Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Ol'I'-ICIi NO 11 ! PHAIttj STUKI2T
J'ellvci e < l by cnrrlrr In Any 1'iut of he City n
'l vi iity Cents i'creek. .
sq OFHCE No. 43.
NKIIIT iniToii : , NoI. .
N. V. Plumbing company.
Finest Clirlsttnas sllppcis nt Adams' ' .
llest warm Shoes at Adnms' , 417 Hr'dwny '
Coal an dwooil. K.K.Mivyno,019 Il'way
Additional Council HltilTsi n Seventh imgc
St. Paul's ' Kthcopal | church Ii bcinf ? vcri
attractively decorated.
First class Shoo maker nnd Cobbler n
Adams' Bring in your work.
Elopnnt ovcrcoatliiKH at A. Keller's
nicrchnnt tailor , . ' 110 Broadway.
Max Molin is having the ( lining room of hi
Creston house attractively frescoed by A. II
Another font inn tin co In the Maher confl
dcnce case was taken .yesterday morning ii
Squrio Sctitirz" court until Monday morning
ut 10 o'clock to accommodate the county nt
Marriage llconios were issued yesterday to
George \ . Houinson nnd Miss Julia McCal
timnt , and Chris Johnson and Tina Larscn
nil of tills city. The lattercouplo were iunnc
dlatcly spliced by Squire Itiggs.
Warren King was arrested last evening fo
cmbc77lemunt. Ho brought in a load of corn
for n fanner and sold it , failing to make any
returns. Kd Winchester was arrested Sun
day evening for the same crime , but pro yet
that it was a case of mistaken identity.
A few cif the heaters have been placed la
the electric motor cars , and all of thu car
will bo equipped In tliosumc manner in a fo\
dajs. Thu cars will IHJ rendered very coni
fortahlo even In the coldest weather. Wit !
thu addition of these comforts the motor car
will be fully us well equipped us tie dummy
The herd of fortv-threo shorthorns bo
longinif to I ) . A. Fnrrell was disposed of a
auction Wednesday afternoon , Colonel F
Woods acting as auctioneer. The price real
lcd wus n little less than ? 2,0K ( ) . Thonnl
mnls were all purcnascd by local stocKinen
nnd will go to swell the highly bred herds o
I'ottaxvnttamlo county.
Preparations were matte yesterday for Im
mediately beginning work on the foundatloi
of the liisotnan block. The material is 01
the ground , and the work will be pushed a
fast as possible. The excavating tins beet
llnisheil , nnd the contractors , Owen Uros.
liavo stopped work for ttie winter. Their
work on their last Job is one of thu finest o
its kind done in the city.
Squire Hlggs tried a case yesterday after
noon Involving the sum of $1.50. The plain
tiff , A. J. Hancock , sui'd Harry Schmidt for
that amount for work done. The constable
who served the papers advised Schmidt to
BOttlu the case for 7f > cents , which Hancock
ngreect to accept , but Uio defendant swore
that he did not own the money and would
not pay it. The court decided in favor of the
plaintiff. The defendant then stated that ho
would apncal the case , and was highly indig
nant when ho learned the amount was too
small to allow of an appeal. The costs wore
14 , 5 , making the wliolo sum ? G.05 , which the
defendant paid Instead of T.r > tents. His ex
perience cost him $5.0 ! ! , but it is woith much
Dr. Cleaver. 20 North Main. Tel. 147.
Sco W. C. Stacy's ml.
Tli < ! Old KHialili.Icwclry Firm
of E. Uurhorn , No. 17 Main street , has
laid in 'an immonst .stock of holiday
goods , which will bo sold cheaper than
over. This is ti special inducement for
thirty days. All goods llrst class and
guaranteed to bo just as represented.
It is an established fact that you can
pot the best goods for the least money
* there. Call anil examine the stock and
k got prices before purchasing.
Ilavo you been to the COUNJH BOOK
Sroiu : ?
i m
lrt Loans mailo on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
L. E , Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,
over Jacquemin & Co.'a jowclry store.
