Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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OovornorLnrrnboo OfTora a RowartJ
For the Murderer of Henry Johns.
fireman nml lunglneor of a Mil
wnnkoc Train Killed In nn Acci
dent Ncnr Tnnin , Canned Hy
n Broken KalL
llowni-d on'oied ,
Dr.s MOI.NI.S , lu. , Dec. 31. [ Spoclal Tele
gram toTitiBit : : : ] The governor bus offeree
n iond ol f.VK ) for the nrrest and delivery
to the piopcr nlithorillcs of Iho person o ;
persons guilty of the murder of Hour ;
Johns , near Ablwtl , Hardin county , April 10
C'ititHod hy u Hiokon Itutl.
MAIISII vi LTOW N , IA. , Dec. -Special [ Tele
gram to Tut. BKI : . ! Early this mom ing in
nccidunl occasioned by a broken rail oc
curred lo the Milwaukee easlbotlnd passen
per Iraln , llvo miles east of Tamil , ttnglnooi
Nichols nnd Fireman Francis are reportci
liilled No ono al e injured.
DiHlrlot .Indue Appolnteil.
Dr.s Moists lu. , Dee -Special [ Tele.
gram to THE BEU J Governor Larrabec
this morning appointed Hon L IJ Fellows
Of Lansing , to bo Judge of thu Thlrtecntl
district to succeed Hon Charles T Granger
who hni been elected to the supreme bench
A HL'ttloinoiH
FOIIT Donor , In. , Dec. : tl. [ Special Tele
gram toTni : BIE. ! Hlchard Snell , agent foi
the Snoll river hinds , authorillvcly stated to
the p. ess Ihis afternoon that a setllomonl
bad been iiindo with every ovioted soltlor on
the Snell lauds , either by sale or lease.
These lands nru only a small portion of the
territory In dispute , bill have come into
prominence because of the vigor wilh which
theowneis proH-cutod tlicir cause. Other
land ownois have abandoned fuithcr action
until spring ,
Dentil of n Japanese Student.
IMIIVNOIla. . , Dec 31 - | Special Tele
gram to TinBUB. . 1 Yesterday afternoon
occurred the death of Sanulura Mlyado , n
young Japanese sludcnl who bus been ul-
tending college hero for the past two .years.
He came from his native land via San Fran
cisco a few years ago , with all his race preju
dice , but thoLpht a knowledge of American
\va\swould \ bo a benolit lo him. Ho came
came east and stopped a shoit time at
JHissouii Valley , la. , where ho attended pro
tracted meeting and was converted to
Christianity , and has been since studying
with a view to converting his countrymen to
the same faith. About a week ago , while
walking through u now addition to the col
lege building , ho stopped on a loose board
and fell through to the bisoniont below ,
pinking on his head , and died from his in
juries Saturday ,
A Korirer Captured.
DrsMoisns , In. , Dec. 81. [ Special Tolo
pram lo Tnu Bru.l Luther Blood , the for
ger who succeeded in swindling Banker
Ilannn , of Lu Verne , Humboldt county , a
shoil lnno ago , was arrested to-day rt Al
bany , Mo The youth became enamored of a
prctlj school ma'am and forged a & ! 00 note
on a well known horse denier to sccuio funds
to get muriied. He bold the note lo Hunnu
for 10 per cent off , but the forgery was soon
discovered. His sweetheart plujed fnlsoand
ho was compelled to Hy There is § 100 re-
\vard for his capluro , and ho will soon rc-
Ihe. pcmloniiury.
Subscription itnoka Opened.
Sipus : GITV , la. , Dec 81. [ Special Tolo-
pram lo Tin : Hr.u.J Subscription books
yrero opened to-dny for the purpose of secur
ing in S'oux ' City $2.10,000 for the proposed
Sioux City & Ogden railroad company. Sub
scriptions to the amount of $215,000 were
tnado lo day. Grading is in progiess now on
the western purt of the line nnd in the cun-
jrons , and will bo begun fiom this cud early
In the spring.
Iliisliancl Against Wife.
Four Donor , la. , Dec. ! ! ! . [ Special Tele-
Brain to Tun BEK. ] Hansom Johnson , a
prominent farmer living near this city , has
llled Infoiiimtlon charging his wife , who do.
hcctcO him recently , with robbery and at
tempted arson During Johnson's absence she
Returned to her former homo and , breaking
the door , ransacked the house , carrying off
nil ai Holes of value. She then llrcd the
house to conceal the lobbory , but her hus
band's timely return pi evented Iho destruc
tion of Uie piopcily. Ho announces his do-
Jxjrmiuatioii to prosecute his wife lo Iho full
oxlonl of Ihe law.
Tlio Kmpoior Will Sfarry.
" WAsii flTox , Dec. 31 The department of
Btato has been informed by Iho minister of
the United Stales at Pekin of the following
edict of the empress Dowager , published in
the Pekin Gu/otle , Friday , November 9 ,
I6S3 "Tho emperor having recently suc
ceeded to his exalted inheritance , und In
creasing day by day lu maturity , it is becom
ing that ho should select u viituous consoit
to nssisl in the iidminislinlion of Iho palate ,
to control Iho emperor's onlohil household ,
nnd lo encourage Iho emperor himself in up-
neht conduct. Lot , therefore , Heh-Ho-im-La ,
0 daughter of Deputy Lieutenant Guiieiul
luioihslang , whom wo hnvo selected for her
( JiKiiillcd and virtuous character , become the
Cuiporor's consait. "
! Hither edict , same date , is us follows :
"Let Tata La , aged llflcen .years , daughter
pf Chung Hsii , formerly vice president of
the board , become second consort of the
flrsl rank ; nnd lot Siitula. aged thirteen , also
daughter of Chang Hsii , formerly vice pres
ident of the board , become imperial concubine
jpf the second rank. Reaped this. "
The cmpoior lias boon feigning about four-
tccn ieais , < iml is now cfchlocn years of age ,
One of tlioliiild KnoblmrH Captured.
Oa \ UK , Mo , , Doc. ! . [ Sjiecliil Telegram
to Tin , HRK. ] John Malthows bus boon cup-
tuied llvo miles south of Ibis place. James
Collins and a posse had boon hunting him
Closely all day , knowing ho must bo con
cealed lu a tract of yyoodlaud , After dark
lust night Collins mot a man In the roua yvho
Inquired the road lo Miller's , and Collins
( recognized the voice of this strange visitor of
tlio night MuttuawH at once surrendered
Jvlthotil resisting. Ho hud sprained his unklo
badly nul could hardly travel. It Is noyv
plear that It was friends of the train robbers
end not of the Knobbors yvho released the
prisoners. The gt cat mystery Is , how they
tot the false keys. Ono of the train robuers ,
named Bedford , ( hiding himself hemmed in
by armed men , cumo out of the yvoods ut 4
this afternoon and surrendered. Wiley
Jilatthows bus down and loft no trail.
ContOHNccl Ilia Orlnin.
