Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Changes in State Officials That will
bo Made To-day.
Ijlit at Successful Hldilcr.s Com-
inciiceniont of tlic Winter Term of
the State University Supreme
Court Proceedings.
LIXCOIJJ HvnnAD or THE Onxnv UBB , )
LINCOLN.Inn. . 3 , )
'J'lio old wngon of Hinto will put on thrco
iinw wheels tn-inorrow , nnil in tlio lamtuntjo
of mnny citizens ot tlio st.itc , "It is well. "
Tri-nsurer Wlllnnl , Auditor Uabcock nnil
Commissioner Scott stop down and out.
AVillnrd leaves friends iitul u stamlois rcconl.
IJabt-ock and Scott mndo their bwl with the
jnllrondfl , nnd tlio people of the stnto will
mourn not because they go. They wore the
spindles around which they circled tin-end.
l > are\ot their rcsulnr official work In said to
liavo been well done. Captain ,1. K. Hill suc
ceeds Will.nrd. Thotnris Hubert Uciiton Inys
oft the RWfiddlhiB clothes of doputyship und
liei-oincs uuditor of state. This may bo said
to be n genuine case of civil service reform.
lohii Steeti becomes the commissioner of
public hinds and buildings. The public 1ms
BOine rlht ( to expect faithful service from
them , mid it Is said theru is peed reason to
expect n cliatio ( for the better hi some
nf tliulr rolutlnunl work. The state
bonrd of transportation , of which they will
form the majority part , will Ujst their fealty
to the constituency that made it possible for
them to wear ofllcinl robes. It will soon be
come known whether or not they will con
tinue to wear the spindles of the wagon of
in nny whcnls threadbare.
Thoonth of olllce will bo administered by
the chief Justice to-morrow at the nsunl hour.
Governor Thaycr will bo inniiKurntcd for the
hccond term. IJiKiiitnries from several states
I" will be present. It Is said to-day that the
Rovornor of Colorado will bo present. Gov
ernor Larrnhct' , wife , two daughters and
AtafI arrived this afternoon. There will bo
nnluliiK out of the ordinary in connection
with tlio inaugural rorcmunlcs. The inaugu
ration comnunices lit 'J o'clock. Secrotury
Laws , Attorney Clencral Lesso nnd Superin
tendent Lane will also take the oath of oftlco
for another term ouch.
8TT1 - . .HI 1'1'i.V AWAHD" .
The stnto board of supplies met to-day to
award the contracts for furnishing supplies
to tlio various stnte Institutions. The list
of succossiul bidders is ns follows :
Institute for the Jllmd , Nebraska City.
Groceries , Sroat & Co. ; meats , M. Gardner.
Kcform School. Groceries , It. H. Green ;
Hour , Kearney Milling nnd Klevator com
pany j meats , Conrad Gebhard ; coal , S. J.
Sizes ; dry goods , J. H. Irvine & Co.
Intiniio Asylum , Noi-tolk. Groceries , Me-
Clary & Co. ; meats , H. 13. Gltssnmii ; coal ,
Grorclto & liraash.
Institute for Feebleminded , Hcatrico.
Groceries , Scrot Hros. ; meats , C. K. Wilbur ;
bread , Adilott & Hryant : ice , Ucntrico Ice
company ; coal , MoKeen & Lane.
I3eaf and Dumb Institute , Omaha. Meats ,
Frank P. Wooti ; paints , oils and glnss , ICcn-
nnnl Glass and I'.iint company ; coal , Cou-
tant & Squires ; bread , Schwab & Co. ; gro
ceries , William Fleming & Co. ; drugs , Good
man Drug company ; clothing , ISaum Uros. ;
dry goods nnd notions , same.
Insane Asylum , Lincoln Hoots and shoes ,
W. W. Webster ; coal , Whitobroasl Coal
company ; paints and oils , J. II. Hurley ;
groceries , George Hossulman ; drugs and
medicines , J. H. Hurley ; butter , J. W. Belts :
flour , William Scwell ite Co. ; dry goods , J. &
D. Newman ; clothing , Hurlbut & Co.
Tin : STVTI : uxmuiTV. .
The winter term of the state university
commences to-morrow. It dates the inaugu
ration of the department of political economy
and tlio department of philosophy. A. G.
Warner , I'll. D , will have charge of the
former , and II. 1C. Wolfe , Ph. D , the latter
department. Prof. Warner took his degree
at John Hopkin's university , nnd Prof.
Wolfe at Leipsic. In their work they will
bring to bear experience and the most
thorough culture , and it is gen
erally believed that they will greatly
strengthen the faculty of the
university. The matriculation will bo un
usually largo during the winter term , and
good work is anticipated. It is said that the
state university has never been in n moro
healthy condition than now Tlio acting
chancellor gives general satisfaction. Ho is
said to bo very popular with students and
asaociato professors.
The governor has appointed General C. J.
Dllworth , of Hastings , a member of the
visiting nnd advisory board of the soldiers'
and sailors' homo at Grand Island , vice W.
H. Webster , resigned. Uilworth's appoint
ment will doubtless prove satisfactory to the
class of citizens most interested in the state's
charitable institution , provided for the bcno-
111 of superannuated soldiers and sailors.
f. Court met pursuant to adjournment. The
. following gentlemen wore n'lmittcd to prao-
tlce : T. S. Saundors. J. W. Edgorton , L. A.
Varnor , W. Grant Pierce. The following
causes were continued ; Ford vs. Steele ,
Jones vs. Stato. Tlio following causes were
nrguod and submitted ! : McCreory vs. Schaf-
for , Cunningham vs. Con way , King vs. Jack
son , Horron vs. Colo. Dundns vs. Chrlsman ,
Dawson vs. Welsh , White vs. Woodruff.
Court uiljurned to Thursday , January 3 ,
ISS'J , at S.iO : o'clock a. in.
