Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1888, Page 7, Image 8

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No Atlvcrtlscmcnt * will bo taken for
llicpo coliunnn nllcr 12:30 : p. in.
Terms Cash In ndvnnco.
AdvertiB mcnts under tn s head 10 cents p r
line for Oi < vllrn Insertion. 7 rents for enrlisiib-
pociutnt Instrtion , nnd Jl/On Hue twr montb ,
No nilVf tlfcmtnt taken for less Ihnn2.1cents
thellisl.nscrtlon. Seven words will bp counted
to the line : they inusl run consecutively ami
must bo paid In ADVANCH : All advertise-
menu mutt bo handed In before lsai : o'clock p.
m. , nnd imitor no clrcumstanns will they be
Uken or dl contlnued by lulephono.
I'arllei advertlsmtf In the-so columns nnd hav
ing their answers nildre ed in care of Tnr. lite
Hflll pleasoask fore h ck to enable them to get
their letters , as none will lie delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answers to ndrer-
llspmcntd idiould 1 > enclosed In envelopes ,
All advertisements In these columns ara pub
lished In both ninrnlmr and evening editions of
TIIK HEF. , the circulation of which aKKregatos
more than ISW ) papers dally , und gives the ad
vertisers the bnnfillt , not only of the oily circu
lation otTui : HKK , but also of Council HhitTs ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section ot Die country.
Advprtlslng for these columns will bo taken
en the above conditions , at the following busl-
ne8 houses , who lire authorised agents for TUB
BZK special notlres. and will quote the sam
rates as can be had at the main otllca.
JOHN , HULL , I'linrmaclst , KM South Tenth
CHABi : * KDDV , Stationers nnd Printers , 111
South 10th Street.
SH. VARNSWOHTH , I'hnrmactst , 21 Hi Cum-
. Ing Street.
J. IllKlIll-a , Pharmacist , C2I Noith 10th
GKO.'w.T'AHlC Pharmacist , 1S ) fat. Mary's
TX ; ANTHD Sltiintlon by an i-xperlenced Or-
' innn girl ns wn tor , cook or houaokurper.
Apply K W cor Htb and Douglas st. lei 23 *
" \V ANTlVl ) Situation with t nm to do light
' nr heavy hauling for wholesale IIOIIHO. Ad
dress N 12. I lee. IK'S ' 27 *
\ \ ANTF.D January 1st. KS9 , position by n
' ' llrHt rla > s oll'ru ' man ; bank or merchantllc.
Address M fi5 care Omnlm Jlee.
" \\TANTKD Loral agents In every city and
> T town In Western Iowa and Nebraska for
the Harden Hatiil Orenado : liberal ( nininls-
Hlons to responsible men. F. U. Ciandall , 310
B. 15th hi. aa 2,1
" \\TANTnD-aoon men with tholr own tenni's
TT covered wagons preferred , to sell bread ,
plus and uikea to draluix , hotels and rostau-
mills. Illg commission. Call 120 north l-'th st.
VWANTI'D-nood llvo men that nio ungiiged
InsliopM. wholL" < al and retail lumpen , to
canvass among their friends for llio Chicago
AVntch ( lub Co. Sampl wntrhosf umlshud for
this purpose , nnd liberal commissions paid. No
lloatcrs need apply. I-.O. Criuulall , : ll ( ) South
1.1th st. 2111
_ _ _ _ _
\\7 A NTKD- Street IUPII for o\ cry city w cst of
the Mo. rlM'rtosell the toy callopc , th <
fastest seller on rnrth. lllg thing to the right
kind of men. F. U. Crundnli , 310 South 15th bt.
" \\7 A NTKD A runner , ono who speaks ( ler-
' man and Danish. Kuroiiean Hotel. DIB S.
10th bt. 212 S
A i-tout toy about 17 or 18 years
old. Apply at lleo mall room , between 12
nud I o'clock. 1UO 27
Mr.N nnd teams , also some men nt once.
Call on II. II. Wandell , 40,3 N 16th St. 22U 27t
\\rANTHD-Clprk for general storo. one who
I TT hpeaks Oeimau uud fccnndlnavlan ] > re-
ferrrd. Addn'i'S with refeicnces an experience
1'iOboxlbO. Neoln , In. 17328 ?
"T.irAN'I KM Harbor nt Mo. Valley , steady Job
VI for the right num. Hugh K alloy177 27t
\\r.\NTKI , > A good salesman with A Na I
T * recommoiidatloiis for dry goods , boots and
Bhoes , one who speaks Scandinavian preferred.
Apply at ouco J. C. linowold , 2rd ) and Cum-
inliiglat. 182 27J
Young man who Is competent
TT bookkeeper , stenographer nnd typewriter.
AddieasN H , lice olllce. Uti."j *
" \\7ANTI2D Voting lady who is comnetont
bookkeeper , stenographer and typewriter ,
AdilroMsNll. lleo olllce. Htffl >
TI ANTBD Unorgetle men with some capital
T T to establish u branch of a snfe , legitimate
business In every city. Storm Proof Door Co. ,
I'hlladelplila. IK "at
TTTANTI'D Klrst-class men who are already
T > traveling salesmen to curry our lubricating
oil samples ns n side Hue , Address , J. It. Tim-
inlna & Co. . Cleveland. O. l'iO ' : . ' 7
WANl'IJD 'i mon to solicit orders for "pict
ures and n line ot household bper.ialtles ,
221 N. 13th st. 8'iQ Jl
\\TANTED-Malottud female ag"nts ; easy-
TT selling Booda. Room 21 , Darker block.
B40.1-t |
WANTIJO Good men lu every locality as
detectives under our Instructions. Send
PC for pat tlcular.s. Oklahoma aecrot service ,
Wichita Kansas. 707J 13'
TATANTHD A man to solicit , salary 175 porT
T month , must deposit 52j for Humpies , and
jtlve seciulty for money collected. Address
Ocorgo S. Cllne. Ml , First National Hauk build-
injr , Omaha , \Vngncr blk. , Des Molnes , Iowa.
SAI.HSMKNVewlshnfewmen to sell our
goods by Hamplo to the wholesale and retail
trado. Largest manufacturer ! ) in our lino. Kn-
cloi-oK-cent stamp.Vagosf3 per day. Perma
nent position. No postals answered. Money
advanced for wages.aitvortlHlng. etc. Centen
nial ilan'fg Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio , 132 J 2 S3
$7B a
pciiscs paid any active person to sell our
goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses in
advance , particulars free. Standard Silverware
Co. .llosTon. _ 1108
O Dlst. T l. o. . 1304 Dousiai.
Man to take the agency of our
T nafcs ; slzoCTxlBxlH inches ; weight 500 Ibs ;
retail price Ml ; other nl7.cs in proportion. A
riireumnco aud permannnt business. These
safes meet a demand never befoie supplied by
other rafe companies , as we are not governed
by the info pool , AlplneSafe Co. Cincinnati , o.
\\7ANTii-A : kitchen girl at 1004 Dodgn st.
S 1520 *
_ _
T\rANlED-lrls ! to pack crackers. Apply
i tlcCluru Cracker Co. ,
SIM 27t
\\r ANTKD-A goo < l girl for general house-
M ork. Uood wages. 202 S. ' . ' 4th st. 207 X'b *
\V A NTI2D-Giil in small family , 3221 Cumliig
t > Bt. ai ji
T7MKST girl for general work. 3 waiters , plenty
J.1 of places for uetieral work. H. H. Waudoll ,
40 < N Kith St. 221 27t
\\rANTr.D-Mlddle aged lady to take charge
fl of girl baby H months old : referencn required -
quired , p. H. 1'iigh , 2013 Davenport at. KO i.Tt
WANTKD Oood girl for Keiiiual liousrwork ,
family of three. No other need apiITV.MttJ
"IVANTIJD A good girl for general house
T T work at 25H Doiujlas. IGO-Syr
\VANTKD-DluliiB-ioom girl , 100J NICtlist.
TT 180
J ) A girl for general housework.
1300 H , llllibt , 174 yjf
\ \ 7ANTHD An experienced cook and laun-
T T tltcss at 2UU Capitol nve. 185 int
\ OIIIL for eoneral housework , 2122 Bt ,
CCXMary'a nve. DM
\ \ rANTKIairl for general housoworlc at
AOOOD expcrlcncea jlrl { for general liouro
work. 2IQI Pointing st. UJO
\\rANTlD-01rr ! for gctieral houseworK.719
TT 8. Itth. 07ij
"IVANTKD-OIrl for general hou ( Two"rk ( Qcr
T man piotonnd ) . NV cor 20th and \VobsUT.
