Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1888, Image 5

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Mnjor Watson Doflnos Ilia Position
on Some Important Mnttors.
A Kearney County Mnn Chargm tlio
IturlliifitnnVilli Discritiiinntlun
Itcitily AVItfloitVi Kovcngo
New Corporation ! * .
1020 I' KTIIKRT , } -
LINCOLN. Doc. 21. )
Major Watson , of Otoc , left for Omnlrn
this morning. Ho spent ttio nlfjlit rtt the
Capital \VlillotlierchoiieUlcil to the
request of TUB linn fcnrcsimtutlvo nml
granted nn interview
"How Is It , mnjor , besieging or besieged1 !
"Tlio latter , most certainly. I liavo re
ceived letters from nn nrmy of hungry posi
tron Hookers , especially iiunlsters , who dcslro
to be clinplnin of tlio liouso of representa
tives. It act-inn tlint scores of them nre con
tent to leave their flocks for sixty days , un
protected and subject to tlio temptations of
eatun , In order Hint they , the divines , can
have ilvo minutes for prayer ouch day over
the luvv makers. As to the speukcrslilp , for
I supposes that Is what you by busies-
Ing , there are no ninny candidates who uro
purBonul friends of mine , and able men. that
> I linvo not prosecuted my own candidacy
with any visor ; but whatever I do I shall
tiot maku 11 personal attack upon any of
them , us sonio have done , though 11 would in
sure mo tlio placu. "
"Wlint Is your position on the railroad
question , or do you object to committing
yourself ! "
"I do not. I was never on the pay roll of a
railroad company In mv life , and any one who
lakes the trouble to write to the clerk of the
district court of Utoo county will llnd that I
Imvo been employed la as many cases neninst
railroad companies as I have lor them. 1 do
not know any prominent attorney in my
county who has not had suits Doth for and
against railroads , It seems to mo that no
sensible man can charge nn attorney with
being a railroad man because ho has been em
ployed in law nulls for them. It would bo
just us sensible to charge an attorney with
being a murderer for defending a man
charged with homicide. Itut t believe in
legislating as fairly for railroads as for nny
other inventmcnls of capital. Enterprise
ought to have a fair deal from every source.
\ do not bullove that nny of us would care to
live in a country , however fair , that has
no railroads. 1 would like to see
railroads so thick over our state
that competition would regulate
thorn , and compel them'to pay most , if not
all , of our state and county taxes. Hut this
is all that 1 have to say on this question. "
"What about your bill to rcgulato-trttsts ,
Mr , Watson I"
"I am preparing such a bill , but shall not
introduce it for demagogism or notoriety ,
llio people nt Nebraska City are very
anxious that the distillery located there ,
which is now closed and In the trust , should
run , us it employs about cue hundred men , or
more , and Is the means of bringing many
farmers to the city , because of the splendid
grain market it cioates , and > 1t is ut their re
quest thnt I shall muko the fight to destroy
trusts located in our midst. If such a bill
will help other parts of the stutu , so much
stiongor flght will I make for it. I am cer
tain that the bill 1 am drafting is constitu
tional , and will destroy the Nebraska trusts.
I projKJse to have a section in the bill that
will not ptovcnt assemblies er associations
of laboring men from passing mid adopting
such regulations as they may think proper in
reference to wages and the price of labor. "
It Is claimed that more complaints have
been Hied before the state board of trans
portation against the Chicago , liurlmgton &
Quinoy railroad company than all the other
rends doing business in the state put To
gether. This is a hard accusation against
any road , whether Just or unjnst. The state
ment , lioxvovcr , Is not without foundation.
J3ut the latest complaint comes from a hard
ware merchant by the name of Hallingcr ,
of Axtoll , Kearney county , and it certainly
merits investigation. The gentleman writes
the attorney general , under date of Decem
ber 18 , that the price per car for the ship
ment of hogs from that place to Omaha is bc-
twccniUO and 5 10 ; that ho bad a car load of
barb wire shipped to him from Omaha , weigh
ing 20,500 pounds , and that the Uurllngton
charged him J10.1.U5 for the shipment. The
complainant also says that he thinks the
charge outrageous , considering the price per
cur for the shipment of hogs and the attend
ing risk , while there is no risk whatever In
the shipment of wire. In the language of
Mr. UaUinger , "tho Burlington is Just rob
bing us poor people , and I would like to know
the means of redress , if there is any. " A
formal complaint will bo drafted , and If It bo
verified by the complainant , the Hurlingtou
Will have to answer.
