Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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DTho subject of the lecture nt the synn
ftogun this evening will bo ' 'In-
tfri.tituilc. ' ' Divlno services commence
nt 7 o'clock.
The rcmnlns of Arabia McCoy , tbo
vctonui , wore burled yesterday morn
ing from Sixteenth nnd Vlnton streets
by Custor post , O. A. K.Jln Lnurcl liil
Gnrbnf-o Inspector Goldsmith bag
boon granted thirty days' leave of nb-
Bunco , to bom ( .January 10 , ISS'J. ' lie
will visit his parents -Kentucky
During his absence the duties of the jw
Billon will bo curried on by his son.
I'ersonnl I n rag rap I is.
W. Slmcrnl loft yesterday for Dubuque
xvlioro lie will spend the holidays.
Dr. Ilertromnn tms been contlnod to his
resldcnco for a wut-k by nn nttuok of fovur.
J. I * Wntklns nntl fnnuly have taken
niurtincnts for the winter ut tlio Hurkci
MRH | Allnta Rood , of llnvon , In. , la viiitln f
the fnmily of A. U. Thompson , US North
Fifteenth street.
Mr. Will lloldon , an old Omnha hey , nni
family nro In the city. Mr. Ucldon will ugalt
lo into business hero.
Ciiptnln H. R Hosfonl of Hurltnglon was
In the metropolis a few hours ycstcrdni
Blinking hands with hit friends.
At tlio Arcade : William H. Shryock ,
Loulsvillo ; L. Hohlkor and wife , Mrs. Stun
Isli und Mrs. Itanio , Louisville.
Attorney P. L. McCoy left Wcdnesdnj
evening on a business a pleasure trip to Ohio
Ho will return after the holidays.
Charles II. Tiiylor nnd John ) . Cnrvcll. o
PI an i < In ton. Dak. , were hero for n day on
their wiiy east to spend the holliluy * .
Judo | Brewer , of the United States cir
cuit court , registered at the Puxton ycster-
dny. Ho was on his return home from Denver
Mr. W. D. Patterson , nn attorney from
JCookuk , In , , Is thcKuestof Mr. W. R Wap-
plch , secretary of the hoard of public worus.
At thelJarker : .Tames W. Wallace am'
wife , Orceley Center ; 1C. Fanpiuhcr nnd
wife nnd Miss Karcpiaher , Toronto , Out. ; A
Do Wolf , DCS Molncs.
Mrs. II Mussolmnn , of Fairmont , nnd Miss
Annie Anderson , of Qlcnwond , In. , nro in
the city on a visit to V. P. Musselmnn ,
cashier of tln < Nebraska Telephone company.
They nro stopping nt the Mllliird hotel.
A Mlsiijf Chilli.
Danny Schcltcr , a child , wiindoreil from
his homo on Williams , between Sixth mill
Seventh streets , yesterday morning. He
Imil not been heard of at sunset last evcn-
Hit IllsThmuh OfT.
Whllo Jim McDermott was separating
two ilogs that were lighting In front of Dick
Hurdish's saloon yesterday afternoon , one ol
them Bimppud at ids hand and bit the thumb
of Ills right hand completely oil at the lirsl
Joint. _ _ _ _ _ _
Trinity Episcopal Catlipilra ) .
Frank Jjeslio's Sunday magazine , for Jan
unry IbS'.i ' , contains a very cleverly written
historical sketuh of Trinity Episcopal cathe
dral. In addition to this there are two well
executed cuts ot this place of worship , one of
the exterior and the other an interior view
from the west end.
Fourth AVard Hcpulilionns.
There will ho n special meeting of the
Fourth Ward Hcpublican elub ut Judge An
derson's ollico on Friday evening , December
21 , at 7:30 : p. m. sharp. Any and all general
business will bo transacted. A full attend
ance of the members is desired. IJy order
of the president , F. W. FITCII , Secretary.
ViotlniH ol'thc Fall.
Joseph Schmidt and Frank Spcllman , the
two young tinners vvho fell from the scaffold
nt the Willis building on DoilgJ street a few
weeks ago , hnvo almost recovered from
their injuries. The former , who it was
thought would die , was able to walk to
Chris. Spccht's shop yesterday. Mr. Speclit ,
their employer has treated them with utmost
The Opernlor ICoinovctl.
The Pacific Mutual telegraph company has
removed its operator from the chamber of
commerce , whom It placed there when J. W.
Shaw & Co , of Chicago , opened their pro
vision dealing ofllco at that place. The line
was intended for commercial business , but
the patronage did not warrant its contin
uance. Shaw ifc Co. , however , retain their
own line.
Tlio DoShow. .
Twenty entries have already been made for
the forthcoming bench show , which is to beheld
held at 118 and 115 North Fifteenth street
from the 1st to 3d of January. It Is esti
mated that 200 dogs will bo on exhibition.
Judges from abroad will bo appointed and
cups and prize-money will bo awardad to the
successful canines. The hangers for the
show wore Issued yesterday.
There was a small lire In Mrs. Uannistar's
boarding house at Slxtoanth and Webster
streets yesterday morning. It was occasioned
by an overheated stovepipe. The building is
owned by H. E. Lady , and was damaged to
the extent of $ SO. It was insured.
A small blaze occurred In Milto Loo's briek
block ut Sovcnteanth nnd Howard shortly
before noon yesterday. Plumbers nt work in
the cellar wcro the cause. The damage was
slight. _
A Ijlhoral 1'iircliasor.
