Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Spirited Trading in the Wheat Pit
During the Entire Session.
Prom Kxpprlmriit * \\ttli
1'oor Wlicnt PioIwlonH IVnturc-
less An t'liHcltlffl roclliiK I"
the Cntilo Trade.
CHICAGO iMiunucn MAincir.
Ctnrxoo , Dec. 29 ( Special Telegram to
Tim llni : 1 The local wheat trading crowd
went into the jilt this morning bcarishly ills-
Voscd. Mnj was sold down from $1 05V to
II 05 very soon alt < r the opening At the
decline a good demand was developed , and
prices rose to $1 OV , dropping back , however -
over , to ? 1 05 , from which point a ftesh start
was takrn Thcro was n light trade at f 1 01
The offerings were limited nnd the demand
urgent. .1 I ) Rome led the buying up to
tl OS i , and again when the intiilu-t settled
to f I O1' he took considerable lines Up to
tl C5i the local beat party acted aggies
lively , but thereafter the efforts of the bears
seemed to be to toer shorts , and make as
little dlstui banco about it as possible After
Iho first hour the most conspicuous
ftaturo of the dealings was the absence
of pressure to sell. Urokors supposed to bo
operating In tnc intei ests of ICc-nt , Indulged
themselves in the pleasure of pounding away
at tne market on pause * in thoupwaid
couisp of values , but tin1 reactions that were
produced weio The ad
vance fiom $ i Hi was steady foi a full tent
at.d n half Piom ? 1 OOVf a sharp laid cariied
the price down to 71 Oil's ' , but the recovery
was rapid Tlio pi ice held steadily for a
time mound * 1 Oii > $ , stii ted back , and then
Jumped to 41 OiOf Above * 1 Ol > } a largo
business was done , and around II Ufi1 the ,
offoi Ings were on a more generous scale than
at anj time dining the session Trading
was quite spirited late in the session , as , in
deed , it was most of tlio time Tlio last ha If
hour of the session was unmarked
by special change. The lirmness
continued to the end , and last prices were
prarticallj nt the outside Maj sold up to
$ IX. ( ; < , and closed a' * 1 ( Mi" { January
opcnid at ? 1 00 , ranged nt'.cyfe to * 1 Dl'-f.
and closed ut f 1 lll ) $ .luly opoued at ' )13fe ) ,
Bold up to ! )7c ) , and closed at the top. News
was not plentiful , but such as was In circu
lation tended to give encouragement to the
bull pal tisans. The dr\lug ui > of receipts at
primary points was one of the things to
which attention was again diiccted To
Biich an extent has this gone that the indlca
tions now point to u decrease in the visible
supply , or at most only aeri small inciease.
Minneapolis maikets weioquoted as stronger
than Chicago , and an advance of fully
3o per bushel in some of the
lower guides is repoited. Tills
is supposed to bu in IOIISUIUCIILO of the mill
Ing demand , icsultmg from recent experi
ments with poor wheat Most ol the mills
have , up to a recent period , insisted that
they could not irrmd mfoi lor wheat , but the
tests seem to have changed their views to
Home extent. With 17,500,000 bushels in the
northwest , against 19 riiH)00 ) ( ) bushels on the
IB ! of lant July , according to Hnidstrtct's
enumeration of ictall supplies , anj thing that
will grind into floui is thankfully aeceptcd
bj the millets of that set lion There was
sumo export talk to da' , but so far as can bo
learned nothing was done The views of
buvurs and sollcis aio not yet in accoid
Despite the upp.ii out failure of negotiations ,
wheat in the shape of flout
went out of the Atlantic ports
to the amount of 140,0K ( ) bushels
or w ithin about 21,000 bushels of the total re
ceipts at primal } points. Hulchiiibon was
quoted at l i long odds the heaviest bu\cr of
wheat to day Other local bulls weio also
good bujeis , and the outside public took on
uniiElderablo tluough commission Mouses
Northwcstein panics cocrcdaiy finely
through their known repiesontntivos New
Yoik nnd other domestic maikets wcro linn
and higher , and a distinctively bolter feeling
in availed in tiade 'Jhc niMry tulk ubout
manipulation and obbtiuctiou methods Is no
longer heaid.
Receipts of coin today exceeded jpster-
dav's ' estimates , but the speculative senti
ment was stronger than this lulling
circumstance and was not affected by
it. The weather ib eminently fuvoiablu
to fieo movement Irom lltst hands , but
farmers do not appear anxious to take ad
vantage of that point. Exports maintained
their volume , and they would doubtless bo
much heavier if gtaln was In a better condi
tion to stand voj age Theio was another
small shipment lo Franco fiom Now Oi leans ,
yestciday , 10OflO bushels having cleared
from there There was some inquiry for
March , and a modeiato amount of trading
was done for that month around 8Vfi- . Busi
ness was principally local , but there v\ ere a
few orders from outside on the bujing side ,
but not enough to animate the market
Oats were exceedingly quiet , with little
apparent desire to tr.ulo in a speculative way
The feeling was firm with moderate business
ill May at a narrow range of \2s c ,
vvhilo near months weio dull , though salable
at fullj .vesterdav's pi ices , with 25J , c bid for
Fobruniy The icceipts weie light , with but
Bixty lluee cats inspected In Theio was a
moderate demand for No. 2 oats In utoro at
25' < , ( , with special hoimes at 25C , 01 abhado
higher. Stocks aio lihoial.
Tlio pi o vision trade was pomowhat
featureless. The amount of new busi
ness transacted was limited , and in
Bpeculatlvo circles tiiullng was laigely
directed to the evening up of deals on chang
ing over ol Januari contiactsto May. Cash
proportj was also quiet , and for December
lard manipulators allowed the price todtop
off 12' ' c , closing at fb 10 against $ s 2JJi j es-
tcrday In future piopoity , however , a
stronger front was shown , ami for poik clos
ings showed a net advance of 10 < il2Jfc , and
for short-ribs 2' < , (33c ( Putin o laid was un
changed to 2'io , higher In pork January
holdings weio changed over to May nt a pre
mium of 45 u47c , in laid at lOc and in shoit
ribs at
CIIKAOO , Dec 29. [ Special Telegram to
TIM' HUB | CuTii-Tiado was slow and
prices down to about the lowest of last w cok ,
milking u decline of 25@40o slnco Monday
There was a strong feeling that the run on
Monday would bo heavy , some anticipating
15,000 Vet the facts , or at least such facts
as could bo got at , would not warrant such n
largo number. Theio were but few Texans
among the number , yet native butchers'
stock and cannot s sold lower than cstciday
Taken altogether , the general cattle trade
closes in bad stuipo for the week and for the
year 'Iho sales below .iv ill fairly show cur
rent values , but It Is almost Impossible to
couvej' to the distant reader the unsettled
nnd hopeless feeling that prevails In all
circles interested In trado. Choice beeves ,
M.40 ; m oil Hun to good steers , 1350 to 1500
Ibs , * 3 WI ( < CI 10 ; 120J to 1350 Ihs , f1.20@3 10 ;
P50 to 1200 Ibs , $ J.SV , ) 10 , stockfis and feeders -
ers , slow t | 200@300 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , f I 250M IK ) ; hulk , $ J 00 ® i 35 ; Texas
steers , ? . ' 25ii ( 00 : oa\\n , fl bO@J 10.
lload To day noted another downturn of
B@IOc , ascoinjmicd with the bulk of sales
yesterday , nnd Oc lower than the close. The
feature of the market to day was the lack of
demand for big heavy stock , and salesmen
found considerable diniculty in selling lolsof
big fat sows , plenty of such , averaging 400
and upwards , going at W.UK35.15 , inflict
about everything sold at 15 10 5 15 , big mid
little ; but few went as high as M.20 , and undesirable -
desirable lots sold down to W.bSQI.lK ) , and
omo fair packers at t5 00$5 ( ; 05 , the common
run of packers closing mound about t&lO
Light sorts slow. The Llplou company paid
IS. 15 for single sorts of W3 avorares ; the
i *
Fowler outilt were offering 15.10 for ISO aver-
gc8 , nnd a few lots of light light , 120 to 180
averages , sold at 15 20.
