ffiE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 20 , .1888. T1TE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. onion. NO in In Any Pnrt of liefltya Twenty Cents 1'erMick. Jt. W. Tll/JON MANAOr.lt. IKLr.l'HONHSi Ilff-iNr.'sOnifR No. 41. NIUIIT KDITOII. No.St. MINOIl MKNTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal nnd wood. K.K.Mayneflin H'wny. Klogant overr-oatingH nt A. Hoitor'i , morchnnt tailor , 810 Hfotidwny. A marriage license was Issued yritcrday to Churlc * A linrtlus mitl Miss Kiln H. Vincent , bath of till * county. Messrs. Mynstcr , Limit ft Kcabrook , liavo removed their ofllco to South Mnlti street , and tire now occupy Ing iiuattera with Kqulro Brings. „ Messrs. Hell .t HnrliiighofT have completed Tl sVretch of the front of the proposed Chuu- lnuiitiaiiniphtthcntcr. It Is on exhibition ' " tlio window of .t. K. Hnrkncss' ' store. The pioprietorship of the Kovore house changed yesterday , Mr. Hielmrdson selling his Inturnst In the bushiest to his partner , Mr. St. John. Mr. Utclmrdson will eontlnuu to nuiko Council HhilTs his home , but in wlmt business he will cngago ho hits not yet dc tcrinlnnd , Thu haidwnro linn of Miller & Co. , will to day llnlsh moving their stock across the river , where they 1110 interested in the Ortmtm hardxvuro company , and will ( 'tipago In an exclusive wholesale business. The street car coumany will hcieaf.cr run near to connect with the It ! . 15 Wabasli train at the transfer , and will run through without change of cars. This Improvement In service will ho greatly nppieclated by the traveling public. Work has been commenced on the founda tion of the Uisi'iimn block , ami that phico now slimes , equally with the Merrhim block in consuming the time and ulteition of mi- iricrous itnsaiarlcd ovci.sucr.s , who In variably attend to such matters. The district court was In session barely an liour yesterday mornim , ' . The Jury w.is dis charged , ami court will adjoin n tiu.ill.v to day , after a few motions have been heard. The next term will convene January , with Judge Thorncll on the bench. C. U. Lynian , a Washington township farmer , lost llftcen head of c.ittlo Sunday night , and thouitJit they were stolen. Yes- tciday ho found them on the highway , iroinj , ' toward homo. The- , , were piobably driven away by souioono bent on malicious mis chief. Thcro wilt bo a social at Woodman's hall 'Wednesday evening , January t ! , at which Mcsdauies Adams , Cleaver , Holknap , Fil bert , Hmncsoy , Ward , Ilayden and Fauble \vlll entertain. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all Modem Woodmen and their families. Hall and Smith , the two crooks who were recently liberated , after servinu a term in the county Jail hero for assaulting n negro boy , have Just got into tionble in Omaha. They pleaded guilty to stealing a watch , and were sentenced to the pen , one for a year nnd the other for eighteen months. They nro old offenders. John Moran , who wusaricslcd for being crazy , was taken to the county jail yester day afternoon for thirty days on a charge of vagrancy. At the expiration of that time , if liisincnUil condition is still unimproved , the insane commissioners will consider his case. Jt Is thought that his dl&oider.is produced by oxces4lvo drinking , and thai a short term in jail will bcneilt him. The Catholic ladies of St. Francis Xavier's church are arranging to give a festival , con cert and tpmdrillo party at the Masonic temple - plo Thursday evening , January : ) , for the bonollt of the organ fund. Among the spec ial features will bo two solos by Miss liouch , the accomplished harpist of Davenport. An Interesting musical pi ogramnio is being pro- paied , aim the evening will bo full of pleas ure to those who attend. The policemen give their annual ball next Monday evening at Masonic temple , and it will bo an enjoyable affair. A number of the "fluent" arc expected fn > ninoighboringcities