THE OMAHA DAILY BSJS : TUESDAY. JANUARY i , isso. EVERY REPUBLICAN PRESENT Arrival of the Tardy Members of the Legislature. THE SPEAKERSHIP CONTEST AbHorhs Kvrry Other Interest The Douului County Contof * * New No- tnrl " I'uhllu City NCWH nntl Notes. T.IXCOI.X nuiiEAU orTtiEO\utu UBE , ) 10'9 P STIIF.KT , } / LINCOLN , Deo. 31. ) The lardy members of the legislature cnmc In on'tho nftcraooii trams , and nt this wrlt- Jlng It is believed that every republican mem ber In on the ground.Vhitford , of Uixon Siirgcant , of Ouster ; Herlonun , of Sewnrd and the Oago county delegation wcro nnioni ; the last to arrivo. The rontest for the speak- crshlp of the house absorb * every other In tcrest , and the candidates for minor po l- lions who throng the lobby Und much dim cully in ircttini ; the ears of the members. The various candidates for chaplain fill the lobby , and arc putting In a word for them bdvcs at every opportunity. TIII : noruias CONTEST. Dave Mercer Is hero. As yet there li no evidence that ho has put on war paint. Ho BuldtuTin : lir.i : representative to-day that the testimony In the Douglas county contest was now filed In the ofllco of Iho secretary of fitnte. "It Is public property , " he remarked , "and yon can sco for youi-Holf what klml of a case wo'vo iot. " It is said that the evidence in Hie contest will bo among the first matters of importance to eoino up for the considera tion of Nebraska lawmakers. I 'JINIU.U. : : I.KP.MI : KIMUKI IIISIMP.CI : . "General r.ceso , how is it about Amor's in- chiding himself on the board of secretaries of the stale board of transportation ! I see that ho claims ho will bo reappointed with out material opposition. " "Well , 1 can siy : for oijo that he will never got there by my vote. And , further , I can say that another member of the Incoming board feels as I do about the matter. So , I think , you can safely say that Agur will have to shift to something else for a livelihood. " "How about Warinp ! Will ho be continued ns clerk i" "Ho is a capable man , but so negligent and shiftless that I shall oppose retaining him. llesldcs , he sils hi the lap of the railroads , mul I have come to distrust him. I have It , nlsu , that another member of the new board ivlll oppose his retention , and if so his goose Is cooked. I want it iniulc possible for the now board to do something for fie general public , and we can't do it with railroads greashur the whocls. I think that the best interests of state demand that Waring should go. " ' Whom do you favor for Mungor'.s place11 ; "I have no personal choice. Uut 1 shall favor a good Omaha man , if one can bo found there who will accept tlio position. 1 mean , of course , a representative man a good lawyer , one whom the public regards as honest and capable. " , . "WilUudge Mason bo retained i" "fam not curtain. I have not had an op portunity lo talk to the board about the mat ter. Mnson has done about all the work that over has been done by the board and he is competent. " "Suppose now that Jour of the now board say that the old machinery shall bo retained , what will .you do 1" "I shall go before the legislature and do my lovcl best to liavo the state board of transportation abolished. If that board can not bo brought into line for the public good , it will become n worse than use less picco of machinery in the state government. It will not only bo an cxpenso but n disgrace to the sate , and I don't propose to sit down and stand it with out nn effort to do my constituency * onieicnt service1. The state needs and demands a re- * * ucciun on freight rates , ami I ahull not give up the buttle until the last possible chancu goes a glimmering. I have strong hones that the now board will do something for the farmers of the state , soon after organiza tion , ana I liavo good reasons for thinking so. It will not surprise mo to Hud that a majority of the now board favor a reduction of rates. Of course I will be notified if this mirmlsu should chance to bo truo. The board would t'.ion bo iirncticnlly united , and something tangible and highly important to the producers of the state would bo in sight , and at the close of my present term I could retire to private lifo feeling that I had done something for my constituency. KEW SOTAltlCS I'Ulll.IO. The following Nebraskatis were appointed notaries public this morning by the governor : Charles liiloy , Albion , Uoono county ; James A. Grlincson , SehuylerColfax county ; James U. Gaze , Franklin , Franklin county ; James P. Hobnnl , Llnuoln , Lancaster county ; Albert Thompson , Fullerton , Nanco county ; Isaac J. Howe , Elsie , Perkins county. CITV SEWS AJfI KOTBB. It Is said that Governor Thayer rany not bo able to deliver his inaugural address. In tliu event tha ; 111 health prevents , it will be read. The governor exorcises n llltlo every day and is Improving In strength. Editor Ashvill mul Colonel Webster , of Stratum , uro In the city obsor Ing how "speakers" are made. Webster is prominent in Watson's lobby. Oliver Westberg and Miss Emma Gnnason , Of York county , were married by Judge Stewart yesterday at