* * M taVH _
NEW VOHK , Deo. 29. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UKK.I STOCKS The stock maikct
this morning opened tamo. London houses
wcro dolpg nothing and commission people
were Idle. TrudlnB wa conllned almost
to tlio profcislonnl room traders
Heading MnrtcJ oft \ IKP ? cent below lust
nlRht * dosing flpire * but soon bcenn to
Jecoicr on bujuip , uhioli Is , aul to bo for n
newly formcil IKJO ! In 1'liilndclnhla Ts'ew
Kntflnnd wns nlio nctl\o and. at n higher
range1. Boston house"oro bujois of this
nock this morning , nnil omtlnuo to talK In n
very confidential manner , and arc predlutlnc
tlmt stock u 111 sell atoO next month. Tlie
Omaha group were the weak features , nnd
were sold down on nory poor showing
made by the company during November , the
net earnings showing a decrease of SIUJ.TSS .
for that month.Vahlnpton advices say
it is exported that souio amendments to the
inter state commerce law will bu made at this
session of congress , but nothing on the pool
ing question can be dona until next summer.
After 11 o'clock the market showed very
lUtlp animation , hnd the close was dull and
steady , with very llttlo change to note in
prices The total sales amounted toO.Ofrl
shares , including Heading , llt.OJO. Now Unjj.
land , 7,20) ) , Onuilm piefurrcit , 1'JiH ) , I.acka-
wanna , U.OJ ( , St Paul , l.fioij Norttiwcstcrn ,
2,000 , Union Pacific , 'J.OOJj lirlo , ! UOO ;
Northern Pncillc prefeired , 1TOJ , , Lnko
Shore , 8 , 10U shares
Tlio following woie the olosinu quotations :
I' . H. 41 rcnuliir KT > Northern I'nolflc 211 *
IT. S. 4seoui > on * UHV tlonreforreO , f/'V '
t' . S. I'isrt-'KiiHr IIU'S ' p. t N. W IU7
IT. H. 4'jvoiinoiH lui'i do preferred , MO
I'arlllnsiif sii lid iN . V. t cntral las' ,
ronlrnl I ' .v I lie .H I' . , II. Ac K . 24
( hlmpn , Vlinii IT. llork iHlnml . U7'4 '
flilp.iBo.llnrllngton lM.V- ( < t. I' ( TIU
A CJnlnrv HO | do proferrod. Kll'i '
I ) , I , * tf . IMS St. I'aul&Omann JIS
Illinofi Ccntril lit I doprefcrrcd IO1 ,
1.11. .VW. UVITnlcm 1'acitlr . M'4
Ktill is Ac IVsviV ) ll'i\\.bt , I , . A. 1' . I. ' ,
I.nkoShore l)3'l ( ) ilo preferred S4't '
Michigan Ccmial S7'csttru ' | Union. M't
iltsfonrll'acillc TS J
Movpr ov Cut. Hisvi list loan , 2 per
cent , closing offered at 't per cent.
I'niME MEIK ANIII.G 1'Ai'uu V (7il' per
STI UMNO tJvrm von Dull , nnd weaker ,
sixty daj s , fl.i4'4 ' , demiind , f I.SS'4.
CllliAflo. Dec 2'hont ' ) Stronger ; cash ,
11.01 ' . ( c ; Jtinuirv , * 1 01' ' , ; ; May , * ! . ( %
Coin Casi , cash , 114 ' 4 5 January , iil' c
M.iy , ; I7 V'
Oils Ste.idj , cash and January , So'do ' ;
M.iN,2si : llc. !
K\c 5Uc
11 irloy Nothing doing.
Prime TimotliANo trading. ,
l'lax-fl 01
Whisky -$1 20
Pork Cisy , cash and .Tanuaiy , 112 92 } $ :
May , 113 . ! * '
Linl Ste.ulj .ciftli , fS 10.Tanuniy , S ? 7.2) ;
May. T.b'J'h. '
rioiir IJnll and inn hanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , W.7.VSO 7r' ' < J ;
shoit clear , * 7.UUc ( $ J5 , short ribs , ? ObO
( nil S'i.
Butler Unchanged ; creamery , 20@
81edalri ; , 17 < $2U' .
Cheese Unchanirod ; full cream choddais ,
10 # ( aili' ; flats , llifll'4c ( ; Young Ameri
cas , ll'jC'i'l'-'c. '
nsrifs tTneliangcd , fresh , 18@19'jC.
Hides Unchanged , heavA green silted ;
( i' e , light green salted , IVfo ; green , Ren
salted bull , .V. e ; green bull , 4'4c ' , greed
dr.\ flint , 7'2 " ! . : , my call , TinSe , brande ,
hides , 15 iiei contort ; dc icons , 2j@JJij each ,
di y salted. tOr ( l.ic
Tallow UniluuiMcd ; No. 1 , sollu 'O c ;
No. 2 , 4 > o , cake , j'bc.
Kcceints. Shiuments.
Flour , bbls . lll.OOJ 12.000
Wheat bu . 25,000 2(5,000 (
Corn. Ml . 'KNOW ) ! l 11,000
Oats , bu . 157,000 127,000
Hje. bu . . . . .
Now Vorlr , Dec 2J Wheat Rcceiuts.
3 , ! ( > 0 ; exports , none ; snot dull , but n
tulle higher ; No 2 red , SI 01 ] } in elc
valor , 4-1 OT4 afloat , $1 0 > % .ii . > l IM f o b ;
No 3 rod , % c Options dull , but ] ( , c lugher
and stoadj ; No 2 n > d , .lanuaiy ( .losing at
$1 01 V
Corn Receipts , 2"J,000 ; exports. 121,000 ;
spot firmer but quiet , No 2 , 4lS1@lli'fe in
elevator , 17'in-17l8c ' ( afloat , uiiuradcd
mixed , 38J M47'c ' , , No , ! , : tb.M'l'4c. ( . ' Op
tions dull at 'R' ' C lovvei and steady.
