8 TTTR OMAHA DAILY BEE : :3tONDAY : DEOEMBEK 24. 1888. THK CITY. Mr. E. M. McCrnry hnd his horse nncl inipgy stolen from a hitching post out- bide llio Cnnflcltl house last night. The 1'hilntlclphla chop house plvos a Christmas dinner to tha newsboys , Amoricun District nnd Western Union messengers , nnd the bootblacks , be- wcon ! ! nml . ' ! o'clock. Mrs. Plorpon was yesterday appointed to assist County Agent Malionoy in looking after the city poor during the ensuing winter. Mrs. Piorson will re- ccivo 875 ( i month during the three months oinnlo > u(1. ( Hho wns formerly the ngonl of tlie bureau of charity. T1II3 WKKK' " 1101 I ) ' " . Tnf" lny Afternoon nml Kvcmnff Henry E Olxpy In A d'nils. WcdiiMiliiy Henry E. Dlxoy In Ailimls , Thursday Kcv. .1. W. Hurstiu , lecture , "Lt'teure lny in Italy , " for the Women's ' Christian association. Friday iVnnk Daniel ? in l.Ullc I'ncls. Saturday Afternoon and Evening Frank Ilniik-ls In Llflc I'ncl ; . ( iitvs-n ( ipntnofiK. . Monday Hullnn ft Hnrt in l.ntcr On. Tuesday Afternoon and Evening Italian ft Hart In l.ntcr On. Thursday Kilrnln nnd Mltcholl In spar- rlnir exhibition. Snturdnv Afternoon and Evening Pony nnd dog show. inrN Mvni : . Every Afternoon and Evening Madame LoUo.v , IOIIK haired lady ; Eva Loveland , fut lady , and other attractions. Wo rcc'm'd Korr's thread. Haydcn Bros - Another1 Victim. .T. D. Coon , of I'hUtsinoutli , was brought to Omnlia late Saturday ni ht by the tjpv- prinnunt authorities on a charge. of soiling liquor without a government license. Ho is coiillncd In the county jail. A Cold Wave. Yesterday nt 10 o'clock the cold wave signal was hoisted under In structions from Washington , as u change of 21 degrees in the tem perature was expected before 8 o'clock this evening. II IN Noi Smallpox. The icjiort of a case of smallpox nt Eleventh and Vinton streets that was circu lated in the city yesterday , proves to have been unfounded. The patient is a child who was vncciimtod a few days ago. and the , eruptions on its body were duo to the scroll- ! lous condition of its blood , This is the opin ion of City I'hyHlclmi Kalph , who hunted the case up as soon us lie heard of it. Ho suys tlicio is no cause for alarm. Use Korr's thread always the best , told and recommended by Hayden Bros. Gliarltablt ! Colored I'coplc. Kov. J. H. Welsh , pastor of , the Mt. Zion A. M. E. church , Jacksonville , Fla. , writes as follows to Tin : Hii : : , acknowledging the re ceipt , from colored people in this city , of contributions to the yellow fever fund o that stricken city : I'lenso allow mo through .vour , columns to acknowledge tne receipt of $10 raised in .your city nt a public mooting for the yellow fever sulfcreis in Jacksonville. The amount was went mo by Kov. P. A. Hubbard , of the A. J\I. E. church. We are grateful for this fav orable consideration. The blood is the source of health. Keep it pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla - . rilla , which ia peculiar in its curative power. A Hessors nil. I Supervisors. The following ofllolal bonds were approved Saturday by the county commissioners : A. F. Hrlggs , justice of the pcaco of the Eighth district ; Samuel Hopper , road supervisor j'or the north district of Waterloo ; Samuel S. Wilt , road supervisor of the north district of Elkhorn precinct ; Frank J. IJleick , as- Hossor for MrArdle precinct ; George Merry- weather , road supervisor for the east district of Valley ; Jonas F. Fry , constable for Chicago cage precinct ; A. W. lioche , assessor for the Third wnid ; William H. Olmstead , road supervisor of Union precinct ; David Ueed , road supervisor of West Omaha ; Henry W. Crossle , assessor of West Omaha ; Hans Nelson , assessor of Jefferson precinct ; Henry 1'olko , same ; James Mitchell , justice of the peace for Valley. Saturday Night's "Wreck. Yesterday the Union Pacific had a largo force of uion clearing up the wreck on its track at the intersection of Sixteenth street. It was rumored that Switchman Howard had put in an appearance early yesterday morn ing nt the sccno of the wreck , but inquiry failed to substantiate the statement. 13oth cng'nos ' nro badly damaged and will bo "stalled" in the shops lor some time. The accident is attributed to Howard's ' negligence in not seeing that th'o track was clear for the train before it pulled out , as the rules of the company entitled it to the track nttlmt time. The engineer nnd llreman that wore on the bend engine , and who were badly shaken up , nro in no way dangerously injured. The track was clearca up about midday ycs- tci day. Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure i's the remedy for you. For sale by Good man Drug Co. _ A MlfilrniliiiK Statement. In commenting on the announcement of Tun J3r.B to the effect that the management tf the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Hluffs , nnd tnat of the Union Pneilie worn engaged in arranging division rates , the railroad wlsacre of a morning paper states that the St. Joe road "must bo a new concern , " and nlso that this is vested exclusively in the "Western Trafliu association. " The fact Is that the railroad system in question has long been in existence , and for the reason that it traverses the country in a northerly and southerly direction , it lias no direct connec tion with the Western TralUo association , neither docs it como under that series of classification. Vice President Holcombc , of the Union Pacific , is authority for the state ment that now division schedules woio being formulated. Ono word : ono stop may malco or mar ono's whole future. Dr. Jones' Red Clever Tonio is the proper move when you hnvo dyspepsia , bad broatli , piles , pimples , nguo , malaria , low spirits , hcnuncho or any btomuuh or liver troubles. 60 cents. Goodman Drug. Co. Itntcs to I\o Advanced. That upon the reorganization of the Colorado rado and Utah pool , western rates would bo advanced as foreshadowed in Tun BUB , Is generally conceded in railway circles. For nearly two weeks the trnfllo managers of the roads centering in Omaha sat in conference In Chicago , and the result Is that the Utah pool has been reorgaulzcd , and In the near future it will bo In operation. When asked nbout the reasons lor the reorganization , General Manager Holdrcdgo of the Hurling- ton said : "The western rates , and particu larly the rates In Colorado , huvo for a long time been la bad condition , To handle freight at certain periods under tha rates In effect at that point , meant a loss to the railroads. Now this conference has ugrccd to the restoration of the former schedules , which will advance rates In Colorado traftlo and may lead to an advance from points eastward from the Mis souri river. " The statement that the now pool formation would do away with classifica tion rates to the Missouri river polnts.as sent to out In press dispatches from Chicago , Is pro nounced erroneous. Omaha and points similarly situated , will enjoy a division classification us bcrforo , ana the only tralllo that will como under the service , will bo that which is consigned to through points. I'ozzonl's Complexion Powder pro duces a soft and beautiful tskin ; it com bines every element of beauty and purity. INSTITUTION. The Subject Discussed by HOT. J. IJ. Johnson YestcHlnjr Morning- . The text of the sermon in Walnut Hill Christian church was : "This do in remem brance of Me. " Luke 23:10. : The speaker said i A monument was erected on the field of Thermopylae in honor of the immortal 300 who gave their lives for their country. On the monument was the Inscription : "Go ! stranger ! and tell nt Sparta that wo died in obedience to her laws. " On Hunker Hill and at Gettysburg we may see to-day monuments to remind us of the heroic deeds of patriotic defenders of our country. The pyramids of Egypt have stood for ages as monuments of tyranny , although having been Intended to Immortalize the names of ttio irbulldcrs.-j Kites and ceremonies are often observed ns memory tokens in honor of mighty deeds or of characters that men delight to honor. The Greeks observed the Isthmian games In honor of the destruction of Clrrha and the Itomans the gamp of Apollo in memory of the overthrow of Syr.icuso. Wo celebrate the Fourth of July in memory of the heroic1 faith and action of the bravo men who pledged tlioir lives , their fortune nnd their sacred honor to the maintenance of the Im mortal declaration. We observe Decoration Day In honor of the gallant men who laid down their lives to preserve the integrity of the union. The religion of Jesus Is not without Its object lessons nnd helps to the memory. Sunday has been observed as a day of rest and worship for nearly two thousand years in memory and in honor of our risen Lord , who , on tins day , nroso