Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1889, Image 1

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State Senators Inaugurate Another
Raid on the Treasury.
Klcvrn Men Oppose Iho Oral ) Wntson
Klocted Speaker of the HOIIHO
by n Good Majority
Democrats In Cancan.
Proceeding" of the Senate.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Hnn. | At 12 o'clock Lieutenant Gov
ernor Shedd took the chair as president of
the senate , and called that body to order. Ho
Bnldi The sctrnto will plcaso como lo order ,
and Kov. J. d. Tate will offer prayer.
After prayer Mr. Norval moved , and the
motion was carried , that Mr. Seoloy , Mr.
Kastcrdny and Mr. Koberls act as tempo-
Jvarychlef clerk and assistant clerks of tbo
Mr. Lindsay moved that a committee-
five bo appointed on credentials. Tlio presi
dent appointed the following us such com-
inittco : Lindsay , Norval , Pope , Hurlon and
On motion of Mr. Pickett the senate look a
recess of llflccn minutes , pending the deliberation -
liberation of the committee. At the end of
tfmt tlmo the committ co reported the follow
ing as mcmncrs-olcct of the senate :
Hcardsloy , Burton , Conner , Cornell , Dcrn ,
Funck , Gallogly , Hoover , Howe , Hurd ,
IJams , Jewell , Keckley. Linn , Llndsny ,
Mahcr , Manning , Neibill , Norval , Paulson ,
Pax ton , Pickett , Polk , Pope , Hansom , Hay-
inondRobinson , Roche. ShanncrSuthcrland ,
Tnggart , Wclhcrald , Wolbiich.
Mr. Ncsbill moved that a commltlco of
three bo appoinled lo meet the chief justice
and request him lo administer the oath of of
llco to llio senalors. The chair appointed
Messrs. Ncsbilt , Taggart and Wolbaoh such
committee. The committee returned with
Judge Cobb , who administered Iho oath to
thu senators in a body.
Mr , Picketl moved that Church Howe bo
nominated for president pro tern of the sen
ate. Mr. IJ-iins moved that Mr. Wolbacb bo
nominated lo lliat ofllco. The vole resulted
in ! 27forMr. Howe and (1 ( for Mr , Wolbach ,
among the latlur being Mr. Howo.
Mr. Piekutl nominated the gentlemen al
ready named for ofllcers of the senate ,
Messrs. Scoley. Kastordav and HolJorts for
chief clerk ami his assistants. They were
unanimously elected.
The following were nominated as clerks of
Ihe committees : H. M. Wells , clerk of Iho
committee ! of Iho whole ; E. C. Parkinson ,
of Seward county , scrgcant-at-arms ; S. G.
Hryant , of Saunders , assistant sergeant-al
arms ; liev. J. G. Tale , of Huffalo , chaplain
of Iho senate ; IS. S. Gillcsplo , of Cherry ,
doorkeeper ; Mrs. L. M. Hayes , of Douglas ,
enrolling clerk ; Miss Ada Olmslcad , of
Bcward county , engrossing clerk ; M , E. Get
ter , Valley county , pohlniasler.
Mr. Pickett moved thai assistant post
masters , assistant bookkeepers , and the
pages bo appointed by the incoming lieuten
ant governor.
Mr. Piokett moved that each senator bo
entitled to ono clerk.
General Conner did not think ho could
support this proposition. Hu did not wish to
bo penurious , but some of tbo committees ,
like that on federal relations and there are
others of ihu same kind have no earthly use
for a clerk. Why not look the thing squarely
I inthe face , and say that these committees are
not entitled to clerks ( Wo1 cannot take Iho
responsibility of appointing clerks to such
commitlees. It does seem to us that a sweep
ing resolution of that kind is not proper.
Mr. Hansom believed lhat every member
licrc , whether be is chairman of an important
committee or not , is entitled to a clerk. Here
tofore , the eoualo has consumed rnoro lime in
1 coming to a conclusion than it woula cost to
jrivo the senators clerks. It will bo cheaper
to decide the mailer ut cmconnd finish up the
business. Wo can control the' number of
clerks to bo employed , outsldoof committees.
Mr. ideardsloy said ho saw four years ago a
rooddeal of practical corruption in Ibis mailer.
One hundred and twenty clerks were hired
two years ago. It will save some thousands
Of dollars to stop this leak.
Mr. Linn These present two years ago re
member how the Hood gates were opened.
It Is n singular way to encourage economy to
appoint a clerk to each senator. Tbo way to
stop this cxlravagaucc is lo begin right now.
Mr. Shcdd suggested that it would bo nec
essary to slop what has prevailed In every
session. When a scnalor had a friend who
, Old nol got a regular place , ho would inlro-
duce a resolution inanufaclurini ; some nom
inal position for him , ana gulling his name
on the pay roll.
The resolution was adopted by a vote of SJ3
yeas and 11 nays , as follows :
Ucardsley , Burton ,
Cornell , Funck.
Gnllogby , Hoover ,
Howe , Iturd ,
. IJams , Lindsay ,
Ncsbilt , Norval ,
Paulson , Paxtou ,
Picket I , Polk ,
Pope , Hansom ,
Hnymond , Hoibnsou ,
Tnggnrt , Wctherald.
Conner , Durn ,
Jowott , Keckloy ,
Linn , Mahcr ,
Manning , Roche ,
Shanncr , Sutherland ,
Mr. Pickett moved n committee to report
the membership of standing committees of
the senate. The following wuro appointed ;
Norval , Knnsom. Howe , Taggart , Hcuton ,
Sutherland , and Cornell.
A commlilco of llvo was , on mellon , np-
pointed to draft rules to govern the business
of the senate , as follows : Norval , Ncsbill ,
Pickett , Howe and \Vethcrald.
Messrs. Linn , Hurd and IJams were np-
pointed a committee lo wait on the secretary
of stale and to procure bis services in ad
ministering tin : oalli lo the employes , and
the employes wore sworn in.
The senate adjourned to half past 3 , p. m.
AYatmin IH ICIcutcd Speaker.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 1. | Special Telegram
to TUB HKE.-Promptly ] at 12 o'clock Gil
bert Laws , secretary of state , called the
house to enter and directed Hrud Slaughter
lo call the roll.
Unltcr moved llmt Cady bo elected tem
porary speaker , and tic was escorted to the
rlmlr by Hukcr and Olmsteud. Cady pre
dicted a pleasant session , nud appointed
Caldwell , Christy , Gllobribl , Drink ot ) Joone (
and White of Cass , a committee or. creden
tials. The house took a recess until 8
At that hour It reconvened with Cady In
llio chair , the committed on credentials re
ported all the members present except Well * ,
cf Dawson , t.'iiluf Jusllco Uecsoitien stepped
forward and administered the oath to the
members , After some preliminary mittcra
wore disposed of tint election of a speaker
and other permanent officers followed.
