Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Generally Stronger , With
Some Improvement.
On ( Atinut , ( lie Snino ns Yesterday
Considerable Interest In 1'rovln-
IOIIH Cattle Again on tlio
Edge ,
CmcAno , Dec. 23. fSpcoial Telegram to
TitK lir..1 ) : The Chicago local whfnt rrmrlcct
was bulled about lo largely on the publica
tion in 'tho Cincinnati 1'rico Current thnt
there is n surplus of only about lf > .000OJO
bushel * of wheat cnst of the Kocky Moun
tains remaining for export. There Is nothing
nexv or startling in this estimate. H Is In ex
act line with numerous previous calculations
In the same paper , und Is In harmony with
the news of the dally business nnd the best
Individual estimates of the probable export
able surplus. Nevertheless the announce
ment seemed to produce something of nn Im
pression on the trade to-day. Probably It
was only incidental , but It afforded the crowd
In the pit the easiest explanation ot the rally ,
nd It was accordingly mentioned us the
prime cause. ' Incidentally , too , the reported
taking of eight loads of wheat for Daltlinoro
and Philadelphia was chronicled as n verygooil
reason why wheat should bo higher at nncu.
Very little was said ubout the drying up of
Lhu western receipts , nnd the rapid inroad
that is being made into the stocks of Hour ,
nnd the abnormally light stocks of contract
wheat , or cn.v of thuso stale points , The
crowd felt bullish for the dayaml the scalpers
bought In very much thosamespirit that they
Hold in on Wednesday's slump. The market
f-C'cmcd strong to-day. The opening trades in
May wheat were oil n b-His of $1.1) ) . ' ) . The
market sold up to (1.0.V.f , down to $1.01 %
up to Jl.O'Of , down to Sl.OI,1 * , up to 81.0-iy.f ,
sharply down to $1.11 V from which point it
worked tip to SLOT ) , then to Sl.0. % off to
$ l.Ci > 4 , up In $ Mf > T < , oft to $1.0. > ' 4 , and back
to $ l.u. " . ' < . The latter limu-ei si'umed to be
the principal lighting line from 12 to I
o'clock. The close wns $ l..Vj. ( ) There was
nlinost nothing done in December , the only
quotation up to noon being $1. January
opened at ! > ! i'f.'c , sold on" to 'JSJ e , up to Sl.UU,1) ) ,
nnd closed at $1.0 , ) , .Inly was inactive , rang
ing from Mu to WJ'Bo und closing atlfi c.
The closing range shows some improvement
from yesterday , and the feeling may lie de
scribed as generally stronger. December was
'looted at ! K ) ii ) at the close Hutchinson was
n steady buyer on u rather extensive scale.
The covering of u largo line by 1'oole , t.up-
posnbly for Kent's account , turned the at
tention of a great lot of the snmllnr shorts to
Iho advisability of doinc likewise. This
covering was general. Then there was u
lively scalping trade on the bull side and
lar o bivcstment buying by the commission
houses mid by the brokers , who have become
more or less identified with the movement of
the recogni/.cil bull leaders. Karly in the
day there was free selling of wheat , com
monly believed to bo for tlio northwest. It
was that which caused the brcalc to Jl.OIJn.
If the price hud gone below $1.01 , some very
broad and deep buying orders would Imvo
been struck. As it was , buying was of a
very gond character , and stimulating
irf its Inllm nee. The foreign news
\vns not especially signilicant. The
forok'ti markets aio steady , but tlio arrival
nf bovunil cargoes Iroin California off the
coast , has advertised the fact that the regu
lar supplies from that sonrco may be ex
pected at the rate of 2,00,1,000 bushels a
month , until next spring. That will not fill
the European cavity , but it will help out.
'J he continental innrkcN arc stronger than
the ICnglish markets , and some business in
futures for the continent is reported from
New York.
There was a slight infusion of life into the
corn market , after the weal : and spiritless
beginning , whpji to-morrow's estimated receipts -
ceipts were placed at only lill ) cars. The re
ceipts to-day were ten cars under the antici
pated number , and a good demand was ex
perienced for offerings on the cash market.
There was altogether a better tone to the
market and movu conlUlunco among buyers
than has been seen for a coi.sidcr.iblo . time.
It was not so exclusively controlled by local
influences , as has lately been the case , the
outside business on the investment side of
the market being inoro conspicuous and to a
greater extent. The clear frosty weather ,
while it will probably increase the proportion
tion of No. 2 , will put all grades into a better
shipping condition , thus imparting more con
fidence to handlers. To the covering by the
r.horts soiiio of the strength wns certainly
luo- hut what appnarcd to bo moro lasting
influences were also present. The closing
prices show an improvement over tlioso pro-
palling at the corresponding time yesterday ,
Df from ' 'c to } { > : , und the feeling was llrm
lo the olo. < o.
The course of the oat market wns much the
same as that of yesterday , with only fair
aggregate trading In a speculative way at
nearly an unchanged range of prices. May
Dpcnod steady and was sold down fully } { ti ,
to ! isM -'i recovering later under the buying
Dn the part of the .shorts , and ruling steadier ,
with the near months dull , though firmer.
At the iasldo prices there were a few sailers ,
And there seemed to bo a fair inquiry at me
dium llgurcs.
In provisions considerable Interest swas
shown. The new Dusiness transacted on
Bpeculatvo or distributive account , was quite
moderate , but traders wore busy changing
over their January contracts to Alay. The
illfferenccs between thcso months were also
widened somewhat. At the close May
rouimnndcd a premium over January of t % c
for pork , "i diWo for lard , and 20o for short
ribs , in ceneral trade the fcolinif was a lit
tle bearish und the day's closings showed a
ileclino of 10@l11 o on pork and 2jfjS7) ( c on
thort ribs. Lard was unchanged , to "j o
CIIICHOO , Dec. 23. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hni.f : C.VTTI.U The run ot 11,00. ) cat
tle this morning , nearly all natives , staggered
salesmen and spread dismay among the most
hopeful , us It was plain to bu seen that that
number could not be disposed of at the ad
vance of the past three days. The demand
was limited. The shippers held off , and the
dressed beef operators were nut on the
market until late ; not until they were satis-
fled that salesmen wore willing to incut them
nt nbout what they would offer. The situa
tion of the past three days seoined reversed ,
ris during that time salesmen could get near
what they uslccil , nnd to-day the buyers dic
tated thoterms. _ Some salesmen quoted the
decline n't 10@UOo on fair to good steers , and
others less buoyant , said thai about all the
nilvunco of the past three day ?
was lost nnd thnt values were again
approaching the "Slough of Despond" of
Thursday and Friday of last week , The run
of TOKUIIS was fair , In fact larger than ox-
licctcd , twenty loads from Laredo , Texas ,
coming in. This Incident , as a mutter of
course , helped to bring about u slight down
turn in cow stock , especially to common and
cunning sorts , but good caws and heifers did
not nhuro In the big decline in steers , and
the demand was fairly active. The stacker
and feeder trudo presented no now features.
