TBtE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY DECEMBER 22 , 188& SPECIAL NOTICES , No AiUcrlinctnctiU xvlll lo taken for tliCNO columns nftor 12iU ! p. in. Tcuns Cnsli In mlvnncc , Advertisements under tn s heart 13 cents per line for tlw > lim Infertlon. 7 rent * for each sub sequent Inurtlon , nnil Jl.Mn line tier month. Nondvpitlfcmcnt taken for lets thnny.lccnts the lir l .nsertlon. BOA en words will be counted lotlio line ) they mint run consecutively and must be paid In ADVANCi : . All advertise- menu muM. be handed In before isjo : o'clock p. m , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken taken ordl contlntied by telephone. Parties advertising In thMo columns nnd hav ing their answers fl.ddre-.sed In cure ofTiir. HKE will jileuse ask for a check loanable them to get tlictr letters , us none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All nnswcrs to ndvcr- tlsoiiicntH should be enclosed In envelope * . All ndvertlsi-mi'nH In thcso columns are pub lished In liotli mornlni ! nnd evening editions of TUB llfsn , the circulation of which aggregates morn than 18.1W tinners dally. and give * the ad vertisers thn 1 encnl , not only of the cltv circu lation of THE HKK , lint nlso of Council muffs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns thruughout this section of the country. "BRANCH OFFICES ? Advertising for thtso columns will bo t en thn iihovo conditions , at the following bust- BCB houses , who lire authorlrcd agents for TUB BnKFpeclal notices , nnd will fiuoto the sams ruled as can bo had nt tlio main olllco. a 7)IINw. iiL. ea ) South Tenth Ptrcct , OIIABK .tiiDY : , Stationers nnd Printer * . 111 South 16th Street. S II. KAUNSWCJHTH , I'lmrmnclst. 2115 Cum- SV Ing Street. \V Street ! ItUllir.S ( , I'harmacliU KJI North ICtU ! ' .67\V. I'AHlt , I'harmacUt , IKOSt , Mary'a Avenuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. ) A lltst-rlasns-ulosninti Is open for TT tin engagcniPiit : in years' experience In Now York ; good roferciicc. Addicss. N 0 , Omaha Hue , liut 21 * \\TANTII ! > 1 osUlou by young lady to ropy or write In olllco In city , good writer und quick with pen , or ns clerk In small htoro , email \\ages not considered , Addrcfis two davs. N S , Heuolllce. 107 21' "Vl ANTUD A situation nn homckoepor for ' t wldowor bvuidow. Address M. DlukcK'O , 1'ullerton , Nob. D'Uli'lt WANTHD .Inmiaiy 1.18kli. . by a ydiiug man , a position ns clerk , snlc-m in , or boon- keeper. Huvo hud experience , nml can furnish best ( if referents. Address . , 1' . O. Ilex r,7. Council HI mix ( UN 20 * 17KaiSTKHni ) lilmrmnclst would llko sltua- JVtlon In city. City exporlenc0 , single , torn- perato. No. 1 mfeieuros. Wuges reiisonnble. E. C.Ij. , cnro Windsor hotel , city. Ui7-'Jlj V\TANTIJI ) Situation by young man ns stun- ogrnpher and typun'rltor , or rtstlstant bookkeeper. Hest city .reference * given. Ad- flrtSH. JI 72 , Dee , W)1 ) 22t rPHAVKMNf } man with eight years' cxpcrl- JL once , desires noslllon on tlie road or In house , llest of reference. Address N 2 , Dec. tu-j ' . ' .U \\7ANTF.D Position as conchman. (5eo. II. T Hates , 122 8 18th st. Oood references. 8111121 * \\rANTii : ) After Jan. 1. to colloH on commission - mission for Homo irood house llond given If required. Address M 71 , lleo olllco. W-9 2Ht 1\'ANTKD-anuary , ) Ibt , 1S89 , position by n v > ilrst class olllfu man ; bank or merchantlle. Adrtros.s M fiii care Omaha Hee. H17 Jltfj WANTED MALE HELP. O CAHPKNTKItS. 1 teamster , 1 cook , 2barbers. 11. H. Wundcll. 403 N. Kith. 1167 21 " \SrANT13D A tlrst-clus3 pants-maker nt once , TY good prlco tlnld. Addiess I' . O. Ilex 08 , Fullerton , Nnuco Co. , Nebraska. U'J ! 2J' " \\7ANTIJD First-class men who nre already f travelingsalesinoii to curry our lubricating oil samples us a side lino. Address , J. H. Tim- julns \ Co. , Cleveland , O. VM 27 " \\rAN'J'lD ! Two carpenters niul live cash boys. H. II. Wnudoll. 40S N. llith st. U.'a-2l T\rA"NTiD-JJarbor. : steady work. 1227 tlnst ! ' Pi1-2)J ) "AATANTKD A mnn To take charge of brunch T > olllce In Illinois : salary 87i > per month and share of protlts : must furnish &CKI cash secur ity : do not answer unless yon have security ; Address Ilex 240. If eokuk. In. B812u * \S7 ANTKD-A colored barber. 3f S. 12tn st. > 880 Sit \\rANTKD-2 men to solicit orders for plct- T urosandallno of household specluUles , S21 N. lath 8t 8 u JI \\T ANl'KD SUrF.IUNTKNDUNa or FO"ltnf- V > MAN and two to llvensslstunts.accordlugto plzo and population of territory In cnnrge. Fore- Inaii to select his own assistants , nnd to take entire charge of business , make collodions , and superintend distribution of advertising matter , rolutivu to the Monthly Installment Payment Department of the CallfornliuV : South ern Land Co. . California Monthly llnllroad Ex- curmons etc. fU ! a month and expenses to Foreman , and 810 to Assistants. K.xpenses ad- VRiiccd and salaries paid monthly through our Kastorn Olllco. ICncloHO ] Uc. postage for full Bpocltnon line of ndvcrtlHlng mutter , nud ad dress : California A-Southern Land Co. , City of Itcd Illtiir , California. 874-2JJ W ANTRD Male and female agents ; easy- selling goods , Koom 21 , Darker block. 8)0 J17t ' \\rANTED-An exporlcnced subscription TT book nmnuger to sell " ( Jnskell's Compen dium" and book called "Home Hoyond" In Ne braska , To a satis factory party wowlllglvo mieol.il inducements. Address , Subscription llook Department of Nnt. Library Abs'n. KK1 Btnte Bt. . Chicago , HI. _ WANTED Good men in every locality ns detectives under our Instruction * . Send PC for particulars. Oklahoma secret service , Wichita Kansas. 707J 13 * _ WANTED An energetic , tomporalo man to represent nn old honso with n now line of coods. Sulaiy nnd traveling expenses paid. Permanent position to right party. Rush Mfe. Co , Clnclnat ) , 0. _ _ _ Mil 21' WANTBD-A ninn to solicit , fcalary 875 per month , must deposit K2A for biunnlcs. and glvo nteuiUy for money collected. Address George S. Clint ) , fill. Fir t National Hank build ing , Omaha , or Wngncr blk. , DeiMolnes , Iowa. ALKSMEN We wish n few men to fell our goods by sample to the wholesale nnd retail trndo. Largest manufacturois In our lino. l'n- close S-cont alamt ) . Wngeu$3 perday. Perma- nrnt position. No postals aiihwonul. Money advanced for ngcs , adverttslm.tc. . Centen nial Mnn'f'tf Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio. VK J 2 f 9 HUNTS WANTED-J75 a month nnd ex- A pensns ] iald any active poison to soil our Koousiiiocapltnl , salaiy luonihly , expenses In tuivnnco , paiuculnr.s tree. Standard Sllverwura Co..lloston. _ UM OYb-Ain. Dint. Tel. Co. . l'JU4 Douglas. B Iki'J \\rANTED-Mnnto lake the nBcncyof our > > nfen ; bizo2 xJhx8 ! inrhes ; weight NW Jbs ; retail price fJ5 ; ether sizes In proportion. tA run ) chance nud permanent business. Thesu Bales meet a demund never before htipplled by other &afe coinpanlra , ns we arn not governed \ > f the safe pool. A IplneSnfe Co. Clnclnnajl , O. WANTED FEHIALE H LPT GF.RMAN second girl , 3 dining-room girls. 