Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Trndo In Steers Ruled Strong , Owlnfe
to Moderate Supply.
\Vllli n SlronK Feeling nnil n tJnln
In SpotH A Itovlcw of the
\Vcclt InVnll
Deo. ai. [ Special ToloRrnm to
TUB Hnn.f CTTI.B The it-rule In steers ,
owing to llio moderate supply , ruled ctroni ? ,
still no Kcncrnl or suhttanllnl atlvnnco could
lie quoted , for Uio reason thnt tlio cftstcrn
slilliliors were ncnrly nil out of the market
mid the sellers luui to depend upon the
dressed beef men for sufileieiu competition
to work oft the supply , mid then orders were
not urgent enough to cause them to pay
moro money , except for possibly u very
hiindy nml attractive bunch. In the now and
bull department most of the buying was done
by the city butchers , the rannnrs , on account
of to-morrow being H holliday , showing
but little disposition to operate
unless they could purelmso ut Saturday's
lignres. A low fat heifers mul clioice cows
nold strong , but the ordinary run of staRS ,
mills , cows and mixed lots developed tip
strength. The stoi-kur mid fcoiler bninch
was In n lifeless condition. The receipts In-
: ludo 1WK ) IVxus cattle. Choice to extra
hcevcs. M.IHW..O. ) ; medium to good steers ,
in. to ir.0 ibs , ? . | . ( Hir.t4.i5 . : ; lao to ir.i : . 1 b ,
KI.W@4f > ) II.M ) to l'JH ( ) lb , : i.0i.i.l ( ) ( | ) ;
Mockers ami feeders , * l..CfT'jri : ) ; cows , bulls
and mixed , * l.-U ) rU : < > : bulk , .llfa.-l ) ( ;
Texas steers , fr.IOc ! : i.-II ) ; cows , SI.MfirJ..l ) ( ) ;
westoin rangerH , corn-fed , W.lfi.
Hotis. Tin- market ruled strong , in some
Instances , sellers reporting n 5c uilviiiiro
from Snturdny's lowest figures , hut such u
gain was only in spots , mid not general. Ilio
i-nrly shippers bouuht freely , but several
largo orders were countermanded , and wlien
the puckers got control they refused to pay
moro than Saturday's quotation , despite llio
fact of the meagre supplies. Sales ran from
W.lOto W/jn for packing lots , $ .i.W ( iBi..i.j
for heavy nhlpplm ; sorts , mostly at fV.TiCiii
fi.305 f.tO ( . , for little pigs and skippy
wtulT , and * T.2i Cr"r ! York to f'lllL'
light , largely at f5.5 for such Anglo selects.
Niw : VOIIK , Dec. S-l.-fSpecIal Telegram
to TUB Hr.r..l STOCKS The week in Wall
street opened with u small sized boom. London
of all actlvo
don housi's were lurgo buyers
Blocks , and commission bouses were also
idcntllled on that side. This , together with
the very light offerings on the part of the
licnr traders , gave the market a very strong
tone throughout. Lackawanna ndvanccd l1 ,
Delaware & Hudson 2f } , Cotton Seed Oil , 1 ;
Northwest , 1 > < ; St. 1'aul. % . and Missouri
Pacific ai per cent , during the llrst hour.
Apimrcntly the only sellers that appeared
were those who bought latp on Saturday
afternoon , In anticipation of the usual Christ
inas bulge. IJoston houses were buying New
Kngland , nml It is said a prominent insider
there is largely short of that stock nml will
be forced to cover at n much higher range of
prices. Erie was largely bought for London
account. There was a very bullish talk all
around the _ room , and bears were at a
premium. There were a few loft , however ,
nml they were not slow in predicting the end
to the rise. They argue that the market is
lictitious and 1ms been forced too fast to
hold , and that the shorts have about all
lowered , and that the market will bo on a
downward course after the holiday season
has passed. The pool in Lnekawunna was
said to bo selling long stoelc on scale. There
was a slight reaction from the best prices ,
toward noon , but at 1 o'clock the market was
fictlvo and sirong lit about the best prices of
the day.
The following wore the closing quotations :
U.S. 4s regular. . . VJ7'.i Northern Pacific. . KlU
U. S. 4scoupons. . . . 1-W.i dopreferrod CO'fc
l'.8.4Hsregnlar. . lOB'i C. fcN. W lOS'j
II. 8. 4"scoupons. . 10Hli do preferred HO
1'aclllctisof 'O.'i . . .1IU N. Y. Central 108V
Central Paclllc. . . . Xt'A P..D.4K SI'J
Clilcapo At Alton. . . 133 ilock Island toy
Chlcngollnrllngtx > n C. . M.&St. P si" *
&galncy . HIM do preferred 1
D..I7.V . Hli St. PaulOmaha-
Illinois Central. . . .11514 do prof erred sr.i
. , . Union Pacific ( Si ? ;
Kiitisns . . . \V..St.L. & ! ' I-li
LnkcHhoro . 10'Jii do preferred. . . . U.V/i
Michlgnn Central. . KTW Western Union bl
ON CAM. Easy , closed offered at
< per cent.
PKIMB MnnOANTim PII-EH 50 > f per
STKHUSO EXCHANOE Quiet , steady ; sixty-
day bills , M.84M : demand , .b6 } , ' .
Now Vork , Doc. 1M. Wheat RorcmtB ,
15.0UO ; exports , none ; m > ot weak and dull at
li AQ lower ; No. 2 red , * 1.03 C'C1.03 in
elevator , f'4x. ' afloat , Sl.oX : ! f- . b. ;
No 3 roil , OOJic. Options dull and 'iWJtio
lower , January closing nt $1.03 .
Corn Receipts , 210,000 ; exports.Kl.OOO ;
Bpot dull , weak and lower ; No. 2 , 4G.S in ele
vator ; 47l < iiMo ( ! ? afloat ; ungraded mixed ,
3C.X iJISi c ; No. a. U92i < ! lU.i < - ' - Options dull
but Hlciuly.
Oats Receipts , ,11,000 ; exports , 1,000 ; spot
dull and heavy. Options dull and 'sc lower ;
January , 31c ; spot , No. 'J , white , aJ/atlo : ) ( : ;
mixed western , S'.lMiWo ; white western , 93
Petroleum Quiet and sU ady.
J'ork Dull.
Lard Easier ; western steam , JS.OO ; Janu
ary , t5. : !
Hutter Steady ; western 14@3r > c.
Cheese Quiet ; western , lU@ll c.
Olnclnnntl. Dec. 25. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red. tl.OO.
Corn -Weaker ; No. 3 mixed , 27 > e.
\Vhlsky-Qulot atfl.H.
Chlongo. Dee. 23 The DrovorV .four
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; market strong
and -l10o higher ; beeves , f 1.40 ® 1.45 ; steers ,
jaOOiJ4.S5 ( ; stockeraund feeders , $ l.SHrf ) ( 3.2.1 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , fl.40 3.10 ; Texas
cattle , $ l.80@3.40.
HORS Receipts , 13,000 ; market stronscr ;
mixed and light , 45.00@5.tO : ; heavy , $3.10@
6.U5 ; skips , KMO ( 3.10.
Sheep Receipts 4,000 , ; market strong ;
natives , JJ.ToQWi.WJ ; western , tl.-IOil ( 05 ;
Tcxans , pj.W > ® a.30 : lambs , fl.00@0.00.
The Journal's ' cablegram from Liverpool
quotes heavy supply of American beeves.
Prices lower. Tops lUc per pound , esti
mated at dead weight.