Roddy Wilson , the most desperate mem
ber of the Quinlnn gang of thieves , weak
ened , as was anticipated , and changed his
plea from "not guilty" to "guilty. " Wilson
entered the court room this morning as calm
and solf-possesscd as a regiment ot regulars
on dress parade. Ills lawyer changed bis
plea , and a moment later the sentence of the
court was pronounced. Heddy evidently
thought ho would got a light sen
tence , but when the words "seven years"
fell from the lips of Judge Field , the cold
glitter of the villain's eye , and the com
pression of his lips , told a story of bitter disappointment -
appointment and chagrin. It angered him
beyond self-control. As ho passed by where
Policeman Pound was standing , bo struck
him a violent blow In the mouth , from which
lie staggered and came near falling. It was
wholly unexpected , and took place while
Wilson was walking by the side of ShorilT
Mellck , at the outside door of the court build
ing. Pound was standing quietly on the
street. The blow knocked out two of his
teeth and loosened two or tin-Comoro. It was
a blow finm a desperate man , but ho was re
strained and handcunod before ho could do
further mischief. He said ho would have
killed Pound had it been possible , lita bo
now lingers behind prison bars , sentenced to
hard lanor , to the full extent of the law.
Judge Field measured the crime and the man
and gave him his Just deserts.
The divorce mill also operated to-day and
Lydlu Miller and Lizzie UufTy were granted
divorces from tlmir "liege lord and musters. "
; , 'i ; ii it A sic A CITY CHAM : COMPANY.
January 1.1889 , the Nebraska City Chair
com puny will bo ready for business , Articles
Incorporating the company wore llleil m the
ofllco of the secretary of state to-day , and
they rcclto the object of the enterprise to bo
the manufacture of the detuchcd adjustable
back folding camp chair. The company
authorize a capital stock of (10,000. and the
following gentlemen uru the organizers and
Jncorpor.itors of the company , viz : George
W. Sroat , Joseph R Welch , Christian John
son. Hlchard 11. Johnson and W. L. Wilson.
It is expected that the company will bo
ready for activu work on the 1st of the now
year. Under the articles the tenure of the
enterprise concludes January 1 , 11)33. )
Deputy Wheeler docketed the following
now eases In the supreme court to-days
Christiana K Hendrlckson vs Albert N.
Sullivan ct ul ; error from Cass county.
Republican Valley railroad company vs
Louis Prink ; error from Gugo county.
r lion. John Mattes and Hobcrt Grublo , of
Nebraska City , spent the day in Lincoln.
Mr. Mattes was here to secure rooms during
the session of thn legislature. Ho la the suc
cessful democratic candidate of Otoo county.
Senator Kcckloy and Kcpresentativo Gil
bert , of York , registered nt the Capitol hotel
last night. Thcso gentlemen uro > > nuarey ) for
the people nn all questions of nubile Interest.
They rafutud to bo committed as to whom
tlioy would support for president pro tcmporu
or speaker.
liohunun's hull was never filled with a
happier crowd than lust night. It was the
occasion of iho police ball , and it proved to
bo a wonderful success. Over live hundred
tickets were sold. It was one of the greatest
events of the kind over given In the city ,
Antonio nicrkb , of Huda precinct , won ar
raigned In Justice Cocbrun's court yesterday
afternoon on the cliarce of assaulting Will-
lam McLaughlln. The case was continued
until January 'J. Mclaughlin was roughly
handled , Ho was assaulted by Ulorus while-
In the net of complying with a mandate of
the court.
Tlio ladles social soislon given by the Elks
to-night was a brilliant success. Some of
the best social talent of the city contributed
to the music , Hinging and recitations. It was
exclusive , however , aud noao but members
HAtr Dlntnnmlq Are Smuggled.
Now York Telegram : "I'm ' afraid tlint
a great many diamonds nnd other prec
ious stones nro brought Into the coun
try without lament of duly thcroon , "
wild Captain Isaac Trimble , the veteran
assistant custodian of the seizure room
In the custom service , nt this place.
"Tlio tricks resorted to by the smug
glers nro numerous , nnd seine of thorn
pretty cute. It Is a very common < lo-
vlco to sow gems Into the lining of
clothing , conceal thorn In the soles of
boots nnd shoes , and under the bottoms
of trunks. "
"What's the cutest trick -over de
tected by the inspectors ? " was asked of
Cnntnln Trimble.
"I guess it was the blblo trick.'ho ' re
plied. "Ono day about ton yijnrs ago tin
old man who "came over In a Gorman
steamer hud n blblo in his trunk.
Tht'ro was nothing peculiar in the out
ward nppcnranco of the book , and the
inspector would not li.ivo given
it tlio second thought , but as
lie tossed it back into tlio
trunk there wn9 a rattling noise inside ? .
IIo picked It up ngivin and opened the
covers , when ho found that nil oblong
space bad been cut into the leaves ,
forming a box , in which were concealed
fiovnrnl thousand dollars worth of dia
monds. "
Another smuggler sought to cheat
"Undo Sam" by concealing diamonds
In n sot of artillulal teeth , Concealing
precious stones In a walking stick is
sucn tin old dovlco that It Is seldom resorted -
sorted to by smugglers nowadays.