Ed nrown , of tlie Nebraska City Press , Is
In the city. Ho is here to do the legislature
for his paper.
John ! ' . Majors.of McCootr , came in yester
day. Ho is prominently mentioned as Hunt's
Hucceasor in the ri'cel vur'H ofllco at that place ,
am ) if the house endorsement cuts any Hgure
ho will get there.
Charles Huhnor , of Nebraska City , editor
of tlio News , is In Lincoln , Charley will do
the legislative bodies from a democratic
standpoint for u day or two.
Business men say that collections arc un
usually good for the beginning of a now year.
It seoma that most people are prepared to
pay their bills , und this promises well for
tlio future.
The report that Hopkins has been ap
pointed warden of the state pen is not eon-
llrmed. The persons who ought to knowmiy
there is nothing in U. U is believed , how
ever , that his appointment will eventually bo
' soap Is the most ologmit toilet
Temporary IVrmlHHlon for Poles anil
Wire * lo Tliii'tctmlh Hlriict-
The injunction suit of the city vs. the ol-
outrlo motor and the IClcctrlu light compan
ies , restraining them from putting up poles
and overhead wires on the streets of Omaha
came up in the district court yesterday
morning , Judges Domic , Groffnnd Wakely
were on the bench ,
J.C. Cowln , counsel for the Motor com
pany opened with the statement that addit
ional nflldavita bad been Hied by the city ,
autl as they required careful examination ,
asked that the hearing of the argument go
over until next Monday , nnd in the mean-
tlmo the respondents could put In their
Oil behalf of the city , J. L , Webster re
plied thut thu latter was ready to proceed
wltb the case , but if the defense whhod n
continuance ho would ask that it bo extended
over to the 15th , as hu had a business en
gagement In Now York for next Monday
evening , and wished to leave for that city
General Cowin observed that there was no
objection to be urged against this extension ,
Ji but suggested that , inasmuch as the poles
had been erected on Uougla strcct as fur as
tlio corner of Thirteenth by the Eloetrio
Light company , and as arrangements could
bo cflected with this company by the
motor , und us it was the general
petition of the citizens along the line ,
the motor should bo nllowed to put
their wires for this distance and oparuto
tuoir curs. Ho urged that it could result in
no possible harm , and asked that the injunc
tion bo modified BO that this could bo ac
complished. Then , If it should bo deter
mined at the Una ! hearing that the poles had
been erected contrary to luw , they could betaken
taken down , which hu assured the court the
motor company would promptly do. If this
tnodlfrcntion of the restraining order wpro
granted , the defense would pros * no objec
tion to the extension of the continuance to
the tirno F > pecltl < Hl ,
Mr. Webster said the city could not con
sent to such modification , because the posi
tion of the defense is that they can erect
tholr overhead wires In defiance of tlio char
ter. To allow this mod Ideation , would ,
therefore , bo to concede the entire case.
This thing of creating n public nuisance nnd
say "wo will abate It after" a certain time ,
is beyond all precedence and reason , Ho
didn't sco how this could bo done this
sanctioning of an illegal and unlawful
Mr. Connell for the Motor company , cited
the provisions of tnc charter , and added that
as soon as thu court determined that it is
practical for them to operate their wires
under ground , the overhead could bo de
clared n public nuisance and removed. This
could only be determined at tlio Html hear
ing , and as the mod Ideation asked for by
Mr. Cowln could effect no jmssiblu harm , ho
hoped the court would grant It.
John D. Howe , counsel for defense , hold
that Mr. Webster was not consistent ;
that ho had told him that if the
city council passed an ordinance allow
inir the erection of tlu-su poles ,
and overhead wires , that would end the c.ise.
The council had done so , and there were
absolutely no grounds for a restraining order.
"Now after all this , " continued tlio gentle
man , "tho city of Omaha , no , not the city of
Omaha , but Mayor Hroatch , singlc-hamlod
and alone , takes up the light on n plea that is
absolutely devoid of merit. The council
has never declared these poles n nuisance ,
yet the city , or Hroatch clamors for a re
straining order. "
Mr. Cowin did not coincide with his col
league , in the statement that all tills opposi
tion originated wltli Mr. Hroatch , from the
fact that the Electric Light company was
likewise to be enjoined from erecting their
poles , for they furnished olectrie light and
not gas. Ho repeated that he did not con
sider It Mayor llroutch , nor tko city of
Omaha cither , for that matter.
The court took the matter under advise
ment , and Just before adjourning Judge
Doano announced their decision. Ho said :
"Considering that the flnnl hearing would
have to bo held over for two weeks , and as
they could perceive of no injury accruing to
property-holders or any one else , by allowing
the stringing of thu wires along the line of
Douglas street to the corner ot Thirteenth ,
if thu defendants were of a mind to take the
risk of what may butho linulo of the nppllca-
tiou for injunction , the court was disposed
to modify the remaining order ns
nsked. Therefore , tlio dofcndents may be
pcrmlted to string tliolr wires and operate
their cars , subject to the order of tlio court
in the Html hearing of the case. There can
bo no great Injury effected by the permission
of tliis modification. If It is determined to
bo injurious or unlawful , nn order may bo
made accordingly. "
General Cowin then added that it would
probably require until Monday for them to
nnswor to the additional affidavits liled by
complainants , which was granted , and thu
case was continued until the fifteenth.
Obstructing the Motor.
OUMIA , Jan. 1. To the Editor of TiinHm : :
To all whom it may concern , citi/cns of
Omaha , Knights of Labor , Trades Unions ,
and laboring men at largo :
It ) the intrest of nil enterprise nnd public
improvements I think It advisable to make a
few Remarks about the Omaha Motor Hail
Koail co which 1 bolive is being imposed on
by the city Atornoy in Hestraining them
from Erecting Poles for the completion of
thuir line according to the. Rights of their
charter and 1 do further belivo its a deep
laid plott to keep times dull and keep men
out of umiiloyment to satisfy some other
corporations who are not friendly to Iho la
bor ullemont the motor co will employ 150
men as soon ns their line will bo in operation
and would have several men to work now
hud not the city atorney interfeared.
