0HE ? OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER 24 , ISSa { SPECIAL NOTICES. AflTertlfpmfnts under tb A head 13 cents per line for tlio first insertion. 7 ccnU for each sub- pcquent Insertion , and il/fla line per month , NomUfUlPtnient tnken for l i > a than2ocenu tlio llr-d .nsertion. Seven * ords will be counted totlio line ; they must run consecutively end intlit bo paid In ADVANCE. All ndvcrtlno- inents mtint bo handed In before 1 2 ; . ' (0 ( o'clock p. tsnnd under no circumstances nlll they bo tnketi or iilfrnntlnurd by telephone. 1'ar'Ies ' ndvtrtlslng.In these columns nnd liar- Ing their nniwcrH nddre sed In care of 1 in : HKB vlll please ask foraeliccU to enable thorn to pot th'lr letters , us none will be delivered except on jire'jciilntlon of clieck. All nn-sweiii to ndvcr- llsrtnc nt * should be on closed In envelopes. All ndvortiiements In the n columns nre pub lished In both morning nutl evening editions of THN HBB , the circulation of whlrh aggregates tnoro than 18f < O papers dally. nnd ( rives tlio ad- Teillstrs the benclll , not only of the cltyrlreu- IntlonofTnr. Krr. but nlsoof Council lllnfM , J.lnroln nnd other cltle nnd towns throughout tnli section of tlio country. "BRANCH OFFICEST /rtvertUIng for these columns will be taken inthp nbovo conditions , at 1li following lnt l ne R bonces , who nre authorised agents for Tim KrK special notlres , nnd will ( itioto the same rules IID ran bo had nt the main olllco J"OIIN W. HKLI , , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth Btreot. C HARK rnnv , Rtiitlonors nnd Printers , 113 South iih Street SII. FARNSWORTH , Pharmacist , Zlir.Cum- . . Ing Street. T\T HUGHES , PlmrmncMt.e2l North Mb. T . Street T.O. W. I'AHIt , I'hannnrlst , 1KB St. Mnry's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. "V\7ANTiD : Situation by 3 otmg man n" Hten- > ogruphcr and typewriter , or asslstiint Jmoklcccprr. llcst city references given. Ad dress , M 72 , HOP. l 3 ' _ \\rA NI'ftT ) SlftinTfon wltfrTeirrn "to"do llglft ' or heavy hnuillig for w holeanle holi.se. Ad- rircss tf 12. lipe. _ 'ji'5 ' 27t _ WANTKD-About the 1st of .lanuary.n situa tion by amarrlPd mull , ( lurman , of sever. u years' ox perlcnro , In dry goods , Hoililugor een- rrnl Btore. Good rolVrencps. Addro.ss , N 11 , ] li > o olllci- . tws 21 * " \ArANTKD lly compctont youne man , post- T lion IIH bookkeeper or cnsnipr In htoio or nlllcc Can glvo best of city relurencv. Aildicss , U. llee. 1177 2. " \\rAVT15D Aftur .Inn. 1 , position us nnlos- VT nmnor rollpplor by Oennnn 31 yonrsof Rgo. Heat city references. Address , N ! i , Ileo Olllcc. I'OS ' 2.1 * WANTIJD A situation ns housekeeper for widower by widow. Address M. lllakeloe , I'jll'-ltnn , Nob. I'.M ' t'Jt * V\r < ) Nrii.Iniinnry : ) I , IhSP , by n young man , V ? a position ns clerk , snle-ninn. or IIOOK- Keeper llu\o Jind uxporltnct * . nml cnn fitrnlsli lW ) t of reforeiKL's. Address . , 1' . O. Hex 137. Uoiuull lllulls. 11.18 2v ; * _ _ _ rPKAVKMNO man with eight years' cxperl- Jonce , dPslroH position on tlio road or Iti liouso. llubl of rotuienco. AddrofsN 2 , Iloo. Dig 2iK _ ' \ \ rANTKDftor .Inn. I. to collect on com- T mission for Homo itood houso. lloiid given If required. Address M 71. Ileo ollice. ' v ANTKD .Innunry 1st , IHS',1 , position by a i llr.st class ollli o man ; bank or morchantlle. Addrps.s M C5 caio Omaha llco. HI" WANTED-WlflUE HEtF. \\'ANlii ; > Teamsters for rnllroad grade In * Wyoming , nt Albright's Labor Agoncy. JI20 Fnrnam Ht. 1 1 1-25 " \\rANTr.D-A Hnlesmnn to soil Hiispondcrs on T commission In this state. Oatholm . .VVnl - tcr , 2ir > Church st. , Philadelphia. H2-2lt > A llrst-clnss pants-maker nt once , > > good prlco paid. Address P. O. llox l > 8. Fullertoii , Nnnco Co. , Nebraska. 'Jl ) 22 * " \VANTKD A colored barber. 315 P. 12tnst. T > SSJ 22 ? t \ - ANTlTi ) - SWEIUNTHNDTTNT or FOREMAN - ' MAN and two to live assistantsnccordlug to filze and population of territory in chnrgo , Fore man to HOlect Ills own assistants , nml to take entire charge of biiHliiei > s. make collodions , mid superintend distribution of advertising mutter , relative to the Monthly Installment J'nyment Department of the California \ Southern ern Land Co. , Callfornln Monthly Railroad Ex cursions , ote. $ W a month and expenses to Foreman , und $10 to Assistants. Expensed ad vanced und salaries jiald monthly through our Kastorn Ollice. Enclose lOc. postage for full rpoclmon line of ndvertlslng mattur , nnd nd- dress : California & Southern Land Co. , City of lied HlulT , California. _ 87I-22J " \VfANTED Expcrlelicod party to inn ros- V > taurnnt nt llnrnoy Ht. skating rink. Ad dress K. J. Lewis , ns nbovo. 123- " /TflENTS wanted to sell the Wilson lamp , /l.burnornnywnere In United States ; best lu market ; no equal for power of light and steady Hume ; soil on Bight ; territory guaranteed to good men. Sample burner { I , with lamp coin- jilcto . ' . Fronts large. Send for circular ami terms. The Wlllson iifg. Co. . 8V Kith st. Now York _ nsatt _ \\7 ANTEUYoung man who Is competent IT bookkoepar , stenographer and typewriter. Addresa N 11. Ueo ollico. Ilt2t ) _ "IVANTfil ) Young lady who li eomnetont t bookkeeper , stenographer and typewriter , Address N 14 , Rue ollico. Ill 2 ! ) * ANTED A good man to solicit printing at 317314th. 128 23 * "V\7"ANTKD Energetic men with some capital TT to establish n branch of n safe , legitimate business in every city. Storm Proof leer Co. , J'hiladelphia. _ _ 112 sat GENEKALngents for the sale of tlio Perfec tion Roll Taper ( utter and Automatic J'rinter. Territory given. Helt it Mitchell. St. jouls , Mo. . 123-2JJ WANTED A party to represent us us ngent to soil "Slate HUclc Hoards ; " ono soiling a line of school supplies preferred. Address' ! he Wind Gap Mantel & Hluckboard Mnfg Co , , llaston , Pa. _ J _ 11J Z _ WANTED First-class men who nro nlrondy traveling salesmen to carry our lubricating pit samples ns a side Hue. Address , J. R. Tim- mills it Co. Cloyelaiul O. _ KWJST _ V\rANTBI ) A man to take charge of branch TT ollice In Illinois ; salury (75 per month and pharo of prollts ; must furnish fclV ) cash .secur ity ; do not answer unless you have security ; ' Address Ilex 240 , Keokuk , In. _ 5ii5 ! ! _ W ANTl'ib-3 men to Kollclt orders for pict ures and ti line or household specialties , ITANTED-Mnlo nnd female ngents ; onsy T helling goods. Room 21 , Ilnrker block. . 810 JITt WANTED An oxperlencod subscription book mnunger to boll "Gaskell'B Compen dium" nnd book called "Homo Ileyond" In No. bra.ska , To n entlsfactory nurtv wo will civo special Inducements. Address , Subscription Jlook Dopnitment of Nat. Library Ass'n , liU tJlalo St. . Chicago. HI. 82323 TXrANTED Good men In every locality ns T > detectives tinder our instructions. Send PC for particulars. Oklahoma secret service , \Vicltltu Kansas. 