Oats Receipts , -I'.OOO , exports , 1.009 ; spot
steady but quiet Options Una but dull ,
Jnnu.uj closing at SI V M > ot. No. J white ,
.HJ/o ; mixed \\cstcrn , 3Uc. ( ) (
Colfeo Options closed vat five points
below icstoulav. Silcs , 30,7.1) bigs ; Teb-
ruaij , $ U.5 ( . ; March , SH ( wjgt4 ( b ( ) : April ,
$14 TO ( < 5H.b" bpot Kio dull at * ll ! 7.1
I'otroiouiu Steadj , united closed steady
at S7c.
Ugis Quiet ; \\ostoin , 22fS2Jc.
Poik Uull
Lnrd-Stiongor ; western steam , $835 ;
Jnmiaiy , $6.17.
Huttoi Quiet ; western creamciy , 39@
31c ; daily , 14@8io , Elglns , I)2g ) ( We.
Cheese -Fa inestern ; , lOfgll' ' c.
Miluniikoc , Dec. 2' ' ) Wheat Higher ;
cash,04 c ; May , $1 W ) ( fc.
Coin Knmei ; No. I ! . itK , VJc.
Oats Dull ; No 2 white , 27K < 2SJc.
Kyo KnsNo \ ; 1 , 40c.
Ha l y Steady ; No 2 , ( )7o.
Provisions Firm ; poik , S12.PO.
Olnuiiuinti. Dec. 29. Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 red. ! Ci@)7fe )
Coui Kiim ; No 2mhed , 3.1C.
Oats No 2 mixed , 27J c ,
Whisky Active and lower at $1.14
KniiMis Cit > , Doc 29 Wheat Steadj ;
No 2 led , cash , O.Jft'M c ; Maj , Use bid ;
No. 2 soft , cash , " " > c bid ; May , $1 00' ' , , bid.
Coin -Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 2V ju bid , 20o
asked ; .lanunry , 25' c ; May , 2c. ) > ; c
Oals No. 2 , cash , 23'ic asked ; May , 24Xo
MinnoapnllH , Doc. 29 Whcat Saniplo
wheat a shade firmer ; rctoijits , 81 caiw ;
.shipments , 70 cms , closing ; No. 1 haul ,
December and January , $1 17 ; on tiack , ; No. 1 not them , December , $1.07,14' ;
.lanuari ? 1 or'.j' ' ; on tiack , 11.11 ; No. 2
northein , December , t 7o , May , * 1.04 ; on
track , ! Wc@l 00.
8t. Ijonls. Dec 21. Wheat Cash , 97 > < fc ;
May , 51 02 .
Corn llighei ; cah , 31) 0 ; May , ' 135 .
Oats-Dull ; cash , 2IJ4'c ; May , 23 fc.
Poik Hotter at ? it : 75
Lard Nominal at $7.iTrfi < .7 70.
Whi3k$1 40
Uutler Dull , creameiy , 22Sc ( ! : dairy ,
l , Dec 29 [ [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Utt J-2 00 p in. closo.-Pork
Holdeih ofTer fieely , prime mess eastern ,
7bs 9d , dull , do western , fibs b , dull.
Laid Holdeis offer modoratolv ; spot , t3s
3d , stcadj , December , 43s d , dull ; January
and Pobiuary , 12s , dull.
Wheat Holders ofTur moderately ; now
No 2 winter , bs , steali , do spring , fcs Id ,
Flour Holdois offer moilointely ; 12s , firm.
Corn Holdeis ollor spotfioel\ and futuret ,
modcrnteli ; spot and December , 4s 5d , dull ;
Jnnuari , 4s 2d , dull ; robrimry , 4s 2'4d ' ,
Dec 29 Tuo Droven'
Cltioauu. Jour
nal rcuortsas follows1
Cattle Receipts , 3,800 , ; market steady ;
choice beo\os , $140 ; steers , Wb5@j.iO ;
Blookeis and feeders , $200v. 300 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $125 300 ; Texas cattle ,
tl M3 ) 00.
HOKS Receipts , 10,500 : market weak nnd
5 ( < 410o lower ; mixed. $ J ! K(35 ) ( 15 ; heavy. $5 00
(3522 ( , light , ei.'S ' I 15 ; sklpsfJ50@4 90.
Sheep Receipts 1)00 ) ; market steady ;
natives , $3 00(1 ( ? t 03 ; western corn-fed , f I 00
( i(4 40 ; do feeders , fy.i5@3 ! 60 : Toxans. JJ.50
01J25 ; lambs , f I 50 5 75.
.National siouk Yards , Knat St.
Ijoiils , Dee 29 Cattle Receipts , 500 ;
shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers , J5 00 ® 50 , fair to
good native steers , M 40@iS.Oi ) ; butchers'
steers , mcdiuin to choice , fl.0@l,40. : ! siock.
ors and feeders , fair to good , ? „ ' 00 ( < i I 10 ;
rangers , corn fed , .00a4.20 , jjrass fed , | J 00
C < { 3 15
Hogs Receipts , 2,200 , ; shipments , 700 ;
maikct u shade lower ; choice heavy mid
butchers' selections , tf 10@5 20 ; packing ,
medium lo priino , fi 00 5 15 ; light grades ,
ordinary to best , M.WK3500.
Knnimti City , Doc. 29. Cattle Receipts ,
l.bOOhead ; bhipmonts , 700 ; beef steers dull ,
weak and lOc HCo lower ; good to choice corn-
fed , ( J.50@4 75 ; common to medium , JJ.200C
4.15 ; stookors and fecdlUK stccis , t00i5 (
8 30 ; cows , tl.a5fitfj.00.
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 : shipments , none ;
market active , strong auu 5c higher ; common
to choice , tl.WKgS. 10.
Saturday , Dec. 29 , 16W.
AHbough tlio receipts were light to duy ,
the inarkot was about 10o lower on bee
cattle There were omo prettj fair cattle
on sale nnd one bunch went at ? 4 130. but the
hulk old at M 4CX < 1 1 M ) HtiU hers stock was
lower , althoutrh the decllno was not as hea\ \
as on beef cattle A few feeders thungei
hands , but there were not enough to make a
market About every thing was cleaned ui
before the close.
Hoc * ' *
Hogs have been selling so much hlpher
hero of late , that the bu > ers started out this
morning with the apparent determination t <
break prices. The receipts were light ant
salesmen were backward about talcing of
an.v thing from jestcrday's prices , so that the
trade was slow all the morning Later le
ports from tlio provision market were more
encouraging and the market closed stronger ,
\\itli all sold On an uverago the market was
about uc lower than jostcnlaj s
general market. The quality of hogs W.T
very common and tltoro was not n load 01
good heavy hogs in the market winch woulii
naturally cau o the rates to show a greater
decline than there reallj was.
There w ere four double decks of good
western sheep on sale 1'ait of them sold at
dittlo. . 5X ( )
Hotrs. . .
Sheet ) . 750
Prcvnlliiiir Prlcm.
The following is a titiloof prieii pall In
thisunrKOt for the grade ) of stout men
Pritncsteors. 1100 to 150)lbs..t ) 1 71 IS4 21
Prime steers , 110J to IJJO ibs. 3.21 t\U \
N nil vo feeders J 7.1 ( if. ) 00
Western lieders 2 (5J ( ( if"ii )
Common to good cows 1.21 ( a2.00
Choice to fiiticv cows 2.2,1 WJ 75
Commonto choice bulls 1.21 ( iiJ.00
Fair tocnoice lignt hoes 4 Ml M4 T >
Pair to cnoico heavy heirs 5.01 ( al 15
Fair to Uioieo mixeit hogs. . . . . 49.1
Ijivo Stock Notes.
