Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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I/MII " i Turn it nir nTf
Wheat Bonrleh , With Hutchlnson
Doing the Straddling Act.
J'rovlsloriH i\lilltlt : nn Unilcrctirrent
of 8tron < tli Cnttle Very UnHiUls-
factory mid l/o\\cr HOR * Ac
tive mill A nines
CHICAOO , Dec. - ' ( ) . 'Special Tclcgrnm to
TUB Up.B.l The whcnt market was dragged
down and sold about Hfc lower to-dn.y. It
opened weak nnd slightly lower thnu It closed
yesterday , nnd them wasn't a flnn feuture to
tlie tnido nil day. Lyon was an open seller
throughout the session , nnd out of thin cir
cumstance sprang Iho rumors that the bull
leaders were unloading on each other. The
u'aliicrs Rclzcd upon tills to short the market
nnd n good many weak longs let go , under
the belief that there was about to bs n slump.
The way wns paved lor n break by the previ
ous attack on Juno and July wheat , which
hnd carried the last named1 delivery down to
about lUc discount under May. The Influ
ence of thu millers' convention wns still foil
to a conHlderablo extent. Cables wore also
weak , and the local speculative sentiment
lias been growing steadily moro bearish for
Bovcral days. It didn't ' tnko much , there
fore , to cause the market to ease off. Huteh-
Inson was ou both sides of the market , but
probably bought moro than ho nolu. His
purchases were not largo enough to glvo
wheat any support worth mentioning. If
Maker , Ream , Kulrbank or any other of the
bull leaders wcro doing anything to olTHct the
benrlshncss , or the tendency to depreciation
In values , It was not discernible to the naked
oyo. They were apparently keeping entirely
out of the market and letting the crowd run
things nt pleasure. No opposition to the de
cline caino from any Intluential quarter.
Nevertheless , operations on the short side
were conducted with considerable caution ,
and the market probably workrd down quite
as much from the weight of long wheat as
from the pressure of speculative ! offerings.
Tips were in circulation early , that wheat
wns u "buy" nt H.U'J'f ' ' Later the limit was
reduced to $1.09 , and then to tl.03 , ' . It
didn't seem to be a good day for bull scalp-
pltig at any stage of the proceedings. It was
drag , drag , drag , continually. For a time an
nppcaraneo of lirmness was given to the
market by reports that the millers , on their
way homo from Milwaukee , had loaded up or
were loading up with supplies of wheat.
There wns something to this report , but the
business done wns largely exaggerated.
Ohio. I ml hum nnd Illinois millers are taking
u little wheat , but the Chicago elevators are
In no immediate danger of licing drained
dr.v of wheat. A few carloads go out daily ,
and the demand is moro liable to increase
than to diminish or stop. Mcanwhlk1 the re
ceipts into the northwest are getting smaller
and farmers' deliveries are next to nothing.
May whcnt opened nt tl.K ( % sold down to
tl.09 > ' 6 , milled to $1.U1I 4' , ami with occasional
pauses of greater or less duration , nnd now
nnd then a fceblo rally , the price worked
down to $1.0S * . From this point there wns
n recovery to $1.0 ! ) and n subsequent break
to$1.0Sg The close was $1.0S > . The lirst
oliiciitUy quoted tnido in December , was
nt (1.0. % . This month ranged from $1.01 to
SM.U2K , nnd closed nt * 1.0'Ji . Jtinmtr.v
opened nt Sl.H' ( , ranged to ? 1.04 > i
( tfil.o : % , and closed at the inside. Juno
rested at $1.U. > and July at 9Sc. The volume
of trade was cjuite up to the recent daily
average , and during the last hour ,
which was the season of the most
conspicuous wcaltniMs , dealings were on
( ] Uito a liberal scale. The feeling at
the close was ono of pronounced
weakness. News of every description ,
and otherwise , was an exceedingly scarce
article. Next to Lyon's trading , the free
selling by Hoscnbaum liros. was the most
notable Incident. The crowd scorned to
think that It must oo long wheat for northWestern -
Western account ,
The estimated receipts of 810 cars of corn
for to-day was 70 cars over the mark , only
11 being received and of that quantity there
was the very small number of 8 that graded
No. 2. These facts caused n firmer feeling
nt the opening , and this strength pained
greater force when yesterday's short sellers
began to place their sellers even on the mar
ket. Another circumstance which Jielped
the early advance was the advance
of the Now York market and
the good shipping demand which
was said to exist thcro. The receipts wore
licavy nt the receiving points outside of Chi-
cngo , nnd the shipments , Including these
from the Atlantic seaboard , were lighter
than the recent average. The sudden ad
vance of about 2c In December corn nt New
York , which accelerated the early rise hero ,
lost much of its effect before the end of the
day , the weak market in the neighboring
wheat pit appealing stronger to local specu
lators than the firm corn market in New
York ; moro especially us the hitter's
strength was mainly conllncd to this month's
delivery. Most of the early advance was
lost in the end , and only about % v was
added at the close to the figures which ruled
at u parallel tlmo yesterday.
In provision the trade movement was
ngaln influenced by the buying of the shorts.
This class of buyers enlarged , if anything ,
upon their purchases of yesterday. They
were Induced by the moderate run of hogs ,
the fair character of the cash demand , nnd
the failure of the old bear contingent to make
It * presence known , to take hold freely , nnd
under their operation better prices were wit
nessed. From the start , almost , the mnrkot
exhibited nn undercurrent of strength ,
though it fell Hat upon some investors who
nro evidently unwilling to load up while
ackers are inclined to favor the bear nido.
? n pork the changes experienced in prices
resulted in nn advance of 15c , nnd in short
ribs of 'JKCflf"3Lnril closed the same as yes
terday for near deliveries , to 2c higher for
CIIIOAOO , Deo. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TnnUui : . [ CATTI.K There is little to say ,
and certainly nothing encouraging. There
were nearly fifteen thousand on sale , as not
moro than half the receipts were sold yester
day. As has been before stated , some cattle
ere changing hands from day to day. A few
are tnkcn for shipment , dressed bcof dealers
tuko n few good to "iroodisU" steers , and n
car load or so of prlmo steers are sold , but
the great bulk of the ordinary run of fat
tuoru , ranging In averages from 1150 to 1350
Ibs , ware to-day almost unsalable , unless at
the lowest prices on record. As to how much
lower this class of stock Is than lust wcoU , It
is Impossible to say. Trade wns unsallsfno-
torjv from the opening to the close , and a
large number were carried ever ,
Some of the shippers talked of send
ing their cattle back to the country.
The nin of Tuxans was again light , nnd
prices on such ruled steady to strong. This
zactof the light run of Texans helped to
muKo prlmo cowa and heifers sell u shade
stronger , but common cows and canning
Stock remain at the former low prices.