ForThront DlHcnscx null Cntmli < < use
Hrown's Bronchial Troches. Llko all really
good things , they are Imitated , The genuine ,
uro sold only lu boxes.
Is Mari'lngo a Failure ?
Chicago Mini : "There wns a man
here nnd ho loft a note for you , " wild a
Wnrron avcntio man to his wife , who
was out when ho came homo in the
oven Ing.
"My goodness ! " said the lady , \vhilo
slip untied her bonnet strings. "Who
is it from ? "
"How do I know , " said her husband ,
rather tartly. "I don't know all your
friends. "
"You oughtn't talk that way tome ,
Charles , " said the wife , just 'ready to
whimper. "You know I never llirtod
in my life. What did the man fciiyV"
"Oh , ho said nothing ; he just left the
note for you. It's there on the bureau. "
"Charlie boo boo I d-didn't think
you'd think that w-wuy of me boo boo.
I'll go homo to.-ulght. Where's the
baby ? whero's my baby ? nnd I'll .leave
you to your unjust suspicions. "
"Why don't you read the notoV"
"I don't want to see it. "
"You had butter road It. It won't
help tlungs ot to read It. "
"Why drying her eyes ' 'it's from
Aunt Margaret , and stamped and post
marked , too , as though it came by mail.
I thought you said a man left it for
mo. "
"So I did , my dear the postman. "
Do you have dyspeptic trouble ? Take
Hood's Siirdiipavilliv , wjiich has relieved
thousands and will euro you. Sold by
A. New Invention.
Springfield Republican : Prof. Elisha
Gray bus so perfected his invention
known as the tol-autograuh , ho claims ,
that bo will bo ready to introduce it to
the public through a New York com
pany that has been formed within a few
weeks. Ilo has at present a wire run
ning from Chicago to Milwaukee , on
which bo is experimenting , and has
been able in the last few days to send
from Chicago a message which appears
at the Milwaukee end of the line in fac
simile , an exact reproduction of the
handwriting of the professor's at the
other end , The difference between the
original and reproduced copy 13 just
enough , ho claims , to prevent long-dis
tance forgery , and yet t > o nearly like
the hand writing of the original as to bean
an exact reproduction for all practical
purposes. IIo expects the invention to
supersede the telephone over long dis
tances nnd whore accuracy is required.
It will also bo used in telegraph olllces
at once in the dispatch of money orders
nnd the like , whore accuracy is espec
ially required , and where the interven
tion of third parties is undesirable.
The machine , ho claims , will also trans
mit over the wires any line drawing or
Pears' Is the purestandbest soap over
made. _
Comitorfeltliiff Within Prison Walls.
Chicago Tribune : The failure of the
desperate attempt of the convicts of the
main prison at Nashville , Tonn. , to es
cape four weeks ago , was but the bo-
ginning' of a still more desperate at
tempt. The prison olliclals for some
time had suspected that another
effort to get away was contemplated aud
to-day searched several cells and dis
covered concealed on the persons of
convicts and in beds between lifty and
sixty knives , fifteen or twenty razors ,
ona revolver and throe ropes. It is be
lieved by the authorities that the con
victs hail arranged to maku a desperate
break for liberty and that the weapons
wore to bo used to the best advantage
against the guards who might inter
fere. In one of the cells wore discovered
a lamp , a ladle , and white metal used
for making counterfoil money. Pieces
of bogus coin wore taken from a convict ,
but no dies came to light. Several con
victs arc suspected of munufacturin g the
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used for children teething. It soothes
the child , softuns tjio gums , allays all pain ,
curosjwlud colic , ami is the best remedy for
llarrtiasa. aso a bottle.
Another Ono Heard From.
Detroit Free Press : "Yes , you bet
marriage is a failure ! " ho exclaimed
as ho came out of a saloon > wlnlng his
chin. Hero's my own case to prove it. "
"Don't yon live happily ? " asked one
of bis crowd.
"No ! "
"Why ? "
"WhyI Because I have only 83 a
week to run on. My wife earns ( Ivo ,
but she won't glvo up but three , and
I've got to suoe/.o | along on that while
some other husbands have ilftoon.
Yes , marriage Is a dead Hat failure.
None of us husbands uro loved and
supported as wrought to bo ! "
Pozionl'a Complexion Powder pro
duces a soft and beautiful akin ; it com
bines every element of beauty and
Ono MuiTlucfl License.
The following marriage license was is
sued by Judge Shields yesterday ;
Name and resilience. Age.
I Carl Carlson , Omaha . " 5
| Ida N. Anderson , Omaha . 21
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
When Baby waj alclr , we garo her Cutoria.
Whoa eho WM a , Child , aba cried for Ciutorli ,
When ah became ilUa , aha clone to Cnrtorla ,
\Vh n el ) bad Children , aho gare them Cajtorla.