to participate in the festivities. Arrange ments have been made with the Elect no Motor company by which a special motor train will leave the Masonic tcinplo for Omaha at 1 : 'M o'clock for the accommodation of those attend ing from that city. No pains will bo spared to make the event a grand success. The charge of cmbcrilcuiont against Lerov R. Mayno is set for hearing in Justice Har- rctt's court at 10 o'clock , January- . Jt is understood that tlio other charge against him of obtaining monov under false pre tences will ho dismissed. W. S. Muyno , the undo of the defendant , stated in ah inter view that ho was perlectly acquainted with nil of the facts in the case , and is authority for the statement that tlio young man is not guilty of ember/lenient. Jt seems to bo the prevailing opinion that tlio defendant will bo discharged. The roof of the now Merriam block was completed , yesterday , unit Martin Hughes & . Son , the contractors for the unck work , ex pect , to complete their work next Tuesday , if there Is no delay in trotting the cornice. Jt lias required 1,500.COO , brick to erect the foundation and walls of this handsome busi ness block , and about 1,500 barcrls of limo and cement. It is quite piobablo that the work will shortly como to a standstill for a while , as it will bo impossible to continue the interior work unless the building Is heated , nnd the contract is not yet let lor the steam heating apparatus. Mr. J. II. Cress has been 111 for many months with consumption , and asaiesult Ills earthly subsistence had become greatly reduced. Ho Is a cabinetmaker , and during his days of suffering has busied himself con structing a "Hour cabinet. " A few da\s ago it was placed on exhibition at the store of JCelloy & Vounkerman. Thirty tickets were sold on it at M ) eonts each , and the "house keeper's friend" was rallied off. Charier Matthca held Uio lucky ticket. J. H. Hell , N. W. Williams , A f. Graham and 10.Thorn ton conducted tlio drawing. Mr. Cress will inako other similar cabinets , which ho will fell for the miilntainunco of his family. The school board will meet Tuesday after noon nt ! ) : ! ) o'cloeit to inspect the now Atkins building , and formerly accept it if found satisfactory. The move will bo nurolv formal ono , as the building Is already prac tically accepted , the board having had all of their property moved Into It from the room formerly occupied by thorn In the Dovol block. The next regular meeting of tlio board will bo hold in the now building. The room set apart for their use Is on the second lloor lu the front part of the building , under the tower. The members of the old Rcscuo Volunteer flro company am making arrangements for their annual ball , to bo given at Masonic temple Wednesday evening , January U. The ball is always given on the evening of the Bccqnd Wednesday of January , and for this leason the city has few representatives at the winter convention of the state llremon's association which moots at DCS Molncs at the name time , as many of the members of the association tire also members of the Huscuo company , and remain at homo to uttend the bull. Preparations are In progress to make the coming ball full as much of a success an any of Its picducossors. William Arnold , the prosecuting witness In the confidence case against William Matter. who Is now conllned in the county Jail , await ing the next session of the grand jury , has been given a place on tlio police force dining Ills enforced stay In the city , and is now sta tioned on the Hroadway boat , In place of Of ficer Iscnbcrpor , who I * enjoying n short vn- cation. This Is the latest and most practical way to sccuro the attendance of n witness ; generally they arc tired out with contlnu- uncos , or given a few dollars to leave , A paying job goes n long way toward inducing on impatient witness to stay by. Dr. Clcftvor , 20 North Main. Tol. 147. ScoV. . C. Staoy's'nd. The Old Itollnliltt Jownlry Finn of 13. Bui-horn , No. 17 Main street , 1ms lnid , In ( in immense stock of holiday goods , which will bo sold cheaper limit over. This is a special inducement for thirty days. All goods llrst class and guaranteed to bo just as represented. It is an established fact that you can got the best gooda for the least money thero. 