Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Kcvivnl services nt the Swedish
Methodist church every evening this
The Volcrnn Firemen's association
meets In Chief aallignn's olllcc next
"Wednesday night.
p The score nt the pigeon shoot yester
day blood : Parmoleo 81) ) , Buher 01. John
Petty rcforccd Iho mntcli.
The city treasurer has completed his
stntctnnnt , showing that the bonded in-
Mod ness of Omaha uinounts to
f l,448.050.
Joseph Anderson's little child , who
was accidentally scalded n few days ago
at Florence , it considered in immediate
danger of death.
A carpenter named John Knnitcltn ,
residing on South Tenth street , Sun
day drove a mortise chisel through his
hnnd while working ,
The funeral of the into Mrs. Sarah A.
Doninan took place at 1IO : ! yesterday
afternoon and wns largely attended. The
remains were interred in Forest Luwi
City Clerk IToctor , of South Omaha ,
haHiiotlllcd the county commissioners
that there is considerable destitution in
that suburb , and Agent Mahoney has
been detailed to investigate.
Last night C'olonol W. II. Mock was
presented with an elegant crayon coun
terpart of himself by 1M Hothory ,
Colonel A. II. Forbes , Prof. Arthur
Hotbory and U. J. t'lancny. The work
was executed by Albert Hothory. Mr.
Clant'oy made the presentation speech ,
which' was responded to by Colonel
Beck in glowing terms.
Personal I'ltrnarnnlii.
P. W. O'Urlun , representing the New York
Freeman's Journal nnd Catholic HegUter , Is
in the city.
Mis. A. A. Osgood , the authoress , passed
through the city yestonhiy en route to her
homo , Astoi In , Oro.
Manager Kurt ? , of the Patrick Land com
pany , has returned from the oust , accomp
anied by his newly mndo wife.
At the Hnrkcr : W. H. Purltin , ISoonc , In. ;
II P. McGregor , Chleaco-Mrs. ; K. Comhs ,
Shelby , In. ; C. Ucs Cnmps , Chicago ; L. S.
Pease , Fnrihault , Minn. ; II. C. 13olloiig ,
SUiuyler , Nub. ; Austin Nichols , New York.
liroke Iliu I.ei * .
George H. HoiTinin , of I'.l.O North Twen
tieth street , slipped on the icy walk , corner
of I/ard and Twentieth streets .yesterday
morning mid bioku his right leg below thu
AVntit n Justices' Shoes.
There are already three applicants for the
position of .Itistico Shoa , nbout to become
vacant by the resignation of the justice.
Ono isVillInin Holmes , brother ( if the
Second ward Justice , and thu others arc
Messrs. Dunn and Evans , both rccontly ad
mitted to thu bar.
A. Niitn.Mii.itlo Fiend.
The Kdon Musco was entered by
thieves Sunday night , nnd all the
rare old coins that decorated one
of the cases in the curio hall were
carried off. Mr. Lnwler's loss is probably
t-JCO. Ii.utr.inco was gained by me.ins of u
rear window.
Not the KiisHlnn Churcli.
A committee from the Kussian church
called on Tin : Hin to-day to state that their
organteation was in no w.iy responsible for
the row in the Jewish church on Howard
nnd Twelfth streets. Their place of wor-
spip is where it has been for years , over El-
gutter's clothing store.
Now Hoard of Public Worlcn.
The Charter committee mot yesterday nnd
spent the morning discussing amendments
suggested by the board of public works. They
decided to make the hoard consist of five , in
stead of three momhois , which will include
the city engineer nnd building inspector. The
committee is still in session.
' The Uar Ijllirnry Moves.
The first ol the now year will sao the law
library of tlio Uir ; association removed * to
the Paxton block , where it will bo more ac
cessible to the members. The county com
missioners have decided to lease the book
cases and furniture of the present library
room to the association at a nominal rental.
Discord lot\\ccn Musicians.
Detective Al likuifuss brought suit before
Justice Shea against Simon Hoffman the mu
sician Saturday , in an aution to recover J-J.ns
for services rendered on Easter mass at the
cathedral In this city 1 7. Hoffman brought
in a counter claim for . 5 , and after hc.irlng
the case the court rendered judgment , in
favor of HluiifiiHs. An appeal has been Hied
bj * the defendants attorney.
Saratoga liycoum.
At the mcetlij : ( of the Saratoga lycoiim the
following gentlemen were elected : L , rjittlo-
flold , prcsidom ; G. W. Craig , vice-president ;
F. Thompson , treasurer , and W. McC'uy ,
secretary. A business committee wns ap
pointed , and consists of Mrs , Forbes , .Miss
Laltn , Miss Jones and Mr. Louis Llttlelleld.
The newly elected olllcers will occupy their
positions lor the llrst time January S.
A Kniiill Uln/.o.
A small bla o occurred nt the saloon of
Louis Schmldteorner Thirteenth and Dodge ,
"at 81C5 yesterday morning. Tho.lire depart
ment was promptly upon the sccno , and extin
guished the mines before they had made
much , headway. The loss , however , was
about $30. The building is owned by J. M.