from the grave and brought llfu nnd immortality to light. Itaptism , also , is a memorial insti tution. In It we see pictured forth the burial ami the resurrection of the Kedeemcr. The Lord's supper , of which wo speak particu larly to-day , is a memorial rite. The ancient Hom.uis celebrated the death day of the loved ono who had gone to "tho undiscov ered country. " At the annual recurrence of the death day n feast was made and there was a vacant place at the tnblo forthonbscnt one whoso guests they supposed themselves to be. INO man knows the day of Jesus' birth , but Ho himself instituted the supper which wo observe in grateful memory of bis snllcrings and death. H was on an April Thuisdny A. D. 33 , with thirteen persons present In an upper room , that he said of the loaf' "This is my body , broken for you , " and of the cup , "This is the blood of the new testament , which is shed for many for re mission of sins. " The man who denies that the declaration of independence was ever signed and that the war for the maintenance of the union was over fought , is bound to account in some way for the origin of the observance of the Fourth of July and Decoration day. They arc living monuments testifying to the events they coininctuoruto. And the man who denies tnat Jesus died for men , was buried and nroso again , is bound to account for the origin of baptism , Sunday observance and the Lord's supper. A nation lives largely in its history. Memories of Marathon and Thermopylae to-dnj lire the Grecian heart. Lot America forgot the -Hh of July , Hunker Hill and Valley Forgo , Sniloh and Appom- matox , and patriotism will die. Let the world forget Gethsemnno and Pihito's hall , Mount Calvary and Joseph's sepulcher , and the Christian rellgijn will perish. The iires of devotion arc enkindled in the Christian . heart by hallowed memories of what Christ 1ms endured for us memories of his lascer- ated body , of falling tears and streaming blood. It is n sad thing for n ship to go down in mid ocean and leave no sign that it over existed - isted , as did the Central America. It is sad for .1 human soul to po down in the great ocean of lifo and leave no tr.ice It is sad to tlimlc our graves will soon be overgrown and wo will TJO foreottcn. it is sad for husband or wife to think of being forgot ten by the other. In common with humanity Jesus desired to bo remembered , but espec ially for our own saltcs. To forget Jesus is to become infidel or pagan to yield to tlis- pair or return to the long forsaken altars of Jupiter and Juno. To forgot Jesus is to for get the mercy and the love of God. To for get Jesus is to forget the physician nnd the balm of Gilcud in the hour of sorrow. To forget Jesus is to forget the heavenly homo and the crown of immortality. To forget Je sus is to forget the homo of the soul , the many mansions , the city of God with its walls of jasper and sapphire , its streets of gold and its river of the water of life. Many persons contract severe coald during the early winter months and permit thorn to hang on persistently all winter ; weakening the lungs and pav ing the way for catarrh , chronic Drcn- chitcs , or consumption. No ono can afford to neglect a cold. A single bottle - tlo of Clmmborluin's Cough Remedy will euro the most severe cold , and cost but 50 els. For sale by druggis. Prestidigitation at ( lie Stnndt. Last night at Coos' Staadt theater Prof- Theodore Brudor , assisted by Miss Charlotte - lotto La Motte , entertained an audience with n series of sleight of hand tricks , cardtossJ ing and mind-reading in a highly successful manner. Hoth were strangers to the aud itors , but easily found favor with them because - cause of the excellence of all their acts. The remarkable features wcro the clairvoyant act of Miss La Motto and the cabinet per formance of the professor. The performance lasted three hours and was frequently ap plauded. _ Advice ( o Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo usudforchildren teething. Itsootlies the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , curcsjwind colic , and is the best remedy for liarrlicna. 