Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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A Midnight Blaze Burns Almost the
Entire Stock.
1 ! Comlni ; IIvenlH nt tlio Colosseum
Jtnlluny News The Veteran Klre-
men Mc-ot A Variety ofother
Jntorestliin Local Noun.
A. It. FjOKip's Store OcUroietl.
Last night at 11:5,1 : o'clock lire wa diseov
cred In the Now York dry goods store , 1HO !
nnd ii3 : ! fnrnain street An alarm was
S sent in from box 42 , corner Thirteenth and
o Douglas streets. A prompt losponso by thu
n lira department was made , but the llamas
v > had nil cndy gained great headway. In fact ,
it seemed ns If the whole interior , filled ns it
r was , in two stoiios , was u mass of llaincs.
tt Streams of hose u ere extended through the
tts ) doors and windows of the front and tear ,
wtnlo other lines weie directed through the
Hln lights nnd openings in the roof , The llamcs
V nt times Beuined undui control and at others
Vt Durst out with undiniiulshcd brightness.
(1 ( There was no doubt , notwithstanding the ef
(1V forts of the llrernon , that the Htock would be
(1'J u perfect loss John Haunter's jewelr.v store
V adjoining on the west was threatened , but n
'J bi ic-k wall and tlio llremon piesei veil it unin
'JI 'Jn jured The New York and Onuihii clothing
house on the east was separated from the tit u
I !
L by n brick wall nlso , and wns uninjured. The
Lu burned Rtoio was owned by A
u H Logic , who succeeded J II
f. Lehman about acar ago. Ho
c could nt be HOI n nt the Hie this morning ,
i though It Is expected that there wns about
t S7t > ,000 worth of goods in his stock , The in
t Biirumx' Is unknown , During thu lira another
i alarm was sent In from box : ) I , the cause be
ing a burning barn on Twenty seventh and
Cutning sti ccts.
Haucs to Ucgln at llio Colo-iscu in Next
Knnpp , Noilson and Dingley , champion
bicicllsts , will reach this city to day to m ike
preparations for starting in the six day's '
race , that begins at the Colosseum next
Monday. Noilson comes from Hoston , Kn.ipp
from Denver , and Dinylcy from Minneapolis
Ashinger will reach hero fiom Cleveland
Friday moining. Mile. Atmnndo , "Sena
tor" Morgan , from London , England , and
the veteran , Tom Eck , are alrouly in train
ing here , and mny bo seen dashing around
tlio Colosseum at almost any time of day
Moigan ildcs a beautiful M-inoh Columbia
nicer , which weighs only twenty-three
pounds. Mr. Morgan says that Mile. Ar
mando will bo nllo\vcd \ 100 miles start by the
male contingent in the race , and the proba
bilities are that if this handicap is made
Him will take a place in the iaco. Mile. Ar-
imindo bus just issued the following
challenge : "Louise Armando , the champion
lady bicyclist of the world , has deposited
$100 in the hands of Manager Prince , of the
Omaha Colosseum , for a mutch for $1,000 or
tii.OOO with Lottie Stanley or any woman in
the world , to tnku pluco in Omaha , Miss
Stanley to bo allowed expenses from New
V 01K , In case she accepts. The race is to bo
ton , twenty , llfty or KM miles , or six da > s ,
eight hours a day , ns the contestants may
horeaftei agree upon. "
At the same time of the sivday race there
will bo a four-hour sK-daj race lor amatcuis
for the Colosseum championship medal , nnd
this event is exciting much interest in nmv
teur en cles. This race will give tbo specta
tors nn oppoitumtv to com pare the work of
iimatouis with that of the most , noted pio-
fessionals in the vvoild. The entiles so far
ate Torn Fletcher , Fiank Mittnur , F. Tnror ,
S. Holton , John Kustmnn , Robert Smith ,
Robert Hukcr , Setli Uhodcs and Guy Mead.
Loicicn Stephens Is also indulging in daily
practice in the gymnasium , and will likely
1)0 one of the starters Altogether , the com
ing races promise to bo the most interesting
of all the spoi ting events that have taken
place heio in ycats. ,
Tlio Binder of Abolishing tlioOIHceof
( Scnurn.1 Supnriutciulctit.
The icfutoiy statement in the Herald per
taining to the nitlclo published m TUB HKE
Monday , to the effect that the Union Pacific
i was considering the matter of adopting the
system of oporatinif now in vogue on the
Northern Pacific , thereby abolishing the de-
pal tmcnt of general superintendent , appears
to havu been written without inquiry having
been made regarding the matter. When ques
tioned concerning tbo statement yestculay ,
Vice President Holcomb , of the Union
Pacific , said : "Yes , it is true , wn have bqcn
considering the matter of adopting tlie sys
tem now used by the Noithern Pacific ,
thereby doing away with the olllce of gen
eral supoilntendcnt. While nothing definite
has been arrived at , wo still have the move
ment under consideration , but will not likely
take any action ut present. I believe myself
that , on n long nnd largo system like
that of the Union Pacific. mutters
can bo handled more satisfactorily and with
less expense by having the operating directly
vested in the general nianagenfcnt It is for
this reason that we are considering the
change. "
It is nlso understood that Superintendent
Cumings will bo appointed assistant general
managw , ns was repotted in TUB BUB , but
no definite information could be gleaned in
this respect.
Hail way Employe * ' Garnishment ,
The matter uf amending the present gur-
nislico laws relating to employes of inter-
otato'coipoiatlous is being thorough1 y agi
tated In railway cliclos among this purtieu-
' lar class. A petition to this end Is
nt the Union Pacillo depot , alieady
bearing the signatures of U5'J in
dividuals , in which the pctilloueis
ask that the laws bo so amended as lo pre
vent an action of garnishment from being
Instituted in Iowa courts simply bueauso the
corporation by which they are employed
docs business in that section. They also usk
that the law bo so amended so as to exempt
non-resident employes from garnishment In
Iowa courts and under Iowa laws. This pe
tition will be presented to the legislature
early In Its session. In npoaklng of the mat
ter n railway employe of the Union Pacific
eatd :
"Tho laws should bo nmondod In order to
protect the honest debtor. Now , 1 know of
an instance ) tight here In Omiiliu. An em
ploye owed n gi occry bill ; ho was earning suf
ficient vvapet ; to liquidate all his Indebtedness ,
but sickness came Into his family ana in u
nhort thno ho hmt a physicians account for
8150 , presented to him , ho could not pay It at
once , but Informed tbo doctor that Un would
pay him from $10 to $15 each month or per-
Laps more , until thu debt pah ! . Hut thn
result was that the doctor went to Council
U lulls nnd garnishcod the inan'n wages
which were tukon , The broad and butter
\vcro taken from thu children and wife , and
I- \ < for the reason that the company was an
- noyed by u garnishment the man was dis
charged , This 1 know to bo a positive fact.