'Call ' ami examine the stock and got prices before purchasing , Sec Forrest Smith's special column , EAST END OF THE BRIDGES , The Council Bluffs Schools Glvon a Valuable Mineral Collection. THE DEMAND FOR FREE LODGING. VJIRH Ilnrry Jn Out of the Cold Jiiitcticr Imdn ct Hot Work Ilcgitn on the KMimui , Hloclc. The City's HookUccpinu- A short time ago the city council allowed n bill of County Attoi noy Hcndricks for J100 , for work done In recheeklng tlio special as- ses'inent books. Considerable comment was occasioned by the bill , as It was thouirht that the work should have been through other channels. An Investigation of the matter re veals the fact that no particular Individual was to blame for it , but rather the sisli-m in vogue for transmitting such business. The ey stem was so complicated and diftlrult th.xt it was almost an impossibility to check the special assessments without overlooking some of them The cotintv auditor discovered that several thousand dollars worth of these assessments had never been charged tip , and so repoitcd to the council. It was thought that the city could well afTord to piy for having this work done , as It covered a period of over two years. Tlio city Is the gainer by a large sum , as the work was done for ilOO. A now system has now been adopted , and. now hook ? secured , < < o that in the tutuic nothing short of the grossest carelessness will permit any over sight. The council has performed a valuable service in this direction , and should r-ccivo duo cicdit for it , instead of tin * condemnation that sonic parties are so freely bestowing. There baa long been needed some rolonn in the sy stem of bookkeeping on the part of the city. It is hoped that tins council , hav Ing started In , will not rest until every detail is so systomati/ctl as to render it possible to conveniently get at need"d facts ami figures , and impossible for such gross errors as have characterised tlioye.irs gone by. All grades , Imifl coal , C. 15. Fuel Co. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Illinois and Iowa best boft coal , Glca- fron0 Pearl streot. J. G. Tipton , real estnto , > 2 JJVay 1 Melded tripe and pigs' feet at Tib- bills , ' , ; M" ) Hroadway. Contents of tlie Contrary to the usual condition of things , the police maiket was short on drunks and long on vags yesterday morning. The change was doubtless owing to the fact that the mercury had taken a sudden downward tendency , rendering berths in the outer air exceedingly uneomfoi table. Two ol the homeless wanderers , Ed Ila-r- goity nnd Joe Livingston , had been lelcased from the cooler on the precc'ling morning , and had found so few disagreeable features connected with the accommodations fur nished there , that they wore ready by even ing to give it a second trial. The court was at a loss how to dispose * of their cases , and finally continued them , as did ho also the cases of Peter Hagloy and .lames Berry. Charles Hooker was discharged , ami .lost no time in leaving his comrades in misery behind. Nellie Miller and May Smith , a couple of * the frail sisterhood , were arraigned for drunkenness. Nellie pioved conclusively that she was able to easily navigate in one street of ordinary width whoa arrested , and was discharged. May failed to convince the court of her sobriety , and was compelled to paj $3. JO to regain her liberty John Phillips was also asked to contribute 7.U ( ) , after which court adjourned. For Kent Two now store rooms in tfood location ; Nos. 7.7 ! and 79 ; ! liro.id- uay. S. Saundcrs , . ' 50 Pearl St. Loans made on city business and rosi- dcnco property. Notes bought. Kim- ' ball-Champ Investment company. \V. S. Cooper lias caih on hand to lo.in on approved city property , No. 1 ! 