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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THTTBSDAY , JANUARY 3. 1889. THE DAILY BEE. M OI'TlOtt. NO C ! VKAMi STUKET. J'clhcreilhr carrier In Any 1'nrt of ho City a TwrntyOntfl J'crWcek. It , W. TIM ON MANAOUH. ! OH HE No , NKIIIT KMTon. No.S ) . 31 INO 15 M BNTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coalaml wood. E.E.MnynoOin B'way. KloRant overcoatings at A. Hoitcr's , mornhiint tailor , 310 Hroadway. H Giliinky took out a building permit jcstonlay for tlio erection of a $500 cottage in Hours' lulilltion. A iiiarrinpo license lm been Issued to CleorRC W. Uhatnbori und Miss Gertie ICast- iiinn , both of thh city. The police pulled in Gcorffo Kopor last ovcnlnj , ' for assault and butturv on Iho per- BOII of Mr. Plnklmm , his brother-in-law. t Ho | > cr Is nn old offender and llgurus In police Bl I court iiorlodlcftlly. Mr. Fred Ilui/er , music tcnchcr , was last U evening ] ) rcsentud with u handsome baton by fV the members of Ills cluss in brass. It is of i td ebony , with a solid silver handle , nml is very d useful as well as ornamental , i v A. V. Clattorlmck is preparing to open a real cstato and loan ofllco in the room until i recently occupied by Squire Scliur/ . His ? ortlcc as constable expired with tlio old year , and lie will engage in his new business at once. , City Auditor Hummer Issued ? 7fiOO In Im provement bonds jestonlay. Of this amount , f 4,000 was In paving bonds for Hughes &Co. anil Wlcltham & Co. , and the remainder for grading done by Mitchell , Kelley and Plug- uolle. The case of John Green , for assault and battorj , wus calli'd before .Justice Harnett yesterday afternoon and continued two weeks at thi ) request of the Interested parties who arc attempting to malic u settlement mid dismiss thu ease. Judge Carson came In Tuesday evening. after it Now Year's hunt , with a well illled bag to attest his prowess na : i sportsman. There wcro rabbits and squii rcls in abund ance , nml several line specimens of another hind of pamo which shall be nameless as long us tliclaw on iiiall | rciiiuins as it is at picscnt. The annual renting of the pews of the Con gregational church will talto place this even ing at 7 : ! ! 0 o'clock. All friend * of the church me cordially Invited tobepicsent. Come early and secure \ourchoico. Refreshments will be served by the Ladies' society in the church parlors. Thcro was a most enjoyable gathering at Woodman hall last evening. The wives of the members acting as hosts to their hus bands und the friends of their husbands. This was ttio secoiiil of this series ami was none behind its predecessor In pleasurable features. Music , games and a veritable ban quet with plenty of good cheer , was the order of the evening. A warranty deed was yesterday filed with the county recorder for ninety-one acies of land lying between this city and l-.iho Man- awa. The grantors were Charles P. Hraslan and wife , of Minneapolis , and the crantco. Horace P. Higelow , of Waterville , N. Y. The tiudo was in the hiinds of a syndicate composed of several of the rf-al estate men of the city. It was the largest single deal recorded m some time. The work of repainting and papering the whole of the interior of the Now Ogdun will bo begun this morning. The exterior of the building bus been repainted , and the work of icjnvenatliig will bo continued through the whole structure. The appearance of the build-ing bus already boon gieatly improved , and by the time it is llnishcd it will bo lilted in every particular to rank among the best. Mr. E. K. Staey , superintendent of the V. M. C. A. gymnasium , has been presented with a handsome set of Thackeray's works by nuinlring friends. Mr. Stacy bus proved a most excellent instructor in the "gym , " and it is quietly regretted that he is to retire from its management. Ho has