Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Will give a beautiful Christmas Gift to every purchaser , old or young , no matter what they buy , much
or little. The vast patronage we enjoyed during the year , deserves a fitting recognition at our hands
and in token of the same , no one shall leave our stores without a present.
The Fair , Everybody
J. L- Bran Invited
deis&SoiisI lEverybo'y
wish yoxi Come.
a very Presents
merry , for all.
jovial Thanks
Chris mas , for
Don't for Your
get your YourTrade
flffffE amKa ndhaa
502 , 504 , 506 , 508 and 510 south isth-st. , Corner Howard.
At less than half t heir former price.
Silk Ribbon
A bi lot lirn'itirul All Silk Our entire ' lock oferj fln (
Another Cut in Prices ! Cost No Object !
All Silk Brocaded Jil All Silk
Our entire steak of Ribbons , divided in
A 1'nll Dross I'nUcru of Double A Full Dross ' .
I'nttrnioMO.inrh A '
' Full Dress I'nttr rn of 10-im-li A Full Prow Pattern of-lO-hii'li
four great lots and sold at about one- I'ulil Wool Hide i > itlo nil wool
fourth of their value. English Cashmere English Cashmere Wool - Henrietta , Imported Tricot ir :
All the Remnants Big Lot of All Colors , Our Entire Stock ,00 , ,50
HIGHPRICE 10 ynnls in cadi . 8 .
SILK PRICE yards in each pattern. Itlnck and all colors. III black only.
A Full Dress Pattern of-JO-lnch A Full Dress Pattern of the A Full Dress Pattern A Full Dress Pattrni Very West
andGro&CraiD & All Wool Very Host Duality of quality Worth $1.25. AVorth $2.00. Worrlli sfll.SO.
RIBBONS Y d Silk Finished Henrietta Silk Warp Henrietta , olIA - SILK - PLUSH , PUDTH'T ' Beautiful
tfhA Of" nil I Bvi 1 3 i 'Is ; 211 as Present
Comprising Moires A lU'iuriifiil Lilirnry I linn ) Itron/.i' IJcaufil'nl Dccorateil
5e Each . -.itln htripPS nil o'ir
Q Each - )
iniMiri'd ) ( pattern rih- . i LAMP Gups fiSaueers
A" " ' ' IHIIIS ; hlnck and col All uenesl colors. IJInck and all colors. Itlauk and all colors. AH colors.
.feint"8 . ! ' 1' ' * % r" ' os. 0 and 12 , ors : widths . from 18
to 40.
. . . .
B.v.i i mtniii't r.ut''tii
, I S3
! , 510 S. 11 St. , GOT. Ji UUTj UUUj UUUi S. 131ft Sl , Cor.
Happenings of the Weak In Local
Social Circles.
The Home Clrclu Assembly CIiib-Thc
Cobu-Unrton Nuptials
JjiinclicM mid IScceriUoiis
Umnlin Guards Notes.
Home Circle.
The third party Riven by tlio Home Circle
this scnsoii was hold at Masonic halt on "Fri
day evening , and proved one of the most
pleasant social events of the week. There
was a predominance ) of bright colors worn
by the indies , which gave the ball-room n
brilliant appearance. Among some of the
costumes worn were noticed the following ;
Miss Hascall , pink slllt , dccolloltu ,
Miss Byrne , wliito cashmere.
Miss Clovolaml , light blue brocaded silk
With pink ilowcrcd panel , very haadsomo
and becoming.
Miss Daniels , light blue silk with lace.
'Mrs. C. N. Butler , black bilk with natural
Miss Gels , bjtick silk Jetted , with natural
Mrs. Judge Shields , light lavender toilet
With tulle , trimmed with velvet to match ,
Miss Liz/io Canllcld , Nile green Henriotla
cloth , Persian trimming.
Mrs. Gratton , white Henrietta with lace ,
Miss Hays.rou cashmere with black velvet.
Miss Ida Truckoy. black aillc , passemen
terie , diamonds.
Miss Klla Truckoy. black lace , diamonds.
Miss Oonic Her , wliito silk with red plush ,
natural flowers.
Miss Bailey , black lace , natural ( lowers.
r. Mrs. Kelpcn , white silk with pearl passo-
MlRsNelllo Elliott , bright rod trimmed
with black.
