Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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tn g head Id ctnis per
line tor the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
poqupnl infctrtlont nml 11X0 a line per month.
NondVMtlfemttit taKcn for lens tlian&lconui
tbo first .tuertlon. Boven words will Ije counted
to flio line ; they must run consecutively and
must be paid In ADVANCU. All advertise
ments must bo handed In before 12:1B : ) o'clock p.
m. . nnd under no circumstances will they bo.
taken or dlKConltnued by telephone ,
1'artle * advertising In those columns and Imv.
lux their answers addressed In ear * of Tim HKG
will please nsk for n cheek to enable them to got
their letters , us none will lie delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to ndTur-
llsumonts hhould bo enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns arc pub
lished In both morning and evening edition * of
Tun ItiEF , the circulation of which aggregates
moro thnn 1HXO ( papers dallv , nnd gives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of thn cltYclreu.
iBtlonotTiir. llr.R , hut alto of Council niulH.
Lincoln nnd othi > r cltlos and towns throughout
thlinedlon of tlio country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
tin thn nliovo conditions , at the following bust-
ness houses , who nro authorised agents for TUB
Br.p. special notices , and will quote the name
ratea as run be had nt the main ofllco.
TO11N W. HUI.U 1'liarmaclst , So BoutUTcnth
V Btrcot. _ _ _ _ _ _
H'APH .t I'.nnY , Stationers and Printers , 113
South 10th Street ,
II. 1'A.HNSWOIITH , Pharmacist , 2115Cum-
, lug Street , .
1X7 .1. HUUIIKS , Pharmacist , 024 North ICtU
Y > Street
GKO. W. FAllll , Pharmacist , 18CU81. Mary's
" \\f ANTKO-Hituatlon with team to do light
T V or heavy hauling for wholesale houso. Ad-
flreai N 12. llee. _ 27 *
W ANTUD About the 1st of Janunry.a situa
tion by a married man , Herman , of several
years' oxpeilonce. In dry goods , clothing or general -
oral store. Good references. Address , N 11.
Jlco olllce. uaa 24
T\rANTF.D Hy competent young man , posl-
TT tlon as bookkeeper or cannier In htoro or
bfllce. Can give best or city reference. Address ,
K 10. llee. 1177 2St
TXr ANTHD After Jan. 1. position as sales-
TT man or collector by German 31 years of
Opo. llest city references. Address , N u. lleo
oijico. PUB si *
V\r ANTUO A Rlluatlon as housekeeper for
T > widower by widow. Address M. Illakclco ,
FuUctlon , Nob. llai.'lt ) !
January I , IBMl , by a young man ,
u position UH clerk , sulohtiuui , or bonK-
kceper. llavu Had oxpprlunce , and can furnish
Jietit of ruferenccs. Address W. , I1. C ) . llnx 157.
Council Hluirs. sus : . ' ; . *
fllllAVIJMNO man wlthclght years' expcrl-
X enci' , desires position on the road or In
house. llest of reference. Addre sN" , llee.
Olii Stt
TTJTANT.KDftcr Jan. 1. to cello 't on com-
T mlhslon for some good house. Itond given
If required. Address M 71. lleo olllce.
_ _
"VS'ANTKD-Jnnuary 1st , 1W9. position bv a
' tlrst class otllce mau ; bank ormerohautlle.
Address M 65 care Omaha Itco. _ K17 Jltq
WANTKD Kxperlonctd party to tun res-
taiirunt at llunicy ht. skating link. Ad
dress J' . J. Lewis , as itbove. lii-
A ( HINTS wanted to hell the Wilson lamp
burner anywhere In United States ! bott lu
inatkut ; no oiml | 1'or power of light and steady
llaine : hull on sight ; toriltory guaranteed to
Rood men. Sample burner $1. with lamp com
plete K. Profits larga. Send for circular and
terms. The WllUon Mfg. Co. , 8V 2Jth at , Now
York lilt Kit
"IS/ANTED Young man who Is competent
T bookicanper , stenographer and tvpewrlter.
Address N 14 , llee olllce. 114 2y
\\7ANTKO-Young lady who Is competent
bookkeeper , stenographer nnd typewriter ,
Address N 1 1 , lleo olllco. 114 i'J *
WANTIJH A good mau to solicit printing at
m7Si4tu. i u i.-i ;
TPtTANTRD Energetic men with Bomo capital
TT to establish a branch of a safe , legitimate
1 hvalneas lu every city. Storni Proof Door Co. ,
I'hlludulpUla. US s >
/ agents for the sale of the 1'eifec-
tlon Hell I'ajier I utter nnd Automatic
Printer. Territory given. Holt & Mitchell. Ht.
iouls , MO. _ IjHOJ
" fANTKD A first-class salesman Is open lor
T an engagement : 10 years' exparleuco In
Now York ; good refciencc. Address N 0 ,
Omaha llee. i. . i rrr < ; i i-aij
" ) A party to represent us as agent
. . to sell "Slate Dlack Hoiuas ; " ono selling a
line of school supplies profoired. AddrpfcsTho
wind Gop Mantel 4 : Hlackboard Mufg Co , ,
Eastou. Pa. n 1 23 *
'O7ANTKD First-class men who mo already
T traveling salesmen to carry our lubricating
Oil samples as a side line. Address , J. H. Tim-
Iiilns tc Co. , Cleveland , O. U027 !
* V\rANTED A man to take charge of branch
T olllco In Illinois ; salary $75 per month and
Bharo of prollts ; must furnish MV ) cash secur
ity ; do not answer unless you have security ;
Address llox 2li ) , Kookuk , la. 88125 *
W ANTUD 3 men to solicit orders for pict-
urcs and a line of household specialties ,
gu N. iiith st. m ji
WANTKD Male and female agents ; easy ,
selling goods. Itoom 24 , llarker block.
, BID J17t
WANTKD An experienced subscription
book mnnagprto sell "On'koH's Compen
dium" and book ( .ailed "Homo Hoyond" In NoV -
V > rn.-.ka. To a satisfactory party wo will give
BPcclal Inducements. Address , Subscription
llook Department of Nat. Library Ass'n , 103
Btulosl. , Chicago , 111 , 82US3
W ANTUD Good men in every locality as
delcctlvrs under our Instructions. Bend
Do for particulars. Oklahoma secret service ,
Wichita Kansas. 707J 13 *
TATANTKD A man to solicit , .salary 475 per
' month , miiHt deposit Pil for samples , and
plvo security for money collected. Address
Ocorgo 8. Cllno. fill. First National Hank build
ing , Omah or Wagner blk. , Dos Mnlnos. Iowa.
/fiUSM UN We wish a few men to niO.1 our
goods by sample to the wholesale nnd letall
trade. Largest manufacturers In our line. Kn-
Close " 'Cent Mump. Wages $1 per day. Perma
nent position. No postals answered. Mnuoy
Advanced for VMigds , advertising , etc. Centen
nial Man'f'B Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. W J 2 B3
OKN'1S WANTKD-J75 o month nnd"ex -
ileuses paid any active person to sell our
foods ; no capital , wilaiy monthly , oxpeiuses in
ndyanco , pntticiilins tree. tiUudard Silverware
Co. _ .Hoston. ! iW (
B : OVb-Am. DUt. Tel. Co. . 1W4 Douglas.
" \ \ / " ANTUn Man to take the agency of our
l unfcs ; size 2fcxltxlK inches ; welyht 600 Iba ;
retail pi lee Jtt ; ; other sizes In propc-rtlou. A
rare chntico aud permanent business. These
safes meet a demand never befoie supplied by
other Mifo companlrB , ns wo aio not governad
\ > y the tafu pool. A IptnoSafe Co. Cincinnati , O ,
ANTUD-Glrl about 15 years old to" take
care children , 1318 Bherman avo. IdOO 23
\\rANTUD-Agonts for Hie California cornet.
T T Long w nisi , high bust , unbreakable over
lalp.s. California Corset Co. , New Haven , Conn. '
_ _ 127--lj
WA NTHD-A girl In tamily of "lliree. nt Klfg
N.BIthst. Wf 1 *
T\rANTID Girl for general liousewot k , two
IT In family , IffN \ 'Mil bt , , coiner Callfoi nta.
_ _ yi ° _ _
' \\rANTID A etrl forgpncral houscvvork.2HB
TT Chicago ut. DOT 2Ut
A (1 111 I , for genaral housework , 2 !