1 laundry woman , 1 Unit girl for pilvuto turn- lly. I OIH of placca In private fumlllos. II. II. WnniU-ll , 40 N , l th. P6S 21 A GIRL for general liouaenmk , 2123 ftt , Mary 'a nve. \ArANTUD-01rl for general housework at W i noainii. 1117 WANTliD-Good rook und laundress for private family KO a month , for Fort Omaha , Nebraska Employmeut oflctdl7 ! N HtU AtJOUD experienced girl for geueial house woik. 210 } Douglaa st. i i ) "WTANTDU ( Jlrl for general liousowork , 516 TT So. 22J st. , wltli good recommend. 'JO.'iU \\T ANTFiist-class ) fool"in"famllvots , f- > : TI liond luuudrosf , fl ; ! l women cooks , out of city , $1 to M : a waitresses for Konrney.llS ; 1 for OgiU-n. IJUi S girls fur tlio country , w : kltchoii lil for Kullnrtoii. llttlo nurse girl , a ) for pri- ? a ( families , Mrs , Hreca.iitltS a. IMh. Ulli 2U Glltt , for general lioiucnork. No. PHO Cali fornia bi. W321t lionaowoik- , apply ut b23S2iili ) at , 002-2 ! * \ ANTF.D-Hrl ( fur general housework ( ( Jec- T > man preforird ) . M w cor 2'Mi ur.U'eliater. . KM w ANTKD-Ulrl for general liouReworK. TJ'J & , IVtb. C70 _ \\7ANTISD-A lady to BOllclt. muni corns well TT ircbmmended and p y Htf for sninnlbs , MlaryKS per month. Addics.sleorg H. ain til , First National Hank building , Omaha , or \Vatner ; block , Dei Molnes , Iowa. 413 _ * \\7 AM'UD-At 1023 Howard at. , cotupotvnt TT girl for kltcUon , must lie eooi rook and Uunurejs. ( UTIJIS.H , Dane or IrlcU profoirud ; 1' ' ) . . Itrl for gftnernt homework , ex cept cooking. 1923 California , corner Suth. 754 A aiHlTwantcd at 1131 N1. 1MU st"M 21' EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. AJKilUASKA Employment Olnco7317 N Ifithst. 1 > { in opt 0 A NATHAN Kmploymcnt OHIco. MM. Ilrega , .11114 S. 15th. HelercncjOinnhaNatlonnlbnnk. SHORTHAND JXND TYPEWRITINQ , VAI.F.sTlNF'S Srif rthnnd and "Typewriting Institute , new 1'axton building , Unmhn The only exclusive shorthand ncliool In tin ) stnto. over ono hundred graduates In irooa situations. The school Is under the manage ment of ( J. 0. Valentino , oniclal stenographer of the 'ltd judicial dlstrli t of Nebraska , nnd 1'rof. 11.11 Itoyloi , .in cxnerlenced teacher and ver batim reporter. Day nnd ormlng wsstoiH. Stu dents can enter nt any time. Send for circulars. 8UJ1T VIC TNO. ENO th " | AD1F.S' and children's garments cut nnd JJlltled at lowest prices. Miss Trt-malno , module , 420 S. lo th. 415 21 * 17 NfAI3MENT8 ! to do dressmaking tn Jllfnmlllos solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2U17 Leaven- 'vmtlist. 271 .1 28 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 11 OOMlUlSnnd boarders wanted,170S KM .1 in * \\7ANTKI-Cisterns ) to Imllil , clean nnd re- > > pair. .1. C. llnll ; Tele. 077. 8 021 * \\rANTKD-Yomiglndles nnd gentlemen to f > know they can obtain n thorough nnd practical knowledge of telegrapny , tilting them- holves In n short tlnif for good paying positions nt tlio F.loetrlc Telegraph school. Hooiua 523 nnd D2D 1'uxton block , cor 10th and Farmm st. 14921 ; BOARDING. F IKST-clnss homo board. 013 S lOtli. 31RJ8' BOAKDING nnd furnished rooms , 222 N. 1 ! ST4 24 TAIlLi : boarders wantod.WJl Douglas _ .311 POn RENT-HOUSES. FflO ilKOT / room"eottagoTon cnblo line , 20tn . JL and ( I race , clean nnd good as new , $20. Krlo Clothing Co. , ! CO N 13th st. ty 21 "T710H HKNT--Cnttnges , ft rooms , SJil Charles JD st. nnU 152i Si6th st. Luqillro H. 212 Shceley block. mi ITUIt HUNT t-room cottage , convenient and JIngood repairwith well , cistern , coal hnlisi1 , etc. , In pleasant neighborhood , : ! blocks south of l.nko st fictiool on Ninth Ht ; 112 per month. Inquire r.oomiu ! < 1 First Nntl Hank. iUl 22 * "IT1OH HUNT 3-room house on stone pavement. JL ? nice jard nud double car lino. Hont , J10. Co operative Land A ; Lot Co. , 205 N 10th at. at.V17 23 5-HOOM house within 2 blocks of 2 car Hues , good repair , * I8 month. 10IU N SJd bt. _ IfOIl HUNT January 1st The olognnt resi dence No. 101,1 Chicago st. , has been tnor- oughly overhauled ; n uowfuriiaco nnd line bath room ndded. and mnny other Improvements made. The housu has been newly painted out side and thoroughly renovated inside. Has u bouutltul yard nnd Is centrally located In ono of the most desirable localities In the city , only n Ilrst-class long time tenant need apply , J. II , Kitchen. I'lixton Hotel. 901-21 OH TfKNT 7-room Hat nt W8 S. lutu. liumlro J. L. llrnndeis & Sons. HI7 I "OK HUNT Neat C-room house , Win nnd Ciillfornlu.by January 1st , rentSJO. Drentmu & Co. , Clnimbor ot Commerce. 813 TT10H HUNT Etuht (8) ( ) room Hat. modern con- JD venlences. Inquire 012 S. liltli st. 811 IjlOH HKNT Modern ten room house mi south JU 2.1th St. , near St. Mary'fa ave. , J45. Hlngwalt llro.s. , Uarker block. 755 "I710H HKNT A splendid new house. 8 rooms , JL ; all modern improvements , centrally located , $15 per month. Morco te Uruuer , 10J5 Fnrnum. V)72i ) : FOH HENT 7 room Hat on 2d lloor. Knqulro The Fair cor 13th nnd Howard sts. 6SI "T7IOH KENT 10-room house , st earn , gas bnth. JL ? hot and com and cistern water , good cellar , nnd nlco yard , J.TO , 20S ) S 21th. lnqiilre.207 S2lth. Ml TTtOH HUNT A comfortable house with 8 JU rooms , pantry , large closets , splendid col lar , city water , sewerage nnd gas. nenr business centre ; moderate rent. John 11. F. I.ehmnnn , tt.4 3. 17th st. 372 TTIOH KENT A 3-story brick dwelling : , 1003 JD Capitol ave. Apply to C. II. Gulou nt the Chicago Lumber Co. 371 TJ'OH ' HKNT At very low rates. 10 nnd 11 new JD residences , 2 04 nml 2414 Cuss street , Clark I'lace. One block sontli of Crclghton college.on Furiium nnd 24tn street car llnc.1 All modern improvements. Apply , JI. T. Clark-Unlon Trust Co , or at 2420 Cuss Bt. 8U7 "HIGH HKNT 6-room cottage , 825.00 per month. JDQ15 Ilurnoyat. ! Si ) TjTOll HENT Cottage , 441 Convent at. Jmiulro JD ] C23 Jackson st. 1H4 I710H HF.NT 5-room house , $14. O. E. Thomp- JD son. 212 Slieeley block. IO3 BEAUTIFUL 8-room bouse , gas , city water , bath room , hot ami cold water , on paved RtioeU with street car. near a good school , only KK per month. The house is new. Apply at onco. C. F. Harrison Mercnnnts * Nat. banic- 171011 HENT At very low rates. JO and 14 new JD residences. U401 and 2414. Cam street , Clarkn I'laco. On block south of Crclghton college , on Faraain and 21th street car line. All modern Improvements. Auply , II. T. Clark Union Trust Co. . or at 2420 Cass atreet C14 171OH HUNT House nnd barn.Hanscom place. JU Hams , room 411 , First Nat'l bk bldg. BOO TTlUll HKNT No. Jill S. 7th ave. , anlcoS- -I ? room house In good repair : rooms unwly pnpored nnd painted ; nlcuyiird ; line cistern water. Kent 125 n. month. Possession Riven at once. Apply to Dell's 10th at. pharmacy. TJ10H HUNT - 0-room modern Improved house Ju A 1 locality. Hunt moderate. ' Apply , M. El- gutter , 1101 Furnam Bt. _ J FO iTilBNT lly JloBwoith & Jopltn , llunior block , 3 , 4. B. C , T , 8 , 0 , 1U , 11 , 14-room houses in nil parts of the city. _ 1)73 ) TJHOH KENT Hoiiaes 7 rooms , 20th and IIar Jnoy ? : 10 rooms , 2lht nnd Locust ; 7 looms , 12th and Jones ; II rooms , 1'Jth and Martha. J.tnulmii AMahonoyl'axton block. felt HOOM tinmp. No. 2i19 ! Hnmllton St. , tsisa. Leavltt Jlurnham , No , 1 Crelghton block. tfiJ TTioil llENT Whnn you wish to rent a house , , JU store or odlco call 011 us. II. U. Cole , room B. Contlmintal block. V77 _ T710H UUNT"troora bouse , 2113 , 7-room house JD 212:1 : Poppleloijnve. Oco. 1. Gilbert , With- nell b'l'g. _ U7B TJIOH HENTluroom housa with Etenui heat. J ; af.Ui S. 24th t. U , 1' . Thompson , Hheely block , inth nnd Howard tn. _ U70 ' . furnished south room for rent with NK'KI.Y modern conveniences , -015 Douglas , 1UUIW _ rHNISIU ! ! ) rooms , 12-Jl J'uriiani. | t > 20 SOt _ _ F OH HKNTI'lfaaiuUr fiirniplied south room , nil modern cotiveul ceal43 H 21th ave M a. " _ f ) HOOM P. nicely furnUhcd. with all modern conveniences ; jjood lio.ird ; 1013 llnnu-y. tOI 22' _ 1700MB with Owt-clnii board , furnace , bath , JU elect ! ic , gas. OWSJVth. _ IXtl-JlU ? IJioTflflfNT Hootii und koinl lortwo JL1 men. IT.'J N Wth at. Oil c.iblo lino. KK S\ \ ' _ "I71OH HUNT Two nlcoly fiunlnlioil roomr JU with board ruasoimblu , Ailih-oa.i or en 11 KU t.f.7 21 fTUIIlNISHKI ) rooms and board , fiunacn bent , JD x'jjtl Si. Mary'a uve. 851 21 * iruniWSIIKD room , with gas ami bnth. board 4 ? | f ui ( sired , 619 S. 24th bt , oppoaltaAH fulnts' euiircli. 615 1TIOH HKST Pleasantly furnUhoil room , all JU modern convcnloijcos , for onn or two gen- tloraen. atl2US. y.'th ut.orcor. bt. Mary'u uvo , nnd20tUBt. liVi funiMied roonu by tlio wcok or uicuth cheap ; UU7 Jones fit , Feaboily plaoo , | 489J7 * " AHOK plfasnnl room , luvsMied , brick"tut. . AT IUKI.Y furuUhert front rooms with 1 > heat and modem conveniences , llcftren ' j reijuli-ud. 2-117 Donglua. _ Of ) W E L KG A NT furtilalied room , with Mil modern coiiveulcncca , with or without Ixiniil. KU Douslaii. M ETTA ( UNTJ.KMAN with reference ran n A p'.emautrojmuudrocju mate. ] C3 ] IXnn ; ! 'J.'Jii ' TTOli HENT rnrnlsued room with board. JU 1723 DodgB < t. 487 ' J OOMS anil boafd. 1812 Chicago. HJ5J7 * V furnished rooms , 1813 Chlcngo , SJU 25 * HKNT Furnished room. Heat , gas and bnth. 110 S. am. 04 ' A VKtUJK ( looms At I'll.land loir.cniutolfxvo , -rVs blocks from P. O newly funilMiod , privnte boarding houso.pleasant rooms.iUl conveniences 77422 ? 77 V UN 1SHI'.D rooms for rent nt 007 N SOtlf st. , U on cable lino. 51 ! B ITIOll HUNT-Nicely fnrnlshod south room ? JBtertin heat i every convenience , KM Douglas. MAN and wife or two young ladles cnn bo nc- ( ommodated n Itli room and board reason * nblc , with use of parlor , In privnte fnmlly. Ad- dre a N 3 , lleo olllco. IU3 SI * IilOH HUNT ! fO Howard cor li , lurnlshotl sleeping rooms and furnished nnd nil fur- ulihod rooms for light housekeeping at a ) per cent rut In rent rates. ' JtMSlt TJM'UNtSlinirooms , 1201 JnckJon si. L 83 23 . . HUNT c'urnlshed rooms with bnth gM and hent , (10 per month. 2227 Dodgest. xvj FOH HUNT Two Inrgo nicely furnished con- nertlnic rooms , with liath nnd coiivonlonces , suitable for four gentlemen or housekeeping , fKi , or separate Jl2and $ ! ( . S. W. Corner , 13th and Howard , eiitinnro on Howard , I > M FritNISHUD or Tmftirnlslied rooms , im Dodgost , next block to postoltlce , from $ t | upwards , inquire room 8 or 142,1 Douglas st , room S 801d 20 9 HOOMsTllght housekeeping. 6SjS , inth. St.SlUAIUiK : furnUncd room , .218 DaTcnnort St. 77.1 m If011 HUNT 2 front rooms on second lloor , I1 ' 5.00 . each. 15i ; > llnrnev at. fa At.AItor. elceant south room very nicely furnished ; furnace heat nnd every modern convcnlcnco. One-half block from cable curs. 2107 Douglas st. mo _ NICKLiYfurnlshcd rooms , also front and back parlor ; 1GOU Douglas st. 811 FOH KHNT Two rurnlshed rooms for llRht housekeeping ; U0" yt. Mary's nvo. tJliUTi * Y furnished looms and board nt 1017 Cnpltol avo. 9 7JKW "VTICKLV furnished room , 2105 Douglns st. i > 731 2lt FOH HENT- All oleenutly furnished room or suite of rooms vi tth board In a private fam ily. All conveniences. Cars pass the door every throe to llvo minutes. Huferencos He- quired. Uiiqulrc rooms 51S und B19 Faxton blk. IT OH KENT Furnished rooms in Oraunlg blk JU cor. 13th and Dodge stt. Inquire of Qeo. It. , JJavls. Mlllurd hotel billiard room. PSO POIt HENT furnished rooms In ( Jreunlg blk cor. l.ith nnd Dodge st ? . Inquire of Oi-or It , Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard loom. UsO > OOMS First-class , modern conveniences. U718 Dodgt ) st. KRIStt FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T71OH HUNT llrlcKatoro 21x13.2. Douglas near JL ; 13th at. umahn Furniture Co , , 1207 Fiirnam. 8U1 22 FOIt HENT Good Ktoiqroom near cor. 15th nnd Fnrnum. one of the best locations In the city. Address lleo. N. Hicks , Darker block.NH NH FOR HENT Store-room , No. 1413 Douglas. Ilest retail property In the city. Will put pinto glass front In by January 1. See Dr , Joseph Neville , HOJ Douglas. Oo5 FOR HENT Two stores , G21 nnd 023 North 10th Bt. Inquire nt the building. Henry Osthuff. 301 "I710R HENT An elegant store room with fine JL1 basement on 15th st. Kent very loiv to right party ; steam heat uud water IncluJed , Apply at 1B15 Douglas st. 3M TT1OK HENT Omce suite tT25 month , S fiingle JL1 ofllces $15 each , all flouting lUth St. , Ituyft- man.block , N. E. Cor. 18th nnu Douglas. W. M , Bushman. 1311 Leavenwortc. fifG FOR ItKNT-S olllco rooms In Redlck's block , 1600-1511 Farnam t , on2d iloor ; one olllce , east front , on 2d lloor , over Omaha Unuklng Co , bank. cor. 15th st and Harnoy bt. Inquire at 1511 Farnwn st. , room 8. Paulson & Co. 402 FOH RENT One store-room , ono bakery , cor. Park ave. nud Wonlworth avo. Jnquhe Thos. V. Hull , 517 Paxton building. 13JJ FOR KKNT-llrlck store , Hat above. 24th and Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea- vltt Uiimham. room 1 , Crelghton block. ' .IPO RENTAL AGENCIES- GEORGE J. BTERNSUOHFF , room B , opp. P. O. , will hereafter give special attention to renting houses , stores and Hats. If you want your property rented without delay nud to roll- able tenants , do not fall to list tno same with him. 088 G EO. J. Paul , 1609 Faru. ftt. Houses , stores , oto. for rent. 160 "ITTE give special attention to renting and col- V f lecting rents , list with us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. U87 [ J ? YOD want your nouses rented piaco them L with Iltuawa & Co. , 15th , opposite po.stolfice. 08U PERSONAL. TNFORMATION wanted of the whereabouts Xof Michael Noonan , late with C. & O. H. R. Addiess J. T. Droilorlck , 1013 Dryant st , San Francisco , CaU . D2S ) 21 * TDHHENOLOQICAL examinations dally given X at 1015 Capitol ave. 807-23t ELEGANT life size crayon portraits free of charge for n short time as an udver- tl6ementfroni photographs brought , to the Van dyke Portrait Studio , 1412 Pierce , noarMtli. Portraits also in pastel. 