Miss May MoLain , black silk with cardinal
sash.Mrs. . Gannon , Henrietta blue , diamonds.
Miss Plainer , black bilk with natural ( low
ers.Mrs. . Shane , peacock blue plush.
Miss Magglo Latoy , blaclf silk.
Mrs. J aloy , gray silk.
Mrs. Lucas , black silk , black lace overdress -
dross trimmed with red silk.
Amoi K the othur ladies present were the
Mlssos hiiilth , Duke , 1'loof , Lund , Callahun ,
Parker , Novvcomb , Nelson , Coflln. The
Mcsdamea lirown , Kallouru , Kowllt , Hcd-
uian , Land and Shriver.
The following wcro thes escort of the la
dles ;
The Messrs. Fred Plckens , W. A. McGraw ,
T. P. ICclloy , O. Karboch , Lund , G. P.
Leako , U. II. Lucus , W. L-atoy , Charles Mno-
Mahon , J. Mustier , N. H. Nelson , P. M. Pat
terson , n. R Uedman , C. II. 13. Holpou , W.
G. Shriver , W. O. Hhano , George W.bhlolda ,
Uyron Smith , It. J. Smith , W. T. Shufold.L.
S. Singer , William TruckoyV. . S. Dalduff ,
J. Knllouro , J. K. Balch , William Brown , C.
M. Duller , Charles liockman , T , L. Henhain ,
W. K , Coonibe , George It. Crandall , O. M.
Champlln , Courtnuy , Joseph 11. Conrad , \V.
C. DeardorIT , Oscar Goodman , Charles II ,
G ratio ii , J. Gannon , James Hodges , M. Hus-
sle , B. J , Hayes , T. II. Hoosters , A. Kowitt ,
F. JCnnpp.
Tlio AHHomliljr.
The Assembly club hold Its second social
this season at the Mlllard on Friday even
ing. It was characteristically swell , the low-
cut vest a ml almost equally low-cut dross
being qulto the fashion , Tnero was the us
ual blaze of diamonds and airing of expensive
toilets. The decoration with ernllux was
rather meagre , but the barrenness of orna
ment was possibly designed as a sober bet
ting to Dhow oft , to better advantage , the
richly attired human butterflies , who Hilled
hither and thither in the dances. At a
quarter to 11 refreshments were served In
the ordinary , all the guests being fed at once ,
instead of in squads , as at the last party.
The following wore present ;
Mr. and Mrs. Miner , General and Mrs ,
Brooke , Mr. and Mrs. Squire , Mr. and Mrs.
Colpotrcr , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis , Mr and
Mrs. Henry Yntes , Mr. and Mrs. Will Millard -
lard , Mrs. Swobc , Dr. and Mrs. Lee , Mr.
and Mrs. Kmgwall. Mr. and Mrs. Darrow ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock , Mr. and Mrs.
George Patterson , Mr. and Mrs. Will Pop-
pleton , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lockwood , Mr.
and Mrs. N. Barklow , Mr. and Mrs. 12d.
Peckt Mr. und Mrs. Garnoau , Dr. and Mrs.
Urown , from Fort Omaha , Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Wheeler , und Mr. and Mrs. ICirkcndoft. Tlio
Misses Mamie and Annie Waterman ; Miss
Dixon , Miss Sherman , Miss Kmtna Oakland
and Miss Laura Oakland , Miss Dye , Miss
Lockwood , Miss Uelio Dcwoy , Miss Clara
Hrown , Miss Yates , Miss Orchard , Miss
Lnrrimcr , Miss IJortio Yost , Miss Cents and
the Misses Sharp. Mr. Barker , John Wil
bur , Mr. Barton , Mr. Patrick , Carl Hamil
ton , Frank Hamilton , Dock Smith , Mr. Bar-
tow , Mr. McCabe , Air. Squire and Professor
Gaynotv .
Omiilin TelogMphcrB1 Dance.
The Omaha division of telegraphers had
their first annual ball Thursday night at
Masonic hall. Ic was the first and many of
the 170 members were busy at the keys , so
that it was neither surprising nor discour
aging that only liftcen couples wcro present.