Choice to extra beeves , JI-10@-l.lKj ) medium
Hoas Trade was fair and prices steady as
compared with yesterday , The shipping de
mand wus rather light , but regular packers
bought freely , although many of them did not
commence until late. The bulk of the mixed
sold atSD.ISftS.CO. mid of the best heavy at
$5.S2 ( < i5.a5 ; , ono lot of. six loads of fancy at
fS.iii.H. The demand for light sorts was
rather limited , telling largely at $5.15 for
good mixed and assorted. Light light , slngo
sort aud other fancy sorts were rather neg
lected. _
NEW YOIIK , Doc. 28. [ Special Telegram
to TIIB _ IlBb-.l STOCKS The tlrst prices
from London this morning showed declines
ibout equal to our closing tlgures lust night ,
but later quolationi no.tcd some Improve
ment , especially In the Vundcrbdts. Our
market opened irregular and weaker , the
first prices as a rule , being 'dftl'i per cent
below those of last evening. The London
houses and Hoston operators were largo
buyers of New England at the opening , nnd
that stock advanced 1-V per cent. Lake
Shore , Heading , Lackawanna and grangers
monopolized the balance of the bull inter
ests , advancing ' 4(1 ( ? ; ; per cent. Cotton
Seeds were the weak features , showing a
decline of % per ecnt. The bears were pre
dicting : for this stock. The recent de
cline Is attributed partly to the calling in of
loons In which this stock was collateral.
Stocks are still plenty In the loan croxvd , but
an Improved demand is noted. The commis
sion people do not appear to he at alt dis
couraged and are still advising their custom
ers to buy stocks on the decline for a good
option. Some conservative people , however ,
were a little disturbed by the action of the
money market , nnd are advising their cus
tomers to hold oft until after New Year's
before buying nny stocks. There was some
good buying noticed In Cotton Seeds at the
decline , and they soon began to move up
sharply. The rest of the list seemed to
gather strength , nnd at noon the market
was active and strong at nbout the highest
prices reached. U Is said a very strong bull
party is quietly accumulating the good
stocks , and there Is n promise nf a sub-
stanlial rise in n few days. There was some
good buying of Mow England by Chicago
houses during the afternoon. Cotton Seed
Oil cnrtillcutes were well sustained. The
ease in money late in the day had n favora
ble influence. The market closed llrm , but
trading was limited. The not advance
shows St. Paul ' , Northwestern } , , ' , Cotton
Seed Oil ? f , Now England % , and Missouri
Pacific i per cent. Coal stocks closed at
about the same us the opening prices , Head
ing showing > 4 per cent decline for the day.
The total sales of stocks aggregated 10i70
slmi-os , Including St. Paul 10OlJ ) , Union Pa-
cillc 7 , : > 00 , Heading 21,000 , Louisville &
Nashville -V.'OJ , Northwestern S > ,00 ( ) , New
England : > SJOO ( , Laekawnnnu 11,000.
The following were the closing quotations :
tT.S. 4s regular..riPilNorthern I'acltlo. . 2VJ
I' ' . S. Is coupons I-SJJ dopreferreil r.iy . !
U.S.4'isreKHlar. . 1U8VC. k N.V IOS
U.8.4'iicoupon-i..ltWjj do preferred 140
I'nelllctisof ' 111 . . .nil N. V. Central 10V i
Central I'aclllo. . . . if , I' . , It , ScK S44 !
Chicago A : Alton . .I.Tl'J ' Hock Island HT'j '
Chicago , llurllngton o. . M. &st. i' < wj
. I0fli4 do preferred IUI'4
) . , , . W . It ) St. rnul&Omnha. . : KS
Illinois Central. . . . ) 14 'i ' iloiiroferreil 'JO
I..II. & W . W'i ' Union 1'acitlc W. {
Kan as ft Texas. . . I'l'i ' W..SI.I , . .VI' I'Jii
I < nki Suora . 10" ! ' do preferred. . . . SIP *
Michigan Central Western Uulon WJ'j
MIsEourll'ucitlo . . . .3'a '
MONEY ONCu.t. . Easier at 3 per ecnt.
cent. E.XCIUSOE Dull , weak , sixty
days , $4.S4 ; demand , f4.SS.'i.
Ciiti'Ano , Dec. 28. Wheat Stronger ; cash ,
9fc ! ) ; January , f 1.00 ; Mav , Sl.O.V , ; .
Corn Firmer : cash , 33 l.VHJe : January ,
! . ' ] : Mtc ! ; May , 4TVc.
Oats Firm ; cash , 25c ; January , 23jj'e , ;
May , "SJfc.
Kye ; < 0e.
Itarley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothj ? 1.5'J.
Whisky $1. 0.
Pork Steady : cash and Jantiary , S12.SO : *
May , ? 13.27itf.
Lard -Steady ; cash , JS.22January } ; ,
$7.7 ; May , $7.SOp7.S'il-a' ( ! .
Flour Firm and unchanged.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $0.75 ( 0.87) ) ;
short clear , r.iajifQT.-'o hort ribs , JO.SO.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 20@
2'Jc ; dairy , 17g2k' ( .
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream cheddais ,
10Jf@Ilc ; : Hats , Il ( < i'lli4o ; Voting Ameri
cas , HHC'i'l'Jc. '
Eggs-Easier ; fresh , l@l'.l ' > c ,
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ;
G.l c ; light green salted , ( yfe ; green. Sen
salted bull , 5'4e ; green bull , 4'4'c ' : greed
dry Hint , "J.jW'jij ; dry calf , 7cg3c ; braade ;
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , liifuJSOo each ,
dry salted. lO lSe.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solia SJ-jC ;
No. 2 , Vcuke \ , 5Kc.ilcceints.
ilcceints. Shluments.
Flour , bbl-j . 17,000 14,000
Wheat bu . 83,000 , 13,000
Corn , bu . IHS.OOO 375,000
Oats , bu . 157OtX ) 130,000
Hye , bu .
New Vork , Dee. 23. Wheat Receipts ,
0,000 ; exports , none ; snot dull , but fe"@lc
higher ; No. ! i red , ? 1.01 @ 1.01Jf in ele
vator , $1.02&@l.oj : afloat , * I.W.4@1.03 ( ! % f.
o. b. ; No. 3 rod , 9ojij@0rc ; ungraded red ,
SOS-c. Options less active , strong and % @
5/c above yesterday ; No. red , January ,
closing at S1.01 Jn' .
Corn Receipts , 175,000 ; exports , 1,003 ;
spot moderately active and steady ; No.
2IG' ' e In elevator , 474'e afloat ; ungraded
mixed , a7@-Sc ! ; No. a , : ) S ® : ) e. Options
dull , but ijW&c higher and steady.
Oats Kecoipts , 5,400 ; exports , none ; spot
firm , } @ \Q higher and fairly active. Op
tions tinner and fairly active.
Coffee Options dull , but steady and mod
erately active. Sales , 42,750 bags ; Decem
ber , $14.80 : January , 514.75 14.80 ; Febru
ary , $14.05cil4.50 ( ! ; May. SM.5C $ U.UO. Spot
Hio quiet ; fair cargoes , $10.75.
Petroleum Loweraud quiet ; united closed
at SliJ c.
Eggs Dull and weak ; western , 23@23c.
Pork Moro active ; mess. $ I4.25@14.75.
Lard Easier and quiet ; western steam ,
$3.85vlO ; January , ? 8.10.
Huttcr Easy and quiet ; western dairy ,
14@25e ; western creamery , 19j ( 31c ; Eights ,
3c. ; !
Cheese Steady and in moderate demand ;
western , lOQlUJfc.
Milwaukee , Dee. 23. Wheat Firm
cash , into ; May , 99e.
Corn-Steady ; No. II. 30@,11c.
. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 27tf23c. (
Kyo-Easy ; No. 1 , 4 ! ) ' c.
HurHv Quiet ; No. 2 , 07 e.
Provisions Steady ; pork , $12.30.
Kaunas City , Dec. 23. Wheat Stronger ;
No.'Jrcd , cash , sales at U3J e ; May , 97e ) $ bid.
