Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1888, Image 1

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Some RoDootlona on the Conduct of
the Last Legislature.
Uow the I'noplc'H Money \VftH Wasted
Ily the HncklcsH Ivxlravaganoo of
UiiNcriipuldiiN PolltlolniiN nnd
tin Army ol' Itotnlnci-H.
Hcnd and He fleet.
L.INTOI.V , Neb. , Dae. : tO. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hun. | On the eve of the
convening of the legislature I may render
some service to the state by calling attention
to semi ! of the flagrant abuses
of Its Inwmnklng predecessor. For
the benefit of the members of
Incoming legislature , 1 will cite a few facts
and figures contained in two little pamphlets
published by the state auditor at the eloso
of the legislative sessions of 1SSS nnd
1887. Tlio legislature which hold a forty-
flay session four years ago taxed the people
of Nebraska for legislative ovpenses , Includ
ing salaries of members , olUeors nnd em
ployes , Slfi.OOO ; incidental expenses of the
Bosslon , t-lo.lKW , which , added together , made
the nggrcgato cost of forty days' legislation
In other words , the legislative
expenses four year.3 ngo averaged
KV.TiO for each day of the session.
That was generally considered very ex-
tr.ivagant , and , in fact , was way beyond any
thing the pcoplo of Nebraska had previously
paid for their law making.
Two years ago the legislature was In scs-
nlon sixty days , nnd the appropriation for
legislative expenses ran up Just nn even
f 100,000 in excess of the session of lijS.1.
Of this enormous sum , flOJ.OOO was ap
propriated to pay the salaries of officers ,
members and employes , mid f'iO.OJO for inci
From fx'.ii.V ) for each day's session in 1SSS ,
the last legislature ran up the expense to
iOS : ) for each day's session.
At that rate the forty day session of 1SS5
would have cost SlO-V 'i ' or nearly $10,000
more than a session considered the most cx-
cxtravagant of its tlmo actually did cost.
What brought about this reckless raid
upon the taxpayers i liaising the pay of
members Irom t to ? , " > per day and increas
ing the time from forty to sixty days ac
counts for nn increase of only . > < ; ( ' > per day
or only 10,000 out of the HCO.OOO Increase.
What became of the STO.OJO excess (
A comparison of the two little pam
phlets nhows at a glunco the rut holes
into which the peoples' money was poured
lilio water. In IbSj the legislative manuals ,
which form part of the "incidentals , " were
procured for JH50 : two years ago they
mounted up to $1,700 , or a clean steal of over
It 1SS5 SJicrwood Burr was secretary of
the state , and the entire expense of his ofllco
for assistance was $1,099.70.
Burr himself drew S27S.20 , while Walter
Bccloy , his first assistant , drew f2"4 ; 1C. O.
Lewis , second assistant secretary , $ ! " , and
D. II. Mercer , clerk of the committee of the
whole , a position no moro needed than a
wugon needs llvo wheels , drew
$272.50. Computed by the day this gave
Burr and all his assistants $1 per day for 00
dnya , when the actual mimberof session days
was only -10.
Two years ago Walter Seoley , as secretary
of the senate , drew for himself and his assist
ants $2.1i > 7 as against less than $1,100 for Iho
name work in the preceding session , except
that there was an increase of twenty days.
which , on the basis of Ihisj , would have niado
the aggregate of the secretary's oDlco only
The $700 increase Is readily accounted for.
Instead of being content with two assistants
mid n clerk of the committee of the wnolo ,
Mr. Seoley employed Paul Clark , book
keeper , and thrco girls as so-called assistant
AValtcr Seoley himself drew pay for IW )
days at if I a day in n session lasting sixty
days. This gave him ? 10 a day for session
days. What do the farmers of Nebraska
think of n ton-dollar-a-day secretary of the
senate t
But that is not all. Four years ngo Sher
wood Burr prepared the Senate Journal for
the sum of $000.
But Walter Seeley two years ngo drew ? 9JO
for the sumo work.
From a perfectly rclhiiilo source I hear
that ono of the girls employed on his stntT
WIIH placed on the pay roll nt the instance of
Senator Boncsteol , whoso relations with
female friends created a. goon deal of scandal.
Seeloy and Bonostcel were running mates
during the entire session.
1 do not bollovo tlio present legislature
can afford to scandalize itself at the outset
by giving countenauco and support to s'ueh
Inexcusable plundering of the pcoplo.
This rat-hole in the scnato was not a clr-
cumstnnco to the rnt-holes in the house ,
where a whole horde of unilo and foinalo as
sistants , copyists , clerks and hangers-on
were employed nt S3 a day for most of the
session , when hi fact they rendered no ser
vice excepting to add to the scandal and dis
repute in which the whole legislature was
enveloped. , U.
The ItnlhvnyH Sea Tlmt They Cannot
Control Them.
LINCOLN , ' Nob. , Dec. 30 , [ Special Tele
gram to THIS Bci.J : I talked with a gen
tleman of wider political experience than
perhaps any other who Is hero , and I give his
views ns ho expressed them to me : 'The
question of the submission of a constitutional
amendment on the subject of prohibition ,
ought not to cut any figure whatever In the
cpcukoruhip contest. Nebraska has excel
lent legislation on the liquor question now.
This question aside , both the leading candi
dates , Watson ana Dempster , represent the
samesldo of political affairs , us between
monopoly and nnttmonopoly. .
This IniB the uppcuranco of a clean lo gisla
turc , one free from the former low Influ
ences , but of course wo must wait and see-
There are some of the strikers of former
sessions present , but they are not making
much noise. The senatorial question does
not , as heretofore , enter into the matter of
the organl/atlon of the legislature. It bhould
not cut the slightest llguro in the speak-
crshlp contest. Munderson is not
hero. Van Wyck Is not here. Both
the candidates of whom I have spoken
substantially hold the sumo views with regard -
gard lo railroads. If this legislature can
transact its business independently of roil-
road control , there is reason to look for
something In polities besides the constant
turmoil of the past ten years.
There now seems to be a chance to make
pod politics In the public affairs of the state.
