Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Ik'llvcreilliycftrrlfrln Any I'njt of hcCltya
TwfMjr Cents I'crWcek.
7ii ; < KPIONiS :
Ilrpisr. * . nrn < K No. W.
NKIIIT iiuron : , No.I. .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Council HlufTs now * on Third pace.
Finest ChrUtnms slippers nt Adams1 ,
licit warm Shoos at Adams' , 417 HrMway
Conlnmlwood. E.K.Mnyno,010B'way.
A first-class slioomakcr ntid cobbler nt
Adnms' . Hrliiff In your work.
Elegant ovt'tvonllnga nt A. Holler's ,
merchant tullor , 810 Hroadwivy.
Kd. Hrcnnan was locked iipSutnnlny nl ht
for larceny from n ImililliiK In the night
timo. Ho win arrested by Captnin Uycr nnd
Oniccr Unsiek.
Tlio leap year party to l > o Riven nt the
Hoyal Area mi in parlors Wednesday evening
by the ICpiscopal Indies will bo one ot the
Kreiitcst successes ot the season.
II. A Hrynnt , \Vyiiiore , Nob. , nnil Miss
Mollie 15. IliMinctt. of Dei Molncs , wuro mar-
rlod Snturduy evening In tills city at the Con-
Krcpiitioiml pnrsonairc , by the Kev. O. W.
Crofts ,
The decision of the superior court of this
city In the case of State vs Hoblnson
who vlnliitcil tlio jratno laws by suin-
ItiK In Honey Creek lake , has been sustained
by the state supreme court.
.John Gilbert is placing the steam heating
apparatus In position in Wheeler & Herald's
new block on Upper Hroiulivny. The work
will be completed in about two weeks , when
the proprietors will occupy the building with
their bottling establishment.
Work on the foundation of the Eismnn
block will be commenced this morning nnd
pushed so as to bo ready for the superstructure -
turo as soon as possible. The wnlls will bo
warmly covered each night to prevent freez
ing or nny delay In the progress of the work.
There was a-lively runaway on Lower
Broadway yesterday morning. A horse tit-
tnchcii to one of Jackson's mail wagons be
came frightened and started to run , throwing
out Mr. Jackson and injuring him considera
bly. The wagon was overturned and badly
The city council meets this evening. Th o
electric lighting ordinance and considerable
other business of importance is awaiting
definite action. It is hardly probable , how-
cvcrf that It will lie taken this evening , as it
is Christmas eve , nnd an adjournment will
doubtless be taken to January 'II.
Fred Olstrum , a boy living in the southern
part of the city , was severely injured near
the transfer Saturday evening by his pony
falling on him. It was supposed that ho was
fatally hurt , but ho soon regained conscious
ness , mid was removed to his home , where ho
is rapidly recovering.
All lovers of ternsichorean festivities will
enjoy a treat to-night ami to-morrow night.
This evening the switchmen givq their an
nual ball , nnd to-morrow evening give their
masquerade , both at Masonic temple. The
preparations for each have bren made on an
extensive scale , and they will bo very enjoya
ble affairs.
Saturday evening , when the married em
ployes at the hotiso of John Hone .t Co. re
turned to their homes after work , they each
found a Chnstnus dinner awaiting thorn
lacking the preparation. There were tur
keys , oysters , cr.mberries , celery , etc. Thcso
were remembrances from their employers.
The unmarried clerks were also fittingly re
The Vaughn nvcntic highwajmcn still con
tinue to get in their line work on the unsus
pecting passer-by. Saturday evening they
held up Martin Shields as he was driving
homo from tlio city and robbed him of Sli.SO ,
This is the same spot , nnd doubtless the same
rascals who have committed several other
similar deeds in the past low nights. Still ,
no arrests have been made.
Dr. ClenverTlS ! North Main. Tel. 147.
See W. C. Stacy's ml.
The Ol l Kcliabln .Tcswelry Finn
of E. Biirhorn , No. 17 Main street , has
laid in Jin immen&t stock of holiday
goods , which will be sold cheaper than
over. Thin is a special inducement for
thirty days. All goods ( irst class and
guaranteed to bo just us represented.
It ib nn established fact that you can
pot the best floods for the least money
there. Call and examine the stock and
get prices before purchasing.
