THE OMAHA DAILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAJR. OMAHA. THURSDAY MOK&ING. DECEMBER 27 , 1888. NUMBEK 195 TWO MORE BANK FAILURES , Ono nt Loup City nnd the Other nt Claries. CLEAN AND COMPLETE SWINDLE. Thn W. It. Morse Concern Fnllo to hliow Any ASHCIS The Sher man County Institution Will frohnhly Settle. Itnnk Failure at I/onp City. Lori- CITY , Neb. , Dee. 20. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun llEn.1 The Sherman County Banking company of this city tnadrjnu assign ment this morning. The immediate cause was the demand of the county treasurer on them for the county money deposited there , amounting to about $1-1,000 , which they wcro utiahlo to raise , nnd President Whalcy turned the bank over to the sheriff , without consult ing with the board of directors. As yet nothing can ho ascertained as to the liabilities or assets , although It is rumored that the nfTnlrs of the institution are in good shape. It U thought depositors will bo paid In full , ns the directors arc men of considerable means , 13. S. Hnyhurst , a hardware mer chant , mid also a stockholder in the bank , will bo one of the heaviest losers. The Loup City Milling company will also lose heavily. M. Mellor , general merchant , will bo a light loser , besides many other small depositors. Cashier Thicss hns been in the east for neverul weeks. No ono seems to know what hns brought about this state of affairs , but it was probably caused by other investments which turned out poorly. A Bunk Failure nt Ciarks. CKNTIIM. CmNeb. . , DJC. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bii : : . | The banking house of W. K. Morse , at Chirks , failed to open on Saturday morning , and the failure of the in- btitution is now announced. The liabilities are placed at 480.000 with no visible assets , everything having disappeared. The Mer- rlck county treasurer had SI2iXI on deposit , the C'lnrkH school district , $1,0011 ; Oskamp it HuincH. of Onmhn , $ J,0'JO ; State Treasurer Wlllord , $1,1100. As the facts dovelopo the excitement and indignation increases , and the end cannot ho predicted. Morse is under the cure of u physician who will allow no ono to see him. _ li. V. Allirlsl.t Xot Ito pitislllo. : Ur.i > Ci.ofii , Neb , , Dec. iiO. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKI : . ] From a reading of the report of the failure of the Hcd Cloud Na tional bank In Tin : Bin : of yesterday , it might bo inferred that L. P. Albright , the former cashier , was directly responsible for the fail ure. This Is erroneous nnd should bo cor rected , From and after the date of Mr. Al bright's retirement as a stockholder , Mr. M. B. Kdlcman assumed charge of the bank , as cashier , Mr. Albright having no connection therewith whatever. Mr. Kdleman , there fore , was responsible ( whether through hick of experience or otherwise ) for allowing the Ital Cloud Milling company to overdraw their account , wliich was tlio ultimate cause of the bnnk'H suspension. It is stated by a director , this morning , that the amount over drawn by this company , and wliich the bank will hove to assume , foots up to fTiO.OOO. Whether any or nil of this amount is secured is not stated , but it was on their ac count that the suspension came. As Mr. Al bright was in no way connected with the hank during Mr. Edlcman's term of super vision und central , ha can in no way bo held responsible , nnd though'tlie former telegram did not GO ? tate or intimate , the omission testate state that Air. Edlcman had succeeded Mr. Albright , might lead to a misunderstanding of the facts. The bank examiner thinks it Will bo Hcvcnil wocks before n statement can bo rendered. jUrownvllIe Items. UROWNVUJ.I : , Neb. , Dec. 2rt. [ Special to Tin : Bnn.l The event of the season hero was the marriage on Christmas night ot Mr. A. H. Davison , of Denver , Colo. , 'and Miss Cora Gates , of tnis city. Miss Gates is a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music , Boston , nnd is considered one of the lincst vocalists in the west. Besides her many other accomplishments she is also quite an amateur in painting. Mr. Davison is prominent in banking circles. The affair created no little interest , nnd guests from far und near wcro present , over EOJ invitations having been sent out. The presents wore numerous nnd expensive. Mr. and Mrs. Davison left , for Denver , their future home , this mornhiK. Christmas was appropriately observed In our various churches , with good musical pro grammes and Christmas trees. Our lown has been infested forsouio time with a gang of footpads. Ono ol our prom inent citizens , Mr. T. A. Bailey , was hold up on the street by three men and relieved of i.VJ in cash , nnd notes to the amount of fiiOO. The Hcd Cloud Bank Failure. 11iu : Ci.oun , Neb. , Dec. 20. As nearly an ran bo learned the Hod Cloud National bank owes Its depositors about $30,000 , nnd it is also understood that they have other liabil ities amounting to something llko (50,000 , but ills almost impossible to get hold of the facts , as National Bunk Kxnmincr Griffith is now in charge of the concern. It is cur rently j'cuorted this afternoon that ho has found the assets to bo largely in excess of the liabilities , and advises the ofllcluls to open i'p the bank as soon us they can get tlio consent of the comptroller to do so. The bunk wns capitalized for ifiO.OOO. The prin cipal creditors are reported to bo at Kansas City , Closa times and n failure to collect its outstanding paper are the prime causes of the failure. DeWItt vs C. B. Bailey. DMVIIT , Neb , , Dec. 20 , [ Special to Tin : Due.Tho ] district court , In session at Wil- lior , under Judge Morris , adjourned last Sat urday till January 7,1SVJ. The most notlco- ablu feature of the late session was the great number of criminal eases furnished by the village of DoWitt. Mho most important of these riifcs was that of the village of DoWitt vs C. B , Balloy. Bailey formerly ran a sa loon hero , before tha adoption of local option. Ho then started a flour and feed store and a Boculledtemperance billiard hall. " The town board plica up a number of counts against him. Twenty of thcsa wcro proven in the Justice's court , end upon each ono he was lined $100 and costs. Bailey then np- pealed to the district court , A test case of ono was made und both the village ordinance nnd the