Ulioro are more than two hundred thousand
yoUirs in the state , and they are asserting
Jhoir needs and Ihelr rights. The railways
fees that it Is too largo n body or men , In too
Jorge a Hold for thorn to fight. Let tiiem
keep the oil room pcoplo away from the leg-
hlaturo representing tlio people. Lot them
Irutl tha representatives of the people to do
for them nil that U equitable mid Just. Let
them attend to the business of railroading
nnd trust the people mid their representa
tives for every favor which they really did
nnd can properly ask. " H.
A Diphtheria Hpitlcmio.
Pi-ATTsvofTii , Dec. tlO , ( Special to Tin :
BII : : . ] Tlio diphtheria epidemic which was
thought for a time to bo extinct , ba > broken
out anew In this city , nnd at present several
adults are nlTcrted nnd the cases nro of n
more serious nature. About nine cases were
reported this week.
Suicide on a Train.
BHOKII How , Neb. , Dec. HO. | Special to
Tun Dm : . ] Fanny Hill , n girl sixteen or
seventeen years old , was among the lady
passengers on Friday's train from Alliance.
Two hours after the train had loft Alliance ,
the lady was taken suddenly ill and began to
scream and otherwise manifest evidence of
being in Intense misery. All was done that
was possible to allcvlato her suffering , but
without avail. When the train reached An-
solmo thornmluctor telegraphed to this place
t > r Dr. Sanders to bo at the depot on the
nrrlvnl of the train to provide medical assist
ance. As her onto was ascertained to be
very critical , it was thought best that she
should bo taken oft the train where she could
receive medical treatnlent. She was taken
to the Inman hotel , where she was given
special care and everything done for her that
seemed possible , until 2 o'clock in the after
noon , when she was relieved by death.
There was every indication that she had
tnki'ii poison , which caused her death , and in
all probability with suicidal intent. Her
pcoplo live at St. Michael , in Hall county.
TII 1-3 nAMi"k\oitBiiis.
Prisoners Who ICsonped From the
O/.ai-k .lull Still nt , Ijtii'KC.
O/.MIK , Mo. , Dec. .10. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK BII : : . | The fugitive Ivnobbcrs who
escaped from the O/ark jail yesterday morn
ing nro still at largo in spite of the most
vigilant efforts of Sheriff Johnson and posse
for their capture. The vicinity ol the
Matthews homo was diligently searched .yes
terday and guards placed at the passes to the
hills in which it was believed the men would
try to find shelter. Some boys hunting rab
bits two in lie * from Ozark yesterday came
upon n man lying low in a fallen tree top.
Ho seemed very pnlo mid excited , but ex
plained to the boys that ho had hidden to
scare them and have some fun. After toll
ing them that his name was Bill Owens ho
went off into the woods and the boys told the
story and a posse of men vainly
hunted the woods in the vicinity.
From the boys' description the hidden man
was John Matthews. At 1 o'clock this morn
ing a man callitiK himself Owens called at
the house of .lames Collins , four miles south
of Ozark , and said ho was hunting work.
Collins kept the man till morning and gave
him his breakfast. Observing that his
strange guest carried two pistols , Collins
soon came to tlio conclusion that the man
was ono of the escaped knobbcrs , and came
to Ozark mid notified Sheriff Johnson , wheat
at once went with a party of armed men to
that vicinity. It is believed that this man
will surely bo caught before morning. Tlio
work nt the Jail is believed to have been
planned by Bill Newton , who was at one
time a turnkey at the jail , and could have
easily taken an impression of the key * .
In it Hctiii-niiiK to I'lfc.
Sioux FALLS , Minn. , Dec. 30. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BIB. : ] Last Sunday a three-
year-old child of L. P. Olson , of East Sioux
Falls , Uiod from dropsy , and pronarations
were made to bury the child on Tuesday , but
as the ground was very slippery from the
recent sleet storm it was postponed until the
next day. That night the body showed evi
dence of returning life. The color would
frequently coino into different parts of the
body , nnd then entirely disappear. Theru
were also other evidences of lifo. The
fuuurul is now indefinitely postponed until it
is decided whether or nut the child Is deud.
Death of Mrs. Schoflold.
WASIIIN-OTOX , Dee , 80. Mrs. Scholleld ,
wife of Major General Sehofiold , died of
paralysis of the heart at 7 o'clock this morn
ing. She has been suffering from the effects
of a severe cold , which developed into bron
chial catarrh a few days ngo , but was not
thought to bo in danger until heart failure
supervened , only ono Hour or two before her
death. Mrs. Scliolleld was the daughter of
Prof. W. H. C. Bartlett , formerly of the
United States military academy , and now
actuary of the Mutual Lifo Insurance com
pany of New York. The remains will bo in
terred next Wednesday at West Point.
IOHHC < ; iiv the .Merle Failure.
SIN FiiANCisro , Dec. 30. Details of the
losses which It Is supposed have been sus
tained by various San Francisco and eastern
biulncss houses through the mysterious de
parture from this city of Charles F. Merle ,
president of the California Bono Meal Fer-
tilUmg company , and local agent for N. 1C.
Fairbanks & Co. , Chicago lard dealers , nro
dillloull to obtain , and it is probable they
will not bo definitely known before the
meeting of the directors of the fertilizing
company , which will bo held Monday. It is
now stated tlio losses aggregate about fiW,000.
Mrs. Harrison will receive at her homo on
Now Yenr's day.
Hon. Moses Mordecui , an ex-United States
senator , died at Baltimore ,
Parson Davlcs says ICilraln will not fight
Jackson , but is anxious to meet Sullivan.
The steamer Mexico was damaged to the ex
tent of 1,000 by fire In New York harbor
For the first time in years the emperor of
Russia has sent a fi loudly Christmas greet
ing to the pope ,
Joseph Solomon shot his wife and then
killed himself lust evening at his homo in
New York City ,
At n fight among a crowd of drunken no-
Krocs yesterday afternoon ono man was fa
tally and several others seriously miured.