Btookcr nnd feeder trade shows no signs of
Improvement. The receipts Include 1,000
Tcxuns. Choice to extra beeves , | 4.75@5.10 ;
medium to gqod steers , 1JM ! ) to lf.00 Ibs , $1.80
@ -UO ; 11200 to 1H50 Ibs , fJ.-IOQJ.7B ; V50 to
r.lXHbii , e&tXK&UO ; stackers and feeders
steady at S'J.25@3.a < l ; cows , bulls and mixed
etcHdy ntlUIXgiUO : bulk , $ 'J.ll > < S3.-IO ; many
coarse , heavy cattle loft ; Texas steora. f-.UO
(20.00 ( ; cows , | 1.SO@2.SO.
IIoos Husmcss active , with little or no
ehango In values , , as compared with yester
day's , The only change seemed to be In the
northwestern divisions , and there talesmen
wcro of the opinion that value * were a nlolcol
lower than yesterday , but then prices were
stronger In the northwest yesterday than on
any other division. Common and rough
packers cold at f-l.OOQ5.10 ; best mixed ,
largely at 15.18) 5.15 , some lot * touching
15. 17W ; best heavy , fS.'JO. with a sale or two
wt 5. & ; light sorts sold at $5. 15 for IPO to
DOO-lb averages , at 15.15 for 160-lb averages ,
at f 5.20 for 170-lb averages , and | 5.0 for light.
NBW YOHK , Dec. 20.--fSpecIal Telegram
to Tun Bsic.l STOCKS The opening of the
stock mnrkot this morning W.M fairly strong
nmi prices generally wara " ( ( ? 4 per cent
higher. A. mantcd feature the strength
of coalers , Delnw.ire & Hudson nnd Lnokit-
wanti a in particular being especially active
nnd higher. There was strong buying of
these stocks by. outsiders , ai well as nctlvo
covering by shorts. The loan crowd devel
oped a scarcity of both I-.ickaw.vnna nnd
Delaware & Hudson , and bulls were predict
ing fabulous prices for both , of these stocks.
Lackawnnna , they say , will cross ! "iO , even
nflcr the January dividend has been paid.
Hock Island started OIT ' - per cent higher ,
but thu persistent selling soon carried the
price down to last night's closing figures.
The bears assert that the company has not
earncil per cent during the calendar year ,
nnd much lower pricns are predicted for the
stock. Gas trusts were woalc , the only sell
ing by Chicago houses and n decline of
3 pc.r cent was established. Granger stocks
wcro moro quiet than for some days past ,
and fluctuations were within a narrow range.
At noon the market was quiet all around ,
Delaware & Hudson showing a gain of IljjJ
and Lackawanna \ } { per cent over the open
ing figures. Afternoon dealings were some
what limited. Professional tr.ulers were
realizing on their morning purchases , nnd
closing prices are nt n lower range all around ,
except for stocks , which show net ad
vances for the dny of 3' & for Delaware &
Hudson and 1 per cent for Laekawunim ,
while St. Paul shows u not decline of % ,
Uoeklslaml , > ; Missouri Pacific , -V Klc"1
mend .fe West Point , common nnd preferred ,
1 , and Chicago Oils Trusts , 1 per cent. Tiio
total sales aggregate 2"Ht49 shares , Includ
ing Kock Island , 12.UOJ ; St. Paul , ! ' 0O.K ) ;
Northwestern , O.OOO1 Richmond Terminal ,
9 , , * > 00 ; New England , 8,5'JO ' , mid Western
Union , 5,009 shares.
The following were the cloiln ? quotations :
ir.H. 4 reK liir..a T1i'Northern I'acino. . 21' ;
U.S.4scoution * I2SV doproferreil AS'i
II.H.4'iarcKillar. ' 1USU C. * N.V 10.V. ,
lI.S.4'iscotipons..llHii' ( ' llopreferretl 140
I'nclllcOsot Mi . . .lll N.Y.CentrAl 107' .
( Vntrat Pacific . . . : ii
Chicago & Alton llock Island W )
Clilc.iRO.IIurlliigton | C. . M. * St. I' lil'S '
AQnlncy 107UI < lo preferred
II/ . & \V 14tl > { St. rauKIc Omaha. . : e."i
Illinois Central..lliPil do preferred 117" .
L , ll.&W lit Union Paeitlo iiS'i '
Kansas * Texas. . . K1U W..St. L. & l IS
LukeSHore lOJ'i' ' ' do preferred. . . . 'Mi
Michigan Central. . NiV Western Union bSS
Mtssourll'acillc . . . 70 > il
MONEY ON C Lt. Easy nt 3 , ' @I par cent.
STEIIMNO EXCIIANOE Dull but steady nt
.SI > for sixty-day bills , and M.SSJ , ' for de
CIIIOAOO , Dec 20. U heat Market weaic
and lower ; cash , < 1.0 % ; January , * 1.03fa ; ;
Mny , 51.0SJ4-
Corn Firm ; cash,34 c ; January. H410c ;
Mny , ! t : ! -l e.
O.its Steady ; cash , Sri o ; January ,25 ; ' c ;
May , 2'Jc.
Uye n ' < c.
Uarler Nothing doing.
Prime Timothj No trading.
Whisky * 1.20.
Pork Stead v ; cash , J13.CO ; January ,
( ii.2 : ( ) ; May , * 13.47M-
Lard Steady ; cash , JS.lS'i' ; Janun'.y ,
f7.77J < ; May , ? 7.S7' ' .
Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter wheat ,
$ l.7r ( < ? r > .75 ; spring wheat , S4.yX < flj.7ri ; rye
* 3.W)6t ) 11.75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $ .75iO.S7 ( , ;
short clear , ? 7.2.7.a7 ; sliort ribs. ? O.S5@
0.90.Hutter Dull ; creamery , 20K@30c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream cheddais ,
( Hllc ; flats , 10@ll'4c ; Young Americas ,
lit'gs-Easicr : fresh , 19K@21c.
Hicies Unchanged ; heavy green salted ;
C c ; light preen salted , fljfc ; green , 5cn
salted bull , SJfc ; green bull , 4J.Cc : grcod
dr.v Hint , 7' > ( ? ! jj ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; brando ;
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 5@33o each ,
dry salted. 10@lfic.
Tallow Fair demand ; No. 1 , solia SJic ;
No. 2 , 4 > a'c ; cake , BJJc.
XJcceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 9,000 11,000
Wheat bu . 24.000 24,000
Corn.bu . 415,000 255,000
Oats , bu . 231,000 123,000
liye , bu . . . . .
Kansas City , Dec. 20. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , 94o bid ; May , fl.OO bid ;
No. 3 red , cash , SGjfc asked ; No. 2 soft ,
cash , 9Sc asked ; May. f 1.04 bid.
Corn No. 2 , cash. 2UJ o bid ; January ,
205 c "bid ; May , 29 > c bid ; No. 2 white ,
May , ao o bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ;
May , 2T)0 asked.
Mtnncniiolis. Dec. 20. Wheat weak ;
receipts , 170 cars , shipments , 100 cars. Clos
ing quotations : No. 1 hard , December ,
f.1.17 ; Mny , S1.24K ; on track , $1.1S ; No. 1
northern , December , $1.00 ; May , $1.13 ; on
track , $1.08 ; No. 2 northern , December , 98c ;
January , 97' c ; on track , 97c.
