Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1889, Page 4, Image 4
TKE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUBSDAY. JANUARY 3 , 1889 THE DAILY BEE. KVICIIY niOUNINO. TKHMS 01' 8UHSCIUPTIO.V. Dfillr ( Morning edition ) Including SUNDAY lln' , OIIP Ycnr . * IJ5 ror. lxMontlift . fj JS VorThrro Months . . . "M . - , - . - 3'nr : OMAHA Htmuir IIKK , mulled to nuy ° f ndclrcss. One Vcnr . s JJJ \S'HFKIT IlKf' . One Vonr . . . . . . . . . ' J OUAIIA opfif B.NO.I.HH Asiii'lfl ' FAUNA MSTnKKT. cntouio OKMCK M7 ItouKFHV UtiiunNO. \i \ NfcW VOHKOM-ICK. H)0 ( H M AND 1BTHIIIUNB llrii.iit.vfi.VACiii.Nnro.v UiriCK , No. 013 8TUCBT. . . . , Allfonimunlcntloni rclntlntt to news find fcrtl- torlftl mattrr should bo nildreisod to the KIUTOR . . . All business If-tturs and remittances should he addressed to Tun Ilr.K I'miusiitvo COMI-ANV. OMAHA. l > mfts. checks nml ptntplilco onlors to be mode piiyablu to the order ot the company. Proprietors , c n E. HO3KWATEK , Editor. w , | 10 Sworn StiitciiHMitol Uiruitlntion. t'B Btntr of Nebraska , i . B Uoitntyot ( " ' ( Icorgo II. T//irlmck / , secretary of The linn Pub. llshlng Company , docs Holoiimly swear that the iictimrclrculntlon of TUB IMII.Y UKK for the wcekcndliiR December S'J , liWJ. was at follows : Kutulny , Dec. SI . j . ' Monday , Doc. Jl . JR.H.U . Tnrsdfiy. Ore. SI . IIM 1 Wednesday. Dec. 1 . . ' Vlinrsrtuv , ler. ) 27 . W1 * rndny. Di-c. ! W bnturduy. Dec. K ) Arernuo . H.-J7 fiKOUOr. II.T/.80IUJCK. Sworn to befoin mo nud snbscrlbnd In my pro-nice this Will day of Di'rembor A. I ) , 1BSS. f 'iil N. i > . riiL. : Notary I'ubllc. fctato of Nebraska. i County of Uonulas , f ' ( Icorgu II. Tzirnitclc , being duly sworn , de poses and Miyn tliat hu is Secretary of the Hue I'nblishlng company , that tlie actual nvurago dally circulation of TIIS lAitv HKK for the month of December , 1 > ) S7 , 15.1)41 ) copies ! for .Ian- miry , IH * . ir > , VOC copies ; for Kounmry , 1MH , lii.lVJ copies ; for March. l a , cojilot ; for April. ItW. 1MII copies : for May. 1818,17,181 copies : for June , 18SK , 1 ! > , < ; | 3 ropim : for July , J8K8. IS.reil oopleH ! for AllKtllt , 1SSS , Id.lXIcopIos ; forwptcmbtT , 181 * , 1H.1S1 copies ; for October , JKS.S. wns 1R.CW4 copies ; for November. 18SS , IK.KHilcopIc" ) . Gio. : 11. T/.SCIIUCK. Kwom to before mo nml subscribed In my Presence this 8th day of December. 18SH. N. I' . rKlli Notary I'ubllc. No ovurJicud. wires. Tin : Fiftieth congress Is now on its limno stretch. But the prospects for needful legislation are us fur OH"us over. IT"AR \ a total eclipse in California on Now Year's day , and so it was at the council chamber for some of the old combine. llAititiSON cvidontly ap preciated the compliment of the place hnntors who did not oesiofjo him on New Year's day. POSTJIASTHH GKNKUA DICKINSON'S recent order clnsdtfying and putting the employes of the railway mail service under civil service rules conies rather late in the day. JOE Soimi.YUD is ono of the sun flowers of city politics. His face is always wreathed in amilea toward the rising sun , and his baclc is turned to 1 the eclipsed luminary. i declines point-blank to ac cept the chairmanship of the committee on "town nlots.And yet , of all men i in or out of the council , Ilascall is best fitted for "plotting. " MR. BuciiKij is an excellent coolr. Ills roast last night was done to u turn.Herald. . That's a mistake. Mr. Bechcl was simply playing scullion , while turning the spit which Chief Cook Rothackor had potion up for the occasion. Tins various committees of the coun cil selected by President Leo will bo universally approved. Ho has broken up the old comoinalions , and has put the important committees in the hands of men who have proved themselves worthy of confidence. KiiSOTjUTiOKB passed by the legisla ture to encourage economy do not stop the leaks. The only way to put an end to the raid on the people's money is to cut down barnacles and conduct the affairs of slate on business principles. the year just closed railroad construction was carried on in every Biato of the union but two. The ex ceptions are Rhode Island and Nevada , where it would seem that not as much as a dido-track was reported as bolng built. Tun estimated value of the mineral ' yield of Colorado for 1888 is put at twen ty-six millions. This is a most favorable - blo showing inlovr of the low price of silver and load , being an excess of over two millions of the value of the produc tion for 18S7. NHAIILY thirteen thousand cases wore brought before Judge Berkn during the year , and the fines and costs collected amounted to over thirty-one thousand dollars. The magnitude of the police-court business would indicate that too many cases i-i i before for come a single police judge fcf * . hearing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tun clcclUm of Michael Lee to the presidency of the city council is a tri umph of the bettor elements of citizen ship ever the rulo-or-ruin faction. It emphasizes the fact that the majority of the council is made up of mon who will henceforth banish strife and en deavor to devote tlioir energies to con ducting the cily government on a law- nnd-order basis. professional gamblers it i regarded disgraceful to squeal when beaten in a game. The howl of "fraud" and "combine" of the defeated faction in the council would disgrace even a tin-horn gambler. Tho&o follows have boon doing nothing but combining for the hist eighteen months , and when they are finally beaten by the combined Dpjxjsltion they squeal like stuck pigs , ' "sii'outrngo. " TUB prosperity of Nebraska is tea a great extent indicated by the growth Mid improvement made by the cities through the state during the past your. Lincoln reports an expenditure of throe and half million dollars on public ind private improvements for the year , Fremont has Invested something like a half million for a similar purpose. Be