A committee of nine locomotive engineers
held a secret meeting ut Hammond , Ind , ,
hist evening , presumably to discuss the "Q"
The St. Paul Distilling company nnd the
whlhky trust are ut loggerheads. In the
meantime the price of whisky is being re
Seven people , nil colored , were drowned
early yesterday morning near Hipley , O. , by
the upsetting of a small flat boat on which
they were crossing the river.
Amos J. Stillwoll , a wealthy merchant of
Hannibal , Mo.'was , murdered whlio sleeping
at his homo , about 2 o'clock this morning.
The motive of the crime was robbery.
In Piltsburg a spark from a pipe exploded
two kegs of blasting powder , destroying four
houses belonging to the Fricko Coke com
pany and frightfully burning seven laborers.
A tramp who was stealing n rldo on n
Pennsylvania road was accidentally locked
in a box car and kept without food or water
for live days. When found ho was speechless -
less , and will probably die.
William West , In a quarrel with his wife's
relatives In In Crmghcud county , Arkansas ,
yesterday , wounded his niothor-ln-law In the
hand , killed his father-in-law and was him
self shot dead by the latter.
Advices from , Suaklm say that Arable
translations of accounts published in London
newspapers prior to December 20 , of the
iilmiK and operations of the British forces ,
have been found in possession of the enemy.
Princess Adellicrt Innanc.
DEIIM.V , Dec. 30. During the performance
of "A Midsummer Night's Dream , " nt the
opcru house last evening , Princess Albert of
Bavaria was seized with a violent attack of
hysteria , and had to bo removed. She has
slnco become worse. It Is believed she is
insane. After the princess bad been taken
from the theater , tuo play was resumed.
The Widow of Annrchlst Parsons
Makes Good Her Boast.
The Socialist ? POSH ItcflolutloiiH De
nouncing tlio 1'ollco for Their
Hcccnt Interference with
For t lie I'roniol Ion of Socialism.
CIIICKIO , Dec. 30. Anarchist Parsons , the
dark-skinned widow , to-day niado good her
boast that she would speak in Chicago in
spite of the police. It was in Wuverly hall ,
ono square from Mayor Roche's ofllce , and Is
the same place which was closed against her
ono week ago. Four hundred people wore
crowded Into the poky little auditorium , mid
scores of others choked up the entrance and
stood upon the stairs. The meeting was ono
called by the socialistic labor party "to tran
sact business mid for the promotion
of socialistic doctrines. " The proceedings
opened with the introduction of n resolution
condemning the police for their recent "law
less" Interference with public meetings.
The resolution was unanimously adopted.
"Tommy" Morgan , a socialist , was the first
speaker. Ho said the employment of force
by worklngmcn was futile. It appealed to
the lowest instincts of mankind and was
wroair from the moral , intellectual and prac
tical standpoint. Us impracticability had
been demonstrated in this city by the Hay-
market mid its results. The hanged anar
chists was proof enough that force was im
The meeting was then open to any one who
wanted to talk ten minutes. Mrs. Parsons
rose. The crowd cheered when It saw her
familiar face , " 1 should llko very much
some of these days to answer the assertions
Mr. Morgan has made against those who are
dead' " said she "but the nltase has gone
forth from Hoeho and Lord llontield that i
inn never to iniilce another speech in Chicago ,
and Unit I am forever to bo deprived of that
right under the constitution. Hut
I cannot sit hero quietly and
hear it said that those
who nro dead and silent in their tombs , had
anything to do with the throwingof the Hay-
market bomb , though in the war against
tyrants , nil things are justifiable. Those
Who say anything else are curs. They were
miserable curs who on last Sunday night al
lowed themselves to bo driven away from
this hall by the police. "
Mrs. Parsons then read what purported to
be an extract from the speech of Thomas
Jefferson , in which occurred the following
words : "God forbid that our country should
bo for twenty years without a rebellion. "
"Did Parsons or Spies ever utter anything
more revolutionary than that I" said Mrs.
Parsons. "It has been said that dead martyrs
are no ( rood , but their memory is dear to us ,
and a perpetual inspiration , because they
died before they would ask pardon for deeds
they aid not oo. When liberty shall bo
crowned with immortality , the brightest
mimes in her crown will bo those
of Parsons , Spies , Fischer and Engel ,
who died for her. [ Cheers. J I am for peace
on principle. If you see two rival armies approaching
preaching each other mid take u poll of the
men. you will Had that nine-tenths of them
nro for peace , but they are borne on by irre
sistible forces to the conflict. Heforc wo
can have pence in n society like our own.
rivers of blood will have to run. " [ Applause. ]
The chairman Interrupted Mrs. Parsons
and said that her ten minutes had expired.
A number of detectives were present but
made no attempt to interfere. After a num
ber of other speeches , some in a decidedly
tlery vein , the hull was cleared and a private
meeting held by prominent members of the
socialistic labor party. " When ttio confer
ence ended it was announced that arrange
ments had been made to continue the meet
ings every Sunday afternoon.
Proportion of Dnkota'H CHI-
7.mifl Favor tlio Proposition.
ST. PAUL , Dec. i0. ! A vote has been taken
by a Dcadwood , Dak. , paper on the question
of single or double statehood , and it is shown
that a little moro than live-sixths of those
answering arc in favor of division and ad
mission as two states. The answers re
ceived are from various parts of southern
Dakota , and those voting nro of all occupa
tions and all political faiths. This vote is
believed to bo a fair representation of public
sentiment on the matter , which daily grows
stronger. It is generally believed that divi
sion and admission are simply a question of
time , and while waiting the outcome with
considerable anxiety , the people have al
ready begun to look after the prizes to be
secured when the two new states are
introduced. Every move at the national cap
ital is watched for eagerly , while a number
of Dakota towns nro looking after their
fences and gcncntlly brushing up in the hope
that they may become the scat of govern
ment. While n few towns are especially
anxious to securu that plum , all are united in
their efforts to bring settlers into the BOOU-
to-be states.
The Pnjml Jliioyoliriil.
ROME , Dec , ! ! 0. Opening with the words ,
"Exei'nto jam anne , " the papal encyclical
thanks God for the consolations which the
jubilee rejoicings have brought to the pope ,
and his holiness thanks tlio Catholic world
for its tokens of affection anil devotion.
