Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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irpi i P\T OTtniM ) o ri\
Bargains for Monday , the Last Day
Before Christmas ,
In tlic l-'ollowliiR Oooilfl Which nro
Suitable Ior Christmas Presents
Kt-llpy , HtlRcr Ai CO.'H
FURS , runs , FURS ,
\Vo will olTor the balance of furs ,
Bets , mulls nnd capes , regardless of cost.
Wo have a few very handsome boa and
niufl sets in the following furs : White
thibot , light lynx , black lynx , black
innrton. red fox , natural otter.
in Alaska ( London dyed ) seal , beaver ,
black bear , brown bear , light lynx ,
black marten , rod fox , black raccoon ,
Our handkerchief counter was crowded
all hist week. Every lady was compli
menting us. They wcro unanimous in
declaring that we were showing by far
the largest variety and the daintiest
novel designs , and making much lower
prices than any other house in tlio city.
On Monday wo will place tlio entire
Block on special sale at lower prices
than over.
The goods will bo arranged in lots at
prices which will make it easy for cus
tomers In mnko a selection ,
Lot 1 , li2Jc , reduced from SMc.
Lot 2 , ir c , reduced from IMc.
Lot 8 , 2JJc : , reduced from IlOc.
Lot -I , 27e , reduced from Me nnd10c. .
Lot 5 , 'lOc , reduced from ( io ( ) and 75c.
Lot 0 , 7Cc , reduced from HI and 81.16.
Lot 7 , $1reduced from $ l.-10andl.05.
Special bargain in fine hand em
broidered sheer linen lawn , scalloped
border handkorchlofs > ( latObt novelties )
at $ l.r 0 , $2.01) ) , $2.60. W.OO , & 1.50 each.
Lndios' Duchess lace bordered hand
kerchiefs ( at greatly reduced prices )
prices range Iroin 81.35 to $10.00 each.
Our silk handkerchiefs and inufllors
are the talk of the city. Our entire
stock all now and frebh , bought ex
pressly for Xmas"trade , will bo slaugh
tered Monday regardless of cost. They
comprise 11. S. , I'ongco and Japanese
silk , twill Billc , brocaded silk , fancy
silk , etc. , in white and colors. They
will bes arranged in lots same ns the
cmbroidcd handkerchiefs :
Lot 1 , 2-5c , reduced from -10c and I5c.
Lot 2 , ! ! 8c , reduced from 60c and C5c.
Lot It , CMC , reduced from 85c and $1.
Lot -1 , 76 , reduced from $1 and $1.23.
Lot 6 , $1 , reduced from Sl.'lO.
Lot 0 , $1.15 , reduced from $1.50 nnd
Wo will place our entire stock of fine
fans , comprising plain nnd hand-painted
gauno , stain , quill and ostrich feather ,
oto. , on special .bale at greatly reduced
prices :
Our 20 per cent ( twenty per cent ) dis
Monday night store open until 10
Corner Dodge and Fifteenth St.
* ' half
- " ' ' on
paper. *
602 , 604 , 600 , 508 and 610 S. 13th st.
O08 North lUth Street.
The pcpple of the North Side nro to
1 > o congratulated upon having n place
to buy meat that is so well supplied
with nice , clean , fresh stock , and is
dealt out so politely to its customers as
| ( 'p in this market. The name of A. E.
IJ ) .Marsh is a sulllcient guarantee that
| > H everything is just ris it ought to bo.
| | | There is no end to the turkeys , ducks ,
chickens and gccso , besides game ,
oysters , celery and everything for the
Christmas table. Mr. Marsh will not
bo undersold. Ho is determined that
liis customers shall have the very host
that money can buy , and nt the very
lowest living prices consistent with first
class goods. The Washington market
has become a household word in the
North Side , and by fair dealing nnd
moderate prices it has secured the con
fidence of the people , who will not bo
disappointed in the fine display of
moats , gatno , etc. , for the holiday
Napkin sale , Stonohill.
Hero is a Hot One Per You.
In spite of the remonstrances of other
dealers wo still continue to soil a Round
Oak stove for $8 ; a Square Art base bur
ner for $20 , and other goods equally as
low , and if other dealers don't like it ,
they can just make the best of it.
Wo propose to make the lowest prices
in Omaha in our line of trade , and below -
low are a few oyo-oponors for you.
Brocaded nltish parlor suits , in wal
nut or mahogany frames , silk bands$35.
A fin o rattan tockcr , $1.
A line body brussels carpet bed
lounge , $10.
A bod-room salt , solid oak , $2-1 ; our
own make.
Dining chairs , 35c.
Silver leaf woven wire springs , $2.60 ;
these are the best in the world.
A Hide-board in solid oak , elegant
finish , $20.
On our Moors you can find over 200
Btylos of rockers , and wo guarantee to
wivo you at least 5JO per cent on any
thing in our lino.
Bee us before " von buy.
* 1207 Farnam st.
Cost now $700 for only $210. Terms to
suit purchaser nt Moinborg's music
etoro , 1610 Dodge st.
MoNnniarn'8 Market ,
Corner 17th and Cuming sts. , hus the
best supply of Christmas meats , etc. , in
, the city. There are turkeys , geese ,
l\ \ ducks , chickens , and game of all kinds ,
jv including venison , grouse and even
if opossum. This market is kept so that
r , a ludy can go there and not feel out of
I * jlaco. If you want any Christmas meats ,
" poultry , tish , gnmo , fresh eggs or but
ter. bo sure to see MoNamnru , cor , 17th
K and Cutning.
Silver Creek is the best soft coal , only
10.50 par ton , try it , 221 S 14th , Jeff W
Bod/ord. _
Cottar blocks for fuel ; nothing hotter.
