Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1888, Image 1

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MflU jBL JB. a i * % hB JL -.A. Jlk Jft. JB.JL Jfc * .
The Notional of that City Forced
to Oloso Its Doors.
A lloRiii Plnkrrlon Detective Huns
Awny With Another .Man's AVIIc
and n I. IK Itoniil Kill A
Colored Hcrnpe.
Hod Clo-id Hunk Knlliire.
Ciot i ) , Nob. , Doc. 21. ( Special Tclo-
Brnm to fin : lit r J Although not entirely
unexpected , n notieo posted on the front door
of the Kc'il Cloud National brink , this morn
ing , announcing the closing of that Institu
tion , caused something of u Btir In the city ,
, A few days ngo when theicihiont directors
wore presented with a statement of the con
dition of the bank , and were nskod to sign It ,
they refused. Their reason for fto doing Is
tald to have been because of u refusal by the
other stockholders to carry out the condi
tions of u siilo entered Into about September
E , when L. P. Albright , then cashier , nnd
ono or two others sold their interests. This
refusal to sign tlio statement created
uncai.lncsn nmong the bank's. ' Omaha nnd
Kaunas City coi respondents , who soon had
representatives on thu ground looking into
the matter. The moro thvy the
moro serious the trouble grow. The first In
timation the public had of the real extent of
the trouble was on Saturday , when it became
known that the drafts nmilc by the bank had
been protested , and on * their presentation nt
the counter they announced their Inability to
pay them , and closed the doois before the
regular hour. Your correspondent ttien
called upon the olllclals , who said they foil
Riiro of being able to open up this morning in
good condition. This they did not do. The
real cause of the fulluco , 11 is generally sup-
poHcd , dates back sovciul weeks , and is us
follows. About thoIstoT ScptomberL. P AI-
bright , cashier , was confronted with the fact
that the Itcd Cloud Milling company owed
the bank about f lsOOU. which amount they
\vcio unnblo to pay and unwilling to secure.
The oitlcors of the milling company then
cnmo forward with a proposition to buy Mr.
Albiight'H stock and part of his father-in-
law's ' , which they did , Mr Albright accept
ing in p.ut pavmcntflii.OOOof the bills rcceiv
able of the bank ; ptcsumably being paid for
the bulanco by checks on the milling com
pany. In order to appease the balance of the
stockholderswho clamored to be released and
to have their stock bought , u bond was on-
teicd Into by the now stockholders for
the puichnso of the stock of
Lovl Moore nnd ono or two
others , nil heavy holders. Wo are informed
that the sixty days In which Iho bond waste
to run was allowed lo puss nnd no transfer
was made , hence Iho would-be sellers thoughl
that , by refusing to sign the statement , thov
could form a compliance with the terms of
the sale. Besides the ; ? 18,000iibovomentioncd ,
It is supposed that the milling company ,
whoso representatives gained control of the
institution , have succeeded in getting still
deeper into the bank , The bank is now in
the hands of the National bank
examiner , T. M. Gnftltl ] , who
nrrivud this morning , nnd to whom much
credit is duo for his prompt and decisive ac
tion. Ho Is as yet unable to furnish a state
ment of the ussels or liabilities. Neither of
the other city banks will suffer nn\ incon
venience in consequence of Uii5 failure. The
cullie Iroublo is tiaccablo to inexperience ,
nnd , what may prove worse , u corrupt use of
the baa It's assets.
Didn't fay His Board.
Pi.ATTSVouin , Nob. , Dec. 24. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] A man named
Daniel Graves , who has been passing him
self off here us a Pinkerton detective ,
Bklppcd out the other day , leaving the
landloid of the Kiddle house in the lurch for
about ? Mi of a board bill. It is known that
lie has been paving attention to a ccrlain
married woman here. Mr. Kiddle , learning
that ho made his headquarters at Omaha ,
accompanied Sheriff Eikonborg to that city
In pursuit of him. Mr. Ulddlo returned
homo soon after , leaving the sheriff there ,
who found him In company with the woman
In question. He. was arrested and brought
to this cltj Sunday morning. If the facts
nro exposed moio Iroublo will probably
AV.Ibcr Itouis.
WILIIEII , Neb. , Dec. 21. [ Special to Tun
BI.B , ] The district court adjourned for the
holidajs nflor ono week of very busy work.
Quito a number of criminal cases weio dls
posed of , together with u few civil cases of
minor Importance. Shot iff Barton took six
criminals to the pcnltontlnry Ihis moiiilng.
They were scnlenccd as follows : Kd Sim-
DioiiB , John Clark nnd John Kclley , Ihrco
ycuiscach : the last mimed for grand lar
ceny. Michael Cnre.y and Charles Williams
plead guilty to burglary and pot ono year
each. The noted Bnlley , of DoWitt , allowed
but ono ot his eighteen cases for soiling
Whisky without llccnso to come up und the
decision being adverse ho took an appeal to
the suincmo court , as a test case. Couit sits
again In March.
Snd C.THU of Inminlty.
BKXKCI.MAX , Nob. , Dee 24. [ Special to
TUB linn. ] Ono of the saddest misfortunes
In ( ho history Benkohmm has just befallen
ono of the most respected citizens , F. H.
Lytlo , of the hardware firm of Lytlo Bros.
& Co , Ho was taken suddenly with a lit of
Insanity , smashed up ovcri thing within his
reach and broke his safe with n sledge ham
mer. The firm is in splendid cir umstanccs ,
having u largo store hero , as also onn In Mc-
Cook. H is f i lends have taken him to Lin
coln , hoping ho mav bo bcncfittcd. Mr.
Lvtlo is n prominent Knight of Pythias.
Ira Alwood , of Hniglor , who broke into
the store ot Turner , Frazicr & Co , und gave
bond for his appcaranco In the sum of $ . " > 00.
fulled to appear , and his bond is declined
Six Yoni-H for Iiusr
CHUTE , Neb. , Doc. 24. [ Special to TUB
13n.l : Dug McGuIre , alias J 13. Moore , ono
of the noted Quintan gang ot burglars , will
loin his pal , noddy Wilson , In serving n term
in the ponltontlary. Ho was found guilty of
breaking into and carrying away from the
Star clothing house , of this city , Thanks
giving evening , goods to the amount of about
fSOO. Upon lids finding , Judge Morris sen
tenced him to serve six yoat a at hard labor
in the pen Itont lury. This Is McGulro's second
end trip to the pen , besides having gone
through a course of training ut the loform
Alleged DcllliMnont.
