tlvement.liom pliotographa bioughtto the Van-
dvko Poitralt Mndlo , Hli Pierce , near 11th ,
Poittalts also in pastel. ? 8 jllf
-T Open fnroil silver wntch. slhei iliain ,
. lOtn and Douglas.Hoturn to lice olllce.
rpAICBN UP-A buckskin pony , blick stripe
JL down back , dark fnco v\ith v\hlto stilpe.
,1ns. Wagner , llth nnd l aid sts. 443 3t
DH. NANNIH V. Warren , cUirvov ant. M edl-
cal and business nu'illum. Pom ilo diseases
a specialty. H'.l N , Kith st , looms 3 and ,1. , W1
"I710HTONK leller ln. Lerniraan cnn De ran-
-JL' suited on all affairs of life , batisfactlon
guaranteed. No 318 N loth st os J II ;
HUA'F lAIUAIN ) ! - Smalllamro heatliig
stoves and bedroom furnltiuo tor sale , 3oJJ
Sew aid. 4JJj
"IJIOH SALE Two teams , two delivpiy waqons
JL and two sots double hainess. will give a
special bargain for cash. Price llrob. , K3.iCuu r
Ing st. ; Wi 5T
TTIOH SALE Aplauo good as new , cost MX ) ;
JP will sell forfJLM. Addiess illss M. A.Combs
Salhia. Kan. 31 tM
TJ10H SALE 1 fiamo building , 15x3. ) . Apply
-L Paxton , V Vim ling Iron vvorks , South 17th
nnd U. P. tracks. Mil
FOH SALU lly mortgageo on easy terms , as
sorted lot furniture in quantities to suit. In-
nulie 101 . KooiiiJJ b83
AHSTHACTS Lin.ilmn i. Jlahonoy , room "CO ,
I'.ixtou block. 3T > s
S' i'lOHAOU At low intos at 1121 Paiiiam St. ,
Omaha Auction A. fatorage Co 33'J
rriKACKAOK , ptorago , lowest rates. W. SI.
-L Ilushmnn , 1J11 Leavenwoith. HGJ
STOHAGE iu new clean building nt low rates ,
J14bl2thht. _ 33,1 j2 ,
WAM'UrTto Hiiy SinTill house niicTiot or
vacant lot within two miles of postolllce.
G N. . 131 1 S. 10th st. 410 , K
" \17"ANTUI ) ruinlturp , carpets , stoves and
i i household goo Is of all kinds. Omaha Auc
tion X Storage Co. , 1121 Paniam. ,15'J '
"VlfU v\ant some ilrst-class wild land in No-
ii braska to oxclmnge for some choice lots in
Omaha , slightly eucuinboied ; one clear emnty.
about KMTO. J. L. Hlco A Co 4WU
\\fU have R customer for choice piece inside
IT business piopertv. Come on now with
your blocks of stone , brick and merter any-
w hei o from 1100,000 up , J. L , Hico iV Co.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W ANTKD-Hrick. W. J. Paul , 160-J 1'arnam. 300
\\rANTUD-Small loans ot ifJD ) to $300 on
IT Omaha or south Omah.i propel U * , Chns ,
It. Woolley , rooms 6Jt nnd CJ5 , J'axton block.
4 J 4
"ArOU can denl direct w ith the Pi v Ident Trlist
I Company , room 3j8 Plist National bunk
building , Omaha , if vou want n loan on real es
tate. on inside business pioputv espe
cially deslrud Hepresent also thu old and well-
known New Unglund Loan & . Tiust Company.
ONUY to loan , O. P. Davis Co , real estate
and loan agents , ir > 93 I'uiiimn bt. Sdl
s , lowest rates. Odell I Iron ,
lB. 18th st. 3'ii
M ONUY to loan ; longtime. George J. Paul
lto Purnom bt. y a
( U'i.niM.JI.VX ' ) , tl.ixn ) , } dX ) . Special fund to place
it > on cho'ce ' Improi oil propaity. D. V. Hliolcs ,
21J , 1'irst N'ntlonnl bunk , ; tci
"EHltASICA Moitg. Loan Co. will make you n
loan on household goods ,
horses , w ugiins ,
land contracts.
line Jewelry or Hccmllles of any kind
without publicity , nt icasonnble nite.s.
Itooiu 7 , I > o ley block , .South Omalia.
Itooms 61t51U Puxtou blk , Omah.i , N b.
MONRY to loan on furniture , horses , vMigons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security. J. V > .
Hobblns , K. 3J6 , bhfoly blk , . 13lh and hovuird.
