Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1888, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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11. Corner 13th and Dodge Street , Omaha , Nebraska
CA UTlOtf. Dralynlnu itcrsunt , tuklntnlvtintitgp of our ref
utation , arc constantlo Hlartlny bonu * Medical Kilnbllshmcnts , to
dcceirr stratificr * vtitttlnithcclThese ( ) pretender * iimndl/ ] dis
appear in a * civ wrcltn. Jictvaro of them , or thcif runners or
rcf/oi/A. The Oniatia Medical and Sitralcal Institute in the nn'y es
tablished Medical Iiibtlttitt ) In Oniah , Dr. McMcnani'resident. ) .
And Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Prom Portrait TnUcu in Is-fl.
7/7jc lion makeup your initidto visit iif , malic a memorandum
of our s.ract addrcsi , and than save trouble , dclator expense. DR. J. W. McMENAMY ,
I'rmMcn Omaha McdicaiandSnrulcul Institute.
Department of the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
. 7.
Jn charge of this department of tlio Omaha Medical Institute , has had twenty
years oxpcrionco in his own and other largo medical establishments , llo is
acknowledged as the leading beoialist | ) of the west. The commercial Record ,
Omaha , July 1 , 1880 , bays : ' 'Or. MeMemimy , the proprietor of the Omahn Medical
Institute , is beyond a doubt , one of the most bkillful specialists in the western
Btates. and ia well lilted by nature , education and experience to fill the respon
sible position ho occupies as the head of the largest medical and surgical institute
in the west. In the treatment of diseases of women and diseases of the urinary
nnd sexual organs ( private diseases ) he probably has no superior in the United
Stales. Wo personally know him to be relinble and responsible. "
He lius exclusive charge of diseases of the sexual organs and nervous svstem.
All letters arc read ai answered by the doctor personally.
Upon Diseases of Women Illustrated.
So prevalent have become chronic diseases of females and so many have ap
plied to mo in person and by letter , and so rapidly has my piaeticc in this specialty
increased ( owing , 1 am proud to say , mainly to my success in effecting cures , after
others liavo failed ) , tliat I have been obliged to write a book upon these diseases
in order to make known my views and methods of treatment. More especially to
those who state their case to me by letter and arc treated by correspondence. The
vast majority of eases can bo properly treated without a personal interview. Long
experience in treating cases by letter enables us to treat persons scientifically
without seeing them. Each disease has certain unmistakable signs or symptoms
which , when told to the scientific physician , point out to him the exact nature and
location of the disease and enables him to choose the proper remedies to effect a
euro often without seeing the patient. Uvery cabo consulting me , whether by
letter or in person , is given the most careful and considerate attention.
" \Vo \ able you for your own benefit , if you are in any way alTeoted , to write to us
for this book , and read carefully as far as concerns your disease and then give usa
history of your case in your own language. You can write at your leisure better
than you can state to nto if here , 'or lill out a qir-stion blank. Or if you find itcon-
" 1 i vcniont to call , do so , and I will give you a personal examination and explain your
disease to you by the aid of manikins , models , anatomical preparations and charts
so plainly that you will understand your condition thoroughly. I can convince
any intelligent person that wo have the bet facilities and most complete medical
and surgical institute in the country , east or west. In every case give ago , post-
olllco , county , state , express ollicc , married or single , how long out of health , what
has been done for you , as well as you know , and whether you can visit mo if
necessary , in the course of treatment , and then describe symptoms in your own
language , reading all the articles that'have a bearing on'vour case ; and as you
rend , write your statement. Upon the receipt of the history of your case wo will
thoroughly analyze your disease and give you a "scientific candid opinion of the
disease and treatment required to cll'ect a euro if it can bo done by science and
Book upon diseases of women with blank list of questions for patient to answer
free upon application.
Wo can furnish any remedy , appliance , instrument or apparatus known
at a fair , reasonable price.
Our romedicsaro prepared in our own laboratory and arc the best and purest.
Our prices are as low as can bo made and do our patients justice.
Cases treated by letter receive the same care and consideration as those
that visit us.