They Had n goud tnno nnd danced until S
o'clock in the morning. The _ programmes
wcro handsome. Tlio master of ceremonies
was J. H. Plannagan ; the reception com
mittee , D. O. Freeman , W. P. Luso , R. C.
Mangrum , K. F. Co ley and W. M. Wood ;
and the floor managers , N. B. Mead , John Q. , Jr. , F. M. Kernan , P. N. Luso and F.
J. Hlglcy. _ _
Hcololi Duncu at South Omaha.
Thursday evening , at Hunt's hall , thd Cal
edonia society of South Omaha gave its first
annual ball and reception. The following is
the programme :
Address , by the chaplain , Rev. Robert S.
Wheeler ; vocal solo , Mrs. W. D. Eddy ;
music , bagpipe , W. H. Boll ; song , H. C.
Young ; vocal solo , Mrs. Klchard Mahr ;
music , bagpipe , W. H. Bell ; vocal solo , Mrs.
'K. Mahr ; Scotch song , Frank J. Cainlic ;
dancing. The committee on arrangements
was composed of George MeDougall , Frank
Burness. William Watson , John W. Buch
anan ami J.V. . Touch ; on recontioa , W. S.
Anderson , George J , Smith ; on lloor , George
McDongall. Frank J. Cainlio and George
The event proved a delightful one.
Advantages of Good Dancing.
Dancing is Just as essential to our training
and the otlucutiou of the yaun as the school
bouso. At one plauoour Intellectual faculties
arc cultivated , while at the other our physi
cal balng is Improved , and the graces of
motion added to our accomplishments. Of
the physical advantages of dancing there is
not a doubt. Llko all other bodily exercise
It Impart ! ) strength to the frame nnd beauty
to the proportions , The motion of the legs ,
anus nnd body Is absolutely necessary to
the development of tlio musclennd
the healthy action of the blood. The
whole body moves with more freedom ,
nnd acquires an easy and agreeable appearance -
anco from the practice of dancing , The
shoulders are thrown back , the Inferior
limbs attain greater strength and elasticity.
tlio muscular masses of the hips , thighs and
legs are symmetrically displayed , the feet are
constantly turned outward , and in the gait
tlicro Is something peculiar , by which wo im
mediately discover a person who has culti
vated the art. Every other kind of gymnas
tics strengthens or beautifies particular parts ,
whilst it weakens others and makes them in
a manner deformed. All other exorcises
leave something disagreeable about those
who practice tliom : neither singly nor con
jointly can they boalaw that becoming abpei-t
und thosci agreeable manners which dancing ,
when well taught , never falls to impart , llv
it the head , arms , the hands , legs , feet , in
short all parts of the body , are rendered sym
metrical. pliant and graceful.
To children the exercise of dancing Is es
sentially useful , for it Is In early youth that
their manners can Jjo formed , their objcc-
tional habits removed , and their deportment
rendered pleasing and ngrooablc. It is , too.
an Innocent source of enjoyment. The total
abandon of pleasure , the exhilaration of
mind and oxhuberanco of spirits which
characterizedauccra are active cgeou in
promoting the health ol body and cheerful
ness of disposition.
The art of dancing Is not only beneficial
physically and socially , but is almost indis
pensable to those fond of society. The man
ner of presenting ono's self and of receiving
others in company with n graceful propriety ,
and tlio easy and polite demeanor which is so
becoming in society.are acquired most effect
ually by those who have studied it.
Wedding BollR.
K U I1T7.-I1O1I li IITSO J ? .
W. K. Kurtz , of tliis city , manager of the
Patrick Land company , was married at Bal
timore , Md. , Wednesday to Miss Ncllio
Robertson , of that city. The event occurred
at the residence of the bride's mother ami
Bishop Hurst , who is an undo of the groom ,
performed the ceremony. The happy pair
will make n tour of the cast nnd then come
to this city to make their homo.
William Thomas , roadmnstor of the cabin
tramway company , and Miss Qlniinn B.
Stone wore married on Monday at the ros-
dcnce of Charles Ward , Harnoy street , by
Rev. J. Martin. They have go no to Sioux
Citv and HIP north on their wedding Jour
ney , nnd will return early this week.
