TIIB OMAHA DAILY BEE : < fllONDAY , DECEMBER 31. 1888. The Mon Who Will Advortiao Oma ha Next Year. THE BEE'S ANNUAL ROLL CALL. Tilt * Merchant's Rhyming Drcnin \Vlint WasSrcn in a Wai tint ; I loom Homo InfcrcstuiK Statlntles Krom The Alrrtihniil'H Drontn. Hu'lor ' Bros. , of Boston mid Chicio , do a large buslncrs in "Department .Store" goods without the nld of travelling men , using , Instead of thcso human hustlers , a lively nhpot which they call the "Drummer. " Tlio "bo.\s" have some fun with tlio house occas ionally , ami the house gets back at the fra ternity in a plc.isant way through the col umns of their well edited and spicy paper. A recent hit of theirs was the following : The following story , whllo told by our long haired editor In rhynio , Is basad upon the actual experience of n merchant custo mer of Electric Forks , la. , who lately visited the Chicago house of Hntlor Hros. , and while there gave the following Interesting Btor > of a ilri-am : From his head to his feet ho was weary and Here , "When ho closed for tlio day his general store ; "For work had been hard anil sales had been light , And ho went to bed worried and cross that night. In his sleep he most previously groaned and sighcil , For ho dreamed a sad dream , and In this dream illeu ; \Vus quieltly brought up to ba sentenced ami lol To his great consternation , was ordered be low. ' For I find here inscribed , " said a giant who took From Its place on a shelf a tremendous book , "That , though honest and upright , still it is plain , That on rare occasions you have been quite profane. " "Tho law may seem harsh , for it won't ' let you damn \Vlth Impunity oven a travelling mnn ; Though 1 freely admit your nnnoyanco was great , And vour punishment this will of course mitigate. " "Thcro is no other charge , so old Kiel : 1ms decreed That you live on hot air until yon succeed In evolving sonio simple and adequate plan To punish your tempter the traveling man. " "Wo have tried any number ot simple devices , Have boiled thorn In oil and froze them in IcetJ , Have uiudo them go over , counting each ono by ono , All lies they Imvo told and mean deeds they have done. " "Have fooled them with visions , asleep and uw.iko , Of fair girls they could almost , hut ne'er ( imto , overtake ; Ilnvo inailo thorn pace harcfoot a tack-bo- su-own walk , And what has proved hardest , forbid' them to talk. " "All these tire too tame , still it's hard to discover AVhat is the best punishment fit for a 'drum mer. ' So until you devise something novel and rare That will iust lit their case , you will live on hot air. " With n push and a rush ho was Hung out poll-moll. And ho felt himself fall through the hot fumes of hell. Ho trembles and shivers in Horrible fear , Anil his gasps uud his groans are hcart-rcnd- Ing to hear. Down down , ever faster , ho falls , and I guess ( In his dream ) he'll keep falling forever , unless Some ono else will devise what ho can't that's a plan To properly punish the traveling man. * # The Hosier. That judicious advertising is the key to success is true not. only of Individuals but also of cities and towns. Commercial trav elers are walking advertisements with every word in display typo. The gift of the gab is their leading characteristic , and these swing ing around this centre are not Blow in ex ercising their gift in extolling the merits of their headquarters. Omaha houses send out into the surrounding states uud territories over 000 men , all of whom nro good talkers , and thorough believers in the present and fu ture of their city , and all of whom are bend ing every energy to train into the channels leading to Omaha the trade which is justly theirs , but which is occasionally directed iuto other directions. The list given below It will be observed by no means includes all the houses. It does give , however , a goodly number of these who during the year ISSU will directly or Indirectly work for the inter ests of every reader of this panor , and of every citizen of Omaha. Following is thoJUt of firms and the trav elers who will represent them : American Hand Sowed Shoo Company \V. J. Austin , Harry Willtio , A. A. MeUlure. McCord. Urady & Co. , Wnole.salo Grocers F. J. Buchheit. I ) . P. Simmons , Fred Engel , C. R. Temple , U. F. Hncon , Edgar Loenard. U. U. Sillik. W. L. Wallace , W. O. Patrick , G. L. Tracy , | P. L. Kgleston , C. 11. Shnckelford , C. F. Hoel. A. Booth Packing Company W. S. Helnhroy , 1C. II. Do Volt. The Haum Iron Company B. A. Oakqs , L. U. Girnrd , E. E. Edwards , John U. Wiu- huid , J , Jacobus. Urownoll & Co. , Boilers and Engines A. P. Ely. J. Li1. Soibcrllng & Co. , Harvesting Machinery William Mead. I ) . P. Owens , Charles A. Brant , M. W. Chattlold , GeorgeOborno & Co. , HidesWool , Tallow , Etc. J. S. Harmon , J. E. McGill , J. E. Cole. "Do Graff Manufacturing Company. Over- nils. Jeans Punts , Etc. M. I. Do Graff , A. J. Churchill Pump Company. A. S. Cost , E. H. Raynor , W. H. Kuyuor , W. C. Prit- chard. A. L. Strang Company. Charles F. Me- Turner & Jay , Hnts and Caps. E. l-i. Blair , H. P. McGregor , H. C. Martin. ( Lin coln ) , E. G. Thompson , J. W , Burnett , ( Ued Oiiialia Rubber Company. C. M. Mead' , S. V. B. Holloway , ( Hastings ) , F. W. Tay lor , A. O. Annott. Columbus Buggy Company. L. C. Hill , Louis Angeno. Harrow & Lornn , Hats and Caps. C. B. Holmes , T. B. Southull. CJ. F. Hiulter , O. H. llroclcway. W. M. Stockham , G. M. Burrow. I , Oborfoldcr ft Co. , Millinery. F. E. Shepherd , ( Council Bluffs ) , J. H. Wlost , Martin Oborfoldor.W. F. Walker , ( Lincoln ) , J. E. Fmloy. W. V , Morse & Co. , Boots uud Shoes A. O. Wlor , E. B. Uvohmin , K. A. Thornton , H. M. Myers , J. E. McCraclcon , W. H. Ful- weller , Clay Center , Kan. : William Fischori Sauiuol Best , Suit Lake ; F. 11. Crowloy. M. E. Smith & Co. , Dry Goods-l * . H. Danlols , J. B. Boall , Q. W. Tracy , M. W. Rnloy , W. H. Allen , C. H. O'Brien , W. D. Burgess , 1L Leiborumn , F. M. Corbalcy , Hurry Lou or. Forwell & Co. , Syrup mid Molasses J. Iv. Van Ouxor , 0.1C. Coleman , L. W. Welch , P. Garrotson , W. H. Lyford. Carpenter Pnpcr Company Will G. Carpenter - pontor , Goortfo C. Carnunter , J. I1. Carl - l > euruu'o Brothers Mauufacturiug Company J. E. ICilduff , Fred BrldKinun. Williams. Van Aernum & Hurto. Boots and BUOOS--T. ll. Knll , Eugcno Pitts , T , P. Cart- wrlght , H. G , Harto. Cuntlold Manufacturing Co. , Overalls and Jeaus T. S. Clurk , S. Runyan , Dos MoJnes , O. J. Csnan & Co. C. J. Caunn. Cou olldnted Coffee Couipuny Joe M Bcutt , R. H. LJutotor , H. J , DuiiUin , J. J. Smith , Harry Arm tronKA. W. Hobbs , C. B. , Frank Arnold , V. R Goodson. Branch of bt. Louis 1're.iorving Co , H. W. A.j. \ . t'ndoland A ; Co. , Barber Supplies A. L. Undeland. Trostlcr , Manufacturing Cigara S. Trostler. Krlich , < c t.tniKstadtor , Cignrs and Smo kers' articles H. Krlich , Adler Si IIcMlor , Wholesale Liquors und Clgars-R Acllcr , A. Heller. I' . II. Slinrp & Co. , Saddlery nnd Leather W. S. Arnold. Ooodman Drug Co , , Surgical Instruments O. R Johnson. P. Boyer & Co. , Safcs-K. .r. Woolley , R A. Hatch , L. .1. Clandy , M. J. Rronch. ICropi ) , . Ureibus & Co. , Confectioners John Mehl. C. O. Carpenter , J. M. Sims , I * . C. Wood. Jnnies Police. Mnx Mover Si Co. , Cigars ami Tobacco- James A. Luitvr , A. W.Kvans , . ! . H.C. Hart , J. Steinberg. Alnx Meyer & Bro. , Jcwolrv and Music AdolA Mlelmi'ls , W. A. Vannlco , C. M. Hands , Jesse White , Jr. , Kd H. Walter , W. F. Lonhnnlt. O. II. & J. S. Collins , Harness Charles Movers. Collins Oun Co.-F. M. Tobln. W. A. Wilson , Teas nnd Cignrs-P. D. Howe , W. 1C. Martin , K. T. Lyon , C. D. Ar- buckle , .1. B. Utole , . ) . O. Oaddis. Marks Bros. , Saddlery Company M. Marks , William Marks , Meyer & Itnnpkc , Groceries C. J. Schmidt , H. K. Hughes , L. L. Boltz , H. V. Powell , An gust Meyer. O. M. steele . it co. , Groceries , f. n. Aiken , N. B. Apple , Henry Bohn , Cieorgo I ) . Burclott , N. II. Cornell , .1. A. Fleming , .lohn Onild. 1 Prank .ludson _ W. R Kellogg , John Kerr , 1C. A. Moryon , M. A. Mauritius , L. F. Auclrus , H. II. Wall.ioj , .1. H. FaKlip , C. A. Sumcrthwalte , Ogden , Utah ; Ben K. Hic-h , Opilun , Utah ; Julius Horn Two moro to bo added. Gibson , Miller & Klchardson. M. Uce. Midland Bloc-trio Company. II. J. Wells , H. A. Kinnoy. Alien Bros. Arthur Allen , Oscar Allen , C. R Kdcn. J. R Ferguson , B. D. Hoag , Fay Wetherhold. 7 . T. Lindsay , Rubber Boots nnd Shoos. B. L. McCoy , W. C. Ut-lan , J. K. Bell , Corning , In. , W. S. Culdwcll. Ollmoro it Until , Wholesale Clothing. .T. K. Corhott , A. L. Baker , F. U. Hunter , E. M. Braddoek , .1. F. Klrkondall , J. A. Huhl. Her & Co. , Wholesale Ll < mors.-.T. W. Jler , R B. Glllmore. Poycko Bros. Company , Commission , Wholesale Cigars and Manufacturing Com pany. Jay Helphroy , .1. L. Houston. J. H. B. Tomson , K. H. Streeter , F. S. Haz/ard , C. DeCamp , S. S. St. John , A. W. Port , E. A. Reynolds , W. H. McLiiin , W. U. llazzard. Voegele & Dinning Manufacturing Confec tioners , Cigars. U. McGinn is , E. T. Franks , J. U. Grant , C. W. Close , C. A. Wilsou , G. II. Lyons. Great Western Typo Foundry. Frank M. Hooyo. George Schroeder & Co. , Provisions and Commissions. W. T. Uuiisdcll , resident buy ers at Fremont , Columbus , Beloit , Kan. , Civile , Kan. , Concordia , Kan. , Vnlisdi , la. Vineyard & Schneider , Wholesale Notions John Koclnnan , Frank L. Martin , II. J. Miner , J. G. Jiverson , Frank Strain. Kilp.Urick Koeti , Dry Goods Co. E. W. Ilollv , John Flemmmg. Simon Kohn , George Mead , G. Marty , A. . I. Thompson , J. C. Glea- son , D. S. Sietz. L. B. Terrill , Chas. Hunn , Goo. Savage , L. A. Howcn , Will Kclley. Kirkemlull. Jones .t Co. , Boots and Shoes AV. L. Eastman , G. II. Eustmnn , W. B. Ilogan , G. II. Stone , O. E. Livingston. E. A. Becker , F. Uiclcnour , S. II. Thomas , John Beatty , L. O. Robinson , Wm. Rolls , John Knhl , P. T. Wilson. Omaha Hardware Co John Tsesblt , C. O. Lobeck , C. S. Brown , V. L. Fried , I. II. Catstcr , W. B. Digman. J. T. Robinson Notion Company John Robinson. S. A. Conlny , M. B. Pratt , O. E. Bore , F. Sdilister , T. II. Buruottc. Moore t English , Commission P. A , Eng lish , Sam Harris , II. A. Moore. Branco & Co. , Commission W. F. Christy. Joseph Garneau Cracker Company E. Runyan , C. F. Carr , Will Clonston , J. H. Stringfollow , W. A. Brayton , P. W. Feenoy , II. J. Boouc , George L. Tracy , A. P. Tool , James Pattee. Edholm & Akin , Wholcsalo Jewelers Lewis Simpson , George Hart. Bern's. ' Oinalia Bag Company William Uekker. W. L. Parrotte & Co. , Huts anil Caps K. J. Roe , Emmett Lynch , W. B. Fried , .7. W. Hemlee , J. W. Bally , J. F. Gurratt , William Bryan , William Cott , F. L. Lewis. United States Wind Engine and Pump Company R. J. Franklin , L. A. Stark weather , L. Harper. W. J. Broach , Heavy Hardware L. B. Schneider , H. II. Hayford , J. R. Dennis , C. K. Tobbetts. Rector , Wilholmy Co. , Wholesales Hard ware John H. Hurberg , C. L. Hoclntctter , George R. Davis , Charles E. Danforth , E.H. Rand , Taylor Beeler. Great Western Stone Company F. C. Tuttle - tlo , 11. B. Chapman. L. Kirscht & Co. , Wholesale Liquors Emil Duerr , George Mohrenstecher , 11. H. Gratte. Hulln , Thompson & Co. , Wholesale Wool ens F. B. Barrett , Frank Beaton. Roth & Curtin , Lumber W. H. Roth. Bee Publishing Company J. F. Knapp , J. W. Craig , George R Keen , Emer Elliott. Consolidated Tank Line Company T. B. Harlan , II. M. Huggins , M. F. King , R. H. Bennett , A. S Prescott , W. A. ' Travis. R. R. G ratio , Wholesale Liquors M. Sumrch , Jr. , Theodore Fry , J. Ilunzinger. Churchill