Morse , and the lire had its origin in a de
fective Hue ,
Yalofileo Clul ) .
Tlio Ynlo Oleo club , nuinhorlng forty and
composed ofntu.lontsof Vale college , arrived
in Omaha Sunday nlghtovcrthe Uoelc Island ,
nud want west to Denver over the Uurling-
ton. It is under the management of George
B. Hamilton , of class 'S'J of that institution.
It > vill g vo u concert at Denver and return
via Kansas City and St. Louis , showing at
bet | pluues.
For uml In consideration of the Mini of
fSatXXVilll..m ) , Litoy , nil&ibotli Latey ,
William V. Itanium and Mary 12 Jlunson
hnyo cpnvoycd a number tif lots In Fr.uikl.vii
vuwro nddltion , Henson's addition. Marsh's
n. Iditlon nnd KouuUa plnco nddition to
Jlmrlcs T. Taylor , of Douglas comity. The
into l mndo subject to taxes that sli.ill be-
'oinp\lulinitiont \ | nftor January 1 , and also to
'ixtc'cn mortgages. nirt'roirutliiLr 8ll.'Jl.r ] > ( ) .
' - AVnnt to Olvo Quit Clniiim.
ho stilt of John P. Iiulfcnstcln of
Louis , to recover Omnha property
vight by his llrm yo.irs ngo , hns taken
Vthcr turn. This tlmo it N in the shopo of
\ towqr of HtUirnoy , and nuthorl/.os Orlando
I ! ' , f _ fiuihrio nntl _ John K. Rlaugiitor of
i M Cc. . . - . , .
pt-oln. Mr. Guthrie and Judge Coo nru still
hero looking after their clients' Interests.
AVntorirorks I.oalc.
For some tlmo a very dangerous hole bus
bcnn ullowcil to oxUt in this city on Popplo-
ton nvoauo butwoon Twenty-second uml
Twcnty-tfiird strejts. A steady btronm of
Vvnicr 'has been undunnlning the center of the
etreot , maklnglt | unsafe for horses or vehicles ,
It wan noticed yesterday morning that n
team ImJ been down In the hole during the
night. It would bo un easy mutter for a
IIOMO to break n log or otherwise injure himself -
self for life in the place. Some of the people
out there want to know where tuo inspec *
rrotcot VoiiPboir nnil Family
Il.v UuupliiK iv supply of ZuluMtirnotto (
Oil ( or rluMimatlain , uin-aliiH , ote. , mid
Zulu .Uouhtitf Olntmuiit for cuts , burns ,
etc , AaU your druggist.
A NKW I2U \ .
A Great Clinii c In Knlhvny Tr.ifllu lo
) )0 Mndc To-ilny.
To-iln.y Xvill mnrk.a vnst change In the
trnfllo of western railways more especially
on that which nppllcs to Omaha's Hvo stock.
The new tariff which was agreed upon nt n
meeting in Chlcntro. will po Into effect to
day on all western lines. It will mark
an Increase In rates from Missouri rlvor
points on live stock nml packing homo pro
ducts of about no per cent over tlio prevailing
rates. Thu rate on live stock that tuki's of
feet will bo 2 ? } cents per UK ) pounds , nml on
packing house products , 'JO cents. It will bo
remembered that on the former Chicago
packers hnvo entered vlRotous protest , mid
announce that they will appeal to the Inter
state commission for iclief. Hut to make
any variation from the recently established
rate would Involve considerable wrangli
in railway circles To increase the into on
packing house- product rates to nil seaboard.
southeastern and lower Mississippi vulli'N
points would have to ungurgo u similar
change. ThiMi ngnln the Increase
In these rail's -would Involve the Kansas
City. Port Scott , V Gulf innd , which holds
down the rates between Kansas Cltv and
Memphis , and oper.itcs on a rate sheet which
H n basing fnr all Green lines nud lo\\er
Mississippi river point * , uch us Now Or
leans , Mobile , Nntoluv , Vickshurg and
Jackson. Thu tralllc miumgcr.s here stutu
that should liny steps bo taken to reduce thu
ralrs on livu stock between Omaha anil
Chicago , the southern loads would step in
and cut the rates on packing-house ) products.
As to thu reason of Kansas Cit.eujoi inj ; u
ii cent rate on live stock to Chicago , or 'J'j
cents lower than that which pievnlls from
Omaha , the tnirtlc nmn.igers have but little
to say A wull known freight agent , though ,
gave expression to his opinion ns follows
"it is simply this that the Chicago & Alton
uould not concede to operate on the same
basis as thu loads > lid fiom Omaha to Chi
cago. It appealed to that management
that in case the same rates provnlled u largo
amount of traflle centrally located would bo
conveyed to Omaha instead of Kansas City ,
and that the competitor of thu Alton would
bo given the benelit of the tralllc of the
Union Pncillc xvhen it came to n matter of
preference. It is generally known in rail
way circles that the Chicago .t Alton 1ms
entered Into a contract with the shippers'
association of Kansas Citj , which is com
posed of the major portion 01 that class of
business men of that city , to convey their
shipments of stock at 2. " > cents per hundred
to Chicago. Now , I do not consider this u
fair deal , but the Alton , you know , has been
a boulder in the way of every western road
reaching Omaha for a long limu back. Hav
ing obtained a monopoly of the traflle It
aims to hold rates satisfactory to Its ICnnsas
City patrons regardless of all outside points.