Nnnri VSKA CITT , Neb , , Dsa 24 [ Special
rolograra to Tins HLB.J Lena Hurd , ( col
ored ) this evening bworo out a warrant for
thorn-rest of George Thomas , also colored ,
on a churgo of rupo , Thomas has a family ,
and the girl has a very unsavory reputation.
Wiookcd Snlloi-H
SAN FUANOISCO , Deo. 24. Advices from
Honolulu report the anival of the British
man-of-war Hayiclntho from Tahiti. The
Ha.vlclnthe rescued nt Maiden island two
phipwrccheu crows of twenty-four men of
the Herman ship Hermann and the Swedish
bark Virgo. The vessels were wrecked on
the Island November 27 , A boat containing
the cnptuln , mate , ccrpciitcr nnd two KCUIIICH
of the Vli go capsized und all six wore
drowned , All of the Hermann's crew es
caped. _
Torlult lilt ) Hall
o , DCJ. 24 Graltkau , the Mllwnti-
boc mmrchUt , whom the supreme court of
VVIsconslu docldaJ would have to servo the
remainder of his tcntcnre , to-day said ho
would probably fcUy hoio nmt forfeit his ball.
lie iqlu be would muemulfy his boiiihmeu.
Pour Men Instantly Killed nnd Sov-
ernl llndly Injured.
Hout.nmt , Cole , Deo. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BRHA ] terrible explosion oc
curred at the Hastings saw-mill , four mile
from Gold Hill , on Saturday last , resulting
In tlio instant death of four men nnd the scald
ing of another , who will probably recover , al
though ho is badly injured. The mill hands
hnd gone to work early and , being desirous
of doing n big day's -work , they fired up with
low water in the boiler In order to get n full
hnul of steam. They hud secured a pres
sure of 115 pounds , nnd as the boiler was
foantlng , cold water was pumped In , causing
the explosion. Andy McDonald , tweutj-
thrco years old , had his head blown off. Hi
body was found Immediately afterwards , but
his head was not discovered until afternoon ,
when , In removing the debris , It wni
found Ijlng In the pit under the
fly-wheel. Ho cnmo originally fron :
North C.nollnn. A. Barnard , twenty-four
jcars old , n single man , was killed instantly ,
and his face was badly mutilated by the
living fragments. Nodlott , thirty eight jcnrs
of age , married , leaves n wife and ono child
three wecits old. Ho was killed Instantly.
Niles , formerly from Kansas , leaves a wife
and live children. Mike Barnard was lmdl >
scalded , but ho will recover. 'I'ho force of
the explosion was ticmendous. and the report
was hciird for miles around , The boiler was
was shattered into small fragments , nnd
these were scattered over a wide urea. 'I'ho
mill and Its machinery wore ruined. Thieo
other men woio In the mill at the time , and
they , heeding the warning of danger , mnilo
their escape In safety , but the olheis were
nol nblo to take advantage of the notice of
Impending disaster , nnd they lost their lives.
An Injunction Askc d l < or to HcMraln
CiiHAdo , Dec , 24 Corporation Counsel
Green nnd Assistant Knight finished to-day
the city's reply to the bill filed by the anur
chists In support of an Injunction restraining
the city from Interfering with their meet
ings. The reply asserts that the Arboltcr
bundsoclcti , pressing the Injunction suit ,
was organized for unlawful purposes , and
that It agitated principally the destruction
of existing forms of society. It further re
lates that the Arbeiter bund held n meeting
in Mueller's halj. on the evening of
December 0. This meeting took the
place of the advcitiscd ono in
Greif's hull , which hnd been closed
by the police. There wcro inside nnd outside -
side guards for the hall door , and it was
thought that only avowed anarchists were
admitted. There wcro present 1EO men and
sixty women. To save themselves they mot
under the name of Kelchstag-Vercin. Albert
Curlin addressed the meeting in Inccndia-y
and unlawful language. He bald the bund
had failed to accomplish its puiposc , but that
it would continuo m existence and in the end
bo successful m Us object , the killing of
judges and Inspector Bonllcld.
Wednesday the Arboitcr bund will file its
answer , and Thursday the application for
authority lo sue for an injunction will bo
aigucd before Master-in Chancciy Wmdcs.
More Stolen Itonds 1'ccovorcd.
Cine vao , Dec , 24 Shuw nnd Plcssnor ,
nnestcd Saturday in connection with the
Cutting bond case , were arraigned in the
Armoiy police court this moming. Inspector
Bonficld stated to the justice that Shaw on
Saturday had given him information which
enabled him to recover bonds valued at
$2,100 , which were stolen from Kellogg ,
Johiibon & Bliss on 'April 27 last , and that
this morning Shaw had turned over to him
$ ,1,000 in bonds stolen from Cohen , Wampold
i\i Co. nt about the sumo time. The inspector
asked that the hearing bo postponed till De
cember 20 , the date fixed for considering the
cases of Taylor and Lawyer Culling for
complicity in the same theft , and that the
bonds be made heavy. The reiiucsl nc-
ceded to and the bonds in each case were
fixed nt S.-,000.
Both pnsoncis have made further state
ments to Inspector Boullold. Plessncr
stated that ho knows there was an organised
band of burglars at work , and that they not
only committed the two buiglaries already
irentioned , but ulso the Henry W. King &
Co. job , which was soveial months later.
Ho "Got KVIMI. "
Si'iuxavM. ! ! , Me. , Dec. 24 On Thursday
night John Hornier , a French Canadian ,
ngcd thirly-llvo years , was convicted of
cruel and brutal treatment of hfs wife and
was fined $14.50. During the trial ho was
hoard to threaten to "got even" with his
wife. On Saturday morning the doctor
called to see Mrs. Hornier nnd found her
Buffering from poisoning , which her hus
band said she had taken despite Ins efforts
to pi event lior. Iho next day It was learned
she was dead. An examination of the facts
seemed to show that on Friday night , while
the woman was still suffering from poison
ing , Bcrnicr beat her cruelly und thrusl her
out of doors into the bitlcr cold. She crept
back and ho beat her again. She died Sun
day. An Inquest will bo held. The deceased
leaves three little children , the youngest
only two months old.
The SlDays' Shoot.
MiVS'EU'Oi.ts , Minn. , Dec. t4. ! [ Special
Teloginm to Tin : BIB. ] Dr. William G.