9Si e asked. No. 8 soft , cash , Jl.OJ. asked
January , 9. % bid May , fl.Ol'i ; asked.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , no bids , nor
offerings ; May , 29 , ' o bid ; No. 2 white ,
May , Mo asked.
Outs No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May. 84 ? c ,
Liverpool , Dec. 23. [ Special Cablegram
to Tan HICK.3:30 ] : p. in. Close.-Pork In
poor demand ; prime moss eastern , 7Ss 9d ,
dull ; prime mess western , OSs 9d , dull.
Lard Is In poor demand ; spot , -IBs Oil ,
steady ; December , 43s Cd , dull ; January und
February , 42s 3d , dull.
Wheat Is in fair demand ; new No. 2
winter , Sa Id , steady ; now No. 2 spring , s
Id , steady.
Flour Is in fair demand ; 12s , firm.
Corn Is m fair demand ; spot , 4s Gjj'd ,
dull ; December , 4s 5d , dull ; January , 4t > -d ,
dull ; February , 4s 2 d , dull.
aiinmtapollB , Dec. 2S. Wheat Higher :
receipts , 91 cars ; shipments , ( lit cars ; No. 1
hard , December , $1,10 ; January , $1.17 ; on
truck , $1,17 ; No. " northern , December , ? ! . 00 ;
January , 1.07 ; on track , $ l.os@l.l ( ) ; No. 2
northern , December , 95e ; May , $1,02 ; on
trade , 04@Me.
Cincinnati , Dec. 83. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 rod , Oik ) .
Corn Steady ; No , 2 mixed , 85o.
Oats Steady ; No. 8 mixed , 27Kc.
Whisky-Quiet ut $1.14.
St. Jjimls. Deo. 23. Wheat Higher ;
cash , OTtfo ; May , Sl.OIJf.
Corn Higher ; cash , 3030tfo ! May ,
Oats Easier ; cash , 24c ; May , 2S.Yc.
Pork-Dull at $13.5'- ' ) .
Lard Nominal at $7.70 ,
Hutter Quiet ; creamery , SOQ'Kc ' : dairy ,
1424o. _
Clilongo. Deo. 23 The Drovers' Jour
nal reports us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 : maricot dull
and dcmorullzod , and 25o lower ; choice to
extra beeves , tl.40@4.VK ) ; steers , $2.SO@
4.30 ; btookers aud feeders , t'-.OUijta.lO ;
cows , bulls and mixed , tl.25glt.00 ; Texas
cattle , $ ! . 0 < g3.00.
Hogs Heceipts , 10,000 ; market slow and
lower ; light , $5.00 5.20 : mixed , I4.95' 55.2ij ;
heavy , | 5.05@5.UOj skips , * 3.40@5,10.
Bheep-Hcceipu 0UOO ; market slow
nnd easier ; natives. $3.50irf4 S5 ; western
S , l < Ve4 ( . ' > . ; feeders , ? 3.25c'3.10. Td.xansfcJ 50
Q3..Vi ; lambs , ? -l.tXtfo.85. )
Knhsns City. Dec. % * . Cftttlo Receipts
3KSO head : shipments , 1,903 ; market slow
especially on beef steers.whlch wore weak to
lOc lower. Cows gcnciiilly weak nt f > M10c
lower ; stockcrs and feeding steers , qulc
nnd steady , Good to choice corn-fed. (4,53di
4 10 ; common to medium , M,20l.40 ( ( ; stack
ers and feeding steers , fj.00@3.45cows ; , $1.8.1
( ! (2.ST > .
Hogs Hccclpts , 0,030 ; shlprnQnts , 4SS
market weak nnd fie lower ; good to choice
M.tGiffrtS.O'.tJi ; common to medium , $1.85
( S5.00.
National Slock Ynrils , FOast St.
Iiouls , Dec. 2 . Cattle Heeclpta , SOJ ,
shipments , 500 ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers , $5.00@r > .00 ; fair to
good steers , $4.40@5.10j butchers' steers.
medium to choice. W.30@,30 ' ; stockers am
feeders , fair to good$2.IHwc3.20 ) ; rangers.corn
fed , M.OOC'14.40 ' ; grass fed , $2.10 ( : f4.U ) .
Hogs Hcecipts. : i,000 ; shipments , .100 ;
market lower ; choice heavy and butchers
selections , $5 , 20 5. 40 ; packing , medium to
prime. $5.W5.25 ( ; light grades , ordinary to
best , R'JO.Y10.
Slon.x City , Dec. 2S. CATTI.H Heceipts
805 : shipments , 1M ! : market steady.
IIoos Hccolpts , 1,500 ; market openeil
5c lower than yesterday ; llcht and mixed
$5.00ft5.05 ( ; heavy. M.05rt5.12. (
Friday , Dec. 23. 1SSS.
There was not much change In the cattle
market to-day , although the buyers were
claiming that their beef cattle cost a little
more money , in some instances , than yester
day. The offerings were light , nnd aside
from two small bunches ol good cattle ,
which sold at 54.10 and W.15 , the quality was
not very desirable. The packers bought the
bulk of their cattle at 1.85iUO. : The re
ceipts of cows were especially light and sold
nt .90a2.70 ( , the latter price being for a
choice bunch of heifers. The bulk of the
cows sold at 2.110 ( 8.50. Although the de
mand was not very heavy it was sutllcicnt to
take about everything offered.
The early market was strong , and a few
loads sold a littli higher than yesterday , but
the general market was about steady with
yesterday. The trade , however , closed
easier , or about 5a lower than the highest
point in the morning. Everything in llrst
hands was sold before the close.
The receipts were light and the market
Cuttle . 500
HOPS . 4HM )
Sheep . 190
Prevailing I'rlum.
The following is a t.itdaof pricsi p.lti la
this mantet for Iho gradji of stock men
I'rimosteers. 1300 to 15001bs..75 : ) (24.25 (
Prime steers. 1100 to U < OJ ibs. . 3.2. i : i.SO
Native feeders . -J.75 ( iJIJ.OO
Western feeders . tt.lio ( tf2.90
Common to good cows . 1.25 f < * 2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 8.85 ( 't' ' .75
Commonto choice bulls . 1.25 fii8.00
Falrtocnoicongnthoes . 4.S5 (0)5.05 )
Fnirtoeaoico iieav.v tioji . 8.10 ( $5.2i )
Fair to choice mixed hess . 5.00 < < 5.10
Kepre.siuiuvj : 3 xl. ) I.
No. Av. Pr.
'leows . 7SO $1.00
1 bull . 19.H ) 1.05
1 bull . 1850 1.85
If bulls . 1007 1.85
I bull . 1010 8.00
5 co ws . 992 8.00
II cows . 1 107 8.10
14 cows . 10S5 8.15
5 eows . 1170 8.25
8 c o ws . „ . tWJ 8.85
S cows . 1035 8.r o
19 eows . 1193 8.50
1 cow . 1 100 8.50
2 bu 1 Is . 1075 8.50
23 eows . 1043 8. 55
80 cows . I lltii 8.70
1 stag . 1780 8.75
1 1 steers . IIKIO 8.90
lit steers . 10.K ) D.25
41 steers . 11 IS a ! 40
24 steers . 10SS if. 55
23 steers , corn-fed westerns. . . . 1 : t 05
1 ! ) steers . 1119 it. 00
47 steers . 1171 ! : i.70
l.S steers . 1801 3.75
1'J steers . 11SI 3.75
18 steers . 1IU4 il.75
55 stoars . 12 IS 3.90
lOsteers . 18,11 3.90
31 steers . ; . 12l ° > 3 3.90
15 steers . 1313 4.00
IS steers . 1370 4.15
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pr.