A Jewelry flrm which recently advertised
in the 131:1 : lists of Individual articles which
could bo bought for a certain price , has
received a host of letters from outside
patrons. Ono of the Inttor thinking that
* 50. bought about twenty articles ,
each of which was valued ut that sum , nsKcd
, the assortment to bo forwarded Immediately
telling what slzo diamond and amethyst ring
wore to bo selected whllo the other articles
were to bo left to the discretion of the dealer.
Stone I'nvcrs und Dny Labor.
There was a special meeting of the Stone
Paver's union hold Wednesday night , at
which the manifesto of the trades unions ,
favoring day labor In ull public improve
ments was heartily endorsed ,
After other business of importance per
tain ing to "scabs" now working In this city ,
nnd of recent data In South Ontulm , which
work it Is claimed , shows for itself , the
meeting adjourned to meet on next Monday
evening ut its usual place.
_ A New DankiiiK Concern.
Articles of Incorporation of the Fanners'
.nnd Merchants1 bank , which proposes doing
business at Vulloy , Neb , , were Hied yester
day , The incorporate Include the names
of Congressman Q. W. 13 , Dorsoy nnd ox-
Kojiresontativo W. G. Whlttnoro. This com
pany will do u general banking business , and
its principal place of business will bo ut
Volley , Douglas county. The capital stock
is flxml nt f35,000 , divided into shares of 8100
each , business will bo commenced when
ever 20 per cent of the capital stock has been
paid lu.
Ilrloklaycrs Oppose Cunti-ncts.
At a regular meeting of the bricklayers
union , hold at their hall.'oornor ' Douglas and
Fourteenth street , Wednesday night , res
olutions wcro adopted endorsing those of the
Ccw t nil Labor union , demanding the abolition
of Iho contract system in nil public works , nnd
the substitution therefor of day labor. The
change was demanded on tbo ground that
the s cw'er work which has been done could
liavo been done tnoro cheaply , nnd the work
would have been of bettor quality. The ma
terial , too , whould have boon much better ,
Incompetent Inspoctpra would have been ills-
jjcnscd with.
Of Mosbifth oborusos nt Max Meyer's
music rooms to-nlgbt at 8. A full ut-
tondiuicois requested.
Hanson's Htiitoment.
Mark Hnnsen , the gentleman who Intl.
mated eroolredncss In the school bonrd in
conversation with a reporter for TJI
stated thnt the nrtklo published In a tnocnW
pancr our | > ortlng to hnvo como from Ernsl
Sthht , . concerning tils roa ons for making the
statement , is false nnd unjust. Ai to th (
"fcnco" referred to ho states that he ngreei
to build n portion of it , nnd the school boan' '
the rest. Ho complied with hn agreement
but the latter has not yet built Its share. It
speaking of his wanting the dirt thnt wai re
moved for the purpose of grading his owr
lots , us stated by Morris Morrison , ho sayi
that this is not true. Hnnsen says thnt h <
bus nioro dirt than what ho could dispose ol
for his own use , without celling any from tin
school board. _
No Cliristinns Table
obotild bo wltbout n botllo of Angostura
Hillcrs , Iho world renowned appollxoi
of exquisite flavor. of counter-
_ _
am : couitTS.
United Stntoi Court.
John Holt was brought up from Fulls Citj
yesterday morning by a deputy marshal
charged with selling lliruor without n govern ;
ment license.
Hcforo Judge Dnndy yesterday Hie case
of Fclborg nnd Workum vs. Freltscbkc
wiis given n hearing. The defendant fulled
In business in I'M and effected n composition
with his creditors at 50 cents upon the del
lar. The plaintiff's share upon this basis
amounted to fl.'JOO. A promissory note was
given , which is now repudiated upon the
ground that nn understanding had beer
entered Into between plaintiffs nnd defend
ant whereby it was agreed that FrelborR
and Workum were to bo paid n sum in
excess of the composition agreed on between
the debtor and his creditors. This action II
is asserted annuls nny of the defendants
F. W. Solon und M. P. O. ICumpaugh were
arrested yesterday afternoon for fulling to
appear before the court on subpcunn.
District Court.
Stergess Whltlock , proprietor of Iho
Fisher Printing company , of this city , sues
Sheriff Coburn , asking for the return of two
printing presses and one paper cutter wrong
fully seied by defendant , nnd also that de-
fcndnnl may bo assessed In $1,000 damage.
Judge Hopowoll rendered two decisions
yesterday morning. In the case of Palmer vs.
Garncau Cracker company , n motion for anew
now trial was ordered , and judgement given
upon the amount claimed , viz : f I/.IOO.
In tin1 case of Carr vs. Parker , a motion
to set aside the judgement rendered was sus
tained and a now trial ordered.
Judge Wakeley tried the suit ngiunst C. S.
Higglns , brought by Louis Uradford , The
issues are the priority of a $700 mechanics
lien. The verdict was for the defendant.
Judge Doano has heard the arguments fern
n now trial in the case of Wallace vs. H. ft
M. railroad. Plaintiff recovered $5,000 , and
the company have appealed from that ver
dict. The court lias the matter under ud-
Tlio Omaha Heal Estate & Trust company
have lilcd petition in equity ninunst Patrick
Harrctt , el. al. , John A. Murphv , ct. al. ,
Lewis W. Wolfe and L , P. Hammond.
These several suits nro to enforce the pay
ments duo upon real estate purchases.
