THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DEOEMBEE . 25. 18Sa THK CITY. A. Hosno was presented , l > y Ms em ployes , with u gold watch chtilu yester day. day.Chief Soixvoy inndo the policemen a Christmas present of a barrel of tip- pics. pics.Miles D. Ilonek 1ms roplRncd the po sition of constable In the Sixth ward and J. J. Casey has been appointed in hifi stead. . LodROB No. t and No. 19 of Danish Brotherhood are requested to meet at the hnll at 1 p. m. sharp , Tuesday , 2Ui , to attend the funeral of Andrew N. Kcar. The funeral of Andrew N. Kcar will tal < o . place this afternoon , the 2oth , at U p. m. , from his late residence 25th and Cuming sis. Friends of the deceased invited. I'ermmnl I'nrnnrfipliB. Mrs. Captain Wood li seriously ill. Hrnust Rial has returned from nn eastern trip. trip.Twelve Twelve members of Dlxoy's Aaonls party nro at the Harltor. Miss Minnlo Wood wont to Now York on the Milwaukee road. Wnllnco Hrontch. son of Mayor Uroatch , Is nt liomo from Viuo college. R W. Hcnrlch. Instiranco man of Colum bus , Nob. , is at the Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hall have ( jono cost to spoiut the holidays. Mr. Stabb , of Dos Molncs , is in the city , looliliiK after thu crueller trade. W. B. Annlncatno In yesterday from Wash ington to spend thu holidays with his family. Senator and Mrs. San nil era came In yestor- dny morning from a month's visit to New York , Deputy Hcglster of Deeds English Is lying sluk nt his home. lie Is suffering from ton- silitts. August Moycr , of Meyer fc Raankc , Is In nnd will entertain his friends ul the house this week. Messrs , J. I ) , and H. .1. Kilpatrlclc , rail road contractors , are In the city stopping at the Pnxtox. H. E. Hughes , of Meyer & Kaapko. will ROte to Mlnncupolls , Minn. , to spend the holidays with friends. Chlof Soavoy loaves Wednesday for Gin clnntitl , where ho will spund the romuiniiig throe weeks of his vacation. Hon. John M. Thurston nnd Mrs. Tlnirs- ton accompanied by Air. Thurston's mother arrived yesterday morning from the cast. At the Arcade : A. C. Smith , Oakland ; John G. liolun and child. Sprinijliuld ; J. H. Cameron , Herman ; II. Wudu Willis , Tolcu muh. muh.Tho The wife and child of Depot Atrcnt Hea- noy loft yesterday morn ing for 1'coria , 111. , where they will spend Christmas with friends. Grant Williams , operator In the general agent's cRlee of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , has gone to Jancsvillo. Wis. , to Christmas. P. E. McMullcn , stenographer for II. G. Hurt , general manager Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , went , last Saturday ova to spend Christmas. Hurt G. Whcolen , stenographer with the Ariiiour-Cudahy Packing company , South Onmhii , will enjoy the hospitality of friends in Ashhmd to-day. George W. Mitchell , stock dealer of Chey enne , and the ncphoiv of the late Alex Mit chell , lussud.tlirough thocity .yesterday morning - ing on his way to Milwaukee oirn Christmas visit. P. S. Eustis , general passenger agent of the 13 , ft M. , with his wife , arrived yesterday nnd will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Griflltts , father and mother of Mrs. Eustlu. Grant W. Lilllc , division draughtsman of the Union Pacific railway at Armstrong. Kan. , is hero for Christmas with his parents at 1803.Wobstor street. His sister Grace is also homo from the states normal lor tlio va cation. Miss Rosa Diskcnwiilo was calling on her Omaha friends for a few hours yesterday on horway homo from Nebraska City , whore she has been a guest of her sister , Mrs. H , Schwind , At the Barker : J. E. Wilson , Surprise , Nob. ; Free L. Pulne , Doono , In. : S. I ) . Smith , Sioux City : J. C. Skinner , Lincoln ; John Rowland , Louisville , Nob. ; H. 11. Cliaso , Genoa ; William P. Campbell , super intendent of railway mail service. H. C. BurUholaor has como from Chicago to spend Christmas among his many trieuds in this city. Mr. Hurkholdcr was for years nn employe of the Union Pacific headquar ters , and resigned his position about a year ago to take the position of bookkeeper for the .D. A. Strcctor Globe Iron works , of Chi cago. _ Horn. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Al UUuifusj , 810 south Thirteenth street , a boy. Held Up liy Htjhw ymcii. E. Fryson was hold up by highwaymen on Fifth nnd Plerco Sunday night and robbed of J1.50 m American money anil a number of English coins. A Heavy Finn. Frank Womer , one of the toughs who assaulted Ofllccr Lee on the Kith inst. , plead guilty on arraignment and was lined 52.CO. He will board It out at the county Juil. Tlio Jjlniiiscr Gnllcry. The art oxhihit at the residence of Hon. G. W. Llningor will bo open to the public on Christmas nnd New Year's days during the usual Sunday hours. The sketching club inccU lucre next Friday night. Two AVlve * . Clara Spit/lea writes from Atlantic , Ja. , Unit her husband , Frank Spitzka , Is married to another woman here , and wants him ur- rcstcd for bigamy. Spitzka Is u Bohemian , and uorks In a lumber yard here. lieutenant Stirsou'H Appointment , Lieutenant H. B , S arson has been ap pointed acting commissary of subsistence , acting ordinance ; ofllcor , and post treasurer nt Foit Omaha in place of Lieutenant H. T , Kurlo , who has bcun relieved nt his own re quest. Skipped. Pctor Nelson of the linn of Nelson & Nol- Bon , general store dealers in Gaudy , Is re ported by Bradstroot's to have skipped the town. The linn had given a couple of mort gages on tholr stock amounting to nbnot fl.bOO , Peter's whereabouts are unknowu. Tlio LilcciiKO Itnnrd. The license board , comprising Mayor Droatch , President Ucchcl , of the council , and City Clerk Southard , will moot on next Saturday to consider the applications which have been made for saloon licences. They will adjourn after a short session till tlio following Monday. Wants n I'osUlon. Pat A. Illnos , of Mindeii , Neb. , late dem ocratic candidate for secretary of state , is at the Barker. He Is a candidate for Secretary Mungcr'a place on the state board of trans portation , In the event of Mr. Mungar's withdrawal or resignation , as it is under stood that the gentleman desires to resign. Under False I'mtciuca. Jcuaen Anderson was arrested yesterday morning under a warrant issued by Justice Wade. Anderson , with another man not In custody , is charged with obtain ing money under falsa pretenses. His trial will take nlace January 0 at S p. in. John Uudorholm and I ) . IS. Lander gave bonds in 1400 for the defendant's appcarauou. A Dear I'airnf Knuckles. Frank Purcatt wai arrested tor carrying a palrof br.tsj knucks. He lias bean before the magistrate.a number of times for vari ous offenses nnd l considered a dangerous character. A fine of (27.50 was Imposed , tud being unable to pay It , ho went to Jail. It Is the Intention of Chief Seavoy and Judge Dorka to use the severest moans per- tnlsiable by law to Jlsarm the toughs of Omaha , TIIK CKIZGII 13. An Appeal to Cliarll > lo People to Aid It. Of nil Omaha's charitable Institutions nnd enterprises there is none more meritorious or so deserving ot success as the Creche. The new building , which is to bo devoted to this good cause , and which Is In course of construction , nt the corner of Nineteenth and Hurnoy streets , will bo ready for occu pancy during the coming month. It Is a brick structure , and has been admirably planned for the use * to which It is put. It contains n largo and airy play room , 15x21 domltory , 20x21 feet , two reception rooms , largo dining room , laundry nnd Infirmary. It has been Ic.ised by the association for a period of twenty-live years. The ladles who have this commendable In stitution in hand nro desirous of raising more funds , as they are considerably short of a sufllclcnt amount to pay for their model new building. The .Vccnt fund started some titno since amounts to but fT > 00 , but it Is still op.