OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. DECEMBER 25. issa SPECIAL NQTIOE& No AiUorllacuiciiU > vlll be Inkcn fur ttirnc columnfl nflcr IU:00 : p , m , TerniH Onflli In advnnco. Adrertisempm * under tn he cj l ( ) rents per line for the firm Inperllon. * rents for each will- fMtifnt Insertion , and ( i/An llnf wr month NoRilrrttlriiment taken tor less thans-'iccpfs 1 he flrnl .nxertlon , faoven u ords will be counted to the line ; they must run connccntl\ely and must b ] .uld in ADVANCH. All advertise ment ! ! muni lie handed lu before 1U9I ; o'clock p. tn , and tinder no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertlslnp In thMo columns nnd hav. Ins inolr answers Rddro sed In care of TUB lire vfil ple c Mi iV"ft U' lc to enable mem to get their letters , as none Will b < UiriMc" < fept on fircneiitallon of check. All answers to naver' tlscnifnts should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advrrtlst ments In these columns are pub * llshed In both morning nnd evening editions of TUP IIKK , the circulation of which nRgrrgatfS inoro than 1Mtco papers dally , and gives the ad- rcrtl er tno benellt , not only of the city circu lation of TUB KR. but also of Council IlluuN. Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. AdvcrilslnR for those columns will bo taken on thn nlKiYo rondlllons , at thn following bnsl- rets linti'M , who tire nnthorbcil aRentu for Tim Jlr.ii special notices , nnd will quote the same rates ni rnn bo Iiad nt the main olllcn. OIIN" W. llii.U : TsM South Tenth fltroct. CIIASK .t r.nnr , Btatloneri and Printers. 113 South 10th Street. 8 II , rAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , SUB Cum- . ing Street. \\7 . . . MUUH..S , Pharmacist , G21 North ICtU T > . Street Gr.O. W. I'AKIl , I'harmaclst. IKESt. Mary's A\emto. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by a Kroncli cook In res- taurnnt or hotel , Addicss il M City hotel , city. { ai CJ ITPATlOJf wanted nsn waiter onoyonrsox- K t porlnnrc. Hpe.ik Ktmllsh and ( lorninu Ail- clress M M , Ulty hotel , tlty. Ht iM * \7rAN'rijl ( ) Situation as boller-mnkor : good references. Aildnas N IS Ileo. lft'B ( \ \ , ANTKD-Sltuatlon with tcnm todollcht ' ' or heiivy Imullnt' \\holesalo house. Ad- flress N ia. llec. tru Sit \\rANTr.D Alimit the 1st of .lanuary.iv Bltua- i T tlon by u marrii'd innn , Herman , of sover.U years' oxpurlcnco , Inilry KOodH , clothing or gpn- rrnl stole. Oood loferencvH. Address , N II. oincc. SM SI * WANTI.D A situation as housekeeper for widow or by widow. Address Jl. lllakcleo , 3'lillerlon , Nob. 1U 24r ANT1.D .lamiaiy I , 1 ! > MI. by a young man , a position as clerk , sale mim , or boot- deeper. Hat o Had experience , and can furnlsli lit'st of riiferi'tices. Address W. . 1' O. DoKlYT. Council Hlulls. 'AW " 6 * \\ANTKO-Januniy \ 1st , 1SR3 , position by n ' ' Hrst class olllco man ; linnk or morchantlle. Address M is ; care Omaha Hcc. 817Jltrj WANTE7J--W1AI.E p7 - - . HEI Our funny picture , "A llig Ijuigli"spnt flee. Agents wanted. I' . Dory , St. Loiils.Mo. 157 ! t All rst-clnss punts maker at once ; good prlco paid. Anderson .t Moncrlof , J'ulliTton , Nob. 1W1 2flt \\rANllI ! ) Teiimsters for railroad grade lu ' Wjomlng , at Albilght's Labor Agency. JI70 Farnam st. 141-25 "W ANTi : 0 A salesman'to fcoll suspenders on commission In this slate. Ostholui & Wai- tor. 215 ( 'hnrch ht. , Phlladolphla ; 142-S4t . . . Young man who is competent T bookkeeper , stunographer nnd tj pew rlter. Address N 11 , lieu olllce. 1112' ) ' T\"ANTiD : Voimg lady who Is competent > bookkeeper , stenographer and typewriter. Address N II , llea olllce. 114 29" ) I.m'rgctlc men with Rome capital to establish u branch of a wife , legitimate Imilness In o\oiy city. Storm Proof Door Co. , Philadelphia. 1132J { WANTHD Klist-class men who nn already trnellng salesnimi to cai ry our lubricating oil samples us a side Hue. Address , J. H. Tim- iiiins St Co. . Cleveland. O. itjQ27 \\r-ANTKD A man to take charge of branch V > olllco In Illinois ; salary $75 per month and ithnioof prollts ; must furnish MV ) cash secur ity ; do not answer unless you have security ; Addiess Iiox240 , Kcokuk , In. B81 23 * " \TANTKD-S men to solicit orders for pict ures and u Una of household specialties , 1 N. Kttli at- . oittit "ITTANTED Jlnlo nnd female agents ; casy- T selling goods. Room Si , Darker block. B40 J17t \S7"AN7KD Good men in every locality as i detectives under our Instructions. Send Ocforpaitlculars. Oklahoma seaet nernco. IVichlta Kansas , 707J13 * \\TANTIJI > A man to solicit , salary * I3 per i month , must dejioslt IBS for Mimples , and plvo security for money collected. Address Ooorgo 8. Cllno. Ml. Tlrst National Hank build- lug , Omaha , or Wagner blk. , Des Molnc-s , Iowa. RALI'SMKN-Wewlshafowmon to sell our goods by sample to the -w holesulo and retail t lado. Lnrge t manufacturers In our line. Kn * close 2-ccnt BtaniD. Wages ? . ! per day. Pornia- nvnt position. No postals answered. Money ndvnnced for wages , aciverttt-luir , etc. Centen nial Man'f'B Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J 28 AGKNT8 WANTKD-fTS a montiTlmd ex- ponsi-s paid any active person to sell our Goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In udvance , particulars free. Standard Silverware Co. .lloston. MB BOl'h-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , 1304Douglas. 1W9 \\rANai5p-JIauto take the agency of our T ) Rafos ; BtzeSMlhilS Inches ; w eight KUO fbs ; retail price iKI'i ; other sizes In proportion A rum chance aud permanent business. These . safes meet a demand never befoi o supplied by other safe companies , as wo are not governed tj the safe pool. A IplneSafo Co. Cincninati. 0. 070 WANTED--FEIVIALE HELP. ' " \/\7"ANTKD / 2 girls for same hotal out of city , Tl ft ; 6 dtningioora girls , 1 second girl. 4 votnen cooks , head laundress tmirso girl , eccond cook nml W ) lor general honsewoik. Mrs. ilrogn. : iUj.S l..tli. IMtOt * r\TANTIU filrl for geueialhousnwork- T > In Jumlly , KZl N20th nt , . conior Callfotnla. 1)70 ) AOlTlIi for general housowoik , 2122 St , Mary's avo. t DM \\rANTKU-aiil for general housework at 14MB Uth. 017 A GOOD experlencea girl for uenoral house- J\W 01 k. 2107 DuUgUs St. UK ) ANTlID-OIll for gencrHl housoworit,7lJ " . 10th. 07H \\7ANT15D-Ulrl for ponoral housowoik ( Gcr- T T iuau pittfeund ) . n W cor 20th and Wetjster. M8 TVANTI.D A lady to solicit , must como well i lecommi'iulod ' and pay * 10 toi samples , ralary IM IKT moiith. Addio s ( icorge S. Cllno , Ml , HiKt National IlnnK building , Omaha , or Wagner block , DusMoliios , Iowa , 41. \\7Al\TI.n At ICS3 Howaid st , coinpctciit. * T glil for kitchen , must ha good cook and laundress , German , Dana or lilsn pieforied ; } efcicncysr"oulred. bio E MP LOYMENTBUREAU3. _ _ OANADIAN Kmployinent OIlTcTC Mrs. Ilrcea , JI4H BIDth. Uoittionco Omaha Natlonallmnl : T L'UUASJCA ISmploynient Oineoai7 N ICthst. VICING IIMKN'l'S to sow lu families. 