Hundreds of persons living at a dis
tance from largo cities are obliged to
leave homo to seek scientific medical
or surgical aid for special" disease , de
formities , burgical operations , etc. , and
it is to meet the wants of buch persons ,
ns well as our own benefit , that wo advertise -
vortiso our Advantages , Location etc.
A judicious ad vortisoment is iv directory.
There ia a certain prejudice against
doctors who advertise ( in many cases
well founded ) , as it Ima been resorted to
by many ignorant quacks and patent
medicine vendors. But the prejudice
does not extend to medical colleges' , in
stitutes or manufacturers of surgical ap
pliances , instruments , etc. , anymore
than it does to schools , railroadshotels ,
or IMIV other legitimate business or en
terprise , provided it is done in a Fonbi-
ble. truthful , professional manner. The
publishing of tostimonialb.otlor.s of largo
bums of money for a case that cannot bo
cured , accounts of miraculous eurcs.otc. ,
resorted to by pretenders , is disgusting ,
and brands them as impostors.
A truthful advertisement is a proper ,
sensible manner of informing the public
of the location and the advantages pos
sessed by the advertiser. All energetic ,
enterprising business men advertibo ,
though in different ways. Many physi
cians profess not to believe in advertis
ing by means of the public press , but dose
so by means of their tongues , their
friends , society , oto. , consuming' much
time in thua indirectly advertising
themselves. Wo pro/or to use news
papers and circulars. Our time is val
uable to us bo fully occupied in attend
ing to our patients , that wo find it
cheaper to pay printers to advertise for
us than to do it ourselves. Doubt ict > < wo
might prefer their methods if wo had
the leisure timo.
Many p nrsniis , wlm ihrcuirli our a l-
vonUt inonts linvu oomo to IIH and
lii'im cured , now bollovo in .Moiltoal
nent medical institution , conducted by
thoroughly educated physicians anil
Burgeons of acknowledged skill and ex
The Institute Building , situated on
the northwest corner of Thirteenth and
Uodgo streets , is n largo three-story
brick building of over fifty rooms , con
taining our Medical , Surgical awl Con
sultation P.Ooms.Ui'iig Storo.Labornlory ,
Ofllccs nnd the Boarding Department
for patients , in charge of competent
persons , constituting the largest and
inost thoroughly equipped Medical and
Burfiluul Kfttnbhshment iu the "Western
If you arrive by way of the Union
Pacific or B. & M. Railroad , take the
Tenth and Dodge street line of the
Cable street cars to lltth and Dodge. If
you come by way of the St. Paul Rail
road , take Thirteenth street car which
passes our door , or take cab or carriage.
Many petty and pretentious institu
tions lire starting up through the coun
try by ignorant and unprincipled med
ical pretenders , claiming' to have med
ical institutes , etc. , etc. , and who are
copying from our medical journal. Be
ware of faiich fr.iuds.
There is no branch of Medicine or
Surgery which requires a moro thor
ough hciontilic knowledge of the sub
ject , than diseases of the Kyo and Kar.
The ordinary physician will admit that
ho knows little moro of these diseases
than the patient ; to thu Specialist ,
therefore , both physician nnd patient
turn for relief nnd cure. The family
physician can often prescribe some
remedy to allay pain , but seldom at
tempts moro , " \Vo fully appreciate our
responsible position in taking charge of
those important organs , and have supplied -
plied ourselves with every now instru
ment and medicine known to ho of value ,
nnd are from time to time adding to our
Faculty men skilled and experienced in
this branch of the profession , and do
not hesitate to claim superiority over
any Oculist or Aurist in the west ; and
the thousands whom wo have cured ,
after others have failed , substantiate
our claims. To those alllicted with Eye
and Ear diseases , wo bimnly gay , call
and consult us , got seiontille opinion ,
then visit whom you like , ami if you are
an Intelligent person you will return to
us for treatment and cure.
Wo have written a hook describing
the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in
plain language , with numerous illus
trations , written for the benefit of
patients and physicians who write us in
regard to cases ; by reading them care
fully phyniciun and patient will have n
clear understanding and can describe
cases to us moro intelligently. Write
for them. Write for paper on diseases
of the Eye and Ear sent frco.
To those who are suffering from the
various forms of Hernia ( lupturo ) , wo
would say that our long experience in
the treatment of this disability , which
fills so many UVOH with buffering and
misery , enables us to afford you the
greatest measure of relief possible.
