G THE OMAHA DAILY BEETHURSDAY. . DECEMBER 27 , 1SS3 , THE DAILY BEE. BLUFFS. ti. .NO tu BTIIKKT. J'cllmcdliy currier In Any Part of ho City a Tnrnty Cents 1'crcck. . H.V , TH/rON . . MANAGE ! ! . am.ii'HONis : : : No. 4.1. MIXOli .MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Coal tnul wood. n.K.Mayno,010 BVay. Dr. C. C. Hnzcn , dentist , opera house block. Klcgnnt ovorconllngs nt A. Roller's , niorchnnt tailor , iill ) Uto.idwny. Tlio Bcconil party of the Dodge llpht guards takes place Jnnuiir.v 3 , nt their now iirmory. Special communication of Kxcolslor Lodge No. 'J.VJ , V niul A M , , this c\eiun. { for In- Btnllntlon of ofllccrs Tlio annual meeting of the Presbyterian clmrch nnd concn-gallon will bo licUl tbls evening , December ' . ' " , at 7 o'clock p. ni. Mr. .1. C. Olc.ison , rcircsciitlintlie | ICIIn.it- nek-Cook dr\ goods bouse of Omaha. Is vlsit- ing his brother , B. 12 CUcaton of tills cl'y ' , having Junt returned fiom a six months ttlp on the roitd , At P. Hampshire , the deserter who wan ar rested lii-re Bevcrftl days ago , will bo taken to Fort Omahn to duy by Captain Dyer. Hampshire 1ms been serving u short lorm for drunkenness. The Avenue 13 Sunday school will give a ' Christmas conceit on Saturday , December iiOj at the All Silnti clmrch , corner of Third avenue und niirliteciith streets. Come everybody. Admission , 15 cents. The Daughters of Hcbeccn ulll hold a watch meeting next Monday evening at Odd Fellows' hall. Tim ladles will give n grand supper and sociable. All Odd 1'olUms nro Invited to bo piesent , und to bring their frlciidn. The second party of fidelity council , Hoj al Arcanum will bo BI\CII this evening at the U. A. pnrlurH. Thosep.irtlcs have a well estab lished reputation us highly enjoyable social affairs , and this ono will bo fully up to the Btatuluiil. Mr. und Mrs II. N. Whittlesoy celebrated their wooden wedding at their homo on Pifth avenue Tuesday evening. There was n huge number of friends mcscnt , nnd the presents were very numerous and useful. The occa sion was highly enjoyed by those present. The RlelgliBoro out In force yesterday , and the sleighing by evening was very good indeed In the central portion of the city , al though the fall did not exceed live inches. The snow did not visibly effect the working of the motor cars , and all trips ucro made as usual. Mr. and Mrs.W.V. . Gllmoro entertained twenty-nine little boj s nnd girls at u Christ mas dinner Tuesday afternoon. The littlu ones were those \\ouldothcrwiso have fared rather shabbify , and they fully appre ciated the entertainment. The kind host nnd hostess cnjoied the giving fully ns much us did the guests. Charles LOCKO was arrested yesterday In n Lower Bioadway buenio , where ho was maltreating ono of the inmates. It is said that Locke has been in the Imbit of beating the women there for the past three weeks , unless they turned over to him all of their earnings. Ho was too diunk when ancsted to mnlio uny statement of his case. Holiday social nt the Hroadwav Methodist chtirch this evening. A musical and Horary programme will bo rendered in the audience room , after which adjournment to tl.o par lors will be in otdci , whetc refreshments will bo scived nnd social intercouiso en joyed. No charge for lofieshments , but a thank offering bo * will bo In readiness , giv ing un opportunity to express gratitude for the blcs&mps of the j ear. Admission to the entertainment 10 < cuts. Mr. Uuotens' sight-singing class will meet to-night at the residciiLO ofV. . W. Chapman , 717 First avonuo. All nicmbcii aio requested quested to be in attendance , ns Mr. U.ictuns wishes to get a well tinincd chorus together nt the earliest po&siblo date , in order to begin the rchcaisal of homo good work. Mr. Baotons Is a musician and dncctor of erea ( experience and has gained a national reputa tion in connection with the college of music In Cincinnati. The young people should not miss this opportunity to