Mary's uvo. 1150
ANTUD GUI for general housework nt
I Ilia S Uth. 'JI7
A GOOD experiences girl for general hous >
work , 2102 Douglas bt. U1U
" " "
W"A"NTUI ) GTrTfor"Kenernl hnusowork ( Hor-
mun pro Cor red ) . NV cor2uth and Webster ,
W ANTUD Olrl for general house ork,71'J
e. mtii , U7u
WANTKD A lady lo solicit , must come well
recommended und iniy flu for munploi ,
ralury t < U per month. Address Ueorgo y. Cllue ,
fill , FU'bt Nutloiml I Ian 1C buildii'u ; , Ouiuhii , or
k- , Don Molnej. Iowa. w
* \\J ANTUD-At 1KB Ilowanl St. . conipetent
T T girl for kitchen , must bo good cook and
lunm.Kss. Ui-rman , Dane or Iilah piefuried ;
rfferenc ' 8r qulred. 810
* \J UllHAsTfA Umployuiont Olllco , 317 N 10th st
J.'i lut uor
i JriANAUIAN KmploymentOlllce. MM. llregiiii
l5tU.llercr ncoOmaha National bank.
JP NUAGKMJ5NTS to n w In fttinllles. m.iallttt (
EN'CJACJHMKNTS to flo flrossmaklng in
families solicited. Hiss Btttrdy. 2017.I/AVon-
worth t. 271' ) 28
YALUNTtNi'S ; Shorlhand and Typnwrltins
Institute , new 1'nxton bulldlnii , Omaha.
Tlioonly exclusive shorthand school lu the
state. Over ono hundred graduates in good
situations , The school l.s under the manage
ment of C. C , Valentino , ofllclal stenographer of
thu .Ird judicial district of Nebraska , nml Prof.
H. H. lloylos , an experienced teacher and ver
batim repottor. Day nnd evening sessions. Stu
dents can enter nt any tlmfl. Send for circulars.
\\rANTHD-To borrow forfl or 6 year * , with
T T privilege to pay oir at option of borrower ,
I4.0JO. nt 8 per cent , on Insldo , newly Improved
rlly real estate , worth 112,000 , Address N Hi ,
lied , llK'Xy
WANTED-To"ioan Jj7)0 ) tinHTtliT" "of
Mnr , on real estate notes or other good
collateral or t-ociirlty : or will buy a real citato
inoit.ago running a short time , U. C. , box fiiil ,
poslolllcc. 118-21'
wnntod A pcntlctnan desires
130AHD and board i H. aud H o'cloi k D.I with a
respectable private family ; boarding house
keep'i.s need not answer. Address , giving full
parti' ulnrs , N 7 , Heo olllce , 10J-23
K OOMUHSnti'l boarders \vnnlouM704 Douglas ,
SiOil J !
\\7"ANTKt-Clstcrn ) < to build , clean and re-
pair. .1. C , Hall ; Tele. ( T.7. H'iO 21 *
\\7ANTUD Young ladles and gentlemen lo
T T know they can obtain a thorough und
practical knowledge of tolegrapny , fitting them-
helves In n short time for good . .Ingposlllons
nt thn Kloctrlo Telegraph school , llooms cs
end asa Pr.xton block , cor ICtl. and Farnam st.
1WJJ4 ;
JJIIHST-class homo board , 018 S 10th , 2
OAHD1NO and furnished rooms , 2J3 N. Ittli.
R54 SI *
T MIL15 boarders wantedli 3 Douglas _
WANTKD-S or n rooms , partly niriil-Oied for
light housekeeping ! can rttrnlMh every
thing nxivpi furniture ; rent must bu modcrnti } ,
S N 1,1 , , IJOO. IKI fftt
Foil HKNT The finest houses In Omaha for
the money. J. I. , lllcu A : Co.
, alcove nnd single rooms ,
M with board , very desirable. 51US. 22dht.
T71OII ItKNT-fi-room cottage. 1 block north of
J ? oil works , N. 17th st. , fll per month. In-
ijultu H aoi , I'irst National bank. l.ll-'IJ
IOIt ItKNT o-toomed tlat at MM N 10th st ,
All niodt-rn comoulencos. A , 12. Marsh. 1MO
ItKN'l' 15 good houses , well located ,
whore tlic finntturoIs for SAK > on monthly
paynunis. L'o-operailve Lund Jc Lot Co. , W > N
Mtlist. VMSS
SAliU A nlco fi-room cottage , city
water , on car line , JJ.fiOO , montlily pavmcnta.
V. K. Darling , 1511 Kuiuam. 7 a I
EpOll HUNT 8-room house , 20J1 Howard st.
Jt ? Apply at once to Green & Williams. Khbt
National Hank llulldlng. i l a >
F 11RNT Cheap , 7-ioom Mat. Intiulre nt
1015 Howard street. US' ' . ) ! J7
FOll KUNT-Cnttagcs f > roonih , 27-V. Charles
st. and I5"4 So. uth st. Cnquhu U.iUtiheoley
block. 'JJ5
IIIOII HUNT It-room house on stone pnvc-mcnt.
-1 } uico jard mid double car lino. Hunt , 310. Co
operative Land i ; Iot Co. , 'Mi N ICtliat.
TiFTtllNi' f-rooin Hat at 5J8 S. 13tli. 1mmIre
J. L. llrandels te Sons. M7
HKNT Neat 0-room house , litn ! and
FOH January 1st , rent J-JO. Hreunan
& Lo. , Chamber of Commerce. HID
17)11 HKNT Klght (8) ( ) room llat. modern con
veniences. Imiulre 012 S. i'lth st. 811
T/lOll HUNT Modern ten room house 5 B south
-K 25th ht. , near St. Mnry'.savo. , $15. Hlngwalt
Hros. , Hnrkor block. 755
" 171011 HUNT A splendid now house , 8 rooms ,
X1 all modern Improvements , centrally located ,
$45 per mouth. Morse & llruner , 161)5 ) Fixrnam.
HKN'T 7 room llat ou 2d lloor. Unmilro
FOH Fair cor l.'Jth and Howard sta. ftsi
FOH HKNT 10-room house , steam , gas , buth ,
hot and cola and clstoin water , good cellar ,
and nice yard , 850 , SOU S 24th. Inqulre.-W S2lth.
TTlOH HENT A comfortable house with B
-L rooms , pantry , largo closets , splendid cel
lar , city water , sewerage and gas , near business
centre ; moderate rent. John H. F. Luumnnn ,
ttii S. ITth st. 372
FOH HKNT A 3-story brick dwelling. 1K)1 !
Capitol avo. Apply to C. H. Guloct at the
Chicago Lumber Co. 371
1T1OH HENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 now
J- ' residences , 201 and 2114 Cass street , Clark
Place. One block south of Crelghton f-ollego.on
Farniun nnd 21th street car lino. 1 All modern
improvements. Apply , H. T. Clark.Union'lilist
Co. or at 2420 Cass st. 307
FOH HENT 0-roora cottage , KJ3.00 per month ,
lull Harnoyst. 3
FOH HUNT Cottage , 441 Convent st. Inquire
1523 Jackson st. nil
I7IOH HF.NT room housfo , ill. G. U.
JU son. 212 Shoeley block.
BKAUTlFULS-rooinhoiiHo. gas , city water ,
bath room , hot mm cold water , on paved
streets with street car , near a good school , only
J3.1 per month. The house is now. Apply at
once. C. F. Harrison More/units' Nat. bank.
WOK HENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 now
JL residences. 2404 aud 2414 , Cass street. Clarke
Place. Onn block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam and 24th street car line. All modern
Improvements. Apply , li. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. . or at 2I'.1) ) Cass street U14
rOH HKNT House and barn.Hunscom place.
Hams , room 411 , First Nat'l bk bldg. blX )
T71OH HENT-No. 1111 8. 7th ave. . a nlco 5-
JL' room liouso In good lepnlr : rooms newly
papered ami painted : nice yard ; line cistern
water. Hcnt fcil a month. I'ossuss Ion given nt
once. Apply to Hell's lutli st. pharmacy.
TJ OH HUN'T 9-room modem improvedhouso
JU A 1 locnllty. Hcnt moderate. Apply , M. Kl-
guttcr , 1C01 Farnam nt. 291
TmOH HUNT Hy lloawoith * Jopllu , llnruer
JD block. 3 , 4 , 5. ( I. 7. tf. u , 111 , 11. 14-loom houses
In all parts of the cltv. 1)73 )
TJ1OH HUNT Houses 7 rooms , SUtH anoTHar-
-L noy : ID rooms , 21st and ; 7 rooms ,
12th and Jones ; .1 rooms , PJth and Maltha ,
Llnaliun it Mfttionoy , Paxtou block , til
HOO.M frame. No. 2tlU Hamlllon t. , tsr.BO.