Mount & Grinin , 213 S. 14th st.
Mado-ui > fancy work in. latest novol-
tics. Mrs. M. E. Mitchell , 1619 Farnam.
Use JCorr's thread always the best ,
tolcUud recommended by Hiiyilen Bro3.
Economy l Wealth ,
Cash buyers always look after the
pennies , hence gel moro for their money ,
and that is the reason there has been
such A rush nt C. 13. Moore k Co.'s cash
gi'occry ' at 1615 Dodge street , just west
of the postolllco , the last few weeks ,
Wo sell more and better goods for the
money than any other hotiso in Omaha ,
Wo make a specialty of line and fancy
groceries not found elsewhere in the
city , nt bed-rock prices.
Flat can Victor lobster , the finest
packed , nt 26c nor can.
13 tin bar's shrimp , SOc can ,
The best Kalamiuoo celery.
Finest imported olive oil , quarts
glass , 8Se.
Durkco's salad dressing , bottle , 30c
and / > 0c.
C. fc 13. imported pickles , pints and
qarts , 3la and 6Sc.
Windsor manor pickles , pints and
quarts , Hllc and -i5o.
Finest imported queen olives , pints
and quarts , -lOc and 76o.
Finest importetl queen olives , bulk ,
per quart , 80c ,
Imperial cluster raisins , pur pound ,
35o.Finest loose muscatels , per pound ,
30n.Looso mu'catols , lOc.
VnlonUns , per pound. lOc.
Crystalixed lemon and ornngo peel ,
Crystalizod citron , the finest , 32c.
G. &D. i gal. mincemeatl.0. : !
Fine bulk mincemeat , nor Ib , 10c.v
Finest quality fresh mixed nuts , per
Ib. 20c.
Princess paper shell almonds , per Ib ,
Jordan shelled almonds , per Ib , COc.
Confectioners' sugar , per Ib , 12c.
Granulated sugar , 14 Ibs. for $1.00.
Elegant Hour , per 100 Ibs , $2.oO-
Armour's Hue hams , per Ib , lOc.
Roundtrcc's line candies in boxes ,
from lOc to lOc per box , worth 20c and
GOc.Fine mixed candy , per Ib. 80.
Good mixed candy , per Ib. lOo.
Tlio llnost figs , per Ib. 21c.
Persian dates , per Ib. lOc.
Finest wine-sap apples , per bbl. $2.50.
Pnro apple eid.or , nor gal. , H5e.
Mott's line bottled cider , Ib'e.
Elegant boiled eider ; per gal. , 75c.
The lino&t Florida oranges , 20 and 30o
per doxcn.
Fine Catuwba grapes in baskets.
The finest Malaga grapes , per Ib , 20c.
Fresh lettuce , radishes and parsley.
Horse radish that makes you. cry at
lOc per bottle , sold at lee elsewhere.
Thrco pounds of Garncau's crackers
for 2oc.
Six pounds best oatmeal for 2oc.
Don't forgot the place , and como
early and avoid the rush.
MOOUH , the Dodge st. grocer.
Wanted A first-class tea , cigar and
spice salesman for southern Nebraska.
Also one cxvlusivoly for Omaha and
Council BlulTs ; must have established
trade and Unit-class references. Address
II. C. Fibber , 33 Mich , ave. , Chicago.
Very Ijoiv Ilnllroni ! Karen
At the Chicago & Northwestern Ry.
ticket olltco , HOI Farnam st.
Gon'l Western Agent.
Police Court.
Thomas Carey and John Ryan were tried
before Judge Uurka for throwing stones nnd
disturbing the peace. It was thought to
implicate these men in the derailing of the
B. & M. engine No. 100 , on the night of De
cember 19 , near Uoyd's packing houso. It
was proved thut the prisoners were attend
ing a wedding party In the neighborhood
near where the engine was thrown off the
track ; but they know nothing of the offeuso.
They came out after the damage was done
and laughingly abused the engineer and
llreman , calling them "scabs. " This angered
the train men so much that they sent for the
police and the prisoners decamped. The
men wcro found guilty of disturbing the
peace , and the Judge flnud Carey $10 and
liyan fS. The lines were paid nnd the
prisoners discharged.
The case against Dr. Freuland lor attempt
ing to procure abortion wns called out. The
prosecuting witness did not appear and the
prisoner was discharged.
Think It Over.
And then buy your tickets to Chicago
and any point east over the Chicago &
Northwestern Ry.
They run three trains a day between
Omaha and Chicago , making close con
nections with all eastern lines.
Their dining and sleeping car service
and day coaches are models of elegance
in every respect.
Their vestibuled limited train from
Omaha depot direct to Chicago daily at
5:80 : p. m. , arriving at Chicago at 12
o'clock noor. . is absolutely unrivalled.
It is a solid .vostibuled train with ele
gant leather upholstered smoking cars ,
day coaches of the latest design nnd
finish , and luxurious sleeping cars with
hot nnd cold water , and all modern im
This is the only evening traia with
dining cars cast of Council Bluffs.
General Western Agent.
City Ofilce 1101 Farnam st.
Napkin sale , Stonehill.
Christinas Wntehcs ami Jewelry.
Having practically closed my whole
sale business for 1888 , I now offer the
balance of stock at retail at greatly
reduced prices. Ten per cent oil on
watches and 20 per cent on other goods.
A rare opportunity. Store open oven-
ings. "What Bundy says is 60. " 1G13
Fiivnam street.
ItookH Tor tlin Million
Elegantly bound in rsloth and leather at
loss than publishers' ' prices. Mcin berg's
Music Store , 1510 Dodge st.