secure a musical training under so thorough a musician. Mr. Owen Fold , of Omahn , rcpi cscnting the Kdisun Electric Lignt company , was in the city yesterday , for the purpose of look ing ovortlio ground and the situation here , preparatory of submitting and oriminco for the consideration of the council. Mr. Fold stated that his company would put their wires undeiground in the central part of the cltv If they could secure subscribers for over < , COO lights. The plan of the Edison company Is to subscribe their stock among local capi talists , reserving twenty-live per cent for themselves. Mr. Foul will immediately make a canvass of the business men , for tlm purpose of siibsciibing this stock. Anouli- nanco will bo picparcd and submitted at the next meeting , January 7. Dr. ClciXver , 20 North Main. Tol. 117. ScoV. . 0. Stacy's ad. All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. See Forrest Smith's special column. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- eoul0 ! Pearl street. Great closl n p out sale of underwear and cloaks at Friedman's old stand. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 li'way + - Pickled tripe and pigs' feet at Tib- bltts' , 1115 Broadway. C Special snlo this week of Indies' and misses hobo , at 409 Broadway. Weather strips for doors and win dows. Odoll & Bryant , 61 , ' ! Main &t. Tlio I'lay ol' the 1'aniioiiH. The Grovier-McNulty alleged rape case cunio to an end yesterday. After hearing the testimony Squlio Schiiri discharged the defendant , stating that the case was un doubtedly ono of malicious prosecution. The case has ongondmed a gtcut deal of hard feeling octweeu the neighbors , and panda- jnonluin reigned In the torn t loom for a short time , The defendant bccamo offended at some of the statements nmdo by Mr. Sea- brook , the nttoi nuy for the plaintiff , und as soon us the case was decided he stinted for the attorney to got Hatisfactlon. Tlio neigh- bois joined In the gciirrnl niolca to settle their private scores , and tboro was u lively "scrap" for a few minutes , Order was 10- etorcd as quickly as possible , and the defend- 'ant ' was led weeping to his corner. No ono was seriously disllguied. Although the rape case Is at an end , thcro will now follow ar rests for disturbing the peace , and assault nnd battery , B. D. Wadsworth it Co. loan money. Why do you suffer cold when you can got cloaks , underwear and hoblory at your own price at Friedman's old stand , 409 Broadway ? For Rent Two now btoro rooms In good location ; Nos. 787 and 7.SO Broad way. B. Suuiulors , HO Pearl st. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Champ Investment company. - The District Court. District court reconvened yesterday morn- , lnjf , uftcr a four days recess. The argu ments In the ejectment case of Hamion vs MBIT wore resumed , and the case submitted to the jury at 13 o'clock. During the after- ppon but little business was transacted , H Ji expected that the toi m will end this week , B3 there aio but few more cases for trial this "term. There are several interesting cases to coinoupnoxt term before Judge Thorncll , juid the court room will undoubtedly attract taany spectators. \V. 8. Cooper hai > cash on hand to loan on Approved city property , No , 1UO btruut. THE NEWS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS A Traveling Troupe Mokos a Show oi Itself by a Street Quarrel. THE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES. filVoty Dpiinnil Forllio Mas-or's Autograph - graph NVc < 1 ofn ISow CHj Hull Complaining of ( ho Coal Dr. .Irkyll'rf Sidewalk Show. There wes war on Uroadwny jesteulay. Trouble among the members of the "Dr. .IckUl and Mr Hjdo" company was what led to It. The company has been plaj ing to empty scats , and the exchequer was about exhausted. J Frank How en , the manager , claimed that ho had been advancing money out of his own pocket to pnj expenses , nnd demanded a settlement Tor some I cason or other Mr IMwIn Tnnnor , the star , decided that ho wnntcd a now manager , nnd accoul ingly "lired" Mr. llowen and appointed Mr. 1 ! Will.os. 