Turning to religious matters , the encyclical
complains that the tendency of the ago is to
ward material interests , and this tendency is
strengthened by worldly pride mid an eVil
press and drama , dcmoraii/nlion of arts and
n changed education in the schools , material
istic and atheistic leaching obscuring true
notions of right. Socialism , nihilism and
communism , it says , nro also outcomes of
this tendency to material things. The pope
attended to doiim service in St. Peter's to
day to mnlio the eloso of the jubilee year.
Marquis Gulcoiloi has been appointed syu
die of Homo.
I'rooceillnicH of the Kolir.m.lo.
SoriA , Doe. 30. Tuo sohranjo yesterday
voted the sums asked for in the budget ,
granted amnesty to all political refugees ,
except the actual leadois of plots since I860 ,
and extended pardon to Major PopolT , who
was convicted of embezzling funds belong
ing to the war oftlce. Prince Ferdinand
closed the session with a speech , in which ho
thanked the members for the legislation
enacted ,
Changed HH Mind.
BEIILIN , Dec. 80. It is stated that the
government has changed its intention re
garding the proposed increase of the artillery
strength of the army , und that no credit will
bo asked for that purpose during the present
session of parliament.
Temporal Hlghl * of the Pope.
Biit'&jr.i.H , Dec , 30. At a largo meeting nt
Llcgo , at which Bishop Doutrolou ,
presided. Kosolutlons were adopted In favor
of the restoration of the temporal rights of
the pope.
Olllcors of the Bkiiptschlna.
HiaaiuiiB , Dee. SO. The skuptsshtna yes
terday elected M. Fanshanovios president ,
nnd M. Popovols vice president of that body.
The premier read the royal deerco opening
the session.
Homeily Tor Itaillcullum.
PAIUS , Dec. CO. The manifesto Issued by
, ho now revolutionary group declare the
commune is the solo remedy for Uoulnnger-
siii and radicalism ,
Total I < o s of Ihc juristol Tlia I'nn-
HnnjSPM AllSnvM.
Nr.wronf , U. I. , Doc , SO. The steamer
Bristol , of the old Albarty line , burned nt
her dock hero tliU morning , and Is a total
loss. She arrived from Now York about 2 : GO
n. m. , InmlO'l all her freight and her Fall
Ulver passengers. There wore loft on board
only a few Newport passengers and their
personal bnegage. At 0:20 : o'clock , Just ns
the last passenger trnln'wns drawing out of
the depot , lire was discovered on the steamer
and the alarm was at once clven from the
company's signal on the premises. The tire
started near the kitchen nnd spread with
great rapidity , rendering futllo nil efforts to
stop Its progress. Three alarms were
sounded in rapid succession. ThotwudH
of citizens were also attracted to
the spot by the brilliant illumination , the
volume of lire and the qlouds of smoke which
arose from the burning , steamer. The llro
apparatus on the steamer was brought into
use ns soon ns the flame ? were discovered
and the crow worked with great vigor to
save the boat , but the Joiner work of the
state rooms , saloon und stairways was as
dry as tinder , and the ilrnnghts through the
steamer caused n fearfully rapid spread of
the llanios , so that bofcro the city llro de
partment arrived thorn was a mass of lire
sweeping her almost from stem to stern.
Some iff the passengers still on board did
\liidcrstnnd the meaning of the first
alarm , nnd werconlyaronsed by thucrackling
of the Unities. Nearly nil succeeded in es
caping , but some with only n iwrtion of their
clothing , and others by crawling over the
railing the burning timbers. One man ,
with two little children , who occupied a
stateroom , who was awakened by the sound
of crackling ilntnos , hurely escaped with his
lltlle ones , undressed , put with their cloth
ing in their hands. Another young man had
to borrow clothing in which to go to his
homo in this city. All the personal baggage
of the passengers was saved.
When the dcpartme it arrived the upper
decks and center of th steamer were a i
of Humes , which gave out such intense heat
that it could scarcely ifo borne at the distance
of several hundred feet. This greatly Im
peded the worn of thu llrcmen. The llames
had gamed such headway that they could
only be fought from Iho wharf side , while
the great heat and flying sparks endangered
buildings on the docks and ste.imcrs lying on
either side of the wharf , and constant efforts
were required on the p'art of iiromcn to prevent -
vent them from igniting. A dozen streams
were soon pouring into the llnmes with Httlo
apparent effect for overman hour , wlnlo others
were employed in drenching the dock and
buildings. , .
Ij\Ulll-3Ij WHI-3A.TIIS.
Kloqucnt Tribute * Paid to Mrs. Orphn
C. DlnsmoorTty lifer Co-Worker * .
Beautiful memorial'services ' ( for the late
Mrs. Orpha C. Dinsmoor were hold at Unity
church yesterday afternoon. The spacious
e'dilico was crowded wiCh the legion ol friends
who rcrero the memory of this noble
woman. Mrs. Dinsmoor's picture , encircled
with n wreath of fraunint roses , sat upon a
stand beside the pulpitwhich itself was ex
quisitely adorned with iho snowy llowers of
the lovely narcissi and inignonetto.
The services opened with a bo nutiful se
lection , "God is a Spirit ! , " by the Congrega
tional choir , which consists of Mr. and Mrs.
II. D. Estabrook , Mrs. Squires and Mr. Brig-
liam. The Kov. Miss Bartlett , of Sioux
Falls , followed with a ( touching Invocation.
A choicely worded sketch of Mrs.Dinsmoor's
lifo was then reaifc. byMiss - Ida E.
Dodson , and this was followed by n
letter from Hev. Copeland , former pastor
of Unity , which was read by Mr. Kilpatrick.
Hev. Copcland's tribute to the dead was at
once touching , beautiful and sympathetic.
Mrs. Colby , of Beatrice , read a lot tor from
Hev. Dr. Doherty , of Brownell Hall , at the
close of which another selection , "Peace and
Uovc , " was rendered by the choir. Colo.ncl
Chase , representing the Nebraska Humane
society , delivered a ten-miuulo address , in
which he extolled the sainted dead in terms
that were eloquent in n high degree. Mrs.