1.118 . nth _ 81 Jlfc- jT'NOAXll.Ml'.NTa to do dr ssniairug uj J-UfiUDtllej Kollcitoil. Miss Stiudy , 2017 Leaven- voitbst. CTI j x'j liiatltutp , new Paxton building , Omnha , 3 lie only exclusive Hhorthaud nchool In the cute , ever ono hundred graduates in good Ituatlons. The school Is under the manage. innut of C. C. Valvntlne , olllrlal stnnogrnplior of Uinllid judicial district of Nebraska , and Prof. II. II. Ilojlea. rtiioxnerltmcod teacher and ver- Vatlm rc.portur. Day and evvulng sosaloiin. Sin- deut can enter at any time. Hclid for circulars. SUJI7 _ \\rANTKD fo"loan w6iwuiull ; The ufaf V' Hay , ou real estate notes or other good collateral or security ; or will buv uienl a.lato tuurtenguruuulnif a short time. U. lL lioxeiXL V4V OO.MEU3and boRrdtu wanted.1703 4V UW J lie XV.AMKD Young Jadtw nud L'vntlamon to T r know tlier can obtalu a thorougn and Tirnctlcal knowUdKO of tolegrupny , tlttlnc tnein- fcclvm in a short tlnia for good paying positions at tin lUoctrla Telfvinpli school. Itooi.-.t 62 * Karnamit. IfANTHT ) Ctottrni to build , clean anil re- pair. 3.0. IU1I Tele. 877 , WO2V OOARDINC. ' ' " ' "ttllKBT-clats home board'ftQsj'&th , 318J8' BOAKDINO and furnished room * , 8SR N. 19th. 8M 2J T AHLi ; boarders wanted , ICO > Douglas H'OR RENT-HOUSES. . . . HUNT < . ) nu 7-room house or one S-roora house , w oil nnd cistern. Call at 2tti > Cass st. 161 W rpo ItEMT A Fix-room cottage , furnished. -L Will let for six months to reliable paitles. Address , J42i Bherinan nve. , with refMrf > licu- < . Io27t „ , , HBNT-M3otUK < } ' 4 rooms , 8 cloietfl , hall and pantry. oJl 5. SOtli st. . near cable power house. lo" TJKIl ) HUNT The Ilnest houses In Omaha tor JL1 the money. .1. L. Itlro .V t'o. H'J-23 1OK KiNT : fi-room cottage. 1 block north of JL1 oil work * . N. 17lh st. , lift per month. In- quliu It 1)05 ) , hirst National bank. 1II-S J F I OK HiNTroomi'd : flat at ' .W N IBth st. All modern conveniences. A , U Marsh. U'JO I710U 8AI.K A nlco iVroom cottngp. city J- water , on cnr line , W.MXJ , monthly pu\menus. 1K. . Darling , m rmtiam. uflt ' 'I HKNT CIicup. 7-room Hat. Inquire nt Howard street. Iksil 27 FOlt HUNT-Cottages , Srooms , 272(5 ( Charles M. and 1KI Su. rtli st. UniUlru It. 13 Mlieeley block. lili Foil KtNT-7-room : lint nt C38 8.13th. Innulro J. I * Ilrandols & Sons. W7 /OK HUNT Nont 0-room house , inth and 1st , renll-W. Jlrcnnan . Co. , chamber ot Commerce. 811 T71OH HI.NT Hlpht on loom tlat , modern con- JL ? vonliuu fi , Imiulro 01J S. 11th st. 811 TilOH HRNT Modern ten room hou.sor.Ci south X1 ffith St. , St. Mary's u\o. . * 4i. Illngwult llros. , Ilarkcr block. 76u " 171011 HUNT 7 room Hat on 2d lloor. Knnulro JIho 1'alr cor Mth nud Howard sis. Ml "IjlOIl Hu.NT 10-room housesti'iim , pus bath , .1. hot nnd com and clstcru water , oed cellar , mill nice yard , V > , SOJ3 24th. Itxiulrc.XVT S24lh. WII 1I10K KCNV-A comforUble house with 8 -U rooms , pantry , largo closets , splnndld cel lar , tlty ttater , sow eragc and gas. near business centro : moderate tent. John 11. F , Luhmanti , H.MS 17th st. arj Foil IU.N1' A 3-stnry brick dwolllne. 1KJ ! ) Capitol avo. Apply to C. II. Oulou at the Chicago Lumber Co. i)71 ) fTIOK HUNT At very low rates. 10 nnd 14 now JL' icsUlouccs. 24111 and 2414 Cuss street. Clark Place , uno block south ot Crclghlon ' ollcgo.on rarniim and24th street car line. * All modern Improvements. Apply , II. T. Cl.irk.Union 'Iiust Co , or nt 2120 Cass st. .TUT HI.NT 0-ioom cottJge. J23.00 per month , i Ilnrney st. 2tf ) T71OH HKNT Cottage , 441 Convent st. Inquire JL1 1D23 Jackson st. Wl OIl HUNT iVroom house. 911. G. Ii. Thomp. son. 212 Slieeloy block. 103 BlIAUTirULH-room home , gas , city water , bath room , hot auu cold water , on paved streets with street car , near a good school , only i per month. The house is now. Apply at ouco. C. T. Harrison Mercnnnts' Nat. bjnK. _ _ TjlOH KENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 new JL' residences. 2404 and 2414. Cass street , Clarke J'itice. Onn block south of Crelghton college , on 1'arnaiu and 24th iticet car lino. All modern improvements. Annly , II. T. Clatk Union Trust Co. . or nt 2420 Cass street 014 _ POU RENT House and place. Harris , room 411. First Nnfl bk bldg. Bio TJtoll RUNT No. 1411 3. 7th avc. , a nlco 5- JL1 room house In good repair : rooms newly papered and painted ; nice y aid : line cistern water. Hont Sio a inoiuh. Possession guon at ouco. Apply to Dell'H luth st. pharmacy. "p'Oll HUNT ti-room modern improved house JL ? A 1 locality. Hi-ntinodemto. Apply , .M. El- gutter , 1UU I'liinum st. 20H FOR HKM' Ily Iloswoith Je Jopllu , jlarKer block , I ) , 4 , 6.1) ) , 7 , 8 , 0 , 10. 11 , I4-locm houses In all parts ot the city. 97J TTlOIt HUNT Houses 7 looms , 2Utli and liar- X1 noy ; IU rooms , " 1st and Locust ; 7 rooms , 12th nnd Jones ; 8 rooms , I'Jth and Mai tha. I.fiittliim A. Mahoney. 1'axton block. Ht KOOM frame. No. SOU Hamilton St. , $27.50. Leavltt Ituruhani , No. 1 Cr lghton block. % 'J FOR HUNT When you wish to rent a house , store or ofliee call oil us. H. E. Cole , room C. Continental block. 'J77 FOR RRN'l 6-room house , 2113room house 242 : ) Poppleton avc. Ooo. 1. Gilbert , With- nell b'l'g. 'J78 FOR RUNT lu-room house with steam heat , at20J S. 24th st. G. K. Thompson , Sheely block , 15th and Howard ht-s. JOT FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. T71URNI8HRD rooms and board , fuinace hoot , JgajUSi. Mary's aye. & > 4 24 * EL'RNISHUD rooms , 1204 Farnam. j ftioaa T > OOMSwlth llrst-class board , furnace , bath , Jlteloctrlc , gas. 018 S 19th. tKrj-jlO $ MODK1IN House , alcove and single rooms , with board. Very desirable. M S. 22rt st. IKM-2G * FUHNISHUD rooms for rent , 1701 Capltol"nve. 101 31' EOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms with board reasonable , Address orcnll&55 B 2111 h St. 857 21 J'ICELY furnished south room Tor rent with board , modern conveniences. 2015 Douglas , U4U.KW " 171UHNI8HKD room , with gas and bat n , board JL ? Jf desired , 611) ) S. 26th St. , opposite All Saints' cnurch. sir > T710R RKNT Pleasantly furnlslied room , all JC modern conveniences , for one or two gen- tlemtm. ntt-tlB. "vtn st. , or cor. St. Mary's avo. and 20th st. M5 NICKLY furnished rooms bythe week or mouth cheap ; 1407 Jones st , Peabody place. 4S3J7I FOlt R1WT Two desliablo sunny rooms , suitable for gentleman nnd wlfo. or party of gentlemen ; rent reasonable. Ill Nortli 17th bt , , llrst house north ot 1) o dgo. lirJ * ALOVKLV trout room , heated , fuinlshod and e * cry convenience , 2107 Douglas st. 1JU PLKASANT furnished looms , single or on suite. Hoard If desired ; modern conven iences ; 631 Pleasant. lW-2lt TV-SIRAIILB furnlslied room , 2218 Davenport .L/st. 77U : iot _ Foil RKNT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping , 17CH California st , HEAP RENTS-Good furnished sleeping rooms with steve Sl.T.'j per week , l1 rooms lurnUlicd for llgnt housnkeeplng 813 per month , n largo uufuinUhed room $5 per mouth. tOT Howard st , 101 25t _ A VKNUi : Room'-Atini3nndIfll1S Capitol ave. \2 blocks from P. O newly fiiinlahod , private boarding house , pleasant rooms.all convcnlo nc s 774 m _ ( _ E LKGANT south rooms , heat , gns and bath , at very low rout. Inquire at ItWU Chicago , T7UU KKNT Ieslrabl urnlshnd rooms with Jl : board. Now house , all modern convenience , S10 B. 21th st. 10,1 2lt _ LAItORpIoasgnl room , luruUlied. brlcic Hut. 1(10 ( Cnfcajoit US1 Foil RUNT 2 front rooms on second lloor , ils.00 each. .Slit llaruoyat. 