Parker , Agricultural Implements S. G. Couch , John Baker , Dan Burr. Purlin , Orundorff & Martin , Agricultural Implements S. P. Marsh , John Malowuoy , J. J. O'Connoll ' , J. C , Fotzer. Blnko , Bruce & Co. , Wholesale Druggists L. C. Boobo , E. A. W. Snell , C. L. Porter. E. T. Brown , W. McP. Fuller , D. M. Egan. Sloan , 'Johnson & Co. , Wholesale Grocers W. 11. Hoyden , H. G. Miller , L. D. Bos- worth , C , S. Martin , W. C. Sutphon , J. Kessler - ler , Frank Johnson , II. L. Ayres , John Toft Puxton , Gallagher it Co. , Wholesale Grocers-D. M. Ersidno , J. II. Bliss , J. Hill , W. W. Finch , W. B. Lannis , J. M. Sluslier , J. B. Groy , M. C. Jones , E. E. Bonnollo , N. O. Rico , F. F. Turner , IL E. Watzke , O. N. Price , H. W. Waterman , J. II. Klutz and Emir Westphalen. Richardson Drug Company W. C. Poinflct , T. H. Wiley. II. S. Wellor , J. C. Klug , C. E , Chardlor , W. R Cram , J. T. Flavin , R H. Grosholl , Ed G. Rush and M. W. Ryorson. Leo Clarke Anderson Hardware Company Messrs. J. C. Carson , C. S. Brown , George M. Swipu-t , F. Frlodcrlchsen. J. T. Robinson Notion Company Messrs. T. II. Burnetts , M. B. Pratt , O. E. Borg and R M. Shisslcr. * McClurg Cracker Company Charles Thornburg , II. M , Cleaver , C. W. Grluir , H. M. Stevens. * In the Wait in j : Room. It was the Indies' walling room of Iho Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley rail road at Fremont. I always make for the ladies' waiting room In any depot , for the reason that u room that is regarded by a railroad company us line enough to bo devoted - voted exclusively to ladies is about the only ono that a self-respecting man can endure , So by a pleasant llttlo Ik-lion ono can Imagine himself n lady for the time anil enjoy the luxuries provided for that favored sex. Thcro wore some half-dozen persons in the room. A fo\v drummers were waiting to take the train to Omaha. A school teacher was ROIHI ; to Blair , ami the rest were bound for various places north and east. I learned this by the remarks made , Most persons consider it a sacred duty to Impart u good share of their history and intentions to the bvmpathetic public on such occasions. It cbsls them no oltort , and ono is bound to be social , you know. There was ono follow that hadn't ventured n roinark. No one know where hu was going. Ho might have been going to per dition for nught wo know. Ho maliituined this wiliynx-HUo silence at thocost of a great effort. Every movement was timed with Iho greatest caro. When ho oamo Into the depot there was a calm , benignant look bestowed on Iho situation. That it was perfectly .sat isfactory w.is evinced by the drawing up of the lips anil by the way the cornnm of Iho mouth moved quickly in Iho direction of the ours and then resumed their natural position. When lie moved toward a scat it was not with Iho hurried , nervous step of a drummer - mor , nor was It with the aimless gait of the farinor. It was Just a stately stride that showed , or was Intended to show , how fully ho was master of circumstances. But his choice of a seat came near upset ting all hla plans , and this is how it was : Ho took a seat on the front side of the waitIng - Ing room , with hits bock to the tracks. Now when a train cauio by ho * .YOUld have to turn his head to sco it. If ho sat opposite , mcrcli a glance would Imvo been enough , ami he could liave given that without anyone think ing it was done intentionally to keep an anxious watch of trains , of eoursp proves one a novice at traveling , and that was Just what ho wanted to conceal. To bo fwro , he know when his train wai iltip , but when other tr.ilns arrive at about the same time , ono is npt to fed nervous , and the suspense is vcr > trying. So. with all his care , ho took the seat that hu did. Whllo wo wore waiting a train came in. II was nearly tlmo for the Black Hills express nnd there was a possibility It mlulit tie that. Moil of us looked out of the windows but not he. Ho twisted his moustache and rubbed his lingers against each other ab stractedly , but gave no other sign of his ngi- tntion. Should ho cross the room for a drinkof water lie could cosily satisfy him self as ho walked back , but that was too very cross. Ho might have bought a cigar at the lunch counter , but this was the ladies' waiting room. Just then a newsboy came along. Happy thought ! Ho would buy it paper. Ho would have to twist toonosido to get at his pocketbook and then the thing could bo done. Through the Intervention of the newsboy ho w.ts s.ivod. C. * * * .SflUO .Stllt'ltlR * . In the course of n conversation as to the amount of business done by the wholesalers of Oimibn , Mr. Charles H. Pickeus , with Paxton , Gallagher & Co. , brought out somu interesting statistics , n perusal of which may give some people a litllo moro exalted un opinion of Urn volume of our trade. Ho says : "Tho tonnage of Our house for the year Just closing amounts to Kl.'OD.OO : ) pounds , equivalent to 'J.OliO ear loads contain ing i'OjiHiO pounds each. To carry this amount of freight would require a train 7:1,810 : foot In length , or considerably over Ion miles. This , it must bo remembered , is for one house and ono year. " * * * Samples. L. G. Girard , formerly with Coombs & Co. , Is now with Bautu Iron company. W. B. Field , formerly with R. B. Tomlin- son , Minneapolis , is now with Pun-otto it Co. Frank Buckheit has decided since he saw Frank Daniels' whiskers that ho will shave. E. Lynch , formerly with Englehardt , Win ning A : Co. . St. Joseph , is now with W. L. Purrtto it Co. C. R. Temple , formerly with the Wellinun Uwycr Tobacco company , is now with Mc Cord , Brady it Co. , of Omaha. S. G. Hudson , formerly with H. C. Fisher , Chicago , will travel this year for Pill miner , Perry & Co. , grocers , Lincoln. I. II. Snringlollow , formerly