* .
- > -
Assorted fruit in baskets for Christ
inas nt Palmer's , 12 S. Main st.
Weather strips for doors nnd win
dows. Odoll & Bryant , 513 Main st.
- -
Rock Spring coal , Glcason , 20 Pearl
Btreot. _ _
Jewelry of all kinds cheaper than any
where on earth at ! ! 21 Broadway.
- - * -
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
- .
Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of 'interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark ft Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
Sco Forrest Smith's special column.
- -
ItRvoliillon ,
A pure Havana long filler clear for
five ) cents at Balrd's. Try one and you
will smoke no other.
A Itow on "Thn I5ow. "
About 11 o'clock last evening there was
war on "Tho How , " and the cyprians en
gaged in active combat. Ofllcor Cuslck was
"soon on hand , and Mattlo Muson nnd Li/izlo
D.iy were tnkea into custody * Mattie said
that Lizzie called her a llnraml , she promptly
resented the insult , as her word was all she
had to defend. The trouble grew oat of an
alleged remark of Lizilo to the ottcct that
landlady , Mablo Murrlco , was rather sparing
of food , so far as nor boarders were con
cerned. lioth secured their appearance
this morning by putting up J15 , and wore
released ,
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Fancy baskets filled with fine candy
at Palmer's , 12J3. Main bt.
Lund Bros. ' are making a special lOe
drlvo in crockery. Don't fail to see it
as Well in Ornamental.
A nice handkerchief or inulllor is a
Buitable present. Remember your price
is mine ; all goods must go. 400 Broad
way. _
Jewelry of all k'.nds for Christmas at
wholesale for cash , 8121 Broadway.
All grades soft coal , 0. B. Fuel Co.
- . , i
Holiday I'rcsontH
Can now bo found in great variety.
Now and artistic designs in diamond's.
fine jewelry , gents' and ladies' gold
watches and chains , sliver and plated
wnro , clocks In French marble and the
best of American makes. A cordial in
vitation is extended to every one to call
and judge for themselves at
No. 27 Main st.
Tlio London "Tailor's" is the placeto
got your clothes mado. 037 Broadway ,
$10,000 , in jewelry at 821 Broadway.
Money loaned at L. B , Crafts & ; Co.'s ollico , on funtituro , pianos , horses ,
wagons , jicrijonal property ot all kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value without
removal , All bagiuoss strictly confi
dential ,
Numerous Entorinlnmonta Made
Rondy For the Holidays.
They Perfect nn Orgnnlzntion Tlio
Mcrrlntn Illtick Sunslnr Drives
nnd OlvoH 1 lie Coin *
( UK Knee.
Christ inns In ( tin ClmrelicH.
The Christmas tide will ho observed In
Council Bluffs with exercises In the various
churches appropriate to the occasion. Being-
the children's festal season the exercises ,
which arc to bo public , xvlll bo rendered by
the children. .Many of the Sunday schools
have given much time in preparing their pro
grammes , and the prediction Is n safe one
that they will be well rendered nnd very at
The Broadway Methodist Sunday school
will hold their celebration this evening. The
auditorium will be handsomely decorated ; a
choice programme will bo presented by the
little folks after which a Christmas ladder
( three ladders In one ) will bo unvailed and
from it will betaken a gift for each and every
The Hethnny Baptist Sunday school Is
young in days , not yet two months olu , but
now numbers moro than ono hundred nnd
twenty live scholars. The inllux lias been so
rapid that no appropriate provision could bo
nude for them In a Christmas celebration.
Public exercises will bo held to-morrow
evening at the church in which a tree and
presents will bo prominent factors. The
meeting will not bo formal but will be rather
to give n h.ippy evening to the children.
The First Unptlst school will give its pub
lic appearance to-morrow evening. No for
mal exercises will be held , but rather the
children nnd adults will mingle in n sociable ,
the attractive features of which will he an
old time Christmas tree with a genuine
Santa Clans. The presents will be given by
tjio school , and every scholar will bo remem
bered. Every member of the school and
church is expected to bring witn him n thank
offering , which is to ho some article of util
ity , I. e. , clothing , eatables , etc. , which will
bo distributed amoni , ' tlio worthy poor of the
city on Wednesday. Hy this plan it is hoped
to make many hearts glad , which would
otherwise t.avu little of happiness to make
the day memorable.