Caldwnll put Watson in nomination and
Gardner , of Douglas , named Frank White ,
of PlatUinouth. The vote stood 70 for Wat
son and IS for White. Colcnmn , of Polk ,
the union labor member , voted for Watson , so
S did White. Krio Johnson , who was excluded
from the caucus , last evening , explained his
vote , deploring thu partisan spirit thut ruled
him nut , and was loudly uheerod as ho an
nounced his vote for Watson. Lush , me
prohibition democrat from Nomuhu , also
voted for the republican candidate. Watson
voted for Dempster.
Homo , Olmetend and Dempster wore ap
pointed u committee to escort the speaker-
elect to the chHir. On assuming the duties
of his position , Spcaiccr Wuttcu said :
' 'Gentlemen of tbo house ot representa
tives , as you bave elected ino your speaker ,
* ud not your orutor , 1 will set jou u gcod UK.
ample by making but n short speech. I thatik
you , and fully appreciate the honor which
you have conferred upon me. and I nm satis
fied thai your conduct will make my task an
easy nml pleasant one. I await your further
pleasure. " Hrad Slaughter and Tom Cook
were then elected chief clerk and llrst assist
ant clerk , and Barnard , of Pawnee , second
nssislant clerk ; Ndtlo Worlham , of Pawnee ,
was elected enrolling clerk ; Mrs. .lonnio
Holland , engrossing clerk , and Kov. Dillon ,
chaplain. The house then adjourned until 10
o'clock to-morrow.
Monday Mnlit'8 C.iucin.
LINTOI.X , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Spaclal to TUB
DEB. ] The liotiso caucus last evening , while
carried on in a good-natured spirit , was ex
ceedingly anlmatnd. Neither sldo was con
fident of victory , and the champions of thu
leading contestants Hilled back and forlh ,
encouraging Iho dotiblful members. At 5
o'clock the friends of Mr. Dempster rallied
in full force and claimed with Iho utmost
confidence ho would bo nominated on Iho
first ballot. Consternation reigned for a
while In Ihu Watson camp , and
Iho generalship of Schminko , Wilson
and olhcr friends of Watson began to
manifest itself. The llrst defection from the
Dempster forces came from Clay , Christy
and Horlis , of lhal county , near neighbors of
Dempster , went over to Watson. What in
fluenced them to malto this change , so decid
edly unexpected by the friends of Dempster ,
Is a profound mystery. The support of the
more radical submissionists , like Colemaii of
Antelope , had been considered a foregone
conclusion by the friends of Dempster , but
nn understanding of some kind was affected
which transformed a numbcrof North Platlo
BUbniissionlMs from friends of Dempster
into ardent supporters of Watson.
Tbo result will probably place Colcnmn at
the hem ! of the committee on constitutional
amendments , which will have cliargo of the
question of submission. Dempster's friends
filed into ihu parlors of the Capitol hotel
promptly at 8 , but word went forth from
Watson's headquarters that all of his friends
wore to assemble there and march in a body
to the caucus. Only thirty-four or llvo
members were found to be present on a
count of noses , and nearly two hours
were consumed before the requisite
number could bo obtained. Oltuste id
nud duly went over to Watson
early In the evening and their rooms were
deserted. Captain Paynes the veteran Lin
coln lobbyist , slood guard ill the AVatson
thcrshold and carefully excluded every
doubtful character or party whom hu sus-
pioioned mlghl act the spy. Poller , of IJuf-
falo , who was pledged lo Dempster , was sick
and declined to leave his room , but
was finally brought Into Wulson's
camp. The Vote in caucus
stooit as follows : For Dempster ,
Yutzy , Fenton , Wcllur , of Kichardsoii ;
Hcrry , of Pawnee ; Hobb , Corbin , of John
son ; Everells , of Hurt ; Whltford , of Dlxon ;
Hull , of Lancaster ; Williams , of Gage ; Dil-
ler , of Jefferson ; Trucsdell , of Thayer ;
Hakor , of Jefferson ; Hallard , of Fillmore ;
Gilbert and Hayes , of York ; Scovillo and
Farleyof Hamilton ; Hanlhornof Ts'uckolls ;
Hampton , of Webster ; Dcninau and Hooper ,
of Hall ; Whitehead and Sargent , of Custcr ;
Halley , of Franklin ; Elliott , of Harlan ;
Abrahamson , of Kearney ; Dunn , of Saline.
These voting for Watson were : Ubodes ,
Pawnee ; Majors , Ncmaha ; Satchcll , Cass ;
Herlin , Douglas ; Harding , Hurl ; Towlc ,
Knox ; Coleman , Antelope ; Brink , I3oone ;
StirK , Madison ; Shepherd , Weber , Saun
ders ; Hill , Hutlcr ; Heed , Hcckman , Seward ;
Caldwell. Dickinson , Severin. McHride , Lan-
casler ; Hahacck , Saline ; Hill , Whyman ,
McNickle , Gage ; Swcel , Merrick ; Christy ,
Uiu-tls , Clay ; Olmstead , Hahn , Adams : Dun-
man , Hall ; Cady , Howard ; HannaGreeley ;
Hunter , HIsbco , Holt ; Winter , Urowii ;
Uurnham , Cherry ; Gllchrist , IJox Hullo ;
St. Hayner , Cheyenne ; Westovcr , Valley ;
Fuller , Sherman ; Potter , Huffalo ; Leo , Fur-
nas ; WilcoxHcd Willow ; Cruzon , Frontier ;
Meeker , Chase ; Fieldgrovo , Buffalo ; Wells ,
Homo of Otoo , failed to reach the cily and
consequcnlly did not take part in the caucns.
Thb1 members'whowero ' counted as friends
of Dempster who finally voted for Watson ,
mid thereby insured his nomination , were
licckman and Heed of Seward , Hisbco of
Holt , Bartis and Chrisly of Clay , Fieldgrovo
and Polter of Buffalo , Harding of Burl ,
llhodes of Pawnee , ami Slark of Madison.
It was a close and exciting contest and ono
long to bo remembered.
Yesterday's CnuciiH.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEE. | The republican caucus recon
vened in the assembly chambers at the state
house at 10:45 : this morning , with Hon. B. S.