with Sloan , Johnson , t Co. , will hereafter ho found with the Joseph Garneuu Crueller company. Ills love. Lincoln traveling grocery sale/mcu spent Saturday in Omaha. Tim boys all look very prosperous and are buckling on Ibeir nruior for a hard year's work. D. M. Erskins' wife and daughter have been spending the week in Omaha. Mr. El-skins will continue to work Loup valley the coming year for Paxton < t Gallagher. The traveling salesmen representing Paxton - ton & Gallagher took a trip to Counciil Bluffs Thursday afternoon to call on the wholesale grocery houses. The boys report themselves royally entertained and say they do not , believe - lievo Iowa is u pro-bib stale. John W. P.oolo , a veteran of the grip , at the present time employed by the Thomas Hedge Tobacco company , of Henderson , Ky. , with his beautiful and talented daugh ter , Miss Georgia , have been in the city a fev. ' days taking in the holiday attractions. Mr. Poolo's homo is at Hastings , Neb. A communication from Crete says : The event of the season here was the marriage at noon to-day of Mr. E. Brock , traveling rep- rosenlalivo of Peregoy & Moore , of Council Bluffs , nnd Miss Gertrude Code , of this city. The ceremony was performed at the beauti ful homo of the bride's parents on College hill. Rev. E. Richardson , of the Eplseipal church , ofllciating in the presence of n largo number of invited guests. The presents wore numerous and expensive. Mr. and Mrs. Brock started on their bridal trip this afternoon. Twenty years ago Omalm realty was not considered very valuable , as will be inferred from the conduct of a Fred Kimball , a mcr- clmnt of Muncutlno , la. Ho bail been In duced by a traveling man who Imil great cpn- fldonco in Omaha's future , to invest a few hundred dollars in town lots , for which ho paid from SCi to$10 apiece. Shortly after ward his confidence waned , and ho tried hard to soil his Omaha property , but failing , became - came so gloomy at havine thrown away his money on seemingly worthless land in a wild western town , ho ended his sorrows by drawing himself In the Mississippi river. Wonderful ropuhirlty. The fact that the sale of Dr. Piorco's Pleasant Purpativo Pallets exceeds that of any other pill in the market , bo it great or small , is on account of the fact that they are tiny , little , sugar-coated granules , and that in most cases ono little "Pellet" is sulllciont for a dose ; that they are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless ; and for constipation , biliousness , siok headache und all dis eases arising from derangement of the liver , stomach or bowels , they are abso lutely a specific. A gentle laxative- active cathartic , according to size of dose. Tlio Champion. Kntor. LIKWOOU , Nob. , Dec , 30. [ Special to Tnn BBI : . ! The llttlo vlllago of Weston claims the champion calor of Iho slalc. Perry Hayden - den , of lhat place , inado a bet with John Brown , a grain buyer at Abie , that ho could eat live pounds at ono meal. Mr. Brown was skeptical on that point , so ho took the bot. Mr , Hayden slopped on the scales and wus weighed. Ho then ate some and slopped on the scales again , which showed u gain of live pounds. Thoiisnni'R or DolIar.H are spent every year by the people of this Btuto for worthless medicines for the euro of throat nnd lung diseases , when wo know thut if they would only invest 31 in SANTA ABIE the new California discovery for consump tion and kindred complaints they would in this pleasant remedy lind relief. It is rec ommended by ministers , physicians and pub lic speakers of the Golden State. Sold and guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co. at $1 a boltlo. Three forfj.50. The most stubborn case of catarrh will speedily succumb to CALIFORNIA CAT-R- CURE. Six mouths' treatment forfl. By mailSl.10. Street Cars Arrive. NninusKA CITV , Neb. , Dec. 30. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEU.J The cars for the Nebraska City street railway arrived to-day and wore put on the track. The line will be formally gpcncd to-morrow with a great hurrah. Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many pcoplo miserable , causing distress after eating , sour stomach , sick hc.iilaclio , heartburn , losa of nppctlto , a faint , "all gone "feeling , bad taste , coated , tongue , and Irregularity ot DIStrOSS the bowels. Dyspepsia does After not cct w" 0 ( ltse" ' u _ . , requires careful attention , Eatlrlt , alii , a remedy llko Hood's Sarsaparllla , which acts gently , yet efficiently. It tones the stomach , regulates thu diges tion , creates a good apSink banishes headache , petite , u and refreshes Iho mind. HOaClaChO " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I hail-but , llttlo appetite , and what I did cat f distressed mo , or * did me "ltle 8 ° ° a > Aftcr catlD8 I would have a faint or tired , all-gono ( cellng , as though I had not oaten anything My trouble was aggravated by my business , painting. Lust spring I took Hood's Bar- saparllla , which ilia mo an Immense amount of good. It gave mo an appetite , anil my food relished and ftatlsDttd the craving I had previously experienced. " Qconat ! A. PAQB , Watcrtown , Mass , Hood's Sarsaparilla field l > y all drugglits. $ \ ; ill for US. 1'rcpared calf by C , I. HOOD & CO. , Apothccarlon , Ixjwoll , Hx > . 