Dr. Parscll , 1715 Davenport , Tel. 453
A Now llusliifiHs Directory.
Tl.o United States Directory company luivo
Issued their business tllrratory for the years
18S3-0. The book is a beautiful specimen of
typographical art , and contains 'within its
covers carefully compiled information such
us will bo found very serviceable to Omaha
business men. The information contained in
this directory Is not confined to'Omuhu , but
L'uibruccs South Omaha also.
Die McDonald Iltuikrnpt Clonk null
Suit Halo ,
Deserves moro than passing notice.
Cloaks must go.
Tills is imperative. Cost , former
prices and actual valued no longer
Prices cut to pieces.
Over ono hundred elegant imported
; cal phibh Modjcska wraps and mantels
it less than half cost of production.
One hundred elegant all-wool Now-
inarkot black and striped fabrics at
Ono hundred misses' and children's
cloaks at 85.00 , worth double the price
Fifty or more ladies' all .wool jackets
it astonishingly low prices.
21-1 South Fifteenth street. Open
Monday evening until 10 o'clock.
Diamonds at lltihcrninim's.
Ladies1 gold watches at Illibormann's.
Jhlldron's nnd baby rlnjs at Huber-
imnn'e. A fiuo line of largo diamonds
rncoivod at Iltibormauu's , ,
Vfo reo'm'd Kerr'a thread , Hnydcn Bros
No Security nc.qnlrcd dooil News Tor
tlic I.ndlcs.
Wo offer to any housekeeper , or anyone
ono going to house or room-keeping , $10
worth of goods for $1 cash and $1 per
week larger bills in proportion with
out requiring of you any security , ref
erence , or anything that would cause
you to refuse taking advantage of this
liberal offer. Goods are sold to you at
"cash prices , " delivered to you by
wagons that have no numbers or any
thing painted upon them , to indicate
where or how tlio goods were bought ( if
requested. ) Wo also olTcr you the most
complete and finest Hue of goods in
every department to select from , All
of our goods are fresh nnd now , anil
have been made especially with a view
to please these persons who want n good
article , even if il is sold at a low price.
Look ut these prices then itsk yourself
if ever you saw goods sold at such low
figures before : Antique oak chamber
suits , large glasses with bevel edge in
ilrcbscr , * .H ) ; walnut chamber suits , not
soft green walnut but solid hard black
walnut , $37.60 ; other chamber suits , $10
up ; extension table , 0 feet , hard wood ,
Iron screw legs , patent drop loaf , $3.75 ;
wood seat chairs , any color , 3Sc ; in
grains 3oe , worth 60c ; a good stove ,
complete , $0.60.
Besides the above wo have all the
best makes of stoves , carpets , furniture ,
blankets , comforts , and everything else
to ho found in u store that makes a
specialty of furnishing a new beginner
with everything needed in a comforta
ble dwelling.
Our stock is so largo and so varied
that it must bo seen to bo appreciated.
Besides our acres of show room , we
have many goods stored away in our
storage warehouse ; so that you are sure
to llnd just what you want when you
call on us.
Buy now , while you have all the now
patterns to select from.
Make no mistake ; our stores are lo
cated eight blocks below Farnam street ,
directly opposite Hotel Esmond.
013-015 N. 10th st. , between California
and Webster.
Organs $5 Monthly
Until paid for. Lowest prices in the
city at Moinborg's , 1.510 Dodge at.
Table linen sale , Stonehill.
Hawley's Millinery nnil Art Store.
Have you visited this line store just
opposite Hospo's ? . They have the pret
tiest specimens of art noodle work ,
drawn thread work , line millinery
goods , paintings , embroidery wo vie , just
the tiling for a Christmas prcsonf. If
you have not seen their selection of
presents , do so at once , for it is the most
worthy in the city to-day. 1510 Doug
Everything in the holiday line goes
Monday at Jones Bros , book store. You
can get a bargain. 10th and Douglas.
Morand's masquerade in Masonic hall ,
Thursday evening , December 27 , chil
dren dancing from 8:00 : to 9:80 : p. m. ,
adults from 0:30 : to 12:00. : Admission
76c. Children of the class and these
accompanying their parents free.
Great bargains in holiday goods at
Jones Bros' , book store , cor. Douglas
and 10th sts.
A Pioneer Prcssmnn.
Phillip King , a colored man , died yester
day at his residence , OU South Nineteenth"
street. Ho was one of the first colored men
that ever came to Omaha , having arrived
hero in 1S56. He was well known nnd highly
esteemed by all old residents , and twenty-
five years ago was well known to every
newspaper man about the city. King was
the man who turned the hand press that
printed the first edition of the Omaha Uopub-
iican. During his early days in the news
paper printing business King was intimately
acquainted with Stanley , tlio great African
explorer. Stanley was at that time In Omaha
doins newspaper work for eastern dailies ,
and it is stated was not blessed with over
much of this worlds wealth. Ho frequented
the Republican ofllce at night and watched
King grind out papers , and after press hours
slcot in the ofllce. King often shared his
supper with the now world renowned trav
eller. King , as well as being a faithful ,
honest and hard working man , was thrifty
anQ accumulated real estate In the city val
ued nt $25,000. Tlio funeral will take place
from the late residence of the deceased at 1
o'clock this afternoon.
Bound Musical Works
In endless variety at Meinborg's Music
Store , 1510 Dodge st.
Handkerchief and MulllcrN.
On Monday wo will place on sale a
very largo shipment of fine silk hand
kerchiefs and muillors. These were
bought by our Now York agent at pub
lic bale , which is a guarantee that the
goods are less than half price , and wo
will give , as wo always do , our friends
the benefit of thcso extraordinary bar
gains. They are' all thisscason's manu
facture. Remember Monday.
