Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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An Iiicroasod Stringency Apparent
in the Money Market.
's Sugar Crop 8al < l to lie
Itctall IluslnesH Very
Satisfactory Collect Ions
The Weekly Itusiness Rnrnniary.
The money market has shown increased
Atrmgcncy the past week , and , as the br.ntc
statements of December 12 show , tliero is a
demand from borrowers for all loanable
funds that can bo spared. Nevertheless , nil
calls on bankers by customers have bcun
readily met , and the money market is easier
than n v car ago at this time. Kates are RtllT
at 10 tier coat ; exchange Is Si 00 per thou-
Band nrcmium.
General tradehasbccn rather quiet , though
In gtoccrlcs there has been quite a lively de
mand for holiday goods , such as raisins ,
prunei , nuts , caadics , oranges , and wines
ana cigars. Hlce , salt , spices , oils , fish and
canned goods wcro active and steady at pre
vious quotations , The Louisiana sugar crop
is said to be large , but the molasses yield is
Htnnll , as the dr\iiess of the cano nml its
richness In sugar leaves but n small residue
of bOLomluiy product. Teas nro steady
for new Importations. Coffee is hardly as
lit m ns a w eck ago , and the demand Is some
what light , still theie is no change in quota
tlons. Soap tnanufactuters have marked up
prices all thtough the list , and charge the
necessity to the advance In the puce of raw
material , especially grease and cotton seed
oil. Oils nro steady and In good demand ,
The decrease In the pipe line supplies since
.lanuaiy 1 has been (1 ( , t' bbls. , mul the
total runs have fallen to H > , . " > 2I,000 bbls. ' 1 he
decrease in stoclcs for thu Hist half of De
cernber was 5OIO(0 ( > bbls , mid since No
vember 1. 1SS7 , ll.'i.'o.oOO ' bbls.
Collections we fail to middling , not whollv
unsatisfactory , but they might bocii
much better.
Seventeen failures wcic reported to the
agencies to Thursd.i.v of this week ngainst
fho for the same period in 1 ( 7.
The lending feature In the fish tiade Is the
movement on foot among the eastern dealers
having for Its objei t the suppression of the
importation ol Irish mackerel into this
countty. A meeting of tlio fish deulots of
Boston , New Vork and ether cities has been
held in New York , and one of the principal
questions before the meeting was the im
portation of flish and other Liuopcan muck-
kcrcl. The suggestion of asking congiess to
Impose n higher duty upon fish coming from
that section of the woild was favorably con
Duung October , savs the Commercial Bul
letin of New Yoik , the quantity of .lava and
other East India grades alloat for Euiopo
was placed at 300,000 bags , and eat ly In No
vember it was reduced to 10,1X10 bags , while
the latest mail from Batav i ashows that dur
ing September the shipments from Java
alone amounted to 100,518 bags , to say noth
ing of the supply forwarded from other
points. As the tiansportation is by steamer
some of this quantity lias no doubt by this
time arrived and passed into spot stock , but
subsequent shipments have followed light
along , and it looks vety m-cli as though
there was a largo discicpaney that should bo
promptly investigated.
Farmers are marketing their cattle and
slice ] ) with a gteat deal of fiecdom , but theio
is a shoit "eiop" of hogs , and the winter
packing in tlio west since Nov. 1 hus fallen
short ot the coircsponding period of lbS7 by
1(30,000 ( hogs , llogsuie bringing remunera
tive prices , though cheaper than a vear ago.
Young pigs are being rapidly fattened on
the abundant coin ciop that was harvested
In the noithwest , and by next spring hogs
will bo plenty , and then the corn will bo
marketed in the form of meats , thereby en
riching the agricultural sections in a largo
The very mild weather exerts a depressing
influence upon the general dry goods busi
ness , but some lines nto doing well , and
tliero is still a good call for holiday goods.
Domestic tollon goods are selling at gener
ally btea ly pi ices and American indigo prints
are J4c higher , while the same advance is
noted in American , Moriiruac , Allen and An
chor sbutings. Portsmouth lobes aie selling
at li fe , un advance of } c. Prints are un
changed. PiiCcsfor imw light fancies have
not been definitely determined upon , but
there will piobably bo little if any change
from lust season's quotations. Ginghams ate
doing well ana mill ngpnts report
a good , steady business in woven spring
wash fabrics , such us dross ginghams , seer
suckers , chambtays , zephits , etc. Miscel
laneous woolens , such as soft wool dress
fabrics , flannels , doeskin jeans and shawls ,
are selling fairly , all things coasidcicd , but
the soft weather Is an obstacle. The open
ing prices for Brussels and Wilton carpets
are from 5c to lOo per yntil higher than last
Reason , and Smyrna rugs Imvo been sub
jectcd to an advance of about 5 per cent. The
following circular has been issued by the
Hoxbury company : "The present prices of
our carpeting are : Hoxbuii tapestiy , 75c ;
Saxonvllle tapestry , 70c ; velvets , S1.17K ,
less 2 per cent ten davs. All % borders , 5c
per running yaid above proportion for %
goods , "
ThcNcwYoik Commercial Bulletin calls
attention to the fact that during the current
year 127 national banks have reduced their
circulation to the amount which the law
makes It compulsory for them to maintain.
It adds thut of 101 new national banks organ
ized during the jenr only 5 Imvo taken out
moro than the compulbory amount of cir
culation. Five j cars ago now national banks
deposited 2S per cent moro than the rcquiicd
amount of bonds , In Ibbt the cxcc * > s fell to
II per cent and in 1SS5 it was reduced to 8
per cent , in 18b7 it fuither declined lo 1 per
cent and during the present year new na
tional banks have deposited only one-half of
1 per cent bonds in excess of thu compulsory
Tlio coal year Is drawing to a close and the
output to November 30 and the estimated
output of 3,000,000 , tons for December gave a
total production of neatly 33,400,000 tons , an
inci ease of 8.800,000 tons over last year.
Hctuil trade has been very satisfactory ,
the fair weather bringing out shoppers ana
b u } cis in largo numbers.
Saturday , Dec , 22. 183S.
After n vain attempt for n week or two on
the part of everyone at all familiar with Uio
situation , to stop Uio unreasonable run of
cattle to market , country shippers have ap
parently come to the conclusion that it is bet
ter policy to hold over the Holidays. There
was a heavy falling off in the receipts on Fii-
day and i,0 Tiii. , .Wo WCM Hot ou6Ujh ; calto !
oil sale to make a market. There was noth
ing hoi e in the way Of beef cattle that was
of much account. A few light steers sold at
? 3 00@iO ( ! and n few stockots and odds and
cuds of butchers' stock changed hands.
The market opened early with light re
ceipts in sight and a good demand mid the
nens wore cleared by U o'clock. Prices weio
D@10o higher , as high as $5.20 being paid for
a choice heavy loud and the bulk golug ut
$3.UO mid over. _ _ _
The fresh receipts wcro light , but there
wore i few ntnlo on sale. Everything was
sold , one choice bunch of muttons going nt
M.35. The general innrket was about steady.
Itooelpc ? .
Cuttle 120
UOR8 8,000 ,
Sheep CO
Prevailing I'rloos.
The following a tibia of prloai paid In
this marixot for the graJoi of stool : mon <
Primestoors. 1300 to 1503 Ibs. . * 3.V ) 1184.50
Prime steers. 110J to 1300 Ibs. , U.OO (43.75
Native feeders -J.75 (43.00
Western feeders U.OO (43.00
Common to good cows 1.25 C 3.00
Choice to fancy cows ii.23 ( 3.00
Common to choice bull J 1.25 ( 2.00
Fair toonoicougnt hoes 4.65 ( K4.U5
Fairtocnoico Heavy uoss. . , . . 5.10 025.20
Fair to choice uiucU hoga 4.05 ( 5,05
KopreunniauvQ HMoi.
No. Ar. Pr.
