Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Tlicro will bo a meeting of the coun
ell this evening.
Horn , to Mr. nntl Mrs. .7. N. Case
Tuesday morning last , n fifteen pouru
plrl. Mr. disc still retains his position
us foreman of the smelting works.
A union moating of the Sunday
pohool teachers of the city Is held every
Saturday afternoon atI o'clock , in the
Young Men's Chrlbtlan asiociatiot
I'orRonnl I'nrnurnptiR.
J. P. Hartmnn , of Krnrnoy , Is In the city
G. K. Slmw , of Hustings , Is nt tlio Paxton
K. II. Murray , of Dcadwood , Is nl the Mur
rny.L. . T. Calkins , of Fairmont , is at the Mur
ray.Ollvcr.1. . How put up nt the Murray las' '
J. C. Crawford , of West Point , is at th
W. II. Miller , of Nebraska City , Is nt th
J.V. . Love , of Prcmont , Is slopping at the
R M. Hale , of Lincoln , Is stopping nt the
James Stcplienson lias returuoil from
L. F. Ucrry , of Fremont , Is stopping a
the Murray.
Augustus Franks , of Kearney , put up a
the Paxton.
M. .1. Sully , of the IXin Sully combination
is at the Harltcr.
.1. 1) . Kllpatrick and wife registered at the
Paxton last night.
.f. II. Wcston , of Ucatricc , stopped at the
Paxton last night ,
13. W. Jloyd , Auburn , registered nt the
Mlllnrd last night ,
.1.1C. Johnson , nt Crete , Xcb. , was at the
Mllliint ycsturdny.
11. M. Taggnrt , of Nebraska City , is stop
ping at the Murray.
, T. P. llnrtmnii jr. , of Nebraska City , is reg
Istcicd at the Paxton.
W. O. Whitmorc , of Valley , registered a
the Murray Inst night. %
Mr. E. Kosowater , editor of THE 13ui : , has
returned from the o.xst.
> James K. Wash is in from Lincoln , and is
stopping at the Millard.
11. W. Weir , the now chief justice o
Idaho territory , is in the city.
* ' O. P. Chessman and J. M. Davidson , of
York , Neb , , are at the Paxton.
Theodore Getting * , of Washington , D. C.
registered nt the Millard last night.
.1 C. Watson and Contractor Nevis , of
Nebraska City , came into town to-day.
Phil Jacobs , state agent for the Domestic
Sewing Machine company , Is at the Paxton
Tom J. Huteson , with M. Zincmnn & Hro.
Philadelphia diamond merchants , Is at the
lilchard Hrollung , bookkeeper for Troxoll
fc. Williams , has left for a two weeks' trij
through California.
The Misses Goodoll , of Kearney , who have
been visiting relatives In this city , returned
to their homo this morning.
T. C. Kuttor , manager of the Council
HhifTa Canning company of Blair , is in the
city with ills wife and daughter.
At the Arcade : John 11. Hays , Norfolk ; 13.
II. Gouldlug , Kearney ; C. A. Tuttle , Irvington -
ton ; D. M. Uould , Springfield.
Governor Saundcrs and wife are now in
Indianapolis , biituro expected homo in a few
days to spend the holidays in this city.
At the Barker : G.V. . Snow , Salt Lake ;
T. A. Sims , Missouri Valley ; W. E. Hall ,
Hcd Oak , la. ; C. A. McDonald , Chicago ; J.
F. Ilutchins , Lincoln ; Ij. II. Sawyer , J. A.
Shcpard and Charles Unrbor , South Bond ;
II. T. Henderson , Oscoola , Nob. : Fotrest
nichardson , Charleston , W. Vu ,
Fourth Ward KepiibliciitiH.
The Fourth ward republican club mot last
night nt Judge Anderson's oflico. Very few
of the members were present , und the busi
ness transacted was of a nature relating to
the private1 affairs of the club.
Scttlini ; Up Affairs.
Mr. C. C. Williams , of White Water , Wis. ,
brother of Dr. G. W. Williams , the suicide ,
arrived In the city yesterday morning to
attend to the collections and other effects of
the unfortunate physician. Mr. Williams is
stopping at the Arc.ido.
Hascall Defeated.
The story that has been going the rounds
In local napers that Hascall will bo elected
president of the council is declared unau
thorlicd on very good authority. Mr. Bed
ford will not vote for Hascall , and this ren
ders Lee's election almost assured.
Disappeared With tlio I'urse.
While a prominent society lady was seated
on a stool in Thompson , Boldcn &Co.'s store ,
'Thursday ' evening , a strange man sat near liei
for a few minutes , and then hastily loft the
store. When she reached in her pocket for
licr purse a moment later , she discovered it
tnlsslng. It is supposed the stranger took it.
The HFuvor Objects.
At the present Indications , thcro seems to
bo an obstacle in the way of the glove con
test which was announced ta take place in
tlio Grand opera house on the UTith Inst.
Mayor Broatcli stated yesterday that he had
been asked to Issue a permit for the engage
ment , but had refused. The mayor said that
Jio would allow it to take place under no cir
Not UHO Cement Floors.