-n nnd the ladles would bo pleased to receive any further propositions the people may see proper to inn lie. The nniccrs for the ensuing year nro : Mrs. T. L. Klmdall , president ; Mrs. K. W. Walker , vice president ; Mrs. W. L. Curtis , secretary , nnd Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck. treasurer. The boaid of directors includes Mrs , General Cowlu , Mrs. Thomas Orr , Mrs , Edward Hosowater , Mrs. T. 13nmtch , Mrs. William Wallace , Mrs. A. Alice , Mis. H. C. Alkon and several others. Mrs. Alleo Is chairman of nil the committees ; while Mrs. Co win Is chairman of the clothing commit tee ; Mrs. Martin , chairman of the provision committee , and Mrs. Wallace chairman of the furniture committee. The board of directors meet the first Thurs day of each month , and at tlio next meeting will transact an unusual amount of impor tant business. Acid Phosphate For Abuse of Alcohol. It relieves thu depression therefrom , The Chart -r Committee. The charter committee mot again yester day afternoon to receive reports from com mittees , but as it was Christmas eve they adjourned without transacting any business , to meet again Thursday at 2:30 : p. m , A Mysterious Friends of J , S. McGowin. a tenant farmer of D. Burns at Summer Hill , are anxious to learn his whereabouts , Ho loft the farm on Friday with $110 cash nnd a load of corn , but as he has not since boon seen , it Is feared ho has mot with foul play. The polica have been notlllcd , and are looking for a clue. KellO'lTMllH. Tlicro will bo two rehearsals of the "Mes siah" choruses to be sung next Monday evening - ing at the concert of thu Ladies' Musical so ciety , one on Thursday nt room 309 , Paxton block , between fi and 0 o'clock , for tenors and bases , the other on Friday at S p. in. for all. A full attendance is requested. 13. 1J. Youxa. Pears' soap secures a boautilul com ploxion. Conic Up Swim. UMVHA , Nob. , Dec. 24. Sporting Editor BEB : In reply to Mr. Swan's challenge for- a ten-hour race , go-as-you-plo.ise , for $50 a side , I have only to say that I will gladly ac cept if he will post with Mr. Griswold , the sporting editor of TUB BII : : , $ ) , j as an earnest of his good Intentions. Yours , JOHN HouiuiiKX' , . Omaha. Ii Marriage a F.illtiro ? Henry Coffman was arraigned this morn ing for cursing and threatening his divorced wife , who now is known by the name of Nancy Colo. Since they have had their mar riage tics severed Henry has been paying court to Nancy as In the days of yore , has taken her to theaters and other places of amusement , and in other ways played the gallant. Ycsterdav , while under tno Influ ence of liquor , ho imagined ho was again her husband and proceeded to curse and abuse her. She had him Arrested and Judge Licrka fined him * 2T.50. Most complexion powders hnvo a vul gar glare , but Pozzoni's is a , true boautillcr , whoso oiTects nro lasting. A Draw Io < * Flpht. Mr. William Uoach , of North Omaha , the former owner and trainer of the bulldog Major , of local reputation , brought ono of his numerous fighters to Fort Omaha to give Mr. Murray's dog Grip a bout. Grip has n splendid record , having bean In eight pitched battles , and docs not Know what defeat is. The usual ceremonies tooic place , the dogs wore brought on and a llerco battle fol lowed , lusting thirty-eight minutes. By mu tual agreement the jaws of the dogs wore pried open and the fight called a draw. About. Horses. Zulu Magnetic Oil cures ring bono , spavinsprainsetc. Ask your di-uggist. AVhcro IB Freeman ? The marshal of Ashland has written to Chief Soavoy tolling him of the probable suicide at that place of Fred Freeman .of this city. On the banks of the creek near that town was found n suit of clothes and a pair of shoes. On the soles of the latter was the Inscription-Frco FreemanOmaha. " Whether this