23 < s a bottle. A Mangled linliorer. The remains of Frank IJalter , an account of whoso violent death appears in the Coun cil Uluffs department of this paper , wcro yesterday brought to Coroner Droxel's head quarters , where un inquest will be held upon them to-day at 10 o'clock. Tlio Umpire Quest ton. The Western association should lose no time , but nt once stir around and secure their corps of umpires for the coming season. There Is no question but that new faces will bo seen In this circuit in 1830 , as it Is a pretty well accepted fact that crookedness marked the work of ono or two of the staff last sea son. There can bo nothing gained by men tioning names , us the association ofllcers are thoroughly posted on this score , and will govern themselves accordingly. It is not known whether Frank Uandol would hko n position on the stuff next year or not , but if ho should manifest such a desire , there is not much doubt but that ho could get the ap pointment. Anyway , the committee who lias ) this mutter in hand , huvo no tlmo to lose , if they would secure Jlrst class lucn. Miscellaneous Sporting Gossip. Captain O'Mnlloy and n party of gnnnors bagged eight line gceso at Culuoun Thurs day. day.Tho The alleged Jack Dempsey , so thoroughly paralyzed by Jimmy Lindsay a conplo of weeks slnco , has "floated" away from this neck o' woods , Hilly G , Ingram has been offered $100 and expenses to go to Ogden , Utah , January 1 , and handla the birds of thu Utah Sporting club in a big- main they have on with San Francisco parties. A novel Christinas present was sent to Poughkcopile , N. Y. , this morning , by Al Uothory and MikeHiokntts. . Tlio.v sent four bull pups , out of the famous bitch "Nellio , " to friends In their old homo , one of which , a cunning llttlo brindle , going to a professor at Vassar college , whosu nanio , of course , will not bo mentioned , The other dogs of the litter wcro sum to Arthur Shcpard , Phila delphia. The will of Tom ICIng , the pugilist who fought Huonan twenty yo.u-s ago , has just boon probated in England. His personal es tate Is worth over 250,001) . Ho leaves to his wife for lifo the income of ono-thlrd of his estate , and , subject thereto , luavus tha residua - dua of his property , real nnd personal , in trust to pay tno lucoino thereof for her lifo his daughter , Mrs. Stanbrldgo , with power of appointment to her in favor of her diildicu. Flushes from the Diamond. Jim MaLaughlin is wintering in this city. Sam Morton Is In Chicago hustling for the Minneapolis team and himself. Harry Staloy has signed with the Pitts- burps for the coming season at $7,500. It remains to bo seen whether four balls uml three strikes will Increase the butting next season It is the writer's humble opin ion that It Wilt not. There Will bo some additional Improve mcnts made at the ball park In early spring. The St. Joe bftso ball directors have elected the following officers : A. II. Truekcnmiller , president ) John S. Patch , treasurer and Charlie M. Lord , manager. Lord was once manager of the old Union Pacifies. Joe Quest , n Western association umpire last season , is under engagement to captain nnd manage a team in Sacramento next sen- son. Joe will have an easy tlmo of it , ns the team plavs only two games n week Satur day nnd Sunday. Under the rules for next year , should but ono run bo required to win the game , nnd there bo three men on the bases in the last Inning , If the batsman makes a homo run the hit will so count , and nil the runs will llgnro In the score. "Spud" F.irrlsh is authority for the state ment that the city league will bo reorganized next seneon on a much stronger nnd more business-like basis than tbo past , and that ho will bo in the light with u team that will tnnko the rest of the managers turn green with envy. Alvord , Dos Mollies' big , good-natured third baseman , wants his release. He thinks bo's good enough for the League or Ameri can association , nnd s.iys that if Dos Moincs doesn't let him out that ho will remain In California , where ho is now playing with the Knickerbockers , W. T. Plummer , who Is officiating ns head waiter nt the Millnrd , would like to play ball professionally next senson , and ho would bo n good man for seine of the minor league clubs. Hois n first baseman , and pln.