IS cows , 1030 ll.CO
{ 3 bulls IbOO 1.60
* * '
Ibull . 1C30 1.00
1 stoekcr . S20 2.00
Sllowa stockcrs . 523 2.15
Ocows . , . 1043 S.15
Cstccr.s . 875 2.25
8 stockcrs . ( > 50 2.23
2cows . 1050 2.25
IS oxen and steers . 1297 250
30 stockers . 703 200
' . ' steers , natives . 1078 2.SO
fi steers , natives . OiO 300
2stccrs . 1255 300
17 steers . IDfil 3 0"
stc-crs , natives . 11C3 3.30
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
75 . . .202 MI85 ) f,9..3024015.05
01 . . .liVf SO 4.65 50 . . . .23 > KO 5.0"
71 . . .240 2 < < ) 4.W 51..2S7 120 505
05 . . .240 80 4r ! 57. . . . 303 120 S.O'i
07. . , . 235. 120 4.05 CO . . .20'J ICO .105
51 . . .270 121) 491 50..aiS 1BO 505
IM . . .253 320 40 > ( . . . .Sir. 400 505
01 . . .273 400 4ir 52 . . .324 2sO 5.01
ri.,2s' ! 240 4r ! fil . . .272 100 505
01 . . .272 200 4 1C CO . .265 100 f. O't
GJ . . . 'AN 240 4H3 74. . . . 2M 100 50 %
07 . . .2U ( 410 4.U5 01 . . .31.1 50r.
SO- . . .22.7 M ) 1 il" 51) ) . . . UK ) 200 5.05
57. . . . 2 U 280 4d * , C'I..2'U ' 240 5.05
5S . . .2U 230 4.lt7 71. . . .283 120 505
09 . . .20 210 40fK 00 . . .2M SO 5.0" .
70 . .2 < " > 120 500 05. . . .00,1 C&O Ji.07' ' < f
12 . . .2S4 SO 500 400 . . .2T K'.sO 5.07U
01. . . .207 100 5.00 03 . . .UO.l fl20 5 07 W
bl . . .2.U M ) 500 01 . . .217 120 50H <
5S . . .204 200 5X ( ) r,9 . . .31'J 100 510
OS . . .270 120 5 CO (4) ( ) , . . . 315 100 5.10
50 . . .207 120 61 . . .350 210 5.10
53 . , 3S 100 5.01 M ) . . . .301 515
57 . . .30S 100 SOi 53 . . .30 ! 515
30..U3 120 00) 41. . . .420 520
sinii' .
No. Av. Pr.
fi2nntlvcs . S'J ? , )10 )
iKi Nob. natives . 100 8 SI
33 Neb. natives . 141 435
In ve Stock Notes.
Hogs higher.
Llght cattle receipts.
Few slice ] ) hero and sold.
No stock will bo received for shipment
from here on Chrismas.
( leorfie Hoetol , Mtllard ; Mr. Neal , Hndi-
colt ; A. W. Beahm , Coitland , and Mart
\Villey , Montcitti , la , weio among these
who came In with hogs
Hogs are bringing n good deal more money
hcie than at ICansas City , and on some da.vs
the average price for all the hogs sold is
higher than the exticmo top in City ,
OMAHA AViiuijia.vijn : M.VUKKTS-
Fruits , I'roduon , I2tc.
BOTTCU Fancy , solid picked creamery ,
20i ? 0c ; choice country , ; medium
grades , l Wiilc ; common giades , 14 ( < i)17e )
Fie : it Nelnaskn patents , ? 0 1)0 ) 7 50 ;
Minnesota patents , $ T > .25M1 71 ; sttaight
guides , ? 1.00ii .o 50 ; bakers' flour , $125 ( < i5.75
per obi.
POT vrons Nebraska , 45 55o per bu ; Col-
01 ado , ( ) l ) ( 70c.
Svvitnr Poixrous Slg.T c per Ib.
Pot'i/rm Live chickens , ti 50@2 75 per
do ? ; diessed chickens , 7 ( Sc per Ib ; turkcis ,
0veilc ( ; ducks and geese , 10figl2c.
Boos Sti icily ficsh , 21i.'c ! candled.
MM.-.CU Unu-n'i ' In kegs , r.'o per Ib.
IUN'VN vi Common , fl.50@.25 per bunch ;
choice , S3 50Cd ) 150.
Lr.MOS's W.75@5 00 per case.
On VMJBS Florida , $ .1 2'ifti'J 7.1 per box.
GIMB IVr do7en : Mallauls , SJ25 ; tea
$150 ; quail , $200 ; prairie chickens , SI 00@
4 50 : rabbits , ? 1.0G ; siiuitrels , $1 03 ; venison ,
"Ml-c per Ib
lliiiv ? HOOillOO. (
Cnoi'l'i i ) Fuuo-Sll 0015 00 per ton.
Cons' 2"it2e. ( ; .
Ovraife Je.
VIM DAK Cider , lOiJlbc par gal. ; white
wine , 10C 25e per gal.
llovm 1 Ib frames , lOJNSe.
CuwnriiMcs ? s.OJtfl ( > 00 per bbl.
PUOVISIONS HamSj No 1 , lie ; No 2 ,
10' ' < e , shoulders , 7J c ; lib b icon , lie ; clear
baobn , ll } c ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef
hams , lO&c ; drv' salted cleats , shoit , S'c ' ;
c\tru shoit , b ) r ; short nbb , b' c ; pickled
' feet 13-lb kits SOc laid
pigs' , - , ; ,
sinokeJ sausage , 0@8c ] ) cr Ib ; h
CBI.EUV MftiHOe per doz : fancy , lOc.
ONIONS 30 ( ? < )4e ) ( ) per bu.
CvniiAOK ? J 03 per 100.
Ururs lOc per bu.
TuitMi'i 25c per hu.
S .UKK ICiti.u'i 13bls. , 51.75 ; half bbls. ,
$ . ' 75.
Ai'i'i.m Choice , 52 50JJ ( > 2 75per hbl ; fancy ,
$3 00 per bbl ; common , St.iJO < gl.75 per bbl.
Cincit Michigan , ? 5 00jtO ( 50 | ) or hhl of 32
gals ; California pear culer , $15 00 per bbl.
Per COHV Rice , , lc ; common , 2 > c.
C.M.uors lOcpei bu.
UI'AXS Choice eastern hand picked navies ,
$2.25 per hu ; western hand picked navies ,
? 1.75@l.bO ; mediums , il.5U ; Lima beans , 5c
per Ib.
H i v F. o b. cars , No. 1 upland , * 0 00 ; No.
2 upland , J5 00.
Grocers' Ijlsr.
Revised prices aio as follows :
UAOQINO Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , 17J c ; Lowistown , A , seam
less , lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; builaps ,
4 to 5 hu , llu ( > 14c ; gunnies , single , 13u ; guu
nics , double , 20c ; wool , sack , 3jc.
TWINES riax , 3Sc ; extra sail , 20J2lc ; sail
B , 20@21c ; cotton , 2Jc ; jute , Oc.
DIIII.I ) FKUIT Figs , in boxes , per Ib. 13@
lOc ; dates , hi boxes , 7V7)lOc ( ) ; London Malaga
layer luisins , per box , f.i 50@J.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , 3 ! tO2 50 ; new Valencia r.u-
sitisper Ib , yfc ; California loose muscatels ,
pe box , 5J.OO@J.10 ; California Londons ,
18SS , $2.40 ; pitted chctties , per Ib , 18c ; Call-
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12@19c ; diied
blackberries , per Ib , 7 } ( < l8odiied \ raspber
ries , per Ib , 24fe2'ic ; ov.iporated npplei , 7J @
80 ; California sun-dried peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia unpared ovapoiatcd peaches , 14c ;
evaporated California npucots , Ibe ;
cutrants" , OK@7o ; Turkish prunes , 5@5'cj ;
citron , 22 < < $ .Mc ; orange peel , 15c ; lemon peel ,
IGc ; California French prunes , ll@10c.
COFPI.B Mocha , 25-'Gc ; Hio , good , 17@
Ibc ; Mandahliag , 20C < j2be ; toasting Uio , 15M
lOc ; O. G. Java , 2l ( < i20c ; Java , interior , 2J@
25c ; llio , fancy , Ib I'Je ; Sanlos and Mara-
ca'bo. ' 1710e ; Arbuckles , S3oMcLaugh \ -
lln's XXXX , 2.1'ac. ' Gianulnled , 7 40 ; conf. A , 7 > ( fc ;
white extra C. 7'4o ; extra C , 7kc ; jellow C ,
0 ° ( To ; powdered , S ) o ; cubes , S e.
