Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    . f TS- *
Ol-PICn. NO 11 ! IMtARIj ST11HKT.
Dollmed by currier In Anv Pmt of hefltya
Twc-nty Cents I'crWeck.
llt'MMF : OlHtK NO. 40.
NKIIIT Klinolt , N-I.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Council 1 Huffs news on seventh
ronlnndwood. K.K.Mityno,010 B'wny.
The 1'rcsbylorlan Sunilay schonl held its
entertainment lust evening.
Elegant overcoatings at A. Roller's ,
merchant tailor , 310 Broadway.
OOn a certain day list \vcck , within two
Bquarcs on Broadway were twclvo teams left
unhitched nml unnttonilc < l In the street.
N W. Williams purchased from the
Mueller MuMo rompany an ulcgunt piano us
n Christinas gift to Ills daughter Kmmii.
There will bo Clirislmns services at the
Salvation army hall at 10 ! ! 0a , in. and 2:1(0 : ( ,
4 s.TO .ind 7.45 p. in. All arc cordially invited.
There will bo services every ovenini ? this
week at the Overtoil mission. The Invita
tion Is n broad one , Including everybody , and
is a conliul. earnest one.
Phillip A. Clconro and Jessie U Taylor ,
both of Oniiiha , Neb. , were married at Urn
Methodist Episcopal parsonage ) December
22 , ISfeS , Hcv. IJ. U. Franklin oIllclatniB.
There will bo no more business transacted
In the aui > orior court this term. The jury has
been discharged and the docket cloned. The
next term will convene Monday , January 7.
Tlie hearing of the testimony in the Gro-
vcr-McNulty rape case , that was to have
been continued before .lustico Schurz ycstor-
day , was continued until to-morrow morning.
A plat was yesterday filed \vlth the county
recorder of Jmld's subdivision of lots 1 , 3 and
3 , of Haylws & Palmer's addition , lying be
tween Hroadway and Avenue A west of
Twentieth Htreot.
Mr William ICluzol and Miss Emma Fred
erick were married yesterday afternoon at
the residence of the bride's parents , ICOt
Fourth avenue , by llev. O. W. Crofts , of the
Congregational church.
Miss Annie Pralor was presented with a
handsome dinner set last evening by several
of her admiring colored friends. Ch.irlcs
Curtis made the presentation speech in a
very appropriate ma mi or.
The city clerk was kept busy yesterday
filing bids submitted b.v local contractors for
work on public improvements soon to bo eon-
traetcd , for by the council. The work em
braces grading , sidewalks , etc.
Judge Aylesworth will hold a short session
In police court this morning to enable unfor
tunates , who have spent a night In the cooler ,
nn opportunity to square themselves , and go
homo to enjoy their Christmas turkey.
A slight blare occurred in the Globe press
room early yesterday morning. A can of
benzine ignited from a lamp and made things
lively for a time , but the ( lames were ex
tinguished without calling out the depart
J. W. Shoup is thoroughly overhauling the
Northwestern hotel. With new paper , paint
and sundry Improvements , the hotel will bo
made very attractive and convenient before
its reopening , which will be soon after the
1st of January.
The oftlco of the local branch house of the
Buckeye Manufacturing company will
shortly be removed to the Urown building ,
in the room recently occupied by the
European restaurant. Mr. T. W.
is the local manager.
The Congregational Sunday school had a
very enjoyable entertainment last , c\rening.
It was a cantata , "The Wife's Christmas. "
It was well rendered by a chorus of about
thirty voices. The children were remem
bered with candles and fruits.
Mr. George Hudio has opened a very at
tractive and convenient ofllce at No. 7 North
Main street , and will engage actively in the
real estate and loan business. Mr. Kudlo Is
always wide awake , and will doubtless make
things lively in real estate circles.
James Hctts , one of the prisoners now con
fined in the county jail for highway robbery
at Oakland , was a government prisoner hereabout
about two hours , a few months ago. Ho was
charged with violating the internal revenue
law , out the federal court ordered his release.