. KW
\\rANTID--A ! lady to solicit , munt coiiuTwTn
. " 'Ji'mmeuded ' and pay JIO for sampleu.
'ary ' Jfi.1 per montU. ( lioii.'o fl. Cllne.
Bll.rtrHt .National llAnic bnlldiug , Omaha , or
M agner block , Des Molucs , Iowa. in
CANADIAN Kmji > loyiiientlTnce71lrir. Ifrceal
JlllJ it 1Mb. Kefcireuce Omaha Natlonul Imnlc
NIIIIHASKA Employment OOlca , 317 N loth * t.
1 uiDt :
ENOAUKMKNTbtoBawintamllles.trjjfj ntu
hHI 1l < tt
to il. . > drewniakiiiK In
famlllet gullcliod. MUu Sturdy , 2U17 leaven-
h . .
T-clasBbosun board. 6188"iiltlT 31bjb "
\\rASTI2U-Tlio ii'o of n tonm of oed horses
V > for the -winter for tuolr keeping. Apply nt
this onicc. lifi
V\TANTED A buyer for nn elegant bed-room
> cet and oth r furniture. Ooodi mtin be
sold nt once. Call nt HK1 California at. l l 28 *
ROOMKHSand boarders trftntcd.lTOS Douelas.
1W J llf
\\rANTr.O Young ladles and contlemen to
> know they can obtain ft thorough nnd
practical know Inilpo of telcgrapny , fitting them-
pelves In n hort tlmo for good paying posttloni
nt the tioctrlc ; Telfgranh srhonl. llooins 633
nnd 6"J 1'ctton block , cor IBth and Farnam it ,
' " "
AI.KNT1 N''i'iF"sii : rtTiand"nnd Typnwrltln
Institute , new 1'nxtun bnlidlnB , Omalm.
The only exrluilvo ahortliand school In the
stato. liver ono hundred Kraduatos In good
Munitions , niioschool launder Ilia manage
ment of I' . C. Vnletitluo , olllrlnl ti > no rapher of
the ilrd Judicial district of Nobraifca. and Prof.
II. 11. lloylst , , in oxuerlenc" ' ! ten her nnd ver
batim reporter. Day nnd ovenliiK wnlun * . Stu
dents can enter nt any tltnB , Send for circulars.
811 117
" \ \ MNTKIJnmiary 1 t. 2 rnrnlMiod roomi
i > with bnaril and hi"it within blocks nf
postollloe , by n gvmleiiinn and two ladles. Kef :
erelicea given. Addreod NN Hoc. -u8 2j |
AGHNTf.UJIAN wanti warm nnd pleasant
room I.eavenworth , b'twoen liith and
0m sts. Address N ! ' - ' , Hco olllco. I'J.lUTf
V > U HUNT Six room house 8. K. corner
] $ th nnd ChlcaRo sts. , y , Lehman. IT )
rpo HUNT A nix-room cdttatr ? , furnished ,
-L Will lot for sl.x months to reliable paitle * .
Address , HSi Sherman nve. , with reference * .
ir.-7 ?
InOH RP.NT-Cottogo of 4 rooms , 2 closets ,
' hall nnd pantry , fi'Jl ' S. 2tth ) at. , near cable
power house. IB ! )
iron HKNT Tlio Hncst houses In Omnha for
-I ? the money. J. L. Hlco .t Ca. 110-28
I HOK KKNT Sroomeil tlat nt ' .XW N 10th st ,
' All modern conveniences. A. IS. Marsh. If'Q '
RUNT Cheap , j-fbom llat. Imiiilro at
Howard street. 11) ) 27
TfilO R RKNT-15o7tnite7 , B rooms , S7H ! Charles
JL1 t. and 1621 Bo. 6th st. Kmnilro R.21.'Hheeley
block. U31
OH HKNT-7-room tlat at 508 S. 13th. Inquire
J. U llrandels & Hons. W7
IfOK HUNT fl-room house , mil nnd
( ' January 1st , rent JJO. llremmn
tc Co. , Chamber of Commerce. 813
FOR HUNT Klpllt ( Si room tlat , modern con-
\onlpncoa. Immlro 012 8. 13th st. 811
"T/1OK HKNT Modern ten room housofi'R smith
JL1 aim st. . near St. Mary's avo. , J15. Hingwalt
Hros. , Darker block. 755
FOR HUNT 7 room Hat on 2d lloor. Knriulro
The Fair cor tilth and Howard als. bill
IflOK KENT 10-ioom house , steam , ga , bath ,
hot nnd cold nud cistern water , crod cellar ,
and nice yard , iV > , 20-J S 21th. ltuiulre.207 S2ith.
IfOH Hn.VT A comfortable house with 8
rooms , pantry , large closets , splendid col
lar , city water , sowcragu and gius. near business
contrc ; moderate rout. John H. K Lehmann ,
024 S. Kth at. lir-
T71OH HKNT A 3story brick dwelling. 1M1
JL Capitol avo. Apply to C. H. Uulou at the
Chicago Lumber Co. 371
FOH KENT At very-low rntos. 10 nnd 14 new
residences. 2401 nnd 211 i Cass street. Clark
Place. Ono block south of Crelghtou ollego.on
Karnam mid 21th street car lino.3 All modern
improvements. Apply , II. T. Clark.Uulon'lrust
Co , or at 2420 Cass st. ! K)7 )
FOR HUNT fl-ioom cottage , $2.1.00 per month.
1611 Ilanwyst. SUJ
FOH HT.NT Cottage , 111 Convent st. Innulro
UZl Jnckson st. ! &
_ _ _
C10H lir.N'JT .Vroom houso. til. G. E. Thomp-
JU BOH. 212 Shceley block. 108
BlIAUTlI'tn.S-room house , gas. city water ,
bath room , hot aim cold wnter , on paved
streets with street car , near a good school , only
15 per month. The house is now. Apply at
onuo. C. K Harrison Jlercnants' Nat. banK.
_ _ _ 02U _
1TIOH HUNT At very low rates. 10 and now
JL' residences. 2404 and 2114 , Cnss street , Clarke
Place. OIIB block south of Crclghton college , on
I'arnnm and 24th street car line. All modern
improvements. Aoply , II. T. Claik Union Trust
Co. . or at 2420 Cass street 014
FOH HUNT House and barn.Ifanscom place.
Horns , room 411 , First Nnt'l bk bldg. Bill
FOH HKXT-No. 1411 S. 7th nve. , a nice 5-
rooin house in good repair : rooms newly
papered and painted ; nlcaynrU ; flno cistern
water. Kent fa a month , possession given at
once. Apply to lioll'8 10th st. pharmacy.3W
TTi'OH KFINT - fl-room modern improved house
JL ? A 1 locality.Kent moderate. Apply. M. Kl-
guttw , 1001 1'lirnam at. 2i
F O HIlEM'-Hy Roswoitli & Joplln , Ifark-er
block , a , 4. 6. 0 , 7 , 8. 0 , 10 , 11 , 14-rocm houses
In all par'.s of the city. _ 97U
FOH KENT Houses 7 rooms , 20th and Har
tley ; 10 rooms , 21st und Locust ; 7 rooms ,
12th and Jones ; i ) rooms , lUth nnd Martha.
Llnahan & Mahoncy , I'axton block. 844
ItOOM frame. No. 2 < J13 Hamilton St. , $27.50.
Leavltt llurnhnm. No. 1 Crelghton block. Ml )
FOK KENT When you wish to rent a house.
store or olllco call on us. II , B. Cole , room
0. Continental block. U77
TT1OK HUNT -It-room house , 2(13 ( , 7-room house
JL1 : ; ! Poppletou avc. Geo. I. Gilbert , With-
nell b'l'g. 078
T71OK KENTluroom house with steam heat ,
JUnt20i : 8. 24th st. O.K. Tliompaou , Sheoly
block. 11th and Howard sts. _ i > 70
F OH KENT Nicely finnished rooms for man
and wife or three gentlemen , 1105 Jackson ,
103 n
TJ OH HUNT furnished rooms with board ,
JL private family , references , 2207 Faruain gs |
OH HUNT Kurnl-shert rooms In aroniilgblk
cor. l.ith nnd Dodge Hts. Imiulre of Ueo. U ,
D.ivls , MlllurU hotel billiard room. VHP
/"UIOICE fiiruUhod front rooms in a now
V brlck lesldouce , H13 N 20th St. , near Califor
nia. HK-au *
_ _
IjlHONT n-asti rooms for gcntlomiiii or family.