Milwaukee , Dec. 20. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 94 } fc ; January , 95u.
Corn No. 3 , Die.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 white , 2Sc.
Hyo Easy ; No. 1 , 51c.
Harloy-rFirm ; No. 2 , ( ! 7Kc.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $13.00.
St. Koiils. Dec. 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash , SI.OIIK ? MnJ" , * 1.0" > X.
Corn -Lower ; cash , 80e ; May , 34$3iYc. (
Oats Dull ; cash , 2-IK ; May , 2S c.
1'ork Quiet at $13.70.
Lard Nominally 87.SO.
Whisky $1.14.
Hutter Dull ; creamery , 2S@30c ; dairy ,
Ijlvcrpnnl , Dec. 20. [ Special Cablegram
to Tan Hin.-U0p. : ] : ; ! m. Closo.-1'ork In poor
demand ; prime mess , eastern , bOs and dull ;
do western , CSs , Cd , dull.
Lard In poor demand ; spot , 44s fld ,
steady December , 44s , dull ; January and
February , 42a Od , dull.
Wheat In poor demand ; now. No. 2 , win
ter , Ss , steady ; do spring , Ss Id , steady.
Flour In fair demand ; 12s , firm.
Corn In poor demand ; spot , -Is , Od , dull ;
December , 4s 5 , ' d , dull ; January , 4s 2 4d ,
dull ; February , 4s 2tfd , dull.
Now Vorlc , Doc. 20. Wlioat Hecciots
20.000 ; exports , none ; spot weak , lower and
Options fairly neUvo and lower ; No. 2
January , closing at Sl.03 % .
Corn Kecoipls , 159,000 ; exports , 18,000 ;
spot moderately active ; No. 2 , 47J > i4Kc in
elevator , 4SJ < 'Cir50i allont ; ungraded mixed ,
J &VJc ; options dull and irregular.
Oats Kecolpts , ( W,000 ; exports , 70 ; spot
Irregular , closing wcuker ; options steady and
nuiot ; January closing at 31Ko ; spot No. 2
white , 2l @ 24Ku ; mixed. 39 ( < 42c.
CofTco Options closed firm and unchanged
to 6 points above yesterday. Sales , 75,500
bags ; December , $14,75015.20 : January ,
J14.00@15.10 ; February , * 14.85i ( lB.05j spot
HIo more active ; fair cargoes , fill.75.
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; united closed
at 03o.
Eggs Steady for fresh , and quiet ; west
ern , 23024(5. (
Lard Firmer and quiet ; western steam ,
$3.40 ; January , closing at fS.3l.
Huttor Steady for choice , and in fair de
mand ; western dairy , 14r 'i'5o ; western
creamery , 10S31c ( ; Klein , 44@l5c.
Cheese Firm ; western ,
Glilcaco. Doo. 20. 1'to Drovori' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market dull
nnd lower ; beeves , $4.7o@5.10 ; steers. J3.90
© 4.40 ; stockers and feeders , JJ.25M3.30 ;
cows , bulls and mixed. 11.40 3.10 ; Texas
cattle , 1.60@3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 18,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , tt.OOS6.20j hcoavy. 5.2 ( < ? 5.23 ; light ,
f4.95Q5.20 ; skips. W.50 ( < J5.10.
Sheep Kecolpts U.OOO ; market strong ;
natives , | 3.75@4.85 : western , 3.50 < a500 ;
Tcxans , f3.30Qa.35j lambs , H.OOQ0.60.
KniiHas City , Dee. 20. Cattle Receipts ,
2,500 head : shipments , none ; dressed beef
steers weak ; choice cows weak , common
weak , stacker * and feeding steers In de
mand ; common to choice corn-fed , 14.20 ®
4.60 ; stackers and feeding steers , VJ.OO@.30 ! ) ;
cows. $1.23S .80.
Hogs Kecelpti , 10,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ;
market weak and 6 ( 10o lower ; common to
choice , l.oHW. .
National HtocU Yards , Kaat St.
LouU , Uco. 20.-CuUl6-K celpti , l.SOO ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market weak ; choice
heavy native steers , JS.OOtriMV ) ; fair to
peed steers , ? 4.40tt.Vl ! > . butchers' steers ,
medium to choice , W.3Kl.riO ; siockcra nnd
feeders , fair to good , ( j.OOtft.l.l.'i ' ; rancors.
corn-fed , tMXX < { ( ; grass fed , | 2.Wc 3.10.
Hogs Hcfeipts. ti,0' ! shipments , O.oyO ;
market steady ; choice heavy nnd butchers' ,
to UHSV20 : packhiK.fl.93 0.10 ; light grades.
Thursday. Dec. CO. 1SSS.
Although the market has been in n badly
dcmorallrcd condition for a week or two , and
country shippers must bo fully aware of the
situation , the receipts of catltlc continue
hrnvy for this season of the year. The r >
celpts ncro were not heavy to-day , but the
largo run and demornllrcd marKct in Chicago
cage knocked prices down hero Just the
same. Thcro wore no now features in the
market : it was Just dull nnd lower , and nil
the discouraging things that have been writ
ten of the market during the past few days
would apply equally well to-day. Ono bunch
of cattle which was bought in the country
several days ago , was delivered at the yards
today M $ 1.50. There were more feeders nt
the yards than for some days back , nnd qulto
n good may sold at about steady prices.
The market was 5 ( < MOc lower than yester
day morning , or about steady xvith yester
day's close. The trade was fnirly active and
n'j early clearance was made of everything
being sold. A few sales were made nt $5.05 ,
but over half of the hogs sold below fl.95.
The market continues dull with n lljrht de
Cattle . . . . . . . . . 750
Hoes . 4. MX )
Sheep . 425
Horses . 100
trluu .
The following u n tiubof priosj pill In
this marmot for the gr-vlo ) of stocc mentioned -
Primesteers , MOOto 1500 Ibs. . * : l..Y )
Pnmesteer.s , 110J to 1L JO Ibs. . H.OJ ( irtl.75
N nil vo feeders . M. " >
Western feeders . 2.110
Common to good cows . 1.25 C't2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.25 < < t3.0 , )
Common to ohoica balls . 1.25 ( B > 2.0J
Fair tocnoicollgnt boss . 4. 0 i < -l.9. " >
Fair to cnoice heavy hoj ? . 4.95 ( rt.r > . ( )5 )
Fair to choice mixed liosjs . -5 ! ( jS4.c.5 '
ItcpreHBiitriuso S U : ) i.
No. Ar. Pr.