Cattle lower.
A fuw slieej ) sold.
Hog tn.irket tower.
Sioux City receded 2,000 liogs.
M U. Pavno , 1'iiyne , In , c.uuo in with two
cuts of cuttle
Chapman , Jvcl ) , was icpiescnteil by .1. AV.
Moliitosh , who cuino in with u lo.ul each of
caltlo , uul hog ! ) .
Marion Halt , Ktlfinr ; J. W. Llildlc , Silver
Cieelt , and H W. Dunn , Uustis , wuto among
the shippers in with hogs.
Mr. Slcsar , Hilhilale , la ; Mr Xojes ,
Watetloo ; aoorge 1) ) . Muiklojohn and W. II.
P.Uon , rulloi ton , anil T. li. Lc-c , Chicago ,
wcro visitois ut the i aids.
Walter tt'ood , of South Oin.iha , Is hero on
n visit. lie says Nebraska is not feeding as
many caltlo as last j car. Many old feeders
are not at work this \ear , thu fei-dinc being
done largely by now hands and In small lots.
Chicago DroveisJouinnl.
The represonlnU\cs of Iho railtoads and
the Stock Yards company have made nr-
rangeinonls leKniilini , ' the woinliiiij of slock ,
which goo into cffe'ct tholirsto ! the \ear.
The weighing nssoci.ition ha\o civen oidets
that conductors on all stock tianih shall bo
provided with u blank in which to till in the
car number of all slock. On aiiival at the
jards this blank will bo turned over to the
wclghnmstci , who will till In the gtoss
weight. After the cars aio unloaded the
tare , or weight , of the empty uai s is also
tilled in and the net wetght caiilod out.
These blanks will then bo turned o\ut to Iho
local nirents of Iho road , from which Ihoy
will mnko out their ex pen HO accounts.
fruits , Produce , Hlc.
HLTTI it Pancy , holid-p ickod creamoiy ,
2r.d ? : ) c ; ohoico countiy , SJ ( J"ic ; medium
grades , lbJlu ( ; common giades , l-ln ( ITc
Pi one Nebraska patents , $ iXiTnO ) ( ) ;
Minnesota pitents , tO'j.ViiTT.'i ; slraight
guides , fj 00 5 50 , bakeis' Hour , * 3 I'Syf 5.75
per ubl.
POTATO i s Nobiaskn , 15Q550 per bu j Col
orado , ( WifTOe
S KH Per irons : ! ( ? 3'fc per Ib.
Pot'i.Tiii ' Live chlrkens , tl 50 2.75 per
doz ; dressed chlekens , 7dtsu per Ib : turkoAS ,
OftUo ; ducks and goeso. KX72o. |
JZdoa Stiictly fresh , 'JlSJ.'u ( eandlod.
MAI.AIU CJuvi'KS In kegs , 1'c per Ib.
H\N\Ni8 Coinmoii , f 1.50@J per bunch ;
clioice , $ . ' 503 ( ? M.
I-iCMONS fl ! 7rVl,1)00 ( per case.
OIUNQES Florida , JJ.3" > ( ( W 75 per box.
Q 1MB Per dozen Mallards , $3.25 ! tea
$150 ; nniill , $ . ! ( M ) ; pralrlo chickens , 1 1 00S (
4 50 : rabbits , 11.00 ; scjulrrels , II 00 ; venison ,
7 < ai2oper Ib.
JJiiAN-fl'J ' 00@14 00
CIIOPPI-I ) Ppriu 00 ( < 15.00 per ton.
Cons 2Si2(5e. ( (
U Cider , 10ISc per gal ; while
wlno , 10$25o ( per gill.
HOMI : Mb frames , ltj(7 ( 18c.
CitANiii'iiiiii'.s fS 00iZ'J.OO ( per bbl ,
PJCOVISIOVS Hams , No 1 , llu ; No. 2 ,
10 > < jo ; shoulders , 7 40 ; lib bacon , ilo ; clear
jacon , llHc ; plcnio hams , lUo ; dried beef
hums , 10'o ; dry1 Halted clears , shoit , SV o ;
extra short , 8 > Jc" short rib * , bifo ; pickled
pigs' foot , 15 Ib kits , 80o ; lard , 8K@'Jl < ui
smoked sausugo , U@Sc per Ib. hog casings ,
CELEin 25WWoper ! doz fancy. 40c.
O.sioss-8i- ( ) ( per bu.
CAIIIUOK | J 00 per 100.
HIIKTS JOe per bu ,
TuicNH's 25c per bu.
SAUKIC Kiuur Libls , $4.75 ; half obis , ,
Ai'i > i.BS-Choico , ? 3 50@2 7Bper bbl ; fancy ,
fd.00 iM3r bbl : common , $1.50 < $1.75 per bbl
CiDKit Mlchlt'tti ) , fi WaO 50 per bbl of 82
; Callforaiu year cldur , 115,00 per bbl ,
Pol-Cons1 KU-C , 1c , ( | nilnon ) , ' . " 40
< \IIHOTS 4K ( per lin
HR N * CliolrceiMeri ! h nid picked navlo * .
f)25 | Hr bu ; western haul picked navies ,
tl 7.V I SO , mediums , $ ( .005 Lima beans , * > e
per Ib
* Hn P. o b cars , No , luphnd , JSOO ; No
2 upland , KI CO _
Grocer * ' l lit.
Kcvlscd prices are as fellows
lUoniMi Stark A , seamless , .We1 : Amos-
ke'ag , seamless , 17K'1Lowistown , A , seam
less , lite ; American , seamk'Ss , 17c , burlaps
4 to 5 bu , Ili < tl4c. gunntfi , single , 13c , gnu
nlcs , double , ' 'Oo , wool , suck , .Vie.
TWINKS rin3c. . extra sail , 'JOiJ'Jle ; sal
U , .SKiJJIc , cotton , 2'c , Jtitc , SV.
Dim i ) Kill IT Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 11 ( ( ?
lOo j dates , In boxes , 7iJU'o. ' Linden Malaga
hiier raisins , pel IKDC ? 2 V ) ( < { : t T. ; Malaga
loose raisins , fjyoSJ ( W. now Valencia rat
sins per ib , bV c . California loose muscalels ,
iwr box. SJ.lAKai 10. California Londons ,
IShs. f'J 40. tnlteil cnornes. per It ) . Ibc. Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , UitKkdried ;
bhickbcriics , per Ib , 7'dm e , dried raspher-
rlcs , per Ib , 'J42. . " > e. e'Vaporatcd apples , 7Hi $
be , California sun-dried pcachos , 13c ; Cali
fornia unpared u\aponited peaches , 14o ,
evaporated Callfornlii nprieots , isi ;
entrants , rt * t 7c , Turkish prunes , 5 < VVc $ !
citron , JJyJIc ; nrango peel , IV' , lemon peel ,
10c ; California lYc-neli prunes , ll ltk1.