10O DOSOB One Dollar CHRISTMAS DAY IN GOTHAM Wealthy Oittaons Prefer to Do Tholt Own Marketing- . THE CITY'S L16HTS AND SHADOWS Dully tlio Ooi'tfnst Doc-pens Henry George's I'oimlnrliy Mocking tlie JL'oui * Him fibiJr Trent mont of the Gallant Sivly-Mntli. Dnlitir ClirlstmnH Mnvkrtlni : . Ni'W Yoitu , Dec. if ) . [ Special Cor- rcspondonoo ot Till : llKi' . ] There Is r nauso , u , sort of hush , ns it were , in Now York about this time , for Christinas It only a religious holiday in a perfunc- tor.v sense , nnd Is in reality n fumilj matter , a soi't of second Thanksgiving ilny. The only thing that is really in teresting in this oily , in my opinion , u1 the reourroneo ot the yearly festival , ti the markets , more especially Washing ton and Fulton , tn spile of the appar ent , etwmopolitan ism of Now York , its people are very cons-crvnttvc in many things , anil it is surprising how many fathers of families keep up the tradi tionary practice of buying thoii1 Christ inas supplies at the down town markets. Washington market is the bettor for general matters , \vhilo Fulton is the place for fish , and above till , for a pious- ant oyster supper or fish supper at Do- lan's whan the buying is ail over and the buyers are thinking of going home. In the former , every butcher makes a practice ot getting the greatest possible number of fat beeves and docorat- iag them with rosettes of blue ribbon , and it is n , sight to see decorous staid old bankers dialling the proprietors of the stalls , and examining the huge carcasses with a critical eye. In Now York , it must be remembered , a Christmas dinner for a family , including relatives and friends , is a gorgeous and serious matter , and means more than buying a turkey. The chief dish is always a sirloin of beef , and the wonderful Christmas turkey , of which the story papers arc so full , is only un incidental auxiliary. Perhaps the genuine Now Yorker is more anx ious about his fish than anything else , and will always have , if he can , shecps- houd or redsiiaiipcr. which is not dif ficult in these days of refrigerating fish tanks. When the beef aad the turkey and the game have been purchased at Washington market , the Christmas marketer lias only a few blocks to go to got to Fulton market , where lie can se lect his oysters and buy turtle soup in tins ready for cbn&uniption. Then his duty is done , and he can reward hinibelf for his devotion to his family by a encor ing apple toddy , in company with some old boy like himself and afterwards with some stewed terrapin , with which russet cider ought to be drunk. Thou another apple , toddy or two will enable him to put in the lime cl'eaply until midnight when ho can hoar the chimes of Trinity and St. Paul. Thous ands of wealthy New Yorkers do this ovary ChrUtums uve and every Now Year's ove. THE CKAZE I'OU ; ItAliQAIXS. I think times inust be bad , because it has been found necessary to stimulate buyers by announcements of alarming sacrifices , and by liberal advertisements to that effect , it is generally supposed that women are the only "victims to those lures , but this can hardly be the case , since more than half of these ad vertisements refer to goods that are distinctly masculine. In fact a study of many stores would result in the convic tion that no one now , male or female , will buy anything unless the price is reduced , or is ticketed as reduced. Some people imagine that there is no honesty in these announcements , but I fancy that this is a mistaken notion. Traders buy goods for the season , and they must be sold during the season , or there will bo a loss on them , and there fore if there is a marked sluggishness in buyers an appeal must be made to them of a direct character , Some - suspicion may , however , be entertained when surh staple articles as sealskin sacqucs arc offered at tin alarming sacrifice , for the time will never come when u sealskin garment will not be highly prixod by a lady. There are men who affect to bo more deep than their follows , and to be able to see further into a millstone than average humanity , and they assert that this apparent craze for bargains in reality springs from greatly diminished earnings , and that the public do not buy freely because the public haveno money. They say moreover that , whilst there is a semblance of activity , there is very little business , and that all the firms that make a specialty of Christ mas books , toys and novelties have lost money so far , and will continue to lose more money ns the holiday season draws to a close. Oliver Bunco , a literary man employed by Applcton , says that llis linn will never again pub lish another Christmas book. And lie accuses another firm hero of having their Christmas book illustrated and printed in Loinsio for the sake of cheapness. And at Tiffany's I learn that , whilst the wealthy buy more than over , there is a marked falling oil in general Christinas business , and an un doubted preference for the cheapest articles. Now , as New Yorkers never hoard , it must bo that the general earn ings have in reality shrunk alarmingly. TUB SINOMS TAX IIKUKSV. "Tho landlord muht go , for Henry Ocorgo says so , " is being hummed by many sensible people , and this is another sign that the diminution of earnings is making itself felt. Altai * his return from England , whorp ho had been well received becauseho was a free trader , it was supposed that ! ho would bo under 11 cloud , since Now York had pronounced against Cleveland emphatically- . But the contrary has beiJrf the case , and at Lho mooting some days ago at Cooper Union to welcome hj.ni back the man was idoli/.ed. There was not standing room In that iinmoiihU hull , and there were as many women as men. When ho tppenred there were cheers so deafen- , ng that it resomlileu1tho [ nolsoof a tom- > ost. The applause wasabbolutoly fron- < sled , and when it flied away and the M'osiding Georgoito' had opened als nouth to make a few preliminary re- narks , some ono staVtod it again , and it was again renewed with the same nadnoss. Tlioro is bomothing in this nero than appears. The single tax theory is repugnant to American notions ind lo common hoiiho , and could never jo applicable under any circumstances tn any localities BUVO great municipal centers of population , whico tire