' 6 3PHE OMAHA DAHY .BEK : SUNDAX'L DECEMBER 2'i , . -vSIXTEBN PA0ES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOlITBLUFFS. Of'KlOIS. NO 12 IMS A It L STHKKT. JtHvaedl > renrrlrr In Any 1'nrt of he City ft TWrntyCents I'erWcclc. II. W , TH/ION MANAGKU. TKLKPHONIlSl Jlr sn Mrrn.K ) No. 43. NIOIIT KDITOII. No.gl. M INUlt MKX TIO N. N. V. Plumbing company. Kinost ChrUtnms slippers tit Adams' . Council Bluffs news on Seventh pairo. Host warm Shoci at Adams' , 417 llr'dway Coal and wood. B.K.Mnyno,010 B'wnj. Klcgant ovorcoitiii8 : ( at A. Hoitor's , merchant tailor , iMO Uroadway. Tlicro is talk of a summer picnic nt Man awn In a few dnys , If tlio proaoat pleasant weather continues. The colored folks are to give a grand ball nnd 'possum supper , to bo Riven by Tom Uuciciicr , at I'latner's hall , Chmtrims night. Squire O. L. Hcmlrlcks will lit up No. 'M I'carl street for his now oflluo , and will oc cupy his quarters soon after the 1st of Jan uary. The flro Inils have had their three runs all in a bnnuli , and nro now settling into their old routine , wlileh will | > ossibly not bo again Interrupted for several wcc-lis. The city sewer work is finished nn for the winter , and Inspector Jacobs now devotes his wholotimo and attention to keeping these nl * ready built In successful working order. Ed. Fngcloy , who was bound over to the grand Jury for stealing a gold wntch from L. 1' . Cook , was yesterday released from the county Jail on bail. Henry Uelong becatno his bondsman in the sum of ? " > 00. The case comes up at the January term of the district court. Police court businc1 ! * was exceedingly tamu yesterday morning. The only victims wcro three drunks , and their cases were quickly disposed of. They were 1'nter Kgan , Albert Hampshire and Dave Tostovin. They wcro cacb assessed $ .f0. ! The matrimonial market took a sudden boom yesterday. Licenses wuro issued to Jcsso L. German , of this county , and Miss Llzzio Johnson , of Mills county ; John Whalcn , tof South Omaha , and -Miss Sarah McGlnncss , of this eity ; H , A. Uryant. of Gage county , Neb. , and Miss Molhu K. iJcn- nett , of Polk county , In. ; William Klnrol nud Miss Kinnia Frederick , both of this city The new four-story brick factory for the use of Keyes Uros.1 Cart and Huggy com pany , Is rapidly ncaring completion. It was the Intention of the lirm to occupy the now quarters by the 1st of January , but this will hardly be the c.iso. It is prohahle that they will take possession about the latter part of next month. The opening of the factory will crcato quite a building boom in that part of tlio city , as the llrm employs about a hundred hands. . J. 11. " Crafts , the real estate dealer , ap peared on the streets yesterday morning minus his mustache. It was not sacrilicci ) to pay nn election bet , but Is the victim of tha llery furnace. Mr , Crafts was Investigating thiT interior anatomy of the furnace when the freaky apparatus gavn a sudden puff and the mustache was missing. It hud gone up in smoke. Expressions of condolence and sympathy nro pouriai : in from all sides upon this sorely nlllicted citizen. Dr. Cleaver , ii(5 ( North Main. Tel. M7. Sco W. C. Stacy's ad. Th Old lollallc Jewelry Firm of E. IJurborn , No. 17 Main street , has laid in an iminon.st btooU of holiday I gooda , which will bo sold cheaper than over. This is a special inducement for thirty dnys. All poods first class and fruaranteed to bo just as represented. It is nn established fact that you can pot the best poods for the least money there. Call and examine the stock and got prices before purchasing. I Assorted fruit in baskets for Christ mas tit Palmer's , lli S. Main st. 1 Loans inado on city business and rcsi- dcnco property. Notes boupht. Kini- ball-Champ Investment company. L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacqumnin & Co.'s jewelry store. * Silverware and watches , Wolluian , jeweler , 2SM Broadway. ll Sco Forrest Smith'a special column. LIVELIEST STORE IN TOWN ! Braekott's. . We will meet all competition and guarantee lower prices at COHNKH BOOK STOTIE. Three Cliniices. Be sure you call at , the Knitting Fac tory and secure one of these celebrated lamb's wool skirts for your wife at Christmas. If you have no wife buy it for your sister , and if you have no sister buy it for the other fellow's sister. Our fire was not