'Hint was the cause of Iho racket. Mr Uowon objected to being "llrrd , " nnd Mr. Wdkcs Insisteil on nssuin- Ing tlio honors of the position. Verbal tiigu- meiils could not convince cither of thociuu of his position , and the Manjuis of Queens bury manual was consulted These mlrs fulled tn settle the case , mid a lough nnd tumble followed , i'ho sidewalk in fiont of the Hechtolu was the battle piound. The rompany "had it In" for the old manager , nnd sided in with the now. Dow en wait too much for the whole company , and knocked out the last man .is handsomely as ho did the llrst. Ho announced his Intention of slicing with Iho company , and he will doubt lesslieop his word The management of the Hcchtclo had another claim that was unsatistlcd , and that was for noard , The br.irg.tgc of the com pan.N was held until the bill lould be liqui dated. Mr. Tanner disappeared , but shoitlv "mndo n iaise"and ic.ipno.ircd to secuic the release of his baggage. The company then got out of toun on the Hist tinln , lioucn went along , but \Vilkos is the fiittno ni.in.i ger. All dlffeiencos weio nppaicntly mudo up , and it Is piesumcd that tho.v will "IKo happily ever after. " Money loaned on fmnitnro , pianos , diamonds , hoises , busies or anything ofiiluo at low rales of interest. No publicity ; fair and homnublo dealing. A. A. Clark A , Co. . ollico cor. Uroadwny and Main , over AmrriiMii L. F. . Roe , dentist , No. 127 Main St. , o\cr JacqiKmiiii & Co.'s jowulry btotu. All grades boft oo.il , C. 13. Fuel Co. Wo have a few hamUomc handkerchiefs - chiefs and mullloi s that wo will clo e out tit " 5 cents on the dollar.10 ! ) Bio.idwaj. Small Hut inlluiNiastlo. : Knthuslusm tan high , Tuesday o\cning , at the Clnistmas exercises of the Hetbnn > Haptlst church and Sunday school. The ladles had wi ought with a will nndthuic suits weio eminently ijiatifylng. The "little chuuh" as the mcmbcis affectionately call the modest edilico wheie they hold tlieir sei vices , was beautifully decorated with spi ays of holy \\hoso inddy bciries glowed amid festoons nnd wreaths of cvcigicon. After a piogramnio of recitations and songs by the childien , pionnunced by manto bo as peed as they had cverwitncssed , two little ones , Cai no .mil Kddio Peynuck , tastefully diesscd to icprcsunt supposed childien or grandchildren of Santu Claus , handed out to each member of the Sundav school a pi ettv decorated box of goodies from a large ami profusely ornamented tree. Then tame in ev ents from teai-heis to scholars and from scholars to te.ichcis The pastor , Kov. 1C X. I km is , was the iccipicnt of an elCKant Hagstct's bible fiom the Sunday school. Thiough the kindness of JIis. H. .1. Hublits , a ncli , cushcd plush settee or dlvnn. was pic sented to the cliurcli for tno pulpit , also u laifta bible for the desk , and to Iho pastor a leather bound , gilt edged "Gospel hjinns consolidated. " Deacon C. A. Loucks i o- spomlcd in behalf of the church , and thu ] ) .istor , in his own behalf , with what few words his happy surprise and astonishment had left him. Alter hcaitily uniting in a closing hong , the people , who had thronged the chinch to an ovciflow , dispersed to their homos , evidently well pleased with the even ing's entertainment. A , word as to the Sunday school. Some must have been surpi Iscd to see so many childien present. Hut the groivth of the sihool has been remarkable. In less than two months the attendance has mci cased fiom twenty to over ISO and the mcinbei ship Is about 1.10. Under these circumstances tlio enthusiasm manifest is scarcely to be won- ilcicd nt. Money loaned at L. 13. Crafts & Co.'s loan olllcc , on furniture , pianos , horsus , wapons , personal property of till kinds , and nil other articles of value without removal. AH business strictly confi dential. _ _ See Forrest Smith's special column. Bargains in real estate in all parts of the eity , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main fatieet. - No reasonable oiler will bo rofu&cdor anj thingin our slock , as nil must bo sold out within bi.