6 rJLlIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANtTAHY i ; 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. xo 12 IMAKL 1 ilit ertd by cnrrler In .Anv 1'ntt ot ho City n fvunty Cents J'cr Wtck. IIV. . TIM ON JUNAGElt. ' ' f 'JKLii'IIONiSi : l'risr ' Ornn No. 41. . - NlflllT IIlllTOII. NO , SI. .MHNTION. company. inland wood. MK.Mnyne , 010IVway. lilegnnt overcoatings at A. Uoitor's , merchant tailor , fllfl Hro.idway. County Clerk Chambers has appointed Will 1) Craig as his deputy clerk of the dis trict court nt A\oca. A marriairo license was Issued yesterday- lo Albert Wells und Jane Baltics both of Tni lor Station , this county. The City steam laundry lias passed into the hands of Mr. Vim Patten , of the icnl cs tatu firm of Johnson & Van Patten , nnd bus iness will bo conducted ns formerly. Judge Carson has rendered his decision on thu motion for n new trial In the case of the btnto vs Grinith , for embezzlement , ( -ranting the motion , nnd thu prisoner will have mi- other chance. „ Two cases of diphtheria In the eastern part of tlio city have boon icported to the authori ties , und will bo promptly attended to , in order to m event thu disease becoming epi demic In tnc city , While ictiirmng from the transfer last cvenlngono of Welch's hacks collided with ono of Jackson's mall wagons , ami the boy driving Uiu latter vehicle was thrown out b.ielcwaid and'his shoulder severcli ilijinul. Fortunately no riinawaj resulted and no bones \\eio biokcn. Mrs. Kinina P Applcton died nt Id ID ycs- tcrdny"momlng , at the icsldcneu of her parents , Mr. and Mrs N. P. Coimnt , h'JI Fifth avojiue. The funeral will tale place from the residuum at - o'clock Thursday afternoon. Friends aio invited without further notice. II .1 Clmnibcis , comity cleric elect , will not formally take possession of that oftlco until next week , but he is beginning to "get the hang" of his work by fieciuont visits to the court house. lie will begin won : to- moriow pieparlng the couit docket for the January tcim. What is believed to bo the 1m gcst shipment of mull ever dclivoied at one time fiom anyone ono linn was sent to the postofllce jesteidaj morning by IJeere , Wells & Co. A fvo horsu drnjas bucked up to the ofllco and loaded \vitli mail , anil the postal revenue was in creased accordingly. f The eitl/cns of Council 1 Huffs are be ginning to icaliro that they can do better palroni/ing home industries than in going abioad. The order for the sash , doors ai.d blinds and Intel ior finishings for the Merriam - riam block lias been given to Stroek Hros . und that pait of the work \\ill all he done in the city. The statement thai the Bi oadway Mctho- . dist church was out of debt was in pait cor rect and In part in error. The church proper is cleared , but there Is still n small Indebted ness for tlio building of the new parsonage. H is not duo jet , and when It does become so , will bo met doubtless. Otherwise the statement Was correct. QThc llrst HOOjard , arm's length , turkey snoot over held in the Bluffs comes off to-day just 1101 tli of the fair grounds. The band wagon , with the rlllemenill leave Oliver ' stoiu 10 o'clock this Graham's at morning. A number of Omaha bhots will bo present , and as seventy live tuikej.s have been pro vided , a lively time is expected. Colonel S. 11. Kollof.'g deliver cd a lecture at O. A K. hall last evening , on "Ameiican Finance" to a largo and appreciative audi ence. This evening lie spcaUs at the same place on the "Uiso and Fall of Nations , " and the hall will undoubtedly bo packed , as Colonel ICcllogi ; is an interesting speaker nnd handles his subiccts In a most masterly manner. Negotiations are now pending for the re opening of the Pacillo house. The front will be remodeled and several improvements made. K. W. Ilalncs is at thu bottom of the move and intends to open the building to the public by the 1st of March. Itas hoped taut the structure would give way to a more ptetentlous one , but hiich hopes will not bo realised at