50. . .2.J-4 240 .HB. . 45. . , . : tyo SO 5.20
or. . . .214 SO 4.W ) 03. . , .2CO 200 5.05
07. . .IS ! ) 120 4.1K ) r.5. . fS ! ! ISO 5.05
74. . .807 120 UJ3 . ' 9. . ' , ICO 5.05
05. . 287 120 4.115 59. . .atir J > 0 5.05
70. . , ! 'J47 20 ! ) 5.UO 05. . .271 410 5.05
59. . .809 ! WO 5.0 ( ) 55. . 800 5.05
74. . .837 120 5.00 47. . ! : J20 800 5.05
09. . .201 120 P.OO 03. . .253 80 5.05
58. . .200 5.00 08. . .288 320 5.05
05. . .202 80 5.00 53. . .2715 1:40 5.05
OS. . .259 280 5.00 54. . , . 340 240 5.05
74. . .248 100 5.00 40. . . . 315 40 5.05
05. . .205 I20 5.00 50. . . . 381 180 5.05
OS. : .249 2S ( ) 5.00 58. . . . 881 8i)0 )
71. . .255 280 5.0H ill . . .842 120
53. . .815 240 5.00 fir. , . .893 100 5.07
07. . ,2s2 400 5.00 58. . .304 SO 5.0714
58. . .882 10 ! ) 5,00 53. . .520 400 5.10
03. . .871 800 ' 53. , . .877 200 5.10
00. . .223 210 s.'ojX ; 04. , . .313 180 5.10
05. . .271 240 03. . .315 89 5.10
08. . .809 810 47. . .Hit ) 5.10
CO. . ,8.15 2SO 5.0. ) , ; 53. , . .37 ! ) 48 5.10
59. . .280 100 5.05 105. . .333 40 5.10
03. . .874 120 5.05 45. , . .358 40 5.10
Oil. . .250 80 5.05 M. , 5.18' < ;
05. . .252 400 5.0. ) 48. , . .370 5.15
58. . .313 100 5.03 48. , . .420 SO 5.15
74. , .849 120 5.05 59. , . .343 800 5,15
CG..2U7 100 5.05
Live Stock Notes.
Cattle steady.
Hogs closed easier. ,
H. J. Moore , DunJap , la. , topped the hog
C. D. Gurdanicr , manager of the Fremont
stock yards , was down , taking m the sights
The stock yards will bo closed at noon on
New Year's day and there is. not likely to bo
any market.
Sioux City received 2,000 hogs to-day , St.
Paul 1,000 , St. Joseph 900 , Indianapolis 5,000.
and Cincinnati 4,50U.
M. U. Doyle , Iowa ; Messrs. Gorolnnd
Meek , Stanton , la. , and T. W. Tubbs , Chicago
cage , were visitors ut the yards ,
L. F. Still , Coin , la. ; Seth Kelly , To-
kamah ; L. M. Elinolumi , Swedoburg ;
Thomas Trice , Thayer , und II. W. Clover ,
Utica , were among these who came in with
I'rudiicc , Etc.
Ilunxu Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
20@30o ; choice country , 2J'i5c : medium
grades , $5.00 5.50 ; bakers' ilour$5.85@5.75
per ubl.
POTATOES Nebraska , 45 55o per bu ; Col
orado , 00(7 ( 70o.
SWKET POTATOES 3@3 } c per lb.
POUI.TIIV Live chickens , fj.50@2.75 per
doz ; dressed chickens , 7@Sc per lb ; turkeys ,
9@lle ; ducks und geese , 10@l3o.
Enos Strictly fresh , 21@8iu candied.
MAI.AIU GIUPKS In kegs , 12c per lb.
HAXANAS Common , S1.50@i,25 per bunch ;
choice , $2.50i ( 3.50.
LBMONS 53.75@5,00 per case.
OHANOBS Florida , * 3.2i@3.75 per box.
GUJB Pjr dozen ; Mallards , $3.85 ; tea
$1.50 ; quail , $2,00 ; prairie chickens , $1.00@
4.50 : rabbits , $1.00 ; squirrels , $1.00 ; venison ,
7@12o per lb ,
UIUN $1100@14.00 ,
ci ) FEi -l4.00@15.00 per ton ,
Coitx 25@20c.
OATS 81 ( 22c
Vi.XEOAu-Clder , lO ISc per gal. : white
wine , 10(325o ( per gal.
HONEY Mb frames , 10@18c.
CiuMnEiiuiKs $3.00@9.00 per bbl ,
PKOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , lie ; No. 3 ,
I0) c ; shoulders , Mo\ \ rib bacon , lie ; clear
jacon , l\Ua\ \ \ picnic hams , lOo ; dried beef
hams , \ 0cdry \ salted clears , short , 81 < fo ;
extra short , 8 c ; short ribs. 8tfo : pickled
) lgs' feet , 15-lb kits , 60o ; lard , 8f@9Kc ;
smoked sausage , C@So per lb : hog casings ,
s.v/fSOc per do ? ' fancy , 40e.
ONION'S 30040C i c"r Wl ;
CuinnnM.00pcr 100.
Unfits 40oi > er bu.
Tt'HNll's 25c per bu. '
Siftu ICiut T llbls. , $1.7.S ; half bbl . ,
J8.I5. . .
A rn.r.i Choice. $150(77 ( , J.i5 per bbl ; fancy ,
S3.0U jKjr bbl ; common , Ji.'A ) l.75 per bbl ,
CIDKU Michigan , $5:00i : ! 0.50 per bbl of 03
gals ; California pear elder , 515.00 per bbl.
Pot- Cons Hlce , 3c ; common , 2 , ' c.
C.UIUOM lOe per bu.
Hctvs Choice eastern hand picked navies ,
? 8,85 per bu , ; western hand picked navies ,
$1.75fcl.SO ( ; mcdluinB , $1.50 ; Limn beans , 5c
per lb.
Hir F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , $0.00 ; No.
2 upland , MOO. _ _
Revised prices are as follows :
HAO'iiNd Stark A , seamless , ' .JJis ; Amos-
keag , seamless , 17J i % ; Lewl town , A , seam
less , I9c ; American , seamiest , 17i- ; burlaps
4 to 5 bu. , llOUIc : gunnies , single , 13e ; guti
nles , double , 80c ; wool , sack , H5e
T-.VI\I : < I Flax , 3Sc ; extra sail , 20 , < iUlc ; sail
I ) , 2Xi8Ic ; cotton , 22c ; Jute , 9o.
Diitiil ) Fi'.ftT Figs , in boxes , per lb , 13@
ICe ; dates. In boxes , 7i7'10c ' ; L-mdon Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $2.50C < ? 3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , f8.302.50 : new Valencia nil-
sins per lb. S e ; ( 'allloniia loose muscatels ,
per box , $8.uU@'i.lO ; California Londons ,
1SSS , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , per lb. 18c ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per lb , 12 ( < i/l3c ; dried
blackberries , per lb , 7'sf , < fSc ; dried raspber
ries , per lb , 24ff85e ( ; evaporated apples , 7J-Jt8 (
8c ; California sun-dried peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia unparcd evaporated peaches , 14e ;
evaporated C.ilifiirnla apricots , ISe ;
currants , O. V7c ; Turkish prunes , 5&j5l1lc ;
citron , 88iC8ii" orange peel , 1.Vlemon ; peel ,
lOe : California French prunes , lUtilOo.