Baker in tbo chair. Brad Slaugbler and
Tom Cookp were chosen for clerk and first
assistant by acclamation. The nomination
for chaplain called forlh a surprising display
of cloqucnco. S. P. Dillon , of Sherman , re
ceived 27 votes on tbo llfst "ballot ,
! tl on the second , and the ruls were
suspended and his nomination made unani
mous. Time prevented further nominations ,
and thu caucus adjourned unlil 2 o'clock. Al
lhat time it reassembled and finished its work
by nominating H. M.lkon , of Nuckolls , lor
sorgoant-iit-arms. The speaker was emuow-
orCil to fill the other offices by appointment ,
and the caucus ndlourncd.
Watson is receiving oaiigratulations onall
sides over his successful canvass for tbo
For President of the Senate.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jon. 1. fSpecial to TIIR
BKI : . ] The democrals of Iho semiie held a
caucus this morning , and nominated Mr. S.
M. Wolbach , of Grand island , as Ihcir can
didate for president of that body. Mr. Wol
bach Is a gentleman of considerable legisla
tive experience. Ho was a member of Iho
lower house four yearn ago , and Iwo years
ago ho was u uicmbor of Iho sonalo lo which
hu has been re-elected. He will vote for Mr.
Seeley for chief cleric.
Nolx'inintr Cor n Now ICond.
O'NuiLL , Neb. , Jan. -FSpPclal Telegram
to Tin * Hii.J : This morning a commltlco
consisting of A. U. Morris , J. J , McCaltorty ,
and I * . Fahy went to Sioux City for the pur-
pobo of conferring-with McLean concerning
the extension of the Sioux City & Ofidcn
railroad to this placo. O'Neill is watching
the corners closely , and proposes to-catch all
thcro IH lo get In the railroad lino. Omaha
should bestir horsulf or thu CoVn Palace city
will scoop her in north Nebraska.
Hnll Giiino at O'Nolll ,
O'NBILL , Nob. , Jan. -Special [ Telegram
to THE Hnii.J A ball game between two
home clubs was among llio umnseinenls of
Now Year's ' day. A largo crowd witnessed
Iho game.
Il-a | > | Hurnne < ! ol'n Now York Itrokpr.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 1. Charles P. Cliapln , of
Iho coffee firm of Williams , Clmpln & Uussell ,
notified Iho police yesterday of Iho disap
pearance of his balf-brolhor , Charles H.
Chopin. The missing man registered at the
Ashland IIOUM ) on Saturday night. Early on
Sunday morning ho loft the hotel and noth
ing more was hoard of him. The mlsslug
man Is a member of ihu Lotus club and of
the stock exchange. Ho 1ms been sult'crlui ;
from nervous prostration ,
The TullcHt. Chimney In Atnrricm.
NEW YOIIK , Jan , 1. The tallest chimney
in America was put into scrvlco yesterday at
the Kearney mills ot the Clark Thread com
pany. It Is IKT feet high , and its bore narrows
from fifteen fret at the bottom to olnvcn feet
ut the top. . The chimney developed such n
roaring draft that n man could nut/ stand up
right hi the slx-and-u-half foot flues Icudlnir
to it.
Vessels lo l During 1880.
ST. JOHN , N. D. , Jan. 1. During the year
16S3 , forty vessoU of 17,818 tons , wholly or
partially owned in St. John , have been
swept out of existence , Tbelr vuhio U cstl-
uin.ud at
Richardson Drug Company BulldlnRS
Destroyed at St. Louis.
The FlamoH Consume IlioCrcnt Struc
tures In Lens Than nn Hour
Scenes or tlio Wild
est Incitement *
Gone Ut > lit Smoke.
ST. Lows , .Ian. 1. The Immense six-story
brick bloc * of the Uiclmrdsoii Drug company
on the northeast corner of Fourth street
and Clark avenue , was reduced to ruins In
forty minutes after 'J o'clock this morning.
The building fronted 120 feet on Fourth
street and ran back to Clark avcnuo 200 feet
to a private alley , ami back of this was a
three-story warehouse used by the firm to
store explosives and highly combustible
poods and oils. The lire was discovered nt
U'JO : a. in. and a general alarm was turned
in. So tierce was the lire that llvo minutes
after the alarm was turned in the buildings
across the street was smoking and rcnd.v to
burn. Every few minutes a terrible explo
sion would detonate throughout the building.
The entire six doors were II lied with com
bustible poods , n great portion of the stock
being extremely inflammable. The lire
Rccincd to get an early hold on the third
lloor. As the flowing oils dripped through
the first two stories the fountain of lire
played from the basement clear to the roof ,
defying all efforts to check it.
Not enough lines of hose could
have been laid around the building to have
saved it. so speedy was the spread of the
lire , and the few llremcn who were forced
ono or two nt a line to bravo the awful heat ,
had but a dozen streams to combat half n
dozen acres of blazing oils , molten iron and
'llamlng glass. It was nn awlul sight from
the llrst two minutes after discovery until U
o'clock , when the building collapsed and
there was nothing more to burn.
The building was erected several years npo
at a cost of $1.10,1)00. ) The Richardson Drug
company was ono of the largest wholesale
drug houses in the country. Buildings in
close proximity to the iiro were scorched.
The Enter houaev near the scene , occu
pied by boarders , had a panic. The screams
of frightened men and women rushing to and
fro from room to room after their friends ,
created much terror. Finally tUo dromon
rescued nil the occupants.
One sccno of great excitement was in the
livery stable of Scott ft Lynch , which is in
the rear of the drug building. When the
stable was suddenly lighted up by the flames
from the burning building the horses became
panic-stricken and it was with much dilliculty
they were taken out.
At 'Jf : > 0 the most exciting epoch of
the tire occurred , when several ex
plosions of benzine and explosive
drugs occurred , almost simultaneously with
the falling and crashing of the southeast
corner of the building , endangering the life
of all firemen on that portion of the work.
The heavy cornices and coping stones on
the top story began to crack , and the liremen
had only time to escape from danger wheni
with a sudden crash , that portion of the
building fell , throwing burning fragments
across Clark avenue , and setting lire to a
bakery opposite. A two-story brick nud ad
joining buildings on the southwest corner
of Fourth street and Clark avenue were in
llamcs , covering the entire intersection of
the street with smoke and llamus.
It was expected that a panic would occur
m the Southern hotel , which is within half a
square of the drug building , but the guests
came down to the corridors and sidewalks
and to the windows of their rooms to watch
the scene.
Cliff llichardson manager of the concern ,
gives the value of the slock on hand at
about $075,000 and an insurance of $ T > . ' > 0OIM.
The buildings occupied were valued nt
f 200,000. The origin of the tire is not known.
0Andrew Goroghty , night watchman in the
Kichardsoii drug house , has been mfssing
since the lire , and it is believed ho perished
in the burned building.