Carver , the famous rifleman , began his six
dajs1 shoot at the Washington rink this
morning. Ho will try to break his own nnd
the world's record of tiO.OOO glass balls in six
dnj s. As bOiue people have charged that the
cartridges are loaded with shot , a single
gialn of which would break a glass b.'ll ,
wooden balls have been secured and Iho
mark of every bullet can bo plainly traced
Another condition is that a twenty-two
calibre lillo Miull bo used. This Is a smaller
bullet thnn the maiksmnn is accustomed to
The only difficulty , ho says , ho will encounter
will bo shooting too fast on the first dnv.
This caused a partial paralysis in lbS4 and
utmost lesnlted in the doctor's death. Up
to 1) ) IS this evening ho hail broken t > ,150 balls
The ahoot continues until midnight.
The Alt. 1'leasanl Implosion.
MT. PJ.IHIAM , O , , Doc. 21. None of the
wounded la yesterday's explosion have yet
died , though 801110 are in a critical condition.
About n thousand pounds of powder exploded.
The dynamilo in lUo mngazmo was fiozen
hard and did notcxplode.or the whole village
would luivo been destroyed. The explosion
occurred utnboutU-ao , tearing a largo hole
in the ground uiul wrecking many house. "
and buildings in the vicinity. Charles Glcck
was blown to atoms , and Km or twelve other
men were seriously injured. The shock
broke man.v windows in and around Mt.
Pleasant und Emerson , and knocked oft cou-
stdciublo plastering.
Accident on Iho Itroolclyn
NKVV YOIIK , Dec. 24 A train loaded with
passengers on the Brooklyn bridge ran into
an empty train nt the Brooklyn end of the
structure about 0 o'clock to night. The
front platform of the moving train was
Hinushcil , ns was the foot of John McWil-
llums , the brakeman , A ouiii ; woman ro-
ceclvcd a contusion on the head. No ono
else is lopoitcd Injured ,
Gone Homo for ChrlsUiuiK
DC i n JIT , Deo. 24. Congressman Fold ,
chairman of the special committee oil immi
gration and labor , arrived hero ycaturda.v
morning. Ho begun his Invc&tigatlnn this
forenoon and continued till noon , when ho
left fur Grand KupUls to stay over Chi-Mnim
at homo.
Colonel Cosler'K SniUlcn Doith.
New Vontf , Deo. 21. Colonel Charles B.
Coster , well known In Gi nd Armycliflcs
and formerly pension OR'nit In this city and
Inur collector of Internal revenue , illud ou
the street last night from heart UUvane.
Utter Disregard of the Rights o
American Citizens.
President null Mri. Clcvplnml Wll
lint Their Turkey Without Com-
j anj Contllctlinr ItejiorlH of
Lnlrd'H Condition ,
WASHINGTON nuuiuu Tits OuuBEE. , I
WASHINGTON , D C. . Dec. 24. I
Some of the lending Get man-American
citizens in this city nro very indignant over
he utter disregard of the rights of Amcrl
cans In Samoa , which Is exhibited by the
present head of the state department. One
gentleman , who has carefully watched the
reports from that llttlo kingdom , expressoi
the opinion to-night that the United Stales
had played the braggart in the case of Haytl
whllo acting the coward in dealing with Ger
many in the Samoan affair. "This Is per
haps due , " said this gentleman , "to n dcslro
to plcnso the Gorman-American population
of this country , but it Is n wrong idoa. The
Gci man-Americans do not desire to see the
intorestsof the United States put in Jeopardy
in that iinpoitant point , nor do they desiie
to see German supremacy established thero.
The idea advanced , of a government by lor-
cign ministers for Samoa , Is absurd in the
extreme , but this country should tnko n hand
in the mutter and Immediately establish n
piotcctorato over Samoa , If this was done
there would bo no more fear of German
aggression , or of the trampling under footol
the rights of Americans. There me a greai
many Americans on the Island of German
birth , who owe allegiance to the stars and
stripes , and they do not caio lo sco the
standard of Germany Hooting over them
again. "
Christmas will bo spent in Washington in
n very quiet manner , so far as social fcstivi
tics nro concerned In the higher circles of
society. The'Prusldcnt and Mrs. Cleveland
have decided to remain nt the white house
throughout the day , nnd ns they
alone they will have their Christmas dinner
without company. Thcro have teen no elabo
into preparations , but the usual amount of
holly and misletoo decorates the private
looms of the president and his wife , and Iho
gaudner in charge of the green houses
has been nil i sing some particular
( lowers industriously for some weeks in
order that Mrs. Cleveland's penchant for
lovely blossoms could bo gratified to the
highest degree possible. The Misses Bayard
are in the city , but have made no prepara
tions for social festivities until after New
Yeai's. Mrs. Fahchild , after enjoying her
Christmas dinner in Washington , will leave
for Now York on Wednesday and icturn on
the following Monday , in order to be present
at the Now Year's reception which is al
ways held at the white house. Mrs. Endl-
eott left with the secretary on Friday for
New England , nnd will spend Christmas in
her Massachusetts home. Mrs. Dickinson ,
wife of the postmaster general , has several
guests hero from Michigan , whu will en
liven her house to-morrow , tmt thcro are
to bo no festivities other than these
confined to the members of the
family nnd their guests. Mrs. Vilas
is still too ill to think of the
social affairs of the nation and Mrs. Whitney
is the only one of tno cabinet ladies who has
anv programme for Iho week. Mrs.Whilnoy
will give a german on Tuesday evening ,
which will , of course , bo a very enjoyable
cffair lo all lliose so fortunate as to receive
cards. The affair is to bo a childrens' parly
in honor of ono of Mrs. Whilney's lillle
nieces , who is a guest at the house nt pres
ent. On Saturday Miss Molty Vilas , the
president , and Miss Pauline Whitney , secre
tary , will bo in their clcmcnl as officials , as
Iho Children's Christmas club is to follow
tlio course adopted during Mr. Arthur's ad
ministration und will keep up the cuilom of
supplj Ing the poor children of the city with
a substantial dinner on Saturday.
Your correspondent , this afternoon , took
some pains to ascertain from the business
men of Washington what effect the ele'clion
had had upon the Christmas holiday trado.
Without exception the mci chunls on nil the
principal streets never before had such busi
ness , and the How of money into their coffers
was simply unprecedented. Nearly DO per
cent of the business houses of Washington
nro conducted by democrats , and they would
bo the last to admit that Iho piospccl of re
publican ascendency had been beneficial to
ihcm unless It was absolutely true. On all
sides Iho merchants admit that they could
account for the increased trade only
by the fact that it was an
Indication that everyone expects the next
fourycars to bo more prospeious thnn the
last four have been. Ono man , m particular ,
who has been u quite liberal conlnoulor to
dcmociatic campaigns in the past , If the re
ports to that cftcct can bo relied upon , said to
your coriospondent to-night : "If I had any
Idea how beneficial the election of Harrison
would have piovcd In my business this year ,
I certainly should not have taken the pains
that I did to secure his defeat. As H is , I
have recovered entirely from the feelings
which I had on Iho 7tli of November , and
financially 1 am bottcroffto day Ihan I should
have been If Mr. Cleveland had been elected.