IF YOU -.vmit to borrow money on diamonds
on pianos or house-hold goods , on horses ,
VMigons mid other peisonul piojierty ,
On mortgage paper and conn acts nt fnlr
rates vslthout delay or public.ty , go to thu
Fulrbuuk Invoatment Co. , 215 8 nth upstairs.
! Ji,7
DO YOU want to borrow money , '
Head this
It will have you time.
It will save > on money.
You can boiiow fium
ll. 1' . Masters ,
successor to VV. U. Croft ,
room 4 , WithneU bld'g. nth nnd Hurnoy sts.
* IO. fcW. fV , IIII ) , * MO * 30 > , tl.(0) ( , * 3C4)t10UOO ,
In fact nny bum yon vt ant on fiirnlturepianos ,
hoi sen , mules , \van'ous , etc. , on easier terms and
at lower rut on than any other olllce In the city ,
without publicity or iimioval ofpropoitl from
your posbesslon.
.If un liibtalment Is due on your propeity nnd
you cannot mcnt it , call and t-eo me , 1 will pay
Itforjou. If jou have a loan In any other of-
llce , tall amlgtt my i.itea. I will tuko it up and
cariy It for you.
I make loans for ono to six months nnd you
can pay n part at any time , reducing both prin
cipal nod interest.
All loans renewed nt otlglnnl i.atcs and no
chnrce for papeis.
All ljusliiusb strictly confidential Cull and
see me.
Don't forget the numoer.
Hoom4 , Wlthnell block , 343
I KK Photo. 2101'lwt Nat'l bank , before mukT
Jlnt , ' your loans , ; ti'j
1 { 100,000 to loan ate per rent. I.lnuhun & Ma'
Phoney , room D"U Paxton block , yiu
MONKVto loan on Improved propeity at flr t
hands. No application sent nway for up-
iroiul. Security nud titles , uscmulneil tree of
liargu to borroweis , Lombard Jineotiueut
y. SfJ B. mh st. 371
rpO LOAN Prom on to two hundred thou -
JL and dollars or smaller sums promptly , east
ern capltnl nwars on nand cheap. Philadelphia
Mortgage nnd Trust Co..vfvo.Vf. P ,
12 board of trade. * 373
AI ONUY to loan- l owost rates. Loans clo'od
-I'lproniptlj. II , K. t'olo , Itoom 0 , Continental
block. 3ul
TOIHST mortgage loans at low rates , nnd no
Jdelay. . D V. Sholc'9,21P. Plrst National bank.
R'S Plnanclni Uxohnngo L-vrgo and
sinnll loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of intomst , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of nil klnfs , dliinotids , VMitches
nnd lewelrv. Don't fall to call tf you want fair
nnd i heap accommodations. O. llousiaren ,
Mgr , room Soli , Darker blk , * Mh and Pnrnain.
MONEY to loan ; cnsh on hand } no delay. J
W. Snulie. lilv Farnaui sU , first National
bunk bulldlm ; . 375
made on leal estate and mortgages
bought. Low Is f. llced .t Co , n'l I'm num.
$710,01.10 f < per cent. 'Money to loan ou 1m-
proved furitis or city property. Jumps A.
Woodman , at the old tliu lusmnnco olllce ot
Murphy A , IKJV ett. 'J U Sji. 13th st. _ .173
B Ult.DING loans. D. V. Slioles , S10 , Plrst
Nnt'l Hink. ) )
GPKll I'lINT money to loan Cash on hanil
W.M.Harris , room a ) . I'renzer block. , op p.
"Ot ILDINU loans. Mnnhin & Mahouey.
J- ' 3 0
MON UV to loan on Improved cltj properv ! or
for building purposes ; lowest latcs ; no de
lay. Mutual Investment Co. , loom 1 , lluiker
bloc k. liith mid rnrn.un tl l
DO you \\nnt money ? Loins mnilc on house
hold furniture , pianos , hordes , etc. , without
delay 01 removal. Persons wishing n limn ot
tins Kind will do well to cill ntouroillcc t > oleic
dealing clsewht to ; business ntrlctl > cmitldcn-
tlnl. A K. Hreeiivvoocl , tCo , room I , Cnnnll.g-
li.uu block , cor. 1 Jth mill Jnckson sts. 411
" ] VIONIY ! loaned on dlr.inonds , gold watches
JTJLnnd chattels. Call room Si IhukerbhicK.