- All modern Improvements ; homo board.
U18 S mil sr. U03J 1UJ
TTIUHNISIIEI ) rooms for rent , 1701 Cnpltol nve.
JO lill Ul
_ _
"VTIPELY furnished south room fnr rent with
J- > board , modern convenience * , 2U15 Douglua.
Tjl ; > H HHNT-I'leasintly furnished room , all
JL ? modern convimloncas , for on or two gen-
tlcniKii. at l > 20 S , 2Jtli bt. , orcor. st , Mary's ave ,
and 20th t. 615
AJ.OVHLV iront room , .hpatcd , furnished
and every convenience , 2107 Douglas at. 1M
TV'.SIHABLK furnunea room , 2210 Davenport
JAt. 7T.I ilOT
AVl'.NUn Hooms-AlinilIandI l,1Capltolavo.
i blocks from 1VO newly fiirnlihoil , private
boarding lioUss.plttiiDanl roomsall convenience
ELI'.OANT Houth rooms , heat , gas and bath ,
at very low lent. Inquire at loxK ! Chicago.
LA HOE pleasant room , lurnlshed , brlcit "Mat.
HlOChlcagoit jjl )
FOR HKNT 2 front rooms on secoud floor ,
H5.00 each. 13I.S Harneyat. aio
" 17 I.KC ! ANT turuUhed room , with all modern
I couvvnleiice. ' * , with or without board. 1UI1
1/lOH KENT r'urnlsheil rooms with bath gas
JL ? and heat. 10 per moiitli. 2227 Dodfost. 890
ITlOll HHNT-Tivo largu _ _ . .
X' nectlng rooms with bath and conveniences ,
suitable for four gentlemen or housekeeping ,
f2ii , nrseparalu JTJmid JI4. H.V , Corner , Uth
and Howard , entrance on Howard , r > 84
TjiOK RF.NT I'uinlshed room with board.
Ju ' , Zi Dodge M , 1 7
TTOoUTH and board , 111 : ; Cliicago. WSj'TT"
17IOH HUNT Kurnlshea loom. Heat , gas nnd
1 ? bath , me. am. Kofi
FOR HI-NT Nlco largo furnished front room
location UrHttlajs lu every respect : all con-
veiileiuvu ; board , private family. 1.21 ( 'npltol
nve. nji
T7VJK HKNT Three roiimw furnished or un-
JL1 furnished ; very pleasant ; cheap : Nu Sia
California at. Stt i7 !
FOR RUNTAn elegantly furoUhed room or
ivlta of rooms wtlli board iu n private fam
ily. All convenience * , t'ttr uuiu the door
every thvea to live mlnutea. Unfaroncci Ito-
quired , llnqulro rooms All and ftl'J I'axton ilk.
ALAHGEelecaut south room vtry nicely
funilohod ; fitrnai : * hoxt and ev ry modern
nononlcuco. . Ouo-half block from cable can.
NlOEIiY furnished rooms. nl < o front and
back parlor ; 1W9 ( Douglas St. , HH
T furnlsheit room. 210 J Douglas st
HKNT Kurnlshed room , suitable for
gentleman and wife or two gentlemen , at
6J3N. I7th st , I'll SSt
Ft'ItSiailEDroom , with cas ami bat ti , board
If flcslrcil , 5198. 2dthst .opposltaAll Saints'
cniirch. 615
\TIcr.I.V furnished rooms and board at 1017
IN Capitol ave , _ 57J1M _
VrICi ; room' } I.K ( ) per week at Tenbodv liouss
i-i Uth and Jones streets. _ 489-J7t
FQR REHJ - R O mwS "
invm"UliNT Tlriit Iloor. S
JL1 water rnngo for housekeeping , blocks from
1' . O. , occupy January 1st. IBIJj Capitol avenue.
its Si :
17IOH 1IENT-3 unfurnl'hed tonns. . W , Cor.
JlUth and St , Mary's nve. ; largo pnntrv ami
Eood ccbar. VSQWt
fKIiIJciAffT store room with flTic llixsemont
strain heat and water , on ICth st. J. H.
Pnrrotte , rental agency , HW1 Chicixgo. _ 101 2 _
BAKCItvlor rent at Vm Park HVO , This Is n
brick More room and basement , Including
ovens , counters , ahownno. otc. , In the most iks-
Blrable rnsiilenooc'imtnimlty In the city : water.
sewer nnd giw coiinri tlolis. Thos ! ' Hall , Jill
1'nxton block. _ IWO _ _
BIIICK store room with basement , nil mod
ern improvements , splendid location for
feed htoni or hardware , stoves , etc. . being lu
the heart ( if thu most dcsltablo residence portion
tion of tlu > city. KW7 I'aik avo. 'Ihos IMIall ,
ail P.monjbloi-k _ Wt
HENT-Oood stoieiooiu near cor.
and rnrnam , one of the best locations In the
city. Address Ueo. N. Hicks , Il.irker block.Ml
FOH HENT-Stoio-rooiit , No. 1413 Douglas.
Host tt-tnll property In the oity. Will put
platu gla s front lu by January 1. tieo Dr.
Joseph .Ncvlllo , UK ( Douglas. C.V ,
lilOH HP.NT-Two Htoies S'JI and fttl North
JL1 ibth st. Inquire at the bulUllu . Henry
Osthoir. Q'JJ _
iflOH KENT An elegant store room with line
baiH'iilent on Iftth st. Kent very low to right
parly ; steam hrnt and water Inclu.led , Apply
nt lin Douglas st. _ _ _ _ iW.t
171OK HENT-Omco suite * 25 mouth. S single
JL1 ollicei th" each , all fronting 10th St. , Ilusn-
mnn block , N. H. Cor. 16th aua Douglas. M.
Ilushman , 1311 Lcavcuworth. UNI
171OK UIJXT s"onico rooms In Hedlek's block ,
JJ inu-lrtll Karnam st , on2d tloor ; one olllco ,
east front , on 2d lloor , over Omnlm Hanking Co ,
bank. cor. 15th st and Hariioy st. Inquire at
nil rnrnam St. , loom 8. 1'nuhon & Co. 4'r. '
TjldlMtKNT-lfrlek stonllat above , 24th mid
.A ? Hamilton , ileslrablo Imslnoss location. Lea-
vltt lluriiham , room I. Crolghtou b'.oek. us'i
Sl'KCIAL attention given to routing and col
lecting rents. J. H. Parrotte. in Chicago
lOJ 322
GKOIIC1K J. STKKNSDOUFF. roomil , opp. P.
O. , willlieieaftor give spacml attention to
renting homos , stores nnd Hats. If you want
your property rented without delay and to roll-
nbln tenants , do not fall to list tha name with
G UO. J. I'auU 1COJ Tarn. at. llouios , stores ,
otc. for rent. 1,10
"AA7K glvo special attention to renting and col-
IT lecting rents , list with ua. II. E. Cole , room
_ _
IF YOL want your nouses rented place them
with IleUHVYii iic Co. , 1Mb , opposite postolHce.
i)8'J )
life blze crayon portraits free
- of charge for a short time as an ndver-
tlsement-froin photographs brought to the Van
dyke 1'ortralt Studio , 1112 Pierce , near Hth.
1'oitralts also In pastel. 723 J HE
T > EHONAI < If you nave a personal Item , or
X any communication , drop it lu one of The
Dee's message boxes. ' 106
EOH KENT One good barn room for throe
horses , buggies , to. , 21 in Davenport st. In-
milro of C. L. Erlckson & Co. . 2U N. ICth st.
LOST -In Omaha. Dec. 21 , a largo Newfound
land dog. black curly hair , M bite breast ,
llttlo white ou front foot , answers to name of
"Howdy , " silver collar with name on plato.
Howard of if 10 will bo glvon for his return to J.
II. Hulbm's coal olllco or W. A. Mnurer , Connell -
ell lllillla. 22M
I.OST A gold wntch charm , with monogram
i\V. \ II. C. on reverse hide ; narty returning
same to this olllco will be suitably rewarded.
210 23 ;
-r OST i A bracelet set \ > lth turquoise and
Ijienrls. Kinder will bo liberally rewarded
upon dellverlnesame to C , K. Yost , at the
Omaha KepubHcan olllco. 175 27j
STRAYED Ono span of mules ; ono black ,
about 12 hands hluh , one bay , about 11 hands
high. Send information to Mark Green , care lleo
ollico , 151 HI *
rriAKKN DP At Ilia N. 10th st one straw
JL. berry roan horse with riding bridle on.