210 _ EliF.GANT furnished room , with all modern conveniences , with or without board. 1011 Douglas. V65 27f _ "IjlOU RKNT tTurulsbtd rooms with bath gas JJandlioat. IIP per mouth. * S 7 DoJgest. SW OH RKNT Two large ulcal y furnished coii- iit'ctlngrooim , with bath und conveniences , suitable for four gputlcmen or housekeeping , 13. or scpai ate JU and * H. fj. W. Coiner. 18th and Ilowai-J , entrance ou lloard. . 654 UUNsUIil ) or unturnUle rooms , 1419 Doduu tt. uaxt block to poitoftlce , from ( a upwards. lnc.ulro room 8 or 14 l Ioucla38t , room a Midas _ Q ROOMS , llfiht housclcaeplni ; . C2J H. lith. | Til at _ _ RENT Furnished rooci Mltb board. 17X-J Dodga lit. 167 _ _ TJOOilS and board. I8U Chloago. 605j ' furuUUed rooini , 1313 Chlcaro , KENT-Kurclihml room. Heal , easanll 864. AliAIKIBelerant rocm tor ? nlo ly furnUbsd ; fumaoo heat and erery moitorn cnmcnlunco. One-halt blook fro oabla cri. X107 Puncus st. flo tT\O \ UENT ruroUtearoomilaar UDlc -L' cor. I2th tinl Dody * iti. Inijulr * of Ota. , illll rd hoUl WllUtd roots. . ? "VTICniiYfurnl-ihecl roora , also front and J.1 back parlor t 100S DouglM St. 8U TJOH RRNT-Tifo fnmlshed rooms for llttht J. ' hotiKokecplnn ; Z&KSt. Mary' * ave. 8liM VTICKLY furnished rooms and board at 1017 1 > Capltfll ats. 827JW * " 171OH RKNTAn elegantly furnished room or JL ; Btillo of rooms w Ith board In o private fam ily. All ronvonlenccs. Cart ) nans the door every three to five minutes , itt-feroncos lla- quired. Knqutre rooms M8 and 619 Paxton bile , IW4 iriOIl III.NT rurnlshod rooms In Grounlg blk JL' cor , iJlli and Dodge Rt . Inquire of Ueo It , David. Mlllard hotel Eilllord room. IHO MM1JIS First-class , inodtrn conveniences , \17I8Dodgest. KW2U FORWENT--ROOMS Ufjf URMI3HEP , SIX rooms for light housekeeping , modern comenlonces , ( ilork from cable , by month or long lca o rheup. a W Douglas st , 10s 2.'it TTOK UKNTTro nice unfurnished or fur- i j jc , fijjjied rooms for liouseKOt-ping ; conven iences. SltlU " , lnthi ° " 8 " ' * FOU lU'.NT-S unfurnl hed roomer5 : w. U < "i luth anil St. Mary's a\o. ; largo pantrj' Mid BOOd C ( lar. VHI 2 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES- AN\NT ; : MOD-room with fine basetnout slentn heat and wntor , on Ifith st. .1. II. I'arrottc , rentnl ngoncy , 100 , ) Chicago. 10129 Atcr.KV for lent nt fS Park ave. This Is ft lirlck store room nnd baitcmcnt , tncludlui ; oxcns , count eis. showcase , etc. , In the most do- Rlr.ible rosldeiicicommunity In the city : water , rower nnd gas connections. Titos K Halt , Ull 1'axton block. _ _ " * ! B1IKJK htoro ronm with bascmont , nil mod ern improvements , splendid location for leeil store orhaiduaro , sto\o , etc. , being in the heart ot the most desirable n sldonco portion tion of tin-city , l.TOT I'mk n\o. 'IhosKHnll. ! 111 I'nxton blo-k W" > FOll ltiNT-Itrlckstori : > . 207 S 12th st. near occupied as saloon. S. I.climau. Wi Foil UKNT fjooil storeroom nenr cor. IBtn and 1'arimtii , ono nf the boat locations hi the city. Address Oeo , N. IIlcks , Ilnrkor block W" _ POli lUNT-&loro-room ! , No. 141,1 Ooticlas. llostiulall proportj In the city. Will mil plato nlasH front In by January 1. tjoo lr. Josopli Nuvlllo , HOT Douglas. IBS FOlt ltr.NT-T o store * . 6'J1 nml f.'i ) Ninth IBth st , Iniulro at the bnlldlii ; ; . Henry Osthoir. _ ! ] _ _ TTIOU HKNT An plesant store room with ftno JL' ba ement on llth st. Kent very low to right party ; strain heat and water inclnJeil , Apply nt tiifi IJouglas at. 3M EOlt KENT OHice KUlto Ki' month , olllcei JlSeach. all fronting acth at. , llusn- man block , N. G. Cor. loth nna Douglas. W. M. liuslinmn. Ull IeavenwortS. Of > 0 ItRNT-Tioinco rooms In Uecllck's block , J ? IWH-l.'ill 1'mnam at , on-il lloor ; one oflire , east front , on M lloor. over Uinnlui Il nklnj ; Co , banl. . cor. loth st nnd Hnrney st. Inquire nt 111 I 1 oruim St. , room S. I'auhen \ Co. 4'U T7IOH KKN1Ilrick sto7c7iin ivbovoT2Tth and -i- Hamilton , do.ilrablo business location. I.SA- vltt llnrnhnm , room 1. Crelshton block. 'JS , " > RENTAL AGENCIES. SlMCCIAIi attention ulvMi to renting nd col- lectius rents. .1. It. I'tyrotte. IGW Chicngo KOIKirsTKUNSUOUlTroomi ) . onp. P. U. , will hereaftur give special attention to rentliiR houses , stores and Hats. If you want your property rented without delay nnd to roll- able tenants , do not fall to list tno same with him. l 8 G EO. J. Paul , 1C03 Taru. st. Houses , stores , otc. for lent. ISO WK give special attention 10 renting and col lecting rents , list with us. II. K. Cole , room 6 , Continental block. US7 fi YOU want your nousas rented place them L with IlouawA & Co. . 15th , opposite postomce. PERSONAL. TNFORMATION wanted of the whereaboutJ JLof Michael Noonau , latowlth C. AT O Address J.T. llroderlck , 101U Hrynntst. San I'ranclsco , Cal. U.'J 2t * ELHfiANT llfo size crayon portraits frco of charge for a short time as an adver- tlseinent.from photoginplis brought to the Vandyke - dyke 1'orlialt btudlo , 1412 Pierce , near llth. I'oi traits also In pastel. 723 jl It PHItSONAIIfyouimvott personal item , or any communication , drop it iu ouo of The Ileo's message boxes. 1O > FOR RENT-MISCEUANEOU5. T71OR RENT One good barn room for throe JD horses , buggies , etc. , JIIi Davenport st. In quire or C. L. Eilfkson & Co. . 213 N. 10th st. + 41 LOST. STRAYED Ono span of mules ; one black , about 12 hands high , one bay , about 14 bands high. Send information to Murk Gieen , cm o Iloo ollice. 154 8I . LOST DBC. in , on Leavenworth or Geoigla avo. or Park ave. a satchel containing pocketbook et-book with money und other articles. A lib eral reward by retuinlng to 1120 Georgia avo. STJIAYKD From 1721S 15th , white cow. Larga spot on each side of neck , has wide spread horns and scar on right hip. finder will bo ro- worded. Wl 20t LO.-T About three weeks ngi ) , a half-blood female red Irish setter dog. Was about to nave pups. 1'inder will return to 1MB 1'arnam st , or lice olllce , and be rewarded. OSrt Sit LOST Letter addressed to C. F. Hanison , Omaha , mailed at Mt. Pleasant , laDec. 12 , enclosing a valuable note good only to payee. Suitable reward will bo given for n-turn of note to C. 1' . lliurlson , Merchants' Nut'l Ituuk , Omaha. Wll 24 FOUND. rPAKKN Ul' Ono white pony with heavy J. leather saddle , R > 1 Farnam bt. IT. I' Hum. 10.124 COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. SHORTHAND and type-writing Sunerlor advantages In these branches ut the Omaha Commercial col logo , opp. 1 * . O. , cor 11th and Dodgo. Scores of graduates In good positions. Students complete manual In ten days und M to HU wouls per minute In threa months. Host tenchorln tlio htato. Practical olllco drill given students free Dictation llvo hours daily. Day and evening sessions. Itapld dictation for reports nt night. I'or circulars write Rohrbough llros. . Omaha. Neb.C08DM C08DM FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOlt SALIJ Household furniture , wholn or pnit , house for rent. Inquire till South 17th ave. 110 ! ffl FOH SAL-K Now "Callgrnph" typow rlter , lib- hens , \c. ; going west ; will Hell Imincdlnto- ly , $ UJ. AUdioss John O. LI coy , Norfolk , Neb.