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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1889)
TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUAHY 3 , 18 9 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Mny Whont Broke Badly , Closing Lower. CORN WEAK AND LOWER , On IB Oprncil Stciul } A Strong OlH' ' position In Urnllzc In tlio Pro- vloloii .Mnikrt Cattle Market Slow. IOIICAOO iMtonucii MAUICHT. CIIICAOO , .Inn. 2. [ Specinl TolpRMm tc Tun 111 K 1 Hulllsh news on wheat wi lilcntiful In the whent pit around the oncnlnf. nnd in tlio ofllco before the board hours As n consequence * ho nurltot oiiened firm nntl hlKliur , but within nn hour n 3c break II prices wns experienced , followed by n Jc ro covcry , nnd iiiiothcr brc.ik , which carried the market to the Inildo range of the day. The nccond break octnriod at 13 M , nnd was nc coinpanicd by heavy tnulini' . The tlrst note \ \ < to arrive wns Unit the amount on ims.iijo hu : decreased about l.oOO.OOO bushels , and th.i lniorts | for last week were 2,10 1,1)00 ) bushels less than the re < iniiemcnts of consuinirifc ( onntiies Tlien laiaoliifonniition of u strong ndvnnco In lowei ( 'r.nlcs of \ \ heal nt Mlnno npolls , lilit ( receipts ' at all primary point' nnd nu nnpromisint'oullook for winter \\hci over an cxlcnslvu exposed district. To olTsot this tame cables to the effect that foieiRn stocks on tlio last of the year wcrolniKCt tlinn on the corresponding dnto last jcir , and innteriallj larger than on the 1st of Occein ber. The only point fiom which dell iiite returns \veio received were Aiitwcip and Liverpool At the Ilrst named point stocks were quoted as "double those of last \ear , " and nt the latter over a million and n half bnshols less. Tull reports of foroicn stocks wlllnol bo In lor fovernl dajs. llispalelies fiom Si. Louis lliat live of tl.e leading mills had shut down , was a beaiish factor , wlilt'h was nol olTietbj the fact that soveial mills at Min neapolis had not stai ted So far as could bo nsceilnined , the bicalc was the lesult of local causes. Several of the big commission houses and the most active brokers bet'an BlnuKinir the market viciously fiom the verv Htart , and the inurkot was fairly deluded With olTeriiiKs May opened ut tl.07 , sold up to $1 074 , with considerable trading at Sl.UTJiT , then declined to ? 1 ( M5Jf. Tlio mar ket held steadv around this tlgnro for quito a time , nnd then broke sharply to $1 IT V It rallied to $1.05 % and broke again , this lime colnt ; to $1.01 % . Heavy and veiy "gamy" bujinn sent the price to ? 1 O")1 , but another raid drove It back to $ I.04 > . The market was \eiy nervous on the break , nnd it rcquiicA stiong suppoit to pi event a jiuplcmcntiil Hlunip around $1.1H" . Tlieie was a largo trade , but results showed that offerings wore in excess of the demand , for during the last few minutes of the si-ssion the price turned down , going 'for n second time to $1.UIJ . Again the maiket wns turned up slightly , nnd the last quotation for May was Sl.Ol5 . vl ho tone of the mai kct nt the close w as that of extreme nervousness , rather than cither distinctively stiong or weak. The built of ti tiding was In Mny , of course. Thoinngofor other aclivo deliveries was as follows , however - over : January opened at ? 1.0J , ranged fiom fl.OJ'j toW'nc , and closed ntlOV. .July opened at tiT'a'c , sold down from ttiat point to 0 tc. and closed at 'J'i'fc. Aseoinp.ued with Monday , closings stiow u shrinkage of 2'c ( for.liuuinii , 'J u for Mny , and IJ e for July. The tango for the day was U o for May. The coi n mai Icct was weak and prices i uled lower nnd largely in sjmp.itliy wilh wheat , but aided in its weakness hi remarkably Jiuo weather , the mildness of which is fuvorablo to economy in the use of feeding -ituffs and to a , fico movement from fanners. Dellvonua were light niul without significance. Theto was an increase in the amount on ocean pass age of II'JO.OOO bushels. Daily shipments from this point show a good consumptive demand to exist , and tlio export movements mci eas ing , as the llguies given above cleaily show. Business was fuh ly active , but the feeling was heavy and nothing occurred to lighten it. Closing prices wcto fiom c -\cundcr those prevailing nt the end on Monday. Oats opened nearly steady inthoicgular maikctaml followed the lead of othercereals in n downward com so , declining neaily ' 4o nnd rul'.ig fairly active and slightly slcad- icr. Lalor trading was conllncd chiolly to May , and theie were fair selling ordeis with Borne covering bv shorts. Fututcs this side of May were slightly more nctlve than ic- ccntly , with light business nt 'jjGii c decline. No 'J in store or to go to stoic sold sparingly nt 2 > ( g25c , with sales chiefly bv sample , the ' receipts grading mostly No. 3 and No 8 white. In provisions trading opened with abcailsh turn. Holdcisof property cxhiblled from the start a lather strong disposition to 10- ali/o , and Influenced by the monthly deliv eries , which weio qullo largo of sboit ribs nnd pork , and an Incieaso of UT pounds over December , 1SS7 , in tlio weight of the hogs received last month , the maiket broke badly. Lard , which It was cliimcd was being sold frcolj by ono of the lalo ina- nlpulatois , was poifectly weak , and in n measure led to the receding movement. Tlio bear interest had no tiouulo to obtain nnd 10- tnlu control , and to day's aelual decline , based on Monday's closing , amounted to C@ 7J c on pork , 2l'@i.)0 on laid and rj@l."io on Bnoitnbs Business was more than fniily uctlvo , with May the favorite month. CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK Ciucncio , Jan. 2. fSiiecial Tolugiam to THE 13ii.f CTTLI : The general mm kct opens slow and unsatisfactory. Pi ices , pcthaps , aio no lower than last week or Monday , nnd 0116 would fancy the same wore down to bed-rock , which means that values nro down us low as nt any time in 1SSS , nud unless there Is n falling off In the tun , theio is little chance for any Improvement. The i unto day was largely tnado up of fair to useful natives , with nn nvciago per cent of common , and but few prime , old-fashioned , finished stccis , and In turn but few of that class