Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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So A-lvcrtlHciitrtilft will bo lakcn Ibr
tliORC columns nn r lUtUU p. m.
Terms Cnnh In ndvanoo.
AdvertiKoments under tn s heart in cents pet
Hue for tlio lm Insertion. ' rents for each mill
fccquent in-scrtlnn , and fi.r n line per mouth
No advr-i tlfscroent taken for low liana.cent-
the find .nserttoii. Se\en words
totlu. line : they "just rim consecutively am !
muM 1)0 paid . AOANCh. . All advertise
merits mutt DC handed Hi before I3JO : ! o'clock n ,
hi. nnd und-r no circumstances will they be
taken or difcontlmicil by telephone.
Parties Advertising In those columns anil Imv
Ingtliolranswerfi addressed In care of TIIK HRt
w ill plM e nsk ( or a check to enable ( hem to gel
thelrfttcrs , as none will bo delivered except on
ttrQ-etilntlon ot rhack. All answers to adver
tiieinrnlHt-hoiild be enclosed In envelopes.
All ndveTtlit-tiionts In thesn column * nro pub
lished In bolli morning and evening edition' ' * ol
TIIK Jim : , th circulation of which aggregate. '
moro than JHf > ii nepers dally , nnd gives the iu\ .
Yertteers tlio benefit , not only nf the cltvrlrcu ,
latlortof TIIK HUE , but also of Council HlulK
Lincoln nnd oilier cities nnd towns throughout
thMBCctlon of ) lie country.
for rolumtis will he taker
n the abovecondition' , at the following busl
UcsfsS houses , nho are nuthorl7fd agent-i for THE
l > Dr.t : special notices , nnd will qiinto the nanit
TBten n cnn be had nt the main olllco
67lN W. llii.U : rnnrnin jlst."sw South Tenth
" Btrect.
HASH A 1IDDY , Stationers and Printers , 11J
South I'lth Street
SI fTX ilNSAVO UTII , 1'harmiiclst , ail.lCum-
. IngHtrect.
\\T , l7llt'UIIiS. : Pharmacist.C2I North 10th
* > Street
iTIKoTw. I'AIMl , Pharmacist. IftiTst. Mnry'a
1.J Aveinto.
WA NTKU-SltURttori in f-oticial drapery br
gents' oiitnttlng. Several years exnerlence
B8 window dresser In thu leidluit houses of Ung-
land , flood roforence.V. . II. H. , 81. North
Ht. . Lincoln , Neb. 3JT.-31J .
"V\7 ANTl'dPosition by young ladv as copy
1st or writing of any kind. Adifress N ; r > ,
lleo. airi IT
"VXTANTI'D- Situation by nn experienced dor-
I man girl as waiter , cook or housi-keeiier.
Aj-ply S. W. cor. Jlth and Dorc n st. 1st if
"t\7ANTID , ! lly a young , first-class look
' Konper , Situation Jan. i , ISt'j. Address N ,
W , llro olllce. ai'.l It
\ \ 'ANTIi.Innilary ! Ibt , KS3 , position by a
" tlrst class olllco man ; bank or morcliantlle.
Address M ffl caie Omaha' llee. KI7.ll + n
HICI'MAICl'H winited. experienced partner
'to extend goud brick miumlactory at thrivIng -
Ing town. Addref-s Win. Jones , llovil * . ( ,
Neb. igii *
ICOOlC , men and teams ; 1 llisl-class porter
11. 11. Wundfll. los N liltli st. 40. ! ; n
WANTKD ( leneriil agi.-nts to hanrio the
now 1'lvctrlc Ink eiaslni ; pencil ; greatest
novelty ever produced ; erases ink in two seconds
ends ; no libra -don of paper ; ; 0 to ftU per cent
profit ; one agent's sales amounted totiatl In six
nays ; nnot her f'W in two hours ; totrltory abso
lutely frou ; salary to good men ; sampln ; r >
con's. For terms and full purtlrul.irs address
the lonmifnctuiers , O. M. Solberg Ac Co. . Lu.
Crosse. Wl.s. 40J If
T-i ANTI ! ! ) All active young man who has
V some experience In the real estate bnsi-
ness ; 'HIV , S. liithst. _ .MI
" \\J ANTii ) 10 local ami traveling haiesmen :
IT good salaiy : no experience nece-Hnry ; ad
dress with stamp. Palmer A : Co , DCS Mollies , la.
iiUo 1
fa _
* * \\7"A NTU1) ) A stout boy. ir or IS yearn old , to
Tf learn the hardware business. AddiessN
1M , lien oilier. _ > 7 . ' ! _
W' 'ANTUIl Clood live men that are engaged
in shops , wholesale and letall hou-fs , to
ranvass anioiii * their friends for iho ( hlcngo
Watch ( lub Co. Sample watchesf nrnlshed tor
this purpose , and liberal coinmls-ion.s tiald. No
Hooters need apply. Kll. Crandall. UIO South
ir > th fit. aos
WANTID : men to solicit orders for plct-
nres and a line of household apoc.ialtlcs.
E-'l N. lllth at. BDO Jl
ANTED Male and female agents ; easy-
Bellini ; goods. Itoom at , Darker block.
r KIU J17t
WAN1KD ( * oed men In every locality as
detectives under our instructions. Send
Be for particulars. Oklahoma seciet service ,
Wichita Kansas. 7U7J 13'
A man to solicit , salary * * 5 per
month , imiHt deposit Wo for samples , and
clve nocuilty for money collected. Addiess
Ocornu S. Cllno. nil. 1'lrst National Hank build
ing , Omaha , or Wngncr blk. , Dos Jlolnes. Iowa.
! ' - wish afew men to sell our
goods by Biunplo to the wholesale and retail
trade. Iarget-t inanufactiucrs in our line. Hu-
close a-ccnt btunin.Vuges $ } jicr day. Pcinia-
Bent position. No postals answered. Money
Advanced for wages , ndvenlslnir , etc. Conlon-
rial ManTg Co. , Cincinnati. ( 1ilo. 133 j a H ! )
WANTIn-$73 a month and ex-
AGENTS paid any active person to sell our
{ roods ; 110 capital , salary monthly , expenses In
BdVftnce , pal tlculars free. Standard Silverware
Co. .llostoii. mi
BCTS'y-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. . IIXH Douglas.WJ .
WANTK11 Man to take the agency of our
antes ; size awclSxlB inches ; weight MX ) Ibs ;
retailjtricoSri ; other in proportion. A
rare chance nud permanent business. These
autes meet a dcmitiid never before supplied by
other nafe companies , as we are not governed
. 1)7 the ufe ] K > ol. A Iplne Safe Co. Cincinnati , O.
WAN'IHD A tlrst-clnhs second girl German
Qi- Irish prefTied , 1811 Dodge Bt. IT,1 ! ) Ill
WANTKD ( "Irll'or general housework. 01H
I B. Bt. aa
WANTI'O A respectable woman to assist In
cooking. JnqtiireillH N IHth. ! W U „ )
IOEUMANglr ) , 2 In family ; 3 dliiUig-rooni
iflrls. adlnli'g-room glils for South Omaha.
Jotti or plates in iirlvuto family. II. II. Wan-
Uell , 4U.S N Kill St. 4(1 ( ! III *
WANTKD Goo 1 plain laundress out of city.
Wl ; 2 competent girls for otlicorrt1 families ,
ISO ; 3 waller girls out of city , tr. ; sensible Cath
olic wcumin as houKekeeror , ( Hi : girl for family
of t wq In the country , $15:2 : woman cooks , WO ;
lot of good places In and out ot city every day.
Mrs. Hrega. IIH'j S. loth. HIS III *
WA.STUU-A Blrl. 1700 Jackson st.a
a 31 *
-A good girl. Herman preferred"
111 small family , Inimlre 2115 Jonas.a70
a70 31
W A NTKD A good cook. Mm. J. J. Itrou-n ,
1615 Sherman ave. au ; in ;
WANTUU-DlnhlB-rooiil girl , 1001 N Hah st.
WANTKD-lilrl for general housework at
ICWSUtl : < > I7
. . - ! ) Ulrl for general housework-,719
luth. _ liTU
T A lady to solicit , must come well
rt'conunended and pay 110 for samples.
fcalary fitt per month. AildroHH ( leorgo S. Cllno.
Kit , First National llanlc bulldiug. Omaha , or
* rt'Hgn r block , Des Moliu-s. Iowa. II' !
on E SM A , KnioT"
' * | 7 No'AbTM7'NTS ! to new In fuiiiilloM. ( ri > H 17th
J _ Ml Jlh" _
T7 N < ilAOUMKNTrl to do dressmaking iu
JU families rtollcltoiL BturdyJulT Leuveii-
yortliat. 371 j 21
CANADIAN Kinploymeiit Olllce. Mrs. Hrega ,
tlll'i B 15th. Heferencu Omaha National hank
III - t\5'A.KMlNK'8 | Siiorthand aud TypHWrilins
iT _ injtltutu , now Paxton buttillng , Omaha.
j.lWtyun\y \ exeliislvo Hhorthund school lu thu
"f llMCtu. over one hundred graduates lu good
situations. The school is under the manage-
inont of C. C. Valentine , olllclal ntnuoginpherof
the Ilrd Judicial district ) of Nebraska , nnd Prof.