atrice , Nebraska City , Kearney and other towns have likewise made public and private improvements whloh do thorn credit. LKT rnmr cKMnnAi'K AT UOMR. That Nebraska should bo creditably represented nt the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Inaugural of Gcort'o Washington ns president of this republic ; will bo universally conceded. With the choice of John L. Webster as such representative TitKHnr.'has no fault to find. Mr. Webster was president of the convention that framed the constitution under which Nebraska has boon gov erned since 1875 , and his selection to the post of honor to which ho has been commissioned will bo conceded as emi nently proper under the circumstances. But Ihu proposition to have Nebraska represented at the New York centennial by two companies of militia at the expense - ponso of the state is most decidedly ob jectionable at this linjo. If any of the olllcors of the militia or any member of the governor's staff want to exhibit their trappings in the innrslial procession marching down Broadway nobody can have the slightest objection providing they do so at their own expense. But the .taxing powers of the stale should never be abused by such expensive demonstrations of junketing militlainon. The state has no j'ight to tax its citizens excepting for conduct ing Its governmental affairs and for purposes that are known to bo intended In the interest of the slate in advertis ing its resources abroad and attracting capital from abroad. The display of Nebraska militia in New York City can not be considered a btep in that direc tion. At the best , two crack companies of Omaha militia would cut a sorry lig- uro by the side of the magnificently equipped regiments and brigades of New York National Guards and the military from the old and populous stales adjacent to Now York. It is to bo hoped the legislature will give no countenance to the proposed scheme of placing our militia on dress parade abroad. We would not discour age private citizens or corporations from contributing liberally towards such a display of patriotism , but wo ear nestly remonstrate against selling on foot the proposed jaunt to the American metropolis by the Nebraska militia. The Washington correspondent of the Chicago jVeu's reports an interview witli Senator Mandorson in which the senator said : "With the rest of the Ne braska delegation , I am urging the lion. John M. Thurstoii for secretary of the interior. " If this is true of the Ne braska delegation in congress , they are misrepresenting the wishes of a largo majority of their constituents. The re publicans of Nebraska would bo greatly gratilled with the selection of a cabinet member from this state , but the masses of the party would not feel at all hon ored were the attorney ol the Union Pa cific railroad to be the man. Mr. Thurs- ton is not a representative Ne braska republican. His interests as the champion of the Credit Mobilicr corporation have always been hostile lo those of tlie great majority of the party in this state , whoso demands for justice at the hands of the great corporation ho serves ho has persis'tontly opposed , and whoso efforts to conserve the rights of the people , he has done all that mortal man could do to thwart. The course of John M. Thurston in Nebraska gives him no single claim to popular confi dence , and General Harrison could make no greater mistake than to ele vate to a cabinet position , and espec ially to the head of the interior depart ment , , the always pliant and servile - vile instrument of the most oppres sive , defiant and unscrupulous rail road corporation in this country. The next administration , in order to com mand and deserve the confidence of the country , must bo composed of men whoso records arc at least free from conspicu ous and far from reputable olTorts to defeat the will of the people in the in terest of corporate power , and Mr. Thurston is not of this class. At the head of the interior depart ment Mr..Thurston would have every opportunity to servo the corporations , and Ills record justifies the presumption that no would never be found unfriendly , to tiny demands they might mtiko upon him which it was possible for him to comply with. At any rate tliore could be'no confidence felt that that department , with him at its head , would bo administered with an aim single to the interests of the people - plo and the government. Wo do not believe it to bo in the character of Mr. Thurston lo rise superior to the condi tions that have given him political prominence , and every man who knows anything of his career wouldoxpcethlm to continue to serve the power that made him. So far a General Harrison is concerned , Mr. Thurston has not the slightest claim upon him. There is no reason lo believe that his services in the campaign made a single vote for the republican party. They certainly did not do so in Nebraska , and why should they bo supposed to have done so olsowhoroV No ono questions the professional ability of Mr. Thurston , but ho is with out oxpcrioncu in public afl'nirs , and this fact of itself should bo sulllcicnt to exclude him from a cabinet position. If Senator Mandorson has boon correctly reported , and Ihoro is no reason to doubt it , the Nebraska delegation are misrepresenting the fooling of a ma jority of the people of the slate , and especially of the masses of the republi can party the oppressed producers whoso interests and welfare Mr. Thurs ton has persistently antagonized. TAKING HIS OU'.Y TMK. General Harrison , who is the most deeply Interested in the matter of form ing his cabinet , is in no hurry to ap pease the solicitude of the politicians , lie inlands taking his own time to select - loct his advisors , and while it is not to bo supppsed that ho is indiil'oront to all the advlco ho is receiving , ho must nec essarily disregard a very considerable part of it. That ho will not construct u cabinet