County Commissioners O'Kcoffo and
Mount and Superintendent Shane of the
new county hospital , on their recent trip
cast , made a special study of hospital Moorings -
ings , and como back to Omaha with statis
tical information that will bo of much sor-
vlco in the finishing off of the hospital. In
Borne parts of the country the commissioners
report that cement flooring works very well ,
while in others it utterly fails to glvo satis
faction. From what they could learn , the
lasting qualities of cement Moors depends
upon having tirst-cluss material used. When
this Is done , it suits admirably.
Just what will bo done in the now county
hospital in regard to tins feature of its con
struction. Mr. O'Kcoffo could not say , but a
report will bo sumnittcd netting fortli bov-
eral suggestions for the guidance of the
county board.
St. 1'p tor's Haziinr.
The Christmas bazaar , in aid of St. Peter's
Catholic church on Lenvenworth street , was
held Thursday ovonlni. under the auspices
of the ladies of St. Peter's Guild in O'Keofo's
hall , corner Park avonua and Loavcnwortu
street. There was a tastily arranged booth ,
filled with all kinds of Christmas articles
for old and young , presided over by the
Misses Koster , O'Connor , Clcary and Mill-
llns. Kofrcshmonts wore served from tables
heavily laden with all the delicacies of the
season , kindly donated by Mrs. K. C. Gush-
inc. Mrs. M. D. Hocho , Mrs. Phil. McStmuo ,
and Mrs. Mulling.
During the qyonlng there wcro several
excellent selections on tlio violin rendered
by Prof. McQuald , who exhibited great skill
In his imitations of the music of the farm
yard , and of an Irish mother's lullaby. As
encore pieces he played "Adosto Fidelcs"
and the "Last Koso of Summer. " There
was a largo attendance ) and a hnndaouiu sum
was realized.
Oared Fermannntly. Orlin l
till. R niw a , ; D. SO. 1111. Tki TIKI IK
bu rtumniUiio U ktik ; | antii | ; bottlt of III.
jtcebl OU curti : h i cot MIt lice * .
rBAHK UOKU08. m cllTlll . IJJ.
Cured rermanentlr. Orltlitl t t m r.l.
1IIB. R w > 4.Ju 10 , till. aulMiltwojtiri
( o with cit ulai u tittki In one fcotr f r H rtllil
Ir a It. Jicatii Oil ; Ur ptlk tljp nrid : U U *
oonlnj fului ( < ai , HOB/OI 8. UOfStUI ,
Min llttpy , tfitltst.
Cured Permanently. B n w l , U r ll/lt.
\Ylt WM toriljtauulwllk lint tick ; irftrtl
rir l n n ; tiud laipaitrttlt llnlmtnll :4 rli .
l > ; St. JtuU OU. v i ctn by II.
A. B. CBimmouAU. r rjopoiii , ra.
IHCOIMRt-EC * . VOOEIEB ? 0.,9allmcri ! , 111
Tillr :
A Iilvrly 8cB lnn In the City Unit Tlnirs-
ilny NlRlil.
Tlio city council chamber was well flllctl
Thursday night with native-born represent
atives of the stnto of Pennsylvania , who mot
to perfect an orf'nn b\Uon of tlio Pennsyl-
vftnians located In Nebraska , The chair \vns
occupied by Dorsoy H. liouck , and Vic P.
Mussolmnn noted ni secretary. The report
of the committee on organization wis read
anil received , and the remainder of the evenIng -
Ingva * spent In dismissing tlotixlls of tie !
proposed constitution anil by-laws. They
worn llnally passed us submitted , with n few
trilling ainsndmcnls , among which was n re
duction of the fee for Initiation from f'J to (1 ,
and of the monthly tlucs from , f > 0c to ir > i % ,
Then the debate grew more lively upon the
question of who should be the oflieors for
the coming year. Trio committee had reported -
ported In fuvor of General O. Mandorson
us governor : P. C. Hruner , llrst lloutcnnnt
governor ! W. R GrlftUs. second lloutcnnnt
governor ! IX H , llouck , third lieutenant
governor ; W. R Fnlm , sen-clary , and U. O.
P.Utcrson , tre.isuror. They had nlso re
ported that tlioro should bo nil executive
committee or senate , composed of thlrtwn
members , seven of whom should bo
elective , and six bo members ex-
olllolo. Sotno of these present thought
that when the report of the committee was
received these cfntlcmcn were appolntcil.
but others tlnilRlit Hint It should bo dcfldod
by a vote. Motions to adjourn were in onlor ,
but not ni'tcd upon , until It was at hist do-
cldi'tl tliat the adjournment would not inter
fere with the election of ofllcers at the next
meeting. Then it decided to meet again
next Thursday nlfiht , nt n place to bo desig
nated by u committee and advertised in two
evening papers in the city. The committee
named consisted of Messrs. Patterson ,
Hruner nnd Or. P. S. Lulsenrmg. All per
sons wishing to become member * were re
quested to call and sign the constitution at
the Mechanics' and Traders' bank , UlS South
Fifteenth street. The association will bo
( mown as the Pennsylvania Association In
Nebraska , and will htTcaftpr hold Its annual
meeting October ! J , Mia anniversary of the
landing of William Puiin 200 , > cars ago. If
the unit should fall on Sunday , the meeting
will bo held on the preceding Saturday , und
will bo followed by u banquet.
