THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAJR. OMAHA. TUESDAY MOBBING. JANUARY i , 1880. NTMBER 201 A CAUCUS IN THE SENATE , The Ropubl finB Moot nnd Make Tvolr Nominations. RETRENCHMENT AND REFORM. I M'CHH KlIlplOJT.H tl 1)0 DlHpCIISCll \ \ - flh.MilllchnrdKon HnH n Very Shrewd Hulieinc WntHoii In Lending Dempster. Itopnhllcnn Senate Nominees , LINCOLN , Neb. Dec. : il. [ Special Tele- am to Tin : linn. ] The republican caucus ho senate met to-nlfcht and noiniimtcd the 'Wing ' ofllcers of that body : Church [ ivc. president ; Walt Seoloy , secretary ; ' .tstcrdny , llrst assistant secretary ; S. S. | aborts , second assistant secretary ; II. M. Vs , clerk-of committee of the whole ; E. Parkinson , of Howard , scrgotint-nt-anns ; G , Hryai't , of Ashland , assistant sergcnnt- trms ; E. S. Gillcspic , of Valentine , door- icr ; Hev. J. S. Talcof Shclton , chaplain ; . - . L. M. Hayes , of Omaha , enrolling rk ; Miss Olmstend , of Lincoln , engrossing rk ; M. E. Ellis , postmaster. 'ho following are nominated for chairmen committees : Senator Ncsbitt , judiciary ; lymond , finance , ways nnd moans ; aiming , agriculture ; Sutherland , high- ays ; Tnggert , accounts and ex- ndlturcs ; Howe , military npproprln- ti.s : Connor. public lands and I lldings ; Council , school lands ; Koulnson , /Icraf relations ; Piekntt. ] irlnting ; Lynn , grossed and enrolled bills ; Uansom. conn- H. etc. ; Hurd , education ; Ijams , education d library ; Withoreld , claims ; llurton , nks and currency ; Keckley , railroads ; lie , iniscclliinrous expenditures ; Gallug- > , prisons ; Koche , universities nnd normal heels ; Paxton , public charities ; Lindsay , istitutional amendments ; Polk , privileges 't election ; Hcardsley , Hvo stock and grnz- ; Sharmor , ro\-enuo ; Funk , medical logis- K on ; Norvil , insane asylum ; Jowott , deaf U. dumb nnd blind asylums ; sisom , labor ; Hansom , reform school ; 'Jil&cn ' , manufactures 'and commerce ; * n , miscellaneous subjects ; Walbaeh , tics nnd minerals ; Muher , investignt- , committee for the selection of , T employes : Norval Hnnsom , Howe , 'hcrlnnd , Taggart , Hurton , Con- ' . Each senator has n clerk , Jo is to bo clerk of the senators' commit- . Thcro nro thirty-seven committees and Jrty-throo clerks. The caucus resolved to it down on an increase of employe. ' , In the kcrcst of economy. The clerics will" have iirgeoftho committeerooms. . It is cx- K'ted that this will result in securing a bel li class of help. Two years ago there were clerks employed. The senate determined f tnkc what they want in the beginning and ! have no increase afterwards. First lilontl For "Watson. Neb. , Doc. 31. Special Tele- iu to Tin ! Hni : . ] There was an apparent ' ' I. if Uic republican caucus this evening. /s."s..tor's friends took possession of the w parlors shortly after 8 o'clock , but it > * nearly half past 9 before the Watson J-es were ready for the fray. Theyiiroved ' , bo forty strong , and were lend by thn stnl- IrtHalmof Adams. Olmstcad and Cady r iiT-thoir places in the precession , mock as W'S. nnd were loudly cheered ns they tbd through the hall. The following olbcrs , confidently counted on by ol friends of Dempster , were cap'.ured foio workers nnd led into Watson's camp , sty nan. of Antelope ; Christie nnd Uootis , cltny ; Bisbeonnd Hunter , of Holt ; Wln- cii of Hrown * and Reed , of Soward. A J-viot light was precipitated bv n motion H'ludo Eric Johnson , the independent ro- clicanfrom Phelps. This was finally nc- iiilished by n vote of 30 to S ) , after which fr lot was takenresulting in n vote of 44 for rCson and 'JS for Demiister. Tlio caucus ft adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow. jj Mr. ItlchardR is Very Sly. INCOI.N , Nob. , Dec. 31. [ Special Tele- n to Tin : UEE.J Mr. L. D. Hichards , irman of the republican state central mittco , who had taken up his quarters in Capital hotel Sunday morning , has com- ccd a Hank movement on the senatorial i track which is both novel and adroit , ifc'ias solicited members to enroll their in i at the bottom of nn ingeniously Id .jd address to Senator Mandorson F ; partakes of the nature of n f/XO / to support und re-elect him ; i/oudi some of the flexible politicians wink a smile nt the childlike and bland new de nture , nnd accompany It with the side re- rk that such fragile chords nro not likely 'hold the men together for two weeks if Iof them take it into their heads to snap tin asunder , it is reported this evening it about eighty of the republican members J o accommodated Mr. Hichards with their 1 ogrnphs. The following Is a copy of the rcss , which Mr. Hichards will forward j ! elcgraph to Washington to-night regard- "J of expense ; i.r'ho political situation nt Washington "j s to demand your prcscni'0 nt your post j itv to look after pending legislation and { } ntercsts of the people of this state which tc in part so ably represent. Your course Ijng the past six years meets with our ap- ttul and woussuro you with all the sin- * r.y that ttio heart can givu forth that Jo you are doing your duty by remaining ( I o and looking after our interests , wo J , do ours by looking after your interest. . 5 , and will BOO to It that you nro triumph- Ijiy elected your own successor. Each .lilng you a "Happy Now Year" wo are irs obediently. " Ion. U. S. Herlin , the lone republican mbcr from Douglas , arrived to-day and cived congratulations from many friends i ir his success at the poles. The caucus * s evening will end the struggle und ro- Ivo the minds of the members from sus- I'so. The canvass has been conducted in a in nnd orderly manner by thu friends of mjister. and whether ho if. successful or I , his friends may bo proud of their efforts his behalf. MIXING oit.\iis. : jjii'nciipolH Elevator Men AooiiNcd ol' Doolorini ; Wheat. IT. PAVI , , Dec. 31. | Special Telegram to u UBK.J For some time the elevators of ineiipollH have been mixing grades , nnd 'i uth having just heard of It , is uogry to u | -oo , and says It has as good a right as n mdy to mix wheat. The practice throat- jt i permanent deterioration of' grades In ttf'tnto , a result which would bo of great j , , ' ' . qo to the grain business of the entire Bt'L vest , The spring wheats of Dakota j , , . ; Minnesota have always maintained a Ort nuliird In the markets of the world , fet ? s to the Interests of the mill men that , . V jputatlon should bo continued. In 7 case tlio losers are the farmers , the loj'rs nud the consumers. If any ono cbtld ImVo the bontlt of the mixing the far- tlu- and producers are the men. The mix- jjaliowovor , is not done until after the S > K ° OR trom the hands oMhg farmers to 3ilddlcmon , who are the gainers. The filers gut a low grade , of wheat while they i-for a high grade , nnd In the same way i'l consumers pay for u hgh | grade of Hour M uro bomotlmes not able to get It. The rult Is that tlio millers ahd consumers are .9. direct losers. In addition to this the rep- 'litIon ' and quality of the northwestern * ii cat and Hour is subjected to almost irrc- able damage , and the farmers are Injured he same proportion as their products. I'ollociunn Murdered , ' uiacmissviLLD. Pa. , Dec. 81. Police- a Seal was murdered by a negro on Main jet ttiU cvtfulng. The murderer escaped. I N I.