2i It
JCAN niaku h raw Umns on tlrst-class chattel
sc'cmltlesnt reasonable lutes. W. K. I'ottoi ,
room 111 linrker bile. TiVi
MUNIY ! l.oani ncRotlntuil nt low rates with
out ileliy , ami iintchnso uouil coiiuneulal
li ilierand mortKigo notoi. S. A. , I or.
1,1111 and r.iiiiniu. U
DON'l'boirow money on fmnltuie , lioises ,
W.IKOMS , otc , until j on h n o sei-n C1 II. J.i-
robs , room-I ID , First Katlotwl bank building ,
Lor. llthand I'anmiu , ; ii
LOANS on Ilrst-clasi real cst.ito nt\erylo
lates. Ccntial l.o.xu \ Tiust Co.,1011 I'm num.
Jill 0
\ TONJ5Y I.oaiH-d for it ) , txi or IK ) days , on nny
1'lklQdot chattel sucnrltv ; iiabonblo Intei-
est ; business conlldentlal. J. J. VSllKlnson ,
1117 ruinain st. 70
wTPcFk can loan { < JOiiu ( ( at
delay , c.i- > lion hand. Itoom I I'len/i-r bik
MONI3V to Loan Wo have sevcial tliousatul
dollius tolacn ] for rastein i > nitk's on tin-
moved cltj inopeity. llurrls , loom 111 1st Nat.
llankbldfe' . _ 711
Jioi'UJ'b : riimnrlnl Kxchnncre 1 ho f-xlrost ,
( inletoit , most liberal money cxcliaiiKi-
tlie cltj ; loans made w Ithont delay or imlmrltv ,
In any amount l.irga or smUl , at the lowest
rates of ititeio't on any available security ;
loins may bn paid at any time or renewed at
orlplnal lates. O. llousc.uen , mgr , room 60'5 ' ,
llaikorblk , nth and rnriuui. 703
M ONEY to loan A fowi thousands Horn Ihst
liamls l nt M'ry low < .ite . C. V. Harrison ,
Mcicliauts' Nat' , *
$ lit ) will buy advciUsliuHpih liege , will clear
iMuoitioOdiiys. i l.eell \ $ I'arnaiu. 4iJi :
1/1OK SAI.i : Wull assorted atock of
JmercIiandNo In a. thriVln ; ; town til eastern
Nebraska : need cash bitslnesa t.ibllshod ;
pooilie.isoti foi hdllng. Apply to MrC
ilrnily & Co , Omaha. 307
TTlOl ! bALi : Milk ilaltrtll. 4 , 11HN. 10th st.
J- j .1 J.-10J 30 *
"ITlOlt SAF.U-.Vwell established law business
JIn .1 thrhlni ; town in Nobi.i-ka. Terms
ren-jonable. Addieis N ( l , Omahi lletf 178 If
"ITlOlt SAM : A InlckjiA-ailn the thriving towii
JL1 of Si-rlbner , Neb , capacity J.OOU.UOJ brick.
1'or particulars Inquire .Hihtlce Kroegar. 10th
andl'.ihs , or the owner , John Itomberp. Scrlb-
uer. Nob. tihl 4 *
FOIt SAU : Htst.inraiit located 414 N jfjth st.
C. T. Shaw , Moitgagee , loom aiO bhcely blk.
I71OH nxciIANOU-l'our clc-ir South Omaha
JL ? lots. ifJOU each , to tiade for Nebraska land.
Sel by , 1 arnam. 141
Tin' want to trade n Orchard Hill lots and
TI tt.OiiOcasjh foi a lliifa ies > ldencu pioporty
that Is clear from Incumbraucud. J. L. Itice A ,
Co. 4U1)- ) , !
KANSAS and Nebraska land toe\chant6 for
Iowa town piopeitv. Ci ) is. 11. Woolley ,
ioomsfi.II uud W ) . I'.ixlon block. 4i-I 1
"IJlOIt 1JXCHANOI : ror desirable lesideme
JL1 propeitj in Omaha , riny or all of following :
4U choice itihldu icHldcncu lots In Hastings.
lOlltitslu Uncohi.
till ) acres tiny farming land. Lancaster county.
I Ine residence propcrtj , Lincoln.
( oodientnl property , Lincoln.
Cholre fancy lesldenco. cornel I.os Angolos.
A residence propeity in llaiibcom I'laco.
Also some oed niortg ifje notes.
Aden ess , KlUng location aim price of prop-
citv. J. 13. ll.caiu lUuui Iron Co. . 1J17 Lc.ivon-
wortn. y 4
SIX hundred and foity acies and cash to ex
change for hoiibu in western pait of city.