Burs WAV Choice yellow , 20yi - ) < jo ; dark
colored , ! U ( Cllc.
CitfLSi ! Young America , full cream , 12 ®
18Kc ; full cicam cheildcis , 12@12Vic.
I'lCkr.cs Medium , In bbls , $500 ; do , in
half bbls , MOO ; small , In bbls , i.OO ; do , in
half bblb , 5.1.50 ; gheikins , in bbls , § 7.00 ; do ,
ia half bbls , $4.00.
TOIIACCO Plug , 2G@03c ; smoking , 10@90c.
Jruians SI 21 per HO Ib pall.
SAI/I f I.a5frjl.40 per bbl.
Hews 7-10 , 12o.
MAI'I.I : Suovu llrlcks , ll ( < ! ! 12o per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12@13o per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , fl.OO per gal.
Ti\b Young Hyson , common to fair , 18 ©
25o ; Young 11son , good lo fancy , yo@5)o ;
" ' " "
Gun |
povvi :
lo fancy , 30(345o ( ; Oblong , common to good ,
25@35c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50ij70e ( ;
Imperial , common-to medium , 25@J5o ; Im
perial , good to fancy , 40@50c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@lbe ; filberts , 12@15o ;
Urazil , D@10o ; walnuts , 12o ; pecans , lO llo ;
] ) oanuts , 0@tlc.
CHACKEIIS 0@10opor Ib ; assorted cakes ,
S@25u i > or Ib us per list.
CANIH Mixed , OH@l2Kci stick , OK@Hc ;
rock candy , lO QlUo ; fancy candy , 7-j230. (
HOLI < AM > Hhiiiu.vo UOc.
Dry Goods ,
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
5Wo ; CO , 0rc ; SS , 7o , Nameless , 5o ; HX ,
ISo ; H , 20o ; No. 10. bKo ; No. 40 , lO o ; No.
00 , 12' o ; No. 80. 13Hc ; No. 1)0 ) , colored , Oo ;
No. 60 , colored , 12o ; rso. 70 , colored , 13 } c ;
Bristol , 13 } < o ; Union Pacific , 17o.
OAIII-ET WAIU * Bid , white , lOo ; coloicd ,
22o.UATTS Standard , 80 ; pom , lOo ; beauty ,
13Kc ; boouo , 4o ; B , cased , $0.50.
Put. STS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater ,
Co ; Berlin oil , CJ o ; Garner oil , C@7c ,
PHINTH Pink ana Hobos Allen , Oo ; River-
point , 6 0 ; Steel Kivcr , 0-fc ; Klclimond ,
0 > tfo ; Pacific , 7c ,
PHINTS Dress , Charter Oak , 5Ke ; Flam-
npo , 4 c ; Lodi , 5 > 4u ; Alton , Go ; Richmond ,
Co : Windsor , 6Xu ; Eddystono , 0)tfo ; Paclrto
OKo.BLEiCHBD SIIEKTINU Berkeley cambric ,
No- . * " _ t Kj Best Yet. 4-4 , CJfe ; .butter
cloth. OO , 4o ; Cabot , 7H'o ; Farvvell , half
bleached , 8 > io ; Fruit of the Loom , Oifo ;
Greene Q , Otf ; Hone , 7 e : King PlilHiD
cambric , llo ; Lonsdolo cambrlo. llio ; Lons-
dale , Oo ; Now York mills , lOWe ; Pcptieroll ,
13-in , Uio : Peppcroll. 40-ln , lJe ! ; Peppcrell
0-4 , lOo ; Peppercll , 6-1 , 21e ; Pcpperell. 0 4 ,
33o : Pepperell. 10-4 , 85oj Canton , 4-4 , 8Ko ;
Triumph , Oo ; Vam llt a0. Valley , Oc ,
s Plnld llnftsmcn ) 20c ; Goshen ,
Clear Lake , 3Cjac ; Iron Mountain ,
Ft.ASSKi.s Whltc-OH , No. 3 54.
GH , No , I/ , SOc ; BH , No. 2. f , 2Jtfc ; BU ,
No. 1 , * { , 3fc ( ; Quechce , No. i , Jf , 42e.
CousETjEiN * Androscoggln , 7c ; Kear-
sarge , 7J4'c ; liocknort , 0c , Concatoga , OJfc.
TtCKS-York , 30-In , 12K" ! Vork , 31-ln ,
: Swift river , 7 fc ; Thorndlke , OO ,
Ihorndlkc , rE , b'e ; Tliorndike , 120 ,
Thorndiko , XX , ioc ; Cordis , No. *
Cordis , No 4 , lc.
ENIMS Amoskeag , 'J oz , ICU'c ; Everett ,
oz , 13J c ; York , 7 oz , 13J o ; Haymaker ,
Skc ; Juffrcy XX , ll' c ; Jaftroy XXX , 12kc ;
Beaver Creek A A , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC. lOc.
KuvTtcuv JrvNs Mcmoiial , 15c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 2tHc ; Hercules , 18c ; Loam-
lilt-ton , srJ' c , Coltsvvood , 2"J < c.
Cuvsii btevens' B , CKc ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c Stevens' A. 7J e ; Stevens' A.
blenched ' Stevens' P ' Stevens' P
, 3'4e ; , S'-jc ; ,
bleached , yic ; , Stevens' Nlkc ! , Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10'tfe , Stevens' SUt , rJJfe.
Misrr.t.iAsi'.nrs Table on cloth , $2.50 ;
plain Holland , O'nO , Dado Holland , 12Hc.
IJiinwv SltniTiNd Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'ijO ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7'4c ' ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0\t ,
Atlantic P , 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , l-l , l4'c , Crown XXX , 4-4 , C
Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , Oc , Indian Hcatl , 4-1 , 7'
Lawrence , LL , 4 4 , lie. Old Dominion , 1-1 ,
5'ic ; Pcpperell K , 4-4 , 7c : Pcpperell O , H ,
C-kc , Pcpperell , S-4 , IbWe : Pcpporcil , 0 I ,
21c ; t'cppcrcll , 104 , & 1c ; Utica C.4 ( , 4 ic ;
Wachusott. 4 4 , 7e ; Autota , H , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora B , 44 , OV
Dt ck-Wc'-t Point 20 in. S ot. 10) ) c ; Weal
Point 20 in lOo ? , 13c , West Point 2J in. 13
oz. Iflc ; West Point 40 In 11 oUic. .
h.AVM l.s-Hcd. C , 31 in , 15 0 ; K , 24 In ,
21c ; GU , 24 In , 20o , HAF , Mi J J i X <
GivnttMPlunkctt checks , 7' < fe ; Whitten-
ton 7 c , York , 1 > < e ; Normamli dress , bj c ;
Cnlcuttii dress , b e ; Whlttcnton dress , SJ e ;
Henf row die s , Hl--jC. ( !