-UQ. TlioClly nnd Siilinrtm Covered WH1 n Thick Wooly nincUncH * . f Oipi/rfflM ISS3 l > u JaiMK Onrtlnn Hciwrtl. ] LONDONDec. . 31. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : ! ) in.l-Tho fog to night is the worst known in many years. 1 cover * the metropolis nnd suburbs with n thick wooly blackness , so dense that pcdos trinns carry torches and with difficulty cross streets , In spite of the fog hundred * are In the streets awaiting the arrival of the now year. The sight is novel , nnd awful pnnn tom-llko , figures bearing aloft burning torches , noiselessly appear nnd disappear it the terrible black stillness. Hack-drivers descended from their boxes nnd , lant ern In hand , lend the trembling horses. Street urchins with torches am lanterns yelled : "Ar' yor lost ! " "Take ycr homo for tuppence. " They did n thrlv ing business when the theatres emptied theli startled and frightened audiences into the streets. Trains are delayed at the depots fet hours , and gangs of men with signal torpe docs sent over the roads to worn incoming trains. Many people who Hvo in distant parts of the metropolis took rooms nt the nearest hotel to await morning. London to-night is ns helpless ns New York was during the great blizzard. Lnto this evening n serious accident oc curred on the London , Chatham & Dover railway nt Loughbrough Junction. The southwest passenger train , going at n high rate of speed , dashed into the rear coach ol the passenger train from Ludgnto Hill to Richmond , which had stopped at the station. The engineer ot the moving train did not HCO the signal lights In front of him until within twenty yards of the rear coach. It was entirely demolished , and all its occu pants , ton in all , seriously injured , though 1101:0 : were killed. The scene of the nccl- dcnt was terrible. The groans and cries of the Injured could bo distinctly heard , but the Intense fog made it difficult for the workmen to rcmovo the debris safuly , and it was over nn hour buforo all were rescued. At least a score of Occidents duo to the fog have been reported by the police from various sections. SH1C WOULD NOT It AT H13. A Jealous.HtiNimnd ShootH His Wife and KillH IliniHclf. NEW YOIIK , Dec. ill. Solomon Josephaged forty-seven , n traveling broker in laces and linens , shot and fatally wounded his wife , nged twenty-nine , and then shot himself dead in the street In front of their residence last evening. Joseph was a drinker nud pos sessed of n violent temper , nnd wns'fcx- tremely jealous of his beautiful wife. Last night , after a quarrel with her , he went to the bath room , and , after taking a bath him self , ordered his wife to do the same. She refused and he tried to force her into the room. She ran down stairs and ho followed nnd shot her twjee , fatally wounding her , after which ho shot himself .in the head and dropped dead. Mrs. Josonji- was taken to a hospital , where it was' not expected she would live. The neighbors speak highly of her nnd place all tha blame for domestic un- hnppincss upon her husband. Surrender of the Ilityticn Republic. WAsnisoTox , Dee. 31. Secretary Whitney to-day received dispatches from Admiral Luco confirming the Associated press report of tho-surreudcpof the Iluytieu Hepublic nt the denmnd'of the United States by General Lcgitltnc , the newly elected president of Hayti. Tuo dispatches were immediately sent to'Sccrctnry Unyard. Secretary Bay ard said this evening that it was not true , as stated by some of those on board the steamer Prince Mau ritz , that the Haytien Kopubliohnd been given up on condition that the case should be arbitrated by repre sentatives of the two governments. Mail advices liavc also been roooivedjrotn Samoa In regard to the situation there , but as the department closed early to-day on ac count of New Year's festivities to morrow , the letters will not be read until Wednesday. In view of the fact that the advices caino by mail , nnd that no telegram from San Fran cisco in rsgard to them was received , it is be lieved they do not contain any information not already unofficially known. STOPPED 11V THU POLICE. The Mltchcll-Ivilrain Combination Not Allowed to Perform at St. Ijnuis , ST. Louis , Mo. , Dec. 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : I3ii : : . ] The Natatoriuin hull was crowded to-night to see the sparring match advertised between Mitchell nnd Kil- rnin , but the police prevented the match , the board of police commissioners having de cided to strictly enforce the law against boxing. The crowd was orderly , although Indignant at the interference of the police , particularly at their refusal to allow either fencing or wrestling. Short speeches were mndo by both Mitchell nnd Kilrain. The former said that the Americans were preju diced against him because ho couldn't let Sullivan lick him , and ho was going to re turn to England in two weeks. Kilrain said that ho was in earnest with his proposed match with Sullivan , and that the HutTalo meeting would be held and the battle fought. A Itccoiver Appoin ted. Ciiicuio , Dec. 31. Confessional judgments were entered against the JolTory Printing company this evening , amounting to $40,000. The confessions are in fuvor of the First National bank and Hurr Kobbins. George E. Lloyd was appointed receiver. The only other claims of im- portnnco ngr.inst the company , it is said , are those of Gcorgo Mathors Sons , of Uoston , for about $13,000. The Jeffrey Printing company Is the successor. of John U. Jeffrey .t Co. , the bankrupt sale of whoso property to the now company * was recently decided by Judge Tuloy to bo fraudulent. Tlio decree setting aside the sale was to bo made this week. Mr. Jeffrey Is not in the city nnd no estimate of tlio assets was ob tainable. Appropriation ItillH. WASHINGTON' , Decj 31. The sundry civil appropriation bill and fortifications appro priations bill have both been completed by the sub-committees of the hoiioo committee on appropriations. Chairman Kandnll has called a meeting of the appropriations committee for Wednesday of this week , nt which time both complete bills will be laid before it , tholr consideration Immediately entered upon and if possible finished the same day , Han- dull wishes to report them to the house , either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. A Hhot Run Injiiiicfon. LnciiriKU ) , Ills. , Doc. 