707J 13 * \ArANTl5D-Amnn to gollclt , salary t'tti porT T month , must deposit { 2& for Hamples. and five security Tor money collected. Address llcorgo B. Cllno , Ml , First National Hank buildIng - Ing , Omnhn , or Wagner blk. , Dos Moincs , lown. 443 SALESMEN Wo wish R few men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trndo. LnrgeK mnnufncturcrs in our line. En close 2-ceut stamp. Wages * 3 perday. Pcrmn- lionl position. No postals answered. Money advanced fur wagesadvertising , etc. Centen nial Mnn'f'B Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J2t > 9 AGENTS WANTED-175 a month "nnd ex penses paid any active person to sell our Eoodu ; no capital , gulnry monthly , expenses In ndyivncc , piutlculurs froo. Stiuulnrd Sllvorwai-e Co. .Houton. i'Ca ' B0\'b-Am. Ol t. Tel. CoIXlDouglun. . via \\'ANTED Man to take the gencyof our V > Knfe ; hlzo2txlbxl8 inches ; velght 600 Ibs ; retail price Wi ; other sizes In proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These tuitt-a meet a demund never before supplied by other safe companies , as wo are not governed I'j tlio safe pool. A IplnoBafo Co. Cincinnati , O. Ii70 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED-OIrl about 15 years old to take care children. 13& Sherman nve. 1000-23 * \\7ANTKDT-Airl lu family of three , at 1318 .S.S Uhst. - "YV IrANTKD Olrl for general housework , two lu family , D2n N SOtU st , , corner California. U70 rANTKD A girl for general housowork.ailB Chlcaggjt. 1H17 23t " A Ollil. ' for general housework , 84-3 Bt , Mary's avo. U59 \\rANTED-Glrl for general housework at T > _ iMflagih. VIT A OOODexporencott ! girl for general housi- l.S10J Dutiglas st. AI NTKU Ulrl for eeueral houseworK , 719 D. ivtu , C7u \\7ANTED-Olrl for ponerivt housework rGer- T > man preferred ) . N W cor 20th and Webster. KM \ \ fANtEDtlrstcTais girl for general T > housework , npplv at 23P20th st. WANTED-AgAnM tor the California corset Iiongwrtlst , hi nil bust , unbreakable over hlpi. California Cortot Co. , New Haven , Conn , _ _ 127-2.VJ \ \ * ANTED ' 3 liily to "solicit , mttst come w-elt TT recommended and jmy 110 for samples , salary ! ' " > per month. Aildre'sGeorge S. Cllne , Ml. I irst National Hank building , oumha. or V agner b'ock , DCS Mollies lown. 412 A\7 A NTED-Ar iB22 Hownrd at , rompetent T T girl for kitchen , must lie good eook and Inuniircss. Oermnn. Dane or Iiish preferred ; refemn esr"qiilrnd. Mil EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. EIIRASIIA Employment Otilce.317 Ninth st. ftJ3 3it CANADIAN Employment time * . MM. Hrcgn , 314'iS. ' lith. Reference Omaha National bank. UHKH.SM VIUNO. AGEMUNTS to sow In families UK S 17th ton JH * to do rtresMmnWltigin j solicited. Miss Slurily , 2017 Leaven- * 01 Hi st. 271 .1 2 * SHORTHAHD AND YAI.IATINK'S Slit.rtlmuil . nnd InstlmiB , IIPW IMxtoii bulldlni ; , ninaha. Tlieuiily oXclu-dvo shmtliund H'-hool ' In thn dtnte. Over ono hundied graduates In good situation * . Tljo srhool l.s Umler tha manago- motit of ( ' . * ' . Viilentlnc. ollli lul Rtonoginplicr of the ; ird Judicial district of NebrasUn , nnd II. II. llnvlos , < in experli'iicivl ti-ni-hcr nnd vnr- iMtim rapoiter. liny and cvniilng spssiona. Stu dents cnn enter nt nny tlmo. Send for circulars. _ _ fVllSCELl.AMEOUSJVAMTS. _ _ JA'NTKriTolTorrow forlj'or B yoars. with > > privilege to pay otr nt option of borrower , M.O m , nt per cent , on insldo , newly Improved city real estate , worth 112,000. Address N IB , Ileo. IJ5-23J _ _ _ TVANTRD ToToan S3.000 untlf'the 1st of > > Mnv , on renl estate notes or other good collateral or security ; or will buy n renl estate riimilngu snort tlmo. 0. C. , box postollice. _ 11S-SV I OARD wanted A gentleman desires > loom nnd bonrd ( II. and 0 o'clock D. ) with n lespeetnblo private familv ; boarding house keep i > rs need not nnswer. Address , giving full panl'Ulnr.s. N 7. Hoe ollice. 10J-2.11- _ KOOMIMtSond boarders wnnted,170S Douglas. 10" " ! .1 111 * _ "V\7"ANTED Cisterns to build , clean nnd ro- pair. , I.C. Hall ; Tele. (177. B'iO 24 * _ " \\7ANTED Young ladles nnd gentlemen to i > know they cnn obtain a thorough nnd prnrtlcnl knowledge of totegrnpny , fitting thoin- ftulves In n short tlmo for good paying positions nt the Electric Teh'Stapli sclmul. Rooms iiij nud 621) ) 1'axton block , cor ICth and Fnrnnm st. % -j 4 ; BOARDING. F IHST-clnss homo board , lilS S 13th. JOAKDING and furnished rooms , Si ! N. IDth. t 4 21 * T ! IJ boarders wanted , llJI ) Douglas .nil WA NTED-TO RENT. \\rANTED-2 or 3 looms , paitly furnished for > T light housekeeping ; can furnish every thing uxrcpt furnlturo : rent must bo moderate. Address N W , Heo. Os' ) 23T fOil RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT-4-room cottage , convenient and In good ropalr.ulth well , cistern , coal bouse , etc. , in pleasant neighborhood , II blocks Month of Lake ht school on N lllth st ; $12 per month. Inquire room . 'iOo First Natl Dank. tUI 2J * 5-ROOM house within 2 blocks of 1 cnr lines , good repair , 818 mouth. 101 ! ) N Id st. _ bl7 ! 22 * IjloiTifiiNT The , lIuciTliouso3"lu Omnhn for 1 the moiioy. J. L. Rico ic Co. 111K8 MODERN House , nlcovo nnd sluglo rooms , with board. Very desirable. Dl ( ! S. 2d ! st. T7\OR \ RENT fi-roora cottage , 1 block north oL Jj oil works , N. 17th St. , Jl.'i per mouth. Inquire - quire R 3U3 , Mrst National bank. 1III-21J T7IOK HENT Jj-roomed Hat at 008 N IBth st , JL'All modern conveniences. A , E. Slarsh. U'JO In OK RENT 15 good houses , well located , 1 whore the furniture U for sale on monthly payments. Co-oporailvo Land k Lot Co. . 20. > N jiith st. UB ! 23 ' 17V011 SALE A ulcer _ > -room Cottage , city lv water , on car line. W.500 , monthly payments. \ 1C. Durllng , 1521 l-'arnnm. U7 21 EOR RENT 8-room house , 20i'i Howard st. Apply nt once to Green A ; Williams , First National Hank Iluildliig. IWI 23 FOR HENT Cheap. 7-room Hat. Inquire nt 11115 Hownrd btreet. D8U 27 _ " il6"lTlti5NT Cottngcs , 6 rooms , 272T. Charles ' st. and 1524 So. 5th st. Enquire R,22Sheeley ] block. "OOH RENT 3-room house on stone pavement. JL1 nice yard and double cur lino. Rent , J10. Co operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N ICth St. _ m F'OlFllENT 7-room Hat nt GU8 S , 13th. Inquire J. IM llraiidels & Sona. B17 " 17OR HENT Neat 0-room house , Ifltti nnd JJ Callfonila.by January 1st , rent $ JO. Hrcimnu & Co. , Chamber of Commerce. Hlli "C10R RENT Eight (8) ( ) room llat , modern con- . JL1 8nionces. inquireBUS , lllth st. 811 TjlOR RENT Modern ten room houser 15 south JU 25th St. , near St. Mary's ave. , JI5. Hingwalt llros , , Harker block. 755 Tfiiolt UKNT A splendid now houso. 8 rooms , Jf all modern Improvements , centrally located , $48 per month. Morse it Urunur , 1005 Farnam. 09723 FOR RENT 7 room Hat on 2d lloor. Enquire The Fair cor 13th and Howard sta. & 8t "OOR RENT 10-room house , steam , pas , bnth , J hot nnd cola und cistern water , good cellnr , nnd nice yard , $50 , 209 S 21th. lnquirc.207 S2lth. . FOR RENT A comfortnblo house with 8 rooms , pantry , large closets , splendid cel lar , city water , sewerage and gas , near business contro ; moderate rout. John 11. F. Lehmanu , fl-4 S. 17lh st. 372 T7IOK ItENT A H-story brick dwolliiiK , 1K)1 ! ) JL1 Capitol avo. Apply to C. 11. Uuloa at the Chicago Lumber Co. 371 _ TTIOR RENT At very low rates. 10 nnd 14 now JL1 residences. 