\s the position finely , being a sure catch and great cm ground balls. He Is a lair hitter. W. C. Hryan , the cx-innntigcr who started the DCS Moines club nnd has figured promi nently In ball circles , has fled to Canada to escnpo the consequences of an indictment hanging over him in the district court. The girl whom ho betrayed is still in Dos Moines. JJryan is now married to a wealthy lady. His bondsmen procured an order for extradi tion pipers from the governor some time ago , and an ofilcer went to Washington only to bo informed that n man cannot Do extra dited for the crime charged. Grateful. From the Council Hluffs Daily Globe , Jan uary 20 , IbSU : M. A. McPlke , editor of the Cambria ( Ebensburg , Pa. ) Freeman , has been the personal friend of the editor of the Globe for moro than twenty years , and is known , wherever ho Is known , ns ono of the boat men living. lie is also an intimate friend of Mr. Chirk , of the Nonpareil , llo has been unfortunate in the fact that his familv was rnvtmcil with diphtheria nnd greatly distressed. Mr. Clark , having hoard of this calamity , sent him seine of Dr. Jcf- fcris' Diphtheria Cure. It was used nt once , nnd the live * of the rest of his children saved. Letters Irom Mr. McPiko nro un bounded in their expressions of gratitude for finding some means of averting the loss of his whole group of little and tender ones. Five of Mr. McPikc's children out of eight died from diphtheria before he had an op portunity of using Dr. Jufforis' ' remedy. 1'rice of remedy S3 , Address Dr. Thos. Jcf- feris , box 03" , Omaha , Neb. An AbHciit-MlndciI ftrnleer. Baltimore American : E. TJ. Wil liams , a well known Wall street broker , certainly has a claim to tbo palm for the most forgetful man on ourth. What do you think of a , married man so nb- scnt-miudcd as to lo o his wife's corsets on the street , and then advertise for them in the papers ? That is what Mr. Williams lias dono. llo started out to have his wife's corsets , which wore unusually valuable , repaired , but being wrapped up in stocks his mind soon wandered from his wife , and ho loft the article of dress in the car. Now he oilers a reward for their return , and his wife declares that Mr. Williams' memory isn't as long as your linger. o ? Dissolution of Harrison's I/a\v Firm. Philadelphia Press : The dissolution of the law firm of Harrison , Miller & Elnm is announced. Since his nomina tion General Harrison has given vary little attention to tlio business. It is stated that the linn was really dissolved on the day of the election , it is now to bo known as Miller & Elam , although ' J3. IltiiTibon" still appears at the head of the little tin sign that serves as a guide to people who need the ollico. Not Kcduccd. ( o Want. Chicago Tribune : I dcsiro to insert this advertisement in your paper to morrow morning , " she said. "This , " said the advertising clerk , looking it over , "will go among the 'wants. ' " "ilavo you no 'wish' column ? " "No , mum. " "Then , sir , " said the young lady from Boston , haughtily , "you need not insert it. I simply wish a situation as gover ness. That is all. It is not a case of want. Is there any newspaper printed in English in this place ? " This pomJernever varies. A marvel of purity strength and wlioiasoinvnasv .Mora econom ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold n compJtlUon with the multitude of low cost , short weight iduiu of pliosphnta powders. Hold only In cam ltov.il Making 1'owdor Co. , laj Wallstrcet. Now Vorfc. COLD MKDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1873. Nos. 303-404-I70-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT QP PENS JVfllCIOUS AND PERSISTED Advertising luia ahvajs proven successful , lloforo iiliioliurnny Nmvspopor Advertising consult LORD & THOMAS , iuriuiTisnu jbEMB , to 19 UaodolcbbtrceU CHICAGO. it ONLY ! fl BnCITIUP For LOSTorFAIlINO MANHOOD ! MrUJllilfC General and NERVOUS DEBUITYj Wfaknen of Dodyand Hindi Effect ! of Errors or Eicenci in Old or Tounr. KtbDll , ricVU JliMIIKIU rollr llt.lgrfd. llo * lo KnUnt I J Hlrorlara MKAk.I MllTlUll't II IlltUthS * rilllBof llOIIV. ibioliiKI ; uofilllir llUflk TIIUTMt.M-K.-irtll. la i d. , . Itlllfr I' " " 41 SUIn , Trrrllorln , and rerrlr ( tunlrlri. Toacaa NrlUtkfui. Uock. rtllciiiUnilloii , and praofi ntlUd UitUai fr . Iddmi H | [ MjilCAt CO. , BWAIO./M. / (00 ( CIGARS KXT1IA HOLIDAY CJ-'rjiC. To ruiilrtly . .itruJuco our new " 1'uuay Uurcu" cigar.Va will , It urdereil ut once , iletivtr lee or them , tioiea of 10 cliiura eacU FUKU to unj I'oit or Kxpresi OQ1C8 In tlio U. H. Alio < > < yeur'i tub. acrliitluu | > o > tpald to Tex in Hlftlniri upon ro- eelpt of rour dollan the yeurlr r to lorttim pop. ularllluitratod lllpaio jounml.Vrlte nauio and poilolUce uUdreia plulnlr. Itemlt t > r reglitercd tuall or poital note anil adilrena ul once B , W. TANSILL& CO. . 