Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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rff '
Mr. D. M. Grocery , tlio advance necnt of
the John Dillon Comedy compnny , li In the
city. Ho will upend Now Year's day with
his frleuils.
The frlertdi of Mr. Percys Ford will be
pleased to learn that ho has been promoted
to the position In the Omaha National bank
formerly held by the Into Mr. W. S. KIRKS.
To Wntcli the New Vcnr In.
There will bo a meeting llio l"lrst Metho
dist church at 10 o'clock to nlRht. The mem
bers will fissure themselves of the presence
of the Now Year before disbanding.
Urokn UN I < CK.
While spuming In henry's saloon on Six
teenth street yesterday afternoon with Char-
Inv Hunt. Mike McOrath , better known as
"Red Mine , " broke his Ice. He was con-
vrjcil to the St. Joseph's hospital and medi
cal uld was summoned.
Use Korr's thri-ad iilwnys the bust ,
eolduml ruuommomlotl by lliiydon Hros.
Hov. HniMlin Delivers n. Sermon lor
Ilic Henollt ill lteortei-4. |
There was a largo congregation last night
nt the Presbyterian church on Dodge street
to hear the Kov. U' . .1. Hwslm preach to re
porters. Almost every reporter In the city
was present , anxious to le.trn what the
reverend gentleman had to any for and to
them. The sporting , society , police , railro.ul
and religious reporters were nil there. They
are seldom found together , and still loss
often worshipping .it the same shnnu. On a
piece of black velvet suspended behind the
preacher was the text , written in shorthand ,
"Ye must be born again. " Mr. Harshu
took euro to translate It for the bonollt of
those present who were not familiar with
the hieroglyphics , llcforo the sermon the
reverend gentleman announced that ho had
been asltcd to preach to icporters by ono
of the gang , aiid that ho did so
with great pleasure. Ho will also
every alternate Sunday evening Irom
this time forward give a serins of sermons
nn special subjects. Next Sunday week ho
will preach to school teachers and the fol
lowing sermon will bo to dry goodm-leiks.
The other subjects will bo announced Inter.
The preacher chose for his text tiio llftv-
ficcond verso of the thirteenth chapter of
St. Mnthoiv. Ho said : It is to the reporter
that wo are Indebted for news. The mer
chant , the physician , the housewife , the
clergyman and teacher are all indebted to
the reporter for the contents of their morn
ing niul evening papers. Everybody reads
the daily papers and through them we oaeli
of us learn all about ourselves. Every ono
should read the papers ; should know what
Is going on. Papers are great educators.
Formerly It was thought that ministers
Bhould hide themselves away in some clois
ter and keep themselves aloof from the
world. Now people think diffcicntly
and through llio press ministcis le.irn how
God rules the universe. Wo sometimes Ue-
rlvo as much gooxl by reading the reports of
transactions in the vilest parts of the city as
wo might by reading the bible itself. I < o-
ports carefully and properly read hwnanuo
the heart because they bear most directly
upon the practical life of those whom wo
conic to teach. We should read the words
transmitted from London , Paris , Hilly and
the world generally and learn from them the
ways and doings of God and man.
He then likened the reporter to the hero of
the mythological story who had 1(0 ( hands to
work with , 100 eyes to observe with and 100
curs with which to listen. Ho was always
ready , always restless , constantly watching
and waiting. Ubiquitous and serene , never
flagging In his energy , and wliilo others were-
at homo snugly ensconced in arm-chairs
around co/y llres the reporter was on his
way seeking news that at our
brcnklasts wo might learn how God rules the
world. The word "news" itself convoys the
Idna of n reporter's life and work. It means
that wo have tidings from N , the north , K ,
the east , W , the west , and S , the south. It
tnus embraces the four points of the com
pass. It IB a noble profession. It was prac
ticed of old , for do wo not read of scribes in
the bible ? They wore simply reporters and
had n system of shorthand , possibly as ef
fectual as ours Is to-day. We read of Solo
mon and of David and of others havine priVate -
Vato secretaries or scribes. These were re
porters , men who gathered history , wrote it
nnd handed It down to us. Reporters rolled
public opinion. Their duties are as various
as they are numerous. Now , attending
churches. Next a brutal prize fight whcro
the worst characters are often found , then a
happy wedding , again a gambling den
nnd later- the last sad relics of
n departed fellow mortal. "Lot mo