728J14 * "PERSONAL If you nave a personal Item , or JL any communication , drop it iuono of The Deo's uiessaga boxes. 106 FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. T710R HENT One good barn room for three JL1 horsed , buggies , etc. , 2415 Davenport Ht. Inquire - quire of C. L. Erlckaou & Co. , 212 N. 10th st. LOST. ] " O&T f 10 reward lllack nnrt tan she dog\vry J int. has chuln on with red rlobon attached. Room l4 , Darker Hotel. 707 23J LOST A largo envelope , containing a draft , iiul tax recdpU ; to loward will be paid If left at this olllce. 1)-1-22J ) LOST Lady's gold watch nnd cnaln , between Convent street and Jackson or between Jackson nnd Esmouu hotel. Howard lor return to Ituu olllco. UOO 21' COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. SHORTHAND nnd typo-wrltlng-Sunorlor advantages in those branches at the Omaha Commercial college , opp. P , O. , cor lull and Dodge , Scores of graduates In good poaltlonn. Students complete miuui'U ' In ten days and IK ) to 100 words permlnute In three months. lle-t teacher in .the state. Practical olllco drill given students free. Dictation live houiR dally. D.iy nnd evening sessions. Rapid dictation for i iiports at night. For circulars write RohrboueU Ilros. , Omaha , Neb. 0081)20 ) FO R S A L EMIS C E L L AN ECU 3. IfiOR SALE Team horses , harness and cro- 1 cory delivery wagon. Cheap for cash Call on Prlco HIM , 1723 Cumin ; , ' Ht. UIO 201- filOR SALE-A new feather bed. Inriiilro S , JU w. cor 21th nnd A st. , South Omuhu. U5.123 * 171ORSALU-1 frame building , 15x20. Apply JI.1 Paxton & Vlwllnj ; Iron works , South lUw und U , P. tracks , u.8 FOH 8ALE-LIht delivery wagon , with or without hurse und huvnoju. Will take iinae- cured note or : nortgace and pay BOIIIO cash dif ference , Kclby , lO''i Furuam , 013 FOR BALE lly mortgaBue on easy terms , as sorted lot furniture in quantities to suit , in- uulre 1U1 H .13th st , , Room iJ ) , 8b2 "I710R SALE Ono nlcoTJOOO pmiiidTiorsn , ilSV ; .1' onu nice 1,20. ) pouuu family horse , il.vt. Iu I loth touuJ anil kind. A. I' , 'I'uUey , 15th & Douglas. TrWl EALK or trade New two seated car. JL1 ilago and ilusltf top buvgy. Solby. liil F8JI1A11U V'JJ MISCELLANEOUS. DR , SI'INNKY .fc Co. give n catarrh treatment H ee. N. K cor lOtUund Douglas. U2U A ItSTRAartV-Llnulian Mahoney , room MW , J .l'axtonllock ) , Bt _ DTFTsiMNNEV & Co. give u catarrh treatment free. N. E , coriciii nnd Douglas. KJJ HORSE or team mules wanted to appy a I ! tat payment on house and lot , or realiloncu lot. bHlaucu monthly payment * . Write or call cu t-elby , 1MI l' r in/ cat _ _ T\R. SPIN.N KV A ; Eo. clvr n catnrrU treatment J Frte. N. U.'or _ ICtli imU Doutjlua. U.U " " \ ylu-n onlli auinand guitar. ; Iiuulc tiiurililluO. AUJtess M ( M , rnitn banjo tnuirht a nn nrfbj Gee * r. JL bock , arl s. loth at. M TDTANITTuarantf ( nnd Trust Co , lM.1F r- : num. Complete al tracts furnished titles to real estat * examined perfected .Vguaranlocd. Dtt. D. T. OILMAN tires all cnrntilo < , beno- tits Incurables , tn tlmonlals to Drove won- derful cures product i 1 If required. OfllceWO Saumlers st. 821 2V HltnNOI.OOIC.Ui nttvlco on the belt busi ness to follow gh en at ion Cnpltol ave , OCClDKNTAt , hotel 10th nnd Howard ; dny board * ! per veek ; 21 meal ticket Jt. 747jm TVt. MHS. KrNTXK. mldwlfeT dlssftseTol JL/womon and children cured. Kcsldenco Kfl S 17th. 47 UTS TVf IDIiANOQunrantoo and Trust Co. . 1505 tat "Anatn Complete abstracts furnished. * tltlei to real estate xaralnodpftrfocted A fU&ranteod. STORACS low rotas at J1S1 Fnrnam st. Umahn Auction & Storage Co. WJ rpHACKAOK , storage , lowoit rates. vFT M X llusliman , lail I arenworto. NO WANTED-TOdUY. \\rANTni-tocntlon on Holt line orC. . 11. * t T y. truck for cool yard : must be on or near paved street. Some nno owning nuch location , who will put up necessary bulldlnirs , cnn jet ; good tenant , r. lj. Mnyue , Inth nndiiarni'y. MO So WANTED furniture , carpets , stoves nnrt . . Household goods of all kinds. . OumhnAuc lion A Storage Co. , 1121 rurnnin. 133 if.ONEY . TO LOAN fund offO.WW to ln n on bustncsi kTJor residence uroperty. Klmlinll , Champ .V Ityan. room a , I' , t ) . Nat. bank. Dili ill G \V. 1'cck can loan 5 < VWViont ( lowest rates.no Jolay , cash on hand , Koom 1 Trunzxr Ink. Tr YOU wnntto borrow money on illHinonda , J.On pianos or household pooila. on liorsus , wagons nnd other personal property. lin niortgngo paper and contracts , at fair rates vilthout delay or publicity , go to the 1'alrbank Investment Co. , 215 S. 14th upstnlrs. T CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel JLsecurltlesnt reasonable rates.V. . 1C. Potter , room 10 llurker blk. 7l > 1 Tl U. COLE , loan agent. 433JI VOIT want to borrow money ? DO Itoad this. It will save you time. It v 111 f ave you money. You cnn borrow from II. F. Mnstera , successor toV. . It. Croft , room 4 , \ \ Ithne ibld'n . 1.1th and llarnoy sts. S10. IM , Kn , J100. fXu , $500 , JI.IKW , Sl.tKW. * IO.OJO. In fact any sum you want on furniture , pianos horses , inule.-t , wagons etc. . ou easier terms nnd nt lower rates tna-i at nay otlw olllco In tlio city , without publicity or removal of property from your possession. If nu Installment Is duo on your property and you cnnnot moot it , call nud see mo. 1 will liny it tor you. If you have a loan In any other of- flco , call und got my rates. 1 will take It up nnd carry It for you. I make loans for ono to six months nud you can pay a part ntnny time , reducing bath pr In- clpal and Interest. All loans renewed nt original rates nud no charges for papers. All business strictly fonlldentlal. Call nnd see me. l < $ Don t forget hue number. Iloom 4..Wtomelt block. 1U T\7R have money toIcjan ou oholco city property - ' > erty In any nmnfiul. Hutos always the lowest. All applications nre decided upon nt this olllce , thus avoiding the ustml vexatious delay. You cannot allord to muko n loan on Ilrst class property without Ilrst seeing us. Central Loan ahd TrustjCo. , 1011 Fnruun t. MONEY to Loan WOjliAvo several thousand dollars to place for I'tetern parties ou Im proved city property , flams , room 4111st Nut. Hank bldg. jjf 711 PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest , JL qulote-t. most liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without delay or publicity , in nuy amount largo or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on nuy nvnllnblo security ; loans may bo paid nt any time or renewed at original rates. O. House-iron , mgr , room Oi % Darker blk , llth and Farnam. 708 TTE. . COLE , loan ngont. EU Sholes , 210 , First Nat'l Hank , before mnk- Ingyour loans. ! ! 