On Wednesday at a:30 : p. m. , Mr. Emory
Cobb was married to Miss Isabel Barton ,
huely of Baltimore , Md. The event occurred
at the First Presbyterian c'hurch , the Rev.
W. J. Harsha tving the nuptial knot. The
Messrs. Herbert Jowctt , Thomas Bremen ,
N. N. Crary and C. C. George acted as ush
ers. The bride was attired in n becoming
ox-blood colored broadcloth traveling suit.
At4l.5 ; p. in. the pair loft for St. Louis and
other southern points. They return in about
a month. Mr. Cubb is the Junior member of
the llrm of Potter ft Cobb , and by his busi
ness sagacity lias amassed a splendid fortune
in the few years he lias been in Omaha. The
bride is a winsome young woman of many
estimable Irails of character. The match is
considered a good ono by the friends of each.
Mr. J. F , Payne and Mrs. Gcorgio Black
wcro married on the 19th inst. by the Rev.
Mr. Wilson. The event occurred at It p. m.
at tlio residence of Major J. C. Wileox. In
the evening a reception was given at tlio
same place ,
Omaha GimnlH.
At u meeting of the Omaha Guards , hold
at the armory last Monday evening , tlio fol
lowing military and civil ofilecrs wore elected
for the ciibuing year , beginning January 1 ,
1SS9 :
Military Officers-Chaplain , C. H. Gard
ner ; surgeon , A. H. Scharff ; first lieutenant ,
W. A. Webster ; second lieutenant , C. A.
Harvey ; third lieutenant , II. It. Mulford ;
quartermaster , S. U , Reed.
Civil Ofliccrs President , JcssoLowo ; vice
president , John A. Robinson ; clerk. II , H.
Nye ; treasurer , J , E. Atehison ; directors ,
Minot Tirrell , II. E. Carey , H. B. Mulford ,
C. A. Harvey , R. S. Berlin.
The retiring ollicers received n vote of
thanks from tlio company. A full dress uni
form was adopted , consisting of black bear
Bkln shako , dark blue cutaway I rode coat
trimmed with black silk cord , light blue
trousers with white btripo , bluodrcbs fatigue
coat , and all necessary equipments to make
n llrxUclass uniform , which will bo without
doubt as line a uniform as Is worn by any
similar organization In the country , and will
afford Omaha an opportunity of being ropro-
Hcnlcd In Ihe Inaugural parade ut Washing
ton , March 4 , by a body of men that its citi
zens may Juhtly feel proud of.
An KvcnliiK With tlm llomatiH.
In the bright parlors of the Academy of
the Sacred Heart , nt Park Place , might have
been t > con this week n very templing array
of exquisite and graceful fancies in the way
of needle work , showing that even while
minds are busy garnering golden sheaves
from the fertile Holds of history and litera
ture , skillful hands are put to the strong
things that contribute BO largely to domestic
happiness. The nomenclature- Iho fashion
books would hnvo to bo exhausted In tlio
mere enumeration of all the pretty articles
cxhlbilcd. This much , however , must bo
said of all the fanoy work and beautifully
wrought altar llnon , that ono is struck by the
high merit and delicacy of execution which
they display.
Friday evening the young ladies enter
tained their audience with the great deeds
and great men of Rome. The open
ing essay gave a faithful picture of
its eventful and remarkable begin
nings , binding some of tlio tendrils of
the mind of old Rome to the Christian inter
pretation of the true and the right. It ex
plained the riddle of the ancient/ / world by
showing how the history of the church grow
out of that of Rome , and how , in the provid
ence of God , it was the center of other civ
ilizations that were reached through it.
Miss Stcphcnson developed u very inter
esting' feature of Roman life , namely , its
Jurisprudence , and dwelt at some length on
tlio constitution of Romo.
The manners and cubtoms of the people as
portrayed by Miss Lowe , gave an insight to
the first Roman house , told how these old
dwellings were heated mid lighted , and de
scribed the graceful toga and stola of the
men and women of those days.
Miss G. French discoursed on the reading
nnd writing of these learned pagans , Illus
trating by such n galaxy of brilliant names
as Plautns , Terence , Cicero and Virgil , the
influence of Greek thought and Roman men
tal culture.
