Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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A Bearish Tondority Still Prevail-
In Whont.
Provisions Kxpcrlpncc No Itntllcnl
ClinriRC Cnttlc Slow nnd UiiBntln-
factory 1 1 ORB , Demand Fair ,
but Prices Uneven.
CHICAGO , Dec , 10. [ Special TclcRrara to
THE Uun.l The moral effect of tlio millers'
convention In Milwaukee was bearish. It
generated and promoted n feeling In tavor of
lower prices , ntul with the speculative ole
mcnt to feel Is to net. Without going to the
trouble of analyzing the situation too critic
ally , It was clearly to bo seen that it must bo
to the Interests of the millers to sco lower
price * prevail , else they would not have coino
together In this ostentatious and public fash' '
ion to advertise the dullness of the ( lour
trnda and the hopelessness of maintaining
prices for ( lour except bv the creation and
maintenance of an Impossible trust. H did
not appear on the surface that the millers
had done four or five months' business in the
Bpaco of a montli or six wcuks , nnd that hav
ing neither wheat to carry , nor nn urgent
demand for Hour to moot , they have nothing
to los" , and nro therefore deslr
ous of seeing wheat decline to a
point at which they may stock up
with the raw material to advantage , by the
tlmo the fresh supplies of the mnnulncturcd
goods might bo needed. This was a feature
that was not advertised , The effect was ob
trudcd Into view , but the cause , viz , the
prob.ihlo nculcot on the part of the majority
of the millers to fay In stocks of wheat when
it was cheap , was not enlarged upon. Tlio
only thing to which attention Is publicly
culled is the dullness of thu Hour trade nnd
the anxiety of producers to see prices lower
in order that they might tlnd n market for
Hour tliut had already been sold and had
passed Into consumption , and upon which
they cannot therolore loseanything. . This
phase of the situation did nut occur to n ma
jority of the opcratois , who could only sec
that the millers are bearish ; and without
stopping to Inquire why they nro be.irlsh ,
the nveraio.operator proceeded to sell wheat.
It does not follow that , because of this half
knowledge of the situation , ui on which many
operations were commenced , that prices may
not go lower. Many little things are springIng -
Ing up to fuvor the bears. For instance , the
Into futures huvo been gradually crawling
to a round premium ovcrwhere , in the north
west as well as in the cast , nnd thrifty and
forehanded millers nnd others who accumu
lated wheat when It was cheap are taking
out Insurance by selling in the best market
against their own holdings. If they need
wheat to grind , they can buy in their own
options , and if they do not need it to grind ,
they can forward it. The forehanded seller
who takes out nn insurance of this kind
seems to have as nearly a sure tiling as
mortals are often able to secure. The local
market ruled weak nnd lower. It opened
J c off , and hardly iot is head above
water till day. May opened at JI.IOV , sold
off to f I.O X , up to Jl.lO'f ' , back to fl.OUK ,
up to Jl 011 % , down again to Sl.O'.IJ ' , up to
11.10 , and back to $ UXI % where it closed.
There was considerable aetlUty In .Tune and
July , more perhaps than on any previous
day. July sold fully l ) e lower than yester
day , getting down close to ? 1.00. December
opened at $1 0-1 ' 4 , ranged to { l.Ol tul.bSJff.
and closed at the bottom. January opened
ntJl.05. ranged to $1.05I < ( rM.OIK. and closed
at tl.01 % The speculative operations were
not on u very heavy scale. The trading was
local. The the millers'
largely action.of con
vention , recommending restriction in pro
duction , and the increase of 400,000 bushels
In the amount on passage , with no shipments
from the Atlantic ports , and a by no means
easy money market , were the bearish fea
tures , and in fact about the only feature of
Importance. Keam was quoted as n
seller early , and Hutchlnson as a
big buyer on the soft spots. Fail-bank was
Erobably a buyer , nnd Lyon traded freely
ack nnd forth , though more with a view ,
apparently , ot breaking the boycott against
him than to either odd to or rcduco his line
of wheat. It is not plain that there has been
any special change in the attitude , of the
caders , except , perhaps , nn intcnsitication
of their earnestness. The loss on the day
was nearly Ic.
The receipts of corn wore less by seventy
cars than yesterday's estimates , and of 19S
cars received only eight were No. 2. Not
withstanding this , the market was weak nnd
Boilers were more numerous than buyers.
Nearly all of yesterday's advance m the
speculative market was yielded back again
to day , the pressure to soil at the higher
range having been greater than the market
could stand. The closing tl.nrcs show de
clines for the day of from % o to % o in the
leading futures.
Provisions experienced no radical change.
Trading opened under the buying of the
shorts , with a good showing of strength , nnd
for a time the tendency favored the selling
interest. On this demand subsiding , how
ever , tho" market weakened. The old bear
clement took the conservative course that
characterized their operations yesterday and
consequently there was no serious drop in
prices. In its fluctuations back and forth ,
pork covered a range of 20@ioc , lnrd7K@l ° "
nna short ribs of 7.J c. The shorts were
about the only buyers , and the number of
contracts provided against doubtless reduced
materially the short interest in trade. Ont-
sidu investors nro Just now doing little or
nothing , nnd with the distributors and ox-
porters' purchases of the cash product are
under the average amount for this season.
Cash lard sold to-day at $ S.ll8.1' ) % Now
York green shoulders at Co , and 10-lb green
Jiams at 89 < c. Short ribs for forward deliv
ery closed the sumo as yesterday ; lard , same
to 2 } < o lower , and pork only Do lower.
CHICAGO , Dec. 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKK. ] CITTI.K The general market
was slow , unsatisfactory and the turn rather
downward , some salesmen reporting big cat
tie substantially lower , with the chances
that quite n number would liavo to bu car
ried over. Dressed beef dealers were not
operating to any great extent , buying n few ,
of course , as in the past weoic or two , but
none of the four were buying : anything like
tin average. The shipping demand was light ,
yet better than yesterday. The run of Tex-
tins wns light , and such as canncrs could use
showed rather stronger. The light run of
Tuxans , as is usual , helped to sell cows and
Lcifcrs. The stocker and feeder
trade remains quiet , but dealers look
tor nn Improvement. A deputation of Vir
ginians arrived last night , which is quite an
addition to the buying force. Cliolco to
extra beeves , I5.IIOM5.50 ; medium to good
tcors , to 1500 Ibs , M.40@Ti.00 ; 1200 to
law Ibs , f3.25 ( 4. J5j 050 to 1200 Ibs , * 2.85@
0.20 ; stdckers and feeders. $ J.10ft3tO ( : ; cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , steady , il.40@0,10 ; bulk ,
t2.10@2,40 : Texas cattle stroufc'or , steers ,
| 2.W ! ( < i3.00 ; cows , fl.75@3.UO.
Hous The demand was fair , but prices
were rather uneven. Northwestern salesmen -
men generally quoted values a nickel or so
higher. In Burlington and Hock Island di
visions prices were steady early , but rather
weak at the closo. Common and rough
packers sold at fl.OOQ5.10 ; best mixed
largely at 15.1 ( 5.15. some lots touching
| 5.17 > f ; best heavy. 15.21) . with a sale or two
at * 3.2i Light B'orts sold Ht (5.15 for 1'JO Ib
to 200 Ib averages , at 15.18 for 180 Ib aver
ages , at 15.20 for 170 Ib averages on the singe
order , and { 5.20 for light weight.
