Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1888, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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I am anxious to call special attention to the sale we make to morrow , and which we had deferred till Monday to pive an opportunity to the school teachers. '
You will find the Fur Bugs worthy of SDecial attention , They are very handsome and a wonderful bargain : also the real Lace Handkerchiefs , Q-old Headed Umbrel
las , Manicure Sets and Toilet Oases , Silk Mufflers and Silk Handkerchiefs , and the Black Silks in our Silk Department , We offer them on Monday at prices that in
no other season have we ever been able to attempt.
Cloaks , Cloaks.
Children's clonks $ 3. > 8 0.00
Children's ' cloukH 0.00 JO.OO
Children's clonks S./iO / 12.00
Misses' cloaks fi.OO 10.00
Misses1 clonks 0.50 1.1.00
MIsH's' clonks 14.50 18.00
Misses' clonks 21.00 27.00
jLiullcV plush wraps 10.00 2-5.00
Ladles' nlusb wraps. " . . . . . . 2-3.00 82.00
Ladies' plush wraps 32.00 40.00
NowmarkfUs 18.00 21.50
Newmarkets 21.00 20.00
Newmarkets 29.00 .15.00
Nownmritols 517.00 45.00
All our Indies'dresses \ cashmere
tricot and lliuincl at less than cost.
The prices range from S7.50 to $ . ' 11.60.
Incorporation of the Trl-Stato
Transportation Company.
The Torrllilo StllTcrlnKS of Henry O
Mjilono Hmlcd by Heath Inter-
Points l-'or State
lid iicniors General.
1029 P STIIKKT , }
LINCOLN , Deo. 23. )
The articles Incorporating the Trl-Stato
Freight and Transportation company were
lllcd In the olllco of the secretary of state to
day. Officers are fixed at Sioux City , la. ,
nnd Coviugton. The object of the company
Is to carry freight and wares from ono place
to another In the part of the heritage where
located. Capital stock authorized , $ . 1,000.
Business commenced December 20 , and con-
tlouos five years from that date. The fol
lowing gentlemen organized and incorporated
the company , viz : Paul H. Leader , C. E.
Mohn and William Faller. Sioux City and
Coviugton have moro freight transportation
companies than any other two towns iu this
part of the west.
Henry C. Malom passed into the sleep that
knows no waking this morning ut 4 o'clock.
For nearly eight weeks ho has been a con-
stnut sutteror. It will bo remembered that
ho was found lylntf on a vacant lot in thu
southeast part of the city iu an unconscious
condition by some workmen in the latter
part of October. Investigation proved that
ho had been tin-own from his horsu tlio night
before. Bad bruises were found about his
head nnd face , and from the first his physi
cian pronounced his recovery doubtful. He
lingered along from day to day , smiting
slowly but surely , until the end , nlthough
attended by faithful friends and skillful
physician. The circumstances go to "show
that ho was thrown mid met his death
wounds early in the evening , and lav nil
night long upon the damp and chilling
ground. The shock and exposure
proved too much for his consti
tution. A largo circle of friends mourn his
death. His -wife died four years ago , and
seven children are loft doubly orphaned.
The oldest is nineteen and the youngest four
years of ago. Mr. Mulono was associated In
business with Hon. J. C. McBride , and ho
was recognized as an honest , honorable man
by nil who know him. The funeral will take
place to-mcfrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from
his late residence.
The season of the year has como when the
wanderer nnd sojourncr turns his steps
homeward. Christmas time is the all-sunl-
ciont reason why. It seems to bo natural for
absent sons and daughters to turn their
steps homeward nt this particular time , it
matters not the condition , when homo-poing
Is possible. To-day , ns THE DEB representa
tive stood nt the depot on the urriynl of the
Burlington train from Nebraska City , his at
tention was attracted by peculiar movements
ns ton or a dozen of the passengers were as
sisted from the train by the gentlemanly con
ductor and brnkoman , and going nearer ho
discovered that they were blind , though Joy
ful , happy and contented. It was learned
that the unfortunate travelers were students
ut the Nebraska City blind asylum , en route
homo to spend the Christmas holidays. They
wore as happy as children , and seemingly nqt
a care or sorrow marked the brow of anyone
ono of them. They chatted pleasantly with
ono another , and were evidently ut peace
with all the world. Although blind , fathers
nnd mothers will bo none the loss glad to see
thorn , and the echoes of familiar voices will
ring within the walls of the old homo. Mis
fortunes will bo forgotten , mid loving hands
will guide and direct footsteps as in other
County Superintendent MeClusky to-day
called the attention of TUB BKK representa
tive to the preliminary announcement of the
National Educational Association of the
United States. There will bo two meetings
of the superintendents during the year ISS'.i ,
ono on the Oth , 7th nnd 8th of March nt
Washington , D. C. , nnd tlio other at Nash
ville , Tonn. These meetings will be of
great Interest to a number of Nebraska educators
caters who will attend. Mr. MeClusky also
makes the announcement that the examina
tion for state professional certificates will beheld
held in this city on the 27th nnd Sitli of De
cember. The committee In charge of the
examination consists of Superintendent Mo-
Clnsky , J. W. Love and K. B. Burton.
The Lancaster County Teachers associa
tion will meet on the 12th of January. It will
bo largely attended ,
The following cases were docketed for
trial in the supreme court to-day :
Thomas D. Cobby vs City of Wymoro ; ap
peal from Gage county ,
Theodore F , Barnes vs J. H. McMurtry ot
al : error from Lancaster county.
John Mudhorst vs the Nebraska Telephone
company j'error from Gage county.
John Croighton , onu of the painters nt
worlc on thu corridor of the state house , fell
from the scaffolding to-day and cnino nigh
catling his career on earth. Several bad
giiHhos were cut ulwut his head and face.
One very close to his right temple.