Miss Grucn'fi's essay dealt with the deelino
of the republic and the establishment of the
empire , together with tlio probable results of
its perpetuation.
Miss Shelley nnnllzcd the cause that led
to the conversion of Rome , described how
the spread of Christianity was not analogous
to that of national religions , and how the
introduction of Christian morals was wholly
The lilerary part of the programme was
terminated by a Christmas greeting to Right
Rev. Itlbhop O'Connor , und was followed by
n beautiful chorus of welcome , sung by the
entire school.
Tlio musical interludes were real cantatas
of joy , hailing the approach of the glad
Chistmas season. The overture was a lively ,
ftoul-silrim ; march , most appropriately chosen
as a prelude to an evening with the Romans ,
and was well executed by Misses Dolloao
and Kelluy. The coiiborgo nnd tlio Verbum
Care were llko paeans of triumph out of
old incdlmvul cathedral. Nevertheless , ap
preciation must bo awarded for sweetness
and pathos to the Adesto Fidoles , ever an
cient and over now , rendered doubly touch
ing. by tlio graceful harp accompaniment of
Miss McCruary ,
Tlio ncadcmy reopens on Friday , January
4 , ISb'J.
The programme of musical interludes was
as follows ;
Overture Marcho Romalno . Gounod
Misses DolloiK ! and Kelly.
Adesto Pidelos Solo and Chorus. . . .Novello
Harp. Miss McCrCary.
Ugo do Pariga instrumental Duo..DonUottl
Misses C. and J. Greenwood.
Verbum Care Vocal QimrtottoVecchIoUi
Misses Gregg , CrcighUm , McNauglileu ,
Valso Brilanto Instrumental Solo..Schuloff
Miss Guthman.
Consnnjo Chorus . , . Lambillotto
Park Place Choir.
Marchu Mllitairo Inst , Duo . Kotterer
Misses St. Felix und Von Wasmor.
Salvo Grand Chorus. . . . Mercadento
An KvonliiK op SOUK.
Mrs. Clappo gave asong recital in Crap's
hall Friday evening , i/ ) was an entire suc
cess from beginning to end , every number
being rendered with a force und vigor char-
nctorlstloof Mrs. Clappo's method of instruu-
lions. Variety was given the programme
by a Hceno from Richard HI. , rendered by
the Paschal brotliorn of Cpuncll Bluffs.
Thcso gentlemen show considerable dramatic
as well ax musical ability ,
The Arions , the male octette , which Is Mrs ,
Clappo's especial pride , contributed no small
share to Iho evening's entertainment. This
club now has charge of the muslo at the Cen
tral United Presbyterian church on Sovon-
tcenth street , wnere they may bo hoard any
With the assistance of her largo choral
class , the Arions nnd her Individual pupils ,
Mrs. Clappo purposes giving a concert In the
near future ,
HH | Fiftieth ntrtliday.
Mr. 1C. S. Notycoinbo , with about twenty
of his lady and gentlemen friends , cele
brated the fiftieth anniversary of his birth
day at the .Murray Thursday oveninir. The
collation was served on a long table , lavishly
ornamented with ( lower * iu the hotel
room. Tlio menu card was appropriately engraved -
graved on its outer pages and within gave I
promise of a royal repast. The announcej j
ment in plain Anglo Saxon of "Plattsmouth
turkey" in the midst of tlio French dishes
appeared very unique. This turkey was sent
from Plnttsmoiith , IST. V. , Mr. Newcombo's '
binh place , and proved a most toothsome
contribution. Tlio evening passed away
pleasantly and the guests wished most
heartily that he might live lifty years longer.
Tact in Society.
Etiquette is the foundation of society , nnd
illusion is its framework ; yet the mystery of
illusion belongs more to the female -
male mind , for the physiological fascination
of this strange influence only finds its proper
esteem in the endowment of temlninc grace
and brilliancy. To know how to entertain n
dinner party , how to bo in n soirco musicale ,
how to receive one's enemy with uncomprom
ising sane froid , how to render a company
of anipathiu individuals at once comfortable
in spirit and smooth of tongue , belongs to
tact nnd etiquette , but n fine sense of percept
ion is required to comprehend it.