A complaint was filed againstD , E. Glecson
yesterday , for obstructing the sidewalk in the
southeastern part of the city by piling up
wood. The. court ordered the obstructions
removed by Friday next , or they will bo re
moved by the marshal at the defendant's
At the Institution for the deaf and dumb
there was a merry time last evening. An
entertainment was given in the chapel , con
sisting of carols , a hat drill , tableaux , recita
tions and shadow pictures. A Christmas
tree bore bountifully , and games and refresh
ments delighted the pupils. Numerous gifts
wcro also distributed.
The local expressmen are nearly worked to
denth with thii tremendous rush of Christmas
business. All of the companies report an in
crease over previous years , and have kept
their employes working nights and Sunday to
handle the immense number of packages.
The work will continue until after New
Years , with but little decrease.
City Clerk Hurke yesterday received a
letter from his son Will , enclosing a draft
for $10that has been his customary Christ
mas present lor several years. Will is now
an editorial writer on the Alhurjucrquo
Democrat. Ho has grown up in the news
paper work , having started tiio Daily Non
pareil several years ago in this city.
Marriage licences were issued yesterday to
Ansel M. Cross , of South Sioux City , Neb , ,
and Mattlo Girth , of Harrison county , la. ,
Jerry Goodwin and Kiln Thomas , both of
this city , and Charles W. Stanley , of South
Omuhn , and Mary Smith , of this city. Charley
is a fine specimen of young manhood , aged ( V )
{ oars , and Mary is a blushing damsel of 01
William Mahor. the alleged 'Von. ' " man
and chock raiser , had his preliminary hear
ing before 'SQUiro Schuiv .yesterday. Ho
was defended by Messrs. IJurko & Tinloy ,
W. A. Ware , Esq. , conducted the prosecu
tion. The defense attempted to prove an
alibi by witnesses from Onmlm , The hear
ing was not completed when court adjourned ,
and will bo continued to-morrow.
Mm. Low M. Crockwoll last evening pre
sented her husband with n handsome $140
paid watch and chain. The ticker is a
beauty , and its owner Is a proud man indeed.
Mrs. C. has been saving up her pin money
for BOtno time to purchase the present , and
had the pleasure of informing her husband
that the bill for his Chi 1st urns gift would not
be presented on the 1st of next month.
At the close of the services at the liorcan
Baptist church Sunday morning , it was
unanimously voted to submit a petition to the
city council , asking for the suppression of all
saloons , gambling ( muses uml places of vicious
entertainment , and the rigid enforcement of
the law. The petition was filed with the city
clerk yesterday morning , li was signed by
llev. T. F. Thickstun , pastor of the church ,
Joseph Mungcr was arrested ypstcrdny af
ternoon In response to n telegram trom
lioone , for obtaining money under false pro-
tenses. Mungor Is an ouglnceraud Is charged
with securing money belonging to another
engineer of the sumo name who was killed a
short time- since on the Frouiont , Elkhoru &
Missouri Vulloy railroad , Oftlcors from
Jloonu arrived In the city last evening and
took the prisoner away with them.
To-day the retail stamp , general delivery
ami registry divisions of the postofllco will
bo open from 10 to 13 a , m. The camera will
make but one delivery about the city , uud
that In the forenoon , leaving the ofllce at
1 > :3Q : , Collections will be mmlo at the samu
tluioj also a collection from the boxes bo-
twrcn First and Eleventh streets nn Broadway -
way and on Main street at 1 :80 : ) > . m. The
money order division will not be opened.
For boveral years past Prof , MoDormid
ba been a faithful member pf the Congrogu.
tlcmul church choir. No mm has worked
burdor for iU cuccess , and that , too , without
remuneration , Suoh service was well worthy
a ( ettiinpnlul , and the ladles of the church
took up the matter and secured a handsome
sum of money , With It th y purchssod a
line parlor organ , and last evening they pro.
entod it to the professor. The gift was cu-
tlroly unexpected and It In needless to say
U in fully appreciated ,
Dr. 01 OUTer , 26 North Mcin. Tel. 147.
S e * > V. O. Staoy'sad.
All grades hard no A ! , 0. B. Fuel Co ,
Where the Commercial Trnvolora
Will Bnt Tholr Turkoy.
OlctirnlliiK the Clirfetiiiiui Till e Will
Improve Iinkn Mfuuuva City Coun
cil Doings \Vhni the Streets
Nceil .Judicial.