„ *
H Silverware and , watches , "Wollnmn ,
* jeweler , 224 Broadway.
Sco Forrest Smith's special column.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts < fc Co.'s
loan oHlcc , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and nil other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Jewelry of all kinds for Christmas at
wholesale for cash , 321 Broadway.
All grades boft coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
Holiday I'reHoiita
Can now ho found in great variety.
Now and artibtiu designs in diamonds ,
line jewelry , gents' and ladies' gold
watches and chains , silver and plated
ware , clocks in French marble and the
best of American makes. A cordial in
vitation is extended to every one to call
and judge for themselves at
C. B. JACQUIMIX& : Co. ,
No. 27 Alain st.
No trouble to bhow goods at the
The London "Tailor's" is the place to
( jot your clothes made. 037 Broadway.
For Rent Two now store rooms in
good location ; Nos. 717 ! and 73U Broad
way. S. Suundors , 150 Pearl st.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Huy groceries , stationery and Christmas
goods of Kelley & Younkorman , lXi ( LJ'way.
Will you call and see our goods and
prices at the COHXUK BOOK STOKK ?
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'way.
Pickled tripe and pigs' foot ut Tib-
bitts1 , U15 Broad way.
See Lund Bros , for lamps.
JlO.OOOin jewelry at 821 Broadway.
An elegant line of pianos for Christ
mas presents at Christmas prices , for
two weeks. Council BlulVa Music Co. ,
221 Broadway.
Attimtlon , Firemen.
Meeting of the Council liluffs Firemen's
association at city council rooms this ( Fri
day ) o veiling , December 91 , at 8 o'clock
slmrp , Hcports of committees , selection of
delegates toattend the Bonil-amui ill nici'llngof
Iowa Firouicn'8 association to bo hold at Dos
Moinca the coming month. lly order of thu
president. 1. W. Coorjju , Secretary ,
Weather strips for doors and win
dows. Odoll & Bryant , 613 Main fat.
Hock Spring coal , Gleasoa , 20 Pearl
Jewelry of all kinds cheaper than miy-
wlioro on earth at U21 Broadway.
You Must Sot tic.
AH porfcons knowing thcmsolvos in
debted to II. Friedman arc requested to
call ut the old stand , 400 Broadway , at
one * . Mr. Friedman is authorised to
collect all outstanding bills.
A. J.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
JO parties who will build at once. Ad-
ross or call on J. R. Rico , No , 110 Main
rte t , Council Bluffa.
riMfiMj. * * * * I
One of the Stnblos Burned But the
Steeds Luckily SAvcd.
The I2vniiKri ] > ti Closn Their Ijnliors
The Onklnmt Murder-A lliln
CASC The .Mayor's Per
The Murder of Hnlr.
Coroner J. C. Waterman returned yester
day from Oakland , where he held an inquest
over the remains of George Hair , who wni
brutally murdered near there Tuesday nlht.
The coroner's Jury failed to llnd anything
new regarding the manner in which Hair
met his death. His skull was fractured , the
wcnron used being a roller from n threshing
machine , and a pitch folk was also used
several stabs bcini ; found In the body of the
deceased. The fork was found close by.
It Is thought that the assassins intended to
murder Mr. ICellcy , the owner of tlio fiinn
but ho did not appear. The verdict of the
Jury was that the deceased came to his dentil
from wounds inflicted on his head with n
club by some person or poisons unknown.
The club was about four fwt long nnd two
Inches in diameter. Hnlr was a pcnccublo
young man about twenty-four years of age
nnd It was not known that ho hml an enemy
anywhere. Theiolsno cluoto the murder
ers , nor to their motive. It is not thought
that their obcct ) was robbery , as the pockets
of the deceased were not rilled. Tito affair
Is a mystery thus far , and further develop
ments are eagerly awaited.