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : 13BB.1 Yesterday , being Sun day , the Jacksonville & Southeastern rail way company thought they would build a truck through the lot of Jnmcs Hoban , of this city. They toro down the fcnco and got the tlus laid , when Mr. Hoban and his two ions appcarod with shot ' guns and drove the intruders off , _ Moonshlniir Arrested. WAI.XUT HIIIOB , Ark. , Dec. 31. [ Special to Tin : HKK.J 0. M. Stoddart , n moonshiner , was arrested hero yesterday by United States Secret Service Officer J. S. Sherman , Ills still Is near the Missouri lino. Sherman pur chased a ciuart of the "dow" from htm and then tooKjilm into custody. Italian oniccrw ArroHtud. ST. PuTcusnuito , Dec , 31 , Ttvo Italian en- ; lucer ofUcors , disguised as stonemasons , mvo ueon arrested nt Ivan Gurod. Plans of { usslnn fortresses were found in their pos session. REVISING THE TARIFF BILL , The Flnanco Oommlttoo In Socro Session on the Measure. TOO MANY RECOMMENDATIONS. Names/VMPolitical I'rnl'rrritieiit Coin Ing in Katlicr Thick From the L'ncillc Coast Forest nit Inu the Spcnkorship. WASHINGTONHunntu TitBO'itint 13ns , I 513 FoUUTKnyTltSTKHIST , ) WASHINGTON. D. C. , Dee. ill. I Five well-known republican statosmcr emerged from the room of the senate com inittco on ilimnco nt 1 o'clock to-day , tint filed down Into tlio restaurant for lunch They had been in conference nil the fnro noon , and from the expression their face bore , the work they were doing was of n ver ; importnnt chnrnctcr. None of them , however over , would talk upon the subject. The ; were , Messrs. Merrill , Sherman , Allison Aldrlch and Hiscook , nil members of tin committee on linancc. One of them venttirei the information that they would bo in set sloii nil the afternoon nnd would forego tin festivities of to-tnorrow in order that tho.i mi ht us nearly ns possible complete tin work they were upon. When lunch was eve : * thcy returned to the committee room agalt nnd placed double guards nt the door , utu for more than two hours continued in thoii secret session. It is ascertained that tlu committee Is passing for the las' tune , upon the republican substitute to tin Mills tariff bill , with a view of getting tlu measure in such u condition that nil of tlu amendments may bo voted upon at ono time , In the event of the democrats delaying Una action , the bill will be taken up in the senate again on W cdticsdiiy , nnd the work of It ; consideration will progress as heretofore. 11 is believed ttnit the democrats , notwitlmtaml idg their pledge * to begin voting on the bil on the 21st of January , will light the amend ments to an extent that will preclude u voti upon more than a very few of them , wheu that day arrives. The republicans propose to have the bill in condition , so that when the Hist of January is reached u dual vote on all of the amendments can. be taken , and the bill put upon its passage without further de bate or ceremony. It is not oolloved that there will bo many important amendments adopted. A cut of 50 cents on the lumber duty may bo the only amend ment of importance. When the bill comes to a. ilnnl vote , or a llnal vote is taken on nil of the amendments at one time , the re publicans say they will stand solidly to gether. It is to moot such emergencies as n vote upon all of the amendments nt one time that the republican members of the commit tee on finance have been in caucus for sev eral days and will continue at that work for some days to come. TOO MAXV RECOMMENDATIONS , Republicans in Washington , who bnvo re cently talked to General Harrison on the cabinet question , say the Pacific slope has overdone itself in presenting the names of men for preferment , and may get loft en tirely. When General Harrison indicated that he would like to have suggestions from the people on the Pacific coast as to whom they would prof or for a place in the cabinet , they appear to have taken their po litical directory nnd selected almost every numo within reach. They have urged the appointment of John II. Uoalt , ox-Governor Swift , Mr. Estec and many others from Cal ifornia and Oregon. Among the number , the nnmo of Senator John II. Mitchell , of Oregon gen , has bacn received with favor by Gen eral Harrison , but it is believed that owing to the fact that Senator Mitchell is in a posi tion where he can do the Pacific Slope and the administration much good , Hoult is in the fore front just at this time. rOKC-TAl.I.IN'O TJ1U Sl'DAKnitSIIIP. Some of the most prominent. ; republican protectionists in the iiouso nre talking of n conference to bo hold immediately after the expiration of the present session , and to bo attended by the republican members-elect to the next congress for the purpose of forestall ing the election of a speaker. The movement means the selection of a man on the platform adopted at Chicago , and presages success for Mr. McICinley , of Ohio , it is thought by his friends hero. A feeling is growing that Mr. Heed will bo needed on the floor during the tariff debate , which will ensue the next ses sion , and Mr. McICinley is the ideal protec tionist among the candidates forspeakcrship. Ono of thp prime motives in the conference is to cut olT the usual campaigns for the sponkcrship , thereby saving time and money , and avoiding the possibility of falling. To-day's local newspapers announce that at present Mr. Cannon , of Illinois , has more votes pledged to him than any other candi date. Mr. Cannon Is moderate in his views : on tariff reform , believing that there should bo lower ttutics , and If the proposed conference - once has in view the selection of a high pro tectionist , ho may be left out. JICKT fUOAIl AMI l.r.MIIEIl. Senator Mamlcrson mndo tin argument to day before the committee on linancc , in favor of free lumber or a substantial reduction in the duty , and fora bounty on the production of bent sugar , and the admission free for a year of beet sugar machinery for experi mental purposes. He showed the state of the experiment in the boot culture in Ne braska , particularly at Grand Island , where 10,00 ! ) acres have been purchased for that purpose , and that the , michurrino matter is very much -ftroater than in German beets. Ho expects a com promise of from BO cents to $1 per 1,000 feet on white pine sawed lumber , a bounty of 1 cent per pound on beet sugar , and hopes for the introduction ot experimental machinery frco for ono year. Senators from the lumber producing states arc making vigorous rcsist- iinco to any change in the lumber schedule , because of the great amount of labor involved in lumber production. A CAXiiuiATi : KOK HI-II.ICTIOX. : : : The Now York Tribune's Indianapolis cor respondent to-day mentions General Maiidor- BOII'H namoas spoken of for secretary of war , or of the interior. 