beg of tliem to carry the lallucnccs of their
higher associations into the lower , " said the
speaker , "and never allow the latter to creep
into the former. Their variety of necessary
association throws them into many tempta
tions , but let \is IIODO they employ their occu
pation to good purpose. They can change
public opinion as well as reflect , It. Then let
mo urge them to beware of slander. Lies do
not hurt until they are believed , and they aio
not believed until published. Never bo talc
bearers. Expose fraud and always tear the
mask off hypocrisy. Wo aliuo Jaro here for
good , and when wo leave It should bo said
that some ono was made better by our hy
ing. "
In conclusion the speaker warned report
ers against drink nnd impurity , their great
est temptations. "Drink , " said he , "will
rim you in this world nnd in the next. Never
drink to keep up , for it will destroy you
mentally and nhyslcally and drive you down
to holl. Beware of impure women whoso
feet toke hold on hell. Never aid one to ber
eternal shamo. Open your hearts to the in
fluence of good and remember "You must bo
born again. " _
From the Council UlulTft D.illy Qlobo , Jan-
nary 20 , ISWi : M. A. McPiko , editor of the
Cambria ( Ebonsbiirg , Pa. ) Freeman , has
been the personal friend of the editor of the
Glebe for moro than twenty years , and is
known , wherever ho is known , as ono of the
beat in on living. Ho is also an Intimate
friend of Mr. Clark , of the Nonpareil. Ho
has been unfortunate In the fact that his
famllv was ravaged with diphtheria and
greatly distressed. Mr. Clark , having hoard
of this calamity , sent him some of Dr. .lef-
foris' Diphtheria Cure. It was used at once ,
nnd the lives of the rest of his children
wed. Letters from Mr. McPiko are un
bounded In their expressions of gratitude
for finding some means of averting the loss
of his whole group of little nnd tender ones.
Five of Mr. MePIko's children out of olght
died from diphtheria before ho had an op
portunity of using Dr. Jofforis" loinody.
Price of remedy 1. Address Dr. Thoa. Jof-
foria , box 00" , Omaha , Nob.
A Sii8luloiiM Character.
Jess Green was found selling jewelry at
reduced rates iu the burnt district yester
day afternoon , and was run In as n suspic
ious character. IIo was formerly a toldicr.
Tlioro nro nineteen motnls more
viilunblo tlmn pold , but no remedy
which will compare with Uigolow's
Positive Cure for coughs nnd colds. A
prompt and pleasant euro for all throat
and lung troubles. CO contu and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
Tlio Hum niul llio Wo 1C.
Detroit Free Press : A linro which
had been sol/.ed by ft wolf uttered loud
lamentations and besought him to
spare her life. "Give mo ono good
roauon , " replied the wolf. "Uoeauso
wo are both hunted by man. Even now
I may bo pursued by some boy seeking
my life.'Ah ' , then , It will bo a. fuvor
to put you whore ho can't Jiml you , "
paid the wolf , na ho bit her in two nnd
bolted the plocos. Moral ; When you
uro the wolf , it Is safe to argue. When
you tire the linro , it is wiser to run.
A druggist at Fort Scott , Kansas , per-
euaded D. A. Camp , n bookkeeper , to
buy a bottle of Chamborluln's cough
remedy. Mr. Camp now says the rem
edy is unsurpassed for throat und lung
complaints , especially for children
troubled with colds , and that lie would
not be without it for many times it coal.
Only CO cents per bottle. All druggists
toll it.
A Wnr Silp Sent Kor n Trunk *
London Truth : When tlio Duke flail
Duchess of Kditiburgh wont recently to
Greece it was discovered , on arriving
nt Athens , that n trunk containing eor-
tnln indisponsiblo articles of nttlro be
longing tu the duchess had boon left
boluntl nt Malta. A telegram ordering
the said trunk to be scut by the next
day's steamer would have boon the
cheapest and readiest way of obtaining
it ; but llio Duke of Kdinburg act
ually dispatched out1 of the vessels of
liin squadron all llio way to Malta to
bring back tlio trunk-und its contents ) ,
( hereby saving himself about u sovereign
eign for telegrams and carriage by
steamer. This trip of her majesty's
ship must have Involved a cost to the
taxpayer of some hundreds of pounds.
The transaction is altogether a scHtidu-
lous ono. What is the u i , I should
like to know , of puddling economies in
the dockyards , when a royal admiral la
MI ( To rod wantonly to waste a largo sum
of money in thls'idlotie fashion ?
All por-oni having any claims against
either the Grand Ceiilial or Midway
hotels of Kearney. Nob. , are hereby re
quested to present same January 1. as I
wish to settle till amounts for the year
at once. T. C. Hit visito'
Turkey's Way o Itiilitni ; Revenue.