NRW VOIIK , Doc. 19. fSpoclal Telegram
to TUB UBE.I STOCKS The stock market
this morning opened weak and irregular , the
first sales being made at declines from last (
evening's ' figures , extending to % per cent ,
and these losses were supplemented by fur
ther fractional declines in early trading.
Transactions were confined to a few slocku ,
Lackawanna and St. Paul being the moat
prominent. Smaller trader * were soiling
and commission house * were buying moder
ately , while London wai conspicuous by its
almost entire absence , having only a few
selling orders. In St. Paul nnd Union Pa
cillc , a reaction followed from the lowefc
prices , which brought the list again to the
level of the opening figures ; St. Paul , Hock
Island and Richmond & West Point prc
fcrrcd showing the most animation , It Is
positively asserted that the next dividend on
Hock Islund will not be over 1 per cent , nm
a great many short contracts In that stock
were covered lo-dny. Washington advices
say the Union Pacific funding bill will not go
through at this session of rongress , and con
scqucntly no settlement with the govern
ment can be made , nnd no dividend can bo
declared. Considerable selling of stock on
this Information was Indulged In by Insiders
yesterday ana this morning. Stocks In tno
loan crowd arc In good supply this morning.
Indicating that long stocks have been sold
Toward noon Ino Market became more actlvo
and slrongcr. Dispalchcs from Chicago re
port Iho adoption of favorable prices at n
meeting of western managers there , nnd it Is
believed that rates In the west nnd south'
west will bo restored by the beginning of the
new year. The harmonious result of the
southwestern meeting at Chicago Induced n
free buying of stock , especially grangers
and the best prices of the day were just before
fore the closo. Coal stocks also closed very
firm , the net gains for the day showing St
Paul , l ! Hock Island , lj.f ; Northwest , :
Union Pacific , < ; Missouri Pacific , ft ; Head
Ing'if ; nnd Lnckawanna , 1 percent. The
total transactions nggrccated 200,223 shares
Including St. Paul , 22,000 ; Northwest , 11,000 :
Hock Island , 13,000 ; Lnckuwanna , 2,1,000 :
Heading , 50,000 ; Lake Shore , -1,000 ; Union
Pacillc , 7,500 ; Hichmoud Terminal , 13,000 ,
The following were the closing quotations :
U.S. 4 * regular. . . 127 jNortlfcrn I'ncltlo. . 24M
U.S. 4sconnoni. . I2H do preferred SS'
t'.S.4'srotriilar ' loaVC. * N. W 10.V
IT.S.I'isconpons. ' 10Hi4 | lopreferred , , . . .UO
I'acItlcOsof 'Oi . . .ll'J I.V. V. Central 107
Central I'.i"lllc . Ill" I' . , I ) . & 1J si {
Chicago Ac Alton . 1DJ1 , Hock Island IK1H
A QiiliW 107U do preferred'l ! ! ! ! (
D..I..AC W. . . .l.W1. St. I'ailKV Omaha. . Id
Illinois Central li5t : ! | doprcfcrreil . . . . VJ
I..II.\\V 1,1 lUnlnnl'Acitlc tt !
Kansas \ Texiis l.l < jiW..St. L , . A. 1 > 12' '
I.nki-SliDro . . lOJv do preferred. . . . 24
Michigan Central US' , Western Union KJ > i
Mlsf.ourll'.iciflc . . . 71 |
MONKY ON CAM. Easy nt 3 per cent.
PKIME MEIIOANTILG 1'Ai'cit 5@0j per
STEIIMSO Exciu von Easier nttl.SIJf for
sixty-day bills , and M.SS { for demand.
CIIICAOO. Dec 10 , 1:15 p. in. close.Vhqnt
Steady ; cash , 11.03'tf ; January , t
May , Si.MJf.
Corn Easy ; cash , 34c ; January ,
May , ; )711-ltic. )
Oats Steady ; cash , 25r. ! ; January ,
May , 88 W-lOc.
Rye 51c.
Jiarioy Nothing doing.
Prnno Timothy No trading.
Fla$1.00. .
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Steady ; cash , S12.S5 ; January ,
f 12.05 ; May , * 13.32V , ' .
Lard Easy ; cash , JS.12 < ; ; Jnnimry ,
57.77 ; May , $7. < Oi.
Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter wheat ,
$3.75 ( 5.75 ; spring wheat , f4.25J5J.75 ( ; rye
Bulk Meats Shoulders , ? ( > .75 ( < ? G.S7'- :
short clear , S7.U7k'7.50 ; short ribs. $ O.S5 ( !
0.00. .
Bntter Easy ; creamery , 21@39c ; dairy ,
Eirgs Easier ; fresh , 20@21c.
Hides Unchanged ; he.ivy green salted ,
oj < fe ; li ht preen salted , O'/c ' ; grucii , Sc ;
salted bull , 5'c ; green bull , Hjc : green
dry Hint , 7lj' i5c ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; brandol
hides , 15 per cent off ; deacons , 25@3Jo each ;
drv salted , 10 ( < l5c.
Tallow Fair demand ; No. 1 , solid 55-n c ;
No. 2 , 4Ko ; calte. fi c.
Cheese A shade lirnicr ; full cream ched-
dais , 10 @llc ; flats , lO dJlUic ; Young
Americas , ll } ( < $ l'Jc.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17,000 10,000
Wheat bu 211.000 25,000
Corn.bu 2s5,000 312,000
Oats , bu 100,000 147,000
Uyo , bu . . . .
KansiiH City , Dec. 19. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 red , cash , D'Jc asked ; January , $1.00
asked ; May , $1.01 bid ; No. 2 soft , cash ,
* 1.CO asked ; January , 93ic bid ; May. ? 1.05
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2 i4' > c bid ;
May , 29 0 bid ; No. 2 white , May , 29 0
Oats No. 2 , cash , 22 c asked ; May , 2lc
Cincinnati. Dec. 19. Wheat Dull nnd
lower ; No. 2 red , S1.04.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27@2So.
Whisky Quiet at S1.14.
Minneapolis , Dec. 19. Wheat dull ; re :
ceipts , 148 cars , shipments , 88 cars. Closing
quotations : No. 1 hard. December , 51.19 ;
May , $1.2 < % ; on track , Sl.00ftgl.10 ;
No. 2 northern , December , 99c ; January ,
$1.00 ; on traclf , OOc fl.OO.
Milwaukee , Dec. 19. Wheat Easy ;
cash. OCc ; May , * 1.03) { .
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 31c.
Oats -Dull ; No. 2 white , 27 > tf@2Sc.
Hyo Easier ; No. 1 , 51 } c.
Uarloy Dull but Ilrm ; No. 2 , fi7c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $12.95.
St. Jjouls. Dec. 19. Wheat Lower ;
cash , $1.01J < f ; May , S1.07tf@1.07Jf.
Corn Lower ; cash , aoo ; May , 34Yc.
Oats Lower ; cash , - o ; iMay , 2S .