From the Council Uluffs Daily Globe , Jnn-
uary ' . ' 0 , ISb'J : M. A. McPlkc , editor of the
Cambria ( Ebensburg , Pa. ) Freeman , has
been the personal friend of the editor of the
Glebe for moro than twenty years , and is
known , wherever ho is known , as ono of the
best inon living. Ho is also an Intimate
friend of Mr. Clark , ot the Nonpareil. Ho
has been unfortutmtc in the fact that his
family was ravaged with diphtheria and
greatly distressed. Mr. Clark , having heard
of this calamity , sent him some of Dr. , Ief-
fcris' Diphtheria Cure. It was used at once ,
and the lives of the rest of his children
saved. Letters from Mr. McPiko are un
bounded in their expressions of gratitude
for finding some means of averting the loss
of his whole group of little and tender ones.
Five of Mr. McPlke's children out of eight
died from diphtheria bcforo ho had an op
portunity of using Dr. Jcfforis' remedy.
Price of remedy $ 'J. Address Dr. Thos. .lef-
fens , box C57 , Omaha , Neb.
Notes Alioiit the City.
W. J. Preiss' an employe of the Annour-
Cuiliihy packing company houses , Thursday
about noon cut the two middle lingers of his
left hand with a cleaver , cutting the largest
linger so bad thai amputation was necessary.
Fifty couples of the sons and daughters of
Scotland attended the llrst annual'daiico of
the Caledonian society , in Hunt's hall , Thurs
day niglit. Uohr's orchestra furnished the
dancing music. The national musical instru
ment , the bug pipe , and those sweetest of all
national songs , the love songs of Scotland ,
lilled in an evening most pleasant to all visi
tors , nnd most satisfactory to ofliccrs nnd
members , A largo number of visitors from
Omaha were there.
The superintendent and teachers of the
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school are ar
ranging n very line programme for the
Christmas eve entertainment.
Miranda Gatiliy , wife of William Gauby.
rcsidtugon Twenty-second and L streets , died
Thursday night nt Jl o'clock of consumption ,
aged forty. The body was shipped to-day to
Chillocothe , Mo. , for interment.
Hov. T. C. Clcr.denning , presiding older of
tuo Omaha district , will preach the sermon
Sunday morning nt the o | > ening of the now
Methodist Episcopal church. A fine musi
cal programme has been prepared. Hov. L.
II. Eddleblute , pistor , has issued invitation
letters to our people to attend.
Mrs. John Corey and ( laughters , the Misses
Elizabeth and Anna Corey , have returned
homo to Missouil Valley , la.
The Uabtist and Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
societies will give n social nnd lunch in the
Presbyterian church this evening. An ex
cellent programme has been picpared.
Read the Srjtnxv Bnu for a full account
of the electric light banquet at the Exchange ,
nnd the Caledonian society ball and recep
The ladies of St. Martin's mission will
incct nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam G. Martin , Third ward , Wednesday
afternoon , to arrange for a watch meeting
nnd supper New Year's eve. All interested
nro Invited to attend.
Mrs. Monroe , of Buffalo , N. Y. . and J. W.
Monroe , of Chicago , mother nnd brother of
Mrs. Mary Fredler , who died Wednesday ,
wcro her .veesterdny nnd the body was
shipped to IJuffalo for Interment.
A very pleasant meeting of the members
of St. Martin's Mission was bold at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Martin
Thursday evening to entcitaln the Kov. C. S.
Withorspoon. Dancing was indulged in , an
elegant lunch was served and a liberal col
lection was taken up , These meetings will
bo held regularly during the winter.
Zulu Magnetic Oil cures riiifr bono ,
spavin , si > ruinsotc. Ask your
Railroad Itonn.
EnginoNo. 5 of the Union Pacific was taken
to tlio shops yesterday morning a complete
wreck. It was in the round-houso Hro at St.
Joseph and all the woodwork was consumed.
General Manager. Uurt. General Passen
ger Agent Uuchunan and General Freight
Agent Morchouso have returned from their
tour of Inspection of the lOlkhorn system.
Manager Hurt states that the agricultural
classes all along tlio line are in a most pros
perous condition , and vast improvements on
this line are being made.
The land department of the Elkhorn was
presented with a unique inkstand composed
of twenty dilTerent kinds of minerals , all of
which nro found in vast quantities in Custer
county , Dakota. The composition is as fol-
ows : Gold ore , silver , copper , lead , Iron
> yritcs , peacock ore , lluor spar , moss ngato ,
wood Jasper , wood opal , chalcedony ngutc.
letrillcd cottonwood , petrlllcd cedar wood ,
crygtallzcd palm wood , smoky-quartz , quartz
crystal , Iceland spar , pinic satin spar ami
Amazon slono.
The vestibule sleeper on the Chicago ,
lock Island fc Pacillc , and the thorough
sleeper on the North western will leave the
Union Pacillo depot at 5:15 : , in. each day
until otherwise ordered.
Thomas P. Godfrey , of the Missouri
Pacillo ticket and passenger department ,
vlll leave to-day for Philadelphia ,
vhero ho will sponil the holidays with
r lends nnd relatives. Ho will Join his wife
and child at that point , and they will ac
company him to Omaha on his return.
I'rotcct Yoiimeir nnd' Family
I3y keeping n supply of KuluMngnolio
Dil for rhouinatism , sprains , etc. , und
/.ulu Houhnt' Ointment for cuts , burns ,
sores , etc. Able your druggist.
Pny for HFIoi'onuo'a Ofllolnls.