with which everybody will bo pleased is inoro than probable. That lie cifnnot avoid disappointing some poli ticians who bolieyu they have superior claims to consideration iscartain. There are but sovuu cabinet positions to bo filled , with the possibility of another being - ing created before this potigross termi nates , and there is a great deal of excel lent material from which to select. The tnsk is a delicate as well as a difficult one , but the sound judgment nml discre tion which the president-elect has thus far shown gives assurance that ho will perform it wisely. There has been one commendable de cision of General Harrison in connection with this matter which is believed to have already had n wholesome Intluonco. That is that ho will give no countenance anceto factional disputes. Politi cians who disturb the harmony of the republican party , in their off rts lo advance llioir personal ambition , are warned that they must hope for no favors from the next administration. It will have no use for anybody who does not plnco the unity and harmony of the party , as to national affairs , nbovo all ether considerations. The nnnounco- mcnt that it will bo the policy of the ne.\t administration to hold the party in line is thought to have already had its inlluonco in Now York , where the ambition of Mr. Platt was threat ening a serious factional con flict , and in California , where certain solf-soeklng politicians wore manifesting a disposition to make trouble if they could not have every thing their own way. Undoubtedly General Harrison desires to rccognl/.e both Now York and the Pacific coast by giving thorn representation in ills cab inet'but individuals who stir up slrifo and discord may depend upon being ignored. There will be nothing arbi trary in this. It will simply moan that the president-elect regards the welfare of the party us superior to the interests or ambition of any member of It , and in this ho will strengthen himself in the respect and confidence of the masses of the party. HILL OA * TllEPUKVlU'Ol'VUfS BAL LOT. Governor Hill of Now York was inau gurated Tuesday , and delivered a mes sage which contained some matters of general interest , The governor ap pears to have the opinions of democrats generally that there was an exceptional amount of corruption in the last presi dential campaign on the republican side , without which their party might have been successful. It is not an un common experience to find the defeated setting forth any cause but the true ono to account for discomfiture , and if the democrats can obtain any con- fcolalion from the corruption theory it is their privilege to do so. But all candid mon believe that ono party was was quite as guilty as the other of an improper use of money in the campaign , and whether the republicans used a greater sum than the democrats is ques tionable. The latter had greater re sources from which to derive money , and they made very thorough use of them in the closing mouths of the cam paign. It would bo absurd to suppose that the largo sums raised from the con tributions of employes of the govern ment were used wholly for necessary campaign expenses. But it is admitted on all sides that a great deal of money was corruptly used in the campaign , and nobody questions that this is > an evil , and perhaps a growing ono , in our political methods that ought to bo re moved. Possibly that can be accom plished if democratic leaders like Gov ernor Hill will act upon their profes sions. None should know bettor how to provide against it. The cradle of the evil is the democratic stronghold of Now York City. There it has always been fostered , finding its highest de velopment under such skillful and trusted democratic leaders as Tweed. If any class of politicians should be able to point out a way to remedy this serious fault in our polical meth ods it is the democratic leaders of New York who were taught the practice of it in the infancy of their political experience. But the difficulty is that they will not act upon their professions. When overtaken by defeat they are voluble of promises , but with victory they are never ready to do anything. Take the case of Governor Hill's veto ot the bill passed by the last Now York legislature providing for a needed reform in election methods. Its object was the protection and purity of the ballot , but its otl'ect would have been to prevent a great deal of fraud and corruption in the democratic strong holds of Now Vork and Brooklyn , and therefore Governor Hill could see no virtue in it. The pretended tended fears of a poli tician of this kind that our institutions are in peril from corruption in elec tions cannot , when viewed in the light of his record , make a very ( loop impres sion. Still it may bo hoped that efforts to free the ballot from all corrupting in fluences will not bo discontinued , and the attention which Governor Hill calls to the matter may not bo wholly with out good results. It is certainly possi ble to provide a remedy for the evil ho deprecates , and all patriolic citizens will welcome every slop taken in that direction by whomsoever it may bo taken. Mr. Bcchol's retirement from the presidency of the city council is made the occasion of much bitter and vin dictive talk , which for the reputation of Omaha had holler have bo y loft unsaid. Mr. Bochel was boyond'Tt doubt the ablofat and mobt efllciont president that ever wielded the gnvol in the Omaha council. This is saying a great deal , because some very capable mon have preceded Mr. Bechol in the profeidoncy of our municipal legislature. Loft to himself and surrounded by reputa ble associates in and out of the council Mr. Bochol could and would have made himself the most popular man in Omaha. But in an evil hour he found himself dojmj-ting from the course .vhich the best citizenship of Omaha expected him to follow , A ma lign influence which has wrecked many of the