1 called on him to-night Lo ascertain the truth of the report. Ho says ; ' 'Iain not an aspirant for a cabinet place , and have no expectation or dcsiro for It ; with the rest of the Nebraska delegation I am urging the Hon. John M. Thurston for secretary of the interior. lam u candidate for re-election , and have no other ambition. " TO STOP rn.nn/sTr.iiiNO. It Is probable that the committee on rules will report a resolution to the house this week which will put n stop to the 1111 buster- ing tactics employed to block a llnal vote on the Oklahoma bill uni * the bill to incorporate .hu Nicaragua Canal company. If tills la done the lloodgates will bo opened sufll- olcntly to permit a vote on Springer' ' * torri- .oriul statehood schemes. If it is not dona there is no prospect whatever of any legisla tion upon any of the subjects named , during the present si&slon of congress. Mi8Cii.i.AXiouH. : : The comptroller of the currency to-day up- irovcd of the Park National bank of Chicago , uid the Now York National bank of deposit , is rcsorvn agents for the First National bank if I'iorro , IJaU. , In place of the Chemical National of New York , and the Continental National of Chicago. F. M. Everett of Nelson , Neb. , has arrived tore from llaltlmoro ami other eastern cities , and will remain until utter the inaugcratlon. To-day's Washington papers announced lint Miss Nellie Uosowatcr of Omaha , will receive with Miss Daisy .Stewart ol 'J04 fourth street'SoutheastCapital hill , tomorrow row , assisted by a number of young ladies of his city , PUHIIV S. HUATII. Will Unite to IJent Jioulnnucr. PAIIIS , Dec , SI. A' congress of senators and members of tbo chamber of deputies , nunlclpal authorities nnd editors of all hades of republicanism , has decided to unite n nominating a candidate to oppose General touluuger in his candidacy for a scat in the haiabcr of deputies , rendered vacant by the death of Hudc. . LATEST NI2WS IfHOM HAYTI , * f American Vo sda Hnv.e Hard Tlnics- Tliat Moinlmrdiiidit. NEW YOHK , Dec. 8L The Clyde steamer Captain Holtna * , Jfrora' Dominican ports which got in Saturday night , loft this port or the down trip the May before the Samnnti nnd encountered the cyclone in which the Sntnana , 'It is supposed , foundered. Froti November US , when off for eighty < two hours a trcmonuous storm of wind nnd rain raged. Seas .iionrdcd the steamship , tearing away the skylights , smashing In the deck cabins , and currying off txvc of thorn nnd Illoodlng the cabin. . While the Clydo [ WAS nt Monla Cristo , which is the Dominican port nearest the north Hnytlen frontier , the gun boat : Toussalnt Louvcrturo nnd Mnnzcl entered the hnrbor , stcamcd'nround the Clydo without - out hulling , nnd carefully inspected her at close quarters. On the 20th the Clyde , seek ing cargo , entered 'I\nnzunillo \ bay , whoso waters wash both Hnytlcn nnd Dominican shores. There they ; heard long-continued firing of musketry from the highlands neat Capo llnytlon. The Toussalnt Louvorturonnd Manzcl were both new by. They loivorcd a boat , and troops were * soon drawn up In battle - tlo array aboard thetrdccks. Captuln Holmes wont of In a gig to tbo Dominican sloop Cleo patra. The Toussalnt Louverturo lowered n boat. Two ofileors und four marines got Into It , and the bnnt pulled , toward * the gig. U did not hail the gig , but simplfffthuscd it to the sloop and < i back , the marines keeping their muskets cocked nnd ready. Uosldes thisridiculous [ performance the Toussalnt Louverture , Captain Holmes says , had the swivel * gun upon her deck turned uiion the Clyde's broadside all the tlmo the Clyde was ia the harbor. On the li'Jd the small Uritish atoauior Aurora , Hying the Dominican flag and loaded with provi sions , probably for , Haytlen ports from Monte Cristo , was overhauled in Dominican waters by u crowfrodi the Haytlen gunboats. Captain Wilson , of tbo Aurora , nnd his crow were taken nbcmrd the gun-bout and placed in irons. The- crew of. u little brig wrecked on the Dominican shores was then impressed nnd put aboard the captured Aurora as a prize crew. Next morning the gun-boats left , towing the Aurora. They wore after ward seen lying oil Capo Huyticn in the track of vessels from Now , Yorlt to that point. The gun-boat Dosnallncs was reported wrecked off Port-de-Paix. Minister Preston has received an ofllclal account of the bombardment of Capo Hay- lien. The Dessahnn * was first fired upon by Fort Picolct November 8 , and returned the fire , silencing the fort. Advancing toward the town , tbo gunboat was next fired upon by St. Joseph's battery , nnd it silenced it. The old French battery by the town next opened tire , nnd the ' DessaUnes silenced that. Only a few chance shells touched the town. The commander reported to his government th'tV there would have been no particular excitement if one of the shells had not comq dangerously close to the United States consul' , and scared him out ot his wits. It was ho , the commander alleged , that started the sensational reports of the shelling of the town. No shots wore fired from the Dessallnes , except a very few to silence the forts.c . IIAPTIZHD IN JOB WATBK. Fifteen Colored People Have n 1'lcas- ant Experience Sunday. Yoitic , Dec. 31. ( Special Telegram to THE Hun. | Fifteen colored people , eleven of them women , were 'baptized in the icy waters of the Hudson * , ntNyack ; yesterday. After remaining InaltaUiousa some time , the procession , headed by Efyvs , Wynn , I3os\vollv nnd Green , started for the river , which was full of floating chunks of ice , while in shore a thick coating of Ice hid the water from view. Key. Mr. 