STru , Pa. , Deo. ill. At the meeting
Of the directors of the Wrlghtsvillo National
bank this morning , Geoigo U. Schonobergor ,
cashier , acknowledged he had ovordrayvn his
account to thu extent of $ liH)0. Ho said ho
hud become Involved through endorsements
, for relatives , Sehoncbonrer is sick In bed.
t. Ho yyas treasurer of the Wrlghuvillo Grand
Army post and bus appropriated W50 of the
post's funds. Hlb bondsmen uiudu good the
1068 to the bunk ,
A 1'roiniitiira Blunt.
BiiBMANiioui , Pa. , Dec. Jtl.-.Patrlok Hod-
Ding , foruman , mot n horrible death at a
colliery near tins place to-day by the premature -
turo discharge of dualn. } An assistant nils-
* understood tl o signal and discharged the
J blast before Uoddlng could get away after
onncetniB'thQbattoryyviros. Several labor-
/j i * narrowly escaped the same falo.
Doutli ol'a Kuinons T nipper.
UTICA , N. Y. , Dee , 81 , Soyvoll Nowhouse ,
uthor of "Tr ppor Guide , " and u fumouH
rapper of this" valley , lo dead at the ago ol
ljuty throe years.
Orders Issued by' the I'ostiim tei' <
( Jonoral ClassH'jInjj Kmplnycs.
WtstiivoTov , D C , Doc. 31 Postmaster-
General Dickinson Ins Issued Iho following
order , classifying employes of Iho railway
mall service under the civil service rules and
Order No. U18. It is ordered that nil super
intendent , assistant superintendents , chlcl
clerics , ralhvni postal clerks , route ngeiits ,
local agents , mall roulo , passenger am
olhcr employes of the railway mill service ,
be and they arc hereby arranged In the fol
lowing classes
Class 1 All persons receiving an annual
salary of $300 or loss , or compensation fit the
rate of f'CK ) or less per ntiniim.
Class 2. All persons receiving an annual
salary of $ 'KW or less , but moro thin fS30 , or
compensation nt the rale of ? TOl ) or loss , but
moro than $ MX ) per annum.
Class ,1 All persons receiving an annual
salary of $1,001) or loss , but moro than $900 ,
or compensation at the rate of * 1OJO or less ,
but moro than % too per annum.
Class I All parsons receiving tin annual
salory of ? l.'O ) or loss , but moro than Sl.OOJ ,
or compensation at the rule of ? 1.MO or loss ,
but moro than 51,000 per annum
Class ft All persons receiving an annual
salnty of * 1HXor ) less , but inoio than fl.'JOO ,
or compensation at the rate of $1,400 or less ,
but more than $1,300 per annum
ClasAdAll persons receiving an annual
salary of $1,000 or less , but moro than $1,400 ,
or compensation nt the rate of $1,500 or less ,
but moro than $ ! ,4 < X ) per annum.
Class 7 All persons loceiving an iiunual
salary of * 1,3 < KJ or less , bul moro than $1,000 ,
or compensation at the ruto of $ lSOl ) or less ,
but moro than f 1,1100 per annum
Class 8 All persons receiving an nnniial
salary of,000 or loss , but moro than $ LbOO ,
or compensation at the rule of $ i,000 , or less ,
but moro limn 1,300 per annum ,
Class 0 All persons receiving an annual
salary of moro than $ -f > 00 , or compensation
at a ralo of moro than $ J,0-H ) per annum
It is provided that no person who may bo
appointed to ofllce , by and with the advice of
the senate , nnd that no pel-son yvho nm > bo
employed merely us a laborer or yvorkmnn
( not including any person designated ns u
skilled laborer or workman ) slmll bo consid
ered ns within these ohisslllcations , nml no
person so employed slmll , without examina
tion under Iho civil service rules , bo assigned
to the duties of a classified place. It is also
o r ile i oil that no person shall bo adniitled into
any place nol exempted from uMimlnnlion by
the civil service rules in any of the
classes nboyo designated , until ho shall
have passed the appropriate examination
prepared by the United Stales civil service
commission , and his eligibility has been cer
tified lo this department.
DON M. DICKINSON , Postmaster General.
Under the foregoing classification of Iho
railway mail service and rules of the civil
service commission , I hereby designate thu
following places in the railway mail set vleo
ns exempt from oxamtnation : Ono general
supcrlnlendcnt of the railway mail service ;
ono assistant general superintendent oftho
raiUvay tr.nll service
DON M. DICMNSON , Postmaster General.
The following notice has been issued :
The United States civil service commission
is prepared to furnish application blanks to
persons desiring to bo examined for entrance
to the raihvay mail service upon request
therefor \vritlng. . The limes und places
of oxamlnation will be announced as soon ns
the rules legulatinir admission to Unit serv
ice have been promulgated. All inquiries on
the subject should bo addressed to the United
Slules Civil Service Commission , Washing
ton , D. C.
A Cave-In.
SnnxvN'noMi , Pa. , Dec. 31 , A part of the
abandoned yvoi kings in the Buck mountain
seam of the West Shenandoah colliery caved
in last night and did great damage. The
surface , upon yvhich stood the Pennsylvania
railroad turntable and round house , sunk
eight feet for nn urea of a hundred wards m
length and eighty yards in yvidth. The
Pennsylvania & Lohleh railroad also sank
several feet , and the rails nnd sleepers yvero
left suspended in the air for several yards.
A large , number of boys \yero playing on the
turntable when it sank nnd had a miracu
lous escape from death , as nt one place the *
surface sunk to n great depth , and caused a
breach forty fool deep.
Tlio British Grnin Trade.
LONDON' , Dec. 31. The Mark Lane Express
in ils weekly revioyv of the British grain
trade , says : English wheats are yvcalr. Much
damp and inferior sorts have been cleared
off nt any price , dragging mean values down.
Sales of English wheat during the past week
yvero 53,31)3 ) quarters ntiiOs 7d , aguinut 41,5:50 :
quartet sat ! i03 Oil during the corresponding
week last year. Foreign yvhoals shoyv nn
nvciago decline of Ii pence. Corn 31 loyvcr.
At to-day's market English wheats yvero well
held. Frost is strengthening the market.
Oats , beans and peas unchanged. Laplata
nmuu yvas Od down.
KiciiMOM ) , Vn. , Dec. 31. H. M. Smith &
Co. , manufacturers nnd deulors in agricul
tural Implements , bare inudo nn usslgnmcnt.
Liabilities , erw.OOO ; assets , $100,000.
NKW YOIIK , Dec. 31. Percy H. Adams yvas
nppomted iccciver of the oftocts of James H.
Ingcrsoll , of Tweed ring notoriety , to day.
There arc judgments against Ingeisoll ag
gregating ever $100,000 , and stills pending for
* 7,000 uioio. .
MBMi'iittf , Dec. 31. iM. S. Callur.iu promi
nent mcichuntof Somurville , Toiin. , assigned
to-day. Liabilities nbout glQQ.OOO.
Arrested lor Bigamy.
Low KM. , Mass. , Dec. 81. Mrs , Mary A.
Long Haskell , third wife of the liov. Mr.
Haskoll , n retired Congiegatlomil clergyman
of Billericu , In. , yvas in-rested this afternoon
for bigamy , on complaint of the Kov. Mr.