decisions of the lower court wcro Kustnliu-d , but ho will appeal to the sup'i , mo court. Tonoheru' Coi.t'Mms , Neb. , Dc. 2(5. ( [ Special Tolo- Brain to TUB Bii.J : The North Nebraska Ter.chera' association convened at the opera housu this evening , The house was tilled with teachers and citizens , A much larger attri.dunce is expected to-morrow. The president , K. A. Kitrltflit. of Albiondelivered un excellent address. The Mlstes May and Nrlllo North , assisted by Xuru Morse , enter tained the touchers for the balance of the evening with recitations. The evening's Iirosrummu was Interspersed with inuslo by the high school choir. Hnow nt Ijonp City. f.ocr CITV , Nub. , Dec. J. [ to TnB HtK. ! ] SnoW to the depth ot four Inches foil between S p. m. yesterday and this morning- , Tim thermometer has fallen several decrees , but Ilicio Una wind. Illahia Appointed. ArovsTA , Oa. , Dec. 20. George Marble , has appointed lion. James 0. Ulaiuc , nmoni ; ether commissioners to attend the ccntcii- nit ! celcbratinn of WuHhhiRton's Inuugurn- Vion In New Vcrk cu April 'JO. LOGAN'S U KM A INS. Trnnnfprrc l to Their VIml Hcstlnp Placein ijogan Cliupcl. WASIUSOTOJ ? , D. C. , Dec. 20. The remains of General John A. I > ognn were to-day re moved from Hutchlnion vault In Kock Creek cemetery , where they were placed n week less than two years ago , to the new Logan rhapel In the national soldiers' homo ceme tery. Thcro were present at the removal John A. Logan , ] r-i and wife , Major and Mrs. William Tucker nnd their son Logan , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shcp.ird and Miss Mary Brady , of Chicago ; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Mul let , Mr. Hall , formerly secretary to General Logan ; Hov. ( I. II. Curric , of this city , and several artillerymen who for nearly two years have kept constant watch over the remains. The transfer wns made without ceremony , nnd an the little company were ready to leave the cemetery John A. Logan , Jr. , In a few words , thanked the guards for their watchfulness and fidelity , and pinned on the breast of each n gold medal bearing General Logan's head In has relief on ono side , und an inscription on the other , hang ing from n bar bearing the word "fidelity. " Logan's remains will bo encased in a stcol casket , and rust on a tiled floor In the center of the clmpel , visible to the public through a heavy grated Iron door. WKSTKHX PACKING. The Prlc'o Current's Kcvlnw of the Output ol' Product. CINCINNATI , O. , Dae. 2t ) . [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin ; HKR. ] To-morrow's Price Current will say : Fifteen prominent points have handled 250,000 hogs for the week , compared with IHO.OOO for the corresponding week last year. The approximate packing for all points hns been 300,000 for the week , against SOO.OOO last year , and n total of 2STO.OCO since November 1 , against : t,5 5,000 a year ngo. The movement of hog < tlio past week has hardly boon up to expectations. A few houses have closed temporarily , ex pecting to start again after the 1st of Janu ary. Packing from November 1 to Decem ber 20. . Km : 1 to date. | l.w. | HW7. Chicago 7 10. ( KM Kaunas City. : iHTi.uuil ir > . ' ) , tii i UUI.UU , ) St. l.ouls 1(18,01)0 ( ) Indlnnupolls. SM4.0 10 Cincinnati I''U.CO ) Milwaukee. . ItiT.OJO Ci'dur linplds IKVII8 Cleveland . I.oulsvlllu 170 , ( X ) HlonxClty. Ill I1W.HB 4H.I1.0 Ottumwa Ki'okuk. Iu L'U.8 10 . St. Jouph itv/u Nebraska City. Neb iMUIlDKUICI ) 1JV THIS MIN'IbTElt. Fatal I1 Inht In 11 Country Church in MACOX , Ga , , Dec. 20. At a country church in Coffee county a few days ago u man who was disturbing public worship was killed by the preacher In charge of the church. Thcro had been considerable trouble about the re tention of the pastor , who was voted in for another year. Ono of the members most bitterly opposed to the pastor approached the pulpit where the reverend gentleman was sitting and engaged in conversation with him. They became very much excited , and finally the member began to strike the minister , accompanying his blows with vile epithets and also spitting in the minister's face. The minister drew n knife and stabbed his assailant re peatedly. Women screamed nnd men looked aghast , while the unfortunate man fell down by the pulpit and died. The friends of the minister hurried him away , and it is re ported that he fled the country. - The TnrlfToii Packing Mouse Proiluctu CniCACio , Dec. 'M. Chicago packers claim that they have been discriminated against liy western railroads in thp adjustment of rates that is to go into effect January 1. The new tariffs make a higher rate on live liogs than on packing house products from Kan sas City and Omuha to Chicago , thereby giving tlio packers at Missouri rlvur points nn advantage over Chicago packers. It is claimed that these two classes of freight should take the same rate , or that if any difference is made a higher rate should bo applied to live stock shipments. The Chicago cage freight bureau has taken up the mat ter and will lay the complaint before the interstate : commission. A Noted Morse Dead. NEW YOUK , Dec. 20. The Turf Field nnd Farm , in its current issue , says : Tno fastest of the Hamblctonian star stallions , Startle , Is dead. He was a bay , bred by Charles Buckman at Stonyford , got by nisdyko's Hiiniblctoninn , out of Lizzie Walker , und wns foaled In 1S(57. ( He obtained n record of 2 iKO as a three-year-old , and then was sold to Uobert Banner for $20,000. He never again started for a purse , but. ho trotted ut the old Fleetwood trnck in Sl ! : ! > , n perform ance equal to 2:17 : on the present track , and went to the hiilf-mllo polo In ! :0i : ) ' , n:09 ! ! : gait. The trouble with Startle was an ulcer in the mouth , caused by u bad tooth , und the stallion laterally starved to death. * An Kx-tudjo Snlcitlcs. CINCINNATI , O , , Dec. 2(5. ( Ex-Judgo Robert A. Johnston shot himself through the head this morning at his residence. About two months ago his wife , daughter of the late Judge Swing , died after a long illness. Since then Judge Johnston has been broken down with grief. After dinner yesterday ho visited the grave of his wifo. This morning about 7 o'clock ho nroso and , without dress ing himself , took a revolver and deliberately fired a ball througli his hcaJ , causing in stant death. There Is