THIS couivrs.
United State * Conrt.
M. I ) . Ocanpaugh was brought up before
Judge Pundy ml sent to the county jail for
five days , for contempt ot court. Ocanp.iugli
was a very material witness for the prosecu
tion in the case of the United States r * His-
wlclc. Ho refused to answer to the order of
the court and the defendant was acquitted.
The United Stntei National and the Mer
chants' National banks have tiled an answer
in the suit of Hamian Lowry vs Lewis Cole.
Thov claim to bo creditors to the extent ot
$ 2,015 and ask that the court will decide
their financial standing of the sovonil parties
Interested. This Is n reopening of the end
less Lo.\al L. Smith fraud.
! ' . W. Solon , charged with contempt of
court , was discharged by Judge Uundy. Tlio
subpoena was served by n deputy marshal
who spoke Kngllsh imperfectly nnd the do-
defendant's contempt was believed by the
court to be unintentional ,
John Holt , charged with selling liquors
without a covernmcnt license , was acquitted.
He pleaded guilty , however , to not posting
up his liquor stump.i and was fined , 415 and
_ _ _ _
District Court.
Judge Hopcwoll Is engaged in trying the
case nf Goldsmith against the city of Omaha
continued from Thursday.
Judge Wnkcley Is hearing cases In cham
Judge Groff Is clearing nn the ends of sev
eral Important causes preparatory to ad
Charles P. Bridge has applied for the ap
pointment of a receiver to the estate of
Adams , Hrldgo & Co. , wholesale stationers ,
Ledge ) street.
Cora , wife of Charles Flora , prays for a
divorce. Tlio petition sets forth cruelty nnd
abandonment ns the grounds for the divorce.
The parties were married In Omaha in
March , 1SS2. ,
Judge Hopowcll refused the nnpllcations
for now trials in the causes of Noxvnouso vs
Libert ; J. L. Miles vs S. U. Mercer nnd
Wilbur vs Matthew Cannon.
County Court.
Atkins , Ogdcn & Co. , of Milwaukee , WK ,
sue Phillip Lang , of Omaha , for the recovery
Criminal Mnttcri.
Mat Carroll and Pat Calty were both as-
flossed Jl'J.50 for blacking each others eyes.
Charles Moore waylaid one Iloluoinb ,
bloodietl his nose and smashed his derby
hut. Ho was fined $17.50.
F. .1. Hull , n v.igrant , was caught lying hi
wait in an alloy oft" Tenth street with the ev
ident purpose of waylaying BOIIIO pissor-by.
In his hand he held u linen pin with which
ho intended to strike his victim. As Hull
could give no satisfactory account of himself ,
ho was sentenced to ten days in the county
Jail.F. .
F. Coraek was flacd flO.50 for stealing
II. E. Meyers was lined * 7.r > 0 for carrying
a concealed revolver. The weapon was con
Hans Pearson paid S7.50 to the judge for
petting on a spree , and T. H. Jordan , $ t.50 ,
Pearson paying the most because he was very
Johny Grason , a lad of eight years , is
awaiting trial lu the central station for steal
ing coal.
John Uosenfeld , a hnckman , attempted to
charge Miss Lillie Reynolds an exorbitant
price for carrying her trunk to the depot.
The young lady complained to the police.ami
Hosenfeld wns arrested. IIo was lined $12.f > 0.
John Diugman , who was charged with re
sisting a police officer , was tried before
Judgu Derka yesterday afternoon and dis
Tom O'Brien , charged with a similar of
fence , had a Jury trial , and was also ac
quitted. _
Offensive breath vanishes with the
USD of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy.
Protesting AunliiNt u License.
A petition was in circulation yesterday
among the property owners and business men
on Farnam street , which is to bo presented to
the license board , protesting against the es
tablishment of a saloon in the block of stores
on the south side of Faruam between Thir
teenth nnd Fourteenth streets. The store
vacated by Calm had been rented to Foley
& Uarst , nnd it was thought by S. P. Morse
and other business men m the block , that a
saloon would tend to injure their business.
The objection was sustained by all the mer
chants and property owners in the block ,
and when all of them shall have been signed ,
the petition will bo presented to Mayor
Hroatch. A similar case occurred on Twenty-
sixth street some years ago , and Iho license
was refused by the board.
For Nervous Prostration
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. AV. Greaves , Northfield , Minn. , says :
' I have used it in cases of nervous prostra
tion , and also in combination with other rem
edies In indigestion , It has proved as satisfac
tory as could be expected. "
CliflHtinnn Presents For Poor Children
Key. W. J. Harsha has been devoting some
cousiderablo time nnd energy to soliciting
Christmas presents for the poor children of
the city. So far ho has met with fair suc
cess. IIo says , however , ho has found many
children not ongiaally on his list , wVo would
be gladdened by a contribution from Santa
Glaus on Christmas morning. He , tliero-
fore asks that merchants nnd others send to
his house , for distribution , anything a child
can eat , wear or play with. IIo thanks those
who have already contributed , nnd holies
others will bt > Imbued with the same charit
able feeling towards the little ones.