58 500,030 to loan at 0 per cent. Lluahan ic. MAhoney - I honey , room B , 1'axton block. fOJ Y > EMOVED To room 308 , First National I ank JLl ) building. 1'rovideut Trust Co. Ml r > ,000 , f 1,500 , $1,000 , JfiOO. Special fund tc. place on choice improved property. D. V. fiholea , 210. Flrat Nat'l Panic. S57 REAL eitntn loans , lowest , rates , Odell Bros. & Co. , 313 S. 10th st. 110 M ONEY ( tolaan ; long tltno. Getrgo J. Paul .1003 rarnam at. 111 MONEY to loan on Improved p ; Aporty at flrst hands. No applications sent away for ap proval. Security nnd titles exa.nlned free of charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment company , 303 s. 13th st. 118 H U. COLE , loan agent. 43UJ1 N'EDHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts. fine Jewelry , or securities of nny kind without publicity , at reasonable rates. Itoom 7 Kowloy blk. , Pouth Omaha , llooms 018-51'J I'nxtou blk. , Omatia , Nob. rpo LOAN From ono to two hundred thous- JL and dollars or .smaller sums promptly , east ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Geo.V , I' . Contos. U board of trade. Ill ) MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agenta , 1605 Farnam at. 103 rnilE Omaha Financial Exchange. Koom 15 , JL Darker lllock , southwest corner of Farnam and 15th sts. Makes a speciality of short-time collateral and real estate loans. Money always ouhand In sums of $100 and upwards to uny amount , to loan on approved sBcurlty. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate nnd cash to exchange for good Ilrst or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds. Ilrst or second mortgage &a- curlty , without publicity , delay or rod tape. Financial business of nuy kind transacted Promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Itoom 15 , Darker block. Corbctt. Manager. 110 MONEY to joan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly , II. U. Cole. Iloom 0 , Continental lllock , 1000 H. . COLE , loan apcnt. TjlIRST mortcago loans nt low rates , nnd no Jt ? delay. D , V. Bholos , 210 , l''lrst Nat'l Hank. ' PEOPLT/B Financial Exchange Large and small loans for long nnd short time , nt lowest - est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of nil kinds , dlnmonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't falj to call if you want fair and cheap accommodations' O. Houscareu , Mgr. , room WH Darker blk , 15th aijd Furiiam , MONEV to loan ; cash on Hand ; no delay , J. W. Snulro , 1319 Fnrnom st. Firr.t National bank building. 105 T OANS made on real estate and mortgages JU bougnt. Lewi * S , Reed & Co. , 15.1 Fnrnaui. M1 to oan on 'improved real estate. Lcavltt Hurnham , Crolfliton block. 107 E. COLE , loan agent , 433J1 ; ( U fc < J > 500,000-fl per cout. .Money to loan ou im tD proved farms or cltyrpropBrty. Jamai , \ . woodman , ut tha old fire lusuranca olllce of Mnn'hy A LovetU 3JQ S. h at. 101 BUILDING loans. D.V. . Sholes , 810 , First Nat'l Hank. avi _ 6 PER CENT money to loan Casn on nand W. M. Harris , room 20 , Fienzer black , opp. y. u. iitf "O U1LDINQ onus , Llnahun 4 "iTIfjlOVED To room DOM , j'irst national n.int XV building. New England JAUI ; and Trust C ? , * till _ _ MONEV to loan on Improved city property or for building pmpode-i ; lowest ratns ; no delay. Mutual Investtneiit Company , room I , Darker block , 16th and Farnam. ( PS MONEV Loans negotiated allow rntos with- out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage note * . 8. A , Slomun , Cor , 13th and Fnrnam. t'O DON'T bon'ow monty on furniture , horoi , wagons , etc. , until you hava seen C , U. J , cobs , room 410 , First NatlonM bank bullilla - cor. J3tU and Farnam Itli _ MONEY to loan on furnunre , tiorsei , wagoni , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Rob bing. it. M Sbecly blk , I5tu aad llowarJ. lot UV to loan A few thousands from first MON hands nt very low rates. C. K. Harrison , ' ' S 1 Mercnams' Nat'l bank. BUSINESS CHANCES. _ FOR SALK A tlrst-class cigar and contoc- tlonery stand. Apply at store. 17th ami Nicholas. 1104 N. 17tn st. i9J ST _ _ " \\TANTED-Soine person to engage In the hardware business at I'lalte Center , Neb. Inquire of A. Henry , Paxton hotel. I'M ' JSI > " \\TASTii.Vnlntcrvlcw : i ' means , who would be willing to invest a ymnll sum wltn prospect of n leturn of millions. A railroad Invention. Only these who mean business need investigate. Address. Muting where Interview can be had. N 1 Hee olllce. . PI3 23 _ \VANTUD-Pnrtner In established , paying T confectionary buslncs by thorotiKh cnndy maker Addi ess M 01 , Hee. 701-22J _ A GOOD chance to buy a general merclmudlso store nnd stock in n grow Ing railroad town. Address M , 15. lice olllce. _ r.nfl-22 . ? BOTTLING works for sale. In ono of the boat towns in Nebraska. Good territory , four railroads , outtlt nearly now. Anyone wanting a good business n 111 pluaao Investigate , Address M 41 , Hoe oOlco. _ 017 " " HUSSMAlcfNO establishment , I2UD. good location , this Includes nil llikturcs. will rent the abo- forU. Co-operative L. A : L. Co. , 'AXS NIOtn st. l'18 ' 22 _ FOH 8ALU A splendid business In n peed city dry good " , boots and shoes nnd gro ceries Invoice nbont ti'l.WW. Cash and secur ity In n Hue brick block , Co-Operative Land nnd Lot Co , .IB N lltn st. _ " 111 2J J-A well established agricultural implement nud carriage business , stock first-onus , location one of tno most desirable In the rlly. For particulars address P. O. Drawer 37 , Lincoln , Neb. 7K 2tt FOR SALE-A small nml well-assorted drug stock. Including elegant llxtures.atn bargain if tnken t-oon. Can bo moved to advantage. Ad dress Immediately , A. Drown , care drug storo. Bill N. 2.1th. 712 FOR EXCHANGE. $ " > 00 cash nnd peed city property or tarm land . will buy a nice grocorjinlock ami need loca- tlon in Omaha. Co-opcratlvo Land and Lot Co. , SIK N IBtli st. ! ' 5S 23 SALE Light delivery \\agon , with or without horse nud harness. Will take unse cured note or nioitgngo and pay some cnsli dif ference. Solby , 1521 lamam. iMt A STOCK of llaidworo wanted for n good farm will pay ono-quartor cash , In writing please Btnto nniount of stock. Direct to lock box 22 , Davenport , Neb. 770 21' 'VlfANTEDto Exchange a < iuartor sections ouoto ncios , of raw land , t5OOJ ! worth of town property in ono of the best towns In Ne braska , 4.SOO population , for stocks of general merchandise. Address M 4,1. lloo olllco. Mi FOH EXOHANOE-Tenm horses or mules wanted for Ilrst payment on house uud lot , balance monthly or quarterly payments. Selby , 1521 Fariinni. ( Ml fjlOH EXCIIANGU For hardware or general JL' morcliandlsu , 63,00) ) to jlO.UOO worth of good Improved laud , well located , or good county seat lots and tome cash. Ilex OJJ , I'alrbiiry.Nob. OVl 2U TflOR HXCHANGE South ! Omahn lot for JL1 lean horses or mules , wagou nnd harness 3elby , 1521 Faniam. BS4 OltUXCllANUK-i..ri'M ' new house and lot for small farm near Neb. county seat , Solby , 15'Jl Farnam. tjfll TTIOR EXOHANGE-Cnrrlago nnd buggy with JO { 300 cash for unsecured note or long time mortgage. Selby , 1521 Farnam. 