THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. DECEMBER 31 i 1888. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOnTBLUFFS. OFF1CH. NO 12 I'KARIj STUKET. fcllt i red by carrier In Anv 1'nrt of he City a \vctity Cents I'crcc1c. . II W. T1I/JON . MANAOiil. : rlii : < Kl'II Ilt'cIMPf ! Omt K So. 4 NHIIIT KlilTOH , Nfi.21. SIIJNTION. N. Y , Plumbing company , t'onland wood. K.K.Mnyno.Olfl B'way. Klegant overcoatings nt A. Roller's , merchant tailor , 310 Broadway. The Methodists are happy and may well be proud , for their church is out of debt. Kd Brooks was pulled in last evening while drunk , for abusing and maltreat ing his family. He put up $10 for his appearance this morning and was re leased. Harmony Chapter , Order of the East ern Star , holds a bocinblo at the Mn- Minic parlors this evening. Refresh ments will be served and an Interesting programme rendered. The cornices are being put on the new Merriam block. The building is show ing up more pleasingly than was gener ally impeded. It is certainly ono of which the city may well feel proud. The most annoying railway crossing in the city is that on Broadway by the Northwestern depot. There is switch ing going on continually and delays to travel along Broadway are numerous and aggravating. The statement in yesterd.iy'sBni : that the live now cottages being erected by Dr. C. 11. Judd , would cost SlbO , should have been $ IMK ) . Two of them are .icarly llniHhed. and work on the olhers is well under way. The annual rental of the sittings in the Congregational church will take nlaco next Thursday oven ing. The ladies will servo a supper in the parlors , and business and pleasure will bo com bined in a happy way. There will bo a crowd at the police- moil's ball at Masonic temple this even ing. Many of the invitations have been accepted and there will bo quite a delegation from abroad. The event will bo a very enjoyable ono. The musical features of the services in the Congregational church yester day were of special merit. This choir , consisting of Mrs. Hawlcy , Mrs. Evans. Messrs. Westcott and McDcrmid , with Mr. DeNormaiulio at the organ , is as fine a musical combination as can be found in any church in either city. There will bo a watch meeting at Odd Fellows hall this evening , to bid good bye to the old year and welcome the new. The Daughters of Rebckah will have the affair in charge and will servo an elegant supper in addition to a line litcrai'i and musical programme. All Odd Follows and their invited friends will bo present. TheC'Oiincil BlulTs variety theatre is no more. There has been dilllculty between the managerof the troupe and the owner of the hall. The owner"wanted to reserve the hall for all dances , etc. , but iho manager could not see it that way. As a result the show is gone , and the BlulTs will enter upon the new year with one less disreputable institution lo her dis credit. The last consignment of seats for the now Atkins school has been received , and will be placed in position this week. The steam heating apparatus is working finely , and is kept running all the time to nave the buildinir warmed by the time school open one week from to-day. The plaster and walls are per fectly dry , and there is no doubt as to the building being in readiness at Iho appointed time. Mr. Officer has secured a large num ber of orders for incandescent lights , enough to warrant the establishing of a plant. The canvass is a very practical test as to the way the people feel in re gard to the question of lighting. It shows that there is a great demand for electric lights. The company which gets first into the field and gives the people the most light for the least money , will got a great patronage. Dr. C. B. Judd , the electric belt man ufacturer , has about closed a contract for furnishing bolts and Batteries to Dr. Scott , the famous olcclrical specialist of New York City. Dr. Scott manufac tures electric bolts , corsets , brushes , etc. , and requires about 6,000 batteries per month. This will largely increase Dr. Judd's business , and will necessitate an inci'caso in his factory to four times its present size , besides giving employ ment lo about thirty-live men. It seems probable that the Chautau- qna assembly grounds will bo utilized for