present. The exhibition at Dohnny's last evening by Lovott & Johnson's ' Canine and Hipjlno Para dox was not as well attended as the merits of tlio attraction warranted. The entertain ment was strictly llrst class and the perform ances of the intelligent brutes simply won derful. Space foibids special mention of the many marvelous features which were to ho seen and which will still bo there this after noon and evening and to-morrow weiiing. The children will doubtless bo present m hundreds at the matinee this afternoon. J. J. Shea , whose term as county cjerk ex pires on the 7th inst. , lias associated 'himself with John M. Galvin , of Fairlield , in the practice of law. The now linn of Shea & Galvin will occupy rooms in the Merriam block , as soon as it is completed , and tem porary qnartcis will be established elsewhere - where until that time. Mr. Shea's ability Is well known hoic , as he loimeily practiced in the couits of this county , ami Mr. Galvin has an enviable reputation as an attorney ot unusual ability. They will nmlso a strong team. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. 147. See W. C. Stacy's ad. All grades wft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Mopey loaned on fuinitnro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of vahio nt low ratoa of intorobt. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark fc Co. , olllce cor. UroaUway nnd Miiin , over American cxpro.ss. Personal Paragraphs. Mrs. E. Montoilh , of Fiemont , Neb. , Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scaiihin. Mrs. A. M. Jackson , of Siouv City , Is visiting - ing with her patents , Mr and Mrs. A. T. Ulco , in this city. Mr. Orlando Uwall loft jcsterdav for his homo In Uonnlson. la , , to cat his New Year's dinner with his parents , Dr. C. H. Plnnoy and brother , A. W. , nro expected home to-monow fi 0111 nshoit visit to ihcir old homo \Visooiibin. . Nell Yoorhls has loturni'd from Grand Island , where ho superintended the building of a sybtom of the Richmond llro alarm. John N. Baldwin , Esq. , and family have gone to eastern New York , wheia they will spend the winter. Miss Lulu Holcunib ac companied them. MS3 | Annlo Anderson and MM Ileln- Bhelmor. of Gleawood , aio In Ihoclly , and at tended the party of the i'all Mall club at the lloyiil Arcanum parlois last evening. Mrs. T. M. Couch and daughter , Laura , loft Sunday evening over the Kock Ibland for Chicago , to accompany homo Mr. Couch's mother , who has been visiting lieio for sev eral weeks. J , G , Tipton , real ostuto , 527 B'wa , y Weather strips for doors and win dows. Odoll ft Uryant , 613 Main st. B. IJ. Wadnworth & Co. loan money. Bargains in real estate in nil parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street. An Olid Fellows' The Daughters of Hobokah had a marry time nud buppcr at the Odd Fellows' ' hall last evening. One of the most pleasing features of ( ho evening was a ijraml surprise , it being no lens than an upright piano , which was brought into the hall during the evening. It bore a card simply announcing that It was presented to thu ilirco lodges and the Daugh ters of Ucbckuh by the committee , consist ing of F. A. Hurko , Thomas Bowman , M. F. Roarer and D. C. Bloomer , It is an elegant piano , and the surprise was a complete ono to nearly every member of the order. * L. E. Roe , dontis No. 27 Main St. . over Jucquomin & Co.'s jewelry store. Buy groceries , stationery and Christmas goods of Kclloy & Yoimkcrumn , 10J B'wuy , - See Forrest Smith's special column. Rock Spring coal , Glcuson , 20 Pearl Itroet. ALL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS , cl Resolutions Olvo Assurance For Process one } Prosperity. TALK OF A NEW DRIVING PARK. A PenI5r.il Ones Ontlu-rcd In IJy the IJluc Coats Ihc Mnvnncrclior'fi Celebration Atkins Scliool Building Heady. llio Drlxlnc Park. The annual mooting of the stockholders of the Union Driving park Will bo held Thuis day afternoon , nt which tlmo the question of the future policy of the