0 01 nines Slater , 5) ) c ; Woods , 5' c ; Stan
dard , S c , Peacock , 5' ' c ,
Puisrs , Kninol i. ' i Arnold , G' c ; Amor-
lean , i ' 4c ; GloiROhter , O' ' c ; Arnold C long
cloth , Do ; Arnold It loligclotli , 10'ie ' ; Arnolit
Gold Seal , 10' Jc ; Steifcl A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , 10 V. _
Firsl and second clear , 1J4' in , . $10 00@ll 00
Fust and second clear , I'-J in. . . 47 tH ) ( 50 00
Third clear , I' ' ytl1 , , in . 4.1 OOdglfl 00
A select , I' ' tl'j m . 3700
B select. I ' 4(101' ( ' in . 3.100
A stock boards , 12 ulli ft , 12 in. . 40 00
B stock boards , 1 . ' ( 10 ft , 12 in. . 41 00
C stock boards , iJnolO ft , 1'J in . ! ! 0 00
D stock boards , rV ll.ft , 13 in. . 21 00
Flooiing , litst comnion , 0 In . . . 3100
riootmir , second common , 0 in. . 31 (0 (
Select fencing flooring . 1'J 00
Siding , flist and second cleat , 14 ,
otlOft . 2500
Siding , Hi st common , 10 ft . 2J IK )
.Siding , second common . 1 ! ) 00
Common boards . Hi 00
No. 2 bom its , all lengths . 14 50
Fencing , No. 1 , 12 ( < ? ' , ' 0 ft . It. . 50
Fencing. No. 2 , 12. 14 10 ft . 15 50
Joist mid scantling , 2\4 , 14@1G ft 10 00
Timber. 4\4ijxS. : Url(5 ( ( ft . 17 00
Pickets , D and H flat . 2J 00
Plikets , D and H squaie . 2J 00
Shingles , extra A . 28)
Shingles , standard A . 2 dO
Lath . 2 40
O G Baits , 2K in . 31
O Cl Balls , 1J ix.i , SIS . 1,0 ,
3-in well tubing , D and M bev. . 2.2 00
Hemlock sole , Ibrn J7c per Ib ; oak sole , 31
( ( (3Je ( ner Ib ; oak liiine ! , UUiu ) 'c ' per Ib ;
hele ( ted oak and trace , Jlc per Ib ; oak and
hemlock unpcr , Ui < i2Ju per foot ; hemlock
caK skin , No 1. SO@'lOopci Ib , accotding to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 00e ( ? 1.00 ] ) er
Ib ; Philadelphia ealf skin , extra , * 1.00l 10
pei Ib. ; hemlock kip skin. No 1 , ( "OCifilV per
Ib ; oak kin "km. No 1 , 70ftt > Mc ) per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip sKm , uvtra , sOOit'Oo ' per Ib ;
Fiench calfskin ( accotdim ; to weight and
quality ) . > 1. 1. \ 1.75 pei Ib : Fiench kip skin ,
do , fsOcfViSl.lO pei Ib. ; Cordovan inssct , Ibc ;
satin tlnibh , 2dc per loot ; welt Icathei , $ .1 50
( a I 00 pei side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20j ( < >
yoccrfoot ] ; moioc os , boot leg , 21f'i.0c ! ] ) er
foot ; glove calf shins , 20 ( < JJUo per foot ;
Douglas knl , 3i'V ' ( < ! IOi3 per loot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@.Wc per foot , atcoidmg to quality :
toppings , * S.OOr < HI.00 ) per dozen ; linmss.W 00
fe'i.oo | )0i dozen ; apion skins , > 10.00u12.00 ( !
per do7en. _ _ _ _ _
Metals null Tinners' ' Stock.
Illotk tin , small pig . ? .28
Block tin , bar . 29
Copper , plaiuishcd boiler sires . 34
Copper , cold tolled . 31
Coppci , sheating . 30
Copper , pitls . 30
Copper , tlals . 31
Gal , sheet iion , ,111111 it i , 50 5perc. dis
Pat. pUtnishcd non4 to 7 A . KM
Pat plaimslicd iron , 21 to 27 B . OK
Hooting , 1C ll\20 , 112 sheets . GOO
Roofing , IX 14x20 , 112 sheets . 7.50
Hoofing , 1C , 2 < l\2s , 112 sheets . 11.00
Hoofing , IX , 20x2b , 112 sheets . 14 TO
Sheet iron No 20 . U 50
Sheet iron No 27 . 300
Solder . 15K-217K
Tin plate , best chaicoal
1C. 10x14 , 2.5 ! sheets . 050
IX , 10x11,221 sheets . 8.25
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x14. Si ! sheets . 025
Steel nails , per keg . 2.2.1
fateel wire nails , per keg . 2.00
"Black IJart" is nt It Again.
New York World : Everything1 seems
o indicate Unit "Blnck Bart , " the
famous lone highvvn.vmiin , hiia again
taken up his profession , and is once
moro holding : up stng-o coaches and tob-
bing niiiils , express safes and passen
gers with his old-timo skill in Ctilifor-
niii. The detectives oC Wells , Fnrgo &
Co. htive been investigating some re
cent robberies , mul they positively de
clare that in them they plainly see the
line hand of Bhiclc Hart. Whether or
not the detectives are correct , it is cur
tain that somebody , and all iilono , too ,
Is doing some astonishingly pretty iitid
profitable work in the lone highway
man business.
But hist January Black Bait was re
leased fiom fetato pribon , and on tno 27th
of last July the stage going fiomBeibor ,
Modoc county , to Redding , Shasta
county , was stoppe'd by otio man , armed
with a frix-shootor. The driver had to.
give ever the mail-bag and Wells-
Fargo treasure-box. The solitary htugo-
robber "probably got between WOO anil
$100. The mysterious bandit was heard
of no moro until the 8th of November.
Then lie cropnod up in front of the
Downiovillo and Nevada City Btngo ,
near Nipgar Tout. Ho made a bettor
haul this time , getting , besides some
oin. a gold bar worth $ : JflO. ! ! This bar ,
wiuoii was six aim iiirco-tl18lr'n. ! > JUSi9s !
long , was marked "II. Scnmmon. "
A week ago the lone robber's pistol
pointed at the driver of the state that
runs from Kuroktv to Ukiuh. Ho ran
sacked seven sacks of mail and the
treasuio-box. The latter contained
nearly $700 , and there was probably
$1.000 in the mail. The detectives tire
expecting to hear of another similar
robbery at any moment , and whpn they
do they hope to run down the highway
man and llud Black Bart.
A great many old stories nro told
about this famed scountrol , and there
are many ladies who chanced to bo ijas-
songors on the coaches ho robbed who
will remember the polite nnd gentle
manly robber. His ion ! name is Charles
E. Holies , and ho was born in JetTorson
county. Now York , in Ib30. The first
stage robbery ho is known to have com
mitted was in July , 1875 , when ho hold
un the stage running fiom Sonorii to
Milton , but it was not until August 8 ,
1877 , that particular attention was di
rected to his peculiar methods. On that
day the stage from Fort Ross to Russian
River was robbed. On one ol the way
bills the robbers wrote Ltho oft-quoted
verso signed "Black Bart , the P. O. S. "
Ho kept on tobblng stages in the
counties of Mondocino. Sonoma , Yubit ,
Sierra , Butte , Shasta nnd Trinity in
pretty much tlio same fashion , and with
out particular incident until Juno 1 ! ) ,
lbS2 , when ho halted the Lakoport and
Orovillo stage.
George Hackett , the express mana
ger , fired a shot nt the road agent which
struck on the forehead , But the uhot
glanced oil , and the only result was to
mark the robbeh foi1 llfo with n deep
dent on hisskulU ftlnek Bart did not
return the fire-but escaped into the
brush. Within thrco months , however ,
ho wa * ? at it again , Half a do/cti inoro
robberies and n'lurgo ' offer of rewards
made every odlcor in the northern part
of the fcUUo wild to find the bandit ,
who had been seen nnd described so
many times. Hid method ot attacking
a stage was always the same. A jtimi
from the side of the road brought him
in front of the lead horses , which shel
tered him from the lire of the messen
ger nnd driver. His doublo-bnrrollcO
shotgun would covet * these on the box ,
and they would seldom fail to throw out
the treasury chest nml the mail.
His politeness to passengers , particu
larly to ladies , contributed as much to
his notoriety ns his criminal exploits.
He alwnjs had nn old nxe with which to
open the treasure-box and n sharp ktnfo
for the mail bags.
Too Hail.
Burlington Free Press : Miss do
Smith 1 envy you your lover , Nellie.
Ho is my beau ideal of a man. 1 sup
pose ho always anticipates vour slight
est wish ? "
Miss Travis Well yes in every re
spect but one.1
Miss do Emlth What is that ?
Miss Tr.ivis When ho sees me puck
ering up my lips nnd looking roguish ho
doesn't seem lo catch on.
Kite Miule the Diulo AVnlk.
She was a modest blue-eyed little
working girl on her way to the shop ,
says the Chicago Tribune. The work
she had finished at homo she carried in
a neat bundle.