Haskell. James C. Wilkinson , n prominent
iciil ostalo agent who yvas mairiod February
7 , 188S , to Mrs. Haskoll in Now York , has
left tnocity yvith some of Mrs. Haskoll's
A Cold Wave I'reillotad.
CHICAGO , Dec. 31. The signal service of-
llco hero received n telegram from the chief
signal ofllcor of the army at Washington ,
saying a cold wave was coming. The torn-
poruturu yvlll fall about fifteen degrees by 8
11. m. January 1.
_ _
Kwltoliinon Htrlke.
CI.BVKIANH , Dec. 81. About thirty switch
men in the yards of thu Luke Urlo & Western
railioud ut Limn , Ohio , wont on n stiike to
night because they were not included in the
advance of wages granted conductors nnd
A Stormy Voyusto.
NKW YOIIK , Dec. 81. The steamer Yuan-
Kotlerdum arrived hero this
dam , from ,
morning , after a terrifically stormy voyage.
during which ono of the crew was washed
overboard und drowned , and another fatally
injured. _
ilHC in Oeoombor.
ASitiNOTO'C ' , Dec. 31. It Is ostlmnled at
the treasury deportment that there has been
a decrease ot $15,000,000 in the public debt
during the mouth of December.
HCHMUDA , Dee. 81.-Churles Muxyvell
Allen , United States consul for Hormudu ,
died nt his residence December at.
Positively Cured by
tlioso Little I'llI * .
They also relieve Dls
tress from Dyspepsia ,
Indigestion and Too
Hearty Eating. A pel'
feet remedy for DUil-
ness , Nauiea , Drowsl-
lies * , Dad Taato In the
MouthOoatedTongue ,
Pain In the Side , TO R-
PID LIVKIt , Ac. Thej regulate the Dowels ,
nnd prevent Constipation and Pile * . The
onuvllest nd easiest to take. Onl/ one pill a
doeo. 40lu a. vUI. I'uwly Vegetable. I'rlec
3 cents.
OAKTEB MEDIOIHE 00.rrep'rt.H TYtrk ,
A Oroto Gltizon Prosouts Harrison
With a Novel Oauo.
The CrnsndoVns Stnrtoil Hy Colmn-
lius , ( ) . , Ministers and lliolr
Views Porwnrdod to I lie In-
( llnnnpnllM Clergy.
Hnrrl on'-
IvntivvpoLis , Dee. HI. Harrison
passed the last day of Ihls to him crontlul
year , pretty much ns ho h is other dajs. In
the afternoon he i ecolvoJ quite n number of
visitors. Among the nioro iironiliicnt Cillers
to day were Circuit Judge C. E. .Mitchell , of
Texaikanu , Ark , mid to bo the only reuib- |
He tii si UP judge in Arlt ins is. The judge
was accompanied by his son , 13 U. Mitchell ,
of Nashville It is undoMtood tliolr visit
was purely Nodal. Another visitor of uoto
was Hon. Jnson H. Drown , demo
cratic congressman-elect from the
Third ( Now Albany ) linllatm district.
Ho is the ilrst democratic congressman , or
congressman-elect , to piy his respects to the
next president. Ho states that General Harrison
risen gave him n most cordial reception , free
of nil formality and roromony , "In met , "
says Brown , "you would have thought I was
a good staunch republican from the way the
president-elect received me. " Urowu is.nn
old aciiualntanco of General Harrison.
Other callers were ox-Uovoiuor Porter , \vho
was accoinpntiied by F. It. Hrowor , formerly
of Layvroncoburg , Intl. , and Joe Poole , of
Now York , member of the Harrison and
Morton campaign club , of Now
York. General Harrison received im-
olher uniiiuu cnno to-dav. It is
carved from a single piece of poplar wood , by
C. F. Gilbert of Crete , Nob. The handle
consists of an erect ntiuo imago , being sup
ported by a pair of high top boots. The donor
writes that this tlgnto Is intended to tjptfy
demoe.Mcy without protection , From each
hand of tlic iimuro hangs n chain , the
links of which arc small cages with movable
blocks within. The chains uio attacheJ to a
cuue in the center of the stick bo iring on its
edges four aces the uce of clubs , spades ,
hoaits and diamond' * . This cube typlilos the
republican parti hplding n full hand. Holoxv
is n smaller square with General Harrison's
initials carved therein. It is an ingcnuins
piece of ciuving , nnd of hundreds ot eanos in
thu general's honse it Is probably the most
grotesque ,
The presidential escort , comprising 100 erin
in ere inembeis of the Seventieth Indiana
regiment , have completed arrangements for
their trip to Washington. They will not ac
company General Harrison to Washington ,
as ho will leave Indianapolis about ten days
prior to March 4. The escort will urrivo in
in Washington about t ! o'clock Saturday ,
March i ! . Lieutenant Merrill will bo in
command. They will not wear military
uniforms or lints or medals. Their dress
will bo light brown overcoat with
derby hat to match. This escoit will moot
the president-elect at the door of the Wilhmls
hotel and remain immediately about him
from that moment until ho tcturns from the
inauguration. 'Ihcy will constitute the pros-
idcntal guard of honor. The Columbus cjub ,
of this city , ! WO strong , will accompany the
veterans on their trip to Washington.
At a meeting of the local Methodist minis
ters to-dav , the interesting fact becomes pub
lic that tiio crusade against Ihq imtuguial
ball at Washington was started by
ucit.iiu clergymen of Columbus , O. ,
yy ho formulated their views in opposition to
the ball and forwarded them to the Metho
dist clergy of this city for action. Or.
Kueno presented the petition to the Columbus -
bus clerey , which in substance asks General
Harrison to publicly renounce his approval
of the inauguration ball and declare he will
not attend It. In commenting upon this cler
ical suggestion , Dr. ICccnc said some action
by the cleigy.of Indianapolis was now looked
for , and that their opinion regarding
the action of the Columbus clergy
ought to bo definitely and unmistak
ably expressed. Ho was earnestly
opposed to duncinir , and a discussion of the
subject followed in which several ministers
gave their approval of Or. Kccno's views ,
and a motion was finally carried unanimously
that n committee of three bo appointed to in
vestigate und consider the advisability of
tendering counsel to the president-elect , re
garding the matter of the inaugural ball mid
report their dotci initiation at the next regu
lar meeting. Prlvato Secretary Hulfnrd did
not attend the meeting nnd ho is strongly
opposed to any interference on the part of
the clergy with social customs that have al
most become laws , und thcro is but little
doubt that ho reflects the views of both General -
oral and Mrs. Harrison on this matter.
When General Hritton was here two weeks
ago , ho asked General and Mrs. Hanison if
they had uny suggestons or requests
to make regarding the inauguration
bull. General Harrison made but
ono request , that was that the veterans of
his old regiment might net us his guard of
honor. All other matters pertaining to the
inauguration were left under the absolute
control of General Hntton nnd his commit-
too. It will therefore bo seen that the clergy
men uro Into in their crusade , as the matter
has practically passed out of General
Harrison's hands , and thoio is
scarcely any possibility that ho
yyoulu , under any pressure , interfere
with the arrangement of the Inaugural com
mittee. Should the pi cacheis finally appeal to
him , thov will doubtless bo politely refei led
to General Hritton. General Hiurison , like
many others , does not look on the inaugural
bail as a dance , but lather as a part of thu
coiuiiiony that custom has ulentllled with the
occ asion.
ilio Injunction.