w.vs n mere blind or actual HUicIdo the marshal is unable yet to say , as there was found no note Indie iting that Free man was bent on self-destruction , Win. Black , Ablugdon , Iowa , was cured of cancer of the eve by Dr. .Tones' Hod Ulovor Tonib , which cures all blood disorders and diseases of tlio stomach , liver and kidneys. The best tonic and appetizer known. CO cents. Goodman Drug Co. Ills Cliristnmfl Shoot. There will bo a big shooting tdurnnment on the grounds of the Omaha Gun club , this afternoon , under the management of J. J. Hardln. There will bo at least fifty shooters on the grounds , among whom will bo some well-known trap shots from abroad. Following Is the programme : First shoot Five live birds , modified English rules , ? . ' ! entrance , thruo moneys ; second , seven live birds , ? , r > entrance , three moneys ; third , 11 vo live birds. 1 entrance , three moneys ; fourth , seven live birds , fi ; fifth , five live birds ; sixth , seven live birds ; huventli , team shoot , two to n team , $10 on- tianco pc'r team , ten live birds , three mon eys ; eighth , four pair live Wrds , J3 entrance. All single bird matches will bo governed by modified English rules ; double birds , plunge traps. Target trans kept running all the afternoon. Two thousand live birds have been secured , nnd the tourney will bo the shooting event of the winter season. A Hitter Hut , Not n MnrlcHinan. While Henry Stlgor was at n turkey shoot Sunday bis inferior mnrkmanstiln caused considerable merriment and ono of the by * slanders ventured some facetious remark. This made Stlger very angry and turning about ho struck nnd knocked down Charles E. Brock who ho thought was the man who had ridiculed his shooting , Urock , how ever , was perfectly Innocent of anything of the kind nnd before he could explain , Stlgrr had disfigured his face bndly. An ofllccr was called nnd arrested both Stlger ami Brock. The latter was very Indignant ever this second inposltloa and nn arraignment most satisfactorily proved him innocent nnd was discharged. Stlger was lined $12.50. Grateful. From the Council Bluffs Dally Globe , Jan uary 2rt , 1SS2 : M. A. McPlko. editor of the Cambria ( Ebcnsburg , Pa. ) Freeman , has been the personal friend of the editor of the Glebe for moro than twenty years , und is known , wherever ho is known , ns ono of the best men living. He Is also nn intlmnto friend of Mr. Clark , of the Nonpareil. Ho 1ms been unfortunate in the fact that his fatnllv was ravaged with diphtheria and greatly distressed. Mr. Clark , having heard of this calamity , sent him some of Dr. Jef- fcris' Diphtheria Cure. It was used nt once , and the lives of the rest of his children saved. Letters from Mr. McPiko nro un- Iwundcd in tholr expressions of gratitude for finding some means ot averting the loss of his whole group of little and tender ones. Flvoof Mr. McPlko's children out of eight died from diphtheria before ho had an op portunity of using Dr. JofToris' remedy. Price of remedy $3. Address Dr. Thos. Jef- fcris , box GOT , Omaha , Neb. Homeless Ttnchclorn. Secretary Jcnnor , of the Y. M. C , A. , will entertain , at a 4-o'clock dinner this af ternoon , some fifteen or twenty "waifs" who nro homeless this Christmas tide. This dif ference , however , Is to bo noted , that In stead of the objects of Mr. Jcnner's kind ness being juvenile Arabs , the guests will In clude lawyers , medical students , and at least ono newspaper man. Mr. Jenner's Idea is to try and make to-day as nearly like as possible to the favored few , what it would bo if they had the advantages of homo comforts , The dinner will bo served up in the commit- tee-room of the new building. Tlio Cfiy Mission' * Charity. The Omaha City mission will give its an nual Christmas dinner to the poor children of our city next Thursday. Mary B. Good man , secretary of the mission , says : "Wo shall bo glad to receive meatspickles , cakes , pies , etc. , everything that Is necessary to a good dinner. Please send the provisions to the mission by 11 o'clock Thursday morn ing. C Several poor families Imvo appealed for help. Two families have been burned out , anil any clothing or furniture will bo ac ceptable if loft at the mission. i'rotcct Yourself nnd Family By keeping n supply of Zulu Magnetic Oil for rheumatism , sprains , etc. , and Xulu Healing Ointment for cuts , burns , sores , etc. Ask your druggist. Gamblers nnd Saloonkeepers. The chief of police has written the follow ing letter to the mayor : Enclosed , please find police report concern ing the violation of city ordinances by John Hosenilold , expressman , Otto Mauer , C. S. Higgins ( four charges ) , Jack Woods ( three charges ) , Henry Hornberger ( two charges ) , Charles ICallingcr , Edward Maucr , Mike Lcary , licensed liinaor dealers. I have also the honor to inform you that sev eral successful raids have been made on gamblers during the year , over the Turf Exchange saloon nnd over the Diamond sa loon , both of which nro located on Douglas and Fourteenth streets. Section 11 of chapter 20 , Chase's compila tions , provides that any person to whom a license shall have been granted who shall allow gambling on his or her premises , after having been convicted of keeping n gambling house , is liable to have His license cub- celled by the license board. Crushed Through Hin Own Xcglignnco Coroner Drcxel hold nn inquest over the remains of F. W. Baker , who was killed Sun day afternoon in the transfer yard of the Union depot at Council Bluffs. The evidence went to show that the deceased attempted to cross a line of cars that were being switched. Ho was warned by the several witnesses who were present at the time not to attempt such a thing , but paying no attention to the warn ing Baker attempted to squeeze in , nnd was caught between the draw-bars. Death en sued a few minutes after the deceased was extricated from the cars. The jury returned the verdict "that the deceased had been killed by being crushed between two curs , nnd that the accident had occurred owing to his own negligence. " The body will bo forwarded to Farley , la. An Ahnoliitn Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles , Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 83 cents per box by mail SO cents. mentally Affected. Henry Mortonolf , a man about fifty years of agois lodged In the county jail to await an examination by the lunacy commissioners. Mortonolf evidently has been a flue physical follow In his time , and there Is said to be quite a romance connected with his life. For years ho was working with , and under the direction of Colonel Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) ns a scout , and has earned for himself the title of "Niobrara Ked" . The unfortunate man's malady has taken tno form of relig ious mania , and it was by humouring this whim , that Deputy Sheriff Grebe made the arrest on Saturday night , without nay trouble. Mortonolf has been employed as a laborer'at Charles IJarmloy's livery barn on Sevcntccth and Howard streets , Mnrrln o The following marriage licenses was Is sued by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and residence. Age. I Charles Price , Omaha . 34 ( Ada Carpenter , Omaha . 150 ( Alblan C. Smith , Oakland , Neb . 46 Doll Gravollo , Sloan , lu . 23 Joseph Cepra , Omaha . 22 Mary Kella , Omaha . ; . , . 1U nPRICE's CREAMDELICIOUS DELICIOUS HAVORING EXTRACTS NWUfiALFrHHT FLAVOR . . . . . PRiCE BAKING POWDER CQ. Ntw York. Chicago. St. Louis. Absolutely Pure. Tlitspowdernovervnrlofi. A mifvclof inir'ty ' strength and uholesomeiiess. Moro cconom- icnl than the onllniiry kinds , ami cannnt bo sold In competition wllU the innuttude of lour cost , sliort wolRht ulum or piioapliato powders. Sold only In cans. Itovnl Uaklnu 1'owder Oo. . KO Wnllstreot. New Vork. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John U. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers V At the old stand. UD7 Karnam St. Orders by tolt'grupli solicited uiiil promptly attended. Telephone to No. St. IT. Surgeon and Ph/s'uin / , Office N. W Corner mil an 1 Oanglas St. Ofllca telephone , Wo. Uoalduuou tolophoaa , 333. BS " | f'Hncfrnmllin lfflolTect ojnitl > rt < / . iBimnrnrly il Aiy , loft tnnnhooil , > tc. 1 Mill wild a valnnlilf lrrat ! o ( Mnlril ) rnntnlnlncr full | mtlcular ft * linmf 0,110 , free of ohnnro AihlifM , , PROF. F. O. FOWLER. MooUUB , Conn. Dr. J. E. McGrew , Ono of Ihft Most Successful SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic or the So-called Incurable Diseases , J2//f / , Ear , Throat , Lnnyti , Liver , JtlatMer , Kidney and A'ervoiitt Dls- crtsca treated with success itn- cqnalled. \ A euro ffimranttcd In nil cases of PHI VATB mid SKIN DISEASES. All disorders or the BKXUAIi UKANS ( ! CUItKO ami MANHOOD * umlENEIlur UliSTOltUD CONSULTATION FUKI3. Treatment by correspondenco. Send stamp for reply. Offlco Bushman Bloc * , 16th and Douglas Sts. Omaha. Neb FOR THE HOLIDAYS , Wo are offering special inducements to parents who are dosirons of securing practi cal and appropriate holiday gifts for their boys ; what better or more sensible present can you give them than a nice Suit or Overcoat ? Wo are showing handsome styles for big and small boys , and our qualities and prices can not bo matched. $2.5O buys a very nice all wool Suit or a good Overcoat with cape for small boys. $3.5O buys an excellent Suit or Overcoat for small boys. $5.50 buys a very good all wool Suit or splendid Chinchilla Overcoat for largo boys up to 18 years old. Wo call special attention to a few small lots of very choice styles of Overcoats for little boys from 4 to 10which we offer at a marvelous low price. Wo are anxious lo close thorn out ; they are extremely fine goods and the brief season left for the disposal of : such qualities induced us to make a big cut on them ; they are made of very line Ker seys , Chinchilla and Cheviots this seasons novoltioa , of elegant designs and richly trimmed , some with fursomo with plush in short they are such garments as can only be found in first-class houses. Wo have marked them $6.00 , $7.25 , $7.90 and $8.5O , and wo guarantee that these prices are not ono half of what such goods usually bring. This is an extraordinary opportunity to procure a fine garment at such a figure and every boy will appreciate such a gift. In our Hat Department can bo found an immense line of Boy's Hats and Caps in Plush , Felt aiid Cloth. Wo positively sell those goods at just one-half what regular s Hat dealers ask for them , and you would bo surprised to see our prices. Good little Turbans of Plush , Chinchilla and Astrachan at 25c ; splendid Knit and Jersey Caps at 30c , and very fine Cloth and Jersey Caps at 4Oc , 5Oc and 75c. In our Glove Department we have a large assortment of Boy's Gloves and Mittens , suitable for presents. As a Christmas oftering wo will present this week each boy with every purchase no matter how small , a nice paint box. Wo have opened an elegant line of Mufflers , Silk Handkerchiefs and Scarfs , especially for holiday trade and offer them at prices lower than asked in any other house-for like qualities. Good Cashmere Mufflers at I5c , 35caud 5Oc ; elegant Silk Mulilers of beautiful designs aiid elegantly embroidered at 75C , $1.00 and $1.5O. . Next Thursday we shall begin to distribute our elegant holiday souvenirs and wo will also forward ono with all out of town orders. PLAIN FIGURES AND ONE PRICE. Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. DR. HORDE'S lectro-Magnetic Belts ! i i - - i The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science Sci- Gentlemen's Celt Best Scientific cn''icaly ' ' ' | Mad ° and Practically Applied. with Suspensory Electric , fleditBVDISEASE CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES y . ram , , , caawc.rll Udectrifl e , < < > * | AL ELSE FAILS. ir t > elt.lias accomplished whnt no other remedy 1 steady nervet and com Hall , alderman , ir o East 33th StreetKew YoiV. etc. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE. PR. HORSE'S BlKCIKO-IIiO. JlClU Xmti.comblned. Uuaradtecdtho only ono In the world mncratlnR , EU , HIDIiEY and eilmuitln ? Acontlnuoua Electrio cf * Utagnttta 'chronlodlre&Miiof ' bothscxen. . Contains 23 to 1 Oil Irprroa ol .carrmt. ScientificPowertul , Unrablu. - sa ( Comfortable nud KHectlvo. ATOM frauda , , . 7T Electricity. UlMIU.MeEULho drf Orern.OOOcured. SonrtBt npforpamplilet.5o ! t" groved , cheapest , scli ntlfle powerful , clu- " ALSO ILEirfjlIO HEMS roil lilBEAS . { Ji { > l8if "nEFEnENCES : Any li nt , cpmmeiylut BM ir Francisco ChlcaRo. 0,000 enrol. BendMamprorJlluatnitodpampbUt. DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. ZULU MAGNETIC OIL. Cures Ithctimntlftrn , prnlnn , Swollen Jolntff , Hrulacs , Ilackache. lieaJnclio and Isenrnlgla. It permanently drives away und removes nil pains , nclies and similar ailments , ( ioort for hrustns trcll us mankind , nnd cures Itlngbone. Spavin , Hlillntt , t > tc. on bori < e > . 1'tit up In large inns ttnil teat by expresa on receipt of iirico If your does not keep U. Price 1.M. ZULU HEALING OINTMENT. Greatest Snlveln inn worm , it nets like maffia when applied tr > _ Guts , llruliea , Hcnlijn , Hurnx , lilies Old Mores , Cbaffed and chnppcd Ilnnds , Cracked Uow > ' Tealn , etc. , nnd other troubles of a similar nature , ( food for horses * wounds and cores. 1'rlte 75cents. I'utup In Inrcu tin bojues , and nont liy mall or express on receipt ol price If your dniKKlst does ilot keep It. Our cans and boxes contain moro than four times an much. n > any other bottle or nacl > n ci , IMEI > to contain , an article that will do thu work we our prrpuratlniin to do. THE SANTFORD HF& . CO. , Omaha , Neb , Snl I'roprletors. For Snlo nt retail lu Oinnliu , by Kiihn & Co. , Gco.V. . I'arr , John W. Hell , nnd S. 11. Kariifiwortli. SENSIBLE and USEFUL PRESENTS Scorn to bo the Oi'deiof the day. OUR STOCK is complete in every department. You and your friends are invited to call. U. S. DEPOSITOEY , OMAHA , WEB. I'uitl Up Cnpital . if 100,000 Surplus. . . 50,000 II. W. Y.m-s. Trosident. LK\VIH S. Kiin : : , VJco I'resldent. A. 1 ! . TOIT/.AI.I.V , L'ml Vice I'rosldnnt. W. II. B. llUiius ( : Cusliler. w. V. MoitsR , JOHN S. COI.MNS. II. W. YATKtC I.KW1SS. ItUKIl. A. K. Touzu.lN. Hanking OHIco THE IRON BANK , Corner li'tn nnd rnrnnm Sts. A GcniTul jlitnkliiK lltibtneds OMAHA MEDICAL . SURGICAL INSTITUTE,1 N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodpro Sts. > TOM ran TKBATMENr Or Al.t. 033R-A.CES , Appliances for Deformities and Trtusaa. Dot facilities , apparatus .nil i medJc for mcccifc fill trentuiont ol ercrr form of illionio rennlrln l Uedlcftl or Hiojlcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Jlonnl nnit Mten < l io ; beil Loinltal nccoiutnod * lions In the west. WHITE roit CIHOUt.AMon Deformities nil nractf.1 Trumes , Cliili heel , Cnrvnturo of ib9 bplne , I'ller , ; Tuuiorn. Cancer. Catarrh , HiondilHi , InlialnllonJ Hlectrlcltj. Paralfiia , Upllepir. Kidner. llUitdofJ Kje , Ear , Skin and Hlood , an I nil tiurjlo il Oporutloo * Diseases of Woman a Specialty. llOOK ON DISBA8BS OP WOMEN /BKB. ONLY RELIABLE UEDIOAL INSTITUTE MA1IINO A SI'EClAr/IV Or PRIVATE DISEASES. I All Hlood Dlieaiet nrcraifulljr tritnted. 