Pork-Dull at $18.73.
Lard ? 7.80.
Whisky Steady at $1.14.
Butter Quiet and unchanged ; creamery ,
230c ; dairy , 23 < a2lo.
Now Vork. Dec. 19. Wheat Recemts ,
30,000 ; exports , none ; spot market dull ,
weak and lower ; No. 3 red , $1.03 in elevator ,
$1.0fliafloat , $1.0.yf < 31.07& f. o. b. ; No. 3
rod , ls4c. ) Options dull , lower nnd steady ,
No. 2 red , January , closing at $1.05 > .
Corn Hocoipts , 107,000 ; exports , 53,000 ;
spot market active , , strong and JjOft'ifc
higher ; No. 2 , 4GK@47c In elevator. 47 % @
float ; ungraded mixed , 37@lSic ) ; No.
! l , 41@l2J.jc ; options dull nnd steady.
Oats Kecolpts , GS.OOO ; exports. 183 ; spot
market moderately actlvo and flriner ; op
tions more actlvo and stronger , Jnnuarv
closing at 3lc ; No. 2 white , 3l'f3IV ( ! < c ;
mixed western , 29@32c ; white western ,
Coffee Options closed steady nt 40@05
points above yesterday. Sales , 51,250 bags ;
January , * 14.05@15 10 ; February , $14.bTi ©
15,15 ; Spot Kio stronger and dull ; fair car
goes , f 17.00.
Petroleum Quiet andsteady ; united closed
Eggs-Firm ; western , 23@24c.
Pork Quiet.
Lard About steady ; western steam , fS.45 ;
January , fS.10 bid ,
Hutter Qnlct ; western dairy , 14@25c ;
western creamery , 19 ( < 7yio ; Elfins , ai@35c.
Cheese Western , 10@llJiC.
fjlvorpool , Dec. 10. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB UKE.-3:80 ] : p. in. Closo.-Pork Holders
offer freely ; prime mess , eastern , tils 3d ,
steady ; do western , 70s , steady.
Lard Holders offer spot sparingly and fu
tures moderately ; spot , 44s Ud , steady ; Do-
comber. 44s , dull ; January aud February , 42s
Od , dull.
Wheat Holders offer moderately now ,
No , 2 , winter , 8s , steady ; do spring , 8s Id ,
steady. ,
Flour Holders offer moderately ; 12s , firm.
Corn Holders offer moderately ; spot , 4s
0)fd , steady ; December , 4s Od , dull ; Janur
ary , 4s 3d , steady ; February , 4s 2 } d , steady. "
Glilcauo , Deo. 19 The Drover * ' Jour
nal rcDortsns follows :
, Cattle Ilccclpts , 11,000 ; market slow
and weaker : beeves , $5.UO@5.50 ; steers , $3.85
Q5.00 ; stockers and feeders , $ -MOu3.30 ( ;
COWB. bulls and mixed , $1.40&3.10 ; Texas
cattle , $1.76Q3.00.
Hogs Hccelpts , 20,000 ; market opened
stronger , but closed weaker ; mixed , (3,00
B5.20 ; heavy , $5.05Q5.'J5j light , $1.9305.25 ;
skips , $3.'J5@4.80.
bhoon-Hccolnts 6,000 ; market strong ;
natives , $ ' . > .50 < tt5.10 ; western , $3.40ft 423 ;
Texan * , rJ.30@3.20t lambs , $3.00@0.00.
'Kansas Olty , Dee , 10. Cattle Receipts ,
0,000 { shipments , 1,400 ; market ( low ; cuolc-
oat beef steers and choice cows steady ,
others 10o lower : good to choice
corn-fed. fi.50@4SJ ; common to medium ,
t3.2iX24.SO ; stocbors and feeding atc'eri , { 2.00
: grass range steers , $3.00t 2.SO ; cows
Hops Receipts , 10,40 , ) ; shipments , 250
market weak nnd uwioc lower.
National Stock Ynrcl . Bast Sr.
bouN , Dec. 19. Cattle Kccelpts , 2,300
shipments , 2txK ) ; market weak ; cholc
heavy nntiva steers , $1.40 ( < ? 5.4 < ) ; stocker
and feeders , fair to good , 12 U0f/3.20 | ; rang
ers , corn-fed , $ < 00 1.10 ; graw fed , 33 OO&S
4.10 ; grass-fed , $2.10rf3.10. (
Hogs Hcccipts. 8,200 ; shipments , 1,000
market easy ; choice heavy nnd butchers'
$5 KXtfo.20 ; packing , medium to prime , 15.0
( g5 15 ; light grades , fl.feOtfji.sS.
Wednesday. Dec. 19. 1898.
The market was lower again to-day nm
very slow , not opening until late and then
with no llfo to kocp the trade moving. Ttv
dressed beef men are much lighter buyers
than usual , by reason of the heavy falling of
in the demand for beef , Incident to the neil
day season. At the same tltifb receipts have
been unusually heavy nt nil eastern market
nnd the offerings much larger than the dc
mandwhich has left sellers practically at the
mercy of buyers. Shippers have the oppor
tunlty of choosing between the two coals
keeping the catllo at home until after the
holidays or shipping them to the market am
glvinir them away. To-day it was about Im
possible to Induce a buyer to look at nn j
heavy cattle , even if they were
very choice , but they seemed to prefer
for the mndium weight fat beeves , payint ,
mostly f.t.OKg0.60 ( for steers averaging fron
a little over n thousand pounds up to twelve
hundred nnd over. Cows arc selling any
where from 203100 lower tlinii the lirst o
the week , and thcro were very few hca (
that sold over $2.25. while it required goo (
stock to bring $2.00 or even $1.IK ) . The
feeder market , which has retnninci ) abou
stationary , In spite of the decline on other
kinds of cattle , is very nearly as high as the
bcof market. Good feeders are bringing
$3 00 , and a very choice bunch sold to-day a
$ . ' 1.25 , whllo cattle which have been warmer
up ( in corn and shipped in for beef uro not
bringing any more.
Tno buyers started out this morning payIng -
Ing 5c higher for good light hogs and stronj ,
pi fees for other grades. Thu advance , how
ever , was of short duration and soon lost ,
the market closing fully Go lower than the
opening. About eight loads were left over
unsold , the holders being unwilling to accept
copt the prices. The tradu was
slow , salesmen refusing to sell early at the
prices bid , but in the end "being compelled to
take what was offered , and , in some cases ,
less than what they were offered in the
morning. One very choice load reached
$5.15. and a few loads $5.10 , but $5.00 was the
popular prlco at which thu bulk of the bogs
There were plenty of sheep here , but the
trade was slow and not much doing. The
same thine that ails the cattle market has
apparently struck the sheep market too
much poultry.
Itcueipt ? .
Cnttlo 1.500
Hoes t 6,200
Sheep 700
Prcvnlliusi Prltjm.