Wliora They T kc Tliolr Turkey.
The life of the commercial traveler is ono
of continual "hustle. " Few indeed are the
days that IIml him "at homo" to his friends ,
ana when the "relief" is sounded and ho Is
told to lay down the Implements of his war *
faro for a day , how chldly does ho obey the
order. Cold rooms , bad tables and n < ren-
erallv rocky faro catches him thoycar round ,
but on Christmas day the "bosom of his
family" catches him ; turkey takes the place
of hash , and the vuicb of thanksgiving is
heard from lips that are wont to say other
words at a late spread and badly cooked
The majority of the Council Bluffs contin
gent of the nrmy of travelers will dine at
homo to-day. A few are side-tracked at
way stations , but while absent in the llesh
will bo with their loved ones In spirit.
The representatives of Harlc , llass & Co. .
wholesale druggists , are all at home , John
C. W. Corey at Atlantic , la. , and C. U Hass
in the Bluffs.
Of Stewart Bros' , men , M. D. Fo/.lcr alone
Is away. Ho will turkey , if ho can got
it , at Grand Island. J. .1. Stork , It. J. Mo-
Bride and J. Bolltngcr are with their fami
lies in this city.
Messrs. Pcregoy & Moore's men are some
what scattered. L. C. Uunu , II B. Watson
and P. 11. Shepherd are with their families
in Council Bluffs ; M. E. Muckson is at homo
in Omaha ; George Wndsworth will catch a
bite somewhere on the B. it M. road , and C.
8. Morse will hunt for the best hotel in west
ern Nebraska.
The Mueller Music company have calledjln
their entire force to help out with their Im
mense holiday trade of yesterday. 13. V.
Kidd , C. E. Michael , K. U. Strew and Alex
Glen will sit down to an elegant menu at
home in this city and .1. L. Stewart will do
likewise at Lincoln , Nob.
Wclr-Shiigart company's men. I. e. II.
Coffeeii , L , . R Whitehead and R A. Sllc.htor ,
are with their families here , while V. D. Ken
dall of Creston , got stuck nt Norfolk , Neb. ,
and could not "make home. "
The representatives of Empklo Hardware
company are all at home , but none in this
city. W. B. Dingman and W. Murr are at
Grand Island , Neb. , It. V. Hunter Is ut Nor
folk , Neb. , and Mr. Swallow will sit down to
the old family board at Bellwood , Ohio.
Of W. A. Maurer's iiivn Mr. Howard
Franklin made a llylne visit to St. Joseph ,
Mo. , to spend thoday with his family. Messrs.
F. T. Northup , George Walters and C F.
Toll are with their families In the Bluffs.
The men of Itussel & Co. are with their
families except II. W. Young of Sioux City ,
who struck a sale at Lincoln , Neb. , and
stopped to close it tin. Mr. E.C.Harris ,
manager , with D. J. Clark are ut home in
this city. Hugh W. Gregg is at Boldroce
and J. L. Divcn nt Hay Springs , Neb. , the
families of both residing at those places.
F. A. Sprague , manager for'the Sand
wich Manufacturing company and A. W.
Johnson are both with their "folks uthomo. "
W.E. Messer is In Fremont with AV. M. Jones ,
the general western manager. J. J. Smith ,
also tarries nt the same place.
B. M. Wells and A. B. Knderton , of the
Englo company , are at homb here.
E. II. Hayworth , of Hay worth & Son , took
time to run in homo for the day , as did
Charles Hatmncl , of the same company.
The representatives of David Bradley &
Co. arc widely scattered. W. B. Judd and
C. II. Garfllncr are in tills city , also I. T.
Forbes , H. C. Cook is in Sioux City. E. S.
Ketchum nt Norfolk , Neb. , A. D. Scollcld at
La Porto City , la. , and J. W. Park at Kcnd-
allville , Ind. All arc at their homes.
Gronowcg & Schocntgen's men will call
for turkey all over the country. F. W.
Heiuiers , W. Kintz and E. C. Gleason are at
homo In the Bluffs , George Iticdcn Is at
Grand Island. Hov. D. Carson at Hastings ,
la. , while O. E. Doan is in Glenwood , la.