made many friends during bis stay in the cily , and bis departure will create a vacancy thai it will be difllcult to completely fill. . A hawk attracted considerable attention on Broadway yesterday morning , while get ting his breakfast. Ho was busily engaged in catching English sparrows. After captur- big a victim he would perch on the cornice of Officer it Pusoy's bank , anil calmly pro ceed to devour the sparrow after fastidiously removing the feathers. Aftrr thus dispos ing of three of his smaller fellows he ad journed sine dio. The report that Mrs. Compton hasjthe varioloid proves to bo incorrect. Mr. Comp ton is now recovered , but the quarantine is Btill maintained. Some of the physicians aio in doubt whether it is the vairoloid or chicken-pox that lie has had. The other members of the family left the bouse when euspiclona wcro ilrst aroused , before there was any possibility ol contagion , and have not been there since. The quarantine has been strictly maintained , and no visitors have been allowed. At a meeting of the Eisoman Hose team , at No. 4 hose house , Tuesday evening , the committee was authorized to purchase a racing cart for the work of the coming sea son. Membership fees were collected , and several now members admitted. Prepara tions were also made for a ball to bo given February i.- , for the benefit of the company. A running team will bo fully equipped and put into active training as soon as possible. The contract for the erection of the now bridge over Indian crook on Hroadway has been signed by the board of supervisors and the Milwaukee Hridgu company , and in sixty days from the 1st of January the structure will bo complete. The bridge will bo an open ono with nothing above the floor ing but the ton-foot trusses , diviiliug the two twenty-six-foot driveways and the thirteen- foot sidewalks. The lloor will bo paved the same us the streets on either side. The bridge will be tlio full width of the street and will bo a very handsome structure. For some time Chief Lucas has been in cluding in his prayers u petition for an in crease In the police force. Officer Mullen stood It as long as ho could , and finally de termined to do what ho could to help the chief out of his dilemma. Kurly Monday morning the gallant officer took the train for Missouri Valley , and yesterday news was received in this cltv that ho was married the preceding evening to Miss Ella Saraehon , of- Logan. The happy pair will spend a few days in Ncbiaskn before returning home , when Jerry will resume his plnco among iho star wearers. Mr. Frank W. Heed , of Elmwood , 111 , and II. L. Shepherd , of Henson .fc Shepherd , hnvo associated themselves with John I. Lutz , in the insurance business , Mr. Heed will also bo Inlerested with Iho llrm of Henson St Shepherd In the real cstato business , under tno firm name of Heiibon , Shepherd & Co. The mime of the first iiumM combination will bo Lutz , Heed ft Co. Hoth firms will occupy the office heretofore occupied by Mr , Lutz , No. 0 Main street. Mr. Heed , the new member , Is n gentleman of long experience in the Insurance business , and will bo a valu able acquisition to the business circles of Council IIlulTs. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main : Tel. 147. The OUI lU-llnblo Jcwolery Finn of E. Burliorn , No. 17 Main street , lias laid in an immense block of holiday Hoods , which will bo sold cheiuior than ever. This is a special inducement for thirty days. All first-class ' goods - and f * guaranteed to bo lust as represented. It is an established fact that you can cot the best goods for the least money { hero. Call and examine the stock and tot prices before purchasing. - See W , C. Stacy's ad. All. radcs soft coal , 0 , 13 , Fuel Co. < The London "Tailor's" is the place lo got your clothes made. C37 Broadway , Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Buy