Mayor Koclie Has no Desire to Act
CIUCAOO , Jan. 1. In view of the decision
rendered yesterday in the matter of the ap
plication of the anarchist organization , known
as the Arbeitcr bund , in which Master in
Chancery Windes declined to recommend an
injunction restraining the police from inter
fering with its gatherings , although suggest
ing that ono might not improperly bo granted
by Higher authority , Mayor Kocho to-day
sent a letter of instructions to the police de
partment , in which ho said :
"I have Instructed corporation
counsel to convoy to the court
the Idea that if the court believes ,
under the evidence , that the Arbeitor bund
has a legal and lawful right to hold public
meetings , wo wish the court to so declare ;
and If tlio ofllcers of the city have been ex
ercising unusual authority they should bo so
advised , as I or they do not intend to act. il
legally or depi I ve any person of his rights
upon a mcro technicality. Wo do not pro
pose , under any circumstances , to deprive
any class of citl/.cns of their constitutional
rights , but the police department must nec
essarily bo governed by experiences. It is
your duty to inquire , if you believe a man is
about to commit a criminal offense , and take
steps to prevent such act. Wo do not
dcsiro to again experience difllculties
like- these wo have had in the past. Wo
must notoffer encouragement to such meetings
and such proceedings as tlio supreme court of
this state has said led up to the Haymarket
riot and Its unfortunate circumstances , ami
it is to bo hoped that the courts will draw the
line in a dctlnlto way , so that wo may have
Instructions , and if wo nave not sufficient
authority under the existing laws , the re
sponsibility must rest witii othori and not
with us.
Ount a IJttlu Irregularity.
WASHIXOTOX , Jan , 1 , [ Special Telegram
to Tnc Bin : . ] Texas seems to Imvo some
absent-minded officials. Clerk Chirk , of the
house , has received from the governor cer
tificates of election of cloven representatives
who arc entitled to seats in the Fifty-first
congress. 'Iho certificates were nil duly
signed and sealed , but not a slnglo ono of
them was dated. They will bo sent back to
the governor for correction In this respect.
It doesn't malto much difference to the domi
nant party In Texas about the dnto on which
the farcu of an election Is ( jono through , but
the house requires some formalities in mak
ing up its roll of membership , and the date
of the supposed election is required to bq
Want tlio Fight InToxan.
El , PASO , Tex. , Jan. 1. Messrs. Bradley ,
LcLean and Mentors , leaders of the sporting
fraternity of El Paso , have posted a letter to
the backers of Sullivan and Kilraln offering
them n purse of JflO.OOOas un Inducement to
have the proposed light ut El 1'aso , They
guarantee thorn protection ,
Killed Hy Hln Ilrotlier-ln-Ijtw.
Nmv YOIIK , Jan. 1. Early this morning
Machael Crow , a plasterer , was stabbed In
the loft breast during un altercation with his
brothor-in-liiw , and died soon after , Crow's '
assailant escaped at the tiuio , but was subse
quently arrested.
GaniUit n Shovel-Nose Shark.
PORTSMOUTH , N. II. , Jan 1. A man-eating
almrk , twelve feet long and nlno feet In cir
cumference , weighing 1,509 pounds , has been
cautrill In Ipswich bay , It is of the uhovcl-
nose variety , very uucouion in northern
waters. >
No 1'otlilcliutq Annuls : Them The lie-
IsniANorous , Jan. l. Qcnoral Harrison
had no political visitor * to-day. Senator
Blair , from Now Hampshire ? , arrived to-day
and called upon the president-elect this oven-
ing. He Is hero on n lecturing tour.
The most notable receptions this
afternoon were those hold at
the residences of General Harrison and Hon.
John C. Now , and nt the New Dcnlson hotel
to-night. The handsome parlors of the Harrison
risen residence were decorated with Mowers
and plants , Mrs. Harrison was assisted by
her daughter and Mrs. J. It. Me-
Kee , Mis. James Hrndshnw , Mrs.
Edward MclCco , Miss Linn McICoo ,
Miss Nnwcomcr and Miss Hlley , of Harrisburg -
burg , I'll. General Harrison received with
the ladies , and Russell H , Harrison partici
pated fora tlmo in the reception. Both the
general and his son wore Prince Al
berts. The reception throughout was ,
as the notice stated. Entirely informal ,
A largo portion of the callers wore
\vorkinginen and their wives. All the guests
wore Invited to partake of a little lunch.
Mrs. Mclvee presided at the handsome table
spread In the dining room , and assisted by
her cousin , Miss Newcomer , siio refreshed
the guests with tiny cupa of coffee , tea and
General Lew Wallace. ex-Governor A. G.
Porter , and other resident people of dis
tinction were among the callers : also n largo
number of clergymen of all denominations.
It is impossible to s'.nto how many callers
passed through the Harrison parlors during
the six hours , but the stream was n con
stant one , and a moderate estimate places
the number at nearly 'J.OJO.
The most brilliant reception , however , was
that held at the New Ucnlsoii hotel to-night ,
between the hours of SJO : ! and 11 , by Mrs. E.
H. Martindale , Mrs. Henry Cilloy. Mrs. S.
F. Hobinson and othors.
Peculiar Magnetic Inllncncc AVhlch
Controls n Yoiiiif luuly.
PiTTsni'HO , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE Hnr.l A very peculiar case of what
seems to be magnetic influence has turned
up on Ihe south side. The victim is Miss
Christian Hamborgc'r , n pretly young
woman about twenty-seven years of age. She
seems to be under the influence of a young
man to such nn extent that , although she
thoroughly detests him , she is compelled to
obey bis will completely. Miss Hamburger
told the story In a plain , straight-forward
way , and so simple that the truthfulness of
her slalemcnt could not bo doubted. "Ono
night , about 0 years ago. " flhe said , "I went
to a party with several oilier youne ladies.
While llieru 1 was introduced to a young
man , who was very pleasant and quite at-
lached lo me. I wqs' very favorably im-
picsscd with him and wo spent some lime
very cnjoyably in conversation.
During Iho evening ho gave mo u
drink of something which ho
said was cider. I drank It , and from that
moment I have been urider liis influence. I
learned that it was no delusion. Howas con
scious of his power over me. Some years
ago he married the dau'gbtorof n well-known
soutli side citizen. I read somuwhor that
the Spaniards of Moxlcb _ were adepts in thu
treatment of similar case's , and al once
packed a trunk and storied1" for Mexico Cily.
While in Mexico I experienced several
slrango and alarming manifestations of tbo
power lhat was over me , I would hear my
tormentor calling mo by "name and threaten
ing mo with.all sorts of dire punishments. In
hopes of escaping- won't to Havana.