serious , and wo are open with special prices. Come and ox- ninine our holiday slippers. Sargent & Evans. Follow the crowd and go to Friod- mnn'sold stand , 409 Broadway , whore you will find everything to make you linppy , from a Blocking to a bonnet , everything sold COo on the dollar. A. J. Man del. When you nro looking .for holiday j presents don't forgot to give us a call. Wo have a line line of Christmas books , plush cases of all kinds and Christinas cards. Doll G. Morgan & Co. , 7-1U Lower Broadway. ' Clocks 75 cents ntWollman's , jeweler , 2U-1 Broadway. Solid gold band rings 25 cents at Wollman's , jeweler , 221 Broadway. Notice the beautiful finish given col.- lara , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. IjotH of People At Braekott's yesterdayv Don't fall to make your selections in handkerchiefs or mulllurs , largest stock , best and nuwcst assortment , fiOo on the tl. A. J. Mandol , 409 Broadway. llraekett Wants to BOO everybody to-day. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Now organs , flrst class , $ .50 , for two weeks only , Council Bluffs Music Co , , 224. Broadway. Bargains in real estate in all parts of the city , W. S. Cooper. 1W ! Main street. Wo have just received an invoice o Solon Palmer's flue perfumes , Sacho powders and toilet soap , Doll G. Morgan &Co. i More goods for 50o at 400 Broadway than for $1.00 anywhere olso. Mufllora nt your own price tit 400 Broadway. Handkerchiefs in endless varieties , nt Friedman's old stand , 409 Broadway. Export buyers of holiday goods are Butisllcd when they call at the CORNKH BOOK STOHK. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horaes , wagons , personal property of nil kinds , aim nil other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. THE DOINGS IN THE BLUFFS , * i- x The Merits of Incandescent Sys tems Doing Discussed. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME OF PIETY. Mrs. Orovcr In Court The Snloonlst on tha timiilny Order A Clint- tty Tree Almost a PI re. The I > ay ! Court. District court mljourned ycstcrJny after noon Immediately nftcr convening until nest Wednesday morning. The cause of the ad journment wni the illness of ono of the jurors , Air. J. W.Tcmplcton , of Gamer town ship , who was feeling quite indisposed as the result of vaccination. The case on trial , that of Hannan vs. Mnrr , Is neurl.y ready to bo submitted to the jury , having been on trial for the whole week. The closing argument , by Col. I ) . H. D.illuy , Is yet to ho inado and the Jury charpcd. This will bo done Wednes day forenoon , wtiun the Jury will bo sent out to wrestle with ono of tlic knottiest questions Unit hus been submitted In some time. The history of this and similar cases , known as the "squatter cases. " hits been previously ijlvcn In the uolums of Tun Ur.i : . It is quite generally predicted tli.it the Jury will fall to apreo nftcr a long and tedious attempt to II ml a verdict. _ Owing to the death of Mr. E. E. Ilarkness , it is necessary foi' the intor- osU of his family that the business of llarkncBs Brothers bo settled without delay. .All parties indebted to the firm will confer a favor by making early settlement. J. E. HAUKNI : S , 101 Uroadway. Fancy baskets filled with line candy at Palmor'a , 12 S. Main st. An elegant line of pianos for Christ mas presents at Christmas prices , for two weeks. Council Blulls Music Co. , 1221 Broadway. _ Weather strips for doors and win dows. Odoll & Bryant , Cl5 ! Main st. . - * - Rock Spring coal , Glcason , 20 Pearl street. _ _ Jewelry of all kinds cheaper than any where on earth at if-1 Broadway. Money loaned on futnituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of vnluo at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair anil honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. - o Nothing but desirable jroods found nt the COHNKH BOOK STOHK. Give the Old Mini a. Show ! Santa Clans can't put large presents into small stockings , but you can buy long stockings for 5 cents at the Bluffs Knitting Factory. * Great Ilimli ! That at Brackott's yesterday. For Sale Cheat ) Lots near the bridge to parties who will build nt-once. Ad dress or call on .1. Tl. Uice , No. 110 Main srtect , Council Blulls. Bananas , Florida oranges , mixed nuts , nmlaga grapes , fine candies at Palmer's , 12 S. Main street. Sco Chapman for