Leavitt llurnham , No , 1 Crelghton block. n > 'i
TfjlOH HUNT Whim s on wish to rent n houao ,
JL1 store or otllco call on us. H , U. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 1177
FOH HUNT b-room house , 2113 , 7-room house
2423 Popplolou ave. Oeo. L Uilberl , With-
nellb'l'e. 1)78 )
FOH HUNT-lu-room house with steam heat ,
RtBUI H. 21th Ht. O.K. Thompson. Sheoly
block. 15th and Howard Et . U 'J _ _
TIOKLY furnlHhod south room for rent with
, > board , modem conveniences , 21)15 ) Douglas ,
F UHNlSIlliD rooms , 1201 Farnam.KM
KM a
OOMS with llrst-class board , furnace , bath ,
RO lectric , gas , 018 S lUth , _ DO.I-JIU ;
ltJin I KNliiooh'j aud loard : for two gen tlo-
ineii. 1223 N 20th st. On cable line.KI5
KI5 2i
HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms
with boaid reasonable , Addresc or cull fj5T >
8 "lith st. _ . _ M7 Si
TTMMtNIHIiUD rooin.s and board , futnace hone ,
-I ? 25'fi ) Bt. Unry'a uvo. _ Hit ' 'I *
ImTHNTailKD room , with gas and batli , board
J3 if desired , 61'J8,20th St. , opposite All Balnta'
ciitircli. 515
_ _
TTAOHTiUNT Pleasantly "furnished room"air
JL1 modern conveniences , for oan or two gen
tlemen. at KM B. 20th st. , or cor. Bt , Mary's ave.
and 20tli st. 615
furnished rooms by the week or
N1CKLY cliuap ; 1407 Jones st. 1'eabody place ,
1OH HUNT-rTtvo desirable sunny rooms ,
JU suitable for unntlcmiiu nnd wife , or party
or gentl men ; rent leabonnblu , 111 North 17th
ht. , llrst house north of D o.lge , _ 115-ai *
ALOVULY rront room , Uouted , furnUhod
and every convonlcncw , 21U7 Douglas HI , 130
" 171011 HUNT Most dealrabln ue\vly furnished
JU front room ; gas lighted and heated : at ItXU
llowurdbt. , tiratilut. _ | jr-att
PLBABANT furnlBlied rooms , single or on
Htilie. Hoard If deslrou ; modem convcu-
liSIHAULli furulatioU room , 2210 Davenport
t. 77U UOt
T71OII HItVT-T\ro furnished rooms for llcht
J-1 housekeeping. I7C8 Calllornta st , _ n-a >
"riK \ < \ p"llKNTS Oood f tirnlslieil f l eeplng
v roomswlth stove tl.'B per week. 2 rooms
furiilshpd for light housekeeping SI3 per month ,
a largo tin furnished room f > per month. (07
Howard st , lot sat
_ _
T YHNIIK Honms-At initandlDIBCanltolnvo ,
-V2 blocks front P. O newly furnished , private
boarding house.pleasant rooms , all convonloncjs
77tiat !
EIiUOANT south room1 ? , heat , pas and bath ,
ftt very low rent. Inquire nt ItWO Chicago ,
' 101 30
rpwo uico front rooms furnished ; will rent for
J. light housekeeping to n neat couple , Il
13th st , , corner of Pacific. 107 1W
E Olf HKNT Desirable furnished rooms with
board. Now house , all mo.loru convenience.
a io s. aim st. im2i
AHOH pleasant room , turnlshed , brlcR Hat.
1410CtiIcago t 0"i
'tT'Oll HUNT 2 front rooms on second floor ,
JL1 115.00 each. 151. ' .riioy st. 2-W
" 17 LUOANT furnl ! ) . . > d room , with nil modem
J.ycoiivcnlences , with or without board. Hill
Douglas. I' ' ' > 5 " ' *
. . HUNT-Nlcoly-furnished rooms , ffl and
JL1 j2per ! month , UjTi Jackson. 1IH23 ?
IJIOIt HUNT 2 furnished front iootn , cheap ,
JL largo closets , well lighted , suitable for" or it
persons. 1201 N. ISth St. OSS 231
MAN nnd wlfo or two young ladles can bo nc-
cnmmodatcd with room and board reason
able , with use of parlor , in pilvuto family. Ad-
dresj N 3. Hoe olllco. I'll ' ! 23 *
niUHNlSlIKD rooms , 1201 Jackson st.
" 1710U HUNT rurnlshoil rooms with bath gas
JL' nnd heat , $10 per month , " .W Dodge st. 21K )
rnOH HUNT Two largo nicely furnished con-
JL1 nectlug rooms , with bath iind conveniences ,
suitable lor four gentlemen or housekeeping ,
4J1. or separate til and t4. ! S. W. Corner , 1,1th
nnd Howard , entrance on Howard. Ml
FUHNIBHUD or unfurnished toonn , 1413
Dodgost , next block to postofllce , from AI
upwards , limulro room 8 or 14 I Douclas at ,
room 2 Wl d 2il
2HODMS , light honsekoeplus. CK1 S. Iftiii ]
711 2jt
IOH HUNT Furnished room with board.
1722 Dodge st. IS7
" 17OOMS and board , 1812 Chicago. 505J7 *
" \T1CKLY furnished looms , Wll Chicago ,
HUNT Furnished room. Heat , gas and
bath. 110 S. 21th. lil !
' furnished front looms with stciim
heat and modern conveniences. Hetcrem os
required , 2J17 Douglas. U11 l
A tiAHOU elegant south room very nicely
furnished ; furnace heat aud every modern
convenience. One-half block from cable c-ira.
2107 Douglas st. 114.1
N ICKLYfurnlshcd looms , also front nnd
back parlor ; 1UU Douglas st. 811
FOK HIJNT-Two turnlshod rooms for light
housekeeping ; J 2 < iSt. Jlary's ave. Hl)2. > *
VTlCIItjY furnlMied rooms nnd board at 1017
-L > Capitol iivo , Si'jUW
F HUNTAn elegantly furnished room or
- suite ot rooms with botud In n private fam
ily. All conveniences. Curs pass the door
every three to live minutes. Hcterfiicos Jte-
qulred. inquire rooms .MS and 51J Paxlon blk.
IT'OH KENT Pnrnlstied rooms in ttraumg bit
JL1 cor. 13th and Dodge ai- . Inquire ot Oeo. H. .
Javls. Mlllard hotel billiard room. UN )
1J1UH HUNT Furnished looms in Gr.mnlgblk
J-1 cor. l.fth and Dodge sts. Inquire of ( ieo. H.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. I'sO '
KOOSIS First-class , modern conveniences.
1718 Dodge st. _ MJ 2 If
FO RTtErnr Roj M s u rj F U R M i sHEpT
rooms for light honsoVceplnir , mod'-tn
conveniences , block 1'iom cable , by month
or long icttso thoaj ) . S" > 'i ) Douglas st. KH 21t
Foil ItKNT Two nice unfurnished or tur
nlshod rooms for housekeeping ; conven- . Mill * N. Ifilh. IW 2 > t
FOH HKNT It uniumlshed rooms. S. V , Cor.
lllth and St. Mary's ave. ; largo pantiy and
good collar. U802IT
AN ELHOANT store room with line basemout
.steam heat and water , on lUth ht. J. H.
Parrotte , rental agency , 1KOJ Chicago. IOJ2U
BA K UIIY f or i cut at 1'W. ) Park uvo. Tills Is u
brick store loom nnd basement , including
ovens , countei.s. .showcase , etc. . In the most de
sirable residence c < mmunlty In the city ; water ,
.sewerand gas connections. Thos F Hall , 311
I'axton block. BO'l '
BHICICstoio room with ba ement , all mod
em Improvements , splendid location for
feod.stu-o or haidware. Moves , etc. , being in
the heart of the most desirable lesldouce portion
tion of the city. 13U-.I 1'aik ave. Thos F Hall ,
311 Paxton block. ! W >
Foil HKNT llrlck store. 207 S l th st. near
Douglasuow occnpkd as saloon. S. Lehman.
Oil lir.NT Good btoreroom near cor. 15th
and Parnam , one of the bust locations In the
city. Addre-s Geo. N. Illcks , Harker block.