"We are perfectly acquainted with the
now operation for the cure of this con
dition , and have operated many times
with perfect success. We manufacture
the finest TRUSSES to order , and have
a largo stock of the best TRUSSES in
the market of every manufacture , whicl
will bo fitted by an expert in tha'
branch without extra charge , at the
And all kinds of medical and surgical
appliances manufactured. The physi
cians and surgeons in charge of the
different departments are men of largo
experience , skilled in their specialties.
For the ciu'o of hair lip , club feet ,
tumors , cancers , fistula , cataract , stra
bismus ( cross-eyes ) , vnricocelo , inverted
nails , wens and deformities of the
human body , performed in the most
scientific manner.
Wo treat chronic diseases of the
lungs , heart , head , blood , skin , scalp ,
stomach , liver , hidnoysbladdcr , nerves ,
bones , etc. , as paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) ,
scrofula , dropsy , Bright's disease , tape
worm , ulcers or fever sores , dyspepsia
or gastritis , baldness , cc/ema , curva
ture of the spine , contracted limbs and
all deformities of the body.
By our now mode of
treatment , , club , reel , or
crooked feet , can bo made as
perfect inappcarancc and use
as though no deformity ever
' existed. This may seem mys
terious or doubtful to those
unacquainted with the new
discoveries in surgical art.
Wo effect a cure in one-fourth the
time usually occupied in the treatment
of such cases with the best treatment
the old method ever did or can aflord.
Wo do it with one-tenth the pain and
suffering. Wo care not how careful the
physician may bo or how well padded
the apparatus , for the old principle is
radically wrong , and ibti painful failure.
In many eases no surgical operation is
required ; but should it bo necessary , it
is so bimplo as not to shod a drop of
blood , nor cause any swelling , pain or
soreness afterward.
The treatment never , in any way , in
terferes with health , or causes the lo s
of a meal , or a night's sleep the skin
never becomes sore from dialing , or
pressure by the apparatus.
The deformity will never return after
the treatment is concluded The motions
of the joints are perfect , the gait nat
ural , and all hobbling removed.
We make a specialty of its treatment ,
and by the use of appliances of our own
manufacture , meet with invariable hue-
ccss.Most all patients are treated at homo
after the apparatus are fitted , which
will require but one day usually.
Wo are frequently asked by parents
at what age the foot should be straight
ened , we answer , as soon after the child
in I ! months old as possible ; in very bad
cafees wo think the bc-t result can bo
obtained by cutting the cords , which
can bo done by an export surgeon with
out danger. A very narrow knife being
passed beneath the skin , and the cord
3ut without scarcely any external
wound , rubber nlaster is placed over the .
jinall opening made by the knife. A
jlub foot shoo and brace applied , the
Diitiont returns homo and is soon well.
[ f the ease is not a bad one wo can make
i brace and &hoo that will gradually
jring the foot perfectly straight ; in all
sasos it is best that the child should bo
mnight to us for measurement , til-
.hotigh In cases whore it is impossible
0 do so wo can send rules for measuro-
ncnt , which the parent can taUo and
eturn to us when the brace will bo
undo as accurately as possible , if it is
tot a perfect lit wo will uh'ingo witnout
i.xtra expense to persons ordering.
) vor five hundred eases of club feet
1 two been cured by us without a failure.
) maha Medical nnd Surgical Insti
tute Manufactory of Surgical
Braces and Appliancoa of all Kinds
for the Cure of Deformities.
Wo have in our employ one of the
lost skilful and experienced surgical
istrument and bracp makers in the
: nitcd States , and manufacture )
'rubses. ' Supporters , BubpoiibOrlub and
irucoa lor the cure of
Bow Legs" , Weak Legs , Qluli or Crooked
Foot. Paralysis , Curvature of the
3pino , Weak Back or Spine , Rupture ,
itc. , Etc.