That is why Kansas City has a lower rate ,
because the Alton nmnngemont fought for
it , gained its point , and will knock the bottom
tom out of western rates if the agreement is
not lived up to. "
Another important movement in local rail
way circles is the weighing of live slock , a
system which will go into effect on all the
lines centering in Oimilm and Kansas City
to-dnv. Hitherto the rate has been reg
ulated by ear load lots , but now each ship
ment will bo on a scale of 100 pounds. Under
the new system , the net wcicht of stock will
be dctcrmmed by weighing on the track. A
deduction of 500 pounds will bo made for
shrinkage on all cars containing cattle , hogs
and sheep , provided that in doing so the
minimum weight will not bo changed. The
latter is as follows : On cars thirty-feet mid
under in length , cattle Stf.OOO. hogs lii.OOO ;
cais thirty-three feet six inches and over
thiity-one , cattle lil.COJ , hogs l.OOU , ; over
and one-half feet , cattle '
thirtythreeand - 'J3.000.
hogs 1 , ( KX ) . Horses will be shipped at same
standard as cattle. Hogs , double-decked
cars , 'Ja.000 ; sheep , single-decked ears , 00 pur
cent of cattle weight , and same as cattle
weight in double decked cars. The weighing
of tlie stock , the traflie managers state , will
have a tendency to do away with the over
crowding of cars with stoclc and the unpleas
antness that existed in having various si/cd
cars for the shipper. Ho would invariably
seek the largest si/o car , which was not al
ways at hand , and If ho did not got it. a spnlt
of dissatisfaction was manifest.
Turns Over tlio Keys.
With the retirement of the year 1SSS ROCS
Paymaster Jossclyn of the Union Paul lie ,
after bavins performed effective service lor
that system for a period of twenty-three
years , twenty years of which ho has been its
chief paymaster. His retirement Is brought
about by his department being abolished
along with that o ! Fr.inlc Hills , auditor of
agents' accounts , a circuHr to thatcll'ect
having made its npp.e.irancc. yes-
thrnry afternoon Mr. Jossclyn turned
over his keys and accounts to
auditor Young , and stepped down
and out of the employ of the company ho has
so long been attached to. But it is rumored
that he will soon receive a prominent ap
pointment by the management of the road ,
but that this will not bo consummated until
Comptroller Mink tonics out from Boston ,
which will be in about three inonttis. Asa
reward for his service , the retiring pay
master was listed on the pay-roll until April ,
although his services have boon discontinued.
Mr. Joast'lyii handled a vast amount of Un
ion Pucilic lunds during Ins career as pay
master , in nil amounting to over 10,0(10,000. (
When ho took eh.irfro af tlio ollleo from
which ho now letucs the payroll was
§ 100,000 per month. At thu present time
the aver.igo is about JSOO.OOO per month. The
highest amount paid out for services for ouo
iiio'nth was m October 1SS5 , when the pay-
loll run up to about * 1 , 100,000. The records In
his olllcoshow that 10,0 < > o men ure now intho
employ of the Union i'aelllc. Yesterday the
auditing department was informally treated
to the deal , It being pay day nt hondipmrtois.
Some received their checks at the paymas
ters ollice , while a largo number were com
pelled to visit the new depository.
Changes Anticipated.
It is conceded by some in railway circles
that G. M. Cumin ? , formarly assistant gen-
cral manager oftho Union 1'aclile , and now
supcrintendontof the I laho division of th it
road , is to be restored to his old position ,
that of asslstiut general mi'ia er of the
Union Pacific , at nil curly data. It is stated
that in this cap iclty ho will Inva clnrn'0 of
IhoUtah , Idaho and Wyoming division of
the Union I'.veUie , and that Assistant G jn-
oral Manager Mullen will have charge of the
Kansas , Nebraska mid Colorado divisions.
A certain railway olllcial , well up in the bus
iness , though connected with another sys
tem states that ho has good icason to bo
Hove that the manngeinont of the Union I'a-
cillc Is about to Inaugurate the system of op
erating now In vogno on the Northern
Pacific , which does away with the position
of general superintendent. Tlio Northern
Pacilio abolished the title and olllco of general
superintendent , and In conscouonco the busi
ness devolving upon that departmrnt reverts
to the general iminugcr.t. He also stated
that he was of the opinion that u movement
in this direction would bu mudo at an early
ilat- * , and that it would result in the discon
tinuance of tlio horvlco of General Superin
tendent Dickinson , although the latter
might bo retained under another title ,
Superintendent Cummings was in Omaha
about ono week a'ro ' , and It is whispered that
whllu hero thu matter was talked over.
When a certain Union i'acllio olllcml was
questioned yesterday , ho was startled by the
the question propounded by thu reporter.
and after licsltat'iit ' ; for a moment said : "I
um not prepured to state anything concern
ing the matter. "
Kail way .NutcN.
Three freight cars juhipcd the track In the
transfer yards Sunday night , resulting in
slight damage.