T71OU ItKNT Store-room. No. 1413 Douglas.
-L' Hebt retail property In the city. Will put
plato glass front in by January 1. See Dr.
Joseph Neville , 1102 Douglas. ( kw
J71OH HKNT Two .stores. 521 and 523 North
J-1 11th st. In nilro at the building. Henry
Ostholl. j'jiJ
FOH HENT An elegant store room with line
basement on lltli st. Kent very low to light
party , MtMin lumt and water IncluJed , Apply
lit 1515 Douglas st. 3S >
ffJOH HUNT Onico suite i > month. 2 single
X' ollicai $15 cacli. all fronting Kith St. , limn-
man block , N. I ! . Cor. loth ana Douglas. W. M.
Uushman , 1311 Leavonworit : . IN )
FOH HENT-0 onico rooms in Hedlck'fTblock ,
ISO-1511 ! Farnam st , on2d floor ; one olllco ,
east front , on 2d lloor , over Omaha Hanking Co ,
bank , cor. 15th st and Hartley st. Inquire at
1511 Farnsin st. , room 8. Paulson & Co. 4'i2
FOR HKNT Ilrlpk store. Hat above. 24th and
Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea-
vltt Iliimliani. room 1. Crelghton block. iK'i
SPKflAL attention given lo renting and col
lecting reuu. J. II. Parrotte. lOJi Chicago
GnoilOK J.STKHNSDOHFF , room ( I , opp. P.
O. , will hereafter give .special attention to
renting homes , stores and Hats. If you want
your property runted without delay and to rull-
able tenants , do not fail to Hat tuo same with
him. _ L'lL '
G KO. J.Paul , KWJ Kara. st. Houses , stores ,
etc for tent , 150
Wl ! give special attention to renting and col
lecting rents , Mat with us. H. 12. Cole , room
( I. Continental block. tla7
I.I F YOU want your nouses rented pincn them
with liunawa & Co. , Uth , opposite postollico.
wanted of the wheruaboutn
J-of Michael Noouiin , late with 0. & O 11.11.
Addirss ,1. T. Hrodoilck , 1013 Biyautst , San
Francisco , Cal , l)2J ) 24 *
IDHHllNOLOOlOAL oxamluatlona dally given
X at 1'ilii Capitol nve. . Bo7-tft )
BLKC1ANT Ufa size crayon portraits free
ot charge for a short time as an udver-
tlsement.from photographs brought to the Van
dyke Portrait Studio , U13 Pierce , near 14th.
Poi traits alno In pastel. _ 728 111 ?
"DKHSONAl/ youniTO * personal Horn , or
J- any communication , drop it in om > of The
lioo'a mesbage boica. _ 108
TTIOH HUNT One good bani room for three
J.1 horno.s , buggies , etc. , " 415 Davenport fit. In-
qulro of ( X L. KrlckHon Sc Co. , 212 N. 18th st.
_ | 441
_ _ _
LOST Dec. l'.i , on Lvavcnworth or Georgia
nve. or Park uvc , n satchel containing pock-
ot-liook with money and. other articles , A lib
eral reward by returning to lift ] Georgia uvo ,
OST-On Farnam at. between IBtU end 30th ,
J dark blue velvet bag , tied with yellow rib-
bou , bag contained pair dark brown slippers ,
button hook , etc , Please return to .Mrs , K.
Dickinson , IMJi rarimm t > t. , and receive reward.
_ _ _
THAYUD-From IB1 B IBth''whltecow.lJirsu
spot on ouch side of neck , hns wide spread
liorns and bear on right hip. Finder will be re
warded. 131 gat
JOST About three weeks ago , n lialf-blood
female red Irish setter dog. Was about to
have pups. Finder will return to 1U1U Fur mini
st , or lleo onico , and bo rewarded. OM 2 it
OST Letter addressed to C. 1' . Harrison ,
Omaha , mailed nt Ml. Pleasant , la , Dec , 12 ,
enclosing u valuable note good only to payee.
Bullaulo reward will be given for return of
nototo C. F. llairlsou. Mwtiauta' Nat'l Hank ,
Oinuha , Wl 21
m n i ir-f-vmWTf" " Tti "iiT'Xi
MO ro.wftrd.lUnck and tAnshodog.vurj
TOST lias chain i with red rlobon attncheu
lloom 344 , llftrker Hotel , 707 23J
UPAhKo steer abmitnyrnrsold ,
1 taken up ahontKov Kith , has brand on loft
side and Is very wllO , Chaa. Powell. Florcnct
Neli. ! dl.Via-a > .J Tig
_ _
_ _ _
HOHTHANU ind ' typo-wrltlnB-SiiDerlor
ndvnntagas in' these branches at tha
Omaha Commercial college , opp. P. ( ) . ,
cor l.'ith and Dodge , Scotes of graduates In
good positions. Students complete manual in
ten days and CO to I'M ' words per minute In three
months , llest teacher In the state. Practical
otllco drill given students free Dictation flvo
hours dally. Day and evonltm sessions , Hapld
dictation for ivporu at night Forclroulars
write llohrbough llros. , Omaha. Neb ,
TjToit SALK Heglstercd Holstcln cow ; also
X1 fresh cows. Uoddard , near fair grougds.
110-2 , " ) ?
T71OH SALK At a sncrlllco : owner Is about to
JL1 leave the city , nnd desires to dispose of fur-
nltnro and lease of nu elegant IM-ocm house ,
largo yard , good barn ; furnlturo is nearly now ;
renr is low ; house Is located on cable line
within 0 blocks of P , O. ; oan give a big bargain
If taken nt once : inquire of Wright & Lasbury ,
S15 8. 14th St. , upstalts. _ 121-23.
FOH8ALK The finest driving mare and most
elegant plui'ton in Omaha , for sale cheap
for cash. .1. U Hlco * Co. 1 20-211
TI1O PHINTUHS For sale now quarto medium ,
JL old style Gordon pilntlng prcst ) , with throw-
oir , and 0110 new , 7-iolumn Washington hand
press ; \M1I be sold nt u reduction tor cash , or
will take part cash , balance in scouted notes.
Address RiSM. N. 1'Uli ' St. , Omana. I2V2.I'-
T71INR young llambtctoutan marc with cle-
J-1 gaiit Simpson road wagon. The outllt cost
$ VJO. Will lake S'JMspot cash. J. L. lllco A : Co.
Wit SI
7Vll SALK Team horses , harness and gro-
- eery delivery wngon. Cheap for cash Call
on Price llros , 1W3 Cutulng Ht. UIO 2flt
TTIOH SALK A new feather bod. Inquire 8 ,
JL1 W. cor Sllh and A HI. , ooutli Omaha. DM at *
Foil SALK-1 Iramo hiilhlltig , 15x20 Apply
Paxton & Yleillng IrOn works , South 17th
and It. P. tracks. IBM
F OiTsALK-Ll'jht ' delivery wagon , with or
without hurst ? und harness. Will lake unse-
< tired uote or mortgage and pay some cash illf-
ference. Kelby. 1521 Fnriiam. IMS
"T71OU SALU Hy mortgagee on easy terms , as-
JU1 sorted lot fiirnllure in quantities to suit , lu-
( Hilie 101 S. 13th St. , Hnom id. fct > 2
" 17IOH SALU One nlco 1,0 W pound horse , J12.1 ;
J-1 one nice 1.20J poitm family , ill ) . Hoth
sound and kind. A. P , Twkoy , Ifith A Douglas.
FOH SALK or trade Now two seated cor.
rlngo aud jiugla top buggy. Selby. 1521
Farnam. iniO
hououhlo , well-established bitsl-
XA miss , with a goo.l future prospect , for wale
on uccountof poor health. Anyone thatwunt.s
business It will pay them to Investigate this.
Address M uUJjoe. iM82.'t '
TNSTHl'CTfoN given on the banjo and giiltur ,
standard music blinpllllcd. Address M CD ,
Heoolllco. _ ' W2M ! + _
rpllU Iwnjo'ftruglit as an art by Oeo. f. Gi'llen-
' . beck. I12J S. lllth st. ID"
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co , 1501 Fur-
num. Complete abstiacts furnished iitltles
to i eal estate examined , pel reeled \ guaranim d.
'us'ldn ' > i mtnipuK
-jp , ioj sjuaj f pus -sluJoyriuoi
JOJ8JIla.1I ( | 10 3(0011 ( 'O lOU JOd I
sMi iuut 'soi onjj saioutw oiio , iiq ony
ptm t.nDiij rin > iiinva
O Ill'Y , sell , icntittr.idp , or exchange , see J.