Dec. 2. dfl-13 2iKT-J3 !
"ITIOH SALH A piano good ns new , cost ? 400 ;
JL1 will Hell fori)0. ) Address Mlas M. A.Combs
Sallna. Kau , 2145 ;
OH BALK-Furniture of"a beautifully fur-
nlstied tlat , desirable locality , cheap. Ad-
dreas 0. M. , p. o. ] iW28f i
TflOH SALK At a saerlUce : owner is about to
JL. ' leave the city , and desires to dispose of fur
niture and lease of tin elegant 0-rocm house ,
largo yard , good barn ; furniture is nearly now ;
rent is low ; house Is located on rabio Hue
within D blocks of 1 * . O.i can give n big bargain
if taken at once ; inquire of Wright A ; J.asbury ,
215 S. 14th St. , upstairs. _ 124-28.
TTlOirSALE-i Tramo building , 18x30. Apply
X' I'nxtou & VlTllug Iron works , South 17th
end U. 1' . trucks. _ 'J23 _
FOR BALK lly mortgagee on easy terms , as
sorted lot furniture in quantities to suit. In-
uulre 101 S ,13th at. . Room ; u. U32
ENC.HAVKD utddlng , stationery nnd vIMt-
tnscnrdH. Mcllrlde it Hyan , 151tl Dodge. .
HI ? 2U
HOUSi ; or team mules wanted to appy a
tlrst payment on IIOIIK-J anil lot , or resilience
lot , balance monthly payments. Write or call
on Selby , 1521 Farnaiu. 034
NTJuTlMJ AlFpartle.s doing n real estate btiv
ini'SS In Cmahn city. Ni-brasna : all real us-
state given by mo for ale is withdrawn from
_ Dec. 21. lt > 8t. ( i. MclCenzle _ 1 III 27 *
rilTniTianjo taught us auart byrG7ori\"Gellen-
JL beck,32JS. 10th st. _ is : _
IDIiANl ) ( iminintoo and Trust Co. . K.0't Kar-
num. Complcto abstracts furnished ic titles
to real estate examined , perfected A ; guaranteed ,
OCCIDKNTAL hotel , 10th and Howard ; day
board il per wuok ; 21 meal ticket f I. VlTJIlt
D n. MRS. KrN'lV.i:7 : midwife , illsoaso of
women and children cured. Hcsldence Ki ) s
17th. 47U7f
AIWTHAOl'tf I.lnahau ic Muhouey , room COO ,
I'tixum block. su-
T\f IDLANDGuariwitee anil'lVust Co. . 1VJ rar
Jj-Lnam Complete abstracts furnlstiaa , & titles
tor .il 4t to uxainlaed.parfectod Jc guaranteed.
W ANTHD-Ilrlok. W. J. I'nul , 1G09 rarnam ,
\VANTKD-Isafe.lolIlce desk. 2 revolving
T > clmir , 1 platform scale. Address N 2.1 ,
this otllcu. 200 27 *
. To buy nn interest innnostab-
lishcd business by a young man with u few
thousand dollars : or would form a pirtnerahlp
to engage lu business. Addrosa N 21 , Dee.Wl
Wl 27t
WANTBD Pot of locoml-hand Nebraska
Law Hcporti ) , for cafch. B. M. Crosby. IBth
nnd llavnuy bttf. 1M )
WANTKD I'urnltur * , carpeti , moves ana
nousehold goods of all klmln , Omaha Aua
tion & kloraira Co , . ll'JI 1'urnam. IBS
OTUIIACK-At low rates at imi'arnaih t.
OOmaha Auction & Storage Co , mi
miUCKAOK , torac io\fit rateT. . M
X Jliulimaii. Ull Learenworth. CM
LOANS o j Ilrst-class reuPeatate at very Tow
rates. Ceutiat Loan & Trust Co. , 101 1 Farnam ,
_ _ _
G \ \ ' . Peck can loan fMO.OOO at lowest
delay , ca h on hand. Room 1 l'reiu blk ,
_ _
K , COLIi , Io4n agent , iSJJl
TCAN makoa fewloatia on first-class chattel
J-socurttlM at rpfijonabfdTilil a. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 Barker blk. / | I 70J
Tfi' VOU wantto Iwrrow tfonoy on rtiaTnond * ,
J On pianos or houiBh9lUJ goods , on horses ,
wagons and other personncjiroperty ,
On mortgage paper aiy i contracts , at fair
rates without delay or publicity , go to the
Talrbank Investment Co. , 215 S. llth upstairs.
DO YOU want to borrow laonoyT
Head thl
It will stuo yifc tlmo.
It will save youanonoy.
1'ou cjin borrow from
II. P. MnMVrs.
succc ser to W. it. Croft ,
room 4. Wltlme ibld'n . 1Mb and Harnoy sts.
JIB. J20 , J.KI , fICKj. * AV , J.WI , fl.tWO. tI.IKW , IM.OlO.
In fact any sum you wnuton furniture , pianos
norsos , mules wagons etoi.'nn easier terms and
nt lower ratestnanntnnvithprolllceIntnnclty ,
without publirlty or removal of property from
your possession.
1 f an Installment Is duo on your property nnd
you cannot meet It , call and see me. I will pay
it tor you. If you have n loan In any other of-
flcn , rail nnd get my rates. I will take it up and
carry it for..vou.
I make loans for on * to six months and you
can pay n part nt any limp , reducing both prin
cipal and Interest.
All loans renewed nt original rates and no
charges for papers.
AllbuMiii'ss strictly confidential. Call and
see me.
Don't forget the nuinbar.
Room \Vlttinell block. IU
"ATONT.V tn Loan We lm\o sevcr.U thousand
-I'l dollars to placn for eastern parties on Im
proved city property. Harris , room 4111 Nut.
Hank bldg. 711
PEOPLE'S Financial IXehaiige-Tlio falrost ,
Jn.uleto . t. mon linornl moimy oti-hang lu
the city ; loans made without delay or publicity ,
lu any amount largo or sin ill , ut tlio lowest
rntes of Inteiost on any available security :
loans may bo paid nt any tlm or renewed at
original rates. O. lloiiscnron , mgr , room 5011 ,
llnrkorblfc , nth and I'nrnaiu , 70j
H i : . COLi : , loan agent.
SKllSholes. 210 , Tlrst Nat'l llank , boforomalc-
'UK ' 3 our loans. ilVi
IfiO.OOO to loan at rt per cant. Ltnahan & AU-
9 honey , room KM , I'axton block. W )
K.MO Vii-To : room 3iW. 1'lrst National I nnk
I' ' building. Provident Trust Co. till
MONKV to loan on ftirminre. horses , wagons ,
etc. , orou any approved security. J.V. . Hob-
bins. U. 2W Sheely bit nth and Howard. 11) ) I
; ,000 , ? 1 , 00 , $1IKW , J'ftl. ' Special fund to lilacu
$ on choice Improved propeity. D. V. Wholes ,
2lH , Flr.-t Nnt'l Hans. 7
_ _
EKAIi estate loans , lowest r.ttas. Odoll Droj.
\-Co.y2S. | liith st. 110
MOXI2V : Ions tttno. Uocrijo J. Paul
IIXM rnrnnm at. Ill
MONUV to loan on improved pi operty at first
hands. No applications sen' away for ap
proval. Security and titles nxn nlned free ot
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , -Mi S. lathjt. _ Us
O K. COLKTlHaTngiunt. t'W
N'KIlUASKAMoilg. Loan Co. will make you u
loan on household goods ,
horses , M ngons , contrm t ,
flno jewelry , or secnrlllet of nny kind
without publicity , at reasonable rntes.
Iloom 7 Itowley blk , Couth Otnah.i.
Itooms ulU-Slll I'axton blk. , Omaha , Nob.
rpo LOAN From ono to two hundred thous-
JL and dollars or ? maller sums promptly , east
ern capital always on hand clio.ip. Philadelphia ,
Mortgage and Trust Co. , Oeo.V. . 1' . Coatos. u
board of trade. ll'J
MONEY to loan. O. R ba vis Co. , real estate
and loan agent's 1M ) Itirnam st. 103
MONKV to joan Ixjwcst rates. Loans closed
promptly , Jl. n. Colo.JKc-om 6. Continental
lllock. _ _ j _ 1000
"CJ K. COLU , loan agent. 433JI
FIltST mortgage loansnt low rate" , and no
dolny. D. V. Sholes , 21iJKlrst ; Nat'l Ijank.
i't. > D
Largi ) and
§ short time , at low-
I inlands , wufhe *
nnd Jewelry. Don't fall tii'call if you want full-
ami cheap accommodations' O. Itouscnren ,
JIgr. , room 50' , Ilaikur blk , 15th and rarmiin.