Ho was .young , having a feathery mus
tache , and vvoie garments of the latest
cut.They sat opposite each other in a
struct car. Ho peeped ever the top of
his paper nt her. A jolt of the car
caused her to look up and her glance
met his.
Ho dropped his paper and stared hot
full in the face. Hei eyes foil.
Knowing by some mysterious' power
that ho mis still looking at her , she
suddenly straightened up and looked
him calmly in the eve with an expres
sion of dignity and robtiKo.
Not in the least abashed , he was about
to change his seat foi one beside her
when the conductor a ked for faros.
The \oung man fumbled in
pockets nnd finally produced a nickel ,
onh to drop it on the lloor.
The girl made a quick little move
ment nnd relapsed into her formorquiet
dignity. The dude and the conductor
peered under the seats nnd looked be
tween the slats , but did not find the
"You'll have to pay your fare , " said
the conductor.
"But I did. "
"You didn't. I didn't drop it. You
did. "
"But I
"Pay jour faro or get off. "
Tho'young man looked despairingly at
the conductor , felt again in his pockets
and got olT.
The toe of the little working-girl's
small boot piotrudod just far enough to
push toward the cbnduutor the missing
nickel it had coveted.
rtlimintrOiit tlic Gas.
Chicago Ilcriild : "Did you over sco
a , man blow out gun1' asked one Clark
street bu-dncss man of another yester
day morning. "You' can't do it , cither , "
he added , after a shot t pause.
The ft lend waM not sure about that , so
the twain experimented upon a llaine of
gas in the olllcp of the first speaker un
til both vvcte weary. Their efforts wcro
"Every few daysvvo hear that some
jury has returned : i voidict that this
man or that woman blew out the gas ,
jumped into bed and was found dead
sulTocatcd , you know. There's thatcaso
at the St. Charles hotel yesterday ; the
same story wont out about him. "
' "But ) he was asphyxiated by gas. "
said the friend.
"To bo sure ; but ho did not blow it
out , simply and purely because ho
couldn't. I've ' buen on three coionors'
juries in my life where the subject
came to his death by gas poisoning. In
every case I found that the man turned
ofl the gas and accidentally turned it on
again. Usually the jot is above
one's head. Ho intends to
turn it short off and does
so , but in releasing his hold njion the
key his lingers unconsciously give it n ,
turn to onp side. I've been accustomed
to the use of gas all my life , but one
night I did precisely the sumo thing.
The chandelier was so high above my
head that I had to tiptoe to reach the
key , which my fourth finger knocked
neatly half-way around alter my thumb
and forefinger had shut out the light.
Fortunately , I was not downright
sleepy , and I smollcd the escaping gas. "
"Why are not accidents of this kind
moro frequent , then ? "
'That is duo largely to the fact that
one is not likely to turn the key back
except when it is very loose ; one that
turns hard would not bo likely to move
for the light tap given it by the fourth
nnd little fingers. And then many people
ple have the transoms and windows
open , while others discover tnoir blun
der , ns I did , before falling asleep. "
"Couldn't very well find it out after
wards , " said the friend , with an at
tempt at a smile.
"Scarcely. In any event , I will not
believe that any man who has sense
enough totiuvcl is such a fool as not to
know that gas must bo turned oil. But
if ho did not know this he couldn't
blow it out if ho had the lungs of Go-
Huh of Gtvth. "
A Convenient Calendar and Stand.
Tlio most convenient , valuable and
novel business table or desk calendar
for l&S'J ' , ifa the Columbia bicycle calen
dar nnd stand issued by the Pope Man
ufacturing company of Boston , Mass.
Tlio calendar proper is in the form of a
wl i'f ' it'r' ' leaves , one for each day. The
leaves Iird ItJpi 'inches , a portion of
each is loft blank' ! < > r memoranda , and
as the leaves did $ ovcd ai t ! : ? oiids , any
entire leaf as well as the memorandum
blank , can bo exposed whenever de
sired. The pad iests } upon a portable
stand , and when jW'hon placed upon the
desk or writing table tlio entire sur
face of the date loaf is brought directly
before the oj u , furnishing date and
memorandum im'posstblo to bo over
looked. The reading matter in no way
interferes with the calendar , and the in
formation contained on the leaves
would , if placed in box typo , make n
fair sijied volume.
Fire Ciisti/iHjOH / at Cinoiiiiiatl.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 22. The lire nt
Strobel's picture' ' frame manufactory this
morning not only caused a heavy
loss , but Captain Hray was lost in the
building and burned , and several other tiro-
men seriously Injuied. After the fire had
been raging for sotno time the north wall
fell oifiward. In front of It , on n lumber
pile , were o number of firemen , six of whom
weio seriously injured by the falling
The loss Is now estimated at about $100,000 ;
Insurance (75,000 , The injured firemen are
reported doing well , with the exception of
George Huskatnp , who Is supposed to bo fa
tally Injured. A relief fund for the families
of the unfortunate firemen has been started
by the Evening Post ,
" \VcoUly Hank Statement.
NBVY YOIIK , Dec. 23. The weekly bank
statement shows the reserve increased
ta,2'J3,000. The banks now hold $1,315,000 ,
lit excess of legal requirements.
< JKS '
Wheat Steady mid a Shade Better
Thau Yoatoiday.
Hroak in Drcrmbcr Tirml Cattle
Still Very Unsatisfactory Hogs
Aotlxo All the Week With
nil Uiuit-ii. |
CHICAGO , Dec. 22 ( Special Telegram to
Tnr llnr.l The wheat market had a very
weak open hip , but Its later phase took on n
better color. The volume of trade was about
up to the recent average. Dealings were on
n model ate scale most of the time , but there
were seasons of life and nctivitj induccil
crj largely bi the movements of the local
people In the diiectlon of pi ion for the
holidajs. There will bo no session of the
bo.ud until Wednesday of next week , and
scalpers do not , ns a rule , like to go that long
with open interest The Ilrst ttadiug In May
was around ? 1.07j ) { . The pitsentinicnt leaned
towaid the soft sldo of the market , and the
price giadually worked down to $1 07' Not
much business was done at the inside , how-
e\er , and the maikct slowly recovered to
SI 07JJ. It ranged at * 1 075 ( if 1 07 ; < for quite
n time. A division was occasioned by the
jceolpt of news from Daltitnotc that 50,000
bushels of wheat had been brought theic for
expoit to the United Kingdom , Use being tlio
price given ! the grade being No. i !
ted. Tlio effect of this gossip was to
stimulate the local shorts to cover ,
nml the ptico was tun up fiom $1 07g to
fl ( ) > ls Considerable business was done at
Sl.OS't , ® ! Os'moio ; ut SlOVtf than at
Sl.Osif , however. This was \l\o \ \ liveliest
passage of the day. The imptovemcnt was
not held , the price working back to below
? 1 OS , but the tone of the miukctas steady ,
mid It closed a shade better than yesterday.
The market was not pmlcky nt any stage ,
and except for tlio continued selling by
llutchlnsoii , the speculative offerings would
have been called unusually small ; neither
did there seem to bo thoslightcst piessuie of
long wheat. Trade in December and Juno
was vety small. The first quotation for the
formci was Sl.OP-j. Tlio range was S
1 OJ'4 , and the close $1.02 ' , ' Jammr.v opened
nt il.O-J' ' , sold up to $1.03 , ami closed at
f 1 0. % . May tested at 51 OS 'f ' , and July at
51.07J.The taking of a little wheat at Ual-
tltnoiefor foreign shipment was the first
decided reminder served upon the local
crowd thit the seaboard markets arc getting
down to the neighboihond of a shipping
basis. Later in the day Now York pai ties
ndviscd their Chicago correspondents that
some cash wheat had boon picked up
there for Antweip , and that theio
had been some buying of futuies for for
eigners. The foreign news was not signifi
cant. Voiy little is donu abroad during the
holiday season , and the cables , almost with
out exception , relied the dullness. Except n
liery little lluiry in hit. Louts , and u small
sized bnlco m Dulutli , nothing of note trans-
plied nt any of the westein markets. The
panic in Kt. Louis was shoit-ilvod , and the
bulge in Duluth is insignificant , because of
the fact that prices tneie are pt.iit.eall.v
nominal The Minneapolis iccclpls tend to
conlhm the statement that the tusliof noith-
western wheat is over Tuo speculative
sentiment up there i- far from being un mi
nions , but there , as here , it is noticeable that
most of the bcatish hubbub is being made by
the same parties who wvio roating and un
reasoning bulls when the market was lOc
The unmitigated dullness in the corn
mniltot was the most pronounced feature of
toduj's trading , with a tendency tow aids
lower prices. The export elciranccu were
about the iccent uvctage. Liverpool
was quoted fractionally higher , and
the quantity of No in stoic heie was ng.iiii
light , but the feeling among the local specu
lators was inclined toward the bear side- , and
on the declines the shot Is were * about the
onlybujeis. The opening was quiet and ut
about .vcstcrday's ' closing puces , but soon
became weak upon liberal oiroiings , and
May soldofl tolk jft sn go , at which jnico
there was a good itiqutiy , which later caused
a reaction to : ! "c , at which it was offered at
the close , and which shows a reduction of
only 1-lUc : fiom jcstoiday's testing piico.