. It. Woolley , loomt , JJJt uud B.Jol'axton blk ,
40 1
IHAVKieal and personal property of all
kinds for trade. Cull and beo-mo. UeorKoJ.
Stcrnsdorir , room 6 , opp. 1' . O. . ) Si
rpOTUADB , Sale or Kxchango ? JO,000 worth
J-of choice \aciutt Omaha lots. Wo mean
business. J. li Hleo & . Co. .ISt-l
w PANTKD Uriel : and building material for
cash and lots. W. J. 1'aul , ICOU rarnam.
WANTKD House and lot in Konntzo I'laco
foi clear land and cash. Chan. H. oolley ,
rooms & )1 ) nnd fi.13 , I'UMOII block. 43J 1
EOH UXCHANGUTeam liorsej or mules
wanted lor Hist pajment on houxo and lot ,
balance monthly or quarterly payments. Kelby ,
1'Cl J .uii.iiii. 1,84
TTHMt KXCHANOlI-Houso and lot 01 n ice
J' building lot to Undo for long time real es
tate U'dmortg.V I , Selby , 15J1 rarnam. ill
EOlt Omaha projiorty 331 ncroi In Adalr Co. ,
Vllssourl , li miles fioni county seat , 73 ncres
in bliiu ginss. balance in haul wood timber , 4
loot vein toiil. Will cojr about fiiDiuto oion
up Ledge Lime Itoi k Itallioad \ mtliis. A v al-
uiblo piece of 1 mil all Uear , piicu * r.0) ) per
ncieIu lllcu A , Co. ift ) J
_ _ _ _
L7ANTII-A stock of luirdwme , fmnltuie ,
, di ) goods , clothing , 01 boots and
shoes in exchange foi a good farm or citv pi op-
city. Co-operative Land \ Lot Co , an N. liitli.
TTMIl IIXCIIANOh-South Omaha lot for
J-'team horhos or mules , vvugon and harness
Selby. ll.'I I'ain.un BSl
irolt c\hango Ibt-cliuDclear Improved Omii <
a-1 ha projieiiy for good tljnberiiinil. . N.-MBco
an j sat
Z.a'H nnw house and lot
for small faun near Neb , county seat ,
Selby , l&M 1'iirimm. mi
T71OII RXCHANGn-Cnrrlaso and buggy with
J. &m cash for unsecurednote or long time
mortgage. M'luy , r'l rur/i.un. ( Hi
T710K SALU 31 , ' iicras.JtUamlltou Co. , Neb.
J- land , * J pur acre , one tnlrd c.ish , balance nt
0 pet cent. Addrjss\VJ Wlldman , Denvei ,
Col. w
_ _ _
4 tOO buys n full lot nnd Sriw-l 4 room cotta geT
'PeiiByterms and goo I lothtlou , I ) . V , hh oles.
room -10 , 1'lrst Nat'l bank. cor. 13th and I'ar-
mm. J38
T71OH 8ALK Two nlegaji homes in Hunscom
-a. Place on leusonublo tttrms ; mortgage imper
aken as part payment. 'llosworth & Joplin ,
lurker block. jttu
"IT OIt SALIJ-Not for trade. BlS.fifl acres of
J- ' improvedInmlS miles from .Marqnetto , In
lamlltonCo.Neb , Frume house , fruinesta-
) ] f , ! t-W acres under a good 4 barb-wire fence.
round ( fdar posts anil IWORIUVH ; living vvutei.
Kooii cprral , \relln , vvlmluilll , .iJJ-bairel tank.
elf-feeder troughs , etc. ; 75 acres tlovei , u good
lock ranch.
'rice ( about t3 ! per ncie ) . } n,50d
Cash . ; ivu
J.voarn time at U percent . . . H.uw
( lo uud look over the land and mldress thu
owner , F.K. Atkins , 1505 Lurimer n. , Denver ,
tolo. -j'lo
FOH SALU-Or uxuhange for Oiinihn"n7o7r
erty. M ) ucres , suitable for platting ; will
imkc 4U ) lots , all clear ; big money In it for some
one who can push tnia : located lust outoido the
ity limits ot Council lllutrs. liuiulre Geo. J.
bternmlorg. clip , poatoilice. _ _ 331
PiCIAI.barsalm : Ju farms , wet-tein land and
J city property , call and see us. Neb. Hot-
llnjandbupplyUo. Uoom , lloaid of Trade.