- is 2il TJIOH SALK A now No , " Ilninlngton tyne- J.1 writer. In llrst-class condition. Address , N 18 , Ileo olllce. 151 24 * JJT10U SALK-Iteglstcred Holstoln cow ; also JJ fioshcows. Goddard , near fair grouiids. EO SALH At asncrlllco ; owner Is about to leave the city , and desires to dispose of fur- nlturu and lease of an elegaut It-room lioiibo , largo yard , good barn ; furniture is nearly new ; tent Is low ; house U located on cable line within ( I blocks of ] > , O , ; can give a big bargain it taken at once ; inimlro of Wright & Lasbury. 215 S. llth St. , upstairs. 121 28 , TTIORSALR-Tho flnost driving mare nud most X.'elegant iiluc'ton In Oinalm , for sale cheap for cash. J. L. Rice Ac Co. 12020 "I71INE young Hambletonlan mare with ele- J. ' naiit blmpsonro&d wagon. The outfit cost VX ) . Will tnku fUOspot cash. J. L. Rico &E Co. U7.I 21 THOU RALK Team horses , harness and rro- Jeery delUery wagon. Cheap for cash rro11 ou Price Hros , 17.-3 Cuinliig bt. JIO'2ai TTIOUSAL1J-1 frame building , l5xM Apply JL1 Paxton * VlTllng Iron works , Botith 17th nnd U. I' , tracks. KM F [ SALK-Wglit Mlellvery wagon , with or -L'without horstt and harness. Will talceunse- t'lirod note or mortgage and pay some cash dlt- ference. Belby , 15J1 Kariutm. WJ FOH BALE Hy mortgagee on easy terms , as- noiteil lot furniture lu quantities to unit. ln- qiilielOlB .13th at. . Itoom lu , 8K3 . "CVK BALM-One nice 1.000 pound horse , f 12lj X1 one nice 1,20 ] pound family horse. < 1KO. lloth sound and kind. A. I'/Pukey , 15th & Douglaa. T71OII BALK or trade New two seated car. JL ? rlage and tlnel * top buggy. Bel > y. 15JI Farnatn. wo MISCELLANEOUS. r-nc- nv ) IiyV , sell , rent , trads , or exchange , see J , JLL. lllce 4 ; Co. AUSTllAfTru-Llnulixu \ Mohoney , room ua , 1'axton hlof.r , 813- HOHSH or t am mulss wanted to appy a flrst payment on liouso and lot , or rs ldence Jot , balancu monthly payments. Write or call on Belby , 1U1 1'nr a. .031 NOTIon All parties ftolng a real estate bin- ( ness In Cm aha rlfT Nebraska ; nil real e - state glren by m for & le la withdrawn from market. Dec , m. rjlll I. baalo taught as r JL back , itd 8. 10th t. is ; MIDLAND Quarantcojind TrustCbTUiO. ) Far mitn. Complete abstracts furnished A titles to real estate etatntned , perfected A guaranteed. OCCIDENTAL liotaLlOth find Howard ; dav bonnl M j > er we kj ? f meal ticket ( I , TITjUt iOntA kiiNTziSi miawffoT iiu asos of women nnd cblldrenfcuracl. Kcsldeneo W ) 6 17th. * 471J7J ABSTRACTS QF TITL5. MIDLANDOnaranteaatHl Trust Co. , l&H l-nr nam Complete abitrMctsfurnlih0d , , A tltui t r al stat xamlDsdB rfeo d * guaranteed. STORAGE CJTOItAOB At low rates at 1121 J'urnain it. OOmahaAurtlon * Storage Co , tr'l ' fTMtACKAQB , .storsgoTloTTMt rate.W. U Jllushnian. . ] 311 l arenvrortTu 996 WANTED To buy light liorso nud wngon cheap. Address 1311 N itoth st. lC2t ! : WANl'KD To buy Wo hare customer for bakery and confectioner ) In Omaha. ,1. L. KIcuACo. 075 g I \\TI ! want a ten or twelve passenger bus for T > customer in thi > countrj" , nnd Rood team hoi-RCS. .1. U HIco&'Co. 07524 l\r.\M'KU-To buy , with good improved > farm and sonic cash , honso and lot , worth ( to fjnn. In Omaha , on cur line ; in good neighborliood. J. I. . UUu&Co. P74 81 \\7'AN7lTsiV-rocnllonon Holt line orOll. & V , traok for coal yard ; mint bo on or near pax oil street. Homo ono owning sucli location , who will put up necessary buildings , i.m get good tenant , C. 1 ! . JIuyr.e , 15th and Hartley. WO 53 WANTED rumlturo. carpets , stoves mirt Household goods of all kinds Omaha Ano tion 4. Stoiagot'o. , 11 ! 1 I'lirnam. 1.H TO LOAN G W. I'eck can loan } : AX,00lat ) lowest rateyio delay , cash on hand , lloom 4 FrenZ'-r blk. IT YOU wnntto bonow money on diamonds , On pianos or household goods , on liorao ? , wngons and other personal property. On mortgage nipcr and contracts , at fair rates without delay or publicity , go to the 1'alibank Investment Co , 215 S. llth installs. bU I CAN iiniko n fewloaiis on Ur t-class chittel securities nt reasonable latos. W. 1C. Potter , loom ID llaiker blk. 705 CO1.U , loan agent. 433JI DO YOU w ant to bonow moneyf Head thU. It will bavojou time. It wlllsa\oyoumotioy. Vott can borrow fiom II. I' . Masters , suocossor to W. It. Croft , room 4. Wlthne Ibld'n . nth and Hnrnoy sts. HO. M ) , * Vi. jlOu , fAu , $311) ) , tl.m ( , Si.UlM. 110.01 ? . In fact any sum you want on furniture , pianos hor-cs , mules wagons etc. , on caster terms and at lower ralBSttiaiintnavotnerollIco intnoclty. without publicity or removal of m-oparty from your possession. 1 f an installment Is due on your pronartv and you cannot moot It , call and hoe m . I will pay It tor you , If vou have a loan In any other or- lice , call nnd get my rates. I will take It up nnd carry it for you. . , I make loans for one ti { sK months nnd you can pay n part at nuy Urn * , reducing ; both prin cipal and Interest. % All loins roncwod nt original rates and no charges for p ipors. fi All business strictly contldcntlil. Call and Bee mo. * Don't forget the number. Jtoom 4. Wit Until block. 114 MONKV to lx > auVo have several thousand dollars to pluco for pastern partial on im proved cltjproperty. . Harris , room 4111st Nut. llank bldg. 711 .5 I'lnanclal ftxchantfo Tlio falr st , - uiuiu c , most liberal ! } money exchnnge In the city ; loiuis iiiado without delay or publicity , in tiny amount l.irge or smill , at tno lowest Kite. * of Intiiiost. on uny available secuilty ; loans may unpaid at any tlmo or i enow ed at oilgln.iliatcj. O. Ilousciren , mgr , room ' - Darker blk. lith and l-'arflim. 705 TTT : . COLbloaiMgenf ? Sholes , 210 , Hrst Nnt'l Hank , before mak- SRn jng j our loans. QJOTO.OM to loan at 0 per cent. Unahin s Ma- < p honey , room 501. I'axton block. WU "OIIMOVUD To room 303. First National ) ant J-ii building. PiovidontTiust Co. i3't MONBl'to loan on furniture , norses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob- blns. H. 2Uti Sheoly bit lith and Howard. 1UI ( JJn.OCn. $1,5X ( > , $1,000 , JcOU. Special fuudtc-placo < Pen choice Improved property. D. V. Hholes , 2 | , Fiwt Nat'I UanK. 3W KEALcitatn loans , lowoit rates. Udell Ilros , &Co. , 3123.10th st. 11U MONEY to loan ; long time. Got.rse J. Paul 180U Farnam st. Ill 'ONKV to loan on improved pi oporty at nrst .hands. No applications sen' away for ap proval. Security and titles exa nlned free of charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment company. M3 S. 13th st. 113 rr K. COLE , loon agent. 433JI NKU11ASK A Mortg. Loan Co. w III make you n loan on household goods , hoises , wagons , laud contract * . fine Jewelry , or secmltle * of any kind without publicity , at n-asonable rates , Itoom 7 lion ley blk. , i-'outh Omaha. Hooms CIS-SI ! ) J'axton blk. , Omaha , Nob. rpo LOAN Fiom one to two hundred thous- X and dollars or-mailer sums piotnplly , east ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Qoo. W , P. Coatea. U board of trade. 