'II. H. Uoylos , < iu experience I teacher mid ver-
luitim ropoitor. Day and evening sessions , Htn.
dents can enter at any time. Ho ml for circular * .
Ull UT
"M/ANTBII Violin tcuchtr Kh opportunity
fT to prmlU-e oveiilngi. Addioas N : w , lieu ,
! lB-5' |
JTOOKB of goods. Co-operutlve Lund .V dot
) Co. aua N Itth fct. Omahit. m > 4
iXrANTKP-lOOlieadQf cattle to wlaterTut 7.1
Ti ci.'ntj per head per month. Peter Loaa.
UVVamuh , hcb , ami It
\\7ANTr.D llrlcicwark. rarpeuterlng , pinn
TT t .iirlng , painting , ing , labor etc. us
part or tull ptiyint'iit of lo' housva etc.
lal Inducements. \V , .1. P.T 1003 I'nruum.
" \\rANTKI ) Thn n o of n team ot good hori > 3
T f for the winter tor their keeping. Apply nt
"l > bourdcrs < Jlxw
* -xw j ir
\\rANTRI-Young ladles and tjentlemcn t <
T f know thur can obtain a thorough ani
practical knfiwl lgeof teleftrapny.llttlng-tliBni
oolveg In a short time for ttood paylnit position
pt thn lilectrlc Tflfgraph school , llooms 6' !
nnd frig Paxton block , cor lot ! , and Farnam st ,
! . ' j i :
BOA lit- ) Can ac.'ommodate two . nttemcn n
my table. Mrs. Moore. 1811 llodir.- . itef < T
oncei. ! f.'M
_ _
TJUllsT chmTiomo imard , ols a I'.ith. Jisja *
'PAIILF boardcra wantod.l'DJ ' Douglas
i . " 111
_ _
\\TANTI"I ) To rent , good storaxi- awim
hditso viith tr.ickage. Dion Oernldlne. Tl
Paollic st j'i | : i *
* \rOL"NO marrlml couple want two rooms ntu
I board. March I ' > , ' private famllv ; noothe
boarders. Ik-r. exi-h'd . tilphen. Murray hotel
( II4-1-
_ _
IJIOIt HUNT lions" 1.1 rooms , ulth ston
JL' room IiKiulic lois S l < th at. . " ' . ' .I n *
"Ij-iOH Itr.NT One nlioii-ro'im ( otng ! < - , on \ ir
JL fdtihi ave , modern improvements ! cheap , 4
room cottage 8 lOtu , fia.W per month M. O
Madeod , HIT rarnam st. . ! ' ! ! 1
HUNT Large B-rooin hotiRp. MOM How
nrd st ; iiiwriiom Irtiiso with all moden
eomoiilenci's. s'll 8 ITth .st. Applv at otico
( ireen A Williams , I Int Nntl banl ; liulldlm ; .
Wl 31
_ _ _ _ _ _
iriOlt lll'NT llousn , s room ? . All moderi
Jl convonlcntes. Apply to J. C. Peterson , s :
H. aothst. a." |
"lilOIl HUNT-Chnip. n nice eonvcmlont hon e
JL' iMi P. alst , between Center and Dorcas sts
_ _
fi-iOH II NT-Cottaao with small barn , closi
J to all rarnnd cable lines ritmiiiuiioith. . Ita
N IHth st. lui-illiu l.'lfi Chicago st. a"i U
iridll lU'.N'lCollage , r. room . -18 per month
JU' good l > tli nnd
as--it ; |
ITiOlt HUNT Six room lionso S. I ! , cornel
X' isth and Chicago hts. , S. Lehman. 1T.I
"ir\Olt \ lir.NT-Cottnr-e of 4 roouis , 2 closets
JL hall and pantry , riul S. aoth at. , near cabli
jiower house.
IT10IJ Tir.NT it-loomed fiat at Ui-i N Ifitli sT ,
J- All modern conveniences. A. I ! . Marsh , in ,
IpOH HIJNT-Cntliures ft roouis , aTM Chin le
st , and JK.4 So. utli st. Knqiili'c H. aiJSheelej
block. -ii >
FOH HI'NTroom llat atfijtf S. Ultli. Inciuirl
J. U llrandeH A : Sons. Si ;
_ 7"OH HUNT Scot 0-rooiii house , 1'itli and
4. .lannavy M , rent $1) ) . llieniinii
& ( .o. . Chamber of Conimerco , f I 1
HUNT Klislit iSi loom llat. modern con-
\onleiKvs. liniulietiU S. 1,1th M- Sll
"IjlOII HUNT Modern ten room house.111 .soutli
-I' Rt. , near St. Mary'Hiive. , jl3. Hlturuall
Ilros. , HarKer block. t 753
HUNT 7 room Hat ou 'M lloor. Knqnli'i !
rho Kalr cor IHth aiul llowarlsts. _ _ _ ftsi
1jOH HKNT Kl-i-ooin house , Hi-am , pas bath ,
hot and coin aud cistern water , iinort lelhir ,
nnd nice yaid , $ vi , auy S aith. ImiiilnvJOT S--lth ,
IjlOH HUNT A romfnitable houtu with 8
J- rooms , pantry , largo closats , splimdld cel
lar , dty water , sewerage and gas. neat biiblii"M )
centre ; moderato ront. John II. I' . I.shmnnn ,
C-4 S. ljth8t. , ia ;
TjlOIl HUNT-A 3-story brick dwelling. I'.OJ
JL'Capitol uve. Apply to C. 11. Oulou irt the
Chicago Lumber Co. ,171
" 1T1OH HKNT At very low rates. Ill aud It now
JL'toildpmey. a4'l ' ) nmiaiU Cass street , Clark
Place. Olio block south of Crelghton ' ollego.ou
Karnani and''Ith M.ioDt car line , i All modern
IniproxeinehtH. Apply. II. T. Clark.LTiiinn 'irnst
Co , or at ' .Mao Casst. . IIH7
"I71OH HIINT-C-ioom cottnge , S't.OO per month.
J-1 I3i.iinrneyst. . MJ
TfOH HKNT Cottage , 111 Convent si. liuinira
-L1 iriTJ.lnckfsonst. isi
CflOH HUNT 5-ronm houio , $11. Q. iJrThomp-
JD son , aia Shcoley block. ' , W
BlIAUTirULH-room house , gas. city water ,
bath room , hot aim cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near a goo J school , only
! Sf per month. The house is new. Apply ut
once. C. 1' . Harmon Mercnanu' Nat. banK.
FOlt HUNT At very low rates. 10 aiidTfuoW
residences..NO * and aill. Cass streel. Clarka
1'lnce. OUH block south of Crelghton college , on
Karnam and aith street car line. All modern
Improvements. Apply , U. T. Claik Union Trust
Co. , or nt 4' Cass street Ull
Foil HKNT House and barn.Hansrom placo.
Mains , room 111 , First Nut'l bk hldij. B H )
TJ'Olt HUNT n-room modern improved house
JJ A 1 locality. Kent modeiato. Apply. M. Kl-
gutter Kill I'urnaui at. W
F01 ! HRNT lly llosworth & Jopliu , ll.iruer
block , II.I , D. , 7 , 8. , 10 , 11 , 14-rocm houses
In nil parts ot the city. U7.J
T7IOH HUNT Houses 7 rooms. a-Jth and Ilai >
-L1 uoy : (0 rooms , and Locust ; 7 rooms ,
lath and . ( ones ; II rooms , 1'Jth aud Martha.
Lliiahau A * Mahoney , Pftxlon blo.'Jc. Ml
SHOOM tramtNo7 adl "ll.iinllniu nt. , &i sff.
Leavltt llurnliam. No. 1 Ci'oliiliton block. 60'J
E OH UKNT Whpli you wish to rout a house )
store or olllco call on us. H. 1C. Cole , room
ti. Continiintal block. _ W7T
FOlt HKNT d-room hous67US : ! , 7-roora housa
awl Poppleton avf. ( Jeo. 1. Cillbort , With-
neil b'l's. 078
Foil HKNTIDroom house with steam heat ,
nfJH H. aith st. O.K. Thompbou , Sheoly
block , lrth and Howard sts. U70
"IJTIOIt lKNT Vurnt'-Ued im unfuutslied
JL ? rooms by day , weak or month , lijl Karnam.
ItJO r ,
"I7IOH HKNT Knrnlshea looms , till modem
JL1 ( Oiivonlonco * , the best ticcommo latlous to
liiiblnusH people. Mru. William i'oung , a305
1'arnam. 3 ! 3 (1 ( *
"IjlOH HUNTI'urnlshed room , furuice heat.
JL' all modern conveniences , aoil Iturtat : .ill 1
] j ) iriiKNT-A uiTelyfurnlshT-l ( large fi-i.iit
JU room ; pi Ice reasonable , aiO ) rnrmim ht.