groceries , stationery and Christmas foods of IColloy & Younkcrmau , 103 U'way. Eco Forrest Smith's special column. Rocl < Spring coal , Qleason , 20 Pearl ( trcot. THE EAST SIDE OPTIIERIVER , Sneak Thlovo3 Who Failed to Reform - form on Now Yonrs. A MUSICAL TREAT TO-NIGHT. The Growers of Fruits ntrl Flowers Footed Ily An Owl Iiui lllce I'lnys the Fool An Evening of Music. This oven Ing at Tnmple hull will bo given n choice concert for tticbcncllt of St. 1'rancls Xnvlor's Catholic church. The programme is as follows : Mnlo Qunrtettp , The Two Hoses. . . .P. Westeolt , ami Messrs. Puseholl Solo Derniolt Asthorc Mrs. Darraugh Solo Come to Me J. M. Trcynor Solo Non Evnr Miss Norn Drown Harp Solo Home Sweet Homo Miss M. Honch Solo Dad's Dinner Pail . ! . H. McWllllnms Recitation Garnaut Hall Miss Sophia Gcrncr Solo Selcctca Westcott Solo Once Mrs. .1. O'Neill Solo I Fear No Foe Phillip Pnschel Harp Solo The Last Hose of Summer..Miss M. Koncli Money loaned on fiunitnro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllee cor. Hroailway and Main , over American express. . * . , J. G. Tipton , real estate , 52 * B'way Weather strips for doors nnil win dows. Odoll it Uryant , olU Main fat. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Bargains in real estate in all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 180 Main street. The Owl Cr.tIc. A stranger from thu "rooral district" en tered the office of the Wells Fart-fl ejiprcss company yesterday morning to send a package - ago to an absent friend. Ho noticed a pair of stuffed owls that had been mounted by Hczcc , and were aw.uting shipment. After carefully regarding the m for some time ho remarked that they were very quiet , and finally ventured to approach them. Ho cau tiously extended his hand , out was surprised to see that the bird did not even wink. "Owls don't see-very well in the day time , dothey , mister ! " "I don't know much about it said Colonel Hehcc , the genial agent , to whom the ques tion was addressed , but I have understood sueli to be the case. However , that Is a very quiet one on thu right , and I don't think he yvould bite you undur any circumstances. ' Thus reassured , the hand of thu verdant investigator again stretched forward , and the head of the owl was carefully stioked for some little time. At last it began to down upon his miiul that the bird was dead. "You poor critter , you look too natural to bo dead , but I s'poso I can't help it" with which remark ho slid silently out of the door , to the regret of the clerks who witncsbcd the scene. * Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , hor.sos , wapons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. * W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , No. 130 Main btreot. * * - Dr. C. C. Ilazen , dentist , Opera house block. Female * Finery. May Stiurt , a cyprian from Belle Glover's bagnio , on Lower liroadw.iy , was arraigned in Squire Schurz court yesterday morning on the charge of larceny. Two informations had been iiled against her , one for the lar ceny of a dress and the other for the larceny of a ring from the rooms of two of her sisters in vice , doing business at thu same ranch. The ring case was dismissed , the prosecution fading to establish the owner ship of the ring. Mr. Kobmson , a jeweler , was called in as an export to tcstifs as to its value , and said that it would rutall for 75 cents. Its alleged owner , Hessio Hlanchard , thereupon waxed wroth , and announced that "No more Jim crow traveling men need send her n New Year's present , if that was a fair sample. " In the dress case the defendant did not fare so well. She loft the house of "Miss Holle , " wearing a dress belonging to Hosio Waddcll , about midnight Tuesday , in com pany with "a friend , " ar.d the pair were found at a hotel about 4 o'clock by Ofllcor Oleson. After u wearying amount of testi mony , the court adjudged the prisoner guilty , and lined her Sift and costs , which slio could not pay , and wont to jail In default for live days. She had just been released from lull in Omaha , whuro she was locked up for a similar oltonso. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- baJl-Champ Investment company. . Tlio HortloiiltnriHts. The county organisation of hoiticulturlsts having been duly formed , it m not intended that the society shall be inactive. Arrange ments are irudo fornn interesting meeting to be held in the south court room next Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. To this tire in vited all who are In any way interested in fruits , ( lowers , or gardening , This includes the ladles , of course , and nil are urged to ho present. These meeting will bo held from timu to time , and interesting programmes will be prepared , Wliat'H In n Ntuno ? Dan Rico was ariestcd yesterday , charged wih * being a fugitive from Justice. He dis posed of boverul rare coins at Johnson's holf-in-tho-wull on "The Kow" and at a few other places In the city. It Is stated that the coins were stolen from the ISdon Musco in Omaha , where Hico was formerly employed , and that ho brolto into the place and stele them. Omaha officers wore notitled of thu arrest uiid came after the prisoner last even ing , All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glea- Bon , 20 Pearl street. A Chronic Sneak. James McGco was taken before Judge Schurz yesterday charged with the larceny of a pair of shoes from the store of M , Mar- cens. Ho was found guilty and sent to jail for thlity days. Ho was only out eight hours , having just served thirty days for stealing a child's cloak from Wiseman's ' store on the 129th of November. McGee served his other term under the mime of Gleason , Notice to Water Contmmera. The water tout for quarter commenc ing January 1 , IwO , is now due. A discount of 5 nor cent on all bills pi id at this olllco before January 10 , 1681) , Council Bluffs Waterworks Co , A Pro TCIH Police Court. Squire Schurz outdated as police magis trate yesterday morning , owing to the illness of Judge Aylcsworth. Frank Kecord wan bent to the county jail for twenty days for vagrancy. L. Davit ) paid $7.00or a boote w , ! nml "olloy .Tnelnon was fined 10,00 for tilsturblnjr the peace , and discharging his re- voh cr Inside the limits of the city. Pickled trlyc nd pigs' foot nt Tib- bills , 3 J5 Broad way. The Woodmen ladies will entertain their husbands and Ihclr friends nt Woodman hall this evening. The en tertainments previously given were of a most enjoyable character , and It is hoped that every Woodman will attend to-night and tints encourage the ladies in their efforts. . , < For Rent Two now store rooms in good location ; Nos. 7J17 and ; VJ Broad way. S. Saunders , ! tO Pearl st. Sec Forrest Smith's special column. Personal Purnuraplis. F. 1C , Meyers and family , of Glcnwood , are visiting the family of Theodore Heckmau , The gentlemen are cousins. C H Dill and wife , of Lincoln , Nob. , nro in the city , visiting their daughters , Mrs , \V. J , Manley and Mrs , A. Willsic. Governor Larrabeo , accompanied by his staff , passed through the city lust evening toi attend the inauguration of Governor Thuyer at Lincoln to-dny. Colonel Leonard Uverctt , one of the irovernor's aides , joined the party at thu transfer. L. K. Hoe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over JncquiMuin it Co.'s jewelry store. POTTAWATIAMIB. A cruel fight took place at Heebetown hall one night recently at n dance. The cause of the quaircl was an old grudge between two young men , William Smith and J. Sko'ton. ' Four or live other boys engaged In iho light also , in which ono of them , T. Casey. IT celvea a terrible blow on the forehead with n sling-shot , while Skelton was beijig