2401 and 2114 Cass ntreet. Clurlc 1'lnco. One block south of Crelghton rollego.on Knrniun nnd 24th street car lino. I All mudorn Improvements. Apply , H. T. Cinrk.Unlon Trust Co. orot S420Cassst. iiUT _ _ _ _ TT1OR RENT 6-room cottage , I2J.OO per month. JU ] 515 Harnoy at. 2(10 ( _ Tmoil RENT Cottage , 441 Convent at. Inquire JU 1K3 Jnckson st. w fJlOR RENT Ti-room house , $14 , O. E , Thomp- JJ son. 212 Slieeley block. tm _ B EAUT1KUL 8-room house , gas , city water , bath room , hot nua cold water , on paved streets with street car , near a goo4 school , only f M5 per month. The house is now. Apply nt t onco. C. 1' . Harrison Slorcnants1 Nat. bnuK. t S TTIOK KENT At very low rates. 10 nnd 14 new X1 residences. 2404 nnd 2111. Cas ? street , Clarke ] 1'laco , On block south of Crelghton college , on Farnam and 24th street car line. All modern improvements , Auply , II. T. Clark Union Trust i Co. , or at 2120 Casa street _ . fl4 ! ic "TTIOR RENT House nnd barn.llauacoin place , c JL1 Harris , room 411 , Flrat Nat'l bk bldg. b'JO ] 1710 It KENT-No. 1411 8. 7th ave. , a nice 5- JL' room house in good repair ; rooms newly papered and painted ; nice yard ; fine cistern " ' en at ouco. Apply to liell's 10th at. pharmacy. , C THOU RENT 0-room modern Improved house JL1 A 1 locality. Rent moderate. Apply. M. Kl- gutter , looi Fnrnnm st. an FOlllENT Hy Dosworth i Joplln , llarxer block , a , 4. K. o , 7 , B , V , 1U , 11 , It-room houses Injill parts of the city. CJ TTKMl 1UJMT Ilousea-T rooms , 29th and liar- JL1 noy ; 10 rooms , 2Ist and I/ocust ; 7 rooms , 12th and Jones ; U rooms , I'Jth and Martha. Ltnuhnn & Jlahoney , 1'axton block , 14 ROOM tr mo. No , 21)19 ) Hamilton Bt. , I27.M. Lenvltt llurnham , No. 1 Crelghton block. M9 TOOK KENT When you wish to rent a bouae , JJ atore or oQlce call on us. 11. U. Cole , room 0. Continental block. U77 TjTORltENT Vroom house , 2413 , 7-room house X1 2423 I'oppletou aye. Ceo. I , Gilbert , With- nell b'l'e. OTB FOR KENT lo-room house with steam heat , ataJI H. 2Ub t. G. K. Thompson , Sheet ? block. 16th and Howard uta. U7U FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. TOURNISHED rooms and board , futimce heat , y JL' g5b3 Bt. Mary's qya. 8M n * a URN1SI1ED rooms , 1 M Farnam.IWJSGf ROOMS with first-class board , furnace , bath , electric , gas , CIS S 19th. WX-JI ) Room ami "boiTrd for txvo gentle" meft. 1S3J N 20th st. On table line. IJ10H RENT Two nicely furnished rooms with board reasonable Address > r call KA B-fithjit. s67 24 "VriC'RLviurnlshed nr.utli room for rent with J- > board , modern conveniences , 2015 Douglas till ) W IftmSTsflKIi 1 room7w-iih gai nml bath , board If desired. 619 S. 26lh at , opposite All Saints' cmirch. 513 RKNT-J'leasftntly rijrnlshsd room , all - - modern conveniences , for one or two gen- Mem < m. at too 8. U.ith t , , or cor. St. Mary's ave , nnd anli st. MS "VTICRliV furnished rooms by the week or J-i month cheap ; HOT Jones st , l'e b dy place. Foil HKJsT T vo desirable sunny rooms , suitable tor trontlpinan nudvirc.or party of gpiitleuion : rpnt rei < oniUilo HINottli IHh t. , lint homo north of 1) odgo. ll.VSJ * A I.OVHIjl" trent room , heated , furnlihed nnd every conrenlenco. 2107 Douglas st. 131) KnNT-Most desirable newly furnished JL1 front room : j ; i lighted and beatod : nt UXU Howard st. , first llat. H7-SK "IDIi : ASA NT furnished rooms , single or en 1 suite. Hoard If desired ; modern conven iences ; Ml I'lcnsnnt. lilD-SIt DKSlUAItLli furnlslicil room , 2218 Dnvenport Ht. 7T.'I ! Wt _ _ ' ioli UETTwo furnished room's for light X liousckcophm. KC8 California st. HJWit /1HEAP RENTS-Gond fiirnlsliod VVrooms with fitove $1.75 per week , 2rooms lurnlslied for light housekeeping Jl'lper month , n large unfurnished room * . " per month. f07 Howardst , l l 25t 7VKNUE Hoonu-At VUHnnd lillSCapltouTv r j V2 blocks from P. O newly ftiriiHioil , prlvatu bon rdlngbouso.plonsantrooms.all con veiiloni 771 JO * ELHGANT south rooms , heat , gns nnd b.ith , nt very low rent , inquire nt liXltl Chicago. rpwo nlco front rooms furnished : will rent for J light housekeeping to n neat couple , 1102 S. Mill st , , corner of P.tUIIc. 107 S3t THOU ItntCT I'leaaintly furnished south JL1 roomnil modern conveulcncusH2 SU It Have ' . . . o I ) 7 .1.1. O HOOMS , nln-ly fiirnlslu'd , with nil modern conveniences ; goodbo.iul ; 1012 llnrncy. ' AdUNTI.H.MAN with reference can llnd plensnnt room and room mute. 101.1 Douglas. - _ iUltNlSHKI ) MOIIIS for rent att)07 ) N ith st. , on cable lltio. 'J51 M 17V1H KKNT Nicely furnished sou room ; L .stvam heat ; even couvoulence. 1(11:1 ( : lill Mt O N12 elegant front loom , furnished , ntOO' . ' S. ll'th ' st. ys 2Jr FSN12 FS . RENT Do-irnble fiiinlshed rooms with bonrd. Now house , nllmo.tcru lomoulence. SIOB.gith'.t. Ilil21t ; T AltGK pleasant loom , lurulshed , brlcK llat. " 'OR RENT 2 front rooms on Second lloor , ' f lii.00 each , lulfi Harnev St. 2.W ELEGANT furnished room , with all modern "ouvenlences , with or without board , loll Doilglns. 'JJG 27 ? "IJlOlt RENT Nicely furnished rooms , M nnd JJ f 12 per mouth , 14M ( Jnckson. Kit ) Sin "IJTOR IlflNT 2 furulslied front rooms , cheap , JL largo cloietH. well lighted , suitable for2 or 3 persons. 1201 N. th st. ! K > 23t TV I AN and wife or two young ladles cnn bo nc- J.TI cominodntcd with room nnd bonrd reason able , with use of parlor , In ptlvnte family. Ad dress N il , Iloo ollico. H13 2J * ms , 1201 Jnckson .st. 8182. ) TjlOR RENT Knrnlshed rooms with bnth gas JL1 nml bent. ? IO per month. 2227 Dodgest. 2iW IT10R HENT Two largo nicely furnished con- JL1 noctlng rooms , with bath nnd convenience.- ! , suitable for four gentlemen or housekeeping , $ i" > , or separate $12 and 114. S. W. Corner. 1 Ith nnd Howard , entrance on Howard. G8i " " F "mTNISHElf unfuriiiMhed rooms , 141 ! ) Dodgobt , no\t block to postolllce , fiom $3 upwards. Inquire room 8 or 142J Douglas bt , room 2 301 il 2il 9 ROOMS , light housekeeping. C23 S. 15th. . I 711 25f , T710H RENT Furnished room with board. JL' 1722 Dodge t. 4b7 13OOMS aud board , W1S Chicago. 505J7 * ii 'VT'UELY ' furnished rooms , 1013 Chicago , IS 8iU 25- "IJIOK RENT rurnlsliod room. Heat , gns md JU bath. 110 S. 25th. BiJ NICELY furnished front rooms with steam heat ami modern conveniences. Refereni-os required. 2U17 Douglas. Vtt S31 A'.AROE elegant south room very nicely furnished ; furuaco heat and every modern convenience. Ono-haU block from cable cars. 2107 Douglas St. 48 XTICKIiYfurnlshcd rooms , also front nnd 1 > back parlor ; IGOU. Douglas st. 814 Tn\OR RENT Two furnished rooms for llglit housekeeping ; iJSUSt. Jlnry'u live. 81i25 ! * N ICELY furnished rooms und board nt 1017 Capitol avo. 327JHW FOR RENTAn elegantly furnished room or suite of rooms with board In a private fam ily. All conveniences , Cnri pass the door every three to live mlnutos. R foroncos Ho quired. Emiuire rooms 51B and C19 Paxton blk. I7IOR RENT Furnlthed room * in Greunlg blk JL cor. 13th and Dodge sta. Inquire of Goo. R. . Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. "J80 POR RENT I irnlshod rooms in Giounlg blk cor. Lull and Dodge st.s. Inquire of Geo. R , Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. i ) 0 KOOMS Flrst-clnss , modern conveniences. 1718 Dodge Bt. Si'J ' Sit FOR RENT Ro6 rvTsUNFUlN ISHED. QIX rooms for light housekeeping , modern V > J ronvenlences. block from cable , by month or long lease cheap. 