Commissioner Scott returned from Nor
folk iust night , but ho luft again this morn-
lni ; ( or Kearney , where ho will Inspect the
industrial school. He reports favorably of
nlj state Institutions that ho has visited.
The board of nubllo lands and buildings
will meet next Thursday to accept and ro-
' cclva the Norfolk asylum building. It hns
'not yet become the property of the state in
the formal sense of the word.
The Christum edition of the Capital City
Courier is out. Kditor Wcssel 1ms just
reason to feel proud of his work. The paper
i * ono of the handsomest ever issued in the
wi t , Lincoln society people are pleased *
with It.
Mr. Olmsteail , of Hastings , was In Lincoln
last night. Ho still fishes for the spoukcr-
blp , but has quit halting his hook with
offers of clmlrmunshli ) of committees ; ho
asks representatives-elect to vindicate him
and rebuke TIIK BUB.
Thotoutsl.le work on tha new Christian
church will soon bo completed. It is a
linnilftoine eJlflce , and a credit to the church
nod nlly. It Is without doubtthehandsomest ,
"jucotby house" In Lincoln , Tha plasterer
Silks ! Silks !
On Monday wo offer the greatest
value wo over bnvo offered. Tlio goods
were bought very recently nt the lowest
pices over mtido to us , and only possi
ble in such hard times. Wo offer those
coodson Monday ut nutch ICMJ tlmn our
regular profit BO that our customers will
got more than all the advantage of our
purchase. The goods nrc nil the best
makes , latest weaves , and guaranteed ,
Black imnuro Bilks nnd black silk
serge nt $1.25. The former price of
those was $2. lUack , striped nnd
brocade silus and colored mnrvolcux at
800. The price of those goods 1ms boon
$1.50 to $ ! . ( .
Black gros grain silk nt Ooc , $1.00 ,
$1.2-5 , 31.U5 , Sl.f > 0 , SI.OS siud $2.00.
Hlnck royal annuru 81.60 , $2.00 nnd
All of these goods nro reduced to
pices Hint never before hove been seen
iioro. The sale commences Monday.
will commence bis work nt the earliest posl-
bio moment In the spring.
Kmiuion , tlio Now Social CIuli.
. Emanon was the name adopted by the now
social club at the meeting held Friday night
at the Now Pacific hotel. A constitution and
by-laws were adopted. The following is a
list of the oflloors : President , Arthur W.
Saxc ; vice president , James G. Martin ; sec
retary. Dr. C. K. C. Smith ; treasurer , Epos
Cory , nnd directors , Dr. J. Smiley , Ilollis 13.
Hoglo , J. K. Colnon , / . Cuddmgton nnd
James II.Van Diison. The board of directors
will secure suitable rooms as soon ns possi-
bio. .
Tlio ISlcutrle Unlit nniuiiict.
The bunqot , given by the business men of
South Omaha , In honor of the lighting of the
city by electric light , was the ono social
event in the initials of the Magic City. The
general committee on management , consistIng -
Ing of Messrs. John A. Doe , J. IJ. Erion and
Captain Peter Cockrell , had made every ar
rangement ns perfect ns would have boon
done by a martinet , and the programme so
carefully prepared was carried out with mil
itary precision so that not oven a Jar , delay ,
much less a mishap , marred the festivities of
the occasion. The general committee ar
ranged tha following programme and n | > -
pointed the following committees : Mustero
ceremonies , Mr. John F. Boyd ; reception ,
Mcsdames John F. Boyd , E. L. Ernhout ,
Frank H. Boyd , John A. Doe and Misses
Gr.ico Glasgow , Lou Erion and M. Jackson ,
and Messrs. James G. Martin and Frank H.
lioyd ; pianists. Misses Annie Glasgow , Kato
Wyman. Coo E. Hunt , Zoo Williams ami
Jessie Savage ; floor , Messrs. Frank II.
Boyd nnd John A. Briggs.
Beneath the glitter of the electric light ,
in the capacious hall in the now addi
tion to the Exchange , Master of Cere
monies John F. Boyd called the assembled
friends to order , anil nt least two hundred
seated themselves to drink In the intellectual
feast of the evening. The Union Stock
Yard * cornet band discoursed some line
music , and the Glee club Hang ono of its best
songs. Then Mr. Boyd , In his usual happy
manner announced the first tonst on the pro
"South Omaha " to which
gramme , , Mayor
William G. Sloane responded in a neat and
appropriate address. Ho congratulated the
people present , the citizens and the enterprising -
prising members of the electric light 'com
pany. Councilman D. F. Baylcss responded
to "Tho City Council. " The Glee club then
sang " ip Liza Coon , " when president Daniel
Anderson , in response to "Tlio Board of
Trade. " recounted the efforts necessary to
organize It , its labors and its successful
work. J. B. Ewin , senior editor in the city
nnd editor of the Stockman answered to
"Tho Press" in a very neat and acceptable
address. After the Glee club sang the "Palo
White Rose , " Colonel Ezra P. Savage enter
tained the audience byji vivid picture of the
history nnd life of "Tho Commission Men"
ofSoutti Omaha. "The Clergy" drew out
Rov. L. II. Eddlebluto , and ho gave the
audience his best thoughts and choicest
language. The toasting closed with some
facetious remarks by Mr. Samuel P. Bric1-
hnm on "Tho Ladies. "
President Anderson then called n list of
forty couples for the first spread. Landlord
S. H. Briggs made the effort of Ms life. It
was the finest spread by all odds ever laid in
the Magic City. While the Ilrst table were
seated the other hundred couples enjoyed the
pleasures of the dance , to the music of
Smith's orchestra.
Among the visitors present were Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. Upton. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miles ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howland. Mr. and Mrs.