Christinas presents. No Drinks on Slimlny. The local saloonists will "try on" the mayor's Sunday closing order ngnln to-day. It was generally obeyed last Sunday , but a foiv of the budge dispensers were inclined to buck the authority of the city executive. It resulted disastrously when the parties were caught. Joe IJotts contributed $35 and costs for his Sunday lesson , and John Dunn is at present contemplating whether to continue the light or go into court and pay bis fine. The chiuf of police will strictly enforce the order to-day , and thirsty ones will have to borrow from the bottles of more provident friends. The majority of the saloonkeepers express themselves as pleased with the order , as it gives them a day to themselves , and they are not afraid that their competitors are stealing their trade from them. A few urco that the order drives nearly $2,000 m cash to Omaha every Sunday , but , on the whole , there is very little kicking. The mayor's stand in the matter meets with gen eral favor , and the opinion is quite generally expressed that If ho would show the same backbone in enforcing the payment of saloon lines that ho does lif the closing order , ho would experience- difficulty , in that di rection. Fine table ware at Lund Bros. ' W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan on approved city property , No. ISO Main street. All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co. While planning for your holiday gifts don't fail to see Lund Uros. ' grand dis play. See Forrest Smith's special column. . # - Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Fancy baskets filled with fine candy at Palmer's , 12 S. Main st. The rush still continues for those fine illustrated books and etchings at the COHNISR BOOK STOKE. The Drummer Hey of ( ho Happahaii- noelc. Major R. II. Uondorshot , the most wonderful drummer in the world , who arouses his audiences to the grandest pitch of enthusiasm , and who enlisted in the Oth Michigan infantry Oct. 14 , 1801 , at the ago of twelve years , will ap pear before the public at the opera house In this city Jan. 10,1SS9. UHCI'II ! na "Well as Ornamental. A nice handkerchief or mufllor is a suitable present. Homembor your price is mine ; all goods must go. 409 Broad way. way.For For a wonder wo will not have a "fire sale" and sell boots and shoos 100 per cent loss than cost , but will make prices right if you want our goods. Sargent Si Evans. Ilrnokott Has the goods , N The big rush And the livliest store in town. We still liavo an immense quantity of Christmas goods , cards , books and toys of all kinds , which wo are bound to , close out at some price , as wo shall not carry them in stock in the future. Call and FCO us to-day. Wo can save you money if you want these goods at all. Mueller Music company. Meerschaum Goodu. The greatest treat to a smoker is a nice meerschaum pipe or cigar holder. Frank Levin has the most complete line of meerschaum pipes , cigar holders , line smoking sets , snuff boxes , and everything found in a first class cigar store. Ladies wishing to make u brother or husband a present are respectfully in vited to call and see my stock at 602 Broadway , next door toOHlcer&Pusoy'fl bank. NOT IHAD VlJt. Cliapinnn Mentis Hu lncso. No Money ilcipurc 1. A Hnrc Chance to Buy A I'lne Christmas I'reient. Having the greater part of my fine etchings , engravings , pastels , etc. , still on hand , I make the following proposi tion : Have you a city lot , ti horse , bugey or harness , dry goods , groceries , hardwn.ro. jowlcry or staple merchau- disc ? See Chapman to-day or tomorrow row and make nn exchange. Ho is open for a trade on all goods amounting to ton dollars and upwards. W. W. CilAi'MAX. Nos. 105 and 107 Main-st. , Council Bluffs , la. Lund Bros. ' nro making a special lOc drive in crockery. Don t fail to see it Go to Sargent & Evans' nnd sec the largest line of Christmas slippers over shown in the city at any price. QCouncll lUnfVs nml Omaha $ t.no. Omaha $8 , Council Bluffs * ( U > 0. Wo soil the Laird , Schober ft. Mitchell best French kid shoes for $0.50 that will cost you $8 in Onmhn , ami our other prices nro proportionately le&s. bargent & Evans. - Jewelry of all k'nds for Christmas at wholesale for cash , i21 ! Broadway. All grades soft coal , C. B. Fuel Co. Holiday PrcnentH Can now bo found in grent variety. New