55 State St. , Chlcauo la fntlrclj A vrgetabl * r paTatton con. lalnlng no lUrcurjPottub , Artcnlc , or otbav polionoui itibilanoca. WIFT'S SrECIFIO Iliu cured hundrodi of CMC of rplthdlo. ana or Cancrr of tha Skin , thousands of ran * * of Ectcnia , Illoo.l Itumort nnd Skin DIcontoa , nd liundrcds of tliousnnCs of ctuoJ c.f Bcrof- UlA.DIcH.iI 1'ulBo.l and JJlovd Taint. flWIIT'S SPFCIFIO lln rcllcTpil tlioiuamlanf CMP of Mcrcn. rial I'olionlnj , Uhouuiatldn and Stlltncai of ttie Joints. CfUlTArftoot. Tnnf. JunoST , I < t3 fltrlft'i Rppollli ) fo. , Atlanta , Ua.-Uonllcmont Inth early part of tlio p-oi nt year , l > .vl cusnof bit-oil pnUon appeared upon mo. I began Uklntf s. a. a , tmilcr ndvlco of nnotlicr , unJ today I fael fr atly Imprnrml , 1 mn ctlU taxing the niMlolno and shall continue to ilo in until 1 am I'orfuctly well. 1 belleNuU Ui fleet a perfect euro. Yourx truly , Uoo. I1. 1 low inn , 111 WeatliUthSt. COLL'linu , a. C. , July 7 , IVa-TJin Swift Dpccineuo , Atlanta , < ) a. Ouiillrmrii 1 wai Kivnt nittorcr from mnsoulnr rh umnllam for two ) earn. I could Rtt no permanent ro- llpf from ntiy meiilclno prosui-lbsil by my pliyMclnn. 1 took over n doton hottlcn of yourn H. 8 , md now I nm iui well ns I u\or wn In my life- I nm uro jour meillclns curpdmo.imd 1 would roeoimnoiiJ IttiiniiT one BimtTlug from any blood iltrtiiuo. Youri tlidj , O. K. Hfoiits , , Conductor C. & U. It. It. ' VTi.ro , Tnxm , Kay . KSSS-OcnOe'tiion ' : Tb Klfo of ono of my custompM WAS torrlhly nilctod with a lonthsomo tkInclliraKOth.it coTerpil ln-r hololK > dy. Mho \\IM ennflnni lo hfr bed for peral year * by this nflllction , Jiii could not lielp licr lf at all. She could tkot deep from HTlolent Itching ami allnalnit f the skin. The dUeaso baffled tlio klll oi Mie phislclann who treated It Her huslmnii fc onu flunlly K ! > Ing uti wife Swift's Spcclllo , nil Bhc commeTic4 to Irnprovn nlmont lrn mcxllntely , nml In a few weeks she was ap parently well , sin In now A lioarty fin * . JookliiK laily , w Itli no trace of thoallllctlon Icrt. Yourn > cry truly , J K..SKIHS , \Vholo3alu UrugRlat , J.usUn Avcnuo. I Trcntlsoon Blood anil Skin Dlecasci mailed froc. Tim SWITT Si'Ecinc Co. . lr ) > cr 8 , Atlanta , Oa. ; NawVorl : T5tlrul IT. Sure Cures ! } ESTABLISI1CD 1851 183 So. Ohloog0f II8. | Clark St , llio Regular Old-Established IPHYSIGIAN AND SURGEON Is 5tll ! Treating with the Greatest Ig MdJDCCESS Clirouic , NoiTons aM Mate Diseases , . NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache nnd all the clFcctJ Icaclmi ; to early decay and perhaps Consumption oi Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with SYPHILIS rind nil bad Blood anil Skin Dis eases permanently cured. -KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strict u re , Varlcocele and all diseases of the Gcnito-Uriimy Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. jjNo experiments. Age and experience lm portnnt. Consultation free and sacred. Qv Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. ttiJ Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both 55 cents ( stamps ) . Consult Hie old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suiter- IIIR and shame , and add golden years to life , .SB-Book "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings sent c\erywhcrc , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sunday * 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D.f 186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OP DISCOVERIES. THcbNLY- tiU/\TV\NTEED / \ \ CURE T"OT _ tATARRH CrSSold" .n UrkHlt.3frr9.g- lNCMrao.orowLLE.fAt Santa Abie : and : Cat-R , Cur For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. 20 TO 60 DAYS. This is a disease whicli lias heretofore Bullied nil Medical Science. Wo Imvo n llomeilr , unknown to unyonnln tlio World outsltlo ( if our Uomiwny.unil ono tlitit haste to cure the most obstimto cnsos. Ten days In rocuutcahtBilou-i lliovork. 