081 EXCHANGE-For desirable residence FOR property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice lusldo residence lots lu Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. t(4'J ( acres Hue farming land. Lancaster county. Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental jnoperty , Lincoln. Choice fancy residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat lesidcnco property In llunscom I'laco. AKo Komo good mortgage notes. Address giving location and pilco of property ) . U. U. , care Huuin Iron Co , , 1217 Loavcuwortli HAVE real nnd PO--- . I kinds for trade. Call and sos me. George J. Sternsdortf , room B , opp. P. O. 121 TRADE House and lot in city for realer FOR chattel mottgago paper , horses , mules or cattle , A. E. Greenwood & Co. , room 1 , Cuunlughum block , cor. 13th and Jackson .st. "TYT'HAT liavo you to trndo for 3 lots In Jerome VV Park ? Incumbranco of Jl.03.1 on th lots. Address K 02 , lice olllcc. 8IU EOH TRADE Choice lot In Grammercy Part and choice double corner In Llpton Place for good laud. D. V. Sholes , 210 First Nnt'l bank. CLAIRVOYANT TTIORTUNE 1'ellor Mrs. Leiiormau can tie con- JU suited on all affairs of life . Satisfaction guaranteed. No. 318 N Kith st tWiiJ I It DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med ical and business medium. Female diseases n specialty. Ill ) , N. 10th st. Rooms 2 & 3. 123 ' FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFL'L 8-room house of most modern design and llnlsh. Nothing omitted in its construction ; furnace , city water , gns , hot nnd cold u liter , autlquu oak llnlsh , large vast front lotoverlooKliujrtne city nnd Council Illutls ; the house complete In all its details : can ue pur chased now ono or two thousand loss than In the spring. \ \ III pay you to investigate now , C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. < J4'J ' land. Anyone wanting GOVERNMENT call at Hotel Dchcck , South Omaha. J , G. Mayer , commissioner. 021 23 TTIOR SALE By M. A. Upton Company. JU A handsome uud very complete ID-room residence on Sherman avenue ut less than value. 03 feet on Sherman avenue in Paddock Place at $115 per foot , A corner on Sherman avenue in Paddock Place at a prlco way below the market value. An east front lot ou.'Uth street , paved , Just south of Farnam , 25 pur cent less than adjoin ing property can be purchased for. For bargains always see M. A. Upton Com pany , 300 South 10th street. TeleplionorR5l. . 741. OR SALE Not for trade. GI3.70 acres of 1m- proved land 2 miles from Marqtiotto , In Hamilton Co. , ' Neb. Frame house , frame stable. JUO ucres under a good 4 barb-wlro fence , round cedar posts and 2 stays : living water , good cor ral , 2 wells , wind-mill , JCJ-barral tank , belt- feeder troughs , etc. ; 75 ncros clover , a good stock ranch , Price ( about $1 ! per acre ) . $3SOO Cash . il.wu U years time at uer cent . 11,000 Go and look over the land ami address the owner , F. 1C. Atkins , 1503 Larimer St. , Denver , Colo. 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ FOlfSALE-Ltst exclusively. wltli MTA. Un ion company. ao So. lilth street ; good inside property nt n llguro not more than actual value If you want your real estate sold. _ 483 TECI A L bargains in farmn , western land and S city property , call and sou us. Nob. Set tling and Supply Co , Room'J , lloanl of Trade. _ 333-J4J FOR SALE anowhoubeln a desirable part of the city , two lots , huu.su contains all modern improvements , hot nn > l cold water , furnace , gas , bath , electric bulls , and electric gas lighting arrangement , parlors , hall nnd din ing room finished In oak nnd cherry. For price nnd terms address P O. drawer 47 city , ] _ ail rnwo-STORV brick bloek , nearly new. with JLst ires on Ilrst Illoor nnd seven room Hats nu second lloor , with all modern Improvements. This property Is on corner fronting paved street , with sewer , water and gas and brlngi nn annual rental of.J.OV | ) . Will sell cheap ou terms to suit. Address 11 70. Hee. _ 40) TnORSALU-On easy terms nnd longtime , on JO lot ( Six ! 13 on H. Uth t. near llancroft. ( Lot 0 , Harker'a uuudivblon ) . Address M 42 , Ueo olllco. r j2 OR SALK Do you know that Lower DOUR- las f > t. is going to make llrst-class retail proj > - erty ? If you don't , go down to the brldgo some line day und see the Mrenm of western I own people coming over Von will then be con vinced. Wo can boll 22 , ll , . < 'iG ors8 foot on Doug las. between 10th and llth Ms , ntn prlco that will make purchaser 100 per cent in less than t o years , 'IhU miap will not keep later than January 1 , IhM ) . M. A. Upton Company. IH _ 557 "IjVJRbALH To these wanting to go fannln- ' .L1 we can put them in control of laiue or small tracts of land wnlch require very little money for years ; there never was u bettor time to en gage In tanning nnd stock-raiding tliau now. M. A. I'pttm company , 3OT So. lutli street. 4.W TJ1OR SALK-512 acres Hamllton Co. , Nftii. J. land , el ) per acre , one-third cash , baluncu at 0 per cent. Address W. J , Wlldman , Denvor. Col. OJSOO ouys . - full lot rtndgoo'i ' 4-room cott.iie Peny torras and good locution. I ) , V. Slioloi , room 210 , First Nfl bank , cor. I3tu and Far- . ril nam. | _ _ _ _ 'IOI ! SALE- Two elegant homos In Hiuiscom JL' Place on reasonable termi ; inortgagu pnnrr taken ns part payment. Uosworth if Joplln , Darker block. T710H SALK Nenraska furms : no surer inrcbt- J.1 meiitoan Immade. M , A. Upton company , UO.'Eo. lilt hut reel. _ TJ10R SALE Do yon want n loan at ; 'lowest J- rate * on uood improved inside property ? Bee M. A. Upton company , at 30 ! ) go , iiitU ftr.jut. TTIOR BALE-M. A. I'ptoil compiuy Hsvo the JL' Largalua la businessunarcsldeuuuproperty , Bee them at W3 Bo. ifltb itreet. iw A FINK Improved farm near TaplUlon for sale , 18 miles from Omaha at J4i an aero. Arjplyjit 211. Haniey * trocu _ 47247 FOR SALK Or exohanita for Omnlm prop erty , 8J litres , suitable for platting ; will mnko IOJ lot * , nil clear ; big money In It for some ono who can push this ) located Jiut out side of the city limits of Council llluffj. Inquire - quire tlon. J. Sterntdnnr , opp. pojlonico. 123 iron SALK-Goodhouse of 7 rooms , full Int. JU well , cistern , barn for 4 hor. es , school , church and store near by , street cars ono bloofc wnr , in growing part of city , good neighbor hood , title perfect , coed homo for man of mod erate menus. Oet rrndy fornoxt spring by buy- ingn homo now : will take n vacant lot ns part pnymcnt. C , F. Harrison. Merchants Nat. tmnk. Notice , VALKXTINK NOCK , of Omnbn. lin snno loflcr- \ mnm.nnrt ImsKlron to hl cllr t on , Vnlciitli\e , power of mtornoT to mnVe contracts , rullort ml imjr { it-Ma. lUltllt * Notlco. Matter of Application of P. Sent for liquor license. Notice Is hereby Riven lust P. Sent did upon the 20th day of December , A. D. t.w. tllo his application to the mayor nnd city council of Omaha , for license to pell malt , apliltuous nnd vinous UquoM. nt No. It"0fl " vlnfou street. 