Fl'HNISHP ! ) room for rent. 1P1II rarnam.
aj ; ja $
! i : south front room private
I'd if desired , Ilhh Capitol ave. .IH
FOH HI'AT il-iooin1 Hat , and furniture ror
bale ut I''IH Duiigla- . a.ii31 : < -
"IJIOIt HUNT Nicely furm-hed largifront. .
1 } room , with heat und bath. Hat No. il , 18't
St , Mury'b ave. 33MJ
O HASTlSOSlK hontli" rooms , with hoard and
< - > lurnacehent , a.Vli St. Mary'a ave. ajft y *
17IOH II UNT-Twi rooins fnriilhed TTgit
JL1 housekeeping Jl | | ; one laigo unturnUhed , f > .
WHowar _ _ _ _ JSOJIlt _
Tmoil HUNT -rnrnwhed Meoplng roonls with
-I1 HlovcM $1.75 per week , ffli Howard .st. ad Ul *
IilOII HUNT Hlegantly furnished ioomor
suite of looms \vlth boitid In private family ,
II car lines pass tluxluor. | IH7Paiknve. a < ! 0
TjLriANT * ( fnrnlxhcd loom with all modern
4-ycoiivonlenci-a , with or without board. IHH
"IT10H HfNT fuiHlhlieil roomsultable for two
gcntlouien , gas bath and furnace. Apply
M'll Hhormnn ave , an ill *
"JjlOH HI'NT Nicely fuinlHhcd looms for man
* - nnd wife or tlaco gontlmnnn , llO'i Jacknon.
IJ'OH HINT l''iirilshed ; rooms with board
-L private family , refureuca * . "i" . ) ! L'anuir.
iiwai ;
_ _ _ _ _
171OU HUNT Two liuiiibheilroom * two blocks
i-1 from i > ostollice , Jiiail Doilge Ht. Ul'l-l *
* | " > "iKA8ANT south front room on Dodge t. ,
JL near aith. forxlnxle gentleman , reference.
Inipilrehouthcast corner llarneyaid | HtlistH
_ ; . * 1 *
TJ-IOH HI'.N i'iiriitKhed rooms In liri-unlg blk
. cor. I'lth and Dodge MB , Inqulrn of ( leo. K ,
Davis. Mlllaid hotel bllllatd room. v a
1J1HONT ( easti rooms fur gentlemen orfamilv ,
.1 All modern li'.iiii'oveim.'liU ; home board.
uuij HiJ
for tent , KOI Capitol ave ,
T > OOM8 With or without boaid at rea enable
Jllliali-s , cential location ; Inquire at ill ! N. I. Ith
nt , I block N. Mlllnrd hotel. UIU U
_ . . HKNT il rooms , fimitxhed or iinfiir-
JL1 nUhed , glnghtorun hultinidcnded ; location ,
ch ap. aiU Cnlirornlu. ; ; : ;
T71OH lll'NT Two large front looms , nicely
JL' furnished , heated by Hleam , ius and use of
bath room , lu ono of the nicest residences In
the city. Northwootcor. liuhaml J.eavenworth ,
31(1 (
I" 7 Oll HUNT Nlc Inrfto furnl hed front room
1 locution Hint-flans m every recpect ; all con
veniences ; board , private family , 17-1 Capitol
nyo. api i
ALOVKLY trout room , heated , furnished
uud every ccnreniencc , i107 ! Douglaa st. I3fi
11)011 HUNT-TWO large ul'cely furnhhed con-
JL' iifctlni- rooms , with bath nnd ( ouvenloncrii ,
MilUlde for four gentlemen or housekeeping ,
a * . or separate * U mid 114. S. W , ( "ornur , I'ith
aud Howard , uutruuco ou UuwarU. M
_ 7VH Itl'.XT Pleasantly fiml-n d room , 11
J- ' mod -rn conveniences , for ono or two pen-
tlomrn , nt K5J 3. 2ithst. . , or cor. St. Mary's ave ,
and Both st. 04 * >
'H ' HKNT rnrnlsfiPd room. Heat , caam
bnth. IMS.-SHU. C4J
1 > OOMB and board , lslChicago. . 6 < i5J7t
T AHflKtileasain room , lurulshed , brlcK flat
, . HUNT 2 front rooms on second lloor
.VOn each. 15i : > Harnev st. 'i J
flCNISItni ) rooms wlili board If deilred
FOH HUNT a looms , furnished for house
keeping. Hill N. seth M. 273 31 *
17"OH HUNTAn elegantly furnished room 01
J suite of looms w Ith board iu a private fam
ily. All convonliMic" * . ( ! nr jm-ss the rtooi
every three to five nilmit . lletercnces lie
( lulled. Kuqulre loonia MS and Ol'J ' Pnxton blk ,
AJICKLYfurnlshcd rooms nl o Iront and
J- > back parlor : linn Douglas st. JM _
VTICKI.V furnished room , 3inj Douglas st.
FUIINtSlliii : room , with itas and iiatn. board
Ifcloslrod , A1US. Sfilliat , oiiposlte All Saints' '
cmirfli. _ _ _ an
N I4.TI.V furnished rooms nnd board at Ifll"
Capitol avo. _ _ ' JIDJ
N It'l ! riKim > fl.O" per v eek at 1'en'iody house
14th mid Jomsstreet ! - . IS'-f7 +
HKNI' inuTuriilslipTTrTouis. "s. \V. Cor
loth nnd St. Man's n NO : large pantry and
cellar. _ _ _ 'IW0 U + _
KI'.NTPlist Hour , a rooms , clo'cta ,
water rnnun for housekecpluir , a blocks from
1. 0. , occupy Jiinuury 1m luli Cnpltol uveiiuo.
lie JIJ
B A K IIll V for i ent nt"IVnl Vtirte uvo. Thtslsli
bilfk store room nnd liasi'ineiit , Inrludlni ;
ovencounters. . nho\vuis < > , etc. , lu the most de
sirable lusldimre coiinimnlty lu Ilio city : ntdr ,
Mpwcrand BUS connect lona. Thus I' Hull , Jill
MOID i-omn with basement , all 'mod-
1 > out iniprov ments , splendid loi-atlon for
feed frfirior hardware. iovt' , etc. , beini ; In
the In-art of tin- mint drxirnhK' n-sldonen portion
tion of tini Ity , | : nr I'nrk ( ue. Thoi I * ll.ill ,
Jill I'.xxton bio -k. _ l "i _
Foil HKXTiood htoleiooiu Ui-nr cor. IMn
nnd ranmin. i < ueof the b t locations In the
city. Address Ueo. N. Illeks , llaricer lilock.
HMNT-Two stou-s , B-JI and SU North
li'th ' st. In inlro at 4ho bulldhu. ITeury
Oitholl. _ , WI _
"IjIDIt HUNT An elegant utoro room with fma
J bus.'miMit on l.itli st. Hunt \e.y low to right
party ; -utnhi-Ht mid water InclnJed , Apply
at K.n Douglas st. _ _ : ts" >
| j"IOH Hl'NT Otlico Htilto fX mouth , a Mngla
X'ollices $15 each , all fronting inth st. , liusn-
tuttii blonk , N. K. Coi. Hull ana W. jl.
lliishman. 1,111 l.cavenwortx. UWI
. . Itr.\"l llrick store , lint u'jove ' , aith and
HumtUbii , desirable Inislno'ii ' loc itlon. LO.I-
vltt Itttrahiiiii , room I , Crolghton blo.-k. ! K"t
"ITiOlt lll'.NT The Minuk proportv o
J-1 town. r > to'.M ni'iMs of land , with ' - ' hoiisas
outlHilhlllitt.s , etc. Hult.ihli ; I'or , : iirilenliiK. Cal
lit oncf. ( . I' . Iliirrlson , Merchants' Nat. bank.
ItKNT tiiio good barn room for Him.
- liors > es buggkM , ntc. . : Ml"i Davenport Ht. In-
imlru or C. L. iilrk.sou : * Co. , SI J N. IBth st.
SI'I'l'IAIi iittontloa Klvn to rent inj ; nnd col-
. - lectliirents. . .1. II. I'arrolte. ItJW Chieiio
lO-i JSJ
GKOIKIP. .1. STIllNSl Otrif ! , rooiiiij , opp. t' .
O. , will ht-ieattcr RIVH spoi'ial attuntlim to
rontliuhniiiio . stores and Hats. If you want
your property without doliy and to ruli-
iililts tenants , ( ' .o not f.iil to lUt tliu same with
him _ i-H )
GI'O. J. I'anl , 1GOJ Farn. ! > t. Houses , stores ,
etc , fur rent. _ l.V )
WK give special attention to renting and col-
lectlnKionts , lUt wllh ua. II. 1 * . Cole , room
l ! . Ciiiitliieiitaljjlqck. _ W 7 _
IF YOU want your houses rwif-d pinrn th-un
with Houiuvn. it Co. . IJlh , opposlts uostollico.