You 300 vvlion the dealer known ho can
recover his money in this way , ho will git a
unlimited credit but u reaction must como nt
BOUJO period. "
JBIklioru's Telegraph Head.
The oftlco of Buporiutoudont of telegraph
Of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vulluy
lias not , as yet , been flllc'l t > y un appoint
ment of a successor of E. C. Harris. It is
rumored , liovv over , that the plum will drop
to either Welsh of Ctiadron , MuParland of
J romont , orTallor ol Norfolk. Those three
individuals are train dispatchers at tlio above
jiolnti for the ; ElUhorn system , The odds
tire Bald to bo In favor of Tailor uf Norfolk ,
It IB also stated that the duties of train die-
I'tttchur for that divUlon will bo consolidated
with that of superintendent of telegraph ,
IS'otblng definite has us yet transpired ,
7ho Enulnecr'a Htrlku.
Ihco Livingston , the vvoll-Unown ongliioor
pftbUclty , returned Tuesday night from
i Chicago , wue ro ho attended the meeting : of
poglueera ot which so lauob has been said in
the papers He said that he had no doubt
that the sti Ike of the H. & M. engineers
would bo declared off cither to-day or to
morrow and that certain concessions would
bo mndo , among which was that many of the
striking engineers would bo taken bick
PorlnlnlMjt lo I'relght
General Freight Agent Monroe of the
Union Pacific returned from St Paul jester-
day nt which point he was in conference with
the traffic managers of the Mnnltobi anil
Northern Pncllic regarding freight rate * gen-
crallj. The matter of raising the local niton
In Montann territory was considered but no
notion was taken , _
Ittilluay Notes.
.T. S. Cameron. asMstan' to Presidonl
Adams , of the Union Pacific went west
T. F. Godfrey , of the passenger and ticket
department of the Missouri Pacific , has 10-
turned from the east , nc'otnpinted by his
wife and child , who were visiting friends in
Vice President Holcomb , of the Union
Pacific , states that the bullet car deal with
the Pullman car company has not fallen
through , but t lint action is deferred by his
company awaiting n reply from C. M. Pull
man concerning certain matter *
\Vlfc-Hontcr KlitctJ.
William Lotip give his wife a terrible heat
ing Tuesday evcuing and was an csted In the
scrimmige tils batter half managed to hit
him In the eve with u stick of kindling vvoid
and in his rage ho would probibly luivo
killed her had not the policeman been at
tracted by her Bcreams , and rushed to the
rescue. On anaiirnmcnt Loup was found
guilty of assault and battery and was as
scssed $12.f > 0.
Hirton Hilcsnml Tom Hartley , both drunk ,
had a light over the possession of n pair ol
pints. Ililes bud taken the garment off and
Hartley was tr.\in' ? to get possession , lu
this condition they were captured by the
police Ea ( h was lined JID W )
William Do.vlo refused to bo arrested by
Ollicor Evcrly , nnd was lined. fl'J..r > 0 for re
sisting n ivjliceman
A M Adams was lined $33 3J for currying
a slung shot
Chailes Johnson , who was ariestcd yester
day charged with assaulting with intent to
kill and with breaking the jaw of Yurdmas-
torJ , Devour , at Gib'-on , was arraigned be
fore Judge Ucrku and hold to the d strict
court in $1 MX ) bond
Samui'l HI co , the man who stele the collec
tion of old coins valued nt tflTU , was ni rested
In Council Hluffs yestciday nnd brought to
the central station and locked up ,
Protecting the Merchant.
The following communication , signed
"Giocoryinan , " has been received by the
editor of TUB Hen.
In regard to this garnishec business , I
wish you would show up n little of the other
side of the question. For my part , I thinlc
the merchant .should be held in as much es
teem as the ion clerk , and if the
ganiishco Is so modified or abolished , it will
place a higher premium on rascality. I have
yet to hoar of a man who tries to pay his
debts , a sick man , or u man with sickness in
his family being garnishecd , and 1 think
theie should bo some protection for the
merchant against dead beats , who would
take advantage of this law. The Lord
knows it is ceitamly not a sure protection in
its present stale. I have been in the grocery
business in this city for nearly seven years ,
and owing to my inability to collect out
standing debts , failure stares me in the face
at every moment. _
It Convenes anil Prepares to SoUe
Sonic Interesting Problems.
JciTLKso.v CmMo. . , Jan. 2. [ Special to
TICK UcK.J Tbo Thirty-fifth general assembly
bly of Missouri , which convened at 13 o'clock
to day , consists of 34 senators , and 140 rcpre
scntatives. The political complexion of each
house Is : Senate 24 democrats , t ) republi
cans , 1 union labor , total 34 ; House , 78 dem
ocrats , 51 icpublicans , und 11 union laboi ,
total 140.
The contest for speaker of the house Is be
tween N. D. Thurmond of Galloway and Joe
Husscll of Mississippi. Henry S. Shaw of
Ste. Gcnevive , is also reported a candidate ,
but he IH probably m to the extent of u good
committee , nothing inoie
The inauguration of the new state officials
will occur on the 14th inst. , and will usher in
what is culled the "young fellows' " aumm-
istiation. Governor Piancis and the incom
ing state officers are all young men , with the
solo exception of Colonel Hob MeCulloch ,
state register of lands. His will be the only
gray head in the entire lot.
Of the pending measures which will be
disposed of nt this session , the most impor
tant will bo the i emulation of the liquor
tiatllc. The piohibitionists , the tempeianco
men , the ultra cranks nnd the W. C. T. U.
have united their forces and will make a
stiong and combined cIToit to put through at
this session u bill which will bo so stringent
in its measuiea a-s to practically solve the
pioblctn. Astioug lobby is expected to bo
present until this bill Is cither passed or de
feated. The teinpciancc people claim to
have way down in their pockets enough
promises from lepiescnt.itivcs to enable
them to accomplish thcii ends.
The union labor people will also have a
lobby heie. Tiicy want to have a law passed
tcquiung all convict labor goods to bo
stamped in such a way that they can bo
The railroad question , which was made the
pai amount issue of tlio last session , will
again bo up , but this time for but slight mod
ifications in two or tlucu sections of the last
measure passed , known us the "Swamp
Annul" bill.
AVolcott AV1I1 Suucectl Kowen.