The cause of young Hair going out to the
barn in the daric was a nolsu us If the horses
or stock wore in trouble. One theory is that
there were two of the murderers , one using
the roller the other the pitchfork , and that
they niado this r.ieket at the barn expecting
that Mr. ICelloy would como out , and then
they could assault and rob him. KGIcy ) is u
man of means and has been In the habit of
having money and valuables on his person ,
In the darkness they mistook Hair for Kel-
ley. If such was thu case the discovery of
their mistake must have been discovered
early , as nothing about the body indicated
that it hud been searched for plunder. Hair
was still breathing when found , but was not
conscious and died soon after without being
able to throw any light upon the mystery.
There has been a gang of desperadoes
hovcrii'g about this part of the county of
Into and several highway robberies and at
tempts at robbery have been made , which
gives rise to the theory that this was the
motive for this deed.
The most acceptable presents for
Christinas are those which combine
utility with beauty. Their daily u&o
keeps the giver in constant remem
Wo have full lines of Down Comforts ,
Down Pillows , Carpet Sweepers , Foot
stools , Blacking Cases , Fancy Mats and
Hugs , and many other things which are
valuable as Christinas Souvenirs. Wo
are anxious to close these all out , and
will make prices to suit the purchaser.
Our Hemnant Sale still continues and
with bargains for all who come.
Call and see us.
Sco Chapman for Christina ; } presents.
Fine table ware at Lund Bros. '
The > ri\yor lcrplo < l.
Mayor Ilohrcr , like many another man , is
compelled to rcdi/o : that facts arc stubborn
things and not always as agree.iblo as they
might ho. A question was propounded to the
chief executive of the city yesterday morn
ing regarding the variety theater now run
ning on Upper Broadway by re.ison of his
grace and clemency. It wns desired to know
how long the affair would be tolerated , but
the mayor "hadn't the slightest idea in re
gard to the matter. " Hethought that the
case would "havo to be Investigated , " but
could not say when or by whom the investi
gation would bo made. Ho believed that
there was such a plnco running within the
city limits , nnd hud heard that the manage
ment had paid J24 into the city treasury for
the privilege of running twelve nights , but
Imd not boon to see the performance , and had
not heard the outllt characterised as a lot of
thugs , bums and crooks. If it should bo
demonstrated to him that such was the
case , ho thought that ho might re
voke their license , although ho
was in some doubt as to whether or
not ho had that power. It wns stated that
the gang had been run out of Omalia , but ho
was not sure that it was so. His inter
locutor hazarded the assertion that nt any
rate the Bluffs offered a safe haven of refuge
for all the outcasts driven out of other cities ,
ns the authorities were careful not to intcr-
fore unless the people nroso in desperation
and drove them to it. This was too much
for the mayor , ntut ho ejaculated "Chest
nuts" with considerable acerbity , as lie
.iirned up his collar and hurried away.
.The ' ofllco nt docs
mayor's present not ap-
> ear to bo a bed of roses. If ho
Tails to obey the behests of the saloon and
gambling element , there is n shod ; that fairly
nukes things rattle , and if the violation of
.ho law is allowed to become too open and
ironountL'd , the temperature again rises in
, ho mayor's vicinity. Small wonder that
ho wrinkles are rapidly gathering on the
'ormer placid brow of the executive as the
days go rolling by ,
W. S. Cooper has cash on hand to loan
on approved city property , No , 130
Alain street.
All grades hard coal , C. B. Fuel Co.
While planning for your holiday gifts
don't fail to sco Lund Bros.'grand dis-
> hiv.
See Forrest Smith's special column ,
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cubcudo Laundry Co.
Lund Bros. ' are making a bpccml lOc
drive in crockery. Don't fail to see it
Fine holiday goods for twenty days at
n-ices that will biirpriho you. Call and
)0 ) convinced. J. D. Stuart's drug
tore , 030 Bi-oadway.
Dr. C. C. lla/.cn , dentist , opera house
" O
The HcvlvnllhlH.
The worlc of the EvangolUts , Messrs.
Smeud nnd Smith , draw to a close hero last
evening , nnd yet not really to a close , for tha
; oodly influences will long remain in this
wmmunlty. No revivalists have visited
his city who hnvo worked moro zealously ,
nnd yet followed methods to which so few oh-
octlons could bo raised , Mr. Smcad Is not a
icnsationul preacher , but la u very pleasing
pcakcr. Ho Is enthusiastic1 , and yet does
not allow the emotional to becloud reason.