no cau o for the act except the loss of his wife. Ho was about sixty years of ago. _ A Human I' ' lend. EscASAiu , Mich. , Dec. 2(1. ( Tlio Mirror given details of a horrible affair Just made public. From an Investigation made it ap pears that Dr. W. W. Mnllikcn , who has been practicing modiclno hero for many years , has been hi the habit of debauching chlldrt'ii , many of them us young as ten years. The evidence against Mnllikcn is of so pronounced a character that the ac cused was arrested and put under bonds of $1,000 for a hearing. He has disappeared and forfeited his bonds. It is charged that no less than forty children have suffered rnm Mulllken's cruelty. A Negro Hiot. MnMi > iu , Trim , , Dec. 20. A private tele gram was received hero to-night buying there was n negro riot In progress In Luniar , Miss , , 'and asking that some Winchester rifles be Rent on the first train. Lumar Is Just twelve miles bouth of Grand Junction , Term , , on the line of the Illinois Central railroad. Every effort has been inado to got at the facts , but no response to telegrams sent bus been ro- cnlvcd up U ) midnight. It is ru'norcd that two whites and flvo negroes have been killed. 'I ' The AVfiinna & Southwestern. MASOK CITY , la. , Dec. 2 V [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bci : . ] Work on the Wlnona & Southwestern is being pushed rapidly for ward. It was supposed oy many that the road would uot lay any truck In Iowa until railroad legislation won In some way settled , but Engineer Morse U now making an In spection preparatory to commencing work In the early sprinj ; , A surveying party is at work establishing n route between this city nnd Osagy. Death of Ilonrdinan Smith , ELMIIIJ , N. Y. , Dec. 20. Hon. II. Hoard- man Smith , ex-congressman , ex-Justice of the supreme court , and father of thu present Jus tice W , L. Smith , died at his Uomu In this city Ibis learning , Ho was t > lxty-two years old. A Heavy Snow Storm Throughout lown nnd Missouri , DELAYING RAILROAD TRAFFIC. The Snow li Drifting Undly in Places Serious IJOHS to the Telephone nnd Tclcfcrnph Companies nt KniiAiiH City. Snow nnd "Wind Storm. Q CHICAGO , Dec. 20. Signal service ofllccr here reports n cold wave coming from the north 'and northwest , The thermometer will fall from 15 to 20 degrees by to-morrow morning. A heavy snow storm , accompanied by n high wind , has prevailed nil day at Cedar Uaplds , la. As far as heard from , the storm extends throughout Iowa , Northwestern Missouri , nnd partof Kansas. Throughout the most of this region a wet snow is falling. In the neighborhood of Kansas City it has taken the form of sleet. About noon to-day telegraphic service between this city nnd Kansas City was almost entirely prostrated. Since then some Improvement has taken pluco. In lown , MASONCirr , la. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Unn. ] This section has boon visited with a heavy snowfall to-day , In some localities assuming the appearance of a bllz- yard. Kast of Kmmottsburg to the Dakota line there is an average fall of one inch ; be tween Kmincttsburg nnd Chickasaw , about aix Inches ; east of Chickasaw to the river , about two inches. Trains arc all on tlmo and no blockades reported. WATERLOO , la. , Doc. SO. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HBIJ.J A genuine blizzard , the llrst of the winter , reached hero early this morning. Over a foot of snow has already fallen and the storm continues unabated. The snow is drifting badly , nnd great delay in travel nnd shipping will result throughout the storm's track. Dns MOIXKS , In. , Dec ; SO. Snow began falling about 10 o'clock and has continued pretty steadily over since , accompanied by a stiff wind. About n foot uf snow on the level , but badly drifted in places. Uailwny travel is not much impeded. Temperature falling. At Kiiimns Cily. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 2(5. ( Last night's sleet and snow storm worked havoc among the wires. The telegraph companies escaped with the usual embarrassments , delay and roundabout service. The electric light com pany loses ? lfiOO , and the railroads suffer temporary inconveniences. The heaviest loser is the telephone company , which esti mates its loss ut $ iOOOJ. To-night it is grow ing colder and the snow fall has increased. In Minnesota. ST. PACL , Dec.20. From the mild weather of the last few days a change has come , and to-night n big snowstorm is raging in the southern parts of both this state and Dakota. Chamberlain , Dak. , reports the Missouri river still open and the weather to the north is milder than in the states to the south of hero. DK LiANGTUY WINS. An Interesting CaHO in n Kansas Dis trict Court. TornifA , Knn. , Dec. 20. I Special Telegram to THE Bnn.l A casoof unusual interest was decided to-day in the district court of Ueno county ; entitled , tlio Bank of Commerce of Kansas City vs. Mrs. Alarquetto P. Do Lang- try. The defendant , who was tlic wife of a prominent French officer , came to this coun try about five years ago , having fallen heir to a largo fortune. Soon after her arrival she formed the acouaintanco of Mrs. Minnie H. Lloyd , n clerk in the interior department , who ( rot the French lady very much interested in cattle raising as conducted in Kansas , as suring , her that a fortune could easily bo mudo in the business. Finally the two em barked in the business on an extensive scale : Mrs. Lloyd contributing her knowledge and experience against 118,000 capital furnished by Mrs. Do Langtry , with which they pur chased a big ranch iu Ileno county. In a few months this amount was exhausted nnd $12- OOJ moro was put in the business , and later another largo sum was furnished by Mrs. Do Lnngtry. The case decided to-day was an action brought by the bank to recover the sum of $22,103 on n promissory note assigned by Mrs. Lloyd ns collateral security , and a dioision was given for Mrs. Do Lungtry , It developed in the toe tlmony that the enter prise had been a total failure , and that Mrs. Do Langtry sunk a largo sharoof her fortune in it. The BicAtilifrc-.Taclcsoii Prize Fljiht. Nnw Yoiiif , Dec. 20. The following dis patch was received from tlio California Ath letic club , San Francisco : A prize fight for u 1,500 purse offered by this club between Joe McAulilTc , champion of the Pacific slope , and Peter Jackson , the