\ty days. A. J. MANiiL,409 Broadway. Prom Turkey to Turnkey. The Christmas grist in police court yester day mot ning was a varied one , but the effects of budge were noticeable in nearly every cnso. Christmas whisky had knockexl out Clnistmas turkey , and the unfortunate vic tims wcro for the most pirt sorry looking spectacles. The p'aln ' boomers were llrst called out , and assessed as follows : John Flynn , Lawienco Frey , E. W. MtCcrdy , J. Moonstone and George Stalifer , $ b.lO each ; Jerry Sullivan , $7 00. Thomas Hurch was clnrgcd with the lar ceny of coal from the railroad yards , and pleaded guilty. IIo was lined f 13 and costs. J. Curl WUH buokcd for assault nnd bat tery. IIo hud disllguied the anatomy of Jessie Allen , who objected to such treatment and lodged nn infotmatloi ) nvnintt him. Ho was given a receipt for f ! ) 00. C'hnilcs Littlop.ifro had been taken In out of the stoim , and given shelter for the night IIo denied being. i vag , and was allowed to drnart. Hem y Johnson and Charles Curtis wore found clinched in a deadly embrace , engaged In a vain attempt to poison each other with their whisky tainted breath. Johnson pleaded guilty , nnd said that liii was to blame for the fracas. Ho was lined $ 'J.t > 0 , and the case ngalnst Curtis was allowed to stand open. Julius Lund and D. Thomas woie also booked for distil ) bing the peace. IZueh had put up $10 to socura Ills appeal mice in court , but Thomas fnllctl to materialise , and his cash was declared forfeited. Iho cases of each will come up to-morrow moining. 1C. D. Collins was on aigncd for larceny. Ho had boarded an electric car , and when ho luft ho took with him oveii thing of a movii- bin nature. During the night ha stole the clothes from his fellow prisoners , nnd when turned out of the cage tn the morning ho had four hutis. three overcoats , nn extra pair of pants nnd two pairs of shoes , that ho had re moved fiom the other Inmates of the cage while they wore asleep. The court adjugcd him insane , and or dered him turned over to his hi other , Matt Collins , of this city , The prlsonnr has been employed in Omahn , nnd was on his way to Sioux City. His trouble U s.iid to bo tempo rary mental abbot ration , and it is thought that ho will soon bo restored to his normal condition. . The JUnyoi' * f-'ljrnnfuro , The mayor comes In for an occasional scor ing ut the hands of the contractors because of the slowness attendant on the Issue of city bonds In payment for work performed for the city , It U alleged that the solo causa of the delay Is the ' major's well-known fond ness for "investigations , " After the bonds are ordered Usuod by the council they are prepared by the forces of the clerk's and auditor' * ofllccs , and then await the signature of the executive Days lengthen Into weeks , nnd th weeks pnss by before the bonds are in snap to bo turned over to the waiting contractor who was entitled to his pay whou ordered bj the council. It Is a common complaint that "the mayor hasn't signed the bonds. ' It may be tna the work might bo sooner executed , still few people have nny Idea of the amount of time required to sign these Improvement bonds The major's muna has to be signal five times for each lot along which any woik has been done , whether grading , paving , sewerage or sidewalk. The executive writes his nuto graph X ) times , nnd then finds that ho has gone bnrely half a uillo on the pn\lng bonds with nil of the others to follow. It Is a rather discouraging job , nnd the question is ns to where the moro patlcnco Is required , on the pntt of the contiactor or on the part of the imi.N or. Wanted * n City Unit. Major Kohrer has made arrangements with thocounu ofllcials for the