1 bull 1-130 $1.30
1 bull 1400 1.70
Ibull 1SOO 1.75
12 cows , westerns 1W3 1.85
" : ) cows < X > 9 1.90
17 cows 1129 2.110
14 cows 1150 2.00
1 bull 1400 2,00
40 cows 1058 2 15
20 cows 1075 2.15
H7 stockers 544 2.40
'i steers , yearlings full 2.40
17 cows 1150 2.5'J '
4 cows HM 2.50
20stcers .1110 2.5)5 )
1(1 ( feeders 102t : 2.95
1Q steers 1142 3.00
14 feeders SM3 3.00
27 steers , niitives 1120 3.00
20steers 1118 3.10
21 steers 1100 3.15
21 steers 10'Jl 3.15
13 steers 11.10 3.30
25 steers 1HK ) 3.30
23 steers , unlives 11TO 3.40
20 steers l.'ViS 3.50
42 steers , corn fed natives 1100 4.50
Av. Silk.
S4.TO .291 210
3rt ) 4.80 40
100 4.SO
2K ( )
110 Nob. natives 91
Stock Notes.
Sheep slow.
fiivo your cattle away at homo.
Hogs steady with yesterday's close.
Sioux City received 3,000 hogs to-day.
The scale houses nt the yards will bo closed
on Christmas at noon nnd there is not apt to
bo any market.
There is something peculiar in the char
acter of a shipper who , after being told
plainly by the newspapers and by his com
mission men that the market is glutted nnd
that it is almost Impossible to give them
away , will bring in Ills cattle nnd then howl
that the buyers want to steal them. Cattle
buyers are no different from the buyers ol
anything else and when thcro is four times
as much as they can possibly use they will
select what suits them best and buy from the
ono who will sell the lowest.
FriiltK , Produce , 10 tc.
HUTTEH Fancy , solid-packed creamery ,
2C@30c ; ohoico country , 2J ( < ? 25c ; medium
grades , 18 ( < t)21c ) ; common grades , 10(14c. ( (
Fi.Ofii Nebraska patents , $0.00j7.50 ; ;
Minnesota patents , 0.25r < 7.75 ; straight
grades , $5.00 ( < i5.50 ; bakers' Hour , f5.25Vj5.75 (
per 1)1.
POTATOES Nebraska , 35QI50 per bu ; Col
orado , 0 < ) ( iP70c.
SWIIIIT POTATOES 3@3 > .fc per Ib.
POULTUV Llvo chickens , $2.50@2.75 per
doz ; dressed chickens , 7@Soperlb ; turkeys ,
9@lliv , duclcs and gocso , 10@12c.
Eons Strictly fresh , S3@24o candled.
MM , ADA UiiAi'K-j In kegs , 12c per ib.
UAXANAS Common , fl.50@,25 per bunch ;
choice , fj.50ff3.50.
LUMOXS W.75@5.00 per case.
OIUXOES Florida , $3.25 ( < t3.75 per box.
Q IMS Per dozen : Mallards , $3.25 ; tea
f 1.50 ; quail , $2.00 ; prairie chickens , | | .00@
4.W ) ; rabbits , f LOG ; squirrels , f 1,03 ; venison ,
0@10o per Ib.
CitAXnnitiiiEs f3.00@9.00 per bbl ,
Pito VISIONS Hitnis , No. 1 , llo ; No. 2 ,
lOltfo ; shoulders , 75fc ; rib bacon , lie ; clear
bacon , HKc ; picnic hams , lOa ; dried bcof
hams , 10 > $ c ; dry salted clears , short , B. ' o ;
extra short , 8J c ; short ribs , SJ o ; pickled
pigs' feet , 15-lb kits , 60c ; lard , 8X@9J < o ;
smoked sausage , 0@Sc per Ib ; hog casings ,
V 25a30o ( per doz : fancy , 40c.
OXIONB 30@IOo per bu.
C-iiuiAOK IJ.OO per ICO.
HIITS ; lOo per bu.
TuiiNH'S 25o per bu.
SAUBU ICiuuT Ubls , , f4.75 ; half bbls , ,
12.75 ,
ArrLBS Choice , ? 3.50@2.75 per bbl ; fancy ,
(3.00 per bbl : common , * l.f > 0 1.75 per bbl.
C CIDKK Michigan , $5.00Q < 0.50 per bbl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
POP COBN Ulce , 80 ; common. 2)fc.
CAKUOTS 40o per bu ,
13 BANS Cholco eastern hand picked navlos ,
12.28 per bu. ; western hand picked navies ,
$1.7S@1.SO ; mediums , 11,50 ; Lima beans , So
per Ib.
Hxr T1. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , tO.OOj No.
8 uuland , 13.00.
HHASf 15.00 f 10.00.
FKtui JM.OOtijIS.W | > cr ton.
C'oliN2V'i27c. ( .
OATS 2-J.rtiWc ,
VINEOIU Cider , 10U1H1 ptr gal. ; while
wine , 10 : 25o per gal.
HONKY Mb frames ,
Grocers * M t.
Revised prices are as follows :
li.uioiNU HtArk A , seamless , 22c : Amos-
kuag , seamless , K'-fc ; Lowistown , A , seam
less , I'.V" American , seamless , 17c ; btirliis | ) ,
4 to 6 bu.,110tl4c ; gunnies , single , 13 ? ; gun-
iilL-s , double , 20c ; wool , sack , ftti * .
T-A-IXKS flax , .Irk1 ; oxtrn sail , 2Ul'Jlc ; sail
1) , SOftCJIo ; cotton , 2.'c ; jute , PC.
DIIIKD Fitt'iT b'igs , In boxes , per Ib , 13 ( $
Ifioj dates. In boxes , 7i10o ( ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box. f2.WKg3.7rr , Malaga
loose raisins , $2 ! ) Cc&"iO ( ' ; new Valencia rai
sins per Ib , S' 'e ; California loose muscatels ,
per box , fJ.W@J.l ( ) ; California London * ,
1SS3 , $2.40 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISc ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per Ib , 12rtlto ( ! ; dried
blackberries , per Hi , 7'f ; < < iSc ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 24GI2.V ; evaporated apples , 7" ( < ? !
8c ; California sun-Jricd peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia unpared evniwrated peaches , He ;
evaporated California apricots , 18c ;
currants , ti'u7c ! } ; Turkish prunes , r > @ .Vac ;
citron. 22(72lc ( ; orangopecl , I5c ; lemon peel ,
lllc ; California I'Vcnch prunes , 11 eg I Go.
Comr. Mocha , 2.X < i-Oc ; Hlo , good , 17 ( ( ? !
is-'c ; Mandahling , 22-'o ; roasting Klo , lf C < i >
IGo ; O. G. Java , 2l ( 2lc ( ! Java , interior , 2'JJ5 (
25o ; Klo , fancy , IS ! " Uc * : Santos and Mara-
ca'bo. t7nM'.ie ( ' ; Arbnckles , 23'40 ' ; McLuugh-
Hn's XXXX , iBJhc.
SfOAit Granulated , 7j'e ; ronf. A. 7'gC ;
white extra C. 7'.jc ' ; extra U , 7'cj ) yellow C ,
( ) s c ; powdered , sJ.V ; cubes , S'u' ' .