St. Paul's Kpiscopnl church will hold a
special musical service nt 10U : : ! o'clock to
morrow morning. On Friday evening nt 7:80 :
o'clock there will he a Christmas cantata ,
"St. Nicholas- which will bo given by the
Sunday school anil the church quartette. It
will bo a very pleasing entertainment , and a
free ono.
The Congregational school will entertain
their friends at ( I o'clock this evening. A
chorus of thirty voices will render a pleas
ing cantata entitled "The Waif's Christ
mas. " No nilmission fee is charged , and
everybody is invited. After the cantata ,
which will consume about an hour's time ,
the children will be individually remem
bered with n smnll gift. Tne object will bo
to give the children nn evening of healthy
pleasure and amusement , and to combine
with this a remembrance of the event which
the day celebrates.
At St. Xtiviers' Catholic church there will
bo services at ( i o'clock , 7 o.'clock , 8 o'clock
and 10 o'clock to-morrow forenoon. Special
music has been prepared for the ti o'clock
and 10 o'cloclc services.
There will bo a Christmas entertainment
for the children of the Presbyterian Sabbath
school this evening at 7 o'clock. There will
be some novel features of the programme
( juito ilifl'crcnt from anything of former
years , after which gifts will be presented to
the children and the now Sunday school
rooms will be thrown open for their further
Head nnd Kellect ,
N. I. Tibbotts , the CASH GROCHR ,
is selling :
Sweet corn 7c per can ,
Bettor quality I ! cans for 25c.
Early Juno peas So per can.
3-lb can of tomatoes lOc.
3-lb can of poaches lOc , 15c and 20c.
3-lb can of apricots 15c per can.
Good prunes 5 per pound.
. Soap 7 bars for 2oc.
Japan tea 2c per Ib.
Maple syrup 75o per cal.
Fine catsup 75c per gal.
I have also a full line of the cele
brated Monarch and Curtice Bros' ,
canned goods , which I am selling very
No. 345 Broadway. Tel. No. 29.
For Sale Cheap : Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on .1. 11. Rico , No. 110 Main
bfteot , Council Bluffs.
&co Forrest Smith's special column.
. Moro goods for oOc at109 Broadway
than for $1.00 anywhere else.
Bargains in real c&tato in all parts of
the city , "VV. S. Cooper , 130 Main s-treet.
Wo have just received an invoice o
Solon Palmer's line perfumes , Sncho
powders and toilet soap , Dull G. Morgan
Jc Co.
Follow the crowd and go to Fried
man's old stand , 409 Broadway , where
you will Hud everything to make you
happy , from a stocking to a bonnet ,
everything bold 50c on the dollar. A. J.
Tin ; HnrtioiilliirlKtH.
The Pottawaltamio county fruit growers
have perfected the organisation of a county
horticultural association , and will meet
hereafter on the llrst Saturday in each month
at the county court house. At the next
meeting L. A. Caspar will read a paper on
"Preparation and Care of Early Hotbeds. "
Alex Wood , "Fall vs Winter Pruning of
Grape Vines. " L. O. Williams , "Winter VB
Summer Pruning of Orchards. " Peter
Wics , "What is Our Most Profitable Small
Fruit ? " These are very interesting to all
fruit growers , and all gnntlcmen and ladles ,
whether members of the bocloty or not , are
invited to attend all of these meetings.
Bananas , Florida oranges , mixed
nuts , malaga grapes , tine candies at
Palmor'ti , 12 S. Main street.
Sco Chapman for Christmas presents ,
Fine table ware at Lund Bros. '
All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
While planning for your holiday gifts
don't ' fail to bee LulTd Bros.'grand dis
Sco Lund Bros , for lamps.
For Rent Two now store rooms in
good location ; Nos. 737 and 7U ! ! Broad
way. S. Saunders , i0 ! Pearl st.
Loans mado.on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
bull-Champ Investment company.
L. K. Roe , dontibt , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jacunmin ] & Co.'s jewelry store.
An olognnt line of pianos for Christ-
inns presents at Christmas prices , for
two weeks. Council BlulTs Music Co. ,
22-1 Broadway.
Hotiml lo Criticise.