Ilio Omnliii T
Most of the teachers in the public schools
will pass their holida.Vb in Omaha , but a few
will pass their vacations nt their old homes.
Among the hitler are the following :
Miss Rcna Hamilton and Mrs. L. B. Mann
have gone to thoJr old homo near Blair.
Miss Dora Lillie and Miss Ida D.vsart , Miss
Lottio Burch and Mibo Laura J. Bradford
will spend the vacation near Peru.
Miss May T. Edmunds has gone to Chicago.
Miss Molllo Brown will rest at Newton ,
Miss Myra La Rue has gone to Corning ,
Mrs. Kount/.ii'H rtoccp'inn.
Mrs. Herman Kountyo gave a rccoption on
the 15th inst. , whicli in floral decorations
surpasses anything" the kind given yet
this season. She was assisted by Mrs > . Fred
Davis , Miss KounUe , Miss Bessie Hall , Mrs.
Garncau , Mrs. .1. R. Ringwalt , Mrs Allred
Mlllard , Mrs. Nelson Patrick and Mrs.
Henry Yates. These presiding over the re
freshments wcro Mrs. Richardson , Miss
Margaret Williams , Miss Gertrude Clum
bers , Miss Ogdcn , Miss Richardson , Miss
Yatcs and Miss Brown. The ( lowers wore
distributed by Miss Ludlngton and Miss
Bessie Yatcs.
Hcnlcd r > rnnilciir.
It is a fact which may not bo generally
known that much of the display made at
social entertainments is hired lor tlio occa-
blon. Cut-glass nnd handsome candelabra
for Iho table , and piano lamps , and oven high
art brlc-n-brao for the parlor , are ron ted for
the ono day's uso. Women frequently pay
$ 5 to $100 for things of this sort that K race
n single tea , reception , wedding or ball , and
then are carted back to the store lo bo sold or
rented again ,
Kouth Omaha Social Club.
The South Omaha Social club has at last
been organl/.ed , Its oHicors are : A. W ,
Saxo , president ; C. E. C. Smith , secretary ,
and Epos Cory , treasurer , Messrs. A. W.
Saxo , Clark D. Forsyth and J. H. Vandusen
are the committee ) on constitution and by
laws. The next meeting will bd held Decem
ber 23 , nt 7 : ! iO p. m.
Horhnch's llccr-pllou.
Mrs , John A. Horbach received her lady
friends on Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 0.
She was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Cnld-
well , Mrs. Watson. Miss Ogden and Mr .
McCord , The Misbcs .Shears , Boyd and
Dcwoy presided in the dining room. The
decorations were elaborate und the luncheon
of unusual excellence , /
Mr , Kclliori TiiirprfHcd ,
Mr. Jerome Suibort was the victim of a
pleasant surprise on Thursday evening. The
express company's messengers and clerks in
Mr. Stebbin'a oflico at the transfer presented
him with a case of bolld silver cpoons. Mr.
Sulbcrt having recently taken to himself a
wife ,
JMrs. Mcycr'H Luncheon.
Mrs. Max Meyer guvo a blue luncheon lo
a score of her lady friends on Wednesday
last. Tne affair proved a most elaborate one ,
ten Doing served. The china , linen
and decorations were all more or less in blue
and the effect was most pleasing.
" \\Vst Tmwn Socinl.
The weekly socials given by Mr. C. T.
Stcffcn nt the West Lawn park hotel are
most pleasant affairs. The one given on
Thursday proved a decided success. The
music was excellent and the lloor in splen
did condition. The co/.iness of the room used
as n ball room was generally remarked.
Ijist : Ij aj ) VcniChunco. .
The young ladles of the Crescent Society
club will take advantage of the last chance
they will have for four years of giving a leap
year party on Xow Year's eve , December , ai.
The affair is to bo held at Hartman's hall ,
11M , lUb South Fourteenth street.
Gfiicral < ; ossip.
F. L. McCoy will pass the holidays in Ohio.
Miss Eatella Mount is homo for tlio holi
Miss Ncllio Burns is homo from Notre
Mrs. H. J. Wells has returned from New
Will Simeral will spend the holidays at
Mrs. Major Leonard left Thursday for
New S'orlc.
John Campbell has returned to Omaha
again to live.