SIXD rou HULKS you M
Wo treat all physical deformities by
ncans of our new and improved surgical
ipplianccs and apparatus , perfected
ifter many years of practical experi-
aiicoentirely ignoring the old torturous
node of treatment , and thereby dis-
lensing with all pain and danger to the
wticnt. Upon all cases of deformities ,
urgieal appliances and nnp.ira.tus will
jo fitted and perfectly adjusted. The
Kiticnt.can then return home and pros-
scute the treatment to a successful tor-
nination , under our directions. The
urgieal appliances can he worn by the
nest delicate without pain or incoiiven-
eneo , and patients need not bo confined
o their rooms.
Treatment of disease of thcjiipshoupl
oinmonco early , with a perfect upp.ira-
us , keeping the diseased bones from
oing forced together by the contrac-
ion of the largo muscl'es of the hip ,
ollcviiig at once all the pain and
witching of the limb. If your child or
riond is bulk-ring severely , is very
vcak or emaciated , do not listen a mo-
nent to the statement that it i j too bad
r weak to treat , or to have attention ,
fundrcd-i of them are brought on pil- ]
ows or couches to got free from Millor-
igandp.iin , and prevent deformity.
> o not unit until destruction has done
, s work , for thu joints , ligamentsbones
nd all the delicate structure are being
We cannot insist to much upon iinmo-
iatc attention to buch cases , or too
illy depreciate or denounce the nidif-
irent ) manner in which they are too
equently treated. Take warning , as
on love your child , or your own life , do
ot allow improper treatment.
\Vn cliallcncn lnvostl/itloii / of our
nollind 1 ircntuii ; tli.H Icnriiil
ipplinnco , Instrument or Apparatus
novrn , at u fair reasonable price. Elec-
i-io Batteries for homo use at lowest
rices. Our remedies are prepared in
ur own Labratory and are the best and
urftbt. Our prices are as low an can bo
Hide and do our patients justice. CVij > c.s'
eutcd li ] letter ncdcc ( lie same ewe anil
as &ose that visit us.
Diseases of thoThroat nncl Head
eated in the most scientific
innner by the latest and most
nproved method s.
Wo have the facilities ; apparatus and
medics fou the successful treatment of
ory form of disease requiring either
2dical or surgical treatment , and in
to all to come and investigate for
omsolvcs or correspond with us. Long
porionco in treating cases by loiter
uiblcs us to treat man y cases bulcntlflc-
y without seeing them.
Write for Circular on Deformities
d Braces , Club Foot , Curvature of the
Spine , Diseases of Women , Piles , Timers
mors , Cancers , Catarrh , Bronchitis , ti
halation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epi
lepsy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , Blooi
and all surgical operations.
Wo manufacture Surgical Braces fo
deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Elcc
trical Batteries , and can supply physi
cians or patients any appliance , remedi
or instrument known. Call and consul
us , or write for circulars upon all sub
jcels , with lists of questions for patient
to answer. Thousands treated success
fully by correspondence. Wo havi
superior nd vantages and facilities foi
treating diseases , performing surgica
operations and nursing patients , which
combined with our acknowledged abil
ity. experience , responsibility and ropu
tntion , should make the Omaha Mediea
and Surgical Institute the first choice
The Physicians and Surgeons ii
charge of the different departments arc
men of largo experience , blulled ir
their specialties.
That they lack experience or facilities
totieat. and thereby merit our thank ;
and friendship , and thosoof the patient
Other half educated , narrow-mindei
doctors , ignorant alike of
Our Advantages Reputation anc
Or their own potty insignificance , abuse
and slander us. For this dais of men
\\o feel only pity and contempt.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical In
stitute is indorsed by the people and the
Jfnrc capital invested , moro skillud
physicians employed , more modern
appliances , instruments and apparatus
in use , more cases treated and cured ,
moro successful surgical operations
performed than in all other medical
establishments in the west combined.
J'atlcnt.s visiting us can order their
ImqijwiK sent ( Ural to the Institute. Wo
have hotel accommodation' ! by the d < ty or
week. Open day and night.
When i/ou reuck the city , come dirccl to
the .l/eriiLW * Institute , northwest corner
of l.'Jth and Dodge streets.
Medical & Surgical Institute
Book Free Upon Private , Special and
Neivous Diseases
Of the Urinary Sexual Organs Sent
in Plain Wrapper Free to
Any Address.