Ah Waggoner , Mr , and Mrs. H. H. Hake ,
Kov. Mr. and Mrs. Clondennlng , Mr. James
Foley nnd daughter , Mr. nud Mrs. Frank
Luke , Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy HoughMr. . and
Mrs. John F. Boyd , Mr. and Mrs. George
Canlleld and daughter Miss Lizzie Cnnllold ,
Mrs. Auaspaeher , Mr. Baldwin , Mr. Tal-
mage and Messrs. Richard Kimball and
Harry B. Anaspachor , nil of Omaha.
Jos-pli .InflVrsim a Spii'ltnallRt.
Philadelphia. News : Joseph Jefferson
is a pronounced spiritualist. Ho not
only believes firmly in that theory , but
ho has himself developed marked pow
ers OH a medium , and hois convinced
that upon various occasions lie has hold
extended conversation * ! with the spirits
of deceased relatives nnd friends. He
does not , however , accept the claims of
materialization , but regards that alTnir
as a piece of trickery produced by Hig
glers who nro not genuine spiritualists.
Mr. JolTor.son has moro tlnui ono
strongly marked gift with which the
public is not fiuniliur. ITo possesses a
certain mesmeric power which enables
him almost invariably to remove nou-
ralgiiv or other pains by gently rubbing
tlio affected part with his fingers , and
two or three of the members of his com
pany testify heartily to his having ro-
iiovod them of severe nervous head
aches by simply touching their temples.
From n iJusincMs .Standpoint.
Chicago News : It is related thntwhon
the venerable Jacob Levy lay uiion his
death-bed ho was approached by u
friend who nought to cheer him by hold
ing out vnln encouragements and
specious promises. "Jacob , " said the
friend , "how foolish of you to talk of
dying ! Why , I navor osiw you looking
BO well in all my life. Draco up ; you'll
llvoto bolOOyonrsold. " "Mine friend , "
answered the invalid impressively ,
"you make a mistake von you links I
live so long. Dor Lord isn't going der
dnko mo at 100 von ho can got in < * ut
Bovonty-six. "
She will Not < \slc Him Again.
Chicago Tribune : Aristocratic , but
vinognr-fuced caller He's a charming
little follow , Mrs. Grindstone. Only
flvo years old , you Boyy You'll give
mo n. kiss , won't you , will Jo'/
Willlo-Vcs'm. [ kisses her. ]
Caller That's a good boy , Willie.
Dut what are you holding iu your hand
eo tightly ?
Willie It's a hall dollar mamma
gave mo. She said she 'apttctod you'd
want to Ides mo. and I told h'or I
wouldn't do it for less.
William Black , the author , hai inert black
hair , a thick brown aiuitnahe. dnrk hazel
oycs , * flrm mouth nud square torolieud.
Smoking Jackets
To-morrow wo xvill close out our
whole stock. They are just half price
and fifty per cent loss than clothing
stores ask for them. Tncyconio In flvo
or six different styles , nnd the prices
are $3.78 , $10 , $12.60 , $1-1.25 nnd $25.
To-morrow wo will offer our whole
stock at greatly reduced prices. They
come In nil styles of. gold , silver uud
natural wood handles.
A Spirited Dofonco of Pythlau In-
surauoo Associations.
Hull of tlio Omnlin Division Number 11 !
Grand Uccoption of tin ; Knights
O. A. 11.
Pythian Insurance.
The Pythian Spur in its last issue makes
a very vigorous defence of the legality of
Pythian insurance associations , which has
been so determinedly assailed by the Pythian
Knight of Rochester , N. Y. , excerpts from
the page of which have , from time to time ,
appeared among the Echoes. Among ojhcr
things it says : Just what good Is designed
to bo accomplished by these attacks upon
thcso numerous Pythian life insur
ance associations of the country ,
wo cannot conjecture , unless it
is in the hope that they will
cease business operations from the
pressure brought to bear upon them nnd
thereby swell the present comparatively
small membership of thu K. H. If that is
their purpose , any sane man will predict
their failure , and , on the contrary , only ex
pect the so-called "Illegal" societies to
bo benefited thereby. In the first
place , the supreme ledge has never
secured n copyright upon the
name "Pythian" and what is more , it never
will. When it comes to attempting it , as far
.as its connection with insurance associations
'is concerned , It will hardly succeed , while so
much of the best legal talent in the Supreme
Ledge is more or Ic s interested in the finan
cial success of these associations. Beside , is
the E. li. in such shape now ns to throw
down the gauntlet to all who have not looked
upon it favorably } Has It ever been in such
shape i We seriously question it. In order
that wo may not bo misquoted as being op
posed to thuE. H. , wo have this to declare iu
all candor : Wo belirsvo that the E. U. Is
one of the most Important and bene
ficial branches of the order : that in
its objective principles it is neces
sary to supply the wants of a great
portion of the membership of the order ;
that for the well being and continued pros
perity of our order , it is of the highest im-
portnnco. Wo hall its noble purposes nnd
cheer the good work it has accomplished.
Nor would wo lay n straw in the way of its
ultimate success. But , that it bus not .vet
given satisfaction to the membership of the
order , or to the Supreme ledge itself , cannot
bo denied. The many changes in re-rating
of insured members which it hns already
undergone , is sufficient to show that. It will
still have to be subjected to moro changes ,
in order to roach the base of solid and scien
tific insurance principles , which insure its
success as an Insurance feature of the order ,
and , in time , the Supreme ledge against
bankruptcy. Wo shall welcome the day when
this shall have been accomplished nnd this
feature of our order placed high nnd
dry above uncertainty nnd all questions of
valuable Insurance. The history of the E.
H. , however , is too vulnerable to allow its
.board of control to enter into a controversy
with the whole order over it , nnd the less It
is agitated as against the encroachments of
the now many established lifo associations ,
even though they do boar the name of the
order , the better for the E. R. Thscs asso
ciations , almost without exception , will profit
by.tho . agitation , while it will undoubtedly
diminish thu of the E. R. As to the
matter of the illegality of any .of these asso
ciations , by virtue of their operating under
the name of the order , that is all bosh. The
burden of proof that tlioy cannot , from a
Pythian standpoint , legally adopt such names
ns "Pythian , " etc. , lies with the supreme
chancellor , the board of control of thoE. R. ,
and any others who may agitate the mutter.
