THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' WEDNESDAY , JAXTAKY 2. 1880. OMA.IIA WllOMsAljl3 Fruits , Produce , Kic. IH'TTr.n - Fnnoy , solid-packed creamery , CCwUOc ; oholeo country , 22o T c ; mciUUtn t'rndtji , I'W'ilci common unities , 14 ( < MC. ri.ont Nebraska patents SO.UOW7.fiO ; Minnesota patent * , fJ.'iV < ? j7.7.j ; straight grade * , $ > .00gri.GO ( ; bakers' ( lour , t"i 'Ajfif'i.T.'j per Ubl. POTATOES Ncbrnskn , I5)155cpcrbu ; Col- 01-rtilo , GWS70C. Swnr.T 1 'DIATOM n@ ! Jfc per lb. Pot'f.TUT Llvo I'hlifkoni , ? 2 : > 0f < ? 2.7. per HOT. ; dressed rlileUnns , 7MS per lb ; turkeys , 9Mllc ; ducks nnd BCCSO , 10i ( 12c. ICons Strictly fresh , ! ilg&c ( candled. Mu < A < u UutrEs In kecs , Vic per it ) . UANANAS Common , ? 1..W'JO ( pur bunch ; choice , t3.r.Orfi.r.O. ( : Lr.vnxs - $ . ' ! . fKVi.V 00 per rasp , OH\S BS Kloridn , $ .l.2V < ii.7. : > per box. ItVMB-l'isr dozen : Milliards , ) . ' . ! . ' > ; tea fl M ) ; nunll , $2.K ( ) ; pralrlo chickens , $1.00 ® 4 .VI ; rabbits , fl.OO ; squirrels , fl.OJ ; venison , 7Mlvi peril ) . ijiuv inoor .n.oo. . . Ciiorrni ) FIIII : : - f 1 1 OO 15.00 per ton. Co UN aV Vixr.oAK Cider , lOiJISc par gal. ; white WIIIQ. Hfrf(25cf ) ( per ( fill. HoxiiV 1-lb frames , NMHSe. Uii vxniiiHir.s.00 < i < { i.tK per bbl. I'HovisuiNfl limns. No. I , He ; No. 0 , ID1 $ c ; shoulders , 7c ; rib bacon , lie ; uleur bacon , llJie ; picnics hams , 10c ; dried beef hams , l ( ) ) c ; ilrHiiltcd I'loars , short , S ) o ; extra short , SJ e ; short ribs. S'fo ; ploklud pins' feet , 1Mb kits. Mc ) ; lard , Sjal ( ! ! < c ; Binokcd sausage , OfVJSc | > er lb ; hotf casings , Cni.Kin O.Vi < : tOoper do/ : fancy , 40c. ONIOVHiifc ! ) lite per bn. OuiniKl.OOpor 100. HW.TS I0e per btl. 1'i itsii-s ' . ' "c per bu. Su'Kit ICitAUT Hhls. , $1.75 ; half bbls. , i'J.Jfi. A I'i'i.i.s Choice. * ' 2.r 0fi".75por ( bbl ; fancy , JU.OD per bbl ; comtnon , SI.M.iM. " . ' ) per bbl. Cinni MlL-hiRim , f.VOf. , ) < 0.50 per bbl of ! )2 ) KiilHS California pear cider , Slfi.OO per bbl , I'oi * Cous Ulco , lie ; common , > c. < ; \itm > rs 10 < ; per bit. Hi\\i Choifo eastern hand picked navies , ? . " . * i perlm. ; western liund picked navies , tl 75iul.80 ( ; mediums , SI. 50 ; Lima beans , 5o per lb. H\v K o. b. cat * , No. 1 upland , ftJ.UO ; No. Hevisod prices arc ah follows : llAGUiMi Hturk A , seamless , " 2c ; Amos- keag , BoatnluHH , 17 > o ; Lowistown , A , seam less , lo ! ) ; American , seamless , 17u ; burlaps I to ft bu. , HGOMe ; tfunnies , single , 13c ; gun nies , double. UUc ; wool , sack , ! ttu. T'Aixr.s Flax , Iho ; extra sail , KUjtUlo ; sail IJ , aiKidSJti- ; cotton , 'J-V ; Jute , Do. UHIII : > Fiiuir I'll , ' * , in boxes , per lb. ! } ( ' > lGidatfi. : ; in UOXCH , 7c < 10c ; L-.mlon . Mula a layer raisins , per box. J-li.ftOQp.TiV Malaga loosu ruislns , fiU/-.riO ; ! ( / ; new Valencia rai sins per lb , SjJfc ; California loose muscatels , per box , i'-JU ! ( < i'-.l ! < ) : California Loudens , ISifi , KS.40 : pitteu cnerries , per Ib , Ibo ; Cali fornia pitted plums , per lb , l'J@lic ! ; dried blaekberrlcs , per lb , 7JiWSj ; dried raspber ries , per 11) , ! 24 ( . . . ' 5o ; evaporated apples , 7Jtf < vi ) Be ; Callfornhi sun-dried peaches , l'JcCull \ - fornia tinpared evaporated peaches , Ho ; evaporated California apricots , 18c ; currants , OH'ylTe ; Turkish prunes , n@5Jjc ; nitron. 'J2 ( 'Jlej orange peel , ISo ; lemon peel , Itio ; CalUornia I/Vouch / prunes , H lOr. COITRR Mocha , ! > ( tf"0c ; Hio , good , 17 © IBo ; Maudahllnjr , 'Mifi'iSc ( ; roasting Kio , 15 * ICe ; O. G. Java , SIQiaio ; Java , interior , 2'J Me ; Uio , fancy , IbiHil'Jo ; Santos and Mnra- ca'bo. ' 17Ciic ( ! ; Arbucklcs , 23'jc ' : MuLuugb- lin's XXXX , yUXc. St'u.iu Ciraiinlatcd , "J/a ; conf. A , "J c ; White e.xtr.i C. "J e ; extra C , 7' ' e ; yellow C , I' HO ; powdered , bj-je ; cubes , 8'jC. ' . UIJKSWAX Choice yellow , 20 ( ( 22l , c ; darlc colored , W DHe. Cnni'.sc Vounp America , full cream , 12@ l.'lWo ; full cream ehedders , 1212 ( > < Jf. i'lfKi.BS Medium , in bbls , fj.OD ; ilo. In half bbls , SU.OO ; small , in bbls , $ O.JJ ; do , in half bbls , W.r.0 ; gherkins , in bbls. 7.00 ; do , In half bbls , ? 1.00. TOIIACCO Plug , 2li@0.C ; smoking1 , HJ Wc. JKULIKS f 1.23 pur M-lb pail. S\I.T $1.85e1.40 per bbl. Uoi-H 7-1 C. 12e JSlAi'i.c SUOAU lirlcks , llii)12o ( ) per lb ; penny cakes , 12v < f lJc ! per lb ; pure maple ttyrnp , ? 1.00 per gal. TIIAS "Young Hyson , common to fair , 18(7 ( $ iifto ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , SOm.Vn : ; Gunpoivdor , common to good , 22i ( < .25c ; Ouu- powder , choice to fancy , 40liTie ( : Japan , common to medium , 15WOc ( ; Japan , clnico perial , good to fancy , NUTS Almonds , 156jl8ofllborts ; , 13@13c ; ISrazil. 0@10c ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10llcj ( pcnnutH , ti@9c. CJiiACKCHs ( i@lOoper lb ; assorted calces , S2r o | ) or lb as per list. CAXIIV Mixed , 0Hl"Kc ; stick , rock candy , lOJ lUe ; fancy candy , D Ilr.uiuxa 'JOc. Dry Goods. COTTON FIAN.NBIS 10 per cent dis. ; LL , fiJ cCC ; , OJfc ; SS. 7 ? c , NmnclubS , fie ; HX , IHc ; K. i0c ! ; No. 10. SJtfo ; No. 40 , 10 rfo ; No. ( X ) , 12)o ; No. 80 , iij : c ; No. HO , colored , lc ) ; No. fio. colored , l2o ! ; wo. 70 , colored. % ; llristo ) , isko ; Union Pacific , t"o. CAUI-BT WAKIlilil , white , lOc ; colored , li\TTS-Slandard , So ; pom , lOc ; bcuuty , ] ! Jic ! ; uoono , 4o ; 13 , cased , fO.50. I'ltiXTS Solid colors Atlantic. Co ; Slater , Co ; Uorlln oil , < lj < .c ; Garner oil , t7e. ! PKINTS Pink unu Kobcs AllenHo ; lllvor- polnt , SJi'c : Steel Uivcr , 0 > o ; Hichuioiul , 0 > o ; Pacillc , 7c. Puixrs Dross , Charter Oak , TiJ/o ; Ram- npo , 4Ko ; Lodi , r } * c ; Alton , Oc ; Hichuioiul , He : Windsor , OMo : Eddystono , 0) ) < jo ; Pucillc , OUc. OUc.Ui.iuciiiii ) Snnr.TiNO llcrkeloy cambric , No. CO. tl ) c ; Host Yet , 4-1 , C. c ; huttur nloth , OO , 49ro ; Cubot , 7K" : Karwell , half blcnehcil , 9 > ic ; Fruit of the Loom , ! Ufc ; Qrucno G , li,1 ; Hope , 7 > jo : Kins Philllu cninbric , Ilo ; Lonsdalocambric. " " ' Lons- dale , 'Jc ; Now York mills , lUJ/c ; 1'cpjieroll , 42-ln , lie ; Popporoll , 40-in , I'ic ; Pcpercll | , ( V4 , lOc ; Poppcroll , 8-1 , 21e ; Peppcrell , 0-4 , 23o ; I'epporcll , 10-4,250 ; Canton. 