I don't know why it Is , .but trade in Wash-
Inglon Is better than it has been before since
the war period. Everybody seems willing to
spend iiioucj , and wo are icupiiig the bene
Reports from Kutcka Spiings , Ark. , ns to
the condition of Congressman Laird are very
conllictim ; . Ono gentleman infoimod mo to
night that ho hud received word from that
place to the olfcct that Mr. Laird's condition
was exceedingly serious ; tint he was threat
ened with brain fovcr , and thai these around
him wcro genet ally alarmed over his symp
toms , and feared the woist. On the other
hand , Mr. Lalul's man , here , told mo last
uight that ho had just icccivcd word to the
effect that Mr. Laird was in a very much
better condition than ho had been for some
time , und thai Iho prospects of his early ro-
luin to Washington wcio exceedingly bright.
Inasmuch as thcro has boon a great deal
of talk lately nbput Canadian annexation and
the division of the Dominion into states of u
size lit to go into the union , It might bo of
interest lo know something of the vast coun
try to the north of Iho United States which ,
politically In no way related to us , is so In
timately tied up with the prosperity of the
United States.
Canada Is often looked upon us a bleak ,
bairon territory lit to produce little besides
lumber , " furs und skins. Yet within the
conllncs of the Dominion there are vast
areas or agricultural lands capable of pro
ducing corrals in bulllcicnt quantities to sup
plj the entlie woild if crops in all other
coui'ues bhould fail , And In minerals it
woi id scorn to bo even richer than the
United .Slr.lcs.
In this city this week have been two gen
tlemen connccicd with the royal commission
on thu icsourccs of Camilla , These penile-
men wcro John Chailion. M , P. , chairman of
the commission , and Archibald Blue , its sec
retary. They cnmo to Washington to inquire
Into the methods of the United States geological
logical survey and to gather all the Informa
tion obtainable relative to the mining statis
tics and the tinning lands of thu United
States and the variou , , states and territories ,
They were very well received here , and have
gone on lo Birmingham , Ala . lo witness the
tents of u now bjhtcm for i educing sulphur
ous and other rcfiuelory oics , which are now
of little value. Borne of tlioso ores were
shipped f.-om the mines at Coclull , Out. , to
iiirminffhum , and are thcio to bo tested , If
the uuv ; noccss prove * to bo anything near
ns valuable as Is claimed , it will revolutionize
the work of reducing refractory oreB , and
will enhance the value of millions of Jens of
Iron ore which nro now consldercdialmost
After their visit to Birmingham tbb gen
tlemen will proceed to Pittsburg to look into
the mining operations thcro , nnd will then
return to Canada and prepare their report to
bo submitted to the Canadian legislature.
Mr. Charlton , in conversutlon with jour
correspondent , said this commission was ap
pointed for the purpose of c : amlnlnK into
the mineral resources of the Province of On
tario nnd for making suggestions for the bet
tor development of the mines , "We have besides
sides the copper regions about Ludburp am
Vcrmllllon , coal regions between Vet million
nnd Lake. Huron , the mining regions along
the north shore of the Gorglnu bay , ns fa
west ns the Sioux ; the counlry north o
Luke Superior , the silver district west o
Port Arthur , and the gold region of the Lake
of the Woods , the Iron district on the Mln
ncsota border , and the iron und phosphate
mines of Eastern Ontario , nna the Goodrlcl
salt district , nnd the petroleum da
posits In the viclnltj o ( Pctrolia
Wo have taken the ovldcnco of minera :
prospectors and property holders , and have
compiled a vast amount of information as to
the resources of the province nnd various
mattcis connected vv'ith their 'development
The result of the Investigation shows thai Iho
Province of Onlario has vast , almost Inox-
haustablc , mineral resources In Iron , copper ,
nickel , gold , silver , galena , plumbago , salt ,
phosphate * and prolroleum , and , probably ,
the finest quarries In Iho world of marble
nnd frco stone. Several mines have been
established , nnd have already proved ex
tremely profitable in Iho vicinity of Port
Arthur. Ono old minor whom wo met bore ,
Captain Nichols , was connected with Iho
mines in Colorado forycars , nnd he informed
mo that if Iho same deposits exisled in the
Centennial State the country would bo wild
with excitement. I don't think there is any
doubt that Ontario in many respects Is the
best supplied In mineral products of liny
portion of America , and with some changes
In the Canadian mining laws , I havenodoubt
that Canadian mining operations will become
ns extensive ns these on this sldo of the
bolder line. "
Virginia republicans Intend to present one
of their number for a cabinet position under
President Harrison , who commands the
highest possible respect of the good citizens
of the Old Dominion. Ills name In Tludge
Robert W. Hughes , of Norfolk. Ho is about
sixty-seven years old , nnd was appointed by
General Grant to n position' on the federal
bench. IIo ran for governor in 187. ! and
made a magnificent race. lie has been a
staueh republican over since the war , and
by his Intelllgcnco , kindly disposition and
uniform fairness is idolized by Iho best
people in all political parties , social classes
and business elements. IIo belongs to no
fnclion , is not wound up in any of the
political or social entanglements which so
thoioughly complicate most distinguished
men in the state , and it is Bald that Ir's
preferment will be asked by the best men in
the stale , without regard to party lines
PEHUV S. Hi : vni.
Preparing for the InniiKiirntion.
WASIIIXOTON , D. C. , Doc. 24. Quartcis
have been engaged at the ATlington hotel for
General Harrison and party prior to the m
augurntton ceremonies next March. There
will bo in the party General Harrison and
wife , Uussoll Harrison nnd wife , J. R. Mc-
KeOjWifo ana two children , ex-Senator Suuu-
ders , of Nebraska , nnd wife ( parents of Mrs.