association will probably bo dcllnltcU settled. It is under stood thnt if there is reason to suppose that the public would give a liberal patronage to the races next season the association will consent to make the experiment another year , although many of the stockholders are unwilling to expend any moio money as lonir as the present grounds are maintained. There is a growing Impression that It would bo milch better to dispose of the present grounds and secure forty acres between the city and Lake Mannwahlchcotild be lilted up in the llnest shnpo wlHi half the proceeds from the sale of tlio old park. Several of those who were strcnuou.siy opposed to the idea when it was first broached now cjiprcss themselves as in favor of it , and it Is not at all Impiobable thai such a move will be llnally made. - . All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co. Illinois and Iowa best &oft coal , Glen- ton , 2i ( Pearl street. PlcUlod trii > o and pigs' foot at Tib- bitts' , UI5 Broadway. For Kent Two new store rooms in good location ; Xos. 7.'i" and 7'j'J Broad way. S. Saunderb , 30 Pearl st. See Forrest Smith's special column. Jtiifnrc thu liar. Judge Ajleswoith was confronted with tlie lightest grist in police couit , yesterday , of any Monday moi ning for some time. Many of the oldtimeis had been knocked out by too much Christmas booe , and were taking a short vacation to recuperate , in order that they might celebrate the advent of the now jcar in a becoming manner. Fdgar White hall and William Williams neio booked a * vags. I'dgar was told to go hence , but William was sent lo ihe county cylinder for thirty davs. Arch Walling insisted on pleading guilty tea a slight touch of the jlm jams , and the court was compelled to receive $ .M , which ho of fered as a compromise. Ed. Hrooks , a carpenter and cx-policcmaa of this city , was arraigned on the charge of disturbing the peace and ( pilot of his home with sundry weapons of domestic warlare. He plo.idcd not guilty , and his ease \\as con tinued. I ) L. King , the alleged forger , who was charged with obtaining inoncv under false pretenses , stated thai ho would waive a pre liminary examination and take his chances with the grand jtny. He was accommodated and his bail llxed at JoUO which he was un able to furnish , and was turned over to tbu caie of llio county Jailor. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Loans made on cvty business and resi dence pi oporty. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Chaini ) Investment company. - Money loaned at L. B. Crafts it Co.'s loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of nil kinds , and all other articles of value without i-emoval. All business strictly eonli- dontial. W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city properly , No. Hi ! ) Main street. the Atkins' Scliool. The carpenteis and painters have com pleted their work at the new Atkins' school building , and the handsome slrucluro is now ready for occupancy A few of Hie seals are . \cl to bo placed in position , bat the building is in line shape for inspection , and it is hoped thai ho citbens generally will luru out to day and caiefully look through the edilice. The museum and chemical apparatus of the high bchool department has been removed to their new quarters , and will bo on public ex hibition. A trip thiough the building cannot fail lo please any ono who is intciestcd in the educational advantages of the city. New Vo.ir'H The dawning of 1SS9 causes many pioin- Iscs to be made for the new jear. Tin : Bci : in its Hying about the Bluffs has overheard ninny , tint gives only a few as suftlciently in- diealing what icforms , improvement , and progress is In store. Jerry Shea "I have made up my mind to quit politics altogether , unle&s 1 can get votes enough to elect mo to some good , fat ofllee , but as a political sprinter I don't feel as if 1 could run nr fast as I used to. " Joel Diton "IJrally I don'tknow what the gas company .wo going to do. Wo will