An AliHolittn Ouro.
Is only pubup In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absaluto euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , nnd all skill erui > -
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co , , at 85
cents per box by mall 'M conts.
County Jail Notes.
Ambrose Uinko and Emmett t'inloy , two
Council HluITs attorneys , were lutotviowing
n client in the Jail yesterday.
Yesterday was "flower day" with Mrs.
King. Numerous boquots of ( lowers were
presented , both choice In quality and exqui
site in design.
Tom llownn , Joe Miller's obliging assistant /
ant , was absent from his duties yesterday
attending the christening of the latest ur-
rival at the Hawaii residence.
An Italian named Cartaln was sent up to
the county Jail by Judge Uerka to undergo a
term of Imprisonment , When searched by
Jailor Miller $231.00 was found concealed In
various articles of his clothing , Thirty dollars
lars of it was in the solos of his boots.
Do as vou plouso when you plonso to
do right ; and you will always do the
proper tiling in taking1 Bigclow's Posi
tive euro for coughs , colds , and till
throat and lung troubles , Pleasant to
tttko nnd cures speedy , 50 cents and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
A niiizo nt Albright's SniKl IMt.
The building and materials at Albright's '
sand pit were destroyed by tire yesterday ,
Thn most destructive part of the blaze was In
a barn In which were flvo horses. The loss
Is estimated at about f 1,000 , which Is covered
by insurance. _
Ono word : one stop may maku or mar
one's whole future , Dr. Jones' Hod
Clover Tonic is the proper move when
you have dyspepsia , baa breath , piles ,
pimples , ague , malaria , low spirits ,
hcudncho or nny stomach or liver
troubles. 60 cents. Goodman Drug.
Kills o8nlo.
P. M. Mullin , of 1723 Cumlng street , yes-
toriluy executed a bill of sale upon his stock
of groceries , horses and wagons , In favor of
L. L. Price , Odoll , Nob. Consideration ,
Olf Paulsoli has executed a chattel mort
gage upon the stock and fixtures of his plan
ing and Joincnng establishment. Considera
tion , f..DOO. Mr. Paulson has also executed
a chattel mortgage , in favor of O. K. Leo ,
upon certain machinery. Consideration.
11,600. .
That will be appreciated go to
$9.0O buys n CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was mndo to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which wns mndo to order for $22.
$13.75 buys n good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which wns mnde toordor for $23.
$ I6.OO buys n fly front WAKEFIELD DRESS OVERCOAT , which was mndo to order for $30.
$2O.OO buys n KERSEY OVERCOAT , which wns mndo to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys n Sntln Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $ CO.
$28.00 buysn Silk Lined TREBLE MILLED MELTON OVERCOAT.which wns mndoto order forOO
$3O.OO buys the finest SCHNADELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which wns mndoto order for$00
$36.0O buys n fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOATwhich wnslmndo to order
for $7O.
4O.OO buys n FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which wns mndo to order for $88.
$9.BO buys n Seymour Snck Suit , which wns mnde to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys n One Button Snck Suit , which wns mnde to order for $22.
$13.7B buys n Strnlght-cut Snclc Suit , which wns mnde to order for $28.
$10.OO buys n Railroad Snck Suit ; which was mndo to order for $3O.
$2O.OO buys n Four Button Cutawny Suit , which wns mnde to order Tor $4O.
$24.OO buys n One Button Cutawny Suit , which wns mnde to order for $ BO.
$28.BO buys n Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which wns mndo to order for $ OO.
$3O.OO buys n Crepe Worsted , ( Imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $05
Ah elegant and complete assortment of PANTALOONS , 'from $2.50
to $9.00
A fine line of Dress Suits for sale or-rent.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
1 ncorporatctl l > r the legislature of ItW. for
r.duciitloiml and t'lmrltuMu purposes , iiml Its
franchise inado u purl of the pioscnt btuto Con-
btltutlon , lu 187 ! ' , by tin ovcrtthulmUig popular
Its MAMMOTH nitAWJNGStnko place Seinl-
AiinuiillrMnuo and lwemt ) > cr > nnd its ( IHAM )
each of tlio other ten months of tlio year , nnd tire
nil drawn in public , at the Academy 9f Music ,
NowUilontiji , I.a.