The amount of business done nab small and
principally on local account.
In provisions the only interesting feature
was the break in December lard. The coiner
parties in that mttcle hold the market quite
steady up almost to the clobc of business , at
W.-10iS ( 4. ) , but just befoto the adjournment
it was sold fieely by u btokcr supposed to ,
represent the Fail bank interest , and in u few
minutes it declined to and closed at Si 25
This quotation was 15o under jesterduj's
CiTrin The history of the tiadofortho
week just closed will Do remcmueicd as long
as these interested live ; perhaps no such
amount of money was lost by shippers in one
week since Chicago was ani thing of a cattle
market , and no such run of cattle is on record
for the time and season. Think of 55,000
cattle for Christmas weok. The outlook for
next week is no bolter certainly worte if
cattle come m any great numbers. Ancrit
the condition up to Friday night , a well
known shipper made the following humorous
remark : "Koine cattle had stood in the pens
so long that when the 'J o'clock wlustlo
sounded the hour to quit buying , they would
drop on their knees and quit for the day.
They were ns well trained us Uurnum's ele
phants. " To-day's business was about one
of the most unsatisfactory patterns of
any other day of the week. A salesman who
had prime .stock , locked the gates , oidciod
feed and watci , and loft them. Ho would
not , as thcio was no use , offer his property.
Choice to extra beeves nominal at SI SJftt ( , UO ;
medium to good stccis , 19JO to 150J Ibs , 1 00
( /f4.IO ; 3200 to U'jO Ibs , * ) | 0 < tf > l 00 : 'JJO to
IJJOlbs , t3.00 ( 8 JO ; stotkcrs and feeders ,
il.ilOC < i > ! " . " ; cows , bulls and mixed steady ut
$1. BUC < ( a 65 ; Texas btcors , fri : JO ( < t,00 ) ; tows ,
f 1 ( Miui „ ' ( )
IIoos Uuslness was active all the week ,
with a quiet but steady up tut n of fif'filOc as
compiled with a week ago. To-day almost
everything was sold eai ly , the market clos-
nghtioiu' , with the bulk of the bales of
nixed nt S5 20 , and of heavy
light , ? 5.10 ( ! j23.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 2' ) . [ Special Telegram
o Tun llin.I-STOCKS : London pilces be
came materially lower this morning and
irought fair belling orders. Our mntket
opened stea'Jj ' z < \ a stiong toue marked tUo
subsequent trading , and prices tluoughout
moved up fractionally , Missouri Pacific ,
Northwcstcin , Hock Island and Erie show
ing gains of } $ toi \ per cent , Tlio buying
was moio distributed and commission
houses wore very active traden. . Omahu
preferred , however , was i aided by the bears ,
and a decline of S per cent was established ,
followed by n slight recovering at the
close. President Marvin Hughltt , of the
Northwestern , In nn Interview said ! "Tho
meetings which have been held hero and in
the west this week have greatly Improved
the railroad situation. There will bo less
friction In the future on account of a more
familiar Interchange of opinion between tlio
various companies. When disagreements ,
which are not fundamental , occur hereafter ,
a cutting of tales will not bo Inaugurated by
subordinates , but the tnattor will be care
fully arbltiateU and Justice done as fur as
possible. If any subordinate cuts rates or
disobeys the provisions of the agreement ,
his summary discharge will bo liable to fol
low. There has been n great misapprehen
sion concoinlng the extent of rate cutting in
the west , and the disagreements between
the companies have been greatly exagger
ated. There have been too many railroads
built In the west and that has complicated
matters very m'ueu. The experiment has to
bo made , I suppose , and now people BCO
what It lead" 'o. U hus been BO easy for
men to plhn railroads , and then come to this
innrkot nnd ralso money , that roids have
been built when they should not have been.
There nro no pooling features In the arrange
ment * which have been made. The rates on
the sv < tems which run into our territory
will bo restored Janurr.v 1 , and I bellevo that
agreements for the restoration of the ratea
In the southwest have also been made. " To
ward the close some realising sales were
made by the room trader * , which weakened
prices somewhat , but no pressure of long
stocks was vlilble , and the market finally
clo ed active and firm nt fractional advances
over the opening figures , The total sales
amounted to 1.USJ | shares , Including Lack-
nvvnnn , 1 ,000 , ; Holding , S.OOO ; Lake Shore ,
0,000 ; Northwestern , 0,500 ; Keck Island ,
7,500 , , St. Paul. 14,000 , Urio , 14,000 ; Missouri
Pacific , 15,000 shares.
The following were the closing quotations :
IT. 8. 4s regular .1.7 iNoithern I'iirttle. . 24'4
1T. S. Itconpoas us | ilopmforred , . . . t > * \
t' , S.H'tTOKiilir . los'i ( ' . \ N. W" . H's'j '
1'S5.4'i .coupcmi Hi1' ! do preferred , HO
I'lKltlcijiof ( * > .111' ' .N.V. tvntral . 107't
( YntriU Puplttc .M l',1) A. 13 -I
ritlrapo Atton 1U1 , UoikltUml . . . . * ' !
Chlcaollurlliiiton ( ; I' . , M. A t. P . . . ( . ' "i
A. Qiilncy 10-1' , ( loprctttrod. . IUI
n.Ij. V VV .140 St I'lllll A OmiUl-l . . 114' ' . do pi of erred . . t'71.
1. , II. &W. . . I. " , I'ntonl'.xcille . . . ( > 2'i
Kiitli n A. I'uMS tr W..M.I , . A ! . . . K't '
I.xkcSlioro lUJvl < lo picfonod . S4'
JIlchlKnnl'enti it M \ \ \ esteiu I'ulon. . . M
MOVET ov Cn.t. Easy at 2it2la ( | > cr cent.
PniMB MKHCISTILB PAruii 5j70 > per
Stimtsa Kvctnvon Dull but steady nt
$1 bl' forsiMi d.ii bills , nnd fl.bSK foi de
CiticAno. Dec 'JJ. \ heat Steady ; cash ,
{ l.U'8.Iamtarfl.OJ'iC ( ; ; Mav , $ l.0 > > tf.
Coin Hasy , cash , % ; Jauuniy , lUJf ,
Mav , : i7i- .
Oats-l'iim ; c.lsh , S3Vei Jnnuniy , S.Vse ;
May , yj-lc. ; ! ( !
H.v e , MWc. )
liarley No tinding.
Prune Tnnotlo Mo tutdlng.
\Vhisky-Jl 20.
Potk Dtsier ; cash , Sin 10' ; ; January ,
? 1.J.'J2 ; May , * 13.V > .
Lard Easier ; cash , ? s.'J3 ; Janunry ,
SriUK ; May. ? b.OO.
Flour firm.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 5ft 7. .
shot t clear , $7..ViJ7i71J ) ( ; ; short ubi ,
0 ' .Ci.
Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 'JO
Cheese Unclmiiced : full cicam choddats ,
; lints , it ) linlic ( ; Young Americas ,
- .