ConinMoilia : , J'm'.Oe , Hio , good , l < < iL
I'-cj Mandahling , Jin.'C ( ( ; roasting Kio , I.Vt )
lOc'i O O . ) n\a. 2) ) ( a.e ; Java , Interior , ' "Jcij
2'n1 , Kin , fancy , iH'Mlic Santos and Mara-
ca'bo. ' 17nl'ic ' , Ai buckles , Wje ; McLuugh-
lin's XXXN , 23 ' 4c
Smvii Uranulnteil , "Vo ; oonf A , " ' r ;
white extra C. T c. eiituiC , 7'c ; jellow O ,
1110 , powdered , slao. cubes , b'ac. '
) ln > w v\ Choice jellow , 20iiJJ ( ac , dntk
colored , 1 Stu 1 Ic
CHLI.SI. Vuunir Ametica. full eream , K ®
1.1'se , full ci earn chedili i s , I'Jul'JijO.
PII M i s Medium , in bbls , K > tM ; ( lo. In
lulf bbls , $100 , small , in bbls , vlv , do , in
hilf bbls , Ml , ghi'iUiiH , in bbls , * 7.00 , do ,
in half bbls M iki
Toim ID Plug , mV'i'i'ic' ; smoking , liiii.90. ' . .
.li i i.n. ? l 4 % ) ier > ! U Ib ji.ul.
bu.i ! ! , r > il 40 per bbl.
KOI-I - 7 1C. Uo
M\iiu SKIMC HrleUs , ll ? 12c per lb ;
penny cakes , lJal3o ( per Ib ; puionuplu
s rnp , ? 1 ( XI pel gal
Ti vb Young 11 son , common to fair. IViT )
2.V1 ; Voting Hi son , good lo laiie-v , , ! 0ii ( . " > ic ;
Cttmpowder , common to good , ( n Joe , LJtin-
powdei , ehoico to f.itit.40iii5"i. ( . % Jap in ,
eoiiiiiion to medium , 1 > JOe ; .lapin , clruco
to lanoj , JiOdi Tic , Oolong , common to n ( > odi
3t/ ( ) Tic , Oolonu' , choiie to fam.riO iTV ( ;
Imperial , eomnion to motltum , 'Jf ( I5c , Im-
] ) , good to fancy , 4ilni")0e. )
Ni TS Almonds , IB ( lsc , illborts , UCiTlSc ;
Urazil , 9 ( < ( llc ) , walnuts , I'Jt ; pcc.uis , lO llc ;
CKK KI ni ti810c per Ib ; assorted cakes ,
Sc JVpet Ib as pel list
Cvs'i > \ Mixed , .I' iil. c ; stick ,
rotkcandj , lU' ' C'dlc1 ; fiuiei c-amly ,
Hot. ) VSI ) Hi ItltINd i'OC. '
COTTON- VNSI is 10 per cent ins , I L ,
fiJtje , CU , WicSB. \ . 7'c , Nameless. lie ; KX ,
Ibc , K , 'JOc , No 10 , 8'jC ' , No. 40 , lO' iNo. ; .
( , U'jC ' , No bO , l.l' ' u , No JO , eoloied , He ;
No 50 , colored , 12c ; Ao 70 , coloicd , 12ic } ;
Hnstol , 12'jC , Union Paclllc , 17c
( Jvui'iu WUIP Hid , white , 1'Jc ; colored ,
IUTTS Standard , So , gem. lOc ; beauty ,
12'fe , boonc , Ic ; H , cased , fcli. > 0
PHINIS Solid cnloit Atlantic , r > e Slater ,
Oe ; Heilm oil , d' e1 , C iniet- oil , ( ! ( i(7c. (
PKI srs Pink ana Kubi's Allen. dc ; Ulvr-
pomt , fi c , Steel Kucr , ( i1 o ; Kichmond ,
O c , P.uitlc , 7c
PitiNTsDicss , Charter Oak , . 'iC ' ,
: ipoIJ e1 , Loili , "i' c , Allen , ( w , Hicliinond ,
do , VVmdsoi , d c , Cddihtone , d 4c , Pacific ,
d > .c
ItiKuiiKD Sin i UNO Heikoloy cambric ,
No ( > ( ) , 'H , c ; Ili-st Yet It , d { abutter \
cloth , OO , 4'jC ' , Oibnl , 7J o , Paiuell , half
bleached , b'ie ' ; Print ol the Loom , 'J e ;
tticene G , ( > ' 4 , Hope , 7' ' c ; King Plulliu
cambilc , lie , Lonsdaie I'linbi , IHjC ; Lous
daleHe. . New Yoi k mills Id' c , l'i > tcicll ) ] ) ,
IJ in lie , Poppeiell , 4n in , U'c , Peppeiell ,
01 , 1V. ( IVppcioll , s | , 21c , Pcnpcrcll , T 4 ,
23c ; Pcppcicll , 1(1 ( I , 2'ic ; Canton , I I , b' i ,
Tiiumph , ( \Vamstitt.i. ; . lie ; Vnllej , " > c.
Pi tM-ri s Phud Hiiltsmon , i.lo ( ; Goshen ,
: )2'ji' ) ' , Lake , : i ( > j.jO , lion Moiintuin ,
OH , No. 2 84' , 22'2c ;
GH , No 1. A , JO.15H , No. 2 , , 2JM'i BH ,
No 1 , 9f , ! ! 0c ; Quechee No 1 , ; $4,4.'c. $ "
Coitsi 7 Ji KN-5 Andioscoggin , c ; Ko ir-
sargc , ) iC , Kockixnt , ( > iO , Conesto a , d' ' c.
'In us Yoik , nil-iii , UK : Yoik , 31-m ,
13J c. Swift n\or , ? { c ; ThoindiKo , OO ,
s'4c ; Thoindikc , iC. b1 c ; Thorndiku , 1JO ,
llj e , Thoindikc , XX , 15c ; Coidis , No S ,
! % e ; Coidis , No 4 , " ' " .c.