The following is a tibia of prissi pill In
this martjot for the graJoi of stocr men
Primesteers. 1300 to 1500 Ib j. . M.,10 © 1.50
Prime steers. 1103 to 13 JO ibi. . 3.25 id3.80
Native feeders 2.75 ( S8.00
Western feeders 2.00 ( d2.)0 ! )
Common to good cows 1.2) ( a2.00
Choice to fanoy cows 2.23 ( < M.OO
Comtnonto choice balls 1.25 (32.00 (
Fair tocnoicongnthoes 4.S5 ( H5.00
Fairtocnoioo iii-avv (1023 ( 5.00 ( $5.15
Fair to choice mixed hoss1,90 ; ( ( 5.10
KcpreHUiuaiiva 3 xlo J.
No. AV. Pr.
'j bulls 1310 $1,00
40 cows 11117 1.70
11 cows 1200 1.75
a bulls 15SO 1.75
Ibull IbOO
41 cows 1042 1.90
lUcows 1013 LSI
ID cows 9SS 1.90
19cows 994 210
15 cows 1031 2.15
II ) cows 1009 2.20
18 cows 1272 3.25
IScows 1100 2,25
Icow 1370 2.50
18 stockers 8(56 ( 8.50
12 stockci-s 729 205
53 stockcrs 719 2.05
29 feeders 937 2.75
Sfeodcrs 1000 2.75
7 feeders 1045 2.75
2 feeders 1210 2.75
40 steers 100. ) 3.00
19 steers 1113 8.15
20 cows and steers 1090 3.20
20 steers 1133 8.25
4li steers 1179 3.35
12 steers 1333 3.40
18 steers , natives 1243 8.45
30 ? steers , corn-fed 1293 3.45
18 steers 1227 3.45
10 steers 1179 8.60
37 steers 1801 3.50
2lsleers 1190 8.50
14 sleers 1271 3.50
17 steers 18)0 ) 0.55
13 steers 1200 805
ISstoera 1209 8.75
No. Av. Shit. Pr. _ No.
05. . 260 $4.87)4 ) 03.
79. . 240
69. . , . w4O 210
59. . , i279 100
07. . . .233 200
71. . . .221 120
04. . . .280 100
. .278 2 0
07 ! ! . .257 100
05. . . .203 300
57. . , .802 240 l
03. . , .300 240
03. . , .2S5 COO
72. , 208 100
03. . , 253
57. . . .324 320
M. . , .292 210
CO. . . .802 440
55 , . , .323 300
01. . , .208 SO
' 59. . , .257 200
50. . , .287 100
307 . , .30-2 800
S4. . , .251 440
02 , . , .274
OS. . , .21)0 ) 200
01 , . , .247 100
00. . , .293
( H. . , .295 SO
01. . , .2r4 100
57. . , .329 200
74. , .251 SO
07..255 240
Live Stock Noteo.
Keep your cattle at homo.
rjHogs open higher , close lower.
MarK Hlanchard , Creston , la. , was nt the
yards , the guest of his sons , M. F , and J. li.
Ulanchard , of the ilrm of Palmer , Hichman
Sioux City received to-day 3,700 hogs ; St.
Paul 8,000 : St. .loo 900 ; Indianapolis 0,500 , ;
Cincinnati O.bOO . ; St. Louis 7,000 , and Mil-
wauko 8,000.
Hogs are selling 35o lower than a month
ago , 65o lower than two months ago , 25o
lower than a year ago. $1.00 higher than two
years ago , and $1.05 higher than thrco years
The Chicago Market Hovlow in speaking
of the cattle market nays : What can the
country bo thinking of when they "turn
looso" on us 15,000 cattle In ono day right
before the holidays ! Do they imagine that
everybody will continue to consume the
usual quantity of beef , notwithstanding the
fact that poultry can now bo bought at about
one half the cost of that commodity I A
Fruits , Produce , Ktc. O
BUTTEII Fancy , solid-packed creamery , i
20@30e ; choice country , 2'225o ; medium
grades , 18 ( < ? 81c ; common grades , 10@14o.
FLOCK Nebraska patpits , $ o.00@7.50 ;
Minnesota patents , tO.'JM7.75 ; straight
grades , $5.00 ( < f5.50 ; bakers' llour , $5.2505.75
per obi.
POTATOES Nebraska , 33@l5o per bu ; Col
orado , 00(3700. (
SWEET POTATOES 3(33 ( > 4o per Ib.
Poui/niv Live chickens , $3.50@3.75 per
doz ; dressed chickens , 7@Sc per Ib ; turkeys ,
UCLtllo ; ducKs nnd goose , lW < S12o.
Kaos Strictly fresh , 2J@84o candled.
MALAGA UiurEi In kegs , I2o per it ) .
HAJUNAS Common , tl.W2.85 ) per bunch :
choice , $ J.60@3.60.
LKMONS $3.75@5.00 per case.
OIUNOZS Florida , t3.83@3.T5 per liox.
GAMB-Pcr down : Mnllarilx , $3.5 ; teal ,
$1.50 ; quail , t2.W ; prnlrto chlclccns. fl.tXXij
4.50 : rabbits , $1.W. ; squirrels. ? l OJ ; venison ,
JS.OO ( < | 9.00 per bbl.
Hnim , N'o. I , llo ; No. 2 ,
10'jc ' : shoulders. 740 ; rib bi-on , lie ; clear
bacon. 11 V ; pluile hums lUc ; dried boot
hams. lOJ c , dry snltcd clears , short. Slci
extra short. " > V ? short ribj. S'jC ' ; pirklcd
pips' feet , la-lb kits. SOc ; lard , i' OHc ;
smokcJ sausage , > jJSo IKT Ibj hog cusings ,
KilSc. (
CELKnt 2.Vi.TOpcr ( do ? : fancy , 40c.
OMOXS 30jJik' per biii
CtnnAOE M 00 per HO.
UEETS lOo i > or bu.
Tfusn-s SSo per bu.
SM-EU Kn\L'T Ubls , , $4.75 ; half bbls. ,
$2.75. "
AfPt-ni Choice. 5I.50 ( < J2.7ripcr bbl ; fnncy ,
fi.lX : ) | ier bhl ; common. Sl. OjD1.7.r > per bbl. .
. Cinr.ii Michigan , $ : > .00n0.f ( > 0 per bbl of 32
gals ; California pear cider , ( l.VOO per bbj.
POP Couv Hlce , He ; coininon , 2 > { c.
CAIIIIOTS ( Oc per bu.
\ss-Cholco eastern hand picked navies ,
S'J.S.'J per bu. ; western hamV picked navies ,
$1.7At.l.SO ( ; mediums , ' $1.60 ; Lima beans , 5o
per Ib ,
I ! * r F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , fO.OO ; No.
2 upland , W.OO.
liiltN f 15 ( XXSIO 00.
FEKD - $14 00@I5.00 per ton.
Viviuu : ( Older , toaiSc per gal. ; white
wine , lOC't'Ao per gul.
HOXEV Mb frames , 10@lSc.
Hovised prices are us follows :
Huiiixa Stark A , seamless , 22c : Amos-
keag , seamless , li)4e ; Lowistown , A , seamless -
less , llc ! ; American , seamless , I7c ; burlaps ,
4 to 5 bu. , ll/nio ( ; gunnies , single , 13e ; gun
nies , double , 20c ; wool , sack , 3. > c.