The land in all Turkey and her dependencies -
pendencies belongs to the reigning sul
tan , and is only occupied at his will. , It
is pnrcoltTd oiil to thoio who wish to
cultivate it at a nominal rental of one-
fifth of the produce , which goes directly
to the crown. Three-fifths more are
taken from the lessee on other pretexts ,
all for tlie maintenance of the govern
ment , the pasha in each district Inning
the authority to lease the ground and
collect the taxes , which may be in kinder
or moiioy. If crops are short they take
four-fifths of all the man has in animals
and OV.MI housuliold utensils , sometimes
all , to make up the deficiency which
providence lias withhold. Everything
that can produce , bo it ti tree , boast ,
fowl , worm , or tlio labor of a , man and
his family , is subject to the four-fifths
tax. Those who toil at any labor or
trade other than agriculture , arc taxed
also pro ratu according to their wages ,
and inubt pay or no to prison if caught.
Olive Harper in the New Voric Herald.
* >
Will you Buffer with dyspepsia , and
liver complaint ? Saitoh's Vitnli/er is
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by
( Joodman Drug Co.
Got t
"So you're working for the railroad
companies now , are you ? " said a pas
senger to the colored porter , whom ho
ubod to know.
"No , boss ; I'so work in' the passen
gers , " answered tlio darkey , as ho
brushed all the nap olT tlio passenger's
hat , nreliininary to going through him
for a quarter.
"Did you ever notice that , the con
fectioner's name is on these cookies1"
queried Waggloy.
"No. "
"Well , it is , and there's only ono
thincr lacking about it. "
"What's that ? "
"A date. "
And then the landlady , after dinner ,
took 'em out on the back stoop and sand
papered 'cm.
We rcc'in'd Korr's thread. HaydenBros
Worsn mill Worse.
"Araminta , do you know I saw Rich
elieu come out of a saloon last oven-
inffV" < iuoi'lcil Mohitnblo.
"No ! it can't boi-you'ro not in earn
"Indeed I am ; " then smilingly , "but
it was an oyster saloon 1"
"Great heavens ! and hero I've been
at homo ulono every evening this
week ! "
And that's what made Mehitablo
smile maliciously.
The diameter of the Western Man.
Prof. Bryce , M. P. : Good nature ,
heartiness , a readiness to render small
services to ono another , an assumption
that neighbors in the country , or per
sons thrown together in travel , or even
in a crowd , wore meant to bo friendly
rather than hostile to ono another ,
seem to bo everywhere in the air and in
those who breathe it. Sociability is the
rule , isolation and moroseness the rare
exception. It is not merely that people
arp moro vivacious or talkative thnn
an Englishman expects to Jlnd thorn ,
for the western man is often
taciturn and seldom wreathes his
long face into a smile. It is rather
that you feel that the man next to you
whether silent or talkative , does not
mean to repel intercourse or convoy by
his manner his low opinion of his follow
creatures. Everybody scorns disposed
to think well of the world and its in
habitants well enoughat least , to wish
to bo on easy terms with them and
serve thorn in those little things whoso
trouble to the doer is small in proportion
tion to the pleasure they give to the re-
coivor. To help others ifa hotter recog
nised ns a duty than in Europe. No
where is money so readily given for any
public pui pose ; nowhoro' , 1 suppose , are
there so many acts of private kindness
done such , for instance , as _ pay
ing the collojro expenses of a promising
boy , or aiding a widow to carry on her
husband's farm ; and these are not done
with ostentation. People seem to take
their own troubles moro lightly than
they do in Europe , and to bo moro in
dulgent to the faults by which troubles
arc caused. It is a land of hope , and a
land of hone is a land of good humor.
And tholiuvo , also , though this is a
quality liioro noruoptiblo in women tlmn
men , n remarkable faculty for enjoy
ment , a power of drawing moro happi
ness from oln ions pleasures , simple nnd
innocent plciiMirrs. than one often iinds
in overburdened 1 u > 'opo.
Absolutely Pure.
Tuls powUernevcr varies. A marvel of purity
Etreuk-tU and wlioesomen ! ss. Moro econom
ical than tlie ordinary kinds , nnd cannot be olil
in competition wltu the multitude of low cost ,
hort weight alum or plioapliato powdori. bold
onlyjn cam. KojrM Uaklns 1'ovrUor ( X , J d
Wailstreut. N MT York.
bold by
Ladies'Home ' Journal
Teas , Suppers , Luncheons nnd Receptions.
Gives explicitly all ( lie Mule details women want to
know Tells liow to entertain guests , liow to > crve
refreshments , what to have and how to make It.