G. W. Clark , of the Open Door , told , in glow
ing words , of Mrs. Dinsmoor's rescue work ,
and Mr. Gillespie , of the Omaha Hoard of
Charities , spolio of the ladies connection
with nnd good work in that institution.
Mrs. Colby , president of the Ne
braska Woman's Suffrage associa
tion , of which Mrs. Dinsmoor was an olllcer ,
read a panegyric on her co-laborer's life and
work that brought tears to the eyes of many
of her hearers. Among other things she
said : "Wo are not hero alone to honor the
dead , or to express our love and esteem , butte
to gather up and cmphasi/e the lessons of
our friend's lifo along the various lines of
her activity. The-ono overmastering quality
ol Mrs. Dinsmoor's ( mind , " continued the
lady , "was fidelity tri truth as she saw it , to
dnty as it beckoned , to the friends who
gathered around her and those who came
into the inner sanetu iry of her life realize
what true fnendsliiij might bo nnd will boar
jts memory forever n s u precious benediction
in their hearts. "
Mrs , Stanton folldwcd Mrs. Colby with
some reminiscences of her association
with Mrs. Diiismoor. She said :
"Two nights before her death , as wo were
on our way to the Pnjtton hotel , she told mo
by what a slender thread HIO hold her life ,
liable to pass away at any moment ; but , said
she , 'I have no fear of death. To mo It is
but passing through an open door from one
room to another , nnd I suppose ! can llnish
the work I Imvo begun Just us well when J
have thrown off this Ilesh as I can now. ' "
" 'Yes ' I 'and .
, replica , perhaps bettor.
Space for you will then bo prepared and with
clearer vision you will see who can bo most
easily influenced for good. ' "
Hel'erring to the future of departed friends
Mrs. Stanton said : "J like to think of our
friends as hero in our midst , influencing us
to take a moro aciivo part In charities to
which hho devoted her life , whispering
words of cheer to the unfortunate classes and
warning the heedless children of luxury
mid ease. Perhaps our friend may bo with ns
hero to-dav , quickening our hearts and
brains to nobler i.ction , or with the happy
children in the mir ry she has been Instru
mental in establishing. Kxporimicing the
blessedness of her own work , or she may bo
trying to move the atopy ncnrt of some mil
lionaire , whom she had tried In vain to move
before , to open his coffers to those who have
no resting place on tiis | green earth. Wo
may bo sure that a spirit so nctivo as she lias
ever boon Is still devoted to her chosen work. "
Mrs. Stanton enued her tribute with this
quotation :
"The child who entqrs life comes not with
knowledge or intent.
So those who enter 'death must go as little
children sent.
Nothing Is known , but I believe , God Is over
head ,
And ns lifo Is to the living , so death Is to the
dead. "
Succeeding Mrs. SUinton came another se
lection by the choir , "Oh Paradise , " mid the
vast auditorium res6unded with its holy
melody , The services closed with the benu
diction by Miss Hav. Uartlett.
It Will Bo Unlit Ily the Otiinlm Com-
inorciinl National Hank.
Still another now.eiHilca will grace Omaha ,
nnd this time it will bo designed uy Mr.
lls , ono of Omaha's best known architects ,
who entered into competition with repre
sentatives from Uoston , Chicago and St.
Louis , and carried off the prize. The build
ing will bo ercctoit by the Commercial Na
tional bank , anil will stand on the corner of
Farnain mid KlvWenth streets , where In
former days the city councllmcn debated ,
ana the Salvation Army , sung. It will bo
three stories in height , and of a purely
class ft ) design , covering the full extent of the
lot , OOxJ foet. The cost will bo between
fTU.OOO and fSll.lXX ) , and when completed the
building will be used exclusively for banking
The Ways nnd Manns Committee to
Consider the Stibatltuo.
How Hates , of Tennessee , Got His Cor-
tlllcntu of Ijloollon Coiiure.minnu
Whlttnlun-'H Hurried Trip tu
WASHINGTON Htmnvu TitnGuuu Hue , 1
51 ! ) ForilTKR > 'TllSTIlEKT. >
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Dee. ; tJ. I
Congressman MoM.lllin ; , of Tennessee , Is
the llrst democratic member of the committee
on ways mid means to ndmit that It would
not bo politic for his colleagues to strangle
the Semite substitute lor the MIJls bill , in
committee. "Wo will act upon the bill , "
said he , "when it reaches us , ns promptly as
possible , and will give the house nil oppor
tunity to discuss it , mid If it reaches us In
season , the peonlo will have nn opportunity
to understand fully the difference between
the two houses on the subject. " Mr. Mc
Millan expects , of course , that the house
will vote the substitute down , and it is possi
ble tlmt the other democrats on the com
tultteo may take this view and consent to the
discussion of the bill again. If they do go so
far as this , the chances are growing greater
every day that they will bo disappointed.
Some of the incmbcis from the tobacco
stales have returned to Washington from
their holiday visits. After the election these
people baa very little opportunity to talk
with their constituents as to the course to bo
adopted to please the greater number of
them. The holiday visit has been improved
in this respect to some extent , and it is evi
dent from the guarded talk of these members
that they have learned that the southern
tobacco planters want the internal revenue
laws amended so ns to remove some of the
restrictions which now hnrrass them. Two
or three seen by your correspondent , this
afternoon , would not say in the form of an
Interview , what course they pro
posed to pursue with reference
to the amended Mills bill , if the opportunity
is afforded them , but when questioned
closely , admitted that it was of far greater
importance to them and their constituents
that the tobacco tax shall bo repealed than
that the ideas of the Texas statesman shall
bo carried to the extent of preventing inter
nal revenue reduction for some months
more. They do not care about dellning their
positions nt this time , but ono member from
Virginia assured mo that there will be at
least llvo from Virginia , North Carolina and
Tennessee alone , who will support , the sen
ate substitute so long ns it retains the in
ternal revenue features.
The Illness of Congressman Laird and the
peculiar renprts which come from Tennessee
and West Virginia concerning the outcome
of the congressional contests in those states ,
are cnusinn some of tlio republican members
to urge their colleagues to join them in re
questing General Harrison to call congress
together immediately after tho-ltl of March ,
in order that the many contested cases may
be settled at tlio earliest possible moment.