Mr. Smith , his co-laboror , Is a sweat singer ,
and his songs hnvo been a peculiarly at-
ractlvo und effective feature of the meat-
Hlunl ; cards have been handed to each of
hose con veils who Imvo desired them , on
vblch they were requested to ulaco their
lames and addresses , together with ttio
inmo of the church which they wouldnttond.
These cards Indicate somewhat the extent of
ho work done. Ovcrono hundred have
> cen returned , tilled outthus showing that at
cast there have been ono hundred and more
con veils. The pastor * of the several churches
mvo been given the cards of such as express
a preference for their particular church , and
hey are expected to look after tueso new
Messrs. Smcad and Smith never met be-
ore they Joined in the series of meetings
i ere. Of course they know of each other ,
nut the arrangement * wcio completed before
hey met bore. Mr , Smcad will rotuin to
night to Minneapolis , whera be will spend
ho holidays with his wife and baby. Mr.
Smith will return to bis homo lloston ,
nh < l It Is reported thnt this holiday season
will bo ono of especial Joy to him , In that It
will sco him wedded to n worthy wife. Hoth
gentlemen will take with them the kindliest
wishes of many In this city.
A farewell service was hold lost evening
In the Presbyterian church. It was n befit
ting finish for such a successful scries of
. This morning at 9 o'clock there will be n
business inon's praver-mcctlng in the chapel
of the First Haptist church. It will be led
by Mr. Smcad , nnd will be. In fact , the last
of his meetings hero this season. It Is de
cided to continue these morning meetings for
the rest of the week , nnd probably for somn
time In the future , although It may later be
changed to the noonday hour for the belter
accommodation of the business men ,
The closing union meeting will be held in
the Presbyterian church Sunday night. It
will be conducted by the pastors ,
. Excelsior lodge No. 259 , A. F. & A. M ,
will hold n special communication Monday
ovpnlng at 7:30 : for work in the first degree.
Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend.
tlly order of W. M.
, FOR 30 DAYS !
I must have room for spring goods ,
and will sell all goods now in stock at
prices far bi'low any over oflorcd before.
This is no bait to catch the trade but ,
, a genuine clearing-out sale , and every
thing must go.
Parlor sots , bedroom sets , heating and
cooking stoves , handing lamps , oil
cloths. All goes without reserve.
1 have a big stock and can suit you in
whatever you want.
Como and sec mo and examine my
iToods. 1 must soil. No price- , quoted ,
but no reasonable olTor will bo refused.
NO. : ian imoAiMV.vv ,
- ) IN ( -
At Clj\KK'S
Also 20 acres of the licst property In towu for
Telephone U . No. 0 Main Street.
Council HliiUs , lo\vn.
WILL exchange some of the best biiiincs1
propeily lu thu city for llrst elnss farm
C. I > . 1m ustmeiit Co. , No. 10 1'eai 1 street.
WE luivo some of the liest * b.irBalus in thu
city la roiil eitatiohenp lots m.ili
houses anil lots : seveial line rtsldencos on
D.i\e < l htreets ; nlsoarie tinctn. Mof \ thu utiovi
prapeity will lie sold on easy teiniK. Smul
payment ilou n anil low rate of interest. Com
nnd L'Mimlnc our lltt.
Weulao IniMi IIII'KU lists of property for ex
change. No. 10 1'earl t > t. Council lllniis Jmest
mcnt Co.
rpo K.VCIIAN'fin-lIqulty In house ami lot In
JL Uimihu for span or lioisesund cmrJ K < . ' ,
12. L S. , llee ollico , Oinaliu.
EOOMS to rent by Council tlluirs Investment
Co. , No. 10 1'carl st.
fliwo line olllce rooms to rent on llr t floor :
-Lone room Itxlu : both ninvly papered ami
painted , lies t location In the city. Call at No.
lu , 1'earl st.