ablest and most promising mon in public lifo literally took possession of him , and all his good impulses vainly struggled to assort themselves. It was not in anger , but in regret , that In common with some of his warmest frlonds , TUB Bisu was impullod to re monstrate and appeal to his bolter self. There is an adage that "An appeal from Peter drunk to Peter sober is sel dom made in vain. " When Mr. Bochol fully recovers from his temporary cha grin , has cast offi the evil genius that has bewitched hi hi during the past year , and led hfm into paths which are , to use the mildest name , very slippery , ho will rcali/o that ho has been most unfortunate in his attachments to per sons who arc lost to all sense of honor , propriety or decency. These * are hard words , but thoj nro true ns gospel. Ono of the worst mistakes Mr. Boohol has made is his closing add 'ess to the old council. To his credit 1 o It said ho did not compose It. While this vicious diatribe cannot bo recalled , wo deem it proper to suppress it. both for the snho of Mr. Bochol and the good name of our cily. The time is not dis tant when Mr. Bechol will sincerely regret the mistake ho has inane. A'O OVE1UIKAD MOTOR W1IIES. Mr. John L. Webster , the city attor ney , has just returned from Now York and ether cities where ho had gene to inspect the methods adopted for operat ing cleclrlc street cars. His experi ences will bo valuable in determining the question in controversy with the electric motor line ot our city. It ap pears that the overhead system is not permitted In the business sections of Now York , Boston , Detroit or Alle- glianey City. Either the conduit or electric storage battery system is used : Both of those have proven eminently successful and much preferable to the public in this respect in cities than Ihe overhend system. In view ot this testimony , it is clear that there exists no occasion for overhead motor wires in Omaha. Our city should bo guided by the ex ample of the cities of the east , in com pelling the electric motor company to lay it wires in an underground conduit at least in the business section. Such an order infllcls no hardship on the motor company. It Is a rule which like companies in ether cities have cheer fully obeyed without as much as raising aquestion. Overhead wlresaro acknowl edged to bo a constant menace to lifo and limb and properly in case of flro era a blizzard. There is therefore no reason why the Omaha Motor company should especially bo exempt from proper muni cipal regulations of this character. THE people of Dakota have won a substantial victory in the decision of Judge Ross , of the territorial supreme court , who affirmed the right of the counties of the territory to levy taxes on railroad lands and to sell the same where the taxes were not paid. The principle involved holds good in other sections of the country than Dakota whore railroads shirk paying taxes on tlioir lands. The legislature of our state could with propriety institute an inquiry into this subject. IN 1885 the grand total of legislative appropriations was ono million six hun dred and seventy-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars and ninety cents. In 1887 the legisla ture increased this already burdensome tax to two million seven hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundre.d and ninety-six dollars and eighty-six cents over a million dollars increase in two years for identically the same slate government. KANSAS still remains the banner stale in the matter of railroad construction despite drought and poor crops for the past two seasons. During 18S8 six hun dred miles were laid which is the great est amount of railroad building for any one state during the year. California comes next with five hundred and sixty miles laid by the remarkable number of thirty-four different roads. THERE may be some irregularity in the election of the city clerk , which should under the charter bo hold at the session following the organization of the council. In order to carry out strictly this section of the charter the council should at the next meeting make a formal election of its clerk by the requisite majority vote. THE retiring president of the council was presented with a solid silver gavel , studded witli diamonds and rubies. This precious Now Year's gift calls to mind forcibly a passage in the Bible , which is attributed to Solomon : "Who can Hnd a virtuous woman : " Her price is above rubies. " SKVEUAT , members of the "busted council combine" positively decline to fcorvo on the committees to which they had been assigned by the president of the now council. Their conduct re minds ono of the boy who was losing his and "wouldn't . " marbles play no more. THE of the last legisla ture furnished positions for ninety-bix officers and employes nt an outlay of twenty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-throe dollars , No vouchers for "value received" for this enormous outlay can be made that will biitisfy the taxpayers. / ! ; IT took 12-1 oflfcors and employes to run the stale senate in 1887 , at an expense - penso of twenty four thousand , nine hundred and slxty.