Everything new and original , practical and well
te ttd by experts. Accompanying the recp ! vlll
be remarks upon pretty table adjuncts , methods of
serving and waiting , garnishlnc , table manners ami
Original articles from the best writers. Illustra
ted articles on Games nnd Home-made Toys.
Amusements for Sick Children. Illustrated.
Klndercarten. Illustrated articles by ANNA W.
llAUNAltl ) .
A peed article on Etiquette by MRS. JOHN
Tnlks with the Doctor , by eminent physician * .
Artistic Needle Work , Interior Decorations ,
Christmas Gifts and how to make them.
DECCMItTK number on the newsstands.
'MX M NTS a copy.
CURTIS mil IS1IINC5 CO , nuladelphia , P *
, , .
Bwlft Bpeclflc Comiiouy. Atlanta , Oa. Ocn-
tlomcn i Ooo nt my children TFU troubled
with ihumatlim nnil boll * for about two
jruira Wo F&B lior various Kinds of modi-
Ino.but without profltnnd berau todespalr
of cuilnn tier t JI. I a persuaded to try
your Strut's Specific. After klio bad used
several bottles the diseases all dlsapncarrU ,
au I tha I * now a hale , hearty and healthy
etrl twclro yeais old. Another child lias
Juulircomnaffllclod ID tha same may , and t
nm u Iac the B. B. B. and anticipate n prompt
auJ permanent euro. H. O. WAOoosren.
Hint HILL , JIo. July T , lESS-Tha Swift
Opcclilo co. , Atlanta , Da. Ocutlcmca : Our
lltllo c'rl ' when but three weekiolil broka
nut wltli rttema. We IrloJ the &rricrillons | )
from B oral good doctors , but without any
special benefit \V > tried 8.8 8 . cad by tha
tlmooae tw > ttl was gone her head began to
bual , nnd by the time she had taken elx
bottles she was cojppltely cured. Now she
has n fu'l nuU bbnvr hpad c ( balr a robuM ,
hearty omU. IfoMlt nnt my duty to makf
tbla statement. Uespecttulljr , H. T. Suoia.
CHiTTiKdcai. Tr i . , Juno M , 18S3 Th
Bwlft Siipclfic Co. , Atlanta. Oa. Oentlotoent
lu ItJSS Icoutiactml blood poison , tind at onca
Bought a physlolau , nho treated 010 for fiev *
ral mouths. Uv Ills advlca I went to Crab
Orchard Bjirlnc * . ICv' , , wkcro Ms courta ot
treatment was carefully obsmed. I recor- I thopght , but the urxftprtar pim
ples Lxgan to appear on my face at I body.
Tlieie ( rrailunjly Incrrnsod to sores ami run-
nlag ulcers , rwns lidvlsert to try 8. . B , and
' cleaiiBMl , and my s > stem freBrroin
taint , and 1 one my preiout condition a
perfect euro to your m < 1lclna. I cheerfully
glva tills siatomcnt that others who lm a
I itlercil sm I Iiavn may ruap tha sam benent.
lliBUT II. Ut-'ni ' , it Wast Mntb Bu
' HOWBR. I , * . , Hay ZS , 15STh Swift Speclfla
Co. , Atlanta , Oa. Oentlemen : About two
ffoars Ago my general health care war en
tirely. 1 was so debilitated that I almost
despaired ot over feeling well again. All
thai the physicians done for me brought cq
iwrmanent rallef. Frlejids Insisted lliat I
ibould glvo 8. S. 8. a ( air trial , although 1
thought It would bo throwing aw
After talcing a thorough course.
§ nd streiiRtn returned , and I tnus
B. 8. H. alone cured me , M I dlscarrled all
then while using It. As a i tonlo I can rnoit
heartily recommend U1 t tor Keneral debility ,
eertulnly li aepeolflo. W. r. IliiiLaKS , J.r.
pouin , Li. I know Kr. W. F. Bridges , and
Wtlleay that bin etatement Is correct.
Joairn SntLTO.s. urugglit.
Treatise on Dlooil and gkln DlttnicH mallei ]
treo. TIIK Bwirr Srxcivio Co. , Drawer 4
. Ua.
Cooncil Bluffs
And Guicago ,
The only mad to Uke for DPS Molnes , M arsbatto wn
Cedar ItapMs , Clinton , Diion , ClilcHpo , .Milwaukee ,
and all points Kast. Tn thu people ) of NehrnsknColo
rado. Wjomln * , Utah , Idaho. Nevada , OreKon. Wash-
liiKton and California. It offers superior advantages
not possible hy any otherllno.