heavyweight champion of New South Wales , will bo fought Friday. The betting Is 100 to 80 on McAullffo. If John L. Sullivan re fuses to light Jnko Kllraln for f'0,000 and the Police Gu/.otto belt , which represents the champlonship.KMcAuliifo , the Pacific slope chnmplon , will/take Sullivan's placo. ' Kennedy AVnnts u Now Trlnl. Dunufjuu , In , , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun llKB. ] The attorneys for Barney Kennedy , the wife murderer , hnvo nearly ready an appeal to the supreme court for anew now trial. Kennedy's execution is set for March 1 , next , nnd the court moots in Janu ary. Kennedy has already had two trials , conviction and the deatli penalty following in both. Ills attorneys think , however , ho will got nnothor , mainly on the grounds that one of the jurors was drunk during thu trial. - . "Will How AVith Gniulnur. New Yoitic , Dec. 20. William , J. O'Con nor , champion oarsman of American , arrived in the city to-day. Ho will start for San Francisco with George W. Leo In two weeks to row Jake Gaudaur for ? 2,000. O'Connor said that ho would leave for Australia on March 7 to row Searle. the champion of the world , for $5,000 a side and the champion ship cup. Thoj' Wcro Not I'rcHnnt. LONMIOX , Dec , 2J. A dispatch from Malta says that neUhcr the Duke nor the Duchess of KQinburg was present at the theater when the attempt was made \o blow up the build ing with u bomb. The Russian csnsui ut Malta , who was arrested for complicity in the attempted outrage , has been released , as thcro was no evidence whatever against him. California' * Knliifull. Sitf FIIANI-HCO , Dec. 20 , The rainfall throughout California up to the present tlmo has been considerably in excess of tho.avcr- ago rainfall for the first two months of the rainy season , and Is largely in excess of the total rainfall of last year for the same period , Opposed to s , Deo. ' . > 0. The senators and deputies of the republican groups held a meeting today - day and adopted resolutions In favor of the candidature of M. Plcrro Uaudln against General Houlangcr. Ono 31 ore Victim Die * . Lot'isviu-K , Ky. , Deo. 2fl. Miss Mary Wcnnard , one of the viclims of the railroad collision ut Bardstown Junction Monday , died this TO ItlllNG llAHiTlbADS TO T1SIK. Sonntor Cullom PrcpnriiiK an Inter- Stnto Conunorcfr | JIIl Amendment. WASHIN-OTON % Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. J S n toV" Cullom is devoting most of his tlmo to studying up the Inter state commerce act. Certain amendments to the intcr-stato commerce bill have been proposed by the senate , which the house Is expected to concur In. Another amendment has been proposed to the bill , which if en acted Into law , will materially strengthen the administrative feature of the bill. This amendment proposes to protect individuals acting ns complainant against raifroads for violation of the bill. The railroads and com mon carriers , to rt great extent , pay little erne no attention to the law now in vogue , and do not fear any consequences attending viola tions. The penalty for offenses against the law Is n Una of $5,000 , nnd this fine In any case , If collected , all goes to the general government. What the amendment proposes to do is to give an > flno thus collected to the complainant in any case , so as to offer some inducement for tlo- tcctlng and convicting common carriers violating the law. This is the amendment In contemplation by Senator Cullom at the re quest of shippers and others interested in the enforcement of the Intcr-stato act. MAUHIED HIS MAID SERVANT. How o "Wealthy Old California Widower ewer Cnnscil a Sensation. , POMO.VA , Col. , D c.,20. This town has haO n social sensation In the marriage of Daniel Hamilton , a wealthy widower of seventy- nine years , to a young English servant of six teen named Allco UriRhani. Hamilton and his married daughter. Mrs. Unstian , came to Cucumcnga , one of the colony towns near hero , two years ago. . ' They hired Allco , who was pretty und a good worker , as household servant. Old Hamilton mudo much of the girl and taught nor to read and wrlto. Nothing was thought of this until a few weeks ago , when ho suddenly asked Mrs. "Uasthin what kind of ft wife she thought Alice would make him. Mrs. Hastian dis charged the girl , who cumo to Pomona nnd wrote to her old admirer. Ho made arrange ments for the marriage , which took place yesterday. The bride nnd ancient groom then returned to Cucumeiiga. Hamilton says ho will build the handsomest house in the place. Ho owns much property In and i3 well known there. Ho has four chil dren , thirteen grandcaildrcn nnd ono great grandchild. mVOItGED PUO.H A SERVANT. The Callow Son of a Wealthy Mother ItliiHt 1'ay Alimony. NKW YOHK , Due. 20. A pretty servant girl , a boy of sixteen and n fortune figured Monday in the Brooklyn city court. Hurry Stuyvesant Kearney Was being sued for nb- solute divorce by MrtVy E. Kearney. His grandfather lived in an aristocratic part of this city , ana at his death le'f t nearly S'JO',000. The boy's father recently died , likewise leaving property in which Harry \vill have a half interest. Miss Cearuuy was a waitress in his mother's house. Harry fell In love with her. nnd the ] > air\yero secretly married in May last. Thpy returned to the house nnd lived together , but Harry's mother did not know anything about the marriage until a month later. Thera was a terrible storm over the affair , and the upshot was that the mother-in-law discharged the daughter-in- law from the house and cautioned her never to outer again. Tlio indignant mother thought the best thing to do with Harry waste to pack him off-to Sti .Thomas , Out. There ho struck up an acquaintance with a girl named Kato Scott. It * court to-duy Harry admitted the mantagtho ; trip to Canada nnd many other unpleasant things , and cor roborated the plaintiff's testimony. Judge Van Wyck grantedjiri absolute divorce , nnd decreed that Mrs. "Kearney should receive fL'OO per year alimonyi The 1'rcsltl , Dec. ,20. General Harrison .was able to-day to give his almost undivided attention to work in his library , being inter rupted by but few callers. Ills mail does not diminish ana it requires a good deal of his time. Presents still continue to arrive by mall and express. Some of them nro from old friends nnd others are from , stran gers. His health