4-4 , 8)tfc ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , fie. Ki.AMim.s Plalil Uaftsmcn , 20c ; Goshen , 82Ko ; Clear Lake , ycj o ; Iron Mountain , . Ki.ANXni.sAVhltoGH , No. 2 % , 22Ko ; OH , No. Amoskeag , 9 or. , ICJ e ; Everett , 7 lie ; Heaver Creek CC. lOc. KuxTUCKf JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Dakota , 16o ; Uurham , 27,1'c ; Hercules , ISo ; Leam ington2K ° ; Cottswood , S7 > ( , a CUAHII Stevens' IJ , C > .Jo . ; Slovens' 13 , bleached , 7o : Stevens' A , 7 o bleached , bleached , bleahed ( : , . _ _ , . , Misuiu.LANiiOUB Tublo on cloth , t$2.50 ; plain Holland. U 'o ; Duilo Holland , 1'J c. linowx SiiKETixn Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ko ; Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7tfo ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 > foj Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Co ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4Jfe ; Crown XXX. 4-4C Hoosler LL , 4-1 , Co ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7K Lawrence , LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4 6 > fo ; Poppercll K , 4-4. 7o ; Penporell O , 4-4 , ( wet Pepporell , 8-4 , 16 > fc ; Popporeil. 0-4 , 21e : Popporoll , 10-4 , 2So ; Utlca C , 4-4 , 4o ; Vachusott , 4-4 , 7Jej Aurora , II , 4-4 , 7o ; Au rora 13 , 4-4 , OWc. DLcK--West : Point 2U in. 8 oz , lOKo ; Wnst Point 20 In. 10 oz , 12Xo ; West Point 20 In. 12 07 , 15e ; West Point 40 In. 11 02 , lOo. PwisxBiJi-Kod. C , 2-J In , Ityo ; E , 24 In , Sltfo ; GG , 24 In , 20o ; HAP , , 25o ; JUP , Xi 27c. 27c.GINOIIAM PlunUett cbenks , ? } ! Whtttnn- ton 7Ko ; York , 7Ko ; No.-mamH dress , 8 0 ; Calcutta dress , 6 > fo ; Whlttcnton dross , 8 0 ; llcnfrow dro s. bX@13K J- CAMnnics Slater , c ; Woods , 5 a ; Stan dard , 6 c ; Peacock , 5 } o. Pni.STH , ixuiao Hi.uc Arnold , OWc ; Amer ican , O.Vo ; Gloucester , 0 > o : Arnold 0 long cloth , Oc ; Aruold H lone : cloth. lOKo ; Arnola Gold Seal , lOKo ; Stelfol A , 12c ; Windsor Gold Ticket , 10o. Klrataml second clear , IJf in . .flO 00@51 00 First and second clear , IK ' " 00it50 ( 00 Tlilril clear , UJQIV In 43 004ll ( 00 A select , Uf@lK In 37 00 13 select. Urftlk In 83 00 A BtucU ImrUa , 12 10 ft , 12 la , . 40 00 * rffcAlm 13 stock boanl , 12 10 ft , 12 In. . 41 00 O atock bonnls , IJ/iiKi It , TJ in . . W5 tw 1) stock bonrils , l'J ? 10 ft , 12 In . . M 00 Flooring , first common , Gin. . . . . )4 ) 00 Flooring , scconil common , 0 In. . fll CO Select fencInK llooring . 1'J 00 KUInp , llrst nnd scconil clcnr , U MKlft . C500 Sldlnff , Hrst common , 10 ft . 23 00 Hlillng , iceoml common . 10 00 Common bonnli . 1000 No. Sbonrds. nil IcnRtlif . H rx ) Fencing. No. 1 , ISd-JOft . 10 50 Fencing , No. 2 , 1C. 14S10 ft . 15 50 Joist nnd scantling , 'Jx4 , 1 © 10 ft 10 00 Timber.lx4SxS. : . 1-J ( < ? 11 } ft . 17 00 Pickets , U mid II lint"J ( X ) Pickets. U nntl 1 1 square"J 00 Shingles , extra A . 280 Shingles , stinuliird A . 2 CO Latli . 2 40 OG Halts , 2Xin . , ' ) . > OO Halts , lijx.'l , S I S . 00 3-ln well tubing , U anil M bev. . 22 00 Iirnlhnr. Hemlock sole , l < M73Tc | ior lb ; nalt solo , .13 f < l\ja ! \ ( nor lb ; oak harness , ! ! OrirJo per lb : selootctl ouk iintl truce , : V > c per lb. ; oak and liemlnck jopcr , 2iJ2-'o ( ) per foot ; hemlock nilf skin , No. 1. ) QZ'.Kciier ) lb , according to ; nnk calf skin , No. 1. Went ? ! . 00 per lb. ; I'lii'mlelphlacalf ' skin , extra , * I.OOI.10 ( per Ib. ; lionilock kip skin. No. 1 , ( ioorroc per ! b ; oak kip skin , No. 1. 70f H > r per lb ; Phila- ( lelphlu kip skin , extra , bOc'tOOc per lb ; French calf skin ( iiccorillng to wcilght anil iinnllty,9l.lVif.T5 ) | i > crlu : French kip skin , do , t > Oc ( fl.lO per lb , j Cordovan russet , l c ; sntiii llnish , 20ojur ) loot ; welt leather , 1,50 ( iT4. 00 per side ; moroccos , i pebble goat ) , 20@ IWc pr-r fool ; moroccos , boot leg , ' . ' .jfaJWc per fool ; glovo. culf skins , 20jC30c ( per fool ; Douglas kid , ihVSMOo per foot ; kangaroo skins , -I0@ric ( ) per foot , according to quality : toppings , fSMWa 10.00 per dozen ; linings , UK ) ( H'.MX ) per dozen ; upron skins , $10.00 ( 12.00 per dorun. _ Mctnta nntl Tinners1 Stocl : . Hlock tin , soiiill pig . $ ,2S Hlock tin , bar . 20 Copper. plalniMhod boiler sbes . 34 Cojipor , i'old rolled . HI Copper , slicating . ! ! ( ) Conner , pills . Ill ) Copper , Hals . ill Ca ! ! , sheet iron , .luniiitn , 50-10 and 5pcrc. ills. 1'al. plalinslied Iron , 24 to 2r A . 10' $ Put plaiinslied iron , 21 to 27 IJ . . . ! ) ' Koollng , 1C. 11x20 , ll'Jsheets . ( UK ) Hoollng , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50 Koollng. 1C.'JI\2S ( , 112 sheets . 11.00 Hooting , IX. 20x23 , 112 sheets . 14.50 Sheet iron No. 20 . 11.50 Sheet iron No. 27 . it.OO Solder . 15)al7J ( < j Tin nlutp , best clinrconl 1C. 10.\14 , 2J."i sheets . 0.50 IX. 10x14 , 22.1 sheets . 8.25 Tin pinto , coke 1C , 10x1 1. 22S sheets . 0 2. Steel nil its , per keg. . 2.25 SU-ul wire nails , per keg . 