Wliilo in Culia , something indefinable ,
very much akin to-animal magnetism , took
possession of mo and I went into a sort of
hypnotic trance. While In this stale Ihe
voice of my old-limo lover came again and
called me home , lulling mo ho would marry
mo and would DO kind lo me. I did not
know that ho was married at the time , and
believing ho would do as ho said I came
homo only to bo scorned. I have placed my
case in the hands of Agent Dean , of the Ami-
Cruelly society , and if thcro is any relief to
bo had through llio courts I will got it. "
The case is certainly very peculiar , and
will form nn interesting study to students of
psychological phenomena.
A St. Paul Man Asked to Pay $0OOO
For Wounded AIYcctioiig.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jam 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUE. ] Charles K. Funk , n
well-known young business man of this city ,
is celebrating Now Year's day in Ihe role of
defendant In a breach of promise suit brought
by Miss Sophia Langciibaoh , a young and
boauliful milliner girl , who wants $ i > ,000 , to
repair the damages caused by the loss of her
lover's affections. She says ho called oftun
lo sco her and Iho friendship formed ripened
into an intimacy lhat led him on August 14 ,
1SS7 , lo spread his heart at her feet and ask
her to become his wifo. Her answer was a
modest yes. Hut ho changed his mind , and
she lays her social amljlimncial damage at
? ( ! ,000. Funk is very well known about the
city and is apparently a'good business man ,
having managed to lay by some SlO.OOt ) in thn
last few years. Sophia Langenbach , the
plaintiff , Is a hamlsoma.brunette. She has a
Sine figure , largo dark oyqs , full of uparKlc ,
and a manner lhat conveys the impression of
a largo amount of personal magnetism.
Grant ANSIIIIION the Mayoralty.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 1. At I" o'clock to-day
the now mayor , Hugh J. Grant , was led to
bis in Ihe oily hall by Hon. Abram S.
Hewitt. For more- than nn hour previous Iho
city hull was Illlod by a throng to witness
the ceremony of the incoming mayor's induc
tion to ofllce. Mr. Hewitt Said :
"According to law , the hour of 12 o'clock
this day brings my oulcial duties to an end ,
and yours , as mayor , begin. I can only b-iy
that if you have half Iho pleasure in taking up
these duties thai I hive In laying them down
you musl boa very happy man. 1 you
every happiness In your adminlRtraiion. , '
Then turning to the assemblage , Mayor
Hewitt continued : "Gentleman , 1 introduce
to you the mayor of the city of Now York , "
and then walked out of the building.
Mnckay Iho Comedian Disappears.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 1. A rumor was spread
In dramatic circles last night thai John A.
Mnckay , the comedian , had disappeared. Ho
was to have appeared in the Orange opera
house to night "m . Leonard Grov-
cr'a now play , "Tho" Noble Son , "
under thu management of Manager licrlinor.
llul the latter received a * nole. undoubtedly
In Mackay H Imndwritirig , In which the actor
declared ho was craw .jind bad gone to n
hospital. Ho concluded' ' by saying , "Good
bye , old fellow ; you'lli nbver see mo again. "
Inquiry was made at his' house and his vari
ous ImunU and nt Iho.bospitals , but no trace
of him could bo found ,
Hotel Burned.
ST. Louis , Jan 1. Hetwccn G and 0 o'clock
this morning a lire brokeout , in Sector's hotel
where some twonty-ilvb or thirly people
were , and a scene of grejt excitement ensued
during which three women jumped from the
third story window. Mary West received
such injuries llmt she died , and thu two other
women were severely hurl. The loss by Ibo
tire is small.
Gotham's Foundlings.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 1. The police gathered In
107 foundlings In 1SSS. Of thejjp sixty-seven
were girls , Two were colored."pno was loft
In a fourth avenue horse cart' ono on the
Brooklyn bridge , and another-in the South
Ferry walling room. Two wow abandoned
in Buttery park add a dozen lit Central park ,
Pour Moulin * Imprisonment.
DUIIUX. Jan. 1. John Fittucano , national
ist member of parliament for East Limerick ,
charged with inciting tenants to intlmldat'on ' ,
was sentenced to four mouths' iuiprhOnmuut ,
The Gnblnot Not to Bo Announced
Till Late In February.
Onscs on llic Docket That AVII1 Not
lie Uivichcd l-'or Years
Thn Willie House
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Jan ! 1.
A private letter was received here , yester
day , from General Harrison , in which he In
formed Ihu friends to whom il was written ,
thai his cabinet would not be announced un
til the hitter part of February , and not more
than two weeks prior to his Inaugurationand ,
Dial he would net dually decide upon any
mnu until very near thai dale.
Business before the supreme court of the
United States , is gelling alarmingly behind
hand. Unless some remedy Is found by con
gress II will soon bo next to an impossibility
to reach a case al'all without its advance
ment or special preferment. To-day , Clerk
Hell , while at work in his oftlcc , talked to
Tin : HII : correspondent about the condition
of the supreme court calendar and Iho reme
dies proposed by congress , and Iho justices ,
and the bar associations , lor its rclinf. It
scorns almost beyond hope said he , "to
expect relief while there is
the least trouble about gelling
a parly measure through congress , for al
though there Is no politics in judicial ipius-
tious , the house and senate Invariably divide
upon propositions to enlarge the bench , or to
clear up the calendar by any means what-
over. There are now on the docket 1,4W (
cases. Tlio court has reached 11 fly since Ihu
beginning of Ihe term , and 11 may roach 1)00 )
altogether before it adjourns In May. "
"How rapidly are cases accumulating on
the docket ( "
"At the close of llic Oclober term of 1SSO ,
Iwo years ago , thcro were on tlio docket ! > UO
cases , 4Ui > bolng docketed during the term.
There wore Uisuosml of 451 cases during tlio
term. A year later theru were docketed dur
ing llio term -182 cases , and -11'J were disposed
of , but the tolal undisposed of al the end of
thu term aggregated l,01l" !
"How many cases are disposed of on the
average at each session i"
"Probably 430 ; the average above thai
number placed on Uio docket , may bo 200
each year. The cases called on Iho 20lh of
December last were docketed on the 17th of
October , IS'W more than llircu years airo. "
"What remedy is proposed by the justices
or lawyers I"
The bill introduced by Senator David Davis
shortly after ho left the bench for tbo senate
was the bcsl bill that has been proposed. It
seems at leasl it is the only proposition that
has been seriously considered by congress
and endorsed by the bench. It passed the
senate once and would have passed the house
had that body been republican. Now that
both houses and tbo president are lo bo of
the same political faith something may be
done. The Davis bill , unoriginal- } introduced ,
proposes eighteen additional circuit judges ,
and to raise the minimum limit of money in
volved , to 810,000. Another proposilion has
boon made , but 1ms never been seriously considered
sidered- tbo form of a patent court of ap <
peals. .That would relieve the supreme court
of the patent cases , and therefore much of
ils time consuming work. George Ticknor
Curlis llrsl suggcsled this and it is a good
idea. The Chicago bar association proposes
a supreme court composed of twenty-one
justices , bill Iho Davis bill , it Is believed
around here , meets with Iho most favor.