Thq U"1011 l\VJfl § I * ojustructlnj a. now
Spur track ill Eighteenth mid PiuCtSO streets
to connect with the co il yards nt that point.
There was a general hustling In the yards
of the Union Paellie ut this place Sunday.
An order was received for twcnty-flvo car
loads of coke by the Omaha sneltlng works
from the smelting works at Denver. It wns
wanted Immediately , and in consequoiieo
501110 rapid work was done In preparing the
: ran. ! Thoordor was leeeived yesterday uiorn-
ng and shortly nfter noon an engine witn
twonty-llvo cars loaded with the desired
naterial , sped out destined for that point ut
a rate of forty miles per hour.
j. S. Tobblts and E. L. Lama * have returned
turned from abroad ,
J. fcrffUHOii , storolccepor for tin Union
Pacillc at Armstrong , is In thq city ,
K. H. Kdson , train dispatcher for "tho
Union Piiclllo at North I'linto. is in the city ,
W. F , Look , superlutcnaciit of the Sioux
Pity & Pacific , hns rosloncd and the duties ,
per circular , will devolve upon General
Superintendent Halsoy , of that system.
The Union Pacific has completed nrr.\nK-
ments fonrunnlni ; buffet c\r < on alt of its
overland passenger trains between Omaha
and the coast. At present the buffet cars
nro run between Green Hiverniid Portland ,
but at an cnrly date the s'arting ' point will
ho Omaha.
The ro | irt in n morning paper to the offcel
that P Touhy , assistant superintendent of
the Nobra nkn division of the Union Pnclllo
Is to bo located hero Instead of nt North
Platte , January 1 , Is' erroneous. Superin
tendent Kossoijiile , who would Inaugurate
thu change If any WITH made , states that ho
has never cntoitittnod the Idea , and thooflle-
lain at the hi > iidiUinterx | pronouni'o It with
out fonndnllnii Siirurlntendent Touhy's
juilsdlction extends lo Oiimha by a recent
net of Suporintondonl Uosseimlo , but his
headipmrteis will be maintained nt NortU
All persons having tiny clnhnmigiiinsl
oillioi1 thu ( ii'itiul ( Vntml or Midway
liotolsof Kern-Hoy , N'ol ) . , mo hereby ro-
itiutil | < Ml to pru-iont sumo Jnmmry 1 , ns I
wish to settle nil amounts for the jour
iitoneo. T. C. lilt MNAUII ,
A imirr.vtiSSAUIT. .
A Ijltlte Olrl SlriiokVllli a Pop Hot-
tic tiy P. Ductile.
Lottie Prelden , a pretty miss of thirteen ,
was viciously assaulted and badly hurt by
by n big tough-looking fellow mimed. Frank
Duehle , about II o'clock Sunday night. Lottie
lives with Mrs. J , H. Calm , 1021 south Twen
ty-second street , and Sunday ovcnini ; went out
into the yard to got n pitcher of water.
While occupied in Illllng the vessel , Duehlo ,
who resides next door , rushed out in his
night shlit , and suddenly stooped and picked
up a pop bottle end hurled it squarely at her.
The missile struck the little
girl In the forehead and knocked
her over on the well curbing insensible. Mr.
Calm attracted iiy tlio girl's screams ran out
and picking her uy carried her Into the
house. The blood was washed away from
her fneo and the ugly gash the bottle had
made bandaged up , but It was some time be
fore she could he revived. Duehlo was nr-
icstod yesterday and lined ? . " > and costs.
When the Judge administered the flno ,
Duehle , who is n stolid , ignorant fellow ,
tlmnkod the Judge and walked out of the
courtroom. Ho was overhauled by u po-
licumnn however , anil now languishes
in No. ! l.
Aliout I
Zulu Magnetic Oil cures finer bone ,
spavinsprainsetc. Asl < your druggist.
A I'nrfy a Mix. General Wlicaton'H.
Mrs. General Whoaton's parlors were
thrown open Saturday evening in honor of
the Misses MeParlin , who arc spendinir the
holidays as her guests. This beautifully
lurnished homo was rendered oxtraaisly
lovely by the additional temporary decora
tions. After the reception thu foliling doors
were opened , transforming the par
lors into a brilliant ball room. Tropical
plants and sweet ( lowers perfumed the entire -
tire house. Those ; present indulged them
selves in music , sliming and dancing , until
11 o'clock , ut which hour they were ushered
into the supper loom , where nji elaborate
banquet greeted them. The evening wes a
most delightful one.
From the Council Bluffs Dally Globe , Jan
uary 20 , ISb'J : M. A. McPikc , editor of the
Cambria ( Ebensburg , Pa. ) Freeman , has
been the personal friend of the editor at the
Glebe for more than twenty years , and is
known , wherever he is known , ns one of the
best men living. Ho is also an intimate
friend of Mr. Clark , of the Nonpareil. Ho
has been unfortunate in the fact that his
familv was ravaged with diphtheria and
greatly distressed. Mr. Clark , having heard
of this calamity , sent him some of Dr. Jcf-
fcris' Diphtheria Cure. It was used at once ,
and thu lives of thu rest of his children
saved. Letters iroin Mr. McPiko arc un
bounded in their expressions of gratitude
for finding some means of averting the loss
Of his whole group of little and tender ones.