N \sin ui.r , Tenn. , Dec. 81. Chancellor
Allison to-day refused to grant an injunction
against Governor Taylor , asked for by coun
sel for Creed F. Uates , democratic candidate
for congress from the Third district. The
injunction was sought to restrain the gov
ernor from Issuing a certificate of election to
H. Clay Kvuns , the icpublican nominee ) .
Counsel for Hates ut once prayed und per
fected an appeal to the .supremo court , by
which co'urso the injunction previously
granted to restrain the governor from issu
ing the certilicato to Kvans wus kept legally
o | > erutlvo until the supreme court , ahull pass
upon it.
Ira nsnot ions In tin ) Stook Kxolianiro.
NEW YOIIK , Occ. Dl The following uro
the total transactions In the Now Yoru stock
exchange during the past year as compared
with the previous year : Ibi3Stocks , shares ,
(5i,8l5,7"J ( : government bonus , ( I,7.K ) , < SOO ;
stuto and railroad bonds , 3U.lH,403. ) 18sr
Stocks , Hhnros.STi.SSl.OJr ; government bonds ,
0,1137 , 100 j stain and rulli end bonds , Hfld.'JJt- ' )
aw. The banner year for stock spocul ition
was 1SSI , when tlio transactions amounted to
117,078 , KIT shares.
At Hottei dam The Chester , from Phila
At London The Minnesota , from Haiti-
more ,
At Glasgow The State of Indiana , from
Now York , the Mnnitoban , from Phila
delphia , and the Siberian , from Uoston.
At Hamburg The Australia , from Now
_ _
Will Heiul Dolomite * to Washington
ST. Louis , Dec. 81. A special to the Post-
Dispatch from the Indian Territory , says :
The Citizens Association of the Cherokee.
nation moot ut Muldrow to-morrow when
ilologates .will bo selected to represent the
nnsnciut'on ' be f ere the Interior department
at Washington , such action being deemed
necessary , owing to the refusal of the full-
blooded Cherokcos to aid in assigning for
distribution * 70OSU allowed by congressional
enactment us the shiirn of Icuso money for
the fieodmon and adopted citizens of the
Cherokee nation , Much ill-feeling is manl-
A Prominent Farmer
COI.UMIUTH , Kas. , Deo. 81. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HKE.J Fuy MoAllstor , a prominent -
inent farmer of fils ( Cherokee ) county , lins
been missing since last Thursday , when liu
di ew ? IO from the batilt and started homo
late in the evening.
The Ono Hnndivd 'ilito Hook Sliuol
The Pnrtnaloo'lla.lfisr shooting mitch at
tracted n crow 1 iot several hundred people to
the Omalm Gnn club grounds yesterday af
ternoon. The ntutoh1 was 100 blue rocks ,
three traps , natlphal Allies for $ VX ) a side.
The contestants , fFrJnk Parmeleo of this
city ami "Kid" Uttkcc or the HnlTalo Hill
wild west show , woro-enrly upon tlio ground
as If eager nnd htixlous to get to work.
After a little prolihilmry practice the Judges
were selected , H-Jl Kennedy , forI'armnloe ,
nnd T. L. Mtnrarj for Haker , nnd John
Petty chosen reform. Tlun-o was considera
ble uioiiuv putuii Just prior to the opunlng of.
the shoot , and It is safe to say f'J.OOO was
won and lost on the event. Pnrn'.i-
leo was the Ilrst to score and his
friends shook their heads dubiously as ho
made u clean miss of his second bird , nnd
then when ho followed this up by missing his
sixth , eighth nnd ninth , thov unanimously re
solved that ho was in bad form and stood on
dangerous ground However , ho hammered
light nway , nnd nt tlio und of the llrat
twentilive birds , broKe even with the "Ittd , "
on ntiinleon kills and sl < c misses ouch Pur-
mploo , as in yvoll knotvn , is a great "lln-
isher,1' nnd the longer ho shot the bolter he
shot , nnd It was soon palpable to all that he
had u walk-over In his second twoiitv-llvo
ho missed but two birds , while the North
Platte lad failed on eight In his third
twenty-live hn missed two more , and linker
missed nine , and in his last twontj-llvo Pur-
melue failed onlj in one shot , while the
"Kid" missed more th ui half of his
There was some klcKing on the pait of
] taker's friends , unit after the contest was
ever HnKor hlnisolf notillcdGoodloyHruckor ,
the stakeholder , not to give the money up
until seen further. Baker and hisfriends
claim that thoi got the worst of It from the
.indues. The trouble Is , Mr. Baker
couldn't kill as nianv birds as Mr. Parmeleo ,
nnd that's where the dinicnlty comes in
Thl3 claim of unfairness on the part of the
Judges is the variost bosh , as Mr. Baker's
own Judge , Murray , acquiesced In every bird
scored for Pnrmoloe. It is hardly thousrht
that Baker intends to trv to hold onto his
money , ns it was potent to nil that
ho was out-shot from the stint , nnd
stands no plttod against n man of
Purmeleo's calibre , although ho is probably
moro than a fair shot.
Parmeloo lotII 01001 Hill 11101 111)11
01111 Hill 11111 11011 Hill
11110 11111 11101 11111 11111
11111 11111 11111 11101 11111
Total 8 ! > .
Baker 11001 11011 lllll mill llino
10111 mill 111D1 oiiH ( ) 01101
ooiio iioio loioi oiiii tout
looio oaioo 00011 11011 11010
Omalia vs Council lllulT-s.
A team shoot was held in Council Bluffs
Sunday in which the Omnh.i mitiksmon
came out ahead. J. J. Hardin and G.V
Ketchum , of Omaha , defeated O. T. Stubbs
und W. D. Haulm , of Council Bluffs. In n
lace at twenty- five nirds at- thirty yards rise ,
uy the following score :
J. .1. Itnnlln. 0111111111111110111111111-2) )
t ! . yv. Kotchum limmmuoimilllini-tM
Total . . ( fi
1 > . T.Stnbbs . . . 'jlllUlOIOIllllOlllllllll-
W. 1) . Hnidlu. . M..HUllltlllUUllllllinill--HJ
Total . . . . . . v . (5 (
A very largo aullie'iiec greeted Mr. .loscph
Muiphy at the Grtind oijera bouse last night
nnd received the diaina. of "The ICony Gow"
with evident gratification. Iho play has
been in the repurtory of Mr. Murphy for a
number of yoais , and has enjoyed a wide
popularity us one of the best of modern Irish
dramas. Mr. Murphy/ an actor of Irish
chaiactors , needs no commendation nt this
late day. His poMJLlOn Jn the front rank was
long ago cstabliatk'fl , aiul the testimony to hjs
popularity which was given in the laigo
audience of last night is repeated every
where throtighont' tlio country. His Dan
O'Hura is one of ho shongest of his charac
ters Mr. Murphy's leading support is'Miss
Hello Melville , who nppioved herself a very
capable actress in the part of Nora Drew.