A m on i ? a fnw of the numerous points nf superiority
iiiijoyi < il by tha patrons of this road betwuen Omaha
! , nd < lilcsgo , are IU thrco trains a day of IAV
LOACI1KS , which are th llnest that litimnn art and
ii onitlly ran en-ate. Its I'AI.ACKSMCKI'INIi CAItH
huiqualof vrhltli can not bu found chcwhiTC. At
ouncll Illnrft. tlio trains of tha Union I'ai-lllu Hall ,
way connect tn union depot with those of thu Olil-
PRO A ortIlw ( stern Ity. In flilrawo the trains of
jils Ilnu iimku cloiu connection with those of all other
'astern lines.
for Detroit , Colnrobu' , Indianapolis. Cincinnati ,
MaearH I alls , llutlalo. I'ltlsuurir. Toronto , Monlrrnl
oiton , .NI-IT Vork , Philadelphia , llaltjiuoro. Wash *
nKton , auj all points In the hast. Ask for tickets via
r you wish thu ue t accommodation. AM ticket
iiftmts soII ' tickets vl tbls lino.
I. HUliUl'n- . B. I' . WILSON.
tien'l Alanngn.- , Qen'l l'a s'r Aitent.
" "
l.N. BAliCOCK. ( "uVos'tS ABent.
I ) K KIMIIAII-Ticket JKont.
. . ( ii r- WEST , Cltr I'njjeneer Agent
„ „
1(01 ( F rnkm St. Om aW Nub
Komi Sale * .
City bonds In the sum of t\OJO. , Issued hy the
city of lloldn-UKi1 , 1'liolpj county , Nch , , bear-
inu n par cunt Inturest , payable t > eiulannuiilly
and tlated Oi tob.-r 1st , IMS ; luturest payahlo In
he city of Now Vork. llnndstornn Oyenrn.
Said uonds will ho olfi'iod for wilti at the of.
llco of Hall \ Patrick. In thu city of UoldrrdKo.
Nub , , on thulith day of .lanuary , IBb'at ' ) U o'clock :
p. m.
The city ( nun' i ! ipForva the light to reject
any ui.d nil bids. Addn-Ks ,
.1. It. I'ATHICK. City Attorney.
d"8m > Vsnn5t Holilu'ilyc , Nvbrus-ka ,
Dr , J. E. McGrew ,
One of tlio Must Successful
n the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
Eye , Ear , Throat , Limy * , Lira ;
Jtladder , Kltliicy and Xoi'von
eases treated with sitcccst
A cure guaranteed In all ca > ps of 1MI1VATK
and HKIN DISKABUS. All dluordera of tha
Tieatiuentliy co-resjiowlence. Send itamp
for reply.
Office Uushmnn DIooK , 16th and
Sia. Omaha , Noy
The only calf SnSn.VMI.KSq Shoo Mnootli In.
slile. NO rACllSorWAXTIIltRAIMnlmrttha
feet , caiy as liatnl-sowcd ami 'WII.kNOT Itir.
The mint circular itnt oil tiy thr New Knfflsnil I.ntpr'i
rrottttlv * I'nlon ilitnl Auput lit , inns , rrqiititlne Ulior or-
finliilinni to boycott my ihon , li t > li > n > l lulilcaillnc , si
tlKielinotrnnlilest mjr hftory , si It li running st lit liiiieit
c p clty , and lim hcpn fur our ytsr. 11 mploy twth KnljWi
it I.ibor Multhe l.nlrr i I'mtrctlte Volon mca.smtln oiiltl
toprott tn tin number * of > or OTCinliitloni trrrruhr
that the itfttf mtnti m&de la talil clrrulsr sre fUlso I ontt
$5,000 REWARD
lo any ft non or perion whn will proTf til the lUtrmtnti m d
in laid circular lo It truf. llili oltr ( will hold cued until
Jantury lit , 15J9
W. 1 , . nOPUA . itntpkton , ManB.
For sale by Kclley , Stitro.i & Co. and
Goo. S. Mlllor , 01U North 10th St.
Garland Stoves ;
Oak Stoves ,
Largest Stock !
Best Goodsl
Lowest Prices !
Milton Rogers & Sons ,
mil la nttilOllill un
Northeast Corner' ' Favnnui ami l5th ! Sis.
Paid Up Capital $500,000
Suriiltis Fund 100,000
FRANK MURPHY , 1'resldent.
SAMUKIjE. HOOnitB , Vlro-President.
BKN B. WOOD. Cashier.
LUTIIIIK nilAFCE. Assistant Cashier.
Accounts solicited and nrompt attention elron
to bubinoss intrusted to Its cure.