0 Main htrcot. Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing1. A. A. Clark & , Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Main. , over American express. Tlio Doilge Collection. A very valuable addition has been made to the public school museum. It is a very largo case , and drawers , tilled with speci mens of minerals. J'hc museum is indebted for it to the geneiosity of General G. M. lodie , and his brother , Mr. N. P. Dodce. Most of the specimens were collected by General Dodge while making the prelimin ary survey for the Union I'aeillo railway. Added to these Is a line collection of speci mens from Utah , belonging to Mr. N. P. JJodgo. The collection as a wliolo is very large , varied , and valuable. The donation of the necessary cases makes the gift a gen erous ono indeed. The Dodge mineral col lection will form'an Important and instruc tive featm o of the museum , which will be soon placed in order in the new Atkins bchool building. The now apartments arc excellently arranged for such a purpose and this featuio of public instruction will prove an important fnctor m the education of the uprising ( ciicratioiis. Weather strips for doors and win dows. Odoll & IJryant , SKt Main .st. S. \Vadsworth \ fc Co. loan 11101103' . Bargains in real cstato in all parts of the oily , W. S. Cooper , l.'iO Main street. Notice the beautiful linish given col lars , cull's and bliirta by 0is > cado Laun dry company. I ton rd o ( ' Trade. Tlio board of trade met last evening. Mr. Dunbar , of Omaha , explained a scheme for advertising Council liluffs. After discussion the matter was referred to the committee on finance and advci Using , with Instructions to report ono week from to-night. The Dunbar company propose to got out a booic contaln- cuts , descriptions , etc. , of notable places in the city. The secretary stated that four lots had been secured in the Habbitt track upon which to erect a brush and broom factory. The factory Is to bo " 5x ? ! > foot , three ntorios higli , and to employ twenty men , and to bo erected by Air , Armstrong , of Albert Lea , Minn , Ho wants line lots , and the matter of npproprl- atinj ; $350 with which to puichaso another lot was discussed at length. The matter was rcferied to the manufacturer's committee. On motion of the lion. George F. Wright the board then went into executive session , and the representatives of the press were "llrcd" f 10111 the room. Dr. C. C. llazon , dontibt , Opera house block. See Chapman for Christmas presents. To-morrow evening Camilla Urso , the won- dcrful lady violinist , appears at Dolmny'a. L. E. Roe , dontlst , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacqunmin fc Co.'a Jewelry storo. All grades soft coal , C. I ) . Fuel Co. The Moat War , John Crcon , who drives a delivery wngon for Qcorgo Moschcndorf , was arrested yes- lord ay for assault and battery. Tlio case was tried by Justice Uornctt. It seems that Ciccn had a few wordb with John Webster , who drives for the 0 , 1C , market , and the latter became abusive , when Croon struck him with his whip. Crccn waa bound over to the grand jury In the num of 1'iOO , which bis umploycr furnished , Cowplalut has now been filed npalnut Webster for Mng abusive and Indecent language on the streets. Money loaned nt J > . 13. Crafts ft Go.'s loan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses ? wnpons. personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly conII- dcntinl. &cc Forrest Smith's special column. Now Jk'onr Turkey Shoot. Thcro will bo a turkey shoot on New Year's day , commencing at 10 0'clock , , north of the fair grounds. The shoot will bo ai live birds , three hundred yards off bond , at 10 coatu n shot. There will bo fifty turkeys The band waifon will start from Olhcr A. Graham's gun store at 10 o'clock to carry all rillemcn who wish to go for3"i cents the round trip. Have our wngon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. The London "Tailor's" is the place to got iour clotheq tnmlo. 