other great summer gatherings bo- hides that of the assembly. There is already a move on foot for a national camp-meeting later in the season. "When Iho grounds are improved Mid Biiilablo accommodalion provided , there will bo no dilllculty in securing various legitimalo gatherings , drawing thous- unds of people hero , oven when the as- bembly is not in progress. The secur ing of funds for the $10,000 amphithea ter is ono of the financial moves which must bo successfully carried out at once. Everybody should help make this enterprise a success. Dr. Cleaver , 20 North Main. Tel. 117. See W. C. Stacy's ad. of 15. Burhorn , No. 17 Main street , has laid in nn immense stouk of holidu.v poods , which will bo sold cheaper tliun over. This is a special inducement for thirty du > s. All poods first class and nuarantecd to bo inst as represented. It is nn established fact that you can got the be&t poods for the loist : money there. Call and examine the stock and got prices before purohiiahig , The London "Tailor's" is the place to got your clothes mado. 037 Broadway. Rock Spring coal , Gleruon , 'JO Pearl etreot. _ _ Buy groceries , stationery mid Christmas goods of h'olloy & Younkorman , 10J U'way. - Owing to the death of Mr. E. E. Hark- ness , the interests of the family require thnt fho husinosa of Harknoss Brothers bo settled without delay. All parties Indebted to the linn will confer a favor l y making early gottlomont. J. E. HAUKNKSS , No. 401 Broadway. Pcrsounl P Prcsidlnff Elder W. T. Smith will rpend his Now Year's day with friends In DCS Molnes. Olllcor Jsonborgor returned yesterday morning from a snort visit with his parents and resumed his place on the police force. See Forrest Smith's special column. > All grades hard coal , 0. B. Fuel Co. llHnfils and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- BOH , SJO'J'carl street. _ PickVed trlpo and pigs' feet at Tib- bltts1 , 316 Broadway. For rjynt Two now store rooms in rood locution ; Nos , 737 and 739 Broad- Way. 8 , Saunders , 80 Pearl st < I ' I ' ' ' i OF INTEREST IN THE BLUFFS Ono Church Announces Itself na Free From Ita Dobts. A SMALL BLAZE ON BROADWAY. The Cat hello Knlr n SHCCPIS The ninlllK-H Hnptiitt l-'or tin ; I'ort r\o Siindny ttoozc Oi-lier HOIIIH. A Clinrnli out of Debt , The services at Broadway Methodist church yesterday morning were of n very interesting character. A Mibjeet had boon announced far the pastor , Rev. I ) . C. Franklin , and in opening he fciild : "When I came to you as pastor by the authority of the church , I came in the name of God , to do the service of the hour here ; to upbuild your interests , spiritual and temporal , and to help the greatest possible number into the right way. I found on an examination of the books that there was an Indebtedness of $ l,711.0upon yon. Now. I thank God , I am able to bay to you , that through the labors of Brother Orentt and his associates , who have labored zealously along this line pledges amounting to $ l,7i ) have been received. Thcao are as good as gold , and it is with earnest thanksgiving that wo can enter upon the services of God's muise knowing that no debt remains. 1 had expected to speak to you to-day , but lind myself unable to preach twice , and as Brother W. II. Ilickman , a presiding elder in the northwest Indiana conference , is with us and has consented to hpeak to us , I take pleasure in introducing him. " Mr. Hii'kman selected as his text the miracle performed by Moses in chang ing the bitter waters to sweet by cast ing into them leaves from a certain tree , according to the command of God. Exodus , 16th chapter , last paragraph of last verse. Haiti ho : "There is a striking simi larity between the msin-h of the .lows from the land of bondage to the Prom ised land through the wilderness , now basking in sunshine and then plunged in gloom to the progress of a human life from the cradle to the grave. The children of Israel had mot n crisis in their history. Mountains towered upon either side ; the enemy was behind and the aca before them ; God had opened the waters and they had parsed safely through to the banks of deliverance. How like life this is. Like the pendu lum of the clock we irotoand fro , touch ing trial on the one side , victory upon the other. One day It