TjlOH SALK Oood hotis oCT rooms , full tot
- * - ' well , rlnterijj barn for 4 horses , school
church anjs-toro neir by , street car * one blocl
nwny , in growing part ot city , coed neighbor
hooit , title perfect , good homo for man of mod' '
rrnte mean * . Ort tpndy for next spring bj
bit ) lug a homo now : v111 taken vacant lota'
jmrt pa ) ment , C. 1. Harrison , Merchants Nat
SALHnieftfi for cnsh Tlio t'
nt Norfolk Junction. Neb. vvoll
nnd but n few Mops from depot ; lms an excel
lent iHitnmnpa. Immedliito iiossc" > sloti
Iten'.oii for fclllnc , poor health , Thomas Ker
FOH SALK M feet with good ! room house ,
fiunace , gas , bath , t-euor. hot nnd cold
water , bam , nnd everything complete , on pave
ment on Park nvo. lle t bargain In Oninlia nt
7,5W. Unsy terms. Iim-Mfirnto this. D. V.
BholM , 810 First National bank. 4H ( 31
BK.UTlt't'tj 8-ioom house ot most modern
design nnd flnUh. Nothing omitted In Its
construction ; furnace , city water , gis. hot and
rold v\nter , antique oak unlsu , largo east front
lotoverlooKlng the city mid Council Illulls ! the
housi ) complete In all its details : mil bo mil-
chased now ono or two thousand less than In
the spring Vttllpnvvou to Investigate now.
C K , Hnrri'on , McTclinnts Nut 1 bank. IMS )
PINP improved ' farin near Paplllioii for
sain , it mll > " < fiom Omaha nt } l * an ncio.
Appl > nt2,17 llaim-j street , 472 17
IjlOH SAI.IJ-Oicxcltanije. ten acres on I'nr-
J imm at. , between Mlh and iVlth st % , IS1.000.
Will trudo foi real estata mortuapcs , or sell on
ewylLrms. vL. . Polbj , IBJ1 Katnam , lit ) ft
OK 3A liK a nc\v houio In n de'lralilo part
JT of the city , two lots , house contains till
modern improvements , hot mid cold water ,
ftlrnne. gas , bath , electric belH , and electric
pas llRhtlnt ; nn ( inRiMiient pirlors , hull nnd illn-
niRrooin llnlshed in oak and cherry. Kor
pilco and teims address I1 0. drawer 47 il > y.
llnrealn A Hue honsu of S rooms and
, lot , fiQ.llon -Mth Nt nevr Loavi-n ortli.
This propeity lias to be sold within M days ;
lamih leaving the city , tuqutie nt the ineni. st. -17
HunnlngbetweenCou'icll IHuITsand Albiighr.
In.iddltlou to the stations mantloned , ti.iins
stop at Twentieth and Tnenty.fouitli stieuts ,
and ut the buinmit in Omahi.
Leave. I Arilvo.
A No. 2 n.iio p. m.'A ' No. i ,7:00 : a. m.
C No. li . , l.00 ) a. m. 0 No. li . . . .5:50 : p. m.
A No. 4 . U,40n. m.lA No. . ' 1 . . 0:43 : p. m.
A No. 4 U:40a : , III..A , . , , " : ) a. m.
A No. 8 . CiMi p. m.'A ' 'No , 7 . , , 5:110 p , m.
A No. U ll.jU ji. in.iiV No. II . .11:50 : p. m.
A No. n . , 0 JO ii , m. A No 'J . . , .7:10 R. m.
A No. 4 . . . .O.O'J ' p. m. D No 1 . 7OJ : a , m.
11 No. s 8 10 p , m.lA No. fi G:4r : , p , m.
A No s . . .11 40 a. m.lA No. 1 11:10 : u. in.
A No , 4 7 .00 p. in. I A No. . UM : ) p m.
DLUrj'i ? .
A No S 0 : 5 a. m. A No. a . 0:10 : n , in.
A No. 4 : SO p. in. A No. 1 . U.J'J p , m.
Biorx CITV it 1'Acino.
A No. 10 , , 7:0.'ia : m. A No. U . . . , KTf ; , a. m.
A No , u. 7JU : ( p , m. A No. II . . .UjOOp , m.
A No. 8 . . . 4:13 : D. m. A No. 7 . 12:00 : m ,
A dull ) : li daily except Saturday ; O uxcept
Sunday ; D except Monday ; * lust mall.
'Ihu tlmu given above Is for Transfer , tnero
being from live to ten minutes between Trans
fer mid local depots.
Nor Ian.
rilHII annual meeting of stockholders of the
J I'nllcil hiatus National Hunk ot Omaha , lor
the election of oliectors and such other busi
ness as imiy properly come before the meeting ,
will beheld at the olllce of H.ilcl bank on'luiis-
day. .Ian Mil , lh < i. between the hours of a and 4
o'clock ii , m.
dJ.'dt M. T. HAHI.OW , Cashier.