KaiiNnH City , Dec. 25. Cattle Receipts ,
Mil head ; shipments , none ; market unset
tled and values 5Ci 'JOo higher than Satur
day.Hogs Receipts , 2,700 ; shipments , 230 ;
market Co higher ; common to choice , JI.Oj ®
Sioux City , Deo. 21. CATTLE Receipts ,
CO ; shipments , uo , Unchanged ,
HOOK Receipts , MO : higher. Light and
mixed , i5.0X5.15 ( ; heavy ,
Monda.y , Dec. 24. 1SS3.
The fact thnt there were very few cattle
hero uml that the packers were in need of u
few served to eprlng the market consider
ably ubovo what might have been untlcl-
patod had there been a liberal run. The do-
band is not likely to be very heavy this
week , and It is to bo hoped that shippers will
not bo excited by the apparently high prices
paid for a few head ,
The market was active , at an advance of
lOo , end the few hogs hero wore all sold bo-
fora 0 o'clock In the morning. There was
not n good load of heavy hogs in the yards ,
pud the loads which sola at 15,20 could
hflrdly be culled anything but good mixed
Bogs. _
Slieop ,
There were a few here but nothing of any
Accouut doiujf.
The following u a titjloof prieai p. U In
this marKct for the KIM lot of aloe * men
1'rimesteeM. MOOto ir > 0)lb.t.1..V ) rai.fto
Prime steer j , HIM to KJJO ibi. . fl.OO idtl.TS
Native feeders -J.73 ( rfll.OO
Western feeders a.fiO ( < 12.H ( )
Common to ijOod cows ! . ' < ! . ( a2.00
Choice to fancy cows 8.35 ftll.OO
' - g'J.00
Ijivu Stock .Solas.
Hogs higher.
Shcup market dull.
Cattlu bring better prices.
Sioux City rcculvui ) ! IOO IIORS to-ilny.
Phil McMnmiH nnil .loliu McICecgan , Hnn-
croti. , were in , looking over the market.
The total number of cnttlu received on tills
market last week wan 0,173 ; hogs , 'J,3IVJ : ) ;
shuep , 1,833.
L. Stilt , Coin , In. ; E. S. LJopart , Glen-
wood , In. , and Thomas Powers , Suttou , were
among Ihoso who eainu in witli hogs.
J. G. Hall , Gibbon , was at the .yards. Ho
is of the linn of. Hull & Moore , who have
shipped 15,000 Utah sheep to market the past
summer. _
Fruits , I'l-oducc , Klc ,
nurrnn Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
QiXigSOu ; choice country , 2.2f ( $ > c ; medium
grades , lSy'Jlc ( ; common grades , Hfl c.
Profit Nebraska patents , (0.00(1(7,50 ( ;
Minnesota patents , ? ( ) . 'Jof < J7.75 ; straight
grades , fT .00ii5.50 ; ; bakers' Hour , $5.25r ( < , : > .75
per ubl.
I'OTATOKS Nebraska , ISj&jSc per bu ; Col
orado , ( iOC'i'TOc. '
SWP.KT POTATOISS : ! @ .T.jC per Ib.
Puri/niY Live chickens , $ J.f > 0i8'2.75 ( | > cr
doz ; dressed chickens , 7oiSc per Ib ; turkeys ,
Oddlc ; ducks and goose , 10@12c.
lS ios Strictly fresh , 21@ > J > 'c candlod.
M.U..UIA CiitAi'KS In kegs , 1'Jo per iti.
UAXAXVS Common , $1.50@2.25 per bunch ;
clioicc , < -.r > 0ii.50. ( :
LKMOSS ill.7u@.00 per case.
OnXIIBS Florida , . * . ' ! .2V < i'1.75 per box.
GVMB I'jr dozen : Mallards , $3.25 ; tea
fl.f)0 ; quail , $2.00 ; prairie chickens , $1.00 ®
l.r > ( l : rabbits , ? 1.00 ; squirrels , $1.03 ; venison ,
TC'il-e per Ib.
"HKAX $1' ) . 0@11.00.
CnoiTiM ) FKBIIM.OO 15.00 per ton.
CoiiN'--2."ic.'Oc. (
OATS 21 "f.
VIXWIAII-Cider , lOjJlbc per gal. ; white
wine. 10C < i"J3eper gal.
IlosBV 1-lb frames , PiCiZilSc.
CiuNiiintniES ? S.OJciiy.OO per bbl.
PHOVISIOXS Hums , No. 1 , lie ; No. 2 ,
10 , ' jc ; shoulders , % crib \ bacon , lie ; clear
bacon , 11 J < jC ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef
hams , 10 > c ; dry salted clears , short , 8 c ;
extra short , SJ c ; short ribs , S' c ; pickled
pigs' feet , lfi-lb kits , SOo ; lard , S @ ? H ;
smoked sausage , 0i ( Sc per Ib ; hog casings ,
Cni.r.uv 25rifSOcper doz : fancy , 40c.
ONIONS 30 ( < i40c per bu.
CAIIIHOK fJf.OO per 100.
UBBTS lOc per bu.
Tinisii's " > c per bu.
SAUEH Kn.u'T Bbls. , M.75 ; half bbls. ,
$ li.75.
Ai'i'i.iw Choice. $ ' 2.r 0@2.75per bbl ; fancy ,
$ : j.OO per bbl ; common , Sl.AO.jgl.T.'i per bbl.
CuiiiK Michigan , * 5.0 : > ( ii.r.O ! per bbl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 perbbl.
Poi * COHN Uico , ! ) c ; common , ' % c.
CiimoTS lOc per bu.
UK iNa Choice eastern hand picked navies.
(3.25 per bu. ; western hand picked navies ,
$1.75 ( < sl.SO ; mediums , $1.50 ; Lima beans , 5e
per Ib.
'HAY F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , fO.OO ; No.
2 upland , W.OO.
Grocers' hist.
Revised prices are as follows :
UAOUING Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , 17 ° ; Lowlstown , A , seamless -
loss , llle ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps
4 to 5 bu. , lliuiHu ; gunnies , single , 13o ; gun
nlcH , double , -Oe ; wool , sack , 3."ic.
TWISKS Flux , USc ; extra sail , 2U. ( 31o ; sail
B , 231o ( ) ; cotton , 2'Jo ; jute , Be.
Dm 1:11 : FiifiT Figs , in 'boxes , per Ib , li@ !
lOc ; dates , in boxes , 7i lOc ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box. $2.50 © ! . 75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , fj.i0@2.50 ! ; new Valencia rai
sins pur Ib , SJi'o ; California loose muscatels ,
per box , f'J.Odig'J.lO ; California Londons ,
1SSS , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , 18c ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12ifillf ( ! ; dried
blackberries , per Ib , " . ' 'dtSe ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 2lf < c2.c ; evaporated apples , 7K ( )
8c ; California sun-dried peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia uuparcd evaporated peaches , Me ;
evaporated California apricots , Ibc ;
currants , OH'ii' Tc ; Turkish prunes , 5rfi ( > i < je ;
citron , 32i$2to ( ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel ,
lOe ; Calitoritia French prunes , llViltic. ( )
CoFi'suMoulin , 2.in0c ( ; ; Hio , good , 17 ( < 3
ISc ; Mandahling , 2 ( ) ( < v > c ; roasting Hio , ISM
10o ; O. G. Java , 2IC'i2ic ( ; Java , Interior , 2'-iS (
2flc ; Kio , fancy , lN < "l9e ; Santos and Mara-
ca'bo.1 ' < < i > WcArbuoklcs \ , 23'4'c ' ; McLaugh-
lln'sXXXX , tfl o.