\\ANTB A party t > rcprc'-ent us as agent
> to hell "Shitu lll.ick Ho irds. ' one .selling a
line of Mhool .supplies p-efcm-.l Aildicsilo
the Wind Cap Muntol & . lllaclcboard Sl'i'gd'o. ' ,
Miston. I'eiin. : ) -JO-tlj ;
IT"OK pninini ; fruit nnd shatl" tre-8 call on
lloose\-Jensen , I' . O. liox UK. cor. llriMol
and oOtn His. . North Omaha. : .t III *
ENCUAVr.O wedding , stationery and j-IMt-
inccuuK McJtriilOLV Ityan , 15W Dodge.
Ii7 ! !
HOIISK or team mules wnnted to anpy a
lh-st payment on housuand lot , or resilience-
lot , Imlauce monthly paymunt- : . Write ornil
on Seluy , 15''I rurnnm. ( WS
rpFli : uanjo tiu ht"a anlirfTjy"cJv(7ri""OelleTv
JLljeck.iKl S. Idtlmt. 1S
MIDLAND ( iuiirunteo nnd TrnrtCo. , 1.V > .11'ar-
num. Complete alutincta furnished Atltles
to i eal estate examined , pertected
OCCIDI-NTAL hotel. 10th and Howard ; day
boaid tl pen. week ; 31 meal ticket $1. 717JU *
T\IL MKS. Kl'NT/,1' . midwife , dUeasos of
JAvomcnund children oureJ. Hcaldence Kil S
17th. 471J7T
"ITMjI'GANT life size crayon portraits free
.AU of charge for a short time as an uthor-
tlMement.tioiii photographs brought , to then : -
dyke 1'oitr.ilt Studio , HI. 1'lurce , near llth.
I'oitralts also In pastel. 7-f < JUT
Wo deslio"to caTTthe"attimtToTi
of specuLitors , Invi'htors , huslnuss men In
Omaha , or whoever roads this paper , to the f.ict
that the government at Washimjion till lives ,
that Oinulni is u living fn : tor , tlmt Nebraska
represents a great commonweiilUi yet In her
bab.\hood nnd will .iKbiimo gigantic piopnrtlons
hufonKiinio of you kno-.v It. Wake up mid pay
us a visit : see for yourselves , then call on us
nndx i 111 iL-aion together. .1. I/ , nice tc Co.
ItM !
_ _ _ _
1 > l'USO.VAIIf you nave u parsonaFlteni. ot
any coinninnlcatlon , drop It In ono of The
llee's message boxes ) . 10 >
LOST A woven wire pold bracelet. 1'inder
please loivo ut 1S | S 15th st. and get re aiil.
; 410 It
IOST ln a blue plush ca e , gold fpectuclo
-JfiameN but. I'-IV Davenpoit anil full anil
rnrmimLiberal renurd on returning to Kelley ,
MlgerAiLo. . . 1108 III *
LOsR Drauon hhaiK-hice pin , garnet "Ottlngs.
[ Jet rewnrU at 17IU ? , 21 tn st if'J IT
I" OS ! ' InOmiilm. Dec. ai , a largo Newfound-
-t l.ind dog. black oiuly hair , hlto bieast.
little wlilto on front foot , answers to nuino of
"Kowdy , " silver collar with mini on plate ,
Howard ot $10 will bo given for nls Vetnrn to J.
II. llulhert's coal olllce or W. A , Mmirer , Coun
cil Him ! * . . ' . ' . !
WTHAVKI ) Cn span of unties ; ono black ,
about 1- hands high , one buy , about 14 hiiniU
high. Send Information to Mark Green , careltee
olhco. 154 til *
fjlOHTONK lellorMrs. . Lei < nrmau can na con-
-L1 suited on all affairs of life. Hatlnfactiou
gimrnn'ood , No .llSNIUihat OWjll ;
Dlt. NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant. Jle.l-
icul and buslnusa nitidlura. 1'enin.lo diseases
| KCiaHy. ) IIU , N. l th t , Kooinsa&a. 12) )
1411)11 ) 8 A LI' Tno teams , two delivery wngona
1 and two sets double liiunca , wlllKlveu
Hpec'lal bargalu for casli , 1'rlco llros , , i ; lCnin-
Ing st. an * rp
TTIOH SA LI' Wanted cash bids on u I'--room
-I. llat ; all occnplea with desirable g"iitlu'inun :
roomeix iipjily ; iKS , lOthht. Jft.MU
FOH , S.\LIi-A plauo good as new , coat } 40J ;
will sell for ' JO , Address MU M. A. < 'ombs
Sallna , Kun. "HAT
" '
LU-1 frame building , IfixiM. Apply
-L1 I'axton & Vlcrllng Iron works , South 17th
and U. 1' . tracka.
TpOH 8ALK lly mortganeo on easy terms , as-
X1 sorted lot lurultitro In iiimntitlos to suit , in-
( inlie 101 B. l lh m. . Itoom M. ( KB
A IlSTUAO'rS-l.iiiahau & Muhoney , room 600 ,
-tJk-Paxton lilocK. tii- | ;
TV/flDLANDauaranteo / and Trust Co. . 1WJ l-ar
JJ-i-nim Complete abstracts fiirulshecl , * titles
t r l estate xmalB8Jparfectxl ikguarautred.
_ _ _ _ STORAGE
_ _ _ _
S'lXIIIAIIH In new clean building in low rates'
JI4 .H lith i > t. SJ'jsr
BlXHAUU-At low r te t 1ISI rarnara it ;
Otnih * Auction & Btoraze Co. iwj
fl'HACKAQK , Btorije , lowest ratM. W. M
X niobium , iuu L aTuworta ,
7ANTBD rtimltura , carpets , moves ant !
T i household sood.s of all kludi. Omaha Auo
tiott A KtorAgoOo. . 1131 r.irnnm. l.'S .
MONKVlnntied on diamonds , gold watches
and chattels. Call room : : ) IlarKerhliicK.
. M * * * am 4
_ _
0 VOU > tiOt to borrow money ?
J Head this.
< ri > wlll save you tlmo.
It will save you money.
Volt ran borrow from
II. P. Master * .
sticceisor toV.ll. . Croft.
room 4 , Witlme ibld'n . . and liarnoy sts.
jut , , tM , f-vi , no , , jx , jsvrj. M.tKii ) , yim. JKI.O-- ) .
In fact any jum you wanton furniture , pianos
horos , mules , wagons etc. . on easier terms and
at lower rales t nan nt nav other ollicft in tlio city. ,
\vlthoutpublirityor removal of proptirty from
your possession.
If an Installment Is duo on your property anl
you cannot meet It. call and eo me. I will pay
it tor you. If vouh.ivoa . loan in any other of
fice. call and get my rates , 1 will take It up nnd
carry It for you.
I make loins for nno to * lx monthi nnd you
can nay a pint a' any time , rodncltl-both prin
cipal nnd Interest.
All loan ? renewed nt original rules and no
charges for piiu-rs.
Alf business Strictly confidential. Call nnd
see mo.
Don't target the number.
lloom \Vithnolt block. 114
\'Of can deal direct wlthlhe Provident Tru.'t
Company , roiiin ! IW rirst National bank
building , Omaha , If von want a lonn on real es
tate. Loans on tn.Milo business iiiopertv espe
cially desired. lleprVsont al o the old and well-
knoun Now Itaglnnd Loan A ll-ust-Company.
Tit llTcoiTK. "loaiTngeiiT
'I CAN make- few loans on llrst-clnss rhatt-1
vI.secmltlesatreaMonablo r.ilos. W. K. Potter ,
room in IJitrkur lilk. 7 * )
M ONl'.V To loim7 O. K. IJavis Co. . real estat
and loan aKentj , liO * > Karnain at. 103
E KAIi estate loinIOIYIMC ratoi , Odoll llroa.
.V Co. . 3ia 3.1IKU st. IIU
] \L \ OX1JY lolian : longtime. Oe .r > ; a J. P.iul
.1XJ ( rarnamst 111
Spoil choice Impioved property. I ) . V. sholos ,
-Ml ) , first Nat'l IhiiiK. ,1,7
JVT1JIIKASKA Mortg. l.o-mCcx AN 111 make yoifii
' loan on ho'iseho'd-j-oods ,
horses , wagons ,
land continue ,
ftiii- Jewelry , or Mrm-Hlea nf am- kind
wllhnut publicity , nt reasonable rates ,
llooni 7 How ley blk. . J-otith Omaha ,
lloonis fiis.f.l.11'aMon blk. , Oninha , Nob.
" 1 OANS on Urn-class real n.state nt very low
JJr.ites. central Loan A Tiu t Co..ldll r.irnnm.
ID I fi
_ _
rpO I/AN'--1 ) mm 0:10 : to two huiutrcd Ihoits-
L nnd dollars or < m uler sums promptlv , east-
oiwapital alwjys on hanrl choitp. . PhlladelphU
Mortg.iirp.r.idl'rnstGo. . ( Jeo. W. I' . Coatas. U 110
Fl' VOU want to borrow money on dntnontls ,
On lnnoor lioniold * hoi'-nj.- .
i > - > or - : good , oa - - ,
Vago'is and other Property ,
On mortKiige paper nud contracts , at fall-
rates without delay or publicity , go to the
Tuirbank Investment Co. . lj S. 14th up'alrs.
f'li '
MONI'V Loaned for IV ) . CO or N days , on nay
klu.l of chattel security : roano-iablo inter
est ; hiishiess .1. ,1. Wllkliii-on ,
1 1 IT Pa riiAiii 1. 1 J ' 7l !