nnd artistic designs in diamonds , fine jewelry , gents' and ladies' gold watches and chains , silver nnd plated ware , clocks in French marble and the best of American makes. A cordial in vitation is extended to every one to call and judge for themselves at C. B. JAcqPKMlX& CO. , No. 2" Main st. The London "Tailor's" is the plnco to get your clothes made. 037 Broadway. Sco Lund Bros , for lamps. $10,000 , in jewelry at ,321 Broadway. . NEW BARGAINS ) IN ( nUOAIWAY LOTS , KIltS'I > AVKNUE , KEKUY A1 > IMMOliOTS , ADDITION IjOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , UKVANT & Cti.VUK'H ADDITION I OTS , STKBBT'S ADDITION IjOfS. Also20acres of the liest property In town for plnitlng. W. C. STACY , Telephone Itt ! . No. U Main Street. Council IllnlTs , 1own. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. "T"17"J Mi exchange soiiiu of the best Imsiness T > proper ! yln the city for Ilr.st-clu s liirm. C. l > . Investment Ccr" . NoOJPearUtrcet _ "IITK huvo pome of the host bargains in tlio TT city In real estate , cheap lots , himill houses mid loH : scveial line residences on paved streets ; KJI-OIUTO tracts. All of the nfcovo property will be sold on easy terms. Small payment down and low rate of Interest. Come and examine our list. We also IIIIVH larso llfits of property for ex change. No. 10 Pearl at. Council lllulls Invest ment L'o. mo KXCIIANGK llfjulty in house nnd lot In X Omaha for spun or horses and cnrrlugv. Address U. L. S. , Jleo olllee , Omaha. to rent by Council Uluffs Investment EOOMS . , . 10 1'cuil st. _ line olllco rooms to rent on first floor ; TIWO room isxllibotli ; newly papered and painted , lies t location In the city. Cull at No. lu , 1'earl st. _ WANTED : Every man or woman who has $ M ) or $75 which they wish to invest where it will bo as safe as it would bo if it were deposited in the Bank of England and make him more money , to call on us and buy a lot in Fairmount addition. The best location on the hills for street car service and school privileges ; close to all the railroads , wholesale houses and city depots. The only hill property to be had tit such low prices and easy terms. Prices ran ( re from $200 to $100 ; terms , one-fifth , cash , balance in thirty equal monthly payments at 8 per cent interest. If you are renting now and want a homo of your own. commence paying for a lot now before you have to pay double the money fir the same location. Begin at once and you will bo surprised to find how soon the thirty months will roll around , making you the owner of a lot. Call on II. G. McGee. 1UO Main street , or Forrest Smith , at the Brown building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. LADIES Of Omaha and Council Bluffs Ave Invited to call at ' ' ' MRS'C.'L.'GILLETT'S ' , . . Hair Emporium And htc her ( hie line of HA III ( iOODS. ft'NEST HAIR ORNAMENTS In the city. Wigs , Jlcurds , etc. , for rout or BlllO. GLUTH and COYLE and MYERS Grease 1'aints , Hair Dicailnt' etc. No , 29 , Main St , , Council Bluffs , Orders by mull recolvo prompt attention. COME BOYS Keep Her Up And FOLLOW ME ! CENTS run i.n. Boiling Bcof a Bbouhlcr Roast 4 to 5 Shoulder Steak ' . . . .5 to 0 Corned Ucof 8 to 4 Pork Hoast 8 Pork Chops 0 VealHoast 8 Mutton Hoast 8 Hound Steak 8 Veal and Mutton Stew : 4 Loin Steak 8 to 0 Porterhouse Steak 8 to 0 Hlb Hoast Oto7 Sugar Cured Hams 11 Hat-on lltoia Lard 'lOtolt Leaf Lard 10 Saltl'ork 10 Mince Meat , ready made 8 Saucr Kraut 8 Pickled Pigs Feet 7 Trlno , 7 Pickled Hooks 8 Hotter 23 Poultry and Fish at lowest market prices. Don't Forget the Number , NO. 337 KieOAUWAY GEO.H.MESCHENDORF . . PEOPLE'S STORE Have concluded to sell their entire stock of Toys and Fancy Goods at One-Half of any Former Prices. N Will Rule to-morrow in our Toy and Fancy Goods Department. We show more real Christmrs gifts than all the competing stores com bined and our prices To-morrow will be the Greatest day in the his tory of the People's Store , and we are pre pared for it with an extra force of sales men and salesladies to wait upon our many customers. Our stock must be sold and our prices are according. T NO , 314,316,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFL , IOWA. LOOK AT THE IRISHMAN ! S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , J. M. SCANLAN , VETI1MRY SURGEON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. 