In Judge Hopewell's court the defendants
in the case of Daniel Llrady vs Omaha and
Grunt Smelting company wcro refused n
now trial , nnd the verdict of 5500 continued.
The c.iso of Goldsmith vs City of Omaha ,
mi injunction to prevent the grading of
Twentieth street , is now on trial in Judge
Hopewell's court.
Ella Mars seeks for the dissolution of her
marriage with Alfred Mars. The prayer of
complainant is supported by hcverul pleas ,
most of them embracing the recital of most
disgusting details. Mrs Mars prays for the
custody of her three children.
A petition is filed bv C. N. Dotz ! , the lum
ber man , in which ho enters suit against the
Missouri Pacific railroad company , and claims
S27iO.O'J ( ' damages for the destruction of his
property adjacent to the defendant company's
trucks. On October ao , I'bb" , tbo plaintiff
alleges that sparks from un imperfectly con
structed locomotive , having no spark ar
rester on its stack , cuused the conflagration.
With Mr. Dietz as co-plaintiff appear the fol
lowing insurance corporations : Liberty ,
Upckford , Boatman's , Lancashire , und the
L ire insurunco company ( limited ) . These
companies have paid Mr. Dletz f 10,00(3.80 ( in
nsurancc policies. The plaintiff estimates
his loss by this fire nt $10,09:1.99 : , to whicli is
added the amount paid him by the insurunco
icoplc and this is the aggregated sum sought
to be recovered.
County Court.
In the case of Hyde vs. Coburn , .1 suit in
replevin , the Jury after being out all night
wcro discharged yesterday morning with
out rendering a verdict.
I. W. Kelly has fllod an action against H.
U. Stewart , and asks for Judgment of jf2r 3.80
for grading certain streets in South Omaha.
In the suit of Hcod vs. Meyers , the verdict
was for the plaintiff in the sum of $20U:27. :
The Cook carriage company of Ohio enters
suit against L. P. al. , for the recov
ery of $3-11 and interest 3 per cent from December -
cembor 1 , 18S7.
F. W. Munvillo is sued by E. E , French ,
for $182.88 , on a note dated November 27 ,
Atkins , Ogden & Co. , of Milwaukee , Wls. ,
sue Phillip Lang , of Omnha , for the recovery
of ? .
Timtioc Court.
Justice O'Connor Issued a replevin for a
liorso valued at $73 to John Belts and against
George Smith.
M. Svcnm has entered suit to recover
goods sold to Joseph Polikto the extent of 149.
From Kv-CovernorCnrpputer. oflnwn.
FT. DODOE , Io. , Fob. lit , ' 80.
I have examined Johnson's Universal
Cyclopedia , and to sotno extent com
pared it with Apploton's , n copy of
which 1 bavo owned for several years ,
UK ! I have no hesitation in saying that
[ believe Johnson's is Iho most com-
ilolo , compact , nnd in innny instances
inoro correcl limn Apploton's , When
these facts nro considered iii connection
wilh Iho fuel tbtit it can bo obtained nt
loss than half Iho cost of Apploton's
it scorns to mo Unit parbons desiring lo
buy a cyclopaedia will do well lo obtain
i copy of Johnson's. As evidence of
my appreciation of the work , I have nr-
rnngcu to oxchmigo Apploton's for
Johnson's. C. C. CAUPKNTKII.
In respotibo to inquiry , ho writes to
Iho agent nl this plnco , under ( Into of
Uoc. 14 , 1888 :
W , I' . Ilunnlcutt , Esq. , Omnha , Nob.
Dour Sir : 1 very cheerfully say that
iflor having Johnson's Revised Cyclopedia
pedia in ray library for over Iwo years ,
xnd having used it , for reference during
thnt lime , the opinion which I expressed
concerning it while you were at Fort
Dodge , bus not only boon confirmed ,
jut my appreciation of the work has
joon greally increased.
Yours very truly ,
C. C.
Discoveries .More Valuable llian God |
Are SANTA ABIE , the California dis
covery for Consumption and Diseases of
.ho Throat , Chest nnd Lungs , and CAL
'uimmlcod cure for Cnlarrh , Cold in
.he Head and kindred complaints. They
xro eold til $1 per package , or Ihroo for
! 2f > 0 , and are recommended and used
jy Iho leading physicians of lha Pucillo
Coasl. Nol boerot compounds. Guar-
uileod by the Goodman Drug Co.
HublteH Studying ;
Henjamln P. Eldridgo , chief inspector of
> ollco , Cyrus Small , superintendent of pow -
\w \ , nnd Cyrus T. Clark , ull of Boston , were
n the oily Wednesday to sco tbo police force
of Omaha. The party is on a tour ihrouch-
out the western country for the solo purpose
of inspecting the various police departments , .
eo us to have tlio people of lha hub enjoy
ho latest improvements in ibo manage meut
of such forces.
An Absolnto Curo.
s only put up la large two ounce tla boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
rounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup-
ions. will positively care all kinds of piles ,
Ask for the O1UQ1NAL AUIfiTlNE OINT-
MEKT. Sold by Goodman Dnitf Co. , at 25
ceuls i > r box by mull IK ) ceuu.
.Notes About tlio City.
Miss Mnmte Carocutcr , assistant principal
In tbo High school , has resigned ; her resig
nation to tolo effect , Friday , December 2h
The entertainment prepared by Principal
Munroo nnd the pupils of the city schools ,
announced for this afternoon. , has been
postponed without date. Mr. Munroo says
thnt it will bo given nbout Iho middle of Jan
uary. The regular Friday afternoon exer
cises will bo hold Friday , closing dnv.