Kussoll Harrison ) , EV , Halford , private
secretary , wife and daughter. On tno morn
ing of the inauguration they will go to
Willnrd's ' hotel ou Pennsylvania avenue and
occupy a parlor on the second lloor , where
they will view the procession ns It forms , In
accordance with the precedent established by
Andrew Jackson , ana. observed by every
president , but two , since then. President
Cleveland will call for President elect Harri
son at the Willard and escort him to the
capitol. _ "
Internal KcvenY/o / Collections.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. Collections of In
ternal i ovcnue during' the first ilvo months
of the fiscal year , ending June 30 , IShO ,
amount to $53,091,73 < 5 , being an Increase of
$1,231,180 over collections during the corresponding
spending period of last year. The receipts
from spirits were fc29,800iG4 ! , an increase of
> lI > 75b54' from fermented liriuors $10,405-
" ) b5. an increase of f54,3lft ; from oleomar
garine $313,053 , an increase of $211,817. The
receipts for November hist were * 107,4ll
jroater than those for November , 1SS7.
. *
Surrendered the Steamer.
WASIIINOTON.DCC , 24. Secretary Whitney ,
: o day , received u cable mossasro from Hear
Admiral Luce , in command of the United
States steamer Galena , at Kingston , Jamaica ,
saying that Iho American steamer Haylicn
Republic , rccenllv fclo/cd at PoitAuPrinco
by Iho Huylicn authorities , has been sur-
rendcicd to him upon demand.
Christ man at Washington.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 24. President and Mrs.
Cleveland will spend Christmas quietly at
the white house. All the departments
closed nt noon to-dav , and government busi
ness will bo suspended until Wednesday
[ Jptvvcon Thirty-live nnd Sixty
Were tiost.
McMi'ins , Tenn. , Deo. 21. There is noth-
ng of a startling ualuro to report concern-
ng the disaster of the Kale Adams beyond
what was mentioned in last night's dispatches.
William Donohuo , ono of its clerks , came up
, his forenoon from the wreck. IIo was in
tho.jawl with Clerk Corbctt when it cap
sized and Iho lust he saw of his colleague ho
was iloallng down the river clinging to a
small ladder. Donohuo managed to catch
on lo a bale of colloii nnd was swept out inlo
, ho current nnd rescued six miles below
Commerce by nogioos on tlio Arkansas hide
of the river. Ho wiys Corbett may possibly
iivo been rescued further down the river.
I'ho loss of lifo Is not yet definitely known
and the prospects are that the exact number
Irowncd will never ho accurately stated.
i'lilrty-fivo is the most conservative cstlmuto.
Dutof a paity of fifteen while laborers which
jourdcd tlio steamer only two are said to
iavo been saved. If this be true ,
inil there are no means of substantiating the
facls , Iho loss of lifo may be sixty , as many
ipgrocs who were on Iho lower deck lost
heir lives In attempting to swim ashore
'rora'tho boat. The steamer and her cargo
voro valued at 5145,000.
The steamer Kate Adams conveyed Presi
dent Cleveland und wife fiom West Memphis
o this city on the occasion of their visit to
bo south ,
Turned Out in .Scant Clothing : .
NKW Yoiik , Doc. 24 , A scoioof families ,
among thcnl many women and childicn , in
lioir night clothes and ono Infant , wcro
uincd shivering into the street on account
of u lira In an Hast Hroudwa/ tenement lust
light , nnd the wonder Is that there was no
oss of life. But for u ilia escape and the
bravery of several lads In mounting it , some
of the lodgers must have been burned to
leath. As It wus , two women woio severely
scorched , ono so soilously. that t > ho was car-
| cd to a hospital , though she will not dlo of
ICT Injuries , Half a dozen other lodgers uf-
cicd minor burns and bruises.
ThtJ K-rtnlt of nil Old I'oud.
ST Louis , Mo , , Dec. 24. Infoi mutlon
comcH from Dcnlsnn , Tex , , to the effect that
Diidlcy Lmtrc.ll shot and killed J M. Moycr ,
i nil mortally wounded John Christian , ut
larncyvillo , Chlckasaw nation , jcsterduy.
'ho killing wits the result of un old feud.
IlrltUli ItrriidstnfiH.
LOMIOV , TJeo. 24Prices of English wheat
ro in buyers' favor , but thcie is no notable
hUDgo. Counlry Hour has fallen Od. For-
Ign wheat U vveak ; prices nt Liverpool dc-
lined Id per cor till , Oats I'd lower. Cotn
ind oarloy cuch Ud
The Opinions of Various Indiana
Politicians Regarding It.
This IN tlio View Congressman MJMUIII
Taken iluilco Suite Sn > s ItVns
Only n Trap Set for tlio
Tim Dueller
, Ind , Deo. 21 Ex Senator
McDonald , Congressman llynum nnd n
dorcn or moro democratic office-holders , ar-
rlvod from Washington to night to spend tlio
holiday ? , Speaking at the Dudley letter ,
Congressman Bynum expressed tlio bollof
that the government will have ; dlfllculty in
limiting a case against him.
Emery LJ. Sellers , United States district
attorney , whoso resignation 1ms not yet
been accepted , was In the city a few hours
to-day. Ho snjs ho occupies rather a strange
position. The president has not accepted
his resignation , neither has ho been officially
notified that ho refuses to accept it , and un
less ho assumes that llalloy's nomination
has created n vacancy , ho is still district
attoiney of Indiana.
.hid 1:0 J. S. Suite , of Frankfort , I ml
close friend of Sellers , nnd who is familiar
with the insldo history of Indianopolls , la out
in an interview giving a new reason for Sol
Icrs' resignation , which , ho says , ho has
from Sellers direct. Judge Sulie says : Mr.
Sellers talked unreservedly regarding the
Dudley letter , and said ho was satisfied , the
Sentinel had fallen into a trap set , for the
Indiana democrats by Dudley ; that tlio letter -
tor was written with n view of having it
reach as many democrats as possible ;
that no better medium of circulation
among democrats could bo obtained
than the Sentinel ; that only one
letter was written , and that ono sent where
it would certainly fall Into the hands of the
Sentinel ; that it was Dudley's Intention to
divert attention from New York by that
letter and cause the democrats to concen
trate all their funds , as well as their best
ctloits in Indiana , thereby enabling the re
publicans tin carry New York , which they
did ; and that the letter was no unimportant
factor in such n icoult ; that no such letter
was over sent to or icceived bj the icpubli-
cau commlttccmen ; tint ho expressed this
same opinion to the leaders of kis party , and
that the Sentinel is mad because of the
blunder it made. "
Judge Claypool. assistant United States
district attorney , HI an interview this even
ing , intimated that something of intcicst
might be said about the Dudley case if
the law did not impose silcneo icspcctinir
jury room developments.
Acting District Attorney Bailey sajs the
government has made good progress and has
great amount of evidence , ami that it is not
all against the small-fry.
A Ilreacli-of.l'romlso Suit KudM a
Famous I.oiu Affair.