U Hlco As t o. U72 21
A I1STHAOTS Llnahan & Mnhoney , room 00) ) ,
block. , i , 811-
or team mules wanted to appy a payment on house and lot , or rosiJonco
lot , balance monthly payments. Wrlto or call
on Solby , 1521 Farnam. US !
DH. 1) . T. OILMAN cures all curablo.s , bono-
fltb Incurables , testimonials to prove won-
lerful < ures produced ff retiulred. Olllco tlM !
Saiindors st , ' HJ1 23 *
JHHKNOLOCIOAL advlcoonthe best busi
ness to follow given nt lOIii Capitol nvo ,
fO'-2lt ;
O CCIDKNTAL hotel. 10th and Howard ; dav
board M per week ; 21 meal ticket J4. 747J14 >
DH. MHS. ICIJNTZK. midwife , diseases of
women and children cured , llesldonco KM S
17th. - 47IJ7I
| V/f / IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co , . 1505 l > ar
L' Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate examinedperfected & guaranteed ,
OTOHAOU At low rates at 1121 Farnam st.
VJOmaha Auction A ; Storage Co 'JJI
FI HACKAOR , storaso , lowest raws. W. it
-L Hushmnn. 1J11 Loarenworttu 03C
YOUNG man with a few thousand wants to
buy somn established paying business that
will stand investigation. Address N Hi , Hoc ,
122-2J *
"OfANTKD To buy. We have customer for
TT bakery nnd Lonlectlonory In Omaha. J. L.
Hico A ; Co. ! )75 ) 24
"V\7"H want a ten or twelve passenger bus for
f > customer In the country , and good team
lorsos. J. L. Hlco As Co. H75 21
" \A7ANTKD To buy , with good improved
TT farm and some cash , house and lot , worth
Sll.iXK ) to W.roo , In Omaha , on car line ; in good
iclghborhood. J. L. Hlco i Co. ! I74 24
\\7"ANTUD-I.ocatlonon Itelt line or C. , 11. &
T T i ) . track for coal yard ; must bo on or near
mved street. Some ono owning such location ,
\ ho will put up iii'cc.ssary buildings , can get
good tenant , C. U. Mnyno , tfith and llnrney.
t ) 25
WANTED Furniture , carpets , tovos and
Household gooils of all kind * . Omaha Auc
ion & Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. K15
CJPF.CIAL fund ofW.MX ) to loan on business
ror resldenco property. Klmball , Champ &
lyau. room 0 , If. a. Nat. bank. IllU 2U
-W. Peek can loan MOO.OOu at lowest
delay , cash on hand , Hnom 1 Frun/.er blk.
IF YOU wantto bonow money on diamonds ,
On pianos or household goods , on horses ,
wagons and other personal Property.
On inortgngo paper and contracts , at fair
ales without deluy or publicity , go to the
Falrbunk investment Co. , 215 U , 14th upstairs.
T CAN make a few loans on Unit-class chattel
J securities at reasonable rated. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10 llarker blk , 705
H , K. COLK , loan agent , 4J3JI
YOU want to borrow money ?
DO Head this.
It will save you time.
Itwlllsaveyoi ) money.
You can-borrow from
H. F. Masters ,
successor to W.ll. Croft.
.room 4 , Wltline Ibld'n . 15th and Ilarney sts.
Kill. M ) , .VJ , J100 , iiUu , * 50Jni.OOO , O.OOO , IIO.UJO.
Jn fact any sum you ycant on furnlturo. planosi
hor.-.o3 , mules , wugous etc. , ou easier terms and
at lower rates titan at nfty othar ofllce in tha city ,
without publicity or removal of propsrty from
your possession , n .
If an installment la due on your property and
you cannot meet it , CRH and see me. I will pay
It tor you , if you have a loan In any other of
fice , call and get my rates , I will take it up and
carry it for you. V
I make loans for one l'tn blxmnnthi and you
can nay a part at any time. Iroduclng both pr In-
clpiu and Interest. , ,
All loans renewed at original rates and uo
charges for papers.
All business slrlctly conlldontlal. Call and
see mo.
Don tCorgetitUe number.
lloom 4. WllHuoll block. 1U
MONKY to Ixian We have several thousand
dollars to place for eastern parties on im
proved city proporty. Harris , room 411 let Nat.
Hank bldg. 711
PEOPLE'S Financial Kxchango Tna fairest , , mojt liberal money exchange in
the city ; loans made without delay or publicity ,
in any amount large or small , at the lowest
rates of Interest , on any available security ;
loans nmy be paid at any time or renewed at
original rates. O. Houscaron , mgr. room fiOtf ,
Darker blk , nth und Farnam. 701 ,
H , K. COLK , loan agent. 4'iljl
SHI' Bholes , 210 , First Nat'l Ilnnk , before mat-
ing your loana. 35a
, to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahau & Mahoney -
$ honey , room tm. Pax tun block. UOJ
KMOVBD-To room 303 , Pint National 1 ank
building. Provident Triut Co. 041
MONHY to loan on furmtnr ? , nornes , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security , J. Vf , Hob-
bUu , H , 200 Sueely blk , IJtU and ilutvarcl. 1UI
$5OM , f 1.500. Jl.OOO , JfiOO. Special fund to plncc
on choice Improved property. D , V , Bholes ,
210 , First Nitt'l Hank. 317
EKAIi citato loans , lowest rates , Odcll llros.
Jc Co. . 313 S. ICtll St. llu
MONEY tolaanj lone tlins , ac rg J , I'Attl
1C03 Farnam rt. ill
MONEY lo loan on Improved piopnrty nt first
hands. No applications sent away for AP <
proral. Security nml titles xa'iiln d fre * o (
ouarRe o borrowers. Lombard Inrs.tment
company , 309 a13th _ st. Us
O K. COLE , loaa ngcnf ! 4.tJl )
NEHHASK A Morlg. Loan Co. will mak you n
loan ou household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land conlracts ,
flno jpwelry , or secuutlos of any kind
w Ithout pulillclty , at reasonable rates ,
lloom 7 How lev Mk , Couth Omahu.
llooms 618-610 J'axton blk. . Omaha , Neb.IWfl
rpo LOAN From one to two hundred thou * .
JL aud dollars or imaller sums promptly , east
ern capital always on hand cheap , Philadelphia
Mortgage and Trust Co. , Goo. W. J * . Co.ites. U
board of trade. 111 *
MONKY to loan. O. P. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1505 fiirnani st. 103
MONRY to ixian Lowest rates , lionns closed
promptly , H. K. Cole , Hooni 0 , Continental
Itlock. 1000
H.15COLU. . loan agont.
171IH8T mortgage loans at low rato.t. and no
JU delay. U. V. Sliolcs , ail ) . First Nat'l Hank.
IJUOPLIVH llnanclal Exchange Lai go and
small loans for long and shoit ttmn , at low
est rates of Interest , on rvnl pstntn mnrtgt.KO
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Joweliy. Don't fall to call If you want fair
and cheap nccommodallons1 ( ) . Houscaron ,
Mgr. , room 56 > i Marker blk , liith and raniani.
MONKY to loan : cash on nantt : no delay , J.
W. Sniilro , KVI Fnrnam Ht. First National
bank building. lift
LOANS made on real citato and morigasoi
bougnt. Le\Yl 8. Ho ml & Co. , IWl Farnam.
M 1ONUY to oan on lnirovBd ] real estate.
Lcavltt Hurnliam. Crolghtou block. 1U7
H.1 loan agent. 433J1
rij500,00 ( ) 0 per cent. Mouuy to loan on im-
d > prored farms or city property. James A.
woodman , at tha old fire Insurance ollica of
Murphy & I.ovetl , WS. .
pril.DINO loans. D. V. . . . . . . . . . .
I JNat'l Hunk. 3.10
GPUH CUNT money to loan Casn on nattd
W.'M. Hurrlj , room SO. 1'reuzer block , opp.
P. O lui
BUILDINO oang. Llnahan & Mnnonoy.
I > KMOV1JI ) To roomMS. j-irat ftatlpnal tunic
JLX building. Now Kngland Loan and Trust Co.
MONT. Y to loan on Improved city property or
for building purposes ; lowest rutos ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , loom 1 ,
Haiker block , 13th and Farnam. ij'Ji '
rilHKUinnha b'liunclul K\change. Itoom 15 ,
-L llarker IHock , southwest corner of 1'aruam
and rthsls.