TWINES Flax , 33c ; extra sail , 80 , 2lci sail
B , 20@21c ; cotton , 22c ; Jute , Oc.
DIUII : ) FIIUIT Figs , In boxes , per Ib , 18@
IGc ; dates , in boxes , 7 ( > $10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box. $2.50@3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , f2 30@2.50 ; new'Valencia rai
sins per Ib , Sa4e ; California loose muscatels ,
per box , $2.UO@2.10 ; California Loiitlons ,
IbSS , S'240 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ISo ; Cali
fornia pitted plums , per 16 , 12QB13c ; dried
blackberries , per IbiC , ' Sc ; dried raspber
ries , per Ib , 2KV 2. > c ; evaporated apples , 7)4tg ) (
be ; Callforniii sun-dried peaches , 13c ; Cali
fornia tinparcd evaporated peaches , 14c ;
evaporated California apricots , ISe ;
currants , OJ4(3'7c ( ' ; Turkish prunes , Sfff.Vse ;
citron , 82ji2lc ( ; orange pool , I5c ; lemon peel ,
KJc ; California"Froncli prunes , ll@10c.
Coi-f-cn Mocha , 23g20c ( ; Hlo , good , 17(3 (
Ibc ; Mandahling , 2ii8 ( ) ( c ; roasting Kio , 15(5 (
lOc ; O. G. Java , 2l ( < r2tc } ; Java , interior , 2'2ij (
85c ; Kio , fancy , Ibcgll'u- ' ; Santos and Mara-
ea'bo. ITt'M'.lc ' ; Arbuckles , 83'o ' ; McLaugh-
lin's XXXX , 83i. e.
Sl'oiu Granulated , 7 40 ; conf. A , 7)4c ) ;
white extra C. 7,14'e ; extra C , 7' e ; yellow C ,
OjJte ; powdered , v\ \ cubes , S'jC.
UIISWAX : : Choice yellow , 20 ( < f2'2)4c ; dark
colored , l.'NJPMc.
CIIEESK i'oung America , full cream , 12 ®
13)4c ; full cream clicddcrs , 12 ( 'r2)4o. '
PICKLES Medium , in bbls , $5.00 ; do , in
half bbls , $3.00 ; small , in bbls , iO.JO ; do , in
half bbls , $3.oO ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , $1.00.
Toincco Plug , 20@05c ; smoking , 10@90c.
JKI.I.IES $1.85 pur : J-lb pail.
SVI.T $1.85 1.40 per bbl.
Horn 7-10 , 18c.
M\i'i.E SUOAK Hrichs , IK o per Ib ;
penny cukes , 12gl3c ( per , lb ; puru male | )
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
Ti\s Young Hyson , common to fair. 1S@
2nc ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 80@)5c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 82tf')5c ( ) ; Gun
powder , choice to fanoy , IOuU5e ( ! : Jap'in ,
common to medium , loiJOo ( ; Japan , chiico
to fancy , 3iK'43c ' ! ; Oolong , common to good ,
85 ( < r35c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50 ( < 70o ;
Imjienal , common to medium , 85@35o ; Im
perial , good to fancy , 40 ( < B50c.
NUTS Almonds , 15 ( < filbo ; lilbcrts , 13rt15c ;
Brazil , 9@10c ; walnuts , 12o ; pecans , lO llc ;
peanuts , Gg9c. (
: KEU 0@10cper Ib ; assorted cakes ,
per Ib as per list.
nv Mixed , 9)4l2)4c ( ; stick , 9)4dJllc ;
rock candy , lOXft Wo ; fancy candy , 7 ( < j.23C.
COTTOK FI.A.X.VEI.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL ,
WAIH- Hid , white , lOc ; colored ,
Standard , 8c ; pom , lOo ; beauty ,
; boone , 4c ; 13 , cased , $0.50.
PHINTS Solid colors Atlantic. Gc ; Slater ,
Co ; Berlin oil , ( % o ; Garner oil. 0@7c.
PKINTS Pink aim Hobcs Allen , ( ic : Uivor-
polnt , 5 u ; Steel Hiver , O rfc ; Hichmond ,
0 > < c ; Pacific , 7c.
PIIINTS Dress , Charter Oalt , SJ c ; Kam-
ape , 4Ko ; Lodi , 5'4c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond ,
Gc ; Windsor , G } c ; Eddystone , G > c ; Pacific ,
BLEACHED SnEETixa Berkeley cambric ,
No. CO , O' ' c ; Best Yet. 4-4 , G c ; butter
cloth , OO , 4 i'c ; Cabot , 7 c ; Farwell , half
bleached , S > fc ; Fruit of the Loom , O. ' e ;
Greene G , Oj ; Hope , % eKing \ Philliu
cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , llj c ; Lons-
dale , Oc ; New York mills. 10 > fc ; Pepperoll ,
43-in , lie ; Pcpperell , 40 in , lc : ! ; Peppcrcll ,
G-4 , lOc ; Pcpjierell , 8-4 , iilc ; Pepperoll , 0-4 ,
23c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 25s ; Canton , 4-4 , 8 } c ;
Triumph , \Vamsutta ; , lie ; Valley , 3c.
Fi.iXEii.s Plaid Haftsmen , 20c ; Goshcn ,
Clear Lake , 30 > o ; Iron Mountain ,
FIAN.NEI.S Whlto-GH , No. 2 % , 23fc ;
OH , No. ! , } { , 20c ; BH , No. 2 , jf , 24Kc ; UII ,
No. 1 , % , 0o ; Qucchec , No. 1 , % , 4''c.
COUHET JI\NS AndroHcoffgin , tj c ; Ifcar-
sargo , 73JC ; Hocknort , GjSi'c ; Concstoga , GKc.
TICKS York , 30-in , 1' c : York , 31-in ,
13Ko : Swift river , T c ; Thorndiko , OO ,
BHo ; Thorndiko , EE. bKc ; Thorndlke , 120 ,
flfo } ; Thorndiko , XX , 15o ; Cordls , No. 5 ,
) > fc ; Cordls , No. 4 , 7Vfc.
UEXIMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , IGJ c ; Everett , 7
oz , 13Kc ; York , 7 oz , 13J o ; Havinakcr ,
8'ij'c ' ; .luffrcy XX , HKc ; Jatlroy XXX , 12 c ;
Bcavor Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC. lOc.
KEXTUCKY Jcixs Memorial , Ific ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 2 ? > c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leam
ington2Kc ; Cottswood , 27' c ,
CIIASII Slovens' B , OJ o ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c : Stevens' A. 7'/rfc ; Stevens' ' A ,
uleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P , 8) ) e ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , DUo ; Stevens' N , 0 } c ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , lO e ; Slovens' SUt , 12 o.
Mi cKLiANisous Table on cloth , ? 2.50 ;
plain Holland , D o ; Dado Holland , V c.
UIIOWN SIIKKTINU Atlantic A , 4-4 , Mc ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7Jic ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , O c ;
Atlantic P , 4-1 , Gc ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Gc ; Au
rora C14 , 4Jfc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ/c ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7) ) c ;
Uawrenco , LL , 4-4 , Gc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
; Pcpperell H , 4-4 , 7o : Pepporcll O , 4-4 ,
; Popiieroll , 8-4 , 18)50 ; Pcpperell , 9-4 ,
2ic ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 2.5u ; Utica C , 4-1 , 4c ;
Wachusctt , 4-1 , 7)4o ; Aurora , K , 4-4 , 7c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , 0)4o.