W. H. Stevens , handling the "oakery" for
McClurg & Co. , is with his family here , and
Charles Thoruburg is doing the same in
The Marsallles Manufacturing company's
men , H. M. AVorrlck and It. B. McICahin nro
in Nebraska , the former at Lincoln , the lat
ter at Stromsburgh.
H. A. Young , C. E. Held , W. B. Mack and
F. IIoHls.immtling ; "Kei'stone" goods , are all
at homo here.
Deere , Mills & Co.'s representatives fol
low suit. M. F. Sayre , J. G. Slemmons , S.
D. Woodswortb , H. S. Bllnn , W. S. Bentley
and II , S. Newlon nro all hero.
C. A. Beobo & Co.'s men came In and re
ceived leave of absence for the day. D. S.
Lamb has gone to his homo in Kansas , and
Mr. McDonald to his homo in western Iowa.
I. M. Trcynnr add W. S. Homer of the
Council BluffsCarpot Co. aroathomo closing
up the business of ISbS the heaviest ever
done by the company since its existence
Nothing will bo too good for the boys to
day , ana as they arise to greet the morn on
this the festal day of the year TUB Bisu
wishes them a merry , merry Christinas.
See Forrc&t'Smith's special column.
Illinois nnd Town best soft coal , Glcu-
fioii , iG ! Pearl street.
All parties having worlt done nt my
olllco will plouso call sind settle forsamo
before January 1,1889. Othorwibo spcci-
mons will bo Bold for clwrges.
F. J. IKixiii ) : { , Tuxidorroist.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'way
tlio Children Happy.
Last evening Christmas was ushered In
with appropriate exercises at several of the
churches of the city. At the Broadway
Methodist church the programme embraced
both vocal and literary numbers , many of
them of a high order of excellence. The
upright ladders wore surmounted by a third ,
which formed an arch over the pulpit. These
were handsomely decorated with ever
greens , holly , ote. , and upon them wore nr-
rayed the gifts for the little folks. It was a
children's entertainment and being success
fully presented , it was very much enjoyed.
The "Waifs Christmas , " n pleasing can
tata for little folks , was prosontcu at the
Congregational church by' thirty children of
the Sunday School. The vocalists did
splendidly and furnished an hour of genuine
enjoyment to their parents and friends.
Following this an hour was spent In making
the scholars happy In the acceptance of
numerous gifts , The entertainment began
at 0 o'clock and two hours of healthy enjoy
ment was given both young and old ,
At the Presbyterian church the children
of the Sunday School gathered early In the
evening. They were taken In hand by their
teachers and adult friends and given nn
evening of pleasure , The new Sunday
school room wu > opened and the gifts of
Santa Claus wore passed to the children.
All of these oxcrclbcs were witnessed by
largo audiences and the events Avero very
successful , _ ,
Plclclod tripe uud pigs' foot at Tib-
bitts' , 345 Broudwuy.
Weather strips ( or doors and win
dows. OdnU & Bryant , 613 Main fat.
Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl
Btreot. _
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money ,
Money loaned on fuinlturo , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , busies or anything ;
of vultio nt low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fi\lr and honorable dealing.
A. A. Cwrh 4 : Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express ,
Improvements lit Ijaku Muuuwn.
A committee of those Interested in the
Improvement of Luke Mar.Kwu will visit that
famous , resort Thursday to look over the *
trrouud and ute what U netdml , and make
for let'lnulittf work at oacu U
It te decided that It will pay. The lake is
already partially frozen over , and will soot
bo ready for active operations. The com
mltteo will thoroughly examine the place ,
and make a full report of what Is nccdci
and what the cost will bo , as well as the ex
pected results of the Improvements.
Buy groceries , stationery and Christmas
goods of Kelley & Younkerman , 10J B'way.
* _ .
Notice the finish given col
lars , cults and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
HaVe onr wngon call for ygnir soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
The City Council.
The city council hold n short session last
evening. The mayor ntid Aldermen Lacy ,
ICiicphcr , Weaver anit Waterman were pres
The final estimate on sewer work done by
i3 , A. Wickliam & Co. , for Slf&TO , was
passed , nnd the amount was hold until June
1 , 1SS9 , as a guarantee against failure of worker
or material.