Kggs Uiirhanccd ; fresh , 19'j(221c. ' (
Hides Unchanged ; he ivy gicen salted ;
GVc1 ; light irivi-n salted , rt'foj gicen , 5cn
salted bull , " > ' c ; gieon bull , I'iC , greed
dry flint , 7' ' . ' < fic ; dry calf , 7sc ( , brando ;
hides , 15 | ) er"cent off ; deacons , 'JjJOc oich ,
dry salted , lOySl'ic.
Tallow Unchinped ; No. 1 , solkl ft cj
No. 2f.'jc ; cake , o' c.
Hec6itts. Shlmnents
Flour , bbls . ' . ( ,000 Ul.OlH )
Wheat bu . 2MMO 'JO.OOO
Corn.bu . BJ'J.OJa ' 203,000
Oats , bu . 15J.OUJ W'J.OOO
Hve.bu . . . . .
Cincinnati. Dec. iJ. ! Wheat Lower ;
No. 'J led , Sl.ouoai 0 , ' .
Corn Uasy , No 'J
Oats i : isnt t7c !
Whlski Steady at } 1 20
New Votk , Uoo. 2J Wheat UeceiDts ,
( iUJJ ; exports , none , soot dull and nominal ;
No. i ! led , M 0 ! In elevator , $1 04J $ nllo it ,
fl.OijC ! 1.0V ; f o. b ; Xo Siod , urc Op
tions dull but closing steady at last night' * )
pi ice = .
Corn Receipts , 217,000 ; exports , DJ.OU ;
spot quiet at I'jcil'i1. ' lower and weak ; No.
21C ,0i47c in elevator. IS ( . I $ alloat ,
Uhcraded mixed , : irrls' < , e , No. . ! , lO' ' odc.
Options dull and V'jC ' louei .ind weak ,
Oats Receipts , TilijO ( ) ; cxpoits , S50 ; spot
w oak and lower. Options dull but a hh.ulo
easier , .lanuaiy closing'jc ' ; spot , No.
2 white , , ! 4c ; mixed westein , J'Jv.o.S-e ; white
westem , 34i ( : icc. )
Coflec Options opened birely stead v at
ISlvjin points down and closed steady at n
to JO points below yestctday. Sales , 20f ( ! > OJ
bags ; December , Sl'i'J5 ; .lanuaiy , ti.l.-ioru )
13 jl ) ; robtuaiy , $ ii.BijrJ5J. : b'pot Kio.
firiti ; fair cargoes , $17.0J.
1'eti oleum Slow ; united closed nt OOc.
i'oik Steady but dull.
Laid Stiong and higncr ; wcstPrn steam
spot , $ S 0" ) ; .Tmiuaty closing at * b 25 asked.
Hutter Firm and in fair demand ; western
dairy , lIC'W'n ; ; westcm creamery , l'Jft'J7c ' ;
Elgin , : il ( < e He.
Cheese Firm and In modctatc demand ;
western , 10@113 c.
Miiinonpolls , Dec 2.2 Wheat dull ; ic-
ccipts , 200 cais ; shipments , JiOcais. Closing
quotations : No. 1 haul , December , $ l.l ( > ) < f ;
May , 1 21J ; on track , SI. 17 ; No. 1 noithein ,
December , $1.0di ; May , ? 1 1.3 ; on Hack ,
51 ll-10fl ; No 2 northern , December , 'J5c ;
January , tCc ; on trar-lc , 9Uv97c. !
Milwaukfc. Dec. -Wheat Steady ;
cash , 04Kc : January , U5 e.
Coin Stcidy ; No. .1 , ; ! Jc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 2Sc.
Hvo Uasy ; No 1 , fiO'/o. '
Barley Firm ; No. JJ , tlitfc. ?
Piovisions Uasy ; pirk , < 12 Q % ,
St. Jjoiils. Dec. 22 Wheat Steady ;
cash and January. ll'Jc ; May , $1.04.
Corn Lower ; cash , JU'de ' ; May , 3
Oats Pnmer ; cash , 2ocMay ; , 2
Pork Quiet nt 8H.OO.
Lard Nominal.
Whisky 11.11.
Butter Dull and unchanged ; creamery ,
27@.riOc ; daiiy , 22'ic. .
KJUISIIH City , Dec. 23. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 reel , cash , ' .lie listed ; Mav , 'Jsc bid ,
Jl U0j } asked ; No. 2 cash , 07 > c asked ; May.
fl 01 asked. *
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2ti > jO askca ;
ranuary , 2jcbid ( ; May , 20 > ; e ; No. 2 white ,
May , ill 'J'o ' nskcd.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 2J } o nskcd ; May , 2 > c
lilvoi'nool. Dec 23. [ Special Cablegram
toTnu Hci-J : ] ! ! 10 p. in. Close.-Pork Hold
ers oflci1 fieely ; prune mess , eastern , SOs ,
lull ; do western , Oss , Gd , dull ,
Lard Hjjders oflcr spot moderately and
fntuios hptilnglv ; i.ot , 13s Od , stc.nlv ; Da-
cemlM'r , 41s , dull ; January and February ,
12s ( Id , dull.
Wheat Holders offer inndor.ttoly at 12s ,
Corn Holders offer spot modriatolv and
'utuies spaiingly , spot , and December , 4s
n > d , dull ; Junuaiy and February , 4s 2'fd ,
steady .
id vn srooii.
Clilcnc < > . Pec , 23 The DrovoM' Jour
nal reports as follows1
Cattle Hcccljitrt , 2,500 ; market slow but
Btondi ; beeves , Jl noftoi W ) ; hteers , * )00@ )
i.OO ; stockeisand feeders , $1. 'JO ' . ) 2"i ; cows ,
mils and mixed , $1.50 .3.85 , Texas cattle ,
fl..0@3.DO. (
Hogs Uccelpts. 10,00(1 ( : nix'-ket steadier :
Jl.lxeu. u5JJ'5i " vi' . H'iuitt i.'i" ; lBn"t ! |
$ j 00fe5 25 ; skips , $ J 2ifte"i 15.
Sheep Heeclpls 2,500 , ; maiKot steady ;
natives , 5375 ( 1 bO , westein coni-fcd , 8100
( (54(10 ( ; Texans , J3Oj@J.'JO ; lambs , t2.05 < &
0.00 ,
KUIIHIIH City , Dec. 23. Cattle Hocoljits ,
700 ; Bhlpmonts , none ; beef stcord
stiong ito iocs higher , cows steady at lOo
stronger ; good to choice corn-fed , $ I.CO@I.'JO ;
common to medium , .SO l 10 ; stockers and
feeding steers. 53.0U 't.U : ) ; cows , $1 25C''J 8r .
Hogs Kecoipts , 5,000 , ; shipments , 1,500 ;
market strong , active and C@IOo higher ;
common 16 choice , $ I 7C@5 50.
National Block Yuriln , l nst nt.
IjoiiiH , Dee 23. Catlio Uccolpw , none ;
flhlpmcnls , none ; market unchangeaj choice
heavy natlvo Htoors , ( SUO i.fii ) , fair to
good stoois , 81 40 ( 'i 10 , butohors" htcors ,
meillurti to prime , t.J.40@l.40 , stockcis and
feedorB , fair to good , tJ JOvig J 15.
Hogs Kecoipts , none ; shipments , nona ;
market a shade stronger ; choice heavy , $5 10
( ( 5.25 , packing , (4 y5teD.05jlight grades , tl.bS
Mo. , Dec. -lSpcclal Telegram -
gram to Tin : Uri : : . ] In view of the numerous
burglaries and potty thieving going on In this
city for the past few months , the merchants
hold a meeting at the opera house lust night
and organised themselves into an "Antl-
Thlof and Shoplifting association , " for the
detection , apprehension and conviction ol
thieves. Five thousand dollars has been
subrctlbf3d to be used in employing detec
tives , ottering rcwaids and prouccutlug
Au Incronsod Demand Prom ThO
Interior For Moiioy.
