THE OMAHA DAILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING ; DECEMBER 21 , 1888. NUMBER 190 BLOODY BATTLE AT SOAKIM , The British nnd Egyptian Forces Storm the Tranches. ' BRAVE FIGHT BY THE REBELS. NotxvltlistniulInK Their Disastrous Itciiulnc , It Is Hcllcved They "Will Mnlto nn Attempt to llctnlio Their Lost Position. Another Jlofont for the UehclH. LONDON , Dec. 20. A dispatch from Sua- khn says the combined forces of the llrltish nnd Kpyptlnns have made an attack uuon the rebel position. They stormed the re doubts nnd trenches , and after an engage ment lasting half nn hour drove the enemy Into the bush. The Hritish force lost four men killed nnd two wounded. TltoKgyptlan nnd black regiments charged the trenches nnd carried them , losing two men killed and thirty xvotinded. The only ofllcors wounded In the attacking force xvero two Egyptians. The rebel loss Is stated to hax-o been 400. Hoforo dawn this morning the Hrltlsh innn-ot-xvar Starling and nn Egyptian steamer moved up the coast xvith orders to cover the rebels nt Hnndoub. At daybreak the forts opened flro upon the rebel trenches nnd the troops advanced to the attack , the black bri gade upon the right 11 unit and the cavalry nnd mounted Infantry covering. The Scot tish Hordcrers , the Welsh regiment nnd the Egyptian brigade occupied the embank ment betxveon the forts , the British Infantry being hold in reserve. The forts sheHled the trenches , keeping up n tcrrilie firing. The enemy hold their ground xvith courage until the black brigade charged the trenches , which fell after a half hour's hard lighting. The rebels fought with fanatical bravery. Txvo of the enemy's guns xvero captured. The Scotch Uordercrs are now at xx-ork entrenching the rebel position. The enemy are retreating toxx'nrd Hashccn and Tamar. The Hritish force numbered -1,000 men. The feature of the lighting xvas the deter mined rush upon the trenches by the blacks nnd Egyptians. The Dervishes fought with the utmost bravery , a great many of them dying in the trenches. The charge of the Hussars Is also specially mentioned. When the Dervish cavalry saw them coming they dismounted from their horses and planted their spears in the ground , but these proved no obstruction to the Hussars , xvho sxx'ept doxvn upon tlio Dervish Horsemen like un avalanche , cut through the ranks , and left half of them dead on the ground. The Hus sars then reformed nnd charged the remain ing Dervishes , xvho lied. A largo portion of the rebel force xvas not engaged in the light , being absent campingiit Handoub and beyond that place. It Is believed the rebels xvill bo reinforced nnd make an attempt soon to retake - take their lost position. SUAKIM , Doc. SO. Osman DIgna's nenhcxv nnd txvelx'o dervishes hax'o been captured. All nro wounded. Serious complaints are made concerning the quality of sabres and revolvers furnished to the troops. Several cavalrymen returned xvlth broken sabres , nnd in many Instances their revolvers became clogged and xx-cre tendered useless. Three /erohas nnd a stockade were built over the filled trenches nnd manned by four battalions and Hritish soldiers. The spacn betxvoen thorn nnd the xvntor fort was occupied by n battalion of horse ar tillery. The emir of Trlnkitat is a prisoner. Ho is wounded. LONHON , Dec. 20. A dispatch to the Times from Sunkim says : The prisoners sny they believe that nil the mounted gun ners xvero killed. All tell the same story of privation and cruelty nt the hands of the Mahdl and Osman Dlgna. None of them wished to fight , but xvero forced to do so , or persuaded to fight by promises of loot at Suaklm nnd other re words. " The trenches xx-ero bare. They found no food , clothing or money , but only Snider rifles and cartridges. The prisoners know nothing of the reported capture of Kmln , or the full of the equatorial provinces. The natives assert that Handoub xvoiild fall ot the first approach of our troops. The gov ernment ought not to lose this chance. The task Is an easy one , as there is not the slight est sign of any gatherings of local tribes. " Dlcnu'd Tjuttor UiHcrcilKed , Bnia.iN , Dec. 20. The Emin relief com mittee announce that after a careful exam ination of Osman Digna's letter they hax'o concluded that the proof of Emin Pasha's capture has not been established. They xvill therefore start Lieutenant Wissmann's ' expe dition for Emln'.s relief at the earliest possi ble moment , Will Stand by the Sultan. LONDON , Deo. 20. In a speech at Scarbor ough to-day , Lord Salisbury said that the government did not propose to entangle the country in n new Soudan expedition , but would notunder , any circumstances , abandon Suaklm. As long as the khedive desires , England xvill maintain the Hcd Sea ports. It xvould bo madness to surrender Suaklm when on the eve of suppressing shivery. By the treaty of Pans , England is bound to uphold the integrity of the sultan's empire. The HOUND nf Ootnnioim. LONDON1 , Dec. 2a In commons to-day Ferguson stated that instructions had been Bent to tlio British consul at Zanzibar to pro test in the strongest terms against a repeti tion of the cruel executions which had oc curred In the streets of Zanzibar. * KKV. OHOSn\WAS ANGRY And Homo Forcible. Lnnximgo In ItcfcrHiif ; to Forofunoi'H. NKW Yoitic , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB Br.u.l Last xvlntcr Governor Hill , under a legislative net , appointed u commis sion to revise and combine the excise laws of this state in nn effective und comprehensive form. . The commission is now at work in this city. Among the commissioners are Jlov. Howard Crosby , an old Now Yorker named Smart , and Gallus Thoinunn , The latter Is editor of a Journal In the Interest of the brewers and inulstors. Thu Sunday saloon question xvns under discussion to-day before the commission , when Commissioner Smart turned to his colleague , Thomann , audsaldi "Do you think that people xvho come to this country should ask those xvho nro In this country to change their opinions I" Mr , Thomann grew red and started a vicious attack against the Knickerbocker commis sioners. "Let mo tell you. " said ho , "that I have exactly the sumo right to utter my wishes us you or anybody clso xvho happens to bo born In this country , The American character , us n typo , Is absolutely nothing. To us you owe all. Who xvas it xvho first raised his voice against slavery but n Ger man I Who brings the musio that hath charms to sooth the stivago breast "to this countryl What right has Mr. Smart