piob- ably keep up the price as long as the people will pay it. " J. G. Tipton "I have made lots of people happy the past 3 ear bv giving them homes thill Ihcy nio delighled with , and that they can easily pay for. I have resolved to keep on doing tlio same thing as long as there is a fool of land in Council Bluffs which n poor man can buy 1 can make hundreds moro Jusi as happy , for J have bargains by the car load. " Dan F.II roll "I've stopped short on identi fying any more Jesse James at the bank. Thai last f , ' 5 Is the end. The ne\t fellow lo calch mo will boa daisy. " J. M Trcyncr "Tho Council Bluffs Car pet company don't behove much In promises , nor do the public , but when wo say wo are giving the people better value for their money than they got tuiywheio else they know it is ttuc , and wo are resolved to give better bargains in the i oar to come , if that is possible , than we have done in the j cur that is inisscd. " Alderman Knepher "Wo nro resolved to have cheap lights if wo got every company in the United States asking us for a fian- chise. " Chief Lucas "I am determined to have nn oftlcient police force , bul wo must not oxui-ct the men we have to do llio work of twenty mon. " Judge Aylcsworth "I have sworn off on sentencing men to work out lines on the street. The dose for ' .VJ will be the usual lecture and f 7.00 cash up and no grumbling. " Alderman Lacy "I don't know what the spring election will result in. Wo may bo a llulo disfigured , but wo are still 'in the ring1 nil tlio same. " J. Mueller , Secretary of Mueller Music Company. "Havo boon too busy to make icsolutlons , but yon can say I have made up my mind 10 continue selling the Ilardmun , Fisher and Bverott pianos , and give them to the people nt llguros that can't ho duplicated anvwheio In tlio United States. " W. Mullen , of Mullen , Llndsoy & Mullen "Wo will take an active parMn Ihe prohibi tion question. Wo believe that the quantity of wine and beer at present in the Bluffs should bo reduced and vrji volunteer to help along tlio good cause by withdrawing from circulation ( on the Installment plan ) all the Milwaukee beer and California wine that our friends or the friends of other people may ho pleased to buy for us. Wo will also push the knitting business throughout the year , but owing to the fact that wo ore selling - ing all kinds of knit goods at extremely low prices wo do not expect to make much money Uurin ? the year 'bU. Ills our object , however - ever , to create a demand for our good * and get acquainted with A million people. In order to accomplish this wa will manufacture only the best good * anil will put thorn on the market at prices that will soil them from the Mississippi to tbo Pacific coast. Judt'o James "I have firmly resolved not to run for alderman this spring- unless the dear people tease too hard. Thcro ought to bo a change though , but I've tworn off yearulug for a scat In the council.1 E. B , ( iiirdiner "I know this- 1 * swear off time , but 1 have nothing to swear off from. Good resolutions ? Why all my resolutions nro goodi Yon might say though that I am bound to supply the 'oast end' ' with the best groceries I can buy and at the lowest prices If I break my neck in the attempt. " George Hiullo "I've sworn off on high- live , election bulletins and smoke. There's more money In dirt , and this . \e.ir I } \op' knpw noj'Uilntr but real estate. " T. b Kinc it Co.Wo ' haVtS"solved to keep right on putting the best tobacco in our cigars and selling them low , If we don't make a cent. We've only two stands running , Nos i > 29 and 51,1 Broadway , but we've re solved to start another and increase our fat- ton' if the smokers sny so. " Tom Bowman "I'm going to quit the post ofllcc this year probably. The vlctois aj it's their turn to lick the stamps. I shan't let go till I have to. though " J. M. Scanlan "If the neoplo want first class meat I am bound to give it to them and nt the lowest possible llgurc. I like good , square competition and am propaied