pounded on the bead with iron weights , procured from a store i-loso by Just for this purpose. Skelton was badly used up and was taken tea a neighboring house and cared for until Iho next day , when he was able to have two of the unprincipled fellows arrested. They aio now under a heavy bond and the state has hold of the case. The cost will not bo less than ? , " > ( > 0 at least , and perhaps this will teach the youths a lesson for the future. Miss Jennie Molmtt , who has been attend ing school at Missouri Valley , came homo to spend the holidays with her parents. Hancock. Mr. Drury , our popular station agent , made a trip to Avoca recently. F. H. Hancock spent a short time in town recently , looking tiftcr his grain interests. The scarlet fever is in the family of Mr. \V. Carter. Little May is down with it.Ve Uopu it will not spread. Mr. Nin Powul Iliad the bad luck to have a runaway rccsntly. No particular damage was done. ' Our meat shop Is now in n flourishing con- Uition. Mr. Schmidt , our enterprising merchant , and his wife , made an overland trip to Avoca recently. Mrs. Frank Hough , of Nebraska , is visit ing parents and Iriemls. The hop at the hall Christmas night was well attended. Mr. E. Sears , who has been suffering fiom rheumatism for the past two months , is slowly recovering. Several from town attended the ilunco in Mr. G. Jerrett's new house. Hov. J. W. Neely , who is attending school at Evanston , is spending the holidays with friends. Miss Ora Watts has icturncd from Indinn- ola. ola.Mr. Mr. and Sirs. Hold spent Christmas with friends near Oakland. Mr. Felt , who has been quite sick with typhoid fever is slowly recovering. Oakland. Miss Efllo Dickerson , of Harlan , is hero spending the holidays with Miss Sarah Nowells. Mrs. Dabncy is visiting relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Hoyec , of Harlan , is visiting her daughter , Mis. Garland , of this place. Miss Ida Watcrhouse , of Walnut , 111. , is visiting Mrs. Judd Hass , ami both have been among thu number of Mrs. HmiduU's paint ing class for the last two weeks. The ladies of the Congregational Mite so ciety held a bazaar in the opera house on Saturday , the 2Jd. Heady sale was found for their fancy work , and supper was served in the evening. The frCo concert given by them at night was well attended and all seemed well entertained. A cantata at the Methodist church Christ mas eve , "Santa Clans' Mistake , or the Uundle of Sticks , " resulted in a pleasant time. time.Mr. Mr. Stevens , a merchant of this place , is selling out at auction. A minstrel show was pivon at the opera house December bv a culorcd troupe , for thu benefit of the Son's of Veteran's of Avoca. Charles Royce , a prominent business niau of this place , who has been a druggist hero several years , expects to leave , having sold to C. W. Houston. Ho is a man that Oak land cannot well afford to lose. He leaves many friends who wish him aucccss la what ever business he may go. The teachers of the Oakland school are having a rest during the holidays. Mr. Marsh , the principal , with his wife is visit ing in thoHlulTs. Miss ICepford is at Walnut , leaving Mr. Hoggs to bu entertained by his friends of this place. Walnut. Christmas festivities passed off quietly and happily. Hoth chuiches wcru crowded to full capacity. The aovolty troupe from Avoca were greeted with a small house on Thursday evenini' hist. The performance did not deserve - servo a name , and the actors wcro treated ac cordingly. A little girl , Lena Taylor , died December 21 , of malarial fever , and was buried Christ mas day. Miss Emma ICepford , teacher in the Oak land schools , is visiting her sister , Mrs. J. P. Hurko. O. C..inn is hero looking after his busi ness affairs. Mrs. Orris W. Hrightnian spent the holi days hero with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hrown , Mr. William