Oxi : wno Kxow.
This was bonded in by a man who claimed
he had been employed by the Uridgo Motor
company. When asked how long ho thought
it would take to set the poles in the business
portion of the city , ho replied that it might
take a week , but ho thought that the
company was being delayed in build
ing its power-houso nnd car-shop.
When nslced whether the company
would not have to build a power-house
and car-shop , oven if the motor
conductors were laid under ground , ho said
that that would bo the same , of course , but
the company didn't want logo ahead until
they had tlio poles set. He admitted that
the objections to putting the wires under
ground was probably to avoid the expense.
There is nothing in existence that will equal
Salvation Oil in curing pains in the. Joints and
muscles , or spinal affections. Price 25 cents.
A preacher , who hud been annoyed by the
incessant "hacking" of members of his con
gregation , recommended such to try Dr. Bull's '
Cough Syrup.
HeVun Formerly Connected With the
Union Pacific ntThU I'lnoc.
It will bo remembered that Tun BEK of
Tuesday contained the account of a
startling sensation in a special telegram from
Lowell , Mass. , in which Mrs. Mary Haskcll.
Kev. William Huskcll , D. D. , a promising
Congrcgationulist minister of that place ,
and ono James C. Wilkinson , formerly of
Oniahu , figure conspicuously. It now trans
pires that tlio James C. Wilkinson alluded to
is the sauio indulidual , who , up to throe years
ago wns connected with the Council Bluffs car
accounting department of the Union Pacific.
Inquiries at head quarters of the Union Pa
cific to-day revealed the fact that after four
and one-half years' service with that road
Wilkinson resigned his position and made n
tour through the east. 1 lo was absent about
a year during which time ho married a
widow.tho mother of two children , but whoso
nnino could not bo learned. He returned to
Omaha in ISSli , and opened a grocery store
on the corner of Sixteenth nnd Cass streets.
Hois said to have done a good business , but
after putting in ono year in the now en
terprise ho closed out Ins stock , nnd with hia
family returned to the oast. The report that
hu married a Miss Day , of Vermont , the
daughter of a wealthy farmer , his friends
here state must be erroneous , or else
she resumed her maiden name , as
his wife was the mother of two
children at thu tlmo they were married.
Wilkinson , or "Jim" as ho was commonly
called , Is well known at the headquarters of
the Union Pncilie , more especially among the
clerks , with whom ho formerly associated.
They speak of , him as being a genial , good
fellow , but having a limited knowledge of
what money Is made for. If ho has arrived
in Omaha , as was reported , none of his
former associates have seen him. Ho is
thirty-eight years of ago nnd Is said to bo u
good specimen of the human typo.
A 50 cent bottle of Dr. BIpolow's
Positive Cui-o will promptly anil thor
oughly euro the worst case of roeont
COUK > > , cold or throat or luiifj trouble.
Buy the dollar bottle for chronic cases.
Plousnut to tuUo. Goodman Drupr Co.
Upncl llio HIIHO Humor.
There was a small Hro at 2714 Farnam
street yesterday afternoon , The house is
occupied by Mr. W. Wolf , n clerk at Max
Meyer's. Mrs. Wolf was In the back kitchen
attending to her domcst'u duties , and upon
going into the parlor found the base burner
upset and thu floor on tiro. .she. Immediately
rulsud an alarm , and by tlio prompt attention
of some painters working next door , the lire
was soon oxtinguUhod. Thu Hro department
was not called This is thu second lire in
Mr. Wolf's homo within the last three
Tlio Matrimonial Lottery.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yestorduy by Judgo.Shlolds :
( Charles Schnur , Omaha SI
| Mnggio Helling , Omabu ± 3
( William Shurfelt , Omaha 42
| Julia Anderson , Omaha 42
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria.
When Dftbjr was rick , we gave herCutoria.
When tlio YTM & Child , the cried for CaitorU ,
When she became Mlas , nho clunf to Coatoria ,
Wlon nholiod Children , elm fare tLem C&Etorto.
A green Christmas ,
H. A. Petit , night operator here , spent
Christmas at his home In Shcnandoah , la.
The Knights of Pythia.s have changed
their night of meeting from Wednesday to
George Swlgart , of Omaha , was n guest at
the Oakland stock farm a couple of days re
Our thrco elevators are running on full
time , liuyors hero were paying 'Jl and 23
cents for corn when surrounding markets
were only giving 18 nnd 20 cents.
J. II. Fry should bo given n modal for lav
ing new sidewalks in front ot bis property
on Main street.
For "scrapping" on Sunday , F. Martins.
C. Prokncss nnd Henry Hrnhn , contributed
the usual dose , $ . " > nnd trimmings , f 12.10 per
The estimable wife of Gustavo Kaessncr
died nt this place on the Kith. Deceased
was In her fifty-second year , and was well
nnd favorably known in this locality , where
she had resided with her bereaved husband
for nbout twenty years. In her demise
Mr. Kne.ssner loses a faithful and loving
wife , and the community n worthy lady.
Interment took place at the cemetery here.
A. Uhtof of Omaha , hat petitioned our
village fathers for license to sell liquors here.
If granted this will make four saloons run
ning full blast at this place.
Commissioner Turner , of Klk City , was in
town Saturday evening.
Prof. Hrudcr pave a sleight-of-hand per
formance at Hiorback's hall Saturday night.
Ho had a good house , nnd gave a very fair
Miss Delia Reeves , of Spring Grove , who
has been visiting her aunt. Mrs. Alt D.