Various grading bids were opehed , read ,
and referred to the city engineer for tabula
tion.Tho clerk was instructed to readvcrtlso for
sidewalk bids ,
The matter of appointing a committee to
visit cities In Iowa relative to electric lightIng -
Ing was discussed. Aldermen Knepher and
Lucy opposed such an action. The vote
stood : Ayes , Lacy Waterman and Lacy ;
nay , Kncphor. The appointment of the com
mittee was plar-cd in the hands of the mayor.
On motion the board of trade was requested
to select members of that body as a part of
this committee ,
On motion E. A. Wlckham t Co. were al
lowed Html estimate on completed sewer
work , except that on Thirteenth street ,
against which there arc protests. The total
estimate is1,000. .
The London "Tuilor's" is the place to
get your clothes made. CH7 Broadway.
L. E. Koo , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over JacrUiimiii ft Co.'s ' jewelry store.
Work for lln ; Shovel Hritrailc.
The Electric Motor company has men em
ployed sliovoling mud from the immediate
vicinity of their tracks on Broadway to
cither side of that thoroughfare , improving
the center of the street at the expense of the
outside. The city cleaned the streets during
the summer while the dirt wagons were run
ning to renew the disagreeable covering , but
nothing of the kind has been done for some
time. A thorough cleaning now would last
all winter and add greatly to the comfort of
pedestrians. It should bo attended to at
once before the ground freezes. It is doubt
ful if the council could expend the tnonov
where it would produce better results , or
give more general satisfaction ,
All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olllce , on * furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , porfaonal property of all kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Judicial Oost'H.
In police court yesterday morning Ed
Brcnnan was arraigned for larceny from a
building in the night time. He was charged
with stealing a chicken from the free lunch
counter nt the Mint. The court failed to see
how the case could assiuno a criminal phase
unit discharged the prisoner. The chicken
was turned over to the less fortunate indi
viduals who wore compelled to remain m the
cage. William Sirr was lined fcS.10 , and
John Leahy and John Kusler § 7.00 each for
intoxication. Mattie Mason forfeited $10
appearance money , and Lizzie Day paid JU.OO
for disturbing tlio peace.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on .1. K. Rice , No. 110Main
srtcot , Council Bluffs.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Bargains in real estate in all parts of
the city , W. S. Cooper , 130 Main street.
As Others See Him.
There was a very enjoyable affair last
evening nt the rooms of the law firm of
Mynstcr , Lindt & Seabrook. Judge Aylcs-
worth was made the recipient of a handsome
crayon portrait of himself , elegantly framed.
The portrait was the work of Al Hothor.y , a
well-known Omaha artist , and is a credit to
his artistic ability. The picture was present
ed by Mr. Seabrook , in behalf of Mr. Hoth-
cry , in n few felicitous remarks , to which the
judge responded moat happily. The recipient
stated that ho had known for some time that
Mr. Uotbery was engaged on some such
work , but the idea that it was to be presented
to him in such a manner had never entered
his head , nnd ho was never more surprised
in his life. ' 'iho portrait is life size , nnd
Chief Luois Is authority for the statement
that it looks as if the judge was about to open
his mouth to say , "Your flue is ) . Call
up the next one. "
The frame is a massive ono of carved wal
nut , and is a titling surrounding for the hand
some portrait within. The recipient was
heartily congratulated b.v the few friends
who had been apprised of what was to take
place , and stood the ordeal bravely.
For Rent Two now store rooms in
good location ; Nos. 787 and 7159 Broad
way. S. Saunders , ! U ) Pearl st.
Loans made on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
Ilio Trtuio in Ciristi ! nn Oiftw.
Yesterday was a very busy day with the
merchants In the Bluffs. Their trade was a
partial compensation for the rather quiet
days Immediately preceding. Evidently the
major portion of the purchases wore for
Christmas gifts. These covered every line
of goods. There was no lack of toys and
things to make the little hearts glad , but by
far the larger part were articles of utility.
Quito a largo number of pianos , organs , olo-
gantwatches | and other articles of value
were purchased. Tno merchants who have
been in business for .years say this tendency
to utility in presents is a rapidly growing
one , every year less money being expended
upon things of little or no intrinsic ) worth ,
Thu general trade has been good fully up
to the average of other years , and . .the mer
chants are happy ,
W. S. Cooper has cash on bund to loan
on approved city property , No. 130
Main street.