because - cause ho happened to bo born hero I What has ho done ! " Dr. Crosby then quickly said : "My blood bolls when 1 hear thu talk of these abomina ble foreigners as soon as they sot foot In this country , There uro 100,000 of thcso fresh arrivals hero , who duro to rudely und roughly threaten us , the American people ; who xvunt to tell us xvhat to do. The remain- lug 200,000 Germans hero are respectable chi tons. Wo want no Mosts and Schwabs hero. " Soccilod From the KnlghtH. PiTTsiitmo , Dec. SO. The railroad miners of western Pennsylvania , at a delegate con vention , representing I'.OOO ' miners , held hero to-day , decided to join the Minors' National Progressive union. Most of the miners xvora members of the Knights of Labor , and their desertion will bo a bard blow to the district assembly. The question of enforcing tbo Columbus scalu was left to the olllccrs of the National ussociuUou. HAHIIISO.VS VIHITOHS. A Conforcnco With IJx-I'rnshlent IlnycH on Political .MattorH. I.NIUANU-OUS , Dcc.20. General Harrison's visitors to-day wore not nearly as numerous ns yesterday. Quito n number of the xvcst- ern veterans xvho attended the Loyal Legion bnnquct remained over to-day , nnd xx-cro among the callers. Ex-1'rcsldent Hayes , xvlth his son , Huthorford H , , drove out to General Harrison's. When General Hayes called with mem bers of the Loyal Legion yesterday , General Harrison expressed n desire to see him alone , nnd nn appointment xvr > s mmlo for a talk this morning. It Is supposed Hint the main purpose of the conference xx'as to ob tain from the ox prcsiilent some Information ucijulrcd in his expericnco as chief magis trate. It is believed by some politicians that General Hayes will bo offered n position abroad by the noxv president. During the conference the other day xvith General Hritton , chairman of the committee , It is learned that the president elect made a request that thu survivors of his old regiment , the Seventh Indiana , should constitute his escort at Washington. Heretofore federal troops have been the guard of the president-elect on inaugural day. FUKIf/ING AND STARVING. SunVrliif ; * oPPoor Canadians Canned by the < l. MoNTiin M. , Dec , 20. [ Special Telegram to TUG Bii : . ] Full reports of the bll7ard xvblch began Sunday , and only'censed yesterday , nrc now coming In. The most serious con sequences are reported from loxx-er Quebec nnd back villages out of the line of railxx'uy travel. Thu summer ifind been bail for farm ers , and the crops xvero so meagro that much distress xvas felt. It only needed a storm like the one just past to causa the most xvido- sorcnd distress , in the small villages back of Quebec nnd below that city many families nro suffering thus early In the xvintcr for the actual necessaries of life. Farmers are kill ing off their live-stock , and those xvho have none to kill have sent n piteous appeal to Car dinal Tasehcrcau and Premier Mcrcier for relief. Several instances of freezing to death are reported. The storm along the Nova Scotia and Capo Breton coasts xvas unprecedented. The ship Golden Hule , from Glasgoxv for Miramiehi , ran nshoro on the island of St. Pierre Miquo- lon , Monday night , and xx'iis totally wrecked. Tlio croxx' , except the .stoxvard , xvho xvas droxvncd , managed to escape to the shore , xvhero they wore found yesterday morning exhausted and badly frozen. The schooner N. Wright , bound through the straits of Canso , xx'iis cut into by thu ice , and the croxv xvas rcmox'ed xvith difficulty , and in n serious condition. Numerous small fisher men hax'o gone nshoro on the NOXM Scotia coast. There is great suffering among the poor dwellers along the coast. TJ1K UUH.Ur.iI.iION. A Uricf Naval ItattloKiuls the Trouble In Venezuela. NEW Yonic , Dec. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : 13ii.J The Venezuelan rebellion has nt last been suppressed. The noxvs of this termination of the trouble xx-as contained in odlcial dispatches received by Mr. Hodri- qiica member of the VeiiC7.uelan consulate. The documents xx'ero dclix'ercd to him by the captain of the steamer Philadelphia a fexv hours after her at rival at this port yester day. About sixteen months ago General Toaqum Cerespo und Uojas Paul xvero candi dates for the Venezuelan presidency. Gen eral Corcspo had been president for one term. His opponent xvas a woll-knoxvn laxv- yer xx'ho hud Just become prominent in public life. The people favored the latter , und , seeing that ho xvould not be elected , General Cerespo stirred up his folloivers , manned n schooner xvith his most trusted lieutenants nnd sailed axvny with them to Trinidad. Paul xvus duly elected president , nnd his first -care xx'as to see that Cerespo's adherents did not create any disturbance. With this viexv ho commissioned General Paez , n grandson of the. famous xvnrrior xvlioso obsequies xvero recently celebrated , to make an expedition against the rebels. On board the man-of-xx'ar La Liberia , General Pacz xx'ent in search of the schooner. The txvo vessels came together December 2. The battle , if it may bo called a battle , xvas brief. One man on board the rebel ship xvas killed. Cerespo and his cruxv xycre taken prisoners and nro noxv confined in a dungeon at Car acas. Kansas Kailroad Audacity. Toi-EKA , Kan. , Dec. 2) . [ Special Tele gram to THIS BKB. ] A conflict has arisen bo- txvcen the board of railroad commissioners and the St. Louis & San Francisco road , xvhich Is looked upon as a very serious mut ter by the commissioners. The board lias no authority by laxv to enforce its orders , but they have nlwnys been complied xvith until the case in question came up. The people of Euglo township. Scdgxvick county , upon the solicitation of the Midland HaUxvay company , X'otcd bonds of the township to the amount ot l'i,000 , , to aid the construction of tlio Mid land road. One of tlio conditions upon xvhich bonds xvero voted and issued xvas that the company should build nnd maintain n depot near the center of the township. A depot xx'as built , but no provision has been inudo to operate it or transact business therein , nnd the people are destitute of depot facilities. Tlio Midland rend is noxv operated by the St. Louis & San Francisco Uailxvay company. The board decided that the people xvero entitled - titled to depot facilities , and that it xvas the duty of the company noxv operating the road to supply them. But , although considerable correspondence has been had. the railroad company refuses to comply xvlth