DUCK \Vost Point 29 In. 8 oz. 10)4c ; West
Point 29 In. 10 oz. 12)ifo | West Point 29 in. 12
, 15e ; West Point 40 In. 11 oz , Klc.
FUNNELS Ued , C , 24 in , \r aE. \ . 21 in ,
31'fe ; GG , 21 In. 20c ; HAF , ft , 85c ; JKF , Jf ,
GiNnii\M Plunkott checks , 7J4c ; Whitlon-
ton 7)4" ) ! York , 7)4cj Nonniindi dress ,
Calcutta dross , 8 > 4c ; Whttenton | dress , A
Kenfrow dress , 8)4 ( < sl24o' } .
CAMIIHICS Slater , 6)40 ; Woods , 5J/c ; Stan A A
dard , 5)fc ) ; Peacock , 5J c.
PniSTH INIIKIO liLUE Arnold American
, , 0)4o ; A
ican , 0'fo ; Gloucestoiv 1 > fo ; Arnold O long
cloth , 9o ; Arnold li long cloth , 10)4o ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 'c ; Steifel A , 12o ; Windsor
Gold Ticket ,
First nnd second clear , 1 In , , $ JO 00 ® . * ) ! 00
First and second clear , li ) in. . . 47 OO&fM 00
Third clear , l OHi In . 43 00 ( < J4I1 00
select , ItfGjIIJ in . 37 ( X )
select. l.'iMUa in . 33 00
stock boards , 13@ltl ft , 12 In . . 41) ) 00
i stock boards , 1'JWJO ft , 12 In. . 41 00
stock boards , 12 < @lu ft , 12 in. . 3D 00
stock boards , 12 ( < 10ft , 1'J In. . 2,1 00
'loorlng , first common , Gin. . . . 31 00
flooring , second common , G In. . 31 CO
select fencing llooring . VJ 00
Siding , llrst and second clear. 14
( tlGfU . 2500
Sjalng , first common , 1G ft . 2J 00
ildlng , second common . ID 00
Common boards . , . 10 00
No. 2 boards , nil lengths . 14 60
Fencing , No. 1 , 12 ( < rJO ft , . 10 60
Fencing , No , 2 , 12. 14@1G ft . 15 50
Joist and scantling , 2x4 , MMUi It 10 00
rimbcr , 4x4,18x8 , 12@l | ) ft . 17 00
Pickets , Dand H Hat. . . . ! W 00 "
Eckels , D amH sijuuro. . . . . . . . 2J 00
ihlngles , extra A . | . 3 80
Shingles , standard A. . . " . 2 CO
Lath , , , . 40
OO Halts , 2'j in .
Od Uitt9 : , lxl. . M I S. . . , . . . . . <
3-in well tubing , D nnd M bcv . 23 00
Hemlock solo , IS'iWcpcr Ib ; oak solo , M
( ? 30c per Ib ; oak harness , yO ( ! Wc per Ib
selected onk and trarc , 33c per Ib. ; oak nnt
hemlock unper , 2frfKo ( ) per foot ; hemlock
calf skin. No. 1 , HYclWoper Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. I , Wcffl.X ( ( ) per
Ib. ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , 1.00$1 ( 10
pcrlb. ; humlock kip skin , No. 1 , GOi7lK' per
Ib : oak klii skin. No 1. TOC'l ' Oo per Ib ; Phlla
dclphiii kip skin , 'extra , MK'JWc ' per Ib ;
French calfskin ( according to weight nm ;
nuallty ) , t I.l5'i1.75 per Ib : French kip skin ,
do , SOcolf 1.10 per Ib. ; Cordovan russet , Ibc ;
sntln llnlsh , 2 ( > c per foot ; welt leather. $3.50
rj4.00 per side ; moroccos , yebblc goat ) , ' . ' 00 ?
: Uc ) foot boot ' . ' ' .
per ; morocMs. leg , 'StjitWi. per
foot ; Rlovo calf skins , 20 ( < ? 'KH ; per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30glOc ( per foot ; kanparoo
skins , 4l'.Vc ) per foot , according to quality :
toppings , fS.OOW 10.00 per dozen ; linings. $3 tH
( iT',1.00 ' per dozen ; apron skins , (10.00 ( $ 13.00
_ _
Mctnln nnd Tinners' Htnck.
Hloek tin , small pig . f .28
Block . 20
Copper , plalnlshcd boiler sizes . 3 !
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copper , shouting . ! ! (
Copper , pills . 30
Copper , llnls . 31
Oal , sheet iron , .inniata , 50-10 and 5 per c. dis.
Pat. plalnishi'd Iron , 'J4 to 27 A . 10' ' 't
Pat plalnislicd iron , 21 to 27 B . 0) ) i
Keeling , 1C. 14\20 , 112slieets . tHH
Hooting , IX , 14\20 , 112 sheets . 7..V1
Hoofing. 1C , 20ViS , 112 sheets . 11.00
Hooting , IX. 20x25 , 112 sheets . 11. M
Sheet iron No. 2(1 ( . 3.51
Sheet iron No. 27 . 3.GO
Solder . 15 , @ 1
Tin tilale , best charcoal
1C. 10x14 , 225 sheets . G.50
IX. 10x14 , 223 sheets . 8.25
Tin plate , coke
1C , 10x14. 2J5 sheets . 625
Steel nails , per keg . 2.25
Stocl wire nails , per keg . 2.00
1'ACIKIC. Arrlvu
Depot 10 anil .Marcy sts. Oinalia *
Lincoln , lleatrlco unit
Alma"Overland MSOp. : m ,
"Overland river" SW a. in. t:40 : u. m.
Lincoln.lliMtrlce i Grand
Isliuul Kxpress. . $ : (
I'licillu Mull and Kxpress b:00 : j > . in. 7 : U . in.
'Dally. JUally except
I1011IINGTO.N ItOlU'B. Leave Arrive
Depot 10 nnd Mason sts , Omalm. Om.iha.
Chicago 1'nst l xprcia . . ' ! : MD. 111. 7:15 a.m.
Chleniro Mall 0:50 : a. in. 7"ip. in ,
CtilcaKO l.oc.U 7.J5a.m.
Denver Fast Express. . : itOi : : > . in ,
California Mull 8lia. : in. ( ! ,
Colornclo Mull 8Ut.m. : ) HiUlii.iii.
KIIIIMUS Citv i\-prcss : , . 7 : 0 a. in ,
Kansas City Sr' 7:05 p. in.
O. & N.-W. U , It. Ltavu Arrive
Depot 10 anil Marcy sts , Omaha. Omaha ,
No. 0 11:15 : a. m ,
No. 4 , Vestibule. , 6IWp. : in
r.Vo. & . 7IB : p. in ,
No , 1 DnSlyovccptMoiul'y 7iOn : , in ,
No.3 , Vestibule ' . . . . 7Ua.m : : ! ,
No. n 7:0. : ) p. in ,
tljally except Saturduy
C. , M. iVST.'PAUi ; Arrive
Depot 10th and Jlarcy sts. Omalm. Omaha.