wanted. Therewcio no Texans of note , yet butchers' slock , except a few choice cows and liolf- ers Bold nithor slow and about as low as any time. This turn was rather un expected , as usually when Toxnns aio scaico nntivo cow stock sells u shade stiongcrbut tuo exception was the inlo today. There was littlu or notniug doing in slockers and feed 01 s. Choice bcous , f 4.50 ® 1 1)0 ) , medium cows , bulls nnd mixed , * 1.40@JK ( ) ; bulk.fl 00 C2.UO. ToxasBlcois 050 to 1050 Ibs , f J. 10@ U.OO ; cows. $1 76 4.25. HoitS. iiuslncss was fairly aclivo with a down turn of about a nickel on the oullnnrv run of good to choice mixed , bulk selling around about f-5.1,1 , n few common fTi OOOJ 6.10 , and best heavy at M.'iO , n few lots at tS.3@5.iO. ! ! Toward * the close f5.20 was about the toi > and scarcely a load sold in the Northwestern division nbovo f.VJO Largo sorts were hirgoly neglected , soiling largely nt > ( < ( T > 20. For eragcs of IbO IDS dow n at * l.'J3l.aO. Skips and toughs light , $ ! .7o@ 600. NEW YOUR , Jan. 2. [ Special Telegram to TIIIT nuK.l STOCKS The stock market this morning opened f alt ly active and strong , first prices allowing a gain of & to } f per cent over Monday's closing figures. New England developed considerable Htcngth , and Union Pacific and Coalo-s were qulto firm. The market had only got fairly started on the uu grade , however , when Atchlson began tumbling down , declining 3 per cent on n very poor showing In the net earnings for November. This , with the revival of the rumored resignation of President Strong , pave the boars a more favorable opening than they have had In many weeks , and they nt once began attacking the whole list. Grangers were the first to feel the Influence , St. Paul declining 1 per cent , Northwestern ) { , and Hook Island 1 } { , London was not interested In the market to any great extent , nod stocks were ve/y yloatitul lu the loan t rox\il Chlr-npo houses were frf c sellers of Or.uiKCM , Hock Islaiiil nnd St Paul In par tlculnr Cotton Seed Oil cci tillcatcs wort stronger , nnd advanced ' { per cent Tin short interest In this stock < iniU to be vorj Inr re , nnd its frmndi nre talking lilghci prices In tlie near future Coinmlsion houses \scro buying few stocks on the decline Money lias ruled c.iMor nil tlic morning , loaning at 4 nnd o per cent The bears wore picking up n few stocks on the decline for n bull turn. At noon the innrket was dull nn ? , heavy nt about the lowest prices. Afternoon dealings were on n nnrron scale , and wort conflncd almost wholly to piofussionals , the outside public inclng but little Interest. A prominent broker , who tins Just returned from London , snjs. "There is llltlo specula' ' live Interest in our rallrond securities on tin other side nt the picsont tune. The speculat ive fever is running In South Americans , particularly In connection \\iththevarious Argentina Republic bonds/ ' The not de clines for the dny show Iloclt IM.uid , 1' ' , Missouri Pacific , I& ; Atchlson , n'i ' ; St. Paul , ; < , Northwestern , % , Liickauiiiinii , \ ; Cotton Seed , ' 4 , and Heading \ percent Coal stocks nnd Cotton Seed Oil have boon U ( . > llsustJlnud throughout thcdaj. Among the inani minors icgarding Atchison was ono that thn company would pass a dividend nt Its mooting next month , and while the rumoi not been confirmed it la generally believed to be true. The total sales of stoiks to da > amounts to I'-'J.Oir shares , Including Liickim.iniM , 21,000 Litko Shore , 10.000 , St. Paul , 11,000 ; Heading 2. ,0Xi ( ) Union Pacific , ir.,000 , Northwestern , 8,500 ; Missouri Pacilic , b,000 shares The following wore the closins quot-itions ! IT. P. 4s rotfiilnr l.'d' , N'orthrrn 1'acltlc . 'i',1' IT. S. < spoiipon ? l.'Ci' , , dopreferrecl. dil t' . * . I'isregular Id" ' , lk S. W lUT'J 1 .S. 4'iscoupiins ' Wdo \ preferred , . . IIU I'lulllctsof 'iri ll'l M. V ( .ential . . . 107s. Cfiitrnl I'l-lllo ny I' . , I ) A 12 . . . . ! M rhlingo .V Alton 115 Itocklslnnd . . 'Hi3 ! ClilciiKo.lliiillnntoii 1C. , M. A st. ! , . in \ ( jiilncv . IOU' ilopralirroil. . . .101'i I > , t.v \ < .ill' , M. I'mil X OKI iha . 17's llllnolH Tentral 114 I dupreftrriMl . . . R ! ' 1 , It. X\V. . . HJ t'nlonlMcillc . . . . tl'n KiuisiM A. Tuvas ll'i U. . t 1 , . \ | > . . IJi , I.nkeShoro 1UIV do pitfeired . ila ( M rhiKimiVntral t.i' MVesttru rnlon. . . MJ , Mlssoiiriracillo . T'J'.I MOVBV nv CAI.I. Tltrht , ranging from 0 to S , lust loan S per cunt. IfctiMC MERCANTILE Pircn 5 gii > per cent. STKIIMS-O nxciuvor Dull but steady ; sixty dajs ,'4 ; demand , * 4 iS'4" CIIUHOO. .Ian 2 U heat weaker : cash , Ot 'c ; Janunrv , SI dOJMav ; , tl.lM1 . Corn Casy ; cash , yj ? ; rebimry , 33 Vc ; Mav , ; ! (5J ( < c. Oits-btuady , cash J- . ' c ; February , 2 > } { c ; May , libV. Hjo fioc. 13ailcy JJo trading. PriinuTiinothj > o tiading. Klax- l tU. Whisky fl ( n Porlc Weaker , cash , * UbO : TeDrunry , ? 12..UH ; Mav , $13."f. ! Linl Weak and lower : cash , JT.40 , Tcb- ruaiy , S"-40ii7 lJ > < f ; M.iv. K521. ' . riour NoininalU utu'hanKCd. Hulk Meats Shoulders , ii rVfiilS" ; short clear. * " .tai3 : shott libs. Jti 70iti ( ! 75. Huttcr Easi , cicamcry , SU i bi ; ; dairy , ' Cheese rirm : full cream choddais , lOJffvglk1 ; Huts , lO .ill'jfe ; Young Ameri- eixs , ll oDlli c. Cggs K.isier ; fresh , 17@l > l c. Hides Unchanged , neavy green salted ; C c ; light gro n sailed , ti c ; gtoen , ficn salted bull , ts' c ; green bull , 4' ' c ; greed ijrv Hint , 74 < Ebo , dry calf , Toosc , br.inde , lildei , 1ft pur cent off ; deacons , 5j' J3o oaoli , drv Balled. lOMiric. Tullow UnctiiuiRed ; No. 1 , solid 5' c ; No. 2 , 4 > c ; cakt1 , 5VaC. Hcccints. Shiumenls. Flour , bbls . 12,000 8,000 Wheat bu . 41,000 10,000 Corn , DU . 153.000 3la,000 Oats , bu . 1415,0 J3 150,000 Now Vorkc. Jan 2. Wheat Hccemts. 9,000 ; exports , none , snot quiet and l1 ® l clowci ; No 2 red , * 1 Oli 1.01V in elo- vutor , ? IOJ'4 ' ( ( 1 03 % afloat , f 1.01 ' © 1 0.1 f. o b ; No It led , UVjC. Options moro active jut hcavj and lone1 , closing 1M < 'I1 ? under Monday ; January closing at ? 1.00' . Corn Receipts , S S.OOO ; exports. 