Everyone has oxprcsncd such perfect sat
isfaction ut tbo appcarimco of the now Mcr-
rlum block as the work on that building progressed -
grossed , that It was something of a surprise
to Und a feature that given almost universal
dissatisfaction. This feature Is the loitering
uicd at the top ot the building , in the worth ,
"MorriAin block. " The IdcK comes
painters , nitits , architects , In fact , every
body who passes the structure : . Notwith
atandtnuthc fact that the offending letters
nro so small nnd out of the way , it seems
that everybody notices them , and critlclrcs
adversely. Strange what n tremendous
kick n little displeasure klndleth. ODO en-
tcipri'lng citizen has already announced hi *
intention of personally visiting Mr. Mcrrlum
to request the removal of the uncouth hiero
eljphics. _
Meerschaum Goods.
The greatest treat to a smoker is n
nice meerschaum pipe or cigar holder.
Frank Levin has the most complete line
of meerschaum pipes , cigar holders ,
line smoking sots , snuff boxes , nnd
everything found In a llrst class cigar
storo. LnuMes wishing tomnl'o n brother
or husband a present nro respectfully in
vited to call and see my stock at 502
Broadway , next door to Olllccr & Pusoy's
W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan
on approved city property , No. 130
Main street.
I must hnvo room for spring goods ,
nnd will soil all goods now in stock at
prices far bcloxv any ever olTorcd hofore.
This is no bait to catch the trade hut ,
: i genuine elcnring-oiit sale , and every
thing must go.
Parlor sots , bedroom sots , heating nnd
cooking stoves , handing lumps , oil
cloths. All goes without reserve.
I have a big stock nnd can suit yon in
whatever you want.
( . 'omo and see mo nnd examine my
IToods. 1 must sell. No prices quoted ,
but no reasonable olTcr will bo refused.
AlsoSOftcrea of the 1 > et property In town for
Telephone Utt. No. 1) ) Mala Stieet.
Council lllnlls , lown.
" \\7II.r. cxchlingosom of the best business
property In the city for llrst eluss farm.
C. li. Investment Co , Noi 10 I'enrl street.
WE have some of the best bargains lu the
elty In real estate , cheap Hits , small
houses and lots ; several iluo residences on
paved streets ; ul ouero tracts. All of the aoovo
property will lie sold on easy terms. Small
payment down and Io\v rate ot Interest. Coinu
nnd examine our list.
Wo also liavo largo Hats of property for ox-
change. No. 10 Pearl st. Council Ululls Invest
ment Co.
rilO RXriIANOK Dinitr In house nnd lot in
JL Omaha for span or hoi sea and carriage.
Address E. li. $ . , Hee olllee , Omaha.
"I lOOMS to rent by Council lllulU Investment
Jit Co. . Xo. 10 1'uiirl bt. .
MWO line olllco rooms to rent on first Moor ;
JLono room 18xW ; both newly papered and
painted. lies t location in the city Call at No.
lu. I'enrl st.
Every man or woman who has $ 0 or
$75 wh'ch ' they wish to invest where it
will bo as safe as it would bo if it were
deposited in the Bank of England and
-make him more money , to call on us and
buy a lot in Fainnouiit addition. The
best location on the hills for street car
service and school privileges ; close to
all the railroads , wholesale houses and
city depots. The only hill properly to
bo had at such low prices and easy
terms. Prices ranjrc from $200 to $400 ;
terms , one-fifth cash , balance in thirty
equal monthly payments at 8 per cent
H you are renting now and want a
home of your own , commence p.nyingfor
a lot now before you have to pay double
the money for the same location. Begin
at once and you will bo surprised to llnd
how boon the thirty months will roll
around , making you the owner of a lot.
Call on II. G. McGee , KJO Main street ,
or Forrest Smithat the Brown building ,
Council Biull's , Iowa.
SAM : y
1.1 IlE\ltE : , S'ffKKHT , COU.VCIL ,
ULunrs , , IOWA.