Dr.Nvrn , Cole , Jan. -Special [ Telegram
toTnu HEE. ] At the senatorial caucus to
night Woleott was nominated on the first bal
lot , iccctving 45 votes ; Thomas M. Hovven
15 , and ox-Senator Tabor I. The leg-
islaluic meets in joint session on the 15th to
ratify the nonunaUon , when Woleott will
undoubtedly i cceivo the full republican veto
of both house- , , which H 02 , thu lemaining 1,1
being domociaiiu
Michigan Legislature.
LAVSISQ , Mich. , Jan. " The legisla-
tuio convened to-day. At the republican
caucus to-nluht. James McMillan , of Detroit ,
was nominated by acclamation to succeed
Senator Palmer ,
Fryo Henomiiinta'il.
AUGUST i , Me. , Jan. 2. The joint republi
can caucus to nfcjht rcnominatod Hon. Will
iam I' . Fryu for senator by acclamation ,
Dr. Kcr.iiiRlon , specialist , 1020 K St. ,
Lincoln , Nebraska.
Fred Piekons , chief cletk in the Omaha
postoflk'o , locglvod u novel Now Year's pres
ent. It was a box of tropical fruits from faraway -
away California , containing oranges , limes ,
apricots , samples of choice wines and Japan
ese poisimmons. The latter resemble the
tonuito In loolis , the fruit being a species of
plumb , Thu tluvo'is highly delicate and
palatable. In thn box was also an exquisite
calla in full bloom , being fully live inches in
depth , and thcro wcro aUo a bunch of tea-
roses , vvhosn fragrance tilled the box. For
rarity the present wan a luuiarlcablu ouo.
Dr. II. P. McKnightiof Central Park , haa
returned from u visit to southern lown.
I'oMH vcly Cured by
tbojoI-Utln Tills.
They else relieve DIs
lTTLE trtss from Pyspepala ,
Indigestion and Too
Hearty Eating , A pel
feet remedy for DIzzl
, Nausea , Drowel
neii , Bad Taste in the
Mouth.Cooted Tongue ,
1'oln in tlio Bide , TOR
PID tlVKR , Ac. They regulate tlia Bowels ,
and prerent Constipation aotj filet. Tb
raalli'it nd Miieit to t&lte. Onljr cue pill
dote. lOiiiATUL l"urely Vegetable. Vile'
. ISceuU.
CARTER UEDIOIHK CO. , Pw ji. R w To * .
IIAPT i ( Pfinn Tttn vi titnnnv
A Dos Molnoa Lnd Who Has Snvod
a Competency
Sudden Heath ofn 1'romlnent Mnson
City ICestdunt Pior. Hal-
stead KcslKiM-s Other
lown Notes ,
Mosc , I ho Novvfllwy.
Irs : Motvi : , In , Jan 2 [ Special to Tin
Uci ! ] At nil seisons , In cold or heat , it
nun or fall weather , u tail , slender young
man may bo seen making his way throupl
the streets of Dos Moiiies , heavily laden with
newspapers His voice can bo heard for
blocks as ho advertises the lending dallies til
over the country To people who buy papers
at ; i or 5 centa per copi , it seems ni'if the
v ender of so cheap an u tlelo was not on the
direct road to wealth , but the history of this
hoi piovca that It is sometimes possible for
a newsboy to accumulate ipjlte n respectable
fortune. Moses Jucotia , commonly callei
Mose , was bom in Itootu-stor , N. Y. , in Jan
uary , 1370. His parents moved to Dos
Molnes when Moso was enl > six notiths old.
He is n Jew , nnd iwsscsscs all tlio ilimneial
ability which Is generally supposed to chnrnc-
toii/o that nationality Moso is now nearly
nineteen .veara old , nnd has been selling
papers for fourteen Ae.u s , Uurini ; that tune
ho hat saved about { -1,000 , which ho invested
in real estate. Ho attended school nearly
ten yenis , leaving Just ns ho was prepared
for the high school , and afterward attended
a business college lor n short time. Muse is
very popular vvith the small newsboys , who
evidently consider him n brilliant member of
their profession. Ho is invariably polite ,
obliging mid strictly bonoiable. and doubt
less owes his success in no small decree to
those qualities. His average sale of papcis
Is about three thousand per week. Ho never
patroni7os the news stund , but
duals directly with the publishers
Nearly all the business men in the city
buy their dallies of Mose , nnd ho has also
( piito a number of icgular maga/ines cus
tomers. Moso is to DCS iMoincs people , the
most familiar iijure on the streets , and tran
sients soon learn to know him well. Pour
years ago he icceived n pony from Alex
Swan , the Cheyenne cattle klmr , as a token
of aDpicciation. Duiing thu past summer he
accompanied the Iowa editorial association to
the Yellowstone park , and was gieatly de
lighted with the tup , Mose has uo sciuples
about confessing that he is u6t a chuich-
goer , butsais that ho would about as soon
intend any other chinch as the Jewish. His
polities , ho laughingly says , are" mixed , but
lie is moi o favorably inclined toward republi
canism than democracy. Moso is a model of
teuipciance , using no intoxicants whate\or.
When asked if he had ever had any lov o ex
perience , he replied emphatically , "Not the
ieast bit. " However , on bright spring days
when the girls go to the woods to gather wild
llovvcrs , Mosc is frequently seen hurrylnir up
to a crossing to intercept a bevy of i etui ning
maidens ladc'n with violets and johnny-jump-
ups. Ho nlwajs goes away gaily dccoiatcd
with a big button hole bouquet , and his genial
face wreathed in smiles.
The Iowa G. A. R.
AVOCA , In , Jan. 2. [ Special to THE lluc ]
At the regular meeting of U. S. Grant Post
O. A. H. , a sensation occurred that but
rellects the sentiment of nil Iowa upon
a matter that some would have us bclievo is
national in its scope. This is the homo uost
of Major E. A. Consigny , department com
mander of the G. A. H pf Iowa. The fol
lowing circular letter addressed to nil posts
was road and icceived with great enthu
siasm :
Avocv , December , IS S. Comrades : Per
mit me to cordially and heartily wish you all
a merry Christinas and a happy New Year.
No citizen of this nation desorvcs moro of
the "good things" of the land than the
union soldier. This department having
been blessed with pence und prosperity , let
us unite in praise and thanksgiving to "Him
who doefti all things well. " As our hearts
warm up at the sound of "Christmas Bells , "
and we follow the happy custom of making
glad the hciuts around our tiiosides , may we
not also do something for ourselves in the G.