2"4,000 ; spot fairly active ; No. 2 , 40r > l7I.'c in eleva tor , 17'ffalSo ' nflott ; niigraded mixcdt 8b\4 © Ibc ; No U , asG ? )0)-c. ) Options a tnilo iirmcr nnd quiet. Oats Hocclpts , 82,000 ; exports , 300 ; spot fairly notivo and stionger. Oplions dull but Ingher ; Januaiy closing at.'ll ' 8c ; Mav , 3 l ) < c ; spot No , 2 , white , 34 y 3lc ; ml\cd west ern , HO fJ c. Coffee Opened steady but closed baicly steady at I0(4 ( ( > points above baluulay ; .Inn- nary , $14 UOC r 20 ; March , 514 OVglo 3 ; Mav , Jin 05C" 15 10. Spot Hlo stiongei , more uctlvo and fhniei , fair cargoes nt f 17 00. Po troloum Quiet and stcadj : united closed Kggs Quiet and easier , western , 19c. Poifc 1'nlrly active ; mess , $14 2' > @ 14 HO. Lard Depressed ; webtorn steam , fsOD ; January , { 7. 'i. JJutter About steaily and quiet ; wostcin dairy , 1425c , creamery , 1'Jji lie , Clgins , 33 Chccso Quiet nnd firm ; western , 10@11 ' c. MiiuioaiiollH , Jan. 2 Wheat Higher ; leeeipts , "Jo cars , shipments , . " > G cars Clos ing : No. 1 haul. Januaiy , $1.17 , May , ? I 25 ; on track , $1.17 ; No. 1 noithcin , January , * 107 ; Mnv , * 1 1U ; on Irack , fl 10 , No 2 noillicrii , Jautuui , 'Jbc ; May , $1 OJ ; on track , We. Cincinnati , Jan. 2 Wheat Quiet ; No. O J. | | lj Corn -Steady ; No 2 mixed , 2j@r > 'tfc. Oats Steady ; No 2 mixed , 27 (0) ( ) ir ? < c. Wlilskv-fateudyatJl.OJ. MflwnukciJan. . 2. Wheat Weak ; cash. Ol o ; Mny , OT c Corn Steady ; No. J , : Hitf@lJc Oats Steady ; No. 2 while , 37Jtf@-Sc. HoQuiet ; No. 2 , 40Kc. liailoy Xo. 2 , t > 7c Piovisious Hasy , pork , $17 SO. St. Louis. Jan 2. Wheat Lower ; cash , mya ; May , f I W d < I C0 % . Corn Lowei ; cash , JOc ; May , 33 ® .HJ c. Oats Lower ; cash , SU c ; May , 2Sc. . Poilc Uutl utJKJ 30 Lard-Nomiii.illy f720 Whiskv-bteady nt f 1 OJ. Hullei Dull ; cieauiery , 23@JOc ; dairy , - - City , Jan 2 Wheat Lownr ; No. 2 red , cash , Me , bid ; May , salesU7c , No. 2 soft , cash sales. , in' ' c ; May , UsJjC , bid. Corn No 2 , cash , 21 % o bid , May sales , 29 o ; No. 2 white , cash , ,10 0 bid. OatsNo , 2 , cash , 2lc bid ; May. 2l'4xc ' bid. Liverpool , Jim 2 ( Special Cablegram to TUB Hcu1 | ! 30 p. m. close-Pork- Holders offer freely ; prime mess eastern , 77s Cd , dull ; do , western , 07s ( id , dull. Lard Holdois offer f i Ltily ; spot , 40s Od ; Jnnuarv , 40s 3d : Fobiuary and March , 40s Wheat HoldetH offer sparingly ; now No , 2. winter , Ss , steady ; do. spring , 8s Id , steady. Flour Holders offer moderately , 12s , firm. Cot n Holdei s oftVr spot freely and f utu res modelntelj , spot 4s 5d , steady ; January and Fuluuary , 4s 'Jtfd , steady ; March , 4s 2d , steady , iiivi ; srocn. Glilanm > , Jan , 3The Drove ? ' Jour nal rouoi is ns follows . Cattle Hecolpts , 1,000 ; mnrket steady , choice beeves , $4 60 ® I 70 ; steers , 83@4 30 ; stockcrs und feeders , J2.10 JOO ; cows , bulls and mixed , 51 40JJ { 'JO , Texas cattle , * l.75@J 00. Hogs-Hocolpts , 15,500 ; maiket weak and Co lower ; mixed and light , ? 500 ( > i5.20 ; ' heavy , 5 03 < g5 30 ; skips , M.00@5.00. Shoop-Hecolpts 4,500 ; market strong ; natives , * J.25@4 W ; western corn-fed , $1 00 W4IJO ; Tcxans , fi & 0@J.15 ; lambs , frl.OO ® 5.b5 City , Jon. 2. Cattle Hcceipts , o.OOO head ; shipments , 1,000 ; market dull nnd weak ; dicssed beef steers und cows 5M Oo lower ; good to choice corn-fed , $1 35M W75 ; common to medium , $ J.20@I.25 ; tockuis ana feeding steers , IJOO&C3.30 ; 'OW , $1.25&i280. Hogs Hoccipts , 0,500 : shipments , none ; narket opened 5o lower but closed dull and veak ; common to choice , fl.30@4.liD , National Stock Ynrils , Ujst St. DouU , Jan. 3. Cattle Hoceipts , 1,000 ; hlpmoQts , 200 ; market sleady i choice heavy native steers , | 400@550 ; fair to UftUv * steeia , 1110(35,10 ( ; butchera' steers , medium to choice , $3.30@3.40 siook era nnil 'coders. tnir to good , ? ! lOfdl 10 rangers , corn feu , fj DO < ? 4.10 grass fed. f ' ( X W2 15 lings Hcccipls. 0,300 ; shipments , MX ) . market strong ; choice heavy nnd butihers ( elections , fd'.W.'nu , packing , 15.1045 25 i liglit grades , $5 ) ( $ ' > 15 Sioux City , Jon. 2 Cmi K HoeoipU 10 $ , shipments , 161 : market steady : prime , t-t 00@ I 50 , feeders , $2 253 ( ! < K > , fill cows , flWtilWi stockers , S150M250 : can nersnnd bulls , ? 1.00S1 ( 75enl ci lvc , $ , * 0 ( ( jiM.OO. ] { no < < Ilcceipts , 1150 ; market lower : light nnd mixed , M-UO4W ; heavy , N W@ 5.00. _ OMAHA tivi2 srooiL C/itMc. Wednesday. Jan. 2. 1SSO. The opening trade was conllncd almost ex- chisivly to butchers' stock , \\hlle beef cat tle , which were qulto plenty nnd of peed quality , moved slowly The market wns all of lOc lower and not \ciy brisk nt the do- rime. The packers wet \erj slow to take hold of the heavy cattle , which \\crolntho majority , but thev showed a decided prefer ence for h , unly , fat , little cattle. This latter grade did not suffer as much decline as the heavv weights. The demand for feeders is fulr , but theto wns nothing of an\ account on sale 'Ihero Is no quotable change In prices , good fecdcis being held at $ J.75 ( < j. ) 50 The market was not in a voiy sitlsfnutorv condition for salesmen , the tr.ulo bi'ing 5 ( jS 1V ( lower anil not \ 01 v brisk at th it. The hoes , howe\cr , were all sold bv noon , the bulk pointful jj.oOiu j 03 , with two eholco loads nt $5 15. There wore onlj two loads hero and they were not especially desirable for tliu packets. Cittlo . 1,400 HOS . 1,000 blici-p . 200 Prcvnllinti I'rlam. The following is n tibloof pricai pill In thismvrnet for tno graiaj of stout men tioned I'rune stoors. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . W 75 ( ! t I 15 Pruncsteeri. 1103 to 13JO Ibs. 321 if ISO Native feeders . 273 ( < il.OO Western feeders . 2 dO < > . ! Hi ) Common to good cows . 1.50 fujil.OO Cholccto tancy cows . - -5 Wj 75 Comtnonto clioico balls . 1.2"i MJ.OO Pair to elioicongnt hoes . 400 irt500 Fairto cnoico neavv tio.13 . 5.05 ( < t'i.73 l\iir to choice mixed hogs . j.'J ' (140 ( 05 Ilopresnuiitivo S lli ) i. UATTLB. No. Ar. Pr. 2 canncrs . 1.126 $1 00 iflltl . itr.o : 1.70 2 bulls . MO'i 1 > 5 obulls . l.MKl 2.00 3cows . ' .173 200 Scows . 1 , < M.O . 200 Ibull . l.r > 00 210 1C cows . 1,00 < ) 215 btags . 1,10(1 ( 225 2.5 cows . 1,043 2I0 ! lOcows . 1,077 2.5 ! 2.1 cows . 