noon. The ceremony took place ut Councilman Meyer's ' residence. The interest of the city now centers in the lobby at the Capital hotel. Uusiness Is very quiet. A strong effort , however , Is behib' jnado in all quartern to close up the business of the old year. Watch meetings will bo held to-night at St. Paul's ' and Oraeo M. 1C. churches and nt the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. The old year will VX ) watched out and the now ear in. It is mid that these meetings will bo well attended. Suits tinder the captions of Tyler vs. Whirry ct ul , and Hell vs. 13oll , were commenced In the district court of Lancaster county to-day. C. C. MeNisli , of Wisuer , Cumlng county , nrrivcd to-day. Ho now floats prominently In the organl/atiou rabble nt the Capital hotel. James Fowler , of AHaiieo , formerly sheriff of Nomaha county , is In Lincoln. He is hereto to attend the commencement racket at law making. Hon. Paul Schmlnko , of Nebraska City , than whom tha state has no honestcr man , is here imbibing the enthusiasm and excite ment of two years ago. Hss influence Is felt in many ways. The Direct llouto to Washington. The Baltimore & Ohio R. R. is the shortest and moat diroot route from Chicago and all points in the west to the national capital. It is the best line running vostibulcd trains from Chicago to Washington. The 13. &O. Vostibulod limited leaves Chicago doily ut 7:0" : ) p. m. , and arrives at Washington the next evening at 9Ufi : , and Baltimore at 10Mb. Every car in the train is vcstibulod , in cluding baggage cars , day coachus and Pullman sleepers. All the cars are heated by steam drawn from the loco motive. No extra faro is exacted for passage on this train. The Hastorn Ex press , leaving Chicago at 1 0:135 : p. m , , unity , has day cotiahoa and Pullman Bloopers through without change to Philadelphia via Washington and Bal timore , Olclcm Timber lu the World. General Brlsbin in Trees and Tree- Planting : Probably the oldest timber in the world , which lias been subjected to the use of man , is that found in the ancient temple of Kgypt in connection with stone-work , which is known to bent nt least four thousand years old. This , the only wood used in the construction of the temple , is in the form of ties , holding the end of one stone to another. When two blocks wore laid in place an excavation about an inch deep was inndo in each block , ' in which a tie shaped like an hour-glass was driven. Jt is , therefore , very diflloult to force any stone from its position. The tlos nppuar to have boon of the tlmarlsk or Sliittim wood , of which the ark was constructed u sacred tree ia ancient 1'prypt , and now very seldom found iii the valley of the Nile. The dovo-tnil ties are Just ns sound now us on the days of their insertion. Although fuel is extremely scarce in the country .these bits of wood are not largo enough tc make it an object for the Arabs tc heave on" layer after layer of heavy stone to obtain shorn. Had they been ol bron/o. half the old temple would have beeu destroyed years ago , so precious would they have been for various pur poses. The oldest timber in A merion un doubtedly existed in Nevada and Cali fornia. That in California has haply been preserved , but the ancient trees ol Nevada nave long since disappeared. There arc , hownvcr , still to bo seen many potriHcaliom of these undent giants , which loll us what these forests once were , long betore the landing ol Columbus on our shores. In the bottom of the main shaft of the Virginia City Coal company , Kldorndo canyon , ' . .yon county , . Nevada , was encountered the trunk of a tree four feet in diameter , a lone relie of an ancient and extinct forest. Whore cut through by the shaft this old tree was found to bo perfectly carbonized turned into coal ; outside the old log was com pletely crusted over with iron pyrites , many of which were so bright that the crystals shown like diamonds. Those pyrites also extended into the body of the log , Illling what were apparently once cracks or wind-shakes , and even forming clusters about what was once the heart of the tree. This relie of an old time lay far below the two veins of coal. The finding of this old trunk Ls evidence that the country years ago was covered by a forest of large trees ; though the native timber growth , when the country was lirst visited by the whiles , and as far back as the traditions of the Indians extend , was but a scrubby snieces of nut-pine. A few miles from the shaft la which this carbonized tree was found , are to bo been on the sur face the petrified remains of many large trees , lu the early days of Was- hoe , before the prospector had broken them up for specimens , pieces of treo- irunks two and three feet in diameter , and twenty or thirty foot in length , were to be snen lying upon llio surface of the ground. MAKKNOMtSTAKK If.VOU llUVU Illlldo unyour mine to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any oilier. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medi cine , possessing , by virturc of its pecu liar combination , proportion and com bination , curative powers superior to any other article of the kind before the people. L'roin all alVections arising from impure blood or low state of the svstom it is uncmialcd. Bo sure to get Hood's. Why AVhltUcr r.nrniMl Mis lu > tlor.x. Boston Advertiser : For some months a report has been current in the news papers to the oll'ect that the poet Whittier - tier has caused all his letters to be de stroyed , not wishing posthumous publi cation of the same. This rumor occa sioned much regret in the reading world , and literary circles will be pleased to learn by the following letter from the poet that it is only partially true : OAK Kxou. , DAXVCIIS Dear Friend : The report concerning the burniairof my letters is only true is fur as this : Some years ago I destroyed u larto collection of letters I line ! received , not from any rcpunl to my own reputation , but from the four tlmt to leave them liable to publicity might bo injurious or unpleasant to the writers or their friends. They covered much of the auti-sl.ivery period and- the war of th rebellion , and many of them , I know , , were strictly private arid confidential. 1vis ; not able at tliu time to look over the AISS. , anil tlioumit It safest to make a. bonlirc of it all. I have always regarded a private and confidential letter ust sacred , and its publicity in any shape n shameful breach of trust , unless authorised by the writer. I only wish my own letters to thousands of correspondents may bo as carefully disposed of. You may use this letter ns you think wise and best. Very truly thy friend , .JOHN \VniTTinii. . ' ' Pears' soap secures a beautitul com ploxion. v\ Royal linliy'H Itetiiiuc. Youth's Companion : Probably the magnificent state of the royal baby of Spain suppnsses that of nny'oltiar infant of western lands , but the retinue of the emperor of China shows how they do such things in the east. The list of his attendants was as follows : Eighty nurses. Twenty-live fan bearers. Twonty-fivo palanquin bearers. Ton umbrella , bearers. Thirty physicians and surgeons. Seven cooks. Twenty-three assistant cooks. Fifty servants and messengers. Fifty dressers ( to put on and take off imperial clothes ) . Seventy-live astrologers. Sixteen governors. Sixty priests. With thirty cooks and thirty doctors it is perhaps a wonder that Kuangllsu , emperor of Chinahas lived to bo seven teen years old. "I Imvo been occasionally troubled with coughs , and In oauh case Imvo used Brown's Bronchial Troches , which liavo never failed , and 1 must suy they arc RCCOIU ! to none in the world. " Felix A. May.CusliIer.St. Paul , Mlnn > - - The Ilenr Uolmtnntc. North American : A fair debutante in New Yoric recently told papa what she would need before gentle spring comes again. Then papa wont down to the club and figured U out : Two imported ball KOWIIS. . . . . $ -150 Six homo-mado ball gowns . , , , , < ; jiO Two street dresses UOO Tea BOwn 83 Two house dresses 00 Two pairs Sabiu shoes 2J Two pairs walking boots it ) Three pulrs house ollppors li Church dress f > 0 Monkey skin furs " 7 Opera cloak , . 53 HucliIiiKs , lwudkerchlo/8 and Itiitforio. . 150 Hail-pins 10 Total . gl,83i Ditto for summer clothes , . 1,8'i.J Grand total . And that is why u prominent Now Yorker wears such a tired look when he goes down to his oiDco. * The Phonograph In . England , which was slow to take up the telephone , is ahead of us in adopt ing the phonograph. Its use there is already so extensive that the question whether the wax rolls upon which the phonographic sounds are impressed are to pay letter or book postage in trans mission through the mails has come up before the British postollice authorities. The Londoners are said to be in a mild state of wonderment that wo make so little of what is really n remarkable in vention. Perhaps the fact that England Is not plastered over with trusts has BOinothiug to do with its more rapid in troduction into that country. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. When Otttf WM rick , wa gore her CaitorfA. When ibo wu Child , ( he cried for Cwtoria , Wben olio becarno ilite , she elunjr to QutorU , Wbja abe had Children , oho gwn them Oortorio. ISTEE HEART OF TI.EDESER1 A Pen Plcturo of the Bonutloa nm Grnndours of the Shoahonoa. RIVERS OF WATER AND FIRE The Hriilnl Vell-TIi millers of the AVn of the Wntci-H The Kntlon ; Kyrlc ( Jlory mill Terror ; of tliu Falls. A Graphic Description. Judge Goodwin , editor of the Ssxl Lnko Tribune , has just returned from : visit to the grout Shoshone falls , am gives his description thorcon below : The luvu beds of Idaho are a market feature of that teirltory. Stnrtlni near the eastern boundary they extern southwesterly for n lonj ; distaneo am lire from JlOl ) feet tu 1)1)1) ) ) ) foot in depth This mass was once a river of inoultci lire , the making of which must havi succeeded a convulsion of nature mori terrible than any ever witnessed bj mortals , and lou r years must havt passed before the awful liery mass wa : cooled. To the east of the source of the lava How , the SnaUo river bursts out ol the hillH , becoming almost at once