As yet all of them have signally failed to
prove such illegality from any definite law
covering this point.
President Hinsoy , of the board of control
of the E. K. , takes un awful flight In his
sweeping abuse of all such "illegal" socie
ties , and beside denouncing their managers
( his Pythian brothers ) characterizes thorn
as leeches upon the endowment rank nnd
If President Hinsoy will as carefully guard
the lawful Interests of the E. R. , of which
ho has supcrlntcndency , us the presidents of
the so-called "illegal" insurance societies do
the lawful interests of the societies they
represent , ho will save the Supreme Ledge
much embarrassment , and add many a mem
ber to the "universal insurance foaturo" of
the order. He did not so carefully guard the
interests Intrusted to him In thu case of the
State of Nebraska. Hero the "universal
feature" is not universal , because U
has no legal right under the- statutes
of the state to either solicit a
member for the E. R. , or organize sections
thereof , or write a policy of insurance-
said rank. If it is done , it Is done in viola-
lutiou of law , and the offender is subject tea
a term In the penitentiary. The board of
control nccrlcctcd to file atatamcnt , as re
quired by law , in the ofllco of the auditor
of 3tuto for the year 1BSS , and , therefore , is
not entitled to transact any buuincss in this
ntato during this ycur , and to do so , Is u stat
utory offense , nnd , n priori , a Pythian offense.
In the mutter of thu Pythian Life associa
tion of Omaha , the Pythian legality of Its
name as an association Is beyond reasonable
contradiction. It Is strongly supported by P.
O , C. nnd U. 1C of R. & S. E. E. French ns
its bonded treasurer , and S. R. J. S.
Shropshire as legal advisor , beside ,
being managed by a full corps of live
insurance man , all of whom are first-
class Pythian gentlemen nnd experienced In-
Huranixi managers. These associations , ul-
inost without exception , will profit by the
agitation , while It will undoubtedly diminish
the business of the endowment rank. The
association is built upon scientific insurance !
principles , and will , year by year , become a
greater and stronger Institution. Although
but a littlu over two months old , it lias al
ready over 11,000.000 of Insurance in force
and adding a weekly average to this of $50-
000. Last week alone , applications cumo infer
for (50,000 from points outsldo the state of
Nebraska , while the heartiest endorsements
of the association are dally received from not
only th Pythian pron , but from prominent
members of tha order avcrywhero. This as
sociation 1 * dostlnod to tie ono o ( the promi
nent life companion of tha country , and at its
present rate of gpood , will soon pass the E.
It in the nurnbor of Itc insured mombors.
night hora then tha matter may us well
rest. Further uowtpuper discussion will
amount to nothing , uud the next mooting of
Gents' Furnishings
In this department wo will offer some
[ splendid bargains. Our Now York
ibuyor hns sent us n largo invoice of silk
'handkerchiefs nud mufllers , purchased
at public sale. They are beautiful goods.
AT 3-Jc.
200 doz. gents' ' colored silk handker
chiefs at Soc. " "
x . Worth G5c.
AT 60c.
100 dofccn white nnd colored silk hand
kerchiefs nt 60o.
Worth $1.00.
AT 76c.
' 150 dozen gents' white and colored
border handkerchiefs at 7fic.
Worth $1.50.
the Supreme Lodge will furnish tlio oppor
tunity for a light to a iltiisli.
Pythian Notnu.
Chancellor Commander Uoomor Is now
convalescing from his recent Illness and will
soon bo nroum ] once more.
Omnlm Division No. 12 , Uniformed Hank
Knights of Pythias Rives n grand bull at
Goodrich linll on Now Years ove. Good
music has been engaged nnd the previous
success of this organization is n guarantee of
tlio success of this entertainment.
Two members of the order have recently
opctiod a saloon in the city , niul considenibln
discussion has arisen therefrom. It must bo
remembered that the provisions of tlio now
constitution adopted at Fremont remains to
bo ratilled by the Supreme Lodge , until
which time they do not go Into effect.
The newly elected officers of Myrtle Lodge
1C. of P. , iiro progressing rapidly in perfect
ing themselves in the work pertaining to
their respective ofllcca , and tlio prediction
is made that under the leadership of Harvey
J. Fuller , C. C. elect , Myrtle lodge will take
front rank among the K. of P. lodges of the
Tlio second annual ball given by Enterprise -
priso lodge , No. 711 , in Hunt's hull , South
Omaha , last Wednesday evening , was a per
fect success in every way. Of the forty
couples present a dozen visiting couples from
Omaha and Council Bluffs , added to tlio in
terest and eclat of the occasion and gave the
Miigio City bays the ilcsirod opportunity to
demonstrate their entertaining accomplish
ments. It was a Pythian nightntid n Pythian
Wo ave indebted to the Pytliian Knights of
Rochester , N. Y. , for n copy of the ancient
nnd modern version of the story of
Damon and Pythius , including John
Bnnlm's ' great play. The work is well ar
ranged , including a sketch of the life of
DIonyslus , the tyrant , nnd n sketch of
Pythagoras and the Pythagorean brotlfer-
hooJ. nnd it will prove n valuable addition to
Pythian literature. In a citv Hlto Omaha ,
where Pythinnistn has so strong n hold , no
ono should be ignorant , of the beautiful story
of these two characters , "and in no version
which has yet appeared has it been produced
in so concise and readable a form as in this
At the regular mooting of U. S. Grant
Post , Department of Nebraska , G. A , R. ,
held last week , the following officers were
elected to serve for the ensuing year : Com
mander , Comrade D. M. Hnvcrly ; S. V. com
mander , Comrade W. S. Shoemaker ; J. V.
commander , Comrade A. S. Cost ; ofllcerof
the day , Comrade C. S. Chase ; quarter
master , Comrade Simon Goetz ; surgeon ,
Comrade W. H. Parsons ; chaplain , Comrade
L. A Harmon ; onicer of the guard , Comrade
V. Landorgrea ; delegate to department en
campment , Comrade T. S. Clarkson ; alter
nate. Comrade Simon Goetz. Comrade T. S.