The school board will hold n called meetIng -
Ing In the high school building Monday after
noon , the 21th , al 2 o'clock.
Court Mnglc Clly , Ifo , ICS , Independent
Order of Foresters , will elect oflleors
Wednesday evening , the 2lh. ( !
An Infnnl son of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. IJar-
rcll died Wednesday evening nnd was buried
nt 2 o'clock ycsterdiiy afternoon In Laurel
Hill cemetery.
Uescuo Hose company , No. 1 , will give n
dnnco In A. O. H. hall , Kowley block , Thurs
day evaiiliu" , the 2Hh.
Dr. nnd Mrs. .John M. Glasgow have Issuci
Invitation for the marriage of their daughter
Miss Grace , with Mr. Manly W. Hoyley
Wednesday , December 20 , al 1 o'clock.
Deputy Postmaster U. A. Cnrpenter was
taken suddenly ill Wednesday and had to bo
removed home.
Wednesday Swift & Co. killed JV1 cattle
The slaughtering of cattle now Is not very
heavy , because Iho company Is selecting
dressing mid decorating Christinas beeves.
Simon S. Homer lias charge of the Christ
mas beef decorations , nnd has already 10" ol
the choicest beeves dressed nnd artistically
decorated for the holiday trndo.
J. A. Anderson , of Storm Lake , In. , Is vis
iting his sons , Marshall D. nnd Joseph L , An
Harry Strothman and Miss Carrie Stroth-
mnn , of Calumet Harbor , WIs. , nro the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uriino Strothman.
It. S. Patterson , of the Western Union
telegraph forces , after n month's illness , is
nt his post ngain.
There was a slight lire in the house occcu-
tiled by Mrs. Merrlck , No. 5'0 South
Twenty-tlfth slrcet nt 4 o'clock ycslenltty
Mary , wife of Gftorgo Fiedler , died at"
o'clock yesterday morning. Funeral nnnouncc-
ment hereafter.
The Union Stock Yards cornet bund will
give u private dance Christmas evening.
Leave hope behind ,
All ye who enter here !
So ran the dire .varning which Dante
read on Iho porlrails of llio Inferno. So
runs Iho cruel verdict of your friends if
you are overtaken by Iho ilrsl symptoms
of Unit terrible disease , consumption.
"Leave hone behind ! Your days are
numbered ! ' And the struggle against
death is f-ivcn up in dosijnir. Bui while
there is life , there is hope ! Dr. Ptcrco's
Golden Medical Discovery has cured
hundreds of cases worse than yours ; and
il will cure you , if taken in time. LJul
delay is dangerous. No power can re
store a wasted lung ; Iho "Golden Medi
cal Discovery , " however , can and will
arrest Iho di&ousc.
IiiHtrtimcntH Plncoit on ItncorJ Dttr-
inj * YcH'orilny.
IjShroder , trustee , to AT Hosche , lot IB.
blk Ii , Ilrown park , w il $ 655
A I' llosciie and wlfu to M C Haltslamlor ,
lot in , blk fi , iv d * . . . . 1.50J
31 C Ilaltslander and husband to A K llos.- ,
che.lotW , K.ilrinount place , w d 2OJ
131 Holt to CUP ast , IWt lot | i , blk 3. Hush
> V Selby's mill , w d 325
South Omaha Land Co to N T Wheeler nnd
htishnnil , lot 7 , blk CM , Hontli Umahii. w d 000
J llatkeretul to O U Jayncs. lot SJ , blk I ! ,
Sherman Avenue park , w d 150
J I , Miles ct al toV M Ilrown , lots 21 and
. ' , blk V , Orchard hill , w d 1,600
W M Ilrown toS Kcir , lot : . ' ! , blk U , Ot chard
hill , * nl COO
TiSchroeder. trustee , to K.I Knran , lots "ii
and K4 , blK 7 , Ilrown park , w d MO
A Itenson nnd wife to S ( ! Jolinson. und J ,
lot , Itenson A : Johnson's snb , w d 2
A lleiiso i and wife to S (1 Johnson , und = >
lotsT and H , Ilensou & Johnson's hub ,
wd 39)
? it Jolinson and wife to M Jl Clark , lot 7 ,
blk 2. Nan p irt , w d 275
Patrick I.nml Co to II W 1'onnock , lots 17
nnd 18 , blk 11 . Dundee p'.aco , w d 2,200
J.I Hell mid husband to.I M Shrlver , lot
3. blkC , West Side , w d 400
\V L .Selby and wife to William Colfux ,
w ' , ; lot. ) , blk 10 , Isaac & oheldon's add ,
w d 2,000
O K Darker nnd wlfo toC II Whyman , lot
MO , blk y. Orchard Hill , w d COO
M 0 Chapman to J il Chapman , n\v of nw
IW-ltl-llfe , q c d 1
J K llaualiar nnd wife to SKDraper.
lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 10 , 1st add South Oma
ha , w a 1,500
West Fnrunm St IJldtr Ass'u to I Alllbon
lot 14. bike , Jerome Turk , w d 2.000
A ( inrdincr nnd wife to .1 11 liro\ui , lot 2 ,
blk o , C K Mayno'a 1st add Valley , w d 123
Twenty transfers
To Prevent Croup.