Residence on Oth ave $ 3,000
Hcsltlunco on (1th ( sivo „ 1,100
Hesidonco on Uth ave ] , GOO
Hcsiilonooonlitli ave 1,000
Ueslilonco on fllh nvo 1,000
Kcbtdciifo on ( itli ave 850
Hesulcnco on (1th ( st 0,500
Heslilonco on Dili ht 0,000
Kesuluiico on North bth st. . lot 124x-
VM\4 \ , Bi-oit : bargain ! 1,000
Huneli at 5 hoiibcs and I lots on Jrd ! ave 8,000
Kcsidonco on Hcott st ' . ' ,000
IJcbiucnco on I'lutncr st. Kor prifo
anil imrticulur.s inqiiiro
An elegant icslilcnccon Istnvc. , ono
mlnuto walk from government
building- For price and particu
lars Inquire
Hceidcnco oa ( itli nvo. , three inliiutes
walk from county court houbo.
dish 3,200
Kcsldenco and four lots on uvo. " 0 , "
Street's add / 2,000
Store building and lot on 1'acltlo uvo. ,
near U. 1' . transfer 1,600
Two-story frame store in town of ( Jar-
hon 2,000
Seventy-llvo lots In Squire's add. ,
north of transfer , elegantly loca
ted , * 300 to f100 each
Hunch of 11 lots , Central sub 1,500 ,
Hunch of 13 lots , Cooper , McMalion &
Jeffries add. , if Uikcn before Jan.
1st , for S.OOO
An elegant lot on 6tli st , Cnsli U.OOO
Three line lots on Uluft street at u
bargmn ,
100 feet froutiiRo on l aric avo. for J50
ncr foot
Husiiioss property on Uroadway
business property on Main st
An unproved farm of 100 acres not far
from Oiautauqua grounds , con
sisting of hill and dale , for par
ticulars Inquire
45'nero tract ono inllo from Uroadway ,
buburban location 7,500
In addition to the above I Imvn vacant
property In nearly every addition
to the city.
RO , M I K VEEI , ST. ,
Have concluded to sell their entire stock of Toys
and Fancy Goods at One-Half of any
Former Prices.
Will "Rule to-morrow in our Toy and
Fancy Goods Department. We slaow
more real Christmrs gifts than
all tlie competing- stores com
bined and our prices
To-morrow will be the Greatest day in the his
tory of the People's Store , and we are pre
pared-for it with an extra force of sales
men and salesladies to wait upon
our many customers. Our stock
must be sold and our prices
are according.
NO. 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY ,
sOS ? F. J. BREZEE ,
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
Permanently located at No. II North I th st. . opposite postollico. on
. .
.Motor Line , Council ItlullB , la.
If you have specimens don't wait for prices. Send them to him
bofoio they hpoll. If you don't u ant them after they nn ? mounted
ho will pny you the highest market prke tor them. Will inaku a spcclnUy of headi and dreablnu
furs during the winter.
Bee him for llread t'nkes ; etc.
To Dealers A Liberal Discount filvon.
No. ' 13 Main St. Council UliinV , town.
I have laid in n nice line of boots and
shoes which I am selling at the smallest
living prolit. I am establishing a per
manent business , for I am hero to stay ,
and as my expenses are small I can fce'll
you goods very low. Call and convince
No. : t'l ( llionihv.iy.
t AM EAW , MAI > , 3IA ! > !
And will hell meat lor the following c. sli prices :
Slioiililer nnd riinck Itoust . litofic
I'rlinu Ilih . be
fhuck Steak . le
Itnuml Steak . fcr
sirloin Steak . lie
I'orterlion-e St iik . lOc ,
HolllnK llui'f . Utole '
Mutton Mew . do I
Mutton Li'ijs . So '
Corn lleef . : ito4c
I'orklloiist . llle
I'oik Chops nml Stonk . lite
Jiiinl. our own jnnko . 1 V
rsuisiiKu . PC
And nil other inentH in the t > ame proportion , I
111 Etift llronilwav.
1 sell I'ottnwnttniiilu County Mint , wrapped
up lu Council Hlmr.s 1'npor. i'reo Delivery.
C. E. HKU , . G. A. Iinitl.INOIIOK
Architects , Designer * anil Superintendents
of Construction ,
Mr. Ucrlliifdwf i\n > > soon years uith
Meiiili'lssiiliii , Fisher \ Lowry , and lias
designed ninny of ( ho Ilnest blocks
in Omaha anil Council Hind's.