IIKKSWAX Choice yellow , 'Jujniij'y'u ; dark
colored , 13ifHc. (
( Jniisi : i'oung America , full cream , 12@
lili 'e ; full crojin ohcddcro , 12 > ii I24i- .
I'ICKIXS Medium , in bbls , f.1.Mj ( do , in
half bbls , J3.UO ; small , in bbls , (0.00 ; do , in
half bbls , St.50 ; glu-rUins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , M.H ( ) .
TOIIUTO Plug , 2ri@it.ic ; smokincr , li ( ( 00c.
.11:1.1.1 : n * I.25 per ! ) U-lb pail.
SALT fl.ittai 1.40 per bbl.
Koi'C-7-10 , 12o. *
MAPI.U SfciAit Hricks. lliftl'Jc per Ib ;
penny cakes , I20i'13o ' per Ib ; pure inuilo |
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Ti\s : Young Hyson , coinmon to fair , IS ®
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , ! Wftt"n. * ;
Gunpowder , couunon to good , 2' . ' ( < ' " 25c ; liiin-
powdcr. choice to fancy , 40if35c : Japan ,
common to medium , ir > r > 'Uc ; Jup.m , tihtlco
to fancy , 3i1yf45c ; OolotiK , coniinoii to good ,
25 ( < : ; Oolong , eholco to fancy , C > 0if70e ( ;
Imperial , coinmon to medium , 25@35e ; Im
perial , good to fancy , 40 . " > 0it.
NI-T.I Almonds , loiwit-e ; filberts , r.'fdli'c ;
Hrazll , 0@lc ! ) ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , lOciiUlc ;
peanuts , 0gOo. (
OuAcKEits 0i10cpcr Ib ; assorted cakes ,
Sij--rc ( per Ib as per list.
CANIIV Mixed , UKl'M-.tfc' ' stick , 9J ( ( flIc ;
rock candy , lUtijciiilUu ; fancy candy , 7ji2sc. (
HOI.I.ASMI HiiuiNi : ( UOc.
Conri-ii I
Dry Goml * .
COTTON FI.AXNKI.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL ,
5 c ; CC , Cc : SS , 7c , Nameless. 5c ; RX ,
Ibc ; R , 20c ; No. 10 , y c : No. 40 , lO c ; No.
(50. ( 12sc ; No. SO. 13J e ; No. 30 , colored , 9c ;
No. 50 colored , 12u ; Mo. 70 , colored , 12 > o ;
Uristol , 12-jc ' ; Union Pacific , 17c.
CAUI'RT WAitr Hid , wliite , 1'Jc ; colored ,
oo. wwL. .
13 VTTS Standard , Sc ; gcni. lOc ; bcautv ,
12' o ; boone , 4c ; 13 , cased , $0.50.
PHINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater ,
Oc ; Berlin oil , I' o ; Garner oil , 07c. ( .
Pin xrs Pink and Robes Allen , Oc ; Rivor-
polnt , 5'4'e ; Steel River , , -O'ic ; Richmond ,
OJ < c ; Pacific , 7c * '
PIIINTSDress , Charter "Oak , 5 c ; Ram-
ape , 4 } c ; Lodi , 5'4c ; Allen , 0 > ; Klchmond ,
Oc ; Windsor , O' c ; Eddystono , O'.Jc ; Pacific ,
O e. :
l3i.iAciiin SiiKKTisoHerkcley cambric ,
No. 00 , 9' < . 'c ; Hi-st Yet , 4-4 , < l fc ; butter
cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cabot , 7 c : Furwcll , half
blenched , Sjtjc ; Fruit of'nno Loom , 9j4c ;
Greene G , ii'4 ; Hope , 7fc : King Phillio
cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , ll' ' < io ; Lons-
dalc , ! ) c ; Now York mills , lO.i c ; Peppcrell ,
42-In , lie ; Peppcrcll , 4li in , TJc ; Peppcroll ,
0-4 , Kit : Peppercll , 8-4 , 21c ; Peppcrell , 9-4 ,
23c : Pcpparcll , 10-4 , 25c ; Cmton , 4-1 , 8'ic ;
Triumph , ( Ic ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
FJ.ANIII.S : Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Goshen ,
.TJ'rfo ' ; Clear Lake , 30Jsc ; Iron Mountain ,
2.5' c.
Fi.txNiiWhite GH , No. 2 % . 22' e ;
Gil , No. 1 , X , 20c ; HH , No. 2 , , 22K j ; UH ,
No. 1 , % , 30c ; Quechee , No. 1 , % , 42c.
Cousirr JIANS Androscoggin , 7-4c ! ; ICoar-
sargo , 74c ; Rocknort , ( % o ; Concstoga , C > Jc.
TICKS York , 30-in , I' c : York , 31-m ,
; Swift river , 7 0 ; Thormlike , OO ,
Thorndikc , EE. b'-c ; Thorndike , 120 ,
Thorndike , XX , 15c.Cord ; is , No , 5 ,
ilc ! , ; Cordis , No. 4 , 7' ' c.
UKXIMS Amoskeag. 9oz , lOJ c ; Everett , 7
oz , 13 } o ; York , 7 oz , i3J c ; Haymaker ,
S'-j'c ; Juffrey XX , ll'o ; Juflroy XXX , 12l c ;
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek 1315 ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CC. lOc.
KUNTUCICV JIANH : Memorial , 15c ; Dnkota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Wjc ; Hercules , 18c ; Leam
ington , aJc ! ; Cottswood , 2r'XC. ' |
CHAMI ytcvcns' 13 , C > c ; Slovens' U ,
bleached , 7c : Stsvcns' A , Y.'a'c ; Stevens' A.
bleached , 8' < , c ; Stevens' P , ; Stevens' 1' ,
bleached , ! ) tfc ; Stevens' N , ' . c ; .Stevens' N ,
bleached , lO o ; Stevens' SRt , 12 > < c.
Miscni.i.ANUous Table on sloth , f2..10 ;
plain Holland , 9'tjc ' ; Dado Holland , 12 } c.
HUOWN SIIIITIX < I Atlantic A , 4-1 , 71 c ;
Atlantic. H , 4-4 , 7'4c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , O c ;
Atlantic P , 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , IJj'c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJfe ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7ic ;
Lawrence , LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
5' c ; Pepperell R , 4-1 , 7c ; Pcpporell O , 4-4 ,
OSic ; Pepperell , S-l , ISM" : Pepperell , 9-4 ,
21c : Peppcrell , 10-4. 23e ; Utica C. 4-4 , 4o ;
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7J e ; Aurora , R , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , 0 > tfu. .
DI-CK West Point 29 in. 8 oz , 10' c ; West
Point 29 In. 10 or , 12' ' c ; AVest Point 2J in. 12
oz , 15cr ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , Ific.
FI.ANNIIS : Red , C , 24 in , Ifljtfc ; E , 24 In ,
2n4'c ; GG , 24 in , 20c ; HAF , ? f , 25o ; JRF , Jf ,
* * t O
OGixniiAM Plunkctt checks , 7Jjc ; Whltten-
ton 7J o ; York , \ Nonnandl \ dross , S ) c ;
Calcutta dress , 8)i'c ; Whittenlon dress , 8 > j'c ;
Renfrow dress , Sf & ' u.