f sovortgn river , aad llowinir at lirst bouthweetorly and then bondinjr west erly , cuts through the luvu Holds nearly in the canter ut the territory , reekonoU from east to west , and about forty miles north of its southern bin-dor , and thence Mowing' with great curves , merges llnally with the I'olumbla. Tho. two rivers combined make 0110 of llio ehiof water ways of the coalition ! , and hero and there take on pictures of great beauty. On the Snake there are sov- orul falls. Tito American falls a few miles west of i'ocatello are very beauti ful. Some sixty miles below are the Twin lalls , whore the river , divided into two nearly equal parts , falls ISO feot. They are very grand. Tlireo mik's further on , and nearly duo south and twoiity-Htx miles away from the town oSShoshoiio on the Oregon Short Line railroad , are the Shoshone falls and a few miles further on the .Salmon fulls. The following article was written in the hope of giying a 'faint idea of the great Shosliono falls. Xevor any where else was there such a MVIIO ; never anywhere else was so beautiful a picture hung in so rude a frame ; never any where else ou a back ground so forbidding and weirdworo so many glories clustered. Around and beyond , there is nothing but the desort. sure , silenl , lifeless ; as though Desolation had builded there everlasting thrones to borrow and le- hpair. Away back in remote ages , over the withered breast ijf the desert , a river of lire 100 miles wide ; and 101) ) miles long , was turned. As the lire.y mass cooled , its red waves became irauslixed and turned blackgiving to the double desert an indescribably blasted and forbidding face. face.But But while this river of lire was in How , a river of water was lighting its way across it , or has since made the war anil forged out for itself a channel through the mass. This channel looks like the grave of a volcano that had been robbed of its dead. But right between its crumbling and repellent walls transfiguration appears. And such a picture ! A river as lordly as the Hudson or the Ohio , springing from the distant snow-crested Tetons , with waters transparent as glass , but green as emerald , with majestic How and over increasing volume , sweeps on until it reaches this point where the display begins. Suddenly , in different places in the river-bed , jagged rocky reefs are up heaved , dividing the current into four rivers , and those , in a mighty plunge of eighty feet downward , dash on their way. Of course the waters arc churned into foa-.n and roll over the precipice , white as are the garments of the morn ing when no cloud obscures the sun. The lovoliests of those falls is called "The Bridal Veil , " because it is made of the lace which is woven with a warp of falling waters and a woof of sun light. Above this and near the right bank is a long trail of foam , and this is called "Tho Bridal Trail. " The other channels are not BO fair as thooito called "Tho Bridal Veil , " but they are more fierce and wild , ami carry in their furious 9\v op more power. One of the roofs which divides the river in mid-channel runs up to a peak , and on this a family of eagles have' ' through the years , may be through cen turies , made their home and reared their young , on the very verge of the abyss and amid the full ecjioos of the re&ounding roar of the falls. Surely the eagle is a lilting symbol of perfect- fearlessness and of that exultation which c omes with battle clamors. But these lirnt falls are but a begin ning. The greater splendor succeeds. With swifter How , the startled waters dash on , and within a few feet take their second plunge in a solid crescent , Over a sheer precipice , two hundred and ton feet to the abvss below _ . On the brink thoic is a rolling creat of white , dotted here and there , in sharp contrast , with shining eddies of green , as might a necklace 'of omcrald shimmer on H throat of snow , and then the leap and fall. fall.Hero Hero more than foam is made. Hero the waters wo shivered into Hoccy Hiiray , whiter und liner than any miracle that over folFfrom an India loom , while from the depths below an ovorlnsting vapor rises the ineonso of the waters to the waters' God. Finally , through the long , unclouded days , the sun bonds down his beams , and to give the start ling scone its crowning splendor , wreathes the terror and the glory in a rainbow halo. On either sullen bank the extremities of its arc are anchored , and there in its many-colored robes of light it lies outstretched above the abyss like wreaths of flowers above a sopulchor. Up through the glory and terror an everlasting roar ascends , deep toned as is the voice of fate , a dlaptibon like that the rolling ocean chants , when his eager surges come rushing in to greet and fiercely woo an irrespon sive promontory. But to fool all the awe and to mark all the splendor nud power that conies of the mighty display , one must climb down the deep descent to the river's brink below , and , pressing up as nearly as possible to the falls , contemplate the tremendous picture. There something of the energy that croatoa that