BOSTON , Mass , Dec. 24. Miss Catharine
Teresa McCnery , of Lowell , has given notice
to John H. Bukrick , of an action against him
to recover ? r5OJO m n breach-of-promiso suit.
Uoth are well known , Miss MoEnory being
the daughter of an old and wealthy Irish
resident of that city , anil Bukrick , a largo
merchant nnd manufacturer. Recently ho
has been engaged in the railroad business In
Boston , and is interested in the Putnam nail
company. Ho is well connected and wealthy ,
and is descended from the early settlers of
Now England. The two have been "keeping
company" now for about thiity-llvo voars ,
and were prominent liguics nt theatres nnd
| iublic assemblies , many people oven suppos
ing that they had been secretly married. Miss
McEnory Is highly edneatcdiind in her j outh
was much sought after by the jising young
men of Lowell and its vicinity. It is said
that there wcro decided objections by the
relatives of both parties to their mnrriapc on
account at the difference in religious beliefs.
ltls , lso said that the refusal of Miss Me-
Encry to give up Hukrick caused a disagree
ment with her relatives , and she left homo in
consequence. Hukrick now refuses to marry
his aged llancco for reasons unknown , nnd
she has accordingly brought her suit. Gen
eral Ben Butler \ \ ill plead her case.
Two PussiMiK'rn Killed ami Thirteen
In.juroil tu Kentucky.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Dec. 21 The through
lassengor tiain to Nashville and the soDth
on the Louisville & Nashville railroad ran
nto the Knoxvlllo branch passenger train
at Uardstown Junction , twenty ilvo miles
south of this city , this morning. Two pas
sengers Wcro lulled and thirteen injured. The
killed aio Mrs. Marv Pcrdlns , of Old Dcps-
sit , ICy. , nnd Willie Houston , of Water
Creek. ICy. Engineer MoPherson and Fire
man King are thought to bo fatally hurt.
The investigation of the railroad wreck at
liaidstovvn Junction shows that the con-
luctorof the first and the engineer of the
other train disregarded regulations. The
conductor of the llrst train , which had been
delayed and was running on the following
Tain's time , should have sent back n flagman
with torpedoes , but faded to do so. The en
gineer of the following tram had instiuctions
o approach the station under full control.
ills train this morning was going ut full
speed thirty-live miles an hour.
AnHanlled Jty a Nefjro.
SiiAWNFinovvN , 111 , , Dec. 24 Clinton
Oarrctt , a white man , was assaulted today
jy a negro , named John Price and fatally In
ured , I'rico lied , and when about n mlle
'rom town met George Francis and knocked
ilm down and lobbed lihn , securing a binall
sum of money. ThosherllT organl/ed a posse
of 100 men , captured the negro and lodged
ilm in jail. 11 Gnrrelt dies to-night there
vill bo a lynching. To night a negro , who
vas defending Price and aouslng tlio injuied
vhlto man , was set upon by u crowd and
oughly handled.
Wnuloil tlio ChriHiniiiH
KANSAS CITV. , Mo. , Dec. 25 As Moses
Wright , a Jlftccn year old boy , was passing
ho corner of Fourteenth and Vine streets
on his way homo at S o'clock to-night , with
omo Christmas package ) , a man ordered
ilm to hold up his hands nnd almost immed-
atcly fired at him. The bullut ci.tcicd the
ight a\o and came out near the car. The
vound is not necessarily. fatal. The mis
creant escaped and the boy docs not know
vhcthcr ho was a white man or u negro.
"Tho KIIIK'H Fool. "
CiirAflo , Dec 21 The llrst ' Anioiican pro-
luction of "Tho King's Fool' , " light opera by
Adolph Nucller , which Is having such a pho-
lomcnal run In Vienna , was given heioto-
ilght at the Columbia theater under direction
of Herr Hutnlch Coin-old , A largo audience
vns present and the verdict in the main wus
uvoiublo , The music seemed of it much
ilghcr grudo than in the avcrago work of
Imilur prctoiihlans , The scenery and cos-
umes wcrocri brilliant.
lilllnl ! ) I ho Curs.
BINOIIAMITON. N Y. , Dec. 24 Henry and
ohn Van Wormur , brotheis , where killed by
i tram near Onconta this afternoon while
valuing on the track.
Condi ! Ion.
LoMO.v , Oec,2l. To night's bulletin about
irlght is unfavorable. It is announced tint
) ui gh are ini worse condition and ho in
: weaker.
A MYsTiiuors :
Charles T. Clement , n Prominent
I'.trK" ? lnn , Missing.
F\nno , Dak , Dec. 24 [ Special Telegram
to Tiu. BFK. ] Clias. T. Clcnuvit , a post com
mander of the G. A. It. and treasurer of the
board of education , disappeared sonic two
weeks ago , nnd rumors of defalcation hnvo
been Hfo. The facts scum to bo that s.omo-
timougo a traveling man named Tnvlor , rep
resenting a Chicago firm , it Is claimed did
Mr. Clement n personal Injury , the extent of
which none but panics directly interested
seem to know This hud been constantly
prrjing upon his mind until , it isbclleveil ,
the constant stialn has rendered him temporarily
arily Insane. Helms often been orheatd
talking to himself about the affair , referring to
Taylor in u manner which showed hatted and
vindictive spirit. A short time before his do-
purtuio , Mr. Clement said "Should I over
meet Tnvlor thcro IB llttlo question in my
mind what the consequences \\ill bo For
my family's sake , I hope that 1 may never
meet him "
On December 0 , Mr Clement informed his
family that he wns going to St. Paul nnd
Minneapolis on business of n personal nature
Ho took no change of clothing nor bnggngo
of nnv kind , In his haste forgetting his o\or
shoes , nnd wearing a light overcoat. A let
ter was received from him next da > ,
in which ho said ho was going to Chicago.
On the Oth a letter was received from C'hl
cage , nnd that is the last heard from him
December 1ft lion H. D Twomey tele
graphed to Matt Pinkoiton in Chicago full
particulnis , and authomed him to take hold
of the case at once , which ho did. No tiuco
can bo found of him Miico December 111when
ho dined with C. D. Whltehouso , an old
Fnrgo fnond , whom ho Informed that ho was
going to take the night train for Fargo.
She Stalls n Nelf > | itioi * mill Cuts Two
Soxtr.itscT , ICy , Dec. 24 iSpecial Tele
gram to TUB Brr. ] A trivial qu.urcl be
tween two women near hero Saturdav re
sulted In the fatal stabbing of ono ot them
and the serious cutting of her two clnldicn.