A. H. i At your first meeting in January I
invite you to remember the laige list of com
rades "dropped for non-payment of dues. "
Ilally those boys by icstoring them in good
standing. Take thorn back , every one of
them , and remit their dues. They uio
deserving soldiers , but poor. Lot it not be
said that we keep a worthy brother out of
the Grand Army.of the Kepublie because ho
is poor , but lather may wo show
another mnrk of true comradeship by lead
ing in the fraternal move so strongly advo
cated by our commander in-chlof.
Will the post commanders throughout the
state see to it that a report Is sent to me of
the number of comrades restored to out
ranks ? Uest assured it will be a source of
gratification and encouragement. In F. , C.
and L. , your commander ,
E. A. Coxsioirr.
At the conclusion of the reading of the
above , Captain C. Healy , one of the most
gulla'ut of Abiahntn Lincoln's ' soldiers , n
prominent democrat and business man , made
a linging speech , insimcd by the letter from
thcdepaitmont commander und his own pa
triotism , that created intense enthusiasm.
Ho said ho was pioud of the G. A. H. of
Iowa. Ho was proud of ail-organization
that , with the eyes of all the world upon it ,
could pass through a hcatad political cam
paign without having hud at its door the
commission of a single act to mar the har
mony of thagiandcst brotherhood on earth ;
that If thcro were a million soldiers in the
United States there would not bo room for
two branches ol the G. A. H. . and that the
men who , tin ough personal bitterness , were
Booking to inspire such a move were not
worthy to bo called old soldiors.
Mr. Heali's remarks created a profound
sensation , both in und out of the order , the
democratic members of tlio order , without
exception , heartily cndoislng the sentiment.
A DCH Moliics Binu Who Thinks the
Governor to Ulaiuo.
DKS MOIN"Kla , Dec. 31. To tbo Editor
of Tni : UI.B : In your paper of December
J ! ) n correspondent under n nom do plume
inctends to give you certain "facts" about
Chester Turnoy , in an effort to porpctimtu
and justify the fearful wrong that has been
done to this lad. It U utterly false that
Uhestcr Turnoy' father is still living , as also
Ills vicious libel against the devoted mothar ,
whose whole Ufa is wrapped up in an attempt
to vindicate und relieve her son. This state
ment is ono of numberless others of the same
kind , mid was , I believe , first circulated by u
number of Prc.ston parties in a newspaper ,
who uttered the libel , not of their own knowl
edge , but ns "they were Informed , " without
vouching In any manner for the truth of
.heir statements. Chester's ' father died when
iiu was a little boy. Mrs. James C , Beochor ,
n sister-in-lnw of the Hov. Henry Ward
Uccchor , and a lady widely known , will
wrlta an open letter contradicting , from
nor own knowledge , this falsehood , Must
.his lad , because of his helplessness , bo
compelled to deny and dispiovo every
Blander his interested enemies can Invent
tigalnit him to supplement and cover their
outrugo ? It Is useless for him to do so for
; hey can Imagine lies faster than wo can con
tradict them. You nnd your mulcts must
see that if it Is true that Cheater Turnoy has
when aftllctcd and crushed oy circumstances
beyond his conti ol , bean made the victim of
a mob excited by vagua rumor , combined
with the vicious practices of attorneys , und ,
terhaps also the court , that his release in
volves the disprnco of those who wronged
lim. Under these circumstances ton times
note opposition would coinu from efforts for
ils relief limn if tin were really a vlllian but
whom no ono had wronged. Men will huto
these whom they have injured.
If you will turn to the 88 N. W. Rep. C50 ,
furnoy vs. liarr , you will also detect at ouco
low utterly ( also is what your eosrcspoudont
i us stated us thu legal aspects of the case. It
vua this habeas corpus case which wus
nfflrtned on rehearing , and the only point In
volved was n law ) < t > int merely , namely , that
Chester could not bo relieved by hnbcnt
corpus , nnd 1 1ml appeal was his only remedy.
The supreme couri tiasnevcr decided as jour
correspondent stales that the proceedings
against Chester iiTurney were regular.
On the contrary tlia court condemns them in
strong language nnd rcgre's its Inability
under the law to grant the. relief asked As
for the appeal it has never ns jet como before -
fore the supreme court , the judgment entries
being made up in the Interests of these who
would conceal thole wrong leaves not much
to bopo for from tlrtit Your correspondent.
however , says enough to show that the trial
wasa farce , vvhii-U'i his deinonstrnbly fnlso
statements , noticed above , fall to mitigate.
The multlDllcd mid magnified charges against
Chester Tunipy , linvo never been liivostl-
cotcd or even looked Into in n court of law.
Is ho to suffer thus nnd to bo kept In prison
simply on the hints and honrsnv. of decplv
interested cnomles ? When you confront
them vv ith the statement that the lad has lirul
no hearing , nro thej to bo allowed to sn >
that ho was a bad man nnd deserved it any
waj I These parties have been overdoing
the matter. Since his imprisonment thci
have been accusing Chester Turnoy in the
most u responsible way of things very much
worse limn contained in the indictments
upon which they denied him a hearing
bliouUl they be thus loft free by suggestion
ntnt inucmlo to perpetrate their outrage I Ac
cording to the theory of some , the hid must
bo bad because he Is in orison , no matter how
his lucaiceuitioii has been eftci'tcd , nnd must
bo kept in prison because he is bad. Scandal
is true because the lint is in prison , the lad is
In prison because the scandal is true. This
vicious reasoning piccludes nil justice. Its
bitter results fall not upon the bends of those
committing the en or , but upon the father
less and those in no condition to take their
ou n part. I appeal to you sir , not to pre
sume thu guilt ot ono who bus been impiis-
oned without hunt ing or investigation of any
kind and that jou compel the slanderer to
faeo his utterances Now do not think this
wi on g is popular in the count.v where com
mitted ? A chain of circumstances made it
possible lor thu moment. There is but a
small though terribly interested coterie
Whose wrong is covered by Chester's impris
onuient. The people of Jaekson county ,
wheio the wiong was committed , repudiate
It in every way. WiiiKoop , the man up
pointed by the court to defend Chester Tur-
iioj , was defeated twice nt the polls , once
when running for judge in n district
where his party had 4,000 majority and again
only lately when running for ecounty attor
ney when the test of his county ticket was
elected by 1,000 majority and it was this case
nnd other things Just as bad which beat him.
The district attorney , Gannon , who prosecuted
cutod Tuiney has been defeated for the same
I have every reason to believe from reasons
internal and oxteinnl and positive hints in
the letter Itself that your col respondent
writes under tbo Immediate sanction and
supervision of the governor. The governor's
nttitudo to this matter has been one of cowar
dice. An aigumeiit in the case was attempted
last September andnvi itten application lllcd.