> -
Elegant gifts at wholesale prices
Monday at Jones Bros , book store , 10th
and Douglas.
Plymouth club will meet in the Con
gregational church , Kount/.o place ,
Thursday , instead of Monday , this
week. A full attendance is desired , as
final arrangements will bo made for the
coining concert. J. A. BOLIVIAN ,
Go to Hawloy's , 1610 Douglas st. , for
your presents Monday.
Big bargains for the last day before
Christmas , on holiday goods , at Rttdd &
Lund's , 113 N. 10th st.
Hohcni-fmlB ,
Two rehearsals of the "Messiah" choruses ,
to bo given at the concert in the First Con
gregational church under the auspices of the
Ladies' Musical society , on Monday , Dccoin-
bee yi , will take place this week , but the
dates not yet having been llxod , the an
nouncement will bo miiuo in Tuesday morn-
iug's UUE.
Have you been to see Ilnwley's col
lection of Chribtmns gifts , 1510 Douglas
strceti * _
Go to Hawloy's Monday , 1510 Douglas ,
Big bargains for the lust day before
Dhristmas , on holiday goods , at Rudd &
Lund's , 113N. 10th st.
Get your turkeys for Christmas at
West End market , dressed to order.
Ouinhn Dazar.
Ono day moro for bargains. Remem
ber wo are closing out everything iu the
store and must bo sold at any fair offer.
Hanging lamps and lamps , trunks ,
traveling bags , hand bagb , pocketbooks ,
ilbuins , Christmas curds , perfumery ,
| ewolry , plush cases of all kinds , jewel
3asos , work boxes , work baskets , toy
blocks and games , doll buggies , 85o,76e ,
)5c ) , 81.25 , 12.00 ; hobby horeos , 70o , OOc ,
H.S5. $1.60. Tin toys of all kinds , dolls
) f ail Do not forgnt wo mean
justness and everybody will got bar
gains nt manufacturers' prices , or at a
luir offer. 1511 Dodjjo St. , wobt of P.O.
I ) . AV. VJiraCOTT A CO.'JS
I'nrlori-Uoriicr J uriccntlt
nnd Knnnnin Streets.
Wo moro
At lower prlcos tlian Imvo over before -
fore boon offered In this city.
Anyone wishlnv'Soinothing very flno
RhoulU bo sure to'cnll nnd got our prlcos
before nitiUlnp n-nmrchnso.
Wo nlso onrry a'full line of
wntch movements ,
In solid gold , flllud und silver cases ,
nt prices that defy competition.
A wntch Is where you can ot It for
the least money nnd have it
Wo do this In till cases.
It is much bolter to buy a wntch of
As ho will guimmteo it to bo ti per
fect time piece fora specified time and
also hnvo
A competent man to repair it
In case it should not provo in every
way satisfaetorv. "
A line line of solid silver nnd silver
and silver plated ware nt bed rock
ETC. , ETC. , ETC.
31.50 PER SET.
All the latest
In fact , everything In the jewelry
line that is now and desirable , you can
llnd in our stock at a low price.
Our motto :
D. W. VAN COTT & CO. ,
Fourteenth and Farnam.
AllYctl MclnbcrK Company
Are showing the finest line in the city
of bound musical works , music folios
and rolls at very low prices. 1510
Dodge st.
Big bargains for the last day before
Christinas , on holiday gCod , at Rudd &
Lund's , 11U N. lllth st.
Table linen sale , Stonohill.
Go to Hawlejys Monday , 1516 Douglas.
Santa Glaus keeps his trees at Casino
Garden , 14th and Howard.
Christmas trees at your own price ,
Casino Garden , Mth and Howard.
Frederick sells the celebrated Silver-
man seal caps nnd gloves , best in the
world , Beaver gloves nnd mufllers.
Call early and make your selections
while the stock is complete. Omaha
Furniture company , 1207Farimm street.
We will keep our store open until 10
o'clock this and Monday evening to al
low those to make their selections that
can't lind time during the day. Omaha
Furniture company , 11207 Farnam street.
Wo simply ask you to look at our line
of goods. Your good judgment will
show you that you can save money by
giving us your patronage. Omaha
Furniture company , 1-07 Farnam street.
Himebaugh & Taylor invite you to
examine their stock of fine pocket and
table cutlery , especially designed for
the holiday trade. Elegantly mounted
carving sots , sets of knive , forks' ,
spoons , scissors and cases , razors ,
shaving cases , skates , boys' tool chests.
Don't spend your money for nick-
nacks or bomo trivial affair. Thosokind
of presents are not appreciated by the
recipients , and cost you as much money
as something nice. Wo have reduced
our line of rockers 25 per cent , which
brings them within roach of ovoryono.
Over 200 styles to select from. Call and
see them. Wo sell for cash or weekly
payments , as you prefer. Omaha Furni
ture company , 1207 Farnam street.
Incipient Heroes and Heroines.