Si'OAii Granulated , % uconf. \ . A4C \ \
white extra C. "I4c ; extra C , 7l , < , c ; yellow C ,
( % u ; powdered , bl o ; cubes , 8 > , 'c.
HUISWA.\ : Choice yellow , 2D ( < t23) c ; dark
colored , 13tel4c.
CiuisR'ounp : America , full cream , 12@
13 > < i'o ; full chedders , 12dtl2. c.
PICKI.M Medium , In bbls , $5.00 ; do , In
half bbls , * y.OO ; small , In bbls , .fO.OO ; do , In
lialf bbls , &U > 0 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , fl.OO ,
TOIIACCO Plug , 'JOdlMe ; smoking , IG OOc.
1iiiuti : : JI.2.1 per 30-lb pull.
SALT -tl.35yl.40 per bb ) .
UOIM : 7-11) ) , 12o.
MAI-I.K Surnii Hricks , ll@12o per Ib ;
penny cakes , l'iiflJc ! pur Ib ; pure maple
nyrup , $1.00 per gal.
powder , choice to fancy. 40@ioo ( : Japan ,
common to medium , 15C < % Oc ; Japan , choice
to funisy , 30g4ro ( ; Oolong , common to good ,
30 < & ; i5c ; Oolong , choice 10 fancy , 50t70o ( [ ;
Imperial , common to medium , 253oc ( ; Im
perial , good to fancy. 40it50t ! .
NuTh Almonds , lB@lto * ; niberts , l'J15o ;
Drazil , 0@10c ; walnuts , 12o ; pecans , 10u'Uo ( ;
pcuiuitH , OQOo.
CiiAt'Kuiis 0@100 per Ib ; assorted cukes ,
6a'ru ( per Ib as per list.
OANDV. Mixod.OXGIlSJto stick , 0 ( 110 ;
rock candy , IO > fjilUoj ( fancy cundy , 7a'J3C.
ii Hcmiixa We.
Dry Gooilu.
COTTON FI.ASXELS 10 per cent dls , ; LL ,
6KeCC ; , OX : SS. 7o , Nameless , So ; UX.
18o ; H. 20o ; No , 10. l > Kc ; No. 40 , lO o ; No.
CO , I2o ; No. 80. isjifoj No. 80 , colored , Oo ;
No. 50 , colored , 12o ; Mo. 70 , colored , 12 > foj
IJrlstol , 13 > < o ; Union Paeltlc , 17e.
CAIIIBTYAIU * UUl , white , lUcj colored ,
! ! 2o.
2o.lUrrs Standard , 8c ; gem. lOc ; beauty ,
12Uo ; boone , 40 ; U , cased , ttl.50.
Pui NTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater ,
Oo ; Uerllnoll , 0 > foj Garner oil. 6@7o.
S Pink ana Kobe § Allen , Ooi
point , 5) o ; Steel River. Go { Rlontnond ,
OUo ; Paeillc , 7c.
PuiNTS Dress , Charter Oak , 5J/c ; Ham'
npo , 4K ° < Lodl , & > ) 'o ; Alton , Oo ; Htchnioiul.
Oo : Windsor , O c ; Kddystoue , O cj Pnclflc ,
Sur.r.TiNf. llcrkclcy cambric
No. fiO. I > ac ; Uost Yet. 4-4 , ( l > 4c ; butter
cloth , c ; Cttbot , 7 , 0. Piinvcll.
'blcnclicd , S' c , fruit ot the t oem , 0'4c
Orecnc C5 , D'ii Hope , 7se , : Kinp Phlllit
cambric , lie ; Lon < nlnlecrtinUrlc , 11' c ; Lens
tlftlc.'c ; Now York. mill * . lO c : Penpercll
42-in , lie : Pcppercll , 40-ln , I''c : Pcppcrcil
0-4 , KM.Pcppcroll : , S-4 , 'Jlc ; Poppcroll , 9-4
23c ; Poppcrcll , KM , 2 : > Ci Canton , 4-1 , S'jf
Trliltnpli , Co ; wntnsutta , lies Vulloy , So.
F.nt.s Plnltl Unftsincn , 20c ; Ooshcn
( Jlcnr Lnkc , oV > l o ; Iron Mountuln
No. 2 "A Ws'c ;
OH. No. I , . ( , 2V ( ; HH. No. 2. . "a-or H ,
No. 1 , * $ , Itdc ; Queohce , No. 1 , J4 , 42c.
COHSCT JINS : AndroscoRpIn , 7sfcj Kcnr-
Cordis , No.I , 7'si' .
UBNIMS AmoskciiR. Ooz , 10J-4'c ; Kvcrctt , 7
oz , lilVo ; York , 7 oz , UlKoj Hnytiuikcr ,
S'4'c ; .IiifTroy XX , ll'fc ; Jnrtroy XXX , 12Uc ;
licnvcr Creek A A , 12c ; Honvur Creek H1J ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CO , lOc.
KCNTtvKV JBANS Memorial , l" c ; Dakota
ISc ; Uurliain , ST' c ; Hercules , 18c ; Lcatn
iiiKton. ajijo : Cottsxvooil , 27 ' ic.
CHASM hti'vcns' H. ttXc ; Stevens' H ,
bleached. To : Stevens' A , 7ljC ; Stevens' A.
blcaelied , S' ' c ; Stevens' P , Sjo ; Stevens' P
bleached , ( J > 4o ; Slovens' N , OVi Stevens' N ,
blenched , limc ; Stevens' SUt , 12J 'c.
Miirr.u.shnfft TiO'lo on cloth , * t2.0
plain Hulland , 1)c ) ; Undo Holland , I'-I' o.
Ilitowx SiinntiNii Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7'ij'c ' :
Atlnnllc H , 4-4 , 7'4c ; Atlantic I ) , 4-1 , UV
Atlantic P , II. I . tic : Aurora , LU 4-1. Oc ; Au
rora C. 4-4 , : ' ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , ll 4c
lloosler M. , He Indian Head 4-4 ' <
, 4-1. : , - , 7'1lc
l.nwreiu'c , LL. 44. litOld ; Dominion , 4-1 ,
r > V ; Poppcrell U. 4-4 , 7c ; Pcppcrell O , 4-4 ,
li ic ; Pcppcrell , s-l , l > fo : Pcpperell , ' .1-4 ,
21c : Pcpppivll , ltl-1. 2lc ! ; Utic.i U. 4-1 , 4n4'c ;
Wiichiisctt. 4-1 , 7 } c ; Aurora , K , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora H. 4-4 , r V-
lt CK West Point 211 in. S oHttj'tf ; West
Point 2 < .iin. Uo7 ) , 12 i' ; West Point 2J in. 12
07 , ISr ; West Point 41) ) in. 11 oz , Irto.
KI.ANNII.S : tied , C , 21 in , l.IKu ; K , 24 In ,
IMh'e ; GU , 24 In , ' 'Oo ; 11AI'Ji , 25o ; JKl\ ,
27c.G l N ) \\t-Plunkctt checks , 7lsc ; Whitton-
ton 7K1' ; York , 7i c ; Nonnandl dress , SJijC ;
Calcuttii dress , SJ c ; Wlilttenton dress , bjic , ;
licnfrow drcs , ( iBli 'c.
CAMIIHICHSlater , BJ c ; Woods , il' c ; Stan
dard. .V4o ; Peacock , o'j'c.