excep tions to the general conditions of the country at largo. It was fairly oxum- ined when it was first promulgated and particularly by worklngmon. They re jected it bceuuHO even if it hud bean practicable , which it is not , it would nave done nothing to solve the problem which labor la t-ndouvqring to solve that of constantly diminishing wmgos. And now it has loomed up again , and is being propagated by clubs all over the country. V/htvt can bo the moaning of so strange u phenomenon ? it looks very much as if there was a strong ant general dissatisfaction with the stale ol things now existing , and a iletorminn- ttou to change it. even if the new sys tern Is a leap in the dark. Fortunntolj the Ctoorgoltcs are in a hopeless minor ity , but if the vacillating nerveless Knights of Labor joined them , there might bo a movement very much to bo deprecated. The guild system is the only one that will cure the evils under which so many groan , but it has no ml- vocatos NKW YOUK'S riiuisTMAs O-OXTU.\ * . This is n tiroadful city for a man with a fooling head , for at this season of the year the lights and shadows ol existence are too strongly marked. Luxury is attaining a height that is criminal , and poverty is sinking to depths whore tin- human clonu'iils dis appear , and nothing save animalism re- tnalns. The houses of the rich are now furnished and lilted at an expense that seems revolting when one thinks of toil ers who only earn thirty cents a day for ton hours work. The most recent style is called Fir t Umpire fittings. The walls and the furniture are all in ennmal while with tine gilt bronze , anil burn ished gold decorations. There are no pictures on the walls , but Gobelin tapes- Irios are set in panelling , and in the panels of tlu * doors there arc plaques of porcelain delicately painted in camaleu. On the lloors are carpnts of Aubusson. or of Nime's manufacture , very thick , and white in color , witli garlands of bright llowcrs. Gas is abolished , for it blackens the white enamel of the furniture , and damages the fresco of the coiling. This is not a genuine fresco , because the oa fogs injure such work , but is an oil painting on canvas pasted on the plaster. In stead of gas , there tire candelabra oi Sevres porcelain with branches of tine gilt hronzo holding from six to a donon wax candles. There are ordinarily two on the table , and two upon the shelf of the lire-place. The latter is a mirnclo ot artistio arrangement. There is no grate , for it is the fashion to burn wood in dogs of hammered brass , and the lire place is lined with beautiful and costly tiles. There is no fonder , and instead of it is a radiator of polished steel , which looks like a fan mailc of sword blades. The chairs and sofas are of white onainol. ami are cov ered with the most expensive silks from Lyons. Everything is bright and glit tering , and that is why there is a marked tendency to color effects in men's dress , which will undoubtedly end in a revival of the costumes of the eighteenth century , willi its embroider ies and silks and velvets. no\v run rouu j.ivu rx XKW YOKIC. Whilst the rich dream of Louis Quinzp costumes , and are cynically plunging into the most shocking im moralities , how do the poor live ? Of whatdo they dream ? When of a Sun day the rich gather in their luxurious churches , and mutter words of do- voliou in the warm and per fumed air , and call themselves miserable sinners with keen cnjoymont of their purple and line linen , tlio parson intones the liturgy and prays for all the poor and needy and the rich and suffering , and the rich' respond : "Wo beseech Thee to hear us good Lord I" What a mockery ! What lip service ! What audacious lying before high heaven ! They care nothing for the poorand their wealth and their splendor are obtained by wholesale robberies of the public that have resulted in this widespread and extreme destitution. While tlio organ peais , while the an them is chanted by the white-robed choiristors , while men and women liv ing in open and llagrant sin affect de votion and mould their countenances to the requisite lines of pity , the poor arc outside wandering about to find coal wagons and to follow them that they muv pick up enough fuel to cook a meal , and to warm the hearts chilled within thorn. Formerly those who were fight ing off starvation used to live on broad and tea , but experience has taught wis dom , and now their food is oatmeal porridge ridge and molasses. If they get a sulllciency of this they are sat isfied , the men as the women. There is as pur phrase goes , as much heart in it as in moat. , and it is more wholesome for it builds up the nerves instead o destroying them. But the cold , the terrible cold , of New York requires a good lire to keep it from invading the vitality of those whoso only food is a cereal. The whole family must hunt for fuel , for bits of wood here and there and for lumps of coal , or they would bo starved with the bitter rawness of the air that invades 'their miserable roon froin the badly fitting windows and the shaking doors. When the Guest io un successful , there is nothing for it butte to burrow in the frowsy rags of bedding and to huddle together to keep the ani mal warmth in themselves. Aye ! aye ! "Wo beseech Tnoo to hear us , good Lord. " There is so much silent suffer ing among the workers of this city both in midsummer rjand midwinter that there has grown up among them u feel ing of repulsion and aversion to the rich. Among these working girls there are many who tire extremely lovely , but there is not one who would sell her self to a rich man , not because they arc supremely virtuous , but because the. * , dislike Ihe cnbto. When William Wal dorf Astor stood for assemblyman some years ago ho wanted to conciliate bus future constituents and ho