True croup never comes without a
warning ; a day or two before tl\c at
tack the child becomes hoarse , and that
symptom is boon followed by a peculiar ,
rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is given as soon as this hoarse
ness or cough appears , all dnngpr and
anxiety may bo avoided ; it has never
failed , oven in the most severe cases.
There is no danger in giving the Rem
edy for it contains no injurious subbtanco.
Sold by all druggists.
Use Kerr's thread always the best ,
sold and recommended by IJayden Bros.
Heavy Motors.
The Omaha Motor company yesterday morn
ing put a force of men ut work at the Eleventh
street intersection of Douglas , where they
made connection between the end of thai
line and the end of the horse railway track.
The road , when this work will bo llnishod ,
will have a double track on Douglas to Four
teenth street , which up to Eleventh strecl
may bo used jolnlly by both the Omaha
motor nnd Horse railway companies.
The latter company has been anxious , It Is
claimed , to have the bridge motor curs run
around its loop on Douglas , Eleventh , Far-
nam nnd Ninth streets. It Is stated that It
ottered to pull the motor trains around the
loop with horses. The motor people , how
ever , doubted the feasibility and lot the
horse railway superintendent attach four
horses to one of the trains which stood nt
Ninth and Douglas streets. The horses could
Bc.ircoly move the train , whicli was then de
clared to weigh more than sixteen tons.
From Iho Council Bluff * Dally Globe , Jan
uary 20 , ISS'J : M. A. McPJko. editor of the
Cambria ( Ebensburg , Pa. ) Freeman , has
been tlio personal friend of the editor of the
Ulobo for more than twenty yours , and is
known , wherever ho is known , as ono of the
best men living. Ho is also an intimate
friend of Mr. Clark , of the Nonpareil , Ho
bus been unfortunate In the fact that his
family wns ravaged with diphtheria und
greatly distressed , Mr. Clark , having heard
of this calamity , sent him some of Dr. Jcf-
furls' Diphtheria Cure. It was used nt once ,
nnd the lives of the rest of his children
saved , Letters from Mr , McPIko nro un
bounded In their expressions of grntiludo
for Dialing some moans of averting the loss
of his whole group of llttlo and tender ones.
Five of Mr. McPiko's children out of eight
died from diphtheria before ho hud nn op
portunity of using Dr. Joffcrls' ' remedy.
Price of remedy M. Address Dr. Thos. Jof-
fcrls , box 057 , Omaha , Nob.
Paper clothing for sale nt Millard
holol gents' furnishing goods store.
An Aged Ilcprolmto.
An Italian named Puskoll Dcgollo has had
an aged countryman named Latono" Parscll
arrested on Iho charge of allcmpllng
to take improper liberties with Degollo's
seven-year-old daughter Teresa and u llttlo
American girl named Nellie Downing. The
girls testify that ttio URcd sinner olTorcd them
pennies and candy If they would comply with
his brutish wishes. Judge Uarkn lined Iho
prisoner f 50 , .
-DQ as you please when you please to
do right ; and you will always do the
proper thing in taking Blgclow's Posi
tive euro for coughs , colds , und all
throat and lung troubles. Pleasant to
take and cures speedy. 50 cents and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
11I3V. PU. lUltYEA.
A Trltmto totheWenl nnd IionrnliiR ql
the CoiiKfrtKittlonnl Dhlnc.
Dr. Durycn"thoinew pastor of the Firs 1
Congregational churcli , Is expected to nrriv
in town to-day , nnd. 'assumes , tlie duties oi
his position on Sundiy next. In this cornice
lion THE 13 KK the following trib
ute paid by n writer over the Initials ol
"M. Q. A. :
I have read with dnteresl Iho many comj
pllmcntnry lloms in Iho several papers of Ihc
city concerning Dr.Ditryea nnd his choice ol
Omaha ns his futunvflcld of labor ,
I wish to add n few words , not that I feel
competent to pass n filling eulogy upon this
great , man , but I nm of that number who re
joice thai his scholarship , his cultaro , his in-
llucnco and noble- manhood , his magnanimous
Christian teaching , nnd Ihc gracious Influence
of his life , nre to become n power for good lu
this , our western city.
It was uiy rare good foitune , whllo In
lloston , to sit in the lecture- room under Iho
Instruction of Dr. Dtir.ven , und , of nil the
teachers under whom It has been my
privilege to sit , bo seemed to mo the greatest.
Possessing nn almost Inexhaustible fund of
knowledge , ho was apt In Imparting the
same , ns well us excelling In that happy
faculty by which bo won the confidence und
good-will of every heart nnd insplicd Iho
mind with u deeper love of knowledge. Ho
Is n natural nnd cfllcicnt teacher , cither In
pulpit or cluss-rootn , nnd we are glud Hint
his rich endowments and earnest efforts are
to bo added to this enterprising , inngnillccnt
young city. Such wealth as Dr. Dur.xca can
bring to us Is more needed and a greater
acquisition than that of the Goulds or Van-
Hoston papers hnvo commented upon the
probable results of the doctor transplanting
Ills tnctuphyslcal mind from that hotbed of
culture to tlio untutored wilds of the great
west , lUiteiiltincd IJoston need not fear because
cause the doctor's learning Is not indigenous
lo Iho suit nnd chilly clime of "Tho Hub , "
but is of Unit strong , grand , individual typo
not dependent upon cllmiitlo changes , sec ;
tlonul or sectarian limitations. Neither d o
our western friends need stand in awe of the
doctor's metaphysics. It is not of the fossil
variety , which deals only with cold abstracj
tions or far away soarings into the im
mensity of nothingness nfter the unknow
able. On the contrary , his is the true phil
osophical method by which reason and wis
dom are made important factors in the
practical affairs of n real world , peopled by
mortal bclngi.