Now York KtcliniiKo Kulotl Quiet nniT
AVeakor Trailing In I'rodnoo
ClrulcHMits "Holllilay
Clmtactcr , "
A HCSIMIIO of TiAilc >
Cmo .ao , Dec. 22 , [ Special Telegram to
TIM : Utr. : ] The chief feature In banking
circles ilurlnc the week was tlio increased
demand for funds from the Intciior , where
money I * meetini ; a steadily enlarging do-
nmiul , ninl n cot responding haidcning of ln >
tcrcsl rates. Among Uio boi rowers who nro
Kr.iduully asking for additional Jeans , nro
the interior banker * , whoso customers nro
using largo nmouuts of money in grain ,
\vhlcii it accumulating tit Uio railway sta
tions , e peciallj In the coin sections , vvhcio
it Is beliiR held until npi-ing. The poilt pack-
IIIR mteiest , iilthoURli vvantlui ; less money
ttmn n 3 car ago , because of the deoi cased
supply of IIORS so lar this sc.i on , is begin
ning , ' to iiuiko its inllueneo felt in the loan
market. Met chants who nro buying spring
stocks aio paving cash to scciuo the usual
dlsceunts allowed such bums , have also
matoitally Incu'.iscd thciriequests for funds ,
ns liavoalso thomanufaetiiicts of ready made
roods \\lio nro preparing for the.spring ttnde.
These absoi blng factots , coupled \\lth mis
cellaneous calls , gave the banks all the papers.
They mo In a position to handla cotnfoitably ,
mid thcio is less figuring about lates than at
nn.V preceding time since the close ot spi ing ,
0 ( < ( s per cent bing quoted over the counter
at the b nuts , nml Toj ) I per cent on the street ,
Homo \erv good interior paper Is reported to
hnvo pud tlio latter Iliriito dining tin * weok.
Money has been in good demand ut nil the
loading All intto dtio" , nml also in London ,
and Intel CHI iates me siianir This is duo to
the culling in of their loans by corporations
who mo piep.uiug to muct the January In
terests and dividends.
JS'ow York exchange Ins t tiled quiet and
weaker al fiUis discount per MOOJ to par
between bulks.
1'oieign e\chango was In fair supply , nntt
banl.ets' bills woio stlonger and higher , but
slnppcis' Oil dav > documentary bills on Lon-
uou weio quiet anil steady ntl SJyif-l l'j. '
The jobbing ti.ulo has been a liberal
average for the closing month of the jcar.
The tone of the market lor dry goodH ami
many lines of cotton goods is. sti oug Taney
gioeencs and other descriptions suitable for
tlio holida.v trade wore also fall ly active und
collections , good.
The New Yoik stock m.nkot continues in
u decidedly unsatisfactory condition. The
outside business is so llglit that bi-okeis find
It diniuilllo meet expenses out ol the cur
rent earnings , 'lliero is too much uncer
tainty r guiiling thu futnie of lailioad man
agement to inilneo the genet al public to place
any eonlldeneo in their actions. Eust bound
rates ha\e been ndviuiLCd , and elToits are
being made to testore west-bound fieight and
passongei i ales , and fiom the piesent np-
peatances thcio is cei.piospect of tlio
min.igois bomg successful Trading was
fair , the \olnino being about the same as
dm ing the preceding week. The le.itnio ofx
tlio market the st length and the upwaru
tendency in the coal stocks , \\mch acted
imlepemlcntlv fiom the general list mid
advanced 21fCT'lt ( points. Uolnw.uo & Hud
son , which "tinnishcd the sensation of the
mat Uut the previous week , again came to the
fionl and advanced 7\ , point * , 'j'ho nppic-
ciationas attttbulublo to the statement
that the road earned at the late of 12 per
cent on its stock this .ve ir , and would pay 7
pel cunt next jc.u ; also thut new stock
would de issued ut To per cent Theio being
comparatively little of tins stock in the
sticet , it was an cnsj matter for u few strong
operators to advance the pi ko to HI. Tlio
out-lido Urines , however , wore not rn.iiir-
tained to the close. Tlio grangers were Ir-
icgulni. I lock Island iceoivod the most
attention , mid was fieely attacked by the
bents , and prices foiccd down to 15 , ou
rumois that it would cither pass its dividend
01 reduce it to 1 per cunt. The directors
declared a 1 per cunt dividend , but its cflect
having been already discounted , no decline resulted. The total
hhiinkago in the value of Una stock from
the highest pnco lust , icar nggiegated $12-
000,001) ) . Tills , however , is not an iicavy pro-
poitionatclv , us in Alchtson and Builingtou.
The icst of the nclivo list was traded in to n
moderate extent , mid closed slightly higher
than last \\cek. Uonds woio in fair demand ,
but no material improvement occurred in the
values The total sales on the Now York
Stock Exchange were 1,120,810 shares.
Thcio has been but little change In the
volume of the business in ptodueo circles
during the past week. The local speculators
were not inclined to do much business , mm
01 dels from outside pat lies were com-
paiativcly light. To use a thicadbaio expres
sion , "Trailing wan decided Ij of n holiday
chat actor. " Money is gnulimlly working
closer and borrowers are unable to obtain
accominodaoioiis at some of the banks , ex
cept at a slight advance in the Interest
rates. The stocks of grain ore gradually in
creasing mid Uio supplies of provisions nro
hlowiy accumulating. Kathcr more money
than usual has eccn plnccp at outside polntu ,
consequently bankets nro not In a position to
readily grant favors to applicants. The
speculative tiadmg centered ma nly in the
defericd dolivoiies. Prices Imvo ruled
lower for most articles , both in the grain
and provision markets , though with fo\v ex
ceptions slight rallies \\cic gained. The nd-
viccs from the Kttiopecn mnikets weio less
favorable to holders and the domestic mar
kets gave sellers \ cry little encouragement.
Tlio export movement in grain continues
light , excnpt in coin , while indorsed
quantities ol piovisionscto foiwirdetl
abioad. The whipping branch of the
It ado has been checked to some extent
uv the recent advance in freight intcs ,
though fair quantities of gtain , piovlaions ,
sreds and produce nro being lot warded ,
mainly to meet piessinjr wants. Seeds
nliowed some steadiness and pi ices favored
sellers. The movement of live stock has
iiecn fairly active dm ing the \veek , although
the atiivalsof H\o hogs weio somewhat be
low expectations. The rctuins from the
principal packing points in the west show u
lulling oil in the general supply of hogs , but ,
thu deeicaso for the week was lighter than
heietofoio icportcd for the season. The ng-
gicgnte packing of the west Is now 003,000
liogb less than t opoi ted last season 10 date.
Lawyer Outline Milken n Ilnvnltitlon to
tilts OIiUMgo Grand Jury.
OIIICAUO , Dec 23 , Cutting was
Drought ijuioro ouJgo .lainrcHon tint , morning
on behalf of the htato. The Judge was npkcil
to rule that Cutting must luvcal to the grand
jury the nnmo of his client , for whom ho was
negotiating the return to their owncia of
boino stolen bonds. Cutting stated to the
court that ho declined to give the name for
thu icason that it was his privilege , as it hud
been given to him In the capacity of an at-
totnoy. The couit mled thut It was
not u privileged question , and directed
Cutting to answer. Ho was then taken.
before the grand Jury , In icply to r. ques
tion In the giniid Jury loom , Cutting Bald
that , now that his iljjht to testify was es
tablished , ho was veiy glad to do so. Ho
then gava the name of liU client , but It Is not
made public in the Inlet est of justice. Cut
ting added that ho had never scon the stolen
bonds and did not know where they were.
Mon Hilled ,
ST. LOL is , Dec , 23 , A dispatch from Ari
zona says a construction train on the Arl/ona
& .Southwestern railroad , with some sixty
laborciM on board , jumped the track Thur- '
day evening and i oiled down a high embank
ment , killing seven or eight men ,
Her I'rntlii'r Kaviid Her.
WICHITA , Kan , , Dee , -Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : Hnn.J Three unknown negroes
attempted a criminal assault on Mies Kiritna
Simmons last night as Bhu was on her way
homo from the store whore she Is employed
as u clerk. They were frightened by 'heir
screams , However , and lieu Just as u r
brother appeared ou the scene ,