2.00 in K.iuklun Ills Chicago Tribune : A dispatch from Akron , O. , where the wizard l di on is spondinfj the holidn.vs ut his fiithcr-in-hiw's , suys that he is working on an invention whereby elec tricity may bo produced direct from coal , without nil the intermediate jirp- cohs of converting water into btenin in boilers , und that into power , and that the L'roiiL electrician believes that ho may he able to use about nil the heat units of the coal instead of from 5 to 10 per cent , as at present. This is bomo- thing which Kdi&on has been working at for ton years. "With hints from the scientists whom ho has consulted he IIIIH made gradual headway in the solu tion of the great problem. Prom the confident way in which ho now speaks , lie has apparently made home progress since he last spotto for publication on the sub ject , and has hopes that ho may reach the heart and core of the mystery. If ho succeeds ho will bo the greatest ben efactor the human race has ever known since the mythical days when Prome theus slolo the lire from heaven and gave it to man. All the cunning and valuable inventions with which his name hns been associated the quadru ples , the phonograph , and the incan descent light will shrink into insig- nillcanco and will be regarded as the mere idle thoughts of a leisure moment. If ho is able to convert into electric energy - orgy the power that lies in the carbon e.nd hydrogen of coal ho will have given to man the greatest gift that man can ask of nature , unless it be the control of the winds and rains. lie will liavo mul tiplied by ton the present capacity for work of every ton of coal in the world and will thereby have to decupled our mechanical powers. Ho will have rev olutionized the world of machinery. What the Corliss engine is to the pri na tive water \\hcol of the Kg-yptian of the days of Pharoah that will Edison's device be to the present steam engine. Steam engines and gas engines will till go to the junk shops , and new plants what wo cannot yet toll will take their place. Should Edison make such a dis covery , all wo ask o' him is that he will be moderate , and that lie will not charge so high a royalty as to heap up for himself a fortune of more than a thousand million dollars during thohfo of the patent. It will bo in his power to outrival the accumulated wealth of all the Rothschilds and Vandorbilts , and to concentrate on himself the ha tred and abuse that are now lavished on Gould. Prometheus took out no patent on his discovery and drew his pay in unending fame , but ho angered the gods and had to sulTcr for it. It is pos sible that Edison may prefer not to im- itnto him to the point of angering Domos. Are Wo to Unvc Another AVnr ? Some political prophets aver that wo shall. Ho that ns it may , the battle waged by medi cal science against disease will ncvnr erase until wo arrive at that Utopian epoch when the human family shall ccaso to bo nllllctctl with bodily ailments. Ono of Uio most potent weapons which tlio armory of incdl- cine furnishes , is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters - tors , which is of special utility as a family remedy , ns It is adapted to the Immediate relief and ultimate euro of these disorders of the stomach , liver nnd bowels which are of commonest occurrence. Indigestion , bilious- MOSS nnd constipation are inseparable com panions , and thcso ailments are completely eradicated by the bllters. Hut the remedial scope of this superlatively wholesome and genial medicine takes In also nervous nil- monts , rheumatism and kidney troubles ; Its actions In these , ns In the other complaints , being chaructcrueil by uncoualcd thorough ness. _ Women WIio Crowd Btrcct Cars. The greatest fault of lady patrons of street cars , Bays the Detroit Free Press , is their total unconsciousness , as soon as they got on a car , as to whether there is room for anybody else on the seat beside them , and net only will they neglect to sit closer together to make room for a man , but they won't budge oven for their own sex. The other day a single car bound up on the Third avenue route was filled , with several men standing on the buck platform. One of thg , passengers inside the car was a woman who had the seat beside her occupied by n bandbox and a bundle. The men on the platform eyed the situa tion eagerly and that box nnd bundle were soon the center of attraction for everybody in the car. Still the woman didn't inovo her prop erty neither did any of the men care to cause a scene and BO they remained standing. Presently a rosy- faced young matron stopped the car and entered it with her little hoy. Still the box and bundle were not moved. The newcomer stopped in front of them and looked at the owner in a way that indi cated that she expected to have that scat , hut the owner of the box nnd bun dle never stirred. Then the lady with the little boy quietly lifted the bandbox to the lloor aim took hold of the bundle to move it also. "I wouldn't like to have that stopped on , " ventured the owner of the bundle , at which the lady who wanted the ecat remarked : "Then it would bo a good idea to hold it in your lap. InJnet < n remarkably good idea. " AnS > lacing the bundle , the the independent lady took the seat and placed her boy in her lap , as the men on the back platform applauded her with hand clapping ? , while the other passengers in the car smiled their ap proval quite broadly. "Thoso kind of sulllsh people arc nu merous on street cars , " said n veteran conductor when ho heard of the above incident , "but it is not often wo see a woman with spunk enough to get even with 'em. There's one lady on our line nnd she is a lady who is the best passenger I ever saw. She gets on and oil a car quickly , she knows just whore she wants to go , she always gives up her seat to either an old gentleman or an old lady , or to any lame person , and she always gets n scat if there's one to bo had fairly , and she won't stand any cheeky selfishness. She always bar her ticket ready , and , in brief , she's a model passenger. " Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vcgo table preparation , being free from in jurious ingredients. It is .peculiar in Us curative power. I'lilmiinnry St. Louis CJloboDemocrat. . Some re markable results have boon reached by Dr. Uoorgo Honmn , medical examiner of the police dopnrtmont , in his investi gations , made under the direction of the board of police commissioners , into tlio physical condition of the members of the force. Below will bo found ex tracts from Dr. Human 's report , just published , dated April ! 