Dr , W.C. Maxwell
Bellevue Hospital Medical Col
lege , N. Y. City , Class 1874.
Will , by his own method , guarantee to perfectly
nnil permanently cure all cases of
, , , , ,
without itso of KNIFE. LIGATURE.
Carbolic Acid or any Cuustlc. Dr. Maxwell 1ms
been located In Omnlm moro tlmn a year , und Is
hero permanently. There luomuny in the city
and vicinity who have heen cured by him. who
testify tothotuith of tlio above. Ills treatment
is mild : no detontlou from miHlness , and no
danger from treatment. Ulllce , 1'uxton Illock ,
rooms 4'JtMU7. ' Ofllce hours , ! ) a.m. to 12 m.'Jp in.
to 5 p. in. Itptiidence , Sherman Ave. between
Corby and Locust Sts ,
Hotton , Mass ; Kaunas City ,
Capita ! & Surplus , $1 $ ,
Thl.s company has opened an Omaha olilco and
is prepared to furnish money promptly on im
proved city nnd farm properly.
No application * fient wuy for app val.
Loans closed and paid for without dolay.
JOHN W ( JIHl. MaimKcr ,
BOSfconth IJth Btroet. First National Hank
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Bsmplca for trisl of 13 dlfffrent Mjloa lir tnall.on
receipt of IU emu lu stanii'B. ' Atk lurcird riu. U.
IVISON , BLAKEMfiH & CO , , "Ne Vi1.1"
Medical Institute
Ili'-t sets of tooth P. I'llllnR ut half rates.
ToelU Rxlrnctcd without piiln
Kxanilnntluii < if th niuuth free. Send 3 rent
stamp with vorruspuridoncH.
I'ltxton lilk. , Cor. lUth and Farnani.
Conceded bllio mtttcit ar.
tists to liflunoQualed on sillier II uilBiihern. FaLtorj
founded O42 > t MsnchiMlor , I'nelftiJ'itsli ua
Ini , UOh t HCALY. Cklccgo. toll Agl ) . lir Iki U.I.
H. B.
. B.TO
On City and Farm Prouertyl
First Alortjiago I'apor Bought ,
Frcnzor 131ock , opp , P. O ,
For Overcoats the seasoii will aoou bo ovor. Wo have hart an enormous trade iu
them and we are happy to say what'few clotliiord nro nblu to say that we have not
many left , we only regret that wo have to disappoint ninny customers , as wo can not fit
all. A few weeks ago wo had so many , that wo thought it would be impossible to dis
pose of all this season but the demand outran our supply ; this faci only domostrates
that wo must have sold them the cheapest. The few odd sixes which are left will bo
disposed of during the next few days. Wo call particular attont'on ' to a few Fur
Trimmed Overcoats and fiuo Ulsters , which are oU'ored remarkably low , and WIMV
guarantee an enormous saving to those whom we can fit , as the same garment would
cost considerable more money ol ewhere.
Of the children's fine Overcoats which wo advertised last week are onlyji few left ;
there never were such elegant garments offered at the prices we marked these.
In men's and boy's Suits we have a good stock yot. Our low priced throughout the
season do not leave much of a margin for "mark down" and "sweeping reduction" lip"-
nres , but we will take inventory next week and as we are determined to have as few
goods as possible to tt'iko up , we will make some heavy sacrifices and offer this wool
extraordinary inducements in several lots of men's and boy's Suits , they are mostly < x
the finer grades and we have marked them as low as other houses would ask for medium
and much poorer qualities.
The enormous trade we had in Underwear has left us with considerable broken
sizes and odds and ends. In order to make a clean sweep with them , we have marked
them at almost nominal figures.
We have reduced the prices on all remaining Silk Mufflers , Handkerchiefs and
Scarfs One lot of elegant Silk ScarJV , o'lds and ends we have marked I5c , some of
them have been selling at 50c and 6Oc.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
There is nothing sensational about
our method of udvcrtisltifr , wo always
have u good business reason for wliut-
ever wo do. This week wo cnn Rive you
a bargain in Suits , and it will pay you to
look at them.
Max Ke7or--Establlshod 186S--Adolpli Ueyer
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Agrnlx lor
and JAS , W , STARR
Siory& CM and Slioninpr-Bell Organs
> ' ' ' ' ' . .
6I Kl'IAI < I'lUt'KS AND 'I'lIU.Md.
Write lorCataloiiiie
A Great iledlcil Work for Young and Middle-
Aged Mon.