'Wynn , with a stout staff , waded into the water , " breaking a pathway through the ico. When the water reached his waistlic broke the ice about him und motioned to the two.'clcrymen on the dock to get the eleven young women ready. The llrst one to bo naudcd down the steps was Sister Eliza Smith. The sight of the deep water nnd huge blocks of floating ice did not frighten Sister Eliza a bit. As Sister Eliza stepped into the water , Pastor Green led her out to whore Pastor Wynn wa < standing. Taking the young woman's arm , and tolling her to clasp her arms across her breast , ho raised his hand , and in n clear voice said : "For a profession of your faith in Christ , sister , I baptize you in the name of the Father , nnd ot the Son , and of the Holy Ghost. A'lien.1 , ' At the amen he cauglit the young woman by the head nnd waist and dashed her into the water , holding nor there about half n second. She was led back nnd Sister Hhcebo Koblnson was taken down the steps. The entire fifteen took to the water splendidly. , Indianapolis' Post of Hoc KolilXMl. IxniAXAi'ous , Dec. il ) , A daring nnd suc cessful robbery occurred in the money order department ol the Indinnapojis postofllce at lir.lf past 12 to-day. Johnson , chief of the money order division was persuaded to go out to the sidewalk to see a man in a buggy. While he was out , another man had entered the oftlco and filled hli pockets with gro en- backs to the amount of , about 2,5(10. ( A peculiar incident in connection with the robbery is that ono oft Johnson's assistants returned from dlnncr.mid saw the thief cool- ley picuing up the money. The clerk was in the roar and witnessed Hio theft through n glass partition. He * ays he supposed the nan was a special agetjt of the postofllce de partment and had u right to take the money , so ho waited outside until the "special agent" finished Ills' : business. The exact amount stolen is S2.-K5S. Only nn hour be fore the robbery , .Tones , the postmaster's son , had cleared the dusk of some $4,000 and deposited it in the banir , For Panning Counterfeit Money. Lim.i : Hone , Ark. , .Dec. ill , [ Special Tel egram to Tin : HnB.i Information was re ceived hero to-day of the arrest of a man npar Faycttovillo yesterday on the charge of passing counterfeit money. When the ar rest was attempted , thn man fired on the of- cer and ran , throwing counterfeit dollar * away. Two shots frolai the oflicer brought him down. Ho refuse * ! to tell his numo and declared that ho preferred death to capture on account of his relatives. As thorn bus been considerable lxgus money detected throughout the state ,4.ntely , this capture is considered as ijuito important. Killed l > y a Mad Hull. TOPHKA , Kan. , Dec.31.Spoclal [ Telegram to Tin : Hui.l : Infarmntlon was received this afternoon that ColoWol J , M. Jones , ono of thu wealthiest and nioit tnlluontlal ranch men In Cheyenne courjty was gored to death yesterday morning by ! a ull. Ho was the owner of ono of thu. flriost herds of cattle in the state , and while , ' engaged In 'work about his stable * ) , the euiinnl suddenly at tacked him from the rwir. and before ho could escape ho wet ) knocked down nnd frightfully gored. Hqwda.found a half hour Inter with his head almost severed from his body , and ono urm torn to pieces. AMD S fny \VHIIfi Longer. NKW YOIIK , Dec. 3-rSpeclal } Telegram to Tni : Uic. : ] Uussejl Harrison has again delayed ills departure. ' Ho had expected to go back Saturday , but ho has postponed going Indefinitely , Ho lias invitations to spend Now Year's dny'nt ono or two country houses , but ha will stick to town. The Indi cations are that ttioro will bo stirring times In this town Inslilu of n fortnight that Now York's phico in the cabinet will bo settled beyond doubt before thu month Is out. Mniidl Hue Uecn npfontud. Doc. ! ) ! . A Greek has just arrived here from Khartoum. Ho started two months ago , coming by wuy of Kussnla , and says that nothing had been Jfeard at Khartoum of the fall of the government of the equatorial provinces or of the Ciipluro of Einiu. On the contrary , ho says tlmtrtbu forces of the Muhdl had bocu twlco ddfoatcd in Uabrgazcl. iiin Probability That the "Q" Strlko Wll Bo Declared Off. A FEW CONCESSIONS MADE lint the Scabs Will Not lie Hcplnccd hy lirnthcrhnod 3Icit Talk oC Another Strike Said to lie Untrue. llcgnlt of the Conference. RCtiiCAtio , Dec. 31. [ Sjiccial Tclepram t < Tim Ur.i.1 The rather empty formality of declaring the so-called "Q" strike oft will probably bo gone through with to morrow. A meeting to that end was held nt thu Uur- lington ofilccs this morning between General Manager Klpley , President Stone und Solici tor General Wlrt Doxtcr , representing the company , and Chairman Cnvoncr nnd eight comnnttcemcn appointed by the Hichmoiul convention of engineers , with full power tc act. The engineers and officers of the road were in session from Idll ! ) o'clock until 1:30 this afternoon. Wirt Dexter said this nfternoon : "Noth ing was done nt the meeting , a general talk only having been indulged in. Another meeting will be held to-morrow. " From nnother source It was learned that the strike would bo declared off , In exchange for which the company would make some concessions. What these lira is not known , and they can only Go surmised , and it can V > o safely said that they will bo few , ns none of the new engineers will bo displaced In favor of the strikers. The committee , it was said , was unanimous in declaring that the strike should end so that tha engineers could take their chances iu getting back. It was an nounced that the pay of the strikers wHl cease to-day , that limit having been set by thu Richmond convention , The Uurlington engineers who went on n strike last spring stand nlone as n body , deserted by the LJroth- orhood nnd boycotted by the enemy. Hut that is not the worst of it , by any means. A great many of them have been so reduced in circumstances that their homes have been broken up , nnd not a few are trampswander ing about the country. That is the story in a nut shell told an Evening News reporter by n Texas & Hio Grande engineer ut the National hotel this morning. "You see , it Is this way , " ho said. "After the strike was declared the engineers grow restless , and the majority spent the greater portiop of their time in hanging around the headquarters here in Chicago. Chairumn Hope and his assistants ran things just as they pleased , Arthur being barred out al most entirely. The talk around headquar ters was pretty radical , and the associations were dangerous. Thus it was that