The Episcopal ladies' leap year party
on the HOth inst promises to be ono of
tlio nloasantost parties of the BOIIBOII.
At.tho request of a number of the young
ladies they can bo accommodated with
tiolcots at the ollico of SaeUott & Pres
ton , ! 19 Pearl street.
"AtlonU" nt Doliuny's.
The Hico ft Dlxoy combination was greeted
by u full house ut Dohany's last evening ,
when they appeared In the boautlt'ul bur
lesque drama , "Adonis , " The .production
created a perfect furore of applause. All of
the features , from the orchestra to the
chorus , wore as nearly perfect as could bo de
sired. The stage settings were beautiful ,
and the etTcctn of the calcium lights simply
grand. The costumes wore the most elegant
that have boon seen hero In some time.
Without any -exception the production was
strioly first-class , and Its merits will never
fall to secure for it In Una city the patronage
that it deserves.
Gorman Oat hello Fair.
Arrangements have been perfected for
pleasing entertainments during each evening
at the German Catholic ladies' fair to open at
Temple hull on Wednesday evening. Some
choice renderings of muelo will be the ut-
tractions each evening. Wednesday evening
"Orungo Blossoms , " by A. Gelbel. and
"Down by the Garden Wall , " by Male Ver-
uou , will bo j < erfonucd by Mlsa Ida Fclllu-
Have concluded to sell their entire stock of Toys
and Fancy Goods at One-Half of any
Former Prices.
Will Rule to-morrow in our Toy and
Fancy Goods Department. We show
more real Christmrs gifts than
all the competing1 stores com
bined and our prices
To-morrow will be the Greatest day in the his
tory of the People's Store , and we are pre
pared for it with an extra force of sales
men and salesladies to wait upon
our many customers. Our stock
must Be sold and our prices
are according.
HO. 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY ,
tretcr. On Thursday evening "Who Will
Buy My Hoses Hod" will be the principal
musical selection. Miss Alma PfoilTer will
Bine "Do They Think of Me at Homo , " a
beautiful composition b.v Mlllard.
Each day and evening during the continu
ation of tlio fair important and interesting
features will ho presented. Dancing may
be enjoyed every evening by the young peo-
I must have room for spring goods ,
nnd will hell all goods now in stock nt
prices far below any ever offered boforo.
This is no bait to catch the trudo but ,
a genuine clonring-out sale , nnd every
thing must go.
Parlor sots , bedroom gets , bunting and
cooking stoves , handing lumps , oil
cloths. All goes without reserve.
I have a big stoek nnd can suit you in
whatever you want.
Coino nnd see mo and examine my
iloods. 1 must sell. No prices quoted ,
but no reasonable offer will bo refused.
NO. . ' 525 BROADWAY ,
- )1N ) ( -
Also ! M acres of the host property In town for
Telephone 1U3. No. U Main Street.
Council lllutro , lown.
thn best business
property lu the city for Unit-class farm ,
C. . Investment Co. . HO. : IU 1'earl street. _
; have some of the best bargain * In the
Wi city In real estate , cheap lots , hmull
houses and lots ; several flno residences on
paved streets ; iilsoncre'tracts. All of the atmve
property will bo sold on easy terms. Hniull
payment down and low rate or interest. Come
und examine our lUt.
\Ve also have largo llst of property for ex
change. No. 10 1'curl bt. Council lilulrs Invest-
in en t Co.
rpO BXrilANOK KrjuJty In house uml lot In
JL Omuha for spun of horses uud carriage.
Address It L. ft , lite office , Uinalm.