120 BROADWAY. Trlepliono No. UD.I. Will sell for cash : COUNUlIj BMJKFS. : : I'JWA Shoulder mid Cuuck Roast . .6 toCc J'rlina Hlb Itonst. . 8c Chuck Steak . fie Hound Steak . fo Sirloin Steak . lUc J'ortcrhouso Steak . ] 0o Mutton Btuw . r > o Mutton Logs . b'c Corn JJeef . Ic Porkltoaot . * . lOc J'ork Chops iinrt .Steak . lOc I.nrd , our owm make . K'c Paunapo . t-c All other mentBln the same proportion. 1'roo Delivery. Orders front liy children receive FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY , prompt attontlon mid are correctly filled. TKJLBI'IIONK JI01. 151-1 ] > < mira ! < 4 St. , Omaha , Neb , SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , IE a f rcdflcatlon * and estimates furnished for complete Btoam plants , Jtegiilatlon , Durability CJimr- utitet'il. fan bhow lutters from users where fnol ix-onomy Is eqiul with Corliss E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 510 Penrl Street , Council Blulls. A TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER ! At the Old Stand of H , Friedman , 409 Broadway. Having purchased this entire stock of Millinery , Clonks , Fancy Goods , etc. shall close it out at private sale , either in bulk or piece , within the next days. All goods mint ho sold nt tome liguro. PRICES NO OBJECT ! Como and get what you want at your own price. This magnificent stock ront.uns tlio very latest styles and patterns. $1.0 will buy more than it over did before. U is nn opportunity that will NEVER OCCUR AGAIN ! Remember the number ami call early to got choice selections A. J. MANDEL. H , FRIEDMAN , Manager of Sales. All outstanding bills must ho paid without delay to ave rosti. Mr. Fried in will collect at the , old stand-No. 40 ! ) Broadway , Council BlulTs , In. RARENESS BRO'S. STOCK TO BE SOLD Owing to the death of Mr. K. E. ITarkness , the senior mcmhor of the firm of llarkncsd Bros. , it has boon decided to clo o out the stock and scttlo the business of the llrm as speedily as possible. The Entire Stock of Dry Goods is Offered For Salein Whole or in Part. Tlio retail sale will commence Wednesday , December 19th , 1SSS , at great reduc tion in prices. r EB The stock is new , clean , and very desirable. It presents an KXOKLLI2NT OP- > 1'OUTUNITV TO STKl * INTO AN OLD AND ESTAULIHHEU BUSINESS. Parties desiring information can call upon or address NO. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - IOWA M \ Lot , Bryant & Clar , on Second ave. Jj % \ Lot & Clark Third . , Bryant , on ave. - - - Lots , Perry's 2cl Add. , on Ave. C - - - Lots , Benson's First , Ave K . . . . . * Lot , Everett's Add. , Third avc. - - $500 $ 2 Lots , Fleming & Davis , Ninth and Tenth aves Jp OQ Each Call and See Y , Masonic Temple , RETAIL , Wecnrry the largest stock in the west , covering 2O.OOO square feet of floor. We do the largest businossl We soli nt the lowest prices , We deal direct \vith .European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits. _ Cash talks , and wo are always In position to You Goniiine ' "We offer you foi-3O days. In now and fresh goods nnd good selections , the following : LOT 1 Hand-painted Cupaidors , era , enoh og0 Also Foil Line of BBS ! Mates in is t\ . each ICe LOT 0 Rose .TU.SI , im0a with perT - LOT 2 Good Majolica Cuspidors , AnV10(1 ( rose lcivvos , each 2ou Worcester each 85o T 1 , ° Oonuino China decorated Royal , LOT a English Decorated Cham T Lf , Of icti Cl'coi sots , per sot 2.60 Plated and Solid Silver. Taplitz ber Sots 82 05 LOi' 11 Genuine Cliina Fruit . , LOT 4 English Decorated 60- . assorted decorations , per piece Tea Sots , 83 75 dox.on 1,75 Royal Dresden , LOT 5 100-pioco ( gonuuio gold- LOT 12 An ologantUand Painted Rich Gut Grlass , hand and hand-painted flowers ) vase Lump , with shade to Vienna AVodgowood DinnorSet , per sot.J12 00 match , fine burner , complete , LOT 0 English Decorated Full each ) . . . . . 3.60 Bronzes and Brass Goods , Royal Saxony , Dinner Set , new llutcd shapes , And a great ninny more bargains per sot $8 CO which our linfitod space will not permit Bonn Faeience etc,1' LOT 7 Nice and choice lot of us to enumerate. Clioicc Dinner Tea Fisli Game Soup , Decorated Genuine China An , , , , , Inspection will save Creamers , each 25o LQT8 Largo Moss Hose Pitch- you money. and Ice Cream Sols. Yisilors and piircliascrs cplly wolcm OOTJJSTOIOli , IOW\A. .