to meet It. Toil Tnr But , readers so , will you' ' Mayor Hohrer "I've sworn off on procla inations. No men- telling the public what I proKso | ) to do If I can't do it some kick because cause I tried , and the rest kick because I failed. Hereafter I'llyalt until 1 succeed and then proclaim it. I'viOqult being Inter viewed , too The rcportcis make inn say too many things that I never even thought of ' W. "W Chapman "Good resolutlonsf Of course 1 have made SOIIIP , but don't ' give mo away. This year I am going to keep the biggest stock of pictures and pictuie mould ings in seven states , and uill Hell them at pices thnt will make my so called compet itors very v car.v " Driving I'.uk Managers "Yes , we've qtiito living lo give it solid silver oliow to a nickel-plated audience. We're tired and will rest awhile. " P U. IJevol "I have had a very prosper ous jear , and 1 Imvo resolved to put tlio Garland , winch Is the best stove made , into every home in Council Bluffs " Maishal Guanclla"I'm going to start the j car off right I'm tlied of single mssed ness , mid have resolved to begin double blessedness on Thursday Hut don t saj anvtliing about It , for the bo.\s ain't on. " Frank Levin"Is the now stoic at No * M Btondway a success ( Well , I should smile. Of course I shall continue it. Bvery body comes to mo for my specialties in cigars and tobacco and why shouldn't I con tinue it ( " Dr. C. C. lla/.cn , dentist , Oiiera-lioitse block' . , - The London "Tailor's" is the place to get your clothes made. ( ! . ' ! " Broadway. A DlHiistrons Ittnmway. A disastrous runaway occui red aboill S .41 last evening an I'eail street. Dr. Bart's car ] riago had Just drl\cn up to the entrance of the Itn.yul Arcanum hull , where the Pall Mall cl'ib were to give ono of their enjoyabls par ties. Mr. Gcoigc S. Wilson of Omaha , and Miss Clara Belbington were the occiipintsof Iho cariiage , and hod Jusl alighlcd , when the hor.ses started suddenly , throwing the driver between the wheels. Ho hold to the lines and was dragged some distance , when llio wheel passed over him , injuring him severely as llii ! lunaways dashed by , MissPellington's dress was caughl , and torn in such a manner as to bo irretrievably ruined , but fortunately both the Inilv and her escort escaped personal injury. The injured man was picked up budly bruised , and taken to his home , whcie it was found that no bones were broken. The horses were stopped after running several blocks , in which distance lliei had forced themselves from Ihe carriage , and lost the gi cater part of the harness. The news of Die runaway spicad rniiekh , and ex citement for a time i .in hich , until it was learned that the occupants of the c.u riago had escaped so casilv. Notice the beautiful linih jiven col lars , I'ulTs and shirts by Caicade L'liin- ilry company. The I'olIcemen's IJn'l. One of thc'inost enjojablo balls of the sea son was the policemen's grand annual at the Masonic temple last evening. The largo hall was completely tilled , and the scene was a merry one. The "linest" were out in full force both from this city and Omaha , and llio blue coats and brass butlons added much to the appearance of the s cne. Dalbi'sor- chestra urnished llio most dclighlful music , and but tew of the hundreds piesont Loulu rcsisl Ihe temptation to Join in the "ma/y. " It was the most successful ball over given by the "peelers , " and they are correspond ingly elated , ll was a grand fcuccebs in every particular , financially as well as socially. The pleasure seekers turned out en imis = o to "help Hie boys along , " and found thnt they icicivcd moro than measure for measure of value received. The visitors wcio well caieii for , and with tlio local guests enjoj ed Iho occasion to the utmost. For nearly a third of a century thoio delicious , pure economic preparations , Van Duxor's Fluvoi-iiiK1 U\.traets , have led the vanguard in popularity of arti cles in their class , nor has disparaging competition boon able to shako for n single day the