Plans and Specifications Prepaid and
Estimates made on Application ,
Studio , liooni 2 Opcm House Blvck
0 , H , McOANELD & CO , ,
Hides Tallow Felts Wool
mniki't prim. 1'iompt letmns. KJO
mul tU-J Main St. . toilmll Itlulls , Iowa.
PRICE $13.
Is equal t )
any Hlgl
Tlio Kdl on Mlmcncrnpli , tlio best Mpimralna for
niniilfulilliiK. mitiMMiililo nnd typo writliu work.
aM > rtiplei uin lie taken.
The Escolsior Cc.Council Bluffs , h.
Organ. We have seventy-live of the celebrated
aidmao , ft , B , Chase , Fisher , Evere ( land Pease & Howard Pianos
On hand , which we olTer at a special discount of TKN PHH C'KXT oil' our roguloj
prices for tlio no.U TIUUTY DAYS.
Wo carry the largest stock of small imiMcal instruments of every description ,
and have many novelties suitable for presents. Our stock of sheet miiste and
music books is'the latest and most complete. Itomoinber our entire stock ot
Will be sold at cost , and less than cost. It must bo closed out regardless of prico. rOwing
You will find many bargains. A souvenir given with every mirchnso. Wo also
give a ticket with every $5 purchase on tin elegant Piano , Organ , anil other prizes *
Call early for a choice of the bargains olTered.
Owing to the death of Mr. E. E. ITarkncss , the senior member of tlio firm ot
ilarkncss Uros. , it has been decided to clo c out the stock and settle
the business of the linn as speedily us possible.
The Entire Stock of Dry Goods is Offered For
Sale 'in Whole or in Part.
The retail sale will commence Wednesday , December llHh , IfeSS , at great reduce
lion in prices.
The stock is now. clean , and very desirable. It presents an EXCELLENT OP
BUSINESS. Parties desiring information can
call upon or address
DR. C. B. J U DD ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
Knpeclixlly AclajitoJ toe
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
nd estltnates furnhlioil for complete strnm plants. Iti'Kiilntlon , Iiiiralilllty ( limr-
imtccil. Cftiibliow letters from users wheio fuel Economy Is with C'orll No
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catiiloguo. No.rIO I'carl SU-or-t , Council Bltills.
We cnppy the largest stock In the west , covering 2OOOO square feet of flooi' . Wo do the largest buslnessl Wo soil at the lowest prices ,
We deal direct with European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits.
Cash talks , and \vo are always in position to
Yon Genuine
We offer you for SO days. In new and fresh goods and good selections , the following :
LOT 1 Hnml-nalnloa Cupslilors ,
each ICc
LOT 2 Good Majolica Cubpiilors ,
each , ; i5o
LOTS EiiL'llHh Decorated Cham-
her Sets $2 05
LOT -1 Uiitflish Uccoratod M-
picco Tea Sots 93 75
LOT 5 100-picco ( genuine gold-
hand and hand-painted llowors )
Wodffowood UlnnorSct , potsot.112 00
.OT U Knglibh Decorated Full
Dinner Sot , new 11 utod shapes ,
pop eot 58 60
LOT 7 .N'ico and cholco lot of
Decorated Genuine China
Creamers , each , 25o
LOT 8 Liirfro Moss Hose Pitch
ers , each " 5C
LOT ! ) Hose Jars , Illlod with per
fumed rose leaves , each 25c
LOT 10 GouulNo Uhiiia decorated
I-riiit or Ice Creoin sots , per tot 2.60
LOT 11 Goiiiilno China Fruit
Plates , assorted dccorationb , per
doxon l ,75
LOT 12 An ologaiitlland Painted
ViiBo Lamp , with shade to
match , flue burner , complete ,
each ; 3,50
And a fjroat many moro bargains
which our limited bpaco will not pormlt
us to enumerate.
An Inspection will save
you money.
Also Full Line of Besl Makes in
Plated and Solid Silver.
"Rich Cut Grlass ,
Bronzes and Brass Goods ,
Choice Dinner , Tea , Fisli , Game ,
andlco Cream Sots ,
Royal Worcester ,
Taplitz ,
Royal Dresden ,
Royal Saxony ,
Bonn Faeience , e
Visitors anil purchasers epally welcome ,