DI.MMS AmoskiMg. ! ) oz , IrtKc ; Kveiett , 7
olVc ; Yoik , 7 ol.Kc ! ! Ha\nniker ,
b' c , Jaffrcy XX , llj Jattic-i ; XXX , I2"c ;
15e.uei Cieek AA , l-'e , lie.uer Creek HU ,
lie ; Uenvei Creek CC. lOc
Hi srecu JiASi Memorial , nc ; Dakotu ,
ISc ; Din ham , 27 1' , Heictiles , ISc ; Lcam
ington , ' 'jc ' ; Cotlswooit , 27'jC. '
Ciusn Stoxcns' 15 , ( . ) $ < ; Stevens' 13 ,
ble iched , n Stevens' A , 7' c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached. S'je ; Stevens' ' P , s c ; Ste\ens' P ,
bleached , ' .IJ c ; Stevens' ' N , 11 'jc ; Stevens' N ,
lileachcd Ki'jC ' , Slovens' SUt , U',0- '
Misti M AMOLS Table on cloth , ' ( -.50 ;
plain Holland , U'jC , Uido Holland , U' c
HHO\\N Sm LIIMI Atlantic A , 4-1,7' , c ;
Atlantic II , 4 I , 7' c ; Atlantic I ) , 1-4 , ) ' , ,
Atlantic 1' , 1-4 , dc , Aurora LL , 4-4 , lie , An
loi.v C , 4-1 , JJfc , Ciown XXX , 44 , tl , c ;
Hooiier LL , I 4 , ( ic , Indian Head , 4-4 , 7'uc ;
Lawrence1 , LL , l 4 , lie. Old Dominion , 44 ,
5V ! Peppeicll K , 4-1 , "c ; PeppeicllO , I I ,
iiV , Pcppeu-ll , b-1 , isi c. 1'eppcicd , 'H ' ,
21c : Pcpcrcll | ) , 10 I. , ! ! c , LJtica C. 4 I , % ;
Waehusctt , l-l , < Xci Auioia , H , 4-4 , 7c , Au
rora H , 4 4 , d'jC ,
HICK West Points' ' ) in. So10' ' c ; West
Point till In. 1007. 12Uio ; West Point"2J in. 12
o15e" West Point 40 in. 11 ollic
FiNSKI s IJcd , C , 21 in , l.\l < c ; P. , 24 in ,
21'je ; GG , 24 in , 20o ; HAP , 4 , r.c ; JHP , ,
27c ,
OisfiiuM Plnnkctt checks , 7 c ; WhittPn-
ton 7 } c , Yoik , 71 0 , Noimandi dress , S c ;
Calcutta dress , S' i' ; Whittenton dress , b' c ,
Kentrow dress , s > JitU e.
CMIIKICS Slatci , 5' c ; Woods , Ti' c ; Stan-
dind , "i' ' Peacock ; , ft c.
Puisis , lMiiolii.t ( i Ainold , fi'jc ; Amcr-
n an , ( i'-ic ' ; Gloucester , ( i c ; Arnold C long
cloth , Dc ; Afnold H long cloth , lOWc ; Ainola
Gold Seal , 10' ' 'c ; Stcifcl A , 12cj Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
1'h stand second eleai , V { In . .f40 Oflil 00
Pn stand second clear , 1 } in . 47 ( MM 50 00
'Jhlid clear , l'4'tlVj ( m . 4A WdlKI \ ( (
A bclect , T4' d4 in . .1700
Useli-it , l ftjl'j ' In . .U ( )
A stock bo.uds , I2nHi ft , 12 in , . Id 00
1 ! HIOI k bo.iids , Uialll fl , U In. . ) ! 00
C stock botuilH , I''dOlii It , u in. . ! ! fi no
U stock boauls , 12 ( < iK ) ft , 12 in. . til 00
Plooiing , lirst common , 0 in . . . 34 ( ill
Flooring , second common , ( i in. . Ill CO
Select fencing flooring . 10 00
Siding , Jiist and second clear , 14
( Klllft . 2500
Siding , 111 st common , 111 ft . 2J 00
Siding , second common . 1' ' . ) 00
Common boauls . Ki 00
No. 2 boauls , all lengths ) . II 50
Fencing , No 1 , 12f0 " ! ft . Id 50
Fencing , No 2 , I2"l4lii ( ; fl . 15 f.O
loist and scantling. 2\4 , 1 K'fHi ' ft Id 00
Timber , 4\4axs : , r. ( < { li fi . 17 no
Pickets , U and H lint . - > J 00
Pickets , I ) and H square . 2J ( K )
Shingles , extra A . 280
Shingles , standnid A . 2 ( > 0
Lath . 2 10
O G Halts , 2tf } in . m
O G Halts , litfxll , S I S . dO
J-in well tubing , U nml M bov. . 22 00
limit liur.
Hemlock sole , 18a.J7c ( per Ib ; oak 8010,33
( rt8Go per Ib ; oak harness , fJO ( .Uc per Ib ;
ielci led oak and traac , : r > c per Ib ; oak and
icinlock unpcr , 20 ( 2io per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , bOfn'jOcpor ' Ib , according to
veight , oak calf Hkm , No 1 , DOcof ? ! 00 per
b. ; Philadelphia calf skin , uxtra , tl 00wi ( 10
ICT Ib. ; hemlock kip skin. No 1 , tilMTOi per
b : oak kip skin. No 1 , "Omsdc per Ib , Phila-
telplua kip skin , extra , MKi'UOa per 1'j ' ;
. ' 'icnch calfskin i act 01 ding to w night and
limlltj ) , f | I5utl 75 per Ib : French kip skin ,
lo , bOUnfl 10 pcrlb. ; Cordovan russet , Iho ;
salin llnlsb , 20o per foot , welt leather , 50
a I 00 per side ; moroccos , ipcbblo go-it ) , iiOdg
Uh ) per foot , moroctos. boot leg , 25 ( < itOi3 per
'oo t ; glove calf skins , 20 ( > t )0o ) pur foot ;
JougliiH kid , ! tO@IOo per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@r > 0e per foot , according to qualltj :
toppings , fS 00 mio 00 per doom , luilims , M 00
Q'J.M ( ) per do/cn ; npion skins , $1000Qfl2X ( )
> er dozen. _ _ _ _ _
MntnlK nndI'liinoin' Hiouk.
31ock tin , small pig . ? .28
Mock tin , bar . 2'J
Copper , plalnUhed boiler sizes . 84
.loppcr , cold rolled . Ul
Copper , abeatlog . , , . . . . . . . , S < V
Corner puts . , . . . . . . . , 30
Copper Hats .1
fnl. ? sheet Iron , .mnlnln 50 10 nnd ft per c dis
PAI plalnishrd Iron , 24 to 27 A . . . 10'j
I'at plalmslied iron , . ' 4 to JT U l"j
Koollng , JC. 14\iO , 112 sheets 0 W
Hoofing , IX. 14\20 , 112 Mice-Is 7 M
Kooflng. If. 20112 sheds 11 1X1
Hoofing , IX. 20x2 * , 113 sheets 14 M
Sheet Iron No sn a .V )
Sheet Iron No 27 3 iX
Solder l&H ( li'1t
Tin ulate , besl chat coal
1C. 10x14 , ttM sheets 050
IX 10x14 , Sir. sheen b.23
flu plate , coke
1C , 10\14. 2W sheols C ! 2 :
Sleel nnlls , per keg S.2.1"
Steel wire nails , per kpp i.KJ !
I.t t of letter * rcmnlnlnixm-ilIM Mr In the post-
offlfefor the woiV cnillni ; Die ! S 1S .
N'utc 1'iitllc'cnlllntf lor Uic-J Icttors will pH"\
ny" lilTorCI'tfl , KlTiiutho title t tlio he > I of th
IIM.nnillmiilM for nano nt tha M.illu * Dcllvorj
\ \ Inilcw "
ToHTolil mlstnVos liivo youi mill n Uresse J to your
tlreit iiuJ number
ui NTI rMrs s i isr
Ailer ln , A \HMrom 1 Alvo on.T K
Anilrc A Aiiil r i'it , I * Aiulor i.ii , S
Aniliriiti1' A inii s > n. W Ailnm , 1 w
Alkln , I Al luill , 10 Allxr , ICtJ )
Aiiili'l'ini I'l ) Aiiilir rnM , W
Anilreu" , li I ) Atitlln.S
IHVor ( > II
llnrni" A
Hl Mlt , ( \
Ilirlln < K
Ill'l,111 , U. I
Illnnir PC
Illnln II W
Mil ; ! , ' . 1
Ilium II , ( Mi ( J )
Ituinir Pit
Ilin km in h
iliir < iitl"l. l >
Cnn r I.