The company ns a whole is a very good one ,
seveial of the characters last night being
notably meritorious. This afternoon and
evening "Tno Donngh. "
An audience of only fair proportions wit
nessed with mnikcd pleasure the pi oscilla
tion at Boyd's opeiti house last evening of
"A Pair of Kids , " with the author , E7ia P.
Kendall , in the eccentric comedy character of
Jiles Button. The work is on the well
known lines of the farco-comedv of the pres
ent day , but Mr. Kendall cannot be accused
of anything in the natuio of plagiarism.
The wit , the humor of the incidents , and the
droll situations are unquestionably his , and
thcro is a gicat deal of merit in them. The
satirical quality i ofers clnolly to the inoi bid
interest which many women take In inur-
dereis nnd other despot ate criminals , mid
the musical features , while not wholly new ,
are taking. The funny business of the pro
duction devolves largely upon Mr.
Kendall , who occupies the stage
much of the time , and his
comedy is of un essentially original nnd
unique character that is exceedingly amus
ing. The company is fairly good and gener
ally the characteis were acceptably acted.
"A Pair of Kids" this afternoon and even
_ _
ItH IjiiborH Comjjloio.l uul An Ad
journment Xiilcon.
The charter committee finished their
luboison the last day of tne year , und on
motion loft it to MO-.SI-S W. .1. Council , An
drew Kosowater , St. A. O. Balcomb nnd
Secretary Nattinger to place the amend
ments suggested in proper shape for pib-
scututlon at Lincoln. The question ot u R.\S-
tern of pari < s was thoroughly discussed , and
it was decided that all cities of the metro
politan ulns should possess such a system
It was also decided that fhoro should be a
board of live commissioners , appointed by
the district Judges and selected iroiu among
those citUens willing to work without salary.
They are to bo appointed on thu second
Tuesday of oath May , and for terms of from
one to iivo years , ono member to be selected
annually. In order to moot thu uxpcnilituru
tlio city council is authorized to lavy not luss
then \ \ nulls and not moro than ! ) nulls on
the real and pcinonal property of the tax
payers. The commissioners uiu expected to
dcvisu n system of parks , not 10 extend be-
\oiul two miles from the city limits , and to
employ a secretary , himlicajio gnidcncr nml
such other help as they deem necessary ,
It was also decided to suggQst that a
change be made in the city treasurer's de
partment , nnd that th future he should bo
paid n llxod salary ( if # 5,000 per year , bo fur
nished with neconary clerical help , and have
the amount of hlh'bfliul reduced. City
Treusuicr Itocho wus ; on hand and explained
the workings of tl\o \ ofll < ; o as at present con-
stltutod , but thougjvt , .i : change would not
bcuUlt the taxpayer * jUjtt now. "
Now irJup.
This is Now Yt'jir's ' ' , Day The various
plncos of business , tha railway head
quarters and depots wi bo closed as on Sun
day. Beyond thKy however , theio will bo
but little formal ol .yvancu of the day
There will ba no ilimoihtrutlvo | oluervance
of tlu ) time lioitoreilcuh\oiii \ of calling upin
friends. These whi | , ( ( ! ( } Indulge In the prnu-
tlco will bo cniiiUWtlYoly | few. nnd In sad
contrust with thftjujwrry bands who not
mnn > ago w.uiw , wont to BlgnulUo the
occasion in the most happy manner
The theaters wlt | glvo matlneo and even
ing performance * . At the Boyd Kendall's
kids will bo produced ; nt tlio Grand , .Ion
Murphy uppeuis , and u company of minstrels
hold forth at thu Mubco ,
The Omaha Dramatic club plays "A Scrap
of Pupur" ut Fremont to-night.
Tlio new council meets ut noon in the coup-
ell chamber.
The ofllcors ot Goodrich lodge will bo In
stalled In thu evening.
The bench show in Crap's hall commences
in the ufturiioon.
The Y , M , O. A. gives a reception at its
rooms from'J to U p.m
In many of ( ho churches thtiro wllllba special
rolulousspivicoa , and in every homo it is
Itopud there will bo a very happy Now Year.
Thq Y. HI. O. A. Hncrplion To-ilny ,
President ana Mrs , T. II. Taylor , assisted
by u largo number of ladies , will hold a re
ception at the building of the Young Men's '
Christian association from 0 to 9 " 0 p in to
day Tollowing this nn exhibition > \ill be
given by a class In the gjmtmsluin of the
regular class woik. At ' , ) o'clock a jiro
cramme of musk' , declamations nnd n few
speeches will bo given In the concert hall ,
liofreshmcnts will ho served dining the ro
ceptlon. Thousands of Invitations nave been
sent out , but there are nrmy who have not
received thorn The managomcnt say this
hns been umvoldablo , but let no ono sttu
nwav on this accotirt. Kvcry gontkMiinn In
the city Is invited , nnd nrtnniroments have
beonmndoon n large scale for their re
United Stiuos Court.
W. C. Ainer and Jesse Wells are settlers
inDayvesnnd Kmux eoutitlcs , ami went Into
the 1111111)01' business on n small scale. It Is
alleged thcv out timber and ties on govern
ment lauds and nceordlnglv brought be
fore Judge Dund.y icstordiv morning Aruor
pleaded guilty and yvas lined fUautl yvas
sentenced to one day In Jail , but Wells was
remanded for ti I il.
' 1 he grand jui\y rctuined llvo Indictments
yesloidiiy aftetnoon and then adjourned until
Wednesday morning The mimes of the per
sons Imllctid ean nol bo ascertained. Thoj
yvll ! bo arrested on Wodnosdiu next.
District Court.
Yestordnj the district tout t adjourned , nnd
ntthe InstniH'oof C > uuty Attorney Slmoral ,
the following won ; bound over to the next
term of court William KmiMufto , charged
witn larceny , < TOO ; Frank Holliuuv , adultery ,
$101) ) , GeorgloWebster , fornication , $ , " > J ) , Abru
ham n. Sewers , grand lureony , $ lr > JJ ; lYunk
nimuie , grand lurcoiiy , $1,003 ; John King ,
alias Shorty Licev , illegal voting. ? 2W ,
James Onlkiier , gambling , ? .VU ; Fr.uiK Craw
ford , mutilating records , S100 ; David Van
IZttou , umbo/rloinont , 51,000 ; Lou Hcyvett ,
breaking and entering a railroad car in day
time , $1. > 0.