At the bpcclal meeting of the Florence
ouncil an ordinance was passed , that forty
aye from date the streets and alloys should
bo opened , thus affording these having city
iroperty cncloscil the opportunity of' taking
ut a license to occupy It.
Heretofore , the city councllmon have been
ccelvlng only CO cents for each' meeting at-
ended. Now an ordinance has been passed
; lving the council member a rcgu-
ar salury of t50 a year. Hala-
Ics for the other oillulals wore also
etormlncd upon as follow ; Mayor , flfiO ;
Ity cleric , J2UO ; city attorney , | 2iO : treas-
rcr , ? l.r < 0 ; city marshal , 153 per mouth.
Mr. Dopris who wai u party in the Lantry
bo.jb1 jdil ; und wuc was charged by the Jury
for bringing n malicious trial nnd Incurred
all the expenses and costs of It , hns boon cir
culating a paper nmong the school children
who wore witnesses In the trial petitioning
them to knock off tholr witness fees of fifty
cents each , thus reducing tliO costs of the
Tlio old rollnblo Clnrk'g thread is
Clnrk's O. N. T. . hvays on white spools.
Any other brand of tlu-cnll sold us the
Clnrk'a thread is an iniltntioii. Dry
poods dcnlors , when ordering the Clark's
thread , FCO you order the O. N. T. Sold
at wholesale by KHpatvlok-Ivoch Dry
Goods Co. nnd U. M. Stcclo & Co.
Our Schools Abroad.
A communication was received yesterday
by Mayor Hroatch from the chairman of a
council committee of Dayton. H was written
upon a shnct headed the mayor's oflico of
that city , nnd mail a a request for a copy of
our municipal laws , local statistics and In
formation concerning the schools. The loiter
ter concludes with the observation that a
statement hud been recently published
in ono of the papers of Dayton
that the expense of tho.eliools of Omaha was
greater than that of nny city In the country ,
This was coupled with the remark that there
was souio reason to believe that the report
was Incorrect.
The mayor seemed an Try over the condi
tion of ntfalrs which warran'.oil such an im
pression being received abroad.
'iVhothor in the i > nlnco ot Pure Her
light described by the eastern roniiinco ,
they put flavoring in their pica , jollies-
puddings , custards , etc. . is not suited.
Probably they did. Hut neither the or
ient , Europe or the United States hug
ever produced .111 nrtiele litly rivaling
in delicacy of llnvor nnd purity Vim
Duzor's fruit flavoring extracts , the bot-
tle-i of which contain moro than others.
Long ago the llr t in general estima
tion , and deservedly BO. Grocers every
where sell them.
A Musical Sluii'p.
13eebc , the defaulting treasurer of the Wal
nut Hill band , not only took the tgsh of the
organisation , but It Is rcmored that ho also
sold to the First'National. bank twenty-one
notes signed by the members of the bund for
$7.50 each. Last Monday night , at the busi
ness meeting , ono of the members moved
that n committee bo appointed to examine the
books ; the motion was passed , and this , no
doubt , was the immediate cause of his flight.
Ho informed thn society that Dr. Mercer
would sign the bonds drawn up ,
and they were placed in his own hands
to file. At the same meeting he
produced a receipt from Max Meyer & Co.
for $ " 5 , which was a forirery. Ho recently
purchased a watch and gave two notes for It ,
and it has been diseovcicd that he had no
money deposited at the time. This same
watch was ofTered to n young lady of
the hill , and fortunately declined. Hccbo
has been living a very fust life for the past
few works. Almost every niirlii ho indulged
in hack rides , in company with a lady friend
'Jho members of the board are much agitated
about the notes signed by him , because they
are reported to have been bold by their miss
ing treasurer.
Bid me discourse. I will enchant thy car
with remarkable talcs of astounding cures of
all sorts of suffering by Salvation Oil , the
greatest euro on earth for pain. Price 25
cents u bottlo.
It is asserted that Booth and Salvini keep
their voices clear by the use of Ur. Hull's
Cough Syrup.
Waylaid a Hival.
Herman Engelkc , Tommy Tny , Fred Gray
and Victor arc all Jilted lovers of a
bright-eyed girl on Seventeenth street.
Thcodoio Hunkers is the successful suitor ,
and the other young men , maddened with
jealousy , entered into n conspiracy Thursday
evening to waylay him while no was taking
the young lady homo from an entertainment.
They put their plan into execution nud , bcut
young Hankers unmercifully. Engelkc ,
Victor and Gray wcro arrested and fined
$ r..10 , ? 2i. : > 0 and SLT.o'J ' respectively. Tay is
still ut largo ,
VestUnilIM ! Train to Wnsliington.
The only vostihulod train from Chicago
cage to Washington is run via B. & O.
R. R. Every ear in the triin is vestN
Imlou , and heated by btcam drawn from
the locomotive. This train leaves B.
& O. depot , Chicago , nt 7:0-5 : p.m.daily ,
and arrives Washington the next even
ing at 0:35 : , and Baltimore at l-o. ( ) : ! No
extra faro is charged. The Eastern Ex
press leaves Chicago daily at 10:2o : p.m. ,
and the entire train , including day
coaches and Pullman sleepers , run's
through to Philadelphia via Washing
ton and Baltimore.
Tlie IMiiyor Misunderstood.