( nit , r I
( MIMT I ,
I Hal 111:111 : 1 It
( I
( onlil'ir \ I ,
< nrllut * . ' l > I
( i > | , mi ( > i r. J
( oiliiiin I b
l > n\l ( 11
Illlliiii A Dnnni'v
nniiiTtri.\leli , M litiili ) , | > W M
liillnn , I lliilM.TI
Diluni llni ; . U Hitch , liir ) > u.Wll
llMllllll- I IKinuiM.J Hi ono , \ \
Diiiilun Mr
. Iviri-nivo JV
Nnttirls 1 M NeliMortjajn In N.-Non J H
\e tiiRiii cuNi IMIII on
.1 A ( , .Ni l nn I Si Is. > n o
Ni l on N Isi'nnmn I \ Nun tun li ( )
Mi'tut V Miliolfnii I 1C Mthnlas tlj
Nillli'll Soniin I K i NoiItkl J
No lill 10 Nuimitn II > iuUlinniiilj ]
I Wcabneis of Bodyand Hindi Effecti
of Errors or Ezceisealn Older Younc ,
llobu.l , Nolle JUMIIIIIII lull , IU. I. rc.l lion lu tnlnni * nnd
hlrfnnlirn\IKtl.l MIMI Mil HI , Htll4\ti X I t 111 K o ( IIIIMV ,
iUilulil ; nnr.HI/.r IKKIK Till Altf \ f-llf r.f fll. In i .I.J ,
Hfn ( t.llrj frim 47 Mklti. Tirrlt rlr , mil lorilj-nf oiirlrlir.
YffUmni rlltllirm llonli , rullnnlinatlAn. Binl i riKr.iuKllr'i '
l > l d ) In , . Adlm. IRH WEClCAl CO. , BUfFAlC.H Y ,
IF. J.
Surgeon and Physhiai.
OIllceN.Y Cuimi ilthiirU luii , iiSt. Oilios
telephouo , iUj , ' UudUloiivu tuldiiluaj ,
tic licit.
ilrum.coniLlncU. Clu iranUitllhu
only ono In tha world ecncratlnii
eeontlnuoua HtctrlotV Jlaymtfo
fN > ciirrfnl. hrltntltlc.l'owcrful , Jlurutlr.
/ComfortAl.lo OIK ! Ulii-tlvo. Avuid frnutli.
OrirUODOcurcd. Hiu'lHtntun fui IIADII bjsfc
i'i.Koruio IIFI.TH rou IHIANI'H.
Ol. HORHE. JbVtUIOn , 101 WADA3.1 AYE. . CHIUBO.
f inUCYan < 1" "
UUill. I 1) ami safely cured by DOCTI I'HACaji-
bmeialcdsus enroll liihuvun ilnjs bold
} l Wilier box , , or by mall from li > - 11.Miltu ht..N V , Tnll Dlicctlonn
Stock Commission Merchants ,
ICuublock > o poeltu Kxcliunira UnllillnK I , / 'nlon
block Varan huulliOunitn , Nub
Live Stock Coniinission ,
loom 15 , Kictiancu lltillillnK , I'nlaa ' fctocU V
buutli ( Jmulin , fub ,
' " "
UNION sTotrTvAnbs co. ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
felut 4
Dealer in Agricoltural implements , Wagons ,
rarrlujcs ml Miirirle ( , li > iie treet be
loth , Dinalm S'obrn kn
Agricultural Imiileiiients.Wagoiis.Carriagc1) . . )
lie1tiolonnle. . Cnmtin , Xfir | lii\
\\Iiote , ale DralrrOn
Agricultural Inmlemcnts , Wagons & Buggies
_ , R6 iiiul TO Jonen Street , Umalm ' _
P. P. MAST St. CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultuatnr , Hay Itakei. Older Mllln ami I nlmn 1'ul
Tctlu-r , ( or llth ruul Mchulm Mm l .
\ \ holt ale
Agricultural IiUDleuients , Wagons &Bnggics
, _ r > .1 , , v , h -ttr:0i. :
Akton , Ulilu.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\ \ K Me11. , \lnimjor. 151ll aT nworli ( M Omalia
Mniiufflctiiri'r niul Jot'l'irs in
Wagohs , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Pili urn ! 1'iuuic stroot. ' , Omnha , Sol' .
ArtlBts * Pflntorlola. _ _
A HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
IM i llnuvla * Mn pi OniHlin NilimfVa
" _ Oooksollcrs nml SUntlonors-
H. M. i S. W. JONES ,
SuicesfnrMo A I.Ui'ny. tl V \tiolif\loAUctlill
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Hue. UtililliiK iK'iunprj , CnniiiH'relal ( ntlonerj
I1JZ Douglas Sliuot OinaliH Nil ) .
Boota and Shooa.
| MucT35ur ui Itud .limn A Cu l
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
A.inl ( lor lliuon ( Itiibli r Mini ( n 11(0. ( IM MIW
JlarneySt Oin lin _ cbratl > la.
w. v. MORSE * co-
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 1103 lltt ) Duiikln * SI. Onmlm Manufactory , Sum-
mi5r * * t. Utston
J J. , Hll\fO\ tO. ,
Manufacturers of Lime
, , ,
And i > lilpp , ri i , mil l u ik ( i IIILMII , I iii tpr , 1 Inic
Jr ln llle mid s-ivsu l'liiOlllci | - ' 'ISb. lith
fl , Oiunliit , .Neb. Tclepbunoill.
Dry Goods iinci Notions.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 anil 1101 Doimlnn , for lllb St .Omaha. Neb
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNolions ,
GcoU' FurnUhlnn ( liodi Corner lltli and UIUUOT
bis .Onmlm , Ncb'ublia
Shinpers of Coa ! and CoKe ,
2JI toulli nth ' t. Omai n Nch.
„ . - . - . - . Furniluro. _ " " "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
1 nrnam btroet.Oinilm. Nebraska
Coffees , Spices , Etc.
OnmLa l.otTic anil Spice Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
HixvurliiK ruriicU 1 niuulry llluclnk Kle. 1414
_ HllillHnitfV rHn lit Omaha. Npliranha
Crockery and Glassware.
Apent for the MnuufncluriTS nnd linportcin of
Crockery , Blussware , LaniDS , Chimneys ,
_ lr _ | oflleo. 117 S 11th ' t , Omalia. .N
Crockery , Glassware , Lamis , Silverware
Etc. 1311 Vcrr .IP bt. " > O' I'.Mon
Commlaslon and Storage
" *
Storage and Coniinission Merchants ,
ielnltl , * " ' , 'fr I'TB f of DO | * ltry Game.
eet , Uinahn. _
f-iicc-c'SBors to McMmiic , %
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ounilm , Ncbrnsku.