MONnYtoloantcashoiinandtiio delay , .1.
W.Snulre. 1218 farnHiu Jit. First National
bank building. j 105
_ _ _
real estate and mortgages
J bougnt. Lewis S. Heoil i Co. , 1531 I'aruaiu.
to can on Improved real estate.
MONEV Uurnham. Crclsbtou block. 107
_ _
K. COLE , loan agent. 433J1
< h&00.000 fl per cent. Money to loan on Ira-
Approved farms or city property. Jamas A.
Woodman , at the old tire insurance olllco of
Murphy & Lovett. 2JO S. lolhst. 101
r > ITILDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 , 1'irst
JJNat'l Hank. 3,10
61'EH CENT money to loan Cain on nand
W , jr. HarrU , room 20 , 1'renzcr block , opp ,
P. O 10J
BUILDING oaas. LUiahan & Jlniionoy.
77K.MOVKD To room. ! ( ! ? . inrst national uanlc
JLX building. Now Kuglaud Loan aud Trust Co.
MONEV to loan on improved city property or
ror building purposes : lowest rates ; 110
delay. Jltitual Inxostineiit Company , room 1 ,
Hnrker block. 15th and r'arnam. o'J8
rPIlK Omaha Financial Hxchangc. Room 15 ,
JL Darker Illoak , soutlnvoat corner of 1'ai-uam
nnd lAth sts.
Jlakesa spofihiltty of short-time collateral
and rent estate loans.
Jloney always on hand in sums of $100 anil
upwards to nny amount , tolo uon approved
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchaugo for
good Ili-ht or second mortgages.
Loans made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15 , llarkor
block. Coruett , Manager. 110
MONKV Loans negotiated nt low rates with
out delay , nnd purchase good commercial
paper and mortgngo notes. 8. A. Slorann , Oir.
13th mid Kuril a OK 433
DON'T borrow money on turnituro , lioriei ,
wagons , etc. , until you hava seen U. I ) . Ji ,
cobs , room 410 , First National bank building-
cor.lSthnnd l-'arnom Wi
MONKV to loan A few tliousamU trom llrst
hands at very low rates , C , K. Harrison ,
Jlercmmts' Nat'l bank. WJ.'O
BUSINESS Chance Partner wanted In No. 1
puying huftliiesd. Call on J , L. Hlco & Co.
forpartlciiliirw , 211 2'J '
BUSINESS cnanco A man with J500 cash can
purchajM the building and stock of a food
stoi o , In good location , with three years' lease
nt Su month : business netting n clear prollt
ot < :5 a month. .1. L. Rico ACo. . 211JJU
BALK -Ilxtraordlnnry Two shares of
stock la one of thu most substantial building
association-tin Omaha , -J month ? old , with two
choice lotH , worth in thy market to-day fl.-.VJ-
rnch. can build a homso on' each lot right away ,
1 block from Metropolitan cable road , that is
nowuiulpr way ; can dlspO'eof one or both at
a bargain for cash , tuliutyo at t''l a month. If
jou wantu home in a line' Addition ou easy way.
ments investigate this snlip. J. L. Klco&jjo.
FOR SALn-Mtlk dalry.R. U , 119 N. Iflth st.
_ _ _ aiilj 'nt
WANTHD-Mttii with HW to $ W can llud
situation or interest in nice sate business.
Cell from 11 to 12 , It. 21. llariter bl'k. 1KI IJ
T7IOK 9ALI { A well established law business
Jlu u thriving town In Nebraska. Terms
reasonable. Address N 20 , 'Omaha ' llco , 17H if
1OH BALK-testaurnnt located 411 N itltirst
JU1 C. K Shaw , Mortcagcq , room UIO Hheely blk.
\VKHAVK for rent a XSroom hotel , well lo-
> > rated In South Omilliu ; Hplendld diunco
for reliable p.irty ; HiitUilu on vV Wead , 15-'i
Dodge st. k 117-UO
1J10H 8ALR-A brickyard In the thriving town
J-1 of Scrlbner. Neb. , capacity l.uuu.UOj Lrlik.
1'or particulars Inquire Ju.stko Krooger , 16th
and i.'ass , or the owner , John Homberg. Scrlb-
ner. Neb. ugj 4'
BOTTLING works for sale. In one of the best
towns in Nebraska. Good territory , four
railroad * , outfit nearly now. Anyone wanting a
good htixIneHS will plu so Investigate , Address
M4 , lleeolllce. 1x17
\\niATnave you to trade for 3 lots in Jerome
Park ? Inctimbruiiee of $ IOW on th lots.
Address 1C 63 , llea ,
mn ii.O A stock of hardware , furniture ,
' groceries , ilr > goods , clothing , or bootannd
shoes , in exchange for a uood farm or city prop
erty. Co-operative LamV & Lot Co. , 205 N. Itlth ,
WANTKDto Kxchange 4 quarter sottlonH
one SO acres , of raw luni1 , 15.0U ) wortiiof
town property lu one of tha boat towns In Ne
braska , 4noo populatloii. foktocks of general
tterckaaaUe. Adar S4'ii 45 , DueoUlco. CM
FARMS nnd cify property to exchanpo for
stocks of merchandise ; If stock is clean and
peed will put in some cash. Co-op rativo Land
& lx > t.Co. . a. > 5N H'lhM. WCl 81
L1VH STOCK to trade for clear Omaha real
estate. KM heatl cattle , together with aomo
horsei f.tnl .tn acres TRiich lu New Mexico , tha
linen stock country In the world , t'omo nnd
see us. J. L. Hlco A Co. DH ' - ' <
TO nxrilANOK-W * have half acre cor. 19Ui
Xnnd Wllllanui st. , the finest piece of ware
house or tracVnce In Omaha , all clear nf Incum-
brnnceS ( prlcu il.vnw , actual value $ asooi , to
trndo for liuKoved Omaha property. Wo have
choice pise * of ptoporty on Sailiidors st , ,
worth IIO.WJO , all clear , to trade for omnhn Im
proved property , and a Hue piece on South ' Uth
st. , worth J'.fiK ) , all clear , to trnde for improved
Omaha property. Now , come to us , J. L. Hire
f1O TRADK Kor Improved Omnha property ,
L ft fine Improved tnrius of wo acres each ; two
In Hnrlnn county. Nebraska ; 3 lu.Phllllps rouu-
ty. Kanjns : one In Franklin county , Kan ns ;
nil undrrn nigh Mutu of rultlvi tton , with good
Improvements ; owner wants line
property ; will nisiime ROIIIO luoumbranrtM that
will not fall duo for two yo.tis. Call for do-
pcrlptlon on J , I , , Hire i Co. 211 ?
ir.\NTll-llrlCknnd ; building material for
T cash nnd lots.V. . J. Paul , lOiW rnrnnm.
LIA'K STOCK to tr.vlp for clear Omaha real
estate , SUl head cattle , together wlthftomo
bor-i" ! < mid S20 acres innoh In Now Mexico , the
llnest Htock country lutlio world. Come and
HOP U9. .1. L. Itico i ; Co. UI1 2lt
KXCHAN'nr T am horses ot mule *
wanted for first payment on houno and lot ,
hnlauco monthly or iiuartorly payments. Solby ,
1M1 i-arnam. 034
_ _
"IllOlt KXrllANO -Sonth Oniana toT fiir
-1- team horos or mules , wagon nnd harnesi
oxclmncp Ist-claascli-ur Improved Oma-
lui property for yood timber ! nnd. NI. . lleo
I Holt U.VL II ANOHJ.M1 nnw hoii o and lot
for nmall faim near Neb. county scat.
Selby , l.VJI 1'arnam. Ml
IS.VCIIAjfnK mid
ii Carrlngo UUKKJ "
fM ) rash for unsecured note or long time
- , 1.121 nirnttin.
llioll I'.XCUANQ -Vor doslrablo roildeiica
JU prupeity lu Omaha , any or all of following ;
40 rtiolru InsMo residence lots In Hastings.
UK ) lots in Lincoln.
M'J acres line farming laud , l.nncastor county ,
I'Jne realdenco ptoporty , Lincoln.
Oood ri'iital property , Lincoln.