CAMiiitics Slater , 5KcVoods ; , 5 , ' c ; Stan
dard , 5J ( C : Peacock , 8)4 c.
PitiNi.s , INIIIRO lri/T Arnold , O' ' c ; Amer
ican , ll ' 4 c ; Gloucester , Otj'c ; Arnold C long
cloth , 5to ; Arnold H long cloth , lOJ e ; Arnold
Gold Seal , lO c ; Stelfel A , 12c ; Windsor
Gold Ticket , 10 > lc.
First and second clear , \\i \ in . . $ (9 ( ( )0 ) ( < r : > l 00
First and second clear , \yt \ in. . . 47 00tf50 ( ( M )
Third clear , I'jCfil in . 43 OU@IO 00
A select , UftOlJtf in . 37 00
U select , l4 } < ifil'4 in . 33 00
A stock boards , 12l ( ! ft , 12 in. . 40 00
H stock boards , 12 ( < t10 ; ft , 12 in. . 41 00
C stock boards , 12@10 ft , 12 in . . 30 00
D stock boards , 12M10 ft , 13 in. . 23 00
Flooring , first common , ( Jin. . . . 34 00
Flooring , second common , 0 in. . 31 CO
Select fencing flooring . 1'J 00
Siding , first nnd second clear , M
( julOft . / . . ; ' . . 2500
Siding , first common , JO ft . 2J 00
Siding , second common , , . 19 0(1 (
Common boards . 10 ( M )
No. 2 boards , nil lengths' . 14 50
Fencing , No. 1 , 1220ift . 10 50
Fencing. No. 2 , 12 , I4@10 ft . 15 50
Joist nnd scantling , 2x4 , 14@10 ft 10 00
Timber , 4x48xS , : . ' ( ? ) ft . 17 00
Pickets , D and H flat . 22 00
Pickets , D and H square , . 2J 00
Shingles , extra A . , . 2 8'J
Shingles , standard A . 2 00
Lath . , . 2 40
O G Halts , 2K In . M . 35
O G Hutts , ! > < x3 , S I S . ( X )
3-in well tubing , D and M bev. . 22 00
Hemlock sole , ISigaToper Ib ; oak solo , 33
( a3Co per Ib ; oak harness , SOftf.'ttc pur Ib ;
eoloctcd oak and trace , 35o per Ib. ; oak nnd
hemlock unpor , 20S22o ( per foot ; hemlock
calf skin , No. 1 , 8090o per Ib , according to
weight ; onk calf skin , No. 1 , 90c@l,00 per
Ib. ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , il.OU@l.l ( )
per Ib. ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 0070o per
ib : oak kip skin. No. 1 , 70iOo per Ib ; Phila
delphia kin skin , extra , 80 ( < (90c per Ib ;
French calf skin ( according to weight nnd
quality ) , $1.15(1 ( 1.75 perlb : French kip skin ,
do , SOcQiSl.lO per Ib. ; Cordovan russet , IBc ;
satin finish. 20o per foot ; welt leather , # 3.50
(34. ( 00 per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20@
UOo per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25tt30o ( per
foot ; glove calf skins , 20@30o per foot ;
Douglas kid , 80@IOa per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@50o per foot , according to quality :
toppings , fj.00@lO.00 per dozen ; liuinus. 5.00
(29.00 ( per dozen ; apron skins , tlO.OO&'ia.OO '
per dozen , _
Motnln and Tumors' Mtnolc.
Hlock tin , small pig . ? .28
Hlooktln'bar . 29
Copper , plulotshed boiler sizes . 8i
Copper , cold tolled > . M
Copper , shcntlnfc , 30
Copper , pltts 30
Copper , flats 31
( lal , sheet Iron , .lunlatn , AO-10 and . " > per o dis.
Pat. plalnishod Iron , 24 to 27 A 10 > a
Pat plalnished Iron. 24 to 27 H 9 > s
Hoofing , 1C. 11x20 , 112sheeto ( HH )
Hoofing , IX 14x20. 112 sheets 7.M )
Koollup. 1C. 20x2S , U2shect 11.00
HooAng , IX. 20x25 , 112 sheet * 14.50
Sheet Iron No. 2rt 3.50
Sheet Iron No. 27 3.011
Tin nlnto , best charcoal
1C. 10x14 , 825 sheets O.N )
IX , 10x14 , 22'i sheets S.25
Tin plato , coke
1C , 10x14. 2-r > sheet ? 0.25
Steel nails , per keg 2.25
Steel wire nails , per keg 2.SK )
Sioux O.ty I lMp. : ) m. 1:00 : p.m
lluncroft CipresH AiZUp. in. ( ) : ( it. m
OnklatuI Aecnmnioiliitlun HSIila. m. fidp. : ) in
St. Caul Limited I 6:15 : p. m. MoOn. m
'Kxrept Sumliiy. .
MISSdl'KI 1'ACII'll' . Leave Arnvo
Depot loth \ Webster sts. Umiiha. Omahn.
' * Kxpress . 10:31 : n. in. I tiW : : it. m.
Uxpress . . . ! | 0:10 p. m
" "
C K , E. & M. V. It. 11. | Leavh Arrive
Depot . A Webatvr sis. ] Omiilui. Oinnlin.
A.-lll'klllfi I'ns 7:15 : n. ml ( tr-Mp. in.
JNorfolk I'ussenger . _ ( ! ll ( | > . m ItliW u. in.
Sioux City & I'nelllc II. llT l.c'ivc Arrlvo
Umnhii Uniiihn
St. I'aul Kxpreas . I i45p. ! ; in. I ;
etween Council IllullHiuul Albright.
Inuclilltloti to thu slitton : : niMitloniHl , trains
stop tit Twentieth and Tvventy-tonrtli streets ,
unit nt the Summit In ( ) nuihi : ,
I ( road Trans Umahn imeniv South Al-
way. fer. depot.BlleuJ | Omiilia bright.
way.M. "
M. A. M. A. M. A. M. | A.M. "ATjiT
5:45 11:01 :
(1:10 : : i : 0J : ; ! 0t7 : ! '
( i:5i : ! 7f. : ( 7:15 : 7'22 7H'i : 7'n :
7:12 : 8:1)5 : ) 8:12 : 8'J5 : Sn : :
8:52 : 'J(15 : ( :30 :
10:0.1 : 10:12 : , 10:25 :
10:52 : 11:0.1 : 11:12 : 11 : %
11:4.1 : ' " I' . .M. ' J.1' . ' 1' . il. > . Jl.