Jones and family , from Hrokcn How , Neb. , are guests at Fred Forest's. For AluiKO ol'Alfoliol. Usu Horsford'B Acid Phosphate. Dr. W. E. Crane , Mitchell , Dak , says : "It has proven almost a specific for this disor der ; it checks thu vomiting , restores thu ap petite , and , at thu samu time , allays the fear of impending dissolution , that is so common to heavy drinkers. " Poop Porcy. Boston Courier : "Calliope"said the youthin boft , thrilling , tender tones , as ho giv/.ed fondly in the face of the beau tiful girl who bat beside htm on the crimson crush-plush tidy decorated sofa , ' 'Calliope1 ' and ho pressed the snowy , velvety and shapely hand which ho had taken in his , and which was not withdrawn , "tho time has come for a perfect understanding between us. I can no longer live in uncertainty. I must know my fate. Drifting about in the 'Dismal swamp' of doubt and sus pense is making my life a torturo. I must declare myself. Calliope , I love you deeply , passionately , devotedly , ten derly , ana it is for you to say whether that love is to bo my happiness or my misery. Toll mo , Calliope , sweetest , dearest , fairest , toll mo , can you return my alTcctiony" "Oh , Aleernon , " murmured the beau tiful maiden , a deep blush overspread ing her lovely and expressive counte nance , as the shadow of a cloudlet passes over the silvery surface of a stream on a bunny Juno day , "this is so sudden ! " "Oh , answer mo , " ho implored , "do not spare my feelings. Death is prefer able to suspense. " She turned away her fuco to conceal tier confusion , as she replied in tones as soft , sweat and musical as ever trem- GJ ZED ITN ID THE GREAT 20 PER CENT AT lust be SolA And We Know Ti It SO. 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. blcil on the strings of the lyre of Or pheus , i 1 ' It is useless for me to deny that you have made a deep impression on my heart , ar.d : ind but let that admibsiqn content jou. Maidenly modesty forbids me to say more. " "Oh , my darling , " be exclaimed , as ho passionately kissed her hand , "you have made me the happiest oMiion. Hut there is one thing about which _ 1 wish to bo satisfied have I a rival in your affections ? " "You have not. " "There is nothing between Percy Yardstick and you ? " " " . " "Absolutely nothing" ' But ho loves you , und swcari ho will win you. " "Be not afraid , " faho said , "ho is " "PoorT "Worsethan that. " "He is what ? " and in breathless ex citement he awaited her answer. "He is " and placing her rosy lips close to his ear , while her color came and went , revealing in her face alter nately the lily rxml the ro o , she mur mured in a voice as soft as the sigh of a vephyr "Ho is in the soup.1 Salt Kliciiin With its intense itching , dry , hot skin , often broken into painful cracks , and the little watery pimples , often causes indescribable sutloring. llood'n Sarf-a- parilln has wonderful power over this disease. It purifies the blood and expels - pols the hunor , and the skin heals without a tear. Send for hook contain ing many statements of cures , to C. I. Hood ic * Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. FOR SO DAYS ! I must hnvo room for siirinjr { foods , nnil will soil all ( , 'oods now in block nt prices fur below any over ollorcil before. This is no bait lo catch the trade but , a { rcnuino clctiriiiff-out sale , anil every thing nuisl go. JJnrlor sots , bedroom sols , heating and cooking stoves , hnndint , ' lamps , oil cloths. All pees without rcieryo. I Iiave u big block and can faitit you in whatever you want. Come and eco mo and examine my floods. 