5 hut. and a sup plemental report dated November ! t : "Tho mortality record of the depart ment for the lust ton or moro yours , taken in connection with a study and analysis of ro&'ilU reached by the for mer examination , together with the as- ci'i'taincd tendency of police lifo toward producing impairment of breathing ca pacity , especially tlioso new in the serv ice , i.atislled me some time ago that pul monary mischief constitutes a principal weakening cause operating among the members , anil that especial note should bo taken of anything indicating begin ning or actual deterioration in this di rection. Accordingly , in the conduct of the examination great care was exor cised to ascertain the condition of the lungs , and the same degree of care was observed in taking the measurements of the chest. "It is a painful and notable fact that a heavy mortality rate from lung dis eases has prevailed in the department for many years , with necessarily a pro portionally heavy sickness rate from the bame cause. "From data furnished by Mr. Tate it appears that during the last eighteen years there was a mortality from all causes ( excepting casualties ) of sixty- live , of which forty , or (11.58 ( per cent , were from various forms of pulmonary diseases , thirty-four being returned as due to consumption alone. "The average 'ago of the decedents from this disease for the period stated was a little over forty-one years ( -11. 20) ) , while their average years of service was honicwhat above ten { ) ) . "If the men appointed members of this force have always been selected with reference to physical litness and soundness ( as is presumably the cat-o ) such a mcloncholy showing constitutes a serious indictment of routine depart ment methods ; for the fact stands out with emphatic clearness that in a chosen body of men , a large majority of whom are in the prime of lifo ns regards afie , the death rate from pulmonary tuberculosis amounts to more than one- half of the total mortality from dis ease. "For if the foregoing statements are true , and correct deductions have been made , past experience justifies the ex pectation that about half of all who join the St. Louis police force and servo ten years will sicken and die of consumption soon after reaching forty years of age ; and this probability , with the added contingency of being shot or otherwise injured , adds nothing to the cheerful ness of this form of employment. " Make no Mistake. I3y dispelling the symptoms so often mis taken for Consumption. SANTA ABIE has brought gladness to innny a household. Uy its prompt use for breaking up tlio cold that toooftcn develops into that fatal dist > asethou- Siinds can bo saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping u'bolllo of this pleasant remedy In your honso. CALI- FOUNIA CAT-H-OtJHIO is equally effective in eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh. Uoth of these wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by Goodman Drug Co. § 1 a package , a lor S'3.r > 0. Great Ocean DcpttiH. St. .Tnmcs' Gazette : Her majesty's sur veying ship , Egoria , under the com mand of Captain P. Aldrich , R. N. , has , during a recent sounding cruise and search for roDorted banks to the south of the friendly islands , -obtained two very deep soundings of 4,205 fathomsand 1-lUOfathoms , equal to five English miles , respectively , the latter in lati tude fll0 . ' 17 minutes south , longi tude 175 ° 8 minutes west , the otlier about twelve miles to the south ward. Those depths are moro than 1,000 fathpma greater than any before obtained in the southern hemisphere , and are only surpassed , bo far as is yet known , in three spots of the world ono of 4,05. ) fathoms oil' the northeast coast of'Japan , found by the United States steamship Tuscarora ; ono of 4,476 fnth- oths south of the Ladrono islands , by the Challenger , and ono of-1,551 fathoms north of Porto Rico , by the United States bhip Blake. Captain Aldrieh's soundings were obtained with a Lucas bounding machine and a galvanized wire. The deeper ono occupied three hours , and was obtained in a conbidora- bly confused sea , a specimen of the bottom tom being successfully recovered. Tem perature of the bottom , 83,7s Fahren heit. In the latter stage of consumption , the nfllictcd will find relief and comfort in Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm , its boothing olTcts on the lungs is remarkable.5 cents a bottle. Canada. The name of Canada has been long a matter of dispute among etymologists. It has boon supposed to have arisen from an exclamation of some of the early Portuguese tuguese navigators , who , observing the desolation of the country , either cried out or wrote on their maps , Acanada , nca-nada , "there is nothing hero , " It has also boon supposed to have taken its name from the Spanish cuiadaa ; canal , from the ehapo of the country , forming the blank banks of the St. Lawrence ; but the moro received explanation is the Indian ono , canato , a collection of huts. Hocholnga is the ancient , but little known , name of Canada , Wonderful Popularity. The fact that the sale of Dr. Florae's Pleasant Purgative Pellets exceeds that of any other pill in the market , be it great or small , is on account of the fact that they are tiny , little , sugar-coated granules , and that in most cases ono little "Pellet" is sulllolont for a dose ; that they are purely vegetable ani } per fectly harmless ; nnd fop constipation , biliousness , sick headache and all dis eases arising from derangement of the liver , stomach or bowels , they are abso lutely a epoclllo. A gentle laxative or active cathartic , according to size of dose. A * to the Territories. Chicago News : , i0 ? | much interest now felt in the condition of the territo ries owing to thu prospect of congress taking action townrat the admission of two. if not three , M'thotn before the ad journment of tho'present session that wo have compiled tnc following table of population ami property valuation from the report of the secretary of the interior : , , , 1'opulA * Property TEiiiUTOtilEg. tfon. Valuation. k.i 4P.8.YII 2S.O t. Ailzona KI.IUIn ii Dakota . ' . . . . ( VV.OHI Idaho i. . . . . lun.HiO Montnna . -.f 140nx ) Now Mexico . . . . 17iiOCM Utah , . WiiililnRtan li'p'.it- " B4.IW1.1S. WyomliiH . . Mtt0 The llgurotof populMtion above for Alaska , Utah , \Vashliipton and Wyoming nro" catimntos ; for the other territories the llguros tire these of ro- rout census returns. In Idaho anil Montana the principal wealth is in the mining industry the total mineral pro ductions of the former agfjrejjating WtHW.lW ! and of the latter about $17- OW.UOO in 1SS7. Lumber is the chief product of Washington territory , her lorcstH fnrnishiiif , ' ! W.000,000 ( ) feet last year , besides < WOUO.OtK ) ) lath and 60,000- 000 f-hiiiKlfo' the total capacity of the saw mills is I,0t40,000 : ( ! ! ) feet. ( Jrent as has been the growth of those imperial domains in population anil development of resources , that of Dakota is unpre cedented. From 1:15,000 : inhabitants in 18SO she IIIIH increased to over (1011,000 ( in 1SSS. The assessment roll of the ter ritory iiTOregtitos cj-101-IHO , ! 74 for 1HSH , not Including railroad property with a valuation of $10,000.000 , as it'iw taxed uiion gross earninps. The actual wealth of the territory is $ ! J' 0,000.000. The bonded indebtedness islon8SOI ) , bearing - ing interest from-I to ( i per cent. Tim total mileage of the territory is IIt ! ! ; ! miles. In 18S7 < i : > , < ri ; , 11 ! ) bushels of wheat were raised , an amount much greater than the prod net of this cereal in any ' tale. The lineal of wheat can be raised for an average of co-st of ! t ( > cents a bushel. The total in bushels of the following grains was : Outs , -I l.'Jti"- 17.S ; corn , iM.olljUi ! ; barley , ( ) , -100oOS , and lltix , 8,010,1)H. ) _ . . A druggist at Fort , Scott , Kansas , per suaded b. A. Camp , a bookkeeper , to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's cough remedy. Mr. Camp now says the rem edy is unsurpassed for throat and lung complaints , especially for children troubled with colds , and that ho would not bo without it for many times it cost. Only .50 cents tier bottle. All druggists sell it. The Persian Minister. The Persian minister here , says the Washington correspondent of the Bos ton Traveler , has the longest name and the most intense sorrow of any man in public life hero. I will not attempt to print his name , for il rivals in length some of the ntinuts of the lakes of Maine. Ilo is an imioeoiit and passive looking individiml as ho rides along the streets with hiK black fo/ perched jauntily on one side of bis head ; but un derneath all tliirf voiioerof complacency ho is ono of the hnhappiust of mortals" . The secret of Ijis iorrow is that ho ' is unable to spea'k ti single word of Kngli h , mueU. more to comprehend ono. At' receptions , dinners , and all that goes to make Washington society interesting , ho appears regularly , but aside from the conversation which ho carries on with.ay member of his suite ho is dumb as aioyster. \ . His inability to converse in the Entinsh language i's given as a reason wily nobody has called Upon him. A gentleman 'it ] private life , however , who has lived in "Porsifl for homo years and is familiar with the language * occasionally pays his respects. Ilo says that the minister is a man of distinction in his own country and that should there bo any diplomatic compli cations between the United States and Persia , which is unlikely , the shah 'a representative would be amply able to cope with the situation , whatever it might happen to be. The uiggesttliinp out isvhnt the dnipffists term Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup ; its sale is enormous and it lias never been known to full. Price 2. ) cents. It isvcll to remember that the oldest cases of rheumatism and iicuriilglu have been speedily cured by Salvation Oil. Prioo 25 cents u bottle. Horrible Death in a Llon'H I ) n. Pall Mall Gazette : The shocking death of a female tamer of wild beasts is reported from Hohenmuth , in Bohemia. She was a girl twenty-six yours old , named IJcrtha Baumgartnor ! During a public performance in a stroling inon- ngorio she entered an empty cage , and the door of an adjoining cafje was then opened to lot u lion and a IJcngal litter enter. The lion walked in quickly , but the tiger , a ferocious boast , which had throe times wounded its keepers , crouched in the doorway and showed temper. The girl lost nbrvo , cried for help and slipped. As fiho did so the tiger made u spring1 , bit her on the shoulder , then in the throat , literally rent her to pieces , and toascd her body about. Half the audience ran to the doors in horror , while * the attendants , tried to beat oil the tiger by poking hot irons into the cage. But the gi.rl was dead loner before the animal was driven away. The lion seems to have boon as much frightened as the human specta tors , for ho took no part in the carnage. The proprietor of the show has since admitted that this same tiger had already killed two people. An AliRoliirn Cure. Tbo ORI01NAL , A13IET1NE OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two ounor tin boxes , and is nn ubsDluto cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and nil skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AUIETINE OINT MENT. Sold b.y Goodman Drue Co. , at'25 cents per box by wail ! 30 cents. Tim Art ot'th'o Swallowtail. Americans are versatile , progressive , quick to learn and. with a practical tal ent that easily puts them forward of their British cousins in many arts , But the art of wearingho | swallowtail coat is not among th'om , eays the Chicago Globe. It existed in this land under the dominion of the "British crown , and por- hapo in a decaying"Btuto a generation afterward. In , tli9 Says of that British governor of Virginia who thanked God there were no school houses in Virginia the P. P. V.'s were , famous wearers of the swallotrtuil. Even in the time of Hamilton , Burr , 'the Clintons and their oontomporarieSjtl art of wearing the swallowtail wnsunliving , art in Now York. It Burvivpd in New England down to the epoch of the Hartford con vention ( in Madison'a reign ) und some traces of it might bo found oven later. But during the last throe-fourths of a century at least this art of our ances tors has been among us only as u base and degenerate imitation , inviting the derision of foreign critics. Aclvlco to Mothers. Mm. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup should al ways bo usedforchlldrenteething. Huoothos the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curcsjwlnd colic , and is the best reined/ for ilarrboca. 25o a bottle. It is among the possibilities that at the recent meeting of General Harrison and ex-President Hayes u precedent was. established which may at lust solve that great question : ' 'What shall wo do with our cx-presldontsV" Cnnllnl Stock $100,000 Liabilities of Stockholder * : ! ( ) < > .000 l < "ivc 2'ci' Cent raid on l c- iwslts Com pott inlcd Seinl- AmnutUit. OHAIM.KS . MANM1KUPON. Vrc ldont. I. . M. 1IKNM7IT. Vice President. T. W. WKS nLH , Mnnnclne Director. JOHN f : . WIUIUII , Cashier. J. W. OAXSKTT , OuvC. IUHTO.V , . ! . J. llnnwx , li. M. IlKNMiTr , C. 1' . M Nlilinso.V , TllOS. I * . KlMUAt.U IlKMIV I'f.MlT , I' . 1 , "TOXH OM MIA I , . .V T. Co. , I. . H. Wlt.1,1 UIS , > tAMl.VMI , TlllTM N llltCK , J IXIKS W. SAVAOf K.V. . N l ll , 1' . W.Wrssr.t" ) . 15. CONHDOX , ANM1N (1. ( Ml'C'OOK , > . \V. Wlll.l.S . Nn.MAN : , JOHN 15. Wn.ut'R. Corner of lotb and rnriiiun Streets , Ohnmborof Commerce llulltllin , ' . Capital Stock $100,000 Miibllltr of Slwkliohlcrs SO,000 ( M c porront ( mid on iloi'0 lt , loan * mnilii on run ) D tttto niul poriMiniil M-ciirli ) ; nolu.i , nurruut ! t locki mid lioiuls piirclin od. od.oKricisusi oKricisusi JOHN I. MILKS t'roMilpnl. A.NDUKtV IIO KWATCII , Vice 1'ro lilont. ttOAlll ) OF lllUKCrolt" John I. . Mill- * . Kni tii llon'Oi , Miimirl ( Hitiirr. .lolin 11. lvnti : , .Atulrow llii cwator. .MITM * MuriHun , W A. 1. lilbliiiii , lun ! i : . llnrUT , < 'oAliln Munition , lii'Mi-r 1. . Tlimnm , Niiriiuin A. Kiilni. .Iftmi' * Tlininpsun , I' . II. Johnson , .liilin limb , leo. ! C. Mobblu IN Tiius ANY. NO. 303 S. 13TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB. CAPITAL , - - $300,000 $ , Loans Made on Real Estate , School , County and .Municipal llomla-Negotlnted WM. A. I'AXTOX. 1'rcslilt-nt. WM. (1. ( MAl'U Vice 1'iosldPiit. , . OAUMCHS. Stvrctnrv. AI.KItlll ) MII.I.AItl ) , Tieeaiurcr ' V'JI. A. 1'A TO.V , IlKMIV T. \ \ ' ( i. M Vll ) , JoSKril IIIIKKII , ItoiiT. L. UAiti.iciiR , Ai.niin ) Cio. : i : . S , W , Cor , Fariiam and 15tli St ? , I'ald In Capital . # 500,000 DIHKCTOUS : GF.0. 15. llAmCKIt , 1'iv.slilent. 15. 1. . 1IIKUIIOWI5U , View 1'resldent. T. It JOHNSON. Cashier. I , . II. Wll.l.MMO , .1. II. McCllN.Nbl.U a. it , JOII.NKON , Cii ts. MKTK , W.M. SlIiVKII , I ) . rt'XMMIIIVM , AI.LIINT. Iturron , ( , I'NTAV AMICIISOX , K. A. ,1. N Coit.NIMI , OKO. I'ATTEUvO.V , S.V. . ClIOV , .1. 1. . Alu.iiP. Account' ) of Il.inkcrs , .Mi > u'hnnts and Individ mils iL'Cfh rd < > u the moit fnroinblu tcrmn. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. $ oOO,000 Sm-lilus . 100,001) milMAN : KOOHTZn. President. JOHN A. CKKIGIITON , Vlco President. V. II. DAVIS , Cashier. Vi' JI. MKGyUIKIl Assistant Cashier LOMBARD lioxfon , .1rtMS.Italians City , Capital & Surplus , $1 $ This company 1ms opened nn Omnliaolllconixl IsprepsireiHo furnish money promptly on im proved cltv nnil farm prop.jity. No nppHr.uiDils saiitnn-.iy lor npp-nval. Loans closed unit mill \vllhoiitiloluy. . JOHN W. OISH. MnuaKor. ECiShouth Utli Strrrt. Klrtt J.'utlonal Itnnk 's Cocoa. lUtEAKFAST. "Ily n ttiormiKli knti ledfrt ) uf tlio nutiirnl IAIT nlilcli Kororn tlm i > ii < T > itlonti of tlluesttoii untl nutri tion , and by n carotul application ol Uio line nropcr- tlci nl WHll-ficlccteil Cucuii , .Mr. Kii | | liaa iinivlilocl our lircukfiiHt tnblu with u ili'llcnteiy Hiivnri'il beverace wlilc'1 iniyi ! > .i > o us miiny heavy iloclor' bills. Itu by tin JtiillclDUH iiH'j tit fiieti iirtlt'U'H ot tlellthiitu conn ! liitlun iniiv bu Kr.iduully built 1111 until ptrontf onoiii h to resul oviry tnniluncy to illm'iioi1. Hun- ilrcilsufsubtlu iiuluilliis nru Iliiatlnu arniinil UN reuily tu attack wlierover tlicrn H anviilc point. Wo ninr i < f > cnpii inniiy u liilnl hhurt by keeping oursi'lvcs well lortlilt'il ulili pure blood iiiuLn propeily iiuurNicd Iraines' - Civil M > rvlceli/ctlo ] | : .Mnili > Blniily | with bulllmr water or milk. Sold only In liuiriiiuiiiil tins by ( iro'i'rt labulnl tlnis : - - - - itonniiopatlimOhcmlats , LO.N IO.N % llNd 1 , V N I ) . LINEN ! FOR SALE'l- EVERYWHERE. T. E. fiRE SHSURAKOE ICoom 05 Trailers' CHICAGO. References tletrnnnlltan Nutlnnul Hank , U. . ll'in & lip. The llrmiftroctOa DREXEL & MAUL , ( Succcfisora to John O. Jacobs. ) Undertakers andEmbalmers At the old utuml , 1107 1'urnain fit , Ordwrs by telegraph oollcltcd nnd promptly attcniloJ. Telephone to No. ' 1. TYIER DESK GO. ST.LOUIS , MO.U.S.A. FINE OFFICE DESKS BANK COUNTERS , COURT BOUBE FUKH1TDEE , _ _ ' TAB1EB , CHAIUS , &c. 100 ttgt Illuitrated CaUlofiic Free. FotUge 7U , 0 . IL.l-AI.MEn. Jf , IMIICHklA.V. .1. U. lll.ANCHAKU PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , f.ORIMERWESTERFIELDifc Live Stock Commission , Room 16 , Exchange Ilulldlnjf , Union Block Yard" , bouth Ocuulia , Nub. ' UNION STOCM YARDS CO. , " Of Omaha , Limited , .Uosi , EttccrlBtcadctt. m Asrlciiiuir < ii implements. " " CHUKOHILL PARKEH , DealeriiiAgricnltDrallmpleinpnts.toiis . , nnil IlncRlc JciH" Street , bctKfcnSlti nO lull , OmHli lNINQER & AgricnltiiralIfflploinGntsfa ) onsCarriaECi ) ( HiiEBlcs. Ktc. Wtiolomlc. OniMmXptri\ . P A RUN . "ORE N DoTTF TlM A RTIN. " Wliolcinl Deitlorii In Apicnltnra ) Implements , Wagons & Buggies _ Ml , KO , K1S ( ind CV , Jonci Slfcot , Omaha. P. P7MAST&COM Mannfactnrcrs of Buckeye Drills , CultltAture , ll j Ilnkp . Clilcr Mllb niul l.\ibnn I'ul' vtltcrt , Cor 14th anil NlrhnmiMrrvli. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. Wholrtnlf AgricQlturallmiilenieiits.Vagoiis&Biiggies . OMAHA HUANCIf. J. F. SEIQERLING .t CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Macliiucry and Binder Twine , W. K. Mi-nd , Mnnvor. 151,1 l.csTenworth si Omnlm. MOLlNE.MlLBURN"&STODDARbOo Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. Mil ( mil I'sclllc itrcctc , Omnlm , Nob. Artists' Mntorlnls. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 15P IVnu'ln i-tri'i'l. OinMm. X _ Uookaollora nntl Stationers. * " H. M. & s. w. JONES" , Siiccojsorsto A. T. Kvnjron A Co. , WhoU-s'vIo A Ilotatl Bookseller , ? and Stationers , HDC WoiltlltiR Stu'U'hor > , ( ' ( iiniMcivlnl Stnllonorj < &n DmiiCini Strt'ut. Uinnlin. Neb. Boots and Shoe * . _ , _ . KIRKENDALL. JONES fit. CO. , l ui'Ct'snorn to Held. Jont's A Co. ) Wliolesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Aki'iiUlur llontnn llul > Uur Midi' Co. 1KB , I1UX1UN llnrncj it. , Umaha. Ncbrankn. W. V. MORSE \ CO.7 Jokers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,11'J5-1IU > Uouulnt HI . Omnlm Maiuiluctorj.Suni. tuor St. . lit alon. J. J. JO/fA'SO.V .t CO. , Manufacturers of Lime , , , Anil "hlppi'ri "l l i > ul. iVuiK , ( Vnifiii , I'mMIT. I.lmc Itruln Tlio nnil frcncr 1'lpi' . Olltcc. 3H ! ? . Htli hi. , Uninlin , Neb. Tuk'pliono ' S1U Dry Cooda ana Notions. M. E"SMITH i cb' . " Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , ll'J2and 1101 Doiiglns , Cor. lltli ? t.Oinnli . Neb. KnTp A T"R Tck - K 6 c ff DRY'G ob 6s Bo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Cents' Kurulshlns Oon.u. < 'orncr lllh and llaJocy Ste..OmahA. Nrbrafikn. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . " ' Shimiers of Coal and Co'a 211 [ South l"lli Ft. . Omaha. N'cli. Furniture- " ' " ' DEWEY i'STON E , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , 1'urn.iui Street. Om.ih.i. Ncbrnika. Coffooo , Sploes , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. " Omnlm L'olTec nnd hplcu Mill * . Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , 'Invorliic l itrncts , Lnundry llluc. Inks. Ktc. HH- 14111 llnniav Slroct. OnuihH. Nebraska. Crockery and Glacswaro. " " " W. L. WRIGHTl" Agent for the MM , > ! faeU'rsS < nU Inipiii T > ior Crockery , Gl&sswarc & , Lamps , CWnine'ys Ktc onlcc.il7 : S. nth fit. , Omntm , Nuliraufcn. PERKINS , CATCH & Imuorlur and Jobbers of CrccXery , Glassware , Lames , Sijyerware Etc. 1511 Fcr ic St. . KOT1'ai'lon Dulldlng. Commission and 3torogo- _ _ " ' " "RIDDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Comrifission Merchants , S-peclnitlc * I'-iHnr. ir ri" > " 'o r"-'llrjr , ( 'ami' . 112 Ilownnl Street , Oinalm. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. , gucceisoM to MrSlmiio 4 Sobrocilcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omnlm , Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Wlioleealo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence aollclloil. 1011 North ICth tjtruet , Umahu , Neb. Coal , Cotp ] ar d Llmo- OMAHA CO ALT COKE & "LlKlE GO ? Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 200 SouUi 13tli Street , Omnlm , Ncbratka. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Furniture Omnlm. Nebraska. Crocorlos. P"A XT O N ? C A L L A G H E R cb" Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , TO. TO. TOO and 711 S. 10th St. , Oiuiilm , Neb. McCORD. BRADY If CO. , Wholesale Grocers , > ( h and I.cnvonuorlli Rlre ti > , Omulin , Nubrnska , _ Hardware. _ M A R I < S""B R O S7 S A D OLE RY C O ? " WlioU'siilu .Mttniifnctururii uf Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And I.e.ithcr. IIOJ , Ua' . nn.l IK ) ' llurcctit.Umuhii. . Nebraska. Hooyy " ' " " " "w. jT'sROATC ; : , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring ! , W KOII Hlock , llunlwnro , I.uiulier , Ktc. uud 1211 llurncy Xtract , Omalm. HIMEBA c-l "to TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and liuITalo Bcnlce. 