Every man or woman who has 8 0 or
$75 wh'oh they wish to invest where it
will 1)0 as .safe as it would bo if it were
deposited in the Bank of England and
nmko him moro money , to call on us and
buy a lot in Fail-mount addition. The
best location on the hills for .street car
service and sohool privileges ; close to
all the railroads , wholesale houses and
city depots. The only hill property to
bo had at such low prices and easy
terms. Prices range fiom $200 to $400 ;
terms , one-fifth cash , balance in thirty
equal monthly payments at 8 per cent
If you are renting now and want a
home of your own , commcnco paying/or
a lot now before you have to pay double
the money for the same location. Begin
at once and you will be surprised to find
how soon the thirty months will roll
around , making you the owner of a lot.
Call on II. G. McGcc , IM Main street ,
or Forrest Smithat the Brown building ,
Council Biulls , Iowa.
LI IMAKISTKIIT : : , cou.vcn ,
ULurr.s , , BO\VA.
Residoncoou Oth nvo . $ ,1,000
ilesidcnco on Oth nvo . l , lee
Hesidenco on ( Jth avu . 1,500
Hcsidcnco on ( Hit ivvo . ] ,000
Hesidenco on Oth nvo . 1,000
Hcfiidcncnon llth two . SW
Hesidenco on Oth st . ( i.600
Hesidenco on Oth nt . 0,000
Hesideneo oil North Sth st. , lot mix-
! ! ! > , Brcat bargain . S.OOO
Hunch of 5 houses und 4 lots on Urd uvo 8,000
Hesidenco on Scott st . 2,000
Hesluenco on Plainer at , For nrieo
nnd particulars Inquire .
An elegant residence on 1st avu. , ono
minute walk from government
building , For lirlco and particu
lars * in < | iiiro .
Hesidenco on Oth avo. , thrco minutes
wullc from county court house.
Cash . 3,200
Residence and four lots on avu. "C , "
Street's add . 2,000
Store building and lot on Pacific ave. ,
near U. P. transfer . 1,600
Two-story fraino store In town of ( Jar-
son . 2,000
ticventy-llvo lots in Squlrc'B add. ,
north of transfer , elegantly loca
ted , WOO to $100 each .
Hunch of 11 lots , Central sub . 1,500
Hunch of 1'J lots , Cooper , McMahon &
loffrlcs add , , If tuketi before Jan ,
1st , for . S.OOO
An elegant lot on Sth st. Cash ; . 3,000
Three line lots on Hluff street at a
bargain . , , .
100 feet frontage on Parlt avu. for $50
pur foot .
HUHUICSS property on Broadway. . .
Huslncss property on Main st .
An improved farm of 100 acres not far ,
from Cliautuuqua grounds , con
sisting of hill and dale. For par
ticulars inquire .
43-acro tract ono mllu from liroadway ,
suburban location . 7,500
Ju addition to the above I have vacant
property In nearly every addition
to the city.
AO. 14 I UAKL ST. ,
ui.uri. % IOWA.
Realize the fact that their immense stock
of Holiday Goods will have to
be sold during- - this week.
We have therefore cut prices rigiit and
left so we can safely say that you
can make one dollar buy two
dollar's worth of goods during
ing- this week's sale.
Twenty departments full of Holiday
presents , and all must go.
HO. 314,318,318 , , & 320 , BROADWAY ,
Orders for all kinds of Dakota and Mon
tana , iniu filled. ISuflV.Io ; uul other lieids
on hand. H.itis fact ion nunr.uitccd to tlioso
scndiiif , ' in work to bo done. Buffalo horns
in novelties.
c. K. itni.i/ . o. A.
Architect * , Designers anil SiipBrinteiiilcnt ?
of Construction ,
Mr. ItcrlliiKliof \ \ \ sieu jpars nidi
3Iiiltsoliii ( ] ( ! , L'Nlicr - I.our.v , and Inis
dcsi iii il many of Hie Ilncst lilocks
in Oinaliu mid Cuuueil Hluffs.