Matter ot Application of K , p. O'llrlen for
Liquor Licensa.
Notice is licreby given that r. P. O'llrlim
did upon the 2ml ilay of January , A.
D. , 1881) ) , tile his application to thu mavor and
ilty count ll of Omuha. for license to sell malt ,
npirltoiiK and vinous llquou , ut No. 4JI N. loth
stiect. I'Kth waul. Oiniihu. Net ) . , iimii the 1st
ilaj of January , Ibb ) , to thu 1st day of January ,
Ib "J *
Notice to Stockholders.
'PIJKutinu'jl nicc-IInu of tockholilur of The Ilco
I llullilln. Uoinjmnr will be htilit at tliu onico of the
imulia liec'.Oiiinlm , .Null. , on TUuiiluy , Jnnuarr lith ,
I" * , ltlu'ciock p. m.lor thu | iuriK ) uof uloclln a
> onnl ol dlrvcton fur Ilia cndiilni : year , anil tliu Iran * .
iclloii of inch oilier l > u lnuii u > tunr uiua buluro the
, lly order oJ tiie piet
Ono Was Her Husband mid the
Other Wasu't.
Story of n Wlfo Who Ijovcul Her Inmt
Hut Stilt Clicrlshoil In Her
] lo * < niti a Manic of Other
A Dublin Sfiisntlon.
The Dublin corTes ) > ondonlof the Now
York Murcury sends his puuor an ac
count of a soimttonnl divorce case ,
which has just coino to a tonnination
by the granting : of a ilcoroo absolute
nguinst a young anil handsome but
reckless and now remorseful lady. The
parties connected with , anil implicated
in , the suit , belong to Dublin's fashion-
nblu buddy , nml are all well known.
The plaintiff is Dr. John Mallen , a
largo manufacturing chemist , residing
in the aristocratic sei'tiou of Upper
Dorset street. The co-respondent is
Urigailo Surgeon Tobias J. Harnewoll ,
of tlio arinj medical dop.irtinen , a prom
inent member of the United Service
club on Stephen's Green , and Turroy
Villas , Kilmainham , a suburb of
Dublin. The defendant was , before -
fore her mnrrlago , a MibS
Mary Itolnhimlt , daughter of an
Austriangentleman who had settled in
this city. The plaintiff and respondent
ha\o been married only some months
over throe years , but in that time three
children wore born to them , all of
\\liom , however , died in infancy. LJoforo
her murriago to Dr. Million she was en-
gngod to Surgeon Bimiowoll , but the
latter Wfv < ordered oil to Hgypt at the
time the Knjlish ; government engaged
in the foolish and futile attempt to
crush the Mahdi and his fanatical fol
lowers. The brigade surgeon returned
to find Mit.s Koiitlmrdt wedded to the
manufacturing chemist. On Liarno-
\\oirsreturntlioacquivintiinco was re
newed. Tills was in .July , IbbU , and
from a confession subsequently made by
the rcmorsLfulifo arrangements were
first iniule for cl.indestino meetings in
in the Duke's Ltlwn of the Dublin booi-
oty hoiibc. From here they tooic a
cab and drove in the direction of the
world renowned Donn.vbiook. In that
town of lawlesbiic&s in the llrst
improper interview oecuried. A few
days latter the lady received a loiter
from the surgeon asking her to meet
him in the DuUc" & Lawn again. She
did so and again they wont away in a
cab to enjoy the wild freedom and un-
ivslraint for which Donnybroolc has be
come so famous all over creation. After
this the pair mot frequently under um
brageous shades and m unfrequented
ways in Pliu'iiix park.
The reason the meetings in the Duke's
Lawn of the Dublin society house were
buudcnly stopped is interesting. Ono
aftoinoon her child's mirbo , named Des
mend , suddenly came upon her and the
gay Lothario of the army medical de
partment in the Duke's Lawn , and the
eiicumstanees were so suspicious and
compromising that she had to
humiliate herself to the extent of
making an explanation to the nurse that
she met Dr. ISarnewell by accident. On
the trial , which came oil before Judge
Warren in the matrimonial division of
' bench several dramatic
the queen's , very
matic scenes occurred. Mr. George
Stapleton , solicitor , attended to quietly
Avntch the interests of Dr. Burnwell. A
question came up as to the hitter's hniul-
\vriting. when ono of thocounsel for the
plainlill suddenly proposed to c.ill Mr.