( " " J.W" Pi-cSTciin loai71S < X.i,0l"j " nt Towcsri-afcsTno
' delay , < ash on hand. Itoom I I'rciui-r blc. !
M ON 15V to Loan Wo have several thousand.
dollars to place for OILS tern paities on im
pioved i itj.propertj. ll-triii , room 111 let Nut.
jfank JiIdsr.F ill
P PI.K lnfiiiiincnri Kxcl liaiii-e The fairest.
Jqiiioter. . nmit niouay oxchnmrrf in
the city ; loans niadn without delay or tiulnicltj' ,
in any amount , largo or small , nt the 1 nvest
rate * yt Ivrtorefit. on any available security :
loans may ho j'aUl nt any time or renewed nt
original mto.i. O. Housc.iren , m r , room OQli ,
Harder blk , nth uml Karnaai. 70 <
COLK , loan agent.
S K15 flioles , aiO. . I'iHt Nat'l llnnlc , Iniforo mak
ing jVour loans. . il'H
r/XiOJO to loan at il par cant. Lin-Ulan K MH-
$ honey , room BO I. I'axtou block. Wj )
MONKY to lo'iu on lui | > roved pi oporty ut
hands. No applications sen' , away for ap
proval. Security uul titles exu nlnod froa of
charge o bortvnvor.s. Louibsjd Investment
company.0) ) S. Hth st. IH
MONKY to ixmn Lowest rates. Loam cloiod
promptly. II. 1. . Cole. Itoom . Continental
lllock. l'Mj ' _
TJ [ 13. COLII , loan agent. 4-T3JI
PIHST mortgage loans at low rates , and no
delay. D. V. Shole , aiO , I'lrat Nut'l Dank.
; 3YI
PKOPLIIS 1'lnanclal ' Cxcliaiigo-L'irgo and
aiiiall loans lor lonnnd uhoit tnno. at low
est rates of Interest , ou real estate m < irtg.go
notes , chattels of all kind. . , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't fail to call if you want fair
and chcmp accommodations * O. llouscarou ,
SI gr. , room " > G'j Darker blk , 13th and rarna-n.
MON13Y to loan ; cash on nanil ; no delay , J.
W. Sijulro , I IU rarnam st , .I'lrst National
bankbnildlnt ; . lUt
T OANS undo on estate and mortgagai
JU bought. Lo-vi3 S , Hood &Co. . I5U l''arnan , ,
MONIJY to oan on Improved real estaW.
Lcavitt llurubam. Crelghtoii block. 107
H.Ii. . COLI loan agent.
tj > WO.'MW 0 per cent. Monay to loan on im-
fljprovcd farms or city property. James A.
Woodmuu , at the old lira Insurance olllco ot
Murphy "c ' .ovett. 2JJ S. 13th st. 101
BI'ILDINC. loans. D. V. Shole.s Bin. I'lrst
Nat'i Hank. .Ti >
6PEH CUNT money to loan Cash on hand
W. ii , Ilarrln , room ao. 1'renzer block , ojiji.
P. O luj
" "
B UILDINO ! l.lnahau & Manoney.
. „ _ . _ _ . _ _
MON'I'H" to loan on improved city propeity or
for building purposes : loiv < m rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Oomp'iuy , room 1 ,
llai-Ker block , 15th and Karnam , y'H '
MONKY Loans negotiated at ImvTuYos with"
out delay , and purchase good coniiiu-rcial
paper and moitgage noted. 8. A , Slomaii , Cor.
jith : and I'arnam. 4iJ
DON'T burrow money on mraituro , ,
wagons , etc.until you havi > seen C. II. J ,
cobs , rojm 4IJ , First .National baulc oulUln
cor , Uth aiU I'aniain 1U'
MONI5V to loan A fovv thousands irom llrst
hands at very low rates , C , I * . Harrison ,
Mercnnnts' Nat'l bank. H4Sjai )
. . . . . : grocery fltores.dolmgood
hnsiilMS. M , ( ) . Mucloo 1 , agt. 1117 Karnam ,
t ami
BUSINKSS CHANCIj-Wo waift a ll\'o liusl
iioHa muji.wlthsoiue cunh and bruinto bucl :
it , as partner in u No. I olllee bmlnuss paying
trom fi.nui to 411,000 per your , located in Omaha.
J. U Hlco J-/'fj / ( , | .till
771011 HAI-JJrO/Jo d feed and produce 1. . . . . . .
Ji Apply ( Mncleod , 1117 r'arnam st.
: i'JU I
Oll KALIT-iWoll assorted stopk of gonornl
merchandise lu a thriving town In eastern
Nebraska ; gowl ciih bnalnosi uHtabllshed ;
ootl reason for selllnic. Apply to McCon ! ,
IlrudyX-Co.Jliiiaha , ! ttfi
| 71OISAliII ( | uurHxchaiigo A good paying hotel
JJ propertf , 4A.yi.HtiH. Vork. Neb. a5U If
FOIl HAJfifiJ/meof the oldo.strestaurtints lu
Onir.ha , line run of custom , In splendid loca
tion , oiviier it4fKug ; to an experienced man or
woman this it-good chance to go iu an ostab-
Ished buslm < Hiij prku $1,500. will take part
trade. J , J , . Hlco & Co. 380 aim
poll 1 8Alji-MUk : dalry.H. 4. 1IUN. 10th st.
310J2t >
to J l can tlud
( iitiiutlon or interest in nice Haf business ,
( Jail train | I to 12 , H. 31 , Darker bl'k. IK ) 1 j
T7UJH 8ALK A well establlHlioil law buslno-n
JL1 In u thriving town In Nebraska. Term *
reasonable. Addreis-N i0. ! Omaha'lloo. lTH4t
F oit ALl A brickyard In the thriving town
or ScrlbuBr. Nub. , capacity I , ( UIKJ ) brlek.
I'or particulars imiulro .Instlco Kroeger. 10th
and ( 'ass , or the owner , John Ilomberg. Hcrlb-
ler , Neb. * W ( 4 *
OH HAI.K-Heatuuruut located 411 N jiith st.
C.r. Hhuw , Mortgai-eo , room UIU Hheuly blk.
TJOTTilNO works for sal3.Jn ! onu of the .
* - town in Nebraska , tiooxf territory , 'lour
railroads , outllt nearly neur. Anyone wautlag A
? oed luuliieaa will nit ' \ luvastlitate , Addres *
* 607 *
IiK. Trade orl'jEfhaneeIlloch In Omaha
.solid block. In heart of the city , with lie
provenients that cost HUM ) bright , shiny do'
Inrs. fiauDJthoprlco ( lUAOvlJ.Ve are ( until ]
for big flslrwltli a whole chicken. J. I * llteo . '
Co. .t-t-1
mo TUADK , Sale or KxchnnKO-Ji'iO.OOJ wort I
J of choice vacant Oninha lots.Vo lueni
business , J. Ii. Hlco \ Co. 3-3-1
lWMJOO IKAT.r7loibiX ) to trade : KlnesTTl
$ America ) 7,0W acres located In Texas 01
ino llrazos river , all under foiuo , good stem
house. Rood stone barn , 1.0 > ) J acres tillable lam
Improved , twoorthreo thousand head of cat
tie.M Hereford bull * with henl two years , in
or 40 head of horse * . fiO miles west of Ft. Wortl
near Ti-xns Paclllr railway. Coma at its will
somr-thlng worthy our time and attention. ,1
U Met & , -
TXfANTIUto ) llxcham-e il quarter section1 ncros of raw limii. Jlii.DOJ worth c :
town property in one ot the host towtu mo *
braskn , 4-W ) population , for stocks of genera
inorchandlso. Addrets M 43. lleo olllcc. ( Ml
I OOK Here Some nice residence lots for Isl
Jaud ad mortgage Jmpor. M. A. Upton Co. ' ! ) ,
Slfithst. aa-Hl
fji6ti THADi-Houso ; mid lot In city for real
JL or chattel mortgage paper , hor.-es , mule"
or cattle. A. 1 * . Oreemvood .V C < i. room 1 ,
Cunningham block , cor. 13th nnd . . . . .
\VAiNTKD-Hrlck and binldlntr material fet
> > cash and lots. W. J. Paul. 1(1)0 ( ) rarnam.
FAIlMSand rity pfoppiTy to excnatiRO for
itoi-ksitf merrlni'idlsi- : stork iscleanand
good will put In noiii > - cash. Cooueintl-u Land
.V : Lot Co , , art N 16th st. IWI 31
"iroil SALU. trade or exchange , In Omaha or
JL' abroad. * BW ( worth of tlnont Improved
Omaha realty , paying a per wnt on tin-In vest
ment , and nothing b ats S per cent ou the long
run. Wo are waiting to hear Irom yon. .1,1. .