is alllietion , the next it is joy. This people had gone but a little way into the wilderness when they met another great trial. Their water had long ago given out and they weio siilloring from thirst. The springs for their relief were before them , but when they tabled of the water , behold it was bitter. The people ple complained to Closes. They said it had been better had they been left in the bondage of Egypt rather than bo brought into the wilderness to die. Now had Moses been like you and I , ho would have showed the human side of his nature and givun them some impa tient reply. Did heV No. Uathor ho went up on the mountain and prayed. God heard him. Moses poured out his soul , and , melhinks , oven excused the complainings of his asbociates. God told him what to do. and obedient to the command ho took leaves from the tree wluoh God pointed out to him , cast them into the waters and behold , they were sweet. When God brings us along this line to make character for us we begin to cast blame upon borne one , and generally it is the best friend wo have who is made the object of our recriminations. Moses hntl sacrificed more than any other ono to accomplish the purposes of God. Ho had refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter , refusing to enter the line of royalty which would give the rule of proud Egypt , into his hands. In every church there are those who enter an emphatic protest against every im provement , every enterprise which is for the betterment of the church. Growlers who grumble at ovorj thing and everybody. I have them in my church , and I presume you have them hero. Dearly beloved , there is a better way. If you don't like a thing go and toll God all about it. lie will tell you what to do. , " "Water was a favorite simile of the Saviour. Pure water represents a pure life. The water was bitter. It serves to typify a bitter alienated life away from"God. " The idea of "opposites'in all things was developed by the speaker , fallowing conclusively that sin is an actual existence and that a devil is a reality. The tree which "is for the healing of the nations" is Christ embodied in the church. The symbol used by Josiib , "tho mustard seed , " was beautifully handled and some practical .lessons along the line of needed reforms were drawn from it. The waters of human life arc to be sweetened by the leaves from the tree of life. Christ must enter the life , an.1 His inlluencc permeate man in every line of action. The idea hold by some that secret organi/.atioiib can take the nlaoo of the church was taken up. These organi/ations are good in their places , but they cannot save a soul. Only Christ operating in the church can do this. "Politics , " said ho , "will never bo right until Christian sentiment pervades it. " If you have to do business whore you can't take Christ you had bettor examine carefully upon what ground you stand. " The matter of strikes was taken up. The only true and equitable solution of the dillloulty is to get the grace of God In the heart , and those dilllcultics will adjust themselves. The same idea was carried along all the lines of individual and family life. If husband and \\ifo are estranged , and going further and further apart , human interposition is ol no avail. Only God can bring union out of discord and unite the widely separated lives. See Forrest Smith's special column. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co , Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Champ Investment company. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. A KoroHono lilnzc. About 6:80 : o'clock lust evening an alarm of fire was turned in from box 28 , at the career of Broadway and Bryant streets. When the department reached the scene , the candy store at 220 Broad way was in llames. Two streams of water were put on , nnd the flro was quickly under control , The cause of the blaze was the explosion of a large kerosene lamp , which the clerk dropped as he was hanging it in its place , Ho did not wait to see what the rosul * would bo , but rushed outside , escaping vwitu- i out injury. The building wn damnget but little , but the stoc-K wn * tilnios ruined by the combined olTert * of lire and water. Loss about $ -00. No insur