Five of Mr. MePike's children out of eight
died from diphtheria before ho had tin op
portunity of usint ; Dr. Jefforis' remedy.
Price of remedy $3. Address Dr. Thos. Jef-
feris , box CTiT , Ouiahn , Neb.
Worked n Drunkoufnii. ! .
Chailcs A. Cochran , nn ill-favored-looking
genius , was run in Sunday night forntteinpt-
ini' to work a drunken man , ono W. A. Me-
Clurc , fiom Logan , O. Cochran met Mc-
Olurc on Tenth street , and seeing that he
was stupidly drunk , took him in charge , and
steered him to the depot. Here ho succeeded
in netting McCluro's cheeks for his baggage ,
and was about to take possession of this ,
-when the railroad policeman gathereu him
in. Ho was sent over the hill for a period
of while MeClure , as a pointer
how to conduct hiniscll in u great city , was
lined $5 and costs.
We ice'm'd Kerr's thread. Hay den Bros
Camilla UIMO.
Sunday night a small but appreciative
audience greeted Madame Camilla Urso at
Uoyd's opera house. As a violinist she IH
well known and hns lost none of the lenown
she won in tormcr days , as those present
were more than repaid for their attendance.
She was accompanied by Signer S. Marline/ ,
with Miss May and Messrs. Miller and
Fuller furnished the vocal portion of the
To err is human , but you make no
mistake if you tiso Dr. Jonci' Hod
Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costivoncbS.
bad breath , piles , pimples , ague and
malaria , poor appetite , low hpirits , or
diseases of thu kidneys , htonmc'h and
liver. CO conts. Goodman Drug C'o.
Use Korr's thread always the best ,
sold and recommended by llayden Brod.
One of the very pleasant surprise parties
of the year assembled at the residence of
Mrs. L. Mullen at ll'J" Georgia avenue , on
Wednesday evening the iJiJtli mst. Tlio
party assembled consisted of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Murphy , Mr. nud Mrs. Hielmrd
Downey , the Mlssei Julia Muller , Acnes
( Jleary. Mollie Heelin , M.uuli ) Paul , ICnto
Lynch , Ida mid Ella Tucker , Mnifgia Millet.
Ella Kennedy , Mollle and Knto Kostors , Mr.
J. A. Lammlian , Frank Clcary , John and
Peter Mullen , George J. Paul , W 11.
O'Shoiighness.y. ' Joseph U'cotli , E. Amorettl ,
A , E. Duncan , Joseph Scanlon and E. J. Mc
Carthy and were royally onturtulncdfby Mrs.
Mullen nml daughters.
Absolutely Pure.
Thl pcwd < > rncYcrvor.en. A mnrvol of purity
btrenntli and wlioloioinonesj. More uconom-
lenl thuu the ordinary klndd. and cannot uo sold
n competition wit li tlio muHHuite of low fist.
short welglit uliitu or nhoHplinte powdars. Sold
duly In cans , itoyui iiakiiiL' l'o\vder C . , 116
t , Nv \ Vort.
t\ \ True Statement of ; .the Facts ,
Mr. Kinphttmiz as fmindliyarepoiternt his
ieildumv , No. lilt Miiith llth htruet.vlio fnr-
nlxliod UIB following statement < > f laots. I iim
liytindi'iicuipriitur and woik at tin.1 Hlmmon'H
Miinur.xctiiiliiiro.lii\lmt boon In their employ
two venis. About tnetlino I commenced work
ing there I noticed Unit bieitMInc tluough my
nusuMIS hfcomliiK moio illlliruU , this trouble-
kept iiutuiisInK until along last Hummer. my
lull nostril KOI so bul : Unit I could liiudly force
air through It , ami only initially through the
ilKlit one , tills compelled metn uronth ninioht
Mitlrelv tlirmmh my inoutli , and mornings when
I \ Mitddvako uji my tongno mill throat felt as
ilry nsurlilp , alter rlslni ; I would stall Into
hawk uiid spit until mv throat would et par
tially cloiiiod of th" phlegm which would ac-
cmniilutu tlieiv during ttio nluht. On pliulnir
my tlnj-er Into invluft nostril , I could toj.ihnril
projei'tlon lust Insltlo , which suuiuod to be the
cnnscot soiiu-of my tumbles , my tlnoat felt
full u Kieiil di'iil of the lime ami Ilinddullpnlns
over myutes and the bridge ot my nose. I felt
that Homvthlnir hail to bu ifotiu ; having rc.ul of
this NII tv > s of Doctor Jordan In cnsss wlilch nl >
lieiutMt like mine , I concluded to give him a call.
lie told nu > I Had catarrh , and the septum or
middle partition was liontmor so as to stop up
the left nostril. Illsprho to mo spumedcrv
re.wm ibli' and I decided tnplvt'hlm a I rial , and
I am uliul 1 did , for nmv the nostills nro open ,
myliiiMthinn fioo , thepMn In my iicml none. .