Hico & Co. U5I I
I/IOH I'XCIIANUl-Team ! horsaj or mules
-L wanted for Mr-it paym-nt nil h msn uml lot ,
liAlnma monthly or ( Uiaitorly payments. Selby ,
1.VJ1 I'arnam. csi
P lll ( ALr. OH TitT\"lTFr-l7'JO ' nrii'To"f "wild
land In Noi ton county , Kan , , tl'/idpur ncn. %
What have you for this v J. L. Hlco \ Co. ,
- 'V
GHO'iitV ( ; ctork , fiitnlturo and fixtures of
dlnlnit hall department of a good hotel In
Omana for good propcrtv or mortgage note.s ;
game or a lintel and saloon ; real cstatQ.uid
cash for stocks otoods. . Co-operative Land < V
Lot Co. , soi N iiitii si. an : n
\\"ANTii : ) A stoi-K ot Inirdivaro. iitrnltiirc ,
V > groceries , do goodi , clothlu1or bootsand
shoes , in t-xcliniuu fora good iirm : or citv prop
erty. Co-opurntlvu Lund .V Lot Co.05 N , Ifith.
_ _ _ _ _ 119 1 _
\\ni.VTnive yo.i lo trade for. ! lots lu.leromo
> I'nrk' I iii-umbraiU't- fl.uri on the lots.
Addiosi K rj , llee olllee. 8IH
Foil nxcllANdh South lininna lot for horses or umlej , wagon and harne-is
Pelby. 13.M Puriinm. , ( Ci |
IT'OH oxilniiitri' Ist-chissrlenr Improvud Oma-
X' lu iiropi-ity for good timber land. N "Sl.Hee
"niOlll'Xl IIA\I ( * -i..ri ) ) new hou-oand lot
V for small fuini near Neb. uoinity soat.
yolbv , IMI rarnam. ( ifll
I flOU iXCHANli-Carrlau-e : : and buggy witTi
Wl ) cash for un < voured nr.te or long tnno
mort ntco. S"lby. l.V.'l Karinm. 0 i
rpo I'.tCIIAXdl * . TUADi : OUSiiLl' iilirn TCI
I in Knot county. Neb . with improvements
vortll | i > , 0 , fO < ir M head of cattle. Kor 10
of horses , and a complete finm outllt. 1'rice
$10.100. Will pic you any kind of a trade you
want. .1. L. lite.A. . Oo. UiJ 1
TTIOH r.XCIIANOK-ror desirable residence
JL' property iu Onfihii , any or all of followius ;
40 ciiolco Insldo residence lots in Hastings.
ion lotin Lincoln.
( M'Jacits line lurmiug laud. Lancastut county.
Hue resldem o pioerty ; , Lincoln.
< ! oed propeity. l.lnculu.
Choice fane , r-sldoice , corner , Los Angoles.
A neat resldenro pioperty lu ILuiscom Place.
Al-o Mime good mortcaye notes.
Address giving location and price of property
.1. 1 ! 11 .wire llaum Iron Co , , KIT Lcnvenwoitn
* KXCHANUi : Ilou-o aud lot or 11 lie
building lot to trade for loiu time real es
tate ad moitg.V \ L Selby , l. > ai rarnam. ll"i
rj-OH r.XCHANOP. | * onr cli'ar South Omiiiia
JU lots Hft ) each , to trade tor Nebraska land.
.colby , 1MI rarnam. 141
IIIAVK real and proparty ot all
kinds for trado. Call and 300 mo. George J.
Steriisdorlf , room.0 , opp. P. O. lai
TTIOH THADi : Choipe"lotln Ornnimercy Park
JL' untl choice ( .oublo corner In Llpton Place for
good laud. I ) . V. Sholcs10 l'lrsNat'l bank.
. \ f.77
Tj-OH "S7\Ll * Do you"wairtTii loaii7\T lowest
JL' rates on IOM Improved Insldo jirotiorty/
heo M. A. rptoncompany , at 30l ! So. .stro t.
TJO It .SA r.R Nicest Kind of n homeonasth aiid
Jllumllton ; U-ioom house , city ; well ami cist
ern wati-rc ; mented < .ellariitrn ; ) for
nndcnrrlngr < : llntshndo tree'.lot 40x1 * 7 to an al
ley ; only si.a'ili. Kasy ti-rms ; owner going on his
fnim M. A. I'ptou company , so cor. luta anil
Karnam. illl
' ' VrTioiii hb.Hti of"limst"nrodorn
ile-I'-nand flnls'i NothliKomltte.l lu Its
construction ; fin-nice , city water , gas , hot and
cold ater. antique oak finish , large east frontlet
lot ovcrlouKlni ; UKc ty and Council Illuirs ; the
house complete In all its del ills : can bo pur
chased now ono or two thousand less than In
the xpring. V * 111 jiiv you to Invosttgato now.
C. I' . IInrrl"on. MercliantV Nat'l bunk. ' .lit
| jU7il > A Lfr-To these wanthitTto go farming
X ? wo can put them in control of largo or Mnnll
tracts of land which require very little money
for jears ; tlu-io never was a bettor tlmo to en
gage In t.ximliu nnd stock-nilslng titan now. .M.
A. I'pton company. I ) . ) i So. Ifith Htn-o' , 4:1 : J
OH SA LT-iI2 ; acres IlamTiton Co. . Nob.
land , Jl ! per acre , one-third cash , balaiiCsi nt
fl percent. Address W. ,1. Wlldman , Iei/cr. ! Col.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liil
FOIl HALI'-Or o.xchaugo for Omaha prop
erty , M acres , suitable for plattln ? ; will
make 4J. ) lot" , all clear : hi-- money la it for one wlo can push tlila ; located Just out
side of the city limits ot Council illulf.s. Inquire -
quire Coa. ! J. Sternsdorrt opp. pojtolllco. 12i
Poll SALUIioyou know tlmt i.ower Doug-
lus st. Is Koin ? to make first-class retail property
ertyIf you do'i't. go doun 10 the bridgehomu
linn day and sen thu Mream of wchtern Iowa
people coming over You will than be con
vince I. We can sell a ; . 41 , ( . ( orss feet on Doug
las. between lllth nnd llth sts , at a price that
will inako purchaser 101 ppr cent In loss than
two years. 'I his Miap will not keep later than
January I , l.-SU. . ' Jl. A. I'ptou Company , 16)0 ) S
liithst _ _ _ f 'i7
A l-'INl * improved farm near Papilliou for
VVsiilp , Ki miti'.s trotn Omaha at ill nn acre.
Apply at S'17 llainey Htreet. 4K J ;
Q800 ouys a full lot u a 1 goo I I roam cottaa
Peasy terras and go id . . . .
room 21 ) , Klrst Nat'l bank , cor. L'lth and Kar-
tiam. ri
FOH SALK Neumnka farms : no surer invest-
ineiitcin biimndc. M , A. I'pton cotnpauv ,
JO.i t'o. Itith htreot. MI
FOH 8A LK-Two elegant homes In Hauscoin
Pluco on rujsonabli ] tenn- > ; mortgage papur
tnkeu as part payment , llosworth ir Jopliu ,
llnrker block. IS !
FOH PALI' Oroxchange , leu acivs on l-'ar-
IIAIII St. . between Mill and .Vlth sts. , tH.llOl ! > .
IVI1I trade for real estate mnrtgavos , or hell ou
jasy teriiiK. VV , L. Pelby. Ifi.'l Karnum. 110j \ (
1J-OK SALU-lly M. A. Upton Cotiin'iiiyT '
1A hamUoniB and very complHlo U-rootu
esidcnco on Shermun uMininat than
U2 feetou hhernmn avenue In Paddock Plauo
it flir.per foot.
A corner on Sherman UVP.UUO in Paddock
I'hico ul u price way below the market vuliio.
An east front lot oninth street , paved , Just
louthof I'arnum.-'i per cent I 3 than adjoin-
, ng pioperty can bo purchased lor.
ror bargains always nee M. A , Upton Com-
! > uny , IVJU South Kith elreet. Telephone K5 |
IjlOH SALU-Not for trailn. 3iII.7fl acre.s of imT
1. proved laud 2 miles from .Murqliottc. In
lamllton Co. , Neb. Frame house , finme stable ,
100 acres under u good I baib-wlro fence , louud
edar posts and-Mtays : living water , good cor-
ul , 2 wells , wind-mill , UKbarrel tank , .s lr-
eeder troughs , etc. ; 73 ucros clover , u good
.lock ranch ,
rice ( about } l'i par acie ) . M.riOJ
'ash . . ; IHH
lyear.s time at Oner ctnt . . . . . . Il.iinj
( ! o and look over the land and address the
iwuor , F. K. Atklnn , 1WW Ijirlmer st. , Denver ,
'olo. _ _ 12J
farms , western land and
7) city properly , call and see us. N b. Hfil-
line ami Supply Co. HooiuW , Hoard of Trade.
FOH B A | .E-a new house in a desirable part
of the city , two loin. IIOIIMO contains all
uodern ImprovemuntM , liot au-1 cold water ,
uriuco. ius , bath , electrlu Dulls , and electric
; as lighting art angament , parlors , hall and dlu-
IIR room llnlKhed In oak and cheery. For
irlce and terms add read p 0 , drawer 47 cliy ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' _ _
pWO-STOHV brick block , nearly now. with
JLaturua on tlrst Illoor and seven room Huts < m
scoiia lloor. wlt'a ' all moderu HnproremuntH.