Justice Miller says the district Judgcships
should bo abolished and the circuit judgeships -
ships increased. Ho endorses tbo Davis
There was but oiu noticeable feature in
the New Year's reception at the white house
which varied materially from the usual. Nol
more than half as many ofllce-holdors were
present as has been customary. Ayhen the
men and women starlod to the executive
mansion ut 1 o'clock , they with unanimity
said : "Lot's go over ami bid Grover good
bye. " There was consequently more or less
of sadness connected with the white house
reception. A more charming day could not
bo imagined. There was a rain yesterday
which washed the struels clean. Early
Ibis morning llio sun came oul bright , warm
and full. It was so warm at noon that men
and women went about without overcoats
and v.'raps. All interest , of course , centered
at the executive mansion , and the
crowd , which cprovcd as largo as usual , as
sembled early. The Ionrudsiripcd / awn
ing was up , and there WTis llio usual siring of
carriages and llio long line of cill/cns on foot ,
but tliero were fuw smiles and little genuine
happiness. No one spoke above a whisper.
It was a funeral. The absence af these
thousands of ofllco holders who usually come
to pay tribute to their chief , was noticeable
on every hand. The army and navy olllccrs
and the members of the foreign legations
were there In force. It was their
duty. During thu curly arrivals something
of n sensation was created when
the German minister came. Hu dashed
through the gates , and his chasseur jumped
to the ground and opened the door of thu car
nage for Couni Darco , who with his coat and
great gold lace , hurried to assist the Countess
Loopoldino Darco to alight. Some people
thought it was a British minister , and spoke
of Lord SucKvllle's successor. Thcro were
more llowor.s , palms and ferns than customary
inside tlio while house , and llio Marino band ,
led by Prof. Souss.i , furnished its choicest
music , as if to give thu president and his fair
wife a parting blessing on the occasion of
their last public reception. Hut theru was
something lacking to maku Ihu day what it
has always been.
After the reception nt the white house ,
the doors to private residences were thrown
open and almost everybody called upon their
friends. Mrs. Senator Mnndcr.son was as
sisted bv her mother and Mrs. Ella Marnier
son , of Nebraska , at the Portland. They
were paid special tribute by the Nebraska
pcoplo in the city.
Thu ladles of the Junior senator from Ne
braska did not receive , Mr * . Paddock , her
daughter , and Miss Claire Kustin , guosls of
Mrs , Paddock , Mrs. J. F. Olmstead and
cousin , and Miss Olmstuad , of Rochester ,
and Mr. Weld , of Boston , formed a pluasanl
party , which on thu invitation of Mrs.
Paddock went down lo Annapolis yesterday
lo attend the annual Nuw Year's ball given
last evening by the cadets al ihu naval neau-
cmy.Miss Nellie Hosewatcr of Omaha , received
with Iriend.s on Capitol Hill , and was hon
ored by many old and now friends.
The board of inquiry , which has been Ril
ling al Die war department , to investigate
the alleged ncgllgouco of the engineer and
the ofllcors in charge of Iho now waterworks
tunnel at Wushingtin , has adjourned until
the Mtti of January , in order to permit the
evidence to bo printed , and will then
meet to make up their verdict. It
Is the prevailing opinion among the
ofllcora ut the war department , that thu find
ing of the board will bo very severe on
Major Lydeckcr , of the engineer corps , and
that It will bo followed by n court martial.
The trouble with Major Lydecker appears
to have been that ho was so .absorbed with
his social duties that ho loft the inspection of
the work on the tunnel entirely to Ills sub
ordinates , and during thu several years that
ho has been in charge of the work ho lias
visited it only four times.
Tlio expose , just before the election , of the
overwhelming sympathy of President Cleveland -
land towards the Mormons who have been
convicted of polygamy , while U attracted a
great deal of attention at the tlmo It was
made , in a measure soon dled-oqt of the nub
ile mind , owing to the Important political
events which followed so quickly. Atten
tion to the subject Is again attracted by Iho
president's course in extending executive
clemency towards these violators of the law.
Last week n Mormon bishop and sevoralof
his Hock , who had been sentenced to Impris
onment for unlawful cohabitation , wore
pardoned , and yesterday the presi
dent followed this up by turn
ing loose upon the unsuspecting
female immigrants. thee glorious old saints
of the Mormon church Klchardsou , Greon.
Hyington , Serving and Weeks--who had
boon in Iho Sioux Falls , D.ik. , penitentiary
for Iho same offenses. They hud served a
liltlo less than ono-lhlrd of tholr sentences ,
and now go firth free men to prey upon the
community ouco more. These pardons would
In n mi'iisuro be warranted wore it not for
the fact that in every instance the convicts
could have prevented the execution of sen
tence if they had simply promised to obey
Iho law In the future , bill Ibis they declined
to do.
The action of the courts in glvhig thecer-
lillcato of election in thoChattaimogadlstrict
to the republican candidate gives the republi
cans a majority of three In the house , oven if
the two disputed West Virginia districts are
given to the democrats , which they will not
bo. Pimuv S. HEATH.
Tilt ! CAPITAIj llUIlilllXG.
Much Surprint ; nt tlio Ituautll'iil AI > -
liiMiranuc It ProsontH.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Sp.ieial to Tnn
Hr.u.l New Year's ' Day is as lovely as the
days of October , The sun < dilnot bright and
clear , and tlio temperature- that of the Into
fall. At 10 o'clock this morning tbo mem
bers of the legislature and the people began
to tlud their way to the capltol , ami at 11 the
whole building was thronged In all its hall
ways and rooms.
Much surprise was maiilfesled at the really
beauliful appearance nf the building within.
The workmen nrc still busy about the central
part of the building , but the walls of thu
same are complete in their decoration , and it
nrcsents a really creditable appearance.
The exterior of the eapitol building , how
ever , does not impress one favorably. Much
of the work , especially on Iho wings , Is vis
ibly imperfect. The architecture of the
building is very faulty indeed. It does not
for one moment compare with that of the
eapitol buildings at Denver and Clieycnne.
Wyoming is erecting n stnicturo
which is artistically perfect , If ono may judge
of the effect of thu whole from the appear
ance of the central portion , which is nearly
completed. The dome , unlike that of the
capitol building here , is well proportioned ,
and is beautiful from unity and harmony of
design. The dome of Iho Nebraska building
is simply hideous asimaro base surmounted
by an octagonal dome , ami Ibis by a circular
steeple. But apart from this appearance of
the exterior , the capitol building is a credit
able one. It should have been much better
if it is intended for a permanent ono ; but
within it will accommodate tbo various ofll
cers and employes of the state. The rooms
arc all largo ami airy , and these in the cen
tral portion of the building are very artis-
lie.illy finished , the wood-work in oak and
the walls in colors.