Clarkson is a member of the executive com
mittee of the national council of administra
tion. Comrade C. E. Burmester has received
his appointment ns aide-dc camp to the com-
mander-in-chiof. A public installation of of
ficers of all the posts in the city Is talked of.
This , in connection , probably , with a rousing
"comp fire , " will Ijo an interesting event.
At their lust meeting the members of Gate
City Post No. 2152 , G. A. R. , elected oflleors
as follows lor the ensuing year : J. F.
Mnginn , commander ; George C Bonncr , ad
jutant ; W. S. Askwlth , quartermaster ; S.
1C. Spuuldinj ? , surgeon ; J. B. Went , chaplain ;
W. O. Clements and A. L. Straight , oflleors
of the day. B. R. Bull was elected delegate
to the department encampment , nnd Colonel
J. B. Dennis alternate.
* *
KiiihtH Templars.
The chairman of tlio board of foreign cor
respondence has issued nu order suggesting
to all the grand commanders of the union '
that at noon of Christinas day all the loyal ,
ICniglita Templars ot the United States and j
Canada assemble in their hall nnd at the
stroke of 11. , eastern standard time , each
ono qualt u beaker to the prosperity of
Knights Templars throughout the world nnd
pledging fealty to their order and rulers.
This is n magnificent idea. Imagine nearly ,
300,000 men nil ever the country , ani
mated by the sumo aspirations and .
sentiments , at the sumo instant of time re- '
ncwlng their pledge to the exalted sentiments
and principles which bind them together. Of
all the Innumerable ceremonies of this day
none will bo moro Impressive than this. In
Omaha elaborate preparations have been
made for the ceremony.
Mount Cavalry Comnmndcry No. 1 , Knights
Templars , holds its annual reception on Fri
day , January 25. To the select four hundred
this will bo a momentous announcement.
Preparations are being made' for an oven
moro magnificent affair than that of last
year. Tlio oommundery know how to do n
jo5d thing royally , and will this ycur surpass
ill previous efforts.
It is expected that itho drill corps , which
Ims been organized In the city , will take a
prominent part in the exorcises of the tri
ennial conclave which takes place at Wash
ington next year.
Knight Tomplansm In Omaha was never
in n moro nourishing condition than ut pres
There will bo a union'Installation of officers
of Omaha and Hcllovuo chapters , Royal
Arch Masons , on Chrlsmas night.
Leo P. Gillette , grand custodian , of Be
atrice , on Friday visited the now Masonic
ledge at South Omaha , and will return on
January 4 to makn an , .examination . of the
now ledge officers and work.
V. A. S. I'Yntoriilty.
This fraternity Is spreading more rapidly
nt present than any society in thu wont. The
fourth ledge of this order In Omaha
was instituted last Monday night in the
Eighth ward , In K. of P. hall , on North
Snundcrs street.
There wore forty-throo signers on the peti
tion for a charter , and n largo number were
initiated. The business men of the Eighth
ward huvo awakened to the foot that it Is
very desirable to have lodges in their portion
of the city , hence there are now eight lodges
of different societies already located in this
Knssidcan Knlghj * .
St. James Priory , No. 5 , Kassidoan Knights
A. E. R. , will be Instituted uud officers in
stalled by Grand Hterophant E. A. Gull-
liert , A. M. , M. D. , L. L. D. , of Dubuque ,
la. , assisted by the officers af the national
grand chapter , at ICassldoan hall , lioyd's '
> peru house , on St. John's ' day , tha B7th
Instant , at 6 o'clock sharp- All approacbocs ,
noophitcs , associate Kassldcans and knights
companion are invited to bo present.
Gents1 Furnishings
AT $1.00
We show a hundred different designs.
Worth 52-00.
AT S1.50.
100 dozen white and colored silk tnuff-
lors at
AT $1.50 ,
Worth S2.U5.
AT $2.00.
50 dozen all silk mulllors In whllo
nnd colors ,
AT $2.00 ,
Worth $3.00.
At 75c , 81.00 , $1,25 ,
81.50 , 81.75 , 82.00 and 83.00.
It Promises to Bo as Strong as That
of 1888.
nut Kansas City Still Clings to the
Poet Jimmy Lindsay linn Merit
A Bloody Iojr
Next Season's
Notwithstanding the loss of Lovett , Bums ,
McCJiirr and Toheau , the Omaha team for
next season will bo about as strong iu over.
Burns' place has been well filled by the en
gagement of young Leigbton , who is a sure
fielder , a quick man between the lines , and
strong at the bat. For third Campaiiii , an
other now man , is every bit as good a player
as Tobeau , anil it Is safe to say will put up
bettor ball than Oliver ever did hero. Cam-
pann is a slugger , and a fielder who takes
every chance. To fill the void loft by Lov-
ctt's dopurturo , young Breckcnrldgo , who
played with the Xanosvillo Tn-Stato league
last season , has been secured. Breckcnridio ;
is a robust young man , and a very promising
twirler. Ho has nil the shoots ,
is very swift , and has wonder
ful control of the ball. Moro , ho stands
ready to go in and pitch ns often as called
upon. In Elmer Cleveland the management
has secured an excellent inficlder and gen
eral player. Ho was with both the New Yorks
and Pittsburgs last year , and it goes without
saying that if hn was considered worth a trial
by these magnificent organizations ho Is
plenty good enough for any teum in the
Western association. These four now men ,
together with Clark , Kennedy , Cooney , Mil
ler , Crooks , Annls , Mayor and Naglo , form u
combination that furnishes oven a stronger
and moro harmonious tout cnsemblo than
the aggregation of last season , and the pub
lic may confidently look for bettor results.