Moehu , 8.icjOi" , Rio , good , '
Ibc ; Mundahling , 8 ( > ( ( f8.l < c ; roasting Rio , IS i1
10c : O. O. Java , 3ln80c ( ; Java , interior , 8'S (
25c ; Rio , fancy , INuHV : Santos and Mara-
ea'bi ' ) . 17if'19c. ' ; Arbuckles , 234c ; McLaugh-
Hn'sXXXX , 82 4c.
SUUAII Cirunulutcil , T-II'C ; coaf. A , "J o ;
white extra C. 7 i % ; extra C , 7lsc ; yellow C ,
0ie ; powdered , b.jC ; cubes , H' ' c.
HUKSWAV Choice yellow , 'JOaJ'JJ.'j'c ' ; dark
colored , 1314c.
CIIIIHI : : : Vounir America , full cream , 1'JftD
litJjV ; full cream chedders , ladtlS' ' c- .
PICKI.USMedium , in bbls , 5. ( HI ; do , in
half bbls , $3.00 ; small , In bbls. * . , ) , ) , do , in
half bbls , JJI.5I ) ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , fl.OU.
Toiurco Plug , 80D'i5c ( ; smoking , 10 ( < f9lc. )
J 1:1.1,1 : in $1. 85 per 30-lb pail.
SU.T -I.t5d.40 ! ( per bbl.
Roi'u 7-10. 18e
MAPI.I : Scotit Urieks. ll@12c per lb ;
penny cakes , 18@13e per lb ; pure niaplu
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Ti\s Young Hyson , common to fair. ISrti
25o ; Young Hyson , good lo lancy , iHKifi.Vtc ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 88ji85c ( ; ( .iiin-
powder , choice to fancy , 40i J5e : Japan ,
common to medium , l.Yujilo : Japan , choice
to laney , ; Hii 45c ; Oolnug , common to good ,
30f35c ( ; Oolomr , choice to fancy , 50irf70e ;
Imperial , commnn to medium , 85$35e ( ; Im
perial , good to fancy , 40XiroOu.
NUTS Almonds. l.Vint c'.lilbcrts , 18M5c ( ;
Uriizll , 9@lc ( ) ; walnuts , 18e ; pecans , lO llc ;
peanuts , OQj'Jc.
CIUCKIIII-J 0510cpor lb ; assorted cukes ,
Si85o ( per lb as per list.
C\NDV Mixed , 9Ji ( < /M2i.c ; slide , 9 } &
rock candy , ] l ) ) ( < / > iic : ; fancy candy , 7 ( < i'8 '
Connsit O. ' IK 7V e.
Dry Goods.
COTTOS FI.XXIU10 : jior cent ilis. ; LL ,
5)-ic ; CC. 03fe : SS. 7\e , Nameless. 5e ; UX ,
ise ; R , 80o : No. 10 , S'-ie ' ; No. 40 , 10'xfo ; No.
00 , 12 } < jc ; No. SO , 13 ; , < c ; No. i0 ! , colored , 9e ;
No. 50. colored , 18c ; ivo. 70 , colored , 13)fj'e ) ;
Uristol , 12'e ; Union P.ieilic , 17. : .
U'Aia1 Uul , white , 19o ; colored ,
\Trs-Standard. . 8 < r ; gem. . lOe ; beauty ,
'Je ; boone , 4c ; H , cased , ffl.50.
PIIIST- Solid cnJors Atlantii' , Oc ; Slater ,
Oc : llerlin oil , 0 , ' n ; ( Turner oil , Oyn'c.
PUIXTS Pink ai l Rubes Allen. lie ; Rivor-
lioint , 5'4'c ' ; Steel' ' River , (1'jc ( ' ; Richmond ,
O fc ; Pacilic , 7c. .
Pin srs Dress , Charter Oak , . "i' ' 'e ; Ram-
apo.IJ c ; Lodi , 5 > 4'c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond ,
tic ; Windsor , Ojiju ; Eddystone , ; Paeilie ,
0'rfe. , i
lJiiACiitn Sii HiiN - > - liorkclcy cambric ,
No. ( X ) , 9j. < c ; llcut Vet. 4-4 , Oi'Yo ' ; butter
cloth , OO , 4 4'c ; Cabot , . ? Kc ; Parwull. half
blcneheil , S' ' ' c ; Fruit ol the Loom , 9' ' c ;
C'.reeac tS.'O. ' ; Hope , ' } : , ; King Phllllo
cambric , lie ; Ijjusdalc cambric , HMe ; Lous-
dale , 9c ; New York milln , 10. > < fe ; Peppercll ,
48-in , lie ; Popperell , 4iJ-in , 18c ; Peppercll.
0-4 , lOe : Peppercll , 8-4 , 81c ; PcDpcrell , 9-4 ,
83e ; Pepperell , 10-1 , 85c ; Canton , 4-1 , b\'e ;
Triumph , Oo ; Wainsutla. lie ; Valley , 5c.
KHSIKI.S : Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Goshen ,
38''e ' ; Clear Lake , ! > 0Ve , ; Iron Mountain ,
' e.
FI.VXNEI.S White OH , No. 8 ? / , 28l''c ;
OH , No. 1 , J.f , 20c ; 1JII , No. 8. ; ' - , ' , 28 0 ; UII ,
No. 1 , % , KOe ; Quechec , No. 1 , X , 42e.
CousiM' JHANS Androscoggin , 7 e ; Kear-
surge , 7e : Roeknort , iy.O | ; Conestogii , OJ-.j'c.
TicKH-Vork , 30-in , 18Ko : York , 31-ni ,
Ke : Swift river , 734xc ; Thorndikc , OO ,
3 > c ; Thorndikc , EH. b'c ; Thorndilio , 180 ,
, IJ.Jc ; Thorudike , XX , 1.1u ; Cordis , No. 5 ,
, ltfc ; Cordis , No. 4 , 7' ' c.
bisiMS Amoskcag. 9 ox , 10 } e ; Everett , 7
oz , lil c ; Yorlf , 7 oz , liJKe ; Havmakyr ,
8'Je ; .laffroy XX , HMc ; Jalfrcy XXX , I'iUis ;
Heaver Creek AA , 18c ; Heaver Creelc , H15 ,
He ; Heaver Creek CC. lOc.
KcNTfc'KV JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
I8c ; Durham , Sr'-jc ' ; Hercules , ISc ; Leam
ington , 22J40 ; Cottbwood , 87 - .
CIIAMIStevens' U , 0)o ; Stevens' H ,
Jleacheil , c : Stevens' A , 7'/e ' ; Stevens' A.
ijlcaclied , SJ.jc ; Stevens' P , 8Xc ; Stevens' ' P ,
bleached , 9 > fe ; Stevens' ' N. 93i ; ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10 > ie ; Stevens' SRt , 18 > < fc.
MISCII.IANKOIIS Table on cloth , ' 2.50 ;
plain Holland , 9'tfc ' ; Dado Holland , 18-jJe.
liiiotvN SIIUKTINU Atlantic A , 44 , 7 } 'c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7)40 ) ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 > ' , c ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , ( io ; Aurora LL11 , Go ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4jfu $ ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , O c ;
lloosicr LL , l-l , Oc ; Indian , 4-4 , 7 e ;
Lawrence , LL , 4-4 , Oc : Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
r > Kc ; Pepperell R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 ,
W . Peppcrell \ , 8-4 , ISUc : Popjieroll , 9-4 ,
Jle : Pepperell , 10-4 , 83c ; Utic.i C. 4-4 , 4 ;
Waclmsett. 4-1 , 7Xc ; Aurora , R , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora 1J , 4 4 , Oitfc.