Mayor Hroatch said yesterday Urit he hud
not stated that he would sign the Hascall city
hall ordinance , bccauso ho knew thu people
would vote in favor of building the hall on
the present site. Ho said further that ho
had not expressed hlmsolf on that subject to
anybody , nor would he. IIo had not yet re
ceived the ordinance , bccauso it was still in
the possession of the city attorney.
To Prevent Croup.
True croup never comes without n
warning ; a uivv or two before the at
tack the child becomes hoarse , and that
symptom is soon followed by n peculiar ,
rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is given as soon as this hoarse
ness or cough appears , nil danger and
anxiety may bo avoided ; it has never
failed , oven in the most fcovero cases.
There is no danger in giving the Rem
edy for it con taiiib no injurious substance.
Sold by all druggists.
James Nelson , driver of n compressed
yeast wagon , while crossing the Union Pacific
tracks nt Tenth street and watching a certain
train , did not notice a car making n flying
switch on the track adjoining until the latter
was almost upon him. IIo Jumped from his
cart and escaped Injury , but the l.iUer was
badly demolished. The horao was unin
jured. _
'Hint Viii-nitiira Factory.
Mr. M. J. Murphy , of tlio llrm of Murphy
& Co. , of Detroit , Mich. , furniture manu
facturers is negotiating for a site in Hoyd's
addition in the snmo neighborhood xvitli the
Western casket company and Miller & Gun-
derson's sash and door factory.
Absolutely Pure.
This po\rdernerer varies. A marvel of purity
Btreu.Ktu anit wholesome-ness. More econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be Bold
| c competition wltU the multitude of loyr coat ,
short weight alum or pliodi > uato powder * . Bold
oalr IB cans. Hoyul' UuktUtf I'omltr Co , ISA
G-5 -
Sent ! circular !
Santa Abie : and : Cat-
Per Sale by
Goodman Drug Go.
Combination of GaihiBJ1 MiTuiU'u Bjjt Chjle ] : ] | ,
Sold by
I'axton , Gallagher & Co. 70' , 707 , TO ) , 711 South
th Street.
Jtlchardsnn Drug Co. 100" , 10W Jones Street-
Win , ( luutleinan , tilth anil nnd Cnss Streets.
II. Gladstone , 13ui . .13Ii ! Don Kins
QH ! M1HEAD. .
The pain from Neuralgia ami its
companion disease Rheumatism is
excruciating. Thousands who could
Ve ( juickly cured : ire needlessly tuf.
will do for
ferinjj. jUh-lo-pho-ros
others vruat it d l for the follow ing
WllU m port. Incl . Oct. 8 1837.
Having been railicUnl with nouralglt for
hapadl inar yoara. And trjlnKalrui stnvery-
thinif. lialtn win I tirilly h-oir.i of Atbln-
plinrcm. Alter takiiVT onetiuttlo I found It
to be ho ! pine rec , nnd alter til. Ini four bottles
tles of Alhlophonieaud ono of IMl-j , I found
that 1 wm * rntlrely well. 1 think the medi-
cue In positively n sure cum
Nt. C n bl. III. . Dee M , 1 87.
I have used Athlophninn in my fimily and
find it * o be the preateft meilicine forneu-
ralxi i in eiiHtcncu and luvinc lintl it tanna
t t t nwl upon mo fur I ho pist 30 > cai I know
wliweof I speak. MBS. .IlIIJA ( 'IIII.TOM.
KJ"Scnil 0 cents for tlio t 'iiiillfiil f-olore-t jnc-
turc , " Jloori-li MnliU'ii. "
CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y
An Important Annonnccnient
About six weeks ngo. vhilnQt business. 1
Trns tildili'lily ttlarketl ulili riciiu'Jallna
PDIM ( 111 my tttt , knui's r.n-1 l.nnrts BuEu\erii
llio ctlacU that 1 took my 1 cil Liuiinllntelr ,
onil In tnu ar thren rtiijs my Joints eto
\MIlen to Mlniobt < ! . > ullu tlidr uciuial Hje ,
anil ltcp nr i , dritcu fron inc. AftrrmiflVr-
Ins thw riokt cicruelBtlin ; palti fern ffic ,
usTufr llntrncuto nntl various other rcnifdles ,
k fiinitiho nvmpHttiUiHl withuiyliclplutt
comlltlnu , saw to tlio :
"Why flna't jon set Swift'rtpoclflc nnl
Dsnlt. I " 111 Kilaraulecft Ltirc , Mid If ltdcul
Br'ttl.DliicdicIns ' > lull costjon nolhlne. "
I at ODI-C crriirod tbe H. B. U , ami after
titl-jj It tliB ilay , lind KUkt ] nlglitnud
rcfiwlilnj nicer ) . In a un'fc I felt firailr
cenFfitlril , In tlrce weeks I could Mtupmia
vullc clout tte icom , nud atttr mini ; nix
bottles I win ojt nail uliln ti ) iU lo ljus/uf .
Blnt'cthcn I bnvo boetireguUilr at n\j \ i > i'
_ n myc.i o , ami I win clinei fully anam-raii
liiiiujrl"sri litve ! tuirct.i.elthrr in person or
byniBU. TIioMis IrUrMLLir.
. , It Vllth ttrcot , Ktw Yoi x. Cltr.