11 ! ) MONIU" to loan. O. V. Davis Cn , real estate and loan agent * . 150"i lainam st. 108 MONI3V to j.oan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly , H. R. Colo. Room 0. Continental lllocfc. 1U.H ) H , K. COLU , loan agent. 4J3J1 FIIIST mortgage loans at low rates , nnd no delay. D. V. Sholes , 2111 , Klrst Nat'I Hank. PKOI'LK'b I'lnanclal Kxchango Larffo and small loans for long and short tinui , ut low est rates of Interest , on real estat murtgf.go notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jowchy. Don't full to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations' O. Ilouscarun , Mgr. , looniMli Darker blk , 15th pud parnam. 701 MONKV to loan ; cash on tmnrt : no nrlay. J. W.Squlro. Ul'J faruatn st. First National bank bulldlnc. ! ' > LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bougnt. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , K'l Karnani. MONKV to oan on Improved real estate. Leavltt Huriiham , Crelghton block. 107 TJ U. COLH , loan agent. 433J1 d 500,000 0 per cent. 'Money to loan on 1m- cpprovcd farms or rlty propeity. James A. Woodman , at the old flra lusuruuco olHca of Murphy ALovutt. . 'M B.'Vjth at. 101 BtTILniNO loans. DV. . Bholcs. 210. 1'lrst Nat'I Hunk. in 3j'J ' CPEll CKNT money to loan Casn on Hand W , M. Harris , room 20 , 1'iunzur block , opp. P. O nt no gUILDINQ cans. Lfnahau it ilanonoy. pllMOVKD-Toroomuos. ilrst National bant .IV bulldlug. Now Englaua Loan and Trust Co , t nil TITONEV to loan on Improved city property or O-iJ. for building purposes : lowest rutm ; no delay. Mutual Invostmnni Company , room 1 , IlarKnr block , lith and i'jjrnam , ( fJ * THBOmahit Flnancla.Ci4.KchanBe7 lloom 15 , " Darker lllock , southwest corner of I'lirnnm and 16th sts. Makes n speciality of short-time collateral nnd real estate loans. Money always on hand in sums of tlOO and upwards to any amount , to loan on approved security , Becuiud notes bought , sold or exchange ; ! . Clear real ettate und cash to exchange for coed first or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds. Hrst or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or rod tapo. Financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly , Itoom 15 , narker bloclc. Corbett , Manager. lid MONKV Loans negotiated nt low rates with , out delfcy. and purchase good commercial paper and uiortgagu notes. 8.A. . Sloinan , Cor. .3th and Karnam. < J > DONT borrow money on furniture , horjej , wagonj , etc. , until you have aeanU.ll.Ja , cobs , room 410 , First National bank building , cor. J3th and Parnam 103 MONKV to loan A few thousands from llrst hands at very low rate * . U. P. Harrison. Mcrcuauti' Nat'I bant , BUSINESS CHANGES. T71OR BALfe-A. first-class team UnnOrf. For JL ; Information addreii Cornish It Tibbett * . Wncoln , Neb. U024 * WU IIAVB for rent n Si-room hot l. well lo cated In South Omaha ; splendid chance for reliable party ; Ilutchlusou A Wcad. 1.U4 Dodge st. 117-30 13L'SINKSSchance and pl ndldln > o.stmnt ! JA 3) ) ( years lease of Hue comer , on cw line In north part city , together with clone building and nlco 4 room cottage ; will rent for IAOpir month , netting- clour prollt of tOW ft rear to rent j owner going aw ajr on account of health. Price H.7W cSsh J. U lllce \ Co , P74 34 FOH SALE-A biick } rd Iq tb thrlung town of Scribner , Neb. , caimcltr JMW.WJ hrlck. I'or jiartlctilnrs inquire Justice Kroojor. 16th ' ' " " " arid Cass , or the owner , John flomberg. Scrlo ner. Neb. Kl 4- T IO 111 ! V , sell , rent , trade , or exchange , see J , i , . iocs .v. co. ma 24 P\IU5SSMAK1Na establishment , BOO. good JL/locatlon. this Includes all fixture * , will rent the aboi e for Rfl. Co-operative L. A. L. Co. , 206 N Ifltll St. VIS 21 BOTPLINO works for sale , in ono of the Dost town ? hi Nebraska. Good teiritory. four railroad' ' , ohlflt nearly now , Anvijno wanting A L'ood btidlnes * ) will plcaso iuvo-itlnate , AddrMj Jl 41 , iloootllco. W17 FOR EXCHANGE. ' ( HO r.XCIIANGE Wo have half acre cor. inth JL and Wllliama st. . the imest pluco ot ware * house or tracknpi ) lu Omaha , nil clear nf liicum- bialices , price * I5.UOO , actual value * ai.lX , to trailu for improved Omaha propuity. Wo lm\ a choice pli-co < if property on Saunders St. , worth IOfiOO. all clear , to ttado for Omaha 1m- proved property , nnd a flno pleco on South 20th st. , worth } ? , " * ) ) , all Hear , to trade for Improved Omaha property. Now , tome to us , J. L. Hire \\'Kliavoft orniiXl ncro Improved farms In ' Nebraakannd some Omafni pioperty to trade for stock general nierchandlM ! inome llvotown In town , Dakota or Nebraska J. L lllce A , Co. Wfi 21 V\7ANTiD-A : stoct of hardware , furniture. ' groceries , drj goods , clothing , or boots nud shoes , in exchange for n good farm or citv proiv. orty. Co-opoiatFve Land A , Lot Co. . 2Ui N. inth. W4 nio IIITV , sell , rout , trade , or exchange' . ROD J. J-L. Ulco i Co. ? J2I T\7ANTI'.ntoTrade-In as llrst payment , a splendid KTI-acro Improved farm local edO mlloslrom Miller , Hand county. Dak. , on the C. .V N , W. Hy.j goodlmpro\cmonts. frame buildings - ings , windmill. 45 acres tinder cultivation ; no waste land. I'rico , $15 per aero. Want 7 orb- loom housu lu good location. J , L. Idea .V Co. 870 2J [ 7 AIl.\IS und city property to evclmngo for stocks of moichnndlso ! tf stock is clean anil irood will put In some cnsii. CooporatUe Land X. Lot t o. , 20.1 N ICth st. Wit .11 TfOlt SALi : Light delivery wngon. with or J-J without horse and harness Will take unsn- cined note or mortgiiga and pay some casli dlf- ferciuc. Helby , r > 21 rarnam. 1'44 ' \\rANTr.Dto Hxchango 1 quarter sections > t ouo SO acres , of raw laud , $ I .OOJ woithof town property lu ono of the host towns In Ne braska , J.SW population , for storks of general merchandise. Address M 45 , Itce olllce. OW TjlOIl KXCHANar.-Tenm horsm or mules J ? wanted for llrst payment on house nud lot , Imlani o monthly or quaitorly payments. Selby , 1" > 21 1 ainum. list TTIOIt KXCIlANGh South Onialia lot for JJ loam hordes or mulo-3 , wagon nud harness Selby. lii.'l I'tirn.mi. 031 " " OHKXUIANttK ( J..fiDJ now housoand lot for small fatm near Nub. county beat. Selby , 1521 rnruam. tfll EOU i\cIlANGI.-Carrlago : and buggy with J'JO' ' ) cash for unsecured note or long tlmo mortgage. Selby , 15'il rainani. 631 F 01l iXCHA"NQn-ror ; deslr.iblo ipsldenco property In Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 cliolco Insldo resldenco lots In Hastings , 100 lots in Lincoln. 4'J acres line farming land , Lancaster county. I'lno icsldenco pioporty , Lincoln , flood rentnl property , l.tnoiiln. Choice fancy residence , oornor , Los Angeles. A lesldence property In Hnnscom Place. Also homo good mortgage notes. Addi ess gh Ing location and prlco ot property J. K H. . care Haum Iron Co , . 1J17 Leavcnwortn FOlt KXCIIANOK Ilouso and lot or nlco building lot to trade for long time ical es tate'-'d mortg.V \ Ii Solby. l * Sl hnninm. I1"i I710H ISXCIIANGi : Tour clear South Omaha JL1 lots. flOO each , to trudo for Nebraska land. Felby , 1521 1'arnam. 