Pill si" , iNDloo HLLB Arnold , O'.j'c ; Amer
ican , tl'4c ; ( jloncestcr , ( i. ' c ; Arnold C IOIIR
cloth , Ue ; Arnold H Ions cloth , H'Ju'c ' ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lUHc ; Stcifel A , 12o ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , ID.'u'c. '
Iainil > tr.
First and second clear , IJf in . . 0 00 ( > .M 00
First and second clear , \\4 \ in. . . 47 Wit,0 ( ( X )
Third clear , l 4Wl tf in . 43 00.eil ( IX
A select. l Ct > l i In . 117 ( X )
H select , l Ml1' , in . ifil IK )
A stock boards , 13jHi ft , 12 in. . 4(1 ( IX )
H stock boards , 1'JyulH ft , 12 in. . 41 00
C stock boards , 12 ( dlO ft , 1'J in . . : ) ( ) 00
D stock boards , I'JjglO ft , IB in. . 2J1 IK
Flooring , llrst common , ( Jin. . . . 94 00
Flooring , second common , 0 In. . Ill I'C
Select fencing llooritifj . Ill 00
Siding , llrst and second clear , 14
( Wit ! ft . 2500
Sidint , ' , first common , 1(1 ( ft . 22 00
Siding , second common . U ) OC
Common boards . 100(1 (
No. 2 boards , all lengths . 14 i > 0
Fencing , No. 1 , la ic'il ft . Ill BO
Fencing , No. 2 , 12. l ( > lrt ft . 15 50
Joist and scantling , 2x4 , 1410 ft 10 ( JO
Timber. 4 > :4'xS : , l' > ( < rll } ) ft . 17 00
Pickets , O nml 1 1 Hat . M'J IX )
Pickets , D uml II square . 22 00
Shingles , extra A . 2 80
Shingles , standard jv . 2 00
Lath . 2 40
O G Halts , 2Vf In . ! K
O G Halts , I' xK , S 1 S . 00
3-in well lulling , 1) atul'M bcv. . 22 DO
Lent her.
Hemlock solo , 18i27c ( per Ib ; oak sole , 1)3 )
( rilllic per Ib ; oalt liiirncss , 30d < ! )2c ) per Ib :
sclcctcu oak and Irace , It.'ic per Ib. ; oak and
hemlock unpcr , Uii2io ( ) ( per foot ; hemlock
caU skin , No. 1 , bUOjjUUcper Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 00ctt1.00 ( per
Ib. ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , $1.0J < ® 1. 10
per Ib. ; hemlock kip sltin , No. 1 , G0ji70c ( per
! b ; oak kip skin. No. 1. 70W < ( ) c per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , S0@)0e ! ) per Ib ;
French calf skin ( according to weight and
quality ) , 51.15al.75 ( per Ib : French kip skin ,
do , SOcC'f1.10 per Ib. ; Cordovan russet , ISc ;
satin finish , 2e ( ) per loot ; welt leather , $ j.r > 0
654.00 per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20@
'JOc per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 2Ti@30c per
foot ; glove calf skins , 20@30o per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30@40c per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@50c per foot , according to quality :
toppings , ifS.OOriglO.OO per dozen ; linings. So.OO
( ! i'J.OO per dozou ; apron skins , $10.00 ( )12.00 )
per do en. _
nnd TlnncrB' Stock.
Block tin , small pig . . . $ ,2S
Hlock tin , bar . 29
Copper , plainished boiler sizes . 34
Copper , u-old rolled . 31
Copper , sheating . 30
Conner , pitts . 30
Copper , flats . ; . 31
Gal , sheet iron , .tuniata , 50-10 and 5 per c. dis.
Pat. plainished iron , 24 to 27 A . 10 ! <
Pat plalmslied iron , 24 to 27 1J . 9K
Hooting , 1C. 11x20 , 112sh8cts . 0.00
Hooting , IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Hooting. 1C. 20x2 $ , 112 sheets . 11.00
Hoofing , IX , 20x23 , 112 sheets . 14.50
Sheet iron No. 26 . 8.50
Sheet Iron No. 27. . 'i.OO
Tin nliite , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets . O.fiO
IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets . S.25
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x1-1 , 225 sheets . ; 0.25
Steel nails , per keg. . 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg . 2'JU
Till ! ; KKAl/I'Y MAKICGT.
Instruments Placed on Unocml Dur-
inir YcNtoriliiy.
] ' M Hunt and wife to r. W lloyer , north
10 ft lot Id , lilli.71 , South Omaha , wd. . . . ; ; M )
A .1 I'eck anil Iniibnn.i to ( J II I'ayne , lot
SJ ; blkSJ. Wilcox-'nd add. wd . ]
W IIHc'IntylertoCS.loy , lots , blk2.Vcst
Omaha : lot 10 , blk 4 , llawthorne ; lot 2 ,
lilkll , CiinnliiKlinm'Hndd. wd . 10.8.JO
It S Mnulsliy to U II Ilcwi-y. lot 18. blk .
SannOors A : HIinebatiL'h H ndcl.Vnliiiic
Illll. wd . ] , ooo
r S Van C'amp nndulfo to t'aotellnr Pres
byterian church , lot U , blk J , Cottage
park , wd . i
( ! K Darker ct allot ! II Monk-oil , lot I. blk
t ) , Thonibnrg I'hico. wd . aw
llyrou Ui'od ct ul to 11 Lombard , jr , lot 15 ,
tilki ) , CaiiijiboirHnild , wil . ] 300
II .1 Scanncll to N 1' Fell. lot-"J , bit B , Al-
nrlKhl's annex , w < 1 . , c.'K )
A ( i Howard and husband to IA Uulton ,
lots 1 , 2 , ; i and lots 1 1 to IB and lots 1 to
Hand IU. 1 1 uml 12. blk , 4 , Sanndpra &
HlmebaugirH Jit Pleasant ndd\v d . HOKj ( )
J .1 ( illfton nncl wlfuto M ! ' Hey , n'j ' lot
H. Waki'dlek's ndil , w d . ] .poo
JI M Kdivhnls and wife to .1 0 Wilcox ,
uud it lots U to 1(1V ( Hi-ox 'H add , w d. . . . 701)
Villon 8tock YardH Co toV Ii Kelby , lot
fi. blk" , sfxoml add South Omalia . ( X)3
1) ( ' 1'ikttei-hon ut al to H Uvorgard , lot 7 ,
hlk 1 , Koluoni Piano , w d . U7ft
O II Ilallou , et al , to A J Vav , lot U , blk P ,
Amblur plnciwd . tiOO
W H Latey to a. L. llradluy. iili lot 13.
Kllzabeth plncn. wd . 1
llll' toV ( i Wagner , lot iilkp. . llrst
addition Fnwlor plm-o , wd . COO
O Conlon and wife to A 1'Tiikey. lot 14bllc
" ! ' , " Prospect place , ( oxci'titiHHtl. wd. . 4tXK )
N Ohm to I , Quick , uml ij , lot. 14,16 and
If. ble iw : ami lots U. 7 , ir > , ID , IB and ID ,
blk 44' ) , ( Irundvluw. wd . KKW
William Whlskor to I , V McUathron , lot
ll.blkn , Kilby Place , wd . 1,600
J Knvanand wlfu to A 1'aperny , w / lot
C , blk A , Armstrong'ml ! udd , w d . 2.WX )
A B Potter ut al to 0 K Maynard , 'U lots
in Potter A : Ilobb'si'nd add . 20,150
II Kouiitzo and wife to W O .Sloiils.sen , lot
II , blca'l , ICountzo'H Place , wd . 2,100
0 A Collins ot al to J 8 Collins , uud H lot
2 , blk 237. Omiihii. wd . 2.2-50
K K I.at8on too J < llart.Iot 10 , blk 7 , Plain-
view , wd . 14.00
K K I.atson to VI , Johnson , lot ) , blk 4 ,
Lake View , w d . 700
Total . t b8,178
The following building permits were Issued
yesterday :
James lirennnn. one-story frame dwellIng -
Ing , Twennty-aaveuth and Ames ave
nue . , . I coo
J. K. Knowles , one and one-halt story
frame barn , 2I1B Oecatur utroot . 75
] { . B. K Montgomery , one and one-half
etory frame barn , Alice and Thirty *
sixth streets. . , . , . . . 450
Three permits , aggregating . I 1,123
Ailvlco to Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should nl-
way * be used for children teething. It soothes
the child , sortona the gums , allays all pain ,
cureajwind colic , and is the bust remedy lor
-ilarrbwa. 2So a bottle.