Choice fancy re-dde'.ico. corner , Los AiiKflo' .
A near lesldcnru property In llanscom 1'laeo.
Also snme peed tnorttjaso noti'S.
Addrc > s Rlvlnj ; location and jirlcoof property
J. K. 11. . care llaum Iron Co , , 1217 Lcavenwwtli
LIV | ; siOCIv to trnde for clear Omaha real
ostati' , ( > ' 0 head cattle , loftetticr with some
hnisus and XO nrres raiuh In Now MoMco , the
llno.nt slock countiv In the world. Coino nnd
see us. J. L Ulce .v Co. 211 20
lxcilANNK-llouso nnd lot or n Ice
JL bnildliiK lot to tradu for Ionic tlmo leal es
tate 2d mortg.S' \ L Selby , 1521 I'liniam. 145
frUlt n.KCHANOK-Pour ch-nr South Omnha
J-1 lots , fiOO each , to trade for Nebraska land.
! -olby. 1,121 ramam. 141
IHAVI ! real mid personal property of all
kinds for trade. Call nnd see mo. George J.
Sterusilorir , room 0 , opp. P. O. 121
T7IOR THADi : House and lot In city for real
JU or chattel mortgage paper , horses mules
or cattle , A K. Oreenwood & Co. , room 1 ,
Cunningham block , cor. 13th und Jackson st.
TJ1OK TU A UK Choice lot In Grammercy Par ) :
JL ? and choice double corner In Upton Place for
good land. D. V. Sholes , 210 1'lrst Nnt'l bank.
' ' 1'ellnr Mrs. Lenorman can e con-
united ou nil affairs of * life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No Ills N Itith at CSSOJ lit
DK. NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod-
leal nnd business medium. 1'emalo diseases
n specialty. W. N. IRtll tt. Hooms 2 &i 12.J I
AltIO llargnln A line house of R rooms nnd
lot BOxH1 * . on 20th st. uoar J.o.iveuworth.
This property mis to bo sold within'.u days :
r.unlly leaving the city. Imiuiro ntthoprcm ,
l3es , 817 S. 2Utli st. 217 g *
t t'LKNDIDJ-.OOJ Invcatment JJ.OU line corOner -
Oner lot , with H tore milulliiL' , good 1-ropm cot-
tnjo , good : i-rooin cottnenIl'j ' years lo-isi1 , store
dolni ; Kooil business ; will rent forTO ) u year ,
ili'tttnifu clear prolli. of lf3J ) good location , on
car line , line nol UborliooJ , In N. W. part of
city ; buildings wortn the money nikod , J2.0JO
Kiiot cash ; i nor u'olnir uwuy on account of
health. J. L. Hlco , V Co. IBS 27
' ' s-room house of most modern
design and fiiil'.li. Nothing omlttud in its
coiidtriiLtloii : fuiiiace , city water , gas , hot nnd
cold water , anttiiiic oak llnlsb , large east frontlet
lot overlooking the city and Council Illutrs ; the
house complete iu all Its details : can be- pur
chased now ono or two thousand less than In
thebprlng.illpayyou to investigate now.
C. ! ' . Harrison. Merchants' Nat'l bank. 019
TfTIOIlSALK To those wanting to go farminc :
JL ; wo can put them in control of largo or small
tracts of land union require very little money
for years ; theie never was a bettor time to on-
pugo In tanning nnd stock-ralslni ? than now , il.
A. L'pton company , 30J So. llith strool. 41U
FOR SALK5U acres- Hamilton Co , , Neb.
laud , $ 'l per acre , one-thltd cash , balance at
fl per com. Address W. \Vlldmati , Denver. Col.
flJSOO Diiysn full lot ndgoo'l ' 4-roTin cottajjo
Pensy torras and good location. D. V. Sholes ,
room 21J , 1'lrtit Nat'l bank , cor. iitU auil Far-
nam. 121
"iriOUSALn Neoraska farms : no surer invest-
JL1 nient can be mado. il. A. Upton company ,
! W.i So. Itlth street. 4iH
"IIIOH SALK Two elegant homes iu Hnnscom
JL ; Place on reasonable terms ; mortgngo paper
taken us part payment , llosworth & Joplln ,
Darker block. 12H
FOR SALK-Do yon want a loin at lowest
lutes ou good Improved insldo property/
See .M. A. Upton company , at 'MJ So. Itith Ktroet.
TTPOR PALK Do you know that Lower Doug-
X las t. Is going to make first-class retail prop
erty ? If you don't , go down to the brldgo norno
line day and see the stream of western Iowa
people coming over You will then be con
vinced. We can fell 22 , 41. ISC orSS feet on Doug
las , between IfltH and llth sts , ut a price that
will make purchaser lee per cent In less than
two years. ' 1 his snap will not keep later than
January" ! , ItS'J. il. A. Upton Company , 3093
lith ; stJ rtf !
"Ij 10K SAL13 Orexchiinge , ten acrns on 1'nr-
J-1 uaiii St. , between l > 5th aud With fits. ,
Will trade for real estate mortgages , or sell on
caty terms. W. L. tfolby , i5.'l F.irnam. 118 Q
TTIOH SALK lly M. A. Upton Company.
JL A handsome nnil very complnto 10-room
rcrtidenco on Sherman nvonun ut less than
U2 feet on Sherman avenue In Paddock Place
at 41 IB per foot.
A corner on Sherman avenue In Paddock
PLice at u price w.iy below the market value.
An east front lot on 37th street , paved. Just
south of I'nrnam,2S per cent less than adjoin
ing property can bo purchased for.
Tor bargains always see JL A , Upton Com
pany , 30U South 10th street. Telephone BSi
1/IOR SA LK-Not lor trado. fit3.70 ncres of 1m-
XI proved land ii miles from Maniuotte , in
Hamilton Co. , Neb , Frame house , frame stable ,
uUU acres under a good 4 baib-wlro fi-nce , round
cedar pouts and 2 stays ; living water , good corral -
ral , 2 wclN , wind-mill. ICO-barrel tank , s.ilr-
feeder troughs , etc. ; 73 acres clover , a good
htock ranch.
Prim ( about 81' ) per acre ) . , . . , ? , r.03
Cash 3ry )
3 years tlmo at U per cent il.miu
Go and look o > er the land and address thu
owner , F , K. Atkins , 1W2 Larluior bt , , Denver ,
Cole ; ISO
RPKCIALbargalns In farms , woKtern land nnd
city property , call and BOO m. Nob. Hut-
tllug aud Supply Co , Hoom V , Hoard of Trade ,
F OK SALK a new house in a deslrnblu part
nf the city , two loU , hoiiso contanu all
modern Improvement ? , hot and cold water ,
f urnaco , gni , bath , electrlo balls , and elcctrla
gas lighting arrangement , parlorn , hull and din
ing room llnlohed in oak ami cherry , Kor
pi Ice and terms address 1' O. drawer 47 city.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jll-i
T710H BALn-Or exchange for Omaha prop-
-L. orty , B. ) acres , sultnblo for plattlntt ; will
make 400 lot" , all clear ; big money la It for
homo one who ran push this ; locateu Just out-
bldo of the city limits of Council HlulU In.
quire Oeo. J. Btarnadoril. opp. postolllco , I2j
TjVJH HA LK Oood house of 7 rooms , full lot ,
J. well , rlhturn , barn for hor.-uu , school ,
church and morn near by , Htroet cars ono block
uwuy , in growing part of city , good neighbor
hood , tltlo perfect , xood home for man of moil.
eratumeami. Get ready fornoxt'sprlng by buy.
Ing a home now : will take a vacant lot as part
payment , C , ! ' . Harrison. .Merchants Nat. bank.
AKIN'15 Improved farm near I'apllllon for
sale , 13 mfica from Omaha ut It > an acre.
Apply at 11T Ilauiey btroct. 4'2 17
niVVO-fiTOIlV brick block , nearly now. with
J . stores ou llrst illoar nud or n room tut * on
fcccoud lloor , with ull modern improvements.
This property is on coruur froutlDi : paved
street , with Hewer , water and gat nud brines
an annual rtntal offrl.UjO. Will sell cheap on
terms to HUH. Addrois H 70. lleo. 1W
TmpRSALR-On cany terms and longtime , ca
i' lot ( Sxl42 ) on R mil tt. nsur llancro/t. / ( Lot 0 ,
IturKer'e tubJlrUlon ) Artilicas U i' , ' , lleo omce.