\ \ bolcsnlu
Flour , Feed , drain and ( rcneral Cominision
Merchant Corrcqpnmlcnraanlldteil 1011 .North ICth
In it.Oinnha Soh.
_ Coal , CoUo and LI mo. "
JoMors of Hard and Soft Coal ,
20S South 13th Street , Onmlm ,
Omuha. NibrasUa.
_ Groceries.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TO. 707 , W9 nnd 711 S 10th SI , Onmlm , Noli.
MoCORD , BRADY it c67
Wholesale Grocers
1 ( h n ml Tenrcnwoith Itrvitn. Omulm , Nvbrnikn.
_ _ Hardware.
\Mmltmlo Mnnutuctiircrs uf
Saddlery & Jofesof Sadillcry Hardware
Andlcntlicr 110) ) lld > uti.l lirr Harnoy bt , ,
_ _ V > Moflvy Hardware. " " _ "
VW. . J. BROATCr ! .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Sleel ,
flprlnjn , Wttk-on "tuck , llnrdwuru Liimlicr , Kit.
anil 1211 llurnoy Mritl.UiimliH
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Jlucliaulcn' Tooh nnil lluimio Hcaloi HU5 Doutilut
ftrtot.UniHhH .Srhruiilia.
RECTOR , Wl UHEuvY & CO. ,
Wliolesalo Hardware ,
Cthand Harnxr ht , OniHlm , NnhMiliTnAKe
lor Auiiln I'oniilerfii Ji rrcrnon Mccl Iiulla ,
hnlrbunkii ntunduril Hruli .
Wholesale Hardware , Gntlcry , Tin Plate ,
ilclals , Miict lion , cti AgtutH for llowi'S ilei > ,
I'owdtr nnill.jiiiiin Ilarbcd Mire ,
Omntm , Ncbr.iakn.
Halo , Capo , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
11U7 Uurncj fitroaUOmnljj.Nob.
. . . = - * . = ;
" " " "
All Kinds of Building Material at Wfeale
13UFtrttt _ niJ Union I'ncino Truck , Om H
Dealer in Luralicr , Latli , Lime , Sash ,
tc , YirJu-Oorner Tlh and Uguulnii Corum
Dealer in All Kinds of Lninter ,
Dlhaml ( 'niifonil * Strcct ,0matm , .
Lninbcr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
l Ioualn Fu .Om h -
To Dealers Only ,
ORlCC ll l Varnura Street Onlah .
Wholesale Liniilier , Etc ,
Importoil anil Amerlrnn I'ortlan , ! Ceinenl StU
Akkiit lor Mllnaukvo llfitranllc IVmenl ana '
Oulncr White Itiuo
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Csri > ol anil I'unjiiet Hoorln 9th and lK > u 1a |
Mllllnorynnd Notions.
" "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Punts.fclilit' MIliUniul 1101 ! K > u < la Street ,
Ulimtm. Nl'li
Wholesale Notions and rnrnisliing Goods
4lt ! nml 4Vi ( Si nth loth 1 Oiiuilm
_ _ _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
n Klc , Omuha A II lll liiii.Maii | m
Notions and Gent's '
Furnishing Good ? ,
11(6 ( llnrm-y tn ct , Oiunhs
Offlco Fixtures.
Miumfmturo * of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Miuith MiliboanK Hook lim Drill ! lttt rp , Wall
( n-i > i raitltlim UiilMni : " ( omiti rs , HIM rand Win ]
I < iol , < r Mlrruiioli I MI lor . nni1 nlllio , irJUimdlT
Luti tli Hill St Omiilm I. ! n nil 11 lin IUI.
Polnta nnrt oils.
\\huleiilo ) IK'lllOl" * 111
Paints , Oils , Window Gin , Etc ,
His Fnrnnm ' tract. Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C-m-y n nlci > ulni k of I'rfntliii. Wrnitplnit nnrt XVrltlni
l'aur. tjpcclul atlLtilion u111 In inr IOH 1 uil r .
Pnpor Doxos.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nos 1 IK iiml Ul'J Douxliis M , Onmhn , Nob.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
VII unit ill I lulled Strut Omalia
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
nnrh IIIMIHC of IH | > Hi mu v Ilnucr f" lltiKRtunci
TUolenule aim riMnll t > H ] JlOan 1 I I1J Izard Street ,
Omalia 'ItUphunu No VO
Lager Beer Brewers ,
,121 , NortU Kitfthtuentli StreLt , Oiuiilia.fcb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Johu Uiiunetcr PriiprlLtnr IfJI llodi.'nnil llttunU IM
North 10th street , Um Urn
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In 1) pi I'ruic s uii'l l'rinti'r Huppllca. KJ1
boi til Kill bind. Onmlm.
? ubbor Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rufc Goods
Jll Cludilni : nml I outlier lUIUni : . l'H ' I nrimui 8lro t <
, Deere , Etc.
Whole-Ditlo .Maiiuf xturcrn of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Monlilings ,
Urancli OH ( < o , 12th nnil Irani btre-iil * , Umalm , Neb ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
utilities , "lair Work unit Interior llnnl Woort l'lu <
i > > . N. U Connr111 inn ! I liULiiwurlli
_ Stonm FltllnRS , Pumps , Etc. '
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
team , Wnl IT , lla Iway nml Mlnlni ; Hujplle , Kto ,
_ SUl.tcHuuil tut I iiriinin btnut.Oiualu.
C H U H C H I L L p"u M P CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
tcnm an \\ator Huppllos Tluniliiunrttri for Mut ,
Slopm and Water Supplies ,
lallidny WlnM Mlllii Oil iiml itt ) Farmm St. , OrnubB.
_ < ' . 1 HUSH , AUInu .Manater.
DROWN ELlTli UO. , "
engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
liiellron Work Hlenm I'ninpt s w Minn 12IJ-12U
l.i im nwortli Mrett Oiuulm fP , Al
Iron Works. . . '
' ' " "
Carter A t-on 1'riili Miiiiufuttiiri rsol nil kind *
Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sheet Iron WorK
WnrkiFnulliIOtli iinrt II. A. M Cromliitf.
Wroiigtirai CasT'iroVBiiilHFworlf ' ,
KiiBlni , Ilrus * Work Ooncnil rniiiulry .Maolilnound
Illiickbuilllinrk oiikuimil W irkB , L r. Ity.
iiml IHli btrccl , Oiiialm ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings 'T
Jok Hulls , \Vlnilow ( lunril * I lower Hlnndi , Wlru
Hun ! , hit. UI Nurtli ICtli rilrcct Onnilia.
" ' ' '
Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safes < s
fault * , lull Work. Iron uml Wlru rpndntr Klvni , KtO.
( J AmULUit.l'iutir fur KtliamlJwi-Uiuii Hli.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
and hen oni. for banlo. ofni ut ilor , roildoncei , to.'I
liupruvpil Awnlnir > lx > ck iiiitli AUihlnery nod -111
Illacktiultliorki WlSnulli lUh ft.
.u/Lu// / / ; .1 ir/ (
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locla S
AKunU lur HID i ill S fju nd l.oo kU " jU
V uUi uua Jull Wurk , tu Blna - -