-flvo dollars and sixty cunts , which did'Miot include perqui sites. This is'iHing , but true. THE last legislature appropriated two million seven hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-six dollars and oighty-six cents. These staggering Hguros ought to bo kept in view of every member of the legislature. A hack line has boon established botwcon Pluttsmoutli nnd Orcapolls to run in opposi tion to the 13. & M. Tlio projectors of the enterprise do not expect to foroo the railroad into bankruptcy , but they tire bound to down the monopoly. The crowd of railroad lobbyists and oil room lubricator * at Lincoln furnishes the basis for the statement in thn Garfluld County Quuvor that there Is a " ( 'roator wrong belli ( , ' perpetrated on the people than they iimiKiuo when corporations can spend so much money to pro vent just and equitable railroad legislation. " The people of Nlobrnra have been untlng the management of the Manitoba railroad to build that line through the Niobrara Valley in Nebraska Hnd hava received tlie following Blight encouragement iu a lotttr from ono of the prominent onlclals of the romls "On plans are not yet completed for future oxlcu sions. Further survey * will bo made , ntu Ifvo fiml the Nlobrara Vntloy route fomiblo , wo mny early In tbo coming ycnr give vou 80H10 encouragement. " Complaints coma from many towns in Ne braska of a grain blockiulo. The latest is from Strang , where It is reported the embargo li complete , the elevators having been obliged to close tlieir doors until the railroad furnishes cars to transport the stocki already on hand. To those who are able to hold their grain for bettor price * tlmn the o now of fered it , of course , makes no difference , bill there nro many who at this tlmo of year musl Imvo nt least n little money , . .ml to those a complete lockout. Is the next tiling to dla aster. The York Times believes It would bo a "very wise and Just thing to compal the rail road companies to furnish free trunspiru- lion for the state board of transportation tint ! their sccroturios. Of course they have passes now , but these are by the courtesy of the. companies , nnd If there is tmv such thing as n . fooling In the matter It oper ates to the advantage of the companies. It would also bo onlv fair for the companion to pay all salaries nnd other oxpcnso connected with the nialntcnoiico of the board. The > make the expense necessary and they should defray it , This Is the law in Iowa , nnd it should bo so in every state. " Tlio recommendation of Attorney ( Lccse , that the government foreclose its mortgage upon the Union 1'uclHo railroad leads the llowells Journal to remark that "this road has been accustomed to charge outrageous rates and to corrupt mem hers of the legislature , to tbo end that tboi should not pass laws that would stop their well orguiii/.oa system of robbery. They have hud favorites in every town on their line of road , whom they h.ive made rich nt the expense of tlieir less fortunate neigh bors. If they should be treated ns they have treated others , their nffalr would soon bo brought to a close. Whether this mode of procedure would bo of tiny advantage to the people nt the present tinio is a question ; but one thing is sure , the producers of Nebraska Imvo but little sympathy to w.isto on the Union Pacillc. " _ NHimA.SItA. NKWSPAPtill NOTES. The Ocnnan paper nt Suhuylor has been revived by Charles Cooper. A newspaper war has broken out at Har well , and the opposing papers are throwing red hot shot at each other. The Fremont Herald's annual review edition was n creditable piece of work and was full of interesting facts and tluu illus trations. The Nebraska Teacher , an educational Journal publisned nt Fairbury , has been purchased by W. T. Howard and Prof. Hughes and will bo removed to Schuyler. , The Norfolk News issued an excellent edition on Wednesday reviewing the ye.u-'s growth of that bustling young city , and also keeping prominently before the readers that "the Sioux City nnd Ogdcn line is the key to the situation. " o - Overlap- l > pnvor Also. Denver News. .Mayor Lee closes the second year of his administration with some ? GS,000 of illegal overdraft. A Surplus of Silence. Ncu. ' 1'utli 1'tfss. Silence is golden , and Benjamin Harrison , president-elect of the United States , knows exactly how to manage his surplus. Too Triinine. Hayti , I've no time to fool with you. I've nn engagement with Germany. Get out of my way or I'll ' kick you half way to Capo Horn. Uncle Sam. _ _ IJcjIin I lie Nov Year Hiirht. J\"cil' Ymtt H'oi Id. Ill thinking over the sort and number of "now leaves" to bo turned over at the begin ning of the new year it is wise to lay in n supply of the clue of a firm resolution to stick them down with. _ Hoxv KunsiiH City Saw tlio Show. 1'ioiiffr l'icft. Jane Hading says of Kansas City : "Zo people are rcech. oy sell ground and kill ze pecgs. " Hit-lit you are , Jane. It is under stood that a numbcrof Kansas City residents sold corner lots nnd bought tickets to the Coquclin-Hading combination. A Correction. > Uiicago News. A Washington preacher is going on at a great rate about the inauguration ball which is to occur next March. lie says that thou sands of people m peacock costumes will hop around the hall. Ho is mistaken. Dancers haven't hopped lor years and years. They all glidu nowadays. _ 1H8 . ChlMuo Tribune. 16S3I Walk in and sit down. You come nt a most unpleasant tltno Harrison's cabinet not half made up , The Hig Four utill unsatisfied And kicking up A most tremendous row about it , Tubcott still ut larger And Hiddlebcrgcr drunk as usual. I'll OSI IMS NT IMJIISONS. Jay Gould's children uach found $100,000 worth of railroad bonds in their Christmas , lockings. Mr. Gladstone , It is disclurud. is going to write a magazine urticlo upon the subject of the pig , as known loHomrc. G. U. McClellun , a son of General Me- Clcllun , has boon appointed an aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Hill of Now Yorlc. KX'Altornoy General Williams , ot Inndnu- lot fa mo , is among the list of Oregon con verts gathered into the fold by Evangelist Moody. Secretary Vilas will go back to Wisconsin to practice law , where ho has a very luera- tivo business. Ho will also Itoop up his In terest in politics , Kx-Sonator William H. Harnum lias im proved enough In health to receive Bcvorul visitors on business , although they aru met ngatnsti the wishes of his physician. Uctiben U. Thrall , of Kutlnnd , VI. , is prob ably the oldest prat-tii'ing lawyer in the United States. Last Sunday ho passed his ninety-third birthday. Ills health is still good.Mr. Mr. Gladstone passed the seventy-ninth