Plans and Specifications Prepared and
Estimates made on Application ,
Studio , Jtooin X Otcra Jfonae Jiludc
'J'uo . UrKirin. : \v. H. M. I't'snv.
Corner Mnln nnd iiroadxvay ,
Cl NCU , lll4UI'M.\S , IOWA.
Dealers In foreign nd iloinestlc exchange.
Colltctlons miulo nnd Intuiust i.ala on tlinodo-
.Ami will sell meat lor thu follow ing cu-li prices :
Riuuldur nail Cliutk liuiibt . f > toi > c
I'rimu HIli lloiiit . ( * c
Clinch Sltnh . . . < . . . . .dc
Itoiiutl Htouk . . . . . fro
Slrlo.u Steak . li'o
1'ortcrlioii'iu St'i.ik , . lOc
It filing lluef . : ito4c
Mutton Stew . fie
Mutton Less . . > c
( orn Hi'tf . : ito4c
1'orkHoast . lOc
1'oik Chops ami Stcnk . lc ( )
I.iiid , out-own inuku . U'c
&IUH.IKO . . . . . H :
And nil other incntn In the MIIIIH prunoitlon ,
II ! r.t Iliondwnv.
1 sell I'attiiuattninlo ( ounty Mcntt , wrapped
up In Council Illnll1'aper. . 1'reu Dclhory.
1UO ( iltOAIWAV.
\Vlllspll foi cash :
Shoulder and Cmicfc lloast 6 to fie
1'rinio llib Ku.isi 8c
riiuokStcak ( ic
Hound Steak he
SiiloiiiHKMk lOo
I'orteihoii'iu Steal : Ida
HolliiiK lloi'f Ic
Mutton Sti-w do
Mutton Less he
Coin Ili't'f 4c
I'dik lloast. . . IDc
I'oi k Chops and Steak . . . IDc
Iur < l. 0111-ouin niiiko. IL'C
f-'aiihaL'i' . . . c
All i it her ineatHln the same jiruiioitlon. Kreo
Dellvoiy. Oidi'i'SM'iit liy dillilren receive
] ) roini > t attent.on and me coiivctly Illled.
' 1HLH1M10MO U01.
Heolilmfor Cukes ; etc
To Ifeali'iM A Liberal JJiwrount ( ilren.
No. 13 Main St. Council Illiillo , Joua.
What is nicer for aChribtmaR or Now Yoar's prospnt than an elegant Piano or
Organ. Wo have sovcnty-lho of the colobratcd
ardman , ft , B , Chase , Fisher , Evere Hand Pease & Howard Pianos
On hand , which we olTor at n special discount of 'PUN 1'KH CENT on" our regular
pi-Iocs for tbo no.M T1I1KTY DAYS.
We carry the largest stock of small munlcal iimtruniontsof every description
nnd have many novelties suilible for pre > ent . . Our stock of Blioot music and
music books is the latent and most complete. Heniembor our entire stock of
Will bo sold at co-4. and loss than cost. It must be elood out regardless of price.
You will llnd many bargains. A souvenir given with every nutchase.Ve also
give n ticket with every $ . "i purehu'-o on an elegant 1'iano , Organ , and other pri/.cs ,
Call early for a choice of the bargains offered.
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
IVi innncntly located nt No. 11 Noith ith it. , opposite postolt.ce. ou
Motor l.lno , ( oimrll HIiillH , la.
If > oit havr specimens don't \M > lt fdr prltes. Poiul thoin to him
- . . . . . . , -yO" iH-foie they vjioii. If yon ilou't vnnt tlu-mnftor thi-ynro tnoliutea
ho vlll p y joii thehlKhest market prho tut them.VI11 make u hpei'lulty of lioutla nml ilic-islntf
of fnrs ilnrlnj , ' tlioinlcr. .
DR. C. B. J U D D.
No. CO6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on lurgc commission or salary.