2520 Douglas bt. 108 25t FOR HENT Two nlco unfurnUuod or fur nished rooms for liouseKeuplng ; conven iences. GHHi N. 10th. 076 2it TOOK RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , S. W , Cor. JU'lUth nud St. Mary's ave. ; largo pantry and good cellar. U80 2lf FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT llrlck store 2'xKM , Douglas near 13th st , umnha Furnlturo Co , , 1J07 Farnam. B91 22 A .N ELEGAN/r Ktoru room with tine basement . steam heat nud water , on Kith st. J. H. 1'arrotto , rental agency , lOOil Chicago. 10029 BA K'ERY for i ent at iW9 : Park ave. This Is a brick store room nnd basement , Including ovens , counters , showcase , etc. , in the moht do- Hirnblu rosldonca community in the city ; water , hewer und gaa coimectlons. Thos F Hall , 311 Pnxton block. DM BRICIv htoro room with basement , all mod ern Improvements , splendid location tor fcodbt > re or Imidwaro , stoves , etc. , being in the heart of the most desirable residence portion tion of thu city. 1.103 Patk ave. Thoj F lliill , 311 Paxton block. Wo " F 6lTm3N7l'-IlrIckstore.207 S 12th st. near Douglns.now occupied as saloon , S , Lehniun. wu FOR KENT Good storeroom near cor. 16th and Fnrnam , ono of the best locutions In the city , Addies.s Gee , N , Hicks , Harker block. ( [ HU FOR RENT-Storo-roora. No. 1413 Douglas. f Host retail property in the city. Will put Plato glass front In by January 1. See Dr. Joseph Neville , 1402 Douglas. ( Vi5 T710H RENT Two stores. D2I and B2U North JU itlth st. Inquire ut th building. Henry Osthoir. 'Ml TJ10H KENT An elegant store room with tine JL' basement on ISth st. Rent ; very low to right party ; steam heat and water Included , Apply 1515 Dpuglasjit , 3fi Tpoil RENT Otllce sulle W month , 2 single JU oftlcei 115 each , all fronting 16th St. , Husn. man block , N. I ! . Cor. ICth ana Dougluj. W. M. Bushman , 1311 Leavenworth. Vbtt TjlOK KENT-i olllco rooms In Redlclc's block JL1 1600-1511 Farnam st , on 2d lloor ; one olllco , east front , on 2d lloor. over Omaha Hunting Co , bank. cor. 15th st and Harno ? si. Inquire at 1511 Fanrun St. , room 9. Pnulaen & Co. 4U ! T71OR RENT Itrlck store , Hat above , 24th and JJ Hamilton , desirable builnes ) location. Lea- P vltt llurnham. room 1 , Crolghton block. U3S v g RENTAL ADENCIES. SPECIAL attention given to renting and col lecting runts , J , It , Purrotte , iKXl ( Chicago t : GEORGE J. BTBRNSUOKFF , room tf. opp. P. O. , will heroftfter give special tlentlou to renting homes , ttorei and Hats. ] f you want . your property rented without delay and to rail , able tenants , do not fall to list tno same with him. l > i3 G EO.J.Paul. 1XW ( Fara. Bt. Houses , store * , etc , for rent. jog TT n gt v * > p ci .l alteirtJfra to renting and cola - T T lectiv rnts. list \t' ' a us. H , K. Cole , room C. Continental block. , IK VOOwant your nevi rrnte < t piacn them TTlth llODMTR JtCo. th , opposite postofflce. 9J9 PERSONAL. TNFORMATION vntrwd of the whereabouts Lot Michael Noonaii , Utowlth C , * O K. II Address J. T. llrodorlfe , 1013 llryant st , San Francisco , Cal. * \ IBM 21 * OHRENOLOG1CAI. c mlnatlons dnlly given J nt MS Capitol ave. 1 807 2 * 37" LEG ANT life size crayon portrait1" free H of charge f r a short tlmo as an ad\er- tlsointnt.from photogrnplis brought to tlio Van dyke Portrait Studio , ! < II3 Pierce , nenr Mth. Portraits also in paMeL 728J14t TjnnSONAl/ you naroa personal Item , or JL any communlcntlon , drop It In on of 'ITio Dee's message boxes. IM FOR REJHTj-jJfflISCELANEOUS. ijiuu IIK.N j une good oini room ior inrec J- horses , buggies , ote. , 2415 Oarenpoit st. In quire of C. L. Krlcksoii It Co. , 212 N. 16th st. LOST. "I O5T Dec 1 , ou I/cnvenworth or Ororgla 1 ve. or 1'nrk nre , a satchel containing pocketbook et-book with mowy nnd other articles. A lib eral reward by rettirninc to I12fl Georgia n\o. KM 2 , ' ) ' LOSTOn Fnrnnni st , between inth nnd 30tli , dark blue velvet bag , tied M lib yellow rib bon , bag contained pair dark brown slippers , button hook , etc , Please return to Mrs E. llckliit.on , IWU4 Faruaiu st. , and njcslvo reward. 1UC22.I QTKAYED-From 1721 S 15th , white row.l.aige kisxt | on earn side of ne"k , his wide spread horns and scar on right hip. Finder w 111 no ro Winded. l.'HSflt LOST About three weeks ago , n half-blood female red Irish seller dog. Was about to Have pups. Finder wlllretiiru to 11)11 ) Farnam Bt , or llee ollice. nnd be rewarded. 080 217 LOST Letter nddros ed lo C. F. Harrison , Omaha , mailed nl Mt , Pleasant , laDec. 12 , enclosing u vnlunblo note good only to payee. SullaUlo reward will bo gi\cii for return of note to C. F. Harrison , .Men hauls' Nnt'l llnulc , Omahn. iHil 24 LOST A large envelope , containing a draft and tnx receipts ; W reward will be paid if loft at this olllee. O-'I- J JO.vr Jlu reward lllac-Kami tnnsliedog.vry j tat , has drain on wIth red ribbon ntlnehcu. Room 311. Ilnrker Hotel. 707 23j FOUND. rpAKHN UP A while stocr about 3 years old , 1 taken up about Nov Kith , has brand on left side nud Is very wild. Chns. Powell , Floroni o Neb. dl222tJ > ! 112 , COMMERCIAL. COLLEGES. iToRTMAND nnd typowritingSuperior advantages In these branches nt the Omnha Comuierrlal college , opp. P. ( ) . , cor Fith nud Dodge. Scoies of guuluatos in good positions. Students complete m.imml in ten days and DO to 101 words per minute In throe months. Het teacher In the state. Practlenl otlico drill given students free Dietntlon live hours daily. Day and evening sessions. Rapid dictation for reports at night For circulars > u-lto Kohrbough Hros. , Omaha , Neb. 0081)20 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Horse , wagon and harness for fW. Enquire 411 ! S. 12f ! ifst. SfX ) 22 * l/IOIl 9ALiHPKlstcrc ffoisteTiT"cow-flil JL1 fresh cows. Ooddiirdnonr f.Ur grougds. - - FOH SALK At a sncrlflco ; owner Is about to leave the city , and iltMrcs to dispose of fur- nttuie and le.u-e of an elegant il-ioom hoxite , largo yard , go < l barn ; furnlturo Is nearly new ; rent l.s low ; house Is located on cable Hue within tl blocks of 1' . O..g.in give a big bnrgalu If taken at once ; mqulrdroC Wright A : Lnsbury , 215 S. 14th St. , npstnlM. \ \ 124-28 , FOHSALU 'Hie tluestijlrjlvlncr mare and most elcgnnt nhii'ton In Ojn.nhn , for snlo cheap for cash. J. U Hire iQj ; 120-211 rilO I'HINTKKS For sale new quarto medium. -Lola stjlo Gordon printingpriMs , with throw- oil , nml one now , 7-coluinu Washington hnnd press ; will bo sold at n reduction for rush , or will tnko part c.ish , balail'-o In scented notes. Address 111:20 : , N. U'th st.i't ' Omiina. ] 2"-21l TTUNEyouug HnmbletJinlnu mnio with Pkv JL1 gant Simpson road wagon. The outlit i "wili'takefiJO spot cash. J. L. Itico Ar Co. 1T1OK SALE Tenm horses , harness and gro- 4eery dollvery wngon. Chcnp for cash Call oul'ilce llroi , 172i ; Cuiiilng st. ' .HO 2Ct TTlO'lt SALK A new feather bed. Inquire S. -I ! W. cor 21th und A st. , South Omnhn. U > ) 2:1 : * THOUSALK-l frame building , 13x20. Apply J Paxton & Vii-rliug Iron works , South 17th and U. P. tracks. U2S FOR SALE Light delivery wagon , with or without horsa und harness. Will take unse cured note or mortgage and pay some cash dif ference. Helby , 1521 I'armini , mil T31O11 SALU lly mortgagee on easy terms , as- JL1 sorted lot furniture In quantities to Milt. Jn- oulro 101 S ,13th St. , Itoom 3J. b82 TTIOKSALE Onu nice l.OW pound nor.se , $12' > ; J-1 one nice 1,20) pounu family horse , $150. Uoth sound and kind. A. 1 > , Tukcy , 15th & Douglas. O.V5 , FOR SALE or trade New two seated car. rlngo and alhcla top buggy. Solby. 