an niversary of his birth under the sunny Hltios of Italy. The prolesbors of tlio university at Naples presented tlieir congratulations to him. Kmporor William lias stopped hort > o racing in 1'riissiaon Sundays and holy days , and Kd- i tor tiliupard will MHJU buspend the running of stages on Fifth avenue I ho llrst day of the week. Sir Frederick Gronfell. in who I * command of the British lorces in tlio Soudan , is only forty-seven ye.irs of ago. Ho llrst cauiu Into promlnoncu during the operations in the Trunskei in 1S77.TS. Ho served in the ICuftlr war of 1S7B and in the /ulu campaign of ibTU. Ho also rendered clloctlva service in the Hoer war of 1SS1. He Joined the Kfyptian army in 1SS3 nnd served with it on the fron tier in lt&5-bO. He. was present nt the battle of Genlss. Ho has been in actlvo service for the last ten yo.irn , and Is runlly a man of much ability as u commander. The Young Married Folks' Social club will hold their second party of the bciibon to-morrow evening ut Goodrich hall on Siiuiiaoi-d street. Robert F. Byors denies that ho took a ring from K , A. Stone without per mission. Ho claims that it was givun to him for mifo keeping and that ho has mturnod it- TItn T VATfT 4 T11T1 > Pnillf OAtPXt THE LLCISLATlvh SPOILSMEN Another Olmptor iu the History oi the Last Session's Rnlcl. PET HENCHMtN IN THE HOUSE Thorn Wni Nearly Ono Kmplnyo to l-'vcry MiMiihcr , and tlio Money 1'nlil On WimOvor Twen ty-Two 'I'llUUHIllHl. Atmtlirr l-Millilt. In yesterday's IVUP Tun Hr.u made an ex hibit of the number of employe * of the state senate of 1S > 7 , giving tlu-lr names , the num ber of days served nnd the amount of money drawn by onuh. To-day Is presented a ros ter of housp emplovos , showing that thorc was neatly one omploio to e.icli member of that body , and the total amount of money paid them by the stnto to be fi' . ' , 153 , as fol lows : N. V. Harlan , sneaker , 00 days , $1SO ; Hrad D. Slaughter , chief clorlt , IfiU dnvs , ffiOO ; T. M. Cook , llrst asHistant , 150 days , $000 ; G. \V. Ncwnu'V'T , second assistant , ISO days , MH2 ; Webb Wheeler , third assistant , IU days , M.'iO ; draco Slaughter , fourth assist ant , ' .17 dnvs , $ W ; C. U N'nlcMitlni' , assistant , 1 ? { days , ? \ ; Kniina .1. Ayres , stenographer nml typewriter , bl days , $3IM ; I N. Thompson , sorgcanunt nruis , lO.'i days , $313 K. K. Derail , assistant , 10. > days , $ ,115 ; Peter Van Fleet , chaplain , SO days , fioS ; Kate Doyle , postiniMi-ess , 110 days , ftlS : ; Xora Matthews , assistant , 1M days , J'ji7 ; ; H. P. Uniting , doorkeeper , 10,1 da.\s , $315 ; Thomas 11 , Ho-icli , llrst assistant , tliTi days , MIS ; .Inniw H. M. Hrlght , second assistant , 10. " ) days , SII5 ; Antoinette Worlhen , enroll ing dork , 10S days , W21 ; Janet McDonnld , engrossing clerk , 103 days , S.'WI ; Phclps Paine , W days , ; U. U. Hoslow , clurkcom- milieu accounts and expenditures , i'O ' days , $270 ! K. Ij. Ely , clerk railroad committee , 1U days , 8 I2 ; W. . 1. Houston , clerk public lands nml lmlldlng committee , SO days , fill ) ; E. M. ( Jnrrell , clerk public printing commtl- tee , SO days , ? 'JIO ; H. M. HushnoU , elork claims rommitloi' . 80 days , $240 ; C. W. Mi1- Ctino , cleric penitentiary committee , US days , $11-1 ; John A. Mi-Murphy , clerk judiciary commitU'o , 73 days , &M < ; George Williams , clerk deaf and dumb and blind asylum com mittee , 52 days , * 15l ( ; A. h. Hlxby , clerk miscellaneous subjects commit tee , -II davs , fl.'W ; P. F. Sproohor , olcrk privileges nnd olcctlons committee , ICO ( lavs , $ KH ; George Dean , clerk corporal ion committee , s7days , { 2'tl ; A. M. Henry , clerk revenue and taxation committee , 7'J days , f 237 ; C. 15. King , clerk labor committee , U7 days , f'J')7S. ' ) ; D. Knlen , clerk common schools committee , 52 days , 9150 ; John Mills , clerk U. and N. S. committee , 'Jl days , $273 ; .1. Milton Spiocc , clerk O. and G. IJ. committee , Hi days , J.iiS ; ; E. M. Short , clerk K. and H , committee , 45 days , S1U5 ; Charles W. White , work cities and towns committee , 7U days $21'.I. $21'.I.The The following wore clerks of the commit tee on engrossing nnd enrolling bills , being twenty-four in number : George Ashbnrn , 07 days , . $201 ; Jennie Brigirs , 70 days , W10 ; O. D. H.irnes 07 days , $201 ; S. Uentloy , Oil days , ? 24)7 ) ; F. L. Harbour , 07 days , $201 : Emma L Chester , (111 ( days , $207 ; May Crawford , IV.1 days , ? J07 ; Gertrude Cutler , 07 days , SJOl ; Hettio Cromwell. 09 days , $207 ; H. M. Chapin , 00 days. $103 ; Mary Dixon , 07 days , $201 ; Emma Given , 07 days , $201 ; Anna Hawkins , 0 ! ) days , $207 ; Elsie Ichs 07 days , * 201. Cora McOnng , O'J ' days , .J207 ; Ida Marsh. 07 days , $201 ; Estollo Miller , 00 days , S1U3 ; Lillian Pollock.tW days , $207 ; Stella Joromu Pr.igor , 07 days , $201 ; Kos.-i lied path , O'J ' davs , $207 ; Florence Kichardson , 07 days , $201 ; Ella Thormrato , 03 days. $1115 ; W. L. Wells , 03 days , ? J'J1 ; G. E. Whitman , 25 days , ? 7. > . Harry G. Hoggen , bill clerk , 83J days , ? 