Maggie L Coloinau has decided to com
mence tlio now your afresh , and the Ilrst step
Uihon yvas lo nsk thu courts to relieve her of
ono encumbrance In the shape of a husband ,
John U Coleman. They yvero inn-nod nt-
Honnliien , 111. , in 1S " > , but since that tune
John has been abusive and become n hnblt
ual di'uukaiil. Ho has also failed lo provide
Ihe necessaries of lilo for thu plaintiff or nor
Ihieo children , nml she asks for 'in absolute
dlvoico and the eustod.y of the childien
Knto 1' Wilbur also yyantcd a Now dear's
gift in the slmpo of u divorce. The unlucky
number llilileen souns to have something to
do yvilli it , for il was on the tilth day of Sop-
Icinber , 18sr > , In Table Grove. III. , Unit
William Nelsnu Wilbur made iillthcpiomisus
reiiulred , und then'appiircntly biokethem
all , Ho bloke them more especially in
McCooic Neb , where he drove the plulnlilT
from Ihe house , usirfl obscene language , and
did oilier things that made him so asnamed
of himself that he loft for pirts unknown in
August hist The plaintiff pr.iys to bo re
lieved from the gulling bonds , ami to bo
granted the custody of their only child
William Myles , convicted of stealing n
horse Irom Thomas Coleman , of Snipy
county , yvas brought up for sentence yester-
daj , and got two years in the penitentiary.
He will folloyy Judge ( Jroff's advice and be
gin n new life yvlth Iho Now Year.
County Court.
Frank .1 Lo Unit has entered suit against
Sarah K. Hutt in the county court for JlOJO
damages. Ho lentcJ a saloon in Hankes'
block , and claims to have boon doing a busi
ness of WOO u mouth until she boughl Iho
propertj Thou , he s'ivs , she creeled an
other building yvlnch blocked up twobiclc
yvindoyys , and killed his "back door trade , "
so Ihat Ihc receipts dwindled down to SLID
per month. Not only thill , but she renlc I
the eellur to a Cliinain in , yvho disfigured the
fiont of the building yvith n sign , "thereby
causing Iho people lo believe Iho plnlntift '
saloon wus n Chinese laundry tun by ono
Wing Lung Loo. " Frank is going out of
business , und says il is for the above causes ,
and therefore claims > 1,0Vdamages. .
Criminal Matters.
J. D. Kinse.y , a lough character , yvas ar
rested yesterday for attempted robbery.
He yvus taken in while stearin ? a drunken
drummer , David AVulkor , of Chicago , the
round of the dives and the doggeries.
Walker had $410 on his person.
Henry MoFmlden , an c < c-cablo ear conduc
tor , yvas run in Sundii } night for drunkenness.
Ho wus loadcd to the jjuiiwalos yvith the vil
est of horse liniment , und was no sooner
caged nt the canlral station , than ho made an
attempt to ueinolish the mstilulion HJ
yelled and shrieked like a m.inrir , unit tear
ing of u plunk from the bench in his cell , en-
dcavoicd to knock tlio end out of the houso.
Ho failed in the attempt , and yvas line 1 5o
and costs for his fun yesteiday moitimg.
S 1' . Miller , longhaired , yvild-c.yoil Oscar
Wilde into nimllviduul , was inn IK Sunday
night on suspicion. Ho yvas arraigned ester-
diiy moi ning , nnd oninfoimingtho com I that
ho yvas nn ov-Kiekapjo meiliciuo iuan a mind-
reader , pre tidirit.iteur , rope yvulkor und
ehnracler Impersonator , and that he yy as to
appear this week at the Muaee , ho yvas al
lowed lo lloul nw.ii.
Instruments Plnuocl on Knotml Dnr *
ins Yesioedny.
yvilllam A Ilouty to .1 I ! 1'iorce.c M ft of w
Ml 11 of a t > lot | ii , Kount/.es Und add ,
< i r il $ 1
V llC.itdwollot alto Public , Will-lit place ,
lots. ! . ! . : ti' j. ' 7 , Jit'sMIlluiU A luldwell s
udd. plat
A I' Tnkev nml wife to J il Slico'ey , lot I ,
1)11 ) ; ti. nml lit.I , blk 7 , ( liaminuicy iiark- ,
yv d lW
A.I Hansiom and wlte toS Andoison lot
is. blk I , llHiistoni place , w d GOO
H l\onut/t > anil wltii to A Ito-tunbuit ; . lot ft ,
blU I. KounUo s place , wd , Is0)
M ( Indian und w Ifr to i i'ytslinlons lot d ,
blk in , iiln-it hill.v il lUi
P NulHon unit wife to CNelMHi pt lot Ui ,
s o UOKOIS OKI Uioma. w d IMJ >
U S Itou'l ' and wire to M Mi ( urlliy , lot . ' > ,
blk ii , Albriu-lit H annex , \ \ (1 ( ! JOO
\Villluni ( i AlbiIk-lit to ( i A l.lndiiulst , luis
7 , H. 'J , 111 , 17. IS and 'i. . I in ImiiHt'n sub ,
Albrlglil'M Lholii' , d 1"OJ
II hhrlvuruild yvifotuW
dav. lot 1 , blkH. Smhci I'la ? , \s d . . . 8.M
M Ili'inliK anillfuto II It Clark , lot U ,
I ilk. ' . . On Punt Pluio. wit . . 1
J Itf eu'3 to C 1' Aiibpailier , lot .1 , blk II ,
Sliulls''iul udd . . . . . l.fiOJ
A uiul U Kiimit/B n-id lfu tn J 11 Col
lins , lot 1. blk M , I'liilmtott. yv d WU
L Shinodtr to r' A Krai , lot I. IjIkS.ltroiui
park , wd . . . . ( V" > U
1 ! A llunixm and ullo lo I' A 'UllotMMi ,
lot ! B. blk I ; lot I. blk ( . , lluggs Plnei4OOJ
A I ! ICollij und wife t ) M I' Mason , .ITi
lots. L'.ntliaK- . 1
U M M < Donald und \\lfe tn l , ( uivk. Kits
f , 12 und H , blkfw'i ' , Uramhlew , wd I.oou
liiglituen tutiibfi'iH . . . . . . .i rJ,5U
Colonel 'J'vriiill'M 1'iMinotion.
By Iho retirement of Colonel McClure , as
sistant paymnstor general of the army , nt the
ago of sixty-four yoiri , Mijor Tyrrell , of
tills city and paymaster of the dupinlmont
of the Pintle , succeeds to his
position yvlth thu title of liuutcnant
colonel. M ior ] Mi Cluio has boon In the pay
doparlmont since ISiS , hiving graduate ! in
18W. Hovll | resldo in Ljulsvllle , Major
Tyrrell advances to Ins now position by
operation of Uio law providing for iho ic-
inomciit of oniccis. After u bcrvico
of tyvcnty-slxnnd ono half years , yvlth ono
exception , Colonel Tyrroll h is spout the
longest pjrlod In the pay dcpirtmcnt with
out meeting promotion , iho pv'iod oxlcnd-
ing buck ns above monlloned ,
moi o tli-iii u iiuirinr of a coiiiury
The oxccpllon yvas that ot an ofllojr
who , however , yvud eiilillod to promotion ,
but who declined it hccatiaa It would necessi
tate a chaiiKO frtrn Now York to New Or
leans , In the tune Cjlonol Tyrrell has been
In thu army ho h n dUlnirja 1 inoro public
monuy on VOUO'.IUM ihuiany oni arln Ihe
An liiHiiVcrnl > lo Dose.
K , T. Juy. inoiiibur of Iho Unllod States
jury fiom Fronller uounly , yvent down lo
Lincoln Saturday lo luke purl la the organ-
1/ullon of the third house. Yoiiorday nftor-
noon at the call of the Jury Mr. Jay yvns ab
sent , nnd tin ) mutter bolng repirlod to Judge
Dundy , the derelict juror was lined f.1.