Jones , of Omnhu , for some time , came homo
Saturday evening of lust week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dicdrich Korschncr , of WIs-
ncr , spent Christmas with Mrs. Kerschncr's
parents hero , Mr. and Mrs. Witt.
Constable Fry was looking for a man Satur
day. He found him.
A. K. Agce , of Valley , attended Knights
of Pythias lodge bcro Saturday night last.
Hetvveon twenty-live nnd thirty couples of
our young people congregated at the resi
dence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thro. Van Alst last
Saturday evening and tripped the light fnn-
tastie toe until midnight. It was an enjovu-
ble aff.iir.
1 * . McCoy , of the Oakland stock farm , re
turned from Kentucky last Friday night
with n car load or standard bred "blue
grass" lilleya nnd geldings. Among them
he has a number of great promise.
Hcnning Goodhnrd sr. , died nt his resi
dence hero last Tuesday , the 25th inst. , of
liright's disease. Mr. Goodhard wns in his
sixtieth year , and e.itne to this country from
Germany with his family in 1871 , nud set
tled in Illinois , where ho remained until 1815
when ho followed the tide of immigration
westward nnd settled in Douglas county ,
this state , whore lie resided
since. Mr. Goodhard leaves an aged wife ,
four sons , a daughter and a large circle of
friends to mourn his loss. Deceased was a
kind husband , an elTeetiotmto parent , and
commanded the respect of nil who knew
him. Interment Thursday , S7th Inst. , at
Hntton cemetery. H. Hofeldt , J. U. Silvers ,
William Hopper , II. Wiutorbum , H. Ilolis-
tcr and N. 13. llcndricks , acted as pall bear
The teachers add scholars are now enJoying -
Joying their holiday vacation. Mr. Parker is
visiting in Howard county. Mrs. Whitman is
visiting in Denver , Colorado.
Arthur Otis is homo from Noligb , where
he has been attending school.
Miss Minnie Uorts Is at home on a vaca
tion from school at Yankton , Dakota.
Thomas Noyce , who has been attending
school in Crete , is spending the holidays in
Miss Hattie Hrowstcr is enjoying a vaca
tion from teaching at Mascot.
John McCombs uuU his mother are spend
ing some weeks at their old homo in Penn
Irvington is not a town of great commer
cial importance , but possesses many attrac
tions ns a place of residence. It is situated
in the beautiful and fertile valley of the
Little Papio , eight miles northwest from
Omaha by wagon road , and ten miles by rail.
The past year has been one of marked pros
perity for Irvington and vicinity. Entering
the village from Omaha , the first place of
business is the hardware and implement
store of 13 , L. Hrewstor. This store was
built during the past year , and has lately
been enlarged nnd improved. It is now a
largo building , with a hall in the third story.
Mr. Hrewster intends also to erect a dwell
ing house in the near future. The next
business place is the store of H. S. Johnson ,
also completed during the past year. Mr.
Johnson is the oldest merchant in the village
and is well known for reliability and square
dealing. He carries the usual miscellaneous
stock of goods found in country stores , and
also has a stock of drugs and a pub
lic telephone station in his store.
On the opK | > stc ! side of the street is the
store of Peter Ililer. who lias hosts of
friends nnd a large trade. Mr. Ililer deals
in general incrcnandiso and runs a coal
yard. Near by is the new mill , Just com
pleted. This is a largo two-story building ,
nnd its machinery IF run by a wheel of
thirtv-horso power. Mr. W. D. Clark estab
lished a barber shop Hero a few weeks ago.
The Irvington hotel , built by Mr. August
Nelson last year , is well patronized. Mrs.
H. O. A rant , built the house she now occu
pies during the past year , H. M. Twaddell
has built a large store near the depot. On
the second floor is n largo and commodious
hall. Mr. Twaddoll deals in groceries and
coal. Mr. H. P. Knight nnd sons have com
menced the foundation for a hotel , mid con
template the orostion of several other build
ings. Many farmers in this vicinity have
either put up new buildings or made exten
sive additions to those already built. Among
others mny bo named , John Anderson , A li.
KnlL-lit , S. IJ.irts and It. P. Hrowstor.
The value of real estate is shown by the
sale of several acres of land during the past
year at $300 per acre. There is a good deal
of land here that cannot now bo bought at
that rate.
The Congregational church , Ilov. J. T.
Oils pastor , is well supported , and the Sun
day school connected with it is largo and in
The public school is organized in two de
partments under the instiuction of teachers
who have been employed in the schools for
several years.
Tlio mill wheel has arrived nnd is in posi
tion. It came all the way from Ohio.
Messrs. H. P. Knight and sons have com
menced excavating for the foundation of anew
now hotel.
The practice of dehorning cattle was Intro
duced into this vicinity by P. II. Hibbard
nbout two years ngo. Although at first
thought the act of cutting off an animals
horns seems to bo ono of needless
cruelty , still it is found , in prac
tice , that the advantages far out
weigh the objections. Mr. Hibbard has
duhornod over eight hundred head and not
one lias suffered injury from excessive loss of
blood , Dehorning lias been adopted by many
prominent fanners of the county nnd is con-
Htantly growing in public favor as its merits
become understood.
Miss Minnie Hurts is homo from school at
Yanklon to enjoy Christmas and New Years.
Mr. J. T. Parker hasgonu homo for n short
stay during his two weeks vacation of school.
Mr. Peter Ililer is obliged to go around on
crutches on account of a sere and swollen
ankle caused by slipping from a wagon
Mr. Arthur Otis Is homo from school at
Neligli during vacation.
The new grist mill is ncarlng completion ,
and will bo ready to grind in a few days.
Mr , J. 1C. McCombs has at last reached
water , after digging 105 toot and sinking n
thrco Inch auger seventeen feet moro. The
well now has fifty-two feet of water In It ,
with an Ideal wind mill It will bo raised and
distributed wherever wanted most.