1 must soil. No prices quotca , but no reasonable offer will bo refused. A. J. MANDEL , NO. Jjas.imOADWAY , cou.vcii , njLurr.s , IO\VA. NEW BARGAINS DIIOADWAY I > OTS , riltST AVKNUE 1 'I3KHY ADDITION LOTS , I'EKItY ADDITION I-OT8 , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , liUYANT & Clj.VUK'8 ADDITION ItOTB , BTUKKT'H ADDITION LOTS. Ateo'M acres of the best property In town for platting. W. C. STACY , Telephone 1W. No. Jlnln Street. Council lllullu , lowu. S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No.f > 5. COUN01L CHUFFS , I IOWA SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. W.ANTKD A llr'-t class girl for house work , lleferonto ieiilreil. | .Mis. Ir. ) Mont- goinciy , o-s rounh at. . . .I Rood { lining loom gill nt Jfev 1'aclllu hotel , Smith Omtilia. HIGH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms for mnn J ? nnil wlftor two KwUIfinun , with use of bath he.'itoa V > y"Jl S. 7th St. , Ament block , Council Illutrs ITANTI3D ( looil dining room gill at 1'acl t lie hotel , Soutti Omaha. WK have some of the best burRalns in the city in real estate , clicap loti , smitll houses nnil lots : several line lusldunues 01 ; P.IMM ! streets ; also aero tiactH. All of the nhovo property will bo hold on c.isy ti'inls. Mniill payment down nnil low r.ito of Interest. Como nnil uxamlnoour list. We also havi ! laruo Hits of property for ex change. No. 10 Peatl s > t. found ! lilulls Invest ment Co. ROOMS to i cut by Council Hluirs Investment Co. . No. 10 1'eailat. line olliro rooms to rent on Ill-it floor : -Lone room ISxIli : both newly papcied and painted. Itest location in the city Cull at No. 1U , realist. COUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , i'AllTIAL MST OF I'HOI'IMITV 1'OU SALI : itv GEO. METCALF LI I EAKI. , s'riiir/r : , C'OUXCIL Residence on Cth ave . ? 0.000 Kcslituneo on fitli uvo . 1 , 100 Hcbldonvo on ( itli nvo . lfiiK ) Ucslilcuco on Mil uvo . 1,000 licsldcnuo on Oth uvo . 1,000 liCHulunco on lith nvo . 8r > 0 Itcsidciiroon Cth st . O.MO Hesldonco on Oth ftt . 0,000 Kcsidonco on North bth &t. , lot IBIx- IHO' ' , urcnt b.irK'.iin . 0,000 Hunch of ft houses anil lots on ! IrJ ave 8,000 licsiiloiico on Scott st . ' . . ' ,000 Hubiucnuo on I'lutnur Bt. For prlco and piirtiuulnrs inquire . An olcgaiit residence on 1st avo. , ono ininuto walk from government building. For prleo and purlieu- Inrslnqulro . Hcfililcncc on Oth nvc. , thrco minutes walk from county court house. Cash . 8,200 Kcsldcnco and four lots on avo. "C , " Street's add . 2,000 Store building mid lot on I'aclllo ave. , near U. I1 , transfer . 3,800 Two-story Jramo store in town of Car son. . . . 2,000 Soventy-llvo lots in Squire's adil. , north of transfer , elegantly located - ted , r Otof 100 each . Hunch of 11 lots , Central nub . 1)500 liunch of 12 lots , Cooper , McMahou & Jeffries add. , if taken before Jan. 1st , for . . . 6,000 An clegivnt lot on 8th st. Cash . UOW Thrco line lots on Uluff btrcet at a . . . 100 feet frontage on 1 'ark ave. for50 per foot. . . . . . . . Husiness property on Broadway . Business property on Main st . An improved farm of 100 acres not far from Chatitauaua grounds , con sisting of hill and dale. For par ticulars inrjulro . , . , . 48-acro tract ono mlle from Uroailway , | suburban location . 1i6 ° 0 In addition to the above I have vacant property In nearly every addition to tlio city GEO. METCALF , HO. 14 I'lUltl , HT , , COVSCIL , m < VVV8 , IOWA. OLD PIANOS MADE NEW Don't trade off your old pinno or Orgnn , because it is out orrepfllrnorglve it nwny in trndo Torn new one. Toke it to SWlSflN MUSIC COMPANY ! They will , If needed , put in n NEW SET OF HAM MERS , NEW IVORY on KEY BOAHD , REPLACE ANY PART OF OLD ACTION WITH NEW , HE- FINISH THE CASE , und your Instrument is bet ter them some of the new ones. It is n well known fnct thnt Swnnsotl Music Co. gives the best satisfaction in Tuning nna Repairing oil kinds of Musical Instruments. The best of ref erences given. xo. : o imoADWAY , couxru. IIMJI-TS , IA. Kspectally Adapted fofl SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING ; HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elevators ; AUTOMATIC GUT-OFF ENGINE. Ppcclllcatlons and estimates furnished for complete steam plants HrRiilntlon , DiunhlHty nutted. Cun show lultuis fiom users \ \ licic fuel Kconnmy Is equal Ith t'oillss Noii-rotule E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. This space is reserved for G. J. CoLn BY'S Real Estate advertisement , which will appear in our next issiie. Look out for "bargains. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS - J.AUB IVVITKI ) TO CAM. AT ( - SHItS. C. L. GILLETT'S HAIR EMPORIUM And CPP her HUP line of Hair ( JooiK FINEST HAIR OltNAMKNTS in tlio rHjr. Wg" , Hoards , etc. , for Kpnf or Salt1. A.M > COVMJ AM > GRKKSK I'AINTS , IIAIK D11I5SSING. I5TO. NO. 121) ilIAIiV ST. , : CO1LVCIL , ISI.I'ITS. ta ? oiiiHis u y .MAII , III.LIIVH : I-IIOSIPT ATTK.VIIO.V. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HPIPl/l M Dl NT " Hydraulic anil Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , . Dlnixl IN Dl ML. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Drown Building , Council Hind's , Iowa. N Justice ol the Peace. Ofllcc o\ei Amciican Express , No. 41Q , Hroailway , Council Ululls , Iowa. OTAML" P Ql ft/10 / Attorneys at Law , Practice in the Stale and Fed era O I UINL Qi OlIYlO" " Courts. OIllM Kooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Hlullb , Iowa. DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAXTKM tOCAfc A.\I > TICAVfcLJ.VW AWIJ.VTjj OX THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. rnics $13. Is equal t ) any High Fricod Uaohlno. IlioKillson 3llmoosrn | > ) i , tlio tH > < t nipnrutus | for iniinKoIdini , ' , iiutoiruilil3 | tiwl ! > po uiltliii ; nurlc. i > , UiU cuplts uui bo I liken. The Excelsior Cc. , Council Bluff ; , I J. THOS. Orucnii. W. II. M. J'rsiv. : ' OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main und ilromlwajr , COL NCI 1 ; ISMJFKH , IOWA. Dculeis In fortlun cinl domestic excliaiiso , Collections made ami Interest puld on time tie- posllh , CITY MEAT MARKEtl TO THE FRONT ! UNTJJ , I [ ItTIIIIH r > ont K SUM. BEEF , VEAL & PORK - o ' lvo ova Cattle Fed 01 Iowa Corn ! , Unil will meet any honest competition on prices for 1'list-t'luf.s MC.UI. J. M. SCANX.AN , IO Uroiiilwny. - - Tclitphono ! 2l , TltV OUUfllUHH. _ _ HKST AND MOJO BHRISIMAS PRESENT FOR LADIES , I'liiali , Hllk rjaniiel un < l Osliniero drensca Rendy-Mndo and Made to Order , By MRS. JULIA STEIN , 1111 Douglas fct. . Omaha. C'liea | . > t jilccs , and RED HEADED ! And will still mriit lor the follow ing cash jnlcosj SMiiiilclcr uuil < IIIII.K Ituasl itOI I'llnio Kill loa ! > t . 80 Clnii'k .Sti'.ik .00 Hoiiiid Slcnk .80 Hlrloln Slcuk I'orli'rhdiihi ) Mua . , 100 auMa .Mutton Stew Co Mutton l.t'tfH . . .BO Corn lli'of it to < o I'ork 100 I'oik Clioiisunil Steak . lee i.iini , imroun uiaku . 1-Q . 80 A ml all oilier mouth in the fcamn propoi tloil. . HI Kist llroudwav. ) fidl I'ottauattiiinlu I'ounty .MuatR. vvrapjioil uji In Council IllulN I'lipcr. 1 juo IJelivury. c. i : . 111:1,1- : . o. A niitriNJiioif : ( BELL & BERLIMHOF , Arcliilccls , Designerj and Superintendents of Construction , Mr. Ilcrlln lior mis Rctcn 3 curs nllU Mcndclhsolin , rihlicr & Itowry , and ling designed many oMlic llncst blocks in Oinalia ami Council Itlulfs. Plans and Specifications Prepared ani Estimates made on Application , titudio , Jlooin it Opera Jltnisa Jtloola "DHMoDAHELD & "ooil Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool & Furs , JUuhoflt ninikel prlccn , I'rompt ietiirn . 10) und Kit MnlutJU , ( oiincll IlluHtf. IOUH. I liuve laid In n nice line of boots and glioabwhlch I um bulling at tliosinulloBt living prollt. \J um oHlablibhing a por- inununt bubincfeb , for J mil here to stay. and ab my oxjKinsob uro biniill I can neil you goods very low. Call and cunvlnca 3r ° urb0lfi L. UINNVIIAAT , Ko. tt