use of one ol the vaults at tlio county court house for the purpose of Moiing some of the more i.npor- tnnt books and pipers belonging to the city , espoclnllj those of the city ticiisurcr and citj auditor. Such n move us this has been 1m- pciatlvo for sotnu time. The need of n vaulter or other suitable place for the storage of city papctsand rccoids is icadilv nppoiont tf I'MM'jnno. A ( hunt the cltj building would almost ruin the city , us no protection what ever Is afforded the books and lecords Tliiy are stoicd hcie , ih-'rc and every whet e , in whatever place tin empty coiner cm be found , and theio Is nothing to piovent their being stolen or defaced , oven if not threat ened with total destruction bj a lire. The need of n now city building is beiomlngmorc and more ingeiit. ns none of the olllcrs nf- fotdcd the i-ity oHIclals arc as commodious as the.\ should be. ( Jil.nters aio rented for the cit.v engineer In the lirown building , nnd the ma\or has no olllcc nt all. The demand for a new city building has grown to an absolute need , ami it is time that the matter icccivcd some consideration nt tlm hands of the citi zins. Tin1 Coal Km i" ) . The heal ing of the bo.nd of trade com plaint against the lailronds , In regard to coal rates , was to have t ikcn place to dr.y , but bj mi ngi cement of parties it has been post poned one week. It is to your ow n interest to o.xaminc my btoi'lt before \im putclmse. Your price ibinino 109 Bro.idw.iy. A. .7. MANI > IL. : Notice the beautiful finish < ; i\cn col lars , culls and shirts by Case.ule Laun dry company. See Foi'j.cs > t Smith's special column. IIuvc our wagon call for jour soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. The London "Tailor's" is the place to get your clothes mado. 037 Broadway. Pe.itli of Mrs. K. .1. Aliliolt. At 730 o'clock jcstcidnj' morning , Mis. S.ir.ih T . Abbott , wife of 1C. J. Abbott , passed away fiom this life , aged ) . " ! \c.us S months and 2J da s. Iho deceased had been n icsident of this eity for nearly eighteen . \cais , and had a wide circle of ac quaintances and friends. She had been tioubled for some time -\uth chronic catarilml entcictis , which was finally the cause of her death. Sarah K. Packer was born in Hljria , Lei - i am county , Ohio , April 4 , 1MJ On reach ing matuic > e.us she was wedded to Edwin J. Abbott'nml in ISn removed with him to this eitwheie \ they have since resided. Four children woie born to them , two ol whom. Mis Cialgmilo and Mis. .lames H. Unriett , are now livinir. and reside in this city. The deceased was highly esteemed bj the many friends who had known her lor almost a score of je.us as well as by those whose acquaintance was of more recent ori gin. Dining her last illness loving hands vied in furnishing those little attentions that nuilio the lot of the invalid more comforta ble. The bci caved husband and children have the sympathy of all in their sad alllic- tion. The arrangements for the funeral are not yet completed , but duo notice will oo given later. Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl street. Buy groceries , stationery and Christmas poods of Kelley As Younkcrman , 10.J B'way. O.B. G-ILBERT . . , M VMjrACTUHEIl OF- 11.1 ISICOADWAY , COUNrifj JJIjOJ-'FS , IOWA. Order1 ? for nil kinds of D.ikota and Mon tana ( 'J"tilled. . HufTalo and ether heads on li.md. Satisfaction uar.iutced to those tending in work to be ilono. Huffalo horns II UU\CltICB. WIND MILLS , IRON and WOOD ) PUMPS , PIPE and FITTINGS , JOII.V JOII.VNo. No. Glil ninln Stn-ot , Council ninir.