'his property is on corner fronting pared
tree ! , with Bew r. water and UM aid brings
in annual rental of tl.UV ) . Will sell cheap on
eriua to suit. Address U 70. llee. 40 J
A UK1 Uarraln-A nne house of 0 roonu ni
tl.lot COxUH. ou ajth Ht. near Luavouworth.
% hl i property h.8 to be sold wlthta2Ud , yr
tTTOH 8ArK--Oood hens ot 7 rooms , foil lot
1 ? Troll , dutftrrf. barn for 4 hor.sos. ohool
church arid itoronoar by , straet car * ono liloct
An ay. In part of city , Rood iiolehhar
hood , title perfect , ( rood homo for lunii of mod
er t nioani- . ( lot ready fornext sprlnc by buy
Ing a homo now : vi 111 take a vacant lot as p.irl
payment. C , I' . Harrison , Merchant * Nat. hank
SAM * -un easv term * nnd lone time , rn
IilOH ' ( SUMS on S. uth'st. near llancrnft ( l.otfl ,
llnrkcr'E subdivision ) . Address M ( lice olllco ,
T710II 8AI.K t.lst exclusively with M. A. 1'p
JL' ton company. ; l ) So. Kith .street : f-ooJ , Inside
, property nt a llguronot more than actual value
I If you want your rcn estate sold. 4M
' Hastings A Ill'k Hills Pas' ' Tlia. : m : Mp.m.
T Norfolk Passenger . .J UMQp. m UhiUla. m.
Bloux Clly A 1'uclflc HTH. ! I.e'ivc | Arrlvo
f Omaha I Omaha
Bt. Paul Kxpresa. | ( ifp.m ; : | ;
IliinnliiK batwot-tiCouncil lllufnaud Albright.
Innddltlon to the st itlous m ntlonr-d. tr.ilm
stop at rnvutlrih nnd Twenty-fourth .stroeN.
and at the Summit In Omaha.
A No , 4 , .0:40 : a. 111.'A ' , . . .7:11) ) a. m.
A "No. 8 . . . .6:3.1 : p. in.A ( * No. 7 ftO : : p m.
A No. 0 C : > o p. m.A ! No. II . . . .i:3. ! : > p. m.
A 1I0 : u. in. A No. IJ . . . .7:10 a.m.
A No. 4 . . . . (1:0) ] ) , m. D No. 1 . . . 7:01 n. Ml.
II No. 2 . . .Sio ; p. m.'A ' No. 5 0:11 p.m.
A No. a Ull ( ii. ni.lA No. 1 . . (1:50 ( : a. m.
A No. 1 7:00 : j ) . mA | No. il . fiM : p , m.
HLl" I''I' S.
A No. 2 . . . 0:23 ii. in , A No. U . . . ; : a. m.
A No. 4 . . .li-SU p. in. A No. 1 ( ) ; IW p. m ,
A No. 10. .7ll3a : in. A No. H . , Hlir : , a. in.
A No. 12 7:00 p.m. A No. II . , ! IUO ; p , m.
A No. R . 4i : * . n. 111. A No. 7 . . l'J:00 : 111.
A dally : 11 daily except. Saturday ; C except
Sunday ; D except .Monday ; * last mall.
The tlmo given above Is for Transfer , tnoro
being from live to ten minutes between Trans
fer and local depots ,
Not icjc.
Matter of application ot Anton Cajori for
Permit to Sell Liquor as a Druggist.
Notice Is hereby given that Anton Cwjoiidid
noon tint 24th day of December , A. D. lum , tlio
his application to the major and city council of
Oinaim , lor soil mult , splritous and
vinous lliinors as a druggist , for inedlclnnt
mechanical , and chemlcil piirpo-os only , at No.
1.01 Plerc St. , 1st ward. Omaiia , Neb , trom Iho
1st day of January , iiH'i , w th'j 1st day of Jan
uary. IblM.
If ihern bn no objection , rflmonntranco or
piotest Illed within two weeks Irom lo.24tii )
A. D. IBifs , the said permit nlli be granted
A.STON CAIOKI. Applicant.
J. II. Sooill oil ) , City Clerk. d''l-.ll
To llarbcra * Calli-nder , Co-Partn ra Noli-
loildenl defend mis ;
You will hereby tulle noilco that ou the
day of December. IH-s , John H. Morrison , a jus-
lleoofthe peace tor DoiiKlas coimtv. Neb , Issued -
sued an Older of alluchmeiii for the sum of
tll.'i.Mi , luan iictloii pending befaio him. whuni-
InTlin llee Publishing Coinpanv Is plalntlfl and
lluibera A : Callendur are defendants , tlmt mop-
orty consisting of SUNOII boxes of nltltra hAve
been attached undiirriild Older. Said cunsc was
L'oul limed to thu Hint day ot .Linuury , | h n nil
u'clo.'k n. in. Tin , UKI : Prm.ihiiiMi Co ,
lly U. w. A : W i. HIMKII u. .
Plulntlli'h Atlorney.
Dated , Omaha , Neb , , Dec. illKl ,
Notice- .
Matter of application of Dufnur ft Hotrinan
for Ihiuoi' ULI-IIHO
Noll"In hereby given that llnfonrxlloninan
lid upon the 'lint day of December , A. D ,
IKSM , nie their niiplication lo the innyor and c ty
council of Omaha , for llrousj to s.'fl mult , spir
ituous and vinous liquors , at No llfi and 111
South lllth Btreel , Third ward Omsha. Neb.
from the 1st , day of Junnury , IWJ , to the l t day
[ > f January. l " 0.
If theru be no objection , ri'inouKtranco or
tirotf at tiled within ttvoweukH f.'om Doreuibor
list , A D. , IhW. the uld llceine v.-lll bo granted
Dlinu'lt A ; lljii-i-ti v.v , Applicants ,
. ii. Boiriii.vni ) , city cu-rif. dai-c.
Notice ; .
Mutter of Application of Charles Scliarton for
lloiioillconixi. .
Notlco is hereby Klvnn that Charles Bchurtou
; 1 d upon the Hist day of December. A. D. IH - ,
Ille JifH upnlU'atloii to the Mayor uud City ( ' 01111.
3il of Omaha , for llcciiso to bell malt. Hi
mil vlnoiiH Ilijuoia nt No , HI. ; K. iiih : street ,
riwond ward. Oinana , Ncbru ka. from tliu
llrst day of January , 'SKI , to the llmduyqf
If ttela b'e no objection , reuioiintrimce or
iroteu tiled within two works from December
list , A. D. ItUt. the said l | mae will be granted.
ciiAin.issScMAiiToj. , Apjiiicam.
J , UBouiiiAiiucltyt'iorii.
No ! Ice. '
Mutterof Miptfalliinof Win ' ' Hiiffnicjr for penult (8 (
lo ellllqvl"r ns n iVriiBBl-l
lir el-t-tithiil , '
r of llecemt'er , A. H , 1 * , nio li ( npplif -
( lot ) lo the niHTor iinil illr rouncll oUUniKlui , for
permit In clt milt , rplrltiiatu nnd vinous
liquors n dniKuMt , for nusllrliml , mochiMi- and chfniicil t > i\riH' \ M onlr , at No."J
IKll S. nth utrect.'cooiiil want. ( nnnh , Nb- ,
rnnn tlio nr < ( O.IT vf J tuiiirr , Iji * ' , to the first our of1
U then-lip no objection.reinfnutrnneo rtr jpn
pled within two-veeln irom Doeeniber R' , A. l > . |
tlio ! > i\l.t llcon o will IKI Kninioil. . .
Wni. UvrniiVt Abilif * \
,1 II.Pot'TiMlin , City Cleric "rtSI'
.N ( it I Of ,
Matter of application ot Jotter & Tonng
for Honor licence.
Notice Is hoioby uivi'ii Hint .letter . .
did upon the''Oth day of D.-cembcr.A. I ) . .
their application to tin- mayor nnd tin co
ell of Omaha , for license to neil malt , Spiritu
ous nud vinous lhuors | , at Nn. lO.'j .3. J3tU
street. 2ml ward , Omaha. Nob. , from il' '
l l day of Jatiuar ) , IBS. ) , to the 1st'da ;
January , I < iw.
If therobenooble don , rc'iionntrancc or . . . . . .
test filed within two weekfroiu OeNitnoer S8tl |
A. I ) . 188S , the said lU-enso w in be granted.
,1i.i-rin : A YI.MApplicants. .