MNtnkon Itrllulottscnl. .
Knltinioro Amcrlmn : I'o slWy no
grnvcr inlstftke , from n rollciousstrin1- (
point , hii&bceii recently iimtlo thatrthc
attempt to secure conKrcsgional inter-
foit nco with the obsci'vnnco of Uio
"Lord's day. " Putting' aside entirely
the consideration thnt the Blair bill is
tin uinvnrrnittnblo intorforiMiro with
stuto rights , and would probably bo do-
vliircd uncnnstilutiunnl if pnssodi- and
regarding the olTortB of certain cjirist-
Inn dunoininntioii ! ) purely ns intended
to ndranoo the intoresta of tholr
ehurches , it sooins to us altogether un
wise and tnoro liKely to injure than to
further the < ' .utiso of religion. Christ
ianity assuredly is confronted with'suf ' -
fieicnl obstacles already without the
erection of such a formidable barrier ns
either the success or failure of this erti-
snde jiuist inevitably erento. Hev.
Hyron Sundorltind , in his appeal to the
committee having the bill in charge ,
said the delegation appeared "as suc
eessors of the great men and Christians
who founded the nation to ask such
legislation ns would perpetuate a
the government and its institutions in
their simplicity and porfeetness to iho
latest generation. * '
Now , with duo deference to the dis
tinguished ability of Dr. Sundorland ,
wo think that the founders of the re
public were wiser and greater than he
and his co-laborers. What the former
yought to and did simplify , ho and his
followers would complicate and confute.
The men who tnado the constitution
wore not particularly noted for their
devotion to Christianity some of the
greatest among thi-m , indeed , being
what are now culled free-thinkers. Hut
they entertained no hostility to the
Christian religion , and lor that very
reason rigidly excluded all mention ol
it from the instrument they framed lor
the natjpn's guidance. They drew their
inspiration from an ample experience.
They behold every enlightened country
on the globe writhing in the throes of
religious despotism. Church and state
combined to oppress and enslave the
hearts , bodies and intellects of the people
ple , until the spirit of liberty had been
well-nigh rooted out from every
spot on the face of the earth except
here , in their own chosen land , where
men were allowed to consult their con
sciences and judgments , and worship
whatever and whenever they"pleased. .
So careful were the fruincrs of the con
stitution to avoid providing the slight-
basis upon which bigots and fanatics
could found a connection between
church and state that the name of the
doily does not once appear ! .n the in
It was apparent to these wise and
patriotic men that the ends of govern
ment and of religion arc ns wide apart
us the poles , and that to bring them
together was to corrupt and stultify
both. Uy combining them , civil gov
ernment is diverted from its legitimate
aim , which clearly should be the ut
most liberty compatible with the pro
tection of the community , and religion
and religion is stripped of its vitality ,
forced down the tthroats of unwilling
multitudes until it becomes obnoxious ,
and public opinion reacts against it ,
and administered in a perfunctory man
ner for the bebellt of the few and the
oppression of the bulk of the commun
The fathers built wisely so wisely
that the structure erected by them
needs no tinkering at the hands of em
pires. Those who would have congress
interfere to enforce the proper observ
ance of the''Lord's Day * ' have no notion
of the peril to which they would ex
pose their own churched. The passage
of the Ulair bill would be merely the
entering wedge , the signal for the
various denominations to array them
selves against each other in a desperate
political struggle for supremacy , and
anil the weaker would go to the wall.
The provisions of the bill would be in
terpreted to suit the "prejudices or conf
victions of the beets thnt are dominan-
in their respective localities. One
church requires a rigid observance to
Sunday until noon , after which all torts
of innocent amusements may fill up the
time until midnight. Another believes
it a mortal offense to open the piano or
to sing a secular ppng during the
twenty-four hours. Still another con
cedes the piano but draws the line at
cards or base ball. Who is to decide be
tween these will-ring factions ? There
are other religious denominations who
do not observe the first day of the
week , but worship on the seventh , the
day sot down in the Ten Command
ments , delivered to Moses amid the
fierce lightnings and the roaring thun
ders on the top of Mount Sinai. Are
tlicso people , who mount up in the mill
ions , and who constitute one of the
woithicst and most progressive ele
ments of our population , to bo forced to
conform to a faith which they consci
entiously believe to bo untrue ?
There is a growing element in our
midst nud one of the most important to
bo reckoned with in any effort to spread
Christianity and strengthen its tenta
cles men of ability and education who
are guided in their religious convic
tions , as in everything else , by the rules
of common sense and clear reason. They
refuse to have either morality or reason
forced upon them by legislation. All
ihoy ask from government is protection
in the pursuit of their honest avoca-
Lions , and they to decide for
ihoinsolvcb thonioritof Christianity and
; o adopt or'respcct it as it convinces
.heir judtrmonts or the revei-bO. They ,
iko the men who framed the constitu
tion , feel no hostility to Christianity ,
on the contrary they acknowledged the
nany wonderful results that have
lowed * fi-6m its rise and spread , and for
.hat very reason would protect itagainst
tself by preventing the rash and hend-
eng mistakes of its too ardent avocates.
So long as Christianity makes its ap-
iciils upon its own merits and necommo-
laics itself to the gradual changes in
civil/.ation. it has very little to fear
from lioslilo attackss but just as soon as
Unpeople become convinced that it is
trying to avail Hbolf.'of the civil govern-
nent as a weapon for the enforcement
of its doctrines , public opinion will
change , and. there will bo an angry do-
imiul for the preservation of the coiibti-
.utlon in its simplicity , as understood
> y these who inado it , rather than as
nisintorpretod and distorted by Dr.
Sunucrland nd his co-laborers.
Catarrh Cured.
A clorgyinan , after years of Buffering
rom that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
nnd vainly trying every known remedy ,
it last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease sond-
ng u self-addressed stamped envelope
o Prof. J. A. Lnwronco , 88 Warren St. ,
* few Yorlf City , will receive the recipe
rco of charge.
Jlnymarket Monument.
The model of the monument which is
o bo erected in Hay market square ,
Chicago , in memory of the policemen
vlio fell in the encounter with the an-
irohists , has been finished , and will bo
sent at once to Now York for casting.
I'lio foundation for the monument Is
low being put in place in the square ,
Die figure is eight foot high and will
iland on a granite pedestal four feet in
loight. The model wn a robust pa-
rolinan , of splendid physique , whose
ace and figure arov familiar to many
3hlcagounB. The figure stands with
ho right hand upraised , 113 if
ho law.
Matter of Application of C II. Yntes for
Liquor Llcelif t > .