1521 Fnrnnm. 500 MISCELLANEOUS. A ( IffOD , lionodblo , wcll-e&tabllshed ousl- Xinoss , with a good future prospect , for saloon on nccount'oC poor liealth. Any one that wants business It w Hi pay them to Investigate this. Address M r.l. Hue. Ma K TNSTUUCTIOff given on the banjo and guitar , .1 standard music simplified. Address M GO , Hoe ollico. T-Jr't Hill J3 banjo taught ns nil urt by Geo. F. ( lolleii- -L beck , U2J S. lUtli st. 182 . M IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1W > Far J nam. Complvlu abatiacts fiirnUlicd\- titles to renlestateexamlncd , perfected ArL'iiaranlojd. .to ; SJUBT i pung 'RJIIOJ < j . noixodmo3 [ oqj JOJ Bld83OJ [ JO OOJ [ 'OHJoq 48d pill ) S3IlUd | ( | 'E3I310.UJ GOAOUtaj iH01.Mq [ 83tl.JT - 'btuioj pun ta uj ' 111 JLuIII * V , sell , rent , trnde , or exchange , see J. JLu Itico & Co. 1)7221 ) j IJSTRACTS-Llnnlmn St MahonoyT room 601 , c P "uxton block. 8 < ; ij HORSE or team miilo.s wanted to iippj' a llrst payment on liousu nud lot , or resilience lot , balance monthly payments , \Vrlto or call on Selby , 1521 Farnam. tiil DR. D. T. GILMAN cure ? nil curahlosTbcfuT- Ills Incnrnbles. testimonials to prove won- cleiful cures produced if required. Ollico .I'M ' Snuiidors Ht , 8'il SI * c JHRENOLOniCAL advlcoonlhw heal busi C' ness lo follow given at 1UF > Capitol nve , OCCIDENTAL hotel. 10th and Howard : dav board * 4 per week ; 21 meal ticket II. 747J14t T\U. 7lHS. KTNTZlV iiilduife , Tllseasos o"f J womcnnnd children cured. Residence Ki ! S 17th. f 47IJ7J ABSTRACTSPF TITLE. _ "IVTIDLANDGuarantee and Tnut Co , , 15di hnr J-'JLnam Complete abstracts furnished , > t titles toreal ( state examinedpnrfected & guarauteod. STORAGE _ JTOHAOE-At low rates at ,1121 Farnarnst. _ omalia Auction & Storage Co. U31 IIRACKAQn , storage , lowest ruto * . W. M ti JL lluahman , 1311 Learenworth. UX1 " WANTEO-TO BUY. A. TOUNG man w 1th a'fow thousand wants lo " buy home cstabllshim'paying business thai will stand lurcsUtrutlon. Address N IMlue , lu \\rANTI5D To Ihiy ! Wo have ciifctonicr for TT b.ikory and confcctlopory lu Omnlia. J , L. lllco A Co. " U75 24 _ \\rKwanlntcn or twelve passenger bus for i > customer In the country , and good team J. borsea. .1. L. HIco if Co. 07fi 24 \\rANTKD-To buy , with good Improved farm aud some cash , house nnd lot , worth t.1,014) ) toW.UiO , luOmntm , on cm line ; in good neighborhood. J. L. Rice & . Co. 4 21 V/ANTHD-Locatlon on Holt line or C , , D. & n Q. track for coal yard ; must be on or near paved street. Some nun ow nlng such location , who will put up necessary buildings , can get gooa tenant , C. K. Mayno , IMU nnd ilnrncy. UOO 23 WANTED Funilture , carpets , stoves and household goods of all kludi. OmahaAue tion Ic Storage Co. , 1121 K-rn&m. 135 TP-JVOAt ? SPECIAL fund otie.ua to loan on business J-1 . or residence property. Klmball , Champ ic Ryan , room o , U , S. Nat. bank. till ) 2U G W. Pock can loan KOO.OOOat lowest ratca.no , delny , cash on Laud. Room 4 Fr uz r blk. t 5 JUt N TF YOU wantto borrow money on diamonds , .Lon piano * or household Roodon horsM , wagons and other personal Prop rty. , Ou mortgage , paper and contracts , at fair rates without delny or publicity , go to the Falrbank InTestment Co. , 215 8.14th upstairs. HI ! 1CAN make a few loans on flrst-cluM chattel Bec\irttle ftt reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room in Harker blk. 7i H K. COU lo'.in agent. J33J1 D YOU want to borrow money ? Itoad tlil . It will save you tlmo. HwIM savnyoti moiuy. Vou can boriow from II. V. Masters , Micce < ortoy.u. . UL 'il. room 4 , Wlthne IbUVn . 15th and Uarnoy sts. $10 , NO , Mn , ioi. t-fu , jaw. 11,000. . , in.wa. ( In fact any sum you want on fiirnituriv her es , mnlos wnjjons etc. . on enilor terms nnd nt loner rut es tnnn nt nuv other offlca In tno city , without publicity or removal of proparty from your possession. If an Installment Is duo on your property and you cannot meet It , call and see me , I w 111 pny It tor you. If you have n. loan la tiny other of fice , call nnd get my rates. 1 w 111 take It up and carry It for you. I make IOMIS for ono to sir months nnd you can pay a putt at nny Umc , roducluti both pr In- clpal nnd Interest. All loans renewed nt original rates and no chargvs for papers. . . . , All business Btrtctlr conlldontlaU Call nnd see mo. , Don t forgot tlio number. lloom 4. WlHinell block. " * _ _ HltlNKY to FxmiiVo have spvernl thotiinnd J-'l-dollara to placi- for eastern pnrtlos on Im proved city property , llnrrts , room 111 1st Nnt. llauk bids. ! H 13ioirK'S : rinanclal lUohango Tno fairest , quletot , moit liberal monuy oxrbnnge In tlio city ; loans made w Ithout delny or publicity. In nny amount largo or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on nny available security ; lonna may bo paid at nny tlmo or renewed nt original rates. O. lloiiscitrcn , mgr , room MS , llarkerblk , Vith nnd Knrn.im. " 03 H.15 COLK , loan ngent , 'KK Sholos , 210 , First Nat'l llank , before mat- ) lng your loans. IMS WXOM ) to loan at B par cent. Liuahnu ft Mahoney - 91 honey , room 5J3 , 1'axton block. ( KM l > EMOVED-Toroom 303 , First National I ank JLX building. Provident Trust Co. 1)41 ) MONEY to loan on furmtnrc , horses , wagons , etc. , or on nny approved security. J. W. Rob- bins. R. 200 Sheoly blk , Ijth nnd Howard. 101 _ $ ' > ,003. Jl.fiOO , 11,000 , JiOl ) . Special fund to place on choice Improved property. 1) . V. Sholos , 210 , First Nftt'I Rant. GM \\7I3hnveinonoytoloanoncliolco city prop- T > erty In nny amount. Hates nlnnys the lowest. All Hppltrnttons nre decided upon nt this ollico , thus oldlng the usual vaxntlons delay. You cannot ntrord to make a lo.in on llrtt cUss property without llrst seeing us. Central Loan nhd Trust Co. , Ifill rarnam st. "O K A Ij estate loans , lowest ratoa. Odoll llroa. JLCo. . . ai2 S. 10th st. Ill ) fONEY to lain ; Ions lima. Gews 0. Paul I 1009 Karnam st 111 MONKYto loan on linprovod property nt first hands , rye applications sen' , away for ap proval. Security anil titles oxn.nlnod free of chnrgo o borrowors. Lombard Invoatmont company , ; 'J ' S. 13th st. IIS H E , COLE , lena nscnt. 4S1J1 N'EIIHASICA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you n loan oil household goods , hovses , wngons , laud contrntts , fine jewelry , or securities of any kind without publicity , nt reasonable rates. Room 7 Row ley blk . South Onmba. Rooms 518-510 Paxton blk. , Omnha , Nob. rPO LOAN riomone to two hundred thous- JL nnd dollars or ( mailer sums promptly , east ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and 'IVustCo. , Uco. W. I * . Ooates. IJ board of trade. Ill ) M "ONEY ! to loan. O. F. DavH Co , real estate and loan agent' , 150"i Karnam st. 103 MONEY to i.oan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly , II. E. Cole , Room 0. Continental Hlocfc. 