For Integrity of its 1)run ) ings , and Prompt
I'ftj'inenl of Prim ,
"We < lo hereby certify that wo supervise the
arrangements tor nil the .Monthly and Soml-An-
liual UruwiUKS of Tlio Louisiana. State Lottery
Company , nud In person muiiago nnd control
tlio Drawings themselves , anil that the same
are conducted with honesty , fairness , and In
Kood faith toward all parties , and we authorize
the company to use tills certificate , with fac
similes of our signatures attached , in Ita adver
tisements "
We , the undersigned Banks and Hankers , will
pay all 1'rlzes drawn in The Louisiana State
lotteries which may bo presented nt our coun
U. M. WALMSLKY , l > ro < ! . Louisiana Nat. Hank.
I'lnitHIILANAt'X. I'ros , Stutu Nat'l llunlc
A. BALDWIN , 1'res. Now Orleans Nafl Hank.
CAUL KO1IN , 1'res. Union National
At tlio Academy of jMnmc , Now Or-
lenn i Tuesday , January in ,
1HH1) .
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 , Tickets at Twenty Dollars eath.
Halves , $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Teathi , $2 ; Twen
tieths , $1.
1 PHIZE OFau,0/l9 ( ) . TOOW
i I'lti/.i : ( ) ! ' IOJ.OODH . 110,000
1 1'UIX.i : OF GO.COOJS . fiOOH , >
1 l'ltl/.i : OK 3-1.041 ID . i.'iOOU
3 I'KIZKSOF lO.OOOaro . tfl.UOJ
r > I > HI/.ISOF : 5uiiaro ) . : r > , uoo
K I'UI/.nSOF lOTara ) . J.T .MW
100 1MU/.KKOF MKIiire . fll.UOO
200 1'lti/.itsor : i(0aro ( . 110,001
500 I'JtlXnSOr SOUnrn . 100,000
A I'l'ltOXJ NATION ritlttl'.S.
lee Prizes or jwwmo . yajam
100 PrUcs of IlOUaro . IM.OOJ
1UO 1'rlzes of MJnro . CO.OOO
Ml ) Prizes of 8100 are . JOit.dOC
IHK ) Prizes of WOare. , .
S.Ult Prizes , amounting to . il.OT.I.KM
NOTK Tickets ilniwlnif L'upltuI PrUes are notci > .
tlllcil to tormtnm i > ri7c4.
tf Hou Cl.viJ IUTKX , or nn/ further Inforimitlon
duAlrcd , wrlto Ictrlbly to the tinilerslune'l ' , dourly
Btutlnir your reildcnciMvllh HCulu , County , Hin-otuml
uumbur. More rupi'I rotura ntalldollvoo will l > o ai *
Huruil tir your enclosing nu envelope lienrlni : your
full uildrusn.
hcnil rosTAL NOTK8. nxpic Money Orclorn. nn
New Vork KxclmiiKo In orillnury letter , Currency by
( at our expcu.e ,
Or M. A. DAUPHIN , , Now Crleuat , L .
Wuihmiton , D. C.
Address Reeistefe ; ? Letters to .
.Nim Orlenaj , La.
Ttmt the imvmnnt nt
i > rttus It ( U/AIIAtmKI : >
the Tlcltuti arc ilk-noil by tlio President of an hull-
union wliosu ciiirlurod rtt'lus uru ri > ounicil | In tlie
hlfiueitcoun > ! therefore , bawaro of nil luiltatluna
or itnnnymouft "chumuii ,
ONH IJOI.LAIlli tlioprlrnof tlio smallest purl or
fraction of u tlckut. InSUKI ) HV US In liny DiuMlng.
An > tlilnn In our name offered for lum timn a llollnr U
u Blmllo.
May HCTort bodily protection "In your
A iulnd"but Bomctulnu more subitun-
tUI will bo necomary quite eon , an
winter U rapidly approaching In
VFI I/FT / addition to lieary clothing , llioie who
ll.l.f LI are prudent will prorldo a oupply of
HKVMI.N'H 1'i.AHTFU In anticipation ot
kUKti , Cold * , Chuit 1'ulm , llbuuuui-
nni I in tlun. r-tlullui aud otliur iillmouU
LiULLAn vrlilchareiuro to prcrall diirlnv tlio
UUUUrtll j-,11 muutiu. 'r | , | , pUsior li well
known at a uniformly reliable remedy
In lucli tniublvii l ulivurn ready for
fill Vniin Immediate application and It * effect
Un IUUII I * prompt and permanent. Ai there
are mauy tpurlous Imitation ) In Hie
market , careful buyer * will alwayi
i iiirn n k lor DKSMJS'S niid rufumnll otuur
I INrN | < uroui planter * .
kllihii nrrtumi iwo rent tnmp to 8c .
bury Jt Jobn on,3l 1'lutt Street , N. V. ,
nun-rrn fur B c ° l > > ' Of l.NHTItUOTIONS ruou
DUSTER b"E IKK'ru" ' " "luablt Uoui Uol4
powerful Tmy
Je tone , pllab ile action and rt
pomte ournmllly. 1U years'
the best guarantee of the
Icnce of tncse Instriirapnto.