The play "Turn Him Out , " was rendered
Thursday evening , by tlio Irvington Dra
mat in club , In good shape. Oysters were a
long time coming , but good whoa they came.
All farmers who have stock or other valu
able property , and are not members of tlio
Irvington Protective association should at
tend their annual meeting on Thursday
evening , January 10 , 1SVJ , and Join ; also en
joy oysters at tlio close. For other informa
tion apply to H , S. Johnson , secretary.
Petty thieving is bocoinhit' altogether too
common here. Itocontly ono of four tramps
wlio were hanging around town deliberately
toofc an overcoat from a bucgv and startei
off with it , but ho Watipcnod to bo seen , am1
quite a crowd was sodn offer him. The coil
was secured nnd he wns handled n little
roughly for a time and marched out of town
Miss VanderRrlfe , U-iio has been visltmu al
, f. J. Miller's , lias returned to her homo al
Pittsburg , Pa.
Thomas Hunter has bought out the food
store and lunch business ol John Sander. * ,
and will continue the business at the old
Alex Gardiner bought the old butcher shop
of M Standenmoved It onto u lot in Mayno'.s
addition nnd sold the house aad lot to John
K. C. Hrlnk , from Fremont , was down re
cently , looking up the musical merchandise
The Farmers and MeT-chants' bank of Val
ley commenced business on the 20th and a
young man from Dursey's bank was elected
assistant cashier by the directors , and is
running the business , Cash deposits the
first day. outside of stock assessments , were
HHX ) . Pretty good for a start.
William Hardt was arrested recently and
taken before Justice. Smith , of Elkhorn , on a
charge of assault and battery , a son of Dr.
Williams bolng the battered boy. Ho was
assessed W > 00 line nnd costs.
The Union Pacific surveyors were recently
making nnotlier survey ot the yards.
Mrs. .Tamos Stoncr has pone to Iowa to
spend the winter with her mother.
Surveyor Howe was out recently measur
ing u fill on the now highway south of town.
Mrs. M. S. Cowleshas been quito sick the
past two weeks.
Mr. Emery recently had surveyors out
from Omaha platting oil more of his addition
into lots.
Mr. John Steer Is quite sick with malarial
The residentsof , tlio north p.irt of the pre
cinct are quieting down since the termina
tion of the Allen-Wright suit.
Mr. Countermine of Chicago , addressed
the people of the Presbyterian church Sun
day mornim ; nnd evening , December 2- , and
Its seldom that the people of Waterloo have
been so favored in n speaker. His discourses
met with unanimous approval and wo would
that such were In store for us regularly in
the future.
The cantata nnd Christmas exercises by
the Presbyterian Sabbath school passed off
ns successfully as anticipated.
The Chicken-pie supper was a grand suc
cess , enjoyed by everyone and the receipts
gave complete satisfaction.
Miss Jessie Noyes nnd brother Eddie nro
in Iowa for a week's visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington and family are
at Grand Island spending the holidays with
Miss May Nbycs is homo for the holidays ,
nnd speaks most highly of the college nt
Crete where she has been attending the last
Mr. H. B. Hem iger ran into Omaha to meet
his partner , J. Mortenson , who with his
bride , were on their wav for a winters tr.p
through the south and California.
The work nn the bridge is being pushed ,
there being three gangs now at work on it ,
and it will soon bo completed. '
Mr. Todd reports tlio Waterloo house full
to overflowing , oven after bis noxv addition
is completed. That speaks well for Water
Christmas day , the event of the year , for
young and old. is past. The celebration on
Christmrs eve was a regular Christmas
boom. Soon after dark the whole village
was illuminated. From the church at the
top of the hill the light shone brightly in all
directions. Rev. Mr. Wmto officiated. The
newly organized choir miatcd the entertain
ment , which was rather a solemn affair. The
pupils of the Evangelical Lutheran Sunday-
school proved to those present tthat they
wore well Instructed in regard to tlio mean
ing ot the holiday. The revorened
pastor then addressed the community to the
great satisfaction of nil present. After
wards the Christmas gifts were distributed ,
and general merriment took the place of the
former solemnity. The Christmas tree was
a bright , well-decorated and illuminated
pine. Tlio whole congregation and friends
from the country to the number of 200 par
ticipated in tlio affair. .
Somewhat later in the night Santa Glaus
made his appearance at Poppenlmger's hall ,
where a large , well-grown cedar , sixteen
feet high and wide in proportion , shone
forth in all its glory. Ucing in the center
of tlio spacious room , the latter seemed to bo
but a small apartment , nnd the numerous
visitors from towns und country , old and
young , looked like boys nnd girls in the mcs-
encc of the gigantic evergreen. Music and
singing opened and closed the proceedings'
here , too. Santa Glaus , in the person of
George Hoetcl , und ut other times as lively
as a lish in water , though well dressed , did
liis work quite silently. The only demon
stration ho made was by an old colored hat
which ho woro. Ho looked rather
anarchistic , and as a satire
upon lute political acliivoments
The tree was presented by Frederick
Schrocder , who sacrificed it to the altar of
the God of Light , the same whom our fore
fathers worshipped in other shape long be
fore the wise mon followed thu star of Jesus.
The gifts were distributed by Santa Claus ,
assisted by Michael Fox and Wilt Von Doh-
ren. The principal gift was bestowed upon
: he giver of the tree and his lady solid gold
juttons nnd studs for the gentleman and the
cst rocking chair obtainable for money in
Mlllard for Mrs. Schrocder.
The third attraction was nt the school
louse , Professor Mussilis ; endeavor to make
tlio evening an interesting ono for tlio pupils
of the school and their friends and relations
wns crowned with perfect success.
Last week the Omaha Elevator company en
tered the Held nnd bought through their
igent , Henry Kelsey , the popular justice of
our village , 8,000 bushels of corn at the aver-
igo price of 23 cents u bushul.