The democratic officials of the house will do
all in their power to secure the organization
of the next house , and General
Clark , thu prosuut cleric , seems
willing to stretch all the points
necessary to insure his own retention
in olllce beyond the calling together of tlio
first session of the Fifty-first congress. If
there should be two certificates for any
reason , in any case , ho may bo depended
upon to enter that which certifies the elec
tion of the democrat , rather than the repub
lican member , every timo. While nearly
everyone admits that two republicans have
been elected from West Virginia , and that
Evans has been elected in the Chattanooga
district of Tennessee , it is believed that four
democrats will show up with Certificates
from the former state , and the Herald of
this city ( Bourbon democrat ) has u rather
significant paragraph to-day : "It is
said that inuncdately after the
drat returns reached Governor Taylor , the
secretary of the state of Tennessee made out
n certificate of election for Hates , democrat ,
signed it nnd affixed the seal of tlio state to
it ; that the same day the state secre
tary presented it to Governor H. L. Taylor ,
thus signed and sealed , who also signed it.
The next morning Governor Taylor , for some
reason , concluded that ICvans , republican ,
was entitled to the certificate , nnd called on
the state secretary to cancel the cnrtillcato
niado out in favor of Hates. The state
secretary cither declined to surrender it , or
said it was mislaid , and at once communi
cated with Bates , who called nnd took
the certificate , ana fearing legal proceedings
for its Hurroiulur. sent it out of the state. It
is said , at the eapitol , that Hates forwarded
the certificate in a sealed package to Wash
ington ; sothu say to the care of the clerk of
the house ; the package not to bo opened
until further directions. Some time since
these statements were forwarded to Gov
ernor Taylor with a request to deny or affirm
them for publication , but the governor has
failed to reply so far.
wiiiTTAKEii'ri mnn.
There has been some douht expressed as to
the ability to got every republican member
of congress to attend the opening session ,
owing to tlio fact that it frequently happens
that members are very lax in attending to
their duties in this respect. Hut there Jiavo
been cases before where ono party or another
had but a bare majority , and when hustling
was of the greatest necessity. It will bo re
membered that In tlio Forth-sevtmth con
gress , in spite of tlio fact that the repub
licans had a bare majority , that they were at
all times , excepting during the last two days ,
able to maintain a quorum whoa the
party lines were tightly drawn. In
this respect the republican party had boon
very much better organised than the othur ,
mid It has frequently boon a matter of com
ment that in spite of the comparatively
heavy majorities which the democrats have
had in the Forty-eighth , Forty ninth and
Fiftieth congresses , they havooften been com
pelled to resort to a call of the house and tlio
aid of the Borgoant-at-anns to get enough
members together when the republicans re
fused to voto. At the called session of the
Forty-sixth congress , when the democrats
had control by just enough votes to insure
organization , they did the greatest
hustling on record. Counting Whlt-
taker in Oregon , nnd O'Brien of
Now York , whoso status was uncertain ,
the democrats had a majority of three. The
notice was brief and the wires were down
on the Pacific coast , nnd many members-
elect were scattered. Telegrams were sent
In every direction by the democratic com
inlltec , and every dcmoerntio member
reached Washington In tlmo to vote in the
caucus the night before the election ot the
speaker. In the case of Whlttaker , who was
away from telegraphic communication , after
the failure of repealed efforts to reach other
prominent democrats in Oregon , a dispatch
finally reached Mr , Noltncr , editor of the
democratic' newspaper at Portland , Oro. ,
who under the authority of the democratic
committee , chartered a special cnglno ,
steamed out to Kugcno City , took a buggy
there , and drove llfteon miles to Whlttahor's
farm , captured the member-elect , and took
him in the special engine to Portland , with
out a hair-brush or n change of linen , Just in
time to take the steamer to San Francisco ,
As soon as the steamer was sighted at San
Francisco , Whlttaker was taken , on board
of a tug. direct to the railroad wharf , where
n special engine mid car hud steam up wait
ing for him , and this special train took him
nil tie | way to Chicago , where ho arrived just
in Time to take the eastern bound train , ar
riving at Washington the morning of the
caucus. Another democratic member , who
was sick at the Hot Springs , und who was
not expected to llvo long , was brought a part
of the way at least , in a special cur , and in
time to attend tha caucus. It all cost tha
democratic committee , in the chartering of
special trains , telegraphing and other nccca-
sary expenses' , several thousand dollars , but
they got every member to Washington nnd
organised the house without Mr , Hnmlttll's
vote , which his associates had insisted ho
should cast for himself if necessary to elect
Mr. W. Scott Smith , editor of the Ports
mouth , N. H. , Chronicle , who spent the holi
days in Ibis city , says that the talk of the
election of Mr. Gallingor , or any other man
to succeed Senator Chandler , is very wide of
the mark. Mr. Smith says that lie has niado
a careful examination into the situnUjn nnd
he finds tlmt more than two-thirds or the re
publican inembeM-olect of the Now Hamp
shire legislature are pronounced supporters
of the ex-secretary ot the niiv.v. He says
that several of the men who were his most
bitter opponents In the 'n t contest have de
clared for him , und that among the number
Is ox-Soiintor Holllns. Mr. Smith says that
Mr. Gnllmgor Is about the only man in the
state who fails to see the handwriting on the
wall , and that Senator rhmnller will cer
tainly bo returned with thirty or forty
votes tn spare when the legislature meets
next .lime.
Uustlii. of Omaha , arrived In
thu city last evening nnd will spend the
season as the guest of Mrs. Paddock.
PiitnS. : . HIIATH.
Till : : itiicoun.
The I'liiiiiielnl Traiisiu'ttnns of tlio
Past \Voek.