1WO H.E. . COLE , loan ageat. 4G3J1 TJIIRST mortc.igo loans nt low rates , nnd no Jtf delay. I ) . V. Slioles , 210. 1'lrst Nnt'l.Hank. . . * > V > ) PEOPLE'S llnnnclal ExchaiiBO Laiga nnd small loans tor long nnd short time , nt low est rates of interest. on rcnl estate nv rtgr.go notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , wntche.s and jewelry. Don't fail to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations' O. Houscaren , Mgr. , room 60H Darker blk , 15th and Karnam. 70S MONKYtoloancashonnandno ; ; delay , J. W. Squire , 1219 Itarnam st. First National bank building. 105 LOANS made on real ostnto and mortgages bougnt. Lowls S. Reed i Co. , 1511 Faruaiu. I ONEY to oan on Improved real estate. Leavltt llurnham , Crcighton block. 107 H H. COLE , loan agent. 433J1 ( hWO.OOO 0 per cent. Money to loan ou im- tpproved farms or city proparty. .lames A. woodman , nt the old fire Insurance ollico of Murphy i Lovett. . .Jhj ' ; _ 301 _ BUILDING loans. 1) . V. Sholes. 210. First Nnt'l Hank. iljli 6 PER CENT money to loan Casli on nand W. M. Harris , room 20 , Fieuzer block , opp. P. O 1U3 JU1LDINO cans. Llnaban i JIanoney. > 113 7" > EMOVED To room MS , tirst National JLL building. New England Loan and Trust Co. OH MONEY to loan on improved city property or for building purposed ; lowest rules ; no delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 , Darker block , 15th and Farnam , ifji riMIE Omahn Financial Exchange. Room 15 , JL Darker lllock , southwest corner of Farnam and Kith sts. Makes H speciality of short-time collateral and leal estate loans. Mouev always on hand in sums of 3100 nnd upward * to any amount , to loan on approved security. Seemed notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to exchange for good llrst or second mortgage ? . Loans made upon land contracts , stocka , bonds , , trust deeds , llrst or second moitg.igo se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial business of nny kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly. Room 15 , llarker block. Corbelt , Manager. 110 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rntes with out delay , nnd purchase good commercial paper nnd mortgage not 03 , 8. A , Sicilian , Cor. JUtli and Fnrnnni. 439 DON'T borrow money on lurmture , hor.ioi , wagons , etc.until you havu seen C. II. Ji , cobs , room 410 , First National bunk building- cor. ' Ulli and Fnrnara 10 ! MONEY to loan A few thousands from llr.st hands nt very low rntos , C , F , Harrison , Merchants' Nal'lbank. 'Jij J20 BUSINESS CHANCES. W ANTED Partner In established , paying confectionary buslnos by thorough candy maker. Addroas M 01. Ileo. 7UI-22J A1 GOOD chnnce to buy a gonornl merchandise store nnd stock In u grow ing ralliond town. Address M , 15 , Heo ollice. Kl22t FOR SALE- Jlrsl-class steam laundry. 1'or Information address Cornish A : Tlobetta , Lincoln , Neb ; 11021 ? TV , ANTED-I'nrtles to take about K,0.0 stock t T wlln oilier parties in .erecting a cold stor- nga house nnd poultry yard ; Is a No , 1 oppor tunity , Address"N17"Ileeomce.lS _ "V\7 _ ! IIAVR for rent a 32-room hotel , well lo- TT cated in South Omulia ; splendid ehnnce for rellublo party ; Hutchliisou it Wend , 1524 Dodge si ll"-aJ ( "OUSINESS chftlico nnd splendid Investment : JA il > i years lease of line corner , on car line north pail city , together with tone building and nice 4 room cottage ; will rent for (50 per mouth , netting a clear piollt of } 500a yearlo tent ; owner going away on account of Iicaltli. Price Jl.TO ) cusli J. L. Rice .V Co. U74 2t TJioirSAT.E A brickyar < rinTho thriving town . of Bcrlbncr , Neb. , capacity l.lwo.OU ) brick. For purtlctilars imiuiro Justice Kroegor. 10th and I.'HSH , or the owner , John Hombcrg , Scrlb- ner. Neb. Mi 4 * 71OR HALE Cheap , nnd on easy terras , cigar X' nnd tobacco store ; lease and furniture of 17- room lintel In city ; H-room hotel in good town ; grocery store , dry goods store , clothing store , boots und shoesrestaurnuts.andother business chance * . Co-operative Land aud Lot Co. tt N IbtU st , VXS33 A SPLENDID opportunity for a party who has $1,000 or } f,5CO to Invent. Invehtigato Address N . Uee. f Ul S3t J- MHO IHJY , sell , rent , trade , or exchange , see J. JL I , . Rica A Co. tf73gj 171OK SALK A nrst-class cigar and confuc- - lionery utand. Apply nt atore , 17tn and Nicholas. 1101 K. must. -.20 SJ DRESSMAKING csiabllshment. 12UO. good JL/locatlon , this Includes all fixtures , will rent " the above for tS. Co-Operative L. * JCo. . " " * Wtli ht , < " " \\TANTRD Some person to engnec In Hi * T T hardware bitslniss at PiMte Center , Neb. Inaulro of A. Henry , Piutoti hotel WO 2I \\rANTKD-An interview with a man of T T m an . who would bo willing to invnt a small sum with prospect of n rotnrn of millions. A railroad Invention Only those who mean business need investigate. Addre. . Mating where interview can bo had , N 4 HPO otllr * . BI2 23t BOTTLING works for sale. In ono of th * l > Mt towns In Nebraska. Good territory , four railroad * , outfit nearly now. Atnono wanting n good Imslne'S will plea o Investigate , Address > l 44 , llee olllco. W7 1OU PAIdt A splendid biMlne s In good JL1 city dry goods boot * and shoes snd gro > cerlen. Involco about f23,000. C 9h nnd $ o < W- Ityifiallnobilcfcblock. Co-Oporatlvo Land nnd I.ot Co , 2lG N Ifitti St. UIB 8.1 FOR EXCHANGE. "pit K dining room , , furniture , lease and good > - will of n good hotel 111 Omrthn , to trade for land or city property. Co-operntl\o Land \ Lot Co. , 205 .S' lutli st , Pill 2.1 'HO HXCHANOH--WO have hnlf ncro cor 19th JUnnd Wllllnmn t , th llncst piece of wnre- house ortrncVnge in Omaha , all clear of Ineum- brances. priou (1.1.000. ncttml vnluo JM.OOJ , to triulo for Improved Omaha property. Wo have a choice piece of ptoperty on Saunders St. , worth S10OU , all elwar , to trndo for Omnha Im proved property , nnd n tine pleco on South 'Mtli Rt. , worth $ } , WO , all elear , to tinde for Improved Omnhn property. Now. come to us , .1. U Rico & Co. lJI-&t _ \\'EhnvoR or 0 NX ) acre Improved farms In ' ' Nebraska and some Oiimlia property to trnde lort-toek general morehiiuu'lse in notno lire town in lown , DnKota or Nebraska. .1. L. Rico A ; Co , _ "Ji' : < \\ANTin-A : storK of hardware , furniture. ' > groceries , drj goodtf , clothing , or boots nnd shoes , in uxchnngo for n good farm or citv proji- crly. co-opoinlive Land \ Lot Co. , 206 N. UHli. rilO HUY , sell , rent , trndo. or exchange. > oo ' - AIt. . Rico A ; Co. 117221 A"\7ANT15I ) to Trade-In ns llr.st payment , n t splendid ifio-ncio Improved fnrm located 0 mlles irom Miller , 11 ami county , Dnk. , on the C. & N , W. Hy. ; good Improvmnonts , irnmo build ings , windmill. 45 acres under cultivation ; no waste land. 1'rico , JI5 per ncro.S'nnt7or - rootu liouso In good locution. J , IItico > V Co , FAHMS nnd city property to oxclmngo for stocks of nioicnnndlfto : If ilocK i is cicnn and good will put In some cnsh. Civoporntl\ I.ivnd A : Lot I o. , aVi N 10th bt. JWJ 111 $ "iOil cnsh nnd good city property or farm laud will buy n nice gi otvry Mock mid good loca tion In Omahn. Co-operutlva Inad nna Lot Co. , 20-i N ifitli st. IWI 2:1 : IjlOIt SAIill-l.Ight delivery wngon. with or V without horse mid hauioss. Will take unse cured note or moitgngo nnd pny some cash dif ference. Polby , IWI I uvnam. JM4 "l\7ANTKIto Kxclincso nuaitor sections T ouo.