Notice Is hereby Riven that C. II. Yules
did upon the 1Mb. day of December , A I > , IK1" * ,
lllehu Rppllcation to the Mayor and City Conn'
ell of Omalia , for llcenio to sell malt , spirituous
mid vlnom liquors , .No , 1101 Tarnara street.
Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the first day of
January , 1NO. to the first day of January , IPiM.
If there tx1 no objection , remon traflce or pro
test filed within two weeks from December Ifith ,
A. 1) , If * ? , the said llccn will ue granted.
C. II. YATKJ , Applicant.
J , H. got'TiiAlin , City acrk. dl7-t ! !
Notice ,
Matter of Application ot A , It. llos.iclnmn for
liquor HcensB.
Notice Is hereby Riven Hint A. H. llosselnisn
did upon the lltti day of December. A , I ) . IChS ,
tile his ftppllcft'lon to In * mayor nml city coun
cil of Oinalm.-for licence to sell malt , spirituous
and vinous liquor * at 1401 Webster street. Klftti
word. Oranhit , N b .from the 1st day of January
IMiy. to the 1st day of January. l m.
If them lie no objection , rpmonstrnnro or protest -
test Hied within two weeks froti December 15th ,
A. 1) . ICff , the snirt llcrnic will bo granted.
A. II. ] lo. SKI.MAN , Applicant.
J. II. SoUTiiAitn. City Clerk. dl- ' „ '
Matter of application of Ed HoMicry for
liquor license.
Nottro Is hereby | sl - that I5d Hothcry
did upon the l.lllufay of December , A. 1) . IN ,
file his application to the mayor nnd city coun
cil of Omaha , for licence to sell malt , xplrltous
nnd vlnoun liquors nl No. Ill , llodRe street.
Third ward , Omiinu , Neb. , from the 11 day of
January , 1V ) . . to the 1st tuy of Jniinnry. isini.
If there be ro oijo ! 'tlou , ri'tnitnitranre or pro-
tt-Mt tiled within two week * from l ) rciiibcr IMIi ,
A. D. Its * , the .laid llccnio will bo crnntnd.
Kn KIITIIKIIV , Applicant.
J. II. SotrriiAitn. City Clerk. d 17-24
Mutter of Application nr l.lltle .V McTrxguo for
liquor llcrtiw.
Notice Is hereby Riven that Little .V SIcTnRiie
did upon tlia Ifith oay of n.voiuber , A. I ) . 1.-V" ,
llle their Hppllcutlnn to tliumnvor and city coun
cil of Omnhii , for llccn&i * to Ft-11 limit , xpirltnous
nnd vinous liquors , at So. if-ll South Fifteenth
street , Kourth wind , llmnha , Nub. , frum the
1st day or .Ininlnry , ISM' , to the 1st dny ofjtiu-
inhere b ? no objection , romonitrauco 01 pro
test tiled within two weeks I rum December I51U
A. I ) . IS. , the s il I license will bi ) grunted.
l.tni.v. .V Mi-'l'.Mlt-K , Appllc.ints.
J. II. SOUTH AUII. City Clerk. d-17-'J4
Not I OP.
Matter of application of A. U. Moynllmn A-Co. ,
for UipiOi-llCfiiNu.
Not Ire talu-reli ? Riven tlmt A. K. Moynllmn .V
Co. , did upon the Iftthdiiy of December. A.I ) . ,
1KN < , llio their implication to thf mayor uud city
council of ( linahii , for lUensa to s-11 malt , Kplr-
lluouHiitid vinous UmiofK , nt No , KIN Knrmim
street. Third ward , Omihii , Neb. , Irom llle 1st
dny of January , 1SH' ' , tilths 1st iluy of Jnnlmry ,
IK ill.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance ) or
protist llh'd within two weeks from December
1,1th , A.D. , 1KV , the said llcen-f will bo nrantad.
A. K. MOVNIIIAN & Co , , Applicants.
J. II. SOUTIIAIUI , City ClerK. dlT4
Matter of application of P. J. Fnllon for liquor
Notice Is hereby given thnt P. J. Fnllon did
upon tlio 15th day of December , A. I ) . IS8S. llio
his application to the mnyor uml city council of
UmunB , for llcensa to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors at No-lilS South istustreet , Third
ward. Omnha , Neb , , from the 1st ilny of Janu
ary. 18Mi , ta the 1st day ot .lummry , 1.9J.
If there b no objection , remonstrance or pro
test filed within two weeks from December 1Mb ,
A. D. IWf , the said license will bo gioiUed.
T. J. KAI.I.O.N , Apnllcant.
J. II. SOUTHA I > . City Clerk. dir-LM
N .t co.
Matter of application of C. 8. lllgglns , Agent ,
for liquor licence.
Notice Is hereby given that C.S. litRglna , Ap't ,
did upon tlu < Ifith day of December. A.U. If-NS Hio
his implication to the mayor aii'l city couiu-ll of
Omaha , for licence to sell malt , splrlttiotu and
vinous liquors , at N'o. liOl it I-iW Uouylns street ,
'Ililrd ward , Olanhn , Nob. , tnmi the 1st day of
January ISM' ' , to t'lp 1st d ly or January ifU. !
If tliero bo no objuctlon , romoiiitruncu or pro
test tllvil witliintwo wee'cs ' trom December IMh ,
A. D. l W , the snld license will be granted.
C. P. HninisARunt , Applieuiit.
i J. It. SouTHAiii ) , Ci'v Cl'-rk. d-IT-.M
Matter of application of K. A. llalch for liquor
Notice Is hereby given that K. A. Hali-h did
upon llio If.thclayof Iec nibL r , A. D. IN , llio
his application to the mayor and city council of
Omulm , tor llceiiMJ to Mill malt , spliltous ami
vinous llniiors at Darker Hotel , l"lrt-t wnrd ,
Omann , Neb. , tram the 1st day of January ,
] 8s'i. ii > the 1st day of January , 1m ) .
If there be no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within u > o weeks from Dec. 15th ,
A. D. IbSS , the vald licence will bo granted.
F. A. , Applicant.
J. H. Sou'iimm. City Clerk. < 117-X'4
Matter of Application of Schlank & Prince
for Liquor Lireiv-o.
Notice Is hereby ulvi-n that Schlank & Prince
did upon th ICtli day of December , A. D. P-HB ,
fllothi'lr itiipllcatlon to the mayor and city coun
cil of Omaha , for llcotiso to soil malt , spirituous
and vinous Illinois ut Nos. K'l and f4 Lake
street , Third ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the 1st
day of January 1WU. totlia Iht day of January ,
If there bo ) io objection , romoii'itrance or pro
test Illod wlthlntwo weeks from December Ifith ,
A. I ) . ISS-i , tlio said license will bo granted.
BCIII.ANJC & PHI.NCE , Applicants.
J. II. SotiTiiAitu , City Clerk. dl'-J-l
Notlc' ' .
Mutter of application of Peter I'.euland for li
quor license.
Notice Is hereby given that I'otcr Hculnlid
did upon the ISth Hay of December A.I ) . I * ! * , nlo
his application to the mayor and city coun
cil of Oaiaha. for liceuso to soil malt. Hplrilu-
ous and vinous liquors , at Nos. Uwi and KH ) <
Douglas street. Third ward , Omaha. Neb. , fro.-n
the 1st day of January. 136-J , to Iho 1st day of
January , ISWJ.
If there be no objectionremonstrance or"pro
test tiled within two weeks from December 10th
A. 1) . 18bi < , the bald llcenso will be granted.
I'ITKH : llimANi : ) , Applicant.