144 IIIAVU real nnd personal pioporty ot all kinds for trade. Call and sea me. Qoorco J. Btornsdorlf , room 0 , opp. P. O. 1-1 Tfj on fmAIB-Ilousoaml lot In city for real JD or cQattcl mortgagn paper , horsas , mules br cattle , A. II. Greenwood St Co. , room 1 , Cunningham block , cor. Uth and Jackson st. T\7"HAT nave you to trade for.1 lots in Jerome if I'nrki * Incumbrancc of $1UT > on the lots. Address 1C C2 , Bee olllca. _ 819 T71OU TKAUK Choice lot In Grammercy Park S ! and choice double corner In Ltpton 1'ln.ce for good land. D. V. Sholes , 210 First Nnt'l bank. 577 CLAIRVOYANT "I710UTUNE lollor Mrs. Leronuan can Do conJ - J- suited on all affairs of llfo. Satisfaction guaranteed. No CIS N ICth st CS3J Hi T \U. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med- X lcttl and business jnodlum. female diseases a specialty. 119 , N. st , Hooins2 Ai 123 i FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. SPLKNDIDf-.OOJ Inveatment-W.OJO nno cor ner lot , with store building , good 1-ruom cot- logo , good , ' 1-room cottage , nvt years lease , store doing good business ; will rent for$70J a your , netting a i lear proUt. of SlWJ good location , on car line , line neiuhborhood , In N. W. part of city ; bulldlilgs wortn the money a ked , $2,0,10 hiiot cosh ; owner going away on account of health. J. l ltlce & . Co. I.V. . . 27 TJKATTTlKUIj 8-room houise of most modern JJdoslgn and llnlsh. Nothing omlttod In Its construction ; furnace , city water , gas , hot and cold water , nntliiue oak llnlsh , largu east frontlet lot ovcrlooKlng the city and Council Hlulfs ; the house complete in all Its dotaiU : cnn ba pur chased now one or two thousand loss than In the spring , \\lllpayyou lo Invcbtlgato now. C. 1Harrison. . Merchants'-Nafl bank. I9 T7HKSALK-To those wanting to go faiminir JJ wo can put them tn control of largo or small tracts of laud willcti require very llttlo money for joars ; there novur was a better tlmo to on- gugo lu rnimlng and stock-raising than now. M. A. Upton company , ; n So. Ifith street. 4'J1 ' OH SALK 5U acres llaralltim Co. . Nob. land. If' ' ) per aci e , ana-third cash , balance at 0 per cent. Address W. J. Wlldman , Donver. Col. 13) TT1OH Council llluns lual ebtutu fee J. L. Idea J-1 \ Co. 71 21 OJ800 ouys a full lot und goot 4 room cottage * Peay tunas und ( jood location. D , V. Sholm , room I'lO , I'lrst Nat'I bank , cor. UtU and Far- nam. 121 "I71OH SALU Nnuniska farms ; no suici Invest- J mentcin bn madeM. . A. Upton company , W > . 'So. ' liith Ktreot. 4'M FOlt SALK Two elegant liomert In Hauscom 1'lacdon re isonablo terms ; moitgagoimpur taken as part payment , llosworth & Joplln , Darker block. IAI FOIt SALK Do you want a loan at lowest rates on good improved Inside property/ See M. A. Upton company , at m So. luth strojt. FOR SALK Do you know that ixiwar Doug las st. Is going lo make first-class retail proi > - ertyI f you don't , go down to the bridge sorna line day and see thu stream of w extent Iowa pf > oln | coming ever You will ihun bo con vinced. We can bell 22. 41,1.C or feet on Doug las , bel con 10th and llth ( its , ata prlco that will makepuubaser 100 per cout in less tlmu two years. ' 1 his snap will not keep later than January I , Ibt'J , M. A. Upton Company , IHW S Idtll st 5.'i7 FOlt Council Illuirs leal estate BOO J. L. Rico A Co. 1)71 ) ' . ' < rpo III/V * , soil , rent , trodo , or cxcliunge. toe J. JL L. nice & Co. U7221 371OH 8ALI' Oroxchange , ton acres on I'ar- 1 nam st. , hetweenfi'ithnud ' 5'ith fctH. . Will trade for leal estate inoitKaites , or null on oafcy terniH. W. I , . Selby , 1SU Faniaia. ll'J ' g < FOlt BAMS UyM/A. / Upton Company. A handsome nnd very complete 10-room lesidcnco on Sherman uNonue at lost than value , JA feet on Sherman arenue In Paddock Place at $1 ID per foot. A corner ou Sherman avenue In Paddock Place at a prlcoray below the market value. An east front lot oninth street , ptvotl , Just south of Farnam-5 cent less , - pur than adjoin ing property can be purchased for , I'or bargains always s < yj M. A , Upton Cora- pauy , iiOSBouth lOthatreet. Telephone K > \ . rpo 11UV , sell , runt , trade , or uxchango , see J. JIi. . Hire & Co. tfW2l T71OII BAliK-Not for trade. BliJTB acres of tin" -L proved land 2 miles from > Iarqnotto , In Hamilton To. . Neb. Framehouse , frame Mablu. .WJ acres under a good i bat b-w Ire fulico , round redar posts und S utays ; rivlnir water , good cor. rnl , 2 wulU , wind-mill. U30-barrel tank , self- feeder troughs , etc. ; 73 acres clever , u good ktock ranch. Price ( about tl per acre ) , J1WO Cash i.5tJO ) y years time atOprr wnt , S.wj Go and look over the land and address the owner , K. K. Atkinj , 1MB Larimer Bt. , Denror , Cole , & TT1OR 8AI.B-Ust toluslr lr with M. A. Urf- J.1 ton conipany , 930 80.10th * freoti good insldn property at a llKtire not more tlmu nctual value If you w ant j-our real estate sold. 4g < SPECIAIibarcalnsln farms , western Istidnnd city property. c u and line us. Nch. Sot. Ulng and Supply uo. Room ( > . llo xnl of Trade. TTIOU Council llluffs real c.stAto see jfTT. Rice -L1 It Co. . P7124 T OtlSALJIonowhouf * lu a desirable part JC of the city , tno lot , houio contains ll modern IniprorfmcntA. hot and cold water , furuncp. gas , bath , electric bulls , and olcctrlc gas llghttni ; nrraiigKinsnt , inrlorn , hull nud clln- lug room fliilMiNi in oalc nnd cherry. For pricenniUcnm addmi V 0. drawer 47 cliy. Xtl 1JHR SALK-Ot exchange for Omaha prop- -t1 erty. M ftcm. tultalile for plattiug ; will make 4oj lot * , all rtonrj big money in It for omeone who can puh this ! locitco Ju t out- Bldo of tlio city limits of Council iflilm In- qulrotleo. J. Stcrnsdurit , opp , postoinco. 12s FOlt SALI5 Goo.1 house ot 7 looms full lot , wall , rlttorn , barn for 4 horses , school , church and stornnear by , street cars ono block nway , In growing part of city , good neighbor hood , title perfect , uood homo for man of moil * erate moans. Got ready for next spring by buy * ing a home nmv : will taki a vacant lot at part payment. C , K. llnrrlion. Merchants Nat , bank. A TINK luiproved farm wear Pnpllllou for sale , M miles from Omaha nt4-i an acre , JlT llaiiioy yticjU _ 47J J7 T710H Council Tlluils real csUvtosee .Mi lllcc Jv * Co. 71 S4 riiW8TOUV brick block , nearly now. with JL stores on llrst tlloor and sovcu room Hats ou second Moor , w llh nil modern UnproctnonU. . Thin property Is on corner fi-ontlnp paca street , with sewer , water nnd gas ixnu brings an nunual rental of MOW.Vlll.inll cheap ou terms to suit. Address 11 70 , llao , _ 40J TjlOll SALHOn easy tormn and longtime , en .L1 lot lUxlU' oiiS-lithnt. near llaucroft ( l.oto , HarKor's subdivision ) . Addicts M 4A Dee olllco. Council lllulls ioU cst.ito eo .1. fCltlco Co. 1171 21 Huys two ( Inn ncr > < lots about ten minutes west of 1'ort Omaha 275 nuys n beautiful lot Uis.1.10 In Van Uotiron Ilolghts ; only fid cnsh and Wpor month. 12 to 14 Dollars I'or ucro bu\s IClKEU-UlMUO. ) or 12t acres well ImptoAod land , with now houses ot from 4 to" looms on ouch pleco , also stables , crltH , wells , wlndmllN , pruimrios , and mnnv other iinpnnomentM. AHo 8 quarter sections iminilifotodliuid at ftomiltoiMpm acre. This land llesln I leone county , and handy to It , 11. schools and churches , nml only 120 miles from Oinuhn. 