ICIIe City.
Our school will begin on Wednesday after
a few days' ' vacation for Christmas. The
students have all enjoyed themselves splcn-
lidly , but we doubt whether any of them
enjoyed themselves any better than Professor
ser D. H. Logan did.
John Johnson was brought home from Elk-
lorn awcok ago nnd is improving slowly ,
but his many frieads think ho will bo a crip
ple for life.
John N. Kimmer has boon on the sick list
Tor several days , but is able to bo out again.
Jennie Jimmcr 1ms been very sick but is
reported much hotter.
Miss Sarah II. Young has gone homo to
Iowa to spend her vacation.
Nols Swanson is spending the holidays in
Omuha. His best girl Is looking very lone
some now-a-days.
John n. Hean and family ot Oirmha sppnt
Christmas with their parents and friends
Thcro was some very good shooting" , donc
with rifles at turkeys here on ChrUtua <
day. -
The Sporting club hero had their monthly
shooting mntch on Christmas day. Perry
Kepler made the best scoronml was the win
ner of the badge. They elected tnelr oDlcera
for next year on Saturday evening.
Several of our cattle feeder * hnvo cattle
ready for market , but are waiting for bettor
prices. O. A. Wolcott has sold ono car
Hogs continue to die with the cholera , con
sequently the hog crop will bo short In thla
part of Douglas county.
Fred McDoucal. of Klkhorn , Is clerking
for Messrs. Culp & Turner.
The county commissioners have been mak
ing frequent visits out hero of late , and it is
currently reported that there has been some
"crooked" xvork going on for the county. It
is a pretty hard job to fool Dick O'Kufe on
roads and bridges.
The masquerade ball here on Christmas
nicht was a success both socially and llnnn
chilly. There were about scventv-llve mnsk-
crs , and some of the costumes were the
richest ever seen here. The prize for the
most elegant lady's costume was awarded to
Miss Rose Fitch , n toucher in the Omaha
schools , and for the best gentleman's cos
tume to Oscar Guinea , of this place. The
dance was very quiet and ordcrlj and every
body enjoyed themselves.
An Aliiolutn Cliro.
is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes
nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , nnd all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEii'T. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , ut'JS
cents per box by mail 1)0 ) cents.
How tlio Ono Hundredth Anniversary
Will hu Celebrated.
John L. Webster who has been appointed
by Governor Thayer as Nebraska's ' represen
tative at the celebration ot the Centennial of
Washington's Inauguration , lias returned
from Now York where ho attended the first
mo.iiing of the executive committee. The
celebration will take place on April ! U , and
it Is the intention of the managor.s to make
it n national affair. Congress has already
made tlio day a legal holiday.
The president of the United States und his
cabinet will bo received in Now York har
bor by the United Stales fleet. The flotilla ,
accompanied by all foreign ships that maybe
bo in the harbor , will join in the procession.
At the landing , the president will bo received
by the United Stales supreme court , the
senate and members of the lower house.
The festivities will bo confined almost ex
clusively to Now York. A grand procession ,
n banquet at the Metropolitan opera bouse.
nnd a ball will bo the principal features of
the celebration.
It is expected that the militia of each state
will participate in the procession , Mr. Web
ster , us welt as the New York committee , is
anxious to secure tlio dUcnduncu of Ne
braska's militia nnd the Creigliton and
Omaha guards. All these will bo invited to
attend. With this in view. Mr. Webster will
ask the state legislature to make an appro
priation to defray the expenses of the mili
tary bodies which may bo called upon to
represent the state.
Ailvioo to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup should al.
be used for children toothing. H soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
curcsjwind colic , aim is the best remedy for
liuvrticea , 2oc u bottle
After the Council
Tuesday night after the adjournmcntof the
council the Ucchel sympathizers adjourned
to Ed Maurcr's , where the "gavel" was duly
The other fraction of the body , consisting
of iHurnham , Wheeler , Chalice , Kaspar ,
Davis , Sander , Bailey , Shriver , City Clerk
Southard nnd Assistant Mauvillo and City
Attorney Webster , at the Invitation of
Mayor Hroatch , repaired to the Union club ,
Whore they sut down to an excellent wi no
Ths mayor said yesterday that if the
councilnien of the uurstcd combine desired to
refuse to net on the committees tliov could do
so. The others could got along without them.
The mayor also said that ho attached no
mportanco to tlio claim made by Hascall
, hat the election of tlio city clerk , last night ,
was illegal. "We were prepared for any
question they might spring upon us , and wo
were prepared for that. Hnscall has n way
of construing law which. is always in his own
Uvor. "
To ot-r is human , but you make no
nistnkc if you use Dr. Jones' lied
Dlovor Tonic for dyopopsia , coslivonoss ,
> ad breath , piles , pimples , u uo and
naluria , poor appetite , low spirits , or
Hboasos of the kidneys , stomach and
ivor. 60 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Another Tollivcr liiiill Out.
LouisviM.r. . Ky. , Jan. 2. [ special Tele-
tram to THE Bun. ] Cal Tollivor , cousin of
ho famous outlaw , Craig Tolliver , who was
tilled at Moorchcad two years ugo , is re-
> orted fatally wounded at Murtmsburp , Ky.
L'hat town , which is the county scat , has n
strict local option law. On Christmas eve
L'olllver , who , though barely of age , has a
reputation nsa mcmbcrof his cousin's band ,
vent to town witu a quantity of whisky ,
) cnt on having u holiday jollification.
While drinking with his friends
n a store next morning ho and Frank At-
tins , a young mountaineer , quarreled and
rolllvcr drew a knife and slashed Atkins
icross tlio abdomen Atkins , by jumping
nick , escaped a serious wound. Ho un-
iwored the attack by striking Tollivcr In the
icad with a scale weight , knocking him
senseless. Tollivor was take.ii to a friend's
muse , where ho recovered connsciousness
during tlio night. At last accounts , however -
over , ho was dying. His demise will nearly
extinguish the male line of Tollivors.