Tbo closing exercises at the Lalto school
yesterday afternoon wcro very interesting
and enjoyable. Tbo little boys and girls
taking part reflected much credit upon their
teachers. Rccontly the school organized a
regiment , composed of seven companies , nnd
all the children are imbued with such a mar
tial spirit that all the songs were patriotic ,
and the majority of the selections and essays
wcro of the same nature. The hall was
niculy decorated , naval pictures and revolu
tionary sketches by the pupils adorning the
blackboaids. The exercises , conducted by
Miss Valentino , wcro opened by the school
singing , "Praise Xo tlio Lord , " which was
followed by an essay on "Hurgoyno's In
vasion , " Miss Llzzio Wills ; the hymn ,
"America , " by the school ; essay on "Tho
Navy , " Miss Myrtle Coombe : essay on "Tho
Revolution , " Frank Haskcll ; selection read
by Miss Mollie Carnaby ; violin duct , Bertie
Uutlor and Julius lloscnweig ; recitation ,
"Holl Call , " Joniiio Doilson ; essay , "Tho
Flag , " Blanche Bay ; "Star Spangled
Banner , " by the school ; essay , "Rev
elution , " Myrtle Hughes ; "Red , White
and Uluo" by the school. Then followed
the presentation of a beautiful landscape
painting by the members of Company A to
the school janitor , Mr. Kohl. The exercises
closed with an essay on "Independonco" by
Miss Blanche Robinson. Tlioso deserving
of particular mention were Miss Jcnnio
Doclson. the young violinist ; Bert Butler
and Julius Rosonwlg , Miss Blanche Robin
son and Frank Huskcll. The oss.iy by the
last named young gentleman calls for espec
ial notlco. Tim narrative was clearly ex
pressed and delivered in a truly juvenile and
artistic manner. The audience was curried
uway by the efforts of the boy and relieved
Us pent up feelings by rounds of applause.
Major Butler wiw c.illcd upon and spoke
in most nattering terms of the pupils and
their teachers. Captain Mills and Lieuten
ant Turner were next called upon and both
re-echoed the remarks made by Major But
ler. The school was then dismissed , the GOO
pupils inarching out to the good music fur
nished by the drum corps.
Gco.V. . Itnrz ,
Proprietor of the People's Cash mar
ket , 1714 Nicholas street , just across
from the Woodman Oil mill , scarcely
ncods an introduction to the public. Mr.
Kur/ has a nice now room , furnished in
most excellent style ; marble count era ,
new blocks , and ono of the best stocks
of holiday meats , game , poultry , etc. ,
in the city for your Christmas dinner.
Everything is A 1 , and fresh as a daisy
tipped with dow. Turkeys , ducks , mut
ton , veal , pork , chickens , everything
you want for thoibigdinnor. His is the
original low prioo market , and these
who are his customers know ho sells
cheaper than any of his competitors. Ho
lias two delivery carts for the free delivery -
livery of meats to all * parts of the city.
Mr. Kuris the worktngman's friend ,
* nd always has kent the cheapest inur-
l < ot in Omaha. Give him a trial.
There are still seine elegant goods nt
Tones Bros' , book store , lUth and Doug
Clianffo In Time.
On and after Thursday Doe. 20 , the
.hrough vestibule sleeper on the Chl-
: ngo , Rock Island and Pacific lly. will
eave the Union Pacilio depot Omaha
it 5:15 : p. m. S. S. STKVKSS ,
Gen'I Woet Agent , 1 05 Farnam st.
Elguttor'u is the best established cloth
ing liouio in Omahacor. Furiitun & 10th , j
Lnst Day Snlo Ono-hnlf , Ono-tbird
and Quo-fourth Prlco.
Muniors , IlntulkcrchlcDs Knifed nt
Btonchtll'H Grniul Snlo lllnck
811k Wonderful Slaughter
of Clunks , UrcsH Goods.
Monday will bo Uio grandest day of
the year with us. From 8 to 0 o'clock
in the morning wo ofTor fine colored
border handkerchiefs at 1 cent.
400 sample handbags , 49 cents , worth
up to $3.00.
0 pair of $1.00 kid gloves for $2.91.
$2.00 black silk for 99 cents.
$3.00 black silk for $1.74.
A $30.00 dress pattern for 914.05.
Ladies' fancy hose worth $ -1.00 n pair
for $1. CO.
Our sHiO.OO plush cloak for $20.93.
75e silk handkerchiefs foi' ! 55o.
A grand sale of jewelry for 2-5c , worth
up to $ .1 ; every article warranted.
Gents' ties 49c , worth 81.
A lot of lace handkerchiefs at lOc ,
worth 60c.
Choice of children's cloaks at SH.05 ,
? 1.05 and $5.05 , worth up to $15.
$2 broadcloth at 79c.
Ladles' gold-head umbrellas at $2.98
and SltOS , worth double.
From 10 to 10 : 0 to-morrow Lonsdale
and Fruit of the Loom muslin at 5o u
yard ,
STONETIILL'S , 110 and 118 10th at ,
The Christians entertainment nt Uoyd's
opera house will bo Henry 12. Dixey and
Hloo & Dixoy's big burlesque company in the
beautiful burlesque "Adonis. " The first per
formances of this play a year ago uro stll
fresh in the minds of Omnha theiitre-goors
Two performances wcro given to the full ca
pacity of tlio house. Of the lasting quail
tics of "Adonis , " the Now York Sun hus the
following to say :
The rcninrlcublo run of GOO consecutive
nights \vns accompanied last evening at the
Bijou opera house by Air. Henry E. Dlxe.v as
Adonis. It Is the longest run that Now York
has known at any theatre in tills city for
twenty years. Indeed , the run of 000 nights
is altogether remarkable , and lias never boon
known of more than a dozen pieces in the
world's history. Mr. Uixey phiyod with hie
usual vim and spirit. He seemed to bo in
nowise tired by the constant repetition of
the sumo lines , tuo same songs and the same
dances. There was n crowded house in at
tendance and everybody was happy. There
is hardly a doubt nltor last night's perform
ance that thopieco will becontinued through
out the summer.
Christmas week nt the Eden Musee will bo
replete with attractions. Madam Lo Uoy , a
woman with a head of hair over six feet in
length , will bo one of Uio attractions. Big
Eva Loveland , the 00 pound fat woman , will
remain ono week longer , and in all parts of
the house the attractions will bo good. A
special bill has been prepared for Christmas
This evening nt Goos' Staat theater Prof.