' JtiinTinr , Trv" . I hrvc wurdpd off n r -
rcru uttni'S of rni'itniatlimbyn tlk < iilyic ort
to Stvlfl'it hpo < : Uc. IiKill C M WUnooprr-
ma.ivi t iFllct it sotifiht thlt inc > ! l > .ln con- !
jncndiltir't frr a constitutional tnMinrnt
th t thoroucliiyrrndlcatcs the tied ] or ttl -
( uofiunitliatihlrin.
k llcv. W , P. JUnntso.f , D. D.
' Krw VOHK , SI "lit AVE. > fti-r sr'nillnir
( IiHl In I ' < icIlfYoii of mood roliun lll out
* n > lciifll , ufcw licttlc-ior S\vlfi'iHpeilllo
j Jr.Lit euro. C. pcmfR.
VIU.VA , fu. liy little ulrl. r J six , and
IK > V , L. ' in r yearn , had iTufiiln lu tha
woirst rnvntcd haHTriey | were puny
nd ilc , lodnythfy nro healthy aiid ro-
butt , i.ll tui limit ut tuUiiK K. ti. S.
I.IOT r AKK St'MTun Co. . Fu.-Vnur B. S
0. h u inuvril n nonderful eigcceii In rnr
CQfl ? . Ti u i-Aiiecr on my face , i o Uoutt.
Wuiililliuxokoon Mirrlr-dineto my grntp. I
totUlr.k ltl KbuUtrful , nml liux not'iiunl.
1) . II. Ilvun , l'O3tniister.
. , WACO. TiA0. IiylSS3l
ft 8. Co. , Atlanta. Qa. :
i Ocntlcini'n-Knowing that you I pprcclat *
Voluntary ( Hktlir.onlali , we taka i > li > uiuro la
UtlnK Mint ono ot our lady cuitouitri hM
( Ka.lncil tier health liy Hie uwuf four laiK
ottici of jour K at rrmecly , after liavlnf
u an Invalid fur i veral ) can. HertrouLl *
Woa citrt ma di-lillttr , cauieil liy a d Hen so p * .
ultnr In licrsci. Ull.Llii ; Co. , DrUKBliU.
Ttirro IIOOL ) nulled lieo oa apiillunion.
. . .
UrawerS , Atlmita ( la.
N03. 3O3-4-O4-l70- .
Dr. J. E. McCrew
Ono of tlio Host
In the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
ISl/c , Ear , Tltront , Lunys , Lira ;
llladiler , Kidney and A'aruoim Jls-
eusea treated wltli success un-
A cure guaranteed In nil ctues ot PHIVATK
and BKIN DlSI.'AHUri. All d.sonlurs of the
Treatment by correapondenco. Send stamp
Office Bushman Bloc * , IQth and
St . Ornuha. Neb
AVe are offering special inducements to parents who are doirons of securing practi
cal and appropriate holiday gifta for their boys ; what bettor or more sensible present
can you give them than a nice Suit or Overcoat ? AVe are showing handsome styles for
big and small boys , and our qualities and prices cm : not be matched.
$2.50 buys a very nice all wool Suit or a good Overcoat with capo for small boys.
$3.50 buys au excellent Suit or Overcoat for small boys.
$5.50 buyj a very good nil wool Suit or splendid Chinchilla Overcoat for largo
boys up to IS years old.
AVe call special attention to a few small lots of very choice styles of Overcoats for
little boys from 4 to 10which wo. offer at a marvelous low price. AVe are anxious to close
them out ; they are extremely fine goods and the brief season left for the disposal of
such qualities induced us to make a big cut on them ; they are made of very fine Ker
seys , Chinchilla and Cheviots this seasons novelties , of elegant designs and richly
trimmed , some with fursome with plush in short they are such garments as can only
be found in first-class houses. AVe have marked them $6.00 , $7.25 , $7.90 and
$8.50 , and we guarantee that these prices are not one half of what such goods usually
bring. This is an extraordinary opportunity to procure a Tine garment at such a figure
and every boy will appreciate such a gift.
In our Hat Department can be found an immense line of Boy's Hats and Caps in
Plush , Felt and Cloth. AVe positively sell these goods at just one-half what regular
Hat dealers ask for them , and you would be surprise * to see our prices. Good little
Turbans of Plush , Chinchilla and Astrachan at 25c ; splendid Knit and Jersey Caps
at 30c , and very line Cloth and Jersey Caps at 40c , 50c and 75c.
hi our Glove Department wo have a large assortment of Boy"s Gloves and Mittens ,
suitable for presents. Asa Christmas offering wo will present this week each boy with
every purchase no matter how small , a nice paint box. AVe have opened an olegaufc
line of Mufflers , Silk Handkerchiefs and Scarfs , espacially for holiday trade and offer
them at prices lower than asked in any other house for like qualities. Good Cashmere
Mufflers at I5c , 35c and 50c ; elegant Silk Mufflers of beautiful designs and elegantly
embroidered at 75c , $ LOO and $1.5O.
KextThursday shall begin to distribute our elegant holiday souvenirs and wo
will also forward one with all out of town orders.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
le ! arc of I r.tud , as my mine and the price are
rtauiptd on tic | liollom cil all my aiUcttised shoes
heforc IC.IMIIS the Inctorj- , which protect the weann
afraimt hi h prices and inferior cttods. If a tlenlet
olferj W. I. , n.iiialii" hhors at a rediiccil price , or
cays he has them \\ithout my nam ? and price
on the bottom , put l.iui ooun as a fraud.