-f , In. Corrcsuomlenta .Mtiitlon 'Jlila 1'aper , COME BOYS Keep Her Up And r o i , i , o w ifi K : C.KXTS ITH Ml. Holllng lleof U jhoulder Koast 1 to 5 ShouIder Steak C to 0 Corned Ucof , .U to 4 Pork Roast 8 JoikCliops 9 Veal Roast 8 Mutton Roast , 8 louad Stoalc 8 Ve.il and MuttonStow. . . . , 4 Loin Steak 8 to 1) ) : 'oi tnrliouso Steak 8 to 9 lib Roast 0 to 7 Sugar Cuicd Hams 11 lacon 11 to is nrd 10 loll Loaf Lard 10 Salt Pork 10 llltuo Meat , icuily made 8 Saner Kraut. . . , , H Pinltlcd Pigs 1'cot 7 i'rino 7 Pickled Hooks 8 Julter 25 Poultry and Fish at lowest market prices. Don'j : Forget the Number , NO. 337 UltOADWAV GEO , H , MESCHEHDORF D , H , McDANELD & CO , , iides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool Iljjhest mniket prices. Prompt icturna. KM aiul gu ilrtlu St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa. PEOPLE'S STORE Have concluded to sell their entire stock of Toys and Fancy Goods at One-Half of any Former Prices. N i Will Rule to-morrow in our Toy and Fancy Goods Department. We sliow more real Cliristmrs gifts than all the competing stores com bined and our. prices fflLL To-morrow will be the Greatest day in the his tory of the "People's Store , and we are pre pared for it with an extra force of sales men and salesladies to wait upon our many customers. Our stock must be sold and our prices are according. CALL AND SEE US ! 0.314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. GREAT CLEARING SALE ! FOR 30 DAYS ! I must have room for spring goods , nnd will ull till goods now In block nt prices far below1 nny over offered boforo. This is no bait to catch the trade but , n genuine clearing-out bale , mid o\cry- thing must go. Parlor sets , bedroom sots , heating and cooking stoves , handing lamps , oil cloths. All goes without re&erye. I ha\c n big slock and ctin suit you in whatever want. Como and HCO mo nnd examine my floods. 1 must boll. No priceb quoted , but no leiibotmblo offer will bo refused. A. J. MANDEL , NO. : DKOAUWAY , COSJ.VCIK sJB urr.s , IOWA. NEW BARGAINS nUOADWAY FIltST AVKNUK I OTS , IC13KHY ADDITION I.OTfl. I'KUUY AI I > tT10N IiOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , IIIl Y ANT & Gli illll'H ADDITION IjOTS , STUFJKT'S ADDITION IMEA. AHo20acrcs of tlio licit property In tovn fur W. C. STACY , Telephone H . No. 'J Alain Htieet. Council llliiir * . Iowa. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. \\ANTUD A slilrt polKmT for n 'I roy ina- > > clilno. Apply lit Cascade Laundry Co. , .JJO Iroadwuy. " \\T1fli exclmiiBOSomoot the best business piopeity Inttmrity fnr Iliht-clahH farm C. II. Inxobtmtnt Co , No , 1U 1'carl street. WK liao Home of tlio best bargains In the city In ri al estate , ihrap lots , mnall louses nnd lots ; several Una lesldnncos on paved streets ; alsoarro trn , ? & . A\l \ of the ntiovn iropeity will bo sold on nwy * teniH. himill ia > mcnt down and lou into of Ipleiost. Como mil examine oiir Hit. " We also Imvolaiso lists of ir poity for ex change. No. 101'eurl bt. ( ouncll lllulls liivo t- nent Co. , , r > ( ) O.MS to rent by Council tHufls Investment J-iCo. , No. 10 I'carl bt. [ rpWO flno onico rooms to rbnt n first lloor ; J-ono room 18x < 5 ; botli iifwly iiuperod anil minted , lies t location In tha cltjr Call ut No. U , 1'cnrl Bt. , T hnvo laid In a tiled line nf boots and blioo swhlch I am hollinff at Iho smallest iving profit. 1 am ostUbllhhiiif , ' a por- nnnent business , /or T iun"/ioro / to stay , and as my expensed aroBinall I can bell you goods very low , Cull und convince 'OUWOlf- - L. KfXMBIIAN , .No , : ) Ilioiulnuy. UKHT ANI > N10K CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR LAOIES , Plush , Silk rinnnol and Caslinierti di esses Ready-Mode and Made to Order , By MRS. JULIA STEIN , 111 Douglas bt. , Omaha. Clieajiait juices , nnd ; oed flt guaranteed. S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , iraimunu cinnniji cinnnijiFJ HOSPITAL 15 FOUETH STREET. Telephone No. UU5. COUNUlLi JUItUFFfl , I I IOWA WANTKI > ! P.very man or woman who has S O or 87a wh'ch ' they wish to invest where it will bo as safe as it would bo if it were deposited in the Baulc of England and intiUo him more money , to call on lib and buy a lot in Fairmount addition. Tlio best location on the hills for street car service and school piivilegcs ; dose to all the