HOSTON , Mass. , Dee. : H-Special ) [ Tele-
pram to the Bi-.ii. ] The following table
compiled from dUp.itcI.cs to the Post from
the managers of the loading clearing-houses
of the United States , shows ttio gross ex
changes for the week ended December ! K ) ,
IS S , with rates per cent of ineraiw or de
crease as compared with the amounts for
thu corresponding week in ISiT :
Now Vork
St. ItlMIH
Smi I'nincisco
New Orleans
Kansas City
I'rov UK-nee
MllmuiKeo 1.IH4.IKM
St. 1'iuil ' '
Omnhu . - .
Nts\v llavon
( iiilveston
St.Jo epn
Cranii lltpl : < ls
Outside Now Yortc.
He IN Undoubtedly the Author of Thin
Hlooil-Ciir Ilinir Story.
ST. LOUIB , Mo. , Dec. UO , A special to the
Post-Dlsp-'tch from El Paso , Tox. , dated
midnight isunday , gives incauru details of nn
attack on the pahico in Mexico , In which
iitO : of the assailants were killed , seventy of
whom were priests.
The riot is said to have occurred nt S
o'clock the previous availing.
It seems that Father Jose Gasper , a well
known priest , hurried to the national palace
for immediate conference with President
Diaz. What ho disclosed is not known , but
n few minutes after warrants of arrest were
made out for n lario number of prominent
people , but when officers went after them ,
not one of them could bo found.
At 11 o'clock that night an Immense mob
attacked the national palace. They were
joined and reinforced bv the garrisons of
nt least three barracks. A conlllct , fierce and
bloody , ensued , but tlio government held its
own and won tlio victory.
The generals mid several high officers were
killed. The government took over i,0)0 ! ! )
prisoners. At the lirst lighting seventy-two
priests were among the slain who numbered
y:30. : Seventy-two additional priests were ar
rested and ordered to bo shot , among them
archbishop. A number of women gal up
petitions to have them reprieved , hut it is not
thought that they met with success , Great
excitement prevails la Chihuahua , where
Governor Laura Canillo called the legisla
ture together at once mid ordered nil priests
to bo arrested. This seems to have been the
last dosperutu effort of the clerical party
against the government.
Honor Hoinero Ilon'l Relieve It.
WASHINGTON' , Dec. ISO. Senor Komcro ,
Mexican minister , said to an Associated
press reporter to-night that ho did not believe -
liovo any such occurrences had taken place
in the City of Mexico as was stated to have
happened in a special dispatch from HI Paso ,
Tox. , printed this morning , purporting to
give an account of a great clerical uprising
in the Mexican capital , in which 203 people
were killed and a great number of priests
hud since boon imprisoned and ordered shot.
Senor Komern said that If anything of sueli
magnitude had taken place ho should Imvo
heard of it by cable via Galvcston , and not
received the llrst intimation of the affair
from such a > luco as Kl P.iso.
' Besides , " ho snid , "I have official
dispatches by cable up to last
Friday evening , and they do not say a word
about it. If any micli tiling had happened
they would have said something about if , es
pecially if It had such an ending as Is given
in the published dispatch. "
The minister added that it was a Mexican
custom for every one , on tlio asth of Doroin-
liur , to toll the bl-'ici-'M ( yarns ho could think
of , mid then laugh at those who believed
them It was a sort of American April-
fools day , and ho thought that perhaps the
published story had such an origin.
It IH II HoilV.
Hi , PASO , Tox. , Doo. : ! 0. A newspaper pub
lished in Chihuahua , Mexico , December S ,
ind received here yesterday , contained
hrllling accounts of an alleged pipist : up-
ising In the City of Mexico. This narrative ,
mrportcd to have boon received by the
Jhihuuhua papers by wire- from the
liity of Mexico , Upon Investigation
the terrible tnlo turns out to be
a huge hoax perpetrated by the Chihuahua
lawspapors upon their readers. December
JH Is All-innocents' day , und is celebrated In
Mexico as April 1 has boon in the United
States and elsewhere. Intelligent Mexicans
of this city placed no credit whatever in the
Chihuahua story. It is hinted that the per-
lotrntors of the canard wjll be called to
The Kiro Itei.'onl.
Dak. , Dec. i0. ! PJro this
Horning , originating in McArthur Bros ,
drugstore , destroyed the business portion of
.his town , causing a loss of i,000. The 111-
suranco is about flii.OOi ) . Among the build
ups destroyed was thu postofllco and land
Thu Wi-afhor Inilio itloiiH.
For Nebraska : Fair , colder weather , north
erly winds.
Forlowu : Fair , proceeded in eastern portion
tion by rain or snow , colder , northwesterly
wind * .
For Dakota : Fair , co'der weather , north
westerly winds.
i _
It Will Bo Run Daily , Oommouolnft
With the Now Yotvr.
This I'tipcr Will Now llonoh I lie Sotittt
I'latto Country I'YomOuo Hour to
OHIS l > ay Knrllcf Tlmu
Its ItlvnN.
The HOP'S Now Wins * .
To-morrow morning Tun Bni : , with tuf
ndvont of the now year , will Inaugurate nl
enterprise , such has been undertaken by in
newspaper west of Chicago.
This enterprise will bo the running ot H
special newspaper train on the B. & M , to nil
paints south mid southwest. By this mvnnd
Tin : Bun's subscribers In the South PliitU
country and southwestern part of the stau
will receive their paper * from three U
twenty-four hours curlier than they do at
As n consequence of this enterprise
Tun Bni ! will bo delivered nt llif
same tlmo ns papers many niiloi
nearer the interior of the state and nt soniq
points ono day ahead of Its cotcmpornrles it
Onmhn. Tur. llr.i : will hereafter reach Llq )
coin nt 7 n. m. , one hour before other Oinalu
dailies leave this city. This enterprise hal
been undertaken to supply mi Increasing u
mandforthe freshest news , Tin : Ur.i : 1 *
published for everybody. It is tuken by nl *
most everybody in this sect Ion of country ,
even though they are compelled to wait fof
It , in some Instances , many hours after lt >
has been read in this city mid vicinity.