The grounds present a creditable
appearance , and began to show the
place on which they arc laid out. The
drives and walks are all down , and goodly
spaces are left for trees , shrubs and llowurs ,
and Ihe Irecs have already attained to goodly
The oullook from the capitol has greatly
improved since 1 was hero last. The city
has extended south of the capitol , oul over
what was then Holds and country roads. The
street front north of the capitol is beautifully
building up , two churches at Hie northwest
ern corner being conspicuously line. The
Christian church , now approaching comple
tion , is a very largo square structure , con-
olrucled of Milwaukco'brick. . pu a grand and.
beautiful scalcT
Lincoln has become a very beautiful city ,
and may justly take pride in the capitol
building and grounds , alid in the way In
which the city is building up in this vicinity.
An Kx-Govcrnof'.s Daughter and a
Prominent I'liysiclan Involve ; ! .
FAIIOO , Dak. , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram
toTnc HEE.I Dr. and Mrs. Holmes arrived
hero two mouths ago .and Immediately se
cured entry lo the best society. All went
well until a suspicious inquiry came from
Minneapolis , whi ch led the proprietor of tbo
hotel at winch they were stopping to request
the doctor to produce his marriagecertifi
cate. This ho refused to do , and the couple
took the next train south. It has been dis
covered that Iho doctor's name is not
Holmes , and that the lady with him is not
what HUO seemed to be , but is another man's
wife , and that Ihu doclor was heavily in debl
in Minneapolis. ! l was also learned that Iho
lady is llio wifu of a prominent , dentist in
Tennessee , and the daughter ot a former
governor of Delaware ; thai llio doclor is a
noted soulhcrn physician , and llmt ho be
came infatuated with her while trcjllnir her
professionally. Whore they have gone is not
known and Iho detectives refuse to give up
their names.
Decided Against tlio Itailroad ,
.lAJinsiowN , Dak. , Jan. 1. Judge Hosa has
delivered his opinion on Iho celebrated
Northern Pacil'c ' tax case hero. The partic
ular cases on which the decision is made arc
Ihe suils of Ihe railway company againsi llio
treasurers of Footer and Lamouro counlics
in Dakota , for a perpetual injunction against
the falo of railroad lands for Iho taxes of
1SS7. The cases also decide about thirty
other suits of tlio same character brought by
thu Northern Pacific company restraining
the sale of their lands In both Ihe ( indemnity
bull and original land graul case along Die
road in Dakota. Thu amount involved Is
upwards of hull'a million dollars. The de
cision is against the railroad company and In
favor of tlio counties. However , it gives the
iliiiiitiff ten days to amend Ihu complaints ,
jut it is probable that the case will go to the
supreme court on llio pleadings as they
stand. The counties claim the right to tax
tlio land in addition to Iho pro-rala they re
ceive under Iho gross earnings law of tlio
Prom ( In ; Pope.
Duni.iN , .Ian. 1. Archbishop Walsh read
Tom the pulpit to-day a wussa o from tlut
lope to tlio Irish people , in wliiuh his holi-
icsshays : "Wo have always hold in upeeial
ilTcctiou the Catliolics of irolaud , whn have
icert sorely tried by many ullllctioiH , and
mve ever cliprmheil a love which is
Ihe more Inleiihu lieciiuso of their
narvclous fortitude and their horodi-
HIT attachment lo their religion.
! n Iho counsels wo have given from timu lit
tlmo , and in our recent decree , wo were
moved not only by considerations of what In
conformable to both , bill also by a desire to
advance your interests. Our afl'eelions for
you does not .suffer us * to allow the cause for
A'hlch Ireland" is struggling lo bo awakened
jy Iho introduction of anything which could
fairly bo brought in reproach a'galnM It , In
order lo specially manifest our allucllons , wo
send you a number of gifts Which are bpuc-
Quarreled Over Their War
Mn.WAfKni : , Jan. I. Louis Schmidt , aged
sixty-live , un inmate of the Soldiers' Homo ,
Htnbbcd a fellow veteran , named W. F. .
tudcr , with fatal effect this afternoon , cans-
ug instant death. The twn men had quar
reled in a discussion over their respective
war record's , while drlnidiig in u saloon , mid
alrnohl came lo blowM thero. Schmidt pro-
: urcd a krilfo and walled for Kudor on the
oad leading lo thu homo and plunged It into
its sloumuh , Thu murderer then proceeded
lo the home and gave himself up ,
Killed on Her Way to Church.
Wicorsn , Mich , , Jun , 1. Mrs , Hennott ,
of this place , was thrown from a ro.m-ravt on
her way to church , and lulled ,
HJK Condition
Cm1 , In. , Jan. I. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HKK.J Dr. W. Frank Pnxton ,
who was recently stricken In the pulpit with
laralysls of the brain , will bo taken to Oil-
ago to-morrow for expert medical trout-
neiit. His condition ib
A Prominent Flnttsmouth Spooula-
tor Loses Ills Mind.
Down I-'Ifey-two Koet Onto Solid lee
New Year's Bust' Hull ( iiuno
nt O'Neill Othi'i1 Stnto
Insane Kroin HuHlncss Trouhles.
PI.VTTSMOUTII , Ni'b. , .Inn. 1. [ Special Tel
opri\in \ to Tin : liii : : , | \V. J. Agnovv , a promi
nent speculator of this city , who is well
known nlong the line of the 1) ) . & M. , having
lil led the capacity of conductor for so ma
tlino , has become-a raving inunlao utilities ,
within the last fuw days. Lust night about
six of his friends volunteered to watch htm
during the night , but lie succeeded lu driving
the whole force from the house by violence
mid threatening to kill im.v ono who would
ruturn. Ho was examined to-day by Dr.
Schlldkncchl and the commissioners. Ho
will bo removed to tlio asylum at Lincoln to
morrow morning. The case Is a ami one , in
ho lias a wife and family. The cauno of hlB
insanity can bo nttritmtcd to nothing but
business troubles , us ho has always lived
hiipplly with Ins family previous to this.