2 l w nrd , Omaha , Neb.f rom the 1st dny of January , IRSi. to the 1st day of January , 1WW. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pretest - test tllod within two weeks from December SMtli , A. 1) ) . H- < $ . the said llcenso will lin granted , i'Atti. SKNf , Applicant. .1. H. SOUTIIAIIU , CltV OlLTK. & 31-2S Notice. Matter of Application of F. II. Oentseh for permit tosell lilqnorns DrugglM. Notice Is hereby given that F. 11. ( l 'iit > ch did upon the isth day of Di-combor , A. 1) , 18SS Illo his application to the Mayor and City Council ol Omulia for pertfilt to sell malt , splrltims nml vinous Illinois , us Druggist , for medicinal , me chanical. nml chemlcnl purposes only , nt No. loni Howard ntrcet. Fourth vnid , Onuuin , Neb. , from the 1st day of January , 1SSU , to the 1st day of January , K'O If there bonoonJortUm , rcmonstinnco or pretest - test lllod within two weeks from December 1Mb , A. U. 183-1 , the said permit will bo gr.xutod. Fitil : ) H. ( IKNTSCII , Applicant. J. 11. Snunt HID , City Clerk. d3l-SS Nutlop. Mnltcrof Appllcitlnn of C. O. Itnnp for permit to i > cl ! llquer ' n ilrusRi't. Notice Is licrcbr Riven Hint I" , u. Hupp did upon the aith ilnj of lief enitier , A. 1) . 1SSS. Illo Ills nppllca- tlnn lo tlio mayor nml rlty council of Omaliii , fur par- nilt toM'll mnlt , ! > | irltitnu9 | niul vhuius lliuiirn | n a , for mciUrlnal , ninli nlenl niul cliumlrnl | iiH | > ii es only , nt Nil. 1921 I'lnrk Ktrect sixth wnnl , Oniiili'i. Xeb. , lioiii Hie Istilnj-of January ! ' , to ( ho in ilnr of .laiiu.iry b .U It there lie mi nlilectlon , romon lrnnOo or protest tllcil nllliln tnoMccks from Drceiubur'JUtli , A. I ) . ISsj , tlio Mild llcenKOlll bo itiunlcd. C. 0. RAI'IApplicant. . J. n . Sotmumi , City Clerk. u-ii-ai Notice. Mutter of appllcirtlon of S. y. Liuiyon for permit lo to null liquor ii u ilrurdl't. Notice Is hcroliy Klvcn tlintW. y. 1/nnyon dirt upon the -lull tiny of December. A. . , IMrt , lllc lil npplicn- tlon lu tlio mayor ami city council of Omnti.i. for permit to fell mnlt , pplrltuous nn.l Mnnus flniiurs ns n ilriiRSlst , for nirdlclniil , incclmii- Inil nnd chemleiil purposes only , nt No. is < i Knrniim rtrvi > t. Ninth nrd , iiiimlm , Neli. , I rum llio ilr-tdiiy of January , IW , to the llist rtiiy of .linuinry , ISO. If there bo ho object Inn , remonstrance or protp't filed within two nei-ks irom December LM , A. D. , lhS < , the fiitil llci-nw will be grunted. h S. Ijinj-on , Appllcnnt. J. 13. BoiTTIIAltli , City Cleik. THE MW [ TIME TABLES , OMAHA. AVcKtwnrd. Huimlng between Council llluffsnnd Albright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains utop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , und at the .Summit In Omaha. CII1UAQO , HOOK ISLAND Jk PACIFK ! . ifave , I Arrive. No. 2 . . . (1:00 ( : ji. in. A No.l 7UU : n. in. No. fl tWl a.m. 0 No. 5 p. 111. Ii'o. 4 'J:40 : a , in , No. 3 p.m. ClirCACJO. HUlll.INOTON 4 QUINCY. A No. 4 , . . .iilU ; a. m.'A ' No. 5. . . .7 ! l a. m. A 'No. 8 . . . .r > :3.1 : p. m.'A No. 7 1VI p. 111. A No. 0 . . . .OtV ) p. in.A | No.il 6(5' ( ) p. in. UIIUJAdO 4 : NOHTJIWICSTKIIN. A No. 0 < J ; < 0 u. m. A No , II . . . .7:10 : n. m. A No. 4 0 ; < > j j > . m.jl ) No.l 7OiKUl. : H No , 2 4ilOp.in.lA No.C tl:41 : p , m. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & BT. PAUL. A No. s U:40 : a. m.lA No.l uMt : , m. A No. 4 . . . Ti'X ' ) p , m.A | No. U 0:50 : p.m. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL 1ILUFI''S- A No,3 . . .0:25 : a.m.IA No. 3 0:3,1 : a , m. A No. 4 .0:20 : p , m.lA No , 1 0:39 : p. in. HI01IX CITY 4 : " A No. 10 7:05u , m.A | No. U SU > a. in. A No , 12 7:00 : p. m.lA No. U. . . , V:00 : p. in , OMAHA * Bl' . LOUIS. A No. 8 .1 : p. mA | No. 7 Ill1a. : ! in. A Onllyi II dally except rlnturday ; 0 except Sunday ; D except Monday ) * tout mail. The time given above U forTran-ifor , tnero beliiK from live to ton inluutoi betweeu Ti < tus- fur uud local depots , Matter of Application of .tamos Douglai for Liquor Licence. Notice M hereby given that James Douclni did upoinho l.lth day of December , A. I ) . I'M , file bl < application tothomaror anil city eoun- 1 ell of Oinnlin , for llcenso to soil malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors nt No . iK4 : DouglnS tre < > t. Third ward , Omaha , Nob. , from ( tie 1st dayotJntinary lW ! > , to the 1st day of January , If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pretest - test filed withln two viovks ) from December lith ) , A. D. isss the said llcon o v 111 bo prmitod. .IAMK.I Dinnnas , AtiplloAiita , .1 H. SOITIIAIUI. city Clerk. tiai-at Not loo. Matter of Application of Fill j Slegol for Sotlco Is hereby given I lint Fritz Slegel dldtlium the l thday of December. A.I ) . 1W , Illo Mr niipllcntloii to the mnror nnd cltr council of Omaha , for license to sell mnlt , spirituous mm \inou- . liquors , at Nn , 24lfl ruining stii > t. Mh ward. Omaha. Neb , from the 1st day of.lnnunn issi * , totlui 1st day of January I8W. If there bo no objiv'ton , lemonstranco or pro test Hied within two weeks f mm December ISlh A. D. IJsSS the said llcotiso lll lie grautod FunHIKIIKI. . , Applicant. J. 11. got'Tii nn > . City Clerk.nx \ $ Not Inc. Matter of application of Ihomns Dugulil for Itiiuor license. Notlols hereby given Hint Thomas Dngntd did upontlio Mh ilny of IK-cembur.A. I ) , lsj * , nlo their application lo the mayor and city coun ell of Omuhu. for llcenso to soil mnlt. Hplrltu- ous nnd vinous liquors , nt No. 110 ! H. fltli Blropl , First ward. Omnha , Neb. , from the 1st day of January , l&sii , to the 1st day of Jnnuary , 1MX > . If there be no objection , remonstrance or pro- lost Bled vlthln two weeks from Doeember Istli A. D. 18S. " , the said llronv will be grnntod. TIIOM vs Drilfll ) , AppllrantH. .1. 