Makes a uped-illty of short-tlmo collateral
and teal estate loans.
Money always onh.ind In sums of $100 and
upwards to any amount , to lo in on approved
Secured mites bought , hold or exchanged.
Clear real est.ue .mil cash to exchange for
good or cc < mil mortgages.
Loans nmdo upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , u ust deeds , tlrst or "eeond mortgage to-
cuiltr. without publicity , delay or red tupe.
Mnatirlal buslnesj of any kind transacted
[ > ro'nptly , quietly and fall ly. Hnom 15 , llarker
ulock. Corbutt. Manager. 1111
Tl I ONEY Loans negotiated at low rules with-
-I'l out delay , and purchase good commercial
iapiT and miHtgiige noted. & A. Slumun , Cor.
Hit u anil Farnaai. 4.'JJ
DON'T borrow mouoy on iitrnlttiro , horsas ,
wagons , etc. , until you have soanC. 11. Ji ,
cobs , roam 4UI , Tlrst National bank oulldlng-
cor. Utu an.l t'arnam 10 J
to"lonn A few thotis.inds noin first
hands at vtiy low rate.s. C. K. llurrlson ,
Merclianth' Nat'l bank. SU < } 10
"IjiOll SALU A llrat-class steam laundry. Tor
J-1 Information nddicss Cornish \ Tlbbetts ,
Lincoln. Neb 110 i.4T
XT , ANTKD Parties to take about J2.0 TTstocl
T wlln other paities in erecting a cold stor
age liouho and poultry yard : is u No. 1 oppor
tunity. Address " \ 17 , " lleo olllco. ISSSI *
"V\T3 ! IIAVP for rent nif'-room hotel , well lo-
' cnted In Hoitth Omiiltu ; splendid chance
for reliable party ; Hutchlir-on A. Wead , 15i4
Dotlgost. 117-30
BUSINESS chance and splendid Investment :
All's yeais lease of tine eoriifr , on line
In north part city , together with stone building
and niie l loom rottngo ; will lent for ? . " > ( ) per , netting a clear inollt of 9r > UQa year to
lent ; nwner going twoy on account of health.
l'rIcol,7flUciibn. J. L. Idee & Co. 1171 21
Tmoit SAfjIJ A biickyord In the thriving town
-L1 of Scilbner. Neb. , capacity l.mKi.coi btlck.
For particular * Inquire .liistlco Kroeger , Kith
mid l'uhs , or thu owner , John Homberg , Scilb-
uer. Neb , t l 4 *
iroit SALU Choip. and on easy terms , cigar
J- : and tobacco store ; lo.iaw and lurnlture of 17-
room hotel In city ; ll-ioom hotel In good town ;
grocery .store , diy goods .store , clothing store ,
ooots and shoes.reitaurantsand other business
chances. Co operative Land and Lot C'o. JM5 N
IMh St. IU2 a
ASPLKNDID opportunity for a party who
lusll.UiOor 11 , > M to Invest. Invu-itlgato
Address N I1 , lice. 0.13 ar
rpt ) HLTY , sell , rent , trade , or exchange , see J.
JL L. nice .v Co. Ii221 )
"IJlUll SALE-A lli'st'Cliiss cigar and confec-
J tlonery htunil. Apply at htore. 17tn and
Nicholas. 11JI N. 17tn st. VAi SI'
" \\7ANTKD iomo person to engagn In the
hardware business at Platte Center , Neb.
Inquire ofA. _ Henry , 1'axton hotel. 1'K ' ' Jt
\VANTiiN-An : Interview with a man of
' i means , w lie w ould bo willing to invest a
fimall bum witn prospect of a return of millions.
A r.illioad Invention , Only those who mean
juiciness need invostig.itn. Addren.s. .stating
where Intorvlew can bu had. N 4 lleo ollli e.
BOT11/INO works for halo. In one of the best
towns in Nebraska , flood territory , four
rullio.uK outllt nearly now. Anyone wanting a
good business will please Invostlsatc , Address
M 41 , Hoe ollice. I-17
DUKSSMAKINO establlslimont , $ UUO. good
location , this Include * all fixtures , will lent
thn above for J. & . Co-operative L. iV I , . Co. , 203
N Ifitn st. Ilia SI
TTloTl SALM \ splendid business In a good
J- city dry good" , boots and hhoos and gro
ceries , Invoice about if2. ' > , UiK ) . I'.mh and hociir-
ity In n line brick block. Co-Oparatlvo Land and
l.otCo.i.'Uj N I'Uli ' ht. Dili 2J
'HO K.vrilANGC * have half acre cor. 10th
Xand Wllliiimt , St. , the finest plecu of ware
house ortruckago in Omahu , all clear of Incum-
brmicss , prleu Flo.OOO , actual value Jii.UO ) , to
ttade foi Improved Omaha property. We have
ivchoUo ploco of propcity on tiaundcr.s st. ,
worth JlO.iUW , all ck-ar , to trade foi ( Jinahu Im
proved property , and a line piece on South ' .Dtli
HI. , worth li.BU ) , all clear , to trade for improved
Oiniihn pioperty. Now , come to u , J , L. Hlce
A. Co.
\ ? KhavoS orO MO ucro imtirovod farms In
i Nebraska nnd Homo Omaha property to
trade for stock general niercluindl o in some
llvo town In Iowa , .Dakota or Nebraska. J. L ,
itleo & Co. D75 U
\\7ANTKD-A stocjc of hardware , furnltuiu.
' ' gtocerlcs , dry goods , clothing , or boots and
Hhoeu , in oxl'hange for a good tarm or cltvproit-
crty. Co-oporativu Land Lot Co. , IWi N. IHth ,
W\ \
rpo HIT Y , sell , rent , trade , or exchange , KOO J ,
Jh. . Itlco Si Co. vnzi
WANTKD to Trarto In as first payment , n
uplendld l&j-acre improved farm located U
miles from Miller , Hand county. Dak , , on the C.
A ; N , W. Hy. ; goofl improvements , frame bulld-
liiRH , windmill , 45 acres under cultivation ; uo
waste land , i'rlcr. 11 $ per acre. Want 7 < > r
room houao In good location. J , L. Kico & Co.
IJTtl 3il
FAHMBand city property to exchange for
stocks ot merchandise : if stock is clean and
good will put | n some cash. Co-opeintlvo Land
fc Lot Co. . 205 N 101 h St. ItHI 111
$ riOil cash and good city property or farm land
will buy u nice grocery stock and good loca
tion In Omaha , Co-opsratlvo Laad and Lot Co. ,
M ; N JOtU at. Kill a
TjlOH BALK Light delivery wagon , with or
J ) without horte and harness. Will take unse
cured note or mortgage and pay some cash dlf-
rerence. Helby. 1621 Furiiam. Ult
ixchango : .1 nuarter section *
WANTKOto , of raw land15OOJ wort li of
town property in one of thu best towns in Ne
braska , 4,800 population , for stocks of gt'iieral
merchandise. Address M \ \ Hee olllce. C l
nilidining : room , furniture , lease and good
.1. will of u good hotel lu Ouiahu , to tiade lor
land or city property , Co-opurutlvu Land a
T710H KXCHAKUi- : Team horses or mules
JU wanted for first payment on runup and lot ,
baianco monthly or quarterly payments. Selby ,
JW1 Farnam , c J
Tj eMl "H CUATfoTT Soutir innnnn iot for
JJ team horses or mules , vs agon and harness
Sclby , 1KI Foniam. _ o l
A 0001) hotel nnd snlonnlo trade for laml
or rlly properly. Co-opcrntlvo l vnd * Lot
Co. , SD N I'Hll 8t Vti Si ?
F OHTXCTlANK- : now housonmTlot
for small farm near Neb. county seat.
Solby , 1531 Fnrnnm , 001
P 0ll iXOliA Ntli-CarrlaRO : nnifb uggy with
* , > M cash for unsecured note or long time
mortgage. Selby , 1511 Farnam. 8,14
WOll r.XcANd i-Kor : iTwiriit > ro i"ositlo"neo
JL1 property In Omaha , any ov all of follow Ing ;
40 choice linldo residence lots lu Hastings.
Kin lots In Lincoln.
(149 ( acres line fanning land. Lancaster county ,
line residence property Lincoln ,
tlood it'titnl property , Llnciiln ,
Ohoico fanej ; rcsldeuro , corner. 1,01 Angelas ,
A neat tcsldcnco property In llnnscom Place.
Also xnnip good mortgtigi' notos.