ance. ance.W. W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , No. 13(1 ( Main street. All grades sofl eoal. C. 13. Fuel Co. Knlr Work of Knlr llnnils. The drawing of articles at the Ger man Catholic1 bazaar , which closed Sat- urdday o\ening , was as follows : Table scrrf , 27 , Miss F. James : splasher , 82 , Jacob Newmoyer ; lamp shades , 17 , Ollio Newton ; hand-embroidered picture frame , 19. Ll/zio Teller ; wall pocket , 30 , Mr. Viclmn ; prayer book , 83 , J. Toss ; quilt , > l , Ida Fellonrith ; match safe , 11 , Jepson Johnson ; hand-painted banner , 10 , Mrs. J. Sehllller ; apron , 35 , MissGenoude ; hand-embroidered match safe , 8 , Anna McGovern ; bird and cage , 51 , Rev. Father Timothcy ; stand , tidy and vase , 51 , Mrs. .1. Nowmeycr : pair large vases , )3. Lena Plied ; saddle and bridle , 18 , M. Kahl ; hand-embroidered table scarf. / > ! ( , Mi s Gelse. The ladies nelted about MOO for their labors , and are well pleased with the result. Tim attendance for the first two nights was comparatively light , but the last two fully made up for it. Money loaned on fuinitnre , pianos , diamonds , hor.-cs , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicitv ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. dark & Co. . olllee cor. Broiulwiu and Main , over American express. Weather strips for doors anil win dows. Odell it Bryant , 613 Main st. 'Iho ItlufTs Wants the Kurt. It is reported that General John R. Brooke , commander of the Department of the Platte , was in the city Saturday on business pertaining to the re-location of Fort Omaha. General Brooke has expressed himself as highK" pleased with Iho locations offered on this side of the river , and intimated that the choice of a location virtually lies be tween Bcllcvuc , on the west bank of the river , and some one of the six tracts offered on the Iowa side. Of the thirly- ono locations- offered on Nebraska soil , Bellevno is regarded as the only one that stumK nnj chance of being recom mended. The locations thus far offered on this side , are Ihe ( . 'line and JelTeris tracts' near the Chautauqua grounds in the ea.Hern part of the city , the Hughes tract and another one adjoining it near Lake Manawa. the Mynstcr tract and one other near Big Lake. The two first iiumed tracts adjoin each other , and are admirably situalcd for the lo cation of the fort. The general ox- cssed his appreciation of the ground , but would not , even in the slightest manner , commit himself as to his preference of the numerous locations under consideration. A report on the matter is to bo forwarded lo Wash ington about tie ] lirst of the year. As the time for the decision draws near interest in the mailer increases , : ind while it was thought at first that there was small chance of the fort being removed to this side of the river , on ac count of Iho heavy pressure that would je brought 10 bear to keep it on Ne- jraska soil , it is now quite generally .bought that a removal across the Muddy is very probable , and Council 31uffs is correspondingly elated. The committee in charge of the mailer is exceedingly close-mouthed 'regarding .ho matter , and it is very improbable hat anything definite will bo learned egarding their opinions until after the whole thing has been finally sctlled. S. B. "Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Bargains in real cstale in all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street. On tliu Streets. The streets presented a very quiet ap pearance yesterday on account of the , mfavorable weather. A damp snow jogan to fall shortly afler daybreak , ind continued without interruption unlil noon , gradually turning into a rain , which ceased early in the after noon. The clouds cleared away about 4 o'clock , and the sun appeared for a short time , when a few pedestrians ven tured out. Although the aspect out of doors during the forenoon was unin viting , the attendance at the various churches was quite large. In police circles the day was mut ually quiet , not an nrreit being made. The order of the mayor regarding the closing of saloons , seemed to be obeyed to the \cry letter , not a door being open. One of the principal liquor men of Iho city buid that he had Lo go homo to gel a drink , as he could not got into a saloon for love nor