'JVrins winy. How is THIS 2fc4 aero btooK fnrm only SO miles from Omaha , with largo liouse. barn , sheds for KJO head , living v atrr , all fenced and cto- fenced , e > er > thing complete OnlvfJ ) per acre. _ VAN iiniMlKX , Douglas and llth Sts. Notice to Stockholders. rpItHnnninil nieotine of Hlorkboldert of The llt-n 1 lliillillim ( 'oiuiinnT will bo lioMnt tlio oOlco of tlio Omnlia Ilav , Oni.ifiii. .Ntli , tin Tuusilny , .hinuiir > Hitli , l 'i. nt 4 o'clork 11 in . for tlio imrpcunot oli-rtltiKii bonnl nf din tlorn fur tins < > n nliiB 5 oar. mid tlio trnn - ncllon uf utlicr bu liiox if iu > toluubcloro tlio nieoilnc II ) oixler of lliu iiro.Hltlonl. itildtiijll JV. I' . I'm , Sccrctarr. Notice. Matter of application ot Anton Cajoil for Permit to Sell Liquor as n Druggist. Noticols heieby given that Anton Cajoil did upon tlio 21th day of December , A. I ) . ISS < , lllo his application to the major and city council of Omaha , lor license to soil malt , spliltous and vinous Honors as a diitgglst , for medicinal mechanical , mid chemical purposes only , at No. Ull I'lorco St. . 1st waid. Oninnu , Neb , Horn the 1st day of Jnmuuy , ISS'.i , to Iho 1st day of Jan uary , INK ) . If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest filed wltllln two w eeks from Dec. 21th , A. D. IBS ) , the bald permit will bo granted ANTOV ruoiii. Applicant. J. 1) ) . SOUTH IUD , City Clerk. d-4-ni Notice. If Mr. Casper Xwlcky will not Immediately at tend to his business. Hie paitneislilp o\l3ting. bet woi'ii him and m > self is dissolved ldJt * JOHN SI-OKIIU Not lf . Matter ot application of O'Connor i : Mullen for Liquor Lltense. Notlco ia hereby given that 1) Connor & Mullen did xipon the ud day of December , A. I ) . IfxSS , tiio tholr application to tl.o Mayor and City Council of Oiuulm. for license to soil malt , Hpli- lluoiis and vinous llimois , at No .Mt ! North juth btreet , 1'ifth ward. Omaha , Nob. , from tha Hi tit day of January IbiT.i , to the Ilrat day ot January. 18-X ) . If thuro be no objo'tlon , remonstrance or pro test ( lied w Ithln two weeks fiom DocemborSmd , A. D. 1S , the wild license w 111 bo gi anted. O CO.NNOU X' Mm.i.KN , Applicants. J. II. SouriiAiti ) , City Clerk. d-'il-ai Notice. Matter of application of O. S. Torbltt for permit to sell liquor as a druggist. Notice is hereby gl\cn that C. S. Toibitt did upon the 22nd dnj of December. A.I ) . 1)VW. ) lllo bis application to the ninj or and city council of Omaha , for permit to boll malt , Bpliituous and vlnulls llq\\ors. as a druggist , tor medicinal , mechanical , and chemical purposes only , at No. 2J03 J'arnam btreet , IVnulli wind. UniKtui. Neb , from the first day of January , Ic p. to the Hrst day of January. 1OJ. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest - test filed within two weeks from Decem ber 22nd , A. D. lb a. the .saidpoimlt will be grunted. C. 8. ToitlUTr , Applicant. J. II. SOUTH till ) . City Clerk. ( LI4-J1 Notice. Matter of application of Storz A Her for liquor llcmiso. Notlco is hereby given that Stora & .Ili > r did upon tho'i-'nildai of December. A.D. Ihh * . lllu their application to tno mayor nnd city ronncll of Omnha , lorllcun-oto boll limit , spirituous and vinous llqnois , at No. 1IH Douglas titicct. Third ward. Omaha , Neb. , from the 1st day ot January 1SW , to the Ut du.V of January 1S J. If there bo no objection , i umimstruucu or pro test Hied withintwowei'ksfrom Decombor2Jnd , A , D. 183S , the said lli-ensu will bo grantod. .Sioit/ Ii.l'.lt , Applicants , J. D. SOUTIIAllIi , Lity Clerk. d Zl-'Jl Notlco. Notlco Is hereby given that thn annual meetIng - Ing of the stockholders ot thu Lso Claiko-An- dree.scn Hardware Co. , of Omaha , Nob. , for the election of director. ! und olllcers ; also ibo tiuns action of such other buslne-i us may cotno ho uno the meeting ; will ho held at < ur olllto In Omaha at p. m. , Tuesday , January .s , iss'i. JIKNKV J l.l'Ai , D. rRKt > in : , 1'ifsldsut. Secietary. STEEL PE GOLD MKDAt PARIS EXPOSITION 1S7K. Nos. 3O3-404-I70-C04. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS T. E. FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Itoom 03 Trader * ' Iliilldlnc , CHICAGO. MotronollUn National 3/mk. it. U. IMII i ( kj. TbollraiittroctOa THE CHICAGO RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Blofis And Chicago , ? lno . Mawhallown uK'o , Colo. lnti of op rlorllr . roart b tire.iiOui hi BM\ . * { ? IUi tlirS M 'n ' § d r of DAV " ' " "lril frs I'fflnc.t H. . I human rt n5 ! ! { ' * Ui 'A .iCBHI.KI > lNO C'Altll , S'S uP'J1'1.1 ' ' eD * 101 ! > i nnd itlMtrberp. riSliini.Ifillll"itlllli.1 of lb < Uoton l'cl o Hull , tbui9 or ttie ( Jlil. rffirMffi&h& t\ \ < ioiUn. Neir Yorlr. fhllv ) fplim. Ualijaioro , wJil ! [ ngion. od * ll ( .olati la Ui Jt , Aik tor Ucbct * Tla W. N. BABGOpiC , O. M. u IM 11 AL m I.AS- COUNCIL BLUFFS I.AT13 I.OOAIi NI-WS. Chief ImcitH , About 7 o'clock Inst oventnt ? the cutlra police and marshal's forces of the city cnllod ntthi ! homo of Chlof of Pollro LUCAS , on First nvomio , nnd qulto tinconnonlously took possession of the place. The-ouiof WM considerably surprised , but supposed It was some littto Christmas demonstration , nnd was prcpailiiR to mnko the best of it , when Mnrslml Uimnolln stopped forwurd , nnd pro * dticltiK 'in elegant irold-hoiulod. cano from ho * iioath his cout. tendered It to the ustonlsluxi oillcltil , with thp following words : "Ohlof Lucns , I mn requested ou behnlf ot the pollco nnd nmrshnl's forces , Which nro working under nnd with you to maintain the peace nnd peed order of our city , to pre sent to you this iMiio , os n token of our ro- Kiml luidosleoin for you , b > jl.i as n jrontlo- ninii nml oniclnl , hoping tlmt you miiy carry It , nud tlmt it tuny remind you of the many hnppy tlnyt wo huvo spent together ; that our associations mny ho us ploisnni lu the future us lu the lust , nud Hint your nehiovo- incuts mny ho ns bright i s the glittering gold tlmt mhmis Its honil. It is the oaruost wish of its donors tlmt this cano may support - port you during your declining yoats. Ou uchnlf of its donors I nm nlso u-qtio.stod to wish you many huppy returns of n uiotry Christmas. " To Huy tlmt the chlof wni dumhfoundod when the bontitlful token wns oxtotuloil towunl him would bo pxprosslim It very mildly , ns ho was iilntost us romplotely stunned ns If hu hud boon struck with It. It was Homo tlino'bofoio ! to ooulil falilydmw his bro.Uli , nnd then ho barely nuiwigod to ojneulnto. "Hoys , I can't say nuy thing. " It wns n most comptoto surprise , and the boys were na highly pleased us the chlof was ns- Umlshoa It was not until ionic tlmo nftor- wnrd tlmt ho could express his npproolutton nnd thanks. The CIUID la uudoubtodly the heaviest nnd handsomest ono In thu city. The innssivo gold bend bems the slmplo in < crlu- tlon : "Presented by the polleo fotvo to 0. H. Lucas , chlof , " The stick Is of highly pol ished obonv. The event served to Rtiougtlioii tlio ties existing between the chlof mid his men , nud will long be ramouibcrcd by nil. ' 31nMtinrntlr. | Tlio soveuth minimi ballof Hluff CltyTyiw * Krnpblc'iil unUiii , No. 