the order , xvhich is thu first instance of the kind sin'-ro the board xvas organized. The board xvill urge tlio coming legislature that provision bo madu by statute for thu enforcement of their order. _ \VnsliliiKlon UniverHlty. rjoxti : , Dec. 3J. A letter sent by Cardinal Gibbons and the American bishops to the pope xvith reference to the Washington uni versity , announces that the sum of fSOOOOJ , has been collected for the now institution , and that the university buildings are now In process of erection. The cardinal and bishops request a concession of academic privileges to the university und ask iho pope's approval of Its statutes. Affairs at Haytl. HAX'ASNA , Dec. 20. The sub-sea system noxv established to Haytl is xvorkln ? satisfac torily , and by this means the following tele gram has just boon received : POUT Au-PuiNCE , Dec , 20. President Leg- itiino continues In power und a majority of the iieoplu recognise his authority. A pacifi cation of iho country is considered at hand. Neither the Yantlc nor Galena , thu United States war ships , have yet arrived. Deed. LtTCiinni.p , III , , Dec. 25. Some miscreant throw u dynamite bomb Into the cupola of the Lltchfleld Cur and Machine company's foundry this morning. The missile exploded , touring the cupola to pieces and seriously in * juring tx\-o employes. Txvo Children Burned to Death , I.NimXApous , Deo. 20. At noon to-day , xvhllo Mrs. Staff , a colored xvoinan , was axvuy from homo , her house caught flro and her txvo children , aged three and live years , xvcra burned to death before assistance could bo rendered. * The Weather indications. For Nebraska and Iowa ; Fair , decidedly colder , northerly xviuds. For Dakota : Fair , colder , variable xvlnds. The Karl nf Warwick Dying. LONDON , Dec. 0. The Earl of Warwick is dying. INTO PUBLIC LIFE AGAIN , Rumor That Hayoa Will Bo Ton- clorod a Cabinet Position. THE RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. A Gigantic < T < itikctliiK Scheme Paddock - dock on Tariff IlcvlHlon Tlio Clilppcwa Dill About Fort Unmlia'N Present Site. WASHINGTON' BUIIHAU Tun Ouuu Gnn , ) Gil ) FOUHTCBNTII SriiEnr , > WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , Dec. 20. ) The report is current that President-elect Harrison may tender ox-President Hayes n position in the cabinet. The basis for this conjecture is of Interest just at this time , ns it Is known to n fexv that General Harrison just missed being n member of President Hnyus' cabinet. When the latter ciuno to Washington nnd xvas Inaugurated ho re mained for several days at tlio residence of Senator Sherman. Mr. Hayes recognized iho marked ability of General Harrison , nnd the fnct that ho had made n magnificent , although unsuccessful , race for the govern orship , taking the nomination under the stress of circumstances cro.ited by the re tirement of Godlox'o S. Orth , the regular nominee. Senator Oliver P. Morton xx'as then manipulating the politics of In diana , nnd tbo burden of the selection of an Indiana mnir for thu cabinet fell upon him. ho attempted , hoxx'over , to have the delega tion in congress from that state , relieve him of the embarrassment. Governor Morton xx'as very kindly Inclined toxvard General Harrison , but there xvero other republicans to xvhotn ho felt under obligations , nnd ho did not desire to make the recommendation himself. There xx'ero several meetings of the Indiana dele gation , but no agreement xvas to whom should hax-o the cabinet portfolio. General .1. N. Tyner , xvho has figured sluco that time conspicuously in Indiana politics , was postmaster general , nnd the Indianaians wanted him retained. Mr. Hayes refused to do this , however , nnd ho xx'.is seconded in his conclusion by Senator Sherman , on the ground that if ho retained one of the old cab inet officers ho xvould hax'e to retain others , and lie xvnntcd to make a clean sweep. Sena tor Sherman's inclinations coincided xvith President Hayes' idea , that General Harri son should bo the Indiana representative in thu cabinet. Mr. Hayes said he xvould mnko him cither secretary of xvur or secretary of the nax'y. After one of the conferences one night , some of the Hoosier republicans drifted into Senator Morton's room at the Ebbitt , and the discussion xx'as there ro- noxved. It nppoara that n member of thoscnator's family put a pin in the question , xvhich settled it. The next day Senator Morton took a carriage and drove to Senator Sherman's house. There ho informed the two Ohloans that the Indiana people were unable to reach a unanimous agreement as to whom should go into the cabinet , und he ad vised the selection of Kicliard Thompson , of Tcrrehaute. The recommendation xx-as acted upon. The xvann friendship betxx'eon General Harrison nnd Mr. Hayes iiutedated the campaign of 187(1 ( many years. Their forefathers nnd their family relatives xx'ere intimate friends. The three or four Indiana republicans now in Washington xvho knoxv xvhy General Harrison xvas loft out of Presi dent Hayes' cabinet , and of their long per sonal friendship , believe that If Mr. Hayes xvill consent to become n member of the new cabinet , the nucstion of hoxv Ohio is to be provided for xvill bo promptly settled. AfUXKRTINO HCIIEMB. The discussion on the river and harbor bill xvas resumed at u late hour this afternoon , Hepresentativo Sowdon , of Pennsylvania , called attention to one very peculiar feature of this very peculiar measure. The commit tee , in preparing the bill , inserted n clause which authorized the speaker to appoint the members-elect to the Fifty-first congress , to inspect nil the river and harbor improve ments in the United States. They nro to have unlimited control of funds and nro to bo permitted to dnixv all the money they need for expenses , simply upon the draft of the chairman. No such gigantic junketing expedition xx'ns ever planned hi congress before , and if this portion tion of the bill should be enacted into n law , there xvill bo nothing in the xvorld to prevent members of this committee from trax'eling ox'or the entire United States , from the rockbound - bound harbors of Maine to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico , up the Mississippi and Missouri , into the Yeiloxvstono , across the continent , doxvn the Pacific coast , and to visit every geese crook within the confines of tlio United Status , alt nt the expense of the national government. When it is remem bered that all rix'cr nnd hartor xx-orks are under the supervision of United