Tlio ucciimnlatlon of mucus hns ( used and In
fact all of the tioublcs I have .spoken of nro nt
( I.iiteof Ilel'cvii" ' KiisplUl.New Yoik. )
Succeeded oy
( I.ateof the I'mveislty of Nrw Vork City and
IluwurdL'nlveiMty , WaHliinqtou , I ) , C.
HAS un < 'icis :
No. 31O and 311 Ramsro Building' '
Corner I'ifteenth and llarncy hts. , Om.ilia , Neb ,
lUieio nil curaulo cases aio treated
with success.
Note Dr. Chailcs M. Jordan lias been icsi.
dent physician for Dr. McCoy , in Omaha , foi
the past year and is the physician v ho has
madetlie clues that Inivo been published
v eckly In this p.iper.
Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump
tion. llrlcht's disease , Ivspeisl.i | , Itboumatlsm
and all M'.HVOUS DiailAHKS. All diseases JIL--
ciillar to the sexes a specialty , CATAUUI1
CUlUIl ) .
CONSULTATION at olllco or by mall , $1.
Ollicu houm U to 11 a. m . Jitol p. in. , 7 to8p.
m. , Sunday ollice hours troiu n a. m. , to 1 p. in.
Coriespoudence lecelves prompt utti'iitlou.
Manvdlseases lire tie.itoil successfully by Or.
Jordon tluoiij-n the inatlb.mul H'lstlius possiulu
for those unable to in.ike a jomnoy fto obtain
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Curo
For Snlo by
Goodman Dru ? Go.
( SucechHoid to John G. Jacob * . )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
At the old htand , 1101 rnriuun St. Orders by
tulfgraph Hnllclti'il and pruiuytly attvndud.
IVlDTilinnn In Kit. ± ! .
an(1 ( " " urinary trmililo ? t > asllyqnlclr
8iil < ) . riovural eases cnnid in seven duvs. Huld
il.AU per box , all ihiiL'tlsn , or by mall trom li > -
tuta > na whitost..N < v. mil
. . .
Uno or ( lie .
In the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe
cial end Private Diseases ,
Ills foim of treatment In it'oomuivmlrd by
hose \\lio have tried It. tntho very btrongvbt
llta treatment for which leaves a perfect Bklu
and a moit beautiful complexion. A cure b'Har-
unlced In all forms of Pilvutu DlBeiiHUH.
All 'HsorderH of thuHuxuul organs , cured.nnd
icalth , ambition uutl manhood completely ro-
btorud ,
Treatment by correspondence , Bend et.itap
lor reply.
Oftlco Bushman Blon < . 16th and
Doualas Sta , Omalia. Neb
For Overcoats the season will soon bo over. AVe have had an enormous trade in
them and wo arc happy to say what few clothiers arc able to say that we have not
many loft , we only regret that wo have to disappoint many customers , as we can not fifc
all. A few weeks ago wo had so many , that wo thought it would bo impossible to dis
pose of all this sehson but the demand outran our supply ; this fact only demostrates
that wo must have sold them the cheapest. The few odd sixes which are loft will bo
disposed of during the next few days. Wo call particular attention to a few Fur
Trimmed Overcoats and fine Ulsters , which are oll'ered remarkably low , and wo can
guarantee an enormous saving to those whom wo can lit , as the same garment would
cost considerable more money elsewhere.
Of the children's fine Overcoats which we advertised last week are only a few left ;
there never were such elegant garments offered at the prices we marked these.
In men's and boy's Suits wo have a good stock yet. Our low prices throughout the
season do not leave much of a margin for "mark down" and "sweeping reduction" fig
ures , but we will take inventory next week and as wo are determined to have as few
goods as possible to take up , we will make some heavy sacrifices and offer ( his week
extraordinary inducements in several lots of men's and boy's Suits , they arc mostly of
the finer grades and wo have marked them as low as other houses would ask for medium
and much poorer qualities.
Corner and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
There is iiothinff sensational about
our method of udvertismir , wo always
I have a good business re.ison for
1 over we do. This wuelc we can give you
| a bargain in Suits , and it will pay you to
look at them. %
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Ciiicagi
iot imniilblotjjr iiny olherlhie
iinilik' 11 few of the nuincrnus iiolnts ( if sunpriorltr
rnJuiiMl by thu putronn of thin rnml lictMriienOmahi
! . " ' ' I' nKn. aru lt three trnliit a iluy of 1IAV
OACIIKS , wliltli ro thollnost Hint li-imnn nrl nud
nvi-nulty inncn-atc. ll l > AI.AC'KHI.KKI'I.VCAHa
lieeiliiiilof wlililirari not lin fouml cli-owhcru At
. ( iiincll llluirn. thu trHliu of thn Union I'BPIIIC llnll *
way connect la u ilon ilofiot with ihnsu of the Chi-
njiii \ Noriliwt'iicrn Ity In Clilcnco Iho tralnn of
his line niako gloio connection \ \ Mi thosoof allothor
" ' " ' "
no V
f you wlili the | ) i > t atroiiiniodaiion. All ticket
'Ucat" tell Hi u-u U lbl > llua.
i HW.iiirr. K. p. wi ,
tcii I .Maaasur. Oen'l l'u t AROnt.