Bruder wi'l pivo an exhibition of mind rea-l-
ing and second sight. Ho lias a talking skull
and skeleton , and will produce spirit growth
of liowers , spirit hands , spirit locks and
many other illusions in the black art.
Frank D.iniels , in "Littlo Puck , " will bo
the attraction at LJoyd's opera house on Fri
day and Saturday evenings of this week. As
Old Sport Mr. Daniels nov. r f tiled to delight
his auulcnces , but when ho appeared in a
play of his own hero last season his friends
wore doubly delighted.
At the Gnipd opera house II. Grattan Don
nelly's three-act musical farce , "Later On , '
will bo presented on next Monday and Tues
day nights and Tuesday matinee ( Cdrlstm.ib ) .
Tiio piece has been pronounced a success. Of
the stars very little need be said , for Frocl
Hallcn's Joking , dancing and singing , and
Joe Hart's comicalities and banjo are worthy
of a cordial welcome. Few things tmoro
graceful and pleasing than the light
novelties , daint.v dances and marches , in
which the piece abounds , could well bo im
The performances will be given nt Mctz' '
new hall on Sunday , the 23 , and Christmas ,
December 23. To-night a comedy with songs
in three acts will bo given entitiled "Da
Sollst Nicht Bcgehren Eines Nacchsten
Hausfrau , " and on Christmas night the
laughable farce with songs , In four acts ,
named ' 'Schuster Pluster. " A ctuuco will
follow both performances.
Musical Gifts.
Fine music rolls , exquisite folios and
olognnt bound musical works. Finest
assortment in the city , 1510 Dodge st.
The Farnnm Strcrt Nlfjlit School.
The children of Farnam night school In
vited their friends , on last Friday evening ,
to hear an enjoyable little programme , gotten
up by themselves. There was music in the
air anu Joy and good will in every heart.
Ed. Bradley , of the high school , with his
little bister at the piano , and his able assist
ants , the liradcr boys , from Miss Mason's
room , discoursed sweet strains at intervals
through the evening and added much to the
pleasure of the occasion. No , 8 , Miss
Gassetta's pretty room , was crawled to Its
utmost capacity by admiring parents and
friends , and a most interesting programme
was successfully carried out.
The Parnell Social club 1ms been
reorganized nnd will give it scries of
parties during the winter months , semi
monthly at their hall , corner of Thir-
toontli und Jackson fetrcots. The second
end party will bo given on Wednesday
Droning , December 20. All persons
holding invitations are respectfully re
quested to bo pre&out , and those not
having invitations , who have boon in
the habit of attending these parties , can
obtain thorn from members of the club.
A. neat programme has been arranged ,
and the very best of music will be in
All ladies desiring to learn the art of
jutting ladies and children's garments
jy the most perfect system plcnso call
DII Mrs. A. M. Chirk Camp , 2010 Wob-
iter bt.
Uio I'nuifln CoiiHt Kxhihlt.
The cars containing the California exhibits
, vero removed yesterday morning from the
Jnlon Pacific to the Webster sticot depot
uul wore on exhibition all day. Last night
lie cars were attached to the ordinary train
ind loft for St. Paul.
Holiday half rates , battle of Gottys-
jurg , December 21 to January 1 in-
Mudo-up fiuiov work in latest novel-
ics. M--s. M. l Mitchell , 1511) ) Farnam.
Death rate under treatment of Dr.
[ "bourns JolToriu1 preventive and euro
or diphtheria l-lth ( ) of 1 per cunt ,
mder other treatments 50 to 75 per cent.
The Hums club of Omaha proposctt to cclo-
irate the lUOth anniversary of the birth of
tobert Burns with a gram ! bumjuet and ball
in the a.'ith of January , Ihb9. at Crap's hull ,
m Fifteenth street bistwceu Dodge and Capl-
ol avunuo.
The Ornaha Uraruatfo club have boon In-
Ited to visit Fremont on Now Year's ' and
; lvo Sardou's play , "A Scrap of Paper , " in
Cove's opera house in the evening. It the in-
Itution should bo accepted the club will run
hrough on a special train , returning the
atno day ,
The exhibition of California fruits In spc-
iul oars has l/i'en attracting eonsiili'r.iblii at-
nntlon at the \Vtbsior an cut ilrpot to day ,
'he cam lca\u ut > : : ? 0i > . m.
Is II Ordered Yet ? If Not , AVnlt i\
If the housekeepers of Omaha could
all BOO what TIIK UKK man saw last
evening greatly would they marvel ,
and if their Christmas orders were not
already planed , thev'shortly would be.
Suoh fowll Such beofll Such inut-
toiilll I3ul for your benefit n fuller de
scription will bo given. In the llrst
place , the beautiful festoons of ever
green , the sprigs of holly , with their
bright red berries , attractively speak
of Christmas cheer from every part of
the largo show room. The west wall is
closely liung with the fattest , most np-
potlzing-looking quarters of young beef
you over saw. Raised nnd fed by the
Bay State Cnltlo company , those tliroo-
yonr-old Hereford bounties dress to
weigh over 1.000 pounds each. They
were killed with especial onro by Hammond
mend & Co. , nnd it is worth anybody's
lima to mnko n special trip to see the
quarters before they arc cut. The
Southdown mutton and lamb are fat
and luscious enough to mnko ono hun
gry after a full meal , just to look at
thorn. The carcasses have been .deco
rated in a mnstorly way by seine adopt
with artistic knlfe for oven a butohor'H
knife may bo made tj > do artistic work
on the leafy while and pink covering of
a well-fed animal. Then there are
young Chester white porkers , for roast
ing whole , to delight an epicure. In
game there nro venisonbluck-tnil deer ,
elk nnd nntolopo , with rabbits and hare
as fat and plump as you could desire.