fnith reposed in them by the American people. The bottles of thcf-e extracts contain surplus measure , a point of superiority over rivaln. and the proces by which they nro prepared prevents contamination with any del eterious substance. A Heroic Coin-He. 1 hoard the other day an millionth * story of something that happened hero in Boston , which recalls an incident in one of Bal/ac's novels , and tends to sup port the old saying about truth and lie- lion. It seemu that the wife of a j oung man who has a little house of his own somewhere in the outljing districts , but whoso salary is very small , foil ill , and was tumble to leave her 100111 for several months. The doctor , as often happens , prescribed a great ninny KMII- edio-i , tonics and beverages , such as Apnollinaris water and clinmpagne. which , being very expensive wont far beyond the young husband's moans. What could bo donoV lie was bound that his wife should have over.\ thing which the doi'toi' ordciud , anil , his iiis pur.so having been emptied , ho stole out one evening with the parlor clock under his arm and rolui'tiud with a $5 bill. A large easy chair was expended a few days later for a few bottles of port wine , and , to cut the sto-y short , by the time the oung woman was able logo down stairs , the rooms on the lir.it lloor had been stripped of their contents to pay the grocer and the apothecary. It must have been n bitter moment for the poor young wife when she llrst saw what havou had boon wrought in her drnwingroom , and I dare say that for a few minutes at least her good man felt that he had been too clover by half. It must bo acknowledged , however , that ho acted pretty wisely. Health is moro important than furniture , and in tune the household goods will bo replaced. Tlio plan which this enterprising follow pursued was surely bettor than helping himself out of his master's cash box , and perhaps it was preferable to the ordi nary course of running in debt ; cer tainly it was more original. Many cases of rheumatism , which have re sisted the skill of the professionhave prompt ly yielded to thai wonderful remedy , Salva tion Oil. ! 25 cents. Take the news homo to Mary , and tell her that my cough has gone , and that a " , 'i-cent bottio of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup dia the blessed work. D , H , HcDANELQ & GO , , Hidesjallowi Pelts , Wool & Furs , Highest market prices. 1'rompt returns. tC andsaiJalnMt. . Council IJlnlTs. Iowa. 1 have laid in n nice line of boots nnd shoe Bwblch I nm soiling nt the umallost living prollt. I um establishing a per manent business , /or I tun hero to stay , and as my expenses are small I can bull you goods very low. . "Call and convince yourself. ' K1NNEIIAN , No. HBi BBBII l WW | P W A | M HMl MfHHHmW WIB * i MMHMnHi i 0 i iTHE GREAT 20 PER CENT f AT ATS And We Know 0 L TORE 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. . RAT OH SALE ! FOR SO DAYS ! ' T iniHt have room for sjirinjr yooda , and will ell sill { foods now in .stock nt prices fur below any c\or offered bofoi o. Thin is no bait to oatolrnlio tnido but , : i genuine clenriiiff-ont wile , nnd o\ory- thiny must go. P.irlor sots , , bedroom solb , heating and coolting stoves , handing lumps , oil clothh. All goes without reserve. 1 have a big stock and can suit jou in whatever \ou want. Come and bee mo and examine my floods. 1 must soil. No t > riccb quoted , but no icabonublo offer will bo A. J. MANDEL , NO. ii. IlKOADWAY , . prA , IOWA. NEW BARGAINS HUOAI\VAY I.OTP , -11CST AVI3NUK IiOTS , MJItltY AIUHTIOV IDOL'S , PBIIHY AJI > 1T10N EVANS' ' t RIDGE ADD , LOTS , ' llUYA.Nr & Cij\KK'S ADDITION IjOTS , B'lllKKT'S AUDITION IAJT-S. of tti'3 liost ploporty In town for W. C. STACY , Telepliono 1IW. No. ' . < Jlaln Street. ( otincll Illnirt , 1o\\n. SPECIAL NOTICES. WAHTS. I7UH Hr.NT Nlcoly furnlihcil loonm for man J- unilvlfo or t\\o Ki'iitlemunIU \ ilf-o ofbatli , lientfil by f in naco , 'l S , 7th ht. , Amont block. Council HIiillK. _ \\7ANTIJI-Jool ) ( ( ( llnini ; loom jjlil at Parl- > T tic hotel , Soiitli Omulm , Wi ; have sumo of the be.st , lur alns in tha eltj * In real estate , ' ( heap lots , Mnull houses nnd lots ; sever. il line leHUlunceti on paved streets ; also acre tructN. All of the nnovu property will bo sold on''caHy ' ternin. Pniiill pajmcntilomiuuil low rule ot Intel cat. Comu und exiimlno our list. , M'ealso huviilnr o lists V > f propeity for ex change. No. 10 1'eiul st. Council Hlutls Imest- inent Co. _ ' * _ OOOMrf to rent by Couiull liliitra Investment Jt\Co. , No. 10 1'earl nt , _ H1WO line olllro , room * to rent on Ilrnt lloor ; -Lono room 18x45 ; botli nnnly paperu < l c.iul- painted , lies t locution tn tha , lty Call nt No. lu , 1'carl st. , c. M. iinuv. GI A , BELL & BERLINGHOF , Arcliilccts , Designer * apt SuporiiitGiKleM of Coiistriiction , Mr. ncrliiighor \ > aa sncu 3 oars with Monilclssolin , Flbhor&Lo > try , nnd lias doHlfiicd ninny of Uio llnoht blocks lu Omaha and Council Plans anH Specifications Prcparafl and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Itooni fi Opera House Block S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , VE'fflliRY ' SURGEON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No.05. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , I i IOWA WANTED ! Every man oromnn who has S"0 or S7wh'oh / they \\ish to imcst where it \\ill bo ii9 safe as it would bo if it weio deposited in the Hank of Kiigland and make him moro money , to call on us and buy n lot in Fail-mount addition. The best location on the hilN for btroot car service and school privileges ; close to all the railroads , \viiolcsnlo houses and city depot * . The only hill properly to bo had at such low priccb and oa&y terms. Prices range f nun $200 to S100 ; terms , ono-lifth cash , balance in thirty equal monthly payments at 8 port-cut interest. If ion are routing now and want a home of j our own. commence paying for a lot now before you have to pay double the money for the same location. Begin at once and you will be surprised to lind how soon the thirty months will loll around , making yon the owner of a lot. ( Jail on II. C-1-AlcOoo , IHO Main stioet , Forrest Smith , at the Brown building , Council Biulls , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , PARTIAL LIST OP I'KOI'liltTY 1'OK SALIJ KY GEO. METCALF M I > rs-.s , IVA. . ave ? .1,000 Uesidcnco cm Oth ave 1,11)0 ) Hcsidniicu on (1th ( ave 1,600 Kcsldenco on Oth ave 1,000 Hesideneo on ( jtli ave 1,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Uesidenco on Oth ht. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.fiOO Hosidenco on ( Ith nt 0,000 Kesidcnco on Noith bth st. , lot 12lx- lilll'tf , Krcat bargain 11,000 Bunch of r > houses and llotsonilidavu 8,000 Kcsidcnco on Scott st 2,000 Hesideneo on Plainer st. For prieo and particulars Inquire An elegant residence on 1st nve , , one minute walk from government building. For price and paiticu- lars Inquire Hesideneo on Otli avo. . thrco minutes walk from county court house. Cash 3,200 Residence nnd four lots on avo. "C , " Stieet'sadd 2,000 , Store building and lot on Pacillc nvc. , near U. P. transfer 1.600 Two-story frame store in town of Car son 2,000 Seventy-live lots m Squire's add , , north of transfer , elegantly loca ted , $ 'JOOtoJOJ each Bunch of 11 lots , Central nub 1 , COO Bunch of 12 lots , Cooper , McMahon & Joffiicsadd. , if taken before Jan. 1st , for 0,000 An elegant lot on Sth st. Cash 3,000 Thrco line lots on Blull street at u fj bargain lOOfoe't frontage on Parlt avo. forf > 0 per foot Business property on Broadway Business property on Main st An improved farm of 1IJO acres not far f 10111 Chautauqua grounds , con sisting ot hill and dale. Fo r par. tlculars Inquire . , 48-acro tract ono mlle from Broadway , suburban location . In addition to the ubovo I liavu vacant property In nearly every addition to thu city. GEO. METCALF , I'l I'IMItl , ST. , ui.urr.s , ; Uapoclally Adapted tot SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators.1 AUTOMATIC GUT-OFF J-peillliatlous nnd estimates fninl hcd for romploto itcntn plnnti. llppitlntlon , Duiabltlty ( luar- antcid. t-ivu s > hoiLttoia fiom ui raliue fuel Venn MIIJ Is oijual Ith lorll s N mt oailonslnif. M V " * k V M * * T * r * * A > E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Senil for Catalogue. No. 10 Pearl Street , t ouncil Blulls. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. I Dl/I t\l Dl M C" Hydraulic anil Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Intimates , HD . DI ni\ I IN DlnL. " " Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown IhuUling , Council liliill's , , Iowa. Justice ol the IVacc. Olllce o\er American E\iircs , No 419 N 'iJ.oaclway , Council IMnlls. Iowa. J ? . QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Ted era Ot OIIYlO" Count , . Olllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Slnigarl-Heno lllock , Council DIulTii , Iowa. 1 f rV This space is reserved for C. J. CoL < BY'sReal Estate advertisement , wliicl. will appear in our next issue. Look oul for "bargains. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS JAIII ; ivviiru TO ( * u u < BIHS. C. 1. C-fiLT.ETT'S HAIR EMPORIUM Ami sec Iicr I nc line of Hnlr ( looils riXKST HAIR OItXAMi.NTS : in tlio city. Wljr * , Ucanls , cti- . , Cor Itcnt or Sale. iiwrsa A.VI > covi i : AM > ? iviits ; GUMOSK I'AIM'S , IIAIK DHICBhl.NG. liTO. i\0. 20 .1JAHi > ST. , : < HJ.VCII , Itl-ITrS. rS' Olllll.llS 11V MAlt < Hiii.I\ : I'HOMl'T ATTI.MIOV DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. " \VANTED \ Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary. MVAX'A'KU "L.OCAIAX1) . TKAVULliVU A i\Tj < > \ IIOMI : missJJi : ; > MKATH : 12\amlnc the following 1 > ILOS for t.ish only (1 ( liiijonr meats < lii hcil at Iiomu 1 will i II until rin Ihtr noil' HH lollouw ; Shoillilci mid i Inn k lo.ist . . . 5 to fie 1'iJniorll ) loiiht , . . . . t-o riiui k H ! oak H ! HomnlMPiik 8 to llio Sirloin htciik . IUj 1'ortcrlioutu stnat lie ItoilliiK lieuf 4 to fie .Mutton Klm\ . . So Mutton Ires . . . . c ( oin beef ' 1 to fm 1'ork ro.it . . . . llio I'oikdiops unil bti-uk . He I.anl , mint nnd our own make . l-'o Bou ut'c , our own maku . 10c Itonu > ml ) i- this In tlio only IIOMK OltHHS JIIIAT JIAItKhT In the tlty. No rorrlKH meats ( .old. Tiilvplionu No.W. . C. li , NKUNH , No. HU1 Alufn ht. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRICE $11 Is equal t ) any High Priosd M&shin ) . Thnlldlnon .Mimeograph , tba Lost uppnriitiil Mr niHnlloMIni ; uiitocriiplilo anil lyiJUrillu. . - iJUI ) loplcsdtn bn liiki'n. Tbo 3zlior CCouncil Bluffs , h. Tnos , Omri n. W. II. M. J'uuLV. OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main und Ilromlway , COUNUIIj IlKUKKH , IOWA. Dcalera In forclKn und domestic exchange. Collnclloua naiido unJ Inturo.-it nald on tlmu de posits. JIKST AND NICK CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LADIES , I'lusli. Bilk Kluuntl and Cashnivre diesses Ready-Mnclo nnd Mnde to Order , By MRS. JULIA STEIN , 1111 Douglas St. , Omaha , Cheapest prices , autl oed tit guuruiuetd , COME BOYS Keep Her Up And fl' O I , 1 , O XV JV1 E : ! 11 MS rin : i.p. Boiling Beef 3 Shoulder Hoast 1 to fl Shoulder Steak 5 to 6 Coined Heef 3 to 4 Porlc Hoist 8 Pork Chops 9 Veal Houst 8 Mutton Hoast t Round Steak 6 \Vnlaiiil Mutton Stow 4 Loin Steak 8 to S Poi tcrhoiiBO Stcalc H to 9 KibKoast Otol SugarCmcd Bams 11 Bacon , 11 tola Lard 10 to 11 Leaf Lard 10 Salt Porlf Id MlmoMeat , icady made 8 Sniicr Kraut 8 Pickled Pigs Feet 5K Trlpo 7 Pickled Bucks ( . . . . . 8 Baiter 25 Poultry and Kish at Ion cat market prices. Don't Forget the Dumber , MO. : t27 ! ISftOAIMVAY GEO.H.MESCHEHDORF CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE FRONT ! UNI II , Kl'IITIMIU .NGUU : J WII.I , bKI.I , BEEF , VEAL & PORK - Ol % > IV OHK DIIEBSISO - Cattle , Fed 01 Iowa Coin ! And 111 meet any honest competition on prices t-fluBS .Meutu , J. M. SCANLAN , J1O Jlruiiilvvny. - - XKV OIIU MI1BIL