DUCK West Point 29 in. S or. lOJ e ; West
Point 29 in. 10 oz , 12J c ; AVe.U Point 2'J in. 12
oz , 15e ; West Point 40 in. 11 of. , lOc.
FI.ASSII.S Red. C , 24 in , 15 > < o ; 1C , 84 in ,
Jljj'c ; UC3 , 84 in , 80c ; HAF , ? { , 2Jc , ; JRF , f ,
GI.VOIIAM Pluakett checks , 7J c ; Whltten-
, on 7 > e ; York , 7Ke ; Normundi dross , S c- ;
Calcutta dress , S > > ic ; Whittenton dress , S > e ;
Renfrew dross , j.
CAMIIKICH Slater , 5 > e ; Woods , S e ; Stan
dard , 5fe ; Peacock , 5'ie. '
PiiiNTd , iNDiuoHi.ui : Arnold , O'ljc ' ; Amcr-
can , O e ; Gloucester , 0)4 ) c ; Arnold C long
cloth , 9c ; Arnold B long cloth , lOJ e ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10'tfe ' ; Stelfcl A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
First and second clear , 1J in . . $4iK51 ! ( ) 00
.J'irst und second clear , IK in. . . 47 OOftfSO 00
1'hird clear , lM@l'-i i . -IS 00@10 00
A select , lif 01Jtf in. ! . 37 00
U select , IWssViAn. : . 33 00
A stock boards , 1B@10 It , 18 In . . 40 00
< stock boards , I2tl0 ( ft , 13 In. . 41 00
3 stock boards , ItftttMti It , lu in . . 30 00
) stock boards , 12alO ( ! ft , 12 in . . 23 00
Mooring , llrst common , Oin. . . . 34 00
.flooring , second common , C In. . 31 CO
select fencing flooring . 19 00
Siding , first and second clear , 14
tf10ft . . . , . , . 2500
Siding , llrst cominpn , 10 ft . 82 00
siding , second commdn . 19 00
Common boards. . . . ' / . . . , . . 1000
No. 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50
Slicing , No. 1 , 12@8 ft . 10 50
fencing , No. 8 , 12. H@10 ft . 15 50
Joist and scantlmj,2x4 , 14@10 ft 10 00
i'imbor , 4x4,18x8 , , 18ilO ( ft . 17 00
Pickets , D and H Hat . 33 00
'ickots , D ami H square . 8800
shingles , extra A. . . T. ' . . 2 80
Shingles , standanl A . 2 00
ath . 2 40
OG Halts , 2 > fin . *
O G Halts , 1 x3 , S I S . 00
in well tubing , D nnd M bev. . 23 00
Hemlock sole , 18@27cperlb ; oak solo , 33
@ 30o per lb ; oak harness , 30@itic per lb :
elected oak and trace , 35c per lb. ; oak and
lomlock unpor , 20@22o per foot ; hemlock
alf skin , No , 1 , 60@90o per lb , according to
veight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , ( Kc ) < 3$1.00 per
b. ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , $1.00@1.10
> er lb. ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , C0 < a70o per
b ; oak kip skin. No , 1 , 70@SOcper lb ; Phila-
olphla kin skin , extra , 8"S90o per l j ;
Vcnch calf skin ( according to weight and
uallly ) , $1.15@U5 perlb : French kip skin ,
o , 80c < g$1.10 . perlb. ; Cordovan russet , 18o :
atln finish. -
( n4.oo ; per si
Ooperfooti _ _ . - „ , , . _
col j glove calf kins. 20Q30b per foot ;
'Douglas kid , % \ < % IOc per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 4005011 per foot , according lo quality :
toppings , fS.tXVrfiO.OOpoi-doion : Unities. W.tK )
( 9.i > 0 per dojcn ; apron skins , J10.XX ( < fl3.00
per dozen. _
Metals and Tinners' Stock.
Htock tin , imall pii ; $ .2s
Hlock tin , bar. . . . . . 8 < . )
Copper , ploinlMied boiler sizes 34
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , sheating ' )
Copper , plus HO
Copper , Hats 3t
C5al , sheet Iron , .mnlata , 50-10 and 5 licr C. dls.
Pat. plalnished iron , 24 to 87 A 10vtf
Put plulnmtied iron , 24 to 87 It D'j
Roofing , 1C. 14x80 , 112 sheets 0.00
Roollng , IX. 14x30 , 112 sheets 7.50
Hooting. 1C 80x8 , 113 sheets 11.00
Roofing , IX. 80x8s , 112 sheets 14.50
Sheet Iron No. 20 , 3.50
Sheet Iron No. 87 il.OO
Solder 1. % @lii
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C. 10x14 , 885 sheets 0.50
IX , 10x14 , 885 sheets 8.25
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10x14. 225shcets 0.25
Steel nulls , per keg. 8.85
Steel wire nails , per keg 8.90
Till : KHAl/rVjilAKK R f.
IiiHtrnnicntH Plnueil on Hcoor.l O ur
ine Yestorrtny.
E.I Wohlcrsto H S Abbott , lot F , blk S.
( latv City park.ud I
J .S MIUet nl to ,1 M. Ureluhtim , lot -M.
blk 7 , OrcImrU lllll.wa WO
T.I MrKunna andwlfolo li Wllllnms , 110
rtlot II , WkS. Orchard Hill , w a 41H )
It M Davis to 1) ) M Phillip * , lot 11 , blk 0.
Sulphur Spilnp . wd 4,50
A l.owls to W J Kendls , uiul " 4 lot II , bite
Oft , South Omaha , w 0
M aiulT Kixlm toll t.axnrus 1-U Interest
lot II , blkTH. South Omalin , w d 2,100
M Morilton anil wife tnTU 1'nrklus , lot
7. .Morrison's add , w d 1,000
0 W Whltu toll I , Oavlk-hs , lots , blk J.
HiiMthornc , w d ' ,5'JO
\V 1 , Selby , tiu trt' , to J V I Mia , lot" , lilk
I. lot . ' * , lillc ; . . W I , SolliVs M aild.wil. . TOO
A K Cumpliell to C. I , llrndley , lots II and
I'.1 , blk it. Foster's add , w il
OT'lay lor and wife t Cl 1. llrudlnv , e 115
-1 ft lot tt ) . lilk t : > , imp us-- ! ) ndil.w d 1,1X0
I'T Taylor ami wllo to ( ] I , Iliudley , und
' n acres seof se Mfi-li ! w .1 . .1,000
( ' T Tuylnc and wife to ( ! I. llrailley. lot I ,
blk : . , I'addork place.v < 1
It lirinlfonl and wllo to William l.atey i't
ill , lots 1 mid-4 , llenson's sub. t ) e d
William l.ativvct allot : T Taylor , lot I ,
Unison's sub. n c d
* l .1 Komiard and wifiitoC 1 Taylor , lot I ,
lillclu1 , Koiint/.1 c il
J K.\lurki-l to ( "I Taylor , lot I. lli-nsons
sub. w.l . 14,0ft )
W 11 Lutovand wlfu to CT Taylor , lot 5 ,
Ili'ti-on's sub. w d
W II I.ntey and \vlfo to 0 T Taylor , lots 2 ,
3,4 , fi. llenson's sub d Sit.OOO
Nineteen UanstVrs . J1WS !
The folio wing building permits' were issued
yesterday :
13. - \ . llcnsion. two-btory frame dwelling ,
I'lirnnm near Furty-tlfth street . . .J 2.M10
K. A. llen * > ou. same . 2,000
William Ummcrson , one nnd one-half-
story frnmo reiidcnce. 1'owk-r avenao
' . 1.000
near 'I hirty-thlrd street
Three permits , aguregntlng t CfOJ )
The Whisky Train.