1 Poison rumorrd from tuo nrili-m without mer I Nitvr reiturallTO lr.'utin ; il for loin uf Vital Pu rorioni nnaMt ) to vl U in may ha ireutixl athoaaul I eorrt'tpundenco. All communications coufldenUaul Medicinal or InitrumeaU Kent by mall or ( tiproiu leouiely parked , no unrks to Indicate ionturtti eudur. OneperioaailntarTluw preferred. Call a coomilt UH or tend Ulstorr ol your CMC , and wo MQd la plain wrapper , our I BOOK TO MEN , FREEj ! Dpon Private , Special or Kerroua Dlir nxis. IinMr tenor , Syphilis , Qleel and Varloccele , with quuitloa Ult. Aifdreii OnialM Medical and Snrvwzl TmlftuM , o * nn. HcMJBNAnv , , 0r. 13th DUd Dodge BUOMAHA. . NEBJ I'KNNYHOTAL 1VAFKKR am Fucrt3f ully ubi-d monthly liy over 10,000 , ( .adieu. Are Safe , Kffectuulantl 1'lentanl 1 pi r box by irmll.or at ( IrtiKKlsto. Kealed 1'articulari ! i postage RUmijm. AililroM TEE EUIIEKA CUSIIICAI. Co. , DUIKOIT , Mica. For mile and l > i/ mull ( > \l \ Dt'iifCo. . , Otnnlui , PATENTED AUGUST 16. IMPROVED JUNE 20,1008- Gents' Spinal Appliance , No. 4 Gents' Belt. No. 4 Ladies' Belt. Ladies' Spinal Appliance , Dr. Owen's Eleclro- Galvanic Heltand Suspensory will WH v Sfi cnro thcfol- lowinfj diseases and all others of a nervous character ; " K ja fegggaH ! Kheumatism of any kincj , Sciatica , Pa- ralysis , Epilepsy , Spinal Diseases Back Vio'Jv. ' St. Vilus * Dance Bright's Disease , Piles , Heart Diseases , Lumbago , General and Nervous Debility , Costivcness , Kid- ney Diseases , Nervous- ness , Trembling , Wasting of the body , all diseases caused from Indiscretion in Youth or Married Life , Nervous Prostration , Personal Weakness or Exhaustion , Female Com- plaints , in fact all ncrSuspensory , vous diseases pertaining to Male or Female. We challenge the world to pro- clucc a belt that will compare with it. The current is under the perfect control of the wearer and can be made mild or strong to suit any complaint ? this cannot be done with any other belt. The Suspensory for weakness ol men is connected directly to the Uattcrr , the disks are so adjusted that by the means of our appliances the UlCC- trlclty " can be carried ' to ' any part ' of the . betSy . . . . or . wherever . . . . . the . disease . is . located. . . This is . . the . . and greatest Front View , Galvanic Body Belt has the Owen Belt to be. It differ * from oil others. It is a _ Contains Two Ilnttcrks aud Twenty Galvanic Cells , The Owen Belt Is not a Chain , . , . . w. , , or a Pad of . It will all i'urablo Galvanic - . The Elwtrie uiuiu cn vj' uu , 01 any description Ji iviu cure ail complaints Luraoil ) by Electricity or a uaivamo jiaiio-ry. inc j'.ircinc current can _ * . . * . . ' . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . be Tested before it I i i t < tut t ! i. i i Of any OJIO is applied to the body and is worn only from six to ten hours day or niijht. After examining this belt you will buy no other , as It is light and catily worn and superior to all others now offered /or sale. To show the Entire Confidence we have in our Electro-Galvanic Belt and Appliance , we will send our Full Power No.J Belt complete to responsible parties on thirty days' trial , and if it docs not Prove to bo or do what we Ileprfsent , you can return it to us. Physicians indorse the On en Belt as the best. Send 6 cent ! postage for our free illustrated pamphlet of 128 pages written by a physician of over 40 years experience , which will be sent you with our book of testimonials in a scaled , envelope , giving instructions how to treat yourself with electricity without the aid ol aph > * icianor thcute of medicine. Sendforapairol IJr. Owen's Electric Jntolcs , l'ricei.oo , which will cure you of Gout , Chilblains , Cramps in feet or legs , or Cold Keet. Wo not waste your money on belts patented years \Yehiiveprlvateconsullationrooinsforladiei ' as well as gents , and all who call or write us can rest assured they will receive an honest opinion , and if the belt is not adapted to tlieif case they will be fcoadnscd. Open at all times-djyi , ' nights and Sundays call or write to the doctor. Consultation at'office , or by mail free. rn , . For in formal ion ) K > W to obtain trial belt sec 128-pajje uanijUil t > JUlCi &APPL : j Mention this Paper , . QQQ North Broadway , St. Louis , Mo , Incorpoiated June 16,1887 , ,