250 ; W. A. lienni , assistant , 10 days , $ -S ! ; H. S. Curlo.v , assistant , 02 days , flbO ; Mar- cell Jay , bill messenger , 100 iluyn , 3-lbO ; Jcn- nio L. Cnrnciiter , clerk to secretary of stale , S3 days , $2111. There were pages as follows : Frank Al- lev , S7 days , $ li0.fiO ! ; Edward Hutler , 511 days , S71l.50W. ; U. LJeam , 31 days , Wl ; Frank Cowdrey , 01 days , $91.50 ; Julin Fuller , b7 days , $130.50 ; Willie Harrison , 00 days , * U ( > Johnnie Malhiesen , 51 days , $ S1 ; William Maghcr , CO days , $1)0 ) ; Hertic McKee , SO days , $120 ; James Pnrcoll. St days , f 121.50 ; Doll Hoot , b7 days , $130.50 ; Robert Slovens , 87 days , $130.50 ; Laura Tryon , 87 days , $130.50. A. L. Fail-brother , proof reader , 113 days , $330 ; F. W , Kussoll , copy-holder , l.'Jb days , 111 ; II. 1) . Hondricks , mail carrier , 103 days , $309 ; Mat lirochen , assistant , SO days , $240. Thoio wore janitors and assistant janitors ns follows : D. 1. Cook , 105 days , WI5 ; Daniel Crousu , 107 da.ys , $321 ; I. H. Croloy , 95 " " " " " days O Henry Mnstormati , 105'days , $3i5. J. C. Edwards , custodian committee room , 53 days , $1,7.1 ; H. M. Lytlc. custodian cloak room , 105 days , $315 ; M. W. Richards , llru- unin , 71 , % days , $215 ; Emanuel Seaholm , as sistant , 87 days , $2111 ; Joseph Blackburn , watchman , 87 days , $201. The list given embraces ninety-six ofllcors and employes. IOWA A.FFA.IKS. John Scott , of Lyons , hopes to revolution- 7.0 the world and make his everlasting for- , uno with a p.mcako griddle which hu has invented. Two farmers near Long Grove put in Christmas day plowing and danced all night. I'ho glorious climate unnoled them to attend to business before plcasuso , Tlio Davenport Tribiino says b Is gratify- tig to know that Mr. Owartzondrubbcrramo ill the way from Lincoln , Nob. , to attend tlio lemmm's convention. His name was brought on a special car. The improved American hog will bo ably ind largely represented nt Cadar Hapids lanuary 10 find 17. The American Cliina record company will hold Its twelfth iiinunl mooting there. Kooknk is evidently very spicy , with its arioly of lifo. The other night there wab a Christmas tree , n dance , n death , a drunken nan and a of poker within nn ure.i of wo blocks. Such is lifo In u city where mnarms sell at 10 cents a do/.en. Clinton claims the champion woodsawycr , n the pur.ion of Daniel Johnson , who has upportcd himself for years by sawing and > iliiig wood. During the thirty years ho hut icon engaged at this vocation ho bus BUVCI ! ,000 cords of hard wood , which would mulco i pile four foot high around the city of Clm- on. In addition to this hu has bplit nnd piled > , l)00 ) loads of plno wood. Talking about mild winters , Henry Hell- jcrg tolls the Anamosn Journal that ho "rcc- llects similar wo.ither in Ih.'ji ) , the yuar Fro- nont ran for the presidency. Ho was living n D.wonport at the time. A jubilation moot' ng was hold in Ducombor by the democrats n ratify tlie election of iliiohaimn , and Mr. lollborgsays tlio crowd gathered in the onrt yard and sat around on the grass vhluh was still green at this late day m the car , " Til 1-3 OWJKT.S. I'nllctl SI n I us. Ill tup United States court yesterday morn- ng Judno Dundy tendered a decision in the use of Peter Doyo vs Otoo coiinlv , u suit on county bonds. It U based upon several wnds issued by Otoo county ngKroga tlngllio urn of 1-1,000. Tlio bonds wort ; originally Is- uec to the Midland Pacillu railroad corn- any. They bear the ditu of April 1 , Ibii-j , mil matured April 1 , iv > s. They were ssued by the county commissioner * , I tor u votu of thu people souined o authorize tlio IB.IUO They are placed on lie market by thu Midland company , and vent mostly into tlio handH of innocent loldurs. The rightful authority for issuing huso bonds was soon qnestiaued , and thu oglslaturu iiit rpiael ; fur the purpose of allduting ihmn. This wan done by an act msHud In iMi'J. Howuvur to givu lifa und nlldtty to IhcHO bondH , It was necessary to iivu ihnm registered. Thin was not done , 'he supreme court hold the bonds voidand ru- used to muuthu mandamus prayud for by Uio county. After all this the plaintiff offered U > Hunender lo thu county thosu refunding londi * declared to bo void , and demand thu ' t'irn ' of thu valid ono ho hud delivered to hu county in u.xchunge for the worthless ro fundlntrbOniK Ills demnnd wns not com piled with , nor would Uio county pay the money alleged to bo duo on tlio valid bonds. If the legislature has the constitutloiml right to validate those bonds , il did so. Tlio coutt further held Unit the plaliillft Is in n position to sue nnd ninin- lain suit on those bonds. The supreme court had this same question before It , nml the rlphtlo maintain the stilt wan tip- held. The views hero expressed entitle the plaintiff to a Judgment for the amount claimed , nnd Judgment will accordingly bo entered on the plaintiff llling with the court Uio refunding bonds iu his possession hereby hold lo be Invalid. i A. Maslurman wns arrested afternoon for falling lo nppoar before . . , I'nitod Status court after having been dul. , snbpa'iied. Ho will bo sentenced this morn ing.The The ejectment case of Mrs. Moore agalint ( lie Union Pnclllo railroad was before .luilgo 1 linidy nnd u Jury yoslerdnv afternoon The suit Is to obtain possession of lot 8 , block 100 , city of Omaha , valued nt tr > , OJO. Flvo Moro ItuHutiMl. John Murphy , James H , Gust us , David McClovo , Frank W. Solon nnd Thomas Crosby , clerics nud Judges ot thu Into election In the Second and Third wards , indicted Monday by the United States Jary for neg. Icollng their duty as such Judges and clerk * , wore urrcsted yesterday morning They Aicroarraicncd belure . 'udge ' Oiindy nnd were placed under $1,500 bomU each , which they gave. Court TCMIIH. Courl xvill bo held In the respective counties forming thin Judicial district , during the year of IS ' .i us follows : Douglas county February 11 , May in , Sep tember iU. Washington county April 1 , Septem ber 10. Hurt county April 15 , September no. Sarpy county April ail , October Ul. ilustlcR Morrison' * Cinirl. It is not often that u charitable institution comes Into court as n plaintiff , bill there in : i case of this kind on the doekcl of Justice Morrison. According to the bill of complaint , a man named Hielmrd Slovens , pluocd a sick child in the c.ira of the Child's hospital , and promised to p.iy all expenses. H was kept nnd taken cnro of from August 'J to October S , and then StovotiH refused to settle , lie is now being sued for Uio amount. Charles Summer sued Itlnnch and Luv Wilson for fl'J In Juslleo Morrison's court for a grocery lilll. W , .1. Crowley slood off Frank McKcnrio for SOS