1,134 2 10 2'Jcows . ' .CO 240 Ibull . 1,040 240 11) ) cows . 1H)3 ) 240 1 steer . 1,110 2 50 2 LOWS . 1,110 2.50 1 bull . 1.71)0 ) 250 18 cows . 1,147 255 1 cow . 1,000 255 1 steer . 1,030 2,0 ( , 18 cows . 1,1M 275 10 cows . 1,211 275 Ofccdim . 1OS4 HOO Slstceib . 1,000 300 1 steer . 1,100 11,25 JSstocrs . 1,115 325 I'Jstcers . 1HH 310 1 steer . 1,270 340 Ib stcet s . 1,177 3 40 20 steers . 1,178 345 21 steers . 1,210 3 1,0 3steers nnd stags . 1,410 305 20steer . 1,155 305 G uoas. . .No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Sb > . Pr. ' 4 . . .210 20J * 4 90 70. . . . 201 100 $5 00 ( 'J..24' 80 li)5 ) ( , . . . . : ! 200 5 OJ' " 0 . . .200 410 4' " , bJ . . .2jS ! 210 505 7 . . .2 120 4 in 50. . . ail 100 505 00 . . . .241) lt > 0405 70. . . .23.2 100 505 ( .0..2VJ 400 4.SI5 Ii0..2'lb 240 505 71. . . . 202 100 41)5 C7..2.b ( 120 505 ( , . . . . : .SO 500 C5..30J ICO 5.07 &ii..2li4 1M ) 500 57. . . 'Ml 510 70..25 120 500 50. . . . DM ) SO 510 53 . . .2Ja 240 500 51. . . . 322 40 510 7b..2b' ) 120 5.00 1 > 1.J03 ! 3.20 510 lVl..277 IbO 500 MJ..253 80 510 7 . . . .231 bO 500 5J..347 60 515 ( W..2M 2-10 500 54. . . . 35J 5 15 5 . . . .247 120 500 The Mouth's Work. Showing the total number of cattle , hogs nnd sheep puiclmsod in this market by the different bujcrs during the month of De cember , 13 b : ( HTT1.E. Switt&Co . 0,113 G. H. Hammond & Co . . 5,7.2.2 btcvcns , Hamilton As Co . lbO ! Aiinour-Cudnliy Packing Co . l,5bO I'ecduis . 3,213 bhippcrs . ' . ' ,11015 ' Total . . . . . .23,010 ] [ ( ) ( . 3. G II Hammond & Co . 15,127 Om.ihn Packing Co . 3J,5Js Armom Cudabj P.ieking Co . 45 , ( fl. ! Swift & Co . 7,775 John T Stewart . 1,1M T M Sinclair . 037 John MorroU & Co . 40 ! St. Louis I'acKint'.t 1'iovision Co 103 blnpiieis . 107 IJutchers . 375 Total . 104,048 Incieaso fiom November , IbbS . 11,914 Decieaso ftom Ucccinbci , Ibb7 . 20,105 Diicm1. SwKt&Co . 3,077 O. U. Hammond < & , Co . 012 bteens , Hamilton X Co . 9 4 Leo Hothscluld . . " . . 907 Holmes & H . Ill Waggoner , Hlernoy \ , Co . 1CJ Sam iJreifuss . ' . ' 41 Wise iSs Goehoy . 120 White . i40 ! Woideman . 2b5 Johnson . 1 1 1 Vans , nit . 10 A. Plant . , . 3-,3 Armour & Co . 144 C. D Miller . 4 Wlntei a & Morgan . 2.5 Total . mill' . T'SWJ line Stock Note * . Evcr.t thing lower , Theio Is likely to bo a good doil of kicking over the ch.ingo of rates on live stock , which is virtually an advance on stoclc fi em Ne braska points amounting to from $ J.OO to W 00 per cur. During the past month 23,919 cattle were welched , as against 0,131 , for the same month in 15S7. OMAHA 1VI10Ms.VIvK MAUKHTS. rritltn. Produce , I3tc. nuTiEii Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 2rt@.lOo' , choice country , 2.3 ( ' . ! 5c : medium grades , 16S21c ( ; common grades , 14@17c TJOL it Nebraska patents , $000 750 ; Minnesota patents , W.25C7 75 j btiaight grades , f5.00 ( i550 ; bakers' Hour , * 5 25ft < 5.73 per ubl. POT VTOFS Nebraska. 45@55o per bu : Col orado , C0r870c. Stt UET PoTATons S@3 a per Ib. Foui/rav Live chickens , ? J 50@'J.75 ' per iloz ; dressed chickens , "teSo per Ib ; turkeys , D lloj ducks and geese. 10@l2o. Uoas btrictly fiesh , 21@ 'o candlod. MAMOV ( JiurES In Iccgs , 12c per ll > . H\N ivvs Common , $1.50@2.25 per bunch : jholco , f.50 3 50. LLMONS < 3 75VS5 ( 00 per case. OiujUBi Floiida , JJ 25MJ.75 per box OiMis-l'jr dozen : M.fllards , * J.25 ; tea ? 1 50 ; ouall , $2.00 ; praino chickens , tl 00 ® I 50 : rabbits , fi.OOj squirrels , Jl.OJi venison- , 1JII1N-1UOO@1400. CuoiTEi ) FECU-IU 00315.00 per ton. Cou25 ( < ? 20c. OATS 21i.-k. ( ! ViNEOAit-Cider , 1018c per gal. ! white .vino . , lOO So iicr gul. HONKV 1-lb frames , lO ISc , Clu uluulBs : tS 00@9.0o per bbl. Hams , No. 1 , Ho ; No. 3 , OKo' , ahoulders , 75fo : rib bacon , llo ) clear mcon , ll o | plcnio hams , 100 ; dried bcol Imms , lO e. dr\ * salted clears short , e\trn short Scj short ribs , Si > c. pleklci pigs feet , 15 Ib kits. 0o lard , S'jOtT.c ' smoked sausage , f < ai c per Ib. hog casing' 17 < I'-e Cri i iiT 2r > t30c per do ? fancy , 40c OMONS WK. < f ( Oc per bu , CvnnorJ ) 00 per 100. Hi IT lOoperbu Tt IIMIM 25C per bu. SAIKK KIHLT HblaM.75 ; half bbls. $2.75 Arrr us Choice. ? J 60 $ 2 75por bbl ; fancy f3 00 i > er bbl. common. $1.50 1 75 per bbl Citiru Michigan , * " > ( KXrcO 50 | > er bbl of 3 gals , California pear ciilrr , $15 00 par bbl , For COIIN Uice , : ! c , common , 2) ) e. CAUHOTS 40o per bu. IJp Ns Choice e.wtorn hand picked n ivies , t3.25 pcrbu. ; western hand picked navies 1 l.75ii/1.80i ( mediums , $1 50 ; Limn beans , 5 | > cr Ib. HV. . o b. cars , No 1 upland , IC.OOi No 2 upland , * 5 00. _ Grocers' Mst. Kevlscd prices are as follows- Hioniso Stark A , Bcamless , 22o : Amos- kcig , seamless , \'W \ Low Istown , A , scam less , I'.loj ' American , seamless , 17c , burlaps 4 to 5 bu , lli14c ; iinnnlcs , Ringlc , 13c ; gutt nles , double , 20c ; wool , sack , 35e. T MM-S 3Scoxtiasitl , 20 < 721e ; sal 11 , 20lc ( > ! ; cotton , 2 Jo ; Jute , Ue Dun 1 > PiiciT Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13Ji ( 10c ; dates. In boxes , 7oJ10e , Lnndon M alag.i la\cr latslns , per box. $ J 50n.3 75 ; Malag , loosu raisins , fj 3002 " > 0 , new Valencia rai sins per Ib , ss4e , California loose mlHcatols , pel box , JJ.IHhit,1 10 ; Califoinin Londons l > < s > ( $240. pitted cneirius , per It ) , IV , Call foi ni.i pitted pilims , per Ib , 12 ( < Jl.Oi ) ) dried bliickbtriies , per Ib , 7 < tifsc ( , dried rusiibcr- ries , per Ib , . ' 4i25i' ( , evaporated apples , 7jOj be ; Callfoinia Hun-dried ponchos , I3ej Cali fornia un pared evaporated peaihes , 14o ; evaporated California npiii-ots , Ibt1 ; nu i ants , GV"7c : Tuikish prunes , ( ? " ) ] citron. 2Jci'2ic , ( irnngo peel , l.V. lemon peel , Ide ; Calitoinia I'lcnth prunes , llddili' . Cotti.L Aloclm , JVayfio ; Ulo , good , 17dJ I'-e ; Mandahlilig , 2w ( ) J" > e ; i ousting llin , 15' < i Kk1 ; O G .liixn , 'Jlrii.Mc ; .lava , interior , 2Jc < | 2"i. ) ' ; Kio , fancy , ISyilOc. Santos and Miua- < a'bo. I7ci IDc , Ai buckles , iUJit' , MeLaugh- lin'sXXXX , 22 c. SKHH Granulated , 7 e ; conf A , 7''e ( , , white e\.tr.i C , 7'4c , c\tia C , 7lfco ; jcllow C , 0\c , powdered , v' < jC , cubes , S' e. Hn- > \ \ \\-Choico yellow , 20t2."j'c ( ; dark colored , I. ted Ic. Cm i si Younp Amcrlci. full cicam , 12@ 1 ike ; lull cream cheddcis , 12 ( 12' e. I'll M i s Medium , in bbls , $500 ; do , in half bbls , $100 , small , in bbls , $000 , do , in bnir bbls , ! 