Ollluo Kpi'auno'ri Had Dolil Collcdilon
Auiii'oy , Ul > South Kith , HODIIIH U
and 10 ,
To tlio inombord of this nsoncy , also
IMi'tlcB Imvlns bills for collodion : Hy
BouUiiir ( postal curd to this olllcu tlio
ngont will call for your bills ,
A Tcn-Ycnr-Ohl Boy I'"ntn1ly ' Injure * !
Near Otortnn ,
PifM Cnnnic , Neb , Doil : - [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : But : . 1 News Is brought hero
from Ovorton , this eounty , of the death of n
ten j ear-old son of a farmer named Hilling-
ham , which occurred about uoiin to day
Dill niliam had plaeud several of his children
in n wngon or buggy to take them to school
In tlio hcittnm of the wagon was n lo-uled
shot gun. The lad killed was climbing In
the vehicle from behind , when the foot of one
of the children nlioadyln came In contact
with the hummer of the gun nnd It was dls
charged , the contents striking the uufoitu-
nato lnIn Iho thigh , near the groin. He
died before a doctor could be summoned from
Overtoil , only throe miles distant
Slnto Grange It
UTK \ , Neb , Dee. HI [ Spue ! il to TitR
Hir.l-Tho ; Stnto Ornniro of Nebraska ,
Patrons of Husbandry , at n meeting here
yesterday , adopted the following resolutions
Whereas , Human happiness Is the nemo of
cnrlhlv ambition , nnd individual happiness
depends upon general prosperity , that thu
prosperity of a state is in propoi lion to the
value of its productions , and the soil is the
sotireo from wheneo wo derive all tint con
stitutes wealth , wlthoul it wo would have no
agriculture , no in itiufnetniMs , no commerce ,
and that of all the material uifts of the
Creator thu various productions of thu vege
table world aie of the ilrst Impjrtance , the
art of nirrii'tiltura is the parent nnd precursor
ser of nil IUU , and Its products thu founda
lion of all wealth , and to the end that ngil-
culture may have have a voice in the trans
pollution ot Its products , it is
Kesolvcd , By the West Howard (1 range ,
Patrons of Husbandry , that wo , regardless
of party limitation , respectfully request At-
toiney General Leeso lo use his authority
nnd intlucuco for the ai.polntment of a
farmer ns secieinry to the state board of
Uosolvcd , That n copy of these resolutions
bo mailed to General Leeso , nnd to the Fre
mont Flail and Tnu OM ut v Bid. for publica
tion , _
Kin Lej ; MroVen and Krozen.
Oni , Neb , Dee ! ! 1 - | Special toTiin HRr-1
'L'ho ioungson of Jens Jensen , a farmer
living llfteon miles north of Old , met wllh u
a serious accident last night " \Vhilo icturn-
iug from Onl on horsebiek , the hoi so stum
bled and fell breaking the bos , leg a little
below the knee. Ho crawled lo n hay stack
near b.whete ho pissed the niirht. . When
found next day his Injured lex had fio/eu
solid Medical aid was nt OUCH summoned
from Ord , but the prospects ai obis leg will
liavo to ho nmputatuit.
Hnnt's-oft Ijlve Sioclc
Hvsiitorr , Nob. , Doc. If I [ Special to Tin :
Hi -Within ] a radius of six miles of Ban
cioft tlunc rue now over eight thousand head
of cattle , and 1110:0 than ten thmmml hogs
Moro than three thousand of those numbers
will be fattened for the winter and spring
markets Among the load In IT cattle men are
John Watson , who has UDII head , the Senior
brotherAX ) to : iK ( ) each. O Barber. ! ! 0) ) ; F
B Bni her , ' , ' 0 ) ' Thomas Flowers , 'OT.TIioin is
Connor , ! > 0i > ; Oliver Wait , : W ) ; Hd F.nle\ ,
8M ( ) . These cattle nml thousands of nthcis ,
with about ton thousand hogs , aio all within
livcMiouis1 urn of Iho Omaha market. There
is u suiplus of feed in this vicinity sufllclunl
to food one-fourth more htock than Ihe far-
meia have on hand.
O'l n O'Hoii" .
Los'no.s" , Dec HI The rronch sleamcr
Panama , Captain Chabot , from B illlninre ,
December 0 , which nrnvo 1 nt Limerick December
comber 7 , encountered a ei clone on Decem
ber 11 , and was thrown on her beam ends.
Thu seas broke her engine room skylights
and Hooded her stoke hole , quenching the
flics under some nf the boilers Finding
the vessel was settling. Captain Chabot wore
the ship and exposed her pait side to the
seas. The steamer righted , after being on
beam ends for four hours.
Only Another Slander.
LIVCOI.V , Neb. , Dec. 31. Hon. Patrick
Egan , of this city , to day received the fol
lowing cabloKram , which emphatically de
nies the published statement that a split hud
occurred between Pat neil and Dowitt-
DUIII.IV , Dec. 81. To Patrick Hgaii , Lin
coln : The stntmont that the relations be
tween Pnrnolland mvsolf are totally ruptured
of O'Shoa's evidence
tured in consequence ,
uid that I am an c vrly dav to loa.l a
revolt against Paruoll , is the dying effort of
slanderer's after years of lies
I'loods and riioler.i.
P ni3 , Dec. ill. The Vatican has iccoivcd
ions of terrible Hoods accompanied
oss of life in Mcnchuria.
Indian ndvicos say cholera prevails In a
virulent form utQnllen on the Malabar
It is repotted that 2,000 Christians have suc
cumbed to the disease. Italian Cuimolite
misdiomii les uro attending the pliiguc stricken
: > coplo.
Mrs. Could IMnoli Hot tor.
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. ! il. [ Spiscial L'elogrum to
Tin : Hun ] Mrs. CJould's condition has so
far improved that she was able for the Hist
time sinee her illness to leave her bed to-
lav. With the assist ines of her nuria , she
walked about her room for n little distance-
it a time Fnr th-s p ist few d ivs her im-
irovcmont has been steady. It is hoped
, lmt she will bo quite well m n few ilayi *
moi o.
Tlie Weullier Indiu ( loiiH.
For Nebraska : Fair , stationary tempera-
tuie , variable winds ,
For Dakota- Fair , warmer , noutlwoslerli
For Iowa : Fair , warmer , t oiith westerly
Not n Tl
IJev. Alexander sild to u Bun reporter
esteidiiy thai the dlsturbancu In the syna-
( oguo ut Twelfth and Howard itivels , on
inturduy last , was not caused by any peculiar
lews ho may oiitortiuu on thu eniclfixlou of
he Savior. Tiio bruthien quui relied ovei
dine in. itter peituiinug lo chinch irovern-
nunt , and the dispute ) growing rather warm ,
\lr \ , AloMimlur uuyn ho bimply look his ciiuo
mil walked oul.
'I lie Yonr'H Hnildliia I'crinils.