We rcc'in'd Kerr's thread. Ilaydcn Bros
County Commissioners'
SATL'iii\v. Dec. 15 , IbSS.
The board met this clay. Present Ander
son , Corrigun and Turner , Mr. Turner In
Heading minutes of previous mcctini * dis
pensed with.
Fiotn Warren Switzlcr in re .ird to his
suit now on error In district court. Kef erred
to county attorney.
The following oillchil bonds were ap
proved ; Jumps \V. Moore , assessor Klkhorn
precinct ; P. H. Sullivan , constable Kiehth
ward ; Huns P. Lago , constable Jcffori > oii
precinct ; H. K. Avery , road supervisor Mc-
Ardlo precinct ; Mitchell Ch.ipman , assessor
Florence precinct.
The claim of Mrs. Edward Lceder for the
cure of Miss Mliinio Burgess , referred to the
committee on elnirittcs.
Action on report of committee on chanties
on claim of Thomas Casey for care of an in
digent person , was jwstponcd until the entire
board is present.
Appropriation sheet No. 27 from the general
fund , ? I,4-4UM ! , and No. 10 , from the bridge
fund , $ lUlii.X ( ) , were passed.
And the board adjourned until Saturday
next at 2 o'clock p m. M. D. Rocim ,
County Clerk.
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint1 ; Slnloh's Vitali/.er is
guaranteed to euro you. For sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
Criminal Aim torn. .
Ed Kelly got crazy drunk , and without any
cause beat a couple of other men. He was
lined $ lT.r,0. ,
James Tracy , n played-out gambler , was
arraigned on complaint of his wife. Mrs.
Tracy has been trying to support herself and
worthless husband by keeping a boarding
house. The husband , however , gets beastly
drunk nnd drives the boarders uw.iy. The
Judge flncd him $5 nna gave him thirty days
in the county Jail.
J. P. Johnson , n wutch repairer at 2011
Cumins street , wants a fellow mimed Mar-
inus arrested , who lives at 3308 Franklin
street. Johnson says Marinus go ; his watch
repaired und walked nway without offering
to pay for the repairs.
Churlcs Ncstlchouso , who has only four
cases against him in the district court for
various crimes , was flued17.50 for being nn
inmate of a house of prostitution. The
charge of currying concealed weapons is also
lodged against lam.
Daniel McDonald wnnts four fakirs in a
Tenth street auction shop arrested for Bell
ing a $4 wutch for if 27.
That hacking cough can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Curo. Wo gunnuiloe
it. For bale by Goodman Drug Co.
Hoard ol' TrnJo Presidency.
The ruiestion as to who will bo president
of the board of trade is attracting attention
imong the members. A few days ago there
were no cundidutes for the position. Now
: ialf n dozen mrn nro being udvocutod by
Iheir friends. The majority- theao are
young nnd energetic , and have made a rep
utation in social , commercial and llnnnclal
circles. Among these nro F. P. ICirkondull ,
of Klrkcndall. Jones &Co. ; Robcil Easson ,
with Paxton & Gallacher , und vice president
of the Clarke coffee company ; John A.
\VakolloId , the lumberman ; II. H. Meday ,
manager of Hammond & Co. , South Omaha ;
Max Meyer , who has been almost from its
ncipiency ono of the most energetic mem
bers of the board ; Euclid Martin ,
of Purlin , OrendorfT & Martin , dealers in
igriculturul implement ; W. V. Morse ,
wholesale boots and shoes. The greater
lumber of these would make presidents who
would suit the go-nhead members of the as
sociation. It is said that some of thum nro
too fur uw.iy in their husldcss places to give
ictive attention to tlio olllce , but It is also
claimed that they would be ready to miiko
eiisonablo sucrlllccs to give animation to the
It was suggested yesterday that certain
ncmbers of the bonrd entertained the hope of
lacing Secretary Nattingor upon the bonrd
if directors , after nis retirement , because of
ho familiarity ho mis long enjoyed with the
affairs of the board , n familiarity which
vould be invaluable to u new b jiird ,
Absolutely Pure.
Thispowdernevervaries. A marvelof purity
treneth and wholcsomeiiess. More oconom-
cal than the ordinary klnils , und cannot bo sold
n competition with the multitude of lonr cost ,
hort weight alum or phosphate powderi , Hold
only In can * , lloval Uaklnj * 1'owUtr 0 ° . , IW
Vallstreot , New 1'urlc.
"NVo are ofToriug special iuducomouta to parents who arc desirous of scouring- practi
cal and appropriate holiday gifts for their boys ; what better or more sensible present
can you give them than a nice Suit or Overcoat ? Wo are showing handsome styles for
big and small boys , and our qualities and prices can not bo matched.
$2.5O buys a very nice all wool Suit or a good Overcoat with capo for small boys.
$3.5O buys an excellent Suit or Overcoat for small boys.
$5.50 buys a very good all wool Suit or splendid Chinchilla Overcoat for largo
boys up to 18 years old.