Preserve Your Health
I ) . C. HAIJ , & CO/8 PKKFO-
( lAUMr.NTSSmltri'sPnt.airorl ( )
to persons susceptible to cold Iho
best protection ng.ilnst PNKIJ
all Il7N ( ) DISKASIiS. Hecom-
mpndctl for Lartlns nnd gentlemen -
men by the Medical Faculty
Brml for Illustrated circular.
86 Leonard St. , Now York City
State Line.
To Glasgow , Itelfiist , Dublin ami Lherpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Caliln passage W" arid * .V ) , nccordlng to location
ot state loom. ICxcnralou Utt < " * ' >
Stooragu to nnd from liuropo at Lowest Hates.
AUSTI.V IIAUMV1N & CO. , Ocn'l Agents ,
Kl llroauway , New York.
JOHN HU'XHIN. ( Jcn'l Western Agent.
1R4 llandolpti St. , Chicago.
IIAHKV 15. MOOKUS , Agent. Omaha.
Reduced Cabin Rates to Glasgow Ex
( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
Atthaold htiinil , lini Karimm Bt. Orders by
' - ' ' bollclted and promptly attended ,
Ti'lcohonu to No. ' } .
i r > ir t > or
Mk pntu. tutor.
IDJ ihrm VtU U lo H"lli ! a il Vliur.MJ.Mrt nrlb. klMtrlt
lurrtnl f * riLTiummror cforltlll5 , oln t iU.
JIHT ndhuir ii.or/ ( | 3l.l.S. ud up. UorileuMiier.
Bur.r ntlr ( aim lu lLrr monlLi. Bralfnl | iur hltl lo. tump.
t. E7CILPi'N" >
Itootu 03 Traders'
References Metropolitan National Hank.
U. U. IJuri & ( V ) . The llrulttreet Oa
FT. J. QALQRA.lTn. i
Surgeon and Phvsiclai ,
ODlce N . W Corner Mtli acil Iwuttlm.St. OiUe
Those flBiires are more eloquent than volumes
which might bo written In piulse of tlio peculiar
merltH uossessed by tlm .MUKOO Gooils.
"I line the Magee ItatiKo constantly in my
Schools and Private ) Kitchen ; It ftilUlls nvory
leiinlremunt for the most exacting work ; I
would not exchange It for any ranffo made. "
Penil foronr Knrnaco Circular and read what
physIclnnsprofoHsorh. st'loiitlstj.moclianlc.sand
merchants say of the Magou rurnacc.s tney have
iutiso. Don't put In Steam or Hot Water Ap-
paratiiK.tlll yon KNOW what a FIURT-CI.AHS Hot
Air furnace will do for half thocon.
Tun MAtiii : : UAAnisIi'uuiVAcisllli\Tin : : ; AND
our agent.s. and wo warrant each one to give
perfect satisfaction to the t > n > er , WACKK
I : CO. , : a TO as I'NION ST. , Hoston. W
Agents Omaha , Neb.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
TJioUcst Route from Omnlia and Council
IMufTs ( o
Chicago , AND Mlhvnubrc , '
St , Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnnids ,
Hock Island. Frcoporl , Kuckfunl ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenpoit ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsvillo ,
liololfc , tVlnonn , La Crossc ,
And nil ottier Important iiolnti Kist , Northeast nil
For through tkliet .c ll < in lUe tlckot n ciit ut 1MI
Koniani street , lu Uurkur Block , or nt Uoluu l' ciUa
I'lillii.nn Slooperinnd thennest DlnliiKCnrs In tha
world nre run on Ilia main Una of tin Clilcauu , Mil-
wnLoo A tit. l' ul ILtllimy.nnJ orory alli'iitloiili palil
to yatKiDttvrs . Uf courteou * tnployosof tliocuuipunf.
. K. 'f UUKKII. A M"tantUi > iiernl llnnn cr.
A. V . H. C.UU'JCNTIIU , U Beral l'n ui ; r and
Tlukel Airrnt.
UT.U. K HKAKhYilID , Oeacul PrasvoKtl
anil 'IlO'el Agent ,
J. T. tL. ItlC Utacrxl Superintendent.
Warranted ftbsolutclijitiro
Corua , from uliicli the exccn c (
Oil has been removed , It IMS Mora
than three t tinea the iticiiyth
of Cocoa inued with Ktarcli Arrow *
root or Suirar , and is tlicrefora far
more economical , coit liuj leu than
one rent a CKJI. It U ilclicious ,
nouriiliinir , itrenctliemni ; , ea ilycli-
teitcJ , and aUmirably adapted for invalid -
valid , as well as for ! > erums la liealtli.
Hold lir ( Jroccru ercrynliere.