money. During the afternoon Iho street car company ran its snow plow over the ino and got ready for colder weather. During the evening a few sleighs ap peared , but the sleighing was not of the jest , and the streets were again deserted - sorted after a short time. As night losed in Iho mercury fell considerably , and the temperature was quite dillerent > om that which u&hcroil in the day. L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacqunmin it Co.'s jewelry store. Money lor- the Guardti , The Dodge Light guards are busily preparing for their fair , that is to open on the 23d of January and continue four days. The boys desire lo raise about 61,200 to defray their expenses to Wash- "ngton , whore they will go to attend the nauguration on the 1th of March. The ady friends of the guards have kindly offered to donalo articles lo bo offered 'or sale. There will bo dancing every evening , and rcfreshmonls in abund ance. The following committee on ar rangements has been appointed : Lieu tenants Aitchison and Dixon , Sergeant Wells and Private Parsons. The fair will undoubtedly bo well patronized , and the boys will go to the capital in stylo. Notice the beautiful finish given col- .ars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , Opera house jlock. Tim Motor Idne. Since Friday evening the electric motor cars have boon running only every twenty minutes , but four trains uuing used. The cause is a break down at the power house. The break oc curred about dark Friday ovonliig and will not bo repaired for several days yet , It is stated that the snow had lolhlng to do with the break , and Unit : ho can. are not in the least atfected by it. Tfiu officials are quite reticent re- jarding the matter , but it is reported iluit the machinery at the power house s not as powerful as it should bo. The current is certainly not of iho strongest as is clearly demonstrated dally at the North westorn'erossing. The motor wires at that point are raised to the height of twenty-two foot , and the trolley arms do not always THE GREAT 20 PER CENT a Discount Sale ! AT And We Know It NO. 314,316,318 , , & 329 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. reach them. Yesterday ono of the con ductors was seen to climb upon the top of Ins car and with his bare hand hold the trolley arm up against the wire while crossing the tracks. The top of Iho car was covered with snow , and ho had no insulation whatever , still he seemed to feel no inconvenience from the current. The break will bo re paired by Thursday , after which time the cars" will be run as usual , with a twelve minute service during the after noon and early evening. J. G. Tipton , real estate , .r)27 B'w.i y iT CLEARING SALE ! FOR 3O DAYS ! I must have room for spring woods , and will sell all goody now in stock at prices far below any ever ollored before. This is no bait to catch the trade but , a genuine clearing-out sale , and every- .hing must go. Parlor sets , bedroom sets , heating and cooking stoves , handing lamps , oil cloths. All goes without reserve. I have a big stock and can suit you in whatever you want. Come and see me and examine my Toods. 1 must sell. No prices quoted , but no reasonable offer will bo refused. A. J. MANDEL , NO. :125 BKOADWAY , COKJXCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. NEW BARGAINS nUOADWAY LOTH. FIJtST AVIJNUE , I-I3IUIY AIHI1TIOV 1,0 L'S , I'JSIIKY ADDITION IOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , UKYAVr & Cij.VHK'H ADDITION JjOTS , STlllSKT'S AUDITION KOl'.S. Also.Oacies of the beit property In town for playing. W. C. STACY , Telephone 1S3. No. U Mala Stieet. Council lllutlH , Iowa. SPECIALNOTCES. _ _ WANTS. _ _ _ _ _ I71OH HUNT Nicely fnrnlHhed rooms for man J. ' anil wifw or UuiKfiitluinun.ulth IIMJ ofhatli , heuted by furnace , . ' 1 s. Th fat. , Amcnt block , Council mulls. loom sill at 1'ad- \Y llo hotel , Boutli umalia. VVKhavouomoof the bent lurfi.iliii In the IT city In real eitntfl , cheap lots small bouses mill lotdi Huvorul line roMliluact-M on piiNod streets ; also aero truclH. All of the ntiovci property will bu sold on easy termx , Small imymcnt dow a and low rate of Interest. Conto and examlnu our llbt. Wo also luivolarjjo llst of property fores- chntiK . No. 10 1'cail ti. Council lllulls lin ct > t- inent Co. 17OOJIH to rent by CounUl niull's investment -IV Co. , No , 10 1'carlct rp\V ( ) line olllco rooms to runt on llmt Hour : -Louu room IHxI&ibotli newly papured and lalutod. Host location In the city Cull ut No. ID , 1'carrsr. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY , 16X4 Douglas BC.i OiuaU-i Nob. \VANTISI > ! livery man or woman who has $ " 0 or $ " / > wh'.eh ' they wish to invest where it will bo UH afo u it would bo If it were deposited in the Bank of Knglaiul and make him more money , to call on us and buy a lot in Fairmonnt addition. The best location on the hills for btreot car bervice and bchool privileges ; close to all the railroads , wholesale houses and city depots. The only hill property to be had at such low prices and easy terms. Prices ranpre from $200 to $400 ; terms , one-lifth cash , balance in thirty equal monthly payments at 8 percent interest. .If you are renting now and want a home of your own. commence paying for a lot now before you have to pay double the money for the same location. Begin at once and you will be surprised to find how boon the thirty months will roll around , making you the owner of a lot. Call on II. U. Mi'Gco , 1HO Main street , or Forrest Smith , at the Brown building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , I'AKTI'AL LIST 01' PHOI'lMtTY 1'OU SALI : HI' GEO , METCALF ' ULii'i\s , IOWA. Residence on Oth a vo f 3,000 Kcsldoncu on ( ! th ave 1,100 Kcsldi.'iico on lith ave 1,500 Kufllduiicooniith ave 1,000 KesIdcncoonCth ave 1,000 Residence on ( itli ave b. > 0 KcHidciico on ( Jtli st (5,600 ( Hosldcnco on Oth st 0,000 Kcsidcnco on North 6th st. , lot 12lx ] ' , ; , Kiciit bargain fl.OOO Hunch of , r > IIOUSCH and 4 lots on fird ave b.OJO Hcildcnco on Ki-'Ott st ' , ' ,000 Ucsiuonco on Plainer st. For price and particulars inquire. . . , An clOKtint residence on 1st avo. , one minute wall : from government building. For prlco mid particu- hu-H inquire licbidunco on ( Jtli avo. , three minutes wall : from county couit house. Cash 3,000 Kcsldrnco and four lots on avo. "O , " Street's add 2,000 , Store building and lot on Paclllo ave. , near U. P. transfer 1.600 Two-story frame store in town of Car hon 2,000 Scvunty-Jlvo lots in Hiiulic's add. , north of transfer , elegantly loca ted , $ 'i)0 ( ) to flOO each Hunch of 11 lota , Central sub 1WX ) Hunch of 1U lota , Cooper , McMahon & Icllrlos uJd. , if taken before Jan. 1st , for fi.OOO An elegant lot on 8th st. Cash 8,000 Tlircu line lots on liluft street ut a barg.iin , 100 feet Irontugo on PnrK rive. forSM ) per foot Business propoity on Hroadwuy liuslness property on Main Ht Aa improved farm of 100 acres not far from ClmatauQua grounds , con- hlstlng of till ! mid dale. For par ticulars Inquire 18-aero tract ono inllo from Hroadway , biiburban location 7,600 , la addition to the above 1 huvo vacant piopcrt.v in nearly every addition to the city. GEO. METCALF , ! \0 , LI I'KAICI , ST , , COUNCIL. ULUFI'S , IOWA. HARKNESS BRO'S. DRY GOODS STOCK TO BE SOLD OUT ! Owing to the death of Mr. E. 1 Harkness , the senior member of the firm of HarknesB Bros. , it has boon decided to clo o out the stock and settle the business of the linn as speedily as possible. U The Entire Stock of Dry Goods is Offered For Sale in Whole or in Part. fho retail sale will commence Wednesday , December loth , 18S8 , at great redua- tion in prices. A BUSINESS CHANGE ! The stock is new. clean , and vot'v desirable. H presents nn KXOKLLKNT oiv POUTl'NITY IJI'l tVl TO bTl t * 1 i' ) . . INTO „ . * . . . .1 AN _ _ t OLD _ i. . * AND . _ _ . . - * KhTABLlSIlKD _ . Parties ( Wiring information can call upon or address J. E. HARKNESS I" NO. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - IOWA MUELLER MUSIC CO. , , No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. What is nicer for a Christmas or Now Year's present than an elegant Piano Off Organ. We have seventy-live of the celebrated Hardman , H B , Chase , Fisher , Everett and Pease & Howard Pianos AND ROYAL CENTURY ORGANS On hand , which we offer at a special discount of TUN PVM CUNT oil our regular prices for the next THIRTY DAYS. ff We carry the largest stock of small musical instrument * of every description and have many novelties suitable for presents. Our stock of sheet music and music books is the latest and most complete. Ueincmbor our entire htook of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS , Will be Fold at cost , and less than cost. It must he closed out regardless of price. * You will find many bargains. A souvenir given with every purchase. Wo also give a ticket with ovorj t."i purchase on an elegant Piano , Organ , and other prizes. ; * Call early for a choice of the bargains offered. I ; F. J. BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. 