about every man became a professional and dissat isfied agitator , and the feeling became preva lent that the 'Q' road ought to bo downed at any cost. This led to the dynamite conspira cies. The hopelessness of their causa then became apparent , and the strikers scattered. Where are the.v to-day ! I have met dozens of them on the Hio Grande road , with hope less looks in their faces , and despair in their every actipn. They could find no work , tho.v all said , except such as they could Hud along their travels , nnd if they disclosed their idcntity-to any of the lullrnad managers to whom they applied for employment , they were lost so far as being given work" "What per cent of the VQ' men are now out of woik ? " "I should say over 50 per cent are now without employment and with no prospect of getting any. The brotherhood has made a nrctensc of supporting them , but not more than half have secured their dues nnd to-day they will receive the last dollar from the order. The engineers of the other roads liavo been put to frrcat Inconvenience in pay ing the 10 a month assessments to eon- tribute to the support of the strikers , and there is not a man in the organization but is licartily glad that the dram will end to-day. Hero are some interesting figures : Over fifteen hundred engineers struck. They were to receive $00 a month from the brotherhood. As I saitl , a little more thnn half got that much , while the rest secured just what l-they could. Figure the outlay at $33 a man Ijfor the eight months of the strike , and you ! ' have the grand total of expense of ? 4iOt)00. Other expenses bring the amount up to a round half million. " "What about the story in n morning paper that n general boycott had been declared by thu roads against the strikers f" 'As I said , a great many railroad managers will not biro a 'Q' strikers. The story is true , but there is no foundation for the re port that all of the engineers of the brother hood are combining for u big strike if Uie 'Q' docs not come to some arrangement with the old men. Such n move would be most foolish , and could not succeed. " Talk iif Another StriUo. CiilOAfio , DJC. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tin : I3ii : : . ] Ono of tlio engineers who at tended last week's convention in this city said to n reporter for a local papar to-day that the real reason the convention had been called was that the engineers nnd firemen Had discovered the existence of a gigantic conspiracy against the Hurlington strikers. He asserted that all the principal railroads in the country , with the exception of three running west from Chicago , had entered into an agreement to refuse employment to Hur lington strikers unconditionally , nnd that , furthermore , several of the largo roads were prepared to glvo the Hurlington financial aid In their fight. Ha said the boycott against the strikers had been proven by the actual experience of a number of men who had been selected to go to various point. ? In the country and apply for work on different roads. The result was the same in all cases , As soon as It was learned that they cacio from the ranks of tha Burlington strikers , , they met n point blank refusal. Wh'm the engineers placed a boycott on the "Q" road , lust spring , said the delegate , the managers of the other roads came to them and begged them to pull it off , saying they would not glvo the Uurlington any assistance they could possibly avoid , and that they would not discriminate against the engineers. The discovery now of what the men term u conspiracy against them has made the engineers wild , and thu meeting was called more for the purpose of consider ing this matter than anything else , The Informant told the reporter that thu pcoplo might look out for breakers unless this mut ter was remedied. If the railroads continue the present boycotting policy , which , ho says is simply nn attempt to undermine the brotherhood , there will bo a Htnlco the mag nitude of which will appall tlio country. It will include -engineers , firemen , brakemen and switchmen , und If the men nro really forced Into it tlio pcoplo will sec nearly a paralysis of nil the Important railroad sys tems. Noted Conntorf'iiltni1 Arrested. ST. Louis , Dec. 81. United States Marshal llcnson arrested at WcstPluinsyesterdayand , lodged In jail hero , Alfred Davis , the notori ous counterfeiter whom the treasury officials have been after for a long time , Ho had a vullso containing complete sets of dies and molds for the munufactura of halves and quarters , and a largo quantity of counter feit money. Coming Home. /8SS b\i \ Jamts Uunlun JienncU. ' } PAIIIS , Dec. 31. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB I3ni : . ] Two great American journalists , Mr , Charles A Dana and Mr. Hallard Smith , sailed for New York on tbo Normandlc. MUIIDI3R MVSTUItV SOLVUD. Arrest ofthoMnn Who Committed tin Philadelphia Itntchcry. Pitii.Ai > iu'inDec. . 31. The mystery sur rounding the finding of the mutilated remains mains of a murdered man In cast Fnlrinouiii park Wednesday has been solved , the corpse identified and the murderer placed In prison The motive for the deed was to obtain th ( money of the murdered man , but all that the murderer was known to liavo re alized Is $ 0. The corpse was irtcnti fled ns that of n German named Schil ling , who boarded with his partner , iinmci ] Shroop , in a small grocery store. Sliroop , when arrested , denied any knowledge of the murder. Ho mndo many conflicting state ments and after u night in n cell confessed the murder , The hatchet , nxo and saw used by Shroop were found In the cellar of his house this morning covered with blood. They wore taken charge of by the police nnd will bo preserved ns evidence at the trial. The body , cither before or after llfo was ex tinct , was carried Into the collar , where It was evidently , judging from the clotted blood , allowed to remain until the following morning , when , after having been cut to pieces nnd placed in was found in the park. The wooden lloorwlth which n portion of the cellar is covered , Is bloodstained In sev eral places. Shroop's wife , who is pros trated on account of her husband's arrest , Is in custody ns nn accomplice. The murderer was given n hearing before the mnglstrato to-day. Ho gave his nnmo ns Jacob Schroop , aged llfty-tiirco ye.ars , nnd said ho was born in Switzerland. The police officials testified to Schroop having confessed the murder of Schilling , nnd the prisoner was then formally committed to await the action of the