Mrs. Frank Stevens , wife of a well to do
farmer , rented a patch of ground to Mrs.
Burchfield. The latter fell behind in her
lent and n quarrel was the result. Yester
day Mrs. Hurchllcld was in her Hold with
her two children , u boy and a girl , aged ten
and twelve. Mis. Stephens approached and
after n few words pulled from the folds of
her iltess u bowlo knife and savagoli at
tacked Mrs. liuichlleld , stabbing her in the
breast nnd under the left shoulder blade
Mis. Buivlillold's llltlochildicn rushed to
their mother's assistance , when the mad
dened nmii7on tinned on them , cutting both
severely hut not dnngetously Tlio wounded
woman and childen were taken to their
home. Mis. Huichlleld's wounds must
necessarily provo fatal. Mrs. Stephens was
an estud.
The PrcMdeiit-KIcct.
iNDiVNU' , Ind , Dec. 21 Notwith
standing the general publication this morn
ing that General Harrison would hold no re
ception during holiday week , he had a greater
number of visitors to-day than usual. Aside
fiom the laigo number of callcis , the general
was kept very busv with Ins mail , which has
greatly increased during the past few days.
Numcious little presents of an inexpensive
character ai i ivcd to-day.
Ex Senatoi Henrv G. Davis , ot West Vii
emin , arrived in the city last night and was
an early visitor at the Harrison residence
this morning , deputing for homo on the
noon tiain. The presence of ox-Senator
Davis has given nso to considerable news
paper speculation regarding that gentle
man's politic1) . Upon the authoiity of Gen
eral Harrison , it may bo stated that Senator
Davis' visit had no political significance
whatever , nnd politics wcio not discussed.
Senator Sawyer , 01 Wisconsin , stopped
over ono train to-day on route homo from
Washington , nnd sncnt an hour with the
prealdcntrcloct this afUutioon. It in fair to
presume that the great lumberman warmly
endorsed Governor Kusk for the wai poit-
Ex-Senntor Rounders nnd wife havoio
turned to Omaha , nnd the Hnnison family
will pass their Christina" alone.
Absolutely Untrustworthy *
LONDON' , Dec. 24.V dispatch to the Telegraph
graph from Xunnbnr , says : All repoits from
hero purpoiting to glvo the details of th
meeting of Stanley and Eniin , are nbsolutely
untrustworthy. Even the place of meeting
is unknown.
Humors of German aggression nnd pro
spects of a conquest are exciting the natives ,
between Stanley Falls nnd Albert Nyan/.i ,
and also tlnough the UJiji region to the cast
Jail lU't-iikeiM Shot.
VirKbuutn , Doc. 24. At 12 o'clock last
night , the city marshal , McMnhon , shot A.
G. Clay and Newton Dolan , wlillo they wcio
attempting to break into the jail for the pur
pose of llheialing a prisoner named Green ,
charged with soiling liquor , who was to bo
tried to day. They had nearly succeeded in
breaking the door down when the marshal
lircd. Both men aiu badly wounded.
Killed liy His Nenlicxv.
GADSDKN , Ala , Dec. 24. Jcsso A. Taylor ,
an old and highly respected citizen of this
county , was to day shot and instantly killed
by his nephew , Arch Cr.veo , a young man
about twenty-live yeais old. Taylor was
trying to prevent u dllllcully between Cra co
and a man named Lancaster , when the
former turned and placing a pistol against
Taylor's head , shot him dead.
Consul Arrested ,
VIENNA , Doc 21 The Tagubhitt has dis
patches saying that thoKusshtn consul at
Malta has been ai rested on suspicion of hav
ing placed an explosive shell in the theatre
there while the Duchess of IMInburgh was
present. The consul i ofuscs to answer qnos
lions. The English authorities bolluvo the
alTnlr is the outcome of u nihilist con
A NilHllVllll ! Itl.l/,0 ,
NASIIVILI.K , Tcnn. , Doc. 21 Baxter couit ,
the handsomest olllco building In Nashville ,
burned to-night ; loss , $100,01)0. ) Judge Matt
W. Allen was , nt work on the sixth door
when the Hi o stalled and managed to light
hl way to the second lloor. thtough the
smoke und flnmin , where Hi omen rescued
him. Ho is BcrlouBlv burned.
Tim Chicago < > | > TI ; llotmo Keopiinod.
CIMCMIO , Dec 21. The Chicago opera
house , in which , Bincc the Jlio ten days ngo ,
n small army of decorators and llttuiH have
b en ut work repairing the damages , reopened -
opened tonight with ICir lfy's"\Vntor Queen "
The mtei lot of the house has been completely
redecorated in a very attractive titylo.
LONDON , Deo. - - ! . Robert Cunningham
Graham , member of parliament , addressed n
mceUiig of unemployed workmginon irj. mid
night last nigh ' . A piooosslon of workingmen -
men , which arrived from Konnington was
attacked by the police und disperseIt ) is
icportcd that a severe rttrugglu took plaso be
tween thu police and paiudcrs.
liii ) inj ; AVnr
Soru , Doc. 51.The fov eminent has
Higiicd a contract , 'with ICrupp for a nulliun
Irani'S woith of shells , and IH negotiating
with the1 s.imo muniifaciui cr fnr the jiurcliusi )
of eighty now battciies.
St < * auihtili An IvitN.
At Now York The Moravia , fiom Ham
burg ; tlio Horvla , fiom Llvtirpjol ,
At Bremen-- Tim Kms. from New Yni k.
At , Huiniurri ; Iho U'loiund , Itoui New
A Mnson City Minister Stricken
Down Whllo Pronchlutr *
Hros. AVarolutiso at KeoUulJ
Knlded hj tlio Police and a
Ainoiint of lloer Selrcil
Other limn NOMN ,
Cir , la , Dec 21 | i Special Tele
gram to TUB HKI : j Them was quite a com
motion in the M U. church \esteuln > morn.
Ing. A huge audlnncu had gathciod to listen
to a Christmas scimon bi Dr W Franli
Paxton. After announcing the hymn ho
seated himself in his accustomed place , but
after the hymn was sung the pastor re
mained in his neat The nudicuc" sat in
spell bound nma/emcnt forfullj tlvii minutes ,
when It was discovered that ho was suiTciing
I 10111 a initial paralysis of the brain , and
was unconscious Ho was can led to his
home nnd Is now recovering.
Illinois Sel/dd.