Onr object in writing these pages is
not to furnish reading matter to a class
of persons who read out of more idle
curosity , but for the benefit of the
many who arc suffering to a greater or
leis degree from diseases , or the effects
of disease or abuses , of the sexual or
urinary organs. Not tf day passes but
wo receive calls or letters from persons
iiitlering from this class of diseases , or
iheir sequel. Many of them are ignor-
mt of the cause of thodilllcnlty that lias
ivrcuked their constitutions , throw a
) loud over their bright prospects and is
shortening their days.
Others are painfully aware of their
oiKlitinn , knowing that , though their
riends or family physician may lay
lioir failing henl'th and impaired nory-
uib energies to the liver or lungs , it is
in entirely different disease which has
, ho m in its grasp , and that to their own
gnornnco or folly they owe their pres-
Mit condition , and that , though they
nay change tlieir habits now , their
' ( institutions are so undermined that ,
without hciontilic medical aid , recovery
if the vital powers ib impossible.
The only reliable Medical institute
miking a specially of
ini'-ed by overwork , or worry , the in-
lisurotions of youth or oxcesso'- riper
ears , or whatever may tend to lower
he tone of life's vital forces , causing
lorvouij and physical debility or o.shaiib-
iun , snminal weakness ur incontinence
BnormatorrhaMi ) , and premature decay ,
allowed by the long train of symptoms
r'hich the bulloror iuiows but too well ,
10 cured by our now restorative trcal-
uontt renewing vitality and vigor , and
estoring vital , physical and mental
Tile treatment of this class of disease
as until very recently boon negluctod
y scientific educated physicians , and
us been in the hands of 'patent
ledicino vendors and ignorant men
hiimiiig to have u medicine that was a
pecifie and would cure every case.
Wo know that thousands suffering
com the olloots of those vices have
eon disappointed so often that they are
iscourngcd and have almost given up
ope of over being cured. To all buch
re desire to say that so long as they
ontinuo to experiment with specific
oincdio ? or appliances represented to
uro buch diseases , they are likely to
icct with nothing but disappointment.
'o two cases are exactly alike and no
oinody ever Ima boon or over can bo
re pared to moot the requirements of all.
Vo have made a careful study of thcso
iscases in all their various forms and
omplications , and with the aid of til-
lost unlimited experience in adapting
roatment to individual cases , woaroen-
blcd to cure after others have utterly
Wo were among the first to make
specialty and study of this class of dis
easesj and to ttoat them upon scientlll
principles. Wo also treat strictures :
gleet and yaricocelo. All contagion
and blood diseases , from whatever cans- -
produced , successfully treated. Wecai
remove syphilitic poison from ttio .s.ys
torn without mercury , or injury to tin
"All communications confidental. Cal
and consult us or send name and nest
olllco address plainly written and enclose
close stamp , and we will send you , in
plain wrapper , our Book to Men , upon
private , special and nervous dib'cascs ,
bcnnnal weakness , spormattorhcua , impotency -
potency , syphilis , vonorrhrua , glootaml
all diseases of the gcnito-urinary or
gans , or send history of your case for an
Persons unable to visit us may be
treated at their homes , by eorrcspond-
2iico. Medicines and instruments sent
by mail or express , securely packed
from observation , no marks to indicate
contents or sender. One personal in-
ierview preferred if convenient.
Cases treated by correspondence re
ceive the most careful attention. Each
case isanaly/.ed and examined by ques
tions. A record by number is kept in
our private ollico of each case and the
emcdv used. Prices are cither so
nuch for the full treatment , whether it
, akcs : i longer or shorter time , payable
n advance , or so much a month , nay-
iblo monthly in advance. It will be
indcrstood that for a certain amount wo
igrco to treat a ease until cured , eharg-
ng no more if it takes a greater length
of time than we had calculated upon.
< \s wo know from the average length
of time in thousands of eases treated by
is what wo can afford to do , wo take our
banco and run the risk , knowing that
f some cases require a long time to
cure others arc easily cured , if we lose
on one we makeup on others , and so are
afo on the average ; while patients
reatod by the month pay so much for
each month's treatment and run all
isks themselves of their case being
low to get well or of rapid recovery ,
nd thus costing them moro or less. In
itlier way wo use the same remedies ,
ix : the beat known to science. When
pparatus , instruments , etc. , arc furn-
sheil or surgical operations performed
e make special prices- , and our rates
re as low as can bo made and do our
xiliontb jitbticc.