When opposition to tlie paidou developed ho
put off the full hearing of the case which bo
piomiscd and piofessed to be anxious for ,
Iroin daj to day , week to weolc nnd month to
month. It is this attitude on the part of the
governor which compelled Turiicy's friends
to attack him after waiting four months for
the proinised hearing , vvhlchjoui correspond
ent alludes to as the unwise action of Ches
ter Turnev's ' "fool friends , " but no other
course wus left open. Very tiuly vours ,
A. H.
A New Itontl For Sioux Cltj.
Sioui CITY , la. , Jan. 2. It is practically
settled that the Union Pacitic will in the
immediate future puerato a line of railroad
from the west to Srout City , crossing tno
river on the new budge. Airaugemcnts
have been made bgUveen the Union Pacilic and
the Chicago , St. laul , , Minneapolis & Omaha
whereby the formeriocuros tiack piivilcgos
between Sioux City and Norfolk , Nob. , over
the tracks of the latter company. The Union
Pacific now opemtes lines from Nor
folk to connection with the main
line nt Columbus , Neb. , and under
the now arrangement through trains
will bo tun to tindifrom Sioux City to con
nect with the main lino. This action is forced
on thu Union Pacilic by the activity of tbo
Sioux City & Ogdtiii Jmo , which is making
rapid preparations to build a line to the Pa
cilic coast. _
Forty-Nino Rounds Fought.
DBS MOIXES , In. , Jan. 2 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HEE J A hard fought battle in
the prize ling took place yesterday nt Val
eria , thii ty miles east of this city , between
coul mincis named Gallagher und Claik , to
settle a quarrel. A ring was formed , the
contestants stripped to the waist , and the
whole town of several bundled inhabitants
tui ned out to see the mill. The men were
evenly matched und fought us near as they
mew under the prize ring lules. They pom-
iiollcd each other for foitj-nino lounds ,
when Claik was knocked out. Hoth men
weie badly punished They weie unmo-
ested dining the light and no aricsts have
jecu made since. a
AVI 11 Attend the Inauguration.
DCS Moixus , la , Jan. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to THK Bni : . ] Governor Larrabco loft
'or Lincoln , Neb. , this morning to attend the
second inauguration of Governor Thaycr , of
hat state. Ho was accompanied by Mrs.
Lairabce , the Misses Julia and Anna Larra-
ice , and the following gentlemen of his staff :
jcncral Aloxnndoi , DCS Moines : Colonel
5eevcrs , Stuart ; Colonel Everett , Council
ilufU ; Colonel Hoot , ICcokuk ; Colonel Lo-
and , Sioux City ; Colonel Black , Cedar
Sudden Oeiith.
MAbOK Cirr , In , Jan. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UIB. : ] David Decker , n promi-
icnt citizen of this city , dropped dead to-day
vhde scitcd in a chair. Thu remains will betaken
taken to Dubuque to-morrow for burial.
Prof. IlnlMtcnd
AMES , lu. , Jan. 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Uiirj. ] It has just become kno\vn that
? rof. Halstend , of the chair of botany , has
wondered his resignation in order to accept u
chair in Kutgor's college , New Jersey. His
icsignation is deeply regretted. .
Death nf'it Prominent CHI/en.
OTTL'\JWA , lu. , Jan. -Special [ Telegram
to Tin : BBI : . ] G. W. Dixon died suddcnli of
apoplexy lust evening nt 10 o'clock , ugod
Ifty-bix. He had been state senator , socro-
.ary of the senate and member of the lower
SCCIIPH on the OInhcst E -
tnto Yesterday.
DUIIMK , Jan. 2. Tlu > evictions on the Ol-
ihest estaUi in Donegal to-day vvero nt-
.onilod with a seriob of exciting scones. The
louse of Hlacksmlth.O'Donnull was strongly
jarrlcaded , The bail j ( Is were repulsed , and
hen tlio police attempted to capture thu
iluce. Sargeunt Mcpomb was disabled by
joing wounded with a pitchfork in the cheek
md leg , and struck on the head with a stone.
tinging ohenrs griictwl each successive re-
mlso. Finally , thq Idlers having been or-
lorcd to lire , the beajoged , on the advice of
\ither Stephens , suhfludored Ten persons
were arrested. ,
Clinrm-il Wjth llrihery.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. S.-T-A rcinarkublo story
of alleged bribery In the Central Labor
Jnlon in behalf of tfiolioss brewers in order
to raise the befir" boycott lias been
unearthed and it is. * paid has been well au
thenticated , The Yolks Xoitung. n socialist
aborpnpor , will publish ufourcoiuinnaitlclo
in'.tho subject to-morrow. A bar keeper named
Sck , a well known detective Yon
Jorchten , and Secretary Ueifert , of the BOSH
brewers , are charged with the bribery Pif-
ecn members of the Central Labor union
are said to bo concerned ,
Signed With at. I'aul ,
ST. PAIL , Minn. , Jan. S. jSpeclai Tele
gram to THE Ut.u.J President Thompson
-o-duy signed Forster , who played with the
Mllwaukeos and Davenports last year. Ho
will captain the team and play bccond base.
Ills Ono Hundrclh lUrtliday.
D IYTOK , O. , Jan. 2 Abnor Prugh , born
n Frederick county , Maryland , January 1 ,
1780 , celebrated his ono hundroth birthday
innivorsary near hern yestenlaj. Pour
generation * of Uuacouduuts were protect.
Bnroly a Quorum Present at the
Opoulug of the Sonato.
In the House ( ho P.I11 Pnmed
ol * tin ; Piloting Do-
pnrtnient Thlity ln > '
, .Ian. 8 There was not inoro
tlinii it quorum of senators pioscnt when tlio
c1mlntn | delivered his opening prayer nfter
the holiday iccesn. Among the petitions and
nicmorliils presented , ind referred were the
following From the br.itich of the Wo-
moil's Relief 1)0 ) ud or Salt Lake cltv , remon
strating neainst ujij action of congress lool-
Ing to the admission ot Utah ns n state ; to
| ) rohlblt disfraneliisomont on account of so\ .
Piom the Boston board of trude for the SIH
pension of tliopurclmso of silver bullion and
the coinage of silver dollais ; in favor of In
eluding In the next census statistics of the
surviving Holdicrs of the Into war.