Then ! was but ono building pormlt issued
Ctiteidiiy. It wus to N A Chtisteiihon ,
; rantii.g permission lo build a collude at 1IUI
N'oith Twentieth street , lo cost ? , ' . ( ) I This
nakes Iho lolnl number of poimlis Issued
luring Iho year to bo I,8s7.
Tlio Condition ol'tho ( inntloninn '
tlio Second. [
Congressman Lnlrd , after his return fro |
Lurckft KprWs. Arkansas , is temporary
located nt tlio Xuriav. Ho yvas nccompanW
to this city by John Harsby , yvho hi
been yvith him almost eonthl
uously for ti. , int tl.rco monthl
Part of this tliiio ws spent , dining Iho luil
campaign , when , Ihcimynagement oftho sum I
" " assumed by " -
former self. Ho is Y " " victi
of mnlarln , yvhlch yvas folloyvou1" } . i ,
linn , timidity in eating substantial , ,
iniitf of the blood and a consequent ,1o. , . . , . „ ,
tion of the brain of the fond upon y\\,1 { , t\ \
fed Tp to the present Mr Lilru Imv no
noted upon the gtnrgostimn of Ins phvnoiinii
He has treated tnelr ndni.iiiiinnis W't'iooii '
tempt It is claimed If he had nol doio so
he would now be a well man
" 1 think he has mot Insmastci however , ,
siiul his friend last night The doctor hi
has now hns made an evamli ,
ntion of him He hns guen Lnii
to understiind tl'tit he musl tnko h < s moil
cine ju l hoyv and when ills piosonbod fi
him. If Laird doesn't do this , Ihe phjsicin
has said Hull ho will hiuo not
ing to ilo with bun If he d
comply with the dheelloiis , the doctor she
ho will leeovcr In four yveeks
To-day , John Hursb.y goes U ) Hustings .
an absence of a couple of May s He w ill th
return und resume the euio of Mi Lw
who after romulnl'iif hero n week will ha
recovered sulllclent strength to undrrtuka
trip to his home In Hustings. Duilng ly
Harsb.y's absence , Mr. Uind will boatload
by John Jncobsoii , one of the assist mt
The llluo Valley bunk , of Manhattan 1(1 (
has failed , Liabilities , ? lllMO | ( , usstl
The steamer H ( ' Wei mouth yv is '
n collision lust nlnht near I'e.iriiiijtoii , Mil
Sat.ill Gabriel , a colored pasoongor , yyl
d i owned ' I
At n banquet at C'hnttnnooga Ten i
honor of H. Clay Uvans , n n < nubluan n
grossmiin elect , u vei\y stiikiiig li'ttoi fi
lionoral Longstioct wus to.ul , in winch
spoke in eloquent terms of the fulureof tn
ne\v soiitli.
Ij. F Osborne it Co . plumbois of S ]
Paul , me in Hu.mcial dlllU-ultles. with llabil
ities aggiogaling flV.l.UOi ) , but \\ill piobabf
pull thtough.
Two HOJH ( 'ollldfVith n Car
Itolh lln\o IIOKS Itroken.
Two lads , Fied Kasliiiun and Judil I houj
the latter u colored .youth , yvoio ooasliiiu
Highleenlb and Duvenpoi t slteels last ui
yvhen Ihey collided yyith a stieetcnrj
bolh sustained a broken lex Uisttii
taken to his homo on ! 2jyt : Sauiinots
and Thomas to the icsfdonco of his erii
mother on Sovcntoonth street The old II
refused to leoolve the .youth and he noyy , !
ot Iho police sttitlon. The city physician"I
scut fer us soon as the accident occ lined,1
tinee hours ufterwaids luul failed to puj
tin appearance.
A Corrrullon.
On Iho'Jslh nil. Tin : liii printed a spec ]
telegram Irom Columbus of the ariust of
A. F. Clui k at the nistanco ot hl son , on
cli.ngcof iibusmg his fiinuli. The g'ntll
man wntcs for a lotr.ietion , saving that III
trouble nrosu from Ins leproof nl u chill
yvlneli caused u family dislutbaiice Ho df
ines the charge that he win in any
abusive , ami in suppni t of Ins statement
fcrs thu court recind , which will show
nu one uppcarcd ngutnsl him
Thu l''oiirtli Annual Itln/it.
At miiinight the flre ucpailmunt was i
lo Ihc Ljllo block. The lire originated In
loom occupied b.y IhuSulvalion army its i
mooting pluco. A defective lluo Is supjl
lo bo Iho cause. On Now Year's eve fo |
lasl four youis Ihe dcpailmeiit bus
called on a aimilur orrund to this purtitl
block , The llro yvus discovered byaf
graph messenger bov taking a special I
.sugo to'I'm : Ui.i , . The damage iseslin ]
ut tiboul ? > 0.
to View t liu
FIIAN < IHO , Dec. 'H I'rospectsl
that to-moiro will bo a clear du\ und I
nn excellent opportunity will be utfordoJ
ob"orvo the total eclipse of the sun Sop \
p n ties have been in noitherii I'lilifoinial
a week in localities iavoriblu for obseil
lion , and it is expected lluil a luigonnuil
ot puisons will go to the lugiou of lotalilyf
A Kentnuky Killing.
Loiisvii.ii , Dee. ! 11 At a dance n ]
HoioeCave , KThuisdin night , llugl
Young , son of u prominent country nl
cliiiiitiiiaiiollud | wlthn Mr.Gullamlilinwj
u piitol btv'aii shooting. At the third <
chaige u ten-year-old boy , named Pow
fell dead
Not Their Promissory Notoi.
The statement in SIMMI'S Bur.
Burke , t Fia/ur , of South Omaha , hill bj
sued for fc' > , OOJ on their piumlssory n < |
seems lo hnvo noun < 'iitirel\ unfounded ,
cording to Mr Burke , of Iho firm of BurJ
ft. Fni7ur , the pliiintilT is tning to liold W
linn for the debt of unotliei ILTKOII. cliiluil |
thai the.v agreed to stand good for him.
Ki\ Months nl Iliud Ijnlinr. if
Dim IN , Doill Kdward Hairin
M P. , has been sentenced to six month J
lirisonmenl with hard labor for publlshiiv
his paper , the Kuiry Sentinel , icpoits ;
cuniing n suppressed branch nf the Nat/ /
league. No appeal wus tauun
Heavy Kalnx.
PAIIIS , Doc ill Heavy ruins have fi
in the departmunts of Lo/or , ( Sard und ] t
clns du Uhone Thu v"i > tu lound u
Marseilles Is ( loaded ,
; ]
Union Stock Yjirds Switohniuii
The switchmen in the I'nlon Stock Yi
say that there in no truth In the minor a
an impending hti ike us Ihe rolullons wltli'.V '
Union ntiick Nurds company are onll-
butlslttcloiy. _ _ _ _ _
Dcatli of Patrick f.ilil ) > tiH. '
KIOMK , la.Deu : l Hon Putiick Qjj |
bens , postmaster of thii. eiti died
o'eloek to night The cause of his death
c nicer ot the stomach The uccoasod
bom piomliienl In business and politic !
ciro os in HIM city tor nearlj tlilrti