YoiiiiMiiidintddlo-iitiod inuu Hhuiiia miliTliu from
llin Indicnmons nt ynnth , K > haiilod \ llsllly , Norv
nils and l'li ) c'iil llobllliy I'rcinaluin HudlntiK .
anil th(3thmi und nnliild nilrorlux < niiMiiifiit | tliciiv
un , und nil nho ttm nick niul snllorlnu. and dn not
knuw Hhat nils tlitin , L ouii'd nllhmit tail liy
fnllnwlni ; Ihu Instriiilliius In thu Nlonn < of Mlnur
bull I'roxtrvutlun I'rhonnly II , hy mall | > o > t pnld ,
cHlcil. It IKII hunk lor inery iiiun. . nil IIIIKOS , lull k'llt ,
1'i'i tiroscnplluns tor nil aciiiu and iluiinlodlfo ini
I nlly IndniM'd lir tint National Mi-dluil Aoi'diitliui ,
who awaided thu void Jind jnrrulvl niudiil to thu
author llltiitratlru satntilo , with Indorsements of
tlio | irct , trio. It > nil apply now , Adilrix thii IVa-
body Mudli-nl Initltutp.fir Dr W II , rAUKKIt , No. 4
Iliiinnrli > t , Mahicm , .Mass. , who niuy to cunsultud
toutldriillallr an all illie.iica
Hoe. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
Appliances fer Daformitlos and Trtuoss.
Tc ! t fncllltles , apparntui aud romeilles for success.
( l treatment ot every lorm of dlieaso roquirlng
or t-uritteal Treatment.
Hoard nnd lUtendaaoei best hospital accommoda
tions tn the west.
Eje , K r , .Skin and Blood , an 1'nll aarglcil 'dp
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Illood Diseases successfully trented. Syiihllltla
FolHoii romoTod from MID system without mercury.
J w reitorntlvo treatment for loss of Vital I'oirer.
I'orsuns unable to visit us may bo treated at homo by
prrcspoailance. All eommualtatloiis counilantlnl.
Medicines or lnilnimc t > sent by mall or eapress.
Upon I'rtvato , Special r Mcrvous Diseases , Itnco-
fcncy.Syjilillts , Ulitlaad Varltwc * ! * , wllh question
IMU Address
Onialia Medical mnd Surgical Institute , or
O r. 13th and Dodue SMOil A HA. MtD ,
20 TO 6C DAYS.
This is u dibotiso wlilrh lins liorctofoio
Hulllctl nil Mctllutil Science ,
WoliuviMi lleini-tly. nnKnown to anyone In tlio
World outside of our Uoinuaiiyuiiil onu thatliaa
to cure llio moat olmuiatu UIHOJ. Ton ilays In
lucent ruwHiloes tniMtork. < t Is tlio oiil tlnoiilc
iltcp M'lited ciisi-H ti'tit ' Udhollc.ltVo li.ivii
cured bnniltotls who hrue licen ibnndoiieii by
J'lijslcluns. mill jironi/tiiiuil lncii nbltt , und w
ehnlli'ntjetlio World tuormn is u'H u tlitit wo
will not euro In less tlmn sIxtv-luVH.
rilnto thu history or iimlielim a truu spoclllo
for Syphilis has beuu houulit for b" mever
fouitil until our
niA < ! < ; IE .IIII ; >
wiiHillscoxuruil.nntl uoun > iiifiillle I In inylni ;
it In tnii only Ituinutly luthu WoiMllmt ttlllioi. |
Itlvuly euro , bt-caiihe tlio liitui > t Jlcillcitlorkn ,
] iubll > lifil by the b-st known aiitluirltlos , my
there was ntin'ratriiosi'i' ' < illc hofoiv. Otiriuin-
eily will ciiru wliun overvtliliif ? ol-o linn fulloil ,
Wnywiistu your tlino anil inoiifj with p < tti > nt
inmilclnesthatuuvor ha < l virtue oriluctor with
phTrilclimstlint cininnt curu you , yrm lU it Imvu
trleil ovi-rj IhlnselKe ttioiiM come in usJOH anil
Kctlieriiiaiient ri'llff , ) ou never iniiBia It ul'.e-
> Uicr . Mark wmt | we miy. In 'ho ' 'inl v > u
niu t ttiUooiir reineilvor NiiVKIt recovol itni !
Mm thut iiuvo been mulcted but n 'liort cine
vliaulil by nil means fomn to u- > now tor on j In
ten of n w rKhfi ) i er got jiKrmaui-aliv cureil ,
.Many et liclp timl ihliik they HIU fu-u from tne
rtHoiiso , but In out- , two or thren yeatii after It
niiliearniidiilulnn more hoirlblo f > irm.