There was but ono way in which to ovof-
come this dilllenlty and that was to Inaliim- ;
rate tlio special train service which
will enable our readers to get nutj
peruse their papers nt the earliest posMblq
moment. ;
The special BII : train will leave Omaha' '
every morning , commencing to-morrow no
4:110 : o'clock. It will past Bcllovno nt 4:43 :
and reach Plattsniotilli at 5 o'clock. In this
there will IK ; a saving of three hours. It.
will reach Louisville at 5:4(1 : ( , South Bend at
5.rM : nud Ashhiiul at 0:13 , at which place tha
old time of nrrivnl was l5 l > : ! o'clock. In reg
ular order the towns of Greenwood and
Waverly will bo passed at , 0'J4 : mid tl : 3
o'clock , respectively , the old hours being
OtfiO mid 10:15 : o'clock.
At 7 o'clock the newsboys' cry of 'Bro'n.ver
OMAHA Hr.r. " will resound through tho\ \
streets of Lincoln as above stated just ono
hour mid llvo minutes before tha
Omaha contemporaries reach the mail train *
and several hours before they arrive in the
capital. In this w.iy , Tin ; Bin : becomes a' '
paper for the breakfast table in Lincoln nV
well as It is in Omaha. Its rivals , however
will bo satisfied to got there in time foi diuyj
nor.With regards to tlio towns further to the
west , the following shows the hour at which
they will bo served under the now as well us
when they were served under the old rtiloj
Now. Old.
Crete 78 : 11:28 :
Dorchester S:1U : 11:50 :
Friend 8 : ' , > ( ! 12:18 :
Kxctcr 8fJ : : J2tS : :
Full-mount 8:57 : l'J:58 :
Grafton ! > :05 : 1:1 : *
Button ! > :17 : 1:38 :
Harvard : ! ) ( U.10
Hastings 10:05 : 'J:4 : |
ICennesaw 10.45 : t:45 :
Holdrege 11:5 : ( ) r > : la )
Oxford 1U:50 : tllM
Arnpahoc tlt U:17 :
Cambridge 1M : !
McCook 2:10 :
On all the stations on the branch betwcoq
Holdrego and Cheyenne , Tin : Bii : will nov/
reach its subscribers on the day of publirnX
tion instead of twenty-four hours later , us
Prof. ItifW. H. , l. . Tells How It AVilj
Ho Soon lo Oniiihn.
The total ecllpso of the sun , which will
lake place on Now Year's day is a source of
much speculation among astronomers. By
calculations to bo niado from observation
taken during this solar conflict , It ij
hoped by scientists that the exact meridian
of any place in the United St'ites may bo as
certained. The eclipse will bo visible in nil
parts of the country except a small portion
of south and east , of Phil.ulclph ia.
Although the eclipse is spoken of ns a total
it will ho only so within a certain narrow
belt 100 miles wide , lying north of San Fr.inj
cisco. In this bolt the total cclipso will last.
two minutes. At places moro distant , it will
bo of much shorter duration. lov. { F. Uigge,1
of Croighton college , in speaking on the subject - /
joct said : The llrst contact which will be In
ternal and external will bo visible in Omaha
at seventeen minutes to four on to-morro\ <
afternoon. The total obscuration will tnkq
placu at sunset. The total cclipso will hardl.V ,
be visible here , but seven-eighths of tha
sun's surface will bo obscured by the moonl/ /
Tlio surface of the moon will appear larged
than that of the HUH. This may bo accounted )
for by Din fact that the moon is nearer to us/ ;
Observations may bo mudo through nmokeil
glass and the general public may watch tha
phenomenon by that moans. Tlio canso ot
the eclipse Is the moon passing between tha
earth mid the sun mid obscuring his light ] '
from us. in the belt of totality spoken of
previously , during the two minutes alluded !
to , total darkness will reign and the Btara
will appear ns at night. ,
There are several important matters
whii'li may bo
verified by astronomers during the rcllpso.
Now planets may ho discovered. Wo shall' '
watch particularly for what Is called the !
inter-Mercurial planet , ono supposed to
exist inside the planet Mercury , The lattoe !
Is now very near the sun and , during total
ity , will bo easy of observation. Tliero will
also be observations made of the seven at
mospheres around the HUN , The Lick ob
servatory at San Francisco will bo the best
place on this continent , for observations.
An ecllpso of such profundity seldom oc
curs. It may now bo obscured by a cloud , . '
mil all our calculations nptot , if , at tlio crit-j
cal moment of totality , u single cloud shoulil
> ass over the sun. 1'rof. Ulggo was Invltcij
lo attend thu observation in California , butt
ils duties , hero foruado him moving away !
from homo. Hi- will , however , lake observiw
lions In the observatory of Crclghton college.
1 lie St. .Joseph ColilMion.
ST. Jiiii'ii. : Mo , , Doe. -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : Hui : . | The collision between '
.ho Union oleclrlo car und n Chlcairo , St. '
I'aul & Kansas City box car on Main anil
Kobidoux btreets last night , w as much mnrq
serious than at Una reported. About 'cl
o'clock this mo ruing the mangled remains of
A. IJ. Fyo , a grocery clerk , were found bo-
tealh the crushed platform of the wrecked
: ar , Tlio other persons injured were :
jcorgo Hudloy , of 8'JI south Ninth street ,
lead cut open and body bruised ; Henry
M'ldnmn , of 517 south Kighth street , hoail
ind face out mid severely bruised ; Willhuu
Diedneh , of north Second street , arm broken ;
Jeorgo Miller of North Second street , fnco
jut and body bruised ; Mr. Young , of North
Second street , badly braised about the body :
Jharles Waller , the driver , serious Internal
njnrioo mid head cut , mid severely bruised ;
Mr. William H. Ku.y and wife , 15IM ) Savannah
ivenue , Mr. Hay cut ovnr ono eye and ono
eg bruised.Mrs Hay severe Internal injur
ies. The electrio cur was running at the
rate of twclvo miles an hour nt thu titan , and
the box ear had been sent Irani the engine to
make a drep switch. A number of hoitwy
Imnago suits will rcsuK from the accident.
No Ihif man was btationcJ at the crossing ,
At PhiUuclphla Tno Lord CMvs , from
At New York The Umbrln , from Uvur-
> eel ; the City of Berlin , from Liverpool !
La Ilivtiigno , from llavro ; the Allcr.
from Brumun.