An Kngllsli Commoner Coining.
LONDON , Jan. 2. John Hciiton , M. P. , has
accepted nn invitation to visit the United
states early this year. Ho expects while
hero to appear before congress in the ad
vocacy of ocean penny postage , and much of
il.s visit will bo given to tiio furthering of
heap postage.
Is not required to do washing
and house-cleaning , when it is
done with PEARLINE.
With Pearline , a delicatft
woman can do this hardest
of woman's work with com
parative ease. She don't
have to rub herself or her
, clothes to pieces when she
washes in this new way.
You will find these
labor-saving directions
on every package , and
one trial will con-
V vince you that in
_ ) < PEARLINE you
/ J have found the most
/ f improved means and
* method for all washing
= = = ' and cleaning. Millions
are using it.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous groccis are
offering imitations which they claim to be Pearl
ine , or " the same as Pearline. " IT'S FALSIC
they are not , and besides are dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled , but
sold by all good grocers. j Mtnufwtureil only by MMliS 1'VUI. New Verb
Is tt a boy or n girl ? ITow often do we hear this rotnnrk nnil question.
Tcs , it a prcttj' liaby , but how bad 1U mother looks. Sliu looks ns If she
were goln ; * right tlowii. Slic is so thin atul yellow , ami her face Is covered with
wrinkles nud blotches. She seems so nervous and Irritable , too ; but it Is easy
to account for her condition. Child-birth has left her with prolnpgu ? , or other
displacements , and weaknesses , nervous prostration and general debility. Tlio
best thing she can do is to use Dr. Tierce's Favorite- Prescription , which has
been prepared for the express need of women in this condition.
As n powerful , invigorating tonic , it Imparts strength to the whole system ,
and to the womb and Its appendages in particular. For overworked , " worn-out , "
" run-down , * ' debilitated teachers , milliners , dressmakers , seamstresses , "shop
girls , " housekeepers , nursing mother' ? , and feeble women generally , Dr. Plorcc'fl
Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon , being uncqualcd as an ap
petizing cordial and restorative tonic , or strcnyth-givcr.
As n soothing1 and slrpngtlieiiliiij nervine , "Favorite Prescription * ' is unc
qualcd and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability , irritabil
ity , exhaustion , prostration , hysteria , spasms and other distressing , nervous
symptoms , commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease. Jt
induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency.
Copyright , 1883 , by WOIILD'S MKUICAL ASSOCIATION , Proprietors.
\ n
Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless.
Dncqimlcd ns n Ijlvor PHI. Rmiillcst , cheapest , easiest
to take. One llnr ? Sugar-conled I'ellct a Do-to. Cures Side Ilciuluclic ,
unions Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , nillniiH Attacks , and all
derangements of the stomach aud bowels. 85 cents , by '
Cures Kheumntlsm , Sprains , Hirollcn Joints.
Brulo , Ilacjinche , llendnchn nnil NtMirnlglu. 1C
perumnenllT ilrlvus nirar niid ri'movi-s all ruins.
Bcliu.i nnd similar iillmnnU. Good for tu-mlna well
nil nmnklnd , nml ouri's lllngliono. 8m\ln , hnllnls ,
olc on ImrJC' . I'nt up In Inna mni nnil oout
ruKl'AH ) liy ox pro's on receipt of pries If Tour
drugKlstflOBj not , keep It. 1'rlcu * l.'fl.
Grealot Pnlva in Iho world , ft ncM IHio rnncla
when upplloil lo Cuts. Urul9t)5,8riilili. ) lluriif , IlltJsJ
OIU Soroa , ClittlTea nnj Cliup | > oa llnruls , Crocked
Cown' Tents , olo. , nnil oilier troubles of n similar
nature , ( looil for liorurs' itouniln and unrtf.
1'rlcu " 5 cents. I'm up In luroo tin \ioivi. \ and sent
by mull or express on receipt of prlco If your
drUKBlst does ilot keep It.
Our aim nnil lioxi'scoiitnln more than four tlmos
Bsmucli us uny oilier liolllo or piicknK" tlAIMED to
cnntnln. nn nrllcln thnt will dn tlic nurt : no
OUAltA.STKK our prupnnitlons lo do.
Ouinlia , Neb , Sol Vraprlctori.
Vm > Hale nt retail in Onialin , by Kuliii & Co. , Gco. AV. 1'arr , John W. Boll ,
nil S. 11. Furnsxvorth.
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Sol
Gentlemen's Bdt Best SflenllGe Made and Practically Applied.
With Suspensory Kleftrie , % ! , . DISEASE GUREDWiTHOUT MEDICINES
an no ntmiicu 10 any imrt or iuo boay <
N MuirayIsniiorrllli-lli.iK.7. . Abbottlupt-cltywiterKorku.B < iutli llend , lml. | Itolil. II. bampion. Chicago
putt office ; I..l > .Jc31lclmi ! < l , M , 1) .IluIIalo , N. Y , "Your Iwlt ims api'vinplliliPd wlmt no other rcinndy Iiulii
UeaJy ncrvm nd comfortalilq Bluep _ at . _ night. " Uoht. ll&ll. nldonnan , ir > < > Kant39th Strect.Now YoiV.oto.
. _ -JrcureulliOo clay liyjr. EiEcrno-iua.
Ilornc'nlUi clro-.M ncucllo Iltl U nlllvc ]
Truu.comblnod. UunrniUcedllia '
. . _ . - only ono In the world pcncratlna
i& ; Bcontlnaoua t'lnMa it Maanrtit .