Now Year'H lit I'Yoinout ,
FmiMONT , Neb. , Jan. 1.--Special ( to TUB
HII : : . ] Tills nftornoon the formality of Now
Ycnr's receiving was Indulged In by the foh
lowlnir Indies : Mrs. II. Fnhnuun , assisted
by Mrs. C. M. Williams , Mrs. Kos L. Hammond
mend , . Mrs. ( Jus Huetto , Mrs. Kay N.vo , Miss' '
Katie Und and Miss Ada Slii'phard , of Ar-
llnuton ; Mrx. H. H. Trait and Mrs. A. J. '
Kddy , nt the homo of the former , assisted by
the Misses Nnnnio Turner. Mnblo Shcrvln ,
Lou Torpln , .lonnio Abbott and Lizzie'
Thomas ; Jliss Katie Lee , assisted by the
Misses Jessie HInman and Kvu Leo ; Mrs. L.
M. ICcene , assisted by Mrs. C. I ) . Mnrr , Mrs.
( leorgo Sehragh , Mrs. August Dippol , Mrs.
\V. II. Fowler , and the Misses Monroe. Mo
CraeUen and AVillouishby ; Mrs. 10. T. Horn ,
assisted by Mrs. L.V. . Hoynolds , Mrs. C. S.
Slierwin and Mrs. T. O. Hoops. The day's
festivities wound up with the presentation of
"A Scrap of I'apor , " at the Love , by the
Omaha Dramatic company , which came up
this evening from Omaha on a special train ,
accompanied by a delegation of tholr friends. '
The company gave a splendid rendition , and' '
were greeted with many ot Fremont's best'
FUEVOST , Nob. , Jan. 1. [ Special to Tun
Hii.l The Iwo daily papers of this cily , thd
Herald and Tribune , each Issuud Holiday
editions to-day , containing a review of the'
past year's growth and business in Fremont ,
and were profusely illustrated , The Tribune's
edition was particularly handsome , being tbo
most elaborate , by far , ever printed in the
city. Us resume of Iho old year is a splendid
showing for Fremont , and ono of which
every citizen is justly proud. The amount of
public and private improvements given Is
tuOS.OOO ; Iho amount of jobbing $5)16,000. : )
Among Iho nuw manufaclurlng industries
acquired are a canning factory , liomp and
twine factory and a fence factory. Tlio most ,
important public Improvement Inaugurated-
wu8thajuvlng. . which has jbeon done wltu
granite. One district has boon completed ,
and two more are contracted for , to bo'dono I
in the spring. Free postal delivery wasin- ,
uuguratcd early in the summer. The busl-
' Jf
ncs's of Iho poslofllco for llio year will be be
tween $10,000 and * l ,000. Fremont enters J\
thd nuw vcar renewing lior claim of being1 J3
the third cily in Nebraska , and proudly
pointing- the records for proof.
BASSETT , Nob. , Jan. 1. [ Special to Tnn
Hii.J : Last night the major part of the In
habitants of Hock county assembled at Bas-
cctt to partake of a bounteous supper pre
pared by the ladies of Hassctt. After supper
llio doors of Ihu two commodious halls were
thrown open and were crowded with merry
dancers. The people scum lo say that Bos-
sclt is the proper place for Iho seat of Hock
An agricultural sociely has boon organized
and llio first fair held , which was very satis
factory , und there was an exceedingly good
showing of vegetables , grains , stock , fancy
work , etc. The silualion of Hassutt , in the
midst of as good an agricultural county as
there is in Nebraska , will insure for it a
good agricultural society and a good fair
next fall.
ArroRtiMl on Suspicion.
HKXKELMAN , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HBE.J Two men answering to
the names of James Wilson and Frank Lowe ,
were arrested hero this morning on suspicion
of being the parties who robbed the store of
Baltics & Son , of Sinilh Coaler , Kan. , on last
Saturday night , of about SI,000 worth of
goods , consisting of clothing and handker ffl
chiefs. Word was received hero of Iho rob
bery mid a description of the stolen goods ,
which tally identically with their wearing
apparel and tbo linndkcrclilofa they were
irying lo sell on the streuls. There is but
ittlo doubt that they are tlio pat-tied.
Mistook Gasoline Tor Water.
Tr.CfMsin : , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Special lo Tun
DEE. I Mrs. A. J. Wright met with an acci
dent Sunday which nearly resulted fatally.
Some ono had been using gasoline in a cup
and temporarily placed It near llio water
Hail. Mrs. Wright thought it was water
md was going to use it about tbo stove
when It took fire , badly burning her face uud
righl arm. Mrs. Wright will probably re
cover but the burn will leave its sours.
Pay Tholr Fnro.
COLI-MIU-H , Nob. , Jan. l.-ISpccldl to the
-Pun HBIS. ] Senator Mulicr ami Representa
tive Swarlhlcy left for Lincoln yesterday by
thujt. AM , They .stepped up to the ticket
window like men and paid cash fur llielr fare ,
i'hc people of Platlo county have1 good rea-
bom for believing that , thrso two men go
pledged to work for llio best Inlorosls of
.heir constituents.
Platl.siiioiith P ooi'lo Pli-iiKnil. * ,
P.YVTTKMOUTII , Neb. , . .Jan.Special ( to
TIIK HEK.J rho I ) . & M. officials Imvo inadf
an uinmuncoment thut they will run an
cxlra from PluU'iinuulh lo Omaha In the
future , to leave- here every mor.ilng at 0'JO. :
This will bo a great nccommod itlon
I'latlMnoiith people , as the latest train
to Omaha from hem leaves nt OHO a , m.
A I'car Til I I Mil.
COLUMIIUS , NUD , , Jan. I.-Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : HIIK.J John Cox , a young man
workini ; nn the now Iron bridge across the . '
Loup rivoiat this place , fell from the top of
the bridge to the river below , a dutunco o (
Jlfty-lwo feet , striking bis head on the Hw , * M * <
fracturing his skull und bruising his body. * * * * '
Ills injuries aru considered fatal , Mr. Cox
came from DCS Moincs , la. , about a year ttgo.
His relatives have boon telegraphed for.-
Swllohmim Until ) ' Infnrod- . .
Pi.A'muoi/ni , Neb , , Jan. 1.--Special [ to
Tun Bun. ] J. H. Slirluve , a switchman ,
brother of Yarilinastur Shrlcvo- had his
right Imiiil and arm .bmtly Hinashod yo tor. ?
day while aU.Tiiililtnj ; lo couple an nnulno to ' > !
u box car. ,
iiiHtiiiiatioii oroiiiodi'H , ' * *
HENKI.HMAX , Nob. , Jun. 1. [ Special TeJo-
1-i'aiu to THE Hr.i.JTho ; ICulgUta of Pytbia *
ol this place ( jiivu u publlo IiiBtallatlon of
ofiera ! this evening and a grand ball and ,
suiMwr. All wus in tip top shape und ono ct
thu Jui'wl dci ; * . < } ii > , ' , ratl3C4 ot the