SIZES FROM Especially Ailni > tea for
POWER , Mills and Elevators.1
fjieclllcntlon' ) nnd cstlmntc.s furnNliuil for coinploto stL-ain phinK ItcBulntlon , Durability Ouar- >
niiteed. tun show luUcrs fiom uscra whno fut'l llcoiininy Is OIJIMlth ! Corliss Noii-Couilonslinf ,
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Sciul for Catalogue. No. 510 1'oiirl Street , Council
Keep Her Up And
F O I. I , O W M R !
UM\S : rnit i.n.
Hoilinj ? Ueef : t
.Shoulder Uoast I to n
Shoulder Steak 5 to ( i
Corned Hoof 3 to 4
I'ork Roast f >
Pork Chops ' '
VculKonst 8
Mutton IJoast fc
Hound Steak H
A'cal and Mutton Stew -I
Loin Steak 8 to
Porterhouse Steak 8to ! )
Kib Roast l'to 7
SugarCuied Hams 11
Bat-on Utoia
Lard lOtoll
Le.if Lard 1 >
Suit Pork 10
Mince Meat , rc.uly made o
SauerlCtnut S
Pickled Pigs Feet 7
Tripe 7 |
Pickled Hocks 8
Huttcr - '
J'oultry > 1 rif > 'i ' ut lowest market prices ,
Don't Ior rcl the Number , |
D , H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hidesjalln , Pelts , Wool & Furs ,
lIlBhPst innrkot pilri-s. Prompt ret urns. PM
ami bJ3 Main S' . . toiuiill lllullH , Iowa.
A SPEClAI/ll' .
IRON and
No. 5151 nfiiln Htf < r ,
Ooiiiicil IMiiil , In.
CoriesiionileulH Mention 'IhlH r.ipcr.
PRICE $13.
Is oquil tl
any Hish
Maohb ) .
Tim Killion .Mlmcovrnpn , the bun ni > | inr.ittis foi
iiiniiltolillnx niit jriiililn | anil tyjiu wnlliu irutk.
k.WI ro | > leniiii IIH luiieii.
The Escolslor CCouncil Bluff : , Ii.
L A"aJ V V / I
We cnrry the largest stock In the west , coverlna 2OOOO square feet of floor1. We do the largest business ! Wo sell at the lowest prices ,
We deal direct with European manufacturer's and pay no jobber's profits.
Cash talks , and wo are always in position to
Offer You Genuine
We offer you for SO days. In new and fresh aoods and aood selections , the following :
LOT 1 Iland-pninteil Cupsidora ,
ouch 15o
LOTS Gootl Mtijolicu Ctispiilors ,
cnch 35o
LOT 8-English Decorated Chamber -
bor Sots $2 05
LOT 4 English Dcconitod fiO-
pleco Ton Sots. . , 83 75
LOT 6 100-picco ( genuine gold-
bund nnd hand-twin ted flowers )
Wodgowood DlnnorSot , per sot.$12 00
LOT 0 Engllbh Decorated Kull
Dinner Sot , nowllutcd sliupos ,
per sot $8 60
LOT 7 IvMco and choice lot of
Decorated Genuine Cliiim
Cronniors , cacli 5o
LOTS Lnrtro Moss Rose Pitch-
ore , cnch , 25c
LOTO Itoso Jurs , Illlod with per
fumed rode lotivcs , each 2-5c '
LOT 10 Genuine Uhlna decorated
Fruit or Jco Crcom sots , per net 2.50
LOT 11-Goiuilno Chirm Fruit
Plates , assorted decoratlotib , per
do/on 1,75
LOT 12 An ologantlland Painted
Vase Lump , with shade to
match , line burner , comiiloto ,
each I. . . . . 3,50
And u great many moro bargains
which our llinjtod space will not permit
tis to onumoruto.
An Inspection will save
vou monev.
Also Full Line of M MaKes in
and Solid Silver ,
Cut Glass ,
Bronzes and Brass Goods ,
Choice Dinner , Tea , Fisli , Game , Soup ,
anil Im Rpfiam Sets.
Royal Worcester ,
. Taplitz ;
Royal Dresden , i
Royal Saxony ,
Bonn Faeience , etc. '
Visitors and Diirchascrs couallv wclcoino ,
it * t