" ' '
l.N. UADCOriC. / ; , ? . . ( : .
1 > H KIMUAI.I..TItkutA > 1ent.
, n K WKHT. City riufencer Aceot
1401 Carnam St. Umalia. Huti.
I'ond Snli * .
City bonds In the sum of * , OKl. . ismiod hy the
lt > of lloldreiiKiI'holp * county , NeJ ) . , fjear-
nK Opercont lnt r < ! st , lujiiblo heml-anima ly
anddiiledOdober Iht , 183 < : Intero-it payablo'ln '
hocltyof Now Vorte , HomlH-toriin-'OjeiiiH.
bald Ijonds Hill l < o olfeicd for sale at the of-
icoof Hall i , I'atrlck. In thu cltyof lloldii'diji' ,
ub , , on theUliday of Junuury , IbS' ' ( J o clock
Vli'e city ronnell remrvo the rluhtto reject
anviind all biilx. AddieHs.
j , , AT , , , ( , < , , | ty Attmney. _
, Xebrablca.
ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 183 So.
chCaBOj | nSi , iciarkst.
TIio Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
CfiroDic , Ncryons and Private Diseases.
NERVOUS DEBIMTY , Lost Manhood ,
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all die e.Tccu
leading to early decay and peiluipi. Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new UKlhod * with
never-filling success.
/ , > - SYPHILIS nnd .ill bad Blood and Skill Dis-
cases permanently cured.
JBo-KIDNEYaiidURINARYcompljints , Gleet ,
Conorrhcca , Strictu re , Varicocelc and all diseases
pftlic Genito-Uriaary Organs cured promptly utthout
injury toStonncli , Kidneys or other Organs.
tfir No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
# 3-Scnd4centi postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
J3B Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male ami Female , each
15 cents , both n cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or callmay savefutim suffer *
inn and sliamc , and add goldea j cars to life fiJJlook !
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socents ( stamps ) . Medicine
aniltitlngs sent e\erynhcrc , secure from exposure *
Hours , 3 to 8. Sundays o to it. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
IQ6 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , IHU.
Nrnvot > , and I'nivtiii Ils ) sl 3o
and WDMIN : snmjibfully ticnlo.1.
crlnc from tlio olfoot1 * \nnttiftil tolllnsnrln
n'ttuii , < > r urn troubled ultliVu.ikncsi , Nervoui
\h \ bllll ) . I/ ' H itl Mt'tnury , De pnntlonc } . \ \ cr lon to
* MH lclJ\h1iii' > 'I'piultU1 , or any tlthiiiHu of.tlia ( jfitltu
I rinnry ort'anH.rtii liuin Miut.i Milnitmlpcuily LIUU.
' lo tlio poor ,
Tliorenre mnnj troiililul with tiioreequont evac
uation * ur Hie lilaiiler ( , in ten iitvoiiin uiluil Iiy a ti.ilil
paiarlliii ; or biirnlnu hi'iiKitilnii , an I H e tkeitin 'it ttiu
HMun In I manner the iMttonL eanivit alumni lor ,
UiieMiiiiliilni.Mlieiirlii.irv ileno.iti .1 limy puilunont
Mill nlleu liu liiunil.Hinl xiiiietniies mniiH ( untile * of
alimiiieii nut ni > | iear , in HID mliir ulll bunl n thin
nillklhli hue nvaln iluiui-'liij tun ilaric or tiiriililan
lieuratiie TIKTII urn iniiii ) men whinliu uf tiiinuiill-
eull ) . lumirant nl Iliu muse , willed li thu mnmJ
ataueot nd.iiiiial ueukiu" . * 1'hu iloc'tur ulll .111 u
aiilei H iierlui t uiru Iniill filth i.'iBus ami a iH-alth )
resiiiiiitliiii nl tliu L'emtn-urlimlv orfaiif , Uili'iill.i
Hun Irue MJII.I tor . ' ecnt Mump
"Young Man's Friend , or Gu'dc \7odlo5lr , "
i IIIK : TO AM.iiini > s
DR. . ,
N.i : . Cor Aloutlas [ bis , , or NJR.oniU Ills-
iirnxiiry , ( Oinei I''tli ainlMiiln , Ktuisubl'liy , Mo
Mii.tlonUi.ii Ji.iper.
{ jKATirui.-cMroin'iX : ( ) ( . .
Epps's Cocoa.
"Iiy n Iliorniiiili knuuleilt/u of tlm niturnl laws
uii. it i.dvcrii the operations ol illKei > tiiiii and iiiltrt *
hy u i in nl n I uiilliatli | | > n ul tin ) tliai iniiiier-
' a , Mr KIHJH haprovlil tl our
i KCIIIIU iuuii > H fulal nhaft h > keeiilnn 0111
lorillleil with l"iru liluiul uml u | > roii > Tly
Iramei' flvll-ervlrulJntultu. , ,
.Miiilo liiiily | llh liulllnn water or milk. boMo.ily
In hall iionnil nun l'yru , ' * laliuleU lliai
JAMES EPPS SCO i".0'1",1. ' ?
, . J.UMJO.V.