and some friends wont to a workmen's ball in the district. The girls would not dance with thorn. One of his strikers wont around expos tulating and coaxing , and prevailed on the girls to dance with tlio party , "just for once to show that there was no hard feeling , " but after a few turns of the wait/ they excused themselves , saying that they were tired. This particular Astor is a good fellow , the very best of all the millionaires , but between him and the masses there is a gulf , and they did not thank him for trying to bridge it. TUB OAM.ANT SIXTY-XIXTH. Nor is this feeling on the ono side only , for the rich are most hostile in a covert stealthy way to all those who determine to follow the example of Christ , and to take their stand with the iioor and oppressed. All America Knows what a heroic record belongs to tlio .Sixty-ninth regiment , which is en tirely composed of gallant Kriil-go- braghs. The armory which the city provides for those bravo men is a dis graceful structure in a rotten a mdition , and most unlit for its present purpose. There has boon for sotno time past a a steady building of actual fortresses for the armories of those roglnu-nts who may bo relied upon to support the cause of the bloiitud bondholder. But as the Sixty-iiinor < - are not of this time-serving disposition , and are notoriously in sym pathy with the working element of this uity , particular euro has been taken to provide them with an armory which is falling to pieces , and which soon will bo in such a condition that it will bo closed for repairs. Then the rJllcs and ammu nition of the organization must bo cared for by the state , and probably will bo handed over for safe keeping to ono of those fortresses which are in the hands of men friendly to capital , and hostile to labor. And the Sixty-ninth will practically cease to exist as a military organi/ation. This is the llttlo job which is being en gineered at present , but it IB to bo hoped that fiuoh a iiltunor tvill bo made by the Irish that an armory will bo planned for them also , und oerhnps of ( MilES. " PEARS'-Tho Great Engllsli rMjIeiion SOAP.-SoU . Eveiywlw. " ITOK OI5UTAIN AND SAI < ' 1 OP PAIN ? . ' ) , < iKi > i''li.ll'll,1f'1-vk"ow" ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' .V. ForSI'H MXS , llllflsr.s. IIACK.U'UI ! . PAIN " ' ' " ! ) " ' ' . . . . , ' , "i101 S11IKS ; "vV'ACIIHTOOl'IIAflir oraiiy.itn.-ri'xti.rnnl I'AI.N a row Hi.pll * . , \\R ! ! r > 'rroN.iisn ; > Ns \ ! ' M v ' ISM.VKL'KAI.UIA. , . U'.IIJAM , Sll .Vl'lUA. ' 1'AI.NS IN Till ? the most fortillcational kind. Lot it bo adorned with a domi-btistion at ouch corner , and have machlcollatinnsaround the cornice of the roof , and t > arti/un towora at the angle. Lot there bo n donjon keep in the centre , and lot the entrance bo by a barbican Knle And as orav.y Abe llcwitt does not like the golden barn on a green ground about the city hall , let ns have that famous ling , and the sun-burnt banner all over tlio new armory. SioiiA THOU. After diphtheria , scarlet fever or [ mouinonin , Hood's Sarsapariila will jive strength to the system , and expel ill poison from the blood. Crawford'H llrl > ; ht To-morrow. Ciuwroiti ) , Neb. , Dec. 30. Correspond cneo of THE Bcu : Crawford's future pros- > crity is now assured. The incoming of tlio U. fc M. railroad , which will cross the Fre- nout , Elkhoni & Missouri Valley at Cruw- 'onl , will no doubt cause n Inrgo town in time to bo built here. Crawford will , in all irobnbllity , bo the end of the Alliance & Jlack Hills division of the B. & M. , and the shops will bo erected here. Fort Hob- nsou will have much to do with the fu. turo prosperity of Crawford , and ho a per- nnnont source of income to the town. The Jrnwforu people understand this , and are huildimr solidly and to stay. Brick buildings will bo put up next summer , nud the town nni'li improved in the old part. The lew town will be on the B. & M. and bought from Mr. Paddock. Mr. 'auiloclc owned the hind adjoining the old .own site , ami on it tlio B. & M. wished to mild , and hail to buy it. I am told they paid a round sum for it and then irot only a half n to rest. Five thousand dollars was paid lown to Mr. Pntlilock to bind thu bargain , ind $10,01 more is to l > o paid. Mr. P.uldodc still retains one-half interest in the land and vill receive 30 per cent of all the money paid for the lots to the B. & M. It is considcrejl i very good thing to bo a partner with a argc corporation , yet nobody will envy Mr. Paddock his good hick. lie came into thu country n mere strippling , when itvas a vilderness , and had no railroads nearer than he Union Pnuiile , and ho has ounied his jood fortune by his enterprise and labor. Mr. Paddock is still under thirty year ? of igc. llis example is a good lesson for some ) i n aha young men to stnuy and profit by. While they have been loafintr around Omaha pending their fathom' money , Mr. Puililock i.is been getting rich. Tno land on which a ; oed portion of Crawford stunu wna oriKlmilly owned by Mr. Annlnwho sold it to Mr. Paddock for § 10 per acre. It is now vorth nnywhero from 3400 to $1,000 per acre. Mr. Annin will probably stroke his chin yhon ho roads this , but he has the eonsola- ion of knowing it is still in the family , as Mr. Paddock is his brother-in-law. Benja min Paddock is the son of ono of Omaha's most esteemed citucus , Captain J. W. Pad dock. J. S. B. "Wm. Blade , Abingdon , Towa , was cured of cancer of the eve by Dr. .rones' lied Clover Tonic , which euros all blood disorders and dibca os of the stomach , liver and kidneys. Tlio best tonic and nppoti/or known. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Died ol' Heart Disease. SUTTOK , Neb. , Dec. 