coroner. Lnto this afternoon Chlof Wood gave to the newspapers u copy of the confession made by Schroop , in winch the latter snys the nnmo of the murdered man was Antenna Schilling , nnd that ho killed him about r > o'clock on the morning of Christmas day. Ho says he arose from bed about that hour and went to the kitchen to get some food for his wlfo , who was sick. On looking in the cupboard ho found no fdod there and turning to Schilling , who was in the room , accused him of having eaten what bad been left in the closet. Schilling denied having eaten the food and Schroop , becom ing angered , knocked him down and beat him to death with n heavy piece of wood. Ho loft the body until 5 o'clock in the after noon" , when ho cut off the legs and throw the body and severed legs into tlio collar. Next morning about 0 o'clock he hitched up his horao and wagon , and having placed the body in two bags ho loaded the bags into the wagon nnd drove to the park and placed the bags in the pine , where they were found late the same day by some boyswho were playing about the place. iRMro. Schroop , wife of the confessed nntr- ilercr , was this afternoon removed to the iilins-liouso. She is completely prostrated by the .shock , and , in addition , is suffering from the effects of cancer. TO BOYCOTT SUNDAY PA.P13IIS. Minneapolis Ministers Will Fight tin ! Bahtmth Hrcnkers. MiSNiurous , Dec. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tins Ben. " ! The Presbyterian ministers assembled in Hev. Dr. David J. Uurroll's study at Westminister church this morning and made some New Year's resolutions of nu interesting character. As usual the talk of the meeting was more or less informal , but it resulted in a decision to wage war UPOQ the Subbath breakers and strike for an era of better laws and bette.r enforcement of existing statutes.All the phases of the question were touched upon , but of course the Sunday papers came in for : i largo share of the attention of the meeting. Dr. liurroll prepared a statement or resolution denounc ing the Sunday papers and calling upon the congregations to abstain from patronizing them , and nearly all the ministers present affixed their signatures. It was the senti ment of the clergymen that some more effective'legislation was positively necessary and accordingly a move will bo made in that direction. Among other Sabbath desccra- ' tions the theatres came in for a share of tlio ministerial displeasure. Ministers of other denominations in Minneapolis liave signified their intention of joining their Presbyterian brethren in this crusade against the Sunday papers nnd theatres. Afl'airH. WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. The secretary of state to-day received n largo mail from the United States minister to Haytl , dated December - comber IS , containing information as to the condition of affairs in that hind , but making no mention of the arrival of the American vessels Galena nnd Yantic. Among the dis patches is a copy of ibdecrcc issued on the 10th inst. by the Legitime government clos ing nil northern ports St. M.irc , Gonivos , Port Dopaix , and Cape Hnyticn to foreign commerce provisionally. Mention is made in the dispatches of a mysterious crow that arrived Port-au-Prince the steamship Ar- rived at - - on - ron. Thcro seemed to be evidence of a plot to carry the "Haytion Republic" out of the port under cover of night , but It was frus- trutcB by vigorous action of the authorities. Denies Jlls Guilt. „ Qfr.iixsTOWx , Dec. 31. Kuhn , the man who was arrested on the steamer Lord Gough , when she reached hero from Phila delphia , on the charge of having murdered William Christen , in the town of Primrose , Wis. , was arraigned before a Qucenstown magistratetoday. . The prisoner declared ho knew nothing of Vile murder with which he was charged. Ho said ho did not object to returning to Wisconsin , hut he thought his arrest was unmerited. He was not ilcoing from justice , but was openly returning to his country. Ho is u native of L'.ingenthal , Switzerland. Ho was remanded pending the production of proof sufllclcni , to warrant Ills extradition. Over UK ; Hoax. CITV OF Muxico , f via Galvcston ) Dec. 31. President Dinz , Secretary of the Interior Homco Hublo , nnd Secretary of Finance Dublnn , expressed great Indignation when informed of the circulation in tlio United States of the rumor that nn uprising had taken place * in this city. They say peace was never on n ( inner basis than at present. President Diaz hits expressed his resolution to punish the author of the hoax , if bo can bo discovered. Thu Vlnlhlti Hupply. CHICAGO , Deo. 31. The visible supply for the week ending December 2'J , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , Is as follows ; Hushcls. Wheat . 3Sm,000 ! Corn . 8,4)3)00 ! ) ( ) Oats . , . SWIOUO ( Ityo . 1IIIHJO ' ) , Hurley . U.BOI.OM . 1'rlcKln , Den , 31. Ono hundred and twenty priests have signed a protest against the Im prisonment of Father Kennedy , who was found guilty of attending a meeting of the suppressed branches of the national league. The protest avers that the league is a legal organization , and that Father ICenncdy'M olfcnsos are of u political and not of u crimi nal nature. Judgment Afllrinod. AMUsr , N. Y , , Dec. III. The general term to-day afllrmed the judgment of Anstcr In the case of the people against Thomas C. Platt. The Judgment afllrmed is the ono which removed Platt from the position of quarantine commissioner of New York on the ground that ho was not n rcslucut of that city. A Complete NEWI-OIIT , U. I. , Deo. 81. Tha steamer Hrlstol , which burned yesterday , is n com plete wreck. The total lobs ls5t0KK ! > , With au Insurance of ? 