Philiulelpliiii Record : Every night
in the year , with tlio possible exception
of Suifdiiys and holidays , 11 trtiin of
twenty iaVs : loaded with wliislcy starts
from the t-entoi1 of tlio whisky factories ,
1'ooria , III. , bound cast. This railroad
procession is re-enforced , from three
] ) ( ) ints , viKnglewwod : , 111. . Cincin
nati aiidTilllnO. Then this odious body
moves oastwanl with steady swing , pre
pared to make the bteps of mankind un
steady for days and oven weeks to
come. The train is guarded carefully
and seldom does a mishap occur lo it.
Six of the cars ston hero and twelve are
transferred for New York at the Fifty-
second street station of West Pliiladel-
ihin. To the festive tramp the train is
_ ike a , red lliLr : to u bull. Ho can sniff
the air from afar anil enjoy that luxury ,
hut the imperative order is. "hands oil' . "
It has been estimated that about : ! 7C-
000 barrels of whisky come from the
west by trains during a year , and are
landed' the freight stations of this
eity. Ofthis number slig-htly over lii3- !
'IflO barrels rest for a few hours at tlio
Fifty-second street Iransfer freight sta
tion and then pass quiolly on. unmo
lested and unknown by the local topct-s ,
lo their destinations. This information
to the whibky drinkers is as tantalizing
mil exasperating as evciunreachallo
fruit and water were to the greedy
mythological Tantalus.
The freight authorities state , how
ever , that whisky is not the onlyarticlo
of spirits that comes in great quantities
to this city. They declare that more
cars containing high wines are received
icro and are transferred to other points
: han whisky. This city receives from
.he west from five to six ears of whisky
> er day , while on the average eight
ears of what are known as high wines
come in within the same time. Opposed
lo the twelve cars of whisky which
ire transferred to New York daily at
the Kitty-second street transfer station
ire from liftcen to eighteen cars of the
spirits. A whisky ear holds about sixty
jarrels , each barrel weighing approxt-
nalely-100 pounds. Spirits , as a class ,
nnd including whibkv * are handled
apidly , being known us special inercli-
indiso , which Is always transferred with
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Barnplcu for trial of 12 different r.tyl liy jnull , on
roccirtol 1 ( ) euiu In ttauii-8. Afik lorcanlMo. 8.
Oonreded \ > j tlio ( rroatnit ar.
tieti to bounotiualiMl on eitliorlleuittphcro. Factory
founded t a < is at Jllancliestor , ICugUnd , Oatalocua
Irei. UON & UEftLY. GblccQO , ( olt Agtl. lor lite U.S.
gcrreci ofyiiutlifiJ
, errurK , i-arly < ! >
, lost nmnliood.I'll- lll find n valnabli
Ircatlio rmikMl ) rontiilnlue full pnrlluulurii ( M
hnT.ierillP , frconf rliHtvo. AdilriMri ,
PROF.F.O. FOWLER. Mooduo , Conn.
, ivA runs at
S mcciibsfuliy u ed innnthly hy ovur 10,000
i tl-a < lle . Aro.Sn/e , Effectuuland I'lcaiant
' ? r ? J porlmx hymall.or nt rtniKRlsts. Sealed
Particulars il postngo Btiini | . Aildra'ia
Tun EuarttA CIIEMICAI. Co. , DcrriioiT , MICIL
attic nnil by mail ( > u
Co , , Onutlui ,
' and all urinary troubles I'aslly.qulck *
. ly anil safely cured byDOCrUllACup.
tiuvurul cases cured In seven days. Bold
f J.MJ per box , all drugglfcts , or by mull from Do-
cutuMft'.Co lKWliholJt..M. iM-'ull Direction *
.11. I'.U.'JKH. K. IMlirilMA.V. J , U. III.A.M iUill
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Offlco-Hoom J , Oppoilto Kiclianco IlulldliiM , l/nloa
_ Htock Yiaiiii , tJoulli Uinatia. Nub , _
Live Stock Commission ,
Koom 15 , Kxcbunpe llulldlnir , ( Intou gtock Tarii ,
Bouth UmnUtt. Nub.
_ _ _
" " * *
Of Oraalia , Limited
Agricuuurm impionionto ;
DcalcrinAgricoltiirallmiileinenls , Wagons ,
unit nn l . J K > pttcM , tclwc n8lhi ml
Kilt , Unistn. Ncl > m kn.
Agricultural Iiimlciiieiils.Wasons.CarriaiGS . .
Hugflci.Etc , Wliolculc. Onishit , Nr
\Vhol i l t ) . < ( t ri > ln
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml. HO , B u J TO Jonr Street. Otnuho.
p. P.
Mannfactnrers of BncEeye Drills ,
CulUTMon.Hnj IUkc > . Cldrr Mllll dtui l.ubnn 1'ul-
_ YCili r , Cor. Hlh nnJ Nlrhulkn Mrcvti.
- Wliolr nlp
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & BUEICS
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\V. K. Mpfti ) , Mftnajcr. ft Orai\h .
Mniiuf ctur 'rsniulJolilicri In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Otlinnit t'aclflc strocls. Omolm , Nrb.
Artlato' MntorlnlD.
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
lil.l IKiueliK Sln-pt. tm ) hNrbrnfliR. .
_ _ Uookoollora nnd Stntlonoro.
" "
H.'M , & s. w."JONES ,
.Succcnorsto A. T. Kpnyon A Co. , Wbolvinlo A Hclnll
Booksellers anil Stationers.
Pine \V iOliiR ) StiiMinicry , Cnninirrcliil Slntloncrt
WtS Douglas Slruct. Onmlui. > > b.
Boots and Shoaa * _ .
( Successors lo Heoil , Jones A lo. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AKi-nUlor lloMon UubDrr Slioo Co. 11IU. 1104 .V llim
bt. , Oninl.n. Ncbrnakn.
W. V. MORSE A. CO. .
Johliers of Boots and Shoes. .
1101 liaVHOJ Douglas 81. , Omnlm Mninifattorj , Sum <
nior St. . ] unon.
J. J. JOI/AWKV .t CO. .
Manufacturers of Lime
Ami slilpi'i'in ol coal. Cmu , Cviiirni , i-i. , ter. l.lmo
Drain Tlio mid tni'r I'lpiOllipo , 'Jlrt S > . Uth
St. , Oniulia , .Nut ) . TcloiiliunuSll.
Dry CooclH nna Notions-
Mi E'SMITH i co. . "
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions.
11U2 anil 1104 nouclni , Cor. llth St. , Omatin. Neb.
Importers and Jolliers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gcnta' Kurnlshlnc Cinols. Corner llth an.I HaJucr
rits. , OmiiUa. Nubrntka.
" " '
Shippers of Coal and Coi&
211 Soulh 13lli til. . Omatu. .Vob.
" '
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furnani Street. Omaliu. Nuhrnskn.
Cpffoos , SplooB , Etc.
" " "
Umulia Colfce nnil Splcu Mills.
Teas , Colfees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring K.rlrncU , I.aunilrr Illnu. Inks , lite. HI4
141C Hurnoy rttrool. Ointtba. Neluasku.
Crockery and Glassware.
Apcnt for tlin MniufacturerH nnil Impoiteraof
Crockery , Glossware , Lamps , Ciiiiiineys ,
Kir Office.WK. l".th SI. , Omalia. Nt-lirnkkn.