'JO ! ) , will occur this evening atTomplo hull. An excellent pro gramme has been arranged nud hnndtomo curds issued. Tbo following nro the chief t.spo Bctteis who will bu conspicuous in con nection with the festivities Muster of CutPiuonles W. H , Copson. Arrangements J. K. Collott , J. C. Hich- tirds nn J K. Cl. Oliver. Ueception I' . H. Kat'onmoyer , G.V. . Hiirn , It S. Kawllngs. II. Westoott , P. . II. Krjor , L > . W. Foster , I { . , r. ThomiisV. , . II. Trovnor. Floor C M Jlnynnnl , G. W. IrIn , .1. H. Ulotrich , W U l-'ishor. .1. M. Tliomns , A. I ) . Kuhn , J. W. Wnrfol , C. S. Fisher , V. C Sim mons , O H. Henderson IVOIIC'IW-A. tUiOimU'll ATliili\hV.\T-liAW , D 1. ; Dunrborn bt. , ; aiivlcu fioui 'U yoin lirtcnco ; Lusliifss quietly anJ le tllf tr.m'scioJ Notloi * . l\ \ Mattel of application ot I'r.uik Sautter for 11 liquor lUi-nse. Notlco Is hereby gheu that 1'rnnk Sautter did upon the 15th day of December , A. D. IkfS , tllehlii appllcHtlon to the mnydr and city coun cil of Oniiina , for Ilceiiho to sell malt , npirllous nnd vinous liquors at No.l'-SI llnncroftstreut , lit ward , Omnha , Nob. , fiom thu Islday ot Jan uary , 18SO. to tno 1st day ot January , 1-iH ) . If there bono objection , remonstrance or pro test lllod wlthlntwo wi'oks from Dorombur lAtli , A. D. IbSS , the B.ild licuiuo will bo giantod. THINK , Applicant. J. II. SOUTH MID , City Cleik. d-17 21 o lor. Matter ot Application ot Julius Nngl for Notlco is hereby'ghou tlmt Julius Nngl did upon the Ifith day of December , A. P. ! # . lllo nis to the mnyur and city couti- cilof Oiimha , for 1 Iconic to sell unit , spirituous and vinous llijuoi.s , at .No D12 South 1'ltll ktroot , becoml ward , Omaha , Nub , from tbo 1st day ot January l t. ' , to tLo 1st day ot January 1SW. If there bo noobjectlon , lomonstianco or pro- lost filed within tno weeks from December llth , A. D. 1S > 3 ! < , the fcttld license w 111 be ccnntetl. .liir.iUK.N'Ull. , ApDllr.iut. J. 11. Sourmuii. City i'1-ik. dir-at Notloo. llnttcr ot Application of Joseph Iloclini for liquor lire use. Notice Is herob\ given that Joseph lloohm did upon the da ) of December. A. D. l&is , 111. hfsapplloutlc'i to the Major and City Coun cil of Omaha , foi license to soil malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at No. nifl St. Mary's aye- nun. Fourth ward.Omaiiu. Ncbia ka. from the Jlrstday ot January , 18H ) , to the llrol dayot January , IKK ) , If tlieio bo no objection , remonstrance or rrotost tiled within two weeks rorm Uuouinuer 16th A. D. 13SS , the said llconso will ho granted. JosKi'ii HOCHM , Applliaut. J. II. SOUTMAIH ) , City Clerk. d7-24 ! Matter of Application of Mrs. II , Shannon for llqi o Ikonse. Notice Is hereby given that Mrs. H. Shannon did upon the 1 tu day of Dcccmlmr A.D.IMW. lll her .ippllciulon to lh Mayor and ( Itv Council of Omaha , for llceuss 1o soil Mult , bplritous. and A'lnous Liquors , at No. 121 North I Olh strpot. Thhd Ward. Omaha , Neb , fiom the I'lrst day ot January 1880 , to the Mr-it d.iv ot January. 18W ) . If there bo no objection , remonstrance or piotcht tiled within two weeks from December loth A. D. ItW. the said license will bo Kronted. Mas. H. SHARON , Applicant , 3. D. SQUTHAUII , City Clerk d-17-'i fit tiof. Matter of Application of A. Gordon for Hquor llcenso. Notlco Is hereby given that A. Gordon did upon tlio Ifith day of December , A. D. lisa , nio his application to the mayor und city council of Omuha , for llcenso to boll malt , fTblrkuous und vinous Ilijuor * , at No. 034 tJ. Ibth titroet , Second waid , Omaha , Neb.from tlio 1st day of January. I8Mi , to the 1st day of January , 18H ! ) . If thi-ro bo no objection , rmnonstrnnco or pretest - test lllod within two weeks from DecemberIflth A. D. IMS , the said llconss will bn grantod. A. OoiiDON , Applicant. J. II. SUTiiAiii ( > , City ( ilerg. dl7l " Notice. Matter of Application of W. Schlnnorell for liquor llcono. Notlco Is hereby given that W. Schlpporolt did upon tbo JAtli day of December , A. 1) . iws , lllo hii application to the Mayor and City Council ot Omaha f or llcenso to sell malt , ap.rltous and vinous liquors atNo. 112 South lOthstreet. Third ward , Onmhn , Neb. , from thu 1st dayofjuu- uury , IBS ! ) , to th Jut day of January , 1SJO. If thcio bo 110 objection , remonitrtinco or pretest - test Hied within two weaki fioin DoccmberlStU. A. It. ltS3 , tliu said llcc-nso will be grunted. W. Sciiii > i > oiiKiT , Applicant. J. B. SourilAiiii. City Clark. d7-St ! Noiior. Matter of Application of Patrick Desmond for liquor llcnnse. Notice is hornhyglvtn that Patrick Osimonrt dldupon th 15th Jay of Docembor. A.D , Itm , nla his anullcatiou to the mayor and city council of Omnfm , for llcenso to sell malt , spliltuotis anil vinous liquors , ut No. : I14 South Tenth street. Thud ward , Omaha , Neb , from the lut day of January IKsii , to the 1st day of January imu. If tlieru bo no objection , remonstrance or pro test tiled wltllln twowbeks from December JDtn A. D. im , thu said llceiun will lit grunted. I'AiniCK DEHUONU , Applicant. J , n.PouTHAiiu. City Clink. A-n-'il Notice. Mattc-r of Application of Walter llrandes for liquor llcnnsu. Notlco Isberobyglvi-n that Walter llruniles did upon the 15th day of December A , D. 18W. lllo hlb application to the Mayoi und City Oonncil of Omuhu , for license to oell Alult , Hplrltuoui nncl Vinous liquors , at No. nil Kouth lUUistraut. I'lnt Ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the i'lrst day of .Ittu- uary my , to the l-'lrst day of January. Ib'JO. If there bo no olijcctlon , remuntrutic or protest filed wltllln two vreoks from December 16th A.D. 1888. the sale ! license will bo 1'iantud , WAWKH JlMANDus , Aptilc ! n . J. 13. SOUTH Aim , City Cloik. _ "d-n-JM Notloo , Matter of Application of Sl rer & Hoyacn for liquor Ilcunaa. Notlco is hereby given that Hloverj A Ilorsen did upon the l&th day or DecomlierA. D. * their applkutliin to tlio Mitror and City Council ofOmalia , for llcenso to sell Malt , Uplrltoui , and Vinous Liquors , at Not. Bit nud A > South Utli ntreet , Thlid Wurd , Omaha , Nobraika , fiom th January IDB'J , to the I'lratdoruf If lbur ba no objection , remonstrance , or protent Iliad within two woe leu from Duceinb r lith A , D. 1B8S the raid llconi * will be Krualed. HIKVKUS ic HOVJILN. Applicant. J. U. SournAiiu , City Clerk. a-lKi Notice. M U r of application of Cummltii ft Murpbr for liquor Jlcouui. Notice lahojvby glren that Cummins A Mur- nhydld upon I In l&th O jrot December , A. D. UU. Gla liln npiillcntlon to tb * lanror acd city councilor Ouulia for llceuo * l loll ta [ T , lulr- Ituou * ted YlDoui llqucn at No W o\jh \ | llllh utt ML Third vrard. Omaha , Mob. , from llit nut day of Jauuary , leti , to tbt ar tdt/ofJanuai/ , U there be no objection , itni nitraK eorvru * Ult Olea within two waukifium Dcmb r 1UU. A , 11. Wt , th nld lc | iu trill bi . CUMUIKII It NunfMr , Applicant. J , fi , Souuuju ) , City Uirk. UT-jiC