ICrokui > , In. , Dec. 21. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : Hri : . ] The police to-daj sul/cd TOO
enilith hiri els , fifty lour kegs and nineteen of bcor in the stoioroom of GUH Loisy
it Hros , brewers , of Peoria , 111 Last July
asci/uio was imule at the sumo place and
goods rcplovmed. Tlio case was tried in the
supciior couit and a decision in favor of
Loisi rendered. An appeal was taken and
thecaso is pending ' " tlio .snpjcmo couit. A
similar ease is also under consideration iu
the federal court Lelsy dues not neil pro
hibited bevctnges to DO drank on the prem
ises , but only in the original and unhrokcu
packages In this case uiplovin will bo
pr.ijed lor nnd tin injunction asked lestraln-
Ing the prosecution fiom fill ( her interfctuuca
with Lcisy's bus-muss.
A Fatal Pall.
Gnni.NPiri.i ) , la , Dec. 21. iSpeelnl Tele
gram to Tun Ui.i : | Satuulav , while some
boys wore plavlng In a hay mow , Hal Myers ,
a sovencarold . son of ,1. J. Myers , of the
II rm ol Myers Hros. , lumber dc.deis , sllppcit
fiom the mow and fell to the giound , a dis
tance often feet. Ho did not co , and snld
ho was not much hurt , but complained of
feeling sleepy. Ho walked homo , but In the
evening giew more and moie drowsy and bo-
Uin to get chilly. Ho wont into a comatose
lO.ulltion nnd all attempts to aioiiso him
proved futile and ho died before midnight.
J'icnicin at ! ) ut > uuc.
Dimijin , In. , Dec. 2-1. [ Special Telegram 11
to Tin : HIM. | A Hummer picnic was held to
day nt McICnight's springs by the young
people of this city The gentlemen were
linen dusters and stiawhats A steamboat
exclusion to Ncal's island is planned for to-
moriow , with Ice cicam ami stinwbcriics ,
paiasols , sun bonnets , etc No such Christ
mas weather was over seen hoio boforo.
Meicniy sixty in the shade.
M \nr\no , la , Dec. 21 - [ Special Telegram
lo Tin : BI.B. ] Marion Hush committed sui
cide hero last evening by hanging himself to
atrcom his door yard , using a rope from
one of his chlldi en's nleJs to nctomplish the
deed. Ho loaves a wife and four childion.
No caus can bo assigned , as he was indus
trious and temperate , and luippi in Ins fam
ily iclutions.
An Old .Soldier
ftH4im.LTOvx ] , la. , Deo. 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Hrc. ] J. H old
soldier and mall carrier , has been dmehr.rgeil
to make way foi a democrat. The veterans
are much stincd over the mutter.
Dry Kiln Uurncil.
Four MAHISOS , Iu. , Doc. 21. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Biu ] The dry kiln attached
to the sawmill ot the Attic Lumber com
pany was destro\ed by flroestoidny morn
ing. Loss , $10,000 ; insurance not known.
Koiuid ( Juiliy.
GINEVV , 111. , Dec. 21. In the enso of ;
Haucioisen , chief of the "Q" dynamitera , at
Aniorn , 111 , who has been on tiial hero for
several days pist , the jury has ictui'nea a
verdict of guilty and fixed his senlenco ut
twoyoais' imirisonmont. |
The olllcials of the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy i.iilrond company s iy they had hoped
for a longer tci m , but they are novcr-tlio-luss
pleased with the vonlict. There woic two
counts In the indictment , ono tor unlawful
use of dynamite , the least penalty for which ,
under the statute , is Jlvo years ; the other was
for conspiracy to use dynamite , the penalty
for which is only two years. The jury con
victed under the lightosl count It was evi
dently u compromise vet diet. An appeal has
been prayed for by the counsel for
Hanoi cisea und the prosecution of
the cases ngainst Bauorelson'8 co
co conspirators in the stale courts ,
and against Hnuciciscn and liia
confederates in the federal courts will
depend somovvhnt upon the action
of the appellate couit in Hanoi cisen's appeal.
John A. Biodciiek , 0110 of Bauoiclsen'H co-
dcfcmlunUs , who Is now In jail hero , was seen
aftei the nnnauccinent of the vcidlct. Ho
said , when lold the resull of the tliul :
"Well , thoi have convicted an Innocent
man , and I could have proved that if they
liad-lakcn me on tlio .slund. "
"Why dla thov not use you as n witness ) "
"Well , I do not know It appeared that
the piosccution did not want me , and
said thu defense could not have mo , seeing I
wus In the custody or thu United Stuics.
tins Several IlrnnuhOR In Indiana.
iMHAS'U' Ind , Dec 24 I'ho aircst
of Charles F. Cutting , of Chicago , and the
flight of W. I'1. ' Shaw , for swindling tin )
stockholders of the Columbia Building mid
Loan nsscciution , has developed the fact that
the association has several blanches in In
diana. At Marion the stockholdcra lese
$ l(00 ( , while at 'J ipton the workmtrmon held
Htock to the amount of0 00. ) Other placoa
nro vet to hear liom , and it IK thoight the
total amount Involved will be a. quarter of it
Advnnro In liueH. !
Cmc\no , 111. , Dec. -Passenger lates to
the north wtst , wttHi h.tvo been out for
Bovoral wo k , WO.M advaneod to the regular
rate this moniing. January 1 , I&sO. nabsongnr
fuics I'lom I'lii.ago to Coun il Bluffs.
Omaha , Kansas C'ltv. St. .Tousph , ' .tchmou
nnd Lcr/onworlh will bo advanced to il'J.ISO
llrst elass. Uatos from Chicago to points bo *
twccii and buvond the above named ter
minals will , on the 'fiamo date , bo udvunccil
to the lates shown in the Chicago rate shoot ,
iu effect December 1 , lo&8.
A 1'anil Accident.
DLLI ill , Minn , Dec. 23. This inornlnp ,
whllo a gang of wsn were at work tit the
Ohio Coal coinpanv's doc ! ; , onu of the Idnc ,
holding (100 ( tons of coal , burst and bulled
John . ( nekton and Join : Oleson inulfci tlio
Both wcro l
An Illinois lt'u/i < .
CHI.OOSII.NOIOV. 111. . Uec. : > . ( . - A rtro at
Minlcr , Tnoowcll umatv , II | c moriittjfUo -
Htioycd ono botcl. t-.vo irrciery * trres , two
saloons and a In my tlidilo. L" u fit',000. '
For Iowa and Vobraika : I.l/ht snorr ,
followrd 'J aesdiy by ful.'i coi.l.'r1 ,
l-'or Fuir ;
blii wluilit.