States engi neers , men much more competent to judge of the character of the xx'orlt bciag performed , than the laxvyers xvho compose the commit tees could possibly bo , the absurdity of the proposition of Congressman Blanchurd xvill bo understood. It is certain this provision of the bill xvill bo stricken out , xvhen a vote upon it is readied. TUB SENATK SITIISTITUTK. "During the presidential canvass , " said Senator Paddock , "It xvas universally alleged by democratic members that , after the election , thoxvholo subject of the tariff xvould bo dropped bv the republican senate. On tlio other hand , the republican speakers , everywhere , assured the country that the xx'ork of tariff reform should bo speedily done , so far as the senate xvus concerned , after congress met In December. Tlio re publican senators have striven from the first to Keep this plcdi/o , but tlio democratic sen ators have shown an Intention to prevent the passage of the Dill. The best evidence of the perfect good faith of thu republican senators was their unanimous determination to sit day and night , until Christmas , xvlthout u holiday recess , until tlio bill could bo per fected nnd passed , nnd the policy of the democrats xx'as clearly shown by their oppo sition to this plan. But they huvu comn to their senses at last , and xve shall pass the bill. " "Thu bill docs not suit mo in many respects , " continued the senator. ' ! xvould like to have sawed xvhite pine on the free list , for example , but 1 don't think this can bo accomplished nt the present session. I feel quite certain , however , that xve. can re- ducu the dutv from T3 to $1 per 1,000. " "Aro you a tariff roformeri" "Yes , nnd no , I nm for the protection principle , but I xvnnt nil duties reduced to the minimum consistent xvlth that Idea. " COMING TO X X'OTK , Now , that it has been definitely decided by the senate that u vote shall be taken on thu tariff bill on the 21st of January , the ilnunco committee xvill close up its business at the earliest possible moment , und in order that this may bo done , it has been dccidod that no more hearings ahull bo given upon iho sub- jcct matter of the senate substitute to the house bill. Senators Merrill , HUcock , Aldrlch and others , xvho hux'o worked so in dustriously to perfect the measure , are very much gratified over the course events luivo taken in the senate. The democratic members of that body nuvo ut lust opened their oycs to the , situa tion and hux'e come to the conclusion that factious opposition xvill not pav them. There was not a single voice raised to-day In oppo sition to Senator Morrill's proposition for u vote on thu'Jlst of January , und It is noxv settled beyond doubt that the house xvill have tno bill before It In time to dispose of the surplus question bcforo the4th of March. If that question la not disposed of by that time , the blame xvill rest upon the demo cratic majority in the house , nnd not upon tbo republican party. TIIK ClIU'l'KVVA IIII.L. The house to-day concurred in the mil to dispose of the reservation of the Chlppowa Indians in-MinncROta. There are some four million acres Involved In this bill , and , under the terms of the measure , us It xvas agreed upon to-day , thu lands are to bo disposed of for the benefit of the Indian * , nnd nro to bo divided up Into agricultural , mineral nnd timber lands. The timber lands nro itald to bo the chief component part of the reservation , nnd it xvas ox'or the timber land qttestion that the controx-ersy xvns maintained. Ordinarily the public domain of the United States xvhich happened to bo cox-crod xvith timber hns been sold to wealthy syndicates nt auction , nnd it hns frequently hnppcucd that rings have boon enabled to sccuro exceedingly valuable grants for very smnll sums of money. This Minnesota bill Initiates n new system. All the lands xvhich way bo designated ns timber lands nro to bo appraised by competent np- prnlscrs. xvho shall estimate the number of 1,000 feet of timber upon each ncre , nnd the lands nre to bo sold nt n price not bcloxv M for each 1,000 foot , board measure , of timber standing upon them. XVIl.t , NOTltBVCIlT , I nm informed ut the adjutant general's ofllco Hi fit the courts fixed the price for tbo lands upon xvhich Fort Omaha is noxv located , and the government paid the owners of the property that price. Therefore the land will not revert upon the abandonment of the fort , to the original oxvncrs. ' PEIIIIY S. HEATH. Ask n Constitutional Amendment. WASHINGTON , Doc. 20. Senator Hoar presented a petition to-day signed by 3,2:13 : citizens of Massachusetts , praying for the adoption of a constitutional amendment xvhich will prohibit thoj interference ot nny religious sect xvith thO system of the com mon public schorls. 1'ho ' petition Is the ex pression of the late public gathering of cltl- 7cns In Boston , held In old Faneull ball , and nsks the senate to speedily frame such a con stitutional amendment for submission to the legislatures of the several states for their ap proval or rejection. JSoxv Postmasters Appointed , WASIIINHTON. Deo. 20. [ Special Telegram to TIIK DEI : . ] Mrs. Khbdn Howard hns boon appointed postmistress at Lambert , Holt county , Neb. , vice Livingston L. Wagers , re signed. lown postmasters appointed : F. .T. Mason , Attica , Marion county , vice Joseph Jennings , resigned ; J. K. Ingulls , Denmark , Lee county , vice William II. Bnbcock resigned ; William M. Sutcliif , Hilton , Monroe county , vice Klizabeth A. Clnrk , resigned ; M. H. Cocbran , Morning Sun , Louisa county. Washington UrcvltlcH. The senate to-day confirmed the army and nax'y nominations except six nexv start ap pointments. Also the folloxving : Thomas 13urke , chief Justice of Washington Terri tory , nnd O. B. Ilallum , deputy llrst auditor of the treasury. In the senate to-day Mr. Sherman intro duced a bill to pay the soldiers of the late xvur xvho xvero promoted xvhllo serving , the bounty they xx-ould hnvo'been entitled to hud they not been promoted. The same provis ion was made regarding soldiers discharged on account of diseases contracted. A ProtcHt From California. SXK FHiNcibCo , Dec. 20. The chamber of commerce this afternoon adopted a resolution xx'hlch will bo forxx'ardod to the California delegation in congress , protesting against a reduction in the duty ou sugar , raisins and fruit , as proposed by the senate tariff bill , TIIK DAKOTA UJjaiOCJtATS. They Hold n Convention to Advance the Cause of Statehood. MITCHELL , Dak. , Deo. 50. At a convention of South Dakota dumocrats to-day for the purpose of taking action to advance the cause of statchoodrdblpfcatcs xvero present from txvcnty-ono couijties. A committee of the leading democrats Of the territory xvas appointed to go \y"nshinjton [ und present the matter to congress. As a compact state ment of the case , the convention adopted a memorial to congress , xvhich , after urging a division on the seventh parallel , and imme diate admission , represents that the division of tlio territory of Dakota , by an east and xvest line , for many years has been desired and expected by its citizens ; that congress has boon memorialized to thut end without ax-nil by sixteen successive legisla tive assemblies ; that , anticipating division throughout all thcso years intorx'enmg since the first settlement of the territory , all hope has been guided und all Interests builded to that end. The constitution adopted nt the election in 1SS5 is considered as proper and in ox-cry xvuy desirable. Immediate action is urged. DKSEKVKD THKlll FATti. The Dead Ueiupcr County Whites AVero Murderous Itiiklux. HAimisnuiio , Pa. , Deo. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.J The most interested man in Harrisburg concerning the rnco xx'nr in ICcniper county , Mississippi , xvhich began Sunday xvith the killing of Henry Muury und Cobb , and thoxx'oundlng of Frank Maury by negroes , is Dr. H. Clay Chisolm , son of Judge Clusolm , who , with his daughter and little son , was murdered in prison by the Kumper county Kuklux on April 29 , 1677. Dr. Chisolm said to-day that the txvo Mnury uoys , xvho xvero shot Sunday , xvoro members of the Kuklux party that killed his father. Txvo years previous , in 1875 , Henry Maury had been chosen to kill Judge Cnisolm while the latter xx-as making a republican speech , nnd this fact xvas told to Dr. Chisolm , then u boy , by Senator Gilmor. xvho xvas afterwards killed by the Kuklur. The lad did not leave Henry Muury's side all day , nnd Judge Chis elm was not assassinated that. day. Dr. Chisolm says the Maurys have been , since they xvere mere boys < the leaders in "nigger huntings" around Wahalka. and ho hag seen more than one poor , wounded negro the vic tim of an election clay shotgun , fired by ono' of the Mnurys. Ho predicted , from xvhat ho has seen , that ox'ery negro in the vicinity xx'ill bo killed or forced to fly the country , * ) - * Tlio IHH | Dopai-H Konnitod. NEW Yomc , Dec , 20. [ Special Telegram to THE But ! . ] The Dies DuBar family is once more reunited , Th male Diss DoBnr xvas released yesterday from Blackwell's Island. Ho began his six months term Juno 20 , or ono day later than aid Miss Sr.lomon , alias Mrs. Diss DoBar. Jvfter breakfast ho xvus given the rather nisty garments ho xvoro when imprisoned , lawyer Marsh's nophoxv , Douglas Alvin Stoiyart , xvas In waiting in -ho prison otHco. und , unn-in-arin , ho xvnlked , vlth Diss Dollar to ( ho landing , xvhero n Inunrh xvas in xvaitlngThu released pris oner refused to sncuK U ) reporters further .him to ask : "Will'you over cout > o to perse cute moJ" ; * Lust evening two theatrical men offered Diss DeBar and his xvjfo frlTiO n xx-cek if they xx-ould travel , the xv'otriau to deliver ono lec ture each even ing. fWhothor Diss DoBnr ac cepted the offer Is not known. Anyway , ho did not seem to dlMIko-tho , Idea , and the once ) rincois voxx-s she xvill lecture again "right : iere In Noxv York.'J ' The Hock Island Dividend. NKW YOIIK , Doc. | 0. The report thnt has jcen current for somojtlmo In regard to a re duction of the Koclc , Island dividend proved xvell founded to-dayj xvhen the company an lounccd that only JyneV cent xvould bo paid to stockholders for.po current quarter. Snloidojpf n Prisoner. NEXV HAVKX , Cdnn. , Deo. 20. Solon G. Jenkins , a prieoncij in the county jail , ac cused of murdering } his futher-In-lnw , hung iluiself In his cell ourly this morning. Hulllvan'H plonoy Covered. BOSTON , Doc. 20 , Hoprescntatlvcs of the Backers of Jake If llraln to-day decided to cover John L. Sullivan's deposit of f 5,000 at tbo Nexv York Clipper oftlco. * A AVoll Known .loimiullHl Dead. BuryAi.o , Dec. 20 , J. N. Matlhexvs , editor and proprietor of the Buffalo Express , died this evening. FROM THE HAffKEYE STATE , Two Important Decisions By the Supreme Court THE CONVENTION OF SHERIFFS. Mrn. DIjjule'H Trial at Mason City Hap- Idly DraxvliiR to a Close A Coal Mine Strike Averted. Tlio 1)ieilu Trial. MASOK CITV , In. , Doc , 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bun. ] For the past txvo days the proceedings in the case of Mrs. Borthti Diggle , charged xvlth poisoning her husband , have been unusually Interesting , nnd the courtroom has been croxvded with attentive listeners. The coso Is proceeding far moro rapidly than xx'ns expected. The state closed Us evidence last night. The defendant's tes timony xvas not all taken to-day , and It Is likely that the laxvyers xvill begin on the arguments to-morrow. Mrs. Mason , nurse of Mrs. DIgglo's little child , testified thnt the relations between husband and child xvero ulxvuys pleasnnt. Just before the Digglcs went to Clarion ho came to see her and xx-as very much excited , so much so thnt she thought ho xvns out of his mind. Charles Hoxvard testified that the deceased xvas In tbo habit of taking morphine pills. D. F. Pugsloy , a trax-oling salesman , testified that Digglo told film that if his wife did not come homo xvith him ho did not care xvhothor he lived or not. To George Sample he said thnt "if sha doesn't coma homo xvith mo 1 xvill kill myself. " Eighteen xx'itncssos , nil from Sioux Falls , testified substantially to the fact that Dlgglo xx'us of a melancholy disposition , and forced family and business conversations upoii everyone , and always became excited xvhen so talking. All thought ho xx'ns moro or less out of his mind. De positions to the same effect xvere ofTored from Kcdfiold , Alexandria and other points in Da kota , xvhero the deceased hud lli'cd. Deposi tions from Philadelphia to the effect thnt Mrs. Digglo's character for morality , truth nnd veracity xvero good , xvero presented. Mrs. Digglo testified that on one occasion , during ono of her husband's spoils of despondency , he threatened her life and his oxvn destruc tion ; that she xx-as derated to her husband , and on account of their pox'erty ho xxwitcd her to ire on the stage. All of her earnings wuru sent to him. It Is thu prevailing opin ion to-night that Mrs. Digglo xvill bo ac quitted. The Supreme Court. Dr.s MOIXE * , la. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEB. ] The supreme court rendered the folloxving decisions to-day : S. C. Gilbert et nl vs Joseph Husman , np- pcllant ; Blackhawk district ; nnlrmcd. G. H. Chnrlton , appellant- H. 11. Sloan ; Marshall district ; nlllrmed. Isaac Garmoo vs 13 , D. Hindlo ct nl , appel lants ; Webster district ; affirmed. Fred V. Boiler , administrator , appellant , vs William Garrettot ul ; Powcshik district ; dismissed. John A. Kelchclt vs G. G. Seal and Lu- clnda Seal , appellants ; Appauooso district. ; nnirmed. Independent district of Sheldon , plaintiff , vs L. W. Apparlo et al , defendants ; Lyon district ; dismissed. State of loxva vs Joseph Story , aupellant ; Harrison district ; nlllrmed. State of loxva vs Mrs. Frank Kcuhiier et al , appellants ; Polk district ; aflirmcd. The Blair-Ioxva Lot nnd Land company , appellant , vs H. B. llillis ; Harrison district ; aOirmcd. Mortimer Hunt xs George Gray , appellant ; iVudubon district ; nlllrmed. St. Paul Fire nnd Marino Insurance com pany , appellant , vs I. H. Shax-er a'ld others ; Linn district ; affirmed. M. M. Seckell , appellant , vs A. J. Norman and others ; Harrison district ; motion sus tained. The State of Iowa vs cortnin intoxicating liquors , P. C. Cummings , claimant ; Buchnnan district ; reversed. The point de cided is that thu nrcscnco of alcohol , regard less of quantity , in liquors , makes them in toxicating under the statute. W. B. Jackson & Sons vs A. C. Molt , ap pellant ; Mnhaska district ; reversed. C. A. Danforth vs Henry Hurlon , appel lant ; Monroe district ; rox-crsed. Albert H. Turner vs M. Younkcr und A. J. Hnrdin , appellants ; Leo district ; reversed. State of loxvn vs Vincent Lucker , appel lant ; Dulaxx'nro district ; reversed. 5C. F. Andrew vs John Concannon , George nnd C. W. Payne , appellants , and S. J. King , M. Nicho's and Stotts and J. M. and R. W. Grcggs , intcrvcnors ; Audubon district ; re versed. The State ex rel W. U. Graham ot al , ap pellants , vs J. D. Nichols et al ; Bluckhuxvk district ; uflirmcd. The A. O. U. AV. Controversy DBS MOINES , la. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BIE. ] The supreme court to-day announced another decision in the protracted Ancient Order of United Work men controversy. This is n rcafllrmatloii of the ono made some years since against those adhering to the national body. The court holds that the A. O. U.V. . is u life and lienlth insurance company , und as such , under the laxv under xvhich the controversy arose , could not as a national organization do business In Iowa xvithout complying xvith .lie insurance laws. The decision is quite sweeping , and xvould uffcct not only the xx-orkmcn but the Knights of Honor , the Modern Woodmen , the N. W. Legion of Honor , und kindred organizations , and nlgo the Odd Fellows , Knights of Pythias , nnd all other institutions xvhich have provisions similar to that of the A. O. U. W. concerning sick benefits. Thu laxv xvus changed in IBbti , since this controversy arose , und the work men nnd nil other fraternities are exempted from complying xvlth the Insurance laws. Trouhlo In thu University. IOXVA CITV , la. , Doc. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BBIJ. ] Quito n litflo breeze of excitement xvas stirred up here by the an nouncement thnt tlio bourd of regents of the university had deckled to re- pjcst the resignation of Dr. Clapp , irofessor of anatomy In the medical Icpartment. The action Is based on a desire to secure harmony In the faculty , und groxvf , out of a disagreement bctxvcen Dr. Peck and [ ) r , Clapp , xvnlch hus been of long stun ding , riio students of thu medical department uro much worked up over the mutter , nnd hold u meeting nt xvhich n committee xvas appointed to draft resolutions against this action , nnd mother cqmmltteu xvan appointed to request Dr , Clapp not to resign. They xvoro very much in earnest , for Dr. Clapp scums to bo a favorite among the great majority of the class. From xvhat Is said outside , the regents made the request that they desired to knoxv xvhen his resignation xvould bo handed in. The lown City Onsen. DEH MOI.VES , In. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele- 'rum to Tin : Bite , ] The supreme court this afternoon filed a decision in the case of the railroad commission against the Hock Island , n xvhut Is known as the loxva City cases. They decided thnt the appeal of the commis sioners has no standing in court. The gov ernor , attorney general nnu commissioners xvero determined thnt the supreme court should pass upon thu issuu of railroad rates nx'olx'cd , although the Rook Island has dis missed thu case in the lower court. The supreme court refuses to consider it , and so declares , xluis saving themselves from un- ucccssarily getting mixed up in this railroad tight. The case arose over an application by .he Rock Island for un Injunction from Judge Falrall to restrain the commissioners from putting iuto effect their schedule of rates. The commissioners asked the judge to dls solve his Injunction , Ho refused. Thu.\ then appealed to the supreme court. Later the railroad dismissed the suit. The com mlssloncrs insisted thnt nevertheless the su jiroino court must pass upon their appeal The court now refuses and dismisses the cuso The Shc'rltTV Convention. DES MOIN'ES , la. , Dec. SO. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEK.J The sheriffs' convciitioi concluded Its work hero to-day by electing the following o.llcers for the next year. President , Sheriff Garrison , of Harrison county ; vice president , Sheriff Palmer , ol Montgomery county ; secretary , Sherif Jones , of Cjiss county. The sheriffs passed a resolution of sympathy xvith-ShorilT Smith of Birmingham , Ahi. , and commended his Imwory and fidelity in resisting the mob. The next state convention xvill bo held ul Ot- tuinxvn. The Cunl Strlku Averted. Four Doixn : , In. , Dec. 20. ISncclul Tele gram to Tun Unn.J The big strike threat ened In the north central Iowa coal mining district has been averted by a satisfactory adjustment of the differences between the operators nnd minors. Concessions were made on both sides. The strikers returned to yvork to-Uny. A"lUlml Plu" Kaldcd. MASON CITV , la. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK Bun. ] A"bltml pig , " xvhich has been successfully operated for the pant two years at Floyd by Francis Doolc. xvas raided yesterday and a largo quantity of beer and whisky xx-os seized. Doolo is noxv in Jail ut Charles City. IjAAVYKIl IIITNKV INSANI3. Culmination of thu SciiNatlunal bhuot- Ini ; Affair in Chlcatto. Cnicxno , Dec. SJ. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UEB.J Laxvyer H. C. Whitney xvas this nftcinoon adjudged Insane in the county court by n jury. Mr. WJjitney xvns the laxv- ycr xvho xx'as shot by Mrs. Mecxiu Kuxvson in Judge Jamleson's court some months ago , and his xx'ounds then reccix'od xvere the cause of his insanity. Dr. Broxx-or , the physician xvho attended Mr. Whitney after the attempt xvas made on his life by Banker Raxv- son's ' xvifo , testified that Mr. Whitney began to shoxv signs of mental distress nbout txvo months after the shooting. "Ho gradually sank. " said the doctor , "and all our efforts to nid him proved unnx-ailing. lie has gonil loxx-er and lower , until ho is nt present suf fering from the most profound melancholy. His insanity Is of that type known as melan choly insanity , but there is not the slightest doubt but that he is insane. Thcso proceed ings hax'o been Instituted that xvo may have him committed to some asylum xvhero he can be properly treated , seeing thnt nothing can bo done for him at homo. " "Do you consider that the mental aberra tion is the result of the pistol shot xvouiut rcceix-ed nt the hands of Mrs. Huxx'Mmt" asked the court. "Yes , sir. nnd ho is undoubtedly insane. " The jury immediately made out n X'erdict finding the xx'cll known luxv.vcr to bo insane und committing him to the Ulgin asvlum. Mr. Whitney xvas shot in Judge Jiitnieson's south side court room ono day last summer , while xx'iiiting for Mrs. Haxvson to make her appearance in a branch of the celebrated di vorce case betxvcen herself and her million aire husband. The shooting one of the most sensationnl occurrences xvhich had ever happened in a Chicago court room. Mrs. Rawson had bean thu day beforu defeated in n branch of the case , which hud found its xvay into the appellate court , nnd In decid ing against thu bunker's xvifc , the late Judge McAllister ndmlnistcrcd a scoring that did not tend to improx'o the temper of the lady , not n very placid one at the best. With n face xvhlio with anger , the lady made her nppcarancu in Judge Jnmieson's court room icxt . It 10 o'clock the day. xvus just in morn- ng. The judge had been sitting at his desk xx'aitlng for the lady to makolior npucurancc. jonernl Stiles , her counsel , xx'as not xvlth ; ier , but ho xvas close behind her , ns ho feared what she xvas nbout to do. No sooner hud he infuriated woman entered the court room ban she drexv a rex'olver from the folds of icr dress , and , leveling it ut the laxvycr , ircd four shots point blank. WKSTEUN THAKKIC MATTKHS. talon on Packing House Products to Ho Rentored on January J. CmoAoo , Dec. 20. At n meeting of the mnnngcrs of the lines in the Western Freight xssociation to-day it xvas decided that xvnst- crn and southxvestcrn freight rules bo re stored on January 1. Rates xvill bo advanced to a basis of 25 cents on packing house pro ducts und 20 cents on live hogs , Kansas City o Chicago , and 27J < j and 20 cents , respect- .vely , from Omaha. Lumber , Chicago to southxx'cstcrn Missouri river points , xvill bo 0 cents. The agreement provides that , in iddition to the penalty already prescribed , any road found guilty of cuttim ? rates shall divide xvith the competitors tlio excess of 'rclglit earnings accruing to it on that ac count. The committee on the reorganization of Colorado trafllo mutters also ro- ) orted to-day. The plan comtomplutos 1 separate organl/ntlon of the roads engaged n the Colorado-Utah truffle , entirely inde pendent of the Western Freight association , of xvhich it noxv forms a part. It is to em brace not only lines xvest of tbo Missouri rix-or , but also lines running from Chicago and St. Louis to connect xvith those roads , thereby combining sovural divisions' the Colorado-Utah association. The plan xvill bo considered to-morroiv. An Important Medical Discovery. ' CIIATTAXOOOA , Teiin. , Doc. 20. Dr. Jeeves , thq eminent mlcroscopist , has been studying the tissues , livers and kidneys of the patients xvho died xvith yolloxv fever , and discovered n micro-organism thut closely re sembles u specific germ. Thu mico-orguiiism s bacillus , nnd nothing liku It xx-us over bu- ere found by Dr. Reeves. The doctor hope * that the discovery will provo successful in letcrinlnlng the specific germ of yellow 'ever , and thut proper culture xvill bo found for it before the next bummer. Important Telephone ST. Louis , Dec. 20. The telephone case , o determine xvhcthor the municipal lissom- ) ly of this city has the right to establish rentals for the use of telephones , xvas de cided to-day by the bupremo cojrt against the city. The chief point of the decision is .hat municipalities cannot control rates charged by a corporation receiving its charter und franchises from thu state. The matter xvill bu taken before the legislature xvhen it convenes next month. , Horn on the CurH. Nob. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele- ram to TUB Bfi.J ! : The authorities hero xvero called upon last night to take charge of a Btill-born child found In u water closet of ho B. & M. passenger train bound xvest , H s asceitnlncd that it xvas u premature birth > y a xvidoxv xvho xvas removed from the .ruin nnd tuken to a hospital in Lincoln. Ilio bubo XXMS buried hero to-day by the authorities. No Inquest xvus held. The AVont worth Monolilh. CKICAGO , Deo. 20. The seventy ton of granite monolith to mark the grave of ex- ilnyor "Long John" Wonlworth was success- 'ully placed in u permanent position nt Uoso 1111 cemetery this afternoon , A largo mini- jcr of engineers und architects were umoni ; ho crowd of spectators. 