No. 2 . 0:15 n m ,
No. 4 . 0:1. : ' > p. in
No. ! . . 7ir : a.m.
No. ; i. 70'ip ! in.
C. . ST. P. . M. .V O. l.eavn Arrive
Depot 13th & Webster sts , Omalm. Omaha.
Ploux C.ty. ItSOf. m. 1CO p. in
llancroft Kxpress fi:2U : p. m. 10:11 : u. m
Oakland Accommoilatlon N : , 'ii ) u. in. < i:00p. in
St. 1'aul J.lmltcil . . . 0:45 : p. m. h'iO : u. HI
'Except Sunday.
M1SSOU1M PACIFK1. Leave Arnvo
Depot ISth > V Webster sf. Omaha. Omaha.
Day Kxpro s 10:211 a.m. 6:30 a. in.
Night Express 8:30 : p. in. 0:10 :
I'T.'K. & "M. V. H. It. Lca\ Arrive
Depot IStn .t Webster sts , Omaha. Omah.i.
* Hastings &IU'k 7l"i a. in :20p. m.
I'a-nenger 0:10 : p. m 1:30 a. m.
Hunnlng between Council Dlulf janil Albright.
In addition to the stations munttonod , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at the Summit In Omaha.
Leave. I * Arrive.
A No. 2 0:00 : p. in.A ( No. 1 7HO : u. III.
O No. 0 0:00 : a. m. 0 . , . .6:50 : p. m ,
A No. 4 . . . .0:10 : a.m.A | No. U 0:15 : p.m.
No. 4 . . . . U : < 0 a. in. A No. 5. . . .7:3J a. m.
A * No. 8 ft : ' ) " , p. m. A No. 7 . . . .6:30 : p. in.
A No. t ) . . . .0:50 : p. til. A No. 3 . . . .0:60 : p. m ,
A No. 0 UIOa. ; m.'A ' No. 3 . . .7:10 : a.m.
A No. 4 ) No , 1 7:0) : a.m.
II No. 2 . . . .8:10 : p. m.lA . B . . .0:45 : p.m.
A No. 2 U4U ; H. m.lA No. 1 . . .11:50 : a. m ,
A No. 4 . . . 7:00 : p. m.lA No. 3 . . . .0:50 : p. m ,
A No , 2 0:25 : a. m. A No. 3 nl0 : ! a. in ,
No , 4 . . . .0SO : p. in. A No. 1 ; .t'J p. in ,
No. 10. . . .7:05a : m. A No. 0 . . .H:5f : , a , in.
No. 12 7OOpin.'A : ' No. 11 . . .HjOO p. ra.
No. 8 ; 4Up. m. > A No. 7
A dally : U dally except Saturday ; ( J except
Sunday : U except .Monday ; lant mrttl.
The time given above It for Transfer , tnero
being from live to ten minutes between Trans
fer and local depots.
. _ .Smiccetsfully used monthly by on r 10,000
p " Jjulles. Are Safe , Kffectualand I'leatant
Bt perboxbymall.oratdrUKBlsU. Staletl
I'urticalan S postagn stamps. Addrnna
For mile and by until bu fiooil
Drn H Co. , Omaha ,
u. I'ALMKIt. N. P , 1IICIIMA.V , J II lll.AM ll.u.ll
Liye Stock Cummission Mercliants.
OrHcu-Hooni 21 , Onpokllo Kxchango llullUliiL' , union
_ _ _ _ _ block varitiboutliUiimlin.Ncb ,
Live Stock Commission.
lloom IS , Kxcbuntio IlulMInu , Dnlou tilocli Yards ,
* _ tfoutli Uamtiii. Muli.
Of OniElia , Limiteit ,
AKrlcinttirai implements. '
' " *
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
i' ril i > nil MiickMpi , tmo strictl.ctnccnVtliaiu
lutti , ( > rui tifNcbrnikit. .
AgrlcnltnrallinDlenients.Wapns.Carriage :
. . )
" , Klc. > Vbolrtit1c. Om li , Nfbrn li .
Whulvulr llcKlrrt In
Agiicnltnral Implements , Wagons& Bnggies
_ Ml , TO. 901 nJ W7 Jonci Sired , Om h .
P. "P. "MAST ii co. ,
Mannfactnrcrs of inckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cullltaton , H r RAkn.Clilfr Mill * mill l.ul'nn 1'ul
vcrlipri. Cor lltti nd NlchoUi c
- Whol tftlr
AgriCultnrai Implements , Wagons & Bnggics
J. F. SEiBt-nLlNQ & CO. .
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and BMer Twine ,
W. E. McnJ.Mnnver. linteSTvnwortti * ! . Omaha.
Mimif cUiuT nil Jobbers In
Wagons , Boggles , Rates , PJows Etc ,
Cor. 9tl > nn j 1'itclQc streets , Omntm , Neb.
"rv HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
15l3I > ouiiUsStri'ctlin h . Nctrn k ?
Booksellers nnd St.itlonora.
H. ivf , & S. W. JONES/ "
SJCCMtorsto A.T. Kcnycn A Co. , Wliolroalo A Kotfttl
Booksellers and Stationers ,
KlneV ditlnit Slu'ltnipry ' , Commerrliit
ti''J loml > Hlruel Unmliu , .NVl )
, _ Boots and Shoos *
( Succcttori to Itceil , JOUCB t Co )
Wholesale Manntacterc of Boots and Shoes
AituiiUfor Ho ton lluliccr S-hor Co. HO1. , 1104 A 11M
Humor St. , Om l > n. Xctir ka.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
' Johbcrs of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-llOi Poutlns St.Oiunha MnuutnctorjSum
nier St. . luitun.
Coffees , Splooa , Etc-
Omnlm Coffeeanil hrlcc Mllli.
Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baling Powder ,
FltTorlnn Ritmrli , I.aundrr Illup. Inks. Klc. l4l (
UlilH fn T Street. Omnha , XtbrmXa.
Crockery and Qloeswnro.
" "
Agent for thn Manufncturcn and Importfti of
Ornery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Klc OBI co , 317 S. ISth St. , Omnhn , Nebra > kn.
ImuoritTs anil .lubbers of
Crccier/ , Glassware , Laiuts , Silverware
Etc. 1514 St.CT Paxton Uultdlnii.
Commission and Storage.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties n-'icr. Kirr. rt'- . ! 'oltr7 , ( inmo.
112 Hoirnrd Street , Omnhn.
SuoccBfors to Mcbhanc & Scliroeilur )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oinftha , Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Gomiision
Merchant. Correspomlence BOllcllcrt. 1011 Xorlli liHIi
direct , Unuibn , .Seb.
Goa\ \ , Coke and Limo.
Jflhte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
303 South UCh Street , Omilia. NoLrnlka.
j. j" . jorwso.v .1 co. .
Manufacturers of Lime
And MilpprM ol Ciuil , Conk , Cunient , 1'luVtcr. , I.lrne ,
Drain Tile nnil Bower 1'lpn. Oflloc , iM ! S. Utli
Ht. , Ouialui , .Neb. 811.