TJOOMS to rent by Council niuirs Investment
iiCo , . No. 10 1'earl Bt. _ _
rilWU line olllce rooms to rent on tlrst lloor :
.Lone room 13x < 6 : both newly papered and
painted , lies t locatlbn In the city Cull at No.
lu. I'earl st. _
111 imOAIMVAY ,
Orders for all kinds ot Dakota and Mon
tana game tilled , Buffalo und other heads
on huud. Satisfaction guaranteed to those
icndlug in work to bo doue. Buffalo horua
n novelties ,
Kvory man or wotnnn who has $ " 0 or
$75 which they wish to invest where it
will bo as snfo ns it would bo if it were
deposited in the Banlc of England and
jnako him more money , to call on us and
buy a lot in Fninnount addition. The
best location on the hills for street car
borvico and school privileges ; close to
till the railroads , wholesale houses and
city depots. The only hill property to
bo had at such low prices and easy
terms. Prices range from $2W ( to $100 ;
terms , ono-fiftli cash , balance in thirty
equal monthly payments at 8 per cent
If you are routing now and want a
home of your own , commence ) paying for
a lot now before you have to jiay double
the money for the same location. Begin
at once and you will bo surprised to find
bow boon tlio thirty months will roll
around , making you the owner of a lot.
Call on II. G. McOce , 180 Main street ,
or Forrest Smith , at tlio Brown building ,
Council Blull's , Iowa.
1.1 I'IMKE. NTKKE'I' , < : OU\CII ,
turs's , IOWA.
Residence on Oth nvo . $ U.OOO
Kcsldcnco on ( ith uvo . 1,100
Kcsldonco on Oth ave . 1,500
Hcsklonco on lith nvo . 1,000
Residence on Oth ave . 1,000
Residence on ( ith uvo . S.0
Residence on ( ith t . 0,500
Keslclenco on Oth st . 0,000
Residence on North 8th 8t. . lot llilx-
] : ! > $ . Ri-cat harK.iin . 3,000
Hunch of S houses and I lots on Urd ave 8,000
Residence on Scott st . V,000 !
Residence on Plainer st. l-'or price
and particulars Inquire .
An olegait ] residence on Int avo. , ono
minute walk from government
building. For price and particu
lar.- ! inquire .
Residence on Ctti avo. , ihreu minutes
walk from county court IIOUHO.
Cash . 3,200
Residence and four lots on avo. "C , "
Street's add . 2,000
Store building and lot nn Pacific avc. ,
near U. P. transfer . 1,600
Two-story frame store in town of Carson -
son . 2,000
Seventy-five lots In Squire's add. ,
north of transfer , elegantly loca
ted , WOO to MOO each .
Hunch of 11 lots , Central sub . 1,500
Hunch of 12 lots , Cooper , MoMahon &
Jeffries add. , If taken before Jan.
iHt , for . / . fi.OOO
An elegant lot on 8th st. Cash . U.OOO
Tin co line lotx on liluff street at u
100 feet frontage on Park ave , for i' > 0
pur foot , . . . . . .
Uuslnubs property on Uroadwoy .
Business property on Main st .
An improved farm of 100 acres not far
from CliHUtauqua grounds , con
sisting of hill and dale. For par
ticulars Inquire . , . .
4S-ncro tract one mile from iiroadway ,
HUburhan location . 7,500
In addition to the above I have vacant
property In nearly every addition
to the city
AC. 14 PI2AU1 , ST , ,
< , ' < MJ.\ciJL , m.uprs , IOWA.
1 Lot , Bryant & Clar , on Second avc. a
Lot , Bryant Ss Clark , on Third avc. - - -
Lots , Perry's ad Add. , on Avc. C - - - Each
Q Lots , Benson's First , Ave K . . . . . . Each
\ Lot , Everett's Add. , Third avc. . . . .
Lots , Fleming t Davis , Ninth and Tenth aves
Call and See
c. j. COLBY ,
Masonic Temple.
HRI PI/I N Dl W C" llvdraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Kstimnlca ,
DlnrV 111 DlMt. " " Specifications. Supervision of 1'ublic Work. Brown
Building , Council Blnflb , Iowa.
N PHIIR7 Justice ol the Pi-acc. Oillcc over American Express , No.
Hroadway , Council Blurt's , Iowa.
QTHIMF Si QIIWIQ Attorneys at Law , Piactice in the State anil
OIUIlL. 06 OIIVlO" " Courts. Ofllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shujjarl-Bcno Block ,
Council 11 hi lie , Iowa.
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted foe
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam pl.iuts. Iti > sulntlon , Durability Gimr-
antccd. Can show letters from users whao fuel Uconumy Is equal with Corliss Xou.CondonsIng.