11 > Douelai Htroet , Oiuuliu. Nebruukit. RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , Ctli and TIarnor 8t . , OnmLa , Neb. Weiti rn Agenti for Auitln rowderCo. , Jenerjun fclcol Nullr , t'ttlrbanki Htundk LEE , CLAR'KE. A'NDnEESEN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate. Metals , 8h et Iron , etc. Agents for Howe BculcH , Miami l'o\ulor undl.ymnn lliubeil "ivire , Uuiulia , Mubrnako. , _ Hate , Caps , Eto. ' ' " * " w. L.'PA'RROTTE" & co.T Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 LUr/ityStrctUOmatm. Neb. LUMBEH CO. . All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale _ 16U Street nnd Union I'acinc Track , Om\ : LOuTs BRADFORD , Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Oournitc. : YirJi-rVirnBr 7tb and Uoiuiln : Coinci UtuaudlliiuUi LUMBER , C. N. DIETZ7 Dealer in All Kils of Lnmtor , lain iiml California SlrocU.Omnlia , Xcbnutn. KHED W. UHAV , C'orncrf.ihnml T.VV. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , OfflfO.IKnrnrnum Street Otunhit. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Elc , hito CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwooil Lumber , , Wooil rurrvt * nnil r rnnet Vluorlinr Mh unit Don * ! * " Mllllnory nnd Notions , I. OBERFELDEn * .t CoTT Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 3M. sin unit 512 South IKIiMroot . _ Overalls. ' m CAN'FIELD MANUFACTURING co Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcnns I'nutJ , SMiti , KI.IKUnml Hut Douglai Street , i i Noti'ons. J. T. Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4 SI niiit Wijkmli lOlhSI .Oirmhv 01)9. ) CONSOLI'DATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsalc Refined and Lubricating ; Oils , Alia Promo. Ktr. , Qmalm. A II IHriin VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? , llUJlliirm-r Street O-unhn Office Fixtures. TIM : MMMONIW M.lN'lM'AfTUIUKa CO. > Mnnuf.\ctur < V4 ot ' Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , ) JtMitlov lloo ! : C.ISPV Drug nxturca.Wnll I'niiM , I'nitiiinii * . HallliiKS , Ooiinti'rn , llocrand > Jne > r . Miri < ir".olc' . rurtnrj' am' nilleo , inUnndJWl boutli litli 81. , Omiilui , Tuloplumo lll\ . Points and Oils. YJUMMINGS & . NEILSON , \VholoMilo Dealers In ' Paints , Oils , Window Bias-Etc/ , 1118 Fanmm Street. Onmhn , Neb. x , . . -Pnpor. > w > - - CARPENTER PXPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , 5 Carry n nloa Mock of I'rlnllnc , Wrapping and Wrttlni lnsr. : Hpt'clul nttcntlon rmm to cur load order * . Papqr Boxps. ' _ _ _ ' H Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factor ? . ' 09. Ill" nnJ Ul'J DouijUia M. , Oiunlui , Ncto. _ Soods. " PHIL-rSTIMMEL CO.7 Wliolesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Oil mid I'll ' Jonui s-trci.1. Oniiiliu. Storngo , Forwarding & , _ Commission ' ARMSTRONG.'PETTIS & CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , UrnncU UutiBoiil tht'.tlumicr llncpy Co. luKKlc > Bl wholcaalo end rctull , LKH rllOunil I'll ! Iiord tftrcct , Ouialia. Tclciiliono No. "SO. Lager Beer Brewers , 1521 North ElgthtoentU Street , Omnlia , Kcb. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Mannfactiire Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Hpencter. I'mprlntur. Id ) Doilco nud 103 and 101 North IWu fctrcut , Ooiulia. Prlntora' Materials. WESTERN N EWSPAPER" Auxiliary Publishers , , ; 8upplt. . . ( Rubber Cooda. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Kaniifacturcrs and Dealers in Rnlilier Goiids 311 Clotlilnc and lA'fttticr llcllluj. 1UU3 fitrnnui Blreet. 3 , Etc ! C M. A. DISBROV/ CO. . ' JT ' .Vliolesalu Mann. .cturcrs of > Sasti. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , ' llrnnch Ufllco , IZthand limit Htrcela.Omalin , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO , ' " . aiannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , V lildliiKS.StulrWork nnil Interior Hnril Wooililii dii. ti. K. Corner Mil and l.cuveun urlh Street4 , Umalin , Neu , " pi Flttlnge , Pumps , Etc. , A. Lr"STRANG CO. . T * Pumps , Pices and Engines , ' ' * CKUHCHILL PUMP CO. , ' Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings/ / ilenm ana Wutcr flnpiilloa. TTpnitqunrtvri for Jlait. U. a. WIND ENGINE K PUMP C < . , Stopni and Water Supplies , < ' /ft" War Wind. Mills. 013 nn-J DM Pnrnniu Bt. , Omaha. _ - Ho3j , AcilnK Mummer. BROWNELL & c57i > ' engines , Boilers aud General Machinery , MIH , . M Iron Works , STEAM BOILER WORKS. ) Carter ti son , I'rup'n. Miuinfacturcrs of ull klncj Steam Boilers , Tanto and Sheet Iron WorK _ Works Puuth 20tli und II. K. M. Cromlntf. _ I'AXTO.V A VlKltl.ING 1IIO.V WOItf < . Wronglit and Cast Iron Building WorK , . , IlraBs Work , General Koundry.Maohlne und UlucVtmltU Work , oillie und Wurka , Ui I' . Ity , _ and 17tU Blrect , Omnlm. _ OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS ; Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings C'.VIAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frsofFire ' & Burglar Propf Safes Voultn. Jull Work , Iron und Wlru Punchier , Klitm. KlO. U. AuJyeun. 1'iou'r , t ur , lltb und JucUon bt , CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WOHKS \ \ Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Gnait : j Bud Rcrpcni , forbank * . offlroi. lofo . rcilitence * , ot , VJ Imnrtivrd AwnlngH , iJickuraUli Miifhlnury uucl Ulucktmlili Wort i , l iuutli ! Utli St. MKAMIKIt TtTlwrj/OMwi " Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Auuiilt lur lnuboM Hutu * 11 Iilk 1 V ult aaa Jail Worn.IW&lSia J.aut u