'tia thoolilchionic deon M-iiteil cases tuat wo solicit , \\ohavo \ cuiedluimlieiHwho Uavp lioeii elMmloned by I'hralclunh , niul pronounced luou nblu , nnde challuiiu'etho World lourlnvj 41 a avjo thutva will not cur in less tliiin Blxtvuyn. We the history or inrdiclnii a tnio spocltlc for Syphilis lius beea sought for b mover IC KBHEDV was discovert ) I , and wo urn justltlelin savins is the only He meity In the World that will ppi- Itively euro , Ifociiiise the lntt.H Meiilcnl Works , publkiied by the b st known authorities , say ihuro wus norcr atruo Hpecillo before. Our rem edy will euro when everything else baa failed. Why waste your tlmo and money with patent medicines that never had virtue or doctor with physicians that cannot euro you , you that Imvo tried everything else should come tus Jowuml fjet permanent rellof , you never canKi-i , It ulho. where. Jlark what wo say , in Iho end vet ; must take our remedy or NKVKK recovet nud von that have been allllctcd but n 'lion time should by all means come to us now iot on < 5 In tenotnewcaseM over cet permanently ciued. Many cot help nnd think tli y lire free from tno disease , but in one. two or three J enn. after It appears again In a more horrible form. Tliis is n Blood Purifier und will Cure any SUin or Blood Disease wlion Kvorythiiitf Kbo Fulls. THE COOK REMEDY CD. ' Room 10 and 11 , U. S. Nallunal Hunk u' , Omaha , Neb. AN OPPORTUNITY OP A LIFE TIME. We nro determined to reduo out- stock of Overcoats this month nnd of for the publican opportunity of buying n first class garment nt n saving of 20 pop cent. Wo prefer to sacrifices profit rather * than carry over our enormous stock. The senson has been unfavorable fop the sale of winter clothing , nnd Inte buyers will now reap the benefit. Briving.Coats , Fur Goats and Fur Trimmed Wl Overcoats. We have reduced several of our popular lines of Childrens' Cape Overcoats , making three grand bargain Lines at $4 , $4.50 and $5. Ages 13 to 17 ; Our Boys' Overcont stock is mnde very nttrnctive by three popular lines of Over coats for boys from 13 to 17 years , nl 86 , $6 and $7. Every garment guaranteed lirst class. No shoddy nt any price. OMAHA BOSTON Freeiand , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK OES MOINES Proprietors Mas Meyer-Established IBSS-Adolph Meyar SIXTEENTH AND FAKNAM STREETS. dcucral Agriits for STEINWAY , GHICKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR Story & Clark aniShonte-Bell.Organs SPECIAL , 1'IUCKS AND TUU.MS. Write for Catalogue. Bomtrltable for powerful tTmpq > tootle tone , pliable action andat tolataaurnbllltr. Hjytars'rcceriL th beat guarantee of tha zeai- lance of tnoso Instruments. " V If ! UC V ftnil all urinary trouble * easlly.nnicfc. MUrlLl ly nud safely cured by DOCl'U HA fail- Eiili'S , ovuralcaH04 cured in HOvun ilars. Sold fl.fX ) per box , all ilniKKNts , or by mull from Io- CiituMft'.Co WliltoSt..N V. Hull Directions U. S. DEPOSITORY , 01IAHA , NEB. I'aiil Up Capital $100,000 Surplus ; 50,000 H , \V. VATIIR. President. Lewis S. UKMI , Vlco 1'resldent. A. i : . TJU/AM.v ( , nd Vice President. \V. II. S. ilucnics Cashier. IIIIIKCTOIIS. W. V. Jtoiisi : , ,101118. Cor..iN3. II. W. VA-II.S. l.iwisS. Ituuu. A 13. Tou/U.lN. Ilanktiig Olllce THE IRON BANK , Corner 1'nn and Fnrnam Sts. A ( leneral llunklim lliiblnois i'runsactod. AltH THE 1UJ3T. PEERLESS DYES Sold 'only ono In lite woi Id gene acontlnuous Kltctrloit Nat/ntim SJ Varrmf. Bcltntltlc , Powerful , Durable , . /Comfortable and Elfwilvo. Avuld frauda. OviTllOOOcuri'd. . AI.HI > RI.r.OTJdU 1IKI.TH HrnilKUniprorhaniphlit. f Olt O1 KAMI.H. Da , IIORHE. iHvtHioa. isi WABASH AVE. . GHIUOD. Dr. J. E , McGrcw , One of ( ho Mobt Siirccssrul SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic or tha So-called Incurable Diseases , " EIJP , Ear , Throat , Lnn/n , Liver , JtUnltler , Kidney and ffervoun lln- eitsea treated with success u- etiuulle < t , A cure guaranteed In all raves ot PIIIVATR and KK1N DIHliASICS. ' All dhordern ot tha IKXUAIt OltlJANS CIJUKU mill MANHOOD andiN15U(5V : IIBSTUIIUO CONSUJ.TATiON FHUH. 1'ieatment by correspoadoiico. Bend tnmp 'or reply. Oftlco Bushman Bloc < < . 16th and Douclaa Sts. Omaha , Neb SENSIBLE and USEFUL PRESENTS Seem to be the order of the day. OUH STOCK i& complete in every department. You and your friends are invited to cull. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle' Aged Men , mm THYSELF , OMAHA DISPENSARY. NKKVOUP , CniiONir and PKIVATK DISK IBM of MIN : and WOMIN : successful ! ) Heated. YOUNG MEN PtiirerlriK from tlio etlft t of voiillifiil fnlllrn or In illtirrlloiMiriini foiilik'il with Wynl.nus' . . Nervnun Dt'lilllty , lx 9 or Memory , Dt'xiioiiilt'ncy. Avi-r Uiii to Soi'U'ty.uldiHiy Trouble1 , or any ( llM'nun of tliu lii'iilto l.'rlinirj orcuns.r.in licru llml a Milii.inil kpec'Uy inre. L'liurf cart ft aonublo oiipcclRlly to tlio jiuor. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tlieronrc inimy troubled with too frrr-riiiant nvac- IIUtlliriHOl tllU IllMlllIlT , OllHIl HCCDIIIimillll I MimriMK IT liuniliiK lentHtlou , HII ! ire-ikcnuii ; ol iliu mtc'iu In a iiiuiiiu-r lluuiutifiil ranniil uci mint lor. OiiiixHiiiliiliiu ihu iulinir ileiiu ll a rimy uilniiuiit Mill ottcii tte luiinil , nn < 1 t"iintlliii' : Mii.iM purtuluauf uluurni'n will upbear , or Iliu to'ur nlll uu nt a llilu inllklDli liiiu.nKHlii tliuiulii to u ilnm or lonil I ui' IH-iiraiiro 'j'liurn lire muiiy iiiun wlinll of thliultu 1'iilty , lu'iiurant ( it th mu , wliltli l tlie foiiinJ Mngo oi nominal nokiii'M ' ' 'l'u doctor will uiiu Biiti'iia iiurluct cum In nil ( licit inies nml lit-.illliy rcitornllun "I llio ireiilto-urlnarv owauS. Lunnulia lion rce. hvnJ lor "Young Man's ' Friend , or Ou'de tj Wei'.ccli , " nui. : uo AI.U AuniiKkS DR. SPINNEY & CO. , N.II. for ICtliA ImiiKlas Sts , , Oniulin , or tin- tlonul Dlspeiihaiy.cor. Ulh and Main h , Kan- baa City , Mo. _ McntlojUMs paper. K'KNNVnOVAr , XVAFKHN are sucrt- fully Ufced monthly by o nr 10,000 .Kfftctual ami'Itasant ir/cuar / ( 3pOBtagoetapis [ AiWrcaa KCttKiA UUKUICAi. CX > , , UUIIIOIT , MICIL For tutle and by mail l > u ( Jnotlmttn JDi'tty Co. , OmalKti Aelj. OMAHA MEDICAL * * SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. ISth Si DoclRO Sts. 0 THB TIUATMENT Or ALt. Appliances for Doforaitloa and Truao3. Hest facllltlci , apparatus nj rtmeillea for nucccsn nil treatment lit every form of ulscaio requlrinif UeJIcnl or Surgical Trentinont. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Ilonrct anil nltundanoei belt hospital aooonimol * . ilonBln ttie west. WHITE run Ciiicui-xns on Deformities n3 llrncoi. Trus e , Club Foot , Curvature of the b'pfiie , IMci , Tumors , Cantor. Catarrh , HronchUls , Ilibnlitlog. Bloctrlmr , I'arnlrlia , Upllcpsr , Kidney , Bladder } iS/e , iar : , rflln nnd lilocd , onj aft Burgloul Operation * Dlseasos of Woman n Specialty. HOOK ON DISEASES or WoMuif TRCE. ONLY HELIABLB MEDICAL IHSTITUTB MARINO A SPECIALTY OF PRIVATE DISEASES. AM lllool Hisemo iueccsfullr treated. Bjplillltla rolton removed from the iritom without mercurr . _ _ nt for loss of Vital 1'oWotv -sons unabla to vtilt u > may be troatoil at liomtbr f eorrxHpondenre. All communloatloiii confidential. Medicines or ln tnim ti ftnf hy mail or expreu. acutely pacLeil , no mnrks to Inillcnta eontonti on 1 lender. One personal toterrlew preferred Call anJJ consult us or gond lilitory of your case , and we wIJ tend In plain wrapper , oar BOOK TO MEN , FREEj Dpon I'rtvnto , Bl > e lr.l or Merrout Ulacaios , Ira pot tfncy.Synhllls , Ul na Varlc c l , with qucitloa UlU A0drel Omalui Medical and Survvcal rnstltute , or OR. BlcMEIVAMV , C r. 13th and Dads * St - - OMAHA. HKB ; XITK nvr u'Jia VUILI > LIKKS JJKSX * is inn C "Ancbop" Stone Building Blocks , rent ntone , thri1 * ) cdorrf. The Ill'.HT I-KIinta1 far children and adults. J'or 81,73 or { 2IU it good uvirugu box. Aril ) ' for Descriptive Catalogue , tent pont-rrvo , to F. AD. RICH T Eft & CO. , 010 Uroadway , Jlow York. -Tun OK TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul ! Ty. Tlio licit Houto from Omaha and Couucll JtllllTH ( O ETHEEAST- TWO TKA1NS DAILY HI5TWKICN OMA1IA AND Clilcngo , AND- it. rnul , Mliuirapolls , LVdar Itiiplujj tork IbliiDtl , Frt'cporl , Jtuckfunl , Jllufuu , Diibuijiie , DumiiJuit , JladisoD , Jaiicstillt' , Irloll , Vliiona , La Cro so , And allotier Iroporlant noliili E t , Norlliciut ail Huutlii'ait. Kortbrouitli lUketi.c&lloa lat tlrkct nyciit ut 1MI rnsni utrttt. | u llarlifr illo'.k , or Ht Unluu 1'acifla > tfpot. lrullii.nn Hlcopcri and the Unfit WnlnrC'iirt In the world r rjn on Itio main llnu of tbo Clitrnv , Mil nnkeo AHt , 1'aul UiH'mr , nml evernll iill ' v paneniftri br COUHVOUI eniploytiaof Itioci H. MIIJ.RK.deiifial Mnuatfui. J. K. 'fUCKKK , AiililantU < u ral Manmr. A. V II. UAUI'UMTfll , O a r l ) ' * nc r IKo'.i : . llBAVWItD , A. litaui ileneral titl 'llokot . , Auaut . , , J 'P I I. II I. * J r ir , j , OAiiiK.iiTn. Surgeon an J Pii/sioht / , JlbCoN . W Coiner iliu .ifi-l i ; ju { i.i Hl. iljuau , IJj ; ltBilitj-iu Cttloiliuii ( ) )