Patients \isiting the city for treat-
ncntcan obtain room and board in the
iiblituto building.
To the o who arc unable to
n d are treated by letter , wo will say
that a long experience in treating cases
by correspondence lias enabled us to
treat cases scientifically without seeing
them. Fill out question blank as far as
your disease is concerned , then in yom
own language tell us just what you
would say if you were hero , ( livery-
thing is confidential : you need not hes'i-
tate to tell us everything. )
We send medicine to every part of the
Union , both by mail and express , with
such clear and explicit directions for
use that no mistake can occur. NVhilo
it is always desirable to see a patient ,
jur thorough knowledge of the human
hoil.y and its ailments enable u.s to pro
scribe with certainly and success in
many cases , if a description of tlio case
is given.
Address all letters to
Medical ad : Surgical Institute ,
Cot1,13lli fnlDoigc Sis , , OraaliaMelJ , ,
DyBpopsia , Constipation and other
Disoason of the Liver , Stomach
ach and Bowols.
When the llvnr , stomach and bowels
'ail ' in the proper performance of their
ospeetlvo functions , health and com-
ort soon take their Ilighl. The process
> f digestion , assimilation , boeroUons
ind o.xcrolion are of the greatest im-
> ortancu in Uio nutrition of the human
ybtcm. If the procesn of digestion islet
lot properly pui formed tlio whole syi-
em must sulfur , if thu food taken into
ho btonrieh is not digested it f polls ,
[ as ( or wind ) and acids are formed from
ts decomposition which distend and ir-
itate the lining membrane * of the
tomach and the bovvols , canning con-
; estion and inllainatioiv the food not
icing digested , the str'-'iigthening olo-
ncntb it couUins cannot lie ab-.orbnd
nto the bystein , coiiKoriuontly the body
iiffern ; first , from the lack of the nutri-
ivo elements which it should olit'iln
rom the food ; second , the whole system
ufTora from the absorption of the ofToto
loifaonoiis matter created by tlio decom-
lositlon of the undigested food ; the kld-
oys and bladder tire irritated and bo-
omo diseased from the acids formed in
ho stomach aim carried out of the Eyfi-
uiii through the water. The urine is
aadod with the chemical clement ) of
ccomposiiion , if allowed to stand do-
lositsasidimont , is nt times high col-
rod and scanty , then clear and very
bundant. The blood becomes thin < iml
mpuro , being loaded with impurities
no deficient In the li/o / giving element * ,
, -hiiih it cuu only outalii from ncutri-
lions , perfectly digested food. The
liver receiving this impure blood
through the portal circulation becomes
congested , torpid , innctivn and fails to
sccroto the bile which It should furnish
to assist in carrying the excrement from
the systemfailing to do this the impure ,
venous blood is again carried into the
system , charged with the bile , causing
all thobilioussymptoms known too well
to the sulloror ; owing to the lack of bilu
in the intestines , we have constipated
or coitivoncss , the fecal matter being
retained in the intestines , tlio fluid portion
tion being again absorbed into the blood
to further poison it , leaving the remain
der dry , hard , solid and very hard to
evacuate , or at times becoming perfectly
rotton. pusses off in a diarrlia-a. These
conditions devolopo Headache , Neural
gia , Nervousness , General Debility ,
Hatulcncc , Constipation , Di//.incss.
Despondency , Gloomy Feelings. Coated
Tongue , Bad Taste and Breath , Sallow-
ncss and Dryness of the Skin , Moth
Spots , Pimples , etc. , etc. In females
the conitipatcd condition of the bowels
and debility often leads to congestion of
the womb , louearrlupaprolapsus , reton-
bion of mouses , ots. etc.