E. C. HARRIS , Ag-ent ,
Send for No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
lUiinufueturors and Wholesale Dealers in
Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered.
No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
Of Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
Are Invited to call at
r mm
And sec her ( Incline of HAIR ( > OOIS. )
In the city. Wigs , .Hoards , etc. , for rent or
Grease I'alntx , Hair UresjliiR etc.
No , 29 , Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Orders by mail roculvo prompt attention.
Iowa Cattle , Fed IT Iowa to !
And will ini-ot honostonnipetltlon
any on prices
for Meats ,
12O Uroailwny. - - Tclr-phinc 2O1.
ruos. Omrmi. \V. II. M. I'L-HKY.
Corm-r Main nnd Jlroadwny ,
Dcalci'H In foreign end domestic oxrlmiinp.
CollcctloiiH muda unit Intoroit paid on tlmoilo-
S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M ,
Trlctionn ) Nit. - / > .
D. H. McDANELO & GO , ,
Hldnjalloi , Pelts , M & Furs ,
Highest miirlret prices. 1'rompt rotinns. ta )
and K.-J Main Ht. . toun 11 JJlulff , Icfivu ,
rnics $13 ,
, Is tut \ )
TboKdliou tllmcompti , tlio l t apparatus for
inunlfoMluy , autournphlo nail lrp vrullutf wuik.
l.UUU eoplei can bo lakto ,
Tbo Ei : blor Cc. , Council Slufo U.
Keep Her Up And *
1' O 0 , B , O W IN K ! i"
OUSTS nn : i.n.
Boiling Beef . . . . . it
Shoulder Roast , . -Ho 5
Shoulder Steak . 5 to 0
Corned IJuof . a to 4
Pork . 8
Pork Chops . t )
Vcallioast . ft
Mutton Hoast . §
Hound Steak . 8
Veal and Mutton Stow . I
Loin Steal ; . 8 to 0
Porterhouse Steak . 8 to 0
Hlb Koast . (1 ( to t
Sugar Cured Hams . . . jj
Bacon . 11 to 13
Lard . 10 toll
Leaf Lard . ] n
Salt Port ; . ifl
MinroTUcat , ready nmdo . §
Saner Kraut . 8
Pickled Pigs Feet . 7
Tripe . t
Pickled Hocks . 8
Butter . 25
Poultry nnd Fish at lowest market prices.
Don't Forget the Number ,
r. K. IHMJ. : o. A. uiitiiNanop ;
Architects , Designers and HntenW !
of Construction ,
Mr. lirrllnglior ivus hnen years nllh
.Mendelssohn , Fisher Ar Lcwry , mid lias
dcMgui'd nmny of ( ho line * ) blocks
in Omaha and Council lilufl's.
Plans and Specifications Prepared and
Estimates made on Application ,
iilutUo , Jlooin X Opera House Hlocle
I have laid in a. neo line of hoots nnd'
Blioo swhiuh I um hulling nt the Kiuulloab
living profit. I um cstabliblniifj a per
manent business , for I urn liuro to stay ,
nnd ns my oxpoiiBos aio r.inall I can soil
you goods very low. Civil and convince
No. I''i ) i
nxninlnn the following p.-Icoi for cash only
nml buy ) * iir | ninilx nic'tned nt homo. J will
Hell until fnrtlmr iKjtlcfi'.iB followic
Hhoiihltr und rlmck joftht . Mo C0
1'ilniurlbioait . erf
Chuck Htpalc . 80
Jlounil Btc.ilc . . . tatolOd
Slrlolu Btuiik . ] fld
I'oiU'rlunuo steak . led
HollliiK beef . 4to Od
Jluttonf.Ujw . . Co /
Mutton lef * . 80 If
Corn bocf . . . , . 1 to to
I'urk riKKt . , . lOu
1'ork chops anil teak . , . ICe f
l.aril. purj mid ou.'owu m.iku . j o
h'oumijo , our ovu mulc . 10a i
Itvmcinher thla I * the only IKiMK niKK& :
MIUTMAItltin'ln the city. No loriMKn ineM *
fluid. Tcli'jijumu No. ZS'b
U. U MJUNAH , No. 8 1 Alitlu Or.