FOK SALK-Ust exclusively with M. A. l >
ton company , .W So. 16th MfMt : peed insldo
prop rty at a rtgur not more than actual valua
If you want your rtM estate sold , < VJ
"V.N'IOtf iTvOir. Arrive
Depot 10 and Marcy sU.j luiiahn. Unialin *
JNorfolk Passenger . (1:10 p. m1 10:110 : a. HI.
Sioux City & 1'aclllc lir I.O'ivu Arrlvo
Oinnha Omaha
St. Paul Kxprrss. p. m.
AVcstvnrtl. .
Running between Council Ilhiirsand Albright.
In addition tn the stations mentloliod , trains
stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets ,
nnd at the Summit lu Onmhn.
Lcavo. Arrive.
A No. 2 0:00 : p. m. A No. 1 7:1 : * ) a. in.
O No. . . . .0:00 : a. in. 0 o ' fi , ' ' , ' " li'TiU i ) " 111
A No. 4 U:40a. : iii.A | No. 3 :4 : > p. iu.
No. 4 . . . .UHO a. iiulA No. 5. . . .7:30 : a. jn.
A 'No. 8 fuJITi p. m.lA * No. 7 5iM : p. > jn..m. .
A No. 0. . . .OijO p. m.JA No. 3 (1:5J ( : p. .m.m. .
A No. I ) liJO ; a. m. IA No. 3 . . . .7:10 : a.m.
A No. 4 fiOJp.m.D : No. I . . . .7:05 : a.m.
U No. 2 8:10 : p.m.IA No. 5 0:15 : p , m.
A No. 2 li:40 : a.m.lA No. 1 GMii.m. : )
A No. 4 . . .7:00 : No. 3 OiMJv. m.
A No. 2 . . . .0:2Ii : n , m. A No. 3 C:3d : a. in.
A No. 4 . . . .0:20 : p. m.lA No. 1 0:3'Jp.m. : '
A No. 10 7:0r.a. : m.'A ' No. 11 8:55 : n. m.
A No. 12 7lXp.m.iA : ) No. II. . . .0:00 : p , in.
A No. 8 4:3.1 : No. 7 12:00 : m.
A dally ; H daily except Saturday ; O except
Sunday ; D except Monday ; * last mall.
The time given above is for Transfer , tnoro
being from live to ton minutes between Trans
fer and local depots ,
"VTOTICK Is hereby given that the co-partner-
J- > ship heiotoforo existing between II. H.
Hopkins nnd D. II , Scully , under the llrm niimo
of Hopkins & Scully , organized for the purpose
of building and constructing thu siib-stiuctuio
of tlm Omaha mid Council Hindu brldite , IMS
been dissolved by mutual consent of the par-
tins nnd by the completion of the work for
which Haid co-partiiersnlr was formed.
Dated December 21th , 18-W.
[ Signed ] Hoi'KiNH A ; Rqur.r.v.
Notlooto I'rlntors. 11 loli-Illnilcr nnil
Sealed proposals will bo ri'ct'lvod nt the olllco
of the county cl rk of Douglas county. Ne
braska , until 2 o'clock p. m. , Do.'Hinbi'f i , IBSH
for furnishing enlil county with blank books , all
hlndB of stationery , lithographing , bookbinding
ing , district court bar dockets , nnd all other
printed work which may be required by sain
county for the year IBM ) . P.unpliMot said work
and htatlonery can bo KOCH ut Niild clerk's olllco ;
also ChtlUMtod ( piniltlty of each required may
be nsccrUliifd. A rerilllnil check rorSltKl inntit
accompany oacli bid. The board of county com
missioner ! ! reserve the right to inject any or all
bids. Witness my hand thin bill day of DG < ; OIII-
her , IfiSH. M. D.ROCiiu , County Clerk.
Dee a d to 20
Notlco to Stockholder's ,
MUllSnnmml meeting of Htockliolilcrfi of The n > o
1 llullilliiitCoiniiiuir will tie ht'Mutthe ollko of llio
Omnlm lleo. Ouia'iu ' , Noli. , nn Tiioiilny , limimrr IMh ,
ls.f.i , HI n'elnok p. in. , for tlio inirpino ol iiloctlima
boiiiil ot illicrlor * lor lliu cin'.llnu your , Mini llio IIuns-
uctlon of Mich other tiiitilai > us muy coma before tliu
iiioiitlnK. lly onlerof tliu nictlili'iit.
U'JUtollJ N. 1 * . rat. , Secretary.
The annual meeting of tha Stockholders of
thoOmahn llarb Wlro Conii.uiy ] for the purpose
of ch'ctliign Hoard of Dltectora to BOIVB for thu
ensuing ) car , and the transaction of HUCI ! other
liiialniisx as may COIIIB bi'fore It , will be held at
the olllco ol tliu ( oiiipiiny , ou Monday , January
7lh , 1B V , nt-U ) o'cliickH. m
( 'UAH , I' . llumr.STKii , Herrotary ,
M. 21. JlAiisiiAi.t. , 1'resldfiit. d-U III-2U-27
Ho nil
filly bonds In the .sum of S't.OJO. , issued by the
city of lloldrenge , 1'holpi comity , Nub. , bear
ing ( l per cent interest , imyablo spml-aiinmilly
and dated October Ut. 18SS ; payable In
the city of Now Vork , Homls to run-tl yearn.
Hald boiulH will bo otfeled for > > alnnt the of
fice of Hull .V Patrick. Iu the oltyot Holdredgu ,
S'eb , , onlheith day of January , Ibb'J.uts o'cluilc
I' ' , m.
The city council reserve the right to reject
any and ull bids. Addrrsx ,
.1. H. 1'ATHIuk. rity Attorney.
Holdrcdge ,
hold by Dru o'lsn.
Notion or Dimolutlon.
Notice Ii hereby glvrnitmt the co-partnornhlp
luirotofore uxlstlne nnd doing Inumesi ut No.
1U2 South llth fctruct , under the firm name ami
style of Murray ft Donovan , haw this day by
mutual consent dissolved. W. II , Murray rotlr-
ng. J. J. Donovan a Humi s ull imlelitortuoss
aud will rocf lit ] for all money dun the llrm.
Dated ut Omuha , Neb , , this Kith day of Do-
cembur. A. D. m . W. II , Muinuv.
A Quiet
An enjoynblo event took plaeo nt S o'clock
Inst evening , nt tlio homo of Mls Komla
Lyon on North Seventh street , The occa
sion wns the marriage of that well known
mid popular young liuly mid Mr. fcJdwimlA.
Hlssor , bookkeeper of the ICmpklo Hnrdwaro
company. The ceremony wiw performed by
Kor. O.V. . Crofts of the Congregational
churcli In ' the presence of n number of the
iiitlmnta friends of the contracting parties.
The brldo lias been omploycil In our public
schools ! for llvo or sK yours , mid wns one of
the most oftleloiit of tlio corps of tonehors.
The newly wedded conplo will not tnko an
extended trip , but will bo nt homo to their
ninny frlondi utter Jsow Yours , at their cozy
llttlo home nt COS Bancroft street. Tun Hun
Joins In o.Ntcndiiig eoiiitrntulnttons nnd wish
ing nil luipplnesa for future jours.
An Attempted llitrglnry.
An attempt wan inado Wednesday night to
burglarize the residence of John Mulquucit ,
nt 11)3 South Ninth street. Mrs. Mulqueon
nwoko during tlio night , mid In moving nbout
the room slnmmcd the door ncclduntnlly.
The would-bo depredators took the nlitriu
nnd lied without effecting nn entrance. tn
the morning tholr track * were visible nil
nround the honso in the snow. ThU 1 * the
first nttcmpl iimilo to burglm-lto n dwelling
house In tlio city for somotlmonnd shows
that tlio mantis nro still horc. As tlio pollro
force Is too small to wnteh nil part * of the
city , It behooves citUous to 10 constantly on
their K.unrd.
Adviuo lo Motliotx.
Window's ' Soothtnir Syrup should nl-
wi\ys \ be usedforehtldren teething Itsootho *
the child , softens the KUIHS. nllnya nil pain ,
eurcslwlnd cello , ami is the best remedy for
llnrrhma. ! i"o u bottle.