Staplotpn to the witness box to prove
this point. Mr. Stapleton grabbed his
hat and hurried out of court. The
judge shouted to him to come back , but
Mr. Stapleton continued to push his
way thiough the court to the door ,
which ho succeeded in reach
ing. Counselor Murph.y rushed
after the Heeling solicitor and
after a neat little race succeeded in
overhauling him on the street and
brought him back in triumph. When
asked to explain why lie had left the
court room , Mr. Slaplulon replied. "I
heard the opening statement and I
thought that sulliciont. 1 considered I
had better go. "
Dr. Mallen , the plaintilT. went on the
stand , and deposed that before his mar-
liage with the respondent she told him
she had been engaged to Surgeon
Harnewoll , who was then in Kgypt.
Her falher lived at No. 89 Upper Dorset
streel , and after their marriage they
lived there. Her father had since left
the house. On the occasion of his wife
remaining out all night ho nskod her
for an explanation , bho said she would
get Dr. IJarnewcll to make the explana
tion. She spoke of money clit-
llcullies , and said nho had got
money from Dr. Harnowell , who
would explain every thing. At this time
she positively donieil all criminality.
But Dr. Bni'iicvvoll did not vouchsafe
any explanation , and the husband ap
pealed again and again to her for the
truth. Under the influence of his pas
sionate appeals she at ono period of the
painful scene burnt into tears and said
she had written to her father to get Dr.
B.irnowoll to give an explanation , but
her father refused to have anything
fuither to do with her. She still por-
Msted that she was a faithful wife , and
that her only fault was that at timessho
Indulged in drink. But the confession
was coming itti the force of a torrent
that would break down all barriers and
would not bo stopped. She related how
she had gone to Kilmninlmin to Dr.
Burncvvell's house to induce him to
initko an explanation , but that his sisters -
tors came to the door and insulted her.
They told her to go mind her husband
anU not to bother them. The recollec
tion of this insult and her humiliation
removed the last barrier to the Hood of
confession , and bursting into loans , she
exclaimed ' ' .lack darling , if jou say you
will nnt leave mo 1 will tell yon every
thing. " Uopeatodly she assured him
that she would toll him everything if
he would not separate from her and dis
card hor. ] Io promised ho would not if
she told all , and then the confession
hurst forth. lie was stunned. Her
words , which came in u torrent , over
powered him , and more than half an
liour pnssod before ho could command
his senses and bo calm , She then re
peated the confession in writing.
At this stage of the case a very extra
ordinary and , as ono of the lawyers
called it , "providential" incident oc
curred. The potitionor'B case rested
solely on the respondent's confession
without any corroborative testimony
whatever. Letters had been found in a
drawer of Mrs. Mallori'tidrcBsliig bureau ,
but , although there was u , moral cer
tainty that they cumo from Dr. Uarno-
well , yet they were not in luahuiidwrit
ing and did not contain his name or sig
nature. If thcso letters could be traced
to Dr. Darnowell the cause of the hus
band was won. Otherwise the confes
sion stood alone and testified to only by
the plaintiff. The case was very doubt
ful. Mr. MacDonnott , Q. C , , I'rinco of
Coolavin , who was leading counsel for
Dr. Mullen , on his return to his homo
thai evening , found a bill for clothing
from Phillips & Hcaloy , merchant
tailors on Dame street. Ha nt Ono *
noticed the similarity of the Immhrrit , ,
ing with that of the oomnromlslnff letters
tors found in Mrs. Mullen's dressing
bureau , Ho nt once sent to Phillips fc
Tloaloy to Know who had made out tha
bill It hnd been written bj their book-
keener , n Mr. Klchardson. This per
son was at once sent for , and was nskod
if lie knew Dr. Hnrnowoll. Ho said Ho
did , and that Dr. Barnowoll was n custo
mer of Phillips & Healoy. In answer
to further questions he stated that ho
had written letters for Dr. BarnowoU tea
a girl who ho did not Know , as no imtrio
was mentioned and the doctor always
took the loiters awny. The discovered
letters wore then shWn to Kiehardsou
and ho identified UN own Imndwrltinp.
This testimony was produced in court ,
and Judge Warren promptly granted
the decree of divorce asked for.
Dr. Mallen has now instituted n suit
for crim. con against Brigade Surgeon
Harnewoll , la.xing his damages nt ft *
large amount , and as the proofs seem
elom' it is moro than llkolj that the
brigade surgeon v\lll long for oven
another war with the Mnhdl.