0117 Broadway. I'orsoniil I'arnjjrnphH. 11. Mendel , of Ncola , was a Uluffs visltoi jest onlay. M. Sachs , a wholesale liquor dealer of .Ijliet , III. , was in the cltv ycsteiday. Air. N. Ltin 1 leaves this inoining for New Vorl' , expecting to he absent about a week. Mr. F. M. Gault , general manager of the Omaha & St. I ouls road , has leturncd from a business trip to Chicago. II. A. Holies , of Minneapolis , formerly a resident of this city , Is the guest of his former partner , George 11. Champ. Misses Eva Hutehor and Nclllo and Lulu Tlnirber , of Urea ton , are spending the boll days with Mrs. .1. 15. Atkins. John P. Oman , LSI ] . , of Neola , prosecuting attorney-elect for this county , will remove his family to tnls city next week and make the Ult.Ts ( his future home. Colonel 1) 11. Darloy is moving out of the county attorney's ollleo at the court house into a side room , to make room for his suc cessor. He will retain an olllco in the court house until the Merriam block is completed , when he will remove there. Dr. H. R f iiip and family , of Weeping Water , Neb. , returned homo yesterday after a day's visit with the family of Mr. F. L. Ilayden , of Tin : HII : : force. The visit was a most pleasant surprise , as it was the lirst meeting of the gentlemen in twenty four years , or when they were "boys together" in the state of Maine. Hock Spring coal , Glcason , 120 Pearl street. Huy groceries , stationery and Christmas goods of IColloy At Younkerman , 10J H'way. There was another largo gathering at the German Catholic ladles' b.i/aar last evening. Mho principal feature of the evening was dancing , and the lloor was lilled. The voting on piesents to popular citi/cim and the sale of tickets on rallied articles increased , and there promises to bo a lively time this even ing , when the articles will all he disposed of. Tlio ladies will realize a neat hum from their exertions. Owing to the death of Mr. E. E. Tlark- iiess , the interests of the family require that the bubincs-s of Ilarliiiess [ Jrothers bo settled without delay. All parties indebted to the lirm will confer a favor by making early settlement. J.E. IlAitKNi > s , No.101 Broadway. The Sunday school of St. Paul's church held its Chiistnus exercises last evening. The cantata , ' 'St. Nicholas , " was presented in a very interesting manner , and the cnter- tanjment was highly appreciated by the large audiciuo present. Tlio church was handsomely decorated with evergreens , and two largo Christmas trees occupied con spicuous places near the altar rail , but there were no presents visible. The little ones did llnely , but space forbids indmdual men tion , although in many cases it \\.is de served. Nevt Thursday ovenmtt the sehool will present another interesting programme. Stamping and Kmbroidcry. "Yes , Li'/KJo. I like to do fancy work , but I haven't felt like trying that pat tern or anything else' for a week. These awful 'dragging-down' pains are just killing me ! " "I Unotv how you fool , and I can tell you whore to look for relief. Dr. Piereo's Favorite Prescrip tion is a certain euro for all those pccu * liar weaknesses iintl distressing ail ments. Why ! it even cured mo of pro lapsus , and many of my lady friends have been curc-d of various grave mala dies peculiar to our sex by this wonder ful medicine. " it is only 'tho medicine sold by druggists , under a positive guar antee from the manufacturers , that it will give satisfaction in every case , or money refunded. Road guarantee on bottle-wrapper. M. F. Hatcher , a former employe at the Cascade laundry , assaulted a cleric at that establishment and bruised him severely for some fancied injury. During the melee ono of the largo panes of plate