L , Brown has removed to 1323 Croadway ,
Council Bluffs.
Mrs. B. B , Wood is buffering with an nb- of the jaw.
J. C. Calhoun is enjoying a few days' va
cation in Chicago.
I. W. Carpenter has recovered from his
supposed fatal illness.
WillBoldt'n and family will again tnke up
their abode in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. 1) . J. Collins will pass the
winter in Philadelphia.
Mr. E. Hosowutur , editor ol Tun BII : : , has
returned from the cast.
AYthur P. Guion Is homo from Pough-
kepsic military institute.
Mr and T. J. Fitzmorris have been in
Lincoln visiting this week.
Rev. A. K. ilarslia , Is the guest of his
brother , Rov. W. J. Harsha.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker given danc
ing parly Wednesday evening.
The Happy Hours club gives its next putty
at Masonic hall Now'H eve.
Henry Dohlu will upend the holidays ut
homi ) after a long absence in tlio oast.
The Concordia Wolhnachtsfest Is to beheld
hold Wednesday evening at Masonic hall.
Miss Mary Murray will hereafter instruct
the pupils at the deaf and dumb institution in
The next hop nnd social of the Imperial
club will bo hchl next Friday evening ntJiub
On Thursday , Dacombcr 13 , Miss Edlo G.
Allen was married to Mr. S. E. Campbell , of
Plains , Mon.
Miss Ella Smith , eldest daughter of Mrs.
Watson B. Smith , Is dangerously sick with
typhoid fever.
The annual grand reception and ball of the
Knights Tumplar occurs on the fourth Fri
day of January.
Mr. and Mrs. A J. Popploton give u danc
ing party for Miss Mary Popplcton next
Thursday evening.
The Missus Neltto Johnson , Mamie Moore
nnd Mabel Pratt uro homo from St. Mary's
school , Knoxvllle , 111 ,
The Ladlos' Social club gave a very
pleasant hop at Metropolitan hall on thu
evening of December 1'J ,
Mr. and Mrs , R. C. dialling are taking a
short trip cast. They return about Christ
mas with th'jlr son Tom.
Dr. W. F. Mllroy rol'irnod homo Thurs
day from York , N. Y. , whilhor ho was called
by the dcalh of his father.
The Misses Nellie Burchard , Blanche
Hellman , Kilty Morse and Stella Hamilton
are homo for the holidays ,
A Chrlstmasioiitortalnmont Is to bo given
at 2:30 : p..m , Wednesday at Ht. Phlloincnu's
hull for ttu > benefit of the school ,
The Ivy Uebenah lodge ivo Its next so
cial and hop iiuxt Friday uvtmlnu ut Good-
rich hall , coiner of Samiilcrs and P. ul
streets. A diamond pin with seven brilliants
is to bo voted to the most popular lady.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kount/.c give a dancing party
Thursday oven lug , January 3 , in honor ol
their sons , Augustus and Charles.
C. C. George , Victor 13. Bender , nnd John
Barnard loft last evening for Galosburff , 111. ,
where they will spend the holidays.
Ex-Governor Saunders and \vifo \ are now
in Indianapolis , but are expected homo In Ov
few days to spend thu holidays in this city.
Major T. S. Clarkfon has been in MilwmJ-
kce tlio past week , attending tlio inttloiuU
council of administration of thoG. A. R.
Frank E. Lawrence , accompanied by Ma.
father and mother , has gone to California to ,
recruit his health. His wife will Join him In
a short time.
Alexander Green nnd wife leave Ihis morn
ing for St. Josenh , thi'lr fgriner homo , whcro
they will pass the holidays. Mr. Green will
return about Saturday , but his wife will re
main a we el : longer.
Arre > Rt Ml for Opium Smnt ; llnff.
FAIHIO. Dak , , Dec. ! ii Curruu , of Haiti.
noau , charged with being an accomplice in
the recent smuggling of opium , was brought
hero last night under arrest. Cumin naya
a man drove up to his house ono eveninp
with a load of goods , which ho claimed were
his household efforts which ho was trans
porting to Denver. The stranger ru'uicstcil
that Curran talto the goods to the depot and ,
prepay the charges to Denver , which ho did.