Tim only c.ilf & 3SKAMI.TCSS Shoe smootli In-
nidi' . NOTACKSorWAXTUKKAIHoJilirtllie
feet , easy as liainl-xeHfil and AVILI. . NOT HIP.
The recent circular tent out by the Jfew Kuclaml
" ' ' - - " "
( if Labor ou < lth9 J/ncirr'i IVo'ectUe Union incn.antiin order
ti > pr < M to the incmlirriot Lal > ur orcsnlzatloni efrryui T
Umt theitatementa mailcln ialJ circuitrarerulic loflcr
to cnr rerion or pcrioni who will prove all the itatrnuntMnad *
Ininiililrriilnr to lie true. 'Dill orttr ulll lioM rood until
January l t , IsSD.
W. I. . IOTir.rAS , Brnrklon , Mom.
For sale by Kcllcy , SUjre.t & Co. nnd
Oco. S. Miller , 012 North 10th St.
Scorn to bo the order of the day.
OUU STOCK in complokj in every
( loparlinont. You and your friends
are invited to call.
, . . . . . . - . - „ , , JM WAFUKS ara
uortasf ully u txl monthly liy ovrr 10KK ( )
.I dleu. Mofia/e. Kffectuulund i'leaiant
ft pfrboiliynmll.orntdrufTRlitB. Kealtd
2'arteulan S poetage stamps. Addrow
TUB Ki'nmi CIIEUICH. Co. , Vwnoir , ilicu.
Forsaloand by mall by Goodman
Dt' tl Co. , Qiiuiltit , Neb ,
V inMFY nnd " " urinary trouble * easlly.fiulclc.
IviUIIUI ly unJsafoly cured by DOOl'UltXCuji.
sules. tievcral cubei cureU In seven ilay . Sold
MM i > cr box , nil rtruirKlsta , or by mall from Ii > -
tutu wrg , Co 113 Wirno HtN. V. 1'ull Direction *
Chicago , Ills , Clark St ,
Medlar Old-Established
Is still Treating with the Greatest
Cliroiiic , Neryoi and Private Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Dock Ache and'all the cflecu
Je.idmiito early decay and perhaps Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-failing Miccess.
49- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin D3- |
eases permanently cured.
> - KIDNEYnnd URINAnVcompblnts , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all diseases
of the Genito-TJrmary Orcans cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kfdnejs or other Organs.
oiiNo experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
< f -Scml 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
09 * Those contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male ana Female , each
15 cents , both 55 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save futuresuiTer.
inland shame , and add pel Jen J ears lohfe. # u llook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicine
anU-tvmings sent e\ery herc , secure from exposure ,
Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays 9 to n. Address
F. D. CLARICE , M. D. ,
ISC So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
, CMIOXIC nna PUIVATB Dismsns of
} ! IN : und WnuiiNsiiccosHf ally treated.
FulTcrlnc from the rfToets of TniHlifnl folJlo * orln
. tronblrd wltli Weakness ,
iK'lilHty , I < OHH of Memory. DosjtomlPiicy , Aversion tn
NM Icty.KtdiM'y Truuble. or any dtsuaHu of the ( Jcullu
Urinuiy oiiruns.cnn hern Und u pntnauil KpeeJy euro.
C'liuiKusrcupuiiablu ospcciully to tlio poor.
There nn > ninny tronhlod wltlitoo frconnont cvnc-
tmtloiiMil tliu liluildcr , oln n urciiiuiiuiilu'l hy 11 Mluht
Miiiirllnx or ImrnliiK M-nsntUin. nn i wu ikenlnu nl the
In u milliner Ihu tuitlcnt faiinnt uctoiint fur ,
KMcin the ullnjrv ilunoolta u rouy s.'Jiiiiunt
will ( jlicn lie ( iiiind.nnd biiuictlinv.iniiinil inmiclcH of
ulniiiiicii ill uppi'iir. or tlui color will ho ot a tliln
iiillklnli hiKMiu'iilu rliiinsliitf to a itiirk ur torpid up
pcnriiiuc. 'Ihcruuroinuii ) IIIIMI whnilloiir this clllll
( ully , Ik'nurniit ( if thu iiinsu , whloh la tin ) ituniml
ntniiuof noiiilniil wcnliui'ii. 'Ihu ilouor will uinir
nnlruH pcrlvct cum In nil Biich ninuii Hinl n hvulthy
rcfKiriitlcin nl thn i/ciiitii-iirliiai v urLMini. Oiniullii.
tlnnfrco. N-ncI fernVujiiu Mini's I rlund , or liuldo
lu Wedlock , " Ireu to all. Addicts ,
N.i : . ( "or. 1Ctli & Doiiulns St.H. , llusbman lilock.
MtnilontlilH p.iper. i
aorta nauunai uui. ,
I'nlil Up ( . 'npltiil . * 1 00,01)0 )
Surplus . 50,000
II. W. YATFH , President.
LtHIKH. Iliirli , Vice ( 'resident
A. K. Tou7.AM. > , 2nd Vlcu rresldnnt.
W , II. U. Htjiiis : , t'.iiliier.