Medical Institute
- tli IS. Killing at liairrntci.
TeclU txtructuil without pnln
Kxminiinlloii ( if the mouth free. Send acont
tamp with forrenpondence.
I'lixton Hilt. , Cor. Kith nnilFapi.iuii _ , _
unil Vuniort i-uriJ , US ycci * '
, llilTlclHl' . .Sl > ItUlfl' . ISduk
GANGER fr.i. l.ll.JIrllll lUri V | ) ,
I HIVnlfktti A < r.tblc > Ed.U ,
. & $
N. W. Cor. 13th < b Dodpo Sts.
Appliances for EoformHlea and Tru : s.
Host fncllltlei , BppnnitmunJ lomndloi foreuccciv
fnl treatment ol overj form ot alacnso recjulrln *
Meillcnl or biirglcal Treatment.
Iloinl mid attandaaoei bcit liosiiltal nccomraodi.
tlonnln the west.
WIIITK FO.I 01110171.111.1 on Doformllles nrt nmcc ,
, flub Keot , Curvnturo of tb bvlns , lMle .
. . . . . . . . - , , S-'an.9rL , v > * 5tt'C.h. . . u.uuiuiimi InhBlnl Ion.
ilectrlclty , l'nrnlr i . I5ilp | ! | > iy. Kidney. UliuliloK
Ejro , i ; r , i-kln una lUooJ.un 1 uUburKlailOpornlloai
Diseases of Women n Specialty.
HOOK ox DinKAsna OP WOMIN , 'HI.I.
All lllool Iloft ei iiiccoifiilljT treated , byphllltla
roliou ri < movii4 tram tlio yitoiu without inercurr.
I i' > v rutiorallva tf.Milmunt forloa * of Vllol Timor.
I'craona uimtile to vttlt in nmy Im trt > nlo < l Ht homo by
oorruMionilonto. All ciimiuu.ilcnlloiia coiilltleiitlnr.
M < KlUIiii'n or InitntaaenU nont hf iimll or cxpriMB.
foiincly pnrkod. no i > urlc * to In llcnla ( Ontciils or
cmlcr. Onu porsonul Inturrluir profurruil. CUI mill
consult in or sonil liUtorr ot four CUBO , nnil ITO wiU
Mni ] In plain mnpper , onr
Upon I'rlvMi ) , Hiieriil or Merrnuii DUc'n o ? . Itnpo *
louo , SrjililJIs. UUoiRld V nc c lo , wllb ijuoitfon
U t. Aililress
O ma/i / a Medical and Snrutcal InaUtutt , or
Car. Uthaua Dodse Bis. . . OMAHA. MD.
20 TO 6C DAYS.
is si ili'-cnso whicli has horotofuio
l nil Mcilleal Soionuo.
Woli.ivi a HriiKMli. iinnno-Mi tonnyo teln tha
\ \ orld outside ornnr iinp nyiiinl ono that huu
MVIK : ; e'Am.i.i >
to oiiro tlio most obrt uani ; ' - " ' ' * , , Tun diiyH In
luniite.isesdo" * UiiMiork , 't li the old rlnonlo
dte | seulol t. ' t n'J soil clt. Wu have
ruled hundinilwlio Iwjen b.indoneil by
I'liMilcliins and iiioiii/ini'id Incu nblo , and ua
( h.illeimeHID World tutiniu H a that wo
111 not < urn In lets tliun BlxtvliiiH.
Unco the hlsloiv or niod'clii'1 ' a trii' ) spocltio
for s\phlli8 bco.i Eottgiit for b inovor
. uoar.i jiis'lllo i In Hiylnir
It iKiiincinly Itcinedy In " ' Woildihwtwiiijios.
Itlvely . lire. bi-e.iuse tln < liU il MiMlliuSorkn ] ,
piibll'luil Iiy thn list Known umhurlt IH. say iiovemtiiiusiiu illc Ijuloic. Onricm.
eily will riiro whitn evrvtlnilB nUu Iris fuileil.
\\fiy \ usto jonrtlmu iiml munuy with piitfiit
muiiii liiusllnit uou'i' Urtnu ordoUor with
pliytiduiibllmt riinnoi IMIIO you , ymi Imvo
U Iril our ) IJilngcNo xlitxild ( omo n ux * jo\Vunil
K < 't ii > rimin nt ri-IU'f. yon mwer cnn gi-t It UHO- |
wliiirn. Mark what o BIIV. In tlin end vi u
niuxt fiKo our rcmndy or NIJM-.U rerovui nml
von that Imvo ln'cniilllldt-d bip n > lu > rt tuna
iliould Iiy nil moans ( onto tons now -.ot one In
tcnortifW raM ! mer get purmunuiiliv curoil.
Aliiny get help ami think thny nro fu-o fiom tno
illi-eiii'p , but In one , two prthien yourx iiCter It
njironrnaealniiia moio horrlhlu form.
Thin IB n Hlood Purifier mid will Guro
tiny SUin or Ulood Disi-uso when
Kvci'vtliin } , ' Kino Kiiils.
Kouin 10 audit , U. S , NnUunnl Dank
t' , Ouiahn , Neh.