Then the poultry ! Such a dinplny of
Turhoys , Geese , Chickens , Ducks,1'rai-
rio Chickens and Quail as would bewilder -
wilder a hotel steward to select from.
There is nothing wanting that the sea
son alTords from pork tosaitMtgo or plain
beef to the most doliento llcsh a table
over MIW. Do not fail to hco Adam
Snydor's Christmas stock at 1.011 Far-
mun-Bt. And do not wait until the
handsome display is broken into , but
go early to see an uncqualed sight.
Handkerchief sale , Stonohill.
iloxv tlio Post mill KxprchK OillccH ai-o
Loaded Down AViili Them.
"Our Christmas rush is hardly upon us
yet , " said Assistant Postmaster \Voodaul
yesterday morning to a Bnn reporter , "but
we arc beginning to feel the Increase In our
business. If you want to see some luird
worked servants of Uncle Sam , come aiout d
hero about Monday.
"Tho thousands of people that nro anx
iously expecting suitable gifts this season ,
through the medium of the malls , and w1 o
sometimes grumble at a little delay upon the
part of the postonlce authorities when they
don't receive their packages right on the di't
of time , have but a faint conception of the
enormous pressure of worl. that the postolllco
employes have to contend against at certain
seasons in the year , particularly Christmas
and Easter tide. At all times a hard worked
set of public oflicials , such festive anniver
saries as Christmas mean to them a big pile of
extra work.
"It is perfectly astonishing , " said
Mr. Gallagher's assistant , "what
articles people send through the mails.
Look here , " and taking up a small box made
out of card board , loosely tied together with
blue silk ribbon , was exhibited through nno
of the shattered edges , a mince pie. It bore
the address of one of most prominent soci
ety men in Omaha. Another rather dilapi
dated-looking package , plastered all over
with post.igo stamps that bore the image of
lur Bilttanic Magisty , was discovered to
CJiitaia a real English plum pudding. Among
other presents en route through thu mails
were elaborately constructed albums , the
easiest looKiug slippers bearing masculine
addresses , silk handkerchiefs , smoking caps ,
shoulder braces , so fearfully and wonder-
f-iily constructed in silk and satin , an to bear
no afllnity to the olu time lioosior "gnllus.11
BJO'U markers und Illuminated cards with
out number , were being placed away in the
cairiers' case's , ready for delivery. This
morning will c iinuicnco the quadrupled work
of the postmen. Their extra duty is under
taken by the carriers in very good humor ,
and , given decent weather to perform then-
work , the local force don't ' com
plain. It is only when they
have stormy weather to contend against that
an Inclination to kick is evinced.
It was learned that packages need not bo
exposed at the ends ; it is sufllfient that they
ba securely tied with ribbon or tivnu in bucli
a way that if considered necessary by. the
authorities , the contents can bo examined ,
' Of course" said Air. Wooclard , "our clerks
do not open every package they handle , but
a fair percentage of the receipts are sub
jected to our inspection. "
"Wo are almost snowed under this year. "
said Manager Hunton , of the Puciflc express
company , "The amount of goods handled by
us Just now , comes nearly breaking us up ;
despite the fact thut wo nave extra men on
nnd every possible convenience for handling
the work. Nothing bulky comes here. All
that class of business is delivered by our
wagons nt the various depots direct. It takes
sixteen wagons to kef > p up with the patron
age given to our company , and
afrer a long day's ' work wo
llnd a big overlap each night , "
The appearance of the store room of the
Pacilio company bore evidence to the truth
> l the statement , for thnro was barely stand
ing room ou account of the packages piled up
in every direction.
Superintendent Potter , of the Wells Fargo
3Xpress company , describes the Christmas
) usincss as fully one-third larger than at
my other year In his experience. To meet
.ho extra pressure a number of the clerks
rom the accountant's depaitmcnt have hade
o bo pressed into the service of the fonvard-
ng agent's oflico.
A special feature of tlic.buslncss done news
s the greatest number or parcels iccclvad
'rom England and Ireland. In both the post
mil express olllfcs this feature was particn-
arly noticeable. The outward foreign bust-
icss was icpoited brisk , bearing testimony
o the fact that though divided by thousands
if hind and sea the recollections of the dear
incs lar away was still fresh in memory.
An Apnroirlato | Oift.
'Jho employes of George H. Hammond &
3o. , who aio stationed nt that linn's meat
imrket on Leavemvorth street , gave their ,
iiiinngcr , Mr. W. H. Lowu , a very agreeable '
urprlso on Friday night by presenting him
vitli n valuable seal skin cap. The gcntle-
iicn present at thu conclusion of the lonmil-
lies resolved themselves Into a social BOH-
ion and a very plcasa'it evening was spent
py _ _ _
In the district court the ease nf William
iladilleman , accused of horse stealing , was
ismlssed at the instance of County Attor-
ioy Simeral. The reasons given by Air.
ilmoiul for adoiithlg such a course wiu. that
In JucU did not warrant a trial.
J. M. Puttee Is JK'ail.
John M. Patteo , well known in this city as
ho lottery man many years ago , died in St.
/ misan Thursday last from astiokoof
For the Old todies' Homo.
On Thursday evening , De-comber 27 , Uov.