Manager Seleo assures the directory that ho
will adopt differ out tactics in governing his
men HUH year than marked his regime of ' 88 ,
and altogether the outlook is oxtrcmoly aus-
pinuous. _
Jimmy IjindHny.
A great many people in this locality are of
the opinion that Jimmy Lindsay , of this city ,
who has had such nn easy task of van
quishing all the pugs who have been pitted
against him , belongs up among the top
notchorsof his class. Lindsay is no poser or
newspaper fighter , but has been , and is
always ready to go in and fight anybody ,
when ho sees anything in it. Lindsay lias
uad the least to say of any pugilist who has
tiuuntcd this vicinity in the past two years ,
uid yet ho has done more lighting than all of
them put together. Ho has bested Clarke ,
Honnnssey , Cranston , and last , but not least ,
u quasi Jack Dempsey , and iu all of these
lights , with the exception of the ono with
Elenncssoy , who is u heavy-weight , ho es
caped with hardly a mark. It must
be remarked that Jimmy is extremely clover.
Ho has never been called upon yet to show
what ho is really made of. Omaliii sporting
men would like to see him matched against
some of the big Runs in his class Danny
Noodham , of St. Paul , or Bill. * Meyers , the
Strcatcr , 111. , lad. They believe ho is good
enough for any company , and will some day
; > ush to the rear some of these bluffers.
, - . -
A. Nine Itoiiml Tog Fight.
A dot ; fight took place yesterday afternoon
n n small barn on n farm u few miles north
west of the city. The affair was kept under
the rose with remarkable success , and although -
though there was a crowd present number-
ing fully ono hundred , the police failed to
got on. The light was for $100 n side , and
between Johnny Cartwell's black nnd white
bull terrier , Majc , and Jim Flaherty's white
and briudle Jim. Mujo evinced a lack of
"ordering , " and was a trifle lugt'y , but game
as a pebble , while Jim was finely drawn , and
as supple , sinuous and lissome as a snake. Still
it was u case where the best judges go
astray , for after a hard and vicious and
bloody light of thirty-one minutes , actual
fighting time , Jim unit like a steer , und
Mujo was pronounced the victor , to the en
thusiastic delight of a haudful of backers.
After somollttlo controversy , Ed Rothford ,
a well known commercial traveler from
Boston , and n prince of a sporting man , was
decided upon us referee , and Arthur Rolloy
and Jem Northland as time-keepers.
Tlio light was a "scratch" fight , and Jim
Dole handled Flaherty's dog , "Jim , " whllo
Jolumy Cartmell looked after Ills own cham
pion. The brutes were evenly matched ,
weighing In nt thirty and one-half nud thirty-
one pounds respectively , and both in superb
condition , it seemed.
Referee , timers , handlers nnd dogs en
tered thu pit shortly after three. The
"douse" " in the buckets was exchanged ns u
precautionary measure and the dogs duly
"tasted. "
"Tasting a dog , " It is remarked right hero ,
for tha benefit of the uninitiated , is the" ruf
fling up of the hair on the dog's
iicok by the opposing handler , and
applying his tongue to satisfy
himself that the brute's coat has not been
"loaded" with snuff or cayenne-popper. This
was done and then a silver dollar tossed for
the first "scratch. " Curtwoll won und chose
the run. At u signal from the referee Johnny
let his dog go , and , like u cyclone , the brutes
came together. After a little preliminary
chawing Mujo threw Jlni and began to make
a meal off of his nock. But Jim was there ,
und quickly changed the aspect of things by
fastening his fangs in Male's jaw and hang
ing on like grim death. However , Mnjo was
a trilla the stronger , and after pulling und
hauling und rolling and tumbling about
for the space of four minutes bo shook
the little brlndlo loose , and the handlers
grubbing their dog's , thi first scratch was
ever , the result bolng a trifle in Jlin'd favor.
The second scratch was u savage ono , and
the sickening way in which the animals luc-
orated ouch other tried the uorvo of the
toughest spectator present , ,
The third scratch was the longest , most
terrible uud revolting of the wholu fight , Jim
chawing away at the leg , and Maje grinding
his molars into Jim's unlucky now. Now onu
was on top. now the other , and whllo Mujo
was administering the most punishment Jim
Boomed the liveliest , strougust and most
eager , and all thu sports ware cry
ing their money at odds on him ,
At the end of the seven and u half minutes
the brutes again broke and wore carried into
Silk Eiderdown
All our $50.00 silk nnd en tin Eider
down quilts to-morrow at $35.00.
All our $12.00 Japanese embroidered
sofa pillows to-morrow at $10.00.
Fine Eiderdown quilts , French sntt'on
lining , at 910.00 , $112.35 and $10.50. All
liow designs.
at $2.08.
Wo will close out the balance of thcso
beautiful rugs. They are worth from
87.50 to $10.00.
their corners , and subjected to the potent
manipulations of their handlers.
The fourth scratch lasted but a half min
ute , the fifth and sixth but n minute and n
half and In all of them but llltlu damage was
done. Both dogs , by this time , however ,
and the bare armed handlers too , were cov
ered with dirt , and gore , and the spectacle
was ono hideous in the extreme.
Iu thn seventh scratch Mnjo imnin ifilckly
got his formidable nose hold and ho worked
away in n manner that foretold that but a
short time longer would bo necessary to de
cide the awful battle.
The eight and last pitting was of so von
minutes duration , but as It was simply n
repetition of the previous one , no description
is necessary.