After the tiansaotion of some other bus !
ness , consuleiation of the tariff bill wns re-
Mr Allison , going hick to paragraph 131 ,
as to clmlins , moved to amend It by reducing
the ralo on chains , "less than throe-eights of
one Hull In diameter , " fiom It to 2'i ' cents
per pound. Ha stated that this was the lute
under the existing law. The amendment
was agreed to without division.
rho bill was then talten up at the point
whore it had been left when last before the
senate schedule I , "cotton miiuufncturcn"
the question being on the amend
ment olToieit by Mr. vest to
reduce the duty on cotton warps , etc , valued
nt not exceeding 25 cents per pound , nom 10
cents per pound to ! ! " > per cent ml valorem
MrVst confessed that his chief objection
to the high piotcetive tariff was the enor
mous pi lees which the people of the west
deal produeeis ) 1ml to pay under it , in
order to increase the piotlts of the IseivL.n-
glntid manufacturers.
Mr. Stewart said he found the tariff ques
tion so Intnnatelv connoctcd with the ques
tion of inoue.v , that ho was unable to aep
eiatethotwo. Ho thereupon proceeded to
icad a speech on the subject , of silver coin-
At the close of Mr. Stewart's speech , Mr.
Joucs of read fiom the testimony
of a cotton manufacturer in Geoigm Mr.
"William H. Young showing his mills
Inld been coining nn uveiago diculend of 17
per cent since l TO ; that the tanft was
of no ad.Ullage to him , and If ho were
to make the sumo class of
eoaiso cotton good- , that are sold in
England , ho could sell them in England , and
make a Rood piolit on them.
Mr Aldi ich suggested that the reason why
the southuin cotton mills paid such largo
dividends \uis that omo of them did not pay
more than two thirds of the wages paid to
similar opeiatUcs in New Ennlaml.
Mr. Jones stated in reply that the testi
mony showed that southern operatives were
content with their wages and did not po on
stakes , while strikes , weio common 111 Now
Mr. Aldrlch said ho did not know of any
cotton mill stukcs in Hhode Island in tivn
yeais , and that there had been very few
sti ikes there in a generation.
The debate was then continued at some
lennth regarding the vailous sections of the
countrv , being participated in by Messi t.
Salisbury , Mori ell , Teller , Vest , Vance ,
Coke. Allison , Hoar and Chandler.
finally the bill was laid aside without ac
tion on the pending amendment
The presiding ofiicer laid before the
senate a message fiom the president
in regard to the correspondence on the subJect
Joct of the treaty with China that was pend
ing last September. The reading of the
message was interrupted by Mr Shcimaiii
who suggested Unit it bo referred to lib nn
executive matter.
Tliu presiding ofllccr fIngnlls ) said it had
been sent to the senate m legislative session ,
but that it would be laid on the table foi
future examination.
The senate then adjourned.
The message mentioned ubovo contained
untiling new except the translation of the
cipher message dated September 21 , saying
that China would not consent to ratify the
treaty unless further time was given for dis
cussion of tho-proposition to lessen the term
ol icstriction.
House * .
WVSUIVOTOVIan. . 2 There was not more
than scvcnty-Uvo members in attendance
when Speaker Carlisle called the house to
order at noon to-day.
The bill was passed granting an annual
leave of thirty days to employes In tlio
bureau of engraving and printing , instead ol
fifteen , which they now have.
In the 11101 ning hour Mr. Mntson of In
diana , called up the bill prohibiting un agent
from receiving a fee for securing an increase
of pension on an account of an incieasoof
disability , or secui ing a special act of con-
Mr. Peters of Kansas , proposed an amend
ment providing that the applicant for pen
sion may contract with any person In the
state in which the applicant lives , to nay not
exceeding i for services rendered , should an
increase be allowed. Mr. 1'cters' amendment
was adopted , and the bill passed.
Mr. Springer of Illinois introduced a Joint
resolution for the admission of Arizona and
Idaho. Referred.
Mr. Snjcrs of Texas , from the committee
on appropriations , repotted the fortifications
upprom iation bill , and it was placed on the
The house then wont Into committee of the
whole on the river and harbor appropriation
bill.Mr. . Sowden of Ponnsjlvnnlu made an at
tack upon the bill us being extravagant and
wasteful , and directed bis criticism espe
cially against the uppiopriations for im
provements in Texas.
Messrs. Cr.iin and Stewart of Texas defended -
fended the committee report , and described
the national importance of the proposed Im
provement in Texas
Mr. Grain moved to Increase the appropria
tion for Arkansas pass from $ ( > 5bOO , to
Mr. Snowden objected , nnd after some de
bate the amendment was rejected ,
Mr Crain made various endeavois to In
crease the appropriations for Arkansas pass ,
Sabln pass and Galveston harbor , but was lu
every case voted down.
rimilly the committee rose and the house
adjouinud , _
Itiver and llurlior Improvements.
W iiiviro.v , Jan. 2. The following mem
orial was presented in the senate to dny by
Dolph nnd went to the committee on com
mcica :
The National Hoard of Trade hereby re
spectfully mcmoiiallzes your honorable
bodies to continue ] to make from time to titno
ample appropilations for thu Judicious Im
provement of the principal rivers , hnrboi a
nnd water-ways , and especially to see that
the important works of Improvement nlrmuly
ber'UM may not bo stopped for want of the
necessary funds for their continuance and
completion , thereby Incurring waste , dtimugo
and ultimate mere-used coat of the woik , and
unnecessary delay In making ueh Improve
ments available. The National Hoard of
Tiado uispectfully inumoriullMis your honor
able bodies to provide Immediateljvhuch de
fenses as will l > o necessary in the event of
war to thoroughly protect our sea , gulf and
lake , _ _ _ _ _
"Wants tlio Tnrlir 1)111 ModHled.
WABIII.SOTON , Jan.fn the house Mr.
Morrow presented a petition from the cham
ber of commcrco of Sun Francisco , asking
that the fcennto tariff bill bo modified KO as to
afford protection to California beet suirnr ,
winonnd fruit industries , iilso regarding
American Interests in Samoa , both of which
have been mentioned in these dispatches bo-
foi o.
Proposed roiiHtltiitlnnal Amendment.
WABIUNGTONJan. . 3. Mr. Springer of
Illinois introduced In the house to day a Joint
resolution pi opoblnj , ' u constitutional amend
ment rclatlro ( o the ro election of president
nnd vice president , and representatives In
congress. H extends thn presidential ttfrm
to six icars and makes the president Ineligi
ble for re election It abolishes the election
of colleges nnd provides lor n direct vote of
the people
The Honl rNhorlofl.
WitmsoTov , .Inn 2 Senator Hour to-day
Introduced a resolution , which was adopted ,
nskmg the president to transmit to congress
any correspondence had with Great Hrltuln
concerning the seal fisheries In or near
llohring straits , especially as toseinnoof
ntii ve'sel of the I'nltod States or other
country , and what temulations governing tlio
llsherlos have been mloptcd bj this govern
SiiM Ills V.'IIV N mi Opium Kntnr.