J. 11. SOUTH Aiiw. City cleric. dli-M
Nottcu ,
Jlatter of application of II. H. Qrotto for li
quor llcunsu.
Notice Is hereby glvun tnat n. It. Crotte
did upon the Pith day of December , A. D. ltS ,
llle his applliiation to the mayor and city coun
cil of Omaha , for llconso to hull malt , spirituous
nnd vinous liquors , ut No. 71'J South Nlnlh
street. First ward , Omaha. Neb. , from the 1st
nav of January , ISb'J , to tue 1st day of January ,
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest Illod within two weeks from December.
15th , A. D. ISSt , the said license will be granted.
It. It. ( inoiTK , Applicant.
J. II. SoiiTiiAiii ) . City Clerk. dl7-i.4
Matter of nnpllrntloiidf Jdlm FoXol fnrllrnmr llcenna
.Nollrcls lii-rctiy Klvcn Unit John Kokul , illil iiiion
llio lltlulay Df | ) c < t-rnbtr , A. I ) . lhks. llio lil ii.p.lcu- |
lion to tlio innyor iiml clt ) ciiuncll nf Omulm , lor II-
n-iiMMo neil mnlt , riilrlturiii.i uiul vinous llqimri nt
N . iitl : biiuth Tnlrli'i'iilh Mri-tl. 2ml wnnl , iinuilia ,
neti. , from Hie llrst dny of Januury , Its ) , to thullral
ilny nf January. l".o.
If there bo no obji-etlnn. rcinnnitrinro : or prntost
Illcit wltliln two wi'i'ks fioin liceumter , IMli , A. U.
ItM , llio tiilU IH-i'lim will bu triuiti-ci.
JOHN SOKOI , Aiillrnnt. | |
J.II.Biil'THAiii > , City Clerk. iii-4
Nf > llcc.
Matter of application of Henry Wlcio for
Liquor Licenso.
Notice Is hereby given thitt Henry ! < -fc did
upon the lltn day of December , A. I ) . . IfW * . llio
ln-r application lo the .Mayor and City Council
of Omalia , for lU'tmso to sell mnlt. Kplrlt-
ous and vinous liquorg at No. lUil IMi-rco
btrcot. M ward , Omulm. Nub. , Irom the llrst
dny of January , IBM , to the llrst day or Jan
uary , 1KKJ.
If there be noobjectlon , romemstr.inco or pro ,
test Illect witliintwo weeks from December ICtli ,
A. D. , 1CM , tha eutd license will bo granted ,
IlKMiv WIKSE , Applicant.
J. II. BoirriMiti ) . City Clerk. d-l7-g4
S'otlODtn 1'rlntorH , H lolc-Ulttdorj anil
Sealed proposals will lie received at the ollico
of the county clerk of Douglas county , No-
iraska. until a o'clock p. in. . December - " . , 1BW.
01 furnishing said county with blank books , all
itiuls of stationery , lithographing , book-bind-
ng. district court bar dockotx , and aU other
irlntcd work which may bo rt-qulrt-d by bain
lounty for the year ISi > U. Pimples of twlil work
mil stationery can bo seen ut bald clerk's olllcej
iHo estimated quantity of each required may
jo ascertained. A certified chack , for tlW must
accompany oucli bid , TJio board of county com-
nlHslouers reserve the right to rnject any or all
jlds. Witness my hand this nth day of Drcom-
ber , IBW. M. D. HOCIIK , County Clerk.
Dec 8 d to M
t > y return IIIKII run descriptive
cltculMS of MOOI > V't Nrw
TurlorHintciii of Drr Cut-
line. Any lnd/ofi.rilln . -lnlflllt ncec r.
and quickly Irani to cut nnd iimkn any garment ,
In any style , to any menture for Inily or child ,
( laruxntii cuirantf > i > il to fit | i rtrt [ without Irvtna
on. Adilrcm AIOUIIV O CO. . Cincinnati , U.
r. It. 1'AI.MIR. N. I1. IIICMMA.V. J 11. III.A.S't'lUllll
Liye Slock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllco Uoomil.OppotlUi Kxclmnco llulldlmf , l/nloa
Btock Ytrat.tioutliOiiitliu.Neb. _ J
Liye Sloc _ Coinmission , .
tootn 15 , 'KicLutmo HulMlnif , Unloa Block Yard * .
Of Oraslia , Limitei
Mgricuiuirni impiomo'nto.
" "
Dealer in Agricnllural Iinpleinenis , Wagons ,
' { ntl nn slf , Tm < > . sirtfl.b
lOlli , Oiii h Nclsr ski > .
Agricnllural Implements , WaEonSjCarriaEG'i '
llufflol. , Wholonlc. Om > hn , N
\Vhdlf l lo IVnlf r In 6 iul W7 Jonv
P. P. MAST& .
MannfaclnrGrs ofBnckeye Drills ,
CulllTRtore. l ! > r lUkri.Cliltr Mllln nil l.ubau 1'ul-
Tf iict | . fur lilli Mid Mdiolm Mrpf Is.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
V ,
Akron , Olilo.
Harifestlng Machinery anA Binfler Twine.
W. K. MpA l. Mm jier. 121.1 l.vnrenwiul h rt. UiiiAlut.
Wagons s , Buggies , "Rates , PJows Etc ,
Cor. inlinn.l 1'aclllc Stru to. Uiuiiliii.Neti.
Artlsiu' fflntorlnlD.
" " "
A HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 DoiiclB" Slrppt. Onmlm. Ni > br VH.
Uooksollors mid Stntlonors
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
Euccf tor lo A T. Krnrun A Co. , Wlintis.slolloliill
Booksellers and Stationers ,
line Weildliiir Sin'lniiorj. Coinnioriliil Slntloncry
li''S lluuk'u'Siren. ! ( JnullmNvli. .
Booto and Shoao.
( tfMcci'jaorn Hi llcml. Joni-J & Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Aci'iilB tor HuMnn Uulinvr Stun11IK ( , 1101 XVf
llnruey St. . OumliH. Ncbrnka.
. V. MORSE ACO. . .
'Jobbers of Boots and Shoos ,
1101,1103-1105 UoURlns SI , Onmlin MaiinrncHirj , Sum-
luor St. . lltiatuii.
Coffooa , Splcos , Ktc. _
Omnlm Co0c anil Splcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
lRTorhiK Kitrncti , iJiiniilrr Illuu Inkn. Klo. 1411
KHillanmy PUnt'l , Otuaba. > ybraakH.
Crocery and Claeswaro- _
" * - "
AK'nt for Ihc'.MnnufncIUhrrs nlul Imporlcmnf
Crockery , ( ilassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
_ Kt01B cc , .117 S. Utli HI. , OnniUa , Nubraskn. _
luibortt'n lind .lolibi'r.s uf
Greenery , Glassware , Limits , Silverware
. Ktc. 1514 Pcrn.n ! St. Ac-
Cornmlaslpn and Storage-
" " " " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
puclalllCK " "i'-r. KIT r'hnn.i. rr-try | , unml
113 Ilofrnrd Street. Omnlm.
Succi'ssors to MrSliano A Scliro dcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Collision
Mcrclinut. Corc | K > nd > 'nrc8uUcllf > l. 10I ! North ll'tli
Mrvet.Unuihn , N > h.
Cool , Coke end Llmo.
"OALr'cOKE & L"lME"cO.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
909 Bontli 13tli Street , Oinnha , Nobrarka.
j. J. ; , t ro. ,
Manufacturers of Lime
And fhlpl"1'1 * of L'oMl , Cn.'ik. ( ViiiiMit. INurdcr. I.I me
Drain Tito iiml i-ewor 1'lpo. Ofllru , 21ft $ . Kllli
til. , Umiilin , M b. Toloplionofcll.