W. V. Jloiish , .IOIINS. COM.IVS.
11. W. VATKS.A. . l.Kwisa , HUKU.
A. K , Tou/l. M.
Hanking Olllco M.BANK
Corner l"tn anil r.\nuuuHt3.
A Gcnurul ll.iuklnu lubliHsa'l'iiui3.ictod. !
. „ .
i-'oi'r'riiperi''iliiiio ' ' ' iluuki. i > HbUi } oil linejjj-
- * urtlUtntfUil , , or Ironi fiilUlrwl ' . " " ' "J .ft'.f&ft/
clmii rwiii from cenLnlwl
ALBUM SUftgrtat T
SmfMH BlKll " * " ' ' Y/U"'L"T'AMn'
fMH * . BlKl { } U'LTAMn
liMtr bTAND-
. mid /
\\aatiir.lauii. \ nilltoi. midJ
ARD VANCE ALBUM-/ / " p tV''M ryilSfJ
uufircUnca rauita mil tnMehwi STAN PA R D .
H of gongi < ua Ijalluli , | > un BO.
ILtUSIrlArCO Is Win. .
rUe"I I LVON I * MEALY , Publl.hori. .
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodfro St3.
ran TH TFIBA niENT or AW ,
Appliances for Deformitloa ani Trusiaa.
UrM ficllltlei , opp r tus nil rf rue-lira for BUCCCIIX
nl treatment ot every form of rtiscajo requiring
Mucllcal ( irhurifical Treatment.
Hoard and attendaHcoi bctht hospital uocouimoda *
tlonn lu tha west.
Hire , Har. Hktn ana Illood.urU i
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
HOOK ON DinHASKH or WOUKN 5'rui. :
All tllool Ulieiuiii locceiifully trextnd. Hyphllltl *
roliou ruinuvcil irora tbe tritem wllbout mercnrr. '
NPW rcitornllvo trcatmant torloii of vital 1'ufrer , '
I'urionn unabl * to us may bo treatoil at bomq t >
rorrc-nomilonce. All cummunloatlonii coiiUdtnualJ
MeilltlaM or iDitrumsnU ent by mull or nipron.
ecurely pankail , DO inorkti to Indicate content * or
rihler. Onuperaonal latorrlew preferred. ( J ll
CODIUU u nr aend hlitorr of your caie , and we wi
Mad In plain wrapper , oar
Upon I'rlvnU ) , Special r Herroue Ulifa oi. Impo *
tenoy.Syuhllti , Ulolanil Vancc lc , wltli qucitlon
EMU Aitdreu
Omaha Medical mnd Snrgvial Institute , or
C r. Utb and Dodse HU _ - . OMAHA. NEB *
2O TO 60 DAYS.
This is 11 dlsciifio which liaw liorotoforo
Bulllud nil Mf ( liciil .Science.
Woliiivnn Itenieily , uiiiciiunn toimjo.iolii tu
World outMldc of our Compiiuy.uml 0110 tliathaj
to cure tliomoat obsviliato LWIH. Tnn iluys ttj
recent ru"i-H ( loot \tio \ wor ! ; . U li tliuolili'lii-onlo
deep R'alod c.iscij mat Wn Iiuvn
cured liuiulieilri who liiivw liouii slMml'iiux ! by
i'liysleluns. uuil iron < itint.t.l Inuil ublu. mill wa
cliiillungetliB Woild luor.iu H : > < ' * WB ilwt , wo
A 111 not euro In less tliun AUtv'Invo.
Klnco tlio lihtory or iiimlirliii- trim spoolUo
'or Ktphllln lias beou Miiib'lil for b" uievpr '
ounil until our
wnsdlieovoroil , and uenrj jus Ilia > M
Itlstliuonly Uuiiipiiy In tn World Una will ] > ps <
Illvelycuru , bccaitso tlio Intunt .Mi'ilh'iil Workf ,
pulillslu-d liy llio li st known iiutliorltv.i ( , way
ilieiu witHnovcr iiliuoHjiui'llIu ii fur . Ourrom
eilj-MllI cuiotliiin i-vt'rUhiiiB ol > o h'tnutle < l.
Wflynitstu.out llinu iii"l nioti j ttllli patent
ini'iilclii'js tiiiit nuMU'liaJliiuc or doctor MUU
phydlcluiif > cannot cum > ou , you tlint liuvo
Irluil in-tT > lliinii'l"i ulianld roiru t na 'jowun4
put permuiii'iit ntllnf , you newr can KUI Itolse-
wlii'ro. .Murk what > vn s.iv. I'l ' Hn end voui
miiit tiknonr roinudy or Nljvl'lt rocorui nnd
> on flint lntvo liven nllllncd bill n 'Mori UIIIQ
pliould by all niciHiis ronm to 111 now vif ono In
tuiiotintw IIWH f\ar ci-t imnnii i iuiv cured.
.Many KOI lirl ] ) nnd think Ihny nrc Tivg from cna
rtlK'iin1 , lint In OMI > , two or tlitro VO.IM utter It
appears uu'iln In u more lionlblo furin ,
TJiiH Ib n lilood I'ui'UIar uiid will Cure
any SUIn or IJIood Ilficu ) = o wliQii
J-Jvorv tliliifi I'.lbo Kill Li ,
( loom 10 iiiiilll , 17. S. Nafltml iiauk
cud I'BIVOII currd.
tiprrlnur. Nu l.'ulfc.
free. LIL