3X,000. ( ) , DENIED THE INJUNCTION < - Decision by the Mnetor In Ohanoor ? iu the Anarchist Gasb. NO PRECEDENT FOR INTERFERING A Pnrtlnl Victory for the Annrchlntf Chlcfor Police Hiinlmrd Snjrn Unlunfnl Meetings Will ho Suppressed. The Anarchist Injunction On so. CIIICAOO , Dec. 31. Several days ago Vhs Arbcltcr bund , n anarchist society , appealed to the court for an injunction to prevent Uio police from Interfering with , tholr puMio mcctlugs. The matter was referred to Alurw ter in Chancery Wln'do * , who mndo n rcpori' to-day. Ho finds no precedent for Intcrfor * ing by Injunction with their ofllclal conduce. ' unless propujty ritjhU are involved , Ho docd not deem it within the province of n master ' to rccommond Injunctions save wboro it l clearly csuibltshcd by precedent that they should issue , mid contents him self with suggesting that ono issue. As to the facts , ho finds complainant * have n constitutional right to meet ; thai there is no testimony beyond the moro belief of Chief of Police Hublmrd and Innpoqtor Uonilold that connilalnants dcsiro to overthrow - ' throw thu laws of thu state nnd nation. TtVq statement of these defendants that some of the members of thoArboiter bund belonged - to anarchistic societies , in which ttio over * throw of stnto and national laws was advo cated , is not sufficient to prove the Arbcltcr bund to bo an Illegal nnd revolutionary or ganization. Ho says the affidavits of com plainants nnd several other citizens say that the purposes of the bund arc lawful and proper. The mantor denies that to restrain tbo polled from permitting the Arboitor bund meeting would be an interference with thulr discre tion. On that subject ho says in part : "It is hostile and oven dangerous to thu genius of ; our institutions , and In conlllct with these upon winch they urd based , to assume that n policeman without judicial responsibility shall exercise judicial power to grant "or withhold the rights of citizens constitu tionally to meet In public assemblies. If the mere belief of n police officer that projected' public meetings nro for unlawful pur poses hliall operate to the prohibi tion of such meetings , such belief . created perhaps by error , malice , bigotry or political partisanship may bo resorted to for the effectual extinguishment of a funda mental right. When citizens hnvo assembled , if they ad vocate or proceed to the commission of un lawful acUi or the overthrow of government , or the destruction of property , then the con servators of peace may exercise their discre tion in dispersing them. If in this case the police have substantial grounds for their belief - lief , they should not bo engaged in a debate before a muster in chancery defending - fending an assumed judicial power , but , ns conservators of tbo peace , should ar rest the complainants and appear as their ac cusers in a criminal proceeding. " The attorney for the Arbeitcr bund con siders the report , of the master only a partial victory. Gcorgo Schilling , tlio well known agitator , , said to a reporter : "It docs not make much- . difference what is done by tlio courts ; the police 'Will/ bulldoze us nnj > way. If they doa't'want im to gather ' "in halls' connected witb saloons- they will threaten to have thu license of a saloon- , revoked if ha permits such meetings to take place. " Chiofof Police Htibbard said : 'SWhon tin speakers at meetings of the anarchists ; sny , cs they have on recent occasions , ' that : the streets must How with blood before they * can get their rights , It is claimed that the . gatherings are not for any good purpose. Wo shall see that any meeting where law is openly dulled is suppressed. In the IlnnilM of n Kcoeivnr. CINCINNATI , Dec. 31. Application was made this morning boforc Judge Pock , of the superior court , for the appointment ol * receiver for the Cincinnati , Washington & Haltlnipro railroad. Tlic Judge appointed Colonel Orlando Smith , who has been presi dent of the the road , nnd Henry 0. Yorga- . fen , vice president of the Merchants' Na tional bank , of this city , as joint receivers. The petition was filed by the Farmers Loan nnd trust company of Now York , which w trustee- for the mortirago creditors of thej Cincinnnti , Washington & Baltimore com pany. It assorts that the road failed to pay any interest ; that It is insolvent nnd that there is no other way in which equitable re--s liof can bo obtained. The receivers were put in possession of the road and authorized , to proceed with its management. It is expected these will result hi ' pected proceedings bring- in ? about an cipiitablo readjustment of the * bended indebtedness of the company ami fixed charges so that the company will * bo placed on a solvent footing. Kntrnnco Gninod. ' ST. Lot-is , Dee. 31. For some tlmo past' the St. Louis , Alton & Springfield railway has been endeavoring to gain an entrance to Alton , III. , but owing to an injunction sued out by the Chicago & Alton to prevent the new line from crossing the Chicago & Alton tracks , has been una'blu to do so. Yesterday , tlio St. Louis , Alton & Springfield conceived n now way of directing an entrance by cut ting away a portion of the Weaver vlnoga1 * works and pushing the Alton tddo tracks over against the bluffs. With a big force of men , they carried the Idea out successfully , and this moruing the road in possossloii ' of the coveted Inlut No.irly u mlh ) of traolc . . was put dnwn yesterday. * " * ImportH nud lOxportn of Coll. ! : ' Niw : YOIIK , Deo. .11.-For the year 1838 the exports of gold from New York were * fcJ-i.yro.OOu , nnd tha imports $ > , ' , > 14,000 , Dur ing ; 1833,333,095 Immigrants woro' landed at Castle Garden , an increase of 1,077 ' over the previous year , The Evening Post , in Its financial article "The chances In luvorof to-day , Hays ; are the granger roads maintaining the rates which they have agreed to ndvunco after January 1 , bccnuso the stockholders of these roads have become disgusted with rate warn , and in some cases are organizing for the pur pose of changing the management ; of several roads west of ChicAgo , which have been most conspicuous during thu [ last year Iu begin ning and carrying out rate wars. " Kill ! | H ( ioillK tO LONDON , Deo. ill. A dispatch fiom MivJ rns says Lady Conncmara , wifu of thn gov ernor of Madras , has loft tha government house , refusing to remain under thu same roof with her [ iti&band. She look her leuvo suddenly , during thn ofliclul ball , nnd wont to n hotel. She la commg to KiiglunU. Captain - tain Qulnn. nldu-de-camp to the governor , and Lady Bvii Qulnn , left tlio Iiouso at tbo Bumotlmc , the captain resigning his oUlco. Madras society , which is much uxoitod over thu scandal , is in sympathy with Lady Ccu- nemara. , Fatal Holler KxploKlon. DKTIIOIT , Dec. 31. An livening Journal special from Kdmorc , Mich , , says , n boiler iu Dush's Hhlnglc mill , live mio ! north of Mil- brook , exploded this morning , killing W . W. Dush , proprietor , and John C.irr , nlglitwutch- man. JJert Smlloy wua fatally Injure J. Whole establishment completely wrecked. 'Jhc Yilndunr Cnxo .Settle.I. * Cificnoo , Doc. 31. In the countycourt this morning the scuu.xllonal Llndutiur case w > * Biittlud by the agreement of all parties of tlio firm to pay 10 pur cent on t'iu ' dullur , vvlilub 7 the court considered fair. , 7 , , * f. * . < ) .