Dry Cooclo Notions.
Dry Goods , Fnrnishing Goods and Notions ,
llJ2an ( < ) 1101 IriiH ( ! . Cor. lllh fit. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jolilicrs in Dry GoodsNotious ,
Cunts' KurnUliliiK ( inmli. Corner llth and IloJncy
btOoOinntia. Nvtinickn.
Shippers- Coal and Cu&
214 Foulli nth fa. . Ornn'rn. NVU.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Putnam Strcot. Oinnlm. Nebrnikn.
Omulm ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TUB , 1U7,7(0 and 711 H. lOlli St. , Omaba , Nc'b.
M c C O R D. B R A D Y & Co7
Wholesale Grocers ;
1 th anil I.cartiriworlli Strcuti.Omaha , Ntibratka.
IYI'ARKS" BRos.'sADb'LEfTY ub , "
\Vliole8alo Miinufucturt'rit of
Saddlery & JohDcrs of Saddlery Hardv/arc /
And lxullnr. UUJ , lI'Vi ' nml II17 llurucy St. , OcuHlin ,
Heavy Hardware.
* ' ' " " "
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Waxnn Stock , llHnUruro. I.iimiiur , Klc. 12ji
mul 1311 Hurnujr HlruelUiuiiha ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Toolt and JIuITnlo Houlcn. 1(06 Douglui
Htroct , Uinulia , Nobranka ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
( ' 111 and JIarne fin. , Omabn , Neb , Wvitcrn Acenli
ter Auttlu I'owrter Co. , Jttluri ! in Meel Nulls ,
{ alrbuuk * rttundunl HtM.c ! .
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
JJetalt , Sheet Iron. etc. Acents for Howe ScaW ,
'wiliT nndl.ymuu llurbed wlxe ,
Oinuliu , Nubranka.
_ _ Mats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HOT Harrier Bttctt. Omaha. Meb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
16t4 Street arid Union raclflo Truck. Om J ) .
Dealer in Lnraber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
tQ. YaidO rnar7IU uml UouKUtj Coratl
Dealer in' All Kinds of Lnmlw ,
IHh nna California Street ? , Omalia , N > l.rn . lia.
FKbU W. UM/vv ,
Lumber Lime Cement
Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Mlmni
To Dealers Only ,
Offlfe.IIKi Knrnitm StrcH. Omnlm.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
! . ft sx ; , n1iRIs ? ! ! !
Julnc > While t.lmo. _
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carprli and Taiquel Kloorln * . Wh and r > ouilt |
Mlltlnorynncl NotlotiR.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
an. tin miinusoiilli lllh Strnol
' ' ' "
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
} raiii ! ranu.bblit9 , Kt.llttlnml 1101 IXtuylat Htrcct.
Oinalm. fji-b.
, , Notions
J. T.r R b B i N s b N 'N ori O N C o7.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4IVI ami 41B rU mil 101 hid , OnialiH.
Wliolsalo Refined anil Lubricating Oils ,
AiloOrn ! > . Ktr. , Omnlm. A H. Hl hnn Mnnn"cr ,
Notions and Gent's '
Furnishing Good ? ,
lllfi lliinu-r SI met , Omaha.
Office Fixtures.
Maniirurturcr.i of
BaaS , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle" . Slili'bonnK Hook Cnapn. DriiK VlxHiroVal |
( * n'oi. rmtltlniK. KalllninCounter * , lloernmt Wlna
Cool IT- . Mirrors , ott1. l-'nrlorv uiii' olliri1 , ITM and ITU ]
South l.ilh St.m ) h . Tclepliono 1IV4.
Points nncl ° lla.
Wliolo'nlo Deuler ln
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
HIS Fnraixm Street. Onmhn. Nob.
Wliolcsalc Paper Dealers.
Parry n nice stock of Prlntlnc. WriippliiB nml XVrltlna
I'n,2r. tipvclnl intention nlvcn lomrlnuil < inl < ir < .
Proprietor Omaha Payer Box Factory ,
Noi. J.l' ; nml Ul'J ' Doivhis bl. , Uinulin , Net ) .
\7liolesalc \ Farm , Fielfl alid fiarflcn Seeds
SIl ) mul ' .iiJoiie : ! strei t Oinalm.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Bnnch IHHIMOof Hit llcmn'v ItitKirv Co. lliifCKlenal
wuulcaulu uml n-tiiil. UKH llllnn ; ( < i | : IU Izanl Strt-ct.
. ' ' . . .
Oiiniliu. 'i'l-loiihune .No. 1M.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1531 Nortli Kl tlitccntli Street , Oiuiilm , Vcb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jubn Kiiunvter. Proprietor , IBtl Dnilui * mul UU and lt
Nurili linh ytruul , Omnlm.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Pnlilisliers , . . , 'rlntnrgBupplle. . . W
_ w _ _ RuUbor Goods. _
[ ilaniifactiirers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
ail ClotUIni ; anil U'Btlu'r Helling. 1UU8 I'lirniiiii BtreeU
_ SJSh , Peers , Elc.
Wliolcsnlu .Maiuif .cturors of
Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings.
llruurli ( juice , Utli nnil Ir.unl Strceti , Oiinihii , Nob. .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
. ul < tliiB , Klulr Work nnil Interior llur'lVoo < I Kin-
911. N. E. Corner tttli nmi l/i'iiveawurtli Slruoti ,
Rtonm Fittings , Pumps , Eto
Piiiims , Pines and Eiigincs ,
jtcum , Wntnr , lln.lnrny nnil MlnliiK Kupiiilea , Eto.
VJJ , ' . ' . anil VU Kurnum btieiil , Oiiialiii ,
Piuniis , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nni ! Water Buppllci. Td'nclqiinrtcrn for Slant.
Stepin and Water Supplies.
llalllrtujrVlnrt .MIIB. | flis Ulll | ajn rnrrmtn bl. , Omiib * .
_ KHoi _ % Actinic .MiiruiKiT ,
engines , Boilers and General Machinery
< . , .ct , ron WortWoMn g , , , , , , , . „ „ , . . , „ , „ ,
Iron Worko.
Carter ft hon , 1'rcp't .Munufuctunini of nil kinds
Steam Boilers , T2n\s \ and Sheet Iron Work
Work * Houlh .Dili nncl 11 , A..M. Cio nlii | < .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building fort
Unulnea , limit Work , Oonornl Kiiunilry. Mhahlne Hud
JJIackiuiltli Work , oilico nnd Wnrk , U. I' , lljr.
nail ITtU Struct , Omnlm ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Deik Hulls , Window ( Junnli. J'lowrr Hlnnili , Wire
blifin , Kle. 1Z ) Nortlj ICtli Hlruul Dumb * .
"OM"A H A SAFE"aruTiR o w'orTKsT
Man'fre ' of Fire BBiirglar Proof Safes
VaultHJnU Work , Iron ami Wlni IViic-Ini ; . FIU" . Ulo ,
O. Andruuu , 1'iop'r Cor. lull nnil Jockiun Mil ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
unit Kori'oni. for bnnki , u'Jli-u > .ilor , lauliliuceV , "lc.
Imfrnvod Awnlnt , l.ocki'nlili ' Wurhltit-r * uit *
HlnckKinUli Worki. taisoiilli Jll'j St.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
AL'cuti lurll bolui ! U uJ I.UvO