I muurtcrs and Jobbers of
Crcckery , filaware , Lames , Silyerware
Elr. 1511 Kcr. ' . n' tl.O' Paxton
Commission and Storage-
- " " " " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties ' iinr. K i' i'iii * n. p.Ury , Game ,
HSIIoirnril Street , Omali a.
( Successors to McShani ! & Scliroeiler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oniuhfi. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence anllrltcil. 1011 NorlUlCth
rjtrci-t.omuha , Nob.
Coal , Coke nnd Ulmo.
OM A HA CbTlir C O K E & LI M E CO. "
Joohers of Hard and Soft Coa ] ,
209 South 13tli Street , Omnlm , Nebrnnka.
Omalm. NebrosVo.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
7Qjff \ ; , ' < a anilIS. \ . lOtli St. , Omalia , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers.
I lh anil I.e/ivonwortu Strentu , Omiilin , Nelir.iekp. ,
Wbolmiiln Mnnufarturoraof
Saddlery & Jjlioers of Saddlery Harflwarc
And Leather. 1IOJ , 1W. nn.l 1107 Hnrncy EL ) , Omaha ,
Heavy Hardvvnro.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprlngs , Wauou Rlork , Ilurdwnra , Lumber , Klc , I'/ )
unil 1211 llaruvy Klltl-l , Omalia ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop.
Mechanics' Tools and ItuITalo Bcnlci. UU ! > Ilouului
titroot , Omul.a , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wliand HorncvFlB. , Omaha. Neb. Wrilrni Aecnll
lor Auntln I'ow.lerCii. . , Juirorson Hleul Nulln ,
_ lalrbanliBtjIundttril bc'iili'i. . .
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
JlttulH , Phi.-et Iron , nto. Audits for flown Soalefc ,
Jilaml I'owiK-r mill I.yruau Iliirbetl wire ,
Omnhu ,
Hata , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1KB Ilarncyfilrcot.Omft ! > PiMob. _
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IStJ Blrcol itncUJnlou 1'ttclllc Track , Oin.-Ji. ' . .
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doom , Klc. VirUs-Corner 7ih und Hou/jlui
kill and lliutla *
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
. iStb and California Streets , Oni h.i , Notirajlri
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Coincrf-th and Douelna F.U. . Orrmrm.
To Dealers Only ,
Otnco , ll IKarnim ( Street Onmha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cftrpds nut farquct flporln Ml , and IKni tm
milllnorynnd Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
. mJlOanJ 513 South llth Ktrpot.
Manufacturers of Oyeralls ,
Jeans rants.SUIits , Ktc. IJirji\n.l 1101 IKjutliis Street ,
Oiuillin. Neb.
J. T.
Wholesale Notions and Fnriiisliing Goods
4ifl nml 4rtTi Hi llth IDIli St. , Oirmtm ,
0B. | |
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A lnlri-a o. Htc. , Omalia , A. II lllfhim , Mnimi-or
Notions and Gent's ' Fiirnisliiiig Goods ,
IIK. UnriiPTHtroot. Oinnlm.
_ OUIco Flxturos.
Tilt : SIMMON ) ) ! ) MANtJh'ACTUHlNa CX .
Bank , OlUce'anrsalcon ' Fixtures ,
Mantles , Sldolionrds. Hook Cnirs , Diui : l'lxluri'V ll
Cn ixrnitllliiiiK , HiillliiKn.t'oiuiti'rK. IleiTiinii Wlna
CiHiliTK , Mlrrori.cli" . Kaelory am' nllloi1 , ITM and 1 Wa
boulli 1.11 li St.Oiu lia. Tulcpliuiiu 1121.
Paints nnd Oils.
Wholesale l > L'iili'i.i In
Paints , . Oils , Wiiiow Glass , Etc ,
HIS Knrnani Struct. Omaha , Nob.
WoolcsalG Paper Dealers.
Curry B nlro nlork of I'rlnllnir. Wriipplnu utnl Wrlllni
l'wsr. jjpi'Clnl Kltrnllon KVUII ! lucnrlouil orjcra.
Pnpor Boxos.
JOHN LW\LK\E , \ \ , *
Pronrlclor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. Lit. anil Mill UutMlas St. , Unmtm , Ncb
_ Scods.
"PHML ? STIM MECiC-'cd.r '
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
I'll ' nnd t'13lones ' stno I Oinnha.
Stprago , Fo wardljig & Commlsalon '
Storage , Forwarding and Commission , I
Drniirtt hnuf.i . ttf thn Ilrnnnv IJun * : ( * n < HiU'L' ! al
nljulesulu und retail , 1 : < JJ iilOiuiii : 131' ' Uard mrwt ,
OiSaliu. Tflciilnino No.'M. ' \
Lager Beer Brewers ,
152J North Klglliteeutli Street , Onjiilm , Neb.
Cornlco. _ _
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpunt'U'r , I'roprlelur , yso Doilun nnd lUliuul 101
North lUlh fl
Printers' lYIntorlala. _
Auxiliary .Piil'lishcrs. '
Dtalers In Trpe. I'ri'Hses unit I'llnlcrs' Supplies. 601
South mil friieel , Omaba. _
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing anil Leather llcllljiK. 1UUS Kariiam Bu'oet ,
SJah , Doors , Etc.
-rT- \
Wholesale MnnuT .rlurern ot
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Dranch u.llcc , Uth und Uanl Streets , Omaha , Nob.
I'llannfactiirers ' of Sash , Doors. Blinds ,
V uMInn , StmrWnrk nnJ Interior Hnrrl Won.l . Klu-
BII. N. K , Corner nth uml Li-.twuvvurthStrcrtt ,
Umiihn , Ncu ,
. Stonm Fittings , Pumpn , Etc.
" " " " * "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Ucnm , Water , Itu hvny mill Minlnu Hupiillci , Etc.
Id , ; niHlWI Karnum ftii-et. Omaha.
C H 0 HCH fL L "P U M P "C o7
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings- ,
Jtf am nnd Water 8iii > pliinca.lqunrten for Must.
Stepin and Water Supplies , >
Hnlllday Wind Jlllln. Oil nml 020 Farniiui Ut. , Ouaba.
_ < i. KJIo it , Acllnn .Manuiicr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
'hectlron Work Btcuin I'iiini , Haw .MIH . 1213-1213
Irfiuvenwortli tliocl. Oinulia.
Caller Itt-on. I'ii | > ' * . MunuJufLiirt-rs of nil kinds
Steam Boilers , TaiiAS and Sheet Iron WorK
Works South iOlh and II. It M.
7 I-AXTON""VJI- : TTo 1 IION wouico.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
KuKlnes. Ilrax Work.Ooncral roundry , Mnoblno imd
JJIuckMullh Work. OMIru anil Works , U. I' . Uf ,
and IVlh t-lrfct , Ouuliu ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Ual ! , Window Duardi. Flower Htaniln , Wlro
feliim'Klc , Ul NotUt Ijth rJtruut.Oiimliii.
lan'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vault ! ) , Jail Work , Iron unit Wlru Kcnclnit. Hlen . I'to.1 *
U , Audrcen , I'lOD'r Cor. llth and Jacks'ju bu.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Fcri'ons. ( or bank" , olllc. .itor s , reildtncci , oto.
i'TKil Awi.Ui . > ! ' , ] rkiujih | Mmhlnrrr ud
Ulai'kanilth Vvorkx , ml tnutli Uth HI. I
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Looks ,
* lor | H U"U i-olii
Vuulti Mad Jail Work. H'J D.litU ? .o dui