worth of board. Juslleo Morrison will see lhat , Uio amount is paid , if II I * really owing. SMAUi HITS OP FUN. \nd now that the Chilians talk of "assimi lating" Peru. The Peruvians object , but it is well known that their ( Peruvian ) bark is worse than their bile. Chicago Globe. H is curronlly reported that Honolulu has more telephones in proportion to Uio populu lion than any other city. Why not rc-christcu "I "Honolulu ! " SI. Paul Pioneer Press. Ono of Augusta's embryo presidents re cently convulsed his teacher by delining a volcano us "tho Interior of the earth thrown out through the side of u mountain. Augusta ( Mo. ) Journal. Not Prepared. First Dakota citizen "Mill , lot's huvo a game of poker. " Second Dakota citizen ' 'Not now. " "Justa friendly game , old follow. " "Can't do it , I ain't got ny revolver with uio. " Draku's Magazine. "Girls are no good , anyway , " Haiti lltllo " ain't . " "How's Tohnny ; "they got any sense. that' " naked Murritt. "Hocauso , " was the reasonable reply , "as soon as their Htoekings otbig enough lo hold n lot of things they stop hanging them up. " Jufigc "Why do you call Unit compositor "Slug Eleven , " asked the now copyholder of the irootreador. ' 'llocauso nlevcn Is his num- tor , nnd I hope that some day snmo one will sing him , " snapped the proof reader ns ho sent away a proofslip that looked like a Jhincso war may. San Francibco ISxamhicr. tVhcn litllo Claude was naughty once , At luncheon time and said Ho'd not "Thank " to say .von" mamma , Shu made him go to bed , And cover up and stay two hours ; So when the clock struck two , Then Claude said , "Thank you , Mr. Clock , I'm ' much obliged to you I" James Whltcomb Kiley. UNVARNISHED FACTS. A man can hire a house in Japan , Keep twt servants and live on the fat ot the land , nil for n little ever 20 a month. There is a good Held for missionaries at Tuscnmbiu , Miller comity , Mo. , where there has uot boon a church building of any kind in forty years. A Michigan woman practiced with a ro- vulvor until she could hit a suspender button nt eight paces. Thou there camon burglar into the house uariy one morning , nnd she sent a bullet pinging through her husband's left ear. Crows have become so abundant in Maine that it is estimated they cost the stale $100- 000 a year in corn , potatoes , young chickens , fruit , grain , nud the like. The next legisla ture will bo asked to pass a law giving a bounty of 10 cents for every dead crow. Twenty-seven years ngo an acorn lodged somehow in the mortar or between the stonus of an Ohio court house .spiro , took root , and sent out nn oak shoot. To-day n miniature oak grows on the spire , eighty foot from the ground. It draw.s life from the comcnl , the "skin of the rock , " and the nir , but principally from the air , us there is very little cement in the splro. Alexander James und Kdith Smyth , of Alphart'tta , Ga. . wont to Sipuro Ludridgo's ofllco to got married. While they waited for the squire to hunt up the book containing the formula Alexander asked to lie oxeuscd a moment , and , hurrying out , mounted n horse and rode furiously away. As hu WIIH leaving the room hu whispered to the groomsman that ho was ashamed to get married buforo so many | > crsons. The groomsman told the bride , who promptly tmid , : "You helped to bring mu here , und now you must tuko his place , " The young man aald ho wiis willing , nnd the ceremony was performed. At its conclusion the bride said : "When 1 make up my mind to do anything I never lot any thing stand in its way. " OMAHA 1101 MOD DOWN. During the 18bb Ihoro were 12,607 cases disposed of in Uio police court. Tlio fines and costs colluded in the police court during isss amounted tof3loi'j.50. : The assessments for Douglas county for HSS amounts to ? 555,5r5 8'J ngaInstIOVJJ5.lS for \H1 \ , an increase of J7lUiil.7l. The assessed valuation of Donglascounty'u i ealty is f2l,7lS07 ( 71 , an incro.iso of $ .5,155- 000.30 ever that of 1K87. The total amount of taxes collected In IJouglas ojuiity during lisSS was $111Ob' ' ) ( M , out of an .issesHinunl of $ | SQ'i.lS | ) , leaving a delinquent list of bill $30,218.25. Catarrhal Bangers. To bo fruud from Ihu iluiiKora ot Hiilt'oi utlon while lyinn down ; to breath'- freely , Hlci-p soundly und undlbtutbjd ; t'j ' rise rofrvHlioil , head clear , brain active imd fiuu from pain or aclio ; lo klunv that no polxonoas , pntild mutter ilulllei thu hroain nnd rots uw.ty tlie dollcnto inudilnory of Hinoll. tastu .ind hearing : to fed thul the fiystmn doi > not , thronuh Itn volnn nml nrlfnuH , HIICK up the polnon Unit l.s euro to un- tli-rmlno nnd dr.stroy. Is indcoclu bliixHlng bo- yon 1 all other hiimiin iijn > iiii-nt < i. To parclma Imcuiinlty from .inch a fuio should ho the ob jnct of all allll'Icil. ' Jlut tnosu who Imvo trloil many ivmotile * anil pliyoli'laui despair of rulk-C or euro. h\Nriiiiii'H HUIICAI , C'UIIK meets ( trrrr ph'tsu of Cut.irrli , from n simple ht'itd cold to the mont Jo.iUiu.soimi anil duhtni'tlvo singes. It IK local itnil eoiibtltmloiml. Instant II. rellevliur , por- mum-in In curing , nafc , i-couomloul und iiover- falling. { UvHwii'N JUwrAl.f'iMtKconslt.t of ono but- tloOftllU 1UMICAI. ( JUHK.OIIU ItrtJCOf ( JATAIIIIIMI. BOI.VKNT , und ono UiruovKii I.MIAI.KII , ull wrapped In ono puckuuv. with IreatUo and al- rectlmiH. nml told by ull ilmgrfUtH for IU ) . j'OTTMl Ulll'H AMI UllKMILMIi CO. , liUHTON , HOW MY SIDE ACHES I Achliu ; 8lcloi nnd Hack , Hip , Kldnpy and IIUnlnol'Hlns , Ithimnmtlc. Bclutlo , uralBlo , Hliurp nnd Klioollni ! i'ulns , , ' . ; . : IN ONK MiMffi ! by tlio ruri CIJIIA M'H'Aif. PI.AMKII. Thu llfht uud only untn.klllliiK planter. A perfect , liiHtaiuunoouH. nov r-falllm'Hnlldoto Uip'il .liillanimiitlon nnd wealcnuH * . liKpoolully iiduptnJ to relluvu funiiilrt pains und Wtfuliiiunajs. At nil d.-uxslnts. 5 runtH : or of I'OTTKII Dni'o ' AMI Client u > Co. , I too UIi.