V. M. I' . M' 12:0.1 : . , 12:21
12:4.1 : 12:52 : 1:12 :
1:4.1 : 1:5'J : 2:0.1 : 2I2 :
r:4" : ' > 3:25
4:11.1 : 4:12 : 4:21 :
4:4.- : ! r > :12 : fiV : >
5:1.1 : fii12 : 0:21 :
: 7:12 : 7:21 : 7W : :
7:41 : 7r.2 8:0.1 : 8:12 8:25 :
8:52 : 8:25 :
0:4.1 : 9:52 : loiai 10:12 : 10:2.1 :
IOM5 ln.v " - > | nrllin ! ) | j 11:30 : 11:1.1 :
Leave , i Arrive.
A No. 2 fl:0i : ) p. m. A No. 1 7UOa.ln. :
( J No. II 0:0(1 : ( a. in. C No. 5 5:50 : ) i. in.
A No. 4. . . . .11:40 : R.m.'A ' No. 3 0:41 : p.m.
A No. 4 9:40 : a.m.'A ' No. 5. . . .7:3J : a. in.
A No. 8 5j. : ; " > ] i. m.lA * No. 7 fc.30 p.m.
A No. (1 ( 6:3) : ) p. m.lA No. 3 . . .iJify ) p. nj.
A No. (1 ( 9MOn. in. A No. 3 7IOa.m. :
A No. 4 0:0J : i ) . m. I ) No. 1 7:0. : ) u. m.
11 No. M 3IOp. : m.lA No. 5 (1:45 ( : p. in.
A No.Ti U:40 : . lil.'A ' No. 1 :
n No. 4 7:00 : ] ) . m.A ! No. 3 0:50 : p. in ,
A No.2 9:25a.m.A : No , 3 : ! n. in.
A No. 4 (1:30 ( : p. in. A No. 1 0:39 : p. in.
A No. 10 7:0,1ii : , in , A No. 1" " H:55 : a. m.
A No. 12 7:00 p.m. A No. 11. . . .U:00 : p. in.
A No. 8 : i:4'lp. : ' m. A No. 7 11:31 n. in.
A dally ; II dally except Saturday ; C except
Sunday I ) except .Monday ; * last mall.
Tlio tlmo Klven above la for Transfer , tncro
being from live to ton minutes between Truni -
fer and local dopot.s.
Hoa. 3O3-4O4-I7O-G04.
succeeiifully UKX ! monthly l > y over 10,000
LadleH. Are.S'a/e. Kffectuitlunii 1'leaiant
l perlmr hymalloratilriiRKl > > ts. Sealed
'tirtlculara 3 poouigw utampti , Adciro.ta
Tnii KUWIJU Ciau.icju , Co. , PUTUOIT , Mica.
For mile uml hy mall b\i \ Gouilmun
Co. , Omtthii , Xeb.
-if"'t of youthful
c'rrnr , turly do
, lost liinnhoofl.elc , 1 will reiiil \alualilf
Ircntlne ( M ulcil ) rnntnlnlnir fiill imrllcuUnl
liniiift fun * , fit u nf chnnrt. . AiMifM.
und Tuinon curc-d , l&ycur *
CANCER cxprrlt'iu-v * No Uwlfi * . Huuk
11)1 Wwba h A * . , C'hlcuco.III.
cJoui ) uv
. K. I'AI.MKIl. K. I' . IIICHMAX. J. II. lll.A.SC'UA HII
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Offlco-UoouiZI. Oniionlla KiclianRO HullJliiK , t/uion
Block Ynril > , boutU Omuim , Kvt > .
Liye Stock Commission ,
Uooiu 15 , Kichonae llulldlnt ; , llnlou Stock Vurda ,
BoulL Omaha ,
Of Dinahs Limited ,
BorCU DODerlBtecacnU
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carrtiftet and ittiifHFi. Jmr Strcrlbft\TCCnVthBHi ]
lOili. Omaha , .S'ut'mjkn.
Agricultural Implements , WagonsCarriage' , ' ;
Hnptle ( , Kte.Vliolctnlo. . Omalm , Nebraska
\Vholetaln Ilvalcru In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies
OT , an. WC , nnd W Jonn Str t , Omaha.
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CulllTatort , llaj llakri. CIJ r Vllln and l.tilian lul'
Tcrlirrt , Cor. tltn and Mcliolni Mrt-cH.
- Whol salr
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
OMAHA nruxni.
Akron , Oldo.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mf JMnn\pr.'t Omnhn.
.M nuJ\oturiTsMulJiibtuHS : In
Wagons , Buggies , Hates , PJows Etc ,
Cur. fth UQJ I'.iclllc Slri'ot ; , Oni'nlm , Ned.
ArtlstB' Motorlnln.
" '
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Dounlnn glrri't. ( ItunliK , Nrtratki.
_ Booksolloi'B nnd S t n 1 1 o noira
H I . M , iTs . W.JONES.
Succc'sornto A. T. Kvnyuu A Co. , whuteealc A HelHll
Bookseller and Stationers ,
Klne W d lliit ( SlnlUinerr. Cmmncrclnl StiXloiifrjr
liV2 Douitlii ! Street. Oiimhn..Nfb.
_ Boots and Shof B.
IMicci'nuri to Heeil , Junei 4 lo. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
Agent * for llojton Ituborr Shoe Co , l\K \ ( , H04 .V1IW
llnrnoj at. , Ouinha.
W. V. MORSE A : CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
Sl.Omnha ManufnctorySnui-
1101 1KXH105 Uoufil"
nor St. . union.
Coffooa , Splceo , Etc-
Omnlin Coffuo nnd Hplco Mllli.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
HaTorlnc KxtrncU. Lutindry lllu . Inks. Ktc. HM
ItltUUrnoT Hlrocl , Om h . N tir t .
Crockery and Claaawnro.
* "
Agent for thp Manufacturers nnd Importers of
Crockery , filasswarc , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Utc. ( Iffl cc. HI' S. l.tth PtOrunliB , Xcbrntka.
IraDortersainlJnb'jers of
Crccierfcware , , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 131 * Ktra-rr St. . * r < x Psxton Ilullillnif.
Commission and Storage. _
' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties " t < rr. TCP' . Chc - o. i / "Itry , Cnm .
112 Iloinml Street , Omnhn.
6uoru99or9 to McPhane A. Scliroudcr. )
Prodoce Commission and Cold Storage ,
. Omaha , Nebraska.
Flour. Feed , Grain and General Coinmision
Jlcrchnnt. Correspondence solicited , 10i Ncrlli Ifth
Mrcct , Uniiilia , Nel > .
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
' " "
'oALT COK"E & LIME co.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , ,
909Routh 13th Street , Omatia , NebrnrKa ,
J. J. JOUXSOX . .tCO. . ,
Manufacturers of Lime ,
: < 1 KhlppiTH iif Con ) , Coak , C'enient , rittnler , I.lnie ,
Drnln Tile mill Scwor I'lpc. Otlice , ai8 S. lotli
St. , CiualiuNeb. . Toolionc ! ] 811.
Dry Geode nno Notlono *
" ' ' "
M. E'SM'ITH i co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1103 and 1104 IVumlns , Cor. lltli St. , Omalia , Neb.