Curran was tvpuld bv the stranger before ho
loft. Afterwards Curran was arrested ,
charged with opium Hiniiggliug100 pouiull
of opium having been discovered in the boxes
shipped by him. Tie ! rovcnuo ofllcors assert
that they have damaging evidence against
Curran. _
\Vivi ; on the I'aiihandlo.
PirrMiL'ito , Dec. 22. By an accident on
the Panhandle road last night near Idle-
wood , Pa , , an engine , po.stul car and freight
car were wrecked anil the fireman killed ,
IiiHlriimenls I'lnooil < m H Dur
int ; YON orilny.
1 , A Hnth to K A TatJiuilt , n 'j lot 0 , blk
HI. Miull'ri-M add . t
A K Ton/.iilln ami wife to II W VIUOM , lots
L'.lnml : . ! . blk ] , llllMdo. d . 5,003
II W Vut Miiul wll'ito tt'l ) Taylor , lots
il and Si , 1)11 ) ; I , Illllstdo No I , w d . 7CX ( )
] ' C'oon luidhnsbind to H M Jliown , loin
2.1 , "I midii'i , linuluy'lVrrnco , w < l . 1 000
JJ I'ownll ot al to V ( Jrl r , lot u , blk is , iik- : 000SS
horn ( .lonos ptnvd . SS
h'nuth Omaha Land Co to N I' Krulhi , jot
U , blk I' . ' . Houtli Om.ilm. w d . . . . . GOO
W M in-own to J ( J White , lot Ublk V ,
urclnuil Jlill , wd . crA )
J 1) ) Muagln.Tto ! ' Joylu ) , lotfl , l/llt I , liana
mib , w d . 700
J VVulsh and wlfu to W llonpvr , H ucrw u
' / n w 1 1-IB-IO , wd . . . ,050
( i Hway/.c to W lloppi-r , n Hi ft lot 4 , lilk fi ,
KlKhorn , ( Jones' iiluti wd .
JI I' MiiHon and \\lfc to A U Ktlliy , : lots
L'urtlniKr , w il .
1)y ( limn to .IN I.i'inon , lots I , L' , il and
4. hub lots 1 and' ' , blkI , Uninha View '
( ivtiniHion , w d . 0,0:0 :
J C Miltis ul ul to C II tUonnin , lot ; ) ' , bile
II , oirlmid Hill . . MO
J < ; .MIlo * et ill to C II Sloman , lot 7. blk I1. ,
lot , 1 1 , blk H , lot 11 > , blk h. Urrliaid Hill ,
wd . 2,150
0 (1 Wallftcuut id to A M Duuson , lot 7 ,
blk 1. orchard h'll.w d . l.'OO
J I1' Ili-lln and wlfoto A it IIiiuhH , lot IH ,
hlk 27 , Wont Hhlo. w < l . WO
A I1 Tnkiiy and wife to C C 0 nilon , lot 7 ,
blk 7. ( liammurcy paik . 750
J S MalthmvH and wlf * to M A Ulllunplo ,
Jot M , blk 117. Dundee nlnco . J.GOU
1' A Hmilli und wllu to Tlio I'atrlrk Land
Co. , loin n to ' 1 , blk 112 , Uiindoo place ,
< 1 o d . 1
1'iurlcU l.iuid Co to.l I' Hull , lots 8 mid V ,
bile IZO , Dumluq i'laroil 2,000
J 1 * Miles ot ul to J Mryor , loVM , blk ,
Orchard Illll. wd . . . . . . 750
South Omnhu I , nnd Co lo U T Maxwell ,
lot& , hllcUDti , .South Omiihu , nd . iiOO
Twenty-two transfers . . ( ( B,86J
Notice Is lierxby given that tlio nnmml meot-
Insof thostockhulU , rs ot thu l < unClarkAn >
drenncii Hardware Co. , of Oinulm , Nub. , for tilt
olot'tloii of dlru < - ( rh 1111 1 ollleora ; iilso the trans
action of cuch other bnslnoH r.a maycomobo
loru tlio inoutlii'j ' ; will bo hold nt thvirofiioo In
Omaha ut J p. in. , Tuusduy , January H , W.
HOU-AUU 1) , IKiitii : : ,
Secretary ,