This IB a Hlood Purinor and will Cure
any blcln or Hlooil Dlseaso wlion
HvorytlUnB Ivlbo Fails.
Itoniu 10 and 11 , U. S. Hank
r , Oaiiilia , Nelt.
Tfl WEAKMC | | : ; , WsiuV3
| If IfiUiilfciror. . . irly [ l *
my. Toil marthooU , ct\ I will wi.a a * * ' *
tr < all * / f li1) ) rcntttlnlntf full | < iw
t CJinnruio , fr v f i haitfr. AildrfM ,
afiap. " .A. FO WLERt MoodUB * Conn.
Chcag0 | ( msjciarkst
The Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating wllhlhoGrcates !
Chronic , Neryons and Privalc Diseases
* * -NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhooi
Falline Memory , Exliauiting Drafsat-'t'jrjbL
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all tlie ctiect
Icadinij to early decay atiJ pcihaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scicntiflcally by ntwr initliuils wit )
ne\cr'railiiijf MICCCIS.
/ WBS YPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Die
eases permanently cured.
4O-KIDNEYnnd URINARYcomphlnts.OIce'
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all dlsea >
of the Genito-Urinarj' Oigans cured promptly witlu.- -
injury fb Stomach , Kidneys or oilier Organs.
atNo experiments. Age and experience Ira ,
portant. Consultation free and cacred.
Ab'Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Wotko 00
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
jfT&Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr ,
Clarke's celebrated guide Male nnd female , each
15 cents , liolh 25 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the cM
Doctor. A friendly Idler or call may save future suffef
Ins and shune , and add golden } ears to life. WBoo
"Life's ( SecretErrors"socentsstamps ) ( ) . Medlcln
and wiiliiiES tent c\erywliere , secure from exposuri
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g lo it. Address
F. D. CLARICE , W. D. ,
IOC So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL
MIN : nnd WOMII.N successfully lrcato.1.
Suffering frnni the I'lTc-cH of ToiUhlHI lolllciorln
illn < 'ii > tl ii , < iriiri ! tronliliMt HltiiVuakiu > s Ncrvou
Dtblllty , l.ins nl .Mfiiiurj. lli > Kiin | > li'iK'y AM < mlon t
IC'tKldiii ) Tniulilc. inliny dljcii-c i > r llin ( , uult (
I nimry firunni'.CMii hero llndn mln unl kpucdy curt
( linrguH rcaiutinlilu f | i < M'lully tu Ihu puur.
There nro tnnri ) troittilcd wltli too fr onticnt ovn
iiiitionh of the M < | | * , niton iiLronil'UiiloiI ' 17 * a flllur
} 4initrtliiK or IHI nil lit ; HHihntimi. nn I w o.i KUHIIU ot tb
HyMiMn In u iiiiinniT lh iiatlunl ( iiniiut iiccoiint fo
On uxiiiiiltilni. lli'Miilriurv d ( > iM)4ltM a rtujy pudmitii.
Mill cilirn ho inn nil. unit nuiii'lliiii'M nm ill imrticli's c
iilniimi'ii will , nr lim iiilor nlll liu > jf thl
inllkli > li Inn' , iiuiiln ilnintrliiK tun ilnrK or torpid at
pouranco Tlii'iiiiin1 ninny iiiun wild dlo ot tnmdilL.
( nlty , Imionint tj | tin * inuso , which I * Hut "neon * *
dliik'uul noiiiliiiil Hrakn n > i , 'Ihu iloi'lur will uuu
null a ncrtccl CHIC In iill uch CIIPI'I anil a hraltu
rrvtornllnn nt thi ) KPiillii-iirlnnrv nrjini , ( onsnlf
HUM lice N > nd lur i cent Mump
"Young Man's Friend , or Ouldo to Wodlosk ,
N.I ! . Cor. Ifith ,1 DoughiM SlH , , or National ! > ,
prniaiy. i en nor I''tli und Mum , KUUKUS. City , I. '
Mi'iilion paicr. | *
powerful annpt
ietlc toni ) , iilliibla ] 1 action and sCf
B l t * nurnblfltr. ; iu years' rtoordl.
I'M U | > t'npllal $100,00n (
II. W. YATKH. I'rasulent ,
JEWISH , llrru. Vice i'leslilent.
A.i.Tou : , . , uaNic iM. . . . .
. . . .
W , V ji Jiia .t inn * * - - - -
II. w. VATI-H. I.BWJS b. Htifi ) . v
A i : , TOU/.U.IH. ' ;
Ilai.l.lnc OU-e :
Corner Waftmtrariiam fits , J
A fi baraiyanklaxUu lu 'lra aJl * *