railroidb , wholesale houses and city dopotb. The only lijll piopOrty to bo had nt such low pnucs and easy terms. Prices r.inprc ft om $200 to $400 ; terms , one-fifth cash , balance in thirty equal monthly payments at 8 per cent inteiCbt. Ifon , are renting now and want a home of your own , commence paying for ti lot now before you htue to pay double the money for the s-ame location. Begin ntonce and you will bo surprised to find how soon the thirty months will loll niouiid , making you the owner of a lot. Call on II. G. McGco , 1.10 Main street , or Forrest Smith , at the Brown building , Council BlulTs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS PROPERTY , I'AIM'IAL ' LIST Or 1'KOPKKTY 1'OK SAL1. BY GEO , METCALF I'l I'KAItL , KTKRKT , COU3CI9 , , Kesldciico on Oth ave $ a.000 Residence on dtli uvo 1,100 Ifosidmico on ( Ith uvo 1.11K ) Kesidento ondth uvo 1OOM Kcsldcnco on Oth uvo 1,001) ) Residence on dth ave 850 Residence on ( illi st O.CUU Hesidenco on ( ith Pt 0,000 Residence on North Sth at , lot 12lx- Duncb 'oi fi bouses and 1 lots on ilril ave 8,01)0 ) Residence on Scott st , 2,1)00 ) Residence on Plainer st. for price and particulars Inquire An elegant residence on 1st avo. , ono mliiuto walk fiom govcinmcnt building. Tor pi leu und particu lars Inquire Kcsldcnco on fitli live , , ilirco minutes \valk from county court house. Cash a/200 rjcsldciico and four lots on avo. "C. " Street'sndd 2,000 Store building and lot on I'uclllc avo. , near U. P. transfer 1,800 , Two-stoiy fruino stoio m town ot Car- sou 'J.OOO Soventy-llvo lots In Squire' * add. , north of tiunsfor , elegantly loca ted. taiK ) to SIOJ each Bunch of 11 lots , Central sub 1,500 Hunch of 1- lots , Cooper , McMabon & .IcITrlos udil , , if tukcn bofoioJan , Ut , for r.,000 An elegant lot on bin st. Cash U.OOO Tlirco line lots on Bluff sticot at a bargain 100 feet frontugo on Park avo. for ? 50 per foot , , . Business property on Hroadwny liuslncss property on Main st An unproved farm of KXJ acres not fur from Chautauquu grounds , con sisting or hill and dulo. Fo r pur- tlcul.irH iuqulru , , , , , . 48-acro tract onu mile fiom Bioiulway , suburban location 7,600 In addition to the ubovo I havn vacant pioiierty In iioaily every addition to the city , GEO. METCALF , HO 14 I > 1UICI , < ST. , ou\'t'iL , m.urrs , IOWA , HARKNESS BRO'S. DRY GOODS STOCK TO BE SOLD OUT ! Owinp lo tlio death of Mr. K , 15. llarkncss , tlio senior inomhor of the firm of llarkness llros . it has boon tlecltlcd to eloio out the slock and settle the b.islnosfl of Iho llrtu as speedily ns possible , The Entire Stock of Dry Goods is Offered For Sale in Whole or in Part. The relnll sale v ill c-omtiioiH'o WctliioMlny , Dcconiuor lOlh , 1SSS , nt great reduc tion In prices. A l The stock is new. Hcan , nnd VIM-V iloeirablo. It prcMMit1 ! nn 12Xi I.LI < rN'T OP i'OUTl'NITV TO STif' : INTO AN OLD AND KSTAHLIsHIII ) HL'SINTsS. Paitios desiring information can call upon or tuldrobd J. E. HARKNESS NO. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - IOWA No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. What ib nicer for aChri&lmas or Now Year's present than an ologatit IMtmo or Oi'ffiui.Vu have so\cnty-livo of the cclobtatcil Hardman , A , B , Chase , Fisher , Everett and Pease & Howard Piano ? , AND ROYAL CENTURY ORGANS On hand , which we offer nt a special discount of TEN 1MUI U12NT oil our regular prices for U > o next TIIIHTY DAYS. We rnrry the luifjcst btoelc of small musical instruments of e\or. > description tuid lm\o nmnj novelties suitable for presents. Our stock of bhcel mu io ami miibic booK ? is tbc latest and most complete. Remember our entire stock of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS Will bo = < > ld at cost , and less than cost. It must be closed out roRnrdloss of price. You \\ill liml inan.y btir nins. A boiivenir given with every wuchase.V nlio Ifiv : i ticKet \ \ ith every i5 parehtise on nn elegant Piano , Orj an , nnd other Call early for a choice of the bargains offered. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. M Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , n tnnale , . Specification' : . SnpcrvMon of Public Work. Hioun Builduij , ' , Council Klutrs , Io\\a. N Ju-ti-e ol the Pi-ace. Olllce o\er American Expic s , No.119 , Uioadway , Council Ulnllfc. Iowa. Attomc\s at Law , Pucticc in the State anil Kcilera STONE & 3IM3Attomcs Koomb 7 .md 8 , Sluigail-Beno Ulo.kt Council Uhiflb , Iowa. SIZES FROM Especially Adapted foi 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE fj LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , l > cincatlons anil cstlmsitcs furnished Tor complete steam plant ) . ItPKulallon , Dmaulllty ( > uar- outecil. Caii&how Ittteis fiom users hero fuel Economy Is CIIIH ! with CorlHs Non-Coniloiiflnff. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No..r 10 Pearl Street , Council RED HEADED ! I A JIB MAD , 39\I > , ! YIAI > ! And nlll sell meutfoi the folowln ! cashprices : blmuliU'i and Clmck Ito.ist . . .Otode 1'ilmo Hlb ICoait So Clunk fctcak . . . . . . l > e Kouml htcaU . . . . . . t < o Ml loin bleak . . . . Ho Vorturhoiisofctpak . . IDc 1 ! > llltlK Ilcef MHc .Mutton hton , fie Million ki'gs fc Corn Hoof . . . .t t'He I'ork Honst . . Hio Pork Chops and fett-nk . . K'c ' Laid , our own mukfl . . L'o bansagu . . to And all othni me il.s In the t.uni pionorliua. r.tjm : ! : UHOTT.VX , 1H Kit Ilinuilnav. 1 sell I'ottu\\ntt.imlu County Mi'.it'i ippoil up tn Council Dlulls I'upur. 1'ico Delivery. TIKIS. Oi Hern. w. II. t. I'UM.V. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Coiner Main anil Ilrnailnny. COUNCILi UiaM'T.S , IOWA. Hcaltrs In forolgn r.nd ilouustlo exchange. Collections made anil lulurcsi paid on llmodu- sKi ) MKATS : Kxainlno the following pikoi for caah ( inly and liny Mmr muats nroNtd nt homo. IM sell until futthci notlco imlollous : Hliunliler and i hack i oust . . . . ate ( c 1'ilniurlb loiibt c Clmckhtuik . . . . to Koiindsteak 8 to He Sirloin stciik too I'oiteihoiixit utiak luo llolllng bif 4 to 5r Mutton Hlow . . f > c Mutton lilt's . . . ta Corn beef i to f > J'oik roast . ! ( ) < I'orkcliops ai'dMi'ak . . . . H'o l.aid , IIIID and our ouu miiku . . , l.'i bouHUgo , our ow n maku . , . lUa Itomumbur this Is tlio only IIOMK Olir.HS MIJAT MAJllCirr In Urn city. No lon-lgn menu ' " . ' . ' . bold , 'liilLplionu No. ) c. ij. MI\AS ; , NO. HIU AIU nHr , CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE FRONT ! U.NTU , mirnm oTItB i wu.i. bFi i , BEEF , VEAL & PORK - Ol'.MVO\V OIIKS3INO lowaCaitle Fed o i Iowa Corn ! , Anil wlllnuet aorlionnstcoinpetltlonoiipilcett for llrRt-ClnH ! ; Meat ft , J. M. SCANLAN , 10 Ironil\vay. ! - - Ti | pihune | JJ01. OUH HUSH. LADIES Of Onialia and Council Bluffs , Arc lu\lled to cull at MRS. G.'L. GILLETT'S ' Hair Emporium And H < JIIT ! line line ill 11\ I It ( iUOIS. FINEST HWR .ORNAMENTS InUincity. U'lKB , HeaidH. etc. , fm iciitor inlo , GLUTH and C07LE wsd MYERS ( iioaao I'uinli , Hull DiCK-iiiig ( tc. No , 29. Main St , Council Biiiirs , Oulers by null icctno jm nipt attention. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER , PRICE $ K , Is equal t ) any High Priced Machiaj , ' 1 lie IllHon .MtmiOKinpli , Ilia bet npiiaratui for munirolUliu , : iutok'iijlilcj ( | anil l > i > a vutin wurlc. S.UII coi > lu i n bj inliiii. The Sswlslor C : . , Csunell Elu f : , Ii. 0. U. lll'.Iil. . u. \ BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects , Designer * anil Siiiioriiitciiilei of CoBstrnctloiL Mr. ISrrliiiKlior v\iv- \ heron year * ullh Hriiilcli'sofiii , I'ihlici'&lionrj ' , anil hits tlf'hlgnt-il inanjr of tlm llnol liIncKs in Oiiialin ami Council Kind's , Plans anH Specifications Prepared ami Estimates made on Application. . Studio , Jlouiu X Opera Jfotiho Jlloclc FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED HUEBT. uuKla Bt , , Neb. v ----iV3H3jr $