remains excellent and ho is able to get through an astonishing amount of work. The weather was stormy and dis agreeable , but it did not prevent him from taking his usual walk. Senator SpoAnor arrived during the after noon nnd went at once to the residence of the general , where ho remained until quite late , ho beiug the only caller of special prom inence. Ho was passing through the city and stopped off to make the call. The gen eral said there was no | K > litical significance in the visit. The afternoon receptions will not bo resumed ulitjl after New Years. Tlio Practice Will Bo Discontinued. WASIIIXGTON , Dee. 26. Complaint has been made ut the treasury department against the action of the surveyor of customs at Kansas City , Mo , , in requiting a bond for the pro duction of bills of lading , in addition to these attached to the , immediate transportation entries of goods 'forwarded ' to that port. Secretary Fairchild has informed the sur veyor that the determination of the question ot the ownership of merchandise in such' cases rests with the collectors at the port of first arrival , anil haj instructed him to dis continue the practlCffDf requiring ether evi dence of ownership than is furnished by the transportation entry and accompanying docu ments , , * Troubles. LOUISAII.I.C , Ky.k-Dec. 20. W. C. Kaye , wholesale boot nndshoo ; dealer , bus assigned. Liabilities , fflO.OOOSassots. not given. Lot'isvn.i.K , Ky.i .Dec. 23. W. C. Corn- stock , until lately , 'lessee ot the Mammoth Cave hotel , made on assignment this morn ing. His assignee "gives no figures. PiTTsni'iio , Doc. kO. ' Executions were is. sued to-day asralnsjrKobert C. To'.tnn , of the firm of Tottcii & Co. , Iron founders and ma chinists , for JIH.O/rj , The cause of the om- barrassmcnt U not known. It Is asserted that it will not affcet'tlio firm. PrnpnrtoH to Kotrcnt. SUAKIM , Deo. 2pi-iA deserter from the rebel forces reports' that thcro are many wounded Arabs in Ifandoub. Osman Dlgno , he says , Is sending 'liis women to Erywort preparatory /retreating to the Nile. Friendly sl'ioksstrongly urge the British authorities to udvnpce upon Hundoub. Chief ( lumilubas offer * to Ipnd a force of 1,000 war riors' in co-oporatltifi with the British , nnd promises that Qamiin Digna , if once expelled , will uot bo allowed to return. Killed IllH WfD's ' Paramour. ST. Louis , Doc.33. Tuesday night in the little village of Old Mines , in Washing ton county , Leon ic/ih returned homo and found a man named Purvillo Hover with his wife. Dean 'pnkrufed un ux and struck Hover three blows op the head , crushing the skull nnd killing hfrf Instantly . Dean gave himself up to tha sheriff. Kohert O rrptt JCnvini ; Jlnd. Ilixowooi ) , N..J c. 20. [ Special Telo- gram to TUB T3es. Robert Garrett had n violent spell whilp 'out ' walicing yesterday afternoon with h s attendants. The latter : iud much diniculty In removing Mr. Gnrrett : o tho.Millur mansion , where ho was confined n his room. Dr. Jacobs Immediately placed Urn under treatment. The I'Aiiumu Ciinnl , PANAMA ( via G'ttlveston ) Dec. CO. Work m the canal continues , although in some scc- .ions labor has becn , reduced. Altogether ! , OJO men hayo bou discharged in the past , wo months owlutf to disputes between the canal company and contractors. The high- 'st authorities consider total suspension of .ho work as very Improbable. There are now about 0,000 laborer * ur.tually engaged on the work * . PLUNGED SIX HUNDRED Further Details of the Wreck on the Midland. ONE MAN'S REMARKABLE ESCAPE. Twenty-Four hives Arc Now Known to Ilnvc Hccn host in the John 11. llanim Disaster Other Casualties. Down u Precipice. LHADVU.I.I : , Cole , , Dec. SO. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HKI : . ! The details ot the wreck which occurred on the Midland road yestcr- dny evening , did nut roach hero until this morning. The freight train for Aipen loft hero on the usual time , nnd when thirty miles from here , near Limo Crook , nnd irolngdown n steep grade , the engineer attempted to m > ply the air brakes , but they would not work , the trnin meantime going faster and factor. Tno engineer then climbed up on the the bailer in order to bo ublo to escape when the crush came. The brakcman , L. F. Harlnnwho was standing on the second car , attempted to apply the brake , wlillo the lire- man , Hubert Martin , who was standingut Mis place , saw no chance to Jump , as the train was running about sixty miles an hour. In the second car from the rear train another brakcman sat uwult- lirg his terrible fate. Faster and faster the lll-futcd train swept down the track nnd suddenly rounded a short curve and then plunged into the sldo of the moun tain. The force of the shock was fearful. The rear freight car was thrown bodily over the others , and landed in u heap near the engine. The engine was broken into small pieces and practically annihilated. The shock was so terrible that great pieces of timber weighing COO pounds , together with several cars wcro hurled down the precipice Into the river ( WO feet below. Engineer Croughllngcr , who was riding on the boiler , was thrown a great distance , and escaped with only n few bruises. Hrnkcmun L. R llarlan , who remained at his post at tempting to check the train , was buried under the aebrls , and when his body was found it presented a terrible appearance. His head was crushed , his right arm was gone and his face was out into slices. Martin , the lireiimn , was found near the boilcj. The un fortunate man had been badly scalded , sev eral lingers wcro gone , both legs were broken below the knees , nnd every bone in his body fractured. The ether men on the train wore badly bruised , but not seriously hurt. _ The Mnrtilchciul Fire. MAununiAi : : > , Mass. , Doc.i. . The lire which wrought such destruction last night was gotten under control at 3 o'clock this morning after having destroyed between lifty nnd sixty buildings in the business portion of the town. The most reliable estimates of the total losses are ? SOOOGO , and 1,000 or more mnn thrown out of employment and many fami lies rendered temporarily homeless. Thirty- seven structures were destroyed. Thirteen were dwelling houses , twelve shoo factories , and thirteen miscellaneous buildings. So quickly did the flumci spread that whole blocks wcro ruined in fifteen minutes. It is