5'J ' , gheikins , in bbls , $7.00 , do , In half bbls , fl 00. TOIHCLO Plug , i0@ric ! ; smoking , KKx'IDc. .Il 1.1.1 1 s $1 2"i per ! ! 0 Ib pail. SMr-Sl JIVii 1 40 per bbl. Horn 7 10 , 12c MUMC Stout Hrlcks , llM2c ( ) ) cr Ib ; penny takes , 12ifil3o ( iier Ib ; pure maple sj rup , f I 00 per gal Ti.soung Hson , common to fair. 1S@ 25o ; Young Hj son , good to fnncv , 30fO' ( > rc ; Gunpowder , uomuion to good , 22 ( 2" > e ; Gun- powilei , choice to fancy , 40ii05c ( : Japan , common to medium , 15 ( < t > 20c ; Japan , choice to fnnci , 30t4" > c ; Oolong , common to good , 30 ( i J"ic ; OoloiiL' , choice to fancy , 50iC70e ( ; Imperial , lOtnmon to medium , 2'iJJje1 ' ( 1m- pel lal , good to fancv , 40fn50e. Ni TB Almonds , IS lbcj Illberts , UoiiHe ; Ilrazil , 0@10c ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lO lle ; peanuts , 0 ( < j9c. CiucKi'ii-j GC'flOcpcr lb ; assorted cakes , 8M2"ie ( jiei Ib ns per list. C \N-ni Mixed , 'JJ lS' ' c , "licit , 0 > ( < § lle- rotk candy , ill1 ( dllic ; fancy candy , 7 ( ,25C. HOI.HMI Hi HIIIMl DOC. CODI Ibll O'jcl7 ( j0 Dry Goods Conov Fi X\M is 10 per cent dis. ; LL , 5 } c ; CC , Ge ; SS , ) &c , Nameless , 5c ; KX , Ibc ; 1 { , 20o ; Xo 10 , b' c , No 10 , lOKe ; No. ( i ( ) 12' , c ; No bO , 13 > e ; No 30 , coloi'ed , lie ; No 50. roloicd , 12c ; rto. 70 , colored , 12l o ; 13iistol , 12'4e , Union Pacilic , 17e. Cvui'Ci W up Bid , white , 1'JL1 ' ; coloicd , 2Jc. 2Jc.BTTS B\TTS Standard , 80 ; gem. lOc ; beauty , IJi e ; boone , Ic ; H , cnsed , ? ( ! 50. PiiiNT-i Solid colors Atlantic , flc- Slater , Cc ; Uerlin oil , Oj c ; Garner oil. 0a7c. ( PRINTS Pmk anu Hobcs Allen , lie ; Kivr- point , 5 > 4"c ; Steel Itiver , OKe ; Uichmond , Oj e ; Fauillc , 7c. PitiNTS Dicss , Chaitcr Oak , 5' e ; Ram- apo. 4 } o ; Lodi , 540 * ; Alien , Oc ; Hichmond , dc ; Windsor , O' c ; Eddystone , 0 < c ; Pacific , Sun Tivo Ucikcley cambric , No 00 , ! l'fc ; 13cst Yet. 4-1 , ( Ma ; butter cloth , OO , 4J/c ; Cabot , 7 c ; F.trwcll , half bleached , b' c ; Fruit of tlio Loom , .l o ; Ciiccne G , o'f ' ; Hope , 7 fc ; King Plnlliu cambric , lie ; Lonsdalocambiie. ll' c ; Lons- dale , tie ; Now York mills , 10)i ; Pcppeioll , 4J in , lie ; 1'cppcroll , 40 in , I'-'o ; Pcppciell , 04 , IGc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pcpperell , 9 4 , 23c ; Pcpperell , 10 1 , 25o ; Canton. 4-f , b'ic ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta. lie ; Valley , 5c. FUM.LI s Plaid Haftsmcn , 20o ; Goslien , i1 ; Clear Lnko , 30) ) < fc ; lion Mountain , FUXSCLS Whito-GH , No. 2 22'rfc ; Swift rnor , % c ; Thorndiko , OO , Thorndike , KG. S'c ; Thorndiko , 120 , Thoindike , XX , 15c ; Coidis , No. 5 , II' ' , c , Coidis , No 4 , 7' c. br.MMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , 10 > c ; Evcictt , 7 ol.lUjc ; Yoik , 7 oz , l.'lijc ; Haymaker , SV ; Jultrey XX , HKe ; JalTioy XXX , 12'9o ; lieaxer Creek AA , 12c ; Hca\er Cicelc 1JU , He ; Heaver Creek CC , lOu Kirt < M JI-ANS Memorial , nc ; Dakoti , Ibo ; Duiham , 27 > jc ; Hercules , Ibo ; Learn- Ington. y2 } < se ; Cottswood , 27' jC Ciusn Stevens' H , ( j ) c ; Stevens' 15 , bloai-heU , 7c Stevens' A , 7Ke ; Stevens' A , bleached , S'jc ; Stevens' F , b' e ; Slovens' P , bleached , U c ; Stevens' N.'l e ; Stevens' N , bleached 10' c ; Stevens' ' SUt , 12jjc. MISLI \SLOis Table on cloth , ' $2.50 ; plain Holland. O'.jc ; U.uU ) Holland , 12' ' fa. HIIO\\N Sin i rivn Atlantic A , 1-4 , 7' ' c ; Atlantic H , 4 4 , 7" e ; Atlantic U , 44 , 04e ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Auroia LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au rora C , 4-1 , ! } 4'e , Ctown XXX. 4 J , O c ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oe ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Lawience , LL , 14 , liu ; Old Dominion , i-4 , r < fc ; PcppeiellH , 4-4 , 7e ; Peppciell O , 44 , ( ! J4c ; Peppeiell , 8-1 , ISKc : Pepperell , 94 , 21c : Pepperell , KM , 21e ; Utica'C. I 1 , Wachusott , 1-4 , 7Kc ; Auroia. H , 4-4 , 7e ; An- roiaH , 14 , OVfc. Uttk West Point 2'J in. 8 07. lOKe ; West Point 29 in. 10 oz. 12) ) e ; West Point 2J in. 12 07 , 15e ; West Point II ) in 11 oz , lc. ( ! TIASM i s Ucd , C , 21 in , 15Xe ; n. 24 In , 21'4'c ' ; GG , 24 in , 20o ; HAP , , 210 ; .JUP , % , 27c. 27c.Givr.iav Plunkott chocks , 7J e , Whlttcn- ton 7 > i ! , York , % c ; Noiniandi dress , bjtfo ; Calcutta ih ess , 8 > { c ; Whlttcnlon diess , 8'j'o ' ; Kent row dre B , b Qf 12l < fe CtMDim -Slater , 5Xc ; Woods , 5 > c ; Stan dard , fi' c ; Fcacock , 5 > 4e. FRISTS , IMIKO ; lii.i i. Ainold , O' ' c ; Amer ican , ( i'4c ' ; filoucester , O c ; Arnold C long cloth , 9c ; Arnold H long cloth , lOWe ; Arnold Gold Seal , lO' ' c ; Stelfel A , 12e ; Windsor Gold Ticket , 10' ' jc. Ijuiulicr. l"ii stand second clear , IV In . $19 00 ( < t51 00 First and second clear , 1In. } . . , 47 00c 50 00 Thlid clear , l > 4r m in . 43 00@l ( ) 00 A select , ! } & ' < I in . 3700 H select. 1 ' 405 ! 19 In . 3.100 A stock boaids , 12 10 ft , 12 in. . 40 00 H stock boaids , 1'w.lrt ft , 12 in. . 41 00 U stock boards , 12o10 ( ! ft , u in. . 30 00 I ) stock boaids , 121 ( ) ft , 12 in. . 2. ) 00 Flooring , first common , Oin. , . . 34 00 Flooring , second coifimon , 0 in. . 31 CO Select fencing Hooting' . 1'J 00 Siding , Hist und second clear , 14 tfNOft . . . . 2500 Siding , first common , 10 ft * . . 22 00 Siding , second common . 10 00 Jommon boaids . 1000 No. 2 boards , all lengths . U 50 rencing , No , 1 , 12a ( 20 ft . 10 50 l-encing , No 2 , 12 , llll ( ! ) ft . . . . 15 50 loist and scuntlmg , 2x4. 140K1 ft 10 00 Timber , 4x4bxS , 1210 ( ft . 17 00 I'iekcts , 1) and II Hut . 22 00 Pickets , D and H square . 22 00 shingles , extra A . 280 shingles , stnndaid A . 200 Lath . 2 40 3 G Halts , 2'tf In . 35 3 G Halts , Ix3 , S I S . ifi I in well tubing , D and M bov. . 