V , J. Harsha will deliver n lecture at Uoyil'n
pcra house 1or the bencllt of thu Wonmn'b
Ihrlstian association In th maintenance of
liclr homo for old ladies und children , at
ilb Hurt strout. Ills subject will bo "l , < : \a- \
ru Days In Italy. " Tbo u wso fur which the
: cturu is givim , as well as the bubjcot ,
lioUld call out a largo uudnjucc ,
The following building jw.-'iilU
psterday :
' . T. Boaman , two-story ami foiwemont
double frame duelling an l i-torcH.
Koiml/o 1'lncB. between Twenty-n-coml
and Twenty-fourth ntnets. , , *
. J , Htftiiluy. onu-slory brick ut.-i.iU' ,
Johnson btrvi-t and Lonw aramc . . . . _ _
Twopjrmlts , a'grntf.itlii8 ( . * BTO
Kvaiiiliiutlon of To ) i rn
There will be an ex imlnution of -
.r the position of teachern in ritj H-IIOOB !
i DccemborUTSiad'JS , at llw Hijsn n. tool
uildlni ; .
Syrclnl nlc ofToyslTna Holiday l rcs-
Dniita on Our Konrtli Vloor Mondny.
- Wo r ro caught with an iinmontft
tock of toys nnd holiday goods on ou ?
hands and only 1 moro day to sell thorn ,
\Vo nro cutting our already well known
low prices to I and some still lower.
Plush toilet cases reduced from SI.97 to
! > 7c each. Plush toilet cases nt J2.25 ,
worth $1. Plush tollot cases at M.06
worth $10 , and so on. Plush albums ,
the finest assortment in the city.
Largo assortment of plush boxes of
every description at reduced rates.
AVe have too many ami
are anxious to soil. If money is any ob
ject to you it will pay you to look over
our prices to-morrow. Ued painted
wagons , 6e.Vo have reduced al > oiitJ
S.OOO pieces of Uio and 15o toys to 60 foe.
to-morrow. Hobby horses at 6c ! ) ; tno'
cheapest lot of horses in the city. A
H C blocks , kindergarten and building
blocks ; the largest assortment and the
lowest prices you will llnd in Omaha.
Christmas cards reduced to le , i.'e , 'le , 60
nnd lOc each. Dolls will po lively to
morrow nt reduced prices , everything
goes to-morrow , cost cuts no llguro.
Compare our prices is all wo ask.
Tuesday and Icteday , Dec , 25 anil 26 ,
( tlranit riirlrtmnv Matinee )
Kngtmoment niiwtoxtnlardlimrr of Amrrlrn < I'livor-
ItoCoiiUHllnn.MIt , lli\lt\ : i : ,
DIXEY t > r iiii'K & . pixrvN mo ut-iu I
COMI'.VNV < ' < Mii | > rl < Mnii
- (10 - SIXTY AHI'ISIS - ( | ( ) -
In the nnrM-rciintriiinl rppdnnilnr , imiMrnl , entninc-
Ing niul buvrllrliiipt ilrnm'i piilitlutl
I'rlPi'H I'liniuutlit nnil - , .
imrmiptlu i-irrto jsO ; ba |
" 1 * , ' , " . ' . ' ' I'1,1"1 i'Jml ; lnii ; , V nnil II a nailery.
omln * . ' "I"0. , fy" Jl.5Sdui.lMc fccMMaum info
> mot-ulna
Friday and Saturday , Doc , 28 and 29 ,
( SATl UIJAV MAl'INi : ! : . )
A VK\V or us [ , JR ; T.J"
The Comcillnn ,
In tlio 1 uiinlostroiiH'ilj over soon
Ac omimnlc'l bv
MHS HKS-li : SANfcON ,
Anil a llrllllnnt Onmiwny of ( u-ii.
Huuiihii prices. Si'iiti t'o ou s-alo Jlmraday
Special C'lii-Miiins Attraction !
JH&UN , , Moiday , Dec , 24tii
G ran it Al.Unco 1 lir. nu'as ' Dnyt
Thu liimilpst piny ; m tlio Aiiivrlnin tii-u.-"I |
woukln t inl'i It for nhin dollars' "
'lln > popiiliirmtlst ! * ,
Aisl > t l liy tlii-ir own uuiiriintpi' I ronimui } , muter
the nmmiKcMiicnt nl .Mil IIAKUV. 1UNK , In
tliulrnuu musical riirri > .j < ouipi1jr
: LJ.A.TER. : : OUST.-
I'rctty l.lrls Tiiiilrnl SOIIKI. Cnluli ) Muslol
Kis'iii.itlnit Daiici" '
.Ins. W. Owuiis , ] ! iiMm' . s Munngpr. ) Hoscrvoil scat
nlc will oiionb.iturilii } . Dec 22 , ntlin in.
Special A.1 traction *
thu JJoliil
The Lout ; Haired \Vomau. \ A li nil of luilrmor *
than six ID > tln length.
Big- Eva Loveland.
Oraml AUinctiom , In nil pnrt-j of the Hoiiso.
These arc the best for !
styles and price.
S c o t c h Cheviots for
Business Suits , *
J 25 to $35 f
P English and Scotch ma- t
i terials for Cape Ovcr-
p coats § 2510535 ,
| Fine Diagonals , broad
and narrow width , for t
Albert and Cutaway f
Suits . ' $25 to $452
Imported Trouserings ,
i 300 styles . $6 to $12 !
f Domestic Trouserings ,
? 500 styles . $5 to $6 f
I " Special. . _ J
" " " "
15 pieces of Fine Black
and Blue Corkscrew
Worsted ( Imported )
Suits to order ,
$20 and $25
Young men will choose
r these in preference to
[ ready-made.
1 Our made to-ordor Over-1
'couts ' from $18 to $50 are ?
not equalled in the clothing
stores. Silk awl satin lin
ings. Plenty of goods to
choose from.