0 i Coal Miners in Convention. PiTTSiiuno , Pa. , Dec , 20 , A delegate con vention , representing nearly ' .1,000 miners in his district , is In session hero to-day , The object of thu meeting is to discuss the best ueuns for the cnforccmcut of the T'J-ccnt ruto , HIS PRECIOUS BROWN EYES , That's What n Slcntitiff Rink Artist Culled Another Man's \Vlfo. A BIT OF SCANDAL FROM THE HUD Moot's Uriel * Honeymoon xtliiK l.otliuHo Slain Hilled Jlls liliiflniM-'s Alutuotor A Tcnulier Fatally Itcatcn. A Victim of lite SUitllnn Hlnk. HOSTOX , Mass. , Deo. SO. The Smith scan dill , \vlilcli luis been engaging social circle nt Dcdhum fur KOIIIO time. 1ms llimlly oomu tt an end by thu court granting Mrs. Smith' * petition tor separate maintenance. K , B. Smith Is a prominent Boston Leather merchant chant , mul some dozen years up ) liu married his \vlfo and not up n Imndsoino liouiu ill ! Dcdham. ' 1'ho couple moved In high social circles , mul nothing but happiness reigned In tlio elegantly furnished rosldiince. Two- children , now licaiitlfnl young girls , xvoro born tiMlieni. In lhS.1 Mr. Sinltii concluded to tako'up u summer residence lit Nnntnskotj While there Mrs. Sinltii , xvho was then only thirty .yours of ago nml n.trurHvo in appear. unco , was a constant visitor at the slcutinij rink. There she was taught the art of gilding - ; ing ovur the smooth surface of the Moor by the instructor , whoso name i Henry Mooroi A lively correspondence sprung up between them , and In his letters Moore called Mrs ; Smith Ins "darling" ami his "precious brown eyes. " Mr. Smith became jealous of his ] wife's actions , but she turned the tables oil him and in return charged her husband xvltli being too intiuutc with her younger sister. She left her husb.ind for this , and her suit for maintenance Is now sustained. A Wife Kor n Day. HorunoN , Ind. , Dec , 'JO. Nelson Hnlnes , of this place , went to Indianapolis Saturday evening by appointment , and soon after was married to Miss May Meet , Then ho pur chased two tickets for Plymouth , but the urido gux'o various excuses for not wishing to Lake the train , and that night they spent with friends In the city. On Sunday she disap peared , and was not found until to-day. She admitted she had ran away from "Nels , " mil added she had no Intention of returning ; o him. bho has been living hero for iho lust twelve monthti , and there is a suspicion that mother young man has succeeded in winning : ier affections. At last ucjounts she still per sisted in her determination not. to live with. Hiiines. When asked why slio refused to Jeep her marriage vow , she said : "Bocauso 1 don't wan'tto. ' " A Wroiifjod IIiis'ianilM Herengo. Nicnonsvii.u : , Ky. , Dee.0. . Ed MclCoo and JCd Shotwell are young fanners and to- jacco men living near huro. Shutwell is a married man , and has a beautiful .voting wife. McKee throw a Miudow over the llfq of the happy husband , and boasted of his inJ tinmoy to others. Last night Sholwell , armed with a Smith it Wesson , inetMcICec and said 10 had come for a settlement. McKee said 10 was ready to settle any \\ay. Snot well said he would settle that moment , with pis- ols. Ho immediately drew and lired three shots before McICco could cry out that ho unarmed. Ho is shot in the abdomen- shoulder and hand , und it is feared the first von nil will prove fatal , Shotwell miido Ills escape. Killed flln Daughter's Abductor. LEAVEXNOIITII , Ind. , Dee. 20. George W. Davis , of Marietta , whoso daughter Lilllo vas abducted and ruined by William Tj. Gregory , the Indicted White Cap , shot Greg ory dead to-day , in this city. Mr. Davis was heart-broken over the ruin f his clulil , and his friends have known for omo time that in case ho met Gregory ho vouul kill him. Gregory was indicted oa ovcral counts , and was to have been triea December 3 ! lit this phico. Ho loft Marietta Saturday , and returning hero fell in the way f the enraged father , whose child's life ho uul blighted , and was killed. Scholars Fatally Kent n Toucher. WICHITA , Kan. , Dec. SO. Thomas McCon- nclly , a school teacher at Amhilc , n town flf- ccn miles west of hero , was horribly beaten > y some of his pupils yualuruny morning , and t is thought it will be Impossible for him to ccovcr. McCoimolly was employed by the board of ducation for four months , and given promlso f eight months' employment , ns ho claims , 'ho four months will ho out Friday , and ha vas notilied this morning that at the close of he four months ho could consider himself .Ismissed. On opening school tills mornliiK 10 addressed the pupils on the matter ana ofcrred to the board in strong terms. A son ot one of the members of the school > oard arose , ana in answer to a statement ; lulled the teacher a liar. He started for tlio joyand was met hi'loose pieces of furnlturo rom all directions from a do/.en or moro ) oys ranging In ages from fifteen to twenty , la responded by throwing whatever could jo used for that purpose. A pitched battle ensued nml lasted some xvenly minutes , when finally a chair hit the eaclier on thu head , bringing him to the oor , when ho was pounced upon by the \ngry boys , und had the disturbance not ut- ractcd tlio attention of outsiders It Is thought hey would have made nuieh work of him , as vhen he was rescued he was horribly bruised , no arm broken and his skull fractured. It s thought IU ) cannot recover , Four of the pupils engaged In the light ecolvcd slight injuries , while a Httlo girl vas also sljghtly hurt. There is quite a bitter fueling In the neighborhood over the natter , and it is feared that there will ho urthor trouble. Southern 1'ratau For liiii.Mi.voiuM , Ala , , Doc. SO , The dolegn- Ion of manufacturers , etc. , from this city , vlio visited ( icncral Harrison , returned this norning. Fred L. Sloss , one of the dologa- Ion , remarked : "Wo will not know whether ve live In Indiana or Alabama HO far as the riiutmont wo receive from General liar- ison's administration Is concerned , " Hccovorcd From Stouk GnmblorH. BOSTON , Dec. SO. The Jury In the casts f Mrs. 1 'rebel against Hales & Walley , lock brokers , to recover { 09,01X1 alleged to. iavo been lost in speculation bv her son , rc- urncd u verdict In favor of the plaint ! ! ! for ; ( . f(5,000. _ _ Three Men Killed. . HOUBTON , Tex. , Doc. SO , A construction rain on thu Arkansas PUSJ railway XVUH Uo- ullcd near hero yesterday , and A. Howard , ' Icnry Hoberts und Antoine Carlson xvoro illlcd , Three other men were seriously In- urca- Workci-H KMilencl. ( NKW VOIIK , Dec. 20. ICdward Meredith , vho was charged with assault with Intent to (111 ( Phil , was acntenced to eight yearn uul ten months' hard labor in state prUon , und Hermann , his confederate , to six years ind cloven months. Tim llonoralilo Arllllory. LONDON , Dec. 20 , Iii the commons this iftcrnoon , Stanhope , secretary of war , 'cplylng to a ijucstlon , denied that the rjuooit md withdrawn the honorable artillery cow * tally's ' warrant. * A I'tilul CnlllHlon. Mi.NKEAimift , Dec , SO. The Chicago er ircss run Into the De Molnca express herd ant night , and ICnglnccr Mnhcr was mil sculdrd to death. Engineer Ttuipcr ana Express MmouKer Moore were badly cut and bculdc't ,