23 00 leather. Hemlock sole , 18@27o per Ib : oak solo , 33 ! (30o t > cr Ib , oak harness , SOR.l2c ( per Ib : .elected . oak and trace , 35o per Ib ; oalt and lomlock unpcr , 20c t22e per foot : hemlock ulf skin , No. 1 , 60 ( < il > 0o per Ib , according to voighf oak calf bkln , No 1 , DOcCiitl.OO p r b. ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra. 81.00 ® 1.10 icr Ib. ; hemlock kip skill. No. 1 , 00(0,700 , per b : oak kip Bkin , No. 1 , TOgbOo per lb ; Fhllo- Iclpbla kip Hum , extra , 80 ( < iOOo per Ib ; iVencli calf kiu ( accordlok' to wduht and qnnllUI , $1 ISint 75 per Ib ; ricnch Kip skin do , ' Oi-tf l 10 per Ib. ; Cordovan russet. IV satin finish. 20o insr loot , welt leather. # l < V ( 4 ( XI per side ; moiocoos , ipcbblo po.iO , 20c ( i k'ier foot ; morocoos. boot leg , 250(300 pe foot ; glove calf skins , 20ii ( We per foot Douplns kid , 30@lO < i per foot ; knuenroi skins , 40S50c ( per foot , according to ouallt.\ toppings , * 3 oOdf in ( X ) per dozen ; lininirs.$5 m ( rtt'.OO ' per dozen ; apron skins , MO.OOyi2.lx per dozen. _ IMolals niul 'I ( liners' Stnul : . Hloi-k tin , sDiull pig . f .21 . 2' Copper , plalnished boiler sizes . 3 Copper , cold lolled . 3 Copper , sheatmg . 3i Conner , pitts . ! il Copper , Hats . 3 ! Gal , sheet Iron , .ninintn , 50 10 and 5 per e dis Pat plaltnshed iron , 24 to 27 A . in\ Patplalmstied Iron , 21 to 27 H . 9' < Hooting , 1C. 14x20 , H2shcets . fllH Hooting , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.M Hooting. 1C , 2l\2S ( , 112 sheets . IKK Hooting , IX , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 14 5 ( Sheet lion No 20 . 361 ShectlronNo 27 . HW Solder . Uv's l'Jj Tin ulate , b'st charcoal 1C , 10x14 , 22' . sheets . C.V IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets . 8.2 ! Tin plate , coke 1C , 10x14. 22' . sheets . 02' Steel nails , per keg . 2.2f Strel w lie nulls , per keg . 2.'JC Tor clclu'nuv , for purity , nnd for tin- piONeniont of the coinplo.xion , nuthinj , ' oquuls l'07/oni'ti I'owdor. Til 12 ( ) SIIOU' . The 1'olntcr nmi the Setter In tlio Field anil on tli > Itonuli The lugiam Meldium bench show con Unites lo be a maiked success , nnd will cer- talnl.s go along wny toward awakening an Intel cst In line dogs that has not bi'en known heretofore. While the many diffeient classes nio well tilled , the most Interesting and Important portant- our sporting dogs -is not nc.uly so well icpiescntcd us one would expect. How ever , this is a now species of itinii'icmciit In this citj , nnd another season will assuredly see n matei ial impiovement in this branch , It hits not been ininvenrs since that dogs used in tlio Held weie ilrst bicd and nn polled with an i'io to pei lection of foim as well as practical qualities Ten j ears IIRO , litllo uitention was pud lo the impio\ement of oui dogs , but with the imiuguiatlon of Held tiials nnd bench shows n cliingu foi the better has been biouuht nbout The majoiitv of our wealthy men fought shj of an > connection with Kennel or dog matteis , as being derogatory to their standing , and onlj lit for "dog men. " but with the closer lelalions with the mother conntiy , brought about by the Incieaso ol Kuiopran tiavcl and conscipient interchange of Ideas , many sports and pastimes almost exclusively on- joied by Englishmen lm\o been piomoted and successful ! ) taken toot nmong the sport- loving gentlemen of our spoil producing countri. Of course , we have alwa\s had our sportsmen , but thewoie lontcnt with n few dn\s' shooting at the most , o\erlndlffcr- enllj bred dogs , nnd it only the dog could 11 ml and point the buds after a fashion little attention was paid to tils good looks This has all been changed , and our leading sportsmen take as much pride in tlio pedi grecs of thuli pomtcis nnd setters as the hoispinen do in tlio champions of the turf , Men , who a few . \eais ago. baldly know one dog from another , will have the peiligi cos , onlciosses , sliain , etc , of their favorites for gcneiations back at their longucs' ends. The intelligence ! displn\ed bv some of our hunting dogs is of a veiy high outer , the constant companionship of men and their high - > talc of bleeding combined to bring out their tlnest instincts , and now it is n compai- ativoly eisv matter to tiam a setter or pointer , and the instinct to hunt nnd point game mnj be seen in puppies of a tender ago , the faculu being as much bred in the bone .js the. trotting gait in a Maud S oruJa > - H\e See. The origin of tlio pointer of to day is ooscuie , but he is undoubtedly made tip of a cross between the heavy old Spanish pointer ntul the lighter boned fox hounds of Kngland the latter giving him speed and better scent , two very essential qualities Other crosses have been suggested as having been mtio- duccd , such ns bull dog and gio.\ hound , the bull for pluck and the gre\ hound for speed , and these outeiosses no doubt account for the difference in the weights of pointers of the day. The setter ; the best authorities concur spiang into beii g about the time of the advent of Ilioauns in Held spoils , the old English spaniel having been used when birds weic netted. Old w liters maintain that the ciossof tlio Spanish pointer with the old Englisti spaniel brought about the tecjuhed ies > ult , also the gicy hound nnd the fox hound blood was introduced for speed nnd inci eased scenting powers , the offspiing then being c.iicfnllv mated hack with the oiigmal spaniel , and a dog that for beauty and utility is unsur passed is the result Tins hi ings up the question which is the better Held dog , the pointer or the setter I Each has aident ndmireis , but if Holds trials arcto bo taken as nuthoi itv the setters aic tno most successful , and in lough , Ina\y ( round he will never fail to out do tlio pom tors , andean go where the lattci's almost un protected sl.m would sidli suffer Fashions change in field dogs as in other bleeds Polntcis had the call at Hist , then the setteis had then innings , and no\ the pointci is springing into lavoi again Among the spoiling dogs on the bench nt the show now i mining is S. 1) Coin's Irish setter bitch "Foi \ , " with a litter of seven handsome ' 'Foiv's" dam nuppics was imp * Nellie , site unknown. The sire of the litter is Iho Llcwellcn and Hod Irish settci "Abe , " the