The choir nnd Sunday school of Saint
Paul's ohuroh will elvo their Christum * en
tertainment this evening In .tho church nt
7 : ! iO o'clock. Admission five. A collection
will bo taken up to dofrny expenses. Tl.n
beautiful cinitntii of Saint Nicholas , with
mutining recitations nnd line music , will bo
There nro iiluntuon niotiila more
valuable thiui tfold , but no remedy
which will compare with Hi olow'a
1'osltive t'ui'O for coughs and colds. A
prompt and pleasant euro for nil throat
ami luti" ; troubles. 00 cotila and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
Meet iiiKOfniiiff City Lodge 71 , A. P. &
A. M , , tins evening for installation of ofll
ccrs. lly order ofV. . M. *
Most coinploxion powders huvo a vul-
par tflnre , but lJo//.oni's is a trim
buautitlor , whoso otTcuts are lusting.
Matter of application ot N. P. Wind for
Liquor License ,
Notlco is hereby ijlveii that N. P. Wind
did upon the 17tn dny of December , A. D ,
1XM , Jlla hlu application to the MnMir and City
Council of Omnha. for licence to neil mult , spir
ituous nnd vinous liquors , nt No tsi Nrrtli lUth
street. Fifth ward , Omolin , Neb. , from tin
first day ot Januniy list , to the day ol
January , U'M.
If there bo no ohjo-tlon , remonstrance or pretest -
test fllod within two weeks from December 17th ,
A. D. 1SS3 , the dald license will bo granted.
N. P. WIMI , Applicant.
J. U. SouTiiAnn. City Cleik. U-20-27
Not loo.
Matter of Application of A. Josten , for
Hip o Ikonse.
Notlco is hereby given that A. Joston
did upon the I'.th day of Di'Combur A.D.P-a < , lllo
his application to tlu < Mayor and City Council
of Omaha , for license to sell Malt , Opinions ,
and vltiousllquors , at No. KM Lonvonworth St. .
Fourth wardOmahaNeb. , fiomthu Flist day of
January 18S ! ' , to the 1'lrst dny of January. IS90.
If there be no objection , innionstiaiico or
protest tiled witliLn two weeks from December
IHh A. D. 18&1 , thoiald llconse will bo granted.
A. JOiXKN , Applicant ,
J. H. SoUTHAiit ) . City Clerk d-tti-ST
" "
Matter of application of Anhcusor-Uu.sch Drew-
ing association for liquor license.
Notlco la hereby given that tlio Anheiisor-
Husch Hrowlng assocliitloii did upon the
17th dny of December , A. 1) . IS.SS , lllo tholr
application to thu mayor mid city coun
cilor Omaha , for llcensa to sell malt , spiritu
ous nnd vinous liquor * , ut No. 1.H7 Jones
street. First ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the
1st day of January , ISd.i , to the 1st day of
January , 1CO.
If there be no objection , remonstrance or pretest -
test tiled within two weeks from December 17th
A. D. 186C. the said license will bo granted.
A.Mii.usKu-lluscii HHKWINII AHB'.V.
J. D. SOUTHAIII ) . City rioik. U'0-27
Matter of Application of Payton & Cole
for liquor license.
Notlco is hoieby given that I'uyton ft Cola
did upon the 17th day of December , A D. 1H48 ,
Ills tncdr implication to the major mill city coun
cil of Omului , for llcnnse to sell mult , aplrltuoua
and vinous liquor ? , at No. 1018 Capitol
Ave. , Third ward , Omnha , Nob. , from the 1st
dny of January 1SS' ' , to the 1st day of January
If there bn no objection , remonstrance or pro
test filed within two weeks from December IHh ,
A. D. 188d , the paid llceiue will bo granted.
PAYTON k CIILK , Applicants.
J. O. SOUTHAIII ) , City Clerk. d20-27
Mutter of Appllcntlon of U. M. llorit for porralt to
eell Iliiuur us n tlrugulst.
Notlrn la licri'lir glren that C. M. ttnjS did upon
tlie mil HUT of Dnoaiubur. i. U. 11SH. nl lil Hppliea-
tion lo ihn iimror uml clt ; rounol of OninhH , for par-
inlt to soil mult , aulrltuout and vlnou llQtior * i
Iruuitl't , for uioillclnul , niflcliiuilcal mid ihumlvnl
iiuriioxeii onlr , iilNo. 1 ( Cnpliol Ave , thlril iTitrd ,
Jniuli.i. Neb , from thi lit dar of Jaiiuarj ISj'J , to 111 *
lilt day of .Innunry ] r. > ) .
Iftliprnba nn obli > ctlon , roniOQUtrnnrn or nrotnt
Ihul wttliln ttro necks from Uccomlicr Utti , A , 1) . llSt ,
Hie eiUil license will bo gruntei ] .
C. M. Jlovii , ApiillcnnU
J. 11. SoirrnAiti ) , City claru. u-'Ju n
Matter of application of .Intter & Young for II *
qiior llccuie-
Notice Is licrcbr ulvon ILnt Jtitlfr.t Vounr illil
inon the Kill cluy of Jloccmbur.A , ) . , , lllfl their up-
illciitlon to the niiiyor mid flly council of Omalm , for
louiisi ! to gull mall , nplilliiou * find vinous
io. 'iU l.ouTonnortb gtroeti , Urst mini ,
) nittha. Nob. , from the lint day of Junuarr.
SJ to th nr t d r of Jonunrj , 16'JO.
If there be no objection , rtiiuuiiitrancr or prnteit
Hod vrlllilii two weeks from ll.'cembor . IT , A. ! . , 1588.
the mid llccuso nil ! b nriint a.
JKrrKn Sc VOUKO , Appllennti.
J. II. SoUTHAHi ) , City Clork. d2U-i
Timd Company.
A decree for foracloinrB njnlnnt the BUTUf/'TtlN.
KliCompnnjr hn Jint liccn ontoied In the United
blnlOK Circuit Court , Ninth Circuit District of Nevada
nnd the pinportr of that company nlll ho told there-
undurntan mirly diite. The llcorifanltutlon Com-
nilltuii lioroby t'lvfii notice that ttockhoMera of that
00111)111117 ) will boalloivrd a FINAt.oppoittinlty topro-
x-ct tholr hltlirrto unnmonlcd Block lij ubBcrlhliiK
lu tliu now bonilmind dcpotltlriK tholritocU ui liorolo-
fore iiJTiirllseJ. Bubitrlptloim to mil J bonds will ba
icrolvcd nttlio thiliin ' Oumpnny , No. 7J UrouU-
way , Now Vork , ut the follonlnx termi , to-wlt :
J0IHH8 , AT 13 M. ,
mid tlioronTlcr
UNlin JA.N. U , 1HH1) , AT a 1 . M.
Rubacrlber * to the hoiuliwlll rfpclvoTriiitCoiiipaDf
ritrtUlontp * , iMilltllnu thnni to Ilia IAIUU numbcrof
ftliuruMus the u iluiMiHlloil b7 Uiutn.uiiilll. InbonUnfor
rtrh & 5cniiti nnd iVlccnH ru | > e < alvnlr jialil hf llninl.
nlurot nt llio nito ol I par cent , will bo ullovrcd on
illj crlillmi | from ( Into nf pujriiieul.
1'nyinont nhoiilil be Ninila by check on New Vork to
he Union Trim Coiiipnny miUfhouM bonucoinpunloj
it the tork duly t'liilomixl In blank nnd uu author-
rnlloti to llio llidun Triirl Ci/mpiiiy. : Illunk fornn
lor Ihli uiilliorl/uUon und ciiplos nl tlronlurn c n la
( ibtiilnoil upon pi > llcMllon at the Union 'I'riitt Com-
> niir'noltioe , oral room I'J , tfutfntli Hour , Ullli Uulld
an. Now York.
Dated NKW YOIIIC , OclotiDr > , 1 % < S.
Jl. n. UAr/rr/ICI ( , Clmlrniau.
1 * . O , A. fll. VAN \\KKli ,
l urimirytvouuieieaillrnulot : >
lyutiduafiilycured by DOUTUItAOKii.
nulei , Hnveralcisoa ciirud In aevfiil ilayj. Sold
11.60 per box , all druwKlnti , or by mail from I i >
cuuMfL'.Co lUWbltoUt.tN. V. full Dhoctlam
Nollcir ,
Notice Is hereby tjlven that the annual meet-
njjof the BUCkluillnr ) ( of thu l < o-Jlurlco-Au. (
drecsou IlKidwuro Co. , of Omahu , N b./or ttie
election oCilliuctorn anil nlllcgrii ; aluo tbo traun
actlonof niich other btiHlnon nn mnyromnba
I'urutlie meetliiK ! will be hold ntuurolllcoln
Omaha ut U p , Hi. , Tuesday. January H , I8fJ.
KbVrAUU 1) . J.KBI'KII , l'r < Mld a ( .