Importers anil Jolte in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' furnishing ( ioodi. Corner lllh and Ilouncv
Shippers of Coal and Cota
214 Sou Hi 13th Cl. . Omaha. N'b.
' ' " " " '
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitnre ,
Fnrnaiu Street , Omaba. Nebraska.
Oiuitha. Nebraska.
" '
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TOO , 707,709 nmi 711 S. 10th St. , Oranlm , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
> 111 nnd I.cavnnwortli Stronti. Onmhn , Niiliraiks.
" '
Wholenalu ManufKctiiriT'iot
Sadillcry&JfDcrs of Sulfllcry Hardware
And LeatlicV. 110J , HUi mltli \ \ Harccy St. , Omnua ,
Hardware. _
" ' '
W. jTBROATCi-l ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlngi , Waxen HU > rk , Hardware. Lumber , Klc. 1'fJl
and HII Harney Htreet.Umatia.
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tool ) nnd llultnln Rcalci. llOi Duuului
Htreet , Uniaha , Nehranka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
( tli and riarne * Kin. , Omaha , Nub. Weitorn Attend
lor Auitln I'omler L'n. , Judcrkon htoul .Null * ,
Kalrbanka Htaudarct Hralei. _
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Jlotulrt , Sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Ikiwc Bralen ,
Jllnml Powder nml l.ymuii Diubtcl wire ,
( Imaliu , '
Hots , CnpH , Etc.
" ' " "
Wliolesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
. _ J-umbor. _ _
All Kinds of Building Material at Wteale
ISlJ i Street and Uolun I'acltlnTiack.Om. . ' ' .
Bealer iu Lumber , Lain , lime , Sasb ,
Uowi.Ktc. y > rdi--C rutr7lb mid DoiuUii COIBBI
C. N. DlETzP
Dcaler-inAllKiiiflHfLnmtier ,
Kihnml California Streets , Oninliit , .Volim k .
FUEL ) W. OhAY ,
Lumber Lime Cement tic Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner rih iincl '
To Dealers Only ,
Office. UK ) Farnam SUret , Omaha.
Wliolesale Lumber , Etc ,
Julni'T While l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carprt * and Parquet Kloerlna Wh and Ponglti
Millinery nnd Notions.
' " " " " " '
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
an. 210 mill I3 Soutli lllh Slrnfl
OvornllB ;
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pnl0SMrt i Kto , HCOniul llOi Douxlat Street ,
Uuiuhfit * ivb.
Wholesale Notions anil Fiirnisliiiig ; Goods
H mill 4W Hi nb ( 10th St , Omnhn ,
WholsalG Refined and Lubricating Oils , *
Ailolireanp. Ulc. , Oiaaln. A. II. Ill'liou. Miinnrnr
Notions and Gent's ' FnrnisliiiiE : Good ? ,
HUHlRrner Stroc-t.Omnlia.
Office Fixtures.
Mnmi'iii'lure,1. * of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlcn , Slili'boanlii , Book Casos. llrtiK 1-lxtiinxAVnll
rn es , I'niUlinn * . Knlllnii9'iiuiitpra , lleernnrtVlno
( ooiprn , .vtlmif.cti1. Cnelory nnO olllce , 17JU mid 173J
t oulh lolh Slnuilui. ( ) Tulcphone m .
Points and Oils.
" "
\Vholo. < nlu Ilciilerslii
Paints , Oils , Window fila-s , Etc ,
HIS Fivrnnm Ptroct. Omnhn , Nob.
Wliolesale Paper Dealers ,
nloo dock nf I'rlntlnii. Wrnpplni ; and \Vritlnt
. Special nltentlnn clvcn to cur loail orJor .
Pnpqr Boxos.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
No ? . 111 ! " and Ul'J Dou liis St. , Onmlia , Neb.
P H lH ? "s T1M rvi E L Ac "c O.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
fll nnd ' .iil.lories ; ( rn > t. Umiilin.
Btorogo , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
rnticli hoiiKUiil the lleimey lluk'liy Co , ItiiiiKles al
wuulceulu unit retnil , 1.IM lillfliiinl IW1 lianl Street ,
Omulm. Teli'Uhone No. 'M.
lager Beer Brewers ,
15J1 North KlgtUtcontli Street , Oruiilm , Hcb.
HannfactureGalyanized Iron and Cornice ,
Julm L'pc'liuttr , rniprlctor. IUO Dniliiu and 1UI and 1UI
North 10th Street , Ouiulm.
Printers' Wlatorlnle.
Auxiliary Pablishers ,
[ Valcrs In Type. Tre nos and 1'rlntorH' Bunpllca , (01
South mil Street , Omaha.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rubber Goods- _
Mannfactnrers and Dealers in Ruler Goods
911 Cluthlus uml Leather lleltlr.n. KKHl'iiruaui Otrcct.
, Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV. ' i , CO. .
\Vhulcsalo ManuT icturutB of
Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilrauch OHlcc , ith Hnd Itnnl tilrueUi , Onialin , Noh.
of Sash , Boors , Blinds.
Y.ultllnirs , Stair Worle anil Interior llnril Wool 1'ln-
au. W. IS. Corner Mli nmi U-avunworlh Ktreets ,
Omaha , NCD ,
Sto , m Fittings , Pumps , E
Pnmns , Pipes and Engines ,
jtcnm , Water , lln.lwitr nmi Mlnlim Hupnllcs , Klc.
VMvannUVtt luriiiiin rnreutOriiaha.
Wholesale Pumps , 'Pipe , Fillings ,
3teara aii4 Water Buppllcx. T17' ' " " r'"r" fcir M i.
( ' [ e.i ? and Water supplies
Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
= hcctrn , } ' J2S l ,85 i-H. | , . l ViU
Carter A hon , 1'rnp'a. Jlnnufuclurur of ull klndi
Sicam Boilers , Tanto and Sliest Iron Work
WorkiFouthaitli uinl II. A.M. CronlnK.
f rouglit and Cast Iron Building Won
J"ntlnei , IlrmiVork.Uonorid Kotinrtrr. JIuohlnoRnd
llUvktinltli Work. Orm-e nnUV < > ik , U. I * . It/ ,
n nil I7lb atrcel , Oruiihu.
Haunfacturcrs of Wire and Iron Railings
Dei * Hnll , Window Ounnl' . Klnwer Hlnnili , Wlro
hluni , ito. : 1ZI North Kill Hlrrel , Umuha.
" "
.Man'frsofFire&BnrglarFroofSafes '
Vnulti , Jail Work , Iron nml Wlro nmelnit. Blunn. Kto ,
O. Anilreen , 1'iup'r ( 'or. Iltu mitl Jackiun Hit.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing Guards
Bud Screens , for luinki , offlros.ttorr * . reiltlnnro * . clo.
liuiirovcil Awnlufi , Ixjckiinlllt Muihlnorr unil
llhicksinlih Workii.Ul NoiiihHtli M.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , TuncLccis ,
er unAivnt | lorl > lebuliKaIaana | Lvc < U.uii4
YHUlli ua J \YUk , UV ti ,
. . .
cr. * / r * <