piopeity of Mr. Gwinn. Geoige Hichaidson is the owner of a beau- tlliil Lii\ crick , ns is ulso S.I ) Coiyund .1. II. Kichards. All three of thcso dogs are finely maiked nnd well biokcn. In thu Gordon setter class Al. Wlnte , of Philthinouth shows the imported dog Don n line animal. John Smith two , both grace ful , well built , beautifully featheicd thai- oughbieds. C Cuploy also shows a Goidon that will lank with the best. lohn KcriJohn Hlnulo and .T. M. Me- Eatham exhibit Hue pointers A beautiful Imported English mastiff is on- leied by M. L Hocder The dog is eleven months old , weighs 120 pounds , nnd is the ono of the kind in the west. A Mailman nt IIu is a woll-K'iiown eiti/on , and hib noiuest nnd doarcst friends do not sus- peet his iiibiinity. How do wo hiippou to Itnow about it ? Listen ; his appetite is ffono , ) io is low hpirited , lie don't sleup wull , ho has night bucats , ho is nuiioypd by 11 Imclfiiiff cough. These symptoms tuo the form minors of con- siunption and death , and yol ho nctf- IcctH thoin. IH it any wonder that wo call him a madman ? If jou arc Ills friend tell him to trot a hottlu of Dr. I'icrce'bGoldon Medical Discovery with out doluv. It will cure him if he takes it in time. It will not miraculously uiento new lungs when the old ones ate nearly gone , but it will restore dibcnsod ones to a healthy condition. Toll him about it , und warn him that in his cuso duluv means death. Xo Moio TliuutrlcnlH. Philadelphia Record : New Yoik Shorill ( to condemned murderer ) Hero Ib a chair. Say jour prayers and take u bent in it. The clcetiiehui ifl ready. 1'ribonor UhV Won't there bo no ] > rocesHion no iiaradoV "None. " "No wallcin' with firm stop up the gallow b ? " "None. " "No big crowd , an' chance for mo to niiiko a speech an' die ganioi" ' "No. You die right hoi e. " "AJy ! My I Oh , my ! I I wish I hadn'dono ' " it. For nearly a third of a century those ilolieioiiB , jiuro economic preparations , Van Dn/or's Flavoi-ing Extracts , have led the vanguard in popularity of arti- oloH in their class , nor has disparaging competition been ahlu to shako for u single day the faith reposed in them by the American people. The bottles of tlicbo extracts contain surplus measure , ix noint of biiporlority over rivals , and the process by which they arfj prepared prevents contamination with any deleterious - otorious bubstimco , AgrToiiniirnT iinpTomonts. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implcincnls , Wagons lrod.bctwecntttinn 1Mb , Omalm Nit > ra kn , LININOER A Agricultural IniiilciiieEls.fagoiis.Carriagc . . ItiiHtlo.rtc Wtiolonlo. Umittm , Npt > rn kft PA R UN , o R E N D ORF'A IvTA R T i77" W tiolcmlo Denlf M In AgTicnltnral Implcnicnts , Wagons & Bnggic M , TO. K6 ( inil ( W Jone Str et , Omulm PT P. MAST A. CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeflers CultlTBton. Itaj IlKkri.l'UIrr Mills anil 1 itban Tu _ > * rltm. Cor lltn Kiid MchoUi MUPII. _ \fJ\NONA \ IMPLEMENT CO. , Whole1 ! Agricultural Iinplenicnts , Wagons &Bii gic firnrf 1 * s * i I' 'n trtpt * OMAHA iiiuxni. J. F. SEIBERLING A CO. , \kron , Uldo. Haryesting Machinery anil Binder Twine , W 15 Mpa t , Mnni.or 1311 1 cnTpiiwirtli l' Onnli MOLINE.MIUBURN STODDARPCC MtnuncliirtrsMiitJulibi < rs In Wagwis , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. lull mul I'ncllle gtrupts , Omnlm.Nili. ArtlRts' tVlntoriolB. _ " " " A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 15H OouLln * MM ft Oimitm Bookaollors nnd Stntlonora. H. M , & S. W. JONES. Successors to .A T.hcnyon V Co. , Wliuttiilt. .Vllctcll Bookseller ani Stationers , Hue WoildlnK SUMonerj. Comnirrclnt btnllnncrr li.Djutlns Strut. t Oiiinlin NU > . _ Ooota and Shoos. K1RKENDALL. JONES & CO. . 'ors to Ilii'il. Jinim A Co ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes 4Ki nli lor Huston llubtiir Shoo lo 1102 , HU.Vlllfc _ llnrtuj st , Omaha , obrllakt. W. V. MORSE J. CO. . Joohers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 llllttj PoiiUm M.Omnlm Manufactory , bum uor * > u lu Hon. J. J. JOltA'SOX A CO , Manufacturers of Lime , And lil | > i 'ra ot iiml , Oiiuk , I dim nt , I'liiitor , I Imc Druln I'llo mill > -ci\er l'll" ' Olllco , 'IS s. Ulh f t , Ouinlin , Net ) . rj li'itionesil | _ _ Dry Goods nno Notions. * M. E SMITH 4. CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and-Notions , 1105 nnd 110 ( Donnlan , Cor lltli Pt .Omaha. Neb. KuTp A T R i c K iTdcTilj R Y J do DS CO Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' 1-urnltblnn Oooils Corner lltli and UttJncT MP . Omabn. > t > bnif > ka. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , * Shiprs of Coal and Goto , Furniture. " " " " DEWEY & "STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , luruaui CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omuha. Nobrasko- jcoffoos , Spices , Etc- " " _ CLARKE COFFEE 00 Ouiiilm Cofio and bplce Mllli. Teas , Coffees , Suites , Baking Powder , Flavoring Extricli , I.Kunilrj nine Inks , ICIe. 1414 _ 14111 HuniuY - < lroi'l Oiiiaba. Nubra-kn Crockery and Claeownro. w. L. WR'IGHT. Agent for the Manufacturers und Iinportcisof CrocKcry , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Kte Hfllce. 317 S nth ht. , Omabn , h PERKINS. CATCH &LAUMAN. ImDoritra nnd Jobbi ra of Crccicry , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Ktc. 1511 Icrn-mSt. > ot Pa , ton Building. Commission and Storage. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , ' pcclnillc' " "T I'"p ( brr-.n l'-"Mry , Came , _ lUHoirnulStiect , Omaha. _ Cool , Coke and uimo OIMAHA COALT "COKE & LIME CoT Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , XQBoulli 13th Street , Omnlia , Nebraska. Crooorlos. P AXTO N , 3 A LL AC H ER "A c6T " Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , rKl , 707,709 nnd 711 P lOtli St , Orraba , Neb. McCORD , BRADV & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , I ( b and I.envmiworCh Btrceti. Oinalm , Nebranka. Hardware. MARKS "BROS. SADD'LERY C"OT Wlmlcnnlu Munufactiirc'rn of Saddlery & Jobbers of Sifldlery Hardware And I calbtr. 1103 , lull and 1KI7 iliirn y Ht.Omalin , Hoayy Hardwnro. _ " " ' Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , WBKOII Stork , Ilnrdwiiro , Lumber , Ktc. 1203 uud l.'ll llurnux HtreLt , Oiuuba. HIMEBAUOH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , .MccliaulcB1 Tools and nutrnlo Fcnlos. 