now estimated that between eight and nine acres wcro burned over. Charles Choutc , who broke bis leg by Jumptnq'from the second-story window , is the only injured person "reported. The heat on all slflcs was so intense that the curb stones were cracked and crumbled and car rails were twisted out of shape. The water supply was inadequate. None of the manu facturers think it possible to build this winter and there is a general feeling of depression in towil. A. Fatnl Accident. DKNVKII , Col. , Dec. 20. A fatal accident occurred this afternoon , on Fifteenth street , which resulted in the instant death of four men ard mortally wounding two others. The Denver Gns company had 10 men employed excavating n ditch six feet deep alongside of and underneath the track of the cable car line , when suddenly the truck for an entire block fell , crushing tlio hfo out of and im prisoning the men underneath. Men were immediately set to work removing the fallen track , and the lour dead and two badly wounded were removed. The other men escaped with more or less bruises. It is not yet known whether any more arc underneath the track or not. The Chrlstmns-Trcc Caught Fire. MILWAUKEE , Wts. , Dec. 20. A four-year- old son of Emil T. Lcidel , n letter carrier , was burned to death yesterday morning. Mr. Lcldcl had gone to the postofllca and his wife stepped'out to the grocery. During her absence the little boy got out of bed nnd started' to light the candles on a Christinas tree which ho had seen illuminated Monday night. His night .dress took lire , aad to escape - capo his mother on her return the little fol low ran buck to bed again with his clothes still burning , The bed clothes took lire and wcro burning rapidly when the mother came homo in time to rescue another child sleep ing In the bed. The little boy was horribly burned about the body anil died shortly afterwards. A Sanlit ClniiH Fatally Burned. DANVII.I.I : , 111. , Dec. 20. Christmas even ing a few families , consisting of the imme diate , relatives of F. W. Smith , jr. , a conduc tor of thoChIcago& Eastern Illinois railroad , gathered at his house for Christmas festiv ities. Mr. Smith took the partof Santa Clans , covm-ed himself with cotton batting , and had cotton batting whiskers to his false face. In lighting the candles on the Christmas tree the cotton batting became ignited. Mr. Smith run out of the house a living mass of Homos , licforo they could bo subdued ho was so horribly burned that his recovery is not anticipated. The Ilnniiu Nr.w Om.nAW , Dec. 20. The total loss of life so far by the burning of the steamer Ilannu Is placed at twenty-four. Of the in- lured men lii tlio hospital four or Hvo will illc , among them ( livens , the sailor , who was Lho hero of the disaster. His fnco is horri bly burned , nose gone , and eyes burned out ; Ills left arm is completely burned away , and Ills loft Bldo and leg charred. The funeral of such victims as have been recovered took place to-day , flags of steamers in the harbor being placed at a half mast. The Bnlhltnir Collapsed. VOIIK , Pa. , Deo. 20. While a Christmas entertainment was being held last evening tn .ho hall at East Prospect , this county , the julldlng collapsed and ! iW ) people were uirlcd by the broken timbers from the second end to the llrst lloor , To add to the terrors of the bitmition u stnvo set 11 ro to the ruins. A largo number were badly bruised nnd cut , jut fortunately there were no fatal casual ties , und'Oiily a few wcro seriously injured. Jumped I tin Tr.iok. HRI.KNA , Mont. Doc. 24) ) . The morning pas senger train on the Montana Central jumped ho track nt the outskirts of this city , owing o uu open switch , killing the fireman , Jack tloorc. and Deputy Sheriff Lalhrop was jadly burned , the stove having fallen on him. All the others escaped uninjured , Certificate of Klectlon Issued. WABIIIXCITOX , Dec , 20 , A special to the > est from Charleston , W , Vn. , says that Governor Wilson to-day Inucd certificates of election to Congressman-elect Pcndlcton dom , ) from the First , and Wilson ( dem. ) rum the Second district. Certificates wcro not Issued to congressmen from the Third tuid Fourth ditliicls. 3 maroiucAii ASSOCIATION Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society In Washington , WAIIUXOTO.V , Doc. ' H5.- The American His torical association , recently incorporated b.\ act of congress , began its lifth annual meetIng - Ing this evening in the lecture room of the Columbian university. William K. Poole , L.L. D. , librarian of the Nowberry library , Chicago , ns president of the association , de livered the opening address. Ho said that if the history of the United States wore pre pared on the principles taught In the histori cal department of the .lolin Hopkins uni versity , such n history would rocngnUo the fact that a largo and import ant portion of our country lies west of the Allegheny mountains. Few of the eastern historians , ho sntd , had been tall enough to look over the Appalachian range. Thonorthwostnbounded In unwritten his torical material , Dr. Poole o.illcd attention to the fact that publications purporting to bo the journals of the continental congress were tint what they professed to be , but worn selections imido on some capricious and incomprehensible principle. A new nnd re vised edition of the journals of the conti nental congress was needed for historical study. In closing his address Dr. Poole said there wore many manuscripts of great im portance to thlscountry In European archives. 