3 3 IVimani'iitlj located at No. II Ninth < th-t . opposite post < lure , on 3J. .Muti'i ' l.lnc , ( oiiin il llliilH , la If joii liave spoilinens ilnn't \\ait for pii es. temtlien \ to lilul Ixfoio tlii-v spoil. II jou doiit want Ilium aflui Ilit-j me mounted lie will p.iyjon the highest iiinrkul pil i-rur them , Will make a spoi Lilly of heads ami iliesbltlg i fins during the winter. i r * THE - > i to SIZES FROM Kspeclnlly Adapted fOS I 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , ' Mills and Elevators. o e Tl fpcdlicatlons and estimates furnished for complete Mt > am plants. Ilrgiilation , Durability Ciimr- i. antcecl. Can bhow letters from users w hciu fnU Kionumy tt > equal with Corliss Non-f 10 i. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council IJIiiir O. n. GH.BEI&T , Manufacturer of TAXIDERMY GOODS. 11 < V Broadway , Council Bluffs , lown. Orders for nil kinds of Dakota and Montana w riio filled. liufTalo s and other hc.ids on hand Satisfaction ( rii'iraiitccd to these scndunr ' I In work to ho done BulT.ilo hum" in novelties. POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H , PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in re of . .11 ! Ki2nL ! < ds , Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. IIOMInilKSSItil ; ) MKATH ! ixuiiilno tlio following prices for rash only il buy your ineal.s ( iioasud ut hoinu. 1 nlll oil until fmtliuriiolk't ! iihiolloun ; .Shoulder and c'lititlt lo.ibt . 5 to fie I'rlinuilb roat. . . * c Chutk btualc . K5 Itnunil steak . : . h to Illc Mrlolii hleiik . . lOc I'oitorhousH Htcat . luc llolllng boot . -1 to So Jlntton stuw . " 0 Jlilttnn lei's . e Coin bcof . 4 to Ho I'oik roust . JUc I'oiUcliopi ami steak . t-a ( l.aul , ] ) iir. ' and our o n inako . I- " o , our own inuKe . . . . K'e ' HI-UK mbi'r this Is Hi" only IIUMI ! Ilti- ) : MKAT AIAIIKIM' In the city. No Inrrlgn incaf * sold. Toloplumu No.I'J. . C. li. M3UNS , No. HU1 fllalu Hi. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PHIC3 $15. Is equal t ) any High Priesi Machine. MlmcoKrnpli , Ific I'Ot npimniiui lor IDunllulilInu aiUnfraiilao Had typo nriluu nurlc. a.UIJ < ( jpli.f din bi Inkcn. The Bzcelshr C : , , Council Bluff ; , h. TIIOS. UtriCKii. W. II. M. J't-m-v. OFFICER & mil , BANKERS. ( "orner Main and llroadnny. C < H NUI , III < UI M.'HV ! , \ . Dfulorri In foreign i.uil domoHtlc oxchaiiKo. Collfctlona made uud Inteiost jmi'J ' un tlmudo- poallh. _ MUST AND NICK CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LAQIES. flush. Kllk. riannul and Cashmere dresses Rendy-Mnde and Mndo to Or'der , By MRS. JULIA STEIN , 1111 Douglas St. , Omaha. CUeapaut prices , wad ioodut > b'uaiaut u. CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE FEOHT ! 1. \MII. . Rir : r. BEEF , VEAL & PORK - or VIVOH. % niirssi.sfi - . aCallle , Fedo1 Iowa Corn ! Anil will meet unylionu'it 'iiiiipetUIoiion prices for IliiM IBHS Mo.itj. J. W. SCANLAMT , 11SO Ilroadu'ny - - Toiopli ) no iJOl. TKV OUU 11 US II. c. i : HIII/ : . O. A. BELL & BERLINGHOF , Arcliilccls , Designer and Snpcrinlciiilenls of Construction , Mr. Ilcrllnu'linf Mas M-UMI jcars wIU ( .McnclcIhMiliii , I'MicrX l.itu' ( ) , and lias ilcsl'ii'i ( | many of tint Illicit liluclis in Uin.iha and Council Itliills. Plans and Siicciflcations Prepared and Estimates madfi on Applicalion , Studio , Itoom 'i OiHit'n JJon.w fllvclc D. H. MoDANELD & CO. , Hidesjalta , Pelts , V/oolSfufs / , lll lH8t inaikil prltci l'i. ) njit icl virus. KO aiuJ KM Main St. . COIIIK il Illuirn. lciv.i. _ S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , yKTBUARY SURGBON ' { lo " > HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH GTBSET. U'uluplioni ) No.U5. . COUNUllJ VLVIWB , t I IOWA