Time was called for the ninth scratch , but
Jim wouldn't scratch. Ho was no hog and
Knew when ho hnd enough. Ho cowered
close to the ground with a pleading , plteoui
look In his eyes , ns much as to say "don't
send mo Into that threshing mnchliio again. "
His handler urged impatiently , but Jim only
whined grievously , and suddenly dropping
his caudal appendage , ho turned and sought
to leave the pit.
The fight was promptly awarded to
"Mnjo , " and his friends broke forth Into
cheers. Then there was n break and n scram
ble for carriages and hacks , ami five minutes
subsequently tlio scene of all this terrible
brutality was us quiet and pastoral as any
suburban scene could possibly bo. The little
English sparrows resumed their blithesome
roundelays , and the sun shouo on r.s jocundly
as if there was no such things on this globu-
lated sphere of ours as brutal dogs and
heartless men.
The Coming Bench Show.
The dog show to bo hold at 113 nud 115
North Fifteenth street , commencing Janu
ary 1 , is creating quito a stir among the
lovers of fiuo canines , nnd the all-absorbing
question seems to bo "who owns the bcs * .
dog In his class in the city ! " Almost every
family nowadays owns a doc , and the pet is
generally a great favorite of all the mem
bers. Mr. Ingram says that the Intelligence
of some dogs Is wonderful. When asked
whether a cur dog did not possess the same
intelligence as n well-bred dog , he replied
emphatically that ho did not. "No ono
should keep a cur , " ho continued , "if ho can
afford n blooded dog. A cur is neither ono
thing or the other , and is not susceptible to
the education tliat a well-bred comma is. A
cur is kicked and buffeted about by every
body , and is symbolical of all that
is despicable , when n fine dog
is ndmirci ! and petted. Ladies
prefer small dogs bccauso tlioy can bo
fondled , nnd taught little cunning tricks a
big dog cannot perform. I consider the
mastiff the most intelligent nnd faithful
watchdog in oxistcncc. They know every
word spoken to them by their masters as
well as man would. They nro hard to poison ,
bccauso easily taught not to hunt their food.
They are absolutely fearless , and a sure safe
guard against prowlers , thieves and tramps.
They are a noble and magnanimous brute nnd
never picit a quarrel or jump on smaller dogs.
The St. Bernard and Newfoundland nro next
in rank among thu big breeds. Of all the
small dogs I know of none superior to the
fox terrier. They nro sagacious and true ,
and will attack anything if told to by their
masters. Ihcy are affectionate and never
leave your side when out for a stroll. They
are becoming very popular in this country.
The skyo is u very amusing little fellow with
his long silky hair , and very popular with
the ladies. They are great ratters ,
and enjoy a cat chase immensely.
Pugs' nro favorite's on both sides of
the pond. They nrc beautiful in their very
ugliness. There are some grey hounds
in this city , and I think my exhibition in all
classes is going to bo a line ono. Of the
hunting or bird dogs , the setter seems to
have the cull here. Other places the pointer
is the dog. The setter is horribly tortured
running a field where sand burrs flourish on
account of his long hair , whllo the pointer
works along , smooth nnd staunch , without
minding it in thu least. I may deliver a
short lecture dally duriug thu show on the
AttraclIniiH nt tlio CoIOHHoiim.
The great BIX day bicycle chase , which Is
to begin nt the Colosseum Monday , the I ) 1st
of-Dccember at 2-iO ! In the afternoon , Is ex
citing n good deal of Interest ninon ? the people -
plo generally nnd wheelmen particularly. It
will Indeed be n rare treat to see such fa
mous bykers as Morgan , Crocker , Woilson ,
Prince , Knopp , Hnrdnrlck , Kok , AHhingor
and others pitted against each other hi u pro
longed struggle like this. There will be the
beat of music on hand throughout the race ,
the management sparing no pains to make
the attraction worthy of patronage. Christ
inas night the Colosseum will bo lighted up
for a grand general race for professionals
nnd amateurs for handsome prices , Many of
the celebrated riders will appear hero then ,
and the race will bo glvon us a holiday at
traction , L ollowiiig the six days' race comes
another of a similar character , only the com
petitors will bo ladles , fifteen of them , who
have Just finished a six days' race at Madi
son Square Garden , Now York. The Col
osseum will assuredly bo a source of much
pleasure and amusement during the long
winter months.
'Jim fihool , ofthn Season.
Kit Baker , formerly with the Buffalo Bill
Wild West combinationnow , of North Plntto ,
Is matched with Frank Pnrrnolco , of this
city , for a 100 blue rock shoot , for $500 a sldo ,
at the Omaha Ouu club grounds next Mon
day. Charlie MoAvoy , of North Plutto , and
V. W. Plcknrd , of this city , are backing the
cowboy , and they claim no has n cinch.
It Is probable , however , that thuy will xing
another tune before the match has progressed
far , for Colonel Parmcloa Is as fine a target
shot as there Is In the country , and as cool
and collected and as nervcy as n man can pos
sibly be under exciting circumstances. In
fact , bo Is a hard man to boat , and should
win this money hands down , Bi\kor \ ordered
8,000 blue rocks one day last weak , and the
likelihood is that lie is getting himself in < u >
fine condition as two weeks' constant prac
tice will make him , The event will attract
a largo crowd , as thora Is to bo no admit-
siou charged , _ _
Our Own I'not.
Kansas City has lately had n number of
good offers for Jimmy Burns , our own
orubcscout comploxlonod Poclbnt they have
all been decliaed with thankn. Burns played
in nineteen guinea in the American associa
tion after leaving Omaha last fall , and If ho
had u place In the record would stand fifth
among the batt'jrs. It must bo taken Into
consideration Unit the Poet did his hlttlnj *
against Sawurd , Woyhlng , Kinc , Chamber-
AT 250.
Wo offer ft largo assortment of cuff
buttons , shawl pins , scarf pins , eto. ,
Worth 60e.