11. F , Stevens , au officer of the late depart ment , residing in London , for twenty years has been enL'ugpd at his own expense in the work , copying and arranging these records. Successive secretaries of state had recom mended congress to make appropriations for the purchase and publication of the Steven's papers , but nothing has ever been done. Stevens tfbw proposed to Issue live volumes of thews papers nt u cost to each subscriber of fVK ) . A great government like ours , Poole said , should not reqnlro students of its own history to supply themselves witn this mate rial nt private expense. Professor George 10. Steward's "Work on Local Constitutional History , " was described by his colleague. Dr. A. G. Warner , of the University of Nebraska. PAUl'1311 IMMIGRATION. Testimony Before the Committee at Detroit. DnriiotT , Dec 20. Chairman Ford re sumed the immigration investigation this morning. Charles A. Ward , collector of customs at Port Huron , said that at present there was no inspector to detect immigrants of the criminal , pauper , or insane classes , There wore instructions to enforce the law to prevent the importation of laborers under contract. Complaints had boi-n mndo of Canadians working on this sldo of the river nnd living In Canada , and in several in stances this had been stopped. It. H. Day , of Port Huron , agent of the Sarnia it Duluth line ol steamers , testified that he had observed n great many Canadian laborers como over every year In the. fall nnd go back in the spring. They worked in the lumber woods. There was no attempt made to prevent paupers and criminals from coin ing over. Sigman Simon , of Detroit , president of the Wuyno county board of poor commissioners , testified that si largo number of Canadian and European paupers and lunatics were thrust on their hands. These would remain in the house until it could bo ascertained where they came from. Did not know for certain that the Canadian officials had helped them to cross the line , but many paupers Bay so , The alms house now contains from 1,500 to 2,000 inmates , . insane asylum con tains about the same number. A largo portion tion of those arc aliens. If it were not for this state of affairs there would bo no oc casion to cnlargo the county poor house , which is-now " belli ; ; done at an expense of 1 Tho'onlyTvitncss examined this afternoon was Deputy Collector of Customs Choistnnco , of Detroit , xvho testified licit ho hns exam ined the custom entries ol kits of tools within the present year mid that there wcro 474. Twenty-seven nor fcnt-ot these were car penters' tools. There were 2,033 entries of emigrant's household effects. THIS BTOIiKN BONDS. A Council Bluffs' Citizen Indicted by the Chicago ( rand Jury. CHICAGO , Dec. - ( ) . The grand jury , after considering the stolen bond case , in which Lawyer Cutting was so prominently impli cated , to-day found two true bills of burg lary and two of receiving stoled property , knowing the same to lie stolen , against each of the following : W. F. Shaw , Henry Ploss- ncr , C. D. Taylor and Otis Corbett. The hit- is Shaw's father-in-law , and will bo brought from Council Bluffs , la. , to-morrow , the requisition papers having been obtained nnd forwarded. Inspector Bonlleld testified before the Ljrund Jury nnd told his discoveries in the 2uso. Ho saiu , he had recovered nil the bonds taken from Kellogg , Johnson it Colin , Warn- pold & Co. , and was ordered to produce them , which ho did. The bonds wcro imme diately identified by their owners. Honts .Jiilen Vernn. LONDON , Dec. 20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bnn.l The perform ance of Jules Verne's hero , who went around : ho world in eighty days , has been supassed > y an English post card , which has just re- .urncd from its Interesting travels. It was nailed by a gentleman October 10 to a friend n Hong Kong by way of the United States and Yokohama. It reached Hong Kong No vember 23 and was redirected to London by way of Hrlndisl. It wasjdlspatehcd November .25 and reached the original owner Monday nonnng , within sovonty-llvo days , The card only cost ; ij f pence. Want a Kccoiver Appointed , CHICAGO , Doc. 2(5. ( .1. N. Eddy , president ; \ ? . F. Shaffer , first vice president , and Curtis A. Lugh , secretary , to-day ( lied a bill asking 'or a receiver for the Columbus Building nnd Savings association , and for an injunction estrulnlng W. Shuw. its manager , from transacting any further business for It. Shaw is tlio man arrested some days a o for K'gotiuting for the return to their owners of a ot of stolen bonds. The petitioners declare that the association is bOlvcnt and there is very little evidence of octirlly for $ H,000 , which It appears has been loaned by the as sociation , Ilr. Carver's Hioot. MiNXKAi'OUs. Dec. 20.--Dr , Carver , in his bird day's ' shooting , broke , up to It p. in. , " ,1IO ! balls , nnd missed Ml. II ! * record for three days is 2 < ! , r)3.j balls hit , about 2.r.OO , iclow the average of 1,000 a day , which will > o necessary to insure biiccjss in his attempt to break 00,000 balls in bix days. To-night lis physical condition is bad. His head and arms are much swollen , and ho MilTej-.s ; reat pain. It is not boliovcd io will be ublo o continue to thu und of thu week. An Unprovoked Murder. Sioux CITV , la , , Doc. 24-- | Special Tele gram to Tin : Hnn.J A man by the nuruc ol iwan to day shot and Instantly killed Will- am Myers , a young man living near Akron , a. The murder was deliberate and ab&o- utcly without provocation. Swan is a worth- ess character , and accustomed to swagger mil make threats. Ho met Myers , and , Irawlnu a revolver , shot him before he raised u hand. Myers1 family reside ut ralrio du Chlen , Wis. A Crliiiliuil Conspiracy. ST. PcTi'.nsuuuo , Dec , ' ! . The second In quiry into the recent accident to the czar's rain at liorkier results in attributing the disaster to a criminal conspiracy. All the cei'.ntly discharged railway employees will hortly bo arrested. A Mlf-Hourl 1'acfflo Chnncc , ST. Levis , Doc. 20.-C. M. Ituthburn will uccced W. J > . Doildrulgo as superintendent of tlio Missouri Pacific lines iu Kansas ami TO BE WHITNEY'S ' SUCCESS tf The Navnl Officers Working for Thomas , of Illinois. COLORED CATHOLICS TO MARCH. A Hcinnrknhle ( inthcrlni-Condemn * tlon In the Treasury Dopirt- inciit Spcn Candhlnti'H. WASIIIXOTOS Buiimr TUB O\uni BBC , 1 618 FOVUTKRNTII Sri B iT , I WASHINGTON , 1) . O. , Dec. 20. | There Is nn organized movement on thd part of the naval officers In this city to Ki > cm > 6 the appointment of Congressman J. 0 , Thomas , of Illinois , ns secretary of the navy , if possible. Captain Thomas Is very popular among this brancli of tlio service , and at n member of the committee on naval affairs ot the house of representatives , hat always been active and earnest in looking after their Interests. They think that with him at tha brad of the department they will bo well taken cnro of. A IIIM : un ; uu.i : n\Tiiiniso. : ; Thcro will bo a renmrkablo gathering la Washington on the 1st of January next , composed of 000 delegates representing the colored members of the Catholic church in the United States. The ohjoct