'tO. [ Special to Tin : Bm : . ] Mr. Georgn Brownoll died very sud denly at thla place , her husband waking In the morning and Uncling his wlfo n corpse in the bed beside him. She hau boon awake anil apparently well at 4 o'clock , two hours before , when he had awakened and con versed with her. Mrs. Brownell was sixty- flvo years old. Heart diaeaso is supposed I to Imvo been the direct cause of her snddon deeeaso. The family were among the < mrll- cst settlers here and were much respected , An AltKnliirn The ORIGINAL ABIHTINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an abssluto euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the OKIG1KAL AB1ETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 'Jo cents pur box by mail ! )0 ) coriU. li ! orilydropholi'a. Oxroiin , Neb. , Dec. 'M. [ .Special to Tin : Bm : . ] A dog which was loft in town by a party of immigrants two weeks ago was killed last week by Gustavo Struve , who found it chasing his , hou's. Several clays ago the hogs belonging to I ) . Clement , Mrs. S , Kinyon and W. V. Bantu began to exhibit signs of hydrophobia. The symptoms con tinued to grow more marked till some of them clicd und others were killed to prevent further results. Since these developments the parties above referral to romcmber having scc-ii the mad dog Jump into their pig pens and attack the avwiii , ' . That the dls CMSO l genuine ? rabWus there is no doubt 1-ollowiiiK the oxciUtiuinit thus created Mar shal Graves promptly ncititlocl our i-itixuns to miu/le their clogs or ho would oxtornminto every ono found running ut largeat a certain time. 1 his warning worked lilio u olinrm , for u rigid .se.irch cif the city afterward * re sulted in the diseovory of but tWO CUlltltUM , that loll victims to the shotgun. A Challenge The proprietors of Dr. Hull's eolith .syrup hereby challenge the faculty to proseribo a remedy moiv ef fective than theirs. I cordially recommend Salvation oil to all sulVoring from rheumatism. Jos. S. Fox , cattle dealer , 117 North D road way , 1'ultiinoro. Mil. > ltCoolIMVH. . MrCooi , JrjfrTioy , Neb. , Dec. 110. [ Special to Tina IIii.l llun. O. W. llnys , of Mi-Cool Junction , loft on thu morning tram for Lin coln , to assume his legislative dime * , tuul to take part in the election of the spe.iker. Thu principal question which is agitating the mmcls of the people , of this section , is the amending ol tlio Nebraska banking laws , so ns to afford protection to tlio depositors. Many ot our citizens arc ntruid to make cloj posits in the banks on account oi the many failures which have recently occurred ; also to mm ml the township organization laws , so that all taxes may bo collected by the town treasurer , of the respective townships , mid that all monuy bolonelng thereto , bo retained in his hiituls , and that any surplus be prop erly provided for. Most complexion powders have a vul gar { jhiro , but Po//oni's is a true bcautilier , whoso olYocts are lusting. A Woman Ijawycr. ncu-nii CITV , Neb. , Dec. : ) . [ Special to Tim Bnu. ] At the session of court just closed here. Miss Hebecca May was admitted to practice in the district courts. This is the Unit case of the kind in the Eleventh Judicial district. Miss May is at present assisting Treasurer Mel'cak. That hacking cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo fMiarauteo it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. iV Uol-ber Cnpmre.d. Wunrixo W.UT.tt , Neb. , Dec. UO [ Special to Tun Bun. ] H. F. Howe , an old express man , has been arrested at Denton for rob- UiuK the 1'ucillo Express company of 5,000 last September. This is the money that was alleged to belong to the national republican committee , and disappeared mysteriously at this point. When arrested EIowo broku down and confessed to the crime. Ho has spent considerable money since the robbery. A list of expenditures given by him amounted to J-,000. The detectives procured anil have many of the original bills which ho had at various places. 1 Advice lo Sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al I ways be used forchildrcn teething Itsoothoi the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curesiwind colic , ami is the boat remedy for -5o u bottle ! . ; sorated Scarlet I < " vpr Scare. L-iio , Nob. , Doc. ; iO. [ Special to Tun BIB. : | Stromsburjf has received some notoriety by the report Unit a half-dozcm deaths from scarlet fever had occurred hero ip ono day. The truth is that there were several eases of scarlet fever in and about the city , and one child died. So far the cases reported nro not of tlio malignant or dangerous type , and In tlio hands of the faithful physicians ro not alarming. The city count-1" quarantined the city , closing thu m-luiols and all public meetings , and it will continue until they are satisfied the danger is passed. During twenty-five yours trial mor tality under Ur. .lotteris' prove ntivo and euro for diphtheria , mortality has boon loss than ono-tonth of 1 per cent. No physician required. A I < 'ilthy > liiil. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Dee. IIO.-ISpecial to TUB BII : : . JTho J Argus prints a story about a terrlblo condition of affair. ) in the Dakota county Jail. It charges that prison ers nro compelled to wallow In lilth mid that , t is the custom to destroy the prisoners' ' clothing and purchase them nmro at tinox - lonso of the t.ixpiyera when they bocomu MI llthy as to dlfgnst even thu sheriff. The iiiper also Hssurts that u murderer conllnnd n the Jail is nllowcsd the liberty of the court louse unattended. .Mnlgo Burncs , wlnlo ( leading u case in court rouciitl. " roiimrkoil 'If I had to chuoso IIMIWUUII serving u life duntuuco in the penitentiary and twenty four lours In the Dakota county ] iul , I would uiko tlio penitentiary. " MEXICAN LINIMENT MUSTANG ° * ! GWet * A.S Thus the ' Mustang" conquers pain , Makes MAN or BEAST well again !