11. PoUTliAUD. city clerk. dSU'S Nutlet- . Matter of Application of , lno , lluck for liquor license. Notice Is hereby given tlmt Jno , llucte did upon the Ihth day of Dccoinlier , A. J ) . law , lllehlsuppllentloii to the Mayor nnd City Coun cil of Omaha , for Hcen-e to soil malt , xphltiiou.s nnd vinous Hquors at No. l'.M2 Cnss utreet. Fifth ward. Omalin , NehuiHlai , from the Hist day of January , ISR'.i ' , to the first day of Jnnuary , isik1. If theio bo no object Ion , reinonstrancii or protest tiled within two \\oeks trom Dcconibor Ifth , A. D. IS S , the said llconso will bo granted , JMI. IHiCK , Applicant. J. II. SOUTH vui ) , City Clerk. dil-28 Notluo. Matter of application of Stori & Her fur liquor llconso. Notice Is heivbj ulven tliat Ptorz At Her ( IMtiponttinlHthdnjof Doooiubor , A.l > . It8Illo t heir applleatIon to the mayor and oily council orumnhii , for license tosell mult , spirituous nud vinous llqunrii. nt No , 124 North Fifteenth Btreot , Fourth Ward , Omaha. Neb , , from llio l t tlav of January , 18M > , to the 1st day of January , UK ) . If there bo no objection , rcuioiiHlrunco or protest lllod within two weeks ftom December IMh. A. I ) . ISK , the said llrcuse will bo ginnted. Sion/ Ii.un , Apiiltcunt.s. J. D. SoirTiiAlili.Clty Clerk. d.'l-x' Notion. Matter of Application of J. T. Kerns for liquor license. Notlco la hereby glvun that J. T. Kerns did upon the IMh day of Doroiuuer A. I ) . ISM. tlio his application to tlio Mayor nud City Council of Omaha , for llren-to to soil Malt , Splrltous nnd Vinous Itqnnis at No. Sl'i t-outh llth Btreot , ilrd Want , Omaha , N'eb , , fro-u the First day of January , ! & > ' > , to the First day of Janu ary , m ) . If there bo no objection. remotiMrnnco or protest Hied within two weeks from December 18th , A 1) . ISbs. the nald llronsi ) lll bo granted. J. T. Kiiit.NS. Applicant. J. 11. SOUTIIAKO , City Clerk. il-21-2tl Notice. Matter of application of Gco. Hii'der for pormlt to t-ell lliior ] ns a druggist. Notlie Is horeb ) given that Goo. Itu-der did upon the 1IUU day of December , A. D. lass. fllo his application to the mayor and city coun cil of Oinnlia , for license lo sell mult , sjilrltous nndlnoiis HqiiorH ns n druggist , for medicinal , mechanical and chemical pur- only , at No. ! til S. 12th street. ward , Dniatia , Neb. , from the 1st day of Jnmiury , ISiCi , to the 1st uay of Januiuy , KK ) . If there be no objection , remonstrance or pro test lllod within two weeks from Decoinlier mill , A. D. IttiS , the salil llconso will lui granti'd. ( ii'.o. ltoiinn , Applicant , J. II. Snt-i iiAitt ) , City Clerk. d21-2 Nut loo. Matter ot Application of A. K. Davis for permit to sellllcnior asiulrtigglst. Notlco Is herob ) given that A. ti. D.ivls did upon the lllthdayof December A. D. 18H Illo lu application to the Mayor and City Council of Onuuin , for llconso to Roll Mnlt , Spirituous and mid Vinous llqiimv. as n diuggM , for medicinal , mechanlcnl , ami chemical pur poses only , nt No. 17IH l.eaveuworth st. 4th Ward , Omulia , Nob. , Irom tlui First dny of Jan uary IBS ! ' , to the First day of January , ISlfl. K there bo no objection , lomonstrnnce or protect Illed within two weeks from December lUth A. D. 1 SI < , theM.ilil llcemo will bo granted. A. K. DAVIS , Applicant. J. R. POUTHAUW , Cltyt'lerl : . d-21-28 Notice. Matter of application of Mathlns Now for I.lquor License. Notice Is hereby given that Mathlas Now did upon tlio istn day of December , A. D. , law , llio hfa application to the Mayor and Cltv Council of Ouialia , for HCOIKO to veil milt , aiilrlt- ous anil vinous llqtioiH at No. tW U. ltu , street , 1st ard , Omaha , Nob. , from the Ilrst day of January , ISi'J , to the llrat day of Jan uary. 18'AI. ' If there be noobjeotlon , rnmoinstrnncoor pro test lllert nltliln two \vopks from December 18th , A , D. , 188J , the Eutd llcenso will bo gianted. MAIIIIAH Niw , Applicant , J. II. SOUTIIAHP , City Clerk. d-Ul-Si Notino. Matter of Application of A , N. Kear for llqro' license. Notice IH liaivliy given that A. N. Kent did upon the IMh iluv of December A.D.188 < . Illo his appllcutlon to llio Mayor nnd Cltv Council of Omnha , for license to sell Malt , Splrltous , nnd vinous liquors , ut No. 2101 ( 'timing Stioet , I'lghth ward , omnhn.Neb. , from the First day of Junuurv lW.i , to tlui Flr.st clay of Jnnuary. 1(590. ( Ifthoro bo no objection , remonstiauco or protest lllod within two weeks from December JFth A. D , ISSy , the suld llconso will bo grunted. A. N. KIAII : , Applicant , J. n. SOUTHAIU ) , City Clerk di'1-28 Notice. Matter ot application of Flmnnok & ICuca 1'or llnnoi' llcenso. Notkc 13 hereby given that Slmanck & ICtica , did upon the Ihth dny of December , A. I ) . , IKM < , Illo their application to tne inavor and city council of Omaha , for llcon.se to nell malt , spir ituous and vinous llquorf. at No. l.r ) ! > , ] ! I17 und liMJi Snutli ILth street , 2nd ward , Omuhu , Nfb. from the 1st , dny of January , lUb , to the Ut dny of January. JBUO. If theio bo no objection , remonstrance or prr.Ust tiled within two weeks from December iith , A.D. , IBSH , the snM UCOIIKOI1I bo granted. SIMANKK * c KUCA , Applicants. J. II. aoUTHAiil ) , Cltr ClerK , d21-23 Notion. Mutter of Application of Wenzel Nlstcl for liquor license. Nollco Is hereby glvi-n Hint Weiucl Nlstol did upon the Ibtn dayot Doeember. A. D , IS6S , tllo his application to tlie mayor and city coun cil ntoninlm. for llcenso to sell malt , mildtnom und vinous liquors ut No. 1312 S. 1'lth Htroot , M ward , Omulm. Nib Irom the 1st day of January IPMi , to tlin 1st day of January , 1KW. If thuri ) bo no objection , riimonstinnce or pro test lllod within two weeks from December ISth. A. D , Itt , the Bald license will bo grunted. \ \ UN/HI , NIMT.I , Applicant , J , II. Eotnii.um. City Clerk. tl'Jl-28 Notice. Matter of Application of H. Walk iCo. . , for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that II. Clark & Co. , did upon the lOthuay of Dueumbcr , A , D. IBM , Illo their niiplloatlon to thoniayornudrlty coun cil of Oinnhu. for llcenso to hell malt , Nplrltuoni and vlnoUM lliiors. | at rnur No. Ill S , intli street. Fourth ward. Omaha , Nub. , from tua 1st day ot January , Ibrfi , to the Jtt duy of Jan- uaiy , IHU Ifthcra bo no objection , remonstrance or pro- tent Illed within tviMieokH from December mb , A , D , IB ! & the s.ilil llciiiltit ) will bo granted , D , CI.MII ; ic Co. , Appllcantf ) . J. II. BOUIIIAIIU , City Clurk. d-l-2tf : ! Nntluo. Matter of Application of A. II , Enoudcn for J.lquoi' IilcoiiBo. Notlco Is hereby given that A. II. Bnowdeu ilia upon tlio "Otli day of December. A. D. ma , tile his npllcntlon | to Die Mityor and Ulty Ooun- ell of Omaha , for llctnsn to sell malt , xplrltuoiiii und vlnoiH liquors , No. 'II ! . ' Fontli liili : Htreer. : ird wnvd. OiiiHhu , Nub , , ( rum thn nr , < it day of JunuHvyMil / , to HIM Hrst duy of January , InbO. If there bo no objection , romonstruncoor pro test lllod within two wr ik fiom Denombiir2utli , A. D. ItWf , tliosuld HuunRii Mill Do grniu d , A , II , HNOWIIKK , Appllcnnt. j. n. SOUTIIAIII > . citv clerk. USUM Notlco. Matter of application of Goodman DniB Co. , for permit to oell liquor us n driiKglMt. Not Ire U hendty given that ( loodinun Drue Co. did upon tlio 20th day of December , A. D , Ib&i.dlo uU c.tip.llcutlon to the mayor and city oouncil of I Omulia for permit to self malt , BjilrHuouu nml vinous llqiiun a.s a flriigctat , for inedlclnul muchiiulCAl and chemical purpoHon only ftt No , I lit ) I'arnnm street , Third ward , Omaha , Neb , , from the Ut day of Janu ary. It-tfJ , to the Ibtdfty of January , 1IR ! If thoru be no objection. reinonMranco or pretest - test illod within two week * from DeoambrrSUili. A. D. U8 , the xkld permit will lie granted , UOOIIMAN DHUO Co. , AjipllM J , u. SOUTUAUU. Cit > UUrk , a-21- ' " '