Wo carry n full line of Armani's , Col
gate's and Lubln'd , in bulk or in fun ay
hollies. Got up spot-hilly for the holi
Ladies' and Gents *
Wo are nhowtng a beautiful line of
these goods , all now styles ,
Also a full line of line
lain , Hughes nud Kllroy , the strongest
rotators In llmtwlinln body. Six of his ninth
tcon games worn pito'ied by the stars of tha
champion Browns King and Chamberlain ,
and his record U quite n remarkable ono.
Kansas City is looking for great things from
the Poet next year.
TlilnkH Ho Can Whip Him.
Jem Sterling,1 of Ciioyennt ) , nnd a well-
' known western middle-weight , writes Titii
BII : : that ho would llho to huvo n go with
, Jimmy Lindsay. Ho signifies n willingness
to como to Omaha nnd box the rcdoubtoblo
Jimmy for any number of rounds or to u flu-
Nh , for n respectable purse and uxponsos.
j i bterHuff says no can go in the ring at 110
. pounds , although he now weighs 155.
A Sprinter' * OhnllciiKo.
NmuiASKA CITV , Nob. , Dec. 21. To. the
Editor of Tun UUK : 1 hereby challenge any
person to n ten-hour
, go-us-vou-please ,
for " > ( ) n side , the race to come olT within two
weeks. F. w.
Klnslies From the Diamond.
Jim Burns is at his homo in Qulnoy , III.
Manager Seloo will be on hand early la
Cleveland wants Milwaukee's center field *
or , McAleer.
Lovett nnd his family have moved to the
city of churches.
Joe Walsh , it Is said , will play In DCS
Moines next year.
Tlio Western association season will open
Sunday , April 23.
Jack Crooks will propably captain ] tha
Omnlms next season.
Jack Crooks Is clerking In n gents' fur
nishing house , St. Paul.
Jim Hurt will probably nmnago the Pro
hlbitlon team next season.
Milwaukee will bo a hard nut to crack
next season. Drive a nail here.
The Brooklyn papers say that Lovott's
strolls points are his great steadiness and
line Holding.
St. Joseph has made the right kind of a
start and will have a team tnat will not
ilnish at iho tail end.
Jack Snoed has gone to Memphis , Toiin. ,
presumably to attempt a revival of base ball
interests In that section.
The Omahas will bo given plenty of gvnn-
slum work in the spring. They will all re
port by the 2Sth of March.
Davenport does not worth a cont.
The citizens are as cold us Icicles every tiuio
base ball is mentioned over thoro.
The Kansas City grand stand next season
will bo one of the finest in the country. It
will seat 5,000 people , nnd contain several
thousand opera chairs.
The management ts In receipt of letters
from divers players , nnd , according to their
stories , they are all going to play the gaino
of their lives , next season , of course.
Not a word has been heard by the rannago-
mcnt from big Wilson since ho loft hero. But
its dollars to douirhnuts that ho will be on
hand all right when the poslos bloom iu the
U'ho Jack Morrison prizes , n handsome
diamond scurf-pin and n miniature silver
diamojid , were shipped to Crooks nnd Coonov
respectively , Wednesday , in time to roach
them Christinas ,
Omaha Is after Pitcher Nichols of the
Kansas Citys. Nichols has always boon
very effective against the Onmhus , not hav
ing lost n game to them , either in the old
Western -league or Western association.
Poor Len Sowdcra , the gentlemanly
player who guarded Omaha's right field at
the opening of last season , Is not only dead
but all but forgotten , lid died Just ono
month ago of typhoid fever at his homo la
Next season's struggle for the champion-
snip ting in the Western association already
gives promise of being a close and exciting
ono. At least flvo out of the cl 'ht teams
will bo evenly matched , and the throe re
maining teams will be strong enough to
cause the lenders a great deal of hustling be
fore the question of supremacy Is soulotl.
Qucrlcfl and Answora.
Can a Western association club hold a
player nt their terms , or can ho aik his own ?
A ( flayer can ask what ho sues proper but
nclub does not have to pay his llgure.s. They
can hold him on the reservation limit signed
or unsigned.
Has J'ick Mimott signed for next ssaion !
. It is not known whether ho has or has not ,
but it is thought not.
Will you please Inform n reader whether
John L.'Hulllvnn and Jake Kilrala ever met
mot in the rlngj
They did not , nor arc they likely to.
Please inform a "fan" if nil tliu members
of the Omaha , team have ulgned lor next
year ! '
No , None have signed but the now inert
recently ungngod.
To decide a wngor will yon plcnso state ID
your Sunday sporting column * how many
times Mitchell and Mike Clo.iry met !
I3cH rsnv.
They met but once , In Now York city.
April ! * , ISM. _
How do you figure out the butting nnd
fielding averages i Please 'unswur in SUN
DAY'S ' Bcc.
Tovxtf is xi > AND ,
Cooney has 157 pntouts , Id assists and 10
errors. Thuio figures added together
gtvu him 'il'A chipicos , Subtract tlio 111
errors , and that shows that hu accepted
KIT of the 2it ; chances. Next diviJu 11) )
ciianuos into 157 , with three cyphers added ,
and the percentage of chntiues arxeptod of
those offered is obtained , viz. , . .0Thin !
shows hii Holding average , Ho was at the bat
llrl times and made 4ft hits. Dlvldo by 11U
and yon get his r-orMiitajfe of hits to times
t the bat , which Is .m
Can you give the outlru maiio-up of tha
Western association teams for next soaaonl
No. None have baen completed.
Who Is the best trap shot , Prank Parmalao
or John Potty 1 LKPBVGII.
Ask us something easy.
Will tluiro bo n city league nnxt tiuaiunl
Spud Furrlth says there will.
To decide u bet , ple.ieo state in your sportIng /
Ing note * the i > o of John L. Bulllvan ,
Ho was thlrty. ( < ie oi December itf.