The treatment of this class of disease
requires a thorough building up , invig
orating lreatnientretatoring the organs ,
to their natural functions and con
ditionsrenewing vitality and vigorand ,
directed at the foundation of the disease
and not at the symptoms. Our .success
in curing thih class of diseases has boon
most llattering , and warrants us in say
ing that persons alllicted with Dyspep
sia , Constipation , SickHeadache' , Neu
ralgia or Debility can notation ! to neg
lect to visiting us at once.
t&i'Our remedies act directly upon the
tissues , restoring wasted energies , giv
ing back to the human structure the an
imating elomontof life which have been
wasted , maintaining that buoyant en
ergy of the brain and muscular system
which renders the mind cheerful , bril
liant and energetic , entirely overcom
ing that dull , inactive , sluggish dispos
ition which the debilitated experience.
In announcing our ability to properly
treat and cure this painful disorder , i't
ib only necessary to make a fewromarKs
in regard to its origin and cause.
The circulation of the blood requires
two kinds of vessels : Arteries , winch
are dense , strong , elastic tubes , to car
ry it out from the heart , to all parts of
the body : and veins , the walls of wliich
arc thin and easily compressed , to re
turn it to theheart.
Those vessels pormcalo every tissue
of the body , and any pressure oxeertud
upon them will compress \oiiismost. .
Hence the blood cannot return through
the compressed veins rapidly as it is
thrown out through the arteries and
capillaries , therefore accumulates or iH
dammed up in the veins at and beyond
the place of obstruction , thereby dis
tending them , and thus piles are pro
The pressure or cause of distention
may be constipation , contraction of uper
linros of the sphincter mnsclo , htrieu uro
of the rectum , impediment of the portal
circulation , ( or the j > as-atre of the blood
through the. liver ) inflammation of the
mucous membrane , prolapsus of the
bowels , etc. The continuiinuo of any of
Iheso causes may produce hard and pain
ful tumors' .
When the pressure fs great , inflam
mation may follow , or the tumor may
Inist and bleed freely. Thcso iirol.nown
is bleeding piles. In homo pursoiiH
Lhoso tumors nro forced out at each
iperation of tlio bowel- , ; after thoblood-
I'essols are once distended pcmmiiuntly ,
mil kept so by the constant powur of
.ho hearl driving the blood into them ,
mil though the the cause may ho re-
nmcd , the tumors remain , nro of con-
> lant uccurdiicu , and demand the at-
ention of the .spL-cialiht. Hemorrhoids
ur piles ) are a very common and
, rou'lo-oino complaint. Are altuated
jither internal or external.
Vrn hard , boft , sensible or insensible.
Symptoms : f'ilos mn , > bo indolent or
nflamuil. Tlio location and uliaractei *
f the paiiib vary in dillorent cases , be-
ng some times confined to tlu tumors
h'jiiifcelvei,1 , at othern , extending up-
HIrrl into the into.slinos , or down the
highs. The puin may Im ( tolling , noh-
ng , tiirobbing , darting , bhooting
onetant , or only wiion at btool or ait-
ing. These symptoms are frequently
omplicatod witli irritation of the bind
er , frequency of micturition , and pain
ii the baislc , and , in females , uterine ir-
Itution , wllli mucous discharge. KisHiiro
f llio IIIMH , i > ioliii.iiifi } ( Uii and fatrlctuni
f rectum arj lo-scommon but not Inns
urloiiH. Now the only rational method
f curing pilus is to cause contraction or
bhlorauou of the blood vofascla , thus
titling off the supply of bl < ml from the
Ho tumors , they will rapidly atrophy ,
r dry up , the blood vessels being closed
rgroUn together they will never oiion
gain , and a cure is thus
Ifocted. TJtlrf is done by liijoiillng a
ortain remedy into oiush pile tumor by
n iriHlrumonl invented for Hint purpose
-il is entirely free from danger , almost
ainlcss , and wo have never jot failed
i ufhictinga purmanont euro ,
lioiloiihuinor , a uulobrnlud author on
knnorrholilul discuses ( Pilon ) in liiu
ow work published 1881 , page HID , tsa a
I tills method : "Tho profession in gon-
ral uro not yet gulllcointly acquainted
1th itu modiib operand ! to pronounce
idgementrias to its merlin or demerits ,
rom the great excitement lately manU
ibtcd concerning this now method ,
> mo nro inclined to rnibo the Cry
iirulta ! and to believe that it llko
aron's roil is declined to swallow uy
II other methods , "