'otirrftit. gclcniino.rowcrrul , UurobM , C'unlalni VJ tel nil rti > pn of
Comfortnhlo nud Krr ctUe , Avuldfrauds. Electricity. ulUKlMKKlHho
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
I ll"hmjfliit rmmi M * I 11 ii i inn u n niimii 111 i BIN i i\mf \ mm mmi iajrT"Jf"rtgKtp\1Jl | yUJBlaju J '
Tulil Up Cnpltnl . $400,000
Surplus . 50,000
II , W. VATKS , I'rosulnnt ,
LKWISH. , VUo I'roslilent.
A. i : . TOU.M.IVml Vlco I'rosldnnt.
W. II. 8. JIuniiKs , Cannier.
W.V. Jlouai : . .loiiw 8.
II. W. YAIKH , l.uwisS. UUKD.
Hanking Olllco
Corner I''tn anil I'urnam Bta
Epps's Cocoa.
tliorouiliJJUKAKl'AST. .
"llr a tliorouili ; ot llio Inwa
Iho um'rnllcMuof illKuatlou unil iinlrl
I Ion , anil by u turviiil upplii-ntlon otlliuilno iirnpcr-
tk'i ol wcll-nilouli-il Cut'on , Mr Cppa lias inuvliluil uur
i/aknikltnlilu wllhii Ucllcnloiy llnvorml liuvurni/u
iic'nuivMtri ) us ninny Ijenvy iluclor' lillls. Ilia
Juuaidiu utu of Kucli urtlclui til ilelt lli.ilu
const tutlun niiijr liu ( iruiluiilljr Imllt up until lronu
enouilito ru Ht overjr tcndi > rirr to tlltcuso , llun-
clreitit of Bubllu maladlus uro lloitllntr uround
to HllHCk whi'rovur thorn H u vri'nk point.Vuinur
stiiiiu many u falnl vhult by k upliuourii lTeiinull
Jorllllcil null puru bluixl nnd u properly nourltliud
trumiis' Civil HorvlcoOiuullo
Madn liiiplrwllli liulllii ) ! water or milk. SolJonlr
In hulf pound tint br'lroiur lubolu I thus :
( Succi's.sora to John U , Jacob ) . )
Undertakers andEmbalmors
AttliuoUl btaml. HOT 1'ariiani Ht. Orilers by
telt > grai > U aollclteil unil i > r mj > tly uttuudod.
Teleplionu to Ku , - - ,
$ T.lOUIS1MO,1U.S.A.
EidmlK OwDtrt li Munrut'n ct ,
tited , '
IllusUaUd CaUlegui Km ,
jo sriooivuoijins ;
DA Tnnnal
i .i -
A rtosren forforcrlonuronzftln l tliu rHJTHOuTUIf.
NKI.CoinpHnylmi Ju t boon entered In tlio UnltoJ
Stales Circuit Court. Nlnlli Circuit District of Nevada
nnd the property of ilmt cimipnny will bo euld llioro-
nndor lit tin oinly dulo. The llooraiinlrntlon Com.
nilltcoliereliy Klvi's notice thut ttuckhulilprint that
conipiiny will bo iillnwtil n KINAIiouiniliinlly | topro-
tecttliolrlillhcrto iimi sonleil toclJ by nuUscrlblng
lo the now biiiidaiindilupotlllnu their itookuilierotO'
lorn mUurti.ioil. buliscrljitlonn liiKuld boniln will ha
rvcclruil lit tlio I'nlon 'I'mnv Coiupiny , No. 7.1 llroud-
nay , New Vork , at the lollim ln teriun , to-wlt ;
nn UKNTS | KK HIIAItli ; , AHSI3NT- j
NOV. O , 18H8 , At1 IB Bl. ,
UNriij JAN. a , IHH , AT a i * . nr.
Hiib crlher to Iho honiUwlll rcrnlroTniitC.inipanr
rnrlineiili-ii , I'lilllluif thinii to the iinia iiiiinbiiroi
. . , ' -J' ' , " " y iMii.iiiiiliilioiilf
ijcuiitvunil Uloints
OHjIi rD pocllv ly pnlil by ilium.
BiihecrlplloiiH ' ' ' " } fnini rulu dnle " " ' 'T' of ' pnyinonl " " " " " ' bu "UonoJ on
. I'nyiijont "hiiiil.l . b < ) iiiadu hr chuck on Now Vorlt to
he Union 'rriiilCoiiiiiniiyiiiiiUliouia bo iioooiuimnluij
bj the fctnok duly iindorii'd In blank itud nn mitlior
Itiit onto Ho iJnlon Tnut O.inimny. | HUnk fonm
lor this iiiitlmrtiutlon and cuploit of tlrcnhii * ran I a
obliiluod upon iipiilli'iillm , ut'tliu llnlu-i 'J'nut < Joni.
li'i'il'/Now VoVkr" r ° " ' " 1J"Sovo"1" noar' * " "
IMlcdNKW Vimif , October. ) , 118.
II. It. ItAI/r/IOIt , Chnlriiinn.
i . a A. in. VAN \viioi/ ; ,
J.ontlon , KiiKiaiul ,
Aimlorilam , Jlolliiud.
Traiuact n Kuncml bnnklu builnvt * . Heciirlllet
boutditan'lsoldon commlt/lou Foreign uxihuu
Coniinorclnl nnd Iraveler'n lottcra of rrcdlt ,
OrJora for | jonil unil htocU I'.TfciituI on ( uiumlt.
§ lonln Ix > ndon und 011 ull Contlncnlul llaurtcsor
Ki'uuilniloti * nf KnIlvTHy , Kuie , C'lty nnd Corpora
tion l < ouuif 11 upotlully
DiyoilOKS-A..rioODHIUIl , ArrOIlNKV.\-T-L\\7.
Ill Uaiirliorn .St. , Clnc aoi " .Uluo frost U year/ /