-O ncrus , of raw lam1 , ? loXH ( worth of town property in otm of the bsst towns in No- brnska , 4.SIW population , for stocks of general merchnndlse. Address M 1 > , Ileo ollice. liiat TpOH KXCIIANUK-Toam liorsoa or mules -1 ? wanted for llrst payment on house nnd lot , hnlnnco monthly or quarterly payments. Selby , 1.121 I'arnnm. Csl T7W > ir RXl'IlT\NTl'i ( South uTunna lot Tor J- " team borsos or initlos , wngoii nnd harness Pelby , 1521 Karnnm. rs. | A GOOD hotel and saloon to trade for lander or city property. Co-opcrntlvo Land A Lot Co. , MIS N Mtli st I ! B 23 TT'OR EXCHANGE $ -,5in r w hou.so mid lot -JL1 for small farm near Nub. county seat , Solbr , 1&21 Farnam. t/OI / 1J1OU EXCHANGE Carriage nud buggy with JL ? $3k ( ) cash for unsecured note or long tlmo mortgage. Selby , 15'1 Farnnm. 034 FOR EXCHANGU For doslr.iblo residence property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice Inside residence lots in Hastings. 100 lots in Lincoln. B40 acres Hue farming land. Lancaster county , Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental propelty , Lincoln. Cholco tnncv residence , eornor , Los Angel os. A neat residence property In Ilanscom Place. Also Komo good mortgage notes. Address giving location uud price of property J. K. H. . care llaum lion Co , . 1217 Lenvenworth I HAVE renl and pcisor.nl property of all kluds for Undo. Call and sou mo. ( Jeorgo J. Stcrnsdorir , rooniC , opp. 1' . O. 121 FOR TRADE House nnd lot In city for real or cnattol mortgagn paper , horses , mules or cattle , A. E. Greenwood & Co. , room 1 , Cunningham block , cor , J.ith nnd Jnckson st. \\J HAT nave you to tradt for.Tlots in.Tcroino T > Park ? lucumbrauce of $1,035 on the lots. Address K U2 , lice ollice. 81U TTIORTRADE-Cholcelot in Crnmmorcy 1'nrk JL1 nud choice double corner In Llptou I'lnco for good laud. J ) . V. Sholes , 210 First Nnt'l bank. 677 CLAIRVOYANT FORTUNE Teller Mm. Loponnan can Oa con sulted on all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No. 318 N Itith st GSOj la * DR. NANNIE V.Vnrren , clairvoyant. Med ical and business medium. Kciiiulo dbeaios n specialty. ll'J , N. Ifith st , Rooms 2 icS. 123 FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL 8-room houdo of most modern . design and finish. Nothing omitted In Its construction ; furnace , city water , gns , hot and cold water , antique oak finish , large east front lotoverlooKlngtlio city nud Council Hlulls ; the hou.so complete In all its details : cnn bo pur chased now ono or two thousand loss thnn In the .spring. Will pay you to Investigate now. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. H4'.l FOR SALE To Those wanting to go farming we cnn put them In control of large or sinall tracts of land wnlch require very llttlo money for j ears ; there never was a bettor tlmo to en gage in tarmlng nnd stocK-rnUIng than now. il. A. Upton company , 30J So. llltli street. 493 F6ir SA MT-Gl2 acroi Hamilton Co. , Neb. laud , ? ! ) per ncre , one-third cash , balance at 6 per cent. Address W. J. Wlldmnn , Denver. Col. 13J "TjlOK Council Hluirs real estate see J. L. Rico Jo ii Co. 1/71 / 24 0800 full lot and - nuysa goo-1 4-room cottage Poasy terras and good location. D. V. Sholos , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th nnd Far nam. 121 " KKAL estate bargains for sale by Geoago N. HickH. Harker block. Beautiful lei in Hnnscom Place , close tostrnot ears , splendid neighborhood , high and healthy location ; pi Ice , $ -,5JO ; only $ " > 00 cash , bnliuco ono to me yenrs , George N. Hicks. Harker Hlock. 13 ! ) 211 GIO ACRKS of choleo fnrm Innd In Central No- brnskn , near II. P. nnd I ) . A M. R. R.H ; n big bargain if sold quick. Write for price. George N. Flicks , Darker lllock. 13 ! ) 23 /1HOICE piece of trnckago property , 250x01)1) ) \J loot , with over (0) ( feet ironlago ou the Hell Line Hy , for sale nt a bargain. George N , Hicks llnrtor Hlock. 1JJ 23 POR SALE A Inrito double house , nine rooms ench , Just completed , llrst class neighbor hood , iiinKiilllrent view. The ground * ore "fix 150 feet , oust front. Each house has hot nnd cold wntor , furnace , bath room , electric bolls , all completw , and a line barn with city water and Howorago counortloii.s. This pioporty Is only Iwo blocks from llireo wtrect car lines , and is 0110 of tno nicest nnd most convenient homed In the city. Cnn give Immediate posses < lou of ono house with bam. 'I his property will pay H per cent on817.VO. Price for afew day.s , 815,500. George N. HickH , Darker Illoek. 1.1' ) 2.1 B ARGA1N Splendid residence corner , south > front , lUxlU ) foot , on Popploton ave , Hans- com place , llrst C.IHHH neighborhood ; ht reels nnd lot all graded ; now cable line to Hutu com park w ill make this property ndrancoat Ioiut50 : pur cent. Prlco for a few days only JI/UJ. on easy turms. Geo. N. 11 ickn. Harlter block. ira : r.l FOR BALK Flrut class improaed farm in , uastorn Nobrnska ; mnall rush pnyment , long tlmo. Call and get prices mid terniB. Goo. N. Hicks , Harkerjjlock. 13ai ! ) oiTsALU Spleiidld 10-acre trnct near Junc tion ot F. E , , V M. V. K , R. and the Kelt Hy , , lu Wont Omuliu , in a tlnu utatfl ot cultivation ; wll ! make a splendid home or line fruit nnd vegetable garden Thu proportycnn be plattixl inside of three years iuto titty lots Unit will sell for3in0or50)uach. ) and roalizu from ISJ.OIIO to l-il.OUJ for the entire trnct i rnu offer for a few days ut jO.&W. Goo. N. Hicks , Iturkcr block. T710S SALE-Scctlon 23 , township 16. range 11 Jwest , comprising 040 acres of cholcn farm land in Howard county. Neb. , located about 3 miles from Ellu ou I.P. inllway , and 7 miles from Gushing on II. & M. It. K. A big bargain If sold soon. George N , I licks , Harker Hlock. niO EXCHANGE First-class corner on busl- JL nebs struct within o blocks of court lioui > o. Price J15.UOO ; encumbrance 20.0iX ) ; owner's cqtilly J2. ' > , ( KX ) ; property rents for J2.700 per year. Improvements nil now ; will exchnngo for good inrintng land. George N. Illcks , llarkor block. THOItSALEor Kxchango For Improved city property , three to flvu acres of land on thu Ill-It line rAlln'uy , especially nuIUtble for brick , yard purposes. This ground is underlaid with l i8uj > orlor quality of clay , and baa railroad tracks on one Hide and a good btteuin ot water if on the other. Will Juke biick next asou In iiart payment. George N , Illcks , Darker block. 130-23 "I710H SALE M. A. Upton compiuy have the JL' bargains in business and regldouco property. See tu m at WJ Bo. 16tU street. i'U B A1SO AlN-C1ioIe6 business lot on M si. , noni 27tli , South Oirttiha , for ft few tlays nt Ji 009. ( Icorgo N , HlckRarker WoiK. Lta-11 BARGAIN tlsty feet oil Mth st , , near rnr- tiaiu , the best picco ot bailnesA property on the market ; can otrer for n row day * at npnroi It will pay you to Investlpnto. Oeorgo N. ) llek\ Darker blot fc. 1 .33 mo KXCH.VNdK-llusInMs lot , M tent on JL Houtli Ifithst I'rt.