1(06 Douklui Htruct , Oimilm cb lllku. RECTOR , wlLH ELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , flu and Ilarner Hl , Oinibii , Ntb WritPm Acontt lorAuitln 1'owili'r Cn , .lulTureon MLU | .Nails , u siun lurd Hcnlpi , LEE , CLARKE , ANDRKEbliN HAMU- WARU COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , JletiilB , Sheet Iron , f > lr. ARonts for llcwr Scalet , illnuiiro\Mltruul ( J.yniiin Iliuljedvlio , Uinuhu , Hats , Caps , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE & Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 Huroer Street. Oinahf. Neb. J.iimbor. _ " "OMAHA LUMBER co. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale J3tu Street and nlon I'aelHo Track , . LrOuls BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , JJogrs , lite. Yinls-Corner 7lh mid Dtfutfluj. Cornel T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , Office , HKiKaniBm Street , Omalm 'JOHN A. WA KE Fit L D Wholesale Lumber Etc , Quliicy Wliltu 1. 1 mo CHA8. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood CArpeti ni J'urquoi UeoriBg. ttu na Douglai LUMBER. C. N. DIET2 , Dealer in All Ms of Lnmoer , 13th nnd Cntifoniln Slreof , Onmtm , KHbD W. OHAY. Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner rib.n > IKniclns ru .Omaha , Mllllnorynnd Notlonn. I. OUERFELDER A cdT * t' Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notion ! WJlOnnd 31 ! south lllli StrpoU : J.T. Wbolesale Notions and Fiiniisliins Goodj fl nn l I.ViKt nth lutli St , f VINYARD A SCHNriDER , Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnisliiiig Ml IKlSHnrncy "troel.OinnliR _ _ OvorntlH. CANFIFLD MANUFACTURING Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'uiUs.fcMif 11Ilitlniul 1101 IKiuglas Street. Uiuiilm. .Neb I . /I / Office Flxturos. I -JMMOMIS M VMM AH L'lllS' Bank , dice and Salcon Fixtures , lnntl < ' " -ililxmrl' Hook < Vm" Drue I IxInrvOTnlt < n"i' I'litituui llni inu , t.iiiiiiiorv lUprnndnlnijf < < lorMlriui * * olt lmtorani ortlro , irJUnud liJ9 -until Hill M ( im liik 'lolupliuiio ll.M. f ' < Oils CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wiolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ulo l.u-a < o. Ktc , Uiiiuli * . A II lll > linp. Mningrr , PolntB nnd Oils. CUMM1NOS & NUILSONV W hulf'ilo Iknlcriln Paints Oils Window te H ' , , , , < llli. nirnnm ' trool. Onmliix , jS'o Pnpor. CARP'ENTER PAPcr Wliolesale Paper Dealers , C rrr n nlro tcnk ol I'rlnlliiK \ \ rniilnc | | nml Wrltlntf I'H yr t-piclnl attcnlloniilTon Itusr loail nrilpr * f Pnpor Boxes * "j OHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paner Box Factory. N'os 1 il * nml Ul'J Duugl is ht , Umnbix , Neb. _ _ Scoria. PHIL ? STIMMEL'A coJT J Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds _ 911 nml 'IHJoiionin.i t ( Imnln _ Storngo , ForwartllnB SL Commission ' . ARMSTRONG. PET ! IS A CO. . Storage , Forwanling and Coinniission ; tlrum h IIOIII-P of tlm Hi mu r IIUKK > ' < < lltikkknat wliult.aalcuinlrulall.liiH lilOiinil liU Izunl bllcot. Oiimtiu I I'lonlumi' > u 7 1 - - .r Brovvora- _ _ ' STORZ & ILER. Lager Beer Brewers , Un Xortli iiithlioiitli Street. Ooiitlm. fob. Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE w"6 RI < sT" Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John KjiccUor. I'rnprlrtor ( Ml Doilgo and 101 und 104 NortU linu atrcut. OmiiUa Printers' Matorlals. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In Tyiie , I'rciics nml Printers' hupplloa. tat SoutU 1 Jtli Sin ct. Omalin. SulJbor Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Mannfacliirers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 ClotUlug nnd I crthcr Ucltlui ; . 1UUS 1 iinmm Struat Sash , Doors , Etc. T ? flTA. DISBRO V f CO. . \Vliolc3uIu.Mtniir cturcre of Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , llruucli unite , 13th nml Uilrd Streets , Oimilm , Nob. . ' " ' " BOHN MXKN U FACT UR llsTc CO. iVaimfactiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , nl lluirs. Hair Work nnd Intrrlur llnnl Woo I I Iw u N. U CorutrHh nntl I tuvunwurlli blruLlt , Dinnhn. 1 1 u. - - . - I - _ toarn Fltllngo , Pumps , Etc. " * STRAND CO. . PmiiDS , Pines and Engines. itcam- CI-IUHCHILL PUMP CO. , fliolesalc Pninps , Pine , Fillings , Steam nnd Wntcr Supplier Ilpndqunrlpri for Mn.t. U. B. WIND ENGINE a , PUMT CO. . Stepffl and V/atcr / Supplies , ! I llldny Wlml Mill , 018 iind 820 rnrmim St , Ouinlm. _ ! l ltu 9UtlnK MiiiiiiKtr. BROWN ELtT& CO. ' Bngines , Boilers and General Machinery , Jlitct Iron Work ' , - I'ump' H iw Stills -11-1215 1 I < 'nv < imnrtl i ' < r , ' _ _ Jron Works. ' _ STEAM BOILER'WORKS , Carter ( it on , 1'rop .Mmnifucturcraof nil hinds Steam Boilers , Tante and Sliectlron WorK Wort , boiith Jitli nml II. A. M CronslnK. _ " r.vx'io.'Ti vii'.Hi.iMi IKU.N"uuici ) . Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc Kni-lnet , Ilras * \ \ ork Oonornl I onndry .Muclilno and UluikHiullli U"ik oilkoandurks , t.r. Ujr. unil litk street , Owiiliu. OMAHA w"lRn lr0 i > Twb"RKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings O.VIAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaults , J ll Work Iron ami Wlrn Punclnii HIKIIH IJtO. ( J. Aniliffii , I'IKU r Cor lltli und JiiLlcvm Hit CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Scrpoii , . for bank , , nnicoi.Mnrr * luililoncei , oto liuprokud AwninxH , I oiknnllli Mm liincry and _ njuckamltli Worli . Illl uiilli Ulh HI. _ Jii/M c ; / / ; / { , i innrMonn , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locis.1 A u'onlH lor l > iu ml I suou 1 1 lnjt \uult * iinJ Juil WOM , IIJH.l.t i I 5 ul cu It 1-Al.lllEn J , ! IIIC'/IMAV / J II III PALMER. RICHMAN 4CO. . , LiYo StocK Commission Merchants , OHIMER.WESTERFmLDi Liye Stock Commission , Koom 10 , ICicliaiiBO Ilulldliitf , Union Block r > uuttiOini > littNeb. UNION STOC * YARDS Of Omaha , Limited _ John F HOTI * BUDorln' i J10ICIOU8 AND PERSISTEHr AdvuiUsing has always piavoa < successful. Iloforo placlngpny Kowspnpcr AdvortUIng consul Ji LORD & THOrVJAO. I Cfft mreuTiKiiu IHSTB , I ! lUl > U t * ( Uuitlik SUttU C1IICAQOJ