Address giving location and pi Ice of properly
J. K H , care llaum Iron Co. , l.U Lo.iveuwortii
IHAVK real and personal property ot all
kinds for trado. Call n\ul see mo. Ooorco J.
iSternsdortl , roomO , opp. P.O. r'l
1710H THA DiHouse : nnd rot In city forioal
J.1 or chattel mortgage paper , horse * , mules
or cattle , A I ! . Greenwood , t Co. , loom 1 ,
Cuuntughiiui block , cor. lllth aud Jackson
\ \ HAT have you to trndo for.1 lots In Jerome
M Park ? tnuumuianco of * 1 , K on tlw lots.
Address K K2 , lleo olllce , _ _ 81'J '
Ft > H THADi- : Choice lot In ( Irainmorcy PoVic
and choice double corner In Llpton Place for
good land. 1) . V. SholesJ10 1'hvu Nat'l bank.
_ 577
1-ellor Mrs. L''inninanca.ui ) con-
suited on all afTalrs of llfo. Satisfaction
guaranteed No 31tlNithst ) ) Usoj lit
ItT NAN NIK v7"\Varreu , cliirvoynnt
leal and business moillum. Fomalud
a specialty. II' ) . N. UUh st , Itooms2 Ac.I.
> lAl'Tll'tTL ! S-room houio of iuostlnodern
JdeMgn nnd llnlsh. Nothing o-.nlttod lu Its
construction ; furnace , city w.itor. gas , hot and
lold water , alitliiuo oixk tlnlsh , large east frontlet
lot overlooking till ) cltr and Council llluils ; the
honsu complete In all Its dotiult , : can ba purchased -
chased now onn or two thousand loss than lu
the spring.Mllpavyou to Investlgato now .
C. F. Hatrl&on , Motclmnts' Nat'l bMik. ll
TIHIH SAI.15To those wnntlng to go fatmlng
.L wucan put them In control of largo or small
IractH of land watch require very little money
tor yeans ; thoio never was a better time to on-
gagu In faimlng nnd stock-inlslng than now. M.
A , Upton company , IWJ So. liith stivot. 4'I3
ITIOH SAMJ-fil3 ncros Haiuliton Co. , NeTiT
- Iland. . Super acie , olio-third cash , balancu at
0 per cent. Addtess W. J. Wlldman , Dourer. Col.
F 1011 Council Hlulls real e.state .see. ) . L. Hlce
* Co. ! )7I't )
ajSOU ouys a full lot nd good 4-room oiitt i a
'Peasy terms and gond location. 1) . V. Sholoj ,
room L'10 , Flrdt Nat'l bo-nlc , cor. 13th and Far
nam. I'jt
1 > KAL estate bargains
J-V forsaloby
Gooajro N. HkkH , Iliuker block.
Ilcantlful liil in llunscoui Place , close tostreet
cars , splendid neighborhood , high and healthy
location ; ptico , ! , & ! > ) ; only $ vx ) cash , Ijiilnnco
onu to tl\e years. Cioorgo N. Hicks. llarKer
Hlock. 1311 2 i
III AC'UKSof choice farm laml In Central Ne-
V bniska. L' . P. and II. & M , H. H.s ; a bl
bargain If bold quick. Write for price. (5eorge
N. Jllc'cs , llarker Hlock. KWM
CtHOlCl ! piece of tinckage properyf ! 2.,0.\(10) (
feet , with over 10) ) fecS trnntage on the llult
Line Hy , tor sale at a bargain , ( ieorgo N.
Hicks llarker Hlock. I'll 21
"IJ1OH 8AL1J A larpo double house , nine looms
J- each , just completed , llrnt class nelghbor-
liond , magiill'cont view. The grounds are 75x
I'll ) feet , east trout. K.ich houstt has hot and
cold wiiti r , furnace , bath room , cloctilc bells ,
all complcti , and a fine barn with city water
and Hewerago connections. This ptopuity Is
only two blocks fiom thrtv .street car llno.s. and
Is one of tiio nicest and moat convenient homes
In the city. Can give Immediate possession of
one house with bain. 'l.his property will pay K
per emit oiiJI7. " > iO. Price for afew days , tl..fflX ) .
tieorgoN. Hicks , U.ukcr Hlock. 1,1 " 2.1
BAlKiAIN Splendid rosldcuce corner , nouth
front , ( i IxllW feet , on Popploton ave , Hans-
corn lnci , llrst class neighborhood ; streets and
total ! graded ; naiv cable line to Hiiiuuim pink
wlllmukethls property advance at Iea.st50 per
cent. Price for a fo\v days onlv $ I , U ) . on easy
terms. Coo. N. Hltks , Harker blouk. 1I'J2.'J )
EOH SAI.KWrst class improued farm In
eastern Nobniska ; small cash payment ,
longtime. Call and get prices and term . ( ! eo.
N. Hicks , Harker block. 11'iSt '
Foil PALK Splendid 10-ncro tract near junc
tion ol 1' K. &M. Y. It. It. and tlm licit Hy. ,
lu West Omaha , in a line state of cultivation :
wll' tnako a bplcndld homoor line fiuit and
vegetable garden. The p open\ can l > j platted
iusldo of tinee years into liny lots that ill sell
forfliK ) orf."ll eiich , and realize Irom $2 > , i'l ) ' ) to
f.M.OOJ for the entire tract : nan ( jlli-r for a few
davs nt J'i.&W. Ueo. N. Hicks , Haiker block.
0 S A LU Section 2 % township 10 , range 11
west , comprising 010 nn uof choice farm
land in Howard county. Nob. , loeato.l about I !
mlldS iconi I < IIa on I'.P railway , and ? miles
from Cushlns on It. .t M. H. H. A big bargain If
sold soon , ( jcorgo N. Illcks , Il.uker Itlock.
Choice busincsslot on Jl ft. , nnnr
BAlKiAlN . Om ilia , fora few days at * l.iW ) .
George N. Hicks , Harker block. ' l'J/- /
BAHCiAIN Sixty feet on llitii ht. , near Far-
nuin , the best piece of business propel ty on
the marketrcau oiler for a few days at figures
it will pa v you to Invvstlputu. Georjjo N. Hicks ,
Haiker block. _ 1J'J"ii. ' ;
b : lot. on feet on
bouth liith st. Prleo ff7U ) . ) ; Jl.Ofl liit-iim-
bruiico , long time ; equity $ VJOJ. Will laVe
homo cash , bali'iu" In good laml or city piop
erty. CieorgeN. Illcks , Haiker bio'k. 1,1'fl
F1 ( ) HXCHAN'GH Choice business lot
L on Tenth street , on cable line , bunoimdcd
by.splendid business blocks. Prirof K.UlHl ; In-
cumhrance ilO.UK ) . Want llrst-clast Inn I , iinln-
cumbered , ( IcorgoN. Hicks , Hurker bio Ic.
1 til 23
rpO IJXCHANdll Fliht-cLisH corner on bnsi-
-L ness street within il blocks of court house.
Prim ! > , KW ; eiictimbninco S3i,00) ; nwii'r'H
equity fli.UJO ; property lents for W,7 0 per your.
Impiovements all now ; will exchange for , oed
tatmlng land. " duorgd K , HICKS , llarker blo k.
' -
FOHSALlSor Kxchaugo For Improved city
propeity , three to live acres of 'liiiul on thu
licit line railway , o.sp > cially wultablo for brick.
\ijrd purposed. This ground Is niulellitld with
a biiperlnr quality at cluy , and has raihoail
tracks on ouu side nnd a good stream of water
on ttio other. Will take brick novct season In
part payment , tieorgu N. Illcks , llarker block.
1OH S A LI ! Choice live aero tiact In West
JL ? Omaha , close to licit line railway , only
twenty-live minutes' rldu from poitolllcifor
sale fur ushoit time alSSI.OJj ; smiill cash pay
ment , long lime. Clcoigo N , lllck.s , Haikor
T31OII SALK One of the places In or
J. around the city to t.tnrt a smiill coal nnd
lumber yuul mid iru-ner.vl grocery business.
Hlluntcd at the junction ot'thu Helt line railway
nnd two main mrootu leading out of Uty m
West Omaha ; IJ.V ) tout of U'lcCuge and over iiUil
fi-ot frontngo on main tnorougnfurij , used by
all the larmors living honth and \\enl nf tlie
city. 'IhislsaHDleiulld chance for a man wllh
a moderate amount of mono ) , tleorge N.