Niw Hv\iv : , Conn. , Jan a A Imba-s
corpus case which pi onuses to develop cross
bills for divorce , with sensational allega
tions , came up in the supt-noi eouit to-day
Some veuis ngn tr. L. M. Denslovv , formerly
i-onno'-tod with the Bbllevno hospital , Now
York , and now npiotmncnt physician of St.
Paul , Minn. , matricd the daughter of tt W.
Smith , \\caltli ) sugar inculinni of New
York , \\lio liMis ut Mllford , in this btntc.
Last summer Mrs Dcuslow left
her husband nt St. Paul and
retui ned to her father s home ,
biinglng her joung son with tier. She ic-
fuscd to retutn to hoi husband , and after u
short time Dr. Dcnslovv eitno east nnd de
manded his son. Mis. Hcuslow refused , and
the doctor to da\ brought the parties into
eouit on a hnbaos coipus The doctor
charges his \ \ lie with being nn opium enter
nnd unlit to care foi the UDMis Dcnslow
alleges cruel tieatment and excessive use of
Armj AlVnirs.
While the nnnual i eports of the acting Inspector
specter general shows a marked Improve
ment m the drill nnd soldierly bearing of tne
troops of the depirtmcnt , they ahownlso that
much is still to be accomplished.
It Is ordered that in the future dillh bo had
daily , Saturday and Sunday excepted , and
that when the vveiithor is too inclement for
Oi ills in the open air , the barracks bo used ns
di ill rooms
P.utlculnr attention must be given to
thoroughness and precision of execution.
Greater attention must bo given to the school
of the soldier in general.
Each company nnd troop di ill will bo com
manded by an otllcer. All olllcers will be re
quired to attend all drills. Rich squid dilll
will bo supervised by un ollicor.
Commanding ohicers will personally see
that all iccnnts me suhlcieiitly and properly
instructed before they are permitted to per
form duty as puvnto soldiers. Instiuctioim of oflleers and non
commissioned ollliors will be had weekly
This instruction will not bo routined to tac
tics , icgnlntions and guaid duty , but will
cmbiaco all tnatteis connected with the du
ties ot ollli-ers ami non-commissionedolllcers ,
I jive Stock IC\cliantc.
'I ho general committee , consisting of
Messrs. James G. Mai tin , John U. Dadis-1
man , J. A. Unite , A. C. Foster , Hy. H
Modai , Edwaid A. Ciulaliy , William H
Walhvoik , John P. Bovd and J. H. Enon ,
appointed to draft a constitution nnd by-laws
for a live stock exchange , made its icpuit
icsterday afternoon at u meeting called for
tlmtpuipose. Thciepoitof the tommittt'o
picsentcd a constitution and by-laws similar
to the Chicago Live Stock exchange with
some amendments and additions , and was
adopted. '
A committee on chatter , consisting of
Messis Ab Wuggonor , Colonel E I' Savage
and Edward A Cudaliv , was appointed to
piooiuo n c hurter for the orginUntion
Mr-std Jiiines G Martin , William II Wall-
\voik and John F. I3ojdvero appointed a
committee to procure signers , and Mossits
Ily H. Mcdnv.J. A IIolic , F Chiltunduii.
Diaper Smith. D. Hoyor and James A'lles ,
| r. , vvcte appointed a committee on perma
nent organi7ation. The election of ofllrers
will bo held Monday , January 0 , at 'J o'clock
[ ) in. An adjournment was tiiUon to meet
Sutuiuay , the Cth , ut 2 o'clock p. m.
Tlic Votcrnii firemen
The annual uicotini ; of the association ot
veteran 111 omen toolc place in Chief Galli-
gan's olllco last night. The object of tne
neeting was to elect oflicois for the ensuing
year. There were twenty live members
> rcseit who chose the following ollicers :
Executive Olllcers A. J. Simpson , picsi-
dent ; F. P. Ilanlon , lirst vice picsident ; W.
I. Kennedy , second vine jircsidcnt : J. II.
Cjichtenboigor , recording scutctary ; John
Liauner , Hie secretary ; J. P. blicelv , treas
urer ; J. C. Fnrns , assistant secretary.
Hoard of Trustees Max Mover nnd Ed
Mauiei elected for two veirs ; M Goldsmith
and Ed Wittig foi three , and L
Kioit7sch and G. Ximmciinun for ono jcar
Committee of Investigation II. Pundt , C.
Fisher and C. V. Gullnghor.
The ieccipts ( lining the j ear arising from
lut's and fees amounted to f)32.75. ) Tlie ex-
) enses were * 10) . Thcte are nt present
> ixty-livc members ot the association.
Spnrks li'iom lic AVirc.
The fouith class postofllco at ChiltonWi8. ,
las been raised to the piesidontial class.
H. Heynolds , a Inrgo conti actor of La
Ciosse , assigned , Liabilities § 35,000 , assets
Dan Dally , n baitender , killed .Too Long , a
switchman , in u dispute over iiO cents at
Kanyis City.
Water \\QJH Commission.
MnxiiAi'Oi is , Jan. 2 The state water
vays commission In its annual jopoit recom
mended that steps bo taken Invest !
gating the practicability of establishing a
vater way from the head of Lake Supoiior
htough Huincy lake river , Ham ) hike and
; .akoof the Woods , thus Kivlnjftho Heil i ivor
egion on both sides ol the inteniationnl
ino direct connection with the water ways
of the world.
Hnlolde ol" a Minlont.
Cir\Kivvn , O. , Jan. 2 Miss Mary H
Sherman , of Wakeman , O , member of the
rcshman class at Obeilin college , nliot and
tilled herself nt her boarding house this
iftcrnoou. OveistudyJwas assigned as thu
Khot l > y a 'I rani ] ) ,
Ci OQI r.T , Minn. , Jan. 2. An unknown
nan , supposed to be u trami > , lust night shot
md killed Charles Koi tin up , a cook In In
[ all's ' lumber camp near iiuio. The tnur
loier escaped.