endless panorama is comprehended ; all the deep throbbingsof the mighty river's pulses are toll , all the inugnillconco is scon. lu the reverberations that come of the war of waters one hears some thing like God's voice : something like the splendor of Gou is before his eyes ; something akin to God's power is mnnifosUngateolf before him , and his soul shrinks within itself , conscious as never before of its own littleness and helplessness in the presence of the workings of Nature's immeasurable forces. Not quite so massive is the picture as la Niagara , hut it has more lights and mndos and loveliness , as though a hand iioro divinely skilled had mixed the .ints , aud with moro dolicuto art had FATJENTJED AUGUST 10,18B7 ' IMFKOVED JUJVE 20,1888. Spinal Appliance * No. 4 Gents' licit. No. 4 Ladles' Belt. Ladies' Spinal TIT. Owen's Electro _ Galvanic Hell and Suspensory will cnro ihcfot- lowing diseases ntlil all rJ . ' olhcrs of a nervous cliaraclcri Rncumnlisni of any kind , Sciatica , Pa- raljrsis , Epilepsy , Spinal Diseases Unct vew. St.Vitus1 Dance Ilrignt's Disease , Piles , Heart Diseases , Lumbago , General and Nervous Debility , Coslivcncss , Kid- ncy Diseases , Nervons- ness , Trembling , Wasting of tlic body , nil diseases caused from Indiscretion in Youth or Married / / Life , Nervous Prostration , Personal Weakness or Exhaustion , Female ComV plaints , in fact all ncrSuspensory , vous diseases pertaining to Male or Female. We challenge the world to pro- \ ilucc a belt thai will corrmarc with it. The current la under ( lie perfect control of the wearer and can be made mild or strong to suit "ny complaint ; this cannot be done with any other belt. The Suspensory for weakness ol iiicn h connected directly to the Half err , the disks arc so adjusted that by the means of our appliance * the KlPO- * " "can be carried to any part of the body or wherever the disease is located. This is the latest and greatest Ilnek View. . Front View. Galvanic Body Hclt Owen licit to be. It differ * Irnra all others. It is Contains Two Batteries aft4 Twenty ( Jalvnnlc The Owen licit . . . . . , . . . , . . . The Electric current can , , ' , . . - - - - , BliB | u tnj ux. v * 1IUII ' 4. ) JtlMIM4 | V I/ill iyhtlllL3 * UIII il tfl\J lij llt .Hltllf V't * * \ill ttllilV A \\\\\.t 1 * A H1 < 1V.A.I1U WUllUllb * wl * be Tested by nny ono before it is nnplicd ] to the body and is worn on'y ' from six to ten hours day or night. After examining this licit you will buy no other , as it is light and easily word and superior to all others now offered for sale. To show the IMIro Conflduiiro we have in our Klectro-Galvanio l&clt & and Appliance , we will send our Full Power No.1 licit complete to' responsible parlies on thirty < iays trial , and if it docs not Prove to bo or do what we llcprcsont , you can return it to us. Physicians indorse the Owen Melt as the best. Send 6 cc t postage for our free illuMratetl pamphlet book of Icstiinoaials In n sealed rice $ I. oo , which sultation rooms ( or ladiea all times-dayt , QQQ North Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. Incorporated June 16 , 1887. IrnnsllM'd them upon that picture sus pended there in its rugged and sombre frame. As ono watches it is not dilllcult to fancy that away back in the immemor ial and unrecorded past , the angel of love bowailpd the fact tlmt mortals wore to be given existence in a spot so forbidding , a spot that apparently was never to be warmed with CJod's smile , which was never to make asiga through which God's mercy was to be discerned ; that then Omnipotence was touched , that with Tlis hand he smolu the hills and started the great river in HH How ; that with His linger ho traced out the channel acro.-iH the corpse of that other river that had been lire , mingled the sumbeains with the raging waters and made it possible in that liro- blusted'frunic of scoria , to swing a pic ture which should bo , first to the redman man and later to Iho'pnlo races , a certain - tain sign of the existence , the power and Iho unapproachable splendor of.le- hovah. And as Iho rod man through the cen turies watched the hpectacle , compre hending nothing except that an intintto voice was smiling hia cars , and inntilTcr able glories wcro blazing before hit , eyes ; SQ through the centuries to conic the pale races "will stand upon the shuil- doring .sliouo and watch , experiencing a mighty impulse to put oil the sandals from their feet , under an overmastering consciousness that the spot on whicl the yare standing is holy ground. There is nothing elsewhere like it ; nothing half so-weird , so beautiful , so clothed in majesty , so draped with ter ror , nothing else that awalcens impres sions at once so startling , so winsomeso profound. While journeying througl the desert to come suddenly upon it , the spectacles gives ono something of the emotions that would be experienced to behold a resurrection from Die dead. It the midst of what seems like a deaii world , suddenly there springs into irre pressible lifo something so marvelous so grand , so caparisoned with loveliness and irrcsistnblc