IllckH. llarker black. _ MUv-J
rpo iXC'IIANli : ( ; Two choice 10-acro tracts
JL closft to Holt Hue railway. 1'iice JT.'J'l ' ana
illHJi ( , Eacli of those trautH will make fi. ) nli
lots that will Bell inside of : t yours for lioo each ,
Want improved residence pioperty or buslnun.s
lot. What have you to oiler/ George N. Hicks ,
llarker block. 11 KM
rilO KXCIIANOn- worth ot ? o ) d
i. Omaha pioperty for good .itock ranch ,
[ JcorKo N. IllckK , Harkur blocX 1 IJ-'il
rpo KXCIIANHK HH-acrofiirMU ) trade for
J-a good house and lot , George N , Hicks ,
llarker block. UJ 2J
r10 | UXCHANGK-21 choice loin la Wei-tTIvvn
J. Park ou licit Hue rnllwiiy. In Wcfct Oiniihii ,
lialf block from stiitlon , only hevuu blocks tiom
> trcot car lino. I'lice. "H..UWI " ; liicumliriince due
; , II. 4 and f. jours ; H.tWJowner's equity In Ktoj ;
ivlll tradu for oed land , Oeoigo N. Illi-ks ,
llarker block. 13'JM :
rpllK above list osmprlsea only a few of thu
J. many bargains w olTor. If yon Imvo first-
.lass property to sell or tradu , or If yo'i wunt to
tent a home , call and see our list , George N.
Hlclc , XtHrkerblocjc. IVJXI _
FOH BALK Nenraska farms : no surer Invest
ment cs.n bn made. M , A. Upton compa-iy ,
SO ) Bo. Kith btreot. 4JJ
TT'OH ' BALK Two elopant homes in HaiMcoin
i. Place on reasonable terms ; m jrt ugo p ipur
akonaspart piyment , lloiwurth < V , loilln | ,
ILirkur block. IAJ
TT OirSALl ! Do you want .1 loan at lowest
U'rates on uood Impiorml Insldo propeity/
jceM , A. Upton comjiany , at M't &u , lotli Htrost.
8ALS-l/t 10 III blo'jU I Omnlia Yiu\v ,
, Cuttls i. SiicKett , Mi 8 Uth at , ' 87 "J
PW ( 8ALU-M , ATUp'on conpiny hive tli
bargains lu liuslnoitnml r > nliitnoj p. . ujiu'iy
Je thorn at WJ Bu. JCth htrout. 4 1
17HH SALK Ilo you know that i/owor lloujr-
JU las st. Is going to insko first class retail proi > -
erty ? It you don't , go dow n to the bridge some
tlnndayand see the stream of western I own
people comlni ? over You \\lll then be con-
v inced , Wo civil soil 45 , 41. CO or v < fuct On Doug ,
las. between linh and llth sts , nt n price that
will make purchaser lw per rout In le s tluxti
two years. 'Mils snap will not keep later limit
January l , is-sn. M. A. I'pton Company , ao9 8
/ MJYUHXMUNT laud Anyone- wanting
\TKovorninent land call at Hotel Deheck ,
South Omaha. J.O , Mayor , commissioner.
IPOH Council Muffs real estate sec .M. . Hlco
* Co , 071 ' 'I
TTHMl 8AI.r. lly M.A. rpton Comiuny.
JL1 A handsome and very complete 10-room
residence on shcnuan iiventto at less than
'K feet on Sherman avenue lif Paddock Place
at $1 ill per foot.
A corner on Sherman avenue In Paddock
Place at a price way below the market value.
An east front lot on 37th street , paved , Just
south of 1 amain , SJ per cent less than adjoin
ing propelty can be puiohased for.
Forlmigalns alwavs see M. A , Vpton Coui
pany , itui South 10th street. Telephone S54.
- !
rpo III' V , sell , rent , trade , or exchange , see J ,
-I. L. Hlce A Co. U7-J24
TOOK SALlf Not for trade 5I3.7H acres of iinT
JL' proved land 2 tulips from Mantietti | > , til
llainlllon Co. . Neb , I'ramohouse , fiamn stable ,
111) ) acres under a good 4 bnrb-wlro fence , round ,
cedar posts and 3 stays ; living water , good cor
ral , a wells , wind-mill , ; i-'J-oi\rrel tank , Rolf ,
leeder troughs , etc. ; 7"ncroa clover , n good
slock ranch.
Price ( about $12 per acio ) SdSO )
years timontu nor cent ' . " . ! ! . ' . . . Utti
Oo and look over the land aud addres.s the
owner , F. K. Atkins , liCK Larimer St. , Denver ,
Colo. J l'-l
* | 71OH 8ALH List exclusively with M . A t'p
-I ? ton compuny , ! HJ So. lillh street ; goml lusldn
property at a llgure not moro than actual v aluo
if you want your real eatnto sold , 4lM
SPUCIALbargains In farm1" , wc.storu I mil and
city property , call iind see us. Noli. Set
tling and Supply Co. Hoomli , Hoard of Ti.ule ,
Foil Council llluirs real ostnto eco J. L. Hlco
iCo. nil 21 a new hnuso in a dnslrablo part
of the city , two lots , house contllns all
modern impiovoinentii , hot and cold water ,
lutniico , gas , bath , > lectne bells , and eluclrlo
gasllglillugnriangemBnt , pirlors , hall and din
ing room llnl.shod in uak mid t berry , h'or
price and tot ins address P o. drawer 4 , liv
"IjlOll SALU-Or ovchango lor Omah prnp-
A ? erty , sj acres , suitable for plaitlnn : will
make 101 lot" , all clcui ; big monov 1:1 It for
! .sumo ono who i in push this ; lei iti-t in t out-
Hldo of the dty limits ot Ciititi'U ' illuil In-
qtiiro Goo. J. Jaterusilord. opp. pjsto.lice. 13j
Tj"lOll [ SALU ( iood hoiisn ( if 7 roivns , fu'l lit ,
1 well , cistern , barn Cor 4 IIUI.MI * . sr" ml ,
church and storonenr uy , street cars one l l irK
away. In growing part ot city , good tuiigniior-
hood , title petfoQt. iroixl homo for mm of moil-
onitomeans. ( Jet ready for next spring by liuv-
ing a homo now : will tuko a vacant lot us part
payment. C , F. llorrison. Merchants Nat bank.
A FINK Impioved limn near PapL.ion for
sale , 1.1 mlles tiom Omiha at Jli nn .1 i-e.
Apply at Mil' HaineyBtroel. jrJ li
FOH Council Hlulls ical estate see . ' .I. lllcu
A ; Co. _ 071 21
blot-K , nearly now. with
st ires on tlrst tlloor au.I seven room U vtu
Fecund floor , wlt'i ' all mod TII linprovoments.
Thispiopjrti" Is on corn -r flouting pa\eil
street , with sewer , water ind gxs a id lii'ngs '
nu annual rental otJ-tri ) . Will soil cli'ip ou
terms to suit. Address II 70. lloo. _ lift _
I71OH SALK A bargain. Lot K block.I Orchl
JP nrtl Illll. High level lot. One blo < lfr , > m
Ilen on ca.-line. ? xH ) . ( 'mils A. s-ickott , an a
IMh t. KS7 .1
ri i ) HtTY , .sell , icut , trade , or ONCIIIIUPPeo J.
-L L IlceCo. ( . i i"l
FOHPALU-On easy terms and loiutline , ra.
lotnt Il'J'on S. Uth st. near Ham i ill ilotO.
Il.ukcr's .subdivision ) . Address M I. ' . He olll-o.
1TIOH fonmlt Hlulls real estate si > .1 I lit
JL1 \ C i. U I 21
Bt. Paul Fxpieas I H : l'i u. m.
Hunnliig betweenCoiitrll llliiirsnnd Albright.
In addition to the Ht.UloiH iir-'iilUineil , trains
Nlop at rw.'iitlmh and Twenty-fourth HtroetH ,
nml lit the Mifinnli. In Oiiiuh i.
ny rnurn mall full ooicripuvo
! cliruUra lit .MOOl > Y't Sfetr
Tin In r Stnluin of Ore * * Ciit.
Ini ; , Any ladynl iinlliiarylnielllutncecfcii rnilly
ui'l niiickly Irnru In cut nml make oiiy t'lrnifnt ,
n any Mi In , in any lut.uure ( or laily or clillii.
iurinenli riiaruiiln d to IH | > lft > ol ul'Aanl truing
m. AtUiea .UUUUV Oc. 1JO. , C'lurluuull , O.