J. II. SofTIIAIII ) . Cltylleis dtl-A yj
Mntler of nriplientlnn of l.oiin lllb'tolcr , for llqnor :
Notlco l < hereby tlTnuli u I outs lIihtielortIM iinon
the ll t ilny of December. A l > lssstlle his ppllrillon
tollic tu'iyor mitt ell ) roun'-ll > f Oinntm , forllcoato to
cell mull , | ilritii < iu iina vlncii * llniiom At
oor. Wool , ( ICtlii niitl l.onfoiiwnilti ittieot * , iHli wnril ,
Omntin , Nr-h. . from ttie tint ilnj of Jnmmry , . IM > . to
tlio llr t ilny < if .laminrr. NO
If there ttino objection , rein 'iiMraiiro. nr protest
tiled within Inn neck * fp'iu IhMvinbor Slut , A.I ) .
lv > 3 , the sntil lliea o will I.eKrntitetl.
l.nris l.liunM.MI , .
.1.11. Sot-ritAlm. C'lly Cleik
Mutter of nppllrallnn of Kulin tv , for | > brmlt to
M'll llniuirnouilr. . .
Notice Is lioirhy till en Ihtii Kului ( "o.dlil tipon
Ilin .Hit ili ) - of Docenitier. A U . ls-vt. IIhi their | ipllc * '
tlitn to tlio maynrntvt illy ciiuiicll ot Dumlm. for
IH-riint ti ) M'll iniilt. plillnoti nnd rlneiis llqunrxnt
n iliURCI I , for nieillriiial , tuochsiilcat anil clic-nlcnl *
| iiirin < - < only , nt So. 131 S llth street , K nrtn
wnril , Omnlin. Nvh , fn'iu the Itn-t day ot JnnaRiTt
W , tn the lirsl iliiy of Jitnuiiry. .
If. there tm mioujc nn , ri''uon iraiira or nrot t
tlleil wltlilti innni't-ks fnini Ht'culubcr Jl , A. II. 1 1 * .
Ihe iiUI tienult Mill boKruntiMt ,
K I'I IS-A Co. .
.1.11. HonilAUl-.C'llY Clerk. ( imja
Mutter of Application of Michael "tVnleaz for
llqiioi llconse.
Notlco is hei-iibv gli eu that Michael Walonz
did upon the a ith day of Dec -niber A.lllsa ; < , flle - .
tils application to Hie Mayor And Citr Council
of Omaha , for license to wll Malt. HpTrltous ,
nnd vinous lhiior.s. | at No. 1820 Pierce ( treel ,
Second wardOinihti.Ncb.lrom : the Kirtt'diuot
Jiinuary itvMi , to the I'irst day of Jtinunry. 15W ) .
II there bo no ohji'Uloii , remoustratico or
protest tiled within two \jeekn from Uocomoer < \
a th A. 1) . 18.S' , thoHiiid license will b cranted.
MICH ui : w M.ESZ , Appllcnnt. I
J. It. Rotrni un. City ( 'lurk d il-8
arkable for poworfiil
[ eUctono , pllablo action am
itlty. n I yean' '
tea boat Rimraniea of th
kenc * of tno5A Instrument * .
Notion. * I' '
Matter of Application of C. Jouneu fotf'
Llliior ( License.
Notlco Is herein- given that 0.Tonson
did upon tho'-iMlt day of Uoci-mber , A' 11.1888 , '
lllohl.s application to the .Mayor uud City Coun K'Jl
cil of Oninha. for lie 'listto Hell malt , nplrltuoua J
and vinous liquors. No Wli North Uih xtreet , ward. Omaha , Neb. , Irom thu or 3
January. is.s i , to the llrst duj , of January , 18 0. I
If thenhe no objection , nimoustratico or protest -
test tiled within two weeks from DocemheraBth ,
A. D. isthu Mild llcen-,0 w (11 ( DO granted.
C. JP.NSUN , Applicant.
J. U. SOUTHARD. Citv clerk.
Not I no.
Matter of application of Peter Sclmltz
for Iliinor Ilcvnso.
Notice Is hereby given that Peter Schultz
did upon the ath day of Deceiuber , A.D. IbBS , Illo
his apiilli-atlon to the mayor and city council &
ofOnmlm , forllcensetosoll malt.spirituous and : Y
vinous liquors , nt No. I2ii ; South Sixteenth
Mrcet,2dVnrd , Omaha. Nub. , from the 1st"
dav of January , ISh'.i , to the 1st day of January ,
If thenbe no objection , remountr.iuco or
protest lllod within two weeks from December
2Sth. A. 1) . l ss , the said license will be granted.
PKTIH SUHUI.T/ , Applti-ant. - "
J. II. SOL-TII.viu > , City Clerk. di'l-Sd
Notice. *
Matter of Apjdlcatlon of Marcus Hanson for
liquor license.
Notlco Is hereby given tlmt Marcus Hauoen
lid upon the Situ day of Dot-ember. A. I ) . 1B88 ,
Ille his iilic.i ] ] > lon to tlio muyor nnd city coutK
I'll of Omaha , for license to sell fnalt , spirituous
ind vinous liquors at No. 1001 N. 21th Btrnot , 8th
tvanl , Omaha , N'tb. Irom the Istday of January
issy. to the Istdayof Jniinary , 18.TO. , ,
It there Iw no objection , remonstnmde orpro-
lest Illod within two weeks frjin DooenilieraSth ,
\ . S ) . 1SS-1 , the said license will bo granted.
M MICUS HAN-KKM , Applicant.
J. 11. SouTHAitn. City Clerk. dfJill ,
lU'.UMAN KOUNT/15 , Prenldont.
JOHN A. CHI-UCHTO.V , Vice il'rastdent ,
I' . II. DAVIS , fashlor.
W ll.MKUOL-ll'.U Assistant Cashier
il ( II IWf
Juttcrof Application of Mr.s. J , O'Gracly" C/ \
lor Liquor License. , ' / .V ]
Notlco Is hemby given tlmt Mrs. J. O'ttradfa 9l '
o. did IIIMIII -aitlKlayof December. A. D.
HSS , mo their uppllcutlon to thu Aluyor and City
'oimcll of Omnhi.for llcL-nse IOHI-H malt , nplrlt-
totifi and vinous liquors , at No , 10.H Uoimlai
trect. 'Ihlrd ward. Omiiha. Niib. . fiom tlio i IB
lay of January isxv , to the Ut day of January
H.rt ) ,
It there bo no objection , reiuonMrttnconirp-o
Chl llh-d w Ithln two weeks from Dt'ci-mbera th
\ . It. 18SH. thusalil license will be granted , '
Mns.J. o'CiiAiir & ( ) ) . , Applicanta.
J. II. .SotiTilAllii , City Clerk. iUfV3l
" *
Nritlp. ! ,
'latter ' of application of .Inmos Uempsoyforl
quor llcensu. '
Notlco is hereby given tint James UiniMeA
ild upon ihnaiih day of Decombn- . lj laui
llu his application to the mayor anil city coun.
II of Omnhii , for license to sell malt , splrltuou *
.lid vinous "liquoM , at No. I'M ; ' llariie'
ticet.Thlid ward , Omaha. Hub. , fronrtho IK'
iiiy of January , layj , to the Ibt duypf Jannar ;
n (0 ( , i
If llmro ba no objection , reinomtranc * ( I
rolost lllod within two weeks from D-froinbr/
4th. A. D. IS * ' , Uui snld Ili-cnso will ho ifrUnt ?
, , , . , . ( AMus I IMI-SHV : , AppilOanv
.1. II. Sout'ii\ni > , City Clerk. , -u-aij
Not I oo.
Notice U hereby given that the
ngof the Mtockhohler.s of tlio
rcrriiHi Hardware Co . of Omaha , Nebi , for
lection of dire -lorn and oiljcorsj aUo the t
rtlonof such other biiHlnos IIM muy.cum
urulhe ini-piiii ! will bo huld at'iiiir oil ,
iniolia at p. m. , I'ue.silnj. January
n ( rotary.
Notice- .
latter of applicntlnn of j. u o ( 'ulliiliiin for *
. , . . llcenny.
Notice In heii'hr Klvea Unit J II. OTnlltJir
linn Din'.Mil ilujr ot Dneiiil.i'r , A. I ) . , ll III
l > | illc ll > iii tu the imivnriinil ully ( aiuiiill of lm.-TV/ )
I f" WM N.'I'lh'Mieel.'iMh ' Jrunl. lIii ) ! V " > Nei.'lfVllli
in llrnl ihi ) ulJHiiiiurr , HiJ. to Ilia llrnt Uii/ot Jn.ti--
r i-fii
'lll'Ju received at the Ixmlnvllle llou ;
ivllle. Ntbra ka. until a ( .Vloclc ji. \ . Janr
" ) U 1 - ' . for r in rlni ; about , iut yaiihoi dirt
t the Htono rjuaiTy , Imlf n mile froui tq-ya , For
iirliei'partlcularnimtutioof | I >
JllllN-ltDUMNII , Supt
lni .111 1 mid Htono Co , Ioul r'H , Neb.
N riro , ' j
PHJ'aninmlinentliiK of stockholders' tin 41
I , I'nlled btatu-i National Hank ot Omaha , lot *
iu i-lf-cllon of director * and httch oturr Imsj- / ,
e&b an mav-jiroperly vonie liufouJ Iho nuictluij
'Jll on held at the office of raid bunk ou/1'ue.v.
ti.T. ii.uiLow'c ; ui f ,
- * * T'- "