might , that thov heat is bowed , the strained heart throbs tuimikiiously , and the awed &oul sinks to its knees. SMOOTH FACE AND LONG HAIR Tlio Latest Fa l AmouR Now York nut Ijoiuloti Society Bleu. The newest fad among the young men in New York is to let their hair grow long. It seems that in a certain sot in London there has arisen ' n sudden rage for those lengthy locks'which not a crrcnt while back were looked upon as effeminate and ridiculous , says the Brooklyn Eagle. A club man standing in the window of his club house , the other day , and tartly commenting upon the passers-by , noticed one of those smooth-faced , abundant-locked young follows , and began to examine the ques tion in the leisurely , minute manner tlmt only club-loungers liavo to bestow upon trifles. Said ho : "See that thing out there , with a bang all over his head ! I didn't know that had got to this side. It's the first one of the sort I've scon bore. Over in England last spring I saw n lot of them. They are the signal of a now ideal among the young men those long-locked fellows aro. When I was youtii * tlio military typo was what wo all patterned after. Ilnir chopped close , big mustache , sijuaro shoulders and all that sort of thing. Later , the Prince of Waloriset a new model , which had less of the military air and more of the typo of the society man about it. The hair was still short , but the martial mustache drooped their poinls , and a Vandiko beard was added. It was a vjry picturesque typo , and was better suited to the middle-aged men like the prince than to the young follows who nevertheless endeavored toconform to it. They weren't satisliod , though , and when 1 was on the other side a few months back I saw the enormous influ ence of the gtngo , which scorns to bo paramount just now , was appearing in this. IJoth the beard and mustache had disappeared and most of the young swells hau faces as free of hair as a girl's. They claimed that a man looked more 'distinguished' with a clean face , and I don't know but there is some truth in the claim. 1 never had any thing but annoyance from tlio big mustache tacho I wear , and I think nature trip ped up when she gave a man hair on his face anyhow ; it isn't of the slight est use and it's an awful deal of troll bio. Well , but , ifs I was saying , the real les son of the young fellows' clean shave was the inilnen'co of such men as Irving , Wilson Barrett ; and the young 'beauty mon' on the stage , who , by the nature of their prpfepston , and often much against thofr yill , are obliged to keep their - faces cloan-shuvou. It is a curious fact ; that when a man takes all the hrflr * oT ! his face , it im mediately ' becomes necessary lie should lot it 'grow on his head. If ho still keeps his < head cropped , ho gets a prison-convlct"a plckcd-chickon kind of air that is eminently unbecoming. If you will notice , our ancestors of the past generation , who used to consider hair on the face an unforgivable vul garity , were their hair not less than two inches long. You'll see it in all the portraits of the judges and senators 3f that day. And , indeed , if you will look over any book of costumes , you tt'lll find that in every period a smooth face and long hair , mustiiohos and a sloso crop have always gone together , 3o , us a result of this shaving of coun tenances , the locks begun to sprout igain , and now hero's a. specimen of the fashion among our own gilded fouths. Kyrlo Bellow has helped on iho style ; Henry Irving began it. Of : ourso , there will always bo a lot of red uced , turnip-nosod , or stocky young allows who will fight shy of a fashion .sure to be unbecoming to them , and. c I'ourse. old fogies like myself will stiel to our old ways , but I predict an era and a long ono , of smooth faces am plentiful hair. " Mini ami Miujli ino Sound Itc Isaac Pitman , of Bath , England , i seventy-six years old. lie invented s word. Tlmt word 'was phonography. I meant writing by sound. Mr. Piunai had invented the only logical systen of shorthand writing , and the systen : is in almost universal use at this day , ' This system is named "phonography' ' So well thought out was phonography that it has required very fov improve ments since it was lirst given to the pub- lie. In JSU5 the Phonographic Ho- porlcrs Companion was established , ami in 1817 the word phonography was rec- oirni/ed as a new word in the l nglisli language. Uut that same year a bab.y boy wus born in Ohio , and that , boy , at though Mr. Pitman knew nothing of it , was destined to take possession of the word Mr. Pitman has up to date called his own. The small boy in Ohio was named Thomas Alvu Edison , and his father thrashed him under the name of Tom. I'Yoin about this time forward "phonography" will mean the use of the phonograph ; "phonographic , " pertain ing to the phonograph ; "phonograms , " letters written by the phonograph , and &o on. The phonograph enables a per son lo really write by sound. Not only has Edison "squatted" on the word phonography , but it , looks as if his ma chine would take the place of those who use shorthand. No