Is to start n boom for the church among that race , mid Curdlnul Gibbons is to prciluu over the ses sion. STOM'.N CINCKI.I.KI ) NOTIS. The officials of the treasury department had another shock to-day when word cadib from the Central National bank , of this eliy , that the rucfivinir teller of that institution had taken over the counter another of tha cancelled notes which bore evidence of hav ing paused through the redemption division ) In the present instance the note is of the f 10 denomination , und it Is rognrdo.l as more dangerous than the other , which was u twenty , because there was so many moro or the tens in circulation , and it will bo so ninth the more easy for the thief to dispose of his plunder. The treasury people nro utterly ut n loss to trace the notes back to the person who stold them. Under the present system It wnH considered impossible that any of the re deemed notes could bo abstracted , but the reappearance of two within a week indicate ! ; that there are more out , and further , that the stealing is of very recent date. The system of eheclcs now in use was inaugurated some years ago , utter u very suc cessful raid by one of tho-mcii employed'to ' HCO that all redeemed notes were properly destroyed. In those day It was the custom to burn all redeemed obligations in the presence of a committee of three. Constant work ot this character made the committee cureless , and it soon devolved upon ono of the three , to see to nil the details. He had things all bin , own way until ono day the little son of ono of the others said : "Pa , what Is that man putting Inhis pockotl" It was discovered that he was pocketing bunches of half notes. His house wns found to bo literally filled with thcso halves , and ho had n habit of sub stituting the cut notes for whole ones when ever the opportunity presented Itself. It was estimated nt tlio time that lie had stolen SoO.OOO or $4' > 0,000 before ho was discovered. si'CAKKiismi' CAXiHDATi : * ) , ' Three now candidates for thu spenkcrslllp wcro brought out to-day uy their friends , but neither of them mean business. Ono of thorn Is Mr. Henry Ctibot Lodge , the young | aml brilliant literary member from Massaehu ; setts , who m probably intended to divert ! some of the Now Enchind votes from Mr. Heed. The second is John M. Fiiniuhar , of Buffalo , un old nrinler and ox-president of the Typographical union , who is ono of tha most useful men in thu house , but will not gel much support for the speaker-ship ; and the third is Thomas M. Baync , an old mem ber of the Pennsylvania delegation , who worships before the throne of Mr , Blulno , and is always fighting thcCamerons. Buyno bus been making up to Quay lately , und-ia wcl ! along towards the head of the VjnnsylJ vuniii procession at present. Ho probably Is seeking a good committee. AMKIIICAX lllsrollICAI , ASSOCIATION. The fifth annual meeting of the American Historical association commenced this even ing in this city nnd will continue over to morrow und Friday. William M. Poolc , LL. D. , curator of the Newbcrry library at Chicago cage , delivered the opening address , and papers on American biography by General James Grant Wilson , nnd an local constitu tional history by Prof. George K. Howard , of the Nebraska university , were road tills evening. MISGT.M.AJJr.Ot'S. Ex-Senator Davis , of West Virginia , wilt not go into the cabinet of Pro.sldont-Klout Hnrrison , although ho Is u very warm friend of that gentleman , und their families have been intimate for many years. Davis Is n democrat by profession , but ho is as thorough n believer in protection us Pig Iron Kclloy himself , and Senator Gorman is for that mat ter , nnd McPherson of Now Jersey , and Brown of Georgia , und Voorhccs was until recently. Ono of the motl convincing docu ments thu tariff league over published is a speech that Voorhccs delivered at Atlanta , some yours ago , and millions of copies of It , huvo been circulated throughout the United Stntcs. It is rather amusing to ruud in the Even ing Star , nn interview with un anonymous Iowa politician , who announces us n most important pointer for ISO" , that John N. Invln , of ICcokuk , In.bus purchased a controlling In terest In thu Chicago Times , and will tujca the management of that paper in the interest of Senator Allison , for I ho presidency , Tlio comptroller of the currency has ap proved the selection of the Commercial No tional bank , of Omaha , : is reserve ) ugont for thu Schuyler National hank , of Schuyler , Neb. Pnnny S. HIATII. : Patcntw to AYcKtorn Invcntorg , WASHINGTON , Doc. 'M. [ Special Telegram oTiir. Buii.J The following patents were sailed to inventors : Kdmund Bucklcw , Swan , la. , car coupling ; Juines P , Butter , Wayne , Neb. , pit , ' iiurscr ; William B. and J. { . Conln find W. H. Collln , assignors to T. \ Conln , Bliss , Nob. , well sinking machine ; Janiel B. Davis and J. J , Fislmr , Larumjo , Wyo. , car coupling ; Orlando Huffman , assignor of one-half to T. K. Brnwnn , Friend , Neb. , animal trap ; Ohiviui C. Langscth. Irnnd Forks , Dak , Insecticide ; Fred Mun- ; er , Alliinico , Noo. , plow hlmrpcncr ; John ihullo , Hebron , la. , neck yoke , I _ _ _ „ , _ fc m | , KniisnH Tonclier-i , "t 9J Toi'p.KA , Kan. , Dec. 2(5. ( [ Special Tole- ; ram to Tun Bun , | Tlio Kansas Slutd I'eachurs' association convened In this city o-day , the attendance bolu/ / ; larger than over inforo nt an annual convention , The address if wnh'Oino was delivered by lion , II. U. Welch , und the response hy Dr. Lliiplncott , chancellor of the univoruily. H. ( > . Larimer , ( resident of tlio association , delivered an in- cresting annual address , Tlio Wuitthcr InitlitatloiM , For Nebraska : Fair , continued low tern- ) oralun % , folijwo | > l Thurfiilay by wSrmcr , out h westerly winds , becoming variable. For Iowa : Llgnt snow , continued lov tern- leralure , followed Thursday by slightly varmcr winds , becoming southwesterly , Kor Dakota : Fair , continued low tempera- urc , winds becoming variable , Mndi ! WIM Contest. IlALTiMOitn , Dec. 20. Sydney F. Muddt'h republican candidate for congress In tha 'iflht'Maryland district , has , through his ounuel , sent notice to Barnes Comnton that 10 will content his seat In congress , Muia ( alleges fraud In counting the votes. . i KtRaniBhli ArrirnN. At Now Yors ) The Wyoiuli > st from Lfr *