-p $ : , ; il.axi lucnm- brauc * . long time ; piiult ) t\vM. Will tftko somoinsh. bnlrnrc in Rortd Inmlor rlty proiv erty 0 orge N , Hlrk . llnrker bio -k. 132l ; rp < > r.XCIlXOI : Choic X on Tenth street , on cable line , surrounded bysplendld business block * , 1'rlre $ . ' * > , ( iuii ln < eiimbrftnco JID.ixX ) . Wnnt llrst-rlass land , nnln- cumbflred , ( leorgoN. Hicks , Hnrkor bloi-fc , S A 1,1Choice ? live ere tract In omahn , close to licit line mllway , only twputj-llve minutes' ride from postolllco , for snlo for A short tlmo at HVJ ( ; small cn h itay * input , long tlmo. 0 forgo N. Illcks , Iliukot block. ISl'-il ' ir\Ol \ SAI.U-Ono of the best places In ot X ' nround the city to Mnrt n small coal and lumbar yard and general grocery Situated nt the junction of the Holt line railway nnd two mnlu streets leading out of clt.v lu \Vrst Omaha ; rootei-t of trneknco and over < IOO feet front nco on innln tnoroughfaro , used by nil the tnnneis 1I\ big youth nnd we. < t of tila city. This l.s n KuleiKlld rhnneo for n man with n modornto amount of money , ( leorge N. Hick' , lluikvr block. lir.KT ) rilO KXrilANdB-Txvo choice 10-nero tracts I- close to Hell line railway , I'rlce I" , KI n nil (11,001 , Eacliof tho-o trneu will make 5ll nlca lots that will sell Inside of il years for fWO each. \\nnt Improved resldoacK pi upon y or buslnoss lot , Wlint have yon to offer ? ( ieorgo N. Illcka , Darker block. KMCI _ n O KXCHANOH-MaVxi worth ot good X Omaha properly for good stock ranch ( ieorge N. Illcks , llniker Idock. 11l-2i ) : ripe HXCIlANOK-bW-ucte farm to Irndo fet 1n good huuso nnd lot , 0 cargo N. Illcks , Darker block riio IJXCHANGE-21 choice lots In Wosthiwr. J 1'nrk on licit Hue railway. In Went niimhn , hnlt block from station , only so\on blocks fiom street car lino. Price. { 12,010 : liicuiuliraneo due " , 3 4 nnd f > years ; J\ii ( ow uor'-s equity In HUM , will tradii tor good laud. George N. Hicks , llaiker bloi k. WJ.t rpllE nbovo list comprises only u few of tin .1 iniiiivhnrg.iiuswooflei. If you have first clnss pioperty to soil or trade , or If you want ta lentil home , rail mid see our list. George N Hick , llnrkor block. loi)2.1 ijlOR SALE Neuraska farms ; no surer Invest. JL1 mi'iit can bo mndu. M , A. Upton company , yo.i So. Itith street. 4iM FOIt SALE Two elegant homos lu llnitscnm Place on roisonable turuis ; mortgage paper taken us iiart payment. llosworth Joplln , Ilnrker block. TpOH SALU Do you want n lo-in nt lowest JL' rates on good improved inside property ! See M. A. Upton company , nt 30 ! ) So. loth street. ifmR S.\LE-Lot If , in block 4 Omnhn \ lew , 1 } ! ) . Cmtls , \ Sackett , 20 < S 15th St. V87 23 : Do you "know that i.o'wer Done" Ins M. Is going to make llrst-elnss rotnll pro ] ) , erlyy If you don't , ft'1 down to the bridge nonm line dny nnd see the stream of western lown people coming over You will then bo con vinced.Vo cnn sell 22 , 41 , ( A ofhS feet on Doug las , between Hltli mid IHh sts , at n price that will make punhnser 100 pr cent lu loss than two yours. 'I his .snap will not keep Inter than tannaryl. INSU. JL A. t'ptou Company , : I03 a . . . Innd Anyone wanting vjgovcininriil laud call nt Hotel Doheck , South Omaha. ' J. 0. Mnyur , coiiimlsslonor 1B1 2t ; * FOR Council lllutrs renl ostnto see J. L. Rice &Co. U71 24 T71OK SALF-lly M. A. Upton Coiup my. JL1 A handsome and very complete 10-room residence on Sherman avomio nt less than value. 02 feet on Shermnn nvonuo in I'hddock Plnoo nt $115 per toot , A corner on Shermnn avenue lu Paddock Place nt a prlco way below the mmkot value. An cast front lot on 37th struct , paved , just south of Fuinnm , " ? percent lessthan adjoin ing propei ty can bo pin chased for , Forbaignliis always see M. A , t'ptou Com pany , lit ! ) South 10th stroot. Telephone M4. 742 ri V > HF Y , sell , rent , trade , or exchange , see J. JL L. Rico A ; Co. U7224 TOR SAI.i : Not for trndo. 513.7(1 ( ncres of lin- JL proved laud 2 miles from .Mnrqnotto , In Hnmllton Co. , Neb , Frame house , frame stable , AXJ ncres under a good 4 bnrb-wlia fence , round cedar posts nud 2 stays ; living water , good cor- nil , 2 wells , wind-mill. IlM-b.irrel tank , Milt- feeder troughs , etc. ; 75 acres clover , n good stock ranch. 1'rire ( about $12 per acio ) $0,500 Cash : i.50 ( ; i years tlmo mil per cent Il.tKXi Go and look over the land and address thn owner , F. 1C. Atkins , 150Larimer St. , Denver , Colo. 12(1 ( " ' FOR SALK List exclusively with M. A"'Up ton company. 301) ) So. Kith street ; good Inside property at u tlgnro not more thnu actual value if you want your real estate sold. 40,1 SPECIAL bargains In fnrm , wo.norn Innd and city property , call nud f > uo us. Nob. Sot- tllng and Supply Co. Room U , Hoard of Trade , 17IOK Council lllulls real estate see .1. L. Rlc J-1 A. Co. 1171 21 FOR SALK a new house in a desirable pnrt of the city , two lots , hou.so cent mis nil modern improvements , hot nnd cold wntor , furunce. gns , bath , electric bells , and electrlo ens lighting nrrnugoliiont , parlors , hall and dining - ing room tinlsheil in onlc nml cherry. For price and tei ms address p O. drawer 47 ch y. 3(1 FOR SALE-Or oxcbnugo for Omahn prop. erty ; bJ acres , Hiiltublo for platting ; will make 400 lot . ' nil clonr ; big money in It for some ono who oxn push Ibis ; located Just out side of the city limits of Council illulfs. In- qtilroGoo. .1. Stornsdorir. opp. poatolllco. 12J "IJ1OR SALE Good house oF7 rooms , full lot , JJ well , cistern , burn for 4 homes , school , church nnd store uonr by , street cars ono blocK nwny , in growing part of city , good neighbor hood , title perfect , coed homo for mau ot mod * orate means. ( Set ready far next spring by buy ing a homo now : will take n vacant lot as part payment. C , F , Harrison. Merchants Nut. bank , A FINE Improved farm nenr Paplllion foi JXsalc , in mill's from Omaha at Jli an ncro. Apply nt 2')17 Ilarnoy utroet. 472 J7 "I71OR Council HlullH real estate see .1. L. Rlc J2 ic Co. 1)71 ) 21 mwo-STORY brick block , nearly now. with JL stores on llrsi llloor nnd sov ii room Hats ou Rccontl lloor. with all modern liuprovemonts. This propel ty is on corner fronting paved street , with Bower , wnter and gas nud brings an nnniial rental ofiM.iiU ) . Will sell chenp ou terms to milt. Address II 70. HBO. 401 _ _ _ 171 OK SALE A bargain. Lot 1 , bloek.'l Orch JL1 nrd Hill. High level lot. Ono block from Henson cnr line. $800. Curtis & Huckott. 20j g IMh st , 1)87 ) 23 rpo RUY , sell , rent , trudo , or excliunge , see J , J. L. Rice * ; Co. 1)7224 ) IflOH SALE -On easy lerms and long lime , ta 1 lot ( Mxl42 on S. IHh at. nenr Hnncroft , ( Lot 0 , liaikcr's Biibdivblon ) . Addruss M 42 , Ileo ollice. FOR Council lUuir * real oatatu see" J. ' 1/7 Rico & Co. 1)71 ) 21 EERLESS DYES THE CHICAGO AMD ORTH- Gouncii Bluffs And Chicago , 11 < u | > er'or ' ul10r } u PO'nti ' of uperlorllr 'r ' tU1 " ' ' ' b < it v a ouiahi of depot VTHU tbo , . of lb. CUK - ' - cii.lciKO (1m ir/jbii / of lOmofallottitr A'WWffi va > AuaiiA& ' TO , , w'i ! , OIT.HWESTKRN' . N. BABCOCK _ . , nt. O , U. . Ticket AB nt 1/ni " ' K < WK8T. Cltr P _ > i HOI OJU lJtt , W