The engagement of E/rn Kcmlill in a
"Pair of Kids" nt the Boyd came to n close
last night it was ehlelly remarkable for thu
introduction of Mr. Kendall and some clover
specialty people to this community The star
dented n favorable Impression , nnd oe
casioned regret that his peculiar talents h"il
not been directed toward a more ennobling
place in his niofesslon
At the Grand oiwra house Joe Murphy pro
duced ' HIIIIIII Kline" last night before u
liu co nudictiro The piece Is funilllar
to plnvtfoeis here , ns Murphv's
p'nvs lire familiar to theater go MS
nil ovei tli' lointry , H vv 9
played with the cure which iilwa.\s eharai-
tomes Muiphv's perfoi niniii es , even though
it inny be said his support rnrolv i Ises to \
what m iv be termed "great" It is the star
who attracts , and , In a ceitain vvav. dur/ies ,
vvlillo the others , In their own waj , contrlb
lite to the biilliiuu \ of the exhibition ' 1 hero
Is little opporlunlt.v otTeied to any of thu
suboidinnles to distinguish themselves ,
though Mr lleppard's. paiovvHinal aeluovo
inent in "The Donagh" conduced to n
fi lendly icccplion.
At the Eden Musee , Mniuiger Lavvler , in
connection with the multitudinous ntlrac.
lions in uirio bull , furn'slies ' n theatoriuui
entertalninutit ennsistmir of an hour's per
formance In the Fletcher and Memphis
Original ( ! > 'oigii nnd Memphis mlnstielii
The company comprises n number of talented
people who give an excellent llrst purl together
gother with n variety of other nets such ns
me geuunill.v found In niinstiel pingrnmtncs
The compiny has scored a sm cess and is
nightly gueted with huge uudiciKcs ,
The general court maitlul , of which Major
Butler is president and Lleuteninl Mallory
judgu advocate , resumed its sittings . \ustor-
ila. inoining. Two intoicbting cases will
como before the eouit. tint of Pnvnte
Byines , charged with attempted burgliry
and dcseillon , nnd the case of Private David
Horaii , company 1) , chained with procuring
liiiuor foi men conllncd in the guard lioiiso
on Christmas dn\
Thu former is tbo man who entered the
quai tei s of the m ill man ami m i lo olT vv 1th
his clothing , nn account ot which was pub
lished lu TinBi n some days ago
The joint council of admliiistiallon , com
posed of Major E Hutler , Captains W. Mills
anil Am on S , Dapgen. met jestcidaj mom
ing to audit the accounts ot the post ( teas
The asual quiet of Fort Omaha was
agieeablj distuibeil hist evening b > the sere
nade of a now ly in.u i led couple , ox Prlvato
Blocks , of compiny 1C , and Miss Bertha
Finkciikellei , of Floience.
An Ininnte of Madame lj-oner's Plnoc
Takes Strychnine for Fun.
The notorious bagnio of Madame Lceper
w.ib again the sconeof a sensitlou last night
Li 7io McNeil ) , an b.ibituo of the i osort , took
stiychnlnc. The McNcill girl , who is nine
teen old , has been living in the Leepor
establishment fin the past tineo weeks She
has been keeping tlie holidays not wisely
but too woll. Lust evening she sajs shu
went into Boll's diug store , on Tliutccnth
and Jackbon sti eels , and stele a small bottle
of the deadly diug She then went to her
room and took n teaspoon fill , as she siys
"just to scare the gills. " She was taken
very ill in a shoit tune and Dr
E Holoiitschiner vias called ' Dr Uiilph was
albo sent for. 'Hie girl was in a ver.\ critical
condition at nuiluii'lil.
Mr. Bell , of the illug stoic , sa\s the girl
was in the habit of coming into the stoio to
use bis telephone , but that she did not steal
the drug there , neither ilid ho give or sell It
to her. The girl has parents in tlio the city
who aio shocked and disgusted ut thuMi } -
vvardncbs of then child.
vmoni > .
The Major Again Objects to the Erec
tion ol Poles Uy tlic Motor.
The nciv city council met again last nig lit
and settled donn to routine business A
communication fiom Mnvor Hroatch , vetoing
the resolution authori/ing the election of
poles by the motor company was placed on
lile , and : ui oidinanco introduced piohibiting
the same , was read a Hist and sotond time.
Citizens of the West End asked tlio coun
cil to see that they iccoived better sei vice on
Fainam street west of Twenty-eighth , nnd
the Knights of Labor asljed for the use of
the chamber next 'Ihiusduy night to
talk of election refoi ins. Then the council
adjourned to meet again ne\t Tuesday.
lliu Hricltlnyers Meet.
About fifty members of the Uncklayers'
union met last night at Hurnbci jrcr'H lull and
elected the following olllcers for the coining
Daniel O'Keefc , president ; Eilwaid
Hooker , vice president ; Charles McGraily ,
reioidmg seciotary , A. W. Muuay , liniiii-
clal sucietiiry , Thomas II Pattou , corresponding
pending secretary , and J. F. Pajne , trcas-
uier. The meeting was called for the above
pui ( > osu and no other business was trans
NASIIVII i r , Tcnn , Jan. ' 2 Goodull , Fito
& .1 tunes made un assignment , to day , with no
pieferemes. Liabilities , & J)00 ( ) ; assets ,
JllO.tKX ) .
CHIC tuo , Jan. 2. Tbo wholesale dry goods
house of Mendel & Wolf made an assign
ment to day , with liabilities ol ? .10,000. It Is
claimed the assets me ample and that the
failuio is due to pnrtneiship quai icls
MiNM.Ai'Oi IH , Jan 2-1' J E Clumcnt-
son , boot anil Hhno dealer , assigned U-day.
Tlio asscU aiu ) , UO ( ) , nnd the liabilities
AVanls Piolueiion ,
Nr.w Yoin , Jan 2. James H. Dickinson ,
of the Minciva Publishing company , culled
nt the police hcndqimitcis this evening , mid
asked protection fi om Toluiimqua T. Tim-
iiiones. his lonner paitnc.1" , who ! - > to boui-
laigned to moiiow on the chuigi1 of einbe < : -
/lemcnt pieferrcd bi Dickinson. Tlinnyo
HUH has a permit to cam a pistol , nnd IJick-
inson says ho has said if ui-inoiooxv's ' cano
goes against him he xuli Kill Uiukinson and
then kill himself.
A > ill Knil UKKciiil. .
I < oi HV n u : , ICv , Jan " - A. J. Unxier , of
Pikuville , fcduial maishal under Piesldnn ;
Aithur , said to-dnv that thu hilling nf Wai
lace , as rc'poitod from Chin lesion , Wa Vu , ,
\\nuldabojtjiutnnend to the Hatliold Mu-
t'oi feud , because nmst of the intciestcd
paitiesiue now dead.
* a 3 iJ 3 8s :
8 - snoUs" iucV aot \ \
? ° .
weTsX. ! " Vite , * . RD Arm -Utl" nnJOfltC110 . ° !
fns' . . . , l bv an Oin M.ile'i \ler IWi * _
ill Illl' ' " "
Thus the * ' Mustang" conquers pain ,
Makes RtfAN or BEAST well again !