Dry Good3 ana Notions.
* " *
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and llMDouglai. Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsMions ,
Gunto' KurnlBblng flooils. rnrncr llth and lluuvy
Sle..Umabn , Nebraska.
" "
Shippers of Coal and Ciita
2l4-oiiHi ! Hill ftt..OmaM.Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
t'arnam Street. Omalia. Nebraika.
Oumlm. Nubmtko.
. _ _ croc rloo.
" " " "
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
'M. 707 , 703 nnd TUB. 10th Pt. , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers.
1 Ib and taaveuworth Streoti , Omaha , r.
Mnrdwaro. ' _ _ _ _
Wlmleialo .MmuifuL'turcri of
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware
And leather. HO , , iar > nnj 14J7 Ilarc&r St.OiaaUa ,
_ _ _ Heavy Hnrdwnro. _
* " " * "
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , '
iprlngi , Wanon Klnrk , llnnlwarn , I.uinticr , Ktc. l'/Jj
and 1211 Iluniuy fclrott , Omaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic ! ' Tooli ami Itutralo hcalci. 1106 Douvlui
Htrvct , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lib and Ilntnnr Sti . Omaha , N'eb Wvitprn ARcnti
for Autlln Powder Co. , Junur nn hlml Mullr ,
Kalrbanki Stanilanl Hratci
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate.
Mctaln , Hheet Iron , etc. At'cnts for HOWH Bculca ,
Mlunill'ouilcr iiinll.yiiuiii Itarbcd wlru ,
( Jinalia , Kebruska.
: CO. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps anil Stravf Goofls ,
1107 U rner Street , Omahf .Mob.
Lumber. m _
* * *
All Kinds of BDQdlmr Material at W&ME &
lit l Btrect anil Union I'ticlHcTrack , Oio.h .
Dealer in Lmnlcp , Latli , Lime , Sasb ,
Uoori.ftc. YirJi-Corner " ( It anil UguiiUi. Ccmei
JjpDDC'l '
C. N. D1ETZ.
Dealer ill All Kiiiflj of Limber ,
Ulhnml California Street ? . Omnhn. Nobraslo.
Liinilicr , lime , Cement Elc , , Etc ,
Corner fihml Ikiucln ru. , Ornnhn.
To Dealers Only ,
Offlff.llKt Knrnnm Stret , Omarm.
Wholesale Lumber , Elc ,
KreenBAWeSSS !
IJulney White Lime.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood C'lrpf t MH | Turquct Kloorlnir 9th and Deuilti
. lYUIIInory nml Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
n.1713 South lllh Slroot
Manufacturers of Oycralls ,
Joint Pints , bilit ! . Ht ? . II03amt HOI Doutlns Strftt ,
Ouinlm. "n'ti.
_ Notions.
J. T. RoT3rNSON OTtO NTcon
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
. . . . . . . . _
JfTl and ift'iPmth 101 liHI .Omaha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailodrnme. Blc.Om lia. A II lll hnn.Mitni < < n
Kotions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 lla-nry Street Omntm
Office Fixtures.
"TIIK SIMMONIIS si vNt'i'Arruui.Na co.
JtHiiiirnctiire.s of
Bank , Offlce and Salcon Fixtures ,
antlf , M.IebOHr.K lloo'c C.iae , DniK rixt'urr .WaH
C > r < , I'mtHlmn , Mailing , Oiiiiili'r , llvorand Wlna
( "iioli'r . Mirrors f tr hneliiry nru' ullloc , 1HU imd l Ji
i UlU St. , OuiiihH Tolfpiiuno IIH.
Paints nnd Oils.
\ YhuleIo Denlcrn In
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
HIS Fnrnara Street , Omnhn , Nab.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C rry n nice utoc-k of IVIntlnii. Wrnpplnii unit \Vrltlnf
Pii ar. HpLCUil ntlcnllon ulTpti to car load order * .
Pnpor Boxos.
Proprietor Oinalia Paper Box Factor ? ,
No * , lit ; nnil loI'J DoliRluH bt. , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
all u ml l > lJJonen strvi t Omaha.
StornjgpForwardlng & Commlaslon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch liouso of tlio llrminy lliicey Uo. IliiCKlcaa !
uniUo nnil r < > tnll , JiUH lliaiind UK Irani a I reel ,
Oinahn. Telephone No. 750.
STOR2 & 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1621 North KlKtUtcenth Straot. Omnlm , ftb.
Mannfactnrc Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John lipuDtitur , rroprli'tnr. IW ) Doilve imil lUiiind 101
Noith luth falrcct , Ouiaba.
Printers' Materials.
' "
Auxiliary Pul'lislicrs ' ,
Italors In Typo , l'ri" < ( ' nnd 1'rlntcr 'Sunpllcj. 601
SoutU mh bireet. OmtUa.
_ Rubber CoodB. _
Manufacturers and Dealers in Riler Goods
3il Clotlilne nnU Leather lleltlnic. 1MB I nniam fctrcsU
Sjah , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV t , CO. ,
Wholesale Mnnuf .cturern of
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
Brancli offlce , litli nivl lninmtront.1 , Oimlia.Neb , C
5Tannfactnrers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
V.iiMliiKS , Hlalr Work nnd Interior Hunt Wool 111 * .
nil. ft , K. Corner hlh imtt\eiiTvorth btrueU.
Oiunliii. M'D.
Steam Flttlngo , Pumps , Etc.
" " " " "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
tcnm , Wiilcr , Hu Iwny r.nd tllnliiK Supplies , Etc.
W ) , ' .r nnd Wl Knrnntn hin-et , Oiuulin ,
c hFOTTcH i L LT"p"u M p"c"o . "
Wflolesale Fflfflps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam anJ Water Supplies , I' ' " ' " "T for Mmt.
t. , _
& PUMP CO. .
MeiD ? and Water
Gngines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
< " ) '
Iron Works.
Carter U Fou , I'rop' Manufacturer" of nil Itlndf
Steam Bolters , TanVs ami Sticcl Iron fort
Worki Houlh luih nuil II. A M. CrooInK ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worb
Kuiilnoi , llran Work Uoncrul Kouiidrjr.Miiolilnaaad
UUckimllli Work oillia und Woiks , U. I1.1(7 ( ,
l mUhlrcot.Otunlm.
Mannfacturcrs of Ire and Iron Railings
losk ItAllt. Wlnilnw CiunrtlK. riowcr Hlnnrtuvir
burn , lite. I'U Nurlli ICtti hlrect.Ouiiiliii.
Man'frsofFirc&BnrglarProofSafcs ' '
'aulta.JnU Work , Iron mid Wlro Kt-nclnsr , Hlun , KW ,
O. Aiiilrocn , 1'iop'r Curlllu noilJaikBuiiritt , <
ron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
mil Scrceiu , < orlmiik , oir.ooi Urxv roililencct , oto <
ivuil A riln , l ekimtli | Mmtilnurjr uuJ
Illatknullliork . ( Uthuuth tl > Ht.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time LocKs ,
Or u Ag iit lor DIolmM ha fount l.uoiOj
v uiu uua jmi work , ( iv b. ntu at