man can compote against a machine. The phonograph has not to buy elothes nor does it need to pay board. It can therefore work much cheaper than a man can. The improvements that arc now being made on the phonograph are delaying its ap pearance as a public worker. People who expected to have phonographs in operation last November have not yet got their machines. The Kdison fac tory seems to be at work night and dny , but no phonographs issue therefrom. The reason given is that Edison has made now and remarkable improve ments On the machine that will astonish oven tho&o wlro were astonished at the instrument as shown a few months ago. He does not wish any machine to go out without the latest modern improve ments. Edison is a , gold mine for New York reporters. Whenever a New York man wants to make up a special article and has no subject he rims over to Edison's place and the old man fills him up with nil sorts of startling news. Madeu Clieaj ) Collln for Ilin Daughter. A Wilkesbarro ( Pa. ) dispatch of December - comber 20 to the Pittsburg Dispatch says : "Tho good people of Hanover township , this county , are greatly ex cited over a matter which occurred in their midst yesterday. A Polander named Sehiloiifiki works a small pieoo of ground in tlio summer , and in the winter works out with neighboring farmers , or if ho cannot got employ ment from them he labors in the mines. Among his people ho is known as a miser , and will not spend a cent of his money if ho can help it. On Wednes day his seven-year-old daughter died He did not notify anybody. When night time came Suhilenski tore down a portion of Farm or Mc Carthy's fences and taking the lumber to his collar , proceeded to make acollln. After ho had the job completed ho put the corpse in it. Farmer McCarthy heard of the unnatural fathers crime to-day , and ho went to Wilke.sbnrro and notified Poor Director Long. The body will bo disinterred to-morrow and given a decent burial. The father will bo arrested. A well-known lawyer of San Diego , Cal. , while in a barber's chair , turned suddenly lo speak to a friend and a piece of his nose was sliced on" . It has boon found in Norway that banks of snow will stop cannon balls , which penetrate only a little way when the snow is properly prepared. ONCE CURED NO RELAPSE. -uuuta * i n j jii Aitknv CVi-Ai WTlKHE THE CHARLES A. VOGELEfl CO , , Daltlmore , Md. Aircstn discharges from the urinary or- gimiUiicltUerscxla-ls hourN. It fa superior to ropnlbn. rulxjlw , or 1 1njections , anrt tree from nil baa nusll lorothur Inconrenlenwu rj SANTAL-M I DY l'u , ° 2arj ? ! laai ulu.wlil < * lieiir Uie name Ii I lilack ktte , Ittiuut wWcli nouo iirt 'S ; tic Belts ! ! The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Scl- | Cent'omcn'sPclt onllicaly ( | Made and Practically Applied. with Suspensory. Klfftric ' DISEASE CUR [ wifiT ) MEDlCINESl WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. I TCCTIMflfcll Al C Krrr.r onoRrnnlnp and u oil If iwrmlailon. ISO It : tha lullnwliiirnlio Imre liBftBj j ICOIItuUillMLO ( U'ltiili-A : 1. llanclniul. It. S. I'urkcrniHjJ M. llmli-tt.niton Uirnnl of Trade. Chlca-l itPlock YnrJ i Iiinlcl liable , th pivnt lioi > cnioiu A U. Woodier , M. V. , Iti'llus , ! , li.t Miirinnnto\vn , lownt I.t > nuiil Mlllc. Kankakco , lll. | Jtidfrnl. ttiti | > t. city wnter workd. South IttMiil , liul i Koht , R hniiipson , Clilcaffa pnstotncx ; 1. . 1 > . McMlchnol , M. ! > . , IlulUto , N , Y "Vour belt ti. i acccmihllAlic'l wlmt no ollirr fcmrdr halt rtenilylK-rri'ianilcuinrnrtnliln . _ > U'ciintnl7hL" Unlit , llnll. lailorman , iMt Kn t3 th Strci-t.Now York , to. ? OUS PEOPLi * . T TeltlfSyFu-rcalrTnoTla vT > Z > M - . tin. rrscnto-Bia. Homo VL.lvtro.MDffnrtlellcll IIKI.T no lllr lT cam Trun.icomtilned. ( li.nrnntpfiithi ) . ' - - , , , v vif iia , . . , -.m. - - * onlyonolnthoworldKencrntlnaf'E tCCTRir vIlsrt'flK1' ' "l } " > .11 * w > 1 Xfit"iy Hminlodlwaaeiof bothwic * . nrontlnuons Etrctrlofc fa nfl/ali / feyil oSTH nf. Kclcntltlp 1'oncrful IlurabM. " i'VLFJri ! * * ronlnln 23 tnloortcpwiol ComfSFtiWo 'anS ! KirSilr"cAvi'l ? if i ffi. JTj * Ss r. . . KlreirtcUy. . ovauarOSS thB ; , Inventor , I9I Wabash Avenue. Chicago , ajj gft&jjggsg ZULU MAGNETIC OIL. Cnr Kbeumnllsm , Sprains , Swollen Joint * . itriil.iv.i , Diicknchc , Hca < lnclin nml Neuralgia , li perimmuntly Urlvt nwHy nud ri'move * all imlni. nclici ii ml aliullnrHllrarnui. Oond forlioaitu welt nj nmnklml. nnU cures ItlnKlionn. Spnrln , BpllnU. i'to on liorcca. rut up in Innie cum uncl eut ii ) by ojprpji an rocrlpt of price II root Rt doui not kvup It. 1'ik-u ! & ) . ZULU HEALING OINTMENT. CrrMcjt Snlvoln the world. It nets like BiRla when niiplliM tu ttuls , UrnUei , Pcahfe , llurnn. LIKo. Old Sorei , C'lmlTpil find Clinppocl llnndi , Craoked COWB' Touts , t'tc. , and oilier troubles of a ilmllar nnture. Uood fur liorew wounds and norm. I'rtco TSepnls. Put up In Inriro tin boxes , and nt by mall or orpri'ss on receipt of price It you * driiKntst < lee dot keep It. Our ciinn nml boxp contain more limn four tlmos si mucli as Buy otlicr iHittlo or imckiuto