"NYe call special attoution to a few small lots of very choice styles of Overcoats for
little boys from 4 to 10wliich we offer at a marvelous low price. "Wo are anxious to close
them out ; they are extremely fine goods and the brief season left for the disposal of
such qualities induced us to make a big cut on them ; they are made of very fine Ker
seys , Chinchilla and Cheviots this seasons novelties , of elegant designs and richly
trimmed , some with fur , some with plush in short they are such garments as can only
be found in first-class houses. Wo have marked them $6.0O , $7.25 , $7.90 and
$8,50 , and we guarantee that those prices are not one half of what such goods usually
bring- . This is an extraordinary opportunity to procure a Hue garment at such a figure
and every boy will appreciate such a gift.
In our Hat Department can bo found an immense line of Boy's Hats and Caps in
Plush , Felt and Cloth. Wo positively sell these goods at just one-half what regular
Hat dealers ask for them , and you would be surprised to see our prices. 'Good little
Turbans of Plush , Chinchilla and Astrachan at 25c ; splendid Knit and Jersey Caps
at 3Oc , and very fine Cloth and Jersey Caps at 40c , 5Oc and 75c.
In our Glove Department we have a large assortment of Boy's Gloves and Mittens ,
suitable for presents. As a Christmas offering we will present this week eacli boy with
every purchase no matter how small , a nice paint box. We have opened an elegant
line of Mulllers , Silk Handkerchiefs and Sqarfs , especially for holiday trade and olCer
them at prices lower than asked in any other house for like qualities. Good Cashmere
Mufflers at I5c , 35c and 50c ; elegant Silk Mufflers of beautiful designs and elegantly
embroidered at 75c , $1.00 and $1.50.
Next Thursday shall begin to distribute our elegant holiday souvenirs and wo
will also forward one with all out of town orders.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
MEN ami WOMEN succejsfull } * treated.
FnfforliiR from the effects of jouthful folllos or In
discretion , or are troubled with Weakness , Nervous
Debility , Loss of .MiMiiory , Despondency , Aversion to
o < UtyKIUii ( y Tumble , or any illaoaso of llic ( Icnlto
Uiiimrj nruuna.cini lieu ; it ml 11 sa found spui'dy cnro
t'hnrKoa rcu iunablu especially to the poor.
Tlieronramnny troubled with too froonncnt ovac-
utitlonx ol the bladder , uftnn nccniiiuaiilou ur
Mmirtltu or burnlni : on-iUlim , um ! wc.iken'.ni : of thu
system Innnmnnur the patient cunnot itctount for
On examining the urlimrv < 1eiK lts n ruuy sediment
Mill ollun bo louncl. mul snmetlmcs nmnll particles of
iiluiimen win uppcur , or thu color n 111 bo ot a thin
mllklsli luu > . nunlii thaiiKliu to it iliirK or tiirpli an
penriincc. Then * nro many niun H lu > die of tills dim
cnlty , Itinoriint of thn rnuso , which Is tile necond
stnuoof noiiilniil VM'HWness. Thu doctor will uuaj
mitpo ft perlo < t euro In Hll such rases und u liculthf
restoration ol tlin t'enltoiirlnarv oriim * . Coimiltu
tlonfn-e. Si'ml for"Vi > unir. * > lnn's 1 rlend. or LiuMu
to Wedlock , " free to all. Aildroit ,
N.I' . Cor. Ifltlii Doiiclus Sts. , Utishiiian Illock.
Mention this paper.
TVn wiiulil sitt'Kp-t thnt ymi lollnll jrourfrlen' '
of tliu bpi'tlal mle no nro rniiklne nf
Trousers , Is correct but over ) ono known whn
punts incitn. A Klnnco Into our ivlmlow nlll con-1
vlnco you HO uru ilulnt ; eometlilrii ! that Inlua'sls
you * even tliotij-li you ilo not noeil them Just newt
t w III I > uy you to to bur lor f utuiu u o.
M fU < II 111C oeneril and NERVOUS DEBILITY |
rjTTfJT' Weakness of Body and MindiEffecU
VV U XbXJ ofErrorsorExccsstilnOldorTounf.
lUbu.t , ttt.l KiMIOUIirullr Ki.lur.d. ll " lo Kiltnt 4
birr.n. nri , t iniiriiuil'i'ii outim * nuit of uciur.
ibxlulrl ; o.f.UI. llOsm TlttiTnUT-ll rni U t < ! / .
Itcllrtr m 41 blaUi , Tfrrllorlts , s J | orl fto < ( * ltt-
Ton cu tll > Ikf . Uw.1. fill tiulu > lla > , mil lirculi ! ! <
( niaia > fin. iiiros [ ) ( UtflCAL CO. , BUffAlD , M , T.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodtro Sts.
Appliances for Doformitles and Trusiss.
llcrt facilities , apparatus and remedies for success.
ff\ \ treatment ot ererj form of disease requiring
Mudlonl or burflcul Treatment.
Itonril and attcndaoei best hospital accommoda
tions In thg west.
_ \VIUTU roil Ciuatn.AU on Deformities tnd Drncei.
Trusses , Club reel , Curvutuie of thu Bsilne , I'llei ,
Tumors , Cancer. Catarrh , Bronchitis , rnlialatlon ,
Hlectrlcitr , I'aralyais , Hpllepsr. Kldnej. Uluitder ,
Eye , Ear , Miln and Blood , an ! ull Hurgloil Operations
Olsoasos of Woman a Specialty.
All niool Diseases successfully t rented. Bjphllltlo
Polsou roiuorod frota the Bjsleui without marourr.
Kenr runtoratlTU IrcMment for loss of Vital Power.