A druggist at Kort Scott , Kansas , per
suaded D. A. Cnnin , a book keeper , to
buy a bottle of Chamberlain's cough
remedy. Mr. Camp now snjs the rem
edy is unsurpassed for throat and hlng
complaints , esnctially for chilihqa
troubled with colds , and that he would
not bo without it formanj time's it cost.
Only fid cents per bottle. All druggists
sell it. _
Slit- Mail More.
Washington Star : Ono of the numer
ous lady visitors to the capitol lost her
pockolbook the other day in ono of the
corridors. It was picked up by an hon
est Now York man , and ho opened It
before witnesses to llnd , if possible , an
address or some wt of nn identilication
to the owner. Thoio were live compart
ments in the book , and in one comnart-
mcnt he found a 0 cent piece in another
a quarter , in another a night key , in
an other a $1 bill. There was no evi
dence as to who it belonged to , but
about live minutes later a lady rushed
down the corridor in such mad hanto
that passers-by thought n hydrophobia
canine was nfter hor.
"llavo you soon a pocketbook lying
around horoV she exclaimedwith deep
anguish , as if she had lost a husband
and u million dollars bolide. The gen
tleman who hnd picked it up handed it
to hor. Then she opened it carefully ,
keeping1 a sharp ojo on the gentleman
lest ho might escape before she had ox-
aniincd the book to see if the contents
were all there. Satisfied that every
thing was all rightshe said : "Thanks ;
but , sir , " she added , "that is not all the
money T have got , " as she tapped the
upper part of her person significantly.
and Psnj\anBnly. \ {
Many inc'ii lire * unnilntllul of
thelaus of lie iHluuid oiposo
tliciuii'l\e to ii't ' Mini ! of
ucalhcr. biich iiitprudcncQ
often rcsnlls Iu dunporotis
Cnuuhs , Colds , t'lie t rams.
AN Hliouiiuitl ni , Sciatica anil
other p iltilnl ulllkllDn1IFV -
> > ON s I'l \ M'Hilll iiu lounil
Hie ino l lellililn cvternal
EXCITING ruiuedy Luonu Inr the iiroiunt
iL'llut aiul nun ol Midi nil-
niriil * II keeps up n lionltliy
Ihnv < , f tin ! blnoil when Ilia
Innly ! PxpmiMl lollio ravnpes
PRESIDENTIAL ol llio innHtiuclument \ \ outlier.
Curelnl ' Mill
liuji'is ink for
HFNsnVs I'l ASTBlinurt refuse
nil nllicro
CAMPAIGN 5j > " --L'iJ tvr rent Mamn lo
' i-iildiry . \ lolinHon , l 1'Hilt
Mri'cl , .N V , Inr a uipy of
J\hllll CTU s 1 IIOM llll lir- (
loii. Miluiililo liousoliold
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The Best Route from Omalm ami Council
ItlufTs to
Chicago , AND Mllwnukw ,
St. I'nnl , Minneapolis , Ccdnr Ituplds ,
Kock Lslaud. Frccport , Ilockforcl ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Dnrcnpoit ,
Elgin , Madison , Juncsrillo ,
Itcloli , Wlnonn , La Cro&se ,
Aud all otlier Important polnti Kest , Norlliemt aid
For Ihroush tickets. o ll on ib ticket agent at 1501
Jiirnamitreet. In lliirk r lllock , or t Union I'aclUo
I'ulliunn Blooper * and the llneat Dining CUM In the
world are run on the main line of tliu Chicago , Mil.
mkeo A bU I'aul luilwuy , and torttcnllout paid
wH".lSn.H5 K Mil. . . ky coimuout Manager. employesorttiocompaur ,
J.t.1 UC'KKIl. AasUUnt Utneral Manager.
A y jt CAllI'JCNTKIl. oeBer i i'4 , , ug r and
Joul\Sffl.UD > A'"Unl Ge'ner" I > r"CMM
J.T.CLAUK , ticogralSuperintendent.
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
K" *
. ? 9l ! > >
KOI P.raam
MUI1U1 iand * .u urm ry troubles ea ! lyqulck.
mlos. Soverul cases mrcd In seven dais. Bold
ILWpcr box , all druKKl u , or by mall from Do.
ui tall ft. Co IU White BtN. V. Pull Dlrectlou *
Tft WEAKKIEU'v"r < 'rniffronit' | ' '
I II " * ' | H I8 Hnit rt oryi > uthfuJ
* T , " III loll en oin , ciily Ai
iloit ln nhfto < 1 , i lc. 1 vlii ttnil * valuall
n llM ( wtltil ) rvtilalnliisr full iwilliulara ( ot
lotnacurw. fifuof < liattfi * Afliuwj.