W , BAKER & CO , , Doriicr , Mass ,
Advurtblnj ; has iilivnys povoa
Buocejsful , Dofore placlufr any
Nowspupci Advcrthlntrconsui
. ,
( I It 19 Uu ltk tUett , CHICAGO ,
nlro Tine
A deuroo for forecloHuro nenlnit the SUTIIO TtTIT-
NIJli Company Imijtiit la-en cnteruil In the United
Stutps Clicult Court. Ninth circuit District of Nevada
and tlio properly or thiil will bo sold tilery
iimlornliin curly date. The IteorKiinlziitloii Com-
inltteo hereby ulvc * notice that Moeklioldera ot that
compnny will bo allowed n 1'INAl. opportunity t o pro
tect their lilthortn linn willed stork b ; nubncrlbliiK
to the new liomlanml Uoposltlnu tliolrstookua heretofore -
fore advertised. Siilncrlptluns to iiild bonds will b
received nt the Union Truit Company , No. 73 "road
way , New Vork , nttlio followliiR terms , to-wlt :
ING KiiosiTHKiA.n.j
NOV. , 188H , AT 12 Bl. ,
nntl thprrnrter
UNTIL JAN. U , 1880 , AT a 1' . M.
Subscribers totlie bondiwlll recolvoTrust Company
certlllciitct , entitling tliuiii tn the saniu mini tier of
slmrc * us tboso ilulxHtwl by thoniandl.ln honds for
CHCU 5.i cent * and uleonta reippctlrolr jmld by tliom.
IiiUiri'nt at tlio r to ot 4 per ( out. will uu allowed ua
siil > scrlitlons | from ditto < > r pnymont.
1'nyiiK.nt ulioulil bo made by check on New York to
the union Trust Cotmmny nnd nhould bo accompanied
by tliuptockdiilyeiidiirwd In blank and un author-
Ijiitlon to thn union Truil Compnny. Illaak loitnt
lor this iiuthorUntlon nndeoplonof clroulnrH cnn ba
obtnlned nponiippllLMtloii ill the Union Truil Com *
pnny'Honice , oral room I'J.tiovcntli tloor. Mills liulld
Inir , Now York.
Dated NKW Vomc , October 3 , 1SB.
II. n. HAl/r/EK , Olinlrmnn.
T. C. A. M. VAN
Counci ! Blyffs
And Chicago ,
no Molnei , aramo *
ami nil nt2.n' ' " 10" ' lilcaK < i. Hllwniikce ,
. , T' ! ° I' " " " ' " " ' Nobrmkn.ailo !
fnUh , > 'il1 ' ? ' Nwvlul . Oropon.Vn.h. .
' " 1U"Ur' ' ° r dl' ' u' ' ' ' "
"vi-l"- > iuiHU7 nil ? ut&crllllU ,
n.iilr"'li''i" ! ' ' "iw of " 10 "umoroui nolnti of tuperlnrltr
"iijujtMi ujr inu patrunt of thli roiiil Uetwtiori Omitrm
U iusuV . "f6 lta . " ' " truliu n ittf of 1)\Y
' , l.jliH' whlfli re tlmltneit thHt liunmn nrt und
IhoViM ' iTfn ft1'110' ! Il I'ALAOBrlLKKI'INUOAUS
i'm. qiilii01 ! wlll.tl1 ctttl "ot l > 0 found alwwhnru. At
w" " " llllur"tllurMn" ! " ' I" " " " 'on ' 1'ftclllo llnll.
. * -n " ) , ' , . < llS < " > t. In union rtopot with Wii o of tlio ah .
( Norlliwoituni , Ity In CliK-nuo Iliu trnliii of
coniK-ttlon with tho.o of nil other
. - ' invar " * rolli ' ' " , i9 ° ialllSj.InrtlinapoHi. . rittaiiurg ! ! , Tnrnnlo. . Cincinnati Jloiiirerii ,
o lon , New Vork , I'lillK.lulplim , nil more WHII t
, * to . " < H point. In tuu at. A.k for tlpkiU vlli
.N. .
1) . K KIM IIALh eernpUn. , Ticket A Bnt.
i/f. , i. " PWKBT. . City rairnnior Aienl
HOI rarnaro. 8t > Owahn , . Mute.
Cannot bo Excelled. They are Elegant In lltilgn and
very Low In Trice , Alio , Court Home Furnitura , and
Borne 400 Btvlei of Office Dciki , Cluln , 7 ll.i , Etc.
100 r g llluttrkteil fnt ! loEut > Free , i'ojtngi 7 OU.
YLEH DESK COSt , Louis , Mo , , U.S.A ,
, 1VOH)1'.S-A. ( ) 000UIOlATTOMNKV.AT-I.A\rT [ |
M mitoarboni Hi. , Uiiica.'oi ( Ulrica ( rau ! n yaar *