I'crsons unablt to visit us may bo treated at home bf
corrospoadrnce. All comtuualoatloiis coiitliUntlal.
Medicines or Inslmmsats stnt bf mall or 01 press.
re" relf narkeJ , no murks to Indicate contents or
eniter. One personal latorrlew prufumii * . Call anil
consult us or send lilitorr of jour case , and wo will
Mad In plain wrapper , car
Upon I'rlvnto , Mpoclal * r Kurrous Dlseasos , Impo-
toucr , Syphilis , Ulatland Var1ctc la , with queslfon
Kit. Auifress
Omaha Medical and Stirmcal Tnstltutf , or
Cor. inth and Dodff HU. . OMAHA. hRD ,
A Sure Cure
Tills IB n diBcnfio whinh lias heretofore
nil Medical i-Jcionco.
Wulmvua Ilemeilj' , unknown to anyone In tlio
World outalilo otottr Coiiipiiny.iiiul ( mo tlmtlms
to euro the molt obsuuate UIS03. Ton cl.iyBln
rut cut ciises does tlio.orlc. . H H tlio old rlironlc
leap ci'Uteil cim-H ti'ut WdKollclt. Vta liiive
cured liiimli oils Who liuve foeun tbandonoil by
I'liyslcluns , mill proitutuikcd Inou "bio. und vie
clialluiiu'etlia World tobt-liu Ji u I' < MO tluit wu
will not cure in loss tliuu nUtvluyH.
hliico tlio liibtory of inodiclnn a truu Hpoclllo
for Hvpbllls lias boon soiiflit for bu uiuvur
wasdUcoterudand nearo justlllalin - - 0
Itli the only Kemedy In the World that "IIIpos
itively cure , because th lutebt Medical \\nrkn ,
published liy the b ; t known authorities , say
thuio was never atrue Hpoclllc befure. Our rein-
dy will euro nlien overythlim " ' to has failed.
Why waHto > our time and money with patent
meultlncs that nuvur hud virtue or doctor with
phyiilciunsthat cannot euro you , you that have
tried ovi-rj thinseUo uhonld tome t' u Jowijiid
fc'et permutient relief , you iievur cnn t It ulse-
whHre. Mnrk what WB say. In. ihu md vou
mmt take our remedy or NKVKIl recon-t nnd
vou that have boon mulcted but n 'hurt time
nhould by all niHaiib nmif to ns now - > ot on < ln
tenofiiewcasert ever cet permauuittiT cured.
tinny get help und think they nro freu froin the
cll ea , but lu one , two or three yuaio otter It
appears again In u more horrible form
Thin is u Blood 1-urlllor and will Cure
any Klein or Illood IMsoiwo when
Jijvoi'i'thiiir , ' HUn Fulls.
Room 10 nnd 11 , U. S. .Nallimiil Ituiik
Omaha , Nvb.
atrrni r-oe r ? r"O A
diirn fiimcrI ESTABLISHED 1851
'l ' Chicago , Ills.
Tufl Regular Old-Established'
It < tlll Treating with ( ho Grcateii
% J5gSSJ L MAI-.TT. li-t _ f7
Clironic , Ncryons and Private Diseases , '
Falllnc Memory , Exhausting Draina , Terrlbli
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect *
leadmj ! to early decay amlpeilups Conaumptlonol
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods , wilh
never-falling success.
83- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and SklnDli.
cases permanently cured.
rKIDNEYandURINARYcomplaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcocele and ail dkeasci
of the Gentto-Urinary Organs cured promptly withoUl
Injury lo Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. (
Jfftio exprriments , Ace and experience | W
portant. Consultation free and eacred.
AS-Send cents posl ce for Celebrated Workl OB
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases , ( >
ffi Those contemp1atin Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Mate and Female , cacrj
i ; cents , loth as cents ( slamps ) . Consult Ihe oIJ
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer *
ing and shame , and jcJJ poMcnjears lolife. / > 9Iooh
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " joccnukUmps ( ) . Medlda *
and writings sent everywhere , secute from cxpoiurfli
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 lo i > . Adilieis '
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO ,
Ufls lleycr-EstabliBhed lBG3--Adolph lloys ?
Max Meye
& Bro. ,
Au 'iiti Ibr
and JAS , W , STARR
Slory &ClarUnil SlioniHEer-Bcll Orps
Write for CaUlou'tia
Ono or ( lie Most BucccHirul
In the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
E\iKt \ Kar , Tlirtutt , LUHI/I , Lifer ,
Jfladtler , Jdilnei/ and A'ei'iwni Jls
rtittes trrti'vil wltlt micccm un-
A cure cuoranterd In all ra < n > > of I'lllVATIS
and HKIN IilhKASr.H. All dl oriU > riJ of tlia
bUXII.M , UltOANK Cl'ltlt ! ) and MAMIOOU
and iNIlti' : ! ( . ' lll.h > TOUii : )
Treatment by covrcspwuJsnce. Send Jtamp
for luply.
Offlco Btishmnn Uloo . H3th and
Douulao Sts. Omaha. Neb
aMHUCV Anil ull urinary troubles euilly.nulclc.
MUfltl lyaiiJ | ) UOOI'lJltACap.
uuluy. tuv ! nil c.iKui cnreil In HOVOII iluva. Hold
tl 60 PIT lot. all ilniUK'1" ' " , or by mall from Do *
cut * Mfg , Co m Wlilu St.N , , V. full Dlrectloru