CLAIUBU to contnln , nn iirtlclo Unit will do the work no OUA1UNTEK our prepiirnllons to do. ' . THE SANTFORD UFO. CO. , Ouiuha , Neb , S .l I'roprletorf , For Sale at i-olall in Unialia , l y Knlin & CoGco. , AV. 1'arr , John W. Bell , nil S. II. Farn.suoi'tli. -THE OF TIIH Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. ' The Best Route from Oiiinlm and Council Bluffs to ETHEEAST- TWO TltAlNB DAILr BETWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL BL.UITKS CWcago , - AMD - Milwaukee , St. Faul , Minneapolis , Ccilnr Ilupids , Hock Island. Frccport , Ilockrord , Clinton , Dubiiquo , Durcniioit , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , UcloitYinoiin , La Crusse , And ull other Important uolnti East , Norllioutl and Houthuait. Forthroucli tickets , emit on the tlckot Rcont nt 1M1 urnaui atruot. In Darker JJIuck. or at Uulou 1'aclUo . 1'iilln.nn Slcoperi nnd the flnert DlMlniiCArs In tha world are run on the malii Hue or the Clilcago , .Mil- wukce ft M , riiul ItalliTiiy , nnd nvarj attuntlun IM imld to utibaengura by cnunuou * oiuployus of tUocouiuanr. if. MM. I. Kit , ( iencial MHnngor. J. F. TUUKKR. ABtltUnt Utueral Manager. A. V. II. CAHI'KNTUIt , Qfoeral J'a b nzor and Ticket Auunt. CJHa I ! . HICACFOIID , A < < titani General rmcnstt and Ticket Attent. J.T. CLAUK. Way nirord liodlly protection "In your A irilnd , " but lomuthluit more euhitiin- tin I will tie nocexnry qulto noon , n * winter Is rapidly apiiroucliliiK. In VELVET addlllon to hoary clothing , tliono who uro inudent will provld-j n mpply of IIKNMIN'H J'l.AKri.ll III UllllClilltHl | 01 ( 'oiiRlm , Cold * , Choit I'uliU , lllieiiinu. llsiii , MHtlcn unit nther allnienti COLLAR which me sure in prevail ilurlnx tlio I'Ull nidiitlii. Tlil planter Is well kiidirn n < u iinirornily reliable remedy In nucli truulilen ; In iiltravi ri'Hdy for ON YOUR limiipdlatti upiillcutlon and it Y'lJVct IK proniiil nml iioriiiuneiit. Aa there inu ninny npurluiiM Imitations In the , inrulul buyein nlll ulwnyn ink for HKNMIN'K mid refuse till oilier two crnt tnmp to Hea- luiry A .Inhntoii , ' 'I I'lutt Hlri'Ot , N. V. , lor a ropy ol l.s'hrnrtTio.NH ruoii DUSTER ' " * ' 1'"iil'01' ' ' " vitiiiablu - hnuk , T. E. CIB.PI1A1 , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Ituoin 03 1'radorV CH.CAGD. nnal Hank. U. U. lun & C-o. Tliu llrailhtinet Ol IFOR SAlE-i- EVERYWHEHE. PEHNYKOYAI , TVAFEHH am " P" > ntWyby over 10,000 /e. Xffectualanti 1'lcatant * . Sealed upn. AiUrosa TllB JiUttEEA CllBUKUb Co. , DlJTUOlT , BllCU. For sale anil It/ } mull l > u Goodman Co. , Omnhti , Mb , HOIGIOU8 AND PEHSISTEHf AdvoMlslu lilts ulwuya | > rovoa iiucccsgful. Iieforo pluclnjrany Newspaper Advcrtlalutr consul ! LORD & THOMAS. ' AUYKUTISIkU iUEITIB , lt f lto.4 U.UBU . t , CHICAGO. l VOHOK8-A. UUOUniOll. ATTOllSSV.AT-lMwT IM Ueuruorn HI. , Uuicajo ; Hdvlea fro a ; SI rcur * exp rleuc i bunueu quietly aad locally irjaucut IS Wealth ! } | 1)11. B. C. WUST'H NEIlVr. AND HllAIN Til EAT- < HUNT , ugimratcea specific tor Dysterta. Pftzl. * ness. Convulsions , Kits , Nervous Neuralgia , lleailuche , Nervous Prostration , caused by ills ttsoof alcohol or tobacco. Wakef illness. Mutual Denrossion. Bortnnlng of the llroln. resulting- ? In Jnsuuity , nud landing to mlnery. decfcjr and ilcntli. I'remntiiro Old AKe , lIiirronnoHS. Lossot Power In olther sox. Involuntary Losnei and Snvrniittorhnon. canseil by ovcr-oxertlon of the Ijrnin , olr-iilmsi > or ovpr-luilulRcnce. l ! cu BOX contains ono inoutli'ir treatment. I a box , or six boxes for $ . - , ; Bent by mull prepaid on w. ' ' ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure nny ruse. With each order renolvutl by us for MxlmxuH. nrcomiuiuleil with $6. wo will Hcnd the purclmsi-r our written guarautoo to rofiina tlio money If the M-outmont does not c-ITect n euro. OunrnntepH iHhiioil only by 0. P. ( JOODMAN. DrtieKiat. Solo Auent. Street , Oniiiliii. Neb. TZT1S XOr X1I1S CUILI ) LIKKS 31EBX ) 16 TUB "Anchor" Stone Bnlldln * real atone , thraa colon. The UKHT ritKHBHT for chlldrea am ) i- ' wi " 'nw 5"goia Ari'lr for DeEcrlpUra Cotnlopia , cent pout-free , to f , AD. RICMTert & CO. , 010 Broadway , Yorlc. ' . . . , . .mTfW. . 7fpw fa , I T < . . . ,1. , , , TYLEf. DESK GO. ST. 10UIS , MO , , 0 , S. A. FIliE OFFICE KSKI BANK CODNTERfl , OODM HOUBE HUENITUKt , 1 TABLES , OHAIES , * c. ( D0 l'ace Illustrated dialogue Free , Pcit 7 t ( , U. S , DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , MIB. I'aid Up C i > ltal . $100,000 Surplus . C II. W. VATIM. 1'rosident. IiKWIfl B , ItKCU , Vlcn I'reKldcnt. A. K. TUUKAI.IN , Sml Vlcu ITd W. II , ti. JiuuiiKii. Otutile ? , W. V. MoitSK. ' . JOHN S. Cou.tNa. II. W. VA7-K3. I.KWISa. UUUO , A. H. TOUZAUtf. * Uanklnc Omce THE IRON BANK , Corner I''yi and KurnuniBta , A G'euerul lliiiiklnu liuMnuss Transacted. CILLDTTS GOLD HEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION Ifit , Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O- . CUE MOST PERFECT OP H3Hft , Surgeon and Piwslaiai , OUlceN . W Corner Hill ana fJ < > uiUt. ; Jt. OrtlM imouo.iaj ; Ud iaoacu uiopUam , 53J.