glass in the front of the building was shivered by u steve poker in the hands of ono of the belligerents. Hatcher then proceeded to police headquar ters and paid a line lor disturbing the peace. Many persons contract severe coald during the early winter months and permit them to hangon persistently all winter ; weakening the lungs and pav ing the way for catarrh , chronic i > ron- chites , or consumption. No one can afford to neglect a cold. A single bottle tle of Chamberlain's Cough' Komedy will cure the most severe cold , and cost but 50 els. For sale by druggis. Sixteen -Sold 1 1 1-4 Killed. Ro\in , Dec. 'JS. A shell burst In a powder maga/ino at Messina City , this morning , kill ing sixteen soldiers and injuring many others. Advice to Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used for children teething Itsoothe * the child , softens tlio gums , allays all pain , curcsjwlnd colic , nnd is the best remedy for 25 < ) a bntllu. 0. i : . HKlili. O. A lillHUNOItOK BELL & BERLIGHOF , Architects , Designers ami SiiiieriiiteiiileiiH of Construction , Mr. Itcrllnghof was sm'ii years uIUi "Mendelssohn , Fisher A : LOUTV , and lias designed many of ( ho IInest blocks in Omaha and Council Hind's. Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Sliidlo , Jtooin 2 Opera Jfouao Jiloclc TUOS. Ul'MCKR. W , II. M. I'USUV. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Hroadway , GOUNUIL IShUKKS , IOWA. DenlfiM in foreign tml domestic exchange. Collections made and Intuiest paid on time da- poalta. CJTY MEAT MARKET ! TO THBFBONT ! UNTII , FUllTimil t-OTlCL I W1I.I , SKI.I. BEEF , VEAL & PORK OfilVOWN UltCSSINd f.wa Cattle Fed 01 Iowa Coin I , And vrJUraeet any honest competition on prices for Jim-Class Meutu. J. M. SCANLAN , ISO Uroadwny. - - Telephone 201. XUY OUll MUBH. PEOPLE'S STORE Have concluded to sell their entire stock of Toys and Fancy Goods at One-Half of any Former Prices. PRICES CUT IN TWO ! Will Rule to-morrow in our Toy and Fancy Goods Department. We show more real Christmrsgifts than all the competing stores com bined and our prices fill MAKE FLY ! To-morrow will be the Greatest day in the his tory of the People's Store , and we are pre pared for it with an extra force of sales men and salesladies to wait upon our many customers. Our stock must be sold and our prices are according. CALL AND SEE US ! HO. 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. FOR 30 DAYS ! 1 must have room for sinin < r poods , and will bell all jjoods now in ntoclc at price's far below an.V over oflorcd boforo. Thih is no bait to catch the trade but , a ( rcmiino clearing-out sale , and every thing ; must go. Parlor sots , bedroom solsheating ami cook'uiif htovcti , handing lani ] > a , oil ulothb. All goes without re-crvo. 1 Imvca big stoolc and can uit you in whatever you want. ' Come and see me and examine my Hoods. 1 must sell. No prices qtioteU , but no reasonable olTer will bo refused. A. J. MANDEL , NO. : $25 UKOADWAY , ui.urFri , > VA. NEW BARGAINS nilOADWAY LOTS l -lltST AVKNUE I-OTS , i-nicKY ADfunov M > TS , 1MQHKY ADDITION LOTS , EfANSf ) BRIDGE ADO , LOTS , HKYA.Vr & O ADDITION LOTS , STHUKI'S AlUm'ION LOTS. Mao'-'Oncrci of tlio licst property in town for W. C. STACY , Telephone I'M. No. U Muln Street. Council IllurH , IOIMI. SPECIAL NOTICES , WANTS. \\r.ANTii : ) ( iooil dlnliiK room glil at. 1'acl- > > He hotel , Hoitth Onmlia. \\7 i : have some of tlio bust bargains In tlio ' city In real estnto , cheap Intx. nun 11 louses nnil lot > : Buvcral line icMdiMiccs on pa\cd htreuts ; ulM > ucro traclK. All of the annvo nopeity will bo told on eiiay terms. Hmull m ) ment don n and low rate or Interest. Como ind oxninlno our list. \VoulsoliavrtlarKolhts of property for ex- clmnge. No. 101'eail Ht. Council UluUs Invest- tnent Co. TJOOilH to rent by Council Ululle Investment JACo. . No. 10 J'earl ht. ( _ _ rpwo line olllco rooms to lent on llrst lloor : -Lono room tsxl5botli ; lui Jy rpapureil nnd mlntoil. lies t location In UiOitlty Call at No , u. I'c'.uUt. _ , i . _ I have luld In a nlco hjio of boots and ilioob which I am Kclllnjat4.lio { fainullost Ivlnf , ' profit. I am ostubliShinj ; a | ) or- nanunt buslncBs , for I urn here to stay , ind UH my exponscti arc email I can Hell you goods very low. Call and convince 'oursolf. ! ' L , . UI\.VIIIA.\ : , No , 'J2Q JlioaihMiy. IJEST ANO NIOK CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LADIES , I'lush , Silk riannel and Cashmoio drcssoa Ready-Made and Made to Order , By MRS. JULIA STEIN , 111 Douglas Bt. , Omaha. Cheapast prices , and good Dt guaranteed , S , STEWART , M , D'D , , V , M , HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telephone No. 205. COU.NU1L BLUFFS , I 1 IOWA WANTKD ! Every man or woman who has S'O or " $7o wh'"uh they wish to invest whuro it will be as safe aa it would bo if it were deposited in the Uanl ; of England and niake him moro money , to call on us and buy a lot in Fail-mount addition. The lest ) location on the hills for btrect car service and school privileges ; oloso to all the railroads , wholesale houses and city depots. The only hill properly to bo had at hiich low prices and easy terms. Prices range fiom $200 to $100 ; terms , one-fifth cash , balance in thirty equal monthly payments at fa per cent interest. If you are renting now and want a home of your own , commence pay ing for a lot now before you have to pay double the money for the same location. Begin at once and you will bo purpri.sed to liiul how soon the thirty months will roll around , making you the owner of a lot. Call on II. G. McOeo. I.'IO .Main btreet , or Forrest Smithat the Drown building , Council Bluflb , Iowa. * COUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , i'AHTlAL LIST 01' I'KOI'KKTY 1'OK GEO. METCALF 14 I'JUKL STKKKT , COUttl'i Hcsidonco on 0th ave f . ' 1,000 licsldcnco on litli ave 1 , UK ) Kosidnnco on lltli uvo JfilM Hcsldcneo on ( ith ave l.WHi Ucsidcnco on Otli ave . - 1,000 Jtcsidcnco un litli avc 8.0 Kcsidunco on lith st ( ir > 03 Husldcnco on ( ith st 0,000 Kcstdonco on North bth st. , lot liilx- liitl , grunt b.u nln 3,000 Huucli of 5 houses nnd I lots on Urd uvo 8,000 Husidcncoon Scott st a.iWO Uofaktonco on Pliitnur ht. For prlro nnd partlcnlnrs imiuiro An elegant icsldcnco on 1st uvo. , ono inlnntu w.dlf fiom ( jovcrnniunt hulldlnK- For price and particu lars inquire Ilcsldonco on Ota avo. . thrco minutes walk from county court lioiibo. Cash .1,200 Kcsldcnco and four lots on avo. "U , " Btrcft's odd S.OOO . Storu building and lot on J'acillc ave. , near U. P. transfer 1,800 Two-story tranio htoro in town of Car son 2,000 Sovcnty-flvo lots m Hauirc'K add. , north of transfer , elu-antly loca ted , $ -100 to $100 cacti Hunch of U lots , Central nub l.COO I3uncti of 12 lots , Cooper , Mc.Mahon & JcffiIcs add. , If tnkcn before Jan , 1st , for 5,000 An elegant lot on bth st. Cash 3,000 Thrco flno lota on Hluft stieet utu bargain 100 foot frontugo on Park avo. for 8.VJ per foot Huslnoss property on Hroadway IHwiuesa property on Main Bt An improved farm of 100 acres not far from Clmutnuquu grounds , con- slstiiiK of hill and dale. Fo r par ticulars inquire , . 48-acro tract onu mlle from Broadway , suburban location 7,500 In addition to the above I have vacant property In nearly every addition to the city. GEO. METCALF , A , 1.1 1'IUKI , ST. , fOU.VCIL , UL.VVVH , IOWA. OLD PIANOS MADE NEW Don't trade off your old pin no oi'HOrgnn , because it Is out of repnit'noi give it nvvny in irncto foi n new one. Tnkc it to SWlSON HUSIC COMPANY ! They will , if needed , put in n NEW SET OF HAM MERS , NEW IVOHYon KEY 13OAHD , REPLACE ANY PART OF OLD ACTION WITH NEW , REFINISH - FINISH THE CASE , nnd your Instrument is bet ter than some of the now ones. It is n well known fnet that Swanson Music Co. gives the best satisfaction in Tunina and Repairing all kinds of Musical Instruments. The best of ref erences given. xo. : ias > mtoMMVAV , itM'rrs , IA. i HARKNESS BRO'S. DRY GOOOS STOCK TO BE SOLD OUT ! Owinp lo thotlouth of Mr. U. K. llarlcni-ss , the senior nuMiibor of Uio linn of H llros. . it has been dooiili'd to close out tlio stool * and settle the b.i&inoss of the linn as speedily 114 possible. The Entire Stock of Dry Goods is Offered For Sale in Whole or in Part. Tlio retail suit- will I'ommonro Wednesday , Doot miior IfHh , 1SSS , at great rcdno lion in A I The stock ih now. clean , and very desirable. It presents an KXrKIJjKlS'T OP- I'OUTUNMTY TO S'lTJ' I > JTO AN OLD AND KbTAUUSHKI ) BUSINESS. Parties desiring information can call upon or address J. E. HARKNESS NO. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - IOWA PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HRIRr lNRINF Hydraulic and Sanitary Knginecr. Plans , Estimates , Dinr\l IN Dl I" L. " Spccilication > . Supci vWon ot Public Work. llio\wi Duilding , Council BluflIowa. . PNIR7 ! Justice ol the Peace. Olllce over American Evpicss No. 11 ! ) Hroadway , Council Bin Hi. Iowa. 0. CIIM ? Attorneys at Law , Piaclicc in tlu * State and K < ; dera 06 OIIYlo" " Courts. Olllce Rooms 7 and y , ShugaiI-Ik-no Block , CouncP niufl'h , Iowa. LADIES OF OMAHA A\'D ' COUNCIL BLUFFS JAIII : INMII n 10 IAI.I MI lEES. G. 2. . © IMETT'S HAIR EMPORIUM And TO her I in * line of Hair ( lomN. PI MIST HAIR liryi'S ill llic < ily. > M"J ! Itrnrds , cU- . , f.ir . It < > n ( o.1 Huh- . OJtMOSK PAINTS , HAIlt DUKfthlNO. HTC. ao. U ! > : KAI\ST. , : coijsc'ie , KBirrs. ; r * Olllll Il 111. . MAM lll.U IVI. I'llOMI'l' A'llfMIOX. SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators. Fj ecilliiitlons ami fstliiintvs fmnlf > lieil for cninplctq fctcain planti. Iti'Kiilatlon , Durability ( Innr- imtctd. Cnn show iLtlura fioin useralnru fuel IXnnom ) fs uqiul ultli Corliss .Noii-ConiluiHlnj , E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Cataloguo. No. f\0 \ IVarl H-rcct , Couni-ll IJliilli DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF S BELTS AHS ELEOTRIO TRUSSES. Mo. 6OG Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAX'l'KU tJ.OCAS , AM > TBCAVIlJi\ ] JJJ.VT.S OX COME BOYS Keep Her Up And r o B , L o iv M a : : i I..N rs rr.it 1.11. Uoillng Hoof : i Shoulder Koast 1 to 5 Shoulder Steak 5 to Coi ned Henf a toI Pork Koast H Pork Chops ! > VoalKoast 8 Mutton Koast , S Kound Steal : 8 Veal and-Mutton Stew 4 Loin Steak 8 to ! ) J'oi tcrliouuu Steak 8 to .I Kib Koast < Uo7 Sugar Cured Hams r. . , , 11 Hncon 11 tola I.ard 10 to II I.eaf Lard , 10 Salt Pork . - . ' 10 Mime Meat , ready made 8 Saner Kraut 8 Pickled I'ixb l''cet 7 J'lipo 7 Pickled Hocks 8 Hutter 2 Poultry and Fish at lowest rnaikct prices , Don't Forget the Number , IVO. 2r imOADWAV GEO. H. MESCHENDORF D , H. MoDANELD & CO , , iesjallow , PeltsWool , & Fors , Highest mnrkt't prices 1'ionipt icturm t-0 and iff ! Main HU. Council Ulunn , Iy * , | IIOAIK lItisSUI ; ) MIC ATS ! i\amlnii : tlio followliiK p Iron for rash only d Ijiiy ymir IIKMIH divtHud at liomu. 1 ulll o II until riullii'i nolli'OKB folloua Khonldtrand ( liucl : roabt . 5 to Ca I'llmnrlli loa-it - . Chuck Htciik. . t-a Hound sti-iik a to Uio HJllolll htl'llk 100 juo llolllUK Ixof 4 to to .Mutton Hlu'.v Bo .Million iHi'H Co ( 'oinlieof 4 to So I'urk riuiHi ion I'urkclioiiiund Htenk "a I.ard , pur , ) and our own ina'cu . 1-a , our on niuku . 1U(1 ( llemomlicr IhlH Ix tliv only HOMO DKCBB MIIATilAltKIITIn ttiocllj. N" fmelKli in ftttj sold. Tek'phono No. ZJ'J. f. 1 . MJU.NMH , No. Htil Main Hi , THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRIOE $15 , Is equal t ) any High Prloai L'achlno. 